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Your Investment Destination

This document is prepared by the Bangladesh Trade Portal based on the information obtained and derived from
different sources (government agencies or other institutions).Bangladesh Trade Portal is a one-stop point for
information relating to export from and import into Bangladesh. Hosted by the Bangladesh Regional Connectivity
Project -1, the Ministry of Commerce and the World Bank, the portal provides an accessible, logical, helpful
window for traders to access important regulatory and procedural information needed for export and import.
The dream of the father of the nation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was to
build a Shonar Bangla (Golden Bangladesh).

Under PM Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, we have

realized that dream and Shonar Bangladesh has
turned into a reality. Bangladesh has truly turned
into a Dazzling Delta.

Bangladesh Trade Portal 1|Page

Why Bangladesh
The geographic position of the Bangladesh is ideal for international trade,
connecting South Asia and Middle East with the South-east Asia. Gateway to India
and China, Bangladesh provides access to 2.71 Billion consumers who are
spending more than 8.325 trillion USD.
Bangladesh maintained a steady GDP growth rate of 6-7% for the last 10 years.

The World Bank estimates that Bangladesh is among the five fastest growing
economies in the world (World Bank, 2019).
The Asian Development Bank estimates that Bangladesh's economy will grow
faster than those of its neighbors in 2020 (ADB, 2019)
Bangladesh is already recognized as one of the ‘Next 11 Emerging
Economies of the world.
Price Waterhouse Coopers estimates that Bangladesh will become one of the
fasted-growing economies by 2050.
“Bangladesh the Next China” -McKinsey & Company

“Low cost and high return manufacturing destination in Asia”- JETRO

Bangladesh Trade Portal 2|Page
Strength of The Economy
686 8.13% Bangladesh has sustained a remarkable
GDP growth rate for the last one decade
Billion and witnessed the highest growth in
Bangladesh’s South Asia in 2018 (World Bank. 2018).
GDP growth
GDP in PPP rate in FY
USD in 2019 2018-2019
(Ministry of Finance, GOB)

1,909 32.02
Per Capita Forex Reserve
GDP in 2018- in 2019(USD)
2019 (in USD) (GOB)
GDP growth rates of Bangladesh and regional economies
(Bangladesh Economic
Review 2019)
Source: PwC (2019)

Bangladesh Trade Portal 3|Page

Strength of The Economy

Inflations in consumer prices (Annual %)

GDP Per Capita and Consumption Expenditure
Source: IMF and PWC
Source: World Bank and PwC

GDP per capita and consumption Bangladesh has maintained a steady and
expenditure have witnessed positive stable inflation and IMF forecasts strongly
growth , which reflect higher living suggest that the inflation in Bangladesh is
standard for the Bangladeshis expected to remain below 6% till 2023.

Bangladesh Trade Portal 4|Page

Foreign Direct
Global FDI Flows flat in 2019,
FDI inflow into Bangladesh surged by 51% to $3.88 billion in 2018-19
Top Sectors for Foreign Investment
 Manufacturing
 Transportation, storage and
 Power, gas and petroleum
 Trade and Commerce
 Agriculture and fishing
 Service
 Others Top Sectors for foreign Investment (in USD Billion)
Source: Bangladesh Bank, PwC

Top FDI Countries

Bangladesh Trade Portal 5|Page

Demographic Advantage
163.7 118 Educated, trainable, enthusiastic,
hardworking and cost competitive labor
Million Million force suitable for industrial, service and
Estimated agricultural sector. With a steady 1.37%
Working Age
population in population growth rate Bangladesh is
Population expected to enjoy long-term
2018 (GOB, 2019)
(Bangladesh Economic demographic dividend.
Review 2019)

100.2 1,103
Male-Female Population
Ratio, 2017 Density/Sq.
(Bangladesh Economic
Review 2019) Km, 2017
(Bangladesh Economic Age Structure of Bangladesh’s population
Review 2019) Source: World Bank and PwC

Bangladesh Trade Portal 6|Page

Social Progress
Bangladesh has made significant strides
72.3 98.0 in access to education, sanitation,
employment, poverty alleviation etc.
Literacy Rate of Improved Bangladesh has emerged as the role
Population Drinking Water model in women empowerment,
(Bangladesh Economic
Review 2019) Coverage education and employment.
(Bangladesh Economic
Review 2019)

11% 72
Incidence of Life Expectancy
Extreme (yrs), 2017
(Bangladesh Economic
Poverty Review 2019)
(Bangladesh Economic
Review 2019) Poverty reduction in Bangladesh: Historical trend
Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2016)

Bangladesh Trade Portal 7|Page

Expanding Infrastructure
94% of citizens have access to electricity now, compared to 74% in
2016. The country’s current installed generation capacity is 22,603 MW
which was 3,200MW in 2009 (World Bank, 2019). By 2030, the country’s
power generation capacity will reach 40,000MW (Power Division, 2019).

Bangladesh is blessed with sizable natural gas reserves and has taken
an advantage of it. The cumulative production of gas was 15.94 TCF as
if 1st July 2018 (PetroBangla). New on-shore and off-shore gas fields
are being explored. Two LNG terminals are already in operations and
many companies have shown interest in this sector.

Bangladesh is constantly developing its capacity in renewable energy.

Currently, it is producing around 560 MW of electricity from renewables
and has the potential to produce more from solar, wind, hydro, and other
forms of renewables. Besides, Bangladesh is working with Bhutan to
import hydro-powered electricity to Bangladesh.

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Expanding Infrastructure
Road transportation has witnessed notable improvement in Bangladesh,
with a total length of 21,302 km (including regional highways). The Padma
Bridge, and the Karnaphuli River Tunnel projects are expected to add
significant impetus to the economic activity of the country.

Bangladesh has three active sea ports, of which Chittagong Sea port is the
largest one. Besides, a deep sea port is being built in Matarbari to facilitate
international trade. Bangladesh also has 29 river ports to facilitate inland
water transportation and shipments. Bangladesh also has more than 180
Land Customs Stations of which 24 are declared as land ports
Bangladesh has an extensive railway connectivity which is widely used for
passenger and cargo transportation. The total length of railway is almost
3,000 KM and connects 44 districts. Currently, oil, marble and stones, food
grains, fertilizer, parcels are being transported using rail connectivity.
Bangladesh has three international airports and seven domestic airports for
easy and quick travel. Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA), the
main international airport, has two cargo terminal buildings for import and
export. Besides, the HSIA is developing the 3rd terminal for greater ease.

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Expanding Infrastructure
Export Processing Zones (EPZs) are developed by the Government of
Bangladesh to promote export and create employment opportunity by
attracting investment. EPZs provide plots/factory buildings in custom
bonded area, infrastructural facilities, administrative facilities, fiscal &
non-fiscal incentives. EPZ attracts foreign & local investment and at
present there are 8 EPZs in Bangladesh.

The Government of Bangladesh has been establishing Special

Economic Zones in potential areas of the country with a view to
encouraging rapid economic development through diversification of
industries and augmentation of employment, production and export.
There are a total of 88 economic zones across the country, of which 59
are government-owned and 29 are privately owned.

To promote the ICT and IT sector in Bangladesh, the Government of

Bangladesh has taken initiatives to build Hi-tech Parks and Software
Technology Park across the country. A total of 28 Hi-tech Parks and
Software Technology Park, IT Incubation Centers are being

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Incentives for
Ownership Options as a Foreign Investor

Wholly owned subsidiaries

Under the ‘Companies Act 1994, foreign companies and business entities
can establish a fully owned subsidiaries in Bangladesh. The new business
entity can be either a private limited or a public limited company.
Joint Ventures
Joint ventures between and foreign companies and Bangladeshi partners
are encouraged as well. The equity ownership structure will depend on
the amount invested by each party.
Investing in an existing Bangladeshi company
Foreign investors can invest to local companies (except for a few
sectors) as there are no restrictions in transferring shares to the foreign
investors. They can do regular trading/selling of their shares irrespective
of their ownership percentage.
Bangladesh Trade Portal 11|Page
Incentives for
Tax Holiday and Tax Exemption
 5 to 10 years of Tax Holiday and reduced tax depending on area.

 100% tax exemption on income and capital gain for certain projects under
Public Private Partnership (PPP) for 10 years. Investments in select priority
sectors such as Power, enjoy tax exemption for up to 15 years.

 100% tax exemption from software development, Nationwide

Telecommunication Transmission Network or Information Technology Enabled

 50% of income derived from export is exempted from tax.

 Tax exemption on royalties, technical knowhow and technical assistance fees

and facilities for their repatriation.
Source: BIDA (2020)
 Tax exemption on interest paid on foreign loan.
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Incentives for
Cash Incentives for Export Businesses
 Exemption of customs duties on capital machineries.

 Exemption of import duties on raw material used for producing export goods.

 Tariff (if paid) refund on import of raw materials for export.

 Bonded warehousing Facilities for export oriented industries and for large
import for local selling in certain items.

 Exporters can take unto 90% loan against LC from banks.

 The export credit guarantee schemes (ECGS) available in Bangladesh are

administered by the Sadharan Bima Corporation (SBC). The ECGS covers the
risk/solvency of buyers and political risks inherent in foreign trade.
Source: BIDA (2020), Bangladesh Customs (2020)

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Incentives for
Cash Incentives for Export Businesses

 The export oriented sectors enjoy cash incentives and the respective rates to be
provided are updated every year through circulars issued by Bangladesh Bank.
 The rate ranges from 2% to 20% given on the FOB value of the export proceeds.

New market and product expansion of textile market (except US, Canada, and EU),
Broad categories

Export oriented local textiles (instead of duty drawback and custom bond) Additional
facility for SME textile, Ship building, SME in textile industry, export of bone
powder, potato, jute thread, crust leather form Savar leather park Exporting frozen shrimp
and fishes Diversified jute products, Hessian and sacking (jute finished goods) Frozen
fish (based on ice coating) Ship export, potato, PET Leather products Light engineering
products, furniture, leather goods Hand made products using straw, sugarcane extract
Agro-processing and agricultural produce(vegetable and fruit), potato export, halal meat,
vegetable seed, carbon from jute straw etc.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA (2020), Bangladesh Bank 14|Page

Incentives for
Legal Protection and Repatriation
Repatriation of invested capital and dividend
Full repatriation of capital invested from foreign sources will be allowed. Similarly,
profits and dividend accruing to foreign investment may be transferred in full. If
foreign investors reinvest their dividends and or retained earnings, those will be
treated as new investment.
Legal Protection
The policy framework for foreign investment in Bangladesh is based on 'The
Foreign Private Investment (Promotion & Protection ) Act. 1980,' which ensures
legal protection to foreign investment in Bangladesh against nationalization and
expropriation. It also guarantees non-discriminatory treatment between foreign
and local investment, and repatriation of proceeds from sales of shares and profit.
Double Taxation Prevention
To ease the investors from paying double tax Bangladesh has signed Avoidance of
Double Taxation Treaty (DTT) with 32 countries. and another 18 countries is under
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA, Bangladesh Bank 15|Page
International Agreements and Treaties
Investment Treaties
Bangladesh has investment treaties with the following countries Belgium, Canada,
France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland,
Republic of Korea, Romania, Switzerland, Thailand, The Netherlands, Turkey,
United Kingdom, USA, Indonesia. Negotiations are ongoing with India, Hungary,
Oman, Maldova, DPRK, Egypt, Austria, Mauritius, Uzbekistan.
Trade Agreements
Bangladesh is party to the following Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs):
• Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA);
• Trade Preferential System among OIC Countries (TPS-OIC);
• Preferential Trade Agreement among D-8 Member States (D-8)- not ratified
• Preferential Trade Agreement between Bangladesh and Iran; and
• Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading arrangement (SAPTA);
Bangladesh is party to the following Free Trade Agreements (FTA):
• South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA);
• Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic
Cooperation (BIMSTEC) (not functional yet)
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA, Bangladesh Bank 16|Page
International Agreements and Treaties
Bilateral Agreements
Bangladesh has bilateral agreements with Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark,
France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Romania, Singapore, South Korea,
Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, The Netherlands, United Kingdom ( including
Northern Ireland ). Negotiations are ongoing with U.S.A, Iran, Philippines, Qatar,
Australia, Nepal, Turkey, Indonesia, Cyprus, Norway, Finland and Spain.

Other International Organizations

Bangladesh is a part of:
• WTO (World Trade Organization),
• MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency),
• OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corporation ) of USA,
• ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes), and
• WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA, Bangladesh Bank 17|Page

Potential Sectors
Agri-business Sector
Investment Areas
Agri-input sectors like seed, fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation & farm machinery, post-
Harvest infrastructure, food processing like eligible oil, rice, sugarcane, potato,
fruits & vegetables & spices.
Special Incentives
• 100% foreign equity is allowed (Except for defense, nuclear energy, currency
and forest plantations).
• Tax incentives for 5-7 years based on location and industry dependent.
• Cash Incentives: electricity consumption special rebate of 20% to agro-
processing sector.
• Tariff-free access to European union.
• Cash incentives and export subsidies for selected export products ranging
from 5% to 20%.
• Loan disbursement target in agriculture is USD 2 Billion.
• Entrepreneurs Equipment Fund is allowed agro-sector.
• More than 47.5% of population dependent on agriculture for livelihood.
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 18|Page
Potential Sectors
Garments and Textile
From spinning to weaving, from knitwear to leisurewear and high
street fashions, the textiles and clothing industry is Bangladesh’s
biggest export earner.
Highlight of the Sector
• Cost and quality of products that are produced on time, reliably and very
competitively with a highly skilled labor force.
• A unique regional location for expansion into key Eastern and other markets.
• Favored trading status with the EU and the USA.
• Clusters of companies providing a local supplier base with real depth in
skilled labor, training and technical development facilities.
• Backward linkage is a significant trading opportunity and is supported by a
government backed incentive: 15% cash subsidy of the fabric cost to
exporters sourcing fabrics locally.
• The government is supporting spinners by providing lower tariffs for
machinery spares and raw materials, cash incentives, reduced tax rate, and
low-cost funding etc.
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 19|Page
Potential Sectors
Information Technology (IT) and IT Enabled Services
Since 2010, Bangladesh has witnessed a phenomenon growth in the
IT sector and has become one of the thrust sector of the country.
Highlight of the Sector
• The ICT sector in Bangladesh has grown by 40 percent annually since 2010
• The government’s "Digital Bangladesh" initiative recognizes ICT as an engine of
growth and seeks to foster sustainable development through effective use of
modern technology.
• In 2017, BASIS (Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services)
member companies alone accounted for $800m in exports volume in the market
• Bangladesh has a sizable young workforce and high cost competitiveness (20-
30% less than in India or Philippines).
• A total of 28 hi-tech parks and software technology park, IT incubation centers
are being developed across the country.
• Government has special exempted tax from IT and ITeS sector till 2024.
• Leading global IT service providers like Uber, Wipro, IBM, TCS, NTT Data,
Infosys, and WPP have already entered the market.
Bangladesh Trade Portal 20|Page
Potential Sectors
Leather and Leather Goods
By volume, Bangladesh occupies about 3.0% oftheworld’s leather
and leather products market, from 1.8% of the world’s cattle stock
and 3.7% of goat stock.
Highlight of the Sector
• In FY2017, the leather industry accounted for 3.5% of Bangladesh’s annual
exports of $1.2 billion.
• Government of Bangladesh forecasts at least $5 billion exports revenues
from leather, leather goods, and leather footwear by FY2021.
• Abundant, low-cost labor is ideal for labor intensive industry.
• Good quality domestic supply of raw materials, as by-products of the large
livestock industry are added advantage.
• Government support in the form of tax holidays, duty-free imports of raw
materials and machinery for the export-oriented leather market, export
incentives makes the sector attractive for the investors.
• Exporters enjoy tariff and quota-free access to major markets such as the EU.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA, ADB (2018) 21|Page

Potential Sectors
Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Sector
Since 2010, Bangladesh has witnessed a phenomenon growth in the
IT sector and has become one of the thrust sector of the country.
Highlight of the Sector
• Approximately USD 9 billion market demand while local production is around
USD 1bn (BIDA).
• Although Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Sector was heavily import
dependent previously, local production and assembling has boomed in recent
past as local and international organizations invest in this sector.
• Korean companies such as LG and Samsung has already showed interest to
build their manufacturing unit in Bangladesh. High-end Samsung Galaxy
Note10+ is being made locally.
• Bangladesh enjoys duty free and quota free market access in EU, Australia,
Canada and other developed countries

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 22|Page

Potential Sectors
Plastic Sector
The plastic industry has been growing at about 20% a year due to
increasing demand from domestic and export markets.
Highlight of the Sector

• Plastic exports was worth $119 million in 2018-2019, according to data from
the Export Promotion Bureau.
• The plastic makers have created at least 12 lakh jobs in a total of 5,030
small, medium and big factories across the country.
• Bangladesh currently manufactures 142 plastic items and the number is
increasing by the day.
• The country mainly exports intermediate products like film plastic, household
items and garment accessories to the US, Canada, the Europe, China, India
and Nepal.
• Cash incentive for export of plastic sectors was 10% in FY 2018-2019.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 23|Page

Potential Sectors
Light Engineering Sector
The burgeoning domestic market and the prospect of significant
cost reductions for companies sourcing components and finished
goods for international markets makes Bangladesh a compelling
choice for investors.
Highlight of the Sector
• 40,000 light engineering workshops/enterprises operating. About one million
people and innovative entrepreneurs are actively engaged
• Annual turnover is US$ 1600 million of which Import substitute products is
around US$ 200 million
• Over 90% of light engineering industries are serving the local needs of the
• 10% cash incentives for export
• Availability of trainable labors at competitive cost
• Declared as special development sector in its Export Policy

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 24|Page

Potential Sectors
Ship Building Sector
Since 2010, Bangladesh has witnessed a phenomenon growth in the
IT sector and has become one of the thrust sector of the country.
Highlight of the Sector

• The highly prospective industry is projected to earn $4.0 billion by exporting

ships within the next five years.
• Ships made in Bangladesh are 15% cheaper than even Chinese ships and
are of the same quality
• Bangladesh has over 200 shipbuilding companies, largely concentrated in
Dhaka, Chittagong, and Narayanganj.
• The formation of a BDT 5,000 crore special fund for the shipbuilding industry
was also proposed in the draft of the Shipbuilding Industry Development
Policy 2019.
• The shipbuilding yards will be offered tax holiday facility for 10 years to help
them grow and 5 % cash incentive on export.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 25|Page

Potential Sectors
Tourism Sector
Tourism has become one of the largest and fastest growing
economic sectors in the world over the past few years.
Highlight of the Sector
• As many as 2,414,400 jobs were created in Bangladesh in this sector in 2018. It
is expected to reach 3,155,300 by 2019, according to the World Travel and
Tourism Council (WTTC) report.
• According to the Bangladesh Tourism Board (BTB), only 2,67,000 foreign tourists have
come to Bangladesh in 2018, and it is expected to increase.
• People of Bangladesh are very hospitable and tourist friendly.
• Unique archaeological sites, cultural heritage and eco-tourism products like the
world’s largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, the world’s longest unbroken
sea beach in Cox’s Bazar (120km), the oldest archaeological site in the Southern
Himalayas-Paharpur and world’s largest terracotta temple – Kantaji Temple in
Dinajpur, and spectacular monuments and mausoleums of language movement
and liberation war of the country.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 26|Page

Potential Sectors
Frozen Food
Frozen food industry has emerged as one of the major sectors of
Bangladesh with increasing domestic demand and international
demand for quality Bangladeshi products.
Highlight of the Sector
• For the domestic market, frozen food industry consists of Frozen Ready to
Cook Snacks, Frozen Ready to Cook Meat, Frozen Ready to Cook
Vegetables, Frozen Ready to Cook Fishes.
• For the international market and export oriented frozen food industry, it is
mostly comprised of export of frozen fish, shrimp, crab, and other
crustaceans, vegetables, fruits, meat and other.
• In 2016-2017 export of frozen fish & shrimp was more than USD 490 million
• For such export, countries like China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore,
Australia, Belgium, Germany etc. are some of the major destinations for
Bangladesh frozen products.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 27|Page

Potential Sectors
Renewable Energy Sector
Bangladesh is committed towards sustainable economic
development has made renewable energy as one of the priority
sectors to ensure future supply of clean energy.
Highlight of the Sector
• Currently, renewable energy makes up 2.5% of
the total electricity generation
• Solar energy is the most prominent source of
renewable energy
• Over 5 million Solar Home Systems (SHS)
have been distributed in areas where
electrification and grid expansion were Electricity production from renewable sources
particularly challenging. Source: SREDA (2020)
• Government has several refinancing schemes
to attract investment in this sector. For
example: IDCOL’S Re-financing Scheme.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 28|Page

Potential Sectors
Ceramic Sector
The ceramics industry is one of the growing manufacturing sectors
in Bangladesh and mainly produces tableware, sanitary ware and
Highlight of the Sector

• The ceramics industry sector has attracted foreign investment. The

investments have mainly been from China and the Middle East states. Some
of the major joint venture partners are RAK Ceramics, Fu Wang and China-
Bangla etc.
• Ceramic products have been exported to more than 45 countries. The largest
export destinations are the United States, Italy, Spain, France, New Zealand,
the Netherlands, Australia and Sweden.
• The low labor costs of the local manufacturers has put Bangladesh in a
strong position.
• 54 ceramic manufacturers are operating in Bangladesh, creating employment
of 0.5million.
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 29|Page
Potential Sectors
Power Sector
Power Sector is a priority for the Government of Bangladesh and
thus, investors can enjoy special benefits by entering this sector.
Highlight of the Sector
• According to sources at Power Division, the total amount of investment in the
electricity sector between the time period of 2009 and 2017 is $8.9 billion. Of
this, $4.8 billion was invested in the public sector while it is $4.1 billion in the
private sector.

• Another $15 billion is projected to be invested in the sector by the time of

2019-2021. Most of the investment in this sector comes from China, Japan,
India and Russia.

• Private Power Companies shall be excepted from corporate tax for a period
of 15 years.

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 30|Page

Potential Sectors
Medical Equipment Sector
There are huge potentials in the medical equipment sector since the
demand is increasing exponentially in every segment of the health
Highlight of the Sector
• The large medical equipment market of Bangladesh is almost import
• Currently, imports of medical and surgical instruments are being made from
China, Germany, England and other countries. And, 75% of the items are
being imported from China alone.
• Medical equipment manufacturing is a potential sector to invest and set up
plants in Bangladesh as more and more government and private medical
hospitals are being made.
• Bangladeshi medical equipment market is projected to expand at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.4 per cent (Espicom Business
Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 31|Page
Potential Sectors
Health Care Sector
As Bangladesh moves towards becoming a middle income country
by 2021 and a developed country by 2041, it is constantly working to
strengthen its healthcare sector.
Highlight of the Sector
• Around Two Billion Dollars of the untapped Healthcare, the market is now in
• Bangladesh spends around 2.04 billion US dollars abroad for medical
treatment in a year. This amount is 1.94 percent of total GDP of Bangladesh.
• The demand of Health Care growing 21% annually.
• The demand for health care services is accelerating because of increasing
purchasing power of the growing middle and upper middle classes.
• Total number of registered private hospitals and clinics is 5,054 and total
number of government facilities under the DGHS is 2,258 (Health Bulletin

Bangladesh Trade Portal Source: BIDA 32|Page

One Stop
Service Center
The Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA) coordinated the
establishment of a One-Stop Service Center. 150 services of 34 agencies are
identified and process simplification of these have started. Once these are
completed clients will get their services from one point. A few of the services are:
• Trade License from respective city corporation and local government body are given
within 48 hours, assuming all required documents are provided.
• Company registration from Joint Stock Register’s office company registration
complete within 48 hours.
• Registration of Bangladesh Investment Development Authority is complete within a
day, assuming all required documents are provided.
• Electricity connection’s result are given within 10 days after receive the application
from BIDA where representative of power development board authority is working.
• Environmental certificate are given within 10 days from BIDA where respective
officer from Environment Department are working.
• From Bangladesh Investment Development Authority representative of Titas Gas
Authority the result of gas connection are given within 10 days from the date of
application received.
• Foreign loan borrowing application disposed within 30 days assuming all required
documents are provided.
• Tax related complication is taken from BIDA by respective National Board of
Revenue officer after getting application from entrepreneur and result are given
within 10 days.

Bangladesh Trade Portal 33|Page

One-man Private Limited Company Formation
To make the business environment more friendly, the Government has
amended the Companies Act (Draft) where by a single person can form a
limited company.
Permanent resident is permitted on investing US$ 75,000 and citizenship on
investing US$ 500,000.
Work Permits
No restrictions on issuance of work permits to project related foreign
nationals and employees
Dispute Resolution

• Bangladesh has 32 Bilateral Investment Treaties to ensure that the

investors interest is protect by the legal framework.
• Investors can reach-out to the International Centre for Settlement of
Investment Disputes for disputes between the state and the investors.
• Investor’s interest is also protected by the Arbitration Act 2001 which is
expected to undergo amendments to make the dispute settlements
easier and faster.

Bangladesh Trade Portal 34|Page

Hon. PM Sheikh Hasina’s
Visionary Leadership
Has turned Bangladesh from a Least Developed Country to a
Developing Country and has the vision to turn to turn Bangladesh
into a Developed Country by 2041

4 times elected and longest serving prime

minister in the history of Bangladesh

Top 100 Global Thinkers of the present decade

(by Foreign Policy Journal)

26th Most Powerful Woman

(by Forbes Magazine)

Named on the list of 100 most influential people

(by Times Magazine)

Member of the Council of Women World

Your Investment Destination

This document is prepared by the Bangladesh Trade Portal based on the information obtained and derived from
different sources (government agencies or other institutions).Bangladesh Trade Portal is a one-stop point for
information relating to export from and import into Bangladesh. Hosted by the Bangladesh Regional Connectivity
Project -1, the Ministry of Commerce and the World Bank, the portal provides an accessible, logical, helpful
window for traders to access important regulatory and procedural information needed for export and import.
Bangladesh Trade Portal is not responsible for the accuracy and validity of the data and information presented in
this document. Readers are requested to contact relevant agencies for updated information.

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