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Far Hissain

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Written by Imad Ottallah

Cover art by Imad Ottallah, design Paul Bourne
Internal art by Imad Ottallah, Some artwork copy-
right William McAusland, used with permission.
Cartography by Anthony "Tony" Hawkins

Contents Sha'ir (Spiritual
Welcome to Far Poet) 42
Hissain... 6 Collector 44
Diver 46
Tales of Far Hissain 13 Forager 48
The Great War 14 Hajjam (Barber) 50
The Grand Sultan 15 Advanced Careers 52
Ibris 16 Caravan leader 53
The Three Sisters 16 Faris (Desert Rider) 54
The first 17 Mystic 55
The second 18 Zealot 56
The third 18 Elf Dune Runner 57
The Gods 19 Dwarven Slugger 58
Anara The Sun Goddess 19 Halfling Ringleader 59
Hessa The Goddess of Equipment and Coin 60
Fate 19
Lyla The Earth Survival 62
Goddess 20 Surviving the Sea of
Uza The God of War 20 Sand 63
Tanin 20 Food 63
The Three Pillars 20 Water 64
Bahamut, the Behemoth 21
Luyatan, the Magic 67
Leviathan 21 Magic in Far Hissain 68
Mal'ak, the Keeper 21 Spells 69
The Realms 22 Bind jinn 69
The Mortal Realm 22 Cleanse 69
Malakut, The Invisible Dazzle 69
Realm 22 Deflect 69
The Veil 22 Disc 70
The Void 23 Evil eye 70
Communities 24 Fools gold 74
Desert Elves 24 Fuel 74
Dwarves 24 Infestation 74
Halflings 25 Mend 74
Move 75
Far Hissain Characters 26 Pit 75
Basic careers in Protection 75
Warlock! 27 Quench 75
Shepherd 28 Rage 76
Corsair 30 Reveal 76
Street Vendor 32 Shipshape 77
Nomad 34 Seal 77
Hermit 36 Suffocate 77
Smuggler 38 Vision 77
Animal trainer 40

GArtefacts of Far Babi 104
Hissain 78 Bird Men 106
Flaming sword 78 Devalpa 108
Flying carpet 79 Div 110
Evil Eye Talisman 79 Dulhath 112
Falak 114
Jinn 80 Gaunt Men 116
The Many Jinn 81 Ghul 118
Lesser Jinn 81 Giant Beetles 120
Greater Jinn 82 Girtablilu 122
Supreme Jinn 82 Hinn 124
Summoning 83 Ichneumon 126
Binding 84 Ifrit 128
Powers of binding 84 Jidra 130
Lesser Jinn Marid 132
Enchantments 85 Nasnas 134
Greater Jinn Peri 136
Enchantments 87 Rukh 138
Supreme Jinn Rock Giants 140
Enchantments 87 Salu'ah 142
The Seven Jinn Kings 89 Shaitan 144
Al Mazhab (Gold King) 89 Shiqq 146
Marah Al-Abyad (White Si'lat (Hags) 148
King) 89 Simurgh 150
Zawba'ah (The Sulak 152
cyclone) 90 Urmahlullu 154
Malik Al-Ahmar (Red Wolf 156
King) 90 Zabraq 158
Maymun (The Zaratan 160
Executioner) 90 Zoophyte 162
Barqan (The Blue
King) 90 Gazetteer of Far
Shamhresh 92 Hissain 163
Of wolves and jinn 92 Lay of the Land 164
Hinn, the dogs of war 92 The Hajar Mountains 164
Seeing the Unseen 93 The Old Man of the
Lesser Jinn 93 Mountain 165
Greater Jinn 93 Dragon's Breath 165
Supreme Jinn 94 Encounters in the
Jinn Abilities 94 Mountains 168
Rezzat 172
Far Hissain Bestiary 97 The Mines 172
Abu Sariq (Father of The Gunnery 173
Thieves) 98 The Pearl Coast 173
Al'Miraj 100 Al-Nimri Forest 175
Aghash 102

Strangeness in the
The Raised Plains
Azure Bay
Piras 180 Koffe 214
Shipyard 180 Village 215
Golden road 184 Abheer 215
The Souk 185 Ubaid 215
Fred's Tavern and Pie Vida 216
Shop 187 Yalda 216
Kingdom Trading Nesar 217
Guild (The Guild) 190 Omid 217
Summer Sea Company City 218
(The Company) 192 Pasha 218
Jasmine Gardens 194 Ramin 218
Ivory Palace 194 Sir Wallace 219
Menagerie 194 Marwa 219
Dragons Den 195 Timur 220
Solas 196 Rabia 220
Al-Amir Academy 196
Al-Hufra (The Pit) 196
Meelar 197
The House of
Knowledge 198
The Eye of Hissain 199
Serpent's Nest 199
Rukh Cove 200
Mount Du'Bal 200
Kaftar Hills 200
Fort Nirea 202
Mother of Poisons 202
The Empty Lands 202
Toma 203
Harir Marsh 204
Yulat 204
The Great Sea 205
Irma (the Golden City) 205

Bedouin Tribes 206

Nomads and Wanderers 207
Al Hamdi Tribe 207
Scarlet Vipers 207
The Skulls 207
Longhorns 208
Creating the Tribe 208

Hirelings 211
All Manner of Folk 212
Tribal 212


Welcome to Far Hissain...
Across the Great Sea lies a land of bountiful treas-
ure and infinite sand. Spirits known as jinn roam
freely and mortals tread lightly, lest they offend
the magical creatures that dwell here. Three grand
cities rest along the shores of the Azure Bay, each
controlled by a daughter of the Grand Sultan. The
high walls provide a sense of normalcy to the day
to day lives of the citizens. Within the safety
of this protection they worship their gods, sell
wares, and tend crops. Bustling ports feature all
manner of foreign ships bearing diplomats eager to
establish trade with the Grand Sultan.

Small villages and scattered tribes can be found

beyond the city walls. These communities exist out-
side the influence of the Grand Sultan's empire,
living side by side with the magical denizens of
the land. To the west the impenetrable Al Hajar
Mountains tower over the Raised Plains. The Tizki
Pass cuts through the mountains leading to Fort
Nira, the last sign of civilization before the Emp-
ty Lands.

Centuries ago the Empty Lands were once lush and

fertile. Ruled by powerful Sorcerer Kings and god-
like jinn, it was a place of great magic and vast
kingdoms. Now nothing remains but a barren and des-
olate land. The sand is tainted from the Great War,
warping magic and causing sickness to any who brave
the desert. Abandoned ruins stand as monuments left
over from the war between the jinn and Sorcerer
Kings. Nomadic desert elves lay claim to this land
now, keeping an ever watchful eye over the ruins


fearing the return of their ancient enemies. Gate-
ways piercing the Veil between the mortal and jinn
realms materialize in the form of mirages, allowing
would-be travellers to enter Malakut, the realm of
the jinn. Despite all the danger, the desert at-
tracts a steady stream of adventurers seeking fame
and fortune. After all, the highest fruit is the
most delicious.

Far Hissain attracts many travellers with its prom-

ise of wealth and magic. Some of the oldest and
most powerful scrolls are said to have originated
from the jinn who dwell here. There are many rea-
sons to make the journey across the Great Sea. If
you choose to be a native of the Kingdom, roll 1d20
to find out why you travelled to the mystical land
of Far Hissain.


1. You washed ashore the Azure Bay after your ship

was capsized in a storm. With a little luck and
some divine intervention your equipment managed
to wash up next to you. In the distance you can
see the outline of a great city. Will they wel-
come you?

2. You left the Kingdom following rumours of a

great treasure. Overhearing the tales of riches
across the sea, you set out to make your for-
tune. Was it the ramblings of a drunkard or are
the tales true?

3. You are searching for your lost love, who board-

ed a ship to Far Hissain. They left behind a
note and a small trinket then sailed off in the
G early morning hours. It seems quite strange
though, since your love was deathly afraid of
the ocean.... Something isn't right, and now
you seek answers.

4. You were taken to be sold into slavery but es-

caped when you reached Piras. One minute you
were drinking at the local tavern, the next you
were imprisoned in the hull of a ship headed
to Far Hissain. While the ship was docked, you
managed to lift the keys from the drunken guard
and make your escape. You quickly made a run for
it, ducking into a nearby ally. The slavers will
surely want you back!

5. You awoke in the Empty Lands after stumbling into

a circle of mushrooms in the kingdom. Everything
went hazy and colourful fragrant flashes as-
saulted your senses, rendering you unconscious.
When you came to, you were surrounded by sand.
Before the desert could claim your life, a no-
madic tribe found you, and brought you to safe-
ty. Now they need a favour...

6. You've taken a job with the Kingdom Trading

Guild. However, details are scarce. All you
know is that you are to report to the Guild's
headquarters in Piras, where you will be given
further instructions. You were left with one
bit of information: Beware the Summer Sea Com-

7. You've taken a job with the Summer Sea Company.

They sent you to Far Hissain to accomplish a
secret mission. Agents of the Kingdom Trading
Guild have caught wind of your task and are on
your tail. Will you outrun them?
8. You passed out drunk on the docks and somehow
ended up on a ship to Far Hissain. Hopefully
this doesn't become a habit. Now where's the
closest tavern?

9. You received a letter from your long lost uncle

claiming that you are entitled to a fabulous
inheritance. You don't remember anyone in the
family mentioning this uncle, but only a fool
would look a gift horse in the mouth.

10. You were banished from the Kingdom for crimes

you 'might' have committed. The guards accompa-
nied you all the way across the sea, throwing
you off the ship when it docked. It'll be your
head if you return to the Kingdom; better settle
into your new home.

11. The stress of work was too much so you decided

to take a vacation. The beaches of Far Hissain
are legendary. You booked passage on a merchant
ship, hoping the change in scenery would ease
your stress, but this land offers its own trou-

12. You wanted to learn the secrets of the jinn.

Since childhood you have been fascinated with
tales of their magic. It has been your lifelong
dream to meet one face to face. The locals here
are tight lipped when you mention jinn. It looks
like reaching Far Hissain was the easy part, now
the real work begins.

13. Life is rough in the Kingdom. You struggled day-

to-day to make ends meet, with little to show
for it. It was time for a change, so you sailed

to Far Hissain in search of an easier life.

You're still looking.

14. You are seeking a long lost relative who fought

in one of the wars with Far Hissain. You have
heard the stories of your great aunt who com-
manded a band of soldiers against the Grand
Sultan Abu Shawal. She fell in battle and was
buried in an unmarked grave. Now you search for
her grave in order to honour her memory.

15. A Lord from a well established house has dis-

patched you to deliver a message to a powerful
sharif (noble) in Piras. The message is in a

sealed ivory tube and has attracted the atten-
tion of a local thieves guild. Will you be able
to deliver the message safely?
16. Your sibling took a job on a merchant ship trav-
eling to Far Hissain. They ran into a little
trouble with the local authorities and are be-
ing held on the Eye of Far Hissain in the infa-
mous Jenta Prison. You've been summoned by the
prison warden to plead the case of your sibling
before they are executed.

17. You have been commissioned to secure a Rukh egg

for a wealthy collector from Fesselburg. The
task is proving to be more difficult than an-
ticipated since no one has seen a Rukh in ages.

18. You signed up as a deckhand in order to take

revenge on the ship's captain for driving your
mother to an early grave. Following rumours
across the great sea, you found him in Far
Hissain and broke his fingers into splinters.
With your vengeance quelled, it's time to ex-
plore this new land.

19. The winters in the Kingdom wreaked havoc on

your joints, so you sought out warmer weather.
The beaches here are spectacular and the local
cuisine is delicious

20. You sought out a new life and a fresh start away
from your acquaintances from the Kingdom. Too
many people knew your name and wanted favours.
Setting off for the distant land of Far Hissain,
you hope to outrun the moochers.

Tales of Far

The Great War
The war between the jinn and Sorcerer Kings was
a brutal affair that lasted decades. Epic armies
marched against the magical forces of the seven
Jinn Kings. Both sides of the conflict gave little
ground, as each was equally matched. Looking for an
advantage, the Sorcerers sought out a way to turn
the tide.

With the promise of immeasurable power they swayed

the supreme jinn, Ibris, to betray his brethren.
With his help the they captured scores of jinn,
binding them into weapons and artefacts to use
in the war. Other captives were not so fortunate.
Drawing chaotic magic from the Void, the Sorcerer
Kings twisted these jinn into creatures of chaos
calling them Hinn. The dog-faced Hinn were savage
ruthless warriors, drawing power from pain.

It was only with the aid of the elves that the jinn
were able to push back against the onslaught. In
the end the Sorcerer Kings' forces broke. But be-
fore they fell, they appealed to the otherworldly
beings of chaos to aid them. Heeding their call,
the beings demanded the ultimate price. Sacrificing
themselves in a ritual, the Sorcerer Kings created
a barrier around Malakut, the realm of the jinn,
sealing them off from the mortal realm forever. The
jinn on the battlefield remained in Far Hissain
trapped among the mortals, while their comrades
became imprisoned in their own realm. Survivors
of the war formed tribes and eventually new civ-

ilizations. As time, passed the Veil weakened and
the death and destruction became a distant memory,
only to be given new life with the poems told by
the Sha'ir. These elergies all end with the same
warning: that the fall of the Sorcerer Kings is
fleeting, and soon they will rise from the sands to
claim their thrones again.

The Grand Sultan

The Grand Sultan Magid the Gracious, the Sword
of the Desert, is the ruler of the Summer Empire
that spans all of Far Hissain. In his youth Magid
was an angry headstrong warrior, cutting down foes
with his mystical curved sword, and bathing the
sand with his enemy's blood. Magid ascended to the
throne when his father perished fighting against
the soldiers of the Kingdom. The death of his father
only added fuel to his rage, and he was determined
to destroy all of the Kingdom. It was during this
time that vengeful Magid met his future wife, Nura.
She was a daughter of a nomad whose pacifist tribe
roamed the land befriending all creatures. Nura
calmed the Grand Sultan and opened up a new world
to him, one of patience and love. As time passed a
peaceful calm fell over Far Hissain. Communities
of jinn emerged from the shadows and walked among
the mortals. Feuds were forgotten and violence fled
the land.

Ibris, the Father of Bitterness, known in many
realms by many names, is a powerful Supreme Jinn.
Cast out of Malakut by the seven Jinn Kings for
plotting with the Sorcerer Kings, he roams Far
Hissain sowing despair and turmoil in his wake. On
one such occasion Ibris found himself in the mag-
nificent gardens of the Grand Sultan. Spotting a
woman feeding the swans, he disguised himself as
majestic peacock and approached her. She welcomed
him and fed him equally with the swans. 'Why do you
not feed me more than the swans? Am I not their
better? Surely I am more beautiful?' asked the pea-
cock. The woman agreed that the Ibris was indeed
beautiful, but there was only enough bread to share
with all the birds if distributed equally. This an-
gered Ibris and he bit the woman. As she let a cry,
guards emerged from the garden to protect her, but
it was too late. The bite was filled with bitter-
ness and the woman perished. At this moment Ibris
realized that the woman was Queen Nura, and that
despair would soon follow. Pleased with his action
he vanished into smoke as the guards attempted to
slay him. His whereabouts are still unknown.

The Three Sisters

The death of his wife devastated the Grand Sul-
tan. Falling into a deep depression, he retreat-
ed to the tallest tower of the Ivory Palace. His
servants would occasionally see his gaunt, frail


figure walking in the gardens where his wife had

perished. With his absence, the Grand Sultans three
daughters took charge of the kingdom.


Suna, the Sultans eldest daughter, remains in the

capital city of Piras. Angry over the loss of her

mother, Suna found solace in the Church of Sun. G
She was quickly elevated to Grand Priestess, after
claiming the Sun Goddess Anara spoke through her.
Cold and indifferent, she blames all jinn for her
mother's death. Currently she is locked in a pow-
er struggle with her uncle for control of Piras.
With the weight of the Church behind her, Suna is
a force to be reckoned with.


Galiba, is a firebrand warrior and master tacti-

cian. With the Sultan withdrawn, the armies of Far
Hissain have fallen under her command. From her war
room she runs the city and oversees the training of
the Sultan's soldiers. Her right eye was torn from
her face when she bested a were-hyena barehanded.
She had it's hide fashioned into a ceremonial tu-
nic. Her eye was replaced with a glass orb crafted
by the dwarves of Rezzat. Rumours say the eye can
see through all lies and deception.


Eman is the youngest of the daughters and an ac-

complished wizard. She takes after her mother and
is quite meek in appearance. After her mother's
death, Eman retreated to Meelar to bury herself in
books. She is the kindest of the three sisters and
cares a great deal for the all the creatures of
Far Hissain. She currently sits at the head of the
Academic Council which governs Meelar.

GThe Gods
The people of Far Hissain have a long list of gods
they call upon. In fact it is not uncommon to have a
shrine dedicated to many deities in one household.
After all, it can't hurt to have multiple ears lis-
tening to prayers. Listed below are a few of the
more common deities. Feel free to create new gods,
whether they be otherworldly creatures, jinn, or a
talking horse.


As sure as the sun rises Anara will cleanse evil

from the land, though her interpretation of evil
seems to be fluid. She is fiery goddess worshipped
by those who seek to unite the land under her ban-
ner, a radiant skull. Her worshippers are intoler-
ant of other gods. The Sultan's daughter, Suna has
been anointed as Grand Priestess of Anara, solidi-
fying the church's power in Piras.


Worshipped by jinn and mortals alike, Hessa is one

of the oldest goddesses. She takes a hands-off ap-
proach to her followers, as all things will be as
they were intended. She has no temples, only small
shrines throughout the land. Her followers prefer
peaceful resolutions to conflict, placing their
faith in the goddesses protection. The symbol of
Hessa is an open tome, as fate is already written.

The Goddess of plenty. The Protector of life. Wor-
shipped by nomads, farmers, and shepherds. Temples
of Lyla are modest, having dirt floors and humble
furnishings, easily mistaken for barns. Food and
water is readily available at her temples. Her sym-
bol is the head of a goat or lamb, depending on the
particular temple.


Often depicted as a towering four armed warrior,

Uza is worshipped by soldiers, warriors, and brig-
ands. He is the father of war and the bearer of the
fallen. It is in his arms that fallen warriors are
carried to their final paradise. Temples of Uza are
few and far between. Instead his followers create
shrines in barracks or on old battlefields. His
symbol is a golden beetle.


The Dragon has many names. In Far Hissain it is

called Tanin. Its name is only mentioned in whispers
lest you draw its attention. Tanin is worshipped
by the twisted and those who trade death for coin.


Older than the gods, the Three Pillars provide

structure and stability to the realms. Their im-

measurable power keeps the realms from merging to-
gether into chaos. Two of the three remain in the
mortal realm as anchors, while the third rests be-
tween the Void and Malakut.


The behemoth of the ocean. Bahamut is a gargantu-

an creature born of salt-water and fear. Residing
beneath the Great Sea, swimming between realms and
realities, it's gaping mouth is an endless abyss
of nothingness. Bahamut is able to swallow ships
whole, sending them to alternate dimensions, never
to be heard from again.


The great bull that slumbers under the Al-Hajar

mountains is born of earth and wind. His very breath
controls the tides and his weight holds together
the fabric of the mortal realm.


Born of fire and smoke and adored by all jinn,

Mal'ak is a winged traveller of worlds, venturing
unabated between realms. Watching and dictating,
keeping a meticulous account of all events, Mal'ak
is said to know all, as history is in constant rep-

The Realms
The scholars know that the gods are ubiquitous and
transcend all space, but there are other beings
that exist in realms of their own. Some even more
powerful than the gods.


Humans live out their days unaware of the wonders

of the universe that surround them. They choose in-
stead to fight one another over the dirt they call
the mortal realm.


The realm of the unseen is home to jinn and spir-

its. Existing parallel to the mortal realm, Mala-
kut is similar in appearance and landscape, but
everything is a little 'off' in Malakut. The realm
is pure magic: casting spells here is extremely
risky without a protective talisman. Entry into
Malakut is limited by a barrier known as the Veil.
Here you will find seven kingdoms ruled by seven
jinn. Iram, the Golden City, sits at the centre of
the realm connecting all the jinn kingdoms.


During the final days of the Great War the Sorcerer

Kings placed a barrier around Malakut. Using chaot-
ic magic they sealed the jinn from the mortal realm.

The jinn that were trapped in the mortal realm made
a new life among the mortals, while those remaining
in Malakut were cut off from the sustenance they
hungered for. The only way they could survive was
to offer magic in return for a spellcaster's life
force. Time has passed and the Veil has lost much
of its strength. Powerful jinn can now travel free-
ly through the Veil, while their lesser brethren
must seek out weak areas in the barrier.


The Void is a place where darkness feasts on light.

It is home to otherworldly entities and unnatu-
ral beings of pure chaos who twist and torment
everything they touch. Little else is known about
the Void.

The following communities can all be found to some
extent in the mortal realm of Far Hissain, some
native, some visitors from other lands.


As ancient as the sun, with a deep ties to the land,

no one knows if the elves of the Kingdom share
blood with the elves of Far Hissain. They once re-
sided in Malakut with the jinn, wielding great mag-
ic equal to some of the most powerful jinn. During
the Great War the elves fought along side the jinn
against the Sorcerer Kings, and so the elves are
held in high regard by the jinn. Only the most evil
of jinn will draw blood from a desert elf. It is a
rare sight to see elves outside the desert. Most
are wary of humans, and most humans keep their dis-
tance. Desert elves are ruthless in battle; those
who underestimate them don't live long. The life
of a desert elf is a hard and arduous, survival is
everything. They have no time for art or poetry,
and consider the elves of the Kingdom to be weak.


Dwarves are a rare site in Far Hissain. Most find it

unsettling on board a ship with no land in sight.
To make matters worse, the sweltering heat is a
far cry form the temperate weather of the King-
dom. There is a clan of dwarves who have settled
the mining town of Rezzat. In exchange for mining


rights, the dwarves provide the Sultans armies with

firearms. The arrangement has been beneficial to
both parties.


Halflings from the Kingdom have settled in Far Has-

san over a century ago. They were well received by
the people of Far Hissain: a warm pie always makes
its way to the heart. Halflings melded into all
cultures and trades, assimilating into normal de-
sert society: becoming the shepherds of Toma,
the divers of the Pearl Coast, and the street
vendors of Piras. Others took the decidedly darker
path of crime.
Far Hissain


Careers in the Core Rule Book and Compendiums are

available in Far Hissain. The careers provided in
this book are specific to the land of Far Hissain,
but there's nothing keeping you from creating a
character and having them travel to the Kingdom (or
the other way around).

Roll 2d6 and consult the tales below if you just

want to use the basic careers available in Far
Hissain. Add an extra 4d6 if you want to include
the basic careers available in the core rules (5d6
if you add the Grim Biskerstaf careers in your


1. Shepherd
2. Corsair
3. Street Vendor
4. Nomad
5. Hermit
6. Smuggler


1. Animal Trainer
2. Sha'ir
3. Collector
4. Diver
5. Forager
6. Hajjam (Barber)

Blunt 10, Survival 10, Endurance 12, Spot 12, Nav-
igation 12

You've never really done well around other people,

which is why you prefer the company of your flock.
Usually you keep a keen eye out, but you dozed off
for just a bit.

Equipment: A staff, worn clothes that smell of

sheep, a dog that constantly runs off, and a small
sack of dates.

Where did you lose your flock? (roll d6)

1. The Al Hajar Mountains.
2. The Raised Plains.
3. The edge of the Serpents' Jungle.
4. Outside the city gates. You turned around for a
5. In the Mother of Poison salt marsh. Why were you
6. Near the Azure Bay.

Who took them? (roll d6)

1. A man dressed as a hyena, or the other way
2. A traveling group of adventurers.
3. Another Shepherd claiming the flock belonged to
4. A pack of wolves. You barely made it out!
5. They walked into the brush and disappeared!
6. You set them free to live their best lives.



Intimidate 10, Language 10, Large blade 12, Athlet-

ics 12, Swimming 12

Life on a ship is all you have ever known. You re-

spect the sea, for she is full of fortune... Usu-
ally someone else's fortune, till you send them to
a watery grave.

Equipment: Half an old treasure map, cutlass, loose

fitting brightly coloured clothing, a deck of cards,
and an assortment of cheap jewellery.

Where have you sailed? (roll d6)

1. The Pearl Coast
2. The coast of the Forbidden Island
3. Across the Great Sea to the Kingdom
4. The Azure Bay.
5. They Silk Marsh.
6. The Green river.

What have you seen? (roll d6)

1. The great birds of Rukh Cove.
2. Tentacles grab crewmen off the deck.
3. A song lure men to their death.
4. A fog drive the crew mad.
5. A ship full of skeletons sail by.
6. A moving island on the Great Sea.


Language 10, Lie 10, Streetwise 12, Bargain 12,
Appraise 12

You know the streets like the back of your hand.

Sure you may just be a slinger of wares and trin-
kets, but your eye and ears are always open. You've
seen things, strange things that you'd rather for-

Equipment: Push cart with your wares, plain simple

clothing, and a wooden club to keep children away
from your cart.

What's in your push cart? (roll d6)

1. Meat on sticks left out in the sun for extra
2. Bruised fruit.
3. Souvenirs - only the best.
4. Perfumes you can cook with.
5. Leather slippers.
6. Goats milk, served warm.

What do the streets tell you? (roll d6)

1. The Priests of Anara are searching for jinn liv-
ing in the city.
2. The Grand Sultan's illness is not natural.
3. The Dwarves of Rezzat have uncovered something
dark in the mines.
4. You've heard of a secret market in Piras oper-
ated by jinn!
5. Silk is becoming scarce. Something is killing
the worms of the Harir marsh.
6. The Sorcerer Kings are returning.



Bargain 10, Ostler 10, Crossbow OR Bow 12, Survival

12, Navigation 12

You and yours are always on the move. You have seen
the wonders of the endless sands and the riches of
the most fabled cities. You trade in all manner of
things to get what you can't make.

Equipment: A musket (shells, gunpowder) OR bow

(quiver, arrows), once ornate clothing, dagger,
tobacco, pipe, and an ornery camel.

What do you deal in? (roll d6)

1. Pack animals
2. Tobacco
3. Trinkets
4. Woven baskets
5. Spices
6. Dye

What have you seen? (roll d6)

1. An army of the dead rise from the desert.
2. The stone giants of the Al Hajar mountains.
3. A caravan swallowed by the sands.
4. Ubar, the fabled shining city.
5. The endless sands of the Empty Lands.
6. More sand.



Blunt 10, Repair 10, Navigation 12, History 12,

Survival 12

You left behind the hustle and bustle of city life

many years ago. You made a new home in the Al Hajar
Mountains with your books and thoughts. It gets
lonely. Sometimes you talk to the rocks to pass the
time. Lately, they've been talking back.

Equipment: A couple of well read books, leather

bound journal, wood carving knife, and a wooden
club in case someone needs a bashing.

Why have you left the city behind? (roll d6)

1. Constant noise drove you mad.
2. You hate people. So needy.
3. You couldn't stand the smell.
4. Politics. You don't talk about it.
5. You wanted to be one with nature.
6. You needed some alone time.

Where did you move to? (roll d6)

1. Outside the city walls. Baby steps.
2. Al Hajar mountains. Rocks fascinate you.
3. Along the river. The fishing is excellent.
4. The Silk Marsh. Smells like socks.
5. The Kaftar hills. Watch out for scorpions.
6. Amongst the trees of Al-Nimri forest.



Small blade 10, Spot 10, Lie 12, Navigation 12,

Streetwise 12

If it's worth anything, and illegal, you've moved

it. You specialize in getting things from point A
to point B, without anyone being able to see.

Equipment: A large knife you keep tucked away, a

list of contacts (most of which are in prison),
dark clothing, and a forgery kit.

What contraband have you run? (roll d6)

1. Rare pelts.
2. Death blossoms.
3. Hashish.
4. Silky worms from the Silk Marsh.
5. A jinn escaping the Sun God Priests.
6. Tricky Peri (fairies).

Where did you hide it? (roll d6)

1. Under the robes of an old lady.
2. In a cart of manure.
3. Under a very large hat.
4. Inside a crate with a sedated lion.
5. Hide what? Nothing to see here.
6. A large chest with a fake bottom.



Command 10, Appraise 10, Repair 12, Medicine 12,

Ostler 12

You've always had a connection with animals, it's

like you speak their language. The wealthy come
to you when they need a horse broken. The guards
captain calls to you first to train their hounds.
Honesty, you'd rather just deal with the animals
and leave the humans out of it.

Equipment: A leash, harness, falcon glove or pigeon

cage, collar, and 10ft of rope.

What do you train? (roll d6)

1. Dogs, they're your best friends.
2. Pigeons, the rats of the sky!
3. Horses, they're gorgeous animals.
4. Falcons, watch your eyes...They bite!
5. Camels, the ornery things!
6. Monkeys, they're great at throwing faeces.

How did you lose your companion? (roll d6)

1. Ran away with another trainer.
2. Ate them when you were starving.
3. Stolen by traveling entertainers.
4. Confiscated by local authorities.
5. Misplaced them after visiting a hashish den.
6. Traded them for a bag of magic beans, you think.


Lie 10, Language 10, Diplomacy 12, History 12, Per-
suasion 12

Words slide out of your mouth effortlessly, spin-

ning tales of historical proportions, exaggerating
and twisting the truth. Others look to you to for
guidance and wisdom as you easily sooth over rela-
tions between tribes. You claim to have a direct
link to the supernatural, often speaking to spirits
when in fits of hysteria. Hopefully no one looks
behind the curtain.....

Equipment: A few books of inspirational poetry,

flamboyant clothing, parchment, a pen and quill.

What tale do you tell? (roll d6)

1. The escape of Mytra the Swift.
2. The fall of Sais the Sorcerer King.
3. The time you married a water jinn.
4. How you charmed a giant cobra.
5. How you were rich beyond belief.
6. How you made peace between warring nomad tribes.

What poetic theme do you use? (roll d6)

1. Hija, a poem style used to insult.
2. Ghazal, a very expressive love poem.
3. Tardiyyah, poetry of the hunt.
4. Fakhr, essentially boasting in rhyme.
5. Hamasah, the poetry of war and valour.
6. Wasf, a descriptive style of poetry.


Navigation 10, Language 10, Spot 12, History 12,
Appraise 12

Far Hissain is full of ancient ruins, magical crea-

tures, and rare treasure. It is your life's work to
locate and retrieve these marvellous objects, often
for a wealthy benefactor. If a little something
ends up in your bag, well let's call it a finder's
fee. After all, you are a collector.

Equipment: A backpack with many pockets, a map

leading you to some ruins in the Empty Quarter, a
shovel, papers with an official seal to excavate,
and a guide named Yukta.

Who hired you? (roll d6)

1. A high priestess of the Sun Goddess, Anara.
2. A powerful tribal Sheikh.
3. No one. The papers are fake.
4. A powerful mage.
5. Summer Sea Company
6. The Kingdom Trading Guild

What did they ask you to find? (roll d6)

1. A gateway through the Veil.
2. The treasure of Sorcerer King.
3. A jinn summoning scroll.
4. An ancient ship lost on the Pearl Coast.
5. A magical artefact.
6. The golden city of Irma.



Small blade 10, Athletics 10, Navigation 12, Endur-

ance 12, Swimming 12

The sea is your second home. You spend most of your

time on ships or coasts, always a short distance
from the cold embrace of the water. You're an ex-
pert at underwater retrieval, whether it's lost
treasure on a sunken ship or nuggets from the giant
clams of Pearl Coast.

Equipment: A knife, a small mesh sack for clams, an

extra set of clothing.

What have you seen? (roll d6)

1. The giant clams of Pearl Coast.
2. An ancient sunken warship.
3. A beautiful lady with a fish tail.
4. A giant asleep on the ocean floor.
5. Fire erupt from the ocean floor.
6. A city under the ocean.

What almost ate you? (roll d6)

1. Starving seagulls during an nap.
2. The skeleton of a great shark.
3. A giant squid. No more calamari.
4. A ravaging school of golden fish.
5. A beautiful lady with a fish tail.
6. A giant white whale.


Small blade 10, Navigation 10, Survival 12, Endur-
ance 12, Athletics 12

You make a decent living scavenging the Al-Nimri

forest for herbs and mushrooms. The forest is full
of jinn and other nameless creatures. You give them
a wide berth.

Equipment: A dagger, a small hand shovel, a belt

with numerous pouches, some mushrooms, and a large
green hat you sink into when creatures are about.

What have you seen? (roll d6)

1. Walking trees. You weren't drunk.
2. Your friend fall into a bottomless pit in the
centre of Al-Nimri forest.
3. Dead trees whispering your name. I was a little
4. A secret abandoned hut.
5. Yellow spirit in the tree tops.
6. A giant pipe smoking caterpillar.

1. What did you take from the forest? (roll d6)

2. A rock you swear is magical. It's not.
3. A stick you swear will lead you to water. It
4. A ring off a dead body. They won't miss it!
5. A tiny skull the size of your thumb.
6. A handful of mushrooms you plan on eating.
They're a diarrhoeic.
7. A leopard's claw that dislodged in your rear as
you ran away! That was close.


Small blade 10, Appraise 10, Sleight of Hand 12,
Streetwise 12, Medicine 12

Not only are you an excellent barber, but you're

great at lancing boils too! You have numerous home
remedies for ailments and wounds, most of which
would make the weak-hearted squirm.

Equipment: Sharp scissors, a copper knife, a bag

with various medicinal herbs, bandages, a straight
razor and soap.

Whose hair have you cut? (roll d6)

1. The famous poet Walid Ibn Useff.
2. The beard of Krog Stonehelm captain of the Rez-
zat guard.
3. The locks of Halawa, High Priestess of Anara.
4. A flock of sheep belonging to Lubb the Shepherd.
5. Kanza a greater jinn of the Raised Plains.
6. Omar the legendary desert rider.

What wound did you heal? (roll d6)

1. You removed all the rotting teeth from a Nomad.
2. You lanced boils on a sheep.
3. You used cupping to cure a migraine.
4. You've amputated a infected limb.
5. You've reattached an amputated limb. Backwards.
6. A poisonous bite from a slithering snake.


Advanced Careers
Far Hissain offers four additional advanced careers
and three additional community specific advanced
career options, which can only be entered by mem-
bers of the defined community. These are all avail-
able in addition to the careers in the core rules
and supplements.


Language 14, Ostler 14, Crossbow 14, Navigation 16,

Command 16, Diplomacy 16

You are a natural born leader and have made nu-

merous journeys across Far Hissain. Others rely on
you to lead them to their destination safely and
swiftly. You've never lost a caravaneer and don't
plan on it.

Required equipment: A map of Far Hissain, people to

lead, and a camel with colourful barding.

Bow OR Crossbow 14, Survival 14, Endurance 14, Ost-
ler 16, Athletics 16, Pole Arm 16

Whether its delivering information or riding into

battle, a cloud of sand always follows behind as
you lead the way. A master horseman able to deal a
swift death with a hail of arrows, other soldiers
fear your advance, unless you're on their side.

Required equipment: A fast steed, a bow (or cross-

bow), and an elaborate spear.


Appraise 14, Intimidate 14, Lie 14, Persuasion 16,

History 16, Medicine 16.

No mere charlatan, you are at one with the world

around you. You understand the delicate balance be-
tween all life. Others seek you out for the wisdom
you claim to possess.

Required equipment: Various trinkets and talismans,

divination bones of a creature, colourful kufi hat,
various medicinal herbs.


History 14, Dodge 14, Intimidate 14, Large Blade

16, Bow 16, Athletics 16

Your faith is an unwavering pillar of stone as your

god's law is the only law that matters. You excel
at using your sword to show your devotion. Often
you conduct missions presented to you by the high
priests and priestesses.

Required equipment: Religious cloak, a large elabo-

rate curved sword, a religious talisman and a book
of your faith.


Bow 14, Spot 14, Stealth 14, Athletics 16, Endur-

ance 16, Survival 16

You are a silent and deadly messenger of your tribe,

traveling great distances across the vast desert,
barely noticeable along the horizon.

Required equipment: Sand coloured clothing that

allows you to blend into the desert, a beautiful
elven bow, a leather satchel to carry messages


Intimidate 14, Dodge 14, Medicine 14, Athletics 16,

Endurance 16, Brawling 16

You come to Far Hissain searching for your fortune,

but fate had other plans for you. Out of money and
out of luck you took to the pits to earn coin. Now
you make your own fate, one punch at a time.

Required equipment: Just your fists, which you've



Small blade 14, Persuasion 14, Bargain 14, Diplo-

macy 16, Lie 16, Streetwise 16

Your sweet face and small stature get you dismissed

on a regular basis, and that's fine with you. It
makes it easier to get away with things, even mur-
der. You may not have dealt the killing blow, but
you pulled the strings.

Required equipment: A group of thugs, fine cloth-

ing, a most elaborate walking cane, and a hideout.

Equipment and Coin
The currency of Far Hissain comes in three types:
Fals, Dinars, and Gold Dinars. Fals are equivalent
to copper coins and used in smaller villages. Di-
nar are the same as silver coins and the standard
currency for the land. Gold dinar are the coin of
the wealthy and powerful. Ten fals make one dinar,
and ten dinar make a gold dinar. Coins and treas-
ure brought over from the Kingdom convert easily.
Money is money after all, it all spends the same.

Bartering is commonplace and often preferred by

nomadic tribes. Many merchants will agree to take
trade for items or services. Remember that most
people who trade will want to come out ahead in
some way. No one is looking to trade for an even

If you choose to limit equipment availability,

then common items are found in all types of set-
tlements. Middle class and upper class items are
found in larger cities and towns. Otherwise you
can make all equipment available anywhere, since
merchants frequently travel across Far Hissain,
and often stop to rest in small villages or nomad

The equipment listed in the Warlock! core rules is

available in Far Hissain. Simply use the conver-
sion method previously mentioned to figure out the
cost. In addition the tables below provide some
equipment that is unique to the Summer Empire.

Commoner's items
(1d6 Fals)
Upper Class Items
(1d6 Gold Dinar)
Evil Eye Talisman Jewellery
Dog Perfume
Goat/Lamb Lavish room
Soap Fine Art
Coffee Metal Armour
Dishdashah Silk 10 yards
Carrier Pigeon Stallion
Tagelmust Dhow (3d6)

Middle Class Items

(1d6 Dinar)
Camel/Common Horse (2d6)
Good room
Wooden Cart
Hour Glass
Barber Supplies
Animal Handling Supplies
Jaliyah (curved sword)
Henna Kit


GSurviving the Sea of Sand
Generally survival beyond the walls of sister cit-
ies is a routine affair. Date, walnut, plum, and
olive are some of the bountiful trees that cover
the land. Wells and small rivers are easily acces-
sible and wild game can be found with little ef-
fort. Truly, this is the land of plenty! Crossing
the Al Hajar Mountains is where things literally
dry up. Food and water are scarce or non-existent,
and players will need to be prepared if they wish
to survive.


Finding food in the desert consists of hunting

small game or finding edible plants. A successful
survival test (one test for the group or individ-
ually if the games master is lenient) will provide
one day's worth of food.

What's for dinner? (roll d6)

1. Leaves and flowers from an Acacia tree.

2. Rabbit! Fast little bugger, but you got 'em.
3. Snake! It'll do I suppose.
4. Sand gazelle! Beautiful creature, but you had
to do it!
5. Date palm! Fruit of the desert.
6. Large lizard! Tastes like chicken.


Finding water in the desert can be a daunting en-

deavour. Some plants, like Acacia trees, hold wa-
ter, and the possibility of finding an oasis always
exists... The mightiest warrior is easily felled by
dehydration. It is best to be prepared!

Those unable to get food or water for one day re-

duce their stamina by half. They will continue to
lose half their remaining stamina each day without
food or drink. Any stamina lost from starvation or
dehydration can only be regained after some food or
drink and a night's rest. After 3 days with no food
or water you can test your luck. If successful the
goddess of fate takes pity on you, and provides you
with nourishment. If the luck roll fails, you die.

The Empty Lands are a magically toxic zone. The

battles between the Sorcerer Kings and the jinn
cursed the land beyond just bleeding it dry. Spend-
ing too much time in the Empty Lands can cause a
considerable strain to visitors. After three days
spent in the desert, travellers must succeed in a
endurance test or suffer from sand sickness. Roll a
d6 on the cart below to find out how the sickness
effects you.

Sand sickness (roll d6)

1. Cracked. Your skin becomes dry and brittle. Lose

1d6 stamina during the process. All tests for
the next 1d3 days are made at -3 penalty due
to the pain. Your skin returns to normal after
drinking a camel's worth of water.


2. Thirst. You are unable to quench your thirst.
You must drink twice the amount of water for 1d3
days. If you run out of water, you will take it
from whomever you can, by whatever means neces-

3. Haunted. For 1d3 days you are haunted by those

from your past. Ex-lovers, victims, enemies,
your parents: they all appear to you causing
dismay and sorrow. All tests are made with a -3
penalty till they finish harassing you.

4. Marked. The energy of the desert envelopes you.

You become a magical leech for 1d3 days. Anyone
in nearby range using a scroll to cast a spell
must spend twice the required stamina.

5. Gorge. You become famished beyond belief. The

only thing that can sate your hunger is sand.
Anyone cursed with this affliction will eat sand
until they vomit and fall unconscious. They will
wake after one day with a terrible stomach-ache.

6. Visions. Your eyes glaze over and reveal the

secrets of the desert. You can see through the
Veil and into the Invisible Realm. However, this
is extremely confusing, as you can't tell the
realms apart. You spend the next 1d3 days in a
babbling hysteria confused about your exist-
ence. There is a 1 in 6 chance that you find a
secret entrance into the Invisible Realm.


Magic in Far Hissain
Much of the magic of Far Hissain can be traced back
to the jinn. When a caster uses a scroll, they are
reaching through the Veil and exchanging their life
force (stamina) for the magical power of a jinn.
They shape this power using the precise wording of
the scroll and form a spell. Scrolls and magical
working from the Kingdom function as intended in
Far Hissain.


Once successfully cast it binds a jinn to an ob-

ject. It will allow someone to use the object to
activate the jinn's power, as discussed on page 84.


This is old healing magic that calls upon the gods

to cure unnatural effects on the body. With their
touch the caster uses this power to cure sand sick-
ness, evil eye, and other curses. The spell can
also be used to remove impurities and filth from
food and water.


The caster causes flashes and colourful sparkles to

radiate around a nearby source of light. The sparks
dance erratically, startling beasts, unintelligent
creatures, and children for 1d3 rounds.


A very powerful spell that deflects any other spells,

curses, or maladies off the caster and to the near-
est creature. The Game Master secretly rolls 1d6
for the duration of this effect in rounds.

DISC (3)

The caster summons the power of the wind jinn,

forming a disc that can carry 500lbs. The disc
floats 5ft off the ground and moves at the pace of
an old man with a cane. It will always follow the
caster, staying within 10 ft. If the weight limit
is exceeded the disc disappears and the spell ends.
Otherwise the spell lasts 1 hour.


A powerful curse from beyond the realms. It is

infamous amongst the locals of Far Hissain. Often
glancing at someone in an intimidating way is cause
enough for panic. The victim must succeed at a luck
test to avoid the caster's gaze. Roll 1d20 to see
the effect of the evil eye.

1. Fright. A shiver down the spine of the victim

and all tests made by them have a -3 penalty
for 1d3 rounds.

2. Panic. Freeze for 1d3 rounds. Unable to any-

thing but whimper and call out for their mother.

3. Shaky hands. Uncontrollable shaking for 1d3

rounds causing the victim to drop anything in
their hands.

4. Bloody nose. A stream of blood exits the vic-

tim's nasal cavities. Lose 1d3 stamina and gain
a -2 penalty to their next test.

5. Blind. The victim's eyes cloud up and they go

bind for 1d6 rounds. An test that requires sight
G fails or must be rolled twice with the worse re-
sult taken. The victim's eyes permanently turn
a light blue in colour.

6. Faint. The victim falls prone and goes uncon-

scious for 1d3 rounds.

7. Sickness. The victim falls violently ill for

1d3 days. During this time all tests are made
at a -3 penalty, and it's best to stay close to
a lavatory.

8. Hunger. A wave of hunger overwhelms the victim.

They must eat twice the normal amount for 1d3
days. If unable to eat they suffer a -3 penalty
to all tests till they satiate their hunger.

9. Thirst. The victim cannot consume enough water

to quench their thirst for 1d3 days. They re-
quire twice the normal amount of water. If they
don't drink enough water they will suffer a -5
penalty to all tests.

10. Sleep. Once per day for 1d3 days the victim
falls asleep at an inconvenient time (deter-
mined by the games master).

11. Stench. A nauseous smell emits from the victim's

body. It's a mixture of bad fish and lavender.
Suffer a -5 penalty to social interactions for
1d6 days.

12. Rotten. Overnight the 1d6 of the victim's teeth

become rotten and fall out.

13. Frivolous. There is no point to holding onto all

this coin. The victim goes out and spends all

G their money on large hats, embroidered under-
garments, new shoes, and other fanciful things.

14. Spoil. For the next 1d3 days any food the victim
touches becomes infested with maggots and any
water that touches their lips turns to bile.

15. Night Terrors. For 1d3 nights the victim will

wake to terrifying dreams of their demise. No
amount of drink or narcotics will provide a
night's rest. Suffer -1 to Test for each con-
secutive day without rest.

16. Fowl Frenzy. The victim will constantly be bom-

barded by birds whenever possible. This lasts
for 1d3 days.

17. Itching. The victim has a bout of itchiness

lasting 1d6 rounds. They are unable to concen-
trate on any other action and suffer a -3 pen-
alty to all Tests.

18. Hairy. Overnight the victim grows hair all over

their body and face. Social interactions re-
quiring a test have a -5 penalty. The hair will
fall out in 1d6 days.

19. Infestation. Insects pour out of the victim's

mouth for 1d3 turns. During this alarming exo-
dus the victim cannot take any action besides

20. Boils. The victim breaks out in painful boils

taking 1d6 loss of stamina and suffering a -3
penalty to social interactions. The boils dis-
appear in 1d6 days.

A favourite among thieves and swindlers. This spell
implores a jinn who covets wealth to grant the
caster the ability to turn any metal into gold for
1d6 hours. It's best to leave town after casting
the spell. Merchants never forget the face of a

FUEL (3)

This incantation causes a handful of sand to become

flammable - great fuel for camp fires, lanterns, or
incendiary devices.


The caster recites the incantation and uses their

body to host a swarm of insects. The creepy crawl-
ers form in their belly and can be seen moving
around under the skin. The caster can then vomit
them up in a blast that can reach anything nearby.
A successful attack requires a ranged test us-
ing the caster's thrown skill against the target's
dodge. If successful the swarm does 1d6+4 damage,
then flies away.

MEND (3)

Welding the power of the builder jinn, the caster

can repair small breaks and cracks to all manner of
materials. The caster may expend more stamina for
larger repairs (at the game master's discretion).

MOVE (4)

Using this spell shifts the sand underneath the

target in a forward motion. The subject can then
ride the sand moving twice their normal rate for
1d6 hours without exerting themselves.

PIT (4)

The caster draws a five foot circle on the ground

with their finger. The ground below the circle
crumbles forming a ten foot deep pit. The spell
will only work on soil or other types of loose
earth. It cannot penetrate stone or rock.


A spell created by the Sorcerer Kings that uses cha-

otic power to create a protective aura around the
caster extending 20 feet. Any otherworldly creature
or jinn will not be able to approach the caster for
1d3 rounds.


Using the power of the water jinn the caster creates

1d6 gallons of water out of thin air. It's wise to
have some sort of container around, otherwise the
water simply splashes onto the ground, wasted.


RAGE (4)

The caster calls forth the fiery anger of an Ifrit,

transporting it into a nearby target. The target
fills with rage, gaining +5 to melee combat rolls,
and attacks the closet creature regardless if it's
a friend or foe. The effect lasts for 1d6 rounds;
the target then suffers 1d6 stamina loss from ex-


In an instant a wave of blue light emits form the

caster in a 20 foot radius. The light uncovers all
invisible or hidden entities revealing their lo-
cation. The light will also uncover a beings true
form (a jinn disguised as a dog will be revealed as
a jinn). The blue light will also reveal any host
possessed by a jinn.


Summoning forth the power of the sea, this spell

projects a radiant field around a water borne ves-
sel. The field adds 2d6 armour to the vessel for
1d6 turns.

SEAL (5)

Created by the Sorcerer Kings during the Great War,

this spell uses arcane magic to form an invincible
seal nearby. The seal has a 20ft radius which im-
prisons otherworldly and spiritual (jinn) entities
for 1d6 rounds. Entities so imprissoned may not
pass through the seal by any means until the dura-
tion has elapsed.


The caster calls upon a wind jinn to remove a room's

worth of air from around the caster for 1d3 rounds.
All natural flames extinguish and any air breathing
creature caught in the area will become stunned as
they gasp to breathe, except the caster.


The caster gains the eyes of the jinn. For 1d6

rounds they can see invisible creatures, hidden
spirits, and through any false forms. They can also
use this vision to peer into the other realms, re-
vealing any hidden gateways.

Artefacts of Far Hissain
Listed below are a few magical artefacts that ex-
ist in Far Hissain. These artefacts consist most-
ly of objects containing imprisoned jinn, and do
not require the wielder to attune to them. If the
wielder of the artefact knows the jinn's true name
they may call it forth to serve them (the process
is explained in the Powers of Binding section later
in this book). Items that do not contain imprisoned
jinn require the user to first attune to it, which
requires a successful incantation test - fail, and
they may never use the item.


The flaming sword is a plain curved sword with a

hilt wrapped in red fabric. Zabara the ifrit was
imprisoned in this weapon over a century ago. His
anger burns like a thousand suns. The wielder must
pass an incantation test and cut themselves with
the blade (losing 1 stamina) before it will burst
into flames. The flames add an additional d6 to
damage and ignite flammable objects. The flames
last d6 rounds before extinguishing. If a miscast
is rolled during the test, Zabara will break his
bond and seek his revenge. The Gods pity the fool
who wields the blade when the enchantment is bro-


After a successful incantation test, this elegant

looking carpet allows the user to fly up to heights
of 100ft. It can comfortably hold up to four people
with a combined weight of 1000lbs. Farooq the wind
jinn is bound to the carpet and yearns for a re-
lease from his prison. The magic is finicky and has
a tendency to fizzle out. Every time it's used, the
games master secretly rolls a d6. On a result of
1 the magic fails mid-flight. On a miscast Farooq
will escpae his bonds.


Wards against the Evil Eye are common throughout

Far Hissain. This is one of the few mundane talisman
that does not require attunement. These wards are
typically talismans shaped as an eye, with stained
blue glass inserted in the iris. The talisman will
protect the user from one effect of the Evil Eye.
Once used the glass breaks, rendering the talisman
useless. Carrying multiple talismans is pointless,
as they will all break when one is used.


GThe Many Jinn
The jinn are beings that exist behind the Veil,
in the Invisible Realm known as Malakut. They are
often viewed as devils, angels, or monsters. This
is an unfortunate misconception among the people
of Far Hissain. Many jinn exist in communities,
each with their own customs and beliefs. They build
villages, farm, and raise their children the same
as humans. No two jinn possess the same personal-
ity. A rock jinn from the Hajar mountains may be
grumpy and easy to anger, but his sibling could be
kind hearted and playful. All jinn have a true name
they keep secret from all others (even their own
kin). Knowing the true name of a jinn grants you
power over them, allowing a spell caster to create
a scroll to summon and possibly bind them. Jinn
are creatures that feed off the life force of oth-
er living creatures. The more powerful jinn trade
magic or enter pacts in exchange for life force.
Some feed off animals, while others prefer humans
or plants. Jinn don't normally kill the source of
their food; instead they take what they need and
move on. Others consider the mortal realm an all
you can eat buffet, leaving a trail of bodies in
their wake. Jinn fall into three categories: Less-
er, Greater, and Supreme.


The most common type of jinn, those with only a

hint of magic coursing through their veins, are the

lesser jinn. Lacking the magical strength to cross
through the Veil at will, most reside in the mortal
realm intermingling with human communities. They
sustain themselves by eating and drinking as people
would. Some choose a more villainous path, prefer-
ring to drain the life force of mortals.


A powerful type of jinn made up of a considerable

amount of magical energy, greater jinn wield po-
tent magic and are feared throughout Far Hissain.
Once per day these jinn can freely travel through
the Veil and between realms. They prefer to stay
in Malakut, keeping a few humans around to sustain
their hunger. Greater jinn will travel to the mor-
tal realm to gorge themselves, or when summoned.


The greatest of the jinn, each one unique amongst

all others, most supreme jinn reside in Malakut,
setting up kingdoms and presiding over lesser jinn.
The few that choose to remain in the mortal realm
live solitary lives, granting magic to human fol-
lowers who worship and elevate them as gods. Su-
preme jinn know no boundaries and travel between
the realms at will.

Due to the unpredictable temperament of jinn and
past instances of wanton destruction, the practice
of summoning a jinn is forbidden in Far Hissain.
Still, for some the lure of power is overwhelming.
Each summoning scroll is specific to a certain
jinn, and bears its true name. The scroll will
only summon the named jinn, and if it should perish
while in service, the scroll crumbles to ash.

The Summon spell is taken from Warlock! Compendi-

um 1 (pages 37 and 38), with a few caveats. The
caster carefully constructs circle, replete with
arcane sigils, drawn in salt. Frankincense (which
jinn find appealing) is burned during the ritual to
calm the jinn. An offering (specific to the jinn)
must be placed is placed in the centre of the cir-
cle. The games master determines what makes up the
offering, but it must be worth the jinn's skill
level in coins. Offerings to a lesser jinn use Fals
(pennies), greater jinn are equal to dinar (silver
coins) and supreme jinn offerings are equal to gold
dinar (gold coins).

The spell takes one hour, during which the caster

enters a trance and is unable to perform any ac-
tions. If the spell is interrupted the stamina is
spent and the summoning fails. If the spell is suc-
cessful, the jinn will appear in burst of fire and
smoke. The caster must be able to touch the circle
to cast the spell. The caster must then test their
luck - if they are successful, the creature will
be bound by the circle and unable to leave unless
it strikes a bargain with the caster or the circle

is disrupted. Any such bargains are binding. If G
the caster has bad luck, the circle was incorrect-
ly drawn and the creature is free to step out of
it - what happens next is up to the games master!
Summoned jinn return to their realm after one whole
day, if they are killed or when they have achieved
their side of any bargain struck, whichever comes

The process of binding uses magic created by the
Sorcerer Kings to enslave the jinn. The few bind-
ing scrolls that survived the Great War are highly
sought after. To be effective the caster must know
the true name of the jinn - without the true name,
the spell is just a jumble of words and gestures.
The jinn must be bound to a non-magical object.
The bind spell is usually cast in conjunction with
a summon spell. The caster and jinn engage in a
contested incantation test. Failure for the caster
results in the stamina being spent with no effect.
Casters should proceed with caution, as failing to
bind a jinn has dire consequences. It will lash out
at the caster trying to destroy the scroll. Any
future attempts to summon the jinn will have a -5


Binding allows you to summon the jinn once per day

without a ritual. When called from a bound object

the jinn must follow the commands of the summon-
er, returning to its prison after one full day of
service. The caster must still make a successful
incantation and pay the stamina cost to summon the
jinn from to object. Rolling miscast will re-
sult in the bond breaking, freeing the jinn. Once
freed, the jinn will always seek vengeance against
the caster that enslaved it. If the jinn is killed
while bound, the object will crumble to dust.

In addition to summoning, the object used to bind

the jinn will have an enchantment. Activating these
enchantments does not require an incantation test.
The enchantments range from cosmetic to amazing,
depending on the power of the bound jinn. The more
powerful the enchantment the greater its drawback.
Ultimately, the enchantment is up the games master.
Some examples are given below.


Lesser enchantments are purely cosmetic, with lit-

tle risk or drawbacks. Roll a d6.

1. The jinn can be heard arguing with itself when

the object is placed against your ear.
2. At any given time the object's colour changes.
3. The object repels dirt and grime.
4. A faint smell of frankincense emits from the
5. A faint glow surrounds the object.
6. The object attracts song birds.



Greater enchantments offer a limited amount of pow-

er in exchange for a mild drawback. Roll a d6.

1. The object is immune to fire, absorbing its ef-

fects. Each day after absorbing the flame roll
a d6. On a 1 the flame explodes from the object
causing 1d6 stamina to everything within 10ft.
2. A radiant glow (equal to torchlight) always
emits from the object. Always.
3. When held or worn the object gives you 1d6 addi-
tional armour points, but will cause you to sink
like a stone.
4. Ignoring your personality, the object makes you
more appealing by making everyone around you
less so. You gain +3 to social tests, while
everyone in a 20ft radius suffers a -3 penalty
to social tests.
5. You become exceptionally lucky, except when
you're not. While holding/wearing the object
you gain 1 additional luck, failing a luck test
costs you twice as much.
6. The wielder of this object can jump 20ft straight
up. It's always 20ft up, so watch out for ceil-


These extraordinary enchantments always offer a se-

vere drawback. Nothing this powerful comes without
risk. Roll a d6.

1. Once per week, the object can call forth 2d6

undead to aid the wielder. The undead can come
from anywhere within a 1 mile radius. They will
congregate around the object, attacking any-
thing living, except the wielder of the object.
At the next sunrise they will crumble to dust.
2. A 20ft anti-magic shell surrounds the object.
Any spell that requires the expenditure of stam-
ina automatically fails when cast in the an-
ti-magic shell.
3. The object allows the user to fly up to heights
of 100ft. It can carry up to 1000lbs of weight.
The magic is finicky and has a tendency to fiz-
zle out. Every time it's used, the Game Master
secretly rolls a d6. On a result of 1 the magic
fails mid-flight.
4. Once per day the object will allow up to a dozen
people to breathe underwater, by turning them
into fish. The effect lasts for 1d3 hours.
5. The object absorbs any miscast spells in a 20ft
radius. The games master secretly rolls a d6.
This is the total number of miscast the object
can absorb. After reaching the total, the next
miscast absorbed causes the object to expel a
magical explosion of misfortune. Roll on the
miscast table (Warlock! core book page 111) and
apply the effect to everyone in a 20ft radius.
6. Once per week the object can be used to open a
doorway to another realm. The games master se-
cretly rolls a d6. On a 1-4 the doorway leads to
Malakut, on a 5 it leads to the Void. A 6 leads
to a realm of the games master's choosing. The
doorway will remain open until the next sunrise
and cannot be closed.

GThe Seven Jinn Kings
There are seven supreme jinn that rule over the
jinn communities. It is said that they stand equal
with the gods. They posses an enormous amount of
magical energy, and are able to freely travel be-
tween realms. It is said that the Jinn Kings are
the source of many of the magical scrolls in Far
Hissain. They reside in Malakut setting themselves
up in grand palaces as the rule over the other
jinn. Like squabbling children, most of their time
is spent constantly feuding over petty things. The
Great War was the last time the Kings were united
together against a common enemy.


The most infernal of the Kings, with long ears and

eyes of flame, Al Mazhab's head is surrounded by
a halo of golden fire and his upper torso is made
from flame and smoke. The Gold King has numerous
jinn children, many of which are impressive schol-
ars, seeking knowledge and artefacts.


The oldest of the seven Jinn Kings, Marah Al-Abyad

is covered in yellow wrinkled skin with two goat
horns protruding from his head. He is a wise jinn,
slow to act, preferring instead to poke and prod
from afar.


Slow witted but passionate, this king is feared

among all jinn for his savagery. Zawba'ah has four
faces, surrounding a bull head with horns. His
children are the sentinels of the Empty Lands,
traveling in sandstorms and cyclones.


The Red King sits atop a great lion. He is quick to

anger and prone to tantrums, carrying a long sword
and a severed head of a Sorcerer King. With pointed
ears and flames for eyes, his image is fearsome.
He is always accompanied by three attendees, who
grovel at his feet.


Maymun has large wings with red and golden feathers

sprouting from his back. He has a muscular body
with ornate golden arm bands, and his head is more
bestial than human. Goat ears and bull horns sit
atop his skull. Large ivory tusks sprout from his
mouth. He visits the mortal realm, kidnapping and
executing those who would harm his children.


A powerful wizard who has a legion of ferocious

jinn at his disposable, there is a secret school of
the dark arts devoted to The Blue King. There he
teaches harmful magic to jinn and wizards. Barqan's
palace houses an immense trove of treasures.


This giant jinn has a bluish tint to his wrinkled

skin and a nest of vipers for hair. He is the larg-
est of the Kings, towering over all the others. His
voice sounds like the crashing of waves against a
rocky shore. He practices the art of healing and
all his jinn children are versed in his ways. His
daughter is the mother of witches.


There is nothing that jinn fear more than wolves,

as they love to eat the jinn. Wolves have unnatural
power over a jinn. Many jinn have the ability to
shape change, but the wolf is a form no jinn can
take. A jinn cannot hide from a wolf with invisi-
bility and the wolf will always see a jinn in its
true form. If a jinn gets caught in a wolf's gaze
it will be unable to flee from the mortal realm.


At the height of the Great War the Sorcerer Kings

used corrupt magic to transform captured jinn into
dog-like beasts. They called theses perversions the
Hinn. The mutated dog jinn are ferocious fighters,
gaining strength from their pain.

GSeeing the Unseen
Some individual jinn are provided in the book, but
there are too many to list. Provided below are tem-
plates to create your own. First start by select-
ing one of the three types: lesser, greater, or
supreme. Base statistics are provided in the tem-
plates (you can reference the Warlock! core rules
page 111 for descriptions of terms). The next step
is rolling for the jinn's powers on the ability
chart. Roll once for a lesser jinn, twice for a
greater jinn, and three times for a supreme jinn.
Lastly, describe the jinn's physical appearance
(your imagination has no limits!). Remember not all
jinn have monstrous forms, some are rather mundane.


Actions/Round 1
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapons/5/-
Armour None
Adventuring Skill 4
Stamina 20
Notes Intelligent


Actions/Round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapons/6/-
Armour None
Adventuring Skill 6
Stamina 40
Notes Intelligent


Actions/Round 3
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapons/10/-
Armour None
Adventuring Skill 8
Stamina 60
Notes Intelligent, Spell caster,

Jinn Abilities
Magical jinn often have a number of abilities that
reveal their otherworldly nature.

1. Meaty. The jinn is especially heavy with excess

weight or muscle. Add an additional 10 stamina
to their base.
2. Swift. An incredibly fast jinn. Add an extra
attack per round.
3. Breathe. As an attack the jinn is able to exhale
some sort of damaging breathe. Flames, poison
gas, frost, needles, and hornets are some exam-
ples. The attack does 2d6 damage and is opposed
by dodging.
4. Two-Faced. Double-headed jinn gaining an extra
attack. Each head has it's own personality.
Roll a d6, if the result is odd then the heads
constantly bicker.
5. Flames. The jinn is completely engulfed in
flames and immune to fire. Any physical attack
by the jinn adds an extra 1d6 of fire damage.
6. Water. The body is made of water. The jinn can

G move easily underwater with no need for air.
Normal weapons are pointless, it can only be
harmed by magic or iron.
7. Learned. Cunning and manipulative, add 5 to the
jinn's adventuring skill.
8. Horns. Large horns protrude from the head of the
jinn and it gains a gore action in addition to
its normal attack.
9. Flight. The jinn can fly using a gust of wind
or some form of wings.
10. Invisibility. The jinn can render itself invis-
ible at will. While invisible, enemies fighting
the jinn suffer a penalty of -5 to their rolls.
11. Armoured. This jinn is covered in scales, rock,
hide, or amour. Shift armour up one level.
12. Shapeshifter. The jinn can shape shift into
any animal (except a wolf) or human form. The
jinn retains all it's statistics and abilities,
plus any from the new form (flight, breathing
underwater, climbing, etc.) The new form can
only be held for a short time unless the jinn
also possesses the Animalistic ability. Then it
can shape change into the form associated with
Animalistic as long as it desires.
13. Spell Caster. The jinn knows 1d6 spells and can
cast them without a scroll or expending stam-
14. Evil Eye. Somewhere on the jinns body is a third
eye (forehead, palm, chest, etc.). Once per day
the jinn can use the eye to cast Evil Eye with-
out a scroll or expending stamina.
15. Animalistic. Possess the head and/or appendages
of an animal this jinn gains a Bite action in
addition to its normal attack.
16. Poison. The jinn is venomous. On a successful
attack, the victim must test their luck. If

they fail, the victim is poisoned, and loses
1d6 stamina at the start of the next 1d3 rounds.
Poison or venom effects from the same source are
not cumulative.
17. Possession. A rare and feared power of the jinn,
the jinn's essence leaves its body and is able
to travel up to 10 miles away. The jinn can then
enter another living host after successfully
completing an opposed Adventure skill roll ver-
sus the host's luck. The jinn has full control
of host for 1d6 hours. During the possession the
jinn will have access to all the hosts abil-
ities, but not their memories or personality.
The jinn can be forced out of the hosts body by
a banishing spell or when the host is wounded
(to half their stamina). While possessing a
hosts, the jinn's body is left vulnerable in a
state of deep sleep. If its body is wounded in
anyway, it will leave the host and wake imme-
18. Giant. The jinn is enormous in height and mass,
adding +2 to attack skill rolls, +1d6 to damage
rolls and +12 stamina.
19. Frosty. The jinn has the ability to freeze ob-
jects with its touch. Any physical attack by the
jinn adds an extra 1d6 of frost damage.
20. Divination. Able to see through space and time,
the jinn can preform a ritual to answer three
questions about things to come. The specifics
of the ritual are left to the games master, but
should be costly or involve a quest. Besides
foretelling the future, the jinn gains a +3 bo-
nus to all tests, as it is always one step ahead
of any outcome.

Far Hissain


Type Supreme Jinn

Actions/round 4
Weapon/Skill/Damage Fist/10/2d6+3
Armour None
Adventuring skills 8
Stamina 70
Notes Intelligent, spell caster,

Ability: Fist Army. If Abu Sariq hits a target with

it's fist, it can use an action to send a dozen
hands onto the victim. The hands crush, punch,
choke, and poke the target for an additional 2d6
damage. A successful luck test will reduce the dam-
age by half as the victim tries to throw off the

Description - Abu Sariq is a powerful spirit jinn

worshipped by thieves and cut throats. It's body
is made up of hundreds of hands, each one chopped
off of an unlucky thief. Some of these hands know
magic, making Abu Sariq a formidable advisory. It
resides in dens of corruption and malice, feeding
off it's worshippers.



Type Monster
Actions/round 1
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Horn/5/1d6+1
Armour None
Adventuring skills 2
Stamina 10
Notes -

Ability: Charge! The first attack of combat is a

charge doing 2d6 damage.

Description - The Al'Miraj are carnivorous rabbit

creatures with a single horn protruding from their
forehead. They can grow to the size of a large dog.
Commonly found on the Raised Plains or the Empty
Lands, their horns are highly sought after and used
to create concoctions and magical powders.



Type Greater Jinn

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Club and bite /10/2d6
Armour 1d3 thick skin
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 36
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Curse. An Aghash may cast Evil Eye once

per turn by gazing at its victim. It uses no stam-
ina and doesn't need a scroll to cast the spell.It
cannot target the same victim twice.

Description - A large blue skinned jinn with a

single blue eye in place of a face, Aghash feed
through a gaping mouth located on their stomachs.
The Aghash are filled with hate and will always
seek to destroy anything beautiful. They mostly
live in the Al Hajar mountains, but will occasion-
ally wander further in search of food. The stone
jinn are the natural enemy of the Aghash, feuding
over territory and food.



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Fist and Bite/5/1d6+3
Armour None
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 28
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Pummel. Using all four of its fists a Babi

can spend its actions to pummel an opponent in a
flurry of blows. The Pummel attack knocks the tar-
get of their feet doing 3d6 damage.

Description - Four armed baboons that make their

homes in the caverns along the Raised Plains. Thoth,
the king of baboons, rules over the Babi from his
throne of bones. The ferocious creatures attack an-
ything that intrudes onto their territory.



Type Lesser Jinn/Civilized

Actions/round 1
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/4/-
Armour None
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 12
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Mimic. Bird Men have the uncanny ability

to mimic voices and sounds. If a spell is cast be-
fore the Bird Man takes its action, they can use
mimic to cast the same spell. They do this by imi-
tating the casters words and gestures. The stamina
cost must still be spent and the mimic takes the
Bird Man's action.

Description - Communities of Bird Men make there

home deep within the Al Nimri forest. The largest
is ruled by a magnificent queen with exceptionally
colourful plumage. A full grown Bird Man stands as
tall as a halfling, but at half the weight (less
pie). They hunt in packs, preferring to set traps
and outwit their prey.



Type Otherworldly
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Tentacles/5/1d6
Armour None
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 28
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Control! This ability can only be used if

a target willingly carries the Devalpa on their
back. The victim must pass a luck test to throw
it off before the tentacles enslave them. If the
test is failed the Devalpa latches on and cannot be
removed against its will, without the killing the
host. Any damage the it takes is transferred to the
host. Though the host still has complete control
over their actions, the Devalpa can drain 1d3 stam-
ina a day from them. It uses this power to threaten
the host into cooperating. The stamina cannot be
recovered until the demon is removed.

Description - A fiendish demon from the void, born

into the mortal realm from lies and mistrust. A De-
valpa frequents lightly travelled roads, disguis-
ing itself as a cripple in order to get a passer
by to carry them. Once the Good Samaritan has the
Devalpa on their back, it releases its tentacles to
control the unsuspecting person. They use the host
to eat, travel, and procreate.



Type Lesser Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/6/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 28
Notes Intelligent, spell caster

Ability: Immunity. Div are immune to charm, sleep,

and confusion effects.

Description - The Div are large monstrous horned

creatures that inhabit the Al-Nimri forest. Despite
their crude weapons and distorted appearance, the
Div are accomplished spell casters. They despise
beauty, going out of their way to destroy anything
they deem pleasant to the eye. They especially have
a deep hatred of the Peri, hunting them and grind-
ing them up into a magical powder.



Type Otherworldly
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/7/-
Armour None
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 28
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Seduction. Once per day the song of a

Dulhath can charm humanoid creatures. Test against
luck or become entranced for 1d6 rounds. Entranced
beings will try and get as close as possible to the
Dulhath to bask in it's melody.

Description - A hideous creature that at first

glance appears to be a man riding an ostrich - upon
closer inspection the true horror of the Dulhath
reveals itself! The Dulhath is a grotesque combina-
tion of man and ostrich. The human body grows from
the top of the large ostrich like a tumour. It's
human appearance is that of an old man with large
arms that dangle down. The man's mouth is oversized
and full of sharp teeth, yet it speaks in the soft
voice of a woman. Often it can be found along the
coast, singing out to sailors in a mesmerizing



Type Greater Jinn / Monster

Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Bite/8/2d6
Armour 1d6 scales
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 35
Notes Intelligent, poisonous

Ability: Poison. Falak can use one of its attacks

to spit a glob of poison bile at a nearby target. If
the bile hits a target, the victim must test their
luck. If they fail, they become poisoned. Poisoned
victims lose 1d6 stamina at the start of the next
1d3 rounds.

Description - A vile jinn that delights in torture

and suffering of its victims, the Falak has the
body of a large serpent and the face of a man. It
makes it's home within the Harir marsh feeding off
silk farmers who dare to venture too deep.



Type Lesser Jinn/Civilized

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/6/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 28
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Helper. Gaunt Men can fashion up to 4 hu-

manoid helpers from earth and straw. The helpers
have the same stats as a Goblin in Warlock!

Description - They appear as a tall and slender men

with exaggerated facial features and long arms.
There's a great deal of uncertainty concerning the
number of Gaunt Men as they all look exactly the
same. In fact some people assume that there's only
one Gaunt Man who travels from village to village,
collecting and selling trinkets. Running across a
Gaunt Man is considered to be a blessing as they
will always share their dinner and tobacco with
kind travellers.



Type Lesser Jinn

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Bite/6/2d6
Armour Hide 1d3
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 18
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Shifter. The Ghul assume the form of any

humanoid. Regardless of what form it takes, it's
feet are always hooves.

Description - These gruesome jinn are the offspring

of the supreme jinn, Ibris. Similar to the Ghouls
of the Kingdom, they consume the flesh of the dead,
but prefer live food. They are a sexless jinn and
can take any humanoid form they wish, however their
feet will always remain hooves. To protect a house-
hold against the Ghul, it is customary for guests
to remove their shoes before entering a dwelling,
so the home owner can check for hooves.



Type Monster
Actions/round 1
Weapon/Skill/Damage Bite/5/1d6
Armour Chitin 1d6
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 10
Notes Poisonous, Flying

Ability: If a beetles bite inflicts damage the tar-

get must pass an luck test or become paralyzed for
1d3 rounds.

Description - Large beetles are a common sight in

Far Hissain, Growing to the size of a large dog,
these insects are typically encountered in swarms
of 2d6. They prefer to paralyse their prey before
eating them alive.



Type Monster
Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon, Stinger, Claw/6/2d6
Armour Chitin 1d6
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 20
Notes Intelligent, Poisonous

Ability: Swipe. The Girtablilu can use an action to

swipe at a target with its tail. The target must
pass a Luck test or be knocked prone to the ground,
losing their next action.

Description - Fate smiles on those who cross paths

with a Girtablilu and live to tell the tale. These
monstrosities live in the ruins of the Empty Lands.
Some say they were made by Sorcerer Kings. In an
attempt to create a super warrior they fused elves
and giant scorpions together. They abhor desert
elves, attacking them on sight.



Type Lesser Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Weapon/5/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 22
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Frenzy. When reduced to half their stami-

na, a Hinn enters a blood frenzy that doubles their
attack bonus.

Description - Created from corrupt magic, the Hinn

are a mutated community of jinn. Twisted into dog
like beasts by the Sorcerer Kings, they are fero-
cious fighters. Unable to feel fear, a Hinn will
always fight to the death.



Type Uncivilized
Actions/round 1
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/6/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 15
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Immune to poison and petrifaction.

Description - Mongoose like creatures from the

hills of Kaftar, these powerful warriors hunt Za-
braq around Mount Du'Bal, moving in packs of 1d6+3
members. They distrust mortals, but have been known
to trade with a few nomadic tribes.



Type Greater Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Flame, Weapon/8/2d6+3
Armour 1d6 hardened skin
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 42
Notes Intelligent, flying, flame

Ability: Flames. Ifrit can spew flames from their

mouth at a nearby target. The flames do 2d6 damage,
ignore armour and ignite flammable objects.

Description - Made from smoke and fire, these in-

fernal jinn live underground and in ruins. They
have large tribes with kings and queens and deem
themselves royalty amongst the other jinn. They
yearn for power and would most likely have it, if
their tribes weren't constantly bickering.



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Thorns/7/1d6+3
Armour None
Adventuring skills 2
Stamina 24
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Envelope! On a successful attack, the tar-

get becomes entangled and takes 1d3 damage each
round until it passes an Athletics test.

Description - An intelligent bramble bush of vary-

ing colour and size, this creature can move slowly
by uprooting, but tends to stay in areas with a de-
cent amount of food. The Jidra envelops and crushes
it's prey, then absorbs its nutrients. They have a
weakness to fire, taking double damage from flames.



Type Greater Jinn

Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Weapon/8/-
Armour Armour
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 48
Notes Intelligent, Spell caster

Ability: Drown. As an action the Marid can fill a

target's lungs with water. The victim must pass a
luck test or start drowning for 1d3 turns. Drowning
victims are unable to take any actions and suffer
a loss of d6 stamina per round.

Description - Rebellious jinn that take pleasure

reeking havoc on the mortal realm, Marid can be
found leading bands of raiders on villages or de-
stroying groves and livestock. It is within their
nature to be uncooperative, often doing the op-
posite of any tasks asked while summoned. Marid
prefer to stay close to water as it is the element
closest to their nature.



Type Lesser jinn/monster

Actions/round 1
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Fist/4/1d6
Armour None
Adventuring skills 3
Stamina 10
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Disintegrating touch. A Nasnas touch de-

stroys the flesh of living creatures. If a target
is successfully hit they must test their luck or
receive an additional 2d6 damage from the disinte-
grating touch.

Description - The offspring of a human and Shiqq,

the Nasnas is literally the left half of a human
split down the middle. They are extremely agile and
capable of one footed swift movement. Nasnas are
not aggressive and would rather run than fight.
Unfortunately, the Nasnas is delicious and hunted
for it's tasty meat.



Type Lesser Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Spear/3/1
Armour None
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 3
Notes Intelligent, spell caster,

Ability: Sleep. Peri can cast the Sleep spell (page

96 Warlock!) once per day without a scroll or stam-
ina cost.

Description - Beautiful spirits with feathered

wings that inhabit the Al Nimri Forest. Peri are no
larger than a man's hand, and are often mistaken
for birds. They carry small poisoned tipped spears,
and know the sleep spell if things get hairy. Peri
war parties are accompanied by at least one wood-
land beast. Usually it's a bear or boar, but never
a wolf. Peri are at war with the Div of the forest,
who capture and grind the them to dust. The Div use
the dust in all manner of concoctions



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Beak, Claw/7/2d6+3
Armour Feathers 1d3
Adventuring skills 3
Stamina 40
Notes Flying

Ability: Clutch! After a successful attack the tar-

get must succeed on a luck test or be carried away
in the claws of the Rukh. The target can make an
athletics test on their turn to escape the clutch,
but risks falling!

Description - Enormous birds of prey resembling

vultures, these avian predators have been known to
hunt elephants and even whales! They nest on the
highest peaks of Rukh cove. The yolk of their eggs
are said to prolong life, hence they are coveted by
wizards and royalty.



Type Lesser Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon and Bite/6/2d6
Armour Stone skin* 2d6
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 32
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Stone skin. The giants have large stones

growing out of their bodies. This natural armour is
resistant to piercing and edged weapons. Halving
any damage taken before armour is rolled.

Description - The favoured children of the Jinn

King Shamhresh, these giants are made from flesh
and stone. There are several tribes that live in
the Hajar Mountains, each ruled by a sheik. The
tribes raise giant goats for their hide and meat,
though they have no qualm against eating mortals.
Ever since they started mining the mountains, the
giants have a developed a deep hatred towards the
dwarves. They regularly attack the caravans leaving
Rezzat, occasionally taking prisoners for bite size



Type - Monster
Actions/round - 2
Weapon/Skill/ Damage - Bite/8/1d6+3
Armour - Fur 1d6
Adventuring skills - 6
Stamina - 26
Notes - Intelligent, shifter

Ability: Shifter. A being from the void rather than

a jinn, Salu'ah can shift into a wolf at will. The
process is quick and messy. The wolf bursts through
the flesh of the human body, leaving blood and
placenta-like substance everywhere. This gore has
healing properties and can be preserved in a jar.
Rubbing it on a wound heals 1d6 stamina.

Description - Taking the form of an old woman or

fair maiden, these creatures feed on the hearts
of men. They can transform into ferocious wolves
at will. Sensing her maliciousness, normal wolves
will avoid attacking a Salu'ah unless it's already



Type Greater Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/Damage Bite and Claw/6/2d6+2
Armour 1d6 thick skin
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 42
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Bitter Hand. A Shaitan can use one of its

actions to grab a hold of its target after an op-
posed brawling test. If successful the Shaitan's
hands burn into the target causing 1d6 damage and
marking them with a hand print. The Shaitan will
always know the whereabouts of the marked victim
and can see through their eyes. The hand print and
its effects disappear after 24 hours.

Description - Shaitan are the children of the Su-

preme Jinn Ibris, Father of Bitterness. When Ibris
was cast out of Malakut his children remained be-
hind, hiding in the shadows of the realm. Hated and
feared by the other jinn, the Shaitan keep their
distance from the cities of Malakut, lest the Jinn
Kings grow weary of their presence and hunt them



Type Lesser jinn/monster

Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/5/-
Armour None
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 15
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Stomp. A Shiqq can use one of its actions

to launch itself into the air and land on a nearby
target causing 1d6+3. The victim must succeed at a
luck test or be knocked to the ground.

Description - These in infernal jinn are the mys-

terious offspring of Al Mazhab the Gold Jinn King.
Centuries ago they angered their father and in a
fit of rage he tore them all in half, consuming the
left part of their bodies. He cast their remains
into the mortal realm to fester in their despair.
Despite being a half-being, they are extremely ag-
ile and swift of foot. Shiqq desire to be whole
so they mate with humans in order complete their
missing halves. This union creates another weaker
jinn known as a Nasnas. Attempts to join the halves
rarely succeed, so the Shiqq abandons the Nasnas to
fend for itself.



Type Greater Jinn/Uncivilized

Actions/round 3
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapon/6/-
Armour None
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 40
Notes Intelligent, Spell Caster

Ability: Divination. The Si'lat can divine the fu-

ture using the entrails of an animal. They can an-
swer simple questions and give vague details about
the location of items or people. As with all things,
nothing is certain and a Si'lat will certainty skew
visions to their advantage. A Si'Lat can cast Evil
Eye and 1d3 random spells without the needing a
scroll or spending stamina.

Description - Often appearing as beautiful maidens,

these female jinn reside in wooded areas or near
a desert oasis. Extremely intelligent, they prefer
to use their cunning to overcome threats. They are
often sought out for their divination abilities.
Their true form (a frightening, animalistic woman)
is revealed in their reflection.



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Beak, Claw/6/2d6
Armour Feathers 1d3
Adventuring skills 3
Stamina 35
Notes Flying

Ability: Dive! Before combat begins the Simurha

gets to make a dive attack with its claws.

Description - An enormous winged creature with the

head of a dog and the body resembling a cross be-
tween a peacock and a lion. Despite it's dog-head,
this monstrosity has almost human features. Primar-
ily found soaring above the Raised Plains, search-
ing for a meal.



Type Otherworldly
Actions 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Bite/6/2d6
Armour 1d3 hide
Adventuring skills 4
Stamina 30
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Gas. The Sulak can emit a nauseating gas

from its body. Anyone in nearby range must pass a
Luck test or be unable to do anything but convulse
violently for 1d3 rounds.

Description - These toilet terrors lurk in public

bathhouses and lavatories. They are virtually unde-
tectable when hiding in shadows (roll twice on spot
tests taking the lowest result). They attack their
victims at their most vulnerable moment, consuming
them hastily.



Type Uncivilised
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Weapons/6/-
Armour None
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 24
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Pounce. At the beginning of combat a Ur-

mahlullu may make an extra pounce attack racking
the target with its claws for 2d6 damage.

Description - Half lion and half human, these crea-

tures roam the Kaftar Hills in prides. They tend
to avoid human interaction, though a few nomadic
tribes regularly trade with Urmahlullu.



Type Monster
Actions 2
Weapon/Skill/Damage Bite/6/1d6+3
Armour 1d3 hide
Adventuring skills 6
Stamina 18
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Mesmerise. At the beginning of combat a

wolf can attempt to mesmerise their opponent, stun-
ning them for 1d3 rounds. A successful luck test
will avoid the effect. This ability is especially
effective on jinn, and renders them unable to use
magic or abilities for 1d6 rounds.

Description - The wolves of Far Hissain are feared

by both jinn and mortals alike. They are intelli-
gent, cunning advisories, able to fell opponents
much larger than themselves. Some nomadic tribes
worship the wolf, offering them sacrifices in order
to enlist their protection against the jinn.



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Bite and Tail/8/2d6
Armour Hide and Horns 1d6
Adventuring skills 5
Stamina 26
Notes Beast

Ability: Acid blood. Whenever the Zabraq is struck

with a non-magical weapon, the attacker must test
their luck. If the test is successful the weapon
is fine. If the test fails the attackers weapon is

Description - These horse sized drakes resemble

fearsome reptiles. They are only found around the
Kaftar hills. Active during the day, they burrow
underground to sleep. They are the primary food
source for the Ichneumon, who harvest the horns
and acidic blood of the reptile, as their horns are
worth 2d6 silver coins and their blood has magicl
properties and can be collected in glass vials.



Type Monster
Action/round 1
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Bite/10/6d6
Armour Shell 3d6
Adventuring skills 2
Stamina 100+
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Impervious. The Zaratan can only be harmed

by magic or magical weapons.

Description - Often mistaken for islands, these

enormous turtles can be found off the coast of Far
Hissain. They are rather docile creatures, but oc-
casionally get worked up enough to snap at an an-
noyance. At one time they were hunted to the brink
of extinction, considered a tasty delicacy to the
supreme jinn.



Type Monster
Actions/round 2
Weapon/Skill/ Damage Bite/6/2d6 *carnivorous
Armour Epidermis 1d3
Adventuring skills 0
Stamina 8/30 (fruit/bulb)
Notes Intelligent

Ability: Regenerate. The plant's 'fruit' can heal

1d6 stamina per round unless separated from its
stalk or if the main bulb is destroyed.

Description - Large plants that grow animal-like

fruit on stalks. The large bulb of the plant hous-
es the brain of the creature. Protruding from the
bulb is 2d6+3 stalks or vines that are attached to
a 'fruit'. The fruit is in the shape of an animal,
usually a sheep or herbivore. The fruit grazes the
surrounding land (up to a mile away!) providing
sustenance to the bulb. If separated from its stalk
it will die instantly. The fruit can be plucked from
the stalk with little effort and is quite tasty.
Like real animals, the fruit contains organs and
bones, but all made from plant matter. Some varie-
ties of Zoophyte are carnivorous. Instead of sheep,
the stalks are attached to leopards or wolves.

Gazetteer of
Far Hissain

Lay of the Land
Far Hissain is a beautiful and varied land, ranging
from lush jungles to parched deserts, and holding
cities as beautiful as pearls. There follows a gaz-
etteer of some of the famous sights of the land.

The Hajar Mountains

A vast mountain range that encompasses the Sis-
ter cities of Far Hissain. Scraggly Acacia trees
populate the lower portions of the mountains and
herds of goats roam the higher reaches grazing on
prickly bramble bushes. The mountains can be quite
treacherous and are home to many jinn, including
a community of rock giants that dwell amongst the
crags and cliffs. The northern portion of the range
is particularly high and gets snow during the win-
ter. Stories of a tropical jungle deep in the north
eastern reach of the mountains occasionally reach
the ears of adventurous treasure hunters. Incredi-
ble beasts and fabulous riches await those seeking
the hidden jungle, but none who venture forth ever
return. To the east, the mountains spill into the
sea forming the Pearl Coast. The western mountains
are arid with sparse vegetation. Crossing over the
mountains is a risky affair; creatures far more
fearsome than jinn inhabit the peaks. Large caverns
dot the range, entrances that lead deep into the
mountains promising lost riches. There is one sure
path through the western mountains known as the
Tizki Pass. The pass leads through the mountains to

Fort Nirea. Unfortunately, it's become a favourite
ambush point for bandits and degenerates.


Deep within the mountains lies an ancient temple

dedicated to the worship of Tanin. Surrounding the
temple are fields of hashish plants. The temple is
home to a sect of assassin monks who harvest the
hashish, using it to create a blend called Dragons
Breath. The master of the temple is called the Old
Man of the Mountain. No one knows his true age, but
it is said that he was born when the sea birthed
the mountains. Below the temple, in a secret vault,
lies a vast treasure trove of the bounties the
monks have acquired. Finding the actual temple is
impossible without a guide. Instead, visitors must
seek the shrine of Tanin located several miles from
the temple. After making a sacrifice, a guide will
appear the next day. The guide will determine if
the scarifice is sufficient and the visitors worthy
of an audience with the Old Man of the Mountain.


A blend of hashish grown in the Hajar Mountains,

smoking Dragons Breath leaves you feeling elated
and overconfident, giving you a +3 bonus to any
tests for 1 hour. Of course there's a dark side to
using it! Anyone smoking Dragons Breath must suc-
ceed on an endurance test or succumb to its side
effects. Failing an endurance test results in the
permanent loss of 1d3 stamina as the dragon reaches
into your soul consuming your life force.


Roll 1d6 when travelling through the mountains to

see what you uncover.

1. A group of 1d6+2 dwarves are out prospecting.

There's a glimmer of greed in their shifty eyes.
Grimble, the leader of the group, holds his axe
tight, mumbling something about thieves being
everywhere. They're very guarded about their
business and quite tense. A quick scan of their
equipment will give the players enough informa-
tion to discern their occupation. If the play-
ers linger too long Grimble will accuse them
of thievery and demand what's rightfully his
(whatever that may be)! The other dwarves know
that Grimble has lost his mind and will attempt
to de-escalate the situation.

2. The ground gives way dropping you ten feet into

a secret tomb. Skeletons are piled into a heap
in the corner. A bloodstained stone ritual ta-
ble sits in the centre of the room and an open
doorway lies ahead. The players can hear hur-
ried footsteps approaching the doorway. Is that
torchlight in the distance?

3. The player characters settle down for a break

from the sun. The rocks and sporadic trees pro-
vide little relief from heat. After a few mo-
ments they notice the ground beneath them slowly
tremble. Investigating further will reveal that
they have taken respite on top of a sleeping
rock giant! Have the player with the worst sneak
make a test. If they fail the rock giant is dis-
turbed and awakens hungry and angry!


4. A dark cloud appears in the distance. At first
glance it seems to swirl methodically, then
quickly descends on the party. The cloud is a
beetle swarm under the control of a greedy jinn.
The swarm will envelope anyone carrying exposed
metal (weapons, armour, etc.) and steal a small
metallic item from them (1d6 coins, dagger,
jewellery, etc.). A successful dodge test al-
lows the player to avoid these winged thieves.

5. The players come upon a collapsed cliff face.

Among the rubble are some deceased pack animals
and 1d6 nomads who split off from their group
during an rock fall, most of whom are injured.
The nomads belong to the Al-Durga tribe and were
in route to the shrine of their patron jinn, Az-
gal. They've lost their mounts and supplies and
are in need of assistance. Helping the nomads
reach safety will secure their aid sometime in
the future. Harming the nomads, will attract
the ire of the greater jinn Azgal.

6. The wind picks up shifting through the cracks

and crevasses of the mountainside. It's a cold
wind, that pierces through any outer garments
reaching the bones of the players. After a few
moments the wind dies down and a voice can be
heard from behind the players. It always comes
from behind them, whether they turn around or
remain still. Each player hears the voice of
someone familiar to them (a family member or
close associate.). The malicious voice whispers
terrible threats in their ears. Have the play-
ers roll a pluck test on the Terror table. The
wind disappears after a few moments, leaving
only a slight chill behind...


The Rockbottom clan settled in Far Hissain a centu-
ries ago after catching tales of the precious metal
and gems nestled inside the Al Hajar mountains.
Sending their best negotiators to Piras, the clan
struck a deal with the Sultan's great grandfather,
supplying firearms for rights to mine the north-
ern mountains. Both parties were content with the
arrangement, and the sprawling mining town of Rez-
zat was formed. The town is constantly harassed by
rock giants who view the mountains as their home.
They've taken to tossing boulders onto travellers
from the cliffs overlooking the road to the town.
The ambushes are starting to effect trade and sup-
ply runs. The dwarves have placed bounties on the
rock giants, trying to lure adventurers to rout out
the monsters.


Rezzat was built around several mines along the

base of the Hajar mountains. The largest and most
profitable is the Blackmire mine, named after it's
discoverer Gram Blackmire (who later died in a
freak accident involving too much beer and dyna-
mite). Recently, mining operations have come to a
halt as the tunnellers have uncovered a rune cov-
ered doorway leading further down into the moun-
tains. Countless scouting expeditions have been
sent through the doorway, and all have failed to
return. The dwarves have halted all operations in
the Blackmire mine, believing the doorway to be
an ill omen, possibly leading to the nine hells.

Herald Rockbottom (the current clan leader) has
reached the end of his rope! He's sent word as far
as the Kingdom, looking to recruit adventurers to
explore what lies through the ancient doorway.


A heavily fortified building in the centre of Rez-

zat, run by a old haggard dwarf known as 'Sarge',
who oversees the making of all the firearms. He's a
no nonsense kind of guy and jokes tend to fly over
his head.

The Pearl Coast

To the north east the Hajar mountains spill into the
Great Sea. Rightly named the Pearl Coast, due to
the abundance for giant pearl producing clams that
inhabit the waters. Jagged rocks along the coast
make it difficult for large ships to approach. The
numerous fishing villages that dot the coast rely
on small dhows to traverse the waters. Most villag-
ers make a living either diving for clams or spear
fishing. Islands off the Pearl Coast are inhabited
by cut throat pirates, and other, more nefarious
creatures. Old fisherman fond of drink tell tales
of Bahamoot the giant fish god that sleeps under
the waters of the Pearl Coast. According to the an-
cient tomes, Bahamoot is one of the three guardians
that protects the mortal realm.

GAl-Nimri Forest
The Al-Nimri forest is home to numerous strange
creatures and lesser jinn. The forest is unusually
dense for the arid climate, which lead many to be-
lieve the place to be magical (or cursed). Animals
here possess a strange intelligence, some able to
speak multiple languages. The quaint village of
Toma borders the forest. Few of its inhabitants
venture too far into the wood, fearing the crea-
tures that roam the forest. Wild ebony Boswellia
trees grow deep in the forest. The resin of these
trees can be used to produce mystical frankincense
with healing properties. The black resin fetches a
large sum at the markets.


The forest is a very strange place. Roll 1d6 to see

what you find under the eaves...

1. The ground swells and vibrates as moisture builds

beneath your feet. It begins to rain from the
ground up. The players and their equipment be-
come drenched. Firearms have a 1 in 6 chance of
becoming water damaged.

2. There is a patch in the forest where plants are

rapidly decaying then regrowing. Players step-
ping onto the area roll d6. On an even number
the player ages, on an odd number they become
younger by 1d20 years for 3 days.

3. You find a small pond filled with silver fish.


G If removed from the water the fish will turn
into a silver coin. Placing the coin into the
water reverts it back to a fish. Keeping the
coins out of water for three days causes them
to smell like rotting fish. It's a hard smell
to wash off.

4. A dense yellow fog creeps through the forest.

It glows and pulsates, illuminating the nearby
area. Anyone caught in the fog must succeed at
a luck test or fall asleep for 1d3 days. Vivid
dreams of living as a forest animal invade their
sleep. When they finally wake up the player has
a strong desire to eat forest foliage.

5. The next time the players make camp, a skeleton

emerges from the ground. It proceeds to sit next
to the camp fire and ask for food and beverage
(which go right through it). It will tell the
players fabulous tales of adventure and treas-
ure (possibly true?) throughout the night. If
the players attack the skeleton it will imme-
diately collapse into a pile of bones. If they
allow it into the camp and make it feel welcome
it will talk all night. When the sun rises it
will vanish, leaving behind a small gem (worth
1d6 gold).

6. A small body of water lies ahead in the forest.

It's cloudy water masks the bottom, but the sur-
face reflects clearly. If anyone looks into the
water they will see their reflection acting in-
dependently. The reflection will wave and smile,
revealing row of sharp yellow teeth.


GThe Raised Plains
Rising up around two hundred feet from the lower
ground to the east, the Raised Plains are located
to the west of the Sister Cities. There are two
ways to access to the top of the plains. One is
through a series of elevator-like lifts and wooden
walkways that are controlled by the Grand Sultan.
These rickety contraptions haven't seen much use
and their wheels and gears creak menacingly when
used. The fortified lift zones are heavily guarded
against marauders and vagrants. It's the safest way
up to the plains, for a modest fee of course. The
second way is through a series of numerous tunnels
along the side of the plains. No one knows who or
what bored through the rocky sides of the cliff.
Some of these tunnels reach the top of the plains,
others go deeper into the earth. Travellers who
risk taking the tunnels to avoid the lift fees of-
ten disappear. Grasslands cover the plains and are
home to the stallions of Far Hissain. The coveted
steeds are incredibly fast and resilient.

Azure Bay
The great bay is the entrance to the Sister Cities.
Nicknamed 'The Mouth of Far Hissain' it's waters
are clear and the beautiful corral reefs can be
seen below. The shores along the bay tend to be
rocky, with a few secluded beaches nestled between
the rocks.

The first and largest of the Sister Cities in Far
Hissain, ruled over by the Grand Sultan Magid, is
Piras. The Sultan has recently taken quite ill,
and is rarely seen outside his chambers. It is
said that his body has become sunken and ghastly,
and he may pass at any time. His eldest daughter
Suna, High Priestess of the Sun Goddess Anara, is
attempting to take over the duties of ruling over
Piras. Suna has used his absence to solidify power
of the Sun Church in Far Hissain. The other faiths
are finding themselves suddenly taxed and harassed
by agents of Anara. Their priests are imprisoned
under false charges. The only person keeping Suna
from controlling the entire city is Yusuf, the
Sultan's younger brother and advisor. Yusuf has
the backing of the merchant guilds and most of the
city guards. He is heavily influenced by factions
outside of Far Hissain that wish to bleed the land
of its resources. This power struggle keeps the
city on edge, and it's only a matter of time before
their feud overruns the city.


The shipyard is a vast series of interconnect-

ing docks and warehouses. For many travellers, the
shipyard is their first taste of what Far Hissain
has to offer. The docks are teeming with activity
and constant noise. The overwhelming smell of spice
and assortment of vividly coloured goods is enough
to overwhelm the senses. People from all over the
world (and out of this world) can be found hob-

nobbing on the docks. Child beggars roam the yard
offering tours of the great city. The children are
one big community spread out all around the city.
They answer to the Bombali, the pompous self pro-
claimed beggar prince.


1. A group of beggar children swarm you looking for

spare coin. They pick and prod at your cloth-
ing and equipment before being dispersed by the
local watch. Make a successful luck test or 1d6
coins (or one random small item) ends up missing
from your pockets.

2. Soldiers block you from leaving the docks. They

demand you state your business in Piras, then
regardless of the answer demand you pay a tax
for whatever business you stated. A show of
force is enough to get them to back off, but
they'll remember you.

3. As you disembark the ship you hear an explosion!

A ship nearby has caught fire. Commotion ensues
as people scramble to put out the fire. A suc-
cessful spot check will allow the party to catch
a glimpse of a cloaked figure leaving the ship
and ducking down an alley.

4. Momo the elephant is terrified of the ocean!

As his handlers try and force him onto a near-
by ship, he breaks free from his shackles and
charges toward you at full speed!

5. An old man wearing a tattered cloak approaches.

He opens his cloak, revealing many maps pinned

to the inside lining. He is willing to sell one

of these 'treasure' maps cheap.

6. A group of angry fishermen surrounding an

heavily beaten man. Apparently they have appre-
hended a thief! Abu Ishat was stealing fish for
his hungry family when he was caught in the act.
The fishermen have decided to relieve him of his
hand as punishment. In a panic he cries out for


This great road once lead to Fort Nirea, but time

and lack of upkeep has deteriorated the stone. What
remains of the road runs from the shipyard to the
western gate. The road is made from a rare stone
found on Mount Du'Bal. They contain specks of gold-
en ore that glisten in the sunlight, giving the
road a sparkling appearance at midday.

The famous great market of Piras, where it is said

you can find anything and everything. Vendors set
up in the early morning, calling out offers to
those passing by. The market is made up of tents and
hodgepodge wooden stalls. The sounds of livestock
and music drown out any reasonable attempts at com-
munication. Smells of smoked meat and spices hang
heavy in the air. The odours cling to the clothing
of anyone traveling through the Souk. The Watch
keeps a lazy eye on the market, in a half-hearted
attempt to limit any trouble.


1. Bassam is selling warm goats milk! It is a del-

icacy and guaranteed to cure all ailments. He
offers it to the players in a small tin cup
attached to his belt via a small metal chain.
If the players drink the milk they will feel
refreshed for the rest of the day (+1 to all

2. Juba is selling chickens! She has them tied to

her waist upside down. The poor creatures have
resigned to their fate, barely moving. If the
players request a chicken, Juba will lop off its
head with her dagger and pluck it clean.

3. Miriam is surrounded by several large baskets

overflowing with nuts and spices. Her son uses a
small scale to measure weights of orders. It's
slightly off.

4. Jewellery and baubles are sprawled out over a
dusty rug. Helena's sun aged skin hides her true
age. She was a princess once, but an angry jinn
destroyed her tribe. She will tell your fortune
for a few coins.

5. Leather goods hang from the top of Marwan's

tent. His prices are reasonable, but a foul
smell hangs in the air. There are so many flies.
What kind of leather is this again?

6. A shady looking figure calls out from behind a

tent. Basir is selling things stolen off the
dead bodies of foreigners. Weapons, letters,
jewellery, even a single bloody boot. Everything
is for sale.


A taste of home for weary travellers after their

voyage across the sea, Old Fred is a halfling pie
master who set up a thriving business in Piras. He
caters to the tastes of the Kingdom travellers, of-
fering a variety of pies and ale found from home.
Most locals avoid the tavern, considering the for-
eign food bland and salty. Besides pies, the tav-
ern also offers reasonably priced accommodation.
Fred has his finger on the pulse of news from the
Kingdom. On any given day, members of the Kingdom
Trading Guild and the Summer Sea Company can be
found in the tavern competing for the best table.
Fred has hired the brutish Mugg brothers (use the
Hobgoblin stats in Warlock!) to keep calm in the
tavern, as the rivalry between two factions has
started to heat up.


OF.... ROLL 1D6

1. A group of men sitting around a table playing

cards. One of the men stealthily pulls out a
card from under the table, presents his cards,
and yells in excitement declaring himself the

2. The door to the kitchen was left open! You can

see a figure sprinkling powder over some meat
pies. The figure catches your gaze and quickly
bolts for the open window leading to the back

3. Two groups of rugged looking individuals sit on
each end of the tavern staring intently at each
other. Fists are balled and teeth are clenched.
You can cut the tension in the air with a dagger.

4. A shadowy figure sits alone in the corner of the

tavern. He beckons the party over with a pale
bony finger.

5. Ahmed the legendary Sha'ir is entertaining the

patrons with a vivid tale of the Great War. The
story is met with cheers and enthusiasm, till he
mentions the inevitable return of the Sorcerer

6. The ceiling above the party collapses! Make an

athletics test to avoid losing 1d6 stamina from
debris. Gunther the wizard apprentice has tried
to summon a serpent jinn in his room. The weight
of the giant snake has caused the floor to buck-
le. Gunther screams for help as the serpent
coils around him.


A group of powerful merchants from the Kingdom that
banded together to gain a foothold in the lucrative
trade markets of Piras, The Guild is the oldest
trading organization in the Kingdom. Their main
headquarters is located in the north-western ware-
house district. The Guild were the first merchants
to make inroads in Far Hissain. They have a strong
bond with the Sultan's brother Yusuf who keeps
the city guard out of their way. The current head
of the company is a stout halfling named Theodore


1. Mr Brandybottom is looking for capable adven-

tures to escort a 'package' from the shipyard
to the Ivory Palace. As soon as the adventures
arrive at the docks, they realize the 'package'
is an unruly rhinoceros. It's meant to be a gift
and welcome addition to the Sultans menagerie.
Escorting this cumbersome beast through the city
should be no problem. Right?

2. Peter Pumpernook is missing! Who is this Pumper-

nook? Well, he's only the Guild's most accom-
plished cartographer. He was working on a very
important project when he disappeared. The Guild
will pay good coin to have him found. He was
last seen around the Dragons Den, at a gambling
house called The Oasis.

3. Someone has paid the Guild in counterfeit coins!

Normally they'd take care of this little prob-
lem themselves. But this certain someone is a
G well known priestess of Anara. So it's best to
handle this with unaffiliated stooges...Err...

4. The Lonely Lady has sunk off the coast of the

Azure Bay! It was carrying a chest full of valu-
ables. Word has spread and the Summer Sea Compa-
ny has caught wind of the catastrophe! The Guild
needs it recovered swiftly, before those greedy
scum get there first.

5. Once a year the Summer Sea Company and Kingdom

Trading Guild compete in a pie eating contest
at Fred's Tavern. Every year the Summer Sea
Company wins. This year Brandybottom has a plan
to clinch the win and put the Company in it's
place. Brandybottom wants to hire the adventures
to sprinkle some Blackroot powder on the pies in
Fred's kitchen, before they're brought out. Just
a little sprinkle to make them sick! Blackroot
is extremely poisonous.

6. Brandybottom has heard tales of a secret market

somewhere in the city run by jinn. The Guild
sees the potential in locating the market and
establishing a foothold. The only problem is
locating it! Maybe a group of inquisitive adven-
turers could sniff it out?

A new group of merchants from the kingdom that have
established themselves in the south-western ware-
house district. Company agents have been spotted
meeting with priestesses of Anara. What's going on?


1. Tariq Ibn Tazeer is an outspoken upstart with

a deep hatred of the Kingdom. Tariq and his
cohorts have been sabotaging the Company's mer-
chant ships! He needs to be stopped by any means

2. The Church of Thrice Blessed has commissioned

a temple to be built in Piras! A first of its
kind, the temple will be used by missionaries
to spread the word. However, before construc-
tion can begin the priests need to sanctify the
ground. They need some frankincense from Al Nim-
ri Forest to complete the ritual. Not just any
frankincense, the good stuff from deep inside
the forest.

3. The Duke of Fesselburg has heard tales of the

legendary stallions of Far Hissain. He's com-
missioned the Company to bring him two of the
magnificent steeds, which may prove easier said
than done. The Raised Plains are a treacher-
ous, and bringing back two wild stallions seems

4. Sabotage! The Company is looking to give one of

their adversaries a bloody nose by sinking the
Bloody Mary, a Kingdom Trading Guild merchant

ship. They'll pay well, but will disavow the

adventurers if they get caught: 'Never seen 'em

5. A nobleman from Fair Marenesse has particular

taste. He has hired the Company to obtain rare
golden dates. These dates only grow on the Kaf-
tar Hills and are the favourite food of giant

6. Law and Order! Raiders have been ambushing the

Company's caravans on their way to Fort Nirea.
Adventurers are needed to bring these thieves to

True to its name, the beautiful public garden is

saturated with jasmine trees. Man-made water ways
criss cross the walled garden. People come here
during the day to relax and enjoy the song birds.
At night music fills the air as musicians and en-
tertainers perform for onlookers. Tamarind juice
sellers and kebab merchants provide nourishment for
the spectators. The Watch makes frequent patrols
through the gardens in an attempt out keep out un-
desirables. At midnight the gardens empty out rath-
er quickly, becoming eerily quiet and uninviting.
During a radiant moon you can catch glimpses of
strange apparitions moving behind the trees. It's
unnerving enough to keep the Watch from the gardens
past midnight.


This imposing palace is made of massive bleached

stone. Towering above all other buildings it can be
seen from any point in the city. The Ivory Palace
is home to the Sultan and his family. The Royal
guards keep a watchful eye over the palace, keep-
ing out lower class citizens and anyone without an


Attached to the palace is the Sultan's menagerie. A

variety of mundane and unique creatures make up the
sultans collection. There are rumours of a secret
section of the menagerie that houses terrifying
monsters. But those are just rumours, right?

Located in the south-eastern section of Piras, this

neighbourhood houses the most notorious members of
society. It is home to assassins, thieves, and vag-
abonds who call themselves the Banu Sasan. The Banu
Sasan are a secretive lot, whose influence reaches
as far as the Kingdom. Numerous attempts to rout
out the miscreants have always failed. The homes
and hashish dens have an extensive secret under-
ground tunnel network that covers the whole city.

The second of the Sister Cities is run by the
Grand Sultan's second daughter, Galiba. It is host
to great military academies of Far Hissain. The
city is awash with officers, solders, and cadets.
Weapons are openly carried in the streets. Despite
this, violence is rare in the city. The Sultans
soldiers patrol the streets quite frequently, and
there's plenty of room in the dungeon for trouble
makers. Al-Hufra (The Pit) is an arena in the cen-
tre of the city where sanctioned duels, fights, and
competitions take place. Though gambling is frowned
upon, there are always bookies willing to take bets
on fights.


This prestigious military academy sits in the heart

of Solas. Here officers are trained in the art of
war. Princess Galiba takes a passing interest in
the academy, preferring instead to focus on the
training of enlisted soldiers. General Izatt has
used her absence to secretly corrupt the academy,
allowing coin and gifts to sway his decisions.


The Pit pre-dates the city and consists of twelve

stone pillars in a circle within a twenty foot deep
crater. It's used to settle disputes when words
fail. Along the inside of the crater are iron pens
used to hold all manner of creatures. Many have

met their end in the pit, those that survive hold
a special place amongst the warriors of the city.
Once a year the blood is cleaned off the crater
floor to pretty the place up for the annual Festival
of Swords. The festival features, sword fighting,
archery tournaments, games, prizes, and wholesome
family fun.

The third of the Sister Cities. When approach-
ing the city of Meelar visitors will bear witness
to writings hanging from the outside walls. These
writings are the words of poets and scholars dis-
played for others to read. The writings as are re-
ferred to as mu'allaquat ('the hangings'). The city
is primarily dedicated to knowledge and the histo-
ry of Far Hissain. It's said that every book ever
written is in its great libraries. The city is full
of academies and guilds dedicated to the pursuit of
knowledge. It is governed by Eman, third daughter
of the Grand Sultan. She presides over the Academic
Council of Meelar. The council is composed of the
greatest minds of Far Hissain.


1. A letter written to someone's long lost love,

the words bring you to tears, but you pass it
off by saying sand got in your eye.

2. A parchment detailing the existence of scorpion

men in the Kaftar Hills, this paper includes
rudimentary drawings of stacks of treasure and
stick figures missing their heads.

3. Religious scripts praising various gods. Though

one stands out as particularly blasphemous to-
wards Anara, the Sun Goddess.

4. There is a poem dictating the beauty of an oasis

located deep within the Empty Lands. There are
enough clues to possible use the poem as a map,
especially with the help of some hashish.

5. You see an invitation to hear Serena bin Sameh

speak about the jinn and realm of Malakut. The
invitation is for the next evening at the House
of Knowledge. The greatest minds of Meelar will
be in attendance.

6. There is a list of six names, with the first

two crossed off in red ink.


The largest library in Meelar sits on a steep cliff

overlooking the Azure Bay. Sections of the library
are open to the public, but all visitors must be
accompanied by a librarian. The librarians are in-
timidating figures shrouded in black robes. The
seem to float a few inches above the floor.
The Eye of Hissain
A dormant volcano forms an island miles outside of
the Azure Bay. The island is surrounded by large
jagged rocks that make it difficult for ships to
approach. With little vegetation, the island is
barren of life. The formidable Jenta Prison is lo-
cated at the base of the volcano. The prison houses
notorious criminals, along with common pick pockets
and political activists. Near the top of the volca-
no is the Shuffa tower, where the powerful wizard
Bazzu resides. The hooded servants of Bazzu have
been seen more frequently at Jenta leaving with
chained 'volunteers' from the prison.

Serpent's Nest
An almost impenetrable jungle to the south of Pi-
ras. The locals speak of snakes the length of ten
men and insects the size of a mules that roam the
lush jungle. There are a few small villages located
on the outskirts of the jungle. The inhabitants are
a hardy lot and have no loyalty to the Grand Sul-
tan, bowing only before the old gods. They respect
the jinn and trade with those that live deep in the

Rukh Cove
Some dangers come from above: Rukh cove is a nest-
ing ground for the fabled Rukh of Far Hissain. Of
course these are just rumours, no one has ever re-
ported seeing the giant birds, but a lot of ships
do go missing around the cove.

Mount Du'Bal
A large mountain that lies south of the Al Hajar
range nestled in the Kaftar Hills, gaining access
to Mount Du'Bal can be difficult. Adventurers that
make it past the scorpions and marauding nomads
will be met with horrendous obstacles and trials.
Enlightenment awaits those that reach the top of
the mountain.

Kaftar Hills
The Kaftar Hills are arid brush covered hills that
surround Mount Du'Bal. The hills are teeming with
giant scorpions. Various nomadic tribes of jinn
wander the hills and harvest the scorpions for
their parts. Some have even tamed the scorpions
using them as mounts.


Fort Nirea
The last major civilization before reaching the
vast desert known as the Empty Lands, the fort is
built on top of an underground river and completely
self sufficient. The fort is surrounded by a mas-
sive stone wall, that was withstood many assaults.

Mother of Poisons
The salt marsh outside of Fort Nirea is called the
Mother of Poisons. The top layer is like crust that
cracks and reveals sludgy salt water. Many have
fallen through, never to be seen again. A perpetu-
al haze hangs over the marsh hindering visibility.
Despite the absence of vegetation, there's a par-
ticular root called Blacktooth that can be foraged
from under the sludge. It's healing properties are
coveted across far Hissain.

The Empty Lands

Centuries ago the Empty Lands were known as Ard
al Wafra (Lands of Plenty). It was a covered in
thick forests and clear streams. The and was full
of life, and all manner of jinn lived here side
by side with mortals. Ard al Wafra was ruled by a
council of sorcerers who bargained with the jinn
to obtain powerful magic. At first the jinn shared

their magic with the sorcerers, but as time passed
these sorcerers hungered for more power and sought
out other sources of magic. Using forbidden knowl-
edge, the sorcerers made pacts with otherworldly
entities. They gained unimaginable wealth and pow-
er, yet still craved more. They wanted immortality
so they began experimenting with dark magic, cap-
turing jinn and stealing their life force to fuel
their dark desires. The Jinn Kings were appalled by
this and considered it an act of betrayal.

A Great War erupted between the jinn and the Sor-

cerer Kings. The war laid waste to Ard al Wafra,
as all life force of the land was drained to sus-
tain the powerful magic used in the war. In the
end a barren desert was all that remained. The
jinn defeated the Sorcerer Kings but suffered great
losses. Most that survived retreated back to their
realm, Malakut. Others remained in the mortal realm
to start new life among the mortals. The Sorcerer
Kings' armies were destroyed, but there was no word
of what became of the sorcerers. The Empty Lands
are filled with ancient ruins and treasures of the
Sorcerer Kings. Adventurers and scholars search for
these ruins in hope of obtaining the old power of
the kings. Lately there have been reports of undead
rising from the sands.

A large village of woodworkers and farmers that
borders the Al-Nimri Forest.. Frankincense is har-
vested from the Boswellia trees that are grown

around the village. Woodsmen also enter into the
forest for lumber, keeping to certain sections of
the forest as to not offend the spirits. A decent
size halfling community lives here.

Harir Marsh
The marsh is named as such for the silk worms that
inhabit it. These worms produced the finest silk in
Far Hissain. The worms cannot survive outside the
marsh, so numerous silk camps populate the area.
The marsh runs deep so the camps are usually built
on wooden stilts. All manner of creatures inhabit
the swamp, making silk farming very risky.

This modest village located in the Harir marsh sits
on wooden planks above the water. The villagers
farm the silk produced by the worms. It's a dan-
gerously lucrative business since the worms cannot
be taken from the swamp. The villagers use boats
to seek out the worms' nest and harvest the silk.
Silk bandits, monstrous jinn, and mosquitoes are a
few of the threats the villagers face daily.

GThe Great Sea
The ocean that separates the Kingdom from Far
Hissain is the Great Sea. The journey across the
sea is treacherous. Terrible storms will suddenly
appear, sinking ships and taking the crew to their
watery graves. Often the crew of ships will provide
a sacrifice to Hessa, the goddess of fate, hoping
to safely reach the end of their voyage.

Irma (the Golden City)

Legend speaks of a massive city located in the
Empty Lands. It exists behind the Veil in the in-
visible realm. The city is run by the supreme jinn
Muba Al-Tajir (Muba the Trader). Adventurers and
treasure seekers desperately search for a way to
the city, as it is said to hold immense riches. The
city is a trade hub for many realms and dimensions.
All manner of horrific entities roam the city,
though violence is strictly prohibited. Travel to
the city is impossible for mortals...Almost.


GNomads and Wanderers
Numerous nomadic tribes roam Far Hissain. The tribes
range from herders to hunters. Listed below are a
few of the tribes found in Far Hissain, including
quick rules for creating your own.


The largest nomadic tribe of Far Hissain, the Al

Hamdi are constantly on the move in search of prime
grazing land for their herds of sheep. They avoid
confrontation preferring a dialogue over violence.
Nura the former queen of Far Hissain hailed from
this tribe


Not much is known about the Scarlet Vipers, as the

tribe rarely ventures outside the Hareer marsh.
They rely on the swamp to provide their food and
shelter. A vertical brand above each eyebrow marks
the tribes warriors, who call themselves the Fangs.


A warrior tribe of camel riding mercenaries, the

Skulls collect the sun bleached skulls of their
victims. Then display them on their camels and re-
citing stories of their battles with gusto.

The great goat herders of the Hajar mountains.
Standing a head taller than most people, the Long-
horns are often husky with large muscular hands and
thick dishevelled hair. They are extremely found of
arm wrestling and imported ale.

Creating the Tribe

To quickly create a tribe use the three tables be-
low to find out who controls the tribe, the tribe's
resources, and what trouble the tribe is facing.


1. A tricky Sa'hir that misleads the tribe members.

Using stories and promises from the gods, the
Sa'hir is profiting from the hard work of the

2. A favoured child believed to be a god mani-

fested. They posses strange abilities and unex-
plained powers.

3. The old warrior from a war long forgotten. They

have put the sword aside in favour of a peace-
ful existence, but the deeds of the past always
catch up to the present.

4. A council that constantly bickers over trivi-

G al matters. Who will take charge when the true
threat reveals itself?

5. A powerful jinn worshipped by the tribe. In turn

the jinn protects and cares for the tribe.

6. A stone idol the tribe carries with it from place

to place. They say it speaks to them, providing
guidance and forbidden knowledges. It's details
are reminiscent of a large squid creature with
a human body.


1. Goats - This tribe relies on it's source of meat

and milk - what more could you ask for?

2. Camels - These tribes people raise camels, sell-

ing them to local villages and other tribes.

3. Horses - The tribe main source of income comes

from the horses they breed and raise.

4. Sheep - The name of the game is wool. The tribe

relies on its sheep for meat and wool, which it
trades for other items.

5. Warriors - Sell-swords and muscle for hire: this

tribe hires out its warriors as bodyguards, mer-
cenaries, and caravan escorts.

6. Raiders - Let others do the hard work then reap

the rewards: this tribe consists of battle hard-
ened warriors who raid caravans and small vil-


1. A sickness has spread through the tribe. It af-

fects their livestock and children, causing them
to waste away into nothingness.

2. The tribe stands accused of theft and malicious

actions against a local Sharif (Noble). He has
put a bounty on the tribe, and it has attracted
a group of malicious mercenaries.

3. A great insult has been committed against an

ifrit. Now it harasses the tribe, killing their
livestock and making life unpleasant for every-

4. Wherever the tribe travels the land becomes

barren and poisoned. They've become unwelcome
around other tribes and villages. Without food
for their livestock or places to trade, the
tribe has fallen into disarray. If only the
curse could be lifted.

5. The leader of the tribe has had a vision of a

bountiful land beyond the desert. They are ada-
mant about taking the tribe to this 'paradise'.

6. A group of young tribe members are unhappy with

the current tribal leadership. They are plotting
to take control of the tribe by spreading the
seeds of discontent.


All Manner of Folk
Far Hissain is brimming with all sorts of rowdy
characters looking for adventure. Whether the play-
ers are in a large city or camped out with a nomadic
tribe, there's always someone ready to help, for
the right coin. The Bestiary in the Warlock! book
provides the stats for dwarves, elves, halflings,
and humans. You can use these as a guideline for
hirelings, adjusting them as you see fit. Listed
below are a few examples of hirelings and where they
might be found. As an option, each hireling has a
Bane and Boon. The Boon is something positive the
hirelings can bring to the party, while the Bane is
a negative modifier. Remember, hirelings will not
tolerate being used as meat shields. If they feel
like they are being abused they will surely leave,
sometimes in the middle of their watch, taking all
the mounts among them!

These hirelings can be found in nomadic tribes or
in wandering caravans. They'll expect payment up
front, but will be willing to be paid in trade.
When it comes to room and board they're used to
living in tents and providing for themselves.


A youngster with dreams of becoming a great war-

rior will join the party for little to no money.
Boon - Full of enthusiasm and ready to rumble add
+3 to one group test. Bane - Scared to death. Will
hysterically scream and cower at the first sign of
trouble. -3 modifier to all tests during the first
round of combat.


An old man who talks big and waves an ivory cane. He

won't come cheap! He brings a great deal of knowl-
edge to the table in the form of long stories that
start out with 'back in my day'... Boon - Once per
day add +5 to any non combat test. Bane - The test
takes twice as long, due to the lengthy story that
accompanies the bonus.


A disgraced warrior of the Skulls tribe, was cast

out after being accused of witchcraft. Now she
travels the land seeking odd jobs to make ends
meet. Boon - Outstanding tactician! Once per day a
player can add +3 to a combat test, as Suha shouts
out commands to assist them. Bane - She is haunted
by a sinister spirit from her past. The games mas-
ter secretly rolls a d6. On the result of a 1 or
2 the spirit will sabotage the party in some way.
Perhaps it will dump out their water skins, untie
their mounts, or spring any traps they have set.


The slow witted muscle-bound brute of a local

tribe. Fond of food, drink and cracking skulls.
Boon - Once per day the party gains a +3 to any test
requiring muscle to accomplish. Bane - Sami, isn't
the brightest of the lot. He often gets in the way
during tasks that require thought. Once per day
the party receives a -3 penalty to tests requiring
brains to accomplish, as Sami adds his wisdom.


A strong presence and the wisest elder of the tribe.

She has grown weary of the squabbling tribesman,
and seeks a change of pace. Her heart yearns for
adventure and the opportunity to experience the
richness of city life. Boon - Fatema is well
versed in smoothing over tense situations. Once per
day the party gets a +3 bonus to any social test.
Bane - Fatema's bones are weary and she requires
frequent stops to rest. All land travel takes the
party twice as long.


The tribe's best tracker. They say no living crea-

ture can evade his skills. He is a simple man look-
ing to provide for his ever growing family. Boon -
Koffe's survival skills are legendary. Once per day
the party gets a +3 bonus to any survival tests.
Any tracking test involving an animal automatically
succeeds. Bane - Koffe is a devoted husband and
father and will not leave his family for more than
two days.
These hirelings can be found in small villages
or farming communities. They'll expect payment up
front, including room and board. They'll also ex-
pect a share in any loot found.


A shepherd, he knows little of the world outside

his village. He has dreams of leaving his flock be-
hind to seek out fame and fortune. Boon - Abheer
has a way with animals. The party gains a +3 Bonus
to Ostler tests while he's nearby. Bane - Abheer
always smells of goat dung. It is a persistent
odour that cannot be washed off. When he is nearby,
all sneak tests automatically fail.


A labourer, Ubaid frequently travels in search of

work. His calloused hands and sun kissed skin re-
veal a hard life. He's willing to try something
new, and give his poor back a break. Boon - Ubaid
is strong as an ox! He can carry twice the load of
a regular human. Once per day he can assist in any
test requiring strength giving the players a +3
bonus. Bane - Years of hard labour have destroyed
Ubaid's back. Every morning the Game Master rolls a
d6. On a result of a 1, Ubaid's back gives out and
he is unable to do much of anything besides lying
down and complaining.

The village qabila (midwife) has delivered many
lives into this world with great success, until
recently. A dark shadow has fallen over the village
as the last few births have been stillborn. The
villagers blame Vida, accusing her of being marked
and cursed. She's ready to leave the village before
things turn ugly! Boon - Vida is an excellent heal-
er and herbalist. The party gains a +3 to any med-
icine tests. Bane - The villagers were right, Vida
is cursed, marked by an evil jinn. Anyone healed by
her must roll doubles on their next test and take
the lowest result.


She knows the land surround the village intimate-

ly. She spends hours foraging for herbs and roots,
providing for the village. Recently her love was
killed by a pack of hyenas while out on a hunting
trip. Yalda is overridden with grief and wants noth-
ing more than to leave the village. Boon - Yalda
knows the land and is accustomed to its harshness.
When she is nearby the party gets a +3 bonus to all
survival tests. Bane - Yalda's love was actually
killed by a jealous rival who accompanied him on
the hunting trip! He is infatuated with Yalda and
will do anything to keep her from leaving. He will
follow her as she travels with the party, trying to
secretly sabotage them.


The priest of the village who has lost his way,

questions everything about his deity and his place
in the world. Maybe these adventurers will help him
find the answers he's searching for. Boon - Nesar
knows a great deal about the gods and the jinn of
the land. The party gains a +3 bonus to tests when
seeking information on either subject. Bane - Ne-
sar suffers from bouts of self pity and melancholy.
His mood is infectious causing anyone nearby to
receive -3 penalty to any Pluck test.


This poor soul has never fit in with the other vil-
lagers. His father fell in love with a jinn and he
was the result of their union. The villagers keep
him at arm's length, fearing his linage. Omid has
been searching for a reason to leave the village,
and the thought of accompanying a group of adven-
turers appeals to him. Boon - Omid knows 1d6 random
spells from Warlock! He can cast them without a
scroll, but must expend the required stamina. Bane
- Something about Omid's physical appearance marks
him as half jinn. It could be animal-like traits,
a tail, scales, etc. This won't cause much of a
ruckus outside of the cities, where jinn are en-
countered more frequently. However, inside a cities
walls people will react differently. If the party
is in a city and Omid is nearby, they suffer a -3
penalty to social tests.

Finding help in the city is a relatively easy af-
fair. Hirelings will expect to be paid up front and
have room and board covered. They'll also want a
share of any loot.


Uses his nimble fingers to relieve others of their

coin. He's handy with a lock and familiar with the
dregs and slums of the city. He always looking to
make some quick coin, but never willing to risk his
neck in the process. Boon - The Party gains a +3
bonus to any test involving sleight of hand. Bane -
Pasha will never get involved in combat! He'll stay
back and take a defensive position, letting the
others do the dirt work. If attacked or wounded he
will make every attempt to flee, shouting out that
he ever signed up for this!


A chiselled scar-covered warrior who speaks in a

booming voice. Over-armed and lacking any social
grace, he's ready to take any job involving vio-
lence. Boon - Ramin is quick to assess a combat
situation and will always act first in the initi-
ative order. Bane - Ramin enjoys alcohol, a lot.
Anytime the party stays at an establishment with
alcohol, he will cause a bar fight.



A foreigner from a distant land looking to write

a travel guide on Far Hissain. He knows his way
around a sword and a pen. Sir Wallace travels with
a stack of books filled with local lore and leg-
ends. Boon - The party gains a +3 bonus involving
any tests concerning the history of Far Hissain.
Bane - Sir Wallace is quite pompous and entitled,
always rubbing the locals the wrong way. The party
receives a -3 penalty to social tests with locals.


A struggling cartographer looking to map the world.

Pen and parchment tend to be expensive so she's
willing to take on odd jobs. Boon - Name always
knows the quickest path to travel. Add a +3 bonus
to all navigation tests. Bane - She's always pour-
ing over her maps, loudly reading off the names of
landmarks and their history. This constant distrac-
tion gives the party a -3 to all spot tests.


A know-it-all scholar from a well to do family, has

read all about adventures and heroic deeds, but is
a bit green behind the ears. He's looking to live
the life of a great adventurer, even if it kills
him (which it probably will). Boon - Timur has deep
knowledge of the history of Far Hissain. When he is
nearby, roll twice for history tests and take the
best result.


A flamboyant vagabond living life to its fullest.

She is often found in gambling dens or any place
where wagers are made. She is a devoted follower
of Hessa, taking unnecessary risks and believing
the goddess protects her. Boon - Rabia's enthu-
siasm and decisiveness can be a great asset to the
party. Once per day the party receives a +3 bonus
to any test as Rabia takes charge of the group.
Bane - Unfortunately her rashness tends to back-
fire. After using the Boon the next test taken by
the party suffers a -3 penalty.


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