Brief CV Prof Suresh Sharma
Brief CV Prof Suresh Sharma
Brief CV Prof Suresh Sharma
Educational Qualifications:
• B.Sc. Nursing: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, 2000.
• M.Sc. Medical Surgical Nursing: National Institute of Nursing Education, PGIMER, Chandigarh, 2005.
• PhD: Department of Public Administration, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 2010.
PhD Topic: “Nursing Care Administration: A study on patient satisfaction in selected public and private
hospitals at Ludhiana, Punjab”
Post-Doctoral Fellowships:
• Fellow, ICN Leadership Programme, Global Nursing Leadership Institute, Geneva, Switzerland,
• Post-Doctoral Fellowship of Nursing Research Society of India, [2017 – 2019].
• International Postdoctoral Fellowship in Nursing (STTI-INDEN Fellowship at University of
California, Santa Francisco, USA, 2011.
Awards/ Honors
• University first rank holder in B. Sc. Nursing Program, 2000.
• Florence Nightingale Award 2001 awarded by Florence by Florence Nightingale Nurses Welfare
Association, Bangalore, Indian and Anglo Indian Unity Center, UK at Bangalore in 2001.
• University Medal for standing First in M. Sc. Nursing at National Institute of Nursing, PGIMER,
Chandigarh, 2005.
• PhD-Dumra Scholarship received during pursuing PhD program at Punjab University, Chandigrah 2009.
• Best Teacher Award, AIIMS, Rishikesh-2018.
• Fellow, ICN Leadership Programme, Global Nursing Leadership Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, 2020.
National Level Assignments by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India:
1. Member-Special Invitee, Expert Advisory Committee for Nursing Education and Research for Six New
2. Member, Expert Advisory Committee IT Infrastructure for Inter-Institute Networking and on Health
Information Management System (HMIS) within each Institutes of National Importance.
3. Working Group Member, Under National Coordination Center, Pharmacovigilance Program of India, Indian
Phramacopoeia Commission, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India for a period of 3 years
w.e.f. 22th April, 2015.