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Nurwidia (1852041014) Academic Writing - 12

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Nurwidia (1852041014)
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris A 2018
Universitas Negeri Makasar, Indonesia


This study describes a real description of the English learning system at the Mattoanging DDI Islamic
Boarding School in Bantaeng. This study uses a qualitative research design. The purpose of this research
to find out: (1) the method of learning English in the Pesantren DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng, and (2) The
results of teaching the English learning system in the Islamic Boarding School of DDI Mattoanging
Bantaeng In presenting data, descriptive methods are used in this case research. Descriptive method is a
research method that tries to describe and interpret object based on the real situation of that object.
Data collection techniques in This research is a questionnaire to students and online interviews. From
research, it can it was concluded that with this system, scores or achievement indexes, specifically
English subjects, students can understand the material so that they get the average score of a student's
score exceeds the standard of the KKM.

Key words: English Language teaching, Methods, Islamic Boarding Schools

A. Background Islamic institutions with quality education and

excellence in equipping languages for students.
Islamic boarding school is an Islamic educational
institution where the santri (students) learn, Slameto (in Noviana, 2012) in the learning
understand, appreciate, and practices the process, the learning environment is a learning
teachings of Islam by focusing on the resource that influences student motivation in
importance of religious morality to guide the learning process. Especially in learning
everyday behavior (Dhofier, 1983). Nowadays, English as a foreign language in our country. It's
Islamic boarding school especially in Indonesia very difficult to learn if we don't have an
have been playing its roles not only in religious environment that supports what we are
and education matter but also in the other learning. The importance of the environment in
areas, such as social, economic and the language learning process makes Islamic
environment. boarding school superior in this regard.

Related to its role in education, Islamic boarding An Islamic boarding school has provided the
school also plays an important role in the world right environment for learning English,
of language. Because of Islamic boarding especially in improving speaking skills. In South
schools in Indonesia apply several languages in Sulawesi itself, there are several Islamic
their environment. Arabic and English are the boarding schools known for their good English.
most commonly used in Islamic boarding Such as An-Nahdlah Islamic Boarding School
schools. This is what makes it famous as one of Makassar, Al-ikhlas Bone Islamic Boarding
School, DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng Boarding
School and others. It is said to be famous provincial and national levels in speech and
because there are already many students who debate events as mentioned earlier. Learning
have managed to qualify for the English strategies according to Kemp (1995, 21) is an
language speech and debate event at the activity learning that
provincial and national levels. Everything is
must be carried out by the teacher and students
motivated by an effective and varied learning
methods. Because of most boarding schools are so that the goal learning can be achieved
effective and efficient. Effort of applying
able to compete with state schools both under
the Ministry of National Education and also learning plans that have been arranged in real
activities so goals that have been prepared can
Ministry of Religion. Most of the students
mastered and had achievements superior to be achieved optimally, then a method is needed
used to realize predetermined strategy.
students at school who are not boarding
schools. They are capable compete in general Previous researchers have examined methods
subjects and religion. of learning English in various Islamic boarding
In the Islamic boarding school environment school outside South Sulawesi. Some
researched on their forms of learning, inhibiting
itself, students have plenty of time to study and
interact with other students. Different from factors in the process of learning English and
the problems of learning English. Seeing the
public schools which are only a few hours in
school, Islamic boarding school students live 24 cultural differences from each region make the
researcher is interested in researching the
hours in their neighborhood. In reality,
language learning is not a matter of memorizing learning methods in Islamic Boarding School of
DDI Bantaeng in the province of South Sulawesi.
grammar and structure but how to practice the
language itself. For this reason students at In the previously, we have written some of
Islamic boarding schools are obliged to live in Islamic boarding schools which are famous for
dorms in the school area and speak English to their language. So in this research, the
immediately practice English in their daily lives. researcher will focus on one Islamic Boarding
While most countries in the world make English School wich is Islamic Boarding School of DDI
as the second language of their mother tongue, Mattoanging Bantaeng. The researcher will also
but learning English in Indonesia is still a foreign specifically examine the methods of learning
language learning where the ability to use English and the results that have been achieved
English students is still low. The use of English is from these methods.
only used when they are studying English
subjects themselves, without being practiced Based on the explanation above, the researcher
directly in daily communication like other is interested in conducting a research under the
countries. So that the Islamic boarding school title "English Learning Methods in Islamic
environment is the right place for children to Boarding School" (The methods and the results
practice the language they are learning. of learning English in Islamic Boarding School of
DDI Bantaeng)
Complementing the learning environment,
certainly requires the right methods that B. Problem Statement
ultimately make students able to pass at the
Many Islamic Boarding School students succeed Bantaeng Middle School on May 15, 2020
in speech and debate events at the provincial through WA group, the teaching and learning
and national levels. Based on this statement, process at the DDi Mattoanging Islamic
the researcher will focus on the question "What Boarding School is the same as other junior high
kind of learning methods are applied in Islamic schools, with KTSP standards and now K13.
boarding school of DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng?"
And what makes it different from previous Teaching and learning process that involves four
skills English - listening, speaking, reading and
studies is to complete the question with "what
are the results of these methods?" writing. Like most Pafa learning processes.
When an English teacher opens a classroom,
C. Objective of the Research students prepare to stand up, greet and pray.
After that, usually The teacher first quizzes the
The objective of the research is to find out the
subjects to be studied to measure the extent of
English Learning Methods in Islamic Boarding
students' progress. After that the teacher will
School of DDI Bantaeng along with the results
continue by repeating the last material chosen
obtained or that have been obtained so far
in the last week, namely perception.
based on the learning methods applied.
Before new material Hopefully, the teacher
D. Significance of the Research
previously gave a few points or asked several
The significance of this research is expected to related questions for the main material that will
be a reference to other schools in applying the be approved at the meeting. In this study the
English learning method and learning process. process, the teacher makes a variety of learning
methods that vary. For example, by giving
Literature Review pictures related to the material, then asking
students to guess what material will be
This chapter discusses about Islamic presented by looking at that picture.
boarding school, learning methods,
vocabulary, and tutoring. These theoretical In providing material the teacher also divides it
concepts are presented in the following gradually divides the division of this study into
points. four aspects namely: listening; speaking;
reading and writing. In the aspect of listening
English Language Teaching Methods skills, the teacher uses projectors and speakers
to play songs or stories to students. Usually the
According to interviews with each of the
exercise will be done first by detecting the
principals of junior high schools, MTS, MA and
words that are heard. Afterwards, new
English teachers and coaches. The process of
evaluations will be carried out with different
teaching and learning English in the Pesantren
stories or songs. Sometimes quiz inserted for
DDI Mattoanging Bantaeng contains two main
those who are able to answer to become
Activities, they are a learning process taken by
additional value. This also triggers students'
the Ministry of Education held in the classroom,
enthusiasm to be diligent and listen well. In
and the learning process taken outside of
how to get them used to it by speaking, at the
hours.Based on an online discussion that the
beginning of learning, the teacher first spoke to
author did in 8th grade A Ddi Mattoanging
students. Ask about their daily life, news and
others to train them to talk. This activity is place for the students to receive Islamic
carried out at the beginning of learning with educations. all at once becoming their place to
one student from each meeting to be ready to
get together and live.
be asked.

In the process of teaching reading, the teacher

2. Vocabulary Memorizing
asks which student to read the text related to
the material The way used to convey this skill.
Vocabulary is one of the language elements that
The teacher asks them to read the text one by
must be mastered by individuals or groups to be
one, then the teacher gives corrections for their
able to communicate well. Vocabulary itself
pronunciation and give correct for their wrong
(from the latin for "name," also called
pronunciation. In teaching writing skills, the
wordstock, lexicon, and lexis) refers to all the
teacher asks students to write a topic at each
words in a language that are understood by a
meeting. In a gradual manner and adjusted
particular person or group of people. According
to Hornby (2006: 1645) vocabulary is all the
1. Islamic Boarding School words that a person knows or uses and it is all
the words in a particular language. According to
In Indonesia language, the word “pondok” Hatch and Brown (1995: 1) vocabulary is a list or
set of words for a particular language or a list or
means room, hut, or tiny house with emphasize
set of word that individual.
on the simplicity of the building. “Pesantren”
basically means “the place for ‘santri’ (student) Vocabulary is an important factor in all critical
languages important for typical language
to learn”. “Pondok” also means a simple place learners. It is very large and also varied in the
to live made of bamboo. Aside from that, the amount of. Nobody can arrange all the words of
word pondok” might have also derived from the any language, but they can enrich the stock of
words. The greater the student's vocabulary,
Arabic “funduq" which means “hotel or
the greater Asking them to have the ability to
dormitory”. This is where the term “pondok read and write. Therefore, it is a duty English
pesantren” (boarding school) came from. teachers to help their students improve their
shared vocabulary grammar and pronunciation.
According to Muhammad Arifin an Islamic
Boarding School institution grows and 2. Tutoring

acknowledged by the surrounding societies, Learning guidance is also an important aspect in

with dormitory system (complex) where the teaching at the Mattoanging Bantaeng Islamic
Boarding School DDI. Because in addition to
students received knowledge using the teaching
general learning in this Islamic boarding school
system or Islam school which fully beneath the class, tutoring has a greater role in increasing
authority of one or several kyai’s leadership, knowledge in English. Not only English, other
whom have charismatic and independent language guidance is also applied such as Arabic
and Japanese. this guidance is done every night
personalities in every matter”. Commonly a
after evening prayer. Every student must follow public schools outside. With a little
the guidance and will be punished if found in conversation with the teachers at the
the cottage at night without explanation. Pesantren, they provided information that they
English tutoring is divided into several levels, were not only implementing students in class
such as junior high and MA. Learning content is but also outside of school hours. With so many
also gradual according to level. Middle school outstanding students making DDI Mattoanging
usually starts with singing, spelling, vocabulary Islamic Boarding School Bantaeng quite
memorization and basic grammar. MA learns superior in the language field. The same aspects
about speaking grammar and toefl. are taught such as speaking, listening, reading
and writing but are taught with a variety of
interesting methods. This factor was the one
This study will find that the English learning who was able to improve English learning at the
method applied at the Mattoanging DDI Islamic DDI Bantaeng Islamic Boarding School. Not
Boarding School in Bantaeng is able to produce forgetting also the role of a teacher who gives
outstanding students who are not inferior to instruction is important. A teacher who can
guide his students well.

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Slameto.(2012). Belajar dan Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta

Kemp, Jerrold E. 1977. Instructional Design: Plan for Unit and Course Development. New York: Holt,

Rinehart & Winston.

Fatah, Abdul. 2011. Strategi Pondok Pesantren Attaqwa Putra Bekasi dalam Menerapkan Komunikasi
Berbahasa Arab dan Inggris pada Santri. Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Dhofier, Z., 1983. ¤ Tradisi Pesantren: Studi Tentang Pandangan Hidup Kyai (Jakarta: LP3ES, 1994), p. 1.

Mujamil Qamar, Pesantren: dari Transformasi Metodologi Menuju Demokratisasi Institusi (Jakarta:
Erlangga, 2005), p. 2.

Hornby, AS. Oxford Advanced Learner's Vocabulary English Dictionary of current English. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1974.

Hatch and Brown, Cheryl. 1995. Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

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