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Commonwealth Essay

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The Voyage of Equality

What is society? That question has been lingering in my head for these past few hours.Is it
a fantasy , a magical utopia where everyone wants to live in or is it just a cruel world where
agony is a constant feeling and colloquial expressions can lead to distress.The word
“society” has different meanings for everyone.For some , it is seen as a game of monopoly ,
perhaps an opportunity to capitalise on its drawbacks.Others see it as a burden , the rope
that is holding them back or a device that they can’t take care of.My definition of society
somewhat lies between both but one part of it sticks and another part of it just spirals
away.All I can think about when the term society is mentioned in debates , speeches ,
museums etc is it’s constant disappointment and lack of moral aptitude.I should not be
dehumanised for that as this style of thinking is filled with honesty and only honesty. We , as
part of the Commonwealth Society, should take action on the major problems of society.A
goal , or some may call it “a vision” that I want to achieve by the end of this speech is to
ensure that everyone in this room can make society a better place.Good morning ladies and
gentleman , my name is Thiirtesh Krishnamoorthi and I will be talking about “Equality”.

Let me start by addressing one of society’s major problems and that is the “Lack of
Equality”.While we sit in these comfortable leather seats in an air conditioned room with
snacks on the table and a hundred more amenities spread across the building , hundreds
and thousands of humans specifically women and children are at death’s door.The long
shadow of inequity has darkened the world but it’s only some people who bear the
consequences.Ladies and gentleman , please direct your attention to the big screen on the
side of the room as I am going to be showing you some examples on what I mean by
inequality.Let’s start off with shedding light on the torture of women in Central
America.Perhaps you might have heard on how women in Honduras are raped and sexually
abused at a daily rate or how victims of homicide and sexual assaults in Nicaragua are
mostly made up of women in their late 20-30s.That does not stop there as I move on to Asia
which is where I am from.Did you know that some cultures and organized religion in Asia
discriminate and batter Asian women for having a menstrual cycle.For example , in Hinduism
, women are not allowed to enter temples or shrines if they are on their period as it is
considered dirty and unhygienic.Lastly , let us talk about the continent that we are all sitting
and breathing in, Africa ! . When I first arrived in Rwanda , I had witnessed a group of
children going around and looking for food in dumpsters.When they couldn’t find anything ,
they would just sit by the side of the road and hope that someone would give them food.This
is my viewpoint of society and as time passed , I have quickly realised that the world’s point
of view is completely different.

First world problems like not getting the right angle for a photo or an ugly dress or the
wrong Tik Tok dance are what people in Status Quo are focused on.Maybe there has been a
slight uptake of action towards the more agonising problems but it has never been
long-term.It is as if everyone has created their own statute of limitations to how much they
can do and help.We have created our own harmful barriers that have been proven to
subconsciously affect our ability to fix real issues and problems.A good example of this is on
how authorities in South and Central America almost never fully inspect homicide cases that
involve women and young children as it is deemed impossible to solve.In the end , the
families of the victims don’t get the justice they hoped for and the perpetrator is left roaming
around the streets.This proves that the lack of justice in the world can also directly cause this
kind of situations to arise.Now , let’s focus more on the young livelihoods of the future
generation , children ! .When I say children , I mean humans at the age of 5-10 whose
normal childhood has been taken away from them by other oxygen-breathing humans.This is
the reality of society that these innocent people have to live in.Moving on , another factor
that plays a role into these situations is political instability.The presence of it itself causes
citizens to divided.Most of these citizens end up falling into the pool of poverty where they
are forced to live in the worse conditions you can think of.The lack of food in these place can
also cause young children to face malnutrition.For example , children in countries like Benin
,Togo,Somalia and Chad face a disease called kwashiorkor which is caused by
malnutrition.This disease bulges a child’s stomach with harmful fluid and intoxicates the
child.After looking at all of these example of how women and children are treated in this
world compared to men and on how unbalanced society is , do we as leaders of the future
wanna help these people or are we just gonna stand idly by? I strongly believe that with the
right help and right motivation , we can all make society an equal and better place.Collective
action is imperative in making this a success and that is why I am standing here and
presenting this speech to all of you.

Now , let’s talk about what kind of activities that involve collective action can be carried out.I
have done extensive research on this topic and I have found out that humanitarian missions
is the most effective way .These missions cover a more extensive map including rural areas
and small villages where basic necessities are few and far between.With the help of this
mission , we can conserve every human’s basic right and provide them with shelter , food
and water.I can just imagine a young boy smiling while carrying a pail of clean water and a
plate of healthy snacks back home and that just gives me the motivation to have hope for
society.Other than humanitarian missions , separate organisations can be created to solely
focus on a certain cause like protecting a woman’s right or educating the younger generation
about the importance of equality.Movements and protests can be held by the organisations
to raise awareness to the public and relevant authorities.In fact , the term “Equality” has
been coined from several famous movements that has sparked a change in the way society
functions.These movements can also help women to regain their confidence in standing up
for themselves without having to feel guilty for who they are.Before I end my speech , I
would like to deliver a short message to everyone in this room.I want to make a change in
society but I can’t do that if I don’t have enough moral and physical support.Therefore , I am
asking all of you to take part in what I call “The Voyage of Equality”.Let’s make sure that
society is built on equality and other values like integrity and dignity.When humans are
united , we can achieve anything we want.That is the end of my message as well as my
speech.Thank you to the distinguished guests for lending your ears in listening to this long
speech.I hope that you have gained inspiration and confidence to be able to go the extra
mile and help people and society as a whole.Thank you !

(1288 words)

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