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CL2020 87

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Republic of the Philippines

Deparlment of Finance
1071 United Nations Avenue
io t/,qn


Circular Letter No.: 2020-87

Date: 27 ust 2020
Supplements CL No. 2O2043;
CL No. 202O47;
CL No. 2020-68;
and CL No.






WHEREAS, the coronavirus disease 2019 (covrD-19) has spread in

different parts of the world, including the philippines;

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 outbreak has been characterized by the World

Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic;

WHEREAS, per a Memorandum from the Executive Secretary dated 16

March 2020, the entirety of Luzon was placed under enhanced community
quarantine (ECa);

WHEREAS, by reason of the COVID-19 outbreak and the imposition of

community quarantine in different areas in the country, the tnsurance
Commission has issued various Circular Letters extending the deadlines for the
filing and submission of various regulatory documentary requirements;

WHEREAS, the President issued Administrative Order No. 30 dated 2i

April2020, "Directing All Government Offices to Formulate and lssue Guidelines
on the lntem.rption of Periods for the Filing of Documents, payment of Taxes,
Charges and Other Fees, and Cancellation of Proceedings Before Their

Respective Offices, and on the Movement of Timelines for the Release of
Benefits", enjoining all heads of departments, agencies, offices, and
instrumentalities of the govemment to immediately formulate and issue rules or
guidelines to be applied in areas under community quarantine, as well as
adopting and ratifying all issuances previously released by agencies pertaining to
the extension, interruption or movement of the periods and timelines set by law
for the filing of documents, conduct of proceedings, payment of taxes, fees, and
other charges, and the grant of any benefit or claim due to COVID-19 insofar as
the same are consistent with the guidelines set forth by the IATF and the
directives of the Office of the President;

WHEREAS, the penalties for delay in the submission of reportorial

requirements to the Commission is provided for in Circular Letter No. 2014-15
dated 15 May 2014 on "Fees and Charges";

WHEREAS, the Commission has previously issued Circular Letter No.

2019-07 dated 18 March 2019 or the "Guideline and Grounds for the Reduction
of Penalties Due to Delays in the Submission of Reportorial Requirements";

WHEREAS, on 30 July 2020, the IATF-EID issued IATF Resorution No.

60-A, series of 2020, directing the implementation of localized lockdown/ECQ in
areas in the National Capital Region (NCR) and Region lV-A identified with high
community transmission, and placing several provinces, HUCs, and lCCs under
Modified General community Quarantine (MGCQ) or General Community
Quarantine (GCO) until 15 August 2O2O;

WHEREAS, on 02 August 2020, President Rodrigo Roa Duterte reverted

the National capital Region (NCR) and the provinces of Laguna, Cavite, Rizal
and Bulacan to Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) effective M
August 2020 until 18 August 2O20;

WHEREAS, on 14 August 2020, the IATF-EID issued IATF Resolution No.

63, series of 2020, placing several provinces, HUCs, and lccs in the country
under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ) beginning 15 August
2020 until 31 August 2O2O;

WHEREAS, this Commission recognizes that with the COVID-19 crisis still
unfolding and the various declarations placing different areas in the country under
different levels of community quarantine which, in tum, affect the operations of
regulated entities and pose specific challenges to the preparation of various
regulatory documentary requirements, there is a need to relax the imposition of
penalties for delays in the submission of the said requirements and to provide
guidelines for the reduction of such penalties;

NOW, THEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing and pursuant to the
powers granted to the lnsurance Commissioner under Section 437 of the
lnsurance Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 10607; Section 6 of Republic
Act No. 9829, othenarise known as "The Pre-Need Code of the philippines";
Section 4 of Executive order No. 192, series of 2o15; lmplementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 9160, othennrise known as the "Anti-Money
Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA), as amended"; and Rule 27 of the lmplementing
Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 10168, otherwise known as "The
Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act", the following Guidelines
on the lmposition of Penalty for the Late Filing and/or Submission of
various Regulatory Documentary Requirements by Reason of the
lmposition of Gommunity Quarantine in Different Areas in the Philippines
are hereby adopted and promulgated:

Section 1. Application. - This Circular shall apply to the penalties imposed

under ltem No. Vll, paragraph B of CL No. 2014-15 and the other Circular Letters
subsequently issued by the Commission which require the regulated entities'
submission of reportorial requirements and impose penalty for any delay in the
filing and/or submission thereof: Provided, That this Circutar shall only cover
the filing and/or submission of reportoria! requirements to the Commission
due for the year 2020.

Section 2. lmposition of Penalties. - Failure to file and/or submit regulatory

documentary requirements on or before the new/extended deadlines as set out
in earlier Circular Letters issued by this Commission shall merit the imposition of
penalty set out in ltem No. Vll, paragraph B of cL No. 2014-15. provided, That
the penaltv to be imposed bv the Gommission for late filino and/or
submission of requl atory documentarv requirements not exceed one
hundred thousand pesos (Php. For purposes of the computation
of the applicable penalty for late submission of regulatory documentary
requirements, the same shall be reckoned from the following dates, unless
otherwise extended or modified by the Commission:

Regulatory Requirement New/Extended

20 19 Audited Financial Statements (AFS) and 2019 30 June 2020, or
Annual Statements (AS) of All lnsurance and forty-five (45)
Reinsurance Companies, and Mutual Benefit calendar days after
Associations Doing Business in the Philippines (GL the lifting of the
No- 202043) ECQ Period,
whichever comes
2019 AFS of All lnsurance and/or Reinsurance 30 June 2O20, or
Brokers Doing Business in the Philippines (CL No. forty-five (45)
202043) calendar days after

the lifting of the
ECQ Period,
whichever comes
2019 AFS of HMOs (CL No. 202043) 30 June 2O20, or
forty-five (45)
calendar days after
the lifting of the
ECQ Period,
whichever comes
Negative List of Officers a nd Employees, Quarterly 30 June 2020
Reports on Se lected Financial Statistics (o RSFS ),
Related Party Transactions (RPT), Statement of
Paid-Up Capital, Reserves and lnvestments
(SPUCRI), Audited Annual Report for the Compilation
of the Other Financial Corporations Survey (OFCS),
and Report on Compulsory lnsurance for Agency-
Hired Workers (cL No.202043
2019 AS of Pre-Need Companies and the 2019 AS of 30 June 2O20, or
the Trust Fund/s for Each Type of Plan of Said forty-five (45)
Companies (GL No. 202043) calendar days after
the lifting of the
ECQ Period,
whichever comes
Status Reports Relative to IFRS 17 Covering the Forty-five (45)
Period 31 December 201 I (CL No.202047) calendar days from
the date of the
lifting of the ECQ
M aking of Necessary Form and System Cha nges and 30 July 2020
U pdating of the Regu lated Entities' Respective
Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing
Prevention Program (MTPPS) Under Section 29 of
CL No.2019-6s No.
Submission of Duly Accomplished and Certified 30 July 2020
Under Oath AML and CTF Compliance euestionnaire
Under CL No. 2020-OB (GL No.202068)
lnterim Financial Statements of HMOs for the 31 July 2020
Quarters Ending in 31 March 2020 and 30 June 2020
lC Letter dated 28 Ju
Catastrophe Exposures - Property lnsurance Reports 31 August 2020
for 2019 No.2020-75
Other regular reportorial requirements not falling 30 June 2020
within the purview of those previously mentioned (CL

Section 3. Reduction of Penalties. - ln accordance with CL No. 201$07, the
Commission may, upon evaluation, consider any application for the reduction of
penalties due to delays in the filing and/or submission of reportorial requirements
by reason of the imposition of community quarantine in different areas in the
Philippines and reduce the penalty imposed in an amount not exceeding thirty
percent (30%) of the total sum of the penalty.

The written application to reduce the amount of the penalty imposed shall be filed
within ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of any order or notice to pay and
must be addressed to the lnsurance Commissioner, in accordance with the form
and requirements set out in CL No. 2019-07.

Section 4. Separability Clause. - lf any provision of this Circular Letter shall be

held unconstitutional or invalid, the other provisions not otherwise affected shall
remain in full force and effect.

Section 5. Effectivity. - This Circular shall take effect immediately

lnsu Commissioner

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