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Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102044

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Use of tobacco cessation aids and likelihood of smoking cessation: A French

population-based study
Mathilde Fekom a, *, Tarik El Aarbaoui c, Romain Guignard b, Raphaël Andler b,
Guillemette Quatremère b, Simon Ducarroz a, Viêt Nguyen-Thanh b, Maria Melchior a
INSERM, Sorbonne University, Team of Social Epidemiology (ERES), Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IPLESP), Paris, France
Santé publique France, The National Public Health Agency, Saint Maurice, France
EpiDermE, Université Paris Est Créteil, F-94010 Créteil, France


Keywords: Although smoking prevalence has been decreasing worldwide, sustained tobacco cessation remains a challenging
Cessation goal for many smokers. Several types of tobacco cessation aids are available such as nicotine replacement therapy
Electronic nicotine delivery devices (NRT) and electronic cigarette, the effectiveness of the latter is still a matter of debate. This study aims to test
differences in successful smoking cessation according to the type of aid used, considering selection and con­
Duration of abstinence
founding factors.
Cessation aids
We used data from the 2017 French Health Barometer, a cross-sectional survey conducted by France’s Public
Health Agency. We studied the relationship between e-cigarette and NRT use and three distinct outcomes
collected retrospectively: smoking status 6, 12 and 24 months after the cessation attempt (yes vs no). All results
were weighted to be nationally-representative and controlled for propensity scores included via overlap
weighting (OW).
The use of an e-cigarette was significantly associated with tobacco cessation at 6 months (OWeighted OR =
1.38, 95 % CI: 1.03–1.99) as well as at 12 months (OWeighted OR = 1.61, 95 % CI: 1.13–2.27) and 24 months
(OWeighted OR = 1.61, 95 % CI: 1.01–2.57). The use of NRT was negatively associated with tobacco cessation at
12 months (OWeighted OR = 0.62, 95 % CI: 0.43–0.89) and 24 months (OWeighted OR = 0.57, 95 % CI:
0.35–0.92). While the use of an e-cigarette alone or combined with NRT is associated with an increase in the
likelihood of smoking cessation, the effects of the use of NRT alone on long-term smoking abstinence are
probably limited.

1. Introduction taxation, as well as support for smokers who wish to quit (World Health
Organization WHO, 2019).
While tobacco smoking prevalence has significantly diminished in The question of the long-term effectiveness of different types of
industrialized countries over past decades, long-term cessation remains smoking cessation aids in real-life settings is still under debate in the
an issue for many smokers (Halpern et al., 2018). Sustained tobacco public health community, in particular regarding electronic cigarettes
cessation is associated with psychological, social and environmental (e-cigarettes), which are mainly nicotine-based devices that are
factors and thereby represents a challenging goal to achieve. As a result, disseminated since 2010 (Fairchild et al., 2019). Although research
comprehensive tobacco control strategies are actively promoted, such as suggests that e-cigarettes are safer than traditional cigarettes (McNeill
the MPOWER strategy launched in 2007 by the World Health Organi­ et al., 2015), the level of risk reduction is still being discussed (Balfour,
zation, which includes extensive tobacco cessation support for smokers 2021; Haute Autorité de Santé, 2016). On the one hand, one may argue
(World Health Organization WHO, 2008). In practice, in many coun­ that smokers are primarily addicted to the nicotine itself, and that e-
tries, anti-smoking policies have been implemented. Those policies cigarettes represent a suitable substitute for traditional cigarettes to
include smoking and tobacco advertisement bans, communication on avoid nicotine withdrawal symptoms (Hartmann-Boyce et al., 2021). On
the dangers of smoking and the benefits of quitting, increases in the other hand, some studies suggest that e-cigarette use might enhance

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Fekom).
Received 19 October 2022; Received in revised form 2 November 2022; Accepted 5 November 2022
Available online 12 November 2022
2211-3355/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
M. Fekom et al. Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102044

nicotine dependence (Chen, 2020) and therefore reduce the odds of consumption. In particular, the 2017 wave of the French Health
successful smoking cessation in the long term. Other studies have shown Barometer survey (response rate: 48.5 %) included questions regarding
that children exposed to e-cigarette adverts might reduce the perceived smoking and tobacco cessation patterns, use of smoking cessation aids,
harm of regular tobacco smoking (Vasiljevic et al., 2018). Moreover, the as well as a number of relevant socio-demographic and health-related
European Respiratory Society which gathered publications on e-ciga­ questions.
rette use, highlighted the lack of evidence regarding the safety of e-
cigarettes in the long term, due to the potentially toxic chemicals they 2.2. Populations
contain (Bals et al., 2019). An additional issue is that many e-cigarette
users keep on smoking traditional cigarettes in parallel to vaping, France’s 2017 National Health Barometer survey was carried out
increasing the risk of deleterious effects on their health. Yet, data from a from January 5th to July 8th and included 25,319 individuals aged 18 to
cohort study of dual users of both e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes 75 years. Interviews lasted 31 min on average. We excluded from the
indicate that compared to traditional cigarette users only, dual users statistical analyses never-smokers and participants who smoked or used
were more likely to be abstinent at 6 months, but this was no longer the to smoke only occasionally yielding a sample of 12,101 daily smokers
case at 12 or 18 months (Sweet, 2018). A randomized controlled trial and former daily smokers. Individuals were classified as former smokers
conducted in the United States showed that sustainable tobacco cessa­ if they had smoked for at least 6 months and reported quitting for at least
tion at 6 months is not facilitated by the use of e-cigarettes when com­ one week prior to the survey. To keep exposure groups comparable, the
bined with usual care (Halpern et al., 2018). study sample was limited to individuals who tried to stop smoking at
A meta-analysis gathering 136 studies on nicotine replacement least once and for at least one week (successfully or not), that is 87.2 %
therapy (NRT) concluded that licensed forms of NRT can significantly of ever-daily smokers (n = 10,556). In this subgroup, 41.9 % (n = 4,423)
increase smoking cessation rates (Hartmann-Boyce et al., 2019). How­ were current daily smokers while 58.1 % (n = 6,133) were former daily
ever, the effectiveness of NRT in terms of long-term abstinence appears smokers. Since we aimed to assess the association between e-cigarette
to be limited: a randomized trial failed to demonstrate additional effi­ use and smoking cessation, we limited the study to the 4,022 individuals
cacy beyond 24 consecutive weeks of use (Schnoll et al., 2015) and re­ who attempted to quit smoking in the 4 years prior to the study, which
sults from a meta-analysis further showed that focusing on durations of 6 roughly corresponds to the period when e-cigarettes were marketed in
to 12 months after the cessation might overestimate the lifetime benefit France. In addition, to compare smokers and former smokers only par­
of NRT by 30 % (Etter and Stapleton, 2006). E-cigarettes and NRT have ticipants whose last smoking cessation attempt was at least 6 months
also been compared in randomized trials, and the former appears to be before the survey were included, yielding a sample of n = 2,783
more effective than the latter for successful tobacco cessation (Hart­ participants.
mann-Boyce et al., 2019; Schnoll et al., 2015). Finally, real-life use and
effectiveness are probably different from what has been observed in 3. Variables
clinical trials and there is need for updated information on this topic.
In addition to studying successful smoking cessation (Halpern et al., 3.1. Exposure – Type of smoking cessation aid
2018; Balfour, 2021; Schnoll et al., 2015) additional information can be
conveyed by the duration of abstinence (Marti, 2010). This distinction Participants who reported attempting to quit smoking were asked
matters as the intervention necessary to address the two goals might ‘Which smoking cessation aid did you use to quit smoking?’. It was a
differ. In France, since January the 1st 2019, up to 65 % of the cost of question with 9 non-exclusive pre-coded response choices. Similarly to
NRT is covered by the national health insurance scheme when pre­ previous work (Guignard, 2021), we distinguished 5 groups: use of 1) an
scribed by a health professional. In addition, the French National Au­ e-cigarette and no NRT (called e-cigarette), 2) NRT and no e-cigarette
thority for Health (HAS) emphasizes the importance of support and (called NRT), 3) both an e-cigarette and NRT (called e-cigarette and
guidance by a medical professional for sustainable tobacco cessation NRT), 4) another type of help and 5) nothing. The last option was used as
through motivational interviews, therapy, etc. (Haute Autorité de Santé, the reference category.
2014). More recently, the HAS proposed a specific tool to be used by
health professionals for early identification and brief intervention on 4. Study outcomes
patients’ tobacco consumption (Haute Autorité de Santé, 2021).
Using data from the French Health Barometer survey, we aimed to We considered three different study outcomes corresponding to
contribute to the ongoing discussion about effective ways of initiating participants’ smoking status 6, 12 and 24 months after the smoking
and maintaining tobacco cessation in a real-life rather than an experi­ cessation attempt reported. 6 months is a standard period to consider
mental setting. In particular, we studied the relationship between use of smoking abstinence as sustainable (Lee and Kahende, 2007). Partici­
NRT and/or an electronic cigarette use with regard to smoking cessation pants who quit smoking for at least 6/12/24 months at the time of
6, 12 and 24 months after the smoking cessation attempt among smokers survey were considered as former smokers. The 3 outcomes yielded
drawn from the general population. samples of respectively N = 2,783, N = 1,947 and N = 1,079 partici­
pants. More specifically, a participant who answered “yes” to “Do you
2. Methods smoke?”, “yes” to “Do you smoke every day?” and “More than 6/12/24
months” to “When was the last time you tried to stop smoking?” was
2.1. Source classified as a smoker and a participant who answered “no” to “Do you
smoke?”, “yes” to “Had you smoked daily for more than 6 months?” and
Data for this study come from the French Health Barometer, a “More than 6/12/24 months ago” to “When did you stop smoking?” was
representative general population telephone survey which aims to assess classified as a former smoker.
population levels of knowledge, behaviors and beliefs regarding health.
These surveys have been carried out since 1992 by the National Institute 4.1. Covariates
for Prevention and Health Education (Inpes) and now by the French
National Public Health Agency (Santé publique France). Telephone The socio-demographic variables controlled for in these analyses
numbers (landlines and mobile phones) are generated randomly include participants’ sex (woman vs man), age (in years), number of
(Richard et al., 2016). For landlines, only one individual per household persons in the household (headcount), work status (employed (refer­
is randomly selected to participate (Kish, 1949). ence), student, out-of the labour force, retired), occupational grade
The survey includes a section dedicated to the assessment of tobacco (worker (reference), supervisor/office employee or equivalent,

M. Fekom et al. Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102044

executive, other, not working), highest level of education (<high school are close enough to you so that you can count on them in case of a
(reference), high school graduate, college or > college), income per serious personal problem?’, below 3 (reference), 3–5, 6 and above).
consumption unit (split into terciles), relationship status (in a relation­ Additionally, we considered participants’ age of regular smoking
ship vs single) and having children (yes vs no). initiation, number of quit attempts prior to the survey and cessation type
Behavioral and health-related characteristics studied were: negative (radical vs progressive).
life events (>=1 among: serious money issues, loss of family member or
unwanted sexual relationship), frequency of physical activity (never 5. Statistical analyses
(reference), monthly/annually, weekly), chronic disease (based on the
question: ‘Do you have a chronic disease or health issue?’ yes vs no), life 5.1. Weights
satisfaction (based on the question ‘On a scale from 0 to 10, how would
you rate your life currently?’), psychotropic medication (based on the All results were weighted to consider the probability of being
question: ‘Have you ever taken any medication for nerves or sleep included in the survey, which depended on the respondent’s phone lines
problems, such as a tranquilizer, sleeping pills, antidepressants, etc.?’ number and of the number of eligible persons in the household. Weights
yes vs no) and social support (based on the question ‘How many people were calculated using the 2016 employment survey from National

Table 1
Characteristics of ever smokers who attempted to quit at least 6 months and at most4 years before the survey stratified by tobacco cessation help type.
Overall None E-cigarette NRT** E-cig. & NRT Other p

N 2783 1716 430 334 95 209

Sex = Woman (%) 1262 (45) 774 (45) 195 (45) 143 (43) 48 (51) 102 (49) 0.681
Age (mean (SD)) 40.62 (13.93) 39.06 (14.19) 40.54 (12.33) 46.78 (13.24) 45.16 (12.80) 41.69 (13.24) <0.001
Nb. persons household (mean (SD)) 2.83 (1.36) 2.90 (1.37) 2.79 (1.35) 2.79 (1.41) 2.40 (1.21) 2.69 (1.25) 0.006
Work Status (%) <0.001
Employed 1751 (63) 1051 (61) 298 (69) 196 (59) 68 (72) 138 (66)
Student 171 (6) 121 (7) 23 (5) 8 (3) 1 (1) 17 (8)
Out-of the labour force 601 (22) 395 (23) 81 (19) 71 (21) 21 (22) 33 (16)
Retired 260 (9) 148 (9) 27 (6) 59 (18) 4 (5) 22 (10)
Occupational grade (%) 0.136
Worker 662 (24) 421 (25) 84 (20) 84 (25) 30 (31) 43 (21)
Supervisor/office employee 1349 (48) 828 (48) 226 (53) 146 (44) 44 (46) 105 (50)
Executive 311 (11) 166 (10) 57 (13) 54 (16) 7 (7) 27 (13)
Other 41 (1) 27 (2) 7 (2) 1 (0) 0 (0) 4 (2)
Not working 421 (15) 274 (16) 55 (13) 48 (15) 14 (15) 29 (14)
Level of education (%) 0.293
<high shcool 1490 (54) 928 (54) 208 (48) 199 (60) 52 (54) 104 (50)
High school graduate 517 (19) 322 (19) 88 (20) 50 (15) 16 (17) 41 (19)
College or > college 775 (28) 465 (27) 134 (31) 85 (25) 27 (29) 64 (31)
Income per consumption unit*◦ (%) <0.001
1st tercile 1177 (42) 801 (47) 147 (34) 123 (37) 37 (39) 69 (33)
2nd tercile 935 (34) 545 (32) 161 (37) 121 (36) 33 (35) 75 (36)
3rd tercile 671 (24) 370 (22) 122 (28) 90 (27) 24 (26) 65 (31)
Relationship status = Single (%) 1687 (61) 1085 (63) 246 (57) 175 (52) 55 (58) 126 (60) 0.017
Children = yes (%) 1352 (49) 841 (49) 210 (49) 163 (49) 43 (45) 94 (45) 0.889
Behavioral & health
Negative life event = yes (%) 1243 (45) 729 (42) 198 (46) 172 (52) 52 (55) 92 (44) 0.040
Physical activity* (%) 0.046
Never 844 (30) 507 (30) 126 (29) 130 (39) 26 (27) 54 (26)
Monthly/annually 369 (13) 218 (13) 52 (12) 48 (14) 19 (20) 33 (16)
Weekly 1571 (56) 990 (58) 252 (59) 156 (47) 50 (53) 122 (58)
Chronic disease* = yes (%) 985 (35) 547 (32) 163 (38) 151 (45) 52 (55) 72 (34) <0.001
Life Satisfaction* (%) 0.321
Unsatisfied 168 (6) 89 (5) 29 (7) 31 (9) 6 (7) 13 (6)
Satisfied 1325 (48) 838 (49) 200 (47) 158 (47) 41 (43) 87 (42)
Very satisfied 1290 (46) 789 (46) 200 (46) 145 (43) 48 (50) 109 (52)
Psychotropic medication = yes (%) 1117 (40) 613 (36) 180 (42) 178 (53) 47 (49) 99 (47) <0.001
Social support* (%) 0.020
Below 3 639 (23) 419 (24) 73 (17) 77 (23) 30 (32) 40 (19)
3 to 5 people 1180 (42) 686 (40) 199 (46) 149 (45) 38 (40) 108 (52)
6 and above 964 (35) 610 (36) 158 (37) 109 (33) 27 (28) 61 (29)
Age regular smoking initiation*(mean (SD)) 19.15 (4.53) 19.36 (4.67) 18.56 (4.26) 19.25 (4.73) 18.81 (3.59) 18.67 (3.78) 0.020

Nb quit attempts* (mean (SD)) 3.70 (7.69) 3.60 (8.19) 3.81 (7.04) 3.75 (7.81) 5.12 (5.75) 3.55 (4.68) 0.151
Cessation type* = Progressive (%) 696 (25) 398 (23) 137 (32) 90 (27) 31 (33) 41 (20) 0.005
Smoking status =Former smoker 987 (35) 573 (33) 188 (44) 100 (30) 44 (47) 82 (39) 0.001

Data come from the 2017 French Health Barometer phone survey from Santé publique France. All headcounts and percentages were weighted by margin calibration. p-
values from Pearson chi-square tests for categorical variables and from.
one-way ANOVA tests for continuous variables were reported.
*Imputed using Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations (mice package in R).
** NRT = Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

Consumption units (CU) are calculated the following way: 1 CU for the first adult in the household, 0.5 CU for the other persons aged 14 years or older, 0.3 CU for the
children under 14 years.

M. Fekom et al. Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102044

Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, to render the sample Table 2

representative in terms of sex crossed with age, urbanicity, region of Bivariate and propensity score-controlled analyses examining the relationship
residence, level of education and the number of persons living in the between smoking cessation aids and smoking cessation.
household of the French general population. Bivariate analysis Analysis controlled for PS*

Tobacco cessation OR (CI) Tobacco cessation OR (CI)

5.2. Descriptive analyses aid aid

6 months after cessation attempt (N = 2783)

Variables potentially associated with the use of smoking cessation none (ref.) 1.00 none (ref.) 1.00
aids were described in the first study sample (Table 1, see Appendix for e-cigarette 1.54 e-cigarette 1.38
the other samples). Statistical significance was evaluated using Pearson (1.19–2.00) (1.03–1.99)
chi-square tests for categorical variables and one-way analysis of vari­ NRT 0.85 (0.63–1.15) NRT 0.73 (0.53–1.00)
e-cigarette and NRT 1.73 e-cigarette and NRT 1.49 (0.91–2.44)
ance (ANOVA) for continuous variables. (1.06–2.84)
other 1.29 (0.91–1.82) other 1.17 (0.81–1.70)
5.3. Outcome 12 months after cessation attempt (N = 1947)
none (ref.) 1.00 none (ref.) 1.00
e-cigarette 1.65 e-cigarette 1.61
We performed both bivariate weighted logistic regressions using the
(1.21–2.26) (1.13–2.27)
survey package in R, and weighted logistic regression models controlled NRT 0.65 NRT 0.62
for propensity scores (Li et al., 2018) computed with the Gradient (0.46–0.90) (0.43–0.89)
Boosting Machine (GBM) algorithm (Friedman, 2001). This non- e-cigarette and NRT 2.25 e-cigarette and NRT 2.15
(1.26–4.02) (1.21–3.84)
parametric method allows for complex and non-linear relationship be­
other 1.05 (0.70–1.57) other 0.93 (0.60–1.43)
tween input variables. Since the overlap between the distributions of 24 months after cessation attempt (N = 1079)
propensity scores corresponding to different exposure categories was none (ref.) 1.00 none (ref.) 1.00
relatively small, we used the overlap weighting (OW) technique (Zhou e-cigarette 1.76 e-cigarette 1.61
et al., 2020). Conceptually, the OW method focuses on observations with (1.15–2.71) (1.01–2.57)
NRT 0.58 NRT 0.57
the most overlap between the exposed and reference group covariates by
(0.37–0.90) (0.35–0.92)
assigning them a larger weight. This analysis was tested with the Sum­ e-cigarette and NRT 1.53 (0.78–3.00) e-cigarette and NRT 1.74 (0.80–3.77)
Stat function of the PSweight package in R (Zhou et al., 2020). All po­ other 0.89 (0.51–1.57) other 0.64 (0.33–1.21)
tential selection and confounding factors that were significantly
OR: odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; PS = Propensity scores.
associated with the study outcome at a statistical level of p<=0.2 given Data come from the 2017 French Health Barometer phone survey from Santé
the exposure were considered in the statistical analyses. publique France. Results are shown for former smokers (vs smokers).All re­
The software used for the statistical analyses was R 4.0.4 (Team, gressions (logistic on the left and logistic controlled for PS on the right) were
2021). weighted by margin calibration.
* Variables included were: age, work status, occupational grade, level of edu­
6. Results cation, income, relationship status, life satisfaction, negative life event, having
children, nb. quit attempts, age of initiation to regular smoking and cessation
6.1. Descriptive analyses type.

6.1.1. Factors associated with the use and types of smoking cessation aid cigarette use and smoking cessation for at least 6 months (OWeighted
In our first sample (N = 2783), 1716 individuals reported no aids OR = 1.38, 95 % CI: 1.03–1.99), 12 months (OWeighted OR = 1.61, 95
during their last tobacco cessation attempt, representing 61.7 % of the % CI: 1.13–2.27), and 24 months (OWeighted OR = 1.61, 95 % CI:
overall sample, while 15.5 % used an e-cigarette without NRT (n = 430), 1.01–2.57).
12.0 % NRT without an e-cigarette (n = 334) and 3.4 % both (n = 95), In contrast, there was a negative gradient between NRT use and
see Table 1. Participants who reported no smoking cessation aid as well smoking cessation for at least 6 months (OWeighted OR = 0.73, 95 % CI:
as those who used an e-cigarette were younger (respectively 39.06 and 0.53–1.00), 12 months (OWeighted OR = 0.62, 95 % CI: 0.43–0.89) and
40.54 years) than those who used NRT (46.78 years-old). While neither 24 months (OWeighted OR = 0.57, 95 % CI: 0.35–0.92). For those who
sex, level of education, having children nor life satisfaction were used both an e-cigarette and NRT, the odds ratio of smoking cessation
significantly associated with the type of smoking cessation aid used, was the highest 12 months after the quit attempt (OWeighted OR = 2.15,
other characteristics were, namely the number of persons in the 95 % CI: 1.21–3.84) and then decreased and became statistically non-
household, work status, occupational grade, relationship status, income, significant at 24 months (OWeighted OR = 1.74, 95 % CI: 0.80–3.77).
no physical activity, experience of negative life events, presence of a
chronic disease and use of psychotropic medication. 7. Discussion
Finally, individuals who used an e-cigarette without NRT were more
likely to report satisfactory social support, initiated regular smoking 7.1. Main findings
earlier (average of 18.56 years-old), quit smoking progressively and the
proportion of former smokers was higher there than in the NRT group or Our study, based on nationally-representative data collected among
in the group with no aids. smokers and former smokers, suggests that while e-cigarette use is
associated with both short and medium-term transition from being a
6.1.2. Regression analyses smoker to being a former smoker, its protective effect on a longer-term
Table 2 displays the results of both bivariate and propensity-score remains uncertain. In addition, NRT use does not appear to help sus­
controlled logistic regression analyses. In bivariate analyses, only the tainable abstinence in the long term. Thus, limiting the study of tobacco
use of an e-cigarette alone (6 months: OR = 1.54, 95 % CI: 1.19–2.00, 12 cessation to a short-term binary outcome can lead to wrong conclusions
months: 1.65 (1.21–2.26), 24 months: 1.76 (1.15–2.71)) was signifi­ about the real-life effectiveness of e-cigarette and NRT use with regard
cantly associated with smoking cessation at 6, 12 and 24 months. to long-term smoking abstinence. Standard tobacco cessation aids
After controlling for potential selection and confounding factors, all should therefore be considered as short-term support, which may need
odds ratios were attenuated but similar to those observed in bivariate to be complemented by other forms of support to lead to lasting results.
analyses. There was a positive gradient in the association between e-

M. Fekom et al. Preventive Medicine Reports 30 (2022) 102044

7.1.1. Strengths and limitations NRT users.

Our study presents several limitations. First, ours is a retrospective We also observed that, although results did not reach statistical
assessment which might induce recall bias, especially regarding the significance, dual users of an e-cigarette and NRT appear more similar to
accuracy of respondents’ answers. In particular, users of e-cigarette who exclusive e-cigarette users than to exclusive NRT users. There are several
were still using it at the time of the survey might recall better their explanations for this phenomenon. First, it could be that socio-
cessation aids than those who used NRT to stop smoking and who demographic features associated with e-cigarette use (regardless of
stopped since then. However, limiting the period of investigation to the any other aids used) are associated with long-term abstinence. This may
4 years preceding the survey probably limited the extent of information be the case for socioeconomic position, or the level of smoking prior to
bias. Second, our study was conducted in 2017 and smoking patterns cessation, which predicts e-cigarette use (Aljandaleh et al., 2020). Sec­
may have somewhat changed since. While there is evidence that ond, as reported by an extensive randomized controlled trial comparing
smoking rates in France decreased since this study was conducted these two smoking cessation aids, compliance with NRT prescription is
(Pasquereau et al., 2021), there is no reason that associations between not always guaranteed among individuals who were dispensed NRT
the use of smoking cessation aids and smoking cessation have changed products (Hajek et al., 2019). NRT products may not always be conve­
over time. Third, due to the survey design, we could not control for the nient to use and individuals who report using NRT products to stop
level of tobacco consumption, nor for the level of tobacco dependence smoking may not do so consistently, which could lead to non-
since former smokers were not asked about their smoking level or homogenous nicotine use or dosage issues, which favor relapse. In
addiction prior to cessation. Because heavy smokers – for instance dual fact, a population-based study carried out in England showed that NRT is
users who are trying to reduce their tobacco consumption – might only effective when prescribed by a health professional (Jackson et al.,
choose their tobacco cessation aid differently from light smokers, our 2019).
results may suffer from residual confounding. In fact, prior studies have One possible explanation behind the potential lack of long-term ef­
highlighted the fact that heavy smokers are more likely to use an e- ficacy of these tobacco cessation aids, despite the short-term efficacy of
cigarette than light smokers (Hajek et al., 2019). Fourth, our assessment an e-cigarette use, lies in the ongoing nicotine dependence they
of smoking cessation aids was broad, and we had no information about perpetuate (Etter and Stapleton, 2006; Sweet, 2018) although it is
the amount of nicotine taken in each smoking cessation aid studied, nor possible to try to reduce it by decreasing the dosage. Other effective
the form (gum, patch, etc.) or duration of use. Fifth, we assumed that all ways to help smokers quit tobacco include behavioral counselling and
variables included in the statistical analyses were stable from the time of financial incentives (Hartmann-Boyce et al., 2022; Berlin et al., 2021).
the tobacco cessation attempt to the time of the survey. If this assump­ One way to increase the likelihood of long-term smoking abstinence may
tion is inexact, it may induce incomplete control for confounding fac­ be to combine counselling with self-help approaches (Hajek et al.,
tors. Moreover, tobacco cessation being self-reported, it may not be 2019). Tobacco dependence is a chronic and relapsing disorder which
entirely accurate as people generally have less incentive to report a requires repeated treatments or prolonged follow-up similarly to other
relapse. chronic disease (Etter and Stapleton, 2006), and long-term follow-up of
However, our study has also several strengths. First, we studied a former smokers should be put in place whenever possible.
nationally representative sample of the French population. Contrary to
clinical trials that are conducted with volunteers, our study was con­ 9. Conclusion
ducted in real life conditions, and is thereby easier to generalize. Second,
the results of Guignard et al. (Guignard, 2021) were extended and Our results suggest that in real life circumstances, e-cigarette use is
improved using a recent method that takes into account potential con­ associated with short, mid and potentially long-term smoking cessation,
founders by propensity scores overlap weighting. This technique while NRT use is almost not associated with sustainable smoking
enabled us not only to consider potential interactions between the var­ abstinence. Successful smoking cessation probably requires medical
iables involved, but also to tackle the positivity assumption, in the sense follow-up and strong support, which should be offered to all smokers
that it emphasizes observations that have the highest probability of attempting to quit tobacco.
belonging to any exposure group. By doing so, we can lean towards a
study design in which exposure is more randomized. Funding
Future work should be conducted in larger samples of smokers in
order to increase statistical power and investigate more thoroughly This research was supported by the Epidemiological Study of PRe­
differences in the effectiveness between e-cigarette and NRT products natal Intake of Tobacco and later child outcomes (ESPRIT) project from
use. the Institute for Public Health Research (IResP) and by the French Public
Health Agency (Santé publique France).
8. Findings’ interpretation
Declaration of Competing Interest
Our study shows that the use of an e-cigarette - alone or in combi­
nation with NRT - appears to be associated with tobacco cessation, while The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
this does not appear to be the case for exclusive NRT use in our sample. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
One explanation may lie in the possibility that vaping resembles the work reported in this paper.
smoking and might therefore reduce the need to smoke tobacco while
maintaining a somewhat familiar gesture. Moreover, smokers tend to Data availability
under-report their tobacco consumption leading to under-dosed NRT
prescription, while vapers are able to adjust their nicotine intake more The authors do not have permission to share data.
easily, therefore possibly tailoring their use to their level of addiction.
One study suggests that e-cigarette use can help tobacco cessation Acknowledgements
among smokers who never planned to quit (Kasza, et al., 2021). To the
contrary, some NRT products such as patches, are more ‘passive’ and We would like to acknowledge the IPSOS institute for the data
might not fill the psychological or social needs associated with smoking collection, and the CDA institute, which handled the survey field audit,
(Hajek et al., 2019). Another explanation might be that NRT users are and all of survey participants. The French Public Health Agency (Santé
heavier smokers than e-cigarette users, and therefore not controlling for publique France) provided access to the datasets. We thank Jean-
heaviness of smoking might lead to stronger residual confounding for Baptiste Richard (Santé publique France) who managed the survey

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