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WEST POKOT Debt Management Strategy Paper 2016 2017

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County Debt Management Strategy Paper

February 2016

The County Government of West Pokot has no plans of borrowing for the financial year 2016/2017 since
the budget proposals contained in the fiscal strategy paper 2016 are balanced with the resource envelope
available hence there will be no anticipated need for deficit financing. However, as county government
matures and its strategic needs grow, there is need for the preparation of a Debt management strategy as
part of the documents supporting budget estimates and meet its financial needs from the financial and
money markets. The government debt management objective remains two-fold: to raise resources through
borrowing to meet County government budgetary requirements at a minimum cost and prudent level of risk;
and to promote the development of domestic debt markets.

The purpose of the 2016 MTDS is to guide County Government borrowing in the future financial years while
providing a path for sustainable level of debt over the medium term. The MTDS evaluate both costs and
risks of various scenarios and recommends an optimal debt management strategy for implementation
during the future financial years.

The institution arrangements for public debt management will be reviewed to enable the treasury execute
its mandate effectively and efficiently under the constitution of Kenya 2010. The implementation of the
constitution requires enormous amount of the resources, part of which will be sourced through borrowing.
It’s therefore, important to closely monitor the burden of the public debt at county Government level so as
not to undermine economic growth. As we implement the constitution of Kenya, 2010, it is important that
both the burden of and benefit from public borrowing is equitably shared between the present and future
generations. Indeed, it is one of the key principles of public finance under Article 201 of the Constitution of
Kenya, 2010. Going forward, it’s therefore expected that County Government’s fiscal strategies will be
geared towards maintaining a sustainable level of debt.

Mr. Joel Ngolekong,

CEC, Finance and Economic Planning
West Pokot County


The West Pokot Debt Management strategy is informed by a fiscal policy supportive of the macro-economic
stability and growth. The County Government’s domestic borrowing program is on track since we have no
debts inherited from the defunct local authorities. The strategy therefore will guide the county government
to adequately prepare before undertaking any future borrowings to support implementation of priority
policies, Capital programmes and projects.

Borrowing on commercial terms will be on exceptional circumstances. A cautious approach will be adopted
in the issuance of the government loan guarantees to minimize the level of contingent liabilities and
maintaining the level of public debt within sustainable levels.

First, I would like to thank Mr. Joel Ngolekong (County Executive Member for Finance and Economic
Planning) and the County Executive Members for their input and for dedicating their time to provide
leadership in the entire Debt Management Strategy preparation process. The Budget and County Planning
Unit team also spent a significant amount of time to put together the report. In this regard, we are grateful
to: Mr. Kennedy Tegeret (Head of Planning), Ms Priscillah Chebet (Head, Budget office), and Mr. Benard
Biegon (Sub-county Development officer, South and Central Pokot), for their technical input and
commitment to the success of the process. Thank you all for the excellent support and work.

The debt management strategy asserts the county government’s debt management objectives of ensuring
the County government’s financing needs and payment obligations are met at the lowest possible
cost with a prudent degree of risk.

Jackson Pengat

Chief Officer Finance and Economic Planning

West Pokot County

FOREWORD ..........................................................................................................................................................................ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................................................... iii

1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Definition of Debt ........................................................................................................................................................ 1

1.3 Definition of a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy ...................................................................................... 1

1.4 Legal Framework ........................................................................................................................................................ 2

1.5 Objective of the Debt Management Strategy........................................................................................................... 6


2.1 Key Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

2.2 Analysis of Debt Sustainability ............................................................................................................................ 7

2.3 Debt Management Strategies ................................................................................................................................ 8

2.4 Maintain debt at sustainable and affordable levels .............................................................................................. 8

2.5 Implementation Framework ................................................................................................................................... 12

2.6 Fiscal measures ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.7 Legal measures ....................................................................................................................................................... 12

2.8 Institutional framework ............................................................................................................................................. 13

2.8.1 Process for recommending borrowing proposals to County Executive ......................................................... 13

2.8.2 County Debt Management Advisory Committee ............................................................................................ 13

2.8.3 Functions and responsibilities of the Debt Management Unit ....................................................................... 14

2.9 Operational framework.......................................................................................................................................... 15

3.0 CHAPTER THREE: CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 17


1.1 Introduction

This is the second Medium Term Debt Management Strategy paper (MTDMS) prepared by the County
Government of West Pokot since its inception . This Strategy paper sets out the County Government’s
objectives, strategy and plans for the management of its debt during first three years beginning Financial
Year 2016/2017 to 2018/2019.

The MTDMS is a plan that outlines what the County government intends to implement over the medium
term in order to achieve a desired composition of debt portfolio. It operationalizes the government’s debt
management objectives i.e ensuring the County government’s financing needs and payment
obligations are met at the lowest possible cost consistent with a prudent degree of risk. The MTDMS
has a strong focus on managing the risk exposure embedded in the debt portfolio—specifically, potential
variations in the cost of debt servicing and its impact on the budget. In particular, the MTDMS identifies how
costs and risks vary with the composition of the debt.

1.2 Definition of Debt

Public debt, or borrowing, includes the contracting or guaranteeing of domestic and external
(foreign) debt through loans, financial leasing, on-lending and any other type of borrowing, including
concessional and non-concessional borrowing, whatever the source. Borrowing and debt of county
government owned institutions would be included in the definition of total county government debt.

1.3 Definition of a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy

This Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (Debt Strategy) is a framework that the County government
intends to use over the medium-term (three years) to ensure that debt levels stay affordable and
sustainable, that any new borrowing is for a good purpose and that the costs and risks of borrowing are

1.4 Legal Framework

The Public Finance Management Act, 2012 requires County Treasury to submit the County Government
Debt Management Strategy to the County Assembly. Section 123 stipulates that: ―On or before the 28th
February in each year, the County Treasury shall submit to the County Assembly a statement setting out
the debt management strategy of the county government over the medium term with regard to its actual
liability and potential liability in respect of loans and its plans for dealing with those liabilities. ―

After submission of the statement to the assembly, the County Executive Member for Finance is required
to publish and publicize the statement and submit a copy to the Commission on Revenue
Allocation (CRA), and the Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC).

Framework for Borrowing by County Governments

Section 212 of the Constitution gives county governments a window of opportunity to borrow. All borrowed
funds must be guaranteed by the national government and have to be approved by the County
Government’s Assembly. Loans to county governments are part of the public debt. The constitutional
provision on borrowing is operationalised by the PFMA, 2012. (1) Section 58 of the Act states,

• Subject to subsection (2), the Cabinet Secretary may guarantee a loan of a County Government or any
other borrower on behalf of the National Government and that loan shall be approved by Parliament.

• The Cabinet Secretary shall not guarantee a loan under subsection (1) unless

(a) The loan is for a capital project.

(b) The borrower is capable of repaying the loan, and paying any interest or other amount payable in
respect of it.
(c) In the case of a private borrower; there is sufficient security for the loan.
(d) The financial position of the borrower over the medium term is likely to be satisfactory;
(e) The terms of the guarantee comply with the fiscal responsibility principles and financial objectives of
the National Government. Where Parliament has passed a resolution setting a limit for the purposes of
this section;

(a) The amount guaranteed does not exceed that limit.
(b) If it exceeds that limit, the draft guarantee document has been approved by resolution of both
Houses of Parliament.
(c) The Cabinet Secretary takes into account the equity between the National Government's
interests and the County Government's interests so as to ensure fairness.
(d) The borrower complies with any conditions imposed by the Cabinet Secretary in accordance with the
(e) The Cabinet Secretary has taken into account the recommendation of the Intergovernmental Budget
and Economic Council in respect of any guarantee to a County Government; and
(f) The loan is made in accordance with provisions of this Act and any regulations made thereunder.

• Parliament may approve a draft loan guarantee document as provided by subsection (2)(f)(ii) Only if
satisfied that
(a) The guarantee is in the public interest;
(b) The borrower's financial position is strong enough to enable the borrower to repay the loan proposed
to be guaranteed and to pay interest or other amounts payable in respect of the loan; and
(c) The loan is geared towards stimulating economic growth in a County Government.
Section 107 of the Act specifies

• Over the medium term, the government's borrowings shall be used only for the purpose of financing
development expenditure and not for recurrent expenditure.
• The county debt shall be maintained at a sustainable level as approved by County Assembly.
• The fiscal risks shall be managed prudently.
• Short term borrowing shall be restricted to management of cash flows and shall not exceed five percent
of the most recent audited county government revenue.
• Every county government shall ensure that its level of debt at any particular time does not exceed a
percentage of its annual revenue specified in respect of each financial year by a resolution of the County

Section 140 and 141 of the Act specifies that

• A County Executive Committee member for finance may, on behalf of the County Government, raise a

loan for that Government's purposes, only if the loan and the terms and conditions for the loan are set out
in writing and are in accordance with;
(i) Article 212 of the Constitution
(ii) Sections 58 and 142 of this[PFMA] Act
(iii)The fiscal responsibility principles and the financial objectives of the county government set out in its
most recent County Fiscal Strategy Paper
(iv)The debt management strategy of the County Government over the medium term
(v) A loan may be raised either within Kenya or outside Kenya
• In borrowing money, a County Government shall ensure that it’s financing needs and payment
obligations are met at the lowest possible cost in the market that is consistent with a prudent degree of
risk, while ensuring that the overall level of public debt is sustainable.

• A County Government may borrow money only in accordance with this Act or any other legislation and
shall not exceed the limit set by the County Assembly.

• A County Government may borrow money in accordance with section 58, and only for purposes that are
prescribed by regulations made under this subsection.

• A public debt incurred by a County Government is a charge on the County Revenue Fund, unless the
County Executive Committee member for finance determines that all or part of the public debt that would
otherwise be a charge on that Fund shall be a charge on another public fund established by that county
government or any of its entities.

• The County Executive Committee member for finance shall pay the proceeds of any loan raised under
this Act into the County Revenue Fund or into any other public fund established by the county
government or as the County Executive Committee member for finance may determine.

• A County Executive Committee member for finance may establish such sinking fund or funds for the
redemption of loans raised under this Act for the purposes of the County Government or any of its entities
as the County Executive Committee member for finance considers necessary

• Any expenses incurred in connection with borrowing by a County Government shall be a charge on the
County Revenue Fund or on such other county public fund established by the County Government or any

of its entities as the County Executive Committee member for finance may determine in accordance with
regulations approved by the County Assembly.

Section 142 of the act specifies

• The County Assembly may authorize short term borrowing by county government entities for cash
management purposes only.
• Any borrowing may not exceed five percent of the most recent audited revenues of the entity.
• A County Government entity that has any such borrowing shall ensure that the money borrowed is
repaid within a year from the date on which it was borrowed.

Section 143 of the act specifies

• The County government may issue securities, whether for money that it has borrowed or for
any other purpose, only in one or more series and only in accordance with this Act and regulations.
• Subject to the provisions of section 141 of this Act, the authority of the County Executive Committee
member for finance to borrow money includes the authority to borrow money by issuing County
Government securities in accordance with the regulations.
• Any County Government securities issued by the County Executive Member for finance under this
section shall be within the borrowing limits set out by the County Assembly under subsection 141(2) of
this Act
• County Government securities may be issued in one or more series; and may be issued in accordance
with loan agreements entered into in accordance with regulations developed by the County Executive
Committee member for finance and approved by the County Assembly.
• An agreement to obtain a loan by a County Government entity made under subsection (5) may
be amended from time to time and where the amendment results in further indebtedness or prejudice to
the entity that borrowed, the amendment shall be approved by the County Assembly.
• The County Executive Committee member for finance shall ensure that every County Government
security issued under this section is given in the name of that County.

1.5 Objective of the Debt Management Strategy

The main objective of West Pokot Debt Management Strategy is to ensure that the County Government of
West Pokot’s financing needs and its payment obligations are met at the lowest possible cost over the
medium to long term, consistent with a prudent degree of risk.

Specifically, the Strategy aims at:

(a) Covering financing needs and payment obligations, while minimizing medium and long term
(b) Limiting risk in the public debt portfolio. The limitation of risks attached to the county
government debt portfolio is an important objective set in this Strategy, aiming at providing an
optimal and sustainable composition of the public debt;

The strategy aims at providing a general policy direction that will facilitate County’s access to financial
markets as well as supporting future development of a well-functioning vibrant debt policy. This first formal
and explicit strategy is an important step forward in enhancing transparency of the County’s debt
management decisions. The underlying intention is to update the strategy regularly, presenting it on an
annual basis with the budget estimate documents. The 2016/2017-2018/2019 MTDMS will cover for the
County debt management operations within the period. In summary, the strategy seeks to balance cost and
risk of public debt and take account of demand constraints. It also seeks to institutionalize the production of
a debt strategy publication as provided for in the Public Finance Management Act, 2012.


2.1 Key Assumptions

This section describes the medium term strategy assumptions considered during preparation and those
that are to affect the realization of the proposed management strategies.

(i) The macroeconomic framework underpinning the strategy will remain stable during the medium term
period. Forecasted GDP growth rates will be realized and variables such as inflation rates, interest rates
amongst others will remain stable to minimize the cost of debt.

(ii) The macro-economic framework underpinning the 2016/2017-2018/2019 MTDMS is consistent with
projections included in the 2016 County Fiscal Policy Statement (2016 CFSP). The fiscal strategy paper
objects at providing a general fiscal direction to support economic activities taking into consideration debt
harmony in the next three years with improved forecast of the national economy.

(iii) The political, social and economic environment will remain favorable during the implementation of
the strategy.

(iv) The County Government of West Pokot has no debt.

(v) As per the constitution,the national government will guarantee county government loans;

(vi) The County Government of West Pokot will adhere to the strategies contained in the debt management
policy document. The CFSP will guide the borrowing requirements.

(vii) Appropriate enabling debt management framework exist (adequate legal framework; effective
institutional arrangements and comprehensive and efficient debt recording).

2.2 Analysis of Debt Sustainability

a. Debt sustainability refers to the ability of a West Pokot county to service its debt on a
continuing basis and not go into default.

b. The County Government of West Pokot does not have debts. Being a new county, it is yet to
borrow within the meaning of the Constitution and PFMA 2012. Rigorous debt sustainability therefore,
will be done once the County Government contracts the first borrowing as informed by law.

2.3 Debt Management Strategies

This section outlines debt management strategies envisaged should the County Government of West Pokot
contracts a debt in future. There are four components to the Debt management Strategy

(i) Maintain debt at sustainable and affordable levels.

(ii) Ensure that any new borrowing follows fiscal responsibility guidelines for a fit purpose; from
an allowable source; and with acceptable terms and conditions.

(iii) Introduce and consolidate fiscal, legal, institutional and operational measures that ensure that the
above objectives are met.

2.4 Maintain debt at sustainable and affordable levels

Pursue grant funding and budget support;

Where grants are unavailable, or where a loan element of grant funding for priority development
projects is mandatory, limited concessional borrowing may be sought;

Borrowing must be limited to concessional loans from multi- or bilateral donors or development

The criteria for considering concessional financing shall be a grant element,

Concessional debt terms and conditions must be appropriate for the project being financed,

Projected debt servicing cost, not allowing for grace periods, must be less than 10 per cent of
forecast domestic sourced revenues, assuming no growth in revenue;

Debt servicing shall be sequenced to avoid large peaks in repayment expenses at certain times of

As part of the budget process, an annual borrowing limit will be set such that debt levels will not
exceed the minimum set thresholds (50 percent of Internal revenue).

As a general rule, and to maintain any debt to be incurred at its affordable and sustainable levels or
below, the cumulative new issuance should not exceed the cumulative principal repayments to be
made once interest to incur debts are floated;

Debt levels must be lower than any thresholds stipulated in the Public Finance
Management Act 2012 and any other land legislation governing matters debt;

Debt levels used in monitoring and analysis will be total public debt;

Any additional fiscal surplus arising from buoyant county revenues will be used to retire domestic

Ensure that any new borrowing follows legal and fiscal responsibility guidelines for a fit purpose;
from an allowable source; and with acceptable terms and conditions.

New borrowing must be recommended by a County Debt Management Unit to the Debt
Management Advisory Committee and approved through the proper legal and institutional
channels. It must comply with the conditions contained within the MOU signed by the county and
the entity issuing the debt.

New borrowing must be:

(a) For a fit purpose.

(i) Borrowing must be for the following types of projects

i. Investing in the productive capacity of West Pokot County;

ii. Funding priority core infrastructure and development initiatives;

iii. Specific purposes (projects) identified as a high priority in the county CIDP or specific sector plans;
Preference shall be given to projects with high rates of return or projects such as investing in
hospitals or schools that generate a high ‘social rate of return’ and those that can help the county
reach the Millennium Development Goals and the Kenya Vision 2030. Investment projects cash
flows need to be clearly identified as sufficient to make debt repayments and the cost of any
contingent liabilities and obligations such as tied procurement must be factored into the cost and
risk of debt. When lending for revenue generating enterprises, the rate of return must be sufficient
to make debt servicing payments and contribute to the future capital requirements of the county.

(ii) Borrowing must not be used for:

i. Funding shortfalls in recurrent expenditure.

ii. Funding any form of losses incurred by the county.

(b) From an acceptable source.

For the duration of this Debt Management Strategy (three years), borrowing after the transition period shall
be restricted to concessional sources of finance from multilateral or bilateral donors. Such financing
generally comes with greater scrutiny and oversight, making sure that funding is used for the purposes it
was provided and decreasing reputational risk. Concessional lending is available through multilateral
agencies like the ADB and World Bank and bilateral donors. Loan amounts will depend on the specific
projects to be funded and donors’ funding allocations to the county. The denomination of the loan currency
will also influence the acceptability of the source. Acceptability of source will also depend on the individual
characteristics of the loan, limitations, terms and conditions on the loan. Lending from bilateral partners is
linked to specific projects and terms and conditions depend on the project.

(c) With favorable terms and conditions.

The terms and conditions associated with any debt proposals must be examined carefully. Loans will be
subject to a cost risk analysis by the DMU.

The following factors must be examined:

 Grant/ concessional element: Preference should be given to debt with a large grant component.
However, the project still needs to be for a fit purpose.

 Debt sustainability and affordability: The volume and cost of debt must not have a negative
impact on debt sustainability and affordability. All economic indicators must be below the
thresholds when subjected to stress tests and using conservative estimates of economic variables.
Hidden costs, such as fees (transaction, commitment, agency or underwriting), requirements for
the county Government to fund maintenance or project management expenses must be included in
the analysis.

 Currency and exchange rate risk: Despite offering very low interest rates, concessional loans still
carry foreign exchange risk. The benefit of very low or even zero interest rates could be negated by
depreciation. Stress tests used in the above analysis must assess the impact on affordability
and sustainability of foreign exchange movements.

 Interest rate: Debt with a lower interest rate will have a lower cost. Fixed interest rates have a
lower risk than variable interest rates where the future cost of debt is not known.

 Tenure : The term of the loan should be more closely aligned to the cash flows of the project. The
advantages of very long term loans (such as the impact of inflation on the value of the
loan) and very low repayment amounts can be outweighed by accumulating large amounts of
debt over many generations. Very long term loans may encourage fiscal irresponsibility, because if
the project fails, it is future generations that must bear the cost. By using up the borrowed
loans now, it might restrict the ability of future generations to borrow, and they will be servicing debt
for projects that were completed before they were born and for which they receive no tangible

 Grace period: Debt sustainability analysis must extend beyond grace periods. The length of the
grace period should be assessed in terms of factors such as the revenue stream from the project,
its duration, inter-generational equity and the time value of money.

 Conditions: Preference should be given to debt with positive characteristics such as project
administration or management and advisory services. Negative characteristics such as tied
procurement, the requirement to use particular companies or nationalities for project
implementation, future expense commitments (such as auditing expenses or maintaining
equipment) need to be factored into assessments of the cost of debt.

 Concentration risk: If the volume of the loan is large, it may contribute to concentration risk. If an
institution or bilateral partner has a large concentration of debt it could use this as a means of

exerting undue political influence or bargaining for favors (for example tax concessions, access
to resources). The behavior of the lender needs to be assessed.

 Legal risk: Borrowing proposals must be examined for potential legal risks. They must not
contravene any country legislation

2.5 Implementation Framework

This section seeks to introduce and consolidate fiscal, legal, institutional and operational measures
that ensure that the objectives of the Strategy are met. Fiscal, legal, institutional and operational measures
are needed to strengthen debt management and establish a borrowing framework. These measures also
need to increase transparency and accountability so as to restore credit worthiness through rebuilding
reputation. The PFMA 2012 provides an effective borrowing framework.

2.6 Fiscal measures

The West Pokot County Government must continue its commitment to balanced recurrent budgets and
debt should not be used for recurrent spending. Annual borrowing limits will be set as part of the budget
process to keep debt at sustainable and affordable levels, based on conservative forecasts of macro-
economic factors, and in line with the County Fiscal Strategy Paper.

2.7 Legal measures

Essential aspects of debt management contain these elements:

(i) Definition of debt to include loans, borrowings, guarantees and on-lending;

(ii) Clear authorization by county assembly to approve borrowings and loan guarantees on behalf of
the county government;

(iii) A requirement that all borrowing proposals (including guarantees) are reviewed by a Debt Management
Advisory Committee (DMAC) and recommendations submitted to the CECM for finance before borrowing
and loan guarantees can be approved on behalf of the government;

(iv) Decisions surrounding borrowing made as part of the budget process so that projects can be compared
on merit, and appropriations are made for borrowed funds;

(v) Clear authorization from the CECM for Finance to the debt management entities to undertake borrowing
and debt-related transactions and to manage loan guarantees;

(vi) Clear debt management objectives, including that the cost of the debt is minimized from a
medium/long-term perspective, the risks in the debt portfolio are kept at acceptable levels, and that
development of the domestic debt market is promoted;

(vii) A requirement to review and update the Debt Strategy annually which will serve as an operational
strategy and will provide a framework for how the county government will achieve its debt management
objectives; and

(viii) As part of the annual update of the Debt Strategy, mandatory reporting on progress
since the last review, covering an evaluation of outcomes against stated objectives.

2.8 Institutional framework

2.8.1 Process for recommending borrowing proposals to County Executive

There is need for clear delegation of responsibilities for recommending and approving debt, where debt
includes loans, borrowings, and guarantees and on lending to the county government. In this regard,
DMAC will recommend and rank acceptable proposals. It is therefore, proposed that:

(i) Proposals that have been recommended by the DMAC be submitted and incorporated as part of the
budget approval and appropriation process.

(ii) The CECM for finance has sole authority to approve loans. Therefore borrowing will not be legal unless
it has been signed off by CEC Member for finance.

2.8.2 County Debt Management Advisory Committee

There is established a committee to be called County Debt Management Advisory Committee (DMAC).This
Committee will be chaired by the chief officer in charge of finance with membership of technical officers
from Economic Planning, Budget, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Livestock and water dockets. The Debt
Management Advisory Committee will evaluate borrowing proposals and make recommendations to the
CECM for finance as to whether borrowing should or should not proceed. The Debt management Unit will
act as secretariat for the Committee.

2.8.3 Functions and Responsibilities of the Debt Management Unit

There is established a County Debt Management unit (DMU) under the County Treasury of West Pokot
county government. The functions and responsibilities of the DMU will include:

Make debt payments on time and for the correct amount;

Keep timely, comprehensive and accurate records of outstanding government debt,

guarantees, contingent liabilities and new borrowing in a single debt database;

Publish, in a timely manner, monthly (and quarterly) reports showing the status of
outstanding debt, debt payments, and projected debt payment obligations;

Prepare, review and update the Debt Strategy;

If required, prepare an annual borrowing plan;

Prepare and publish auction calendars for issuance of domestic securities (Treasury Bills and
Treasury Bonds);

Assess the risks in issuing any guarantees, and prepare reports on the method used for each
assessment and the results thereof for the attention of the CEC Member for Finance;

Submit all debt reports and debt management strategy to DMAC for consideration and

DMAC will assess the volume and risk characteristics of debt to ensure that: (i) Debt is sustainable and
affordable;(ii) Debt is below the thresholds established; (iii) Debt is from an acceptable source;(iv) Debt is
for a good purpose and the project is a high priority in the CIDP; (v) Debt is not for funding recurrent
expenditure;(vi) Project has a positive Net Present Value or helps achieve Vision 2030 and the MDGs;
(vii)The cost of any contingent liabilities and obligations such as tied procurement are factored
into the cost and risk of debt;(viii)Cash flows from project can be identified that will be able to be used for

repaying the loan.(ix)Loan terms and conditions are acceptable and achieve the best cost and risk
outcome (x) Borrowing aligns with the CFSP.

The unit must have competent and adequate number of technical officers to enable them deliver on the
identified key areas of performance.

2.9 Operational framework

Operating framework for the debt management unit will consist of:

(i.) Debt recording: The DMU will maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all debt (including
guarantees, on- lending and contingent liabilities) and investments, which can then be reported. DMU also
needs to keep records on liabilities of county entities.

(ii.) Debt reporting: DMU will publish monthly reports on the status of County’s total debt including
loans, guarantees, contingent liabilities and payment arrears. The report will include details of new
borrowing and issuance of Government guarantees, as well as debt repayments, rescheduling, write-offs,
and retirements.

Quarterly debt bulletins indicating debt levels and cost, debt sustainability and affordability and actual and
projected debt service costs over the medium term will be published on county’s websites. An Annual
Report will be produced showing changes in the debt status over the year, details of any new borrowing
and debt repayments, key events in the management of debt and the DMU, and a review of progress and
performance against the Debt Strategy. Reports will be published in a timely manner, so that stakeholders
have access to up-to-date information.

(iii.) Debt Strategy: Every year the DMU will review, update the debt management strategy and
present to the county assembly. The Debt Strategy will provide a framework for ensuring debt financing
decisions are consistent with County government’s broader fiscal and development strategies and that
the level of borrowing fits within the debt sustainability/affordability thresholds defined in
legislation or any other official documents and with achieving macroeconomic objectives.

(iv.) Borrowing Plan: When required, DMU will prepare a borrowing plan.

(v.) Debt Sustainability Analysis: DMU will prepare a debt sustainability analysis.
(vi.) Integration with Cash Management: The DMU will continue to work with county treasury
to integrate cash and debt management. Cash management ensures that County government has
sufficient funds to meet its obligations as an when they fall due. Use of cash management tools depends on
reliable cash forecasting. For example, Treasury Bills can be issued to fund forecast cash shortfalls, with
maturity timed to coincide with periods of forecast cash surplus. Similarly, excess cash can be invested in
term deposits or similar instruments to earn the county government reasonable rates of return, with term
deposits maturing at times of forecast cash shortfall.

(vii.) Compliance; Where staffing levels permit, the DMU will move toward an office organization
with separation of back, middle and front office duties so that work can be monitored and verified. DMU will
also work with Treasury toward greater integration of the cash management task.

(viii.) Capacity Building: Capacity building will continue at all levels and the DMU will update its
capacity development plan annually.

(ix.) Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Business continuity will be strengthened by
documenting procedures for all key processes. A register will be kept of key spreadsheets and documents,
and these will be backed up regularly.


This is the second debt management strategy paper for West Pokot covering the period, 2016/2017 –
2018/2019. The Paper observes that the County Government of West Pokot is yet to contract a debt within
the interpretation of Section 122 and 123 of the PFMA, 2012. In this regard, it proceeds to make proposals
on strategies to be adopted in future.

The institutional framework envisaged will ensure that both the executive and the assembly play their roles
within the provisions of Section 9 (1) and (2) of the County Governments Act, 2012 for the benefit of the

The strategies proposed will ensure low cost funding with high returns, thereby promoting socio-economic
well-being of the citizens. This is expected to contribute to economic growth both at the County and
National level. The ultimate goal is to make Kenya a globally prosperous Country. Implementation of the
strategies is the responsibility of the CEC Members led by the CEC Member for Finance and Economic
planning while the Assembly will provide the oversight role in line with the law.


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