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Branding and Design Service Proposal

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The key takeaways are that the RVBIA is looking for branding and design services to promote Roncesvalles Village and support local businesses. They have outlined their goals, objectives and scope of work.

The goals of the RVBIA are to strengthen connections between business and community on Roncesvalles Avenue and cultivate a streetscape and culture that attracts locals and visitors. Their objectives for 2019-2022 include identifying and promoting Roncesvalles' unique aspects, improving gardens/lighting, promoting events, and increasing member involvement.

The RVBIA is requesting design of banner sets, social media graphics, newsletter templates, and advice on website imagery, lighting, winter decorations and more. They provide examples of immediate needs and ongoing/future projects.

RFP for Branding & Design

Services for the

Roncesvalles Village BIA
The Roncesvalles Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) is an association of commercial property
owners and tenants who work in partnership with the City: to create a thriving, competitive, and
safe business area that attracts shoppers, diners, tourists, and new businesses; and to improve
business conditions for its members on Roncesvalles Avenue through street beautification, property
maintenance, events and marketing, while spurring economic development and community building.
Our mission is to strengthen connections between business and community on Roncy.

To cultivate a streetscape and culture on Roncesvalles that attracts locals and visitors who wish to
eat, shop, share and thrive.

Objectives for 2019-2022

1. Identify and promote the unique aspects of Roncesvalles that build local loyalty and attract
2. Improve the design of the gardens and lighting throughout the seasons
3. Improve promotion and sharing of events on Roncesvalles
4. Increase involvement of BIA Members in making Roncesvalles an attractive destination to shop & socialize
5. Extend the streetscape to the south end and mitigate the impact of the reconstruction
6. Reduce the environmental impact of our events and other activities year-over-year
7. Support Members by providing access to relevant business & community information

To support our mandate, we need a common understanding of our current brand and future
prospects to inform and unify the visual identity and design of marketing and promotional collateral
and for streetscape assets. One that combines heritage elements with contemporary ones that
reflect our community’s urban space and consciousness. One that draws on the unique experience
of our street and our businesses for our loyal shoppers, our community and the visitors we attract.
One that envisions the future of our main street with its unique appeal to neighbouring communities
-- including proposed large-scale developments -- and to visitors using the expanding transit hub in
our vicinity.

We want locals and neighbouring communities to show their support for this great community by
shopping locally at their neighbourhood businesses to keep life here vibrant, engaged and thriving.

We’re looking for a branding and design group that gets Roncy and the entrepreneurial, creative and
community spirit at the heart of this urban village​. See ​Branding Brief​ attached.
See ​Website Business Directory​ and ​Top 10 Reasons Why We Love Roncy​.
The RVBIA is embarking on a number of print and digital initiatives and wants a more cohesive
approach to our materials. We are looking for a design group to:
A. Review our Branding Brief and tell us what else you need to inform your design process.
B. Identify themes and visual identify direction to support our purpose and objectives to be
reflected through the following collateral.
Immediate needs
1. Banner sets for our hydro poles: Sets of 2, 4, 6 or 8. Proposed size 72 X 30 inches X 80
Artwork - due by end of August for printing by City supplier
2. Shop Local graphic/overlay for social photos
3. Logo refinements & iterations for various uses
4. Member e-Newsletter template design - in September
Ongoing as needed
1. Postcard for mail drop to Roncy residents
2. TTC posters
3. Shop posters
4. Social media advertising and profile graphics
5. Some digital images for social and website.

No budget needed for the items below for the purpose of this RFP.
Projects under consideration
1. Loyalty Card
2. Walking Tour
3. Tote Bags
4. Digital Contest
5. Face Masks
6. Face Mask Signage
7. T-Shirts
For later in the year or next year
1. Advise on style of website imagery to be used
2. Advise on Decorative Lighting
3. Advise on Winter Decorations
4. Design of replacement banner for the mainstage
5. Design of Gateway Signage
6. South End Construction: Design of signage and select communications
Additional considerations for branding:
1. RVBIA Logo - see our thoughts in the Branding Brief re suitability and refinements.
2. Polish Festival - Does recent collateral fit with the brand vision? What works? What doesn’t?
3. Roncy Rocks - Does recent collateral fit with the brand vision? What works? What doesn’t?
4. RVBIA Website (recently redesigned) Does it fit with the vision? What works? What doesn’t?
5. RVBIA Print and Digital: New BIA logo & visual identity elements will need to be applied to all
our communication assets: Letterhead, Agenda, Minutes, Reports, Signage, Email signatures,
Social Media Accounts
6. RVBIA Gardens, Hanging baskets and other potential floral elements existing or considered
as part of our streetscape
● This is a sealed-bid competitive process open to invited vendors and to be posted publicly on
our website.
● Provide pricing on our immediate needs listed above.
● Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered.
● The proposal must contain the signature of a duly authorized officer or agent of the
company submitting the proposal.

1. Proponents are to provide a written proposal of no more than fifteen (15) pages detailing:
Biography/ CV of the individuals identified to provide the services
2. Description of services offered and ability to meet the stated needs of the RVBIA.
3. A brief description of your approach to the development of brand, visual identity and design
and your understanding of what is needed here.
4. List of past and current clients and their relevance to our stated needs.
5. Client References (3) related to our needs
6. The proposal must also include examples of your work with a particular focus on:
○ Work for business, locations and communities
○ Work of a similar scale and scope
7. A proposed work plan and schedule for completing the initial consulting and immediate
design activities.
8. The initial consulting should be completed within one week
9. Once recommendations and designs are put forward, we will provide opportunities for
members of the board and committees, staff and community advisers to give feedback.
10. The financial submission must include:
a. A statement of hourly rates by individual/position including consulting and design
b. Ancillary fees applicable to the services provided.
c. Discounts available.
d. Alternate fee structures.
11. All fees must be quoted in Canadian dollars and stated before applicable taxes.


Proposals that meet the RFP requirements, as stated above, will be evaluated based on the following
● Suitability of the Proposa​l – the proposed solution meets the requirements set forth in the RFP.
● Expertise ​in recommending and communicating appropriate technical and aesthetic
solutions as evidenced by the proposal and references.
● Aesthetic Capabilities​ – Prior work demonstrates artistic and innovative, approach that
engages communities, consumers and visitors.
● Project management​ approach and process.
● Candidate Experience​ – Candidate has successfully completed similar projects and has the
qualifications necessary to undertake this project.
● Proposal Presentation​ – The information is presented in a clear, logical manner and is well
● Budget ​– Candidate’s pricing for the project. Broken down for visual identity consulting and
for the design of the banners
July 27 - RFP Issued to invited candidates and published on website
July 29 - Deadline for questions to be submitted in writing to ​
Aug 12 - ​Proposal Deadline
Aug 13 - Proposals evaluated
Aug 14 - Shortlist Interviews by Zoom: 9AM, 10AM, 11AM
Aug 14 - Selection of best candidate & awarding of contract
Aug 17 - Start of contract


Any and all costs associated with responding to the RFP are solely the responsibility of the
respondent. The response with the lowest cost will not necessarily be accepted. The RVBIA reserves
the right to alter the dates or scope of work in this RFP. The vendor should not have any actual or
potential conflict of interest or any type of unfair advantage in submitting its proposal. Any vendor
submitting a proposal that is deemed to be in a conflict of interest whether potential or actual, may
be disqualified. The RVBIA shall not be responsible for any misunderstanding on the part of the
vendor concerning this RFP or its process.

Please submit a PDF of your proposal no later than August 12, 2020 ​ to the attention of:

Gabby Ouimet, RVBIA Marketing and Promotions Committee Chair, at ​

with copy to

One hard copy of your proposal may be submitted to:

Gabby Ouimet, RVBIA Marketing & Promotions Committee Chair

Roncesvalles Village BIA ℅ Village Juicery, 99 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto, ON M6R 2K9

Prepared by: Veronica Feihl, Executive Director, RVBIA

Date: July 23, 2020

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