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Crack Detection & Repair

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Irontite Products Inc.

Crack Detection & Repair

Instruction Manual & Parts List

Irontite Products Inc.

Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual


The Irontite crack repair system is a cold repair process for repairing cracks in castings by adding metal and
moving the metal in the casting to close the crack.
The basic crack repair process involves:
1. Detection of the crack - including determining the location of the crack.
2. Relieving the stress in the casting in the area of the crack.
3. Adding and moving metal in such a manner as to close off the crack.
4. Refinishing the surface of the repaired casting.
This cold crack repair process does not in any way subject the casting to high temperatures of a welding
process, nor does it alter the heat treated characteristics of the casting.
Cracks in metal castings are the result of stress or strain in some part of the casting. This stress or strain finds
a weak point in that section of the casting and causes the casting to separate at the weak point.
Such stress or strain may develop from:
1. The casting having been subjected to pressure or temperature changes before it was properly aged,
2. Having been subjected to excessive heat or cold, or
3. Subjected to too rapid a change in the temperatures.
Whatever may have caused the stress, and in turn the crack, the important job is to relieve the stress at the
point of the crack, close off the crack and resurface the casting.

The first step in the repair process is detecting the crack.

Detection of the crack involves not only finding that a crack exists, but also determining its exact location and
marking the entire crack for subsequent repair.
The cracks may be detected:
1. By using a magnet and magnetic powder for ferrous materials,
2. By the use of dye penetrant, or
3. By pressurizing the head or block with a pressure tester and applying a bubble solution.

Magnetic Crack Detection

Electro Magnet
Each Kit Contains:
The Power-Pak Electro Magnet, 115V or 230V
1-Pound can of Magnetic Powder
Powder Spray Bulb
Handy Tool Box

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual

1. Clean the surface of the casting to be checked. Remove all oil, grease or other dirt from the surface of the
casting. Leave it dry.
2. Plug the magnet input cord into a nearby convenient electric outlet. Make certain that the magnet cord is
properly grounded and keep the unit away from water or other liquids when in use.
3. Position the magnet on the surface of the casting and activate the magnet with the push-button switch.
4. Using the powder spray bulb filled with magnetic powder, dust or “drift” the magnetic powder onto the
surface of the casting between the two poles or “legs” of the magnet.
The magnet creates a magnetic field in the casting, running from one pole to the other. If there is a crack in
the casting between the two poles, it breaks the field and draws an accumulation of magnetic powder, sharply
outlining the crack.
Since the magnetic powder reacts this way only between the poles of the magnet, it is necessary to move the
magnet around on the surface of the casting to check the area for other cracks and to show the full extent of
any crack.
5. When the magnetic powder shows the existence and location of a crack, the crack should be completely
marked so it can be easily identified later for the repair.

NOTE: This magnetic crack detection process can be used only on the types of castings subject to magnetic
charges. It cannot be used on aluminum castings.

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With dye penetrant crack detection, penetrant dye is used to show the existence and the location of the crack.
This is especially helpful for aluminum castings which do not react to magnetic detection.

1. Thoroughly clean the surface of the casting which is to be checked. It should be free of oil, grease and
2. Spray the surface of the casting with the penetrant - Kwik-Chek #1. Allow time for the penetrant to dry -
usually about 3 minutes (more time in colder weather).
3. Spray the same surface of the casting with the remover - Kwik-Chek #3. Immediately rinse with water and
wipe clean and dry.
4. Shake the Kwik-Chek #3 Developer until the agitators rattle and then spray the surface with a very light
5. As the thin coat of developer dries, cracks and porosity on the surface of the casting will show up in red
lines or dots.

Kwik-Chek Kit (Part No. 400-1310-01)

# 1 - Dye Penetrant 400-1320-01
# 2 - Remover 400-1320-02
# 3 - Developer 400-1320-03

or using the cans, keep them away from all flames and extremely hot areas. Review the Material Safety
Data Sheets.

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual


For castings that can be subjected to internal air pressure, such as water-cooled engine heads and blocks, the
most comprehensive method of detecting the existence of cracks in castings is by using a pressure tester.
With this method, the ports on the castings are closed off and the casting is subjected to approximately 50-60
pounds of air pressure. The surface of the casting is then sprayed with a bubble solution. Cracks in the casting
permit the air to escape and bubble up as the solution is sprayed on the casting.
This is particularly suitable for detecting cracks in castings around valve seats, where it is not practical to use
the magnetic crack detection process.
To operate a pressure tester, it is necessary to close off the port and heater outlets in order to allow the desired
pressure to be set inside the head. Once the crack is detected, mark the crack for later repair.


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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual


Tools for Repairing the Crack:

Irontite Tapered Plugs
Irontite Standard Drills
Irontite Tapered Reamers
Irontite Tapered Taps
(see Product Listings at the end of this Manual)

1. The first step is to stop or “capture” the crack - make certain the limit of the crack is determined.
2. At the end of the crack, drill a hole suitable for the installation of an A-200 or A-235 plug.
3. Retest the area to see if the crack runs beyond the hole.
4. Repeat this process until the crack does not run beyond the hole.

Marked Crack Drill Holes for Plugs “Capture” the Crack Cut Off Plugs Peen Plugs

NOTE: The particular technique or method used in repairing the crack varies depending on the location and
accessibility of the crack, thickness of the metal, etc. Experience will develop the most suitable technique for
the operator to use.
This manual will describe some of the most commonly used techniques which will point the way for an operator
to develop his best approach to repairing cracks.
Whatever technique is used, one of the most important parts of the repair process is the peening of the tops
of the plugs after they have been installed and cut off down near the surface of the head or block.

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Installing tapered plugs along the line of the crack in areas of the casting that are subject to high
pressure and temperatures.
One of the best examples of this type of crack is in the valve seat area of the head. In this instance, the plugs
are installed at angles to the casting surface, not perpendicular to the surface. In addition, they are installed
in an overlapping fashion.
1. A plug hole is drilled, reamed and tapped and the plug is fully torqued into place.
2. Cut off the excess part of the plug before the next hole is started. This permits locating the next plug so it
will overlap the preceding plug at the surface and below the surface.
3. Here, where the metal is thick, after drilling, the hole needs to be taper reamed before tapping. This helps
give the tapered tap a reasonable life.

Drill & Tap for Plugs “Capture” the Crack Continue to Fill in with Plugs
(Plugs at each end)

Cut Off and Peen the Plugs Remove Excess Plug Material Refinish Surface like New

4. Cut off the installed plugs (with a small coping or other saw) and peen the tops of each plug

NOTE: The peening process is extremely important. It helps close the threads at the surface of the
When peening, always peen away from the center of the plug. In the peening process, the position control of
the air hammer is most important. It provides the necessary control over the direction of the ends of the
peening tools.

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual

Repairing cracks in readily accessible areas of a casting not subject to high pressure and high
temperature, where the metal is relatively thin.
Here, the object is to close the crack with either a series of plugs down the line of the crack or alternate plugs
on opposite sides of the crack, supplemented with a thorough peening of the crack itself.
1. After the crack is carefully outlined, drill and tap holes along the line of the crack about 1/4” to 1/2” apart.

NOTE: Where the material is less than 1/4” thick, it is not necessary to taper ream before taper tapping it.

2. Capture the crack at each end

3. Torque the plugs in concurrently so that none of them will be loosened as other plugs are torqued in.
4. Cut the plugs off about 1/16” above the surface and peen them, always peening from the center of the plug
outwardly toward the thread in the plug.
5. Peen the crack itself, peening inwardly toward the center of the crack.

1 – Drill & Tap 2 – “Capture” 3 – Fill with 4 – Cut Off & 5 – Resurface
Crack Plugs Peen Plugs

Alternately, the plug holes can be drilled and tapped in a lacing fashion on opposite sides of the crack. Torque
the plugs in concurrently and then cut them off. Peen the plugs and the crack in the same manner as above.
This process, in addition to closing the crack with additional metal and with peening the crack, develops a
resistant elasticity in the metal which helps keep the crack closed.


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The examples described in this manual are crack repair techniques intended only to illustrate various
approaches to the process of closing a crack in a casting. They can serve as guides in the process of repairing
many different types of cracks in many different types of castings - industrial as well as engine castings.
The most important factors in closing the crack are the adding of metal by torquing in the tapered, threaded
plugs and the moving of the metal through the peening process.

NOTE: A tapered tap is cutting the full length of the tap, so if the metal is very thick, the hole must be first
reamed with a tapered reamer if the tap is to have a reasonable life.

Even when the hole is reamed with a tapered reamer, it is necessary to use the proper amount of downward
pressure with the tapered tap. For certain larger taps used in repairing and replacing the injector seat areas
in heavy duty diesel engine heads, Irontite has developed lead screw nuts and arbors. To apply the lead screw
principle, give just the right amount of downward pressure on the tap.

NOTE: A good tapping fluid should be used at all times with the tapered tap. Irontite recommends TAP-O
tapping compound. TAP-o does not contain oil or carbon tetrachloride.

Irontite tapered plugs and tapered taps are designed so there will be a tight thread-to-thread fit when the plugs
are torqued into position. When torqueing in the plug, as an added assurance of a leak-proof fit, dip the plug
in Irontite’s Ceramic Seal just before torqueing it in. This will help close any porosity that may be present in
the threaded hole of the casting. Ceramic Seal is recommended because, being fluid it will spread evenly on
the threaded plug as it is torqued in.

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual


Irontite developed two types of professional grade cooling system sealants to supplement the crack repair
process. In fact, these sealants can be used effectively with or without a repair.


As part of its overall crack repair process, Irontite recommends Ceramic Seal. When properly applied,
Ceramic Seal leaves a fine ceramic coating on the inside of the casting, closing porosity and the inside of
minor cracks.
In conjunction with crack repair work, Ceramic Seal is applied to the casting after the repair process is
complete to give the repair a finishing touch and the added assurance the crack is sealed.
1. The head or block is remounted on the pressure tester and the water ports are sealed so the casting can
be pressurized.
2. After pressurizing the head or block and confirming the high quality of the Irontite repair job, secure the
outlet and return hoses on a circulator to opposite ends of the head or block.
3. Activate the circulator and circulate Irontite Ceramic Seal through the casting at the temperature supplied
by the circulator.
4. After circulating the Ceramic Seal for a period of 15-30 minutes, close off both the outlet valve and the
return valve.
5. Depress the air pressure button, holding it down for a few seconds and then releasing it. This pressure
forces the ceramic seal in the casting into any cracks or porosity in the interior of the casting.
6. Turn the head over, open the circulator return valve and press the air pressure button for only a few seconds.
This will force the remaining liquid Ceramic Seal back into the circulator tank.
7. Remove the casting and set it to one side allowing the Ceramic Seal in the interior of the casting to cure.
After a period of time, the Ceramic Seal will cure on the inside of the casting and will serve as an additional
seal to the crack. The time required for the seal to set or cure will vary depending on temperature and humidity.


This is a general purpose sealant used in automobile cooling systems while there is anti-freeze or coolant in
the system. Just shake it up, pour it in the radiator and drive on.
All Weather Seal is widely used and effectively takes care of many small leaks - quickly and easily.

NOTE: When using Irontite Ceramic Seal, it is MANDATORY that the cooling system be cleaned first to make
certain that any anti-freeze or coolant is flushed out and the system is clean. Ceramic Seal IS NOT
COMPATIBLE WITH ANTI-FREEZE OR COOLANT. Combining them in the cooling system will clog the
cooling system.

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual

Tools, Equipment and Supplies

Kwik-Chek Dye Penetrant

Kwik-Chek Kit 400-1310-01
#1 Penetrant Dye 400-1320-01
#2 Dye Remover 400-1320-02
#3 Developer 400-1320-03

Bubble Solutions for Pressure Testing

Bubble Solution - 8oz. 400-1420-08
Bubble Solution - 1/2 Gal. 400-1420-32

Magnetic crack detection

Electro Magnet Kit - 115V 400-1110-01
Electro Magnet Kit - 230V 400-1112-30
Mini-Magnet with Vial of Powder 400-1110-04
Magna Ray Permanent Magnet 400-1110-02
Spray Bulb 400-1210-01

Magnetic powder
1 lb. Can 400-1220-16
5 lb. Can 400-1220-80
10 lb. Can 400-1221-60
25 lb. Can 400-1224-00
1 lb. Can 400-1225-16
5 lb. Can 400-1225-80
10 lb. Can 400-1226-60
25 lb. Can 400-1229-00
1 lb. Can 400-1230-16
5 lb. Can 400-1230-80
10 lb. Can 400-1231-60
25 lb. Can 400-1234-00

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual

Ductile Iron Threaded Plugs - Automotive

A-155 100/Box 401-2101-55
A-200 100/Box 401-2102-00
A-235 100/Box 401-2102-35
A-235 1/2 100/Box 401-2102-36
B-1 50/Box 401-2103-27
C 25/Box 401-2104-20
C-1 25/Box 401-2104-21
D 25/Box 401-2104-90
D-1 25/Box 401-2104-91
E 25/Box 401-2105-90

Ductile Iron Threadless Pins - Automotive

TPD 100/Box 401-2301-00
TPC 100/Box 401-2301-25
TPA 100/Box 401-2302-00
TPB 50/Box 401-2302-89

Ductile Iron Plugs - Diesel

C-1 Special Each 452-2604-24
D-1 Special Each 452-2604-94
E-1 Solid Each 452-2605-91
E-1 Special Each 452-2605-94
G Solid Each 452-2607-80
G-3 Drilled Each 452-2607-83
G-4 Drilled Each 452-2607-84
GO Solid Each 452-2608-40
GO-3 Drilled Each 452-2608-43
GO-4 Drilled Each 452-2608-44
GO Short Each 452-2608-55
R Solid Each 452-2607-86
R-2 Drilled Each 452-2607-87
H Solid Each 452-2610-80
H-2 Drilled Each 452-2610-82
H-4 Drilled Each 452-2610-84
HO Solid Each 452-2611-40
HO-2 Drilled Each 452-2611-42
HO-4 Drilled Each 452-2611-44

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Ductile Iron Plugs – Diesel (cont)

J Solid Each 452-2613-13
J-2 Drilled Each 452-2613-14

Diesel Ductile iron Plugs - Caterpillar

3/4 - 12 Standard Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-24
7/8 - 12 Standard Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-44
1 - 12 Standard Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-64
1-1/4 - 12 Standard Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-84

Diesel Ductile iron Plugs - Caterpillar

3/4 - 12 Oversize Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-28
7/8 - 12 Oversize Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-48
1-1/8 - 12 Oversize Caterpillar Plug 452-2615-78


HSS Tapered Reamer A-200/A-235 407-5202-35
HSS Tapered Reamer B-1 407-5203-27
HSS Tapered Reamer B-1/8 407-5203-86
HSS Tapered Reamer C, C-1, C-1 Special 407-5204-20
HSS Tapered Reamer D, D-1, D-1 Special 407-5204-90
HSS Tapered Reamer E, E-1, E-1 Special 407-5205-90
HSS Tapered Reamer G 407-5207-80
HSS Tapered Reamer H 407-5210-80
HSS Tapered Reamer HO 407-5211-40
HSS Tapered Reamer J 407-5213-10


HSS Tapered Tap A-155 407-5301-55
HSS Tapered Tap A-200 407-5302-00
HSS Tapered Tap A-200 TN 407-5302-01
HSS Tapered Tap AL-200 407-5302-03

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HSS Tapered Tap A-235 407-5302-35
HSS Tapered Tap A-235 TN 407-5302-36
HSS Tapered Tap AL-235 407-5302-38
HSS Tapered Tap B-1 407-5303-27
HSS Tapered Tap AL - B-1 407-5303-30
HSS Tapered Tap B-1/8 (CS) 407-5303-86
HSS Tapered Tap C, C-1, C-1 Special 407-5304-20
HSS Tapered Tap D, D-1, D-1 Special 407-5304-90
HSS Tapered Tap E, E-1, E-1 Special 407-5305-90
HSS Tapered Tap G 407-5307-80
HSS Tapered Tap R w/Pilot Hole 407-5307-86
HSS Tapered Tap GO 407-5308-40
HSS Tapered Tap H 407-5310-80

HSS Tapered Tap HO w/ Pilot Hole 407-5311-41

HSS Tapered Tap J & J-2 Drilled 407-5313-10

Jobber Length Drills

6/64 HSS Drill A-155 407-5101-55
11-64 HSS Drill A-200 & TPA Pins 407-5102-00
13/64 HSS Drill A-235 407-5102-35
5/16 HSS Drill B-1 407-5103-27
11/32 HSS Drill B-1/8 407-5103-86
25/64 HSS Drill C, C-1, C-1 Special 407-5104-20
15/32 HSS Drill D, D-1, D-1 Special 407-5104-90
9/16 HSS Drill E, E-1, E-1 Special 407-5105-90

Extension Drills
11/16 HSS Extension Drill A-200 407-5132-00
16/64 HSS Extension Drill A-235 407-5132-35

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual


TAP-O Tapping Compound 8 oz. 468-9920-08
TAP-O Tapping Compound 1/2 Gallon 468-9920-64
TAP-O Tapping Compound 5 Gallon 468-9926-40
Never Gall Compound 1 Pound 468-9950-16
MicroFinish Tap & Lube 8 oz. 468-9910-08


K-210 Crack Repair Kit (Starter) 411-5902-10
Includes the following Items in a handy Tool Box:
A-235 Iron Plugs (Automotive) 1 401-2102-35
13/64 HSS Drill (A-235) 1 407-5102-35
HSS Tapered Reamer (A-200/235) 1 407-5202-35
HSS Tapered Tap (A-235) 2 407-5302-35
Carbide File I/S (Oval) 1 408-5413-14
Coping Saw, New Style 1 411-5811-10
Coping Saw Blades, New Style 1 411-5811-11
Heat Tabs 255º – 260º (100/Pkg) 1 411-5811-81
Devcon Adhesive 1 411-5811-82
Ceramic Seal (Pint) 1 468-9120-16
TAP-O (8oz.) 1 468-9920-08

Plug Installation Tools

R Plug Tool - Ratchet Tip 1 411-5821-20
Heat Tabs 255º - 260º 100/Pkg 411-5811-81
Heat Tabs 220º - 235º 100/Pkg 411-5811-90
Devcon Adhesive Tube 411-5811-82

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Irontite Products Inc. Crack Detection & Repair Manual

Engine & Cooling System Additives

Finish the crack repair job by circulating Ceramic Seal internally to seal any
part of the crack that my still be separated on the inside of the casting.

Ceramic Seal
Ceramic Seal Pint 468-9120-16
Ceramic Seal Gallon 468-9121-28
Ceramic Seal 5 Gallon 468-9126-40


Seals leaks and cracks in the cooling system
• Prevents anti-freeze leakage
• Fast-Acting; Non-Corrosive; Non-Clogging
• Recommended for use with any Anti-freeze or Coolant
• Lubricates Water Seals

All Weather Seal

All Weather Seal Pint 468-9130-16


• Protects and cleans the engine cooling systems
• Leaves them free from rust, sludge and grease
• Extends the life of the cooling system

Thoro Flush
Thoro Flush Pint 468-9110-16

The 3-Pack (Trifecta) 1 Pint of Each 468-9190-16

Thoro Flush
Ceramic Seal
& All Weather Seal

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Irontite Products Inc.

2525 18th Street SW, Suite D

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404 USA
+1 (319) 377-9421 • FAX +1 (319) 377-9101

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