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English for Ethiopia

Teacher Guide
Grade 8 Book 2

International Consultant:
Mary W. Spor, PhD
National Consultants:
Fekadu Mulugeta, PhD
Jemal Mohammed, PhD
Abebe Asfaw
Alemseged Haddis
Askalu Kifle
Badima Belay, PhD
Berhanu Bekana
Ejeta Negeri
Balew Bogale, PhD

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

Ministry of Education
The book was produced with financial and technical support of the American People through the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in collaboration with the Ministry
of Education, Regional States Education Bureaus and READ TA Project. The printing expense is
covered by the General Education Quality Improvement Program (GEQIP II).

The Ministry of Education wishes to thank the American people and individuals and groups who were
directly or indirectly involved in writing, reviewing and publishing this teacher’s guide.

Copyright 2017 © FDRE, MoE

ISBN: 978-99944-2-671-3
Education and development are closely related endeavours. This is the main reason why it is said
that education is the key instrument in Ethiopia’s development. The fast and globalised world we
now live in requires new knowledge, skills, attitudes and values on the part of each individual. It is
with this objective that the curriculum, which is a reflection of a country’s education system, must be
responsive to changing conditions.
It is more than fifteen years since Ethiopia launched and implemented the Education and Training
Policy. Since then our country has made remarkable progress in terms of access, equity and relevance.
Vigorous efforts also have been made, and continue to be made, to improve the quality of education.
To continue this progress, the Ministry of Education has developed a framework for Curriculum
Development. The framework covers all pre-primary, primary, general secondary and preparatory
subjects and grades. It aims to reinforce the basic tenets and principles outlined in the Education and
Training Policy, and provides guidance on the preparation of all subsequent curriculum materials –
including this teacher guide and the student textbook that comes with it, to be based on active learning
methods and a competency – based approach.
Publication of a new framework and revised textbooks and teacher guides are not the sole solution to
improving the quality of education in any country. Continued improvement calls for the efforts of all
stakeholders. The teacher’s role must become more flexible ranging from lecturer to motivator, guide
and facilitator. To assist this, teachers have been given, and will continue to receive, training on the
strategies suggested in the framework and in this teacher guide.
Teachers are urged to read this guide carefully and to support their students by putting into action the
suggested strategies and activities. The guide includes possible answers for most of the exercises in
the student textbook and alternative ways of addressing some of the language items.

General Introduction

This grade 6 English text book is designed to Ethiopian students who learn English as a foreign
language. The contents in the book are arranged in themes and topics which are contexts to present
the language contents to be imparted. A theme is relatively a broader context which has three topics
under it. That means a week lesson is under a topic and a three consecutive weeks lessons is termed
as a theme or a unit. Briefly, a topic is a week lesson, whereas a theme is to be taught in three weeks.
The number of weeks which are needed to cover the book is 30, of which 15 are for the first and the
rest 15 for the second semester. Every week has 5 periods having 40 minutes each.

The text book follows new approaches in language content, organization of the contents, classroom
methodology, teachers’ and students’ roles and techniques of assessment.

I. Language Contents
The language contents in the book are grouped into 8 major components which are common for each
week. These are word study, reading comprehension, vocabulary, listening comprehension, speaking
skills, grammar, reading fluency and writing skills.

The word study part deals with different techniques about how words are formed with the intention
of developing learners’ ability to identify words, their parts and their pronunciation. The main
objective of the session is to help students to develop their reading ability. The main strategies that
are introduced are blending, segmenting and compounding. In vocabulary part, learners are provided
with the activities that encourage them to identify word relation and contextual meaning of words.
Thus, most of the words, especially those which demand meaning, are presented in texts which reflect
various contexts relating to the themes.

The reading and listening comprehensions are presented in each week following relatively the same
pattern. They demand the teacher to attend similar procedures, like pre-reading, while- reading and
post-reading for reading comprehension and pre-listening, while listening and Post-listening for
listening comprehension. The activities are also designed for each stage; hence, students would have
good opportunity to practice them.

The main contents in the speaking skills are role plays, debates, dialogues and oral presentations. The
focus is to help students to use the language items they learned in the week in the real like context in
a classroom. The class needs to be more interactive and learners should be encouraged to be free to
reflect their views based on the procedures indicated in this guide.

Grammar, which is the other major component, is presented in a context so as to let students notice
how the forms are used in wider range of communicative contexts. The activities are meant to help
students develop their understanding of using appropriate forms given in the unit/ lesson.

Similarly, reading fluency is another component in the book which is basically intended to develop
the students reading ability. This component specifically aims at helping the students improve their

fluency with in a given period of time. Though the strategies to be used in different lessons are similar,
the type of texts which the students are exposed to is typically different. This is used intentionally to
help them to read texts of various genres fluently.

Finally, the book contains writing skills. This part has two sub contents: Writing Convention and
writing compositions. The writing convention constitutes contents on spelling, punctuations and
capitalization. The composition writing presents different levels of writing such as, sentences and
paragraphs with their accompanying features (elements of sentences, types of sentences, types of
sentences in a paragraph, elements of a paragraph etc.).

I. Organization of the contents

Organization of contents refers how the contents are sequenced in the text. The contents are organized
based on their relationship. In some cases, two components/ contents are expected to be covered in
one period.

For this grade level, 5 periods are allocated per week. In the first period, two components, Word Study
and Reading Comprehension, are to be treated. The essence behind this combination is that different
features of some of the words in the reading text are to be practiced before the actual reading session.
This facilitates the reading comprehension as some of the words are going to be familiar to the learners.
In the second day, period 2, Vocabulary and Listening Skills are arranged to be taught in combination.
This is intended to make the listening skills manageable through teaching the meanings of some of the
words related to the topic the learners are going to practice listening comprehension. Thus, learners
should be encouraged to engage in the vocabulary activities actively as they create appropriate context
for listening comprehension practice. Then, Speaking and Grammar are scheduled to be treated in the
third day (period 3). This is done to motivate students to practice speaking in pairs and groups, Then,
the grammar section provides clue to learners how their speech is guided by grammatical rules and
principles. Then after, the fourth day comes having Reading Fluency and Vocabulary Practice. The
reading fluency is intended help the learners to improve their reading expression, rate and accuracy.
As they practice the same text in the reading comprehension part for fluency, it will be so smooth
for them to practice the second vocabulary activity. Vocabulary is scheduled in two different periods
to bring due attention since words are foundations for language skills. The last day, day five, is
for Writing Skills. Learners are provided with activities to have better understanding of the Writing
Convention and to practice writing composition.

II. Techniques of Assessment

Teachers are advised to assess students learning progress continuously. Thus, continuous assessment
technique is recommended to be used to this level. Continuous assessment provides information
that is important for lesson planning, getting feedback and sorting learners in various categories.
Moreover, it provides clues of whether additional support or remedial classes are needed for concepts
to be internalized. Below are some informal and formal continuous assessment techniques to be
implemented in this level.

Observation: A teacher circulates through the room and writes notes during a lesson as
students work in groups, or individually, to assess learning.

Exit cards: Small slips of paper cards that students hand over to the teacher, or leave near the
door, as they leave the classroom. Students write their names and respond to a question or
summarise their understanding.

Rising words: Students write answer(s) on a small slate and place it in front of them for the
teacher to see how they responded individually.

Turn and talk: Students turn and share their responses and reactions with one or two students
nearby sharing their predictions, making connections to their own experiences, etc. The
teacher moves around the class to monitor progress.

Informal monitoring: The teacher moves around the room to understand which students need

Graphic organisers: Students organise information, make connections, and note relationships
through the use of various graphic organisers.

Presentation: Students have an opportunity to demonstrate their developing understanding to

the teachers and/or to the class.

Summaries and reflections: Students stop and reflect, make sense of what they have heard or
read, derive personal meaning from their learning experience.

Formal continuous assessment: Class work, homework, quizzes, tests and examination

Enrichment: Some students may perform beyond the expected level of performance. Once
identified, some additional challenging tasks could be provided.

I. Students with Special Education Needs

It is very clear that classrooms are very diverse in nature. Therefore, students may have diverse learn-
ing needs. Some students are visual learners, whereas, others are auditory learners. And still, some
are kinesthetic/tactile learners. There are also students who are gifted and talented (linguistic, mathe-
matical, logical, musical, spatial and others). We may also find students with intellectual or physical

As a teacher, you need to consider these diverse situations in your classroom. For example, for stu-
dents with visual impairment, visual prompts are not suitable. Apart from getting support from a
braille expert (if any), it is recommended to adapt the activities in the way they fit with those learn-
ers’ needs. For instance, pictures could be described orally. A partner could read the text aloud when
students work in groups or pairs. Similarly, for students with a hearing impairment, in addition to the

support they may get from a sign language expert, audio prompts could be changed to visual prompts.
In addition, opportunities should fairly be given to those students during classroom participation.
Teachers should also give attention to those students and support them to cope up with the classroom
environment, in general and with the lesson at hand, in particular.

Regarding issues related to gender, avoid assigning roles that are traditionally believed to be the role
of only one sex (stereotyping).

Table of Contents
Unit 7 My Hobby 1
My Hobby 1

Gardening as a Hobby 5

Unit 8 Art 10
Art and its Roles 10

Ethiopian Arts and Crafts: Weaving 15

Unit 9 Education 21
Importance of Education 21

Unit 10 Scientific Discoveries 31

A Famous Scientist: Albert Einstein 31

The Importance of Scientific Discoveries 36

The Discovery of Anaesthesia 42

Unit 11 Natural Wonders of Africa 47

African National Parks 47

Ethiopia’s Natural Wonders 52

African Lakes 57

Unit 12 Technology in the Modern World 62

Communication through Technology 62

Benefits of a Computer 67

Syllabus 78

UNIT 7 My Hobby

Unit Objectives
At the end of the week, students will be able to:
• distinguish the meanings of homophones;
• answer comprehension questions correctly based on the reading text;
• work out meanings of selected words from the reading text contextually;
• answer listening questions correctly based on the listing text;
• report about hobbies using direct and indirect speech; and
• write a 3-4 expository paragraph essay.

Week 16 My Hobby

• Check students’ answers and provide

Week 16 Day 1 necessary feedback.

Daily Contents
1. sum 5. break
• Word Study
2. know 6. tale
• Reading Comprehension
3. bear 7. prey

1. Word Study (10 minutes) 4. sight 8. hole

Homophones (Part One) 2. Reading (30 minutes)

Homophones are words which have the same
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
pronounciation but are different in meaning.
They are usually spelled differently. • Tell students to discuss the pre-reading
questions in their groups.
• Ask the students to write the sentences in
their exercise books filling in each blank Answers
spaces correctly. Tell them to check their
Accept any relevant or possible answers from
answers with their partners.
the students.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

While-reading Activity (15 min) Post-reading Activity (10 min)

A. Tell students to read the text individually • Encourage students to discuss the Post-
and silently. reading Activity questions in groups of
Ask them to answer the questions based on three.
the information from the reading text.
Go round the class to check their responses • Any relevant opinion or answer is
to the questions and provide necessary acceptable.
assistance and feedback.

Answers Week 16 Day 2

1. It is a name of a toy.
Daily Contents
2. recreation and leisure
• Vocabulary
3. stamp collecting, sewing, knitting,
• Listening
painting, woodwork and photography
4. because they lack the sense of achievement
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
5. stamp collecting, woodwork and knitting
• Tell students to match the words in column
6. the video game industry and social media
A with their meanings in column B.
B. Ask students to find what the pronouns • Tell them to use their contexts in the reading
refer to in the reading text. passage.
Go round the class to check their responses • Ask them to exchange their exercise books
to the questions and give feedback. and check their partners’ answers.

Answers Answers
1. hobby horse or the toy 1. E 4. B
2. listening to music and watching 2. A 5. D
television 3. F 6. C
3. retired people
4. children 4. Listening (25 minutes)

Pre-listening Activity (5 min)

• Ask students to discuss the questions before
they listen to the listening text.
• Take any possible answers from the students
and draw their attention to the listening text.
Tell them to predict what the listening is
going to be about.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Write any difficult words (e.g. hectic, empowering; we are free to try new things,
anxiety, boost and pursue) from the listening take risks, and push ourselves without fear of
text on the board and make sure students failure. Moreover, when we succeed, our self-
know their meanings. confidence grows and encourages success in
other areas of our life.
While-listening Activity (10 min)
Third, physical hobbies help us to keep fit. For
• Tell students to be ready to listen to the those of us who struggle to maintain a healthy
text. Read the following text at an average weight and stay in shape, an athletic hobby is a
speed. Ask the students to take notes While great way to motivate us to reclaim our health.
Listening Some of the best hobbies to boost our fitness
• Ask the students to answer the questions level include hiking, cycling, swimming,
by writing True or False based on the horseback riding, and kick-boxing.
information in the listening text. Thus, in order to develop a full and satisfying
• Tell them to exchange their exercise books life, it is not only important to pursue hobbies it
and check each other’s answers also brings us great satisfaction and pleasure. .

The Importance of Hobbies Answer:

Time spent in pursuing hobbies is essential for a 1. False 4. False

well-rounded and satisfying life. A life without 2. True 5. False
hobbies and leisurely pursuits is a very dry,
3. True 6. True
demanding, and unhealthy life. Having a hobby
provides the following benefits.
Post-listening (15 min)
First, hobbies give us permission to take a
• Ask students to discuss the Post-listening
break. These days, most people have hectic
questions in small groups.
schedules, with work, school, family, and
• Facilitate their discussion and accept any
personal responsibilities demanding attention
appropriate answers from students.
from morning until bedtime. When we pursue
a hobby, such as tennis or a painting class, we
give ourselves permission to take a break from
Week 16 Day 3
work and responsibility. Taking a few hours
each week to pursue our passions restores our Daily Contents
energy and sense of balance, so we can better • Speaking
handle our daily obligations. • Grammar
Second, hobbies challenge us in a good way.
Unlike challenges at work, which are often
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
accompanied by anxiety and stress, challenging
• Tell students to act out the dialogue between
ourselves in our hobby is a positive thing.
Sara and Genet. Then, ask them to identify
Challenging ourselves in the penalty-free
direct and indirect (reported) speech in the
environment of personal hobbies is very

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

dialogue. (What Sara heard from Hana is 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
all reported speech.) • If you wish, you can read the reading text
• Make students produce similar dialogue aloud before you tell students to practise
reading it by themselves.
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
• After the groups have practised, have them
• Explain the examples for the students and
read the text aloud chorally.
ask if they are clear with the examples.
• Ask groups to take turns to read.
Then, Tell students to re-write the direct
speech in the sentences into reported speech • Give feedback on difficult words.
as shown in the example.
The Need for Hobbies
• At a suitable moment, introduce the
Grammar Spot. Back in the day, leisure time was not thought of
as a chance to take rest, but as an opportunity
Answers to pursue one’s passions and interests, an outlet
for the sides of a man that were not stimulated
1. Alemu said that he spent his leisure
in one’s career. Unfortunately, we now often
reading novels.
spend our leisure stretched out in front of the
2. The mechanic said that I had pressed the TV or computer. We say that modern life has
wrong button. become too stressful, that when we have free
3. Selam said that she would come tomorrow/ time, laying on the couch is all we can manage.
the next day/the following day. The truth is that spending our leisure in
4. Melaku said that Halima had just returned satisfying pursuits, will refresh us far more
from Kenya. than we expect it. Hobbies can bring you joy,
5. Gelana asked me where I had found the/ increase your eye for detail, keep your mind
that book. sharp, expand your creativity, and help you
meet friends and learn valuable skills. They
add interest to your life and help you become a
N.B. You may give one or two of the activi-
ties in this session as homework when there more well-rounded man. If you’ve been feeling
is time shortage to cover all depressed, restless, or bored, the problem may
be the lack of having something in your life you
Week 16 Day 4 feel passionate about, something that brings
you needed fulfillment.
Daily Contents 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
• Reading Fluency
• Tell students to fill in the blanks with
• Vocabulary appropriate words from the list.
• Ask them to exchange their exercise books
Discuss the activity given as homework
and check each other’s answers.
• Then, provide necessary feedback.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 17
1. adequate 5. peers
2. genius 6. consists
3. instructions 7. independently
Gardening as a Hobby
4. learning 8. terms

Week 16 Day 5 Week Objectives

At the end of this week, students will be
Daily Contents able to:
• Writing Convention • identify the meanings of homophones;
• Composition Writing • read a text and relate its theme to their
9. Writing (40 minutes) • listen to a story and answer questions
Writing Convention (10 min)
• act out a dialogue about hobbies;
• Explain the purpose and structure of an
• use thematic vocabulary items in
expository essay.
• Please, make the structure clear for students
• use the past perfect tense in various
through simple examples.
sentences correctly; and
Composition Writing (30 min) • write a narrative essay.
Tell students to write 3-4 expository para-
graphs on the topic of bicycle safety rules.

• First, they should read the instructions Week 17 Day 1

carefully and then they should plan their
essay in details before writing it. Daily Contents
• When they have finished writing, ask • Word Study
students to exchange their exercise books • Reading Comprehension
and check each other’s writing. they should
then give each other helpful feedback.
1. Word Study (10 minutes)

Homophones (Part Two)

• Revise the definition of the term
‘homophones’. Homophones are words
with the same sound but different meanings
and usually different spelling.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Explain the examples to students.

Example: 1. Gardening involves weeding, digging,
son/ sun cutting, watering, manuring and tilling of
the soil.
a. The sun rises in the east. (a star which is
our source of heat and light) 2. paragraph 2

b. The father advised his son to study hard 3. paragraph 3

for the exam. (a male child) 4. He/She grows flowers, fruits and some
• Tell the students to choose the right word
from the homophones in the brackets. 5. Studying in the garden.

• Tell them to exchange their exercise books 6. Economical/Saving money

and check each other’s answers. 7. The writer/narrator
• Provide them with necessary feedback.
Post-reading Activity (10 min)
• Ask students to discuss the questions.
1. no 4. see Facilitate their discussion by going round
2. meet 5. read the class.

3. It’s Answer:
Accept any relevant answers from the
2. Reading (30 minutes)
Gardening as a Hobby
Week 17 Day 2
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Ask students to discuss the questions with Daily Contents
their partners.
• Vocabulary
• Encourage them to express their ideas
• Listening Comprehension
freely. Accept any suitable answers from
the students.
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
While-reading Activity (15 min) • Tell the students to choose the meanings for
• Ask students to read the passage and answer the given words according to their context
the questions based on the information in in the passage.
the reading text.
• Tell them to write the answers in their
1. A 5. D
exercise book. 2. C 6. B
• They can compare answers with a partner 3. C 7. D
before sharing them in class discussion. 4. A 8. C

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening (25 minutes) While-listening Activity (10 min)

Pre-listening Activity (5 min) My Hobby is Reading

• Ask the students to discuss the following Ever since I was a little boy, I have adored turning
pre listening questions. the pages of a book, looking into the stories it
• Encourage them to reflect on the questions. could tell me. First I read tales, then novels. I
preferred stories with an elaborate plot and
Answer: larger-than-life characters, especially fantasy
• Accept any relevant/thoughtful answers books, full up with dragons and mighty kings.
from the students. My imagination was struck with the colourful
illustrations and attractive descriptions. Even
While-listening Activity at night I dreamed of magical towers, arrogant
Read the listening text aloud twice and make fairies and fantastic adventures.
sure that the students are comfortable with your Of course, I had some other pastimes, but
reading speed. all of them were somehow connected to my
• You may need to explain the meanings of biggest passion of all - reading. I liked studying
some key vocabulary items (e.g. archery, history and that helped me to see hidden details
fantasy, fairy etc.) before reading the text a in my favourite books, as many of them had
second time. something to do with the realities of the past.
Learning about archery made me feel closer to
• Tell the students to answer the questions
the heroes of my childhood.
The older I become, the harder it gets to read
• Ask students to report back to the class.
a lot as I have assignments and deadlines.
Answers However, I still try to find a couple of hours a
day in which to enjoy a new book by a favourite
1. stories with an elaborate plot and larger-
author. It makes me relaxed and calm and then
than-life characters
I feel I can cope with any task life gives me.
2. magical towers, arrogant fairies and So, through being my hobby, reading helps me
fantastic adventures to manage my day-to-day life and that’s why I
3. because archery made him feel closer to prize it the most.
the heroes of his childhood
Post-listening Activity (10 min)
4. It became harder for him to read a lot
• Ask the students to discuss the question.
5. reading

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Answer: Answers
• Hold a class discussion on what the 1. had made
students have learned from the story 2. had already swept
teller’s hobby.
3. had dusted
Accept any thoughtful/ relevant answers from 4. (had) cleaned
the students.
5. had even put on

Week 17 Day 3 6. had not made

7. had not cleaned
8. had not even bothered
Daily Contents
9. had not heard
• Speaking
• Grammar B. Ask students to put the verbs in brackets
into the past perfect tense.

5. Speaking (20 minutes) Tell them to follow the same form as

exercise 1 above.
• Ask students to act out the dialogue taking
turns with their partner. Tell them to focus At an appropriate moment tell students to
on how the characters ask and offer help. consult the Grammar Spot and take their
• Ask the students in pairs to select and
discuss one of their favourite hobbies. Answers
• Tell them to report their experiences to the 1. had already left 4. had finished
whole class. 2. had washed 5. had gone
6. Grammar (20 minutes) 3. had written

Past Perfect Tense N.B. You may give one or two of the
activities in this session as homework when
A. Ask students to discuss the underlined
there is time shortage to cover all.
words in the first paragraph.
After they have discussed the answers, tell
them to change the verbs in brackets in the
following paragraphs into the past perfect
Ask students to supply the correct forms of
the verbs in brackets.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 17 Day 4 Week 17 Day 5

Daily Contents Daily Contents
• Reading Fluency • Writing Convention
• Vocabulary • Composition Writing

Discuss the activity given as a homework 9. Writing (40 minutes)

7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) Writing Convention (10 min)

Pre-reading Activity (5 min) Narrative essay and its characteristics

• Tell students about the purpose of this • Explain to students what a narrative essay
reading activity - to improve their fluency means and its characteristics.
in reading. Read aloud part of the text,
“Gardening as a Hobby” Composition Writing s (30 min)

• Tell students to take turns to read the same • Encourage the students to write a narrative
section in pairs. essay about past experience related to the
• Monitor this activity.
• Tell them that they can write about what
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) ever past experience they want.
• Tell the students to fill in the blanks using • Check that the students have really
appropriate words from the table. understood the basic characteristics of the
• Tell them to use only one word at a time. narrative essay
• Students can exchange their essays with a
partner or share them in a small group for
1. broadens
4. competitions feedback.
• Correct their essays.
2. interferes
5. entertainment • Give general feedback.
3. appreciates

UNIT 8 Art

Unit Objectives
After this unit lessons, students will be able to:
• segment words into syllables;
• read a text to identify main and detailed ideas;
• identify words in their contexts;
• listen to a narrative text and answer questions;
• use the present perfect tense in expressing their ideas;
• read a short text with appropriate rate/speed; and
• write a descriptive paragraph/ essay.

Week 18 Art and its Roles

• When they have finished segmenting,

Week 18 Day 1 tell them to read each segmented syllable
Daily Contents Example:
• Word Study imaginative → i-ma-gi-na-tive
• Reading Comprehension auditory → au-di-to-ry

1. Word Study (10 Minutes) 1. communication coom-mu-ni-ca-tion

2. engagement → en-gage-ment
Segmenting words into syllables
3. cohesion → co-he-sion
• Ask students to read the words.
4. potter → pot-ter
• Tell them to segment the words into
5. potential → po-ten-tial
6. globalization → glob-al-iza-tion

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading(30 minutes) B. Assist students to answer the questions

based on the text.
Art and Its Roles
They should write their answers in their
exercise books.
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Tell students to discuss the pictures with Answers
their partners. 1. A 3. D
• Ask them to discuss the questions in pairs. 2. C 4. A
• Accept any sensible answers, but do not
comment on whether their answers are Post-reading Activity (10 min)
correct or not • Encourage students to discuss the questions
in pairs.
While-reading Activity (15 min)
A. Encourage students to read the questions Answers
before they read the text. As the questions are open-ended, accept any
Tell them to read the text silently and sensible response students provide.
attentively in order to answer the questions.
Go round the lass and check all students are Week 18 Day 2
at least attempting the reading.
Daily Contents
• Vocabulary
1. The first paragraph
• Listening Comprehension
2. by creating social cohesion, better civic
3. By documenting the collective present. 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
4. Accept any sensible sentence/response. • Tell students to match the phrase under
(e.g. Visual arts show past history, give column ‘B’ that relates to the entry words
examples of our past life, etc.) under column ‘A’.

5. Art provides a means to express Answer:

imagination. But language uses sequenced
1. C 5. A 9. B
words with definite meanings.
2. E 6. H 10. D
6. Accept any possible interpretation.
(e.g. When creating art together, people 3. F 7. I
express their inner-most thoughts and 4. G 8. J
feelings. This leads to a better mutual

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening Comprehension drama in the students’ timetable has caused

(25 minutes) a lot of debate. Some people argue that these
subjects are not important and schools should
Music and Art in school focus on computer skills and science. However,
I strongly disagree with the idea of eliminating
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
music and drama from schools.
• Explain to students the ideas in their text
One of the most significant reasons to support
• Tell them to discuss these ideas with their the inclusion of subjects such as music, drama
partners. and drawing is freedom of choice. Every
• Check all students are working with their individual has different qualities, thoughts
partner and discussing. and skills. Some students are really good in
computers while others are naturally talented
• Select about two to three pairs to report
in music, drama or drawing . So, they must get
their discussion points to the whole class.
the chance to choose their favorite fields of
• Accept any sensible statement students
Another possible factor in the inclusion of
While-listening Activity (10 min) these subjects in school is their popularity
and potential to earn money. In the era of
Tell students that you are going to read them a globalization, every second person is becoming
text entitled, ‘Music and Art in School’. a computer professional or engineer. This makes
• Instruct them to read the questions the job market very competitive. However, if
before you read them the text. a person is a qualified dancer or singer, he or
• Explain that they should answer the questions she can earn handsome money in various ways.
while listening to you reading the text. For example, many television competitions
are offering huge amounts of prize money to
• Then, read the text with appropriate pace.
contestants. Moreover, creative persons can
• While you are reading the text, glance at all always open professional schools to teach others.
corners to see all students are following you. In conclusion, this is undoubtedly the era
• You may wish to check understanding of key of computers and science. However, every
words before the second reading. individual should be independent to make
their career choice. Therefore, schools must be
Music and Art in school
flexible enough to provide all subjects including
School is a place for students’ overall music, drama and arts. Otherwise many young
development. Students become successful by people will be forced to study subjects for
learning various things in school including which they are unsuited, despite their personal
academic subjects, sports and extracurricular choices. Consequently, the country may not be
activities. Interestingly, the inclusion of able to produce great artists, musicians, dancers
extracurricular activities such as music, arts and and actors.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Answers Answers

1. Extra-curricular subjects mentioned in the

1. The focus point of the conversation was
text are: music, drama, and drawing
a visit to a museum.
2. Freedom of choice
2. It is about the use of ‘present perfect
3. False tense’.
4. False
• Then they should have their own
5. True
conversations about their past experience
using the form “Have ....” + past participle.
Post-listening (10 min)
• Monitor student and ask a few pairs to share
• Tell students to discuss the questions in
their questions and answers with the class.
small groups. Then, encourage them to
reflect to the class. 6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Present Perfect Tense
Accept any logical statement they provide in • Students are to write sentences following
their discussions. the instructions.
• Direct them to study the Grammar Spot.
Week 18 Day 3 • Make them answer questions about present
perfect tense.
Daily Contents
• Speaking
A- Make the students use present perfect
• Grammar
tense to write positive statements.
1. I have lost my keys.
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
2. My brother has drunk too much coffee.
• This dialogue focuses on asking and
answering questions about a visit to a 3. My parents have gone to Jimma.
museum using the present perfect tense. B: Make the students use present perfect

• Make sure students understand the tense to write negative statements.

differences between present perfect tense 1. My new friend has not met my mother.
and simple past. 2. I have not known him very long.
• Tell them to practice the dialogue with their 3. The tourists have not yet visited Axum
partner. Monument.
• Ask them what they understand from the
verbs written in bold.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

C: Make the students use present perfect 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

tense to write questions. A. Make the students complete the sentences
with appropriate words
1. Have they gone to Jimma University?
2. Has she ever been late for meeting?
1. factors 4. flexible
3. Has he met your father already?
2. handsome 5. career

N.B. You may give one or two of the activi- 3. competitive 6. quality
ties in this session as homework when there
B. Ask students to complete the sentences
is time shortage to cover all
with appropriate words from the word list.

Week 18 Day 4 they can correct their works by exchanging

their exercise books.

Daily Contents Answers

• Reading Fluency 1. F 5. H

• Vocabulary 2. E 6. D
3. G 7. A
Discuss the activity given as a homework
4. C 8. B

7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)

• Explain to students that you will read aloud
Week 18 Day 5
a section from the reading text.
• Tell them to listen carefully and follow your
Daily Contents
ways of reading so that they will read in the • Writing Convention
same manner. • Composition Writing
• Tell them to read the text aloud with their
partners. 9. Writing (40 minutes)
• Check that students are reading the text
Writing Convention (10 min)
aloud with better expression taking turns
with their partners. Capitalization and Comma
• Ask students if they face difficult words to • Revise when to use capitalization and the
pronounce while they were reading. comma with students.
• Discuss the meanings of difficult words • They should start working in groups to
with students. remember the rules and then share their

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Add any key points they have omitted in

their discussion. Week 19
• Remind the students to follow the
discussion attentively as they are going to Ethiopian Arts and Crafts:
use capitalization and comma when they Weaving
write a composition.

Composition Writing (30 min)

Week Objectives
Descriptive Writing
At the end of this week, students will be
• Tell students to write three descriptive able to:
paragraphs on their favourite art or artist.
• blend words to form compound words
• They should write freely, concentrating correctly;
on making their paragraphs colourful,
• read a text and give correct responses
imaginative and expressive, using language
to questions;
to convey their feelings and emotions as
well as their thoughts. • identify word meanings from their
• Tell them to read their partner’s writing and
give feedback. • listen to a story and give correct
responses to questions;
• They should also check carefully for the
correct ue of capitals letters and commas. • express their ideas about arts and
• identify differences between simple
past and past perfect tenses; and
• write an essay on the topic of arts and

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading (30 minutes)

Week 19 Day 1
Ethiopian Arts and Crafts: Weaving
Daily Contents
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Word Study
• Ask students to work in groups to discuss
• Reading Comprehension
what the people in the pictures are doing

1. Word Study (10 minutes)
The pictures show weaving and spinning
Blending words
cotton. Accept any suitable answers from the
• Explain the examples by yourself and then
read them together with the students.
• Ask the students to read the word parts below
While-reading Activity (15 min)
and blend them to form compound words.
Then, tell them to read the blended words and • Ask the students to go through the questions
look up their meanings from a dictionary. and read the text, “Ethiopian Arts and
Crafts: Weaving” silently with the purpose
of answering the questions.
key + board → keyboard
• Tell them that some of the questions require
make + up → make-up using scanning as a technique. Example,
note + book → notebook questions one and three.
grand + father → grandfather Answers

Answers 1. 8 (9 including the topic)

1. craftsmen 5. woodwork 2. cotton

3. patterns, colours and designs
2. household 6. hand-woven
4. male craftsmen
3. goldsmiths 7. metalwork
5. with organic plant dyes made from berries,
4. high quality 8. handmade
roots, flowers and bark.
Note: 6. Ethiopian artisans

A compound word is a noun, an adjective or

a verb made of two or more words or parts
of words. They are sometimes written as one
word (e.g. note +book→ notebook), as two
hyphenated words (e.g. make+ up → make-up),
as two separate words (e.g. running+ shoes→
running shoes).

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Post-reading Activity (10 min) 4. Listening (25 minutes)

• Ask the students to discuss the process of
Leather Crafting
weaving with a partner and reflect their
points of discussion to the class.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Answer: • Ask the students to discuss the questions.
Encourage them to reflect their ideas.
Harvest cotton → spun into yarn → thread
• Accept any relevant answers from the
is dyed → it is hand-woven on a loom → it
is then beautifully patterned intodesigns and
high-quality fabrics.
While-listening Activity (10 min)
(Accept any possible or detailed answers from
• Write some key words you think could be
the students related to the question.)
difficult for the students on the blackboard
and explain their pronunciation and
Week 19 Day 2 meaning. (e.g. the homonyms mould - a
fungus and give a shape, dye - colour, soak
- put in water etc.)
Daily Contents
• Tell the students that you are going to read
• Vocabulary
the text two times. Encourage them to take
• Listening notes while they are listening to the text.
• During the first reading they are to answer
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) the questions, and during the second, they
• Ask the students to rewrite the sentences have to check their answers.
using appropriate words in the given box.
Leather Crafting
• If necessary, explain the words using other
examples: Leather craft is the practice of making leather
into craft objects or works of art, using shaping
Answers and colouring techniques.
1. weaving 6. artisans Leather dyeing usually involves the use of
2. pattern 7. fabrics alcohol-based dyes. The alcohol quickly gets
absorbed into moistened leather, carrying the
3. pivotal 8. yarn
pigment deep into the surface. Alternatives to
4. dye 9. predominantly
spirit stains might include a number of options.
5. sophisticated 10. intricate
Leather painting differs from leather dyeing in
that paint remains on the surface while dyes are
absorbed into the leather. Due to this difference,
leather painting techniques are generally not
used on items that can or must bend nor on

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

items that receive friction. However, latex

paints can be used to paint some flexible leather Week 19 Day 3
items. Unlike photographs, leather paintings
are displayed without a glass cover, to prevent Daily Contents
the formation of mould. • Speaking
Simple shoe polish can be used to apply colour • Grammar
and preserve leather.
Leather carving entails moistening the leather
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
and using metal implements to compress it and
to produce a picture or pattern with a three- Describing a craft process
dimensional appearance on a two-dimensional • Ask the students to discuss in small groups
surface. any art or craft common in their local area
Leather shaping or moulding consists of soaking by describing how it is made (e.g. pot).
a piece of leather in hot water to increase • Assign a leader for each group and tell them
flexibility, then shaping it by hand or with the that the leader will make a short speech
use of objects or special forms. As the leather based on the discussion they have in their
dries, it stiffens and holds its shape. groups.
• Ask students to compare their answers with • Encourage all students to contribute their
their partners. ideas in the discussion.
• Give them feedback. • Ask group leaders to present their discussion
to the whole class.
• Give positive feedback
1. alcohol-based
• Note:
2. Paint remains only on the surface while
• Passive forms are predominantly used in
dyes are absorbed into the leather
describing a process.
3. flexible
Eg. The clay is moulded into a pot.
4. To prevent mould
The clay pot is baked until it becomes red.
5. To increase flexibility.
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
Post-listening (10 min)
The Past Simple Tense compared with
• Ask students to discuss the questions in
the Past Perfect Tense
pairs and then report to the class.
• Ask the students to study the words/phrases
• Go round the class and facilitate students’
in bold in the dialogue to see how to use the
past simple and past perfect tenses.
• Accept any sensible answers from the
• Explain the example for the students using
further examples for clarification.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Refer students to the Grammar Spot at a

suitable moment. Week 19 Day 4
• They can exchange exercise books to check
each other’s answers. Daily Contents
• Give general feedback. • Reading fluency
• Vocabulary
A. Make students put the verbs in brackets in Discuss the activity given as a homework
to simple past or past perfect

1. had been, became 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)

2. had never seen , visited • Tell the students they are going to read the
text aloud in the same way you read. Tell
3. had used/used
them to listen attentively.
4. had started, arrived
• Read the first three paragraphs of the text,
5. put, had moulded ‘Ethiopian Arts and Crafts: Weaving’ using
6. arrived, had already left a proper speed.
7. had prepared, came • Ask the students to read the first three
paragraphs of the text aloud in pairs.
B. Ask students to create a situation and write
• Explain what we mean by a proper speed.
sentences of their own using the simple past
Go around the class to evaluate the students’
and past perfect tense.
reading speed.
• They should share their sentences in pairs
• Give them the necessary feedback.
or small groups and give feedback on each
other’s work. • Give them chance to ask about words they
find difficult to read or pronounce.
N.B. You may give one or two of the activi-
ties in this session as homework when there 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
is time shortage to cover all
• Ask students to write the contextual
meanings of the underlined words in each
of the sentences by selecting them from the

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Tell them to exchange their exercise books Composition Writing (30 min)
and check each other’s answers. • Ask the students to choose any Ethiopian
• Provide appropriate feedback. art or craft such as weaving, basket making,
carving, pottery, metalwork, leather work,
etc. found in their area and write a three
1. b 4. f paragraph essay describing the process of
2. c 5. e making artefacts.

3. a 6. d • Tell them to exchange their exercise books

and read each other’s essays.

Week 19 Day 5 • Go round the class and check students’

work. Select model students to read their
essays for the whole class.
Daily Contents
• Give general feedback.
• Writing Convention
• Composition Writing

9. Writing (40 minutes)

Writing Convention (10 min)

Unity in an Essay

• Ask the student to read and discuss in small

groups the elements of a formal (academic)
• You could use the reading passage from
Day 1 to illustrate this type of writing,
asking students to identify the elements
of the three main paragraphs and then the
sections as described in this section.

UNIT 9 Education

Unit Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• segment words into root words and prefixes;
• identify the theme of a reading text and relate them to their daily lives;
• use the future perfect tense in various sentences appropriately;
• extract details from a listening text and answer questions;
• act out a dialogue with future perfect tense forms correctly;
• arrange jumbled sentences correctly to form organized paragraphs; and
• write a well-organized paragraph using sequence words.

Week 20 Importance of Education

• Ask students to segment root words and

Week 20 Day 1 prefixes in the given words.
• Tell them to write the meaning of each
Daily Contents word. Provide necessary feedback.
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension
1. monoculture = mono-culture (one
1. Word Study (10 minutes) 2. monologue = mono-logue (a talk
performed only by
Prefixes (Part I)
one speaker)
• Explain the meanings of the following 3. diatomic = di-atomic (consists
prefixes. Inform the students that their of two atoms)
origin is Greek language. 4. dipolar = di-polar (consists of
mono-, (means one) two poles)
di- , (means two)
tri-, (means three)

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

5. triangle = tri- angle (having B. Ask students to find out what the given
three angles) pronouns refer to in the reading text.
6. triceps = tri-ceps (muscles Go round the class to check their responses
which have to the questions and provide necessary
connections at three feedback.
points )
2. Reading (30 minutes) 1. education
2. educated people
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
3. uneducated people
Importance of Education 4. countries with very high literacy
• Ask the students to discuss the questions rates
in groups and share their answers with the 5. benefits/advantages
class. Encourage them to respond to the
questions. Post-reading Activity (15 min)
Answer: • Ask the students to discuss in groups and
Accept any sensible answers to the share their reactions on the following ideas
questions. taken from the reading passage.
• Facilitate their discussion and encourage
While-reading Activity (15 min)
them to report their ideas.
A. Ask the students to go through the questions
to familiarise themselves with them so that Answer:
they read the text with a purpose to answer • Accept any thoughtful answers.
the questions.
Monitor the students while they are reading
the text silently.
Week 20 Day 2
Then, provide appropriate feedback.
Daily Contents
Answers • Vocabulary
1. Paragraph 3 • Listening
2. Paragraph 4
3. Australia, USA and Japan 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
4. due to lack of confidence/other Ask students to look for words in the reading
people don’t take them seriously
5. because literacy rates are not high

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

text which have similar meanings for the fol- Primary Education in Ethiopia
lowing words.
Primary or elementary Education is the earliest
Answer: program of education for children. It begins
1. scholars 5. literacy generally at the age of five or six and lasts from
six to eight years. In most countries primary
2. stable 6. reputation
education is compulsory for all children.
3. prosperous 7. unanimous
Ethiopian children follow an 8-year course of
4. vital elementary education. Admission to primary
schools is open to all students. However, they
4. Listening (25 minutes) may enter primary school at various ages
depending on their different socio-economic
Primary Education in Ethiopia
conditions and the possibility that some children
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) begin their education in a traditional church or
mosque school before transferring to primary
• Ask students to discuss the pre-listening
questions in groups and encourage them to
state their opinions freely. Ethiopia has invested heavily in recent
years in improving access to education. Key
• Try to draw the attention of students to the
measures have included abolishing school fees,
listening through discussions.
increasing spending on school construction and
Answer: maintenance and hiring and training thousands
of new teachers and school administrators and
Take any suitable responses from the students. officials. A large number of teachers have been
certified by going through three years teacher
While-listening Activity (10 min) training scheme.
• Tell students to go through the listening In addition to the important role of educating
comprehension questions to familiarize the students that are placed in their care,
themselves with them, so that they direct teachers serve many other roles in the
their attention to the purpose of listening. classroom. They are responsible for building
• Then, read the text to the students two a warm and caring classroom environment
times. During the first reading, tell them to and supporting students’ development. If the
identify what the text is about and attempt primary school teacher prepares a happy and
taking down important points to answer the positive classroom, students are more likely to
questions. be happy and do well.

• During the second reading, tell them to Students often mimic their teacher’s actions
answer the questions and behavior. Teachers typically do not think of
themselves as role models, however they often
are. Students spend a great deal of time with

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

their teacher They look up to them and imitate • Then select model pairs to act out the
them as model adults. dialogue for the whole class.
• Tell students to answer the listening • Provide necessary feedback.
questions by writing True or False based B. Let the students tell their plan for next year
on the listening. to their partner
• Remind the students to write the answers
only in their exercise book. 6. Grammar (20 minutes)

Answer: The Future Perfect Tense

1. True 4. False • Tell students to note how the future perfect

tense forms are used in the speaking section
2. False 5. False
3. True 6. True
• They are to rearrange the jumbled words to
make meaningful sentences using the future
Post-listening (15 min)
perfect tense.
• Ask the students to discuss the questions in
• Introduce the Grammar Spot to students.
• Encourage them to express their ideas to the Answers
class. 1 By Monday next week, Chaltu will have
got married. Or: Chaltu will have got
Answer: married by Monday next week.
Accept any suitable answers from students.
2 By October next year, Tekeste will have

Week 20 Day 3 joined the army. Or: Tekeste will have

joined the army by October next year.

Daily Contents 3 By tomorrow evening, Belete will have

• Speaking celebrated his birthday. Or: Belete will
have celbrated his birthday by tomorrow
• Grammar
4 When the coming weekend is over, my
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
uncle will have taken me to the beach.
Talking about the Future Or: My uncle will have taken me to the
beach when the coming weekend is over.
A. Ask students to practice the dialogue in
pairs. Tell them to study the purpose of the
future perfect tense (written in bold).

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

5 At the start of next year, the government • Tell them to describe the errors made by
will have introduced a new curriculum. their partner while he/she was reading the
Or: The government will have introduced text aloud.
a new curriculum at the start of next year. • Check if the students are pronouncing
words correctly.
6 By June we will have taken our Grade
• Then, provide them general feedback.
8 exams. Or: We will have taken our
Grade 8 exams by June. 8. Vocabulary
7 Before this time tomorrow night, my
• Ask students to fill in the blanks using the
mother will have arrived at Addis
appropriate words from the word list.
Ababa. Or: My mother will have arrived
at Addis Ababa by this time tomorrow • Tell them to use only one word at a time.
night. • When they have finished the exercise, tell
8 By September next year, we will have them to exchange their exercise books and
joined Grade 9. Or : We will have joined check each other’s answers.
Grade 9 by September next year. • Provide necessary feedback.
N.B. You may give one or two of the
activities in this session as homework when Answer:
there is time shortage to cover all
1. disability 4. physician

Week 20 Day 4 2. compulsory 5. adjust

3. robbery 6. supplement

Daily Contents
• Reading Fluency
Week 20 Day 5
• Vocabulary
Daily Contents
Discuss the activity given as a homework • Writing Convention
• Composition Writing
7. Reading Fluency
• Select part of the text, “The Importance of 9. Writing
Education” to read aloud and tell students
to listen attentively. Writing Convention (10 min)
• Ask students in pairs or small groups to Organization of Ideas
read the text aloud in the same manner as
• Explain strategies for organizing ideas in a
you read it.
paragraph to the students.
• Tell students to take turns in reading the text
and to listen to each other carefully.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask the students to re- arrange the jumbled • Ask them to segment the rest of the
sentences to form a logically constructed compound words in the exercise by
and coherent paragraph. themselves.
• Give them the necessary feedback. • Provide necessary feedback.

Answer: Answer:

A → C → B →E → D → F 1. workout → work – out = a physical

Composition Writing (30 min) 2. brotherhood → brother – hood= the
• Ask students to select one subject among relationship of brothers
the subjects being taught in their school and 3. neighbourhood → neighbour – hood = the
write a paragraph giving the reasons why state of being neighbours to each other
they like it best.
4. blackout → black– out = artificially
• Tell them to make sure the organization of produced complete darkness
ideas is appropriate and to use sequencing
5. background → back – ground = condition
words to order their reasons/ideas.
that exists before a particular event /
• After they have finished writing, ask some things that can be seen or heard behind
students to read their paragraphs to the other things.
• Finally, give general feedback in relation to 2. Reading (30 minutes)
common errors.
Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Week 21 Day 1 • Pre-teach words such as ‘dropout’,
‘repetition’, ‘enrollment’ and other difficult
Daily Contents words for students before they read the text.

• Word Study • Tell them to discuss the pre-reading

questions in pairs.
• Reading Comprehension
• Tell them to report back their ideas to the
whole class.
1. Word Study (10 minutes)
• Read the words aloud in the example and The answers for these questions may vary.
their separate parts and ask students to read Accept any correct responses focussing on
them aloud with you. the factors that affect students’ learning and
students’ reasons for dropping out of school.
• Next, show students how to segment the
compound words in the example into their
parts. Tell them the meanings of these words
as well.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

While-reading Activity (10 min)

Week 21 Day 2
Reasons for student dropout
• Tell students to read the text silently taking Daily Contents
mental notes and answer the questions that • Vocabulary
• Listening
• Tell them to share their answers with the
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
• Give them the correct answers.
• Tell students to to complete the sentences
Answers with appropriate words.
1. Paragraph 3 • Tell them to consider contextual clues in the
2. Paragraph 2 sentences when choosing the words from
the list.
3. Students may make a wrong decision, have
a poor school attitude, lack self –esteem. • Tell them to report their answers to the
They may be ill, fail, or be frequently class.
absent from class and fall back in their • Give them the correct answers.
studies .
• Give feedback where necessary and explain
4. drought, crop failure, food shortage, the words which the students are not clear
illness or death of a family member with using further examples.
5. low income, limited assets and large
family size
1. community 5. predictor
6. Primary Education
2. bored 6. kids
7. Students
3. promoted 7. impact
Post-reading Activity 4. discontinue 8. afford
• Tell students to get into in groups to discuss
the Post-reading Activity questions. 4. Listening (25 minutes)
• Tell them to share their ideas with the class. Consequences of Student Dropout
Finally give them brief feedback.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
• Introduce the lesson by asking students
• Accept any relevant answers from the
about repetition and dropout rates.
• Tell students to discuss the pre-listening
questions in their desk groups before they
listen to the text.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

than the dropout’s reduced literacy and

empowerment. However, the knowledge and
Accept any possible or relevant answers given
skills acquired from even a few years’ schooling
by the students.
can benefit dropouts, although the benefit is not
as great as for those who complete the cycle.
While-listening Activity (10 min)
The problem of the school dropout rate can
• Pre- teach some words or expressions you
also cause social problems. In many parts of
think will be difficult for students writing
the world, people with fewer years of formal
them on the blackboard and asking students
education are unemployed. High dropout rates
for their meanings. (E.g. enrolment,
in primary and secondary schools generate
repetition, dropouts, re-entry, closed off,
numerous unemployed youths and are one
locked, illiterate)
of the causes of social unrest. In some cases,
• Give other information, telling the students dropouts in cities are closely linked with
how the words will be pronounced or what criminal activities. School dropouts who have
their dictionary meanings are. had some education still have high aspirations,
• Tell the students to read the While-listening but their chances of realising them are very
Activity questions for a short time and small.
make sure they are clear with what they are Many dropouts leave school without
going to do from the instructions. constructive plans and they tend to be
• Ask the students to listen carefully and unemployed or underemployed. They prefer
answer the questions. occupations within easy reach and they tend to
change employers frequently.
Consequences of Student Dropout
From a study of secondary school dropouts in
Dropping out of school early often leads to Nairobi, it was found out that dropouts tend to
illiteracy. In most cases, re-entry to the formal blame themselves for dropping out and consider
school system is closed off. The primary school themselves failures and losers. Schooling
dropout will remain locked into the world of brings high aspirations and expectations, but a
the illiterate they have further restriction and lack of educational qualifications among youths
disadvantages due to a background of poverty prevents them from getting the jobs to which
and ignorance. they aspire.
Many studies connect the problem of dropout
with the community’s loss of potential human
resources. In most cases the issue is discussed 1. True 5. True
in terms of productivity and the loss to the 2. True 6. False
community of useful working people rather 3. False 7. False
4. False

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Post-listening (15 min) At a suitable point,introduce the Grammar

• Tell students to discuss the Post-listening Spot
questions. Answers
• Ask them to relate the questions or answers 1. must 4. mustn’t
to their local community.
2. mustn’t 5. mustn’t
• Encourage them to put forward their ideas.
3. must 5. mustn’t
B. Tell students to work in pairs to complete
Accept any thoughtful land relevant answers/ the sentences using have to /don’t have to.
ideas from the students.

Week 21 Day 3 1. have to 4. don’t have to

2. don’t have to 5. doesn’t have to
Daily Contents 3. have to
• Speaking
N.B. You may give one or two of the activi-
• Grammar
ties in this session as homework when there
is time shortage to cover all
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
Describing cause and effect
Week 21 Day 4
• Tell students to discuss the questions in Daily Contents
groups. Ask them to use the given words or
• Reading Fluency
phrases in their discussions.
• Vocabulary
• Explain the examples given.
• Encourage students to express their ideas Discuss the activity given as a homework
• Ask some students to share their sentences 7. Reading Fluency (25 min)
with the class. • Read aloud one or two paragraphs from the
text “Reasons for student dropout”with
6. Grammar (20 minutes) accuracy and appropriate speed.
A. Explain the examples to students.
While-reading Activity (10 min)
Tell students in pairs to complete the
sentences using must/mustn’t. • Tell students to read the text aloud in groups
of three.
Ask them report back their answers.
• Listen carefully to the students reading.
Provide necessary feedback.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask students the words they found Answers

difficult to read and tell them the correct
pronunciations. (Please use the dictionary 1. Abeba is my younger sister’s classmate.
to tell them the correct pronunciation.) 2. Don’t be absent from classes so often.
3. She’s very clever girl, isn’t she?
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) 4. Gelane sends her daughter to a boys’
• Tell students to complete the sentences with school
appropriate words or phrases from the list. 5. A flood has destroyed all the farmer’s/
Tell them to exchange their exercise books farmers’ crops. (Depends on whether you
and check each other’s answers. are talking about one farmer or many.)
• Then, provide them with the necessary 6. Doctors look after people’s health.
7. The men’s room is occupied.
Answers 8. We’re late because we couldn’t find a
1. restrained 5. regulations taxi.
2. qualified 6. suspended 9. This is Obang’s textbook.

3. waste 7. respectful Composition Writing (30 min)

4. absenteeism 8. efficiency • Tell students to write a short summary of
the reading text “Reasons for student
Week 21 Day 5 dropout” in one paragraph.
• Tell them to cover the suggested points
Daily Contents and to use the apostrophe and connectives
• Writing Convention where necessary in their summary.

• Composition Writing • Ask a few students to read out their

summary to their group to the class and
accept feedback from other students.
9. Writing (40 minutes)
• Give general feedback.
Writing Convention (10 min)

• Explain apostrophe rules to students.

• Tell students to write the sentences, putting
in an apostrophe where necessary.
• Go round the class to check students work.
Then, provide brief feedback.

UNIT 10 Scientific Discovery

Unit Objectives
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
• identify and segment root words and suffixes;
• read a text and answer comprehension questions correctly;
• listen to a text and answer questions correctly;
• use the past continuous tense;
• use words in new contexts;
• read fluently; and
• punctuate a given text properly.

Week 22 A Famous Scientist: Albert Einstein

For instance: auto- (self), co- (together),

Week 22 Day 1 de- (off, away), dis- (not), inter- (between),
-ist(agent) -ize (make), non- (not), -ous (of),
Daily Contents post- (after), pre-(before), re-(again), sub-
• Word Study (under, division)
• In this unit, the suffixes -ise/–ize, -ist, -ous
• Reading Comprehension
are presented. -ise/-ize are mostly added
to adjectives to make a verb whereas -ist
1. Word Study(10 minutes) is added to personify an adjective or noun
and -ous is added to make a noun into an
Segmenting and Blending adjective.
• Remind them the word study content they
have already learned about segmenting
prefixes and suffixes of Greek and Latin

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

A. Ask students to read the words and segment Answers

them into the roots and suffixes.
• Encourage the students to express their
Then, tell them to look up the meanings of ideas.
the words in a dictionary.
Accept any possible responses from the
Answers students.
1. normalize → normal - ize 1. Here are some examples: Dr. Segenet
2. dangerous → danger - ous Kelemu (how microorganisms living
3. advantageous → advantage-ous in symbiosis with forage grasses can
improve their capacity to resist disease
4. zealous → zeal - ous
and adapt to environmental and climate
5. nationalist → national - ist
change), Dr. Yeshitila Degefu (modern
6. capitalist → capital - ize/ist molecular diagnostics of plant pathogens
7. porous → pore-ous of potato). Albert Enstein, Aklilu Lemma,
Gebisa Ejeta, etc.
B. Tell students to blend the roots in the list
below with the appropriate suffix.
Encourage the students to mention some more
Answers names of scientists.
1. legal - ize 2. If they are not sure of their discoveries,
2. normal - ize assign homework for them to find out
3. econom - ist about the scientists’ research areas.
4. agronom - ist 3. Generally research can be said to have
5. furi - ous results that are useful.
6. vari - ous
While-reading Activity (15 min)
7 por - ous
A. Guide the students to read the text silently.
Note: economize is also a possible Tell them to first acquaint themselves with
answer. the while - reading questions so that they
read the text with a purpose in mind.
2. Reading (30 minutes)
Tell them to scan the reading text to look
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) for specific pieces of information.
• Ask the students to discuss the questions in

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1. On March 14, 1879 Understanding Words in Context
2. In Munich • Clarify to the students that words can have
3. In 1901 a definite meaning when they go with other
4. Because of his research findings in words. Without a context it is difficult to
science, medicine and philosophy limit the meaning of a word. Words can
also have different meanings in different
5. The Copely Medal
contexts. For instance:
6. In 1921
I take lunch very late.
B. Tell students to answer the True and False
I take my salary quarterly.
questions and compare their answers with
• The meaning of ‘take’ in the first example
a partner.
is ‘to eat’, whereas in the second sentence it
Answers means ‘receive’.
1. True 4. True • Tell students to do the exercise individually,
and check their answers in groups
2. False 5. False
afterwards. Finally, give them feedback.
3. False
Post-reading Activity (10 min) 1. D 4. C 7. B
• Tell students to discuss the Post-reading 2. B 5. C 8. A
Activity questions in relation to what they 3. C 6. A 9. B
have read. Encourage students to report
their discussion points to the class. 4. Listening (25 min)
• Give them feedback.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
Answers • Alert the students that they are going to
Accept sensible reflections that are forwarded listen to a text read by you. Tell them to do
by the groups. the pre-listening activity and guess what
the text will be about by looking at the

Week 22 Day 2 illustration in their book.

Daily Contents Accept any reasonable answer given by
• Vocabulary students and appreciate their participation.

• Listening They will check their answers While-listening


English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

While-listening Activity (10 min) properties of endod and eventually produced a

• Ask the students to read the questions so as medicine to cure bilharzia.
to direct their attentions towards answering Answers
them as they listen to the text.
1. In 1935
• Now read the following text to the students
2. He studied science.
two times.
3. It is made from Endod.
• On the first reading tell students to acquaint
themselves with the content of the text. 4. He noticed that Endod killed snails.

• On the second reading, tell them to answer 5. Snails

the questions. 6. He discovered a remedy/ a medicine for
Professor Aklilu Lema
Professor Aklilu Lema was born On September Post-listening (10 min)
18, 1935 in the town of Jigjiga. After his • Discuss and answer the following questions.
elementary and secondary education, he joined
University College of Addis Ababa, and studied Answer:
science there. Accept any suitable answers given by
Professor Aklilu Lemma was an Ethiopian
scientist who discovered a remedy for a disease
called Bilharzia from the fruit of a local plant Week 22 Day 3
called Endod. As a science student, he was
interested in bilharzia. Bilharzia is a life- Daily Contents
threatening parasitic disease caused by a worm • Speaking
that lives in a host snail. Humans can become
• Grammar
infected when they come in contact with water
in ponds and rivers where the snail lives. The
disease occurs most often in tropical regions and 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
is among the worst killer diseases in developing Talking about past events (using the Past
countries. Continuous tense)
When he was around home in 1964, the young
• Tell students to talk to a partner about what
scientist saw women washing clothes in a
they were doing yesterday.
stream. They were using a common shrub,
• Ask them to express their idea using past
endod, which women in some parts of Ethiopia
continuous tense.
have used for laundry for generations. What
surprised Aklilu in the laundry area was the • Tell them to use the suggested situations.
sight of quantities dead snails - carriers of • Go round the class and facilitate their
bilharzia. Then, he carried out research into the discussion.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

6. Grammar (20 minutes) • After they listen to each other they should
point out strengths and things that need
The Past Continuous Tense improvement.
• Ask the students to read the dialogue • they should then try reading the text again.
between two students using past continuous Invite some students to stand up and read
tense. Explain to students what the words or the text to the class.
phrases written in bold show in the dialogue.
• Tell students to use this dialogue as a model/ 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
example when they do the next exercise. Understanding meanings of words by

• Tell students to write the correct past • Tell students to match the appropriate word
continuous forms of the verbs in parenthesis in bold in the reading fluency text to each of
in the text given in not more than 5 min. the contextual meanings.

• Give feedback after they have finished the Answers

1. nationwide 5. deaf
Answers 2. immigrated 6. patent
3. granted 7. Scottish
1. was shining 4. was looking
4. inventor
2. were singing 5. was aiming
3. were relaxing 6. was running/ran Week 22 Day 5
N.B. You may give one or two of the activi- Daily Contents
ties in this session as homework when there
is time shortage to cover all • Writing Convention
• Composition Writing
Week 22 Day 4
9. Writing (40 minutes)
Daily Contents
Writing Convention (10 min)
• Reading Fluency
• Vocabulary Using Punctuation Marks

• Punctuation is not new to them. They

Discuss the activity given as a homework might remember what they learned in their
previous lessons. So ask them to:
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
1. list the punctuation marks that we use at the
• Inform the students that they are going to
end of sentences. (full stop, question mark,
read a text for fluency.
exclamatory mark)
• Ask them to practise reading individually
and then read the text to each other in pairs.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

2. list the punctuation marks that we use in Day 1. They may need to carry out research
the middle of a sentence. (comma, colon, into their chosen scientist and make notes
semicolon, quotation marks, apostrophe) from research sources on which to base
• Tell the students that the given text has their essay.
errors because it lacks some punctuation • Remind them that they should not copy text
marks. directly from any print source or from the
• Ask them to rewrite it in their exercise Internet.
books, inserting appropriate punctuation
marks. Week 23
The Importance of Scientific
In photo copying, exposure to ultraviolet
light is a great concern. In the early days of
photocopiers, the light source was filtered
green to match the sensitivity of the photo
conductive surface. This filtering conveniently
Week Objectives
removed all ultraviolet. Currently, a At the end of this week, students will be
variety of light sources are used. As glass able to:
transmits ultraviolet rays between 325 and
• identify silent letters in words and
400 nanometers, copiers with ultraviolet-
read the words correctly;
producing lights such as fluorescent, halogen,
or xenonflash expose documents to some • read a text and answer comprehension
ultraviolet. One day, a man working on the questions appropriately;
copier machine said, “It is better to remain • listen to a text, and answer listening
workless than to run the risk of ultraviolet questions;
radiation.” • provide contextual meanings of
N.B. In this exercise students are asked to various vocabulary items;
insert appropriate punctuation marks, mainly • converse freely on the importance of
punctuation marks that we use in the middle scientific discoveries;
of a sentence: comma, semi colon, colon,
• identify the use of gerunds in sentence
quotation marks and apostrophe.
constructions; and

Composition Writing (30 min) • write a short persuasive essay.

• Tell the students to write about three

paragraphs of narrative essay on one of the
famous scientists they know.
• This can be a scientist from the list they
generated in the Pre-reading Activity of

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Help them to name the devices if they are

Week 23 Day 1 not sure of them.

Daily Contents Answer:

Accept any logical answers or ideas they
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension
While-reading Activity (15 min)
1. Word Study (10 minutes) • Ask students to read the text in order to
answer the questions.
Silent Letters in English (Part I)
• Go round the class and assist them if they
• Explain to the students that some letters
need help.
remain silent when we speak them.
• Then, provide appropriate feedback.
• Ask students to identify the silent letters in
each word. Answer:
• Tell the students read the words in the 1. to conquer the forces of nature and to give
examples aloud. humankind increasing power over his/her
• Make sure they do not pronounce the silent surroundings
letters. 2. Electronic mail/ e-mail.
Answers 3. Paragraph 3
(Silent letters) 4. Paragraph 4
1. doubt letter ‘b’ 5. It is used for traffic lights, refrigerators,
2. climb letter ‘b’ and communication devices.

3. discipline letter ‘c’ 6. It enabled us to see images of people and

things thousands of miles away from us.
4. scenery letter ‘c’
• Ask students to write what the following
5. assign letter ‘g’
pronouns refer to in the reading text. Tell
6. foreign letter ‘g’
them to exchange their exercise book and
check each other’s answers.
2. Reading Comprehension
(30 minutes) Answer:

The Importance of Scientific 1. science

Discoveries 2. the invention of television

3. the invention of medicines
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) 4. the scientific fact that the earth revolves
• Ask students to discuss the devices in the around the sun
picture in pairs.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Post-reading Activity (10 min) 4. Listening (25 minutes)

• Put students in small groups to list some
The Importance of the Mobile Phone
devices they think are the results of
scientific discoveries and discuss how they
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
are discovered, and for what purposes they
• Tell students that you are going to read
are used.
them a text entitled “The Importance of
• Help them in identifying the names of the
the Mobile Phone”.
devices they are looking for in English.
• Tell them to discuss the given questions
Answer: with their partners.

Accept any logical answers, but be sure they • Tell them to predict what they will hear in
are related to the importance of scientific the text.

Week 23 Day 2 Accept any sensible answers or ideas they


Daily Contents While-listening Activity (10 min)

• Vocabulary • Tell students to to listen attentively while
• Listening Comprehension you are reading the text.
• Read the text twice at average pace.
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) • Tell them to answer the questions based on
• Tell students to match the words under the information in the listening text.
Column A with their meanings under
The Importance of Mobile Phone
Column B.
• Tell them to refer back to the reading New inventions in the field of science and
passage for the contextual meanings of each technology play a central role in the daily lives
word. of people. The mobile phone or cell phone is
among these new inventions. A mobile phone is
• Tell them to exchange their exercise books
a portable telephone that can make and receive
and check each other’s answers.
calls over a radio frequency link while the user
• Then, provide appropriate feedback.
is moving within a telephone service area. The
Answers radio frequency link establishes a connection
to the switching systems of a mobile phone
1. E 5. G
operator. This provides access to the public
2. D 6. A switched telephone network.
3. F 7. C Mobile phones support a variety of services,
4. B including text messaging, email, internet access,

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

short-range wireless communications, business

applications, gaming, and digital photography. Week 23 Day 3
In this aspect, mobile phones provide us with an
easy and fast means of communication. Today, Daily Contents
the Internet is one of the greatest advances in • Speaking
technology benefiting human beings. Everyone
• Grammar
wants to stay connected with the Internet all the
time. Thus, mobile phones provide quick and
easy access to Internet connections. 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
It is true that mobile phones can help everyone, Asking for Information
including students, but only if they use them
1. Tell students to act out the dialogue in groups
wisely. Many students become addicted to
of three, taking turns as the Receptionist,
mobile phones, playing games, chatting with
Customer and Bethelehem.
their friends and watching movies and other
entertainments. If students are busy keeping Receptionist: Good morning! Ethio
their eyes on their mobiles phones at all times, Telecom. What can I help you?
they won’t concentrate fully on studying. This Customer: Good morning. I’d like some
could lead to poor grades. information about putting a landline phone
In addition to this drawback, the use of excessive in my house.
mobile phone leads to a lot of accidents. Receptionist: Certainly, Sir. I’ll put
Researchers have also claimed that mobile you through to the customer services office.
phones have negative impact on the health of Please hold on for a moment.
an individual. If one uses a mobile phone for Bethelehem: Customer services
long hours daily, it might lead to serious health office. Bethelehem speaking. How can I
issues. help you?

Answers Customer: Yes, hello. I’d like to know if

it’s possible to have a landline phone in my
1. C 4. D
2. A 5. A.
Bethelehem: Absolutely. You have
3. B to submit a request letter to our customer
service office and the office will then let you
Post-listening (15 min) know when they’re able to come.
• Tell students to discuss the given statements Customer: Ok. When shall I come then?
with their partners. Encourage them to
Bethelehem: You can come at any time
express their ideas to the class.
during the working hours. Please bring
Answer: all the necessary documents so that our
engineers will be able to bring the new
Accept any possible logical responses from

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

phone and other equipment with them in a Grammar (20 Minutes)

short time.
The Gerund
Customer: Can I get some written
information about the requirements and • First, explain to student the term ‘Gerund.
service types? • Get students to read the examples, noticing
Bethelehem: Of course, Sir. You can come the verbs the sentences contain, and that the
to our nearest office and collect a few gerunds end in ‘-ing’.
brochures about our services. • Tell students to fill the gaps with gerunds
Customer: Thank you very much. That is from the verbs in the box.
very helpful of you. • Tell them to use each verb once only.
Bethelehem: Not at all. Are you calling • Introduce the grammar Spot at a suitable
from your mobile phone number now, Sir? moment.
Customer: Yes, I am.
Bethelehem: Then I have your mobile
1. running 5. Flying ... travelling
number. Thank you very much. Bye, bye.
2. doing 6. riding...swimming
Customer: Thank you. Bye, bye.
3. lying 7. trying
2. Ask students in the same groups to practice
using the following phrases in their own 4. playing 8. getting
N.B. You may give one or two of the
Any clue …? activities in this session as homework when
Any idea …? there is time shortage to cover all

Can you help me …?

Can you tell me …, please?
Week 23 Day 4
Could you tell me …, please?
Daily Contents
Do you know …?
• Reading Fluency
Do you know how to …?
• Vocabulary
I hope you don’t mind my asking, but …
I wonder if you could tell me … Discuss the activity given as a homework

I’d like to know …

7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
• Read the text “The Invention of the Light
Bulb” clearly and with proper expression.
Your pronunciation of the words should be
clear to students.
• Tell students to read the text aloud with
their partners, taking turns.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Explain that while a partner reads the text,

the other should listen carefully, noting how Week 23 Day 5
her/his partner reads and vice versa.
• They should continue reading until you tell Daily Contents
them to stop. • Writing Convention
• Encourage students to ask if they have • Composition Writing
difficulties understanding or reading the
text. Provide necessary feedback.
9. Writing (40 minutes)
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
Writing Convention (10 min)
• Gap-filling should now be well understood
• Tell students to read in pairs about the
by students.
techniques in writing a persuasive essay.
• Give them time to complete the sentences
• Take any questions they have about the
structure or content.
• They should compare answers with a
partner before sharing them with the class. Composition Writing s (30 min)
• Tell students they are to read the guidelines
Answers: A
for their essay carefully before starting to
1. access 4. responsible write.
2. portable 5. system • As usual, they need to think, plan, write and
3. frequency 6. infrastructure check their work.
• They may share their essays in small groups
Answers: B to give each other positive feedback.
1. E 3. C 5. B
2. D 4. A

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 24
1. daughter silent gh
2. hour silent h
The Discovery of Anaesthesia 3. knot silent k
4. talk silent l
5. fight silent gh
Week Objectives
6. know silent k
At the end of this week, students will be 7. white silent h
able to:
8. where silent h
• identify silent letters in words;
9. calf silent l
• read a text and relate its theme to their
10. chalk silent l
11. weight silent gh
• listen to a text and answer questions;
12. knight silent k
• act out a dialogue;
• use thematic vocabulary items in new 2. Reading Comprehension (30
contexts; minutes)
• use relative pronouns in various
sentences; and Pre-reading Activity (5 min)

• write a descriptive essay. • Ask the students to discuss the questions

with their partners and report back to the

Week 24 Day 1 • Encourage them to respond to the questions


Daily Contents Answers

• Word Study Accept any possible answers from the
• Reading Comprehension students.
Pre-teach key vocabularies such as
1. Word Study (10 minutes) anaesthesia, surgery, discover, etc.

Silent letters in English (Part II)

While-reading Activity (15 min)
• Tell students in pairs to read the words
• You may wish to pre-teach students the
aloud correctly.
word anaesthesia before they read the text.
• Ask them to identify the silent letters.
• Provide the students appropriate feedback.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• (Anaesthesia is a substance that makes

someone unable to feel pain especially Week 24 Day 2
during surgery)
• Tell students to read the passage and answer Daily Contents
the questions based on the information in • Vocabulary
the text. Tell them to write the answers in • Listening
their exercise book.
• Then, tell them to exchange their exercise
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
books and check each other’s answers.
• Tell students to choose the meaning of the
• Provide appropriate feedback.
words according to their contexts in the
Answers passage.

1. Anaesthesia is a way to control pain during • Ask them to exchange their exercise books
a surgery procedure by using medicines and check each other’s answers.
called anaesthetics. • Tell them to report their answers to the class.
2. William Morton and John Warren; on
October 16, 1846
1. A 6. C
3. breathing, blood pressure, blood flow, and
heart rate and rhythm 2. C 7. A

4. local anaesthesia, regional anaesthesia 3. D 8. B

and general anaesthesia 4. A 9. C
5. paragraph 3 5. A
6. Local anaesthesia is an anaesthetic drug
which can be given as a shot, spray, or 4. Listening (25 minutes)
ointment numbs only a small, specific
The Discovery of X-rays
area of the body
7. General anaesthesia Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
• Ask the students to discuss the pre listening
Post-reading Activity (10 min) questions .
• Ask students to discuss the question with • Encourage them to share their ideas.
their partners and report back to the class.
Answer: Accept any relevant answers from the
Accept any relevant answers from students.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

While-listening Activity (10 min) are needed for producing x-ray images. Lower
Read the listening text twice aloud and ask the energy X-ray beams are used for treating skin
students to answer the questions. Make sure that cancers while higher energy beams are used for
the students are comfortable with your reading treating cancers within the body such as cancer
speed. of the brain, lung, prostate, or breast.

The Discovery of X-Rays Answers

1. In 1895 5. cancer
X-rays were discovered by accident in 1895
by the German physicist Wilhelm C. Roentgen 2. shorter 6. radiation therapy
in Germany. He had a reputation among the 3. soft 7. electromagnetic
scientific community as a dedicated scientist
4. hard 8. skin
with precise experimental methods. Roentgen
had been conducting experiments on the effect
Post-listening (10 min)
of cathode-rays on the luminescence of certain
• Ask the students to discuss the questions in a
small group.
X-rays are part of the electromagnetic spectrum,
• Tell them to to share their ideas in a whole
with wavelengths shorter than visible light.
class discussion.
Different applications use different parts of
the X-ray spectrum. X-radiation is a form of Answer:
electromagnetic radiation. X-rays with high Accept any relevant answers from the
photon energies are called hard X-rays, while students.
those with lower energy are called soft X-rays.
Due to their penetrating ability, hard X-rays are
widely used to image the inside of objects. Hard
Week 24 Day 3
X-rays can traverse relatively thick objects
without being much absorbed or scattered. By Daily Contents
contrast, soft X-rays are more easily absorbed • Speaking
in air. • Grammar
X-rays are used in medicine in two ways. Hard
X-rays, which can penetrate skin and body 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
tissue (but not bone) are commonly used in
hospitals to produce photographs of bones to Talking about Health
check for breaks or fractures. • Tell students in pairs to act out the dialogue
X-rays are also widely used for a treatment between a doctor and a patient.
known as radiation therapy for the management • Tell them to take turns.
of cancer. It requires higher radiation doses than
• Select model pairs and ask them to act out
the dialogue aloud for the whole class.
• Provide necessary feedback.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask the students to create a situation of their N.B. You may give one or two of the activi-
own and role play it. ties in this session as homework when there
is time shortage to cover all
6. Grammar (20 minutes)

Defining Relative Clauses

Week 24 Day 4
Tell students to read the Grammar Spot in small
Daily Contents
groups. Give them a chance to ask you ques-
tions before they attempt the exercise. • Reading Fluency
• Vocabulary
• Tell students in their groups to identify and
discuss the defining relative clauses used in
Discuss the activity given as a homework
the text.
• Ask them to write the defining relative 7. Reading Fluency (25 min)
clauses used in the text into their exercise
• Read aloud part of the text ‘The Discovery
of Anaesthesia’. Tell students to listen
Answers attentively.

The clauses in bold in the follow paragraphs • Ask the students to take turns to read the
are defining relative clauses. same section of the text in pairs with
• The boy who took me to the Italian appropriate expression.
restaurant works in a big shop which
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
sells expensive shoes. The restaurant
• Ask the students to fill in the blanks using
was very modern. The food which they
appropriate words from the table.
served was excellent. The waiters seemed
always to be busy with the customers • Tell them to use each word only once.
whose wallets were full of money. The
table at which we were seated was near
a window. We could see the cars that 1. invention 4. comfortable
had been parked by the rich customers 2. convenient 5. hazard
outside the restaurant. They were being 3. device 6. therapy
watched by a young man in uniform.
After we had finished our meal, the waiter
who is my friend called came over with
a small silver box into which he had
already put the bill. When my friend
took the bill out of the box, he opened his
eyes in surprise because he had never had
to pay so much for a pizza before.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 27 Day 5
Daily Contents
• Writing Convention
• Composition Writing

9. Writing (40 minutes)

Writing Convention (10 min)

Descriptive Essay

• Revise the notes about the descriptive essay

given before.

Composition Writing (30 min)

• Tell the students to write a descriptive
composition of 3-4 paragraphs on the topic
related to a visit they made.
• They can share their essay with a partner
or in a small group and give each other

UNIT 11 Natural Wonders of Africa

Unit Objectives
At the end of this week, students will be able to:
• blend prefixes and root words to make complete words and identify their meanings;
• answer comprehension questions correctly based on the reading text;
• recognize meanings of selected words from the reading text;
• listen to a text and answer questions;.
• read a text aloud with accuracy;
• use non- defining relative clauses; and
• write a short summary of a text.

Week 25 African National Parks

• They are said to be Greek prefixes because

Week 25 Day 1 they are borrowed (taken) from Greek
Daily Contents • Next, read the word parts or the words aloud
• Word Study for the students and ask the students to read
• Reading Comprehension aloud with you.
• Finally, ask the students to segment the rest
of the words parts in a similar way.
1. Word Study (10 minutes)
• Tell them to exchange their exercise books
Blending Prefixes wih their partners and check their segmented
• Show the students how to segment the word parts.
words in the example into their parts. • Check students’ answers and provide
• Tell them the meanings of the individual necessary feedback.
words and the Greek prefixes.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Answers Chobe Botswana 12,000 (not zebra,

square stated) antelopes,
1. micro + organism → microorganism = (b) KMS buffalo,
living organisms which are too small to be giraffe
seen without microscope wildebeest
Kruger S. Arica 19,485 500 hippos,
2. poly + gamy → polygamy = (a) marriage to square crocodiles
more than one person at a time KMS and
3. homo + graph → homograph = (c) a word wild dogs,
with the same spelling but different meaning giraffes
4. hetero + graph → heterograph = (e) different
Etosha Namibia 22,270 More elephants,
letters representing the same sound. square than 300 rhinos,
5. poly + glot → polyglot = (d) a person who KMS giraffes,
speaks several languages. antelopes
2. Reading Comprehension(30 leopards
• Tell students to answer the questions based
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) on the reading text.
• Ask students to discuss the pre-reading • Ask the students to share their answers.
questions in pairs. Then encourage them to • Give them necessary feedback.
share their ideas with the class.
1. Africa
Accept any relevant answers from students. 2. Because herds of zebra, antelopes, buffalo,
giraffe and wildebeest gather at the water
While-reading Activity (15 min) sources in winter.
• Tell students to complete the table based on 3. Maasai
information from the reading text. 4. Etosha (22270 square kilometres)
• Tell them to share their answers. 5. Kruger
• Finally, give them feedback. 6. Predator populations
Park Country Area in Number Wild Post-reading Activity (10 min)
square of bird animals
• Encourage the students to discuss the Post-
km species found in
the parks reading Activity questions in groups of
Masai Kenya 1,800 400 lions, three.
square leopards,
• Tell them to exchange their ideas.
KMS cheetahs
and jackals.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

2. What kind of animals do you think are found

in this national park?
Any possible or relevant answer is acceptable
for both the two questions. 3. What do you observe in the following

Week 25 Day 2 Answer:

Any possible or relevant answer is acceptable.

Daily Contents
• Vocabulary
While-listening Activity (10 min)
• Listening
• Tell students to ready to listen.
• Read the following text two times at an
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
average speed.
• Tell students to find the words from the
• Ask the students to take notes While-
reading text which have similar meanings
listening Activity.
to the listed words and phrases.
Serengeti National Park
1. concentration 5. predator The name “Serengeti” is an approximation of
the word used by the Maasai to describe the area,
2. inhabit 6. huge
Serengeti, which means “the place where the
3. honour 7. safari land runs on forever”. The Serengeti National
4. legendary 8. fertile Park is in the Serengeti ecosystem of northern
Tanzania. As Tanzania’s oldest national park,
4. Listening (25 minutes) it is a classical safari destination and remains
the flagship of the country’s tourism industry.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) Because of its biodiversity and ecological
• Ask students to discuss the following significance, the park has been listed by the
questions in groups before they listen to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
listening text. Tell them reflect their ideas Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World
about what the pictures show. Take any Heritage Site.
possible answers from the students and try This park, which covers 15,000km2 of endless
to draw their attention to the listening text. plains dotted with lone trees, is home to some
Tell them to predict what the listening is of the biggest populations of mammals in the
going to be about. world. The annual wild beast migration is also
1. Where do you think is the Serengeti National one of the major attractions in Serengeti Park. It
Park found? involves the migration of over 1.5 million white
bearded wildebeest and 250,000 zebra Every
year, from December to July, vast numbers of
hoofed animals migrate across the Serengeti

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Ecosystem. They move between Masai Mara Post-listening (10 min)

and the larger Serengeti Park, which share • Ask the students to discuss the questions
unfenced borders. and share their ideas with the class.
More than 500 species of birds are found here. • Provide them necessary feedback.
The Big Five of Africa (buffalo, elephant,
leopard, lion, and rhino) are found in plenty Answer:
here, with an abundance of lions to be seen.
Serengeti is actually considered to host Africa’s Accept relevant answers
largest population of lions which is over 2,500.
The park is also noted for its numerous Nile
Week 25 Day 3
• Tell students to answer the listening
Daily Contents
comprehension questions while you are
• Speaking
reading aloud the text for them.
• Listening
• Tell them to share their answers.
• Provide feedback.
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
Asking for and offering Information (Role-
1. To describe the area, Serengeti, which play)
means “the place where the land runs
on forever”. • Tell students to play the role of a tourist
guide and a tourist in pairs.
2. Northern Tanzanian
• Move round the groups to facilitate the
3. Because of its biodiversity and
speaking activity.
ecological significance
• At the end visitors should decide which of
4. buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, and
the places to go to.
• Select model groups to perform the final
5. 15000km2
role play for the whole class.
6. from December to July
7. Between Masai Mara and the larger
Seregeti Park
8. The parks share a border with no fences.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

6. Grammar (20 minutes)

Week 25 Day 4
Non - Defining Relative Clauses
• Explain the examples for the students. Daily Contents
• Then, ask them to re-write the sets of two • Reading Fluency
sentences by changing one of them into a • Vocabulary
non-defining relative clause.
• Tell them to use relative pronouns (who, Discuss the activity given as a homework
whose, which, that, whom) to join the
sentences. 7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
• At an appropriate moment introduce the Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
Grammar Spot.
• Read aloud the reading text for students
Answers before students read it themselves.
• You may need to introduce difficult words
1. Chobe national park, which is found in the
first to aid pronunciation.
northern part of Botswana, is one of the
National parks in Africa. 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
2. Masai Mara, which is a Kenyan national • Tell students to choose words which are
park, is considered to be one the greatest similar in meaning to the words in bold in
parks on earth. the sentences. Ask them to exchange their
3. Getachew, who lives next door to us, plays exercise books and check each other’s
in the national football team. answers.

4. Etosha National park, whose area is • Then, provide the necessary feedback.
22,270 square kilometers wide, is found
in Namibia.
1. A 4. A 7. C
5. The earth, which revolves round the sun,
is round. 2. C 5. C 8. D
3. B 6. B 9. B

N.B. You may give one or two of the

activities in this session as homework when
there is time shortage to cover all

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 25 Day 5 Week 26

Daily Contents
Ethiopia’s Natural Wonders
• Writing Convention
• Composition Writing

Week Objectives
9. Writing (40 minutes)
At the end of this week, students will be
Writing Convention (10 min)
able to:
Tell students to read about summary writing in
• identify the meanings of homonyms;
• answer reading comprehension
Be prepared to answer any questions they may
• identify meanings of selected words
Composition Writing (30 min) from a reading text;
Tell students to write a summary of the reading • complete a summary table based on a
text, “African National Parks”. listening text;

Then ask students to exchange their exercise • use phrases for asking and giving
books and check each other’s summary. directions; and

Select some students to read their summaries • write a 3-4 descriptive essay on a
aloud to the class. related topic.

Provide them necessary feedback.

Week 26 Day 1
Daily Contents
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension

1. Word Study (10 minutes)

• Explain the examples to students.
• Tell students that two words with the same
spelling can have different meanings.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask them to complete the sentences in the

exercise using the appropriate words.
1. Because it is the most active volcano in
• Ask students to work with a partner to fill
Ethiopia and probably in Africa.
in the blanks using the right choice from the
words given. 2. The gateway to hell

• Tell them to provide the meanings of the 3. To avoid the hot points of the volcano
words in each sentence. 4. When two roughly parallel faults in the
earth’s surface between which, in distant
geological time, the crust was weakened
1. bark = the hard outer cover of a tree and the land subsided.
2. bank = organization where people
5. It is marked by a chain of lakes and rivers.
deposit or borrow money
6. The Awash River
3. close = near
4. bark = to make a loud sound (dogs 7. 1,800 meters
and some other animals) 8. The orynx, bat-eared fox, caracal, aadvark,
5. bank = the ground bordering a lake, colobus and grey monkeys, Anubis
river or sea and Hamadryas baboons, klip springer,
6. close = shut leopards, bush bucks, hippopotamus,
gazelles, Grevy’s zebras, cheetahs, greater
2. Reading Comprehension(30 and lesser kudus, and 400 species of birds
minutes) 9. Awash National park

Pre-reading Activity (5 min)

Post-reading Activity (10 min)
• Pre-teach some key vocabularies, such as
• Tell students to discuss the questions in
wonders, hell, gateway, rift valley.
groups of three.
• Tell students to discuss the questions with
their partners Answers

Answer: Accept any relevant answers from students.

Accept any relevant or possible answers from

the students.

While-reading Activity (15 min)

• Tell students to read the text carefully
and silently and to answer the questions
• Go round the class and give them necessary

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 26 Day 2 Answer:

Take any suitable answers from students and
try to draw their attention to the listening text.
Daily Contents
Tell them to predict what the text is going to
• Vocabulary
be about.
• Listening Comprehension

While-listening Activity (10 min)

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) • Ask the students to listen attentively and
• Tell students to find appropriate words complete the table using information from
from the reading text which have similar the listening text.
meaning to the given words and phrases. • Read the following text at an average
• Tell them to exchange their exercise books speed. Ask the students to take notes while
and check each other’s answers. listening .
• Then, provide any necessary feedback.
National Parks of Ethiopia
Ethiopia has many national parks. Semien
1. crust 7. volcano Mountains National Park is probably the
2. amazing 8. tourist best known of these. It is located in Amhara
National Regional State, 748 kilometers from
3. mountain 9. delight
Addis Ababa. Its territory includes Ras Dashen,
4. dormant volcano 10. searing
which is the highest mountain in Ethiopia at
5. flora and fauna 11. extraordinary 4, 533 meters above sea level. The Semien
6. reserve Mountains National Park is home to a number
of rare endemic species including the Semien
4. Listening (25 minutes) fox or Ethiopian wolf, the chelada baboon, and
the Walia ibex.
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) The Bale Mountains National Park is another
• Ask students to discuss the questions in protected area of approximately 2,200 km2. It
groups of three before they listen to the text. is located 400 km southeast of Addis Ababa
• Write any words you think will be difficult in Oromia National Regional State. The park
on the board and explain their meanings to covers Tullu Dimtu, which is the second highest
students. mountain peak in Ethiopia and one of the largest
areas over 3000m above sea level in Africa.
The Bale Mountains National Park is located
at a height of 4,377 meters and has one of the
highest numbers of endemic animal species in
the world. These include the mountain nyala,

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

the Semien fox and more than 16 species of

Post-listening Activity (10 min)
Nechisar (or white grass) National Park is
also located in the Southern Nations and • Ask students to discuss the questions in
Nationalities regional state at about 500km their groups.
from capital Addis Ababa. It includes extensive • Facilitate their discussion and accept any
grasslands on the high plains, shrub and tree appropriate answers from the students.
savannah in the hills and a unique Fig forest.
Some of the mammals in this park include Zebra, Week 26 Day 3
Grant’s gazelle, Greater Kudu, Hippopotamus,
Common Bushbuck Lion and Leopard. Besides, Daily Contents
333 bird species have been recorded for the
• Speaking
park, of which three are endemic.
• Grammar

5. Speaking (20 minutes)

Animals found
National park/

Distance from

Metres above
Addis Ababa
Place/ region

in the park/

found in

sea level

• Tell students to act out the dialogue between

Saba and Fenet in pairs.
• Ask students to use the given expressions
Semien Amhara 748 4, Ethiopian wolf,
mountain kms 533 Gelada baboon,
and practise asking for and giving directions.
national and the Walia Tell them to use their own situations.
park/Ras ibex
Dashen 6. Grammar (20 min)
Bale Oromia 400 4,377 Mountain nyala,
mountains Semien fox and
• Explain the examples for the students.
national more than 16 • Tell students to copy the paragraph into
park/ endemic species
their exercise books and fill in the blanks
Tullu of birds.
Dimtu with appropriate articles (a/an/the).
• At an appropriate time, tell students to read
the Grammar Spot and ask questions about
Nechi Sar Southern 500 __ Zebra, Grant’s
national Nations km gazelle,
any points that are unclear.
park and greater kudu,
Nation- hippopotamus, Answers
alities and common
1. an 5. (the) 9. the 13. a
bushbuck and
lion and leopard. 2. the 6. the 10. the 14. the
333 bird species
3. the/an 7. the 11. a
4. the 8. a 12. a

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

N.B. You may give one or two of the activi-

ties in this session as homework when there Week 26 Day 5
is time shortage to cover all
Daily Contents
Week 26 Day 4 • Writing Convention
• Composition Writing
Daily Contents
• Reading Fluency
9. Writing (40 minutes)
• Vocabulary
Writing Convention (10 min)
Discuss the activity given as a homework • Ask students to discuss in small groups the
features of a descriptive paragraph which
7. Reading Fluency (25 min)
they have learned in their previous lessons.
• Read a section of the reading text aloud
• They should report their ideas to the class.
to students before you tell them to read it
themselves. Composition Writing (30 min)
• Ask them to take turns to read in small • Tell students to select one of the given
groups and give each other feedback. topics or any suitable topic ( such as a river,
• Monitor the students reading. a forest, a view, etc. ) for their descriptive
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
• Tell them to write a 3-4 paragraph/
• Tell students to fill in the blanks with descriptive essay.
appropriate words from the list.
• Please, make the task clear for students
• Ask them to exchange their exercise books through simple examples.
and check each other’s answers.
• Remind them that the first paragraph
• Then, provide necessary feedback. is the introductory paragraph and the
last paragraph should be the concluding
paragraph. The rest of the paragraphs are
1. endemic 5. fascinating body paragraphs.
2. peak 6. cliff
3. territory 7. generate
4. elevation 8. heritage

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 27 Week 27 Day 1

Daily Contents
African Lakes
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension

Week Objectives
1. Word study (10 minutes)
At the end of this week, the students will
be able to: Homophones

• identify homophones; Homophones are words having the same

pronunciation, but different spellings and
• read a text and answer comprehension
meanings. Using examples, explain to students
what homophones are.
• infer ideas and the meanings of words
Ask them to read the pairs of words.
from contexts in the reading text;
Tell them to identify which word is a verb and
• use vocabulary items in the
which is a noun and so on.
construction of context based
sentences; Tell them to give their separate meanings.

• answer listening questions according Answer:

to the text;
• identify infinitives and form sentences 1. seen - (Verb): past participle of see
with them; scene - (noun): a view or picture of a
• read a short text for fluency using place, event or activity
appropriate expressions; and
2. some - (determiner): an amount or number
• write a short descriptive essay. of something which is not stated or not
3. sum - (noun): calculation, especially a
simple one, using such processes as adding,
subtracting, multiplying or dividing.
4. tail - (noun): the part of an animal or bird
that sticks out from its back
5. tale - (noun): a story or narrative.
6. aloud- (averb): audibly, not silently or in
a whisper.
7. allowed - (adjective) permitted

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

2. Reading Comprehension(30 • Tell them that for the spaces with lines there
minutes) is no information in the text.

Pre-reading Activity (5 min) • Answers

• Tell students to discuss the questions in

How big/large

Name of the

pairs Encourage them to express their ideas

• Tell them to report their answers to the
The third
whole class. Malawi,
Lake Tanzania and
lake in - -
Nyasa Mozamb-
Answer: East
Accept any suitable answers.
the the
Democratic a source
Lake second longest
While-reading Activity (15 min) Tangan- deepest lake
Republic of of the
the Congo, White
• Ask the students to read the questions before yika in the in the
Burundi Nile
world world.
they read the text. Zambia
• Tell them to read the text silently and largest One
attentively in order to answer the questions. lake in of the
Africa sources of
• Provide them with necessary support and
The the Nile
feedback. Lake
- - river
largest Plays an
Answers fresh- important
1. They lie along continental line known as water economic
lake in role
East African Rift Valley.
the world
2. Four lakes Shallow,
but the Uganda
3. Three: They are Lake Tana, Lake Chamo fourth and the
and Lake Abaya largest - Democratic -
of Rift Republic of
4. It is significant as the source of the White
Valley the Congo
Nile river. lakes.
the source
5. Lake Tana
6. Lake Tanganyika where
Lake largest
- - the Blue
Tana lake in
• Tell students to be in pairs and reread the Nile starts
text to fill the following table with the its long
appropriate information from the reading

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Post-reading Activity (10 min) While-listening Activity (10 min)

• Tell students to work in pairs • Inform students that you are going to read
• Ask them to share their responses in the them a text entitled ‘African Rivers’.
whole class. • Tell them to read the questions before you
read the text aloud.
• Read the text at an appropriate pace.
Accept any suitable answers from students.
• Tell students to answer the questions as you
read it two times.
Week 27 Day 2 While-listening Activity

Daily Contents African Rivers

• Vocabulary There are remarkable rivers in Africa. Some of
• Listening Comprehension these rivers are the River Nile and the Congo,
Niger and Zambezi Rivers.

3. Vocabulary (15 minutes) The River Nile is the longest river in Africa and
the second longest in the world with a length of
• Tell students to answer the questions
6,853 km. For this reason, the Nile is a famous
according to the context of the words in the
international river. It is formed by three major
reading passage.
tributaries: the White Nile, the Blue Nile and
Answers the Atbara.

1. B 4. B 7 D The River Congo is the second longest river

in Africa and the world’s deepest river with
2. A 5. C 8 B
measured depths in excess of 220 m. It is the
3. D 6. A second largest river in the world by volume of
water discharged and ninth longest in World
4. Listening Comprehension with a length of 4,700 km. The river flows
African Rivers through Angola, Cameroon, the Central African
Republic, the Democratic Republic of the
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) Congo, and the Republic of the Congo.

• Tell students to study the picture and predict The Niger River is the third longest river in
words that might be in the listening text. Africa, the principal river of western Africa and
the eleventh longest in the world, extending
Answer: 4,180km .The river flows through as many as
Note the words listed by students on the board 10 countries, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Benin,
and check at the end of the lesson how many Cameroon, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali,
of them have been used. Niger and Nigeria. Its main tributary is the
Benue River.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

The Zambezi is the fourth longest river in

Africa and the largest one flowing into the Week 27 Day 3
Indian Ocean from Africa. The river flows
through eight countries, Angola, Botswana, Daily Contents
Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, • Speaking
Zambia and Zimbabwe. The River Zambezi
• Grammar
is known for several waterfalls, including the
world renowned Victoria Falls, which is one of
Africa’s most popular sightseeing spots. 5. Speaking (20 minutes)

Answers Talking about Rivers and Lakes (Interview)

1. River Congo • Tell students to ask each other the given

2. Because it is the longest river in the world question taking turns in pairs. Encourage
students to express their own views
3. Niger River
4. White Nile, Blue Nile and Atbara
• More round the class and facilitate the
5. River Zambezi/C/
interviewing activity.
6. River Congo/B/
7. 10 countries
6. Grammar

8. It passes through Algeria, Burkina Faso, The infinitives

Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Côte D’ivoire, • Ask students to study the dialogue.
Guinea, Mali, Niger and Nigeria
• Then, introduce the Grammar Spot.

Post-listening (10 min) • Tell students to rewrite the dialogue, adding

the word to wherever necessary.
• Encourage students to list the names of
some big rivers they know. Answers

• Tell them to describe what importance these 1. A: Would you like to visit Lake Tana?
rivers have to the people who live around B: Yes, I would love to.
them. 2. A: Can you tell me how to operate this
Answer: cell phone?
B: No, I cannot tell you but I can show
Accept any logical statement they provide in
you how to fix it.
their discussions.
3. A: Please show me how to open the back
cover of the phone.
B: To open the cover, hold it tight, like
this, and slide it to the end.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

4. A: I tried to complete my homework, but

it was very difficult.
1. excess 5. depth
B: May I help you?
2. remarkable 6. principal
A: Yes, Sure.
3. spot 7. sightseeing
N.B. You may give one or two of the
activities in this session as homework when 4. discharging 8. tributary
there is time shortage to cover all
Week 27 Day 5
Week 27 Day 4
Daily Contents
Daily Contents • Writing Convention
• Reading Fluency
• Composition Writing
• Vocabulary

9. Writing Convention (10 min)

Discuss the activity given as a homework
• Tell students to review punctuation and
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) descriptive writing in the appropriate
• Explain to students that you are going to sections of their textbook.
read to them a section of the text “African • Lead a brief plenary session in which they
Lakes”. share their ideas.
• Tell them to listen carefully. • Clarify any points required.
• Tell students to read the text aloud with
Composition Writing (30 min)
their partners.
• Tell students to write 2-3 descriptive
• Check students are reading the text aloud
paragraphs using their personal experiences
of living near or visiting a lake or river.
• Then select model students to read the text
• Students who do not have personal
aloud to the whole class.
experience of the topic can base their
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes) writing on information from this unit.

• Ask students to complete the sentences in

their textbook with appropriate words from
the list. Tell them to exchange their exercise
books and check each other’s work.

UNIT 12 Technology in the Modern World

Unit Objectives
At the end of this week, students will be able to:
• write words in their contracted and full forms;
• read and answer comprehension questions;
• answer listening questions;
• show a degree of fluency in reading a text aloud;
• use the superlative degree in their sentences;
• describe different tools, and write a descriptive essay.

Week 28 Communication through Technology

In writing a contraction, an apostrophe is used

Week 28 Day 1 to replace a letter. For instance, I’ve a book is
the contacted form of I have a book.
Daily Contents • Ask students to rewrite the sentences,
• Word Study contracting the underlined words.

• Reading Comprehension • Tell them to exchange their exercise books

and check each other’s answers.

1. Word Study (10 minutes) Answers

1. She’d completed her exam before she had
Contracted forms of words
• Remind students what a contracted form is.
2. Don’t disturb me while I’m studying.
You may use the following note:
3. He doesn’t play tennis.
• In English some words can be written in
a short form, or contracted form. This is 4. They’ve made progress.
mainly done in spoken language; it can 5. We can’t leave tomorrow.
also be used in written language in some
situations such as dialogue, conversations
and in direct speech.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask the students to rewrite the contracted B. Tell students to choose the best alternative
forms into their full form. based on the information in the passage.
• Go round the class and provide help when Then, check their answers and give them
it is needed. feedback.

Answers Answers
1. She has gone 1. C 4. B
2. They have eaten their lunch. 2. A 5. D
3. She should not go with us. 3. D
4. No, he did not do it.
5. She will not come tomorrow.
Post-reading Activity (10 min)
• Tell students to discuss the questions in
2. Reading Comprehension groups. Encourage them to express their
(30 minutes) ideas to the class.

Technology and Communication Answer:

Accept any suitable answer.

Pre-reading Activity (5 min)
• Tell students to answer the questions before
they read the text. Week 28 Day 2
Daily Contents
Accept any sensible answers. • Vocabulary
• Listening
While-reading Activity (15 min)
A. Tell students to read the text silently and
3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
answer the questions based on information
in the reading text. Finding Contextual Meanings
Provide necessary help and feedback. • Tell students to match the words under
column A with their contextual meanings
given under column B.
1. the Internet and mobile devices
2. Pictographs Answers

3. On stones 1. • E 4. • B 7. • A

4. 3000 B.C., 100 B.C. and 15th 2. • F 5. • I 8. • C

Century A.D. 3. • H 6. • J 9. • G

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

4. Listening (25 minutes) decreased while the ability to move more and
larger loads increased.
Technology and Transportation
Land transport has been improved by introducing
motor vehicles such as motorcycles, cars,
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
trucks, etc. Advances in technology brought
• Tell students to discuss the questions in
about flight in 1903.
groups and share their answers with the
Land transport did not solve problems that arose
in relation to journeys across water bodies such
Answer: as lakes, oceans and seas as faster means of
transporting people and goods around the globe
Accept any appropriate answers given by
were required. For river and marine transport,
alternative methods were devised in the form
of boats and ships. Boats and ships date from
While-listening Activity (10 min)
about 3000 BC.
A. Ask students to copy the table into their
Transport researchers are still working
exercise books and then to complete it by
constantly to find new ways to reduce costs and
listening to the text you are going to read.
increase transport efficiency and to travel over
Before you read the text, make sure students
even longer distances.
understand the words in bold face in the
text. If they don’t know them, give them Answers
brief clarifications. Then, read the text for Traditional Modern Improvements
the students at a medium pace. Transportation Transportation in Modern
Technology and Transportation Horse, mule, Vehicle, Boat, Traveling farther
donkey, cart ship, airplane (longer distance)
The history of transport is largely one of Length of travel
technological innovations throughout the time decreased
history of mankind. It began with walking Moving more
upright on foot and continued through the and larger goods
made possible
development of the wheel, right up to the
introduction of air transport in our time and the B. Ask students to answer the questions
space travel of the future. based on information they gained from the
In olden days, people used their feet, animals listening text.
such as camels, donkeys, horses, mules, oxen,
etc., and later carts, to transport themselves
and their goods. Advances in technology have
allowed people to travel farther, explore more
territory, and expand their influence over
larger areas. As new inventions and discoveries
were applied to transport problems, travel time

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

6. Grammar (20 minutes)

1. Air transport The Superlative Degree

2. Technological innovation of transportation • Students have learned comparison in
system. previous lessons and grades, that is ‘-er’ is
3. Three: Land transport, marine transport, added to a short adjective to compare two
air transport persons or things as in bigg-er, weak-er,
tall-er, etc., and that when the adjective is
Post-listening Activity (10 min) long, ‘more’ is added, to the adjective, as in
more difficult, more interesting.
• Ask students to discuss the given questions.
and then share their ideas in full class • When the persons or things to be compared
discussion. are more than two, ‘-est’ is added to short or
mostly monosyllabic words ‘most’ is added
• Provide feedback.
to polysyllabic or long ones to indicate
Answer: which is the superior person or thing.

Accept any appropriate answers given by A. In this activity, tell students to complete
students. the dialogue, using the correct form of the
adjectives in brackets.

Week 28 Day 3 Tell them to read first the examples given.

You may wish them to read the Grammar
Daily Contents Spot at this stage as well.

• Speaking Genet: Oh, it must be lovely.

• Grammar Selam: Yes, it absolutely is.

5. Speaking (20 minutes) 1. most intelligent 4. ugliest
• Tell students to select one of the given topics 2. most creative 5. most attractive
and let them practise making a speech to
3. most artistic 6. most beautiful
their groups.
• Go round the class and facilitate their B. Ask students to use the correct form of the
discussion. adjective in the given text.

• Then select model students to present a Tell them to compare their answers with a
speech to the whole class. partner.

• Give the presenters necessary help and Provide necessary feedback.


English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

A. Ask students to classify the jumbled words

into body parts, household materials and
1. youngest 4. most talented animals. Ask them to do the exercise
2. oldest/eldest 5. best individually and carry out peer assessment.
3. cleverest 6. worst Give them feedback.

N.B. You may give one or two of the activi- Answers

ties in this session as homework when there Household
is time shortage to cover all Body parts Animals
wolf, crocodile
toes, chin stool, spade
Week 28 Day 4 wrist, nape hoe, ladle,
chameleon, fox,
cheek, knee axe, shovel,
gazelle, hyena,
Daily Contents ankle, navel pestle, sickle
• Reading Fluency
B. Ask students to look at the examples and
• Vocabulary
then do the activity. If the activity is not still
clear, give them more examples.
Discuss the activity given as a homework
Assess them while they are doing the
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) activity.
• Ask the students to listen attentively while Answers (Possible descriptions):
you are reading from the text, “Technology
1. A spade can be used for digging in the
and Communication” aloud.
• Ask students to read the text in pairs taking
2. A weapon is used mostly in battle and
• Follow them carefully to check if they are
3. A bucket can be used for fetching or
reading the text properly and take notes of
storing water.
errors to be improved.
4. A kettle is used for boiling liquids.
• Invite two or three students (both good and
bad readers) to read the text to the class and 5. A ladder is a movable set of steps used for
provide helpful feedback. climbing up or down.
6. A broom is used for sweeping the floor.
8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
7. A stool is used to sit on.
Classifying Words 8. A ladle is a large spoon, used for serving
Words can be classified based on their food.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Week 28 Day 5 Week 29

Daily Contents
Benefits of a Computer
• Writing Convention
• Composition Writing

Week Objectives
9. Writing (40 minutes)
At the end of the week, students will be
Writing Convention (10 min)
able to:
Conventions of Descriptive Essays • blend suffixes with the main words;
• Tell students to discuss the features of • read a text and relate its theme to their
descriptive writing and to brainstorm in lives;
small groups about the words and phrases • listen to a text and answer
that could be used to describe transport comprehension questions;
• discuss the uses of technological
Composition Writing (30 min) devices;
• use thematic vocabulary items in
Writing a descriptive Essay- Free Writing
• Ask the students to write a descriptive essay
• use relative clauses correctly; and
on their favourite means of transport in
• write a poem.
not less than 100 words. Give them some
guidance while they are writing. Entertain
questions that may be raised for clarity.
• Ask students to share their pieces of writing Week 29 Day 1
in their small group.
Daily Contents
• Word Study
• Reading Comprehension

1. Word Study (10 minutes)

Blending Suffixes (-an/-ian, -al/-ial)

-ian/-an = of or belonging to
-ial/-al = relating to

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask students to blend the suffixes with

their root words. Tell them to exchange
their exercise books and check each other’s 1. A light bulb, telephone, camera, CD player,
answers. photocopier, projector, car engine, electric
• Provide necessary feedback. bell, video camera, music keyboard,
airplane, computer, radio, ultra sound.
2. Paragraph 1
1. Brazilian 5. industrial
3. Paragraph 2
2. Ethiopian 6. accidental
4. Its speed, accuracy, reliability, and
3. comedian 7. regional
4. adverbial
5. People use computers in overcoming
2. Reading Comprehension (30 many difficult problems of multiple
minutes) calculations, data-processing, record-
keeping, scientific analysis, and others.
Pre-reading Activity (5 min) 6. They can learn about shapes, letters,
• Ask students to discuss the questions with numbers, rhythm, and colours.
their partners.
• Encourage them to express their ideas Post-reading Activity (10 min)
• Ask the students to discuss the questions.
Answer: Facilitate their discussion by going round
the class.
Accept any suitable answers from the students.
While-reading Activity (15 min) • Accept any relevant answers from the
• Ask students to answer the questions
individually and then discuss their answers
in groups. Week 29 Day 2
• Facilitate their discussion by going around
the class. Daily Contents
• Vocabulary
• Listening Comprehension

Vocabulary (15 minutes)

• Tell students to choose the best meaning for
the listed words based on their contexts in
the reading passage.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

You may wish to explain the meanings

of some key words (e.g. communication,
1. B 5. A broadcast, electric sound waves etc.) before
2. A 6. B reading the text.
3. D 7. A
The Radio
4. A
The radio was invented in 1895 by Gugliemo
• Ask the students to match the technological Marconi, an Italian engineer. With progressive
products in column A with their uses in improvements, the radio has become the most
column B. ideal means of communication since it can
reach the most remote parts of the world.
People are now able to listen to information
1. I 7. D relayed from so-called broadcasting houses.
2. H 8. C This relayed information is what we know as a
3. G 9. B radio program.

4. A 10 J The programs that are broadcast or aired include

news bulletins, music, talk shows, weather
5. F 11. K
forecasts, and curriculum based lessons for
6. E schools and colleges. The radio is also used by
advertisers to promote their businesses. Special
4. Listening (25 minutes) and personal announcements are also aired on
The Radio
But how does the radio work? It all starts when
Pre-listening Activity (5 min) someone speaks into a microphone in the studio
at the broadcasting station. The sound made is
• Ask the students to discuss the pre- listening
changed into electric sound waves which travel
along tiny metallic cables to the transmitter.
• Encourage them to express their own
In the transmitter, the sound waves are changed
opinions about the questions.
into radio waves and then they are broadcast.
Answer: The radio waves can travel great distances.
When you turn on your radio set, the aerial
Accept any relevant answers from the
picks the waves. Inside the set, the radio waves
are turned into the sound which you are able to
While-listening Activity (10 min)
Radio waves travel at the speed of light at about
A. Read the listening text twice aloud and tell
300,000km per second and since light travels
the students to answer the questions.
faster than sound, a person listening to the radio
Make sure that the students are comfortable
broadcast thousands of kilometers away will
with your reading speed.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

receive the program earlier than someone who

is actually sitting inside the studio. Week 29 Day 3
(Source: English for Ethiopia Grade 8, 2004)
Daily Contents
• Speaking
1. Gugliemo Marconi, in 1895
• Grammar
2. Because it can reach the most remote parts
of the world
5. Speaking (20 minutes)
3. from broadcasting houses
A. Ask the students to act out the dialogues
4. about 300,000km per second
sharing roles with their partner.
B. Read the listening text to the students
Tell them to focus on ways of expressing
again with special focus on the second
agreement and disagreement.
paragraph. Ask the students to complete
B. Tell students in the same pairs to select two
the diagram below with information from
of the devices listed (one each).
the listening text.
Then, tell them to argue that their device has
1. A person
speaks into a 2 3 4 5
more benefits than their partner’s. Go round
microphone the class and monitor their performance.
Select a few pairs to demonstrate their
Answers dialogues to the class.
1. A person speaks into a microphone →
6. Grammar (20 minutes)
2. Sound is changed into electric waves →
3. Sound waves travel along tiny metallic Adverbial relative clauses
cables → 4. Sound waves are changed into
A. Ask the students to combine the two
radio waves → 5. radio broadcast
sentences using where, when, or why.

Post-listening Activity (10 min) Introduce the Grammar Spot at an

appropriate moment.
• Ask the students to discuss the questions in
their groups.


Accept any possible or relevant answers from


English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
1. This is the hall where the conference • Tell the students to fill in the blanks using
will be held. appropriate words from the table.

2. I know a small restaurant where • Tell them to use only one word at a time.
you can have a nice dinner.
3. They haven’t yet fixed the date
1. communication
when they’ll get married.
2. relayed
4. I forgot the time when the plane
would land. 3. studio, radio/broadcasting

5. Tell me the reason why you came 4. cables, transmitter


B. Tell students to choose the correct relative

Week 29 Day 5
pronoun to complete each sentence.
Daily Contents
• Writing Convention
1. B 4. D
• Composition Writing
2. D 5. D
3. B 9. Writing (40 minutes)

N.B. You may give one or two of the activi- Writing Convention (10 min)
ties in this session as homework when there
is time shortage to cover all Poetry- rhyming

• Revise rhyming in poetry. To rhyme means

Week 29 Day 4 to have similar sounds in two or more words
in a stanza, usually at the end of two lines,
Daily Contents but sometimes in the middle of two lines.
For more about rhyming, refer to week 13 of
• Reading Fluency
the book and explain the details to students..
• Vocabulary
Composition Writings (30 min)
Discuss the activity given as a homework
A. Tell students to study the example and
complete the poem with the given phrases
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes)
from the table (or with their own phrases).
• Tell students to read the text aloud. Ask
them to take turns in reading the text, one
paragraph at a time.
• Monitor their performance and give them
help when they face difficult words.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

1. Word Study (10 minutes)
• If the students select from the table Blending Suffixes (-en, -er, -or)
the completed poem may look as
• Tell students to read the examples given.
• Give any necessary explanation.
• (It doesn’t matter where they place
the phrases. What matters is the • Tell students to blend the given words to the
rhyming at this level.) suffixes and read them.

If I become a plot. I will earn big • Ask them if there are meaning changes
money, because of the blending of the suffixes.

My life will be • Remind them to give attention to the

sunny. spelling when blending.

If I become a plot. I give you my word, Answers

I will fly like a bird. 1. act + or → actor
If I become a pilot, 2. broad + en → broaden
3. teach + er → teacher
My eyes will gleam,
4. run + er → runner
I will live my dream.
5. elevate + or → elevator
A. Ask students to write a poem on what they 6. hard + en → harden
will do if they become a doctor. Note:
Tell them to share their poems in small • The suffixes ‘-er’, ‘-or’ indicate the person
groups. Select some poems to be read to or thing that does the activity. They can be
the whole class. used to change the grammatical function of a
word. For example, a) “run” is a verb, when
Week 30 Day 1 the suffix ‘-er’ is added to it, it is changed
into a noun, “runner” b) “calculate” is a verb,
The Advantage and Dis Advantage
when the suffix ‘-or’ is added to it, it becomes
of Technology
a noun, “calculator”
Week Objectives • The suffix ‘-en’ can have different functions.
At the end of the week, students will be able One of its meanings is “to make” or “to
to: become”. For example, “sad” is an adjective,
• Blend Suffixes with root words when the suffix –‘en’ is added to it, it is
• Read a passage and get information; changed into a verb, “sadden”.
• use new vocabulary in their sentence;
• take part in debating; 2. Reading Comprehension (30
• form tag question; minutes)
• read paragraphs frequently and
Advantages and Disadvantages of
• write an argumentative essay

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Pre-reading Activity (5 min) • Groups should then report their points of

• Ask the students to discuss the question in discussion to the class.
pairs. Encourage them to express their ideas
freely about technology.
Accept any possible answer relevant / related
Answer: to the questions.

Accept any suitable answers to each question.

Week 30 Day 2
While-reading Activity (15 min)
Daily Contents
• Tell the students to read the text “The
Advantages and Disadvantages of • Vocabulary
Technology” silently to identify main and • Listening
detailed ideas.
• Then, make them to answer the reading 3. Vocabulary (15 minutes)
comprehension questions based on the • Ask the students to match the words in
information in the text. the left hand column with their contextual
Answers meanings in the right hand column.
• Tell them to compare their answers with
1. telephones, e-mail, video conferencing,
their partners.
text messaging and Internet.
• Finally, give them the correct answers.
2. Through the Internet, using a search
engine. Answers
3. Technology. Through the manufacture 1. C 6. B
of modern war weapons and weapons of
2. G 7. I
mass destruction.
3. A 8. D
4. Various diagnostic tools such as x-ray
machines, blood pressure and glucose 4. F 9. E
level measuring machines, etc. 5. H
5. People who spend time on social
networking sites. 4. Listening (25 minutes)
6. It is about the advantages and Advantages and Disadvantages of a
disadvantages of technology. Calculator
Post-reading Activity (10 min)
Pre-listening Activity (5 min)
• Tell the students discuss the questions in
small groups.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

• Ask the students to discuss the questions in of solving problems. Accurate counting can
groups and encourage them to share their be carried out by using a calculator. A large
ideas with the class. number of calculations can be solved quickly
and without any difficulty. The option of a user
friendly calculator is found in other electronic
Accept any possible / relevant responses from devices, such as mobile phones and computers.
the students. Nowadays, however people are increasingly
finding it difficult to do simple calculations
While-listening Activity (10 min) without the use of a calculator. Teachers and
• Introduce the topic and clarify instructions parents are against allowing students in the
to the students before they listen to the text. lower grades to use a calculator, because it
• Give the students a chance to predict what reduces their ability to learn and apply basic
the text will be about from the illustration mathematical functions. A calculator reduces
given. logical thought and the everyday pratice of
basic skills.. Even though the use of a calculator
• Motivate the students to listen attentively to
is sometimes essential and has a wide range of
the listening text and take notes.
applications, the traditional manual methods
• Read the text two times at a moderate pace. of solving problems is often carried out for the
Advantages and disadvantages of a purpose of verification..

calculator • Tell students to answer the listening

comprehension questions. Ask them to
The world has faced an important change in compare their answers with their partners.
technology, which allows each and every one
• Give them necessary feedback.
to make use of a calculator. A calculator is an
electronic device used to do mathematical Answers
calculations. A simple calculator performs only
the basic operations of arithmetic, addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division,
whereas a scientific calculator offers a wide
range of conversion data.
Like other technological innovations,
a calculator has both advantages and
disadvantages. The advantages of calculator are
more numerous than its disadvantages. Use of
a calculator is permitted to students in schools
and colleges. This is to reduce the complexity

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

1. An electronic device used to do basic Week 30 Day 3

mathematical calculation.
2. To reduce the complexity of solving Daily Contents
problems(doing calculations), to bring
• Speaking
accurate counting of a number, enough
number of problems can be solved without • Grammar
any difficulty, the option is found in all
electronic application devices, are user 5. Speaking (20 minutes)
friendly, offer a wide range of conversion
data. Debate (Agreeing/ disagreeing)
3. Because they think it reduces basic skills • Introduce the topics/motions of the debate.
and learning of mathematics techniques Explain words like landline to the students.
among them. (A landline is a cable or set of wires that
carries telephone signals under the ground
4. Logical thought/ skills learning and
or along overground wires to a static phone
in a building.)
5. Because it is important for verification.
• Give the students inputs and clarify the
procedures of conducting a debate.
Post-listening Activity (10 min)
• Select a chairperson for the debate.
• Ask the students to discuss the questions in
their groups. Tell them to report their ideas • Form groups of debaters, each having three
to the class through the chairperson of each students who are in favour of and three who
group. are against the motion.
• Encourage all students to be engaged in the
Answers discussion.
1. Accept any sensible response from the
• Tell the selected group members to debate for
or against the topic through the facilitation
2. Easy for people who are not experts to use of the chairperson.
and/or understand.
• Tell the whole class to listen and take notes.
3. Accept any possible response from the
• When the debate rounds off, tell the
chairperson to hold a class vote to decide
which group presented their points in a
convincing way.
• Give constructive feedback to the debaters.
Commend the students’ efforts.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

6. Grammar (20 minutes) 8. Vocabulary (15 minutes)

• Ask students to rearrange the letters in the
Tag questions
brackets to form correct words and to fill
• Ask the students to complete the sentences each blank space as in the example.
using appropriate tag questions.
• Tell students to discuss the Grammar Spot Answers
in pairs and check each other’s answers 1. calculations 5. convert
2. tremendous 6. application
1. aren’t I 5. isn’t it 3. complexity 7. verify

2. shall we 6. was it? 4. option

3. will you 7. is it
4. should they Week 30 Day 5
N.B. You may give one or two of the activi- Daily Contents
ties in this session as homework when there
• Writing Convention
is time shortage to cover all
• Composition Writing
Week 30 Day 4
9. Writing (40 minutes)
Daily Contents
Writing Convention (10 min)
• Reading Fluency
Organization of ideas in persuasive essay
• Vocabulary
Tell the students to study the information about
Discuss the activity given as a homework argumentation.
Then, remind students how to organize ideas,.
7. Reading Fluency (25 minutes) Tell them to write a composition.
A. Read two paragraphs from the text, “The
Advantages and Disadvantages of Composition Writing (30 min)
Technology” aloud and urge students to • Tell the students to write a three-four
follow your reading attentively. paragraph of argumentative essay on the
advantages and disadvantages of any type
B. Tell the students in pairs to take turns to
of technology.
read the same two paragraphs of the text
aloud within the time you are going to allot. • Tell students in pairs to exchange and check
each other’s works .
Students should give each other feedback.
• Finally, give them general feedback.
Give them a chance to ask about words they
find difficult to read or pronounce.
Give them necessary feedback.

English I Grade 8 I Teacher Guide

Grade 8 English Syllabus

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

Theme Skill Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Learning Formatted Table
MLCs Assessment
Unit 1 Listening  Listen to a text, fill in New words related Listening text,  Checking students’ The students
tables, and answer to the text/theme answering of listening will be able to
Plans listening  present simple  Pre/while/post listening comprehension
(plan, success, goal, answer listening
comprehensions activities questions.
A Study Plan  Present hard work…). comprehensions
questions.  Teacher devices listening
continuous management, text and students listen to
 Listen attentively to
(future important, and answer listening
stories/ information
My future arrangements), comprehension questions
and identify Improvement,
plan important details utilization,
 Conditionals
and give appropriate development,
responses (Type-1)

Speaking Express their ideas / Use future related Checking student’s The student will
information about vocabulary items and ability to give and be able to speak
events in the future expressions in speaking express information about their
(their future plans) in about future plans about their future future plans.
detail. individually, in pair, and in plans
blending and
segmenting of
 Read the text to words  Select and use Summaries and  The students
identify main and appropriate Reflections. will be able to
detailed ideas, comprehension strategies read the
meanings of words for the text type and the  Students respond passage with
from contexts and task of reading. to the given appropriate
Reading questions to
transfer information  Identify main and detailed comprehensio
into tables demonstrate their n.
ideas, meanings of words
understanding to
from contexts and
the class.
transfer/relate to daily life
 Transfer ideas

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

from text to tables

Writing  Identify steps of Teacher explains to students Students will
writing about steps of paragraph able to:
paragraphs  Checking students’
writing (thinking, planning,
(thinking, understanding of - Identify steps of
drafting and checking) paragraph
planning, drafting steps of paragraph
writing, writing
and checking,  Teacher explains to
cohesion, unity, students the steps of
organization) paragraphs
sentences, and  Students take note
concluding correctly, discuss their note
sentence) in groups

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 2  Listen to a text and Comparisons  New words  Teacher provides Teacher Checks Students will be
and answer listening with positive and related to the students with students’ pre/while able to:
The City and text/theme (city, opportunities to listening and post listening
comprehensions, fill comparative
the town, village, life, text related to City and activities and gives listen to texts and
the table with degrees (as…as,
Countryside cheap, the Countryside feedbacks answer
information from not as/so…as/
population,  Students perform pre- Students perform the comprehensions
the listening text more/ less/ - er/ Formatted: Font color:
Listening dense, scarcity, listening activities based pre/while and post questions related
City versus than,) Formatted: Font color:
cheap, on given instructions. listening activities to the topic
 Conditionals expensive,  Listen while the teacher based on given
(Type-II), facilities, crowds, reads the text loudly, instructions
Facilities in a
employment take notes
city and in a
countryside   After listening, they fill in
table, in pair/
group/individual work
Speaking  Use appropriate  Teacher introduces Teacher checks Students will be

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus
language in techniques and steps of students’ ability to use able to:
describing and making debate or relevant social
comparing places, argument to students expressions in the
people, plants,  Students debate/ argue debate Use appropriate
 Debating for and
objects, weather against on topics for and against on topics
conditions, related to city related to life in the city
expressions in
 Use appropriate and countryside , and countryside
describing and
social expressions  Use phrases of
such as agreeing or comparing places,
agreeing and people, plants,
disagreeing to
disagreeing objects, weather
 Debate or argue for conditions,
and against on given
Reading  Individually, read  Vocabulary  Teacher gives pre/while  Teacher checks Read a text
learning and post reading activities students’ reading silently and infer
passages silently
strategies  Students identify main comprehensions meanings from
and infer ideas and and detail ideas, infer (inferences of ideas, contexts,
the meaning of meanings of words from meanings from
words from contexts, and complete contexts, Read a given text
contexts sentences. identification and with appropriate
 Students read aloud a text transfer of main fluency
 Read a text and of about 250 words with and detailed
95% accuracy.  Individually students 
relate the message
to real life  Students read a text and read a text for
relate the message to fluency
 Read to identify their real life  Teacher checks
main and detailed students’ reading
accuracy and
ideas from
passages and fill  Teacher asks
charts students to tell the
extent the message

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

 Individually, read a of the text relates to

text aloud for their experiences.

 Students discuss and  Checking students; Students will be

Identify qualities of identify qualities of understanding of able to:
paragraph writing paragraphs qualities of Identify qualities
Writing paragraph writing and types of
paragraph writing
and giving

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 3  Listen to  Pronouns, Sport related  Teacher provides students Assessing students’ students will be
information and (subjective and words: with opportunities to pre/while/post able to:
Sports respond objectives listening text related to listening activities and comprehend
accordingly personal athlete, race, sport
Types of giving feedback listening texts
 pronouns), competition, win,  Students perform pre-
sports and reflect their
Listening relative medal, champion, listening activities based on
Ethiopian ideas
athletes pronouns discipline, runner, given instructions.
(which/ that, trainer, famous,  Listen while the teacher
where, who…), record, coach, reads the text loudly, and
marathon, table list details
tennis, swimming,
Speaking - talk about their indoor/ outdoor  Teacher gives instructions  Observing students’ Students will be
likes and dislikes games,…. and students perform the oral presentations able to:
regarding sports instructions and giving
 words of  Ask and answer questions feedbacks where describe their
- Ask and answer instruction relevant to taught topics necessary likes and dislikes
questions relevant (command)  Interpret graphs/ tables  Checks students’
to taught topics do/play/go, using leant words and organization of
sentences ideas while they

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

- Interpret make oral reporting.

graphs/tables using Turn and Talk
Use newly acquired
leant words and
 Students turn and
sentences vocabulary in share their ideas
speaking to extend and reactions with
about sports nearby students.
- Use textual  Teacher moves
clues to read through the class
text about and monitors
students’ language
- Use newly use.
vocabulary in
writing a report

Reading - Read and guess the Pre-reading - Teacher asks for Reading
meaning of new students’ reflections
• Deal with brain storming on their guessing
words from a
ideas to relate their prior their post responses
contexts ,and
knowledge with target and cross checks
identify main and
passage using graphic
detail ideas
• Guess what the reading - Ask what the main
- Individually read
text would be about based and detail ideas of
passages of 350-
on the title the text about
400 words about
- Check students’
sport and answer While Reading
• Stop for a while and ask understanding
questions and fill through
themselves if they
charts. comprehension
understand what will
- activities.
happen next

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

• Identify main ideas, infer

words from context, and
answer comprehension


 Relate what they have

read about with their

Writing  Write a guided Using newly acquired Teacher checks  students will
paragraph on organization of ideas, be able to
sport related issues vocabulary write short write a short
punctuation and
 Write a personal report on sport paragraph
(friendly) letter

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 4 Listening  Listen to texts and  Teacher checks
Health Issues respond to  Simple past,  Identifying key Pre-listening students’ pre/while Students will be
Sexually comprehension  Adjectives of words/vocabulary  Students perform the pre and post listening able to
transmitte questions quality from the text listening activities activities: express their
d Diseases  Listen to While listening  Assessing students feelings from
discussions/  Students listen to the texts work on filling what they
Say ‘No’ explanations and and take notes tables and charts listened to
to Drugs express their Post Listening
feelings  Should/could/ne
 Compare their notes with
Life skills  ed/had the responses their teacher
better/ought to provides them.

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus
Speaking  Use appropriate do/ have+v-3 for - Sharing experiences,  Checking students’
language giving advice/ knowledge,….discussing experience sharing
expressions in and expressing  Use newly health related issues ability
discussing different regrets acquired - Word studies (pre-fixes and  Teacher assesses
diseases,  vocabulary, when suffixes, syllable…. students’
 Express their speaking, that is - understanding
experiences related learned and expressions Students will be
to health issues through context of their ideas able to use
• Learn new words - their use of appropriate
through inferential vocabulary in language
opportunities in giving advice/ expressions in
context (transmit, expressing regret describing
immune, fatal, using, ‘should/had infection
outbreak, better/ought to diseases
symptoms, do/ have+v-3
prevent, inhale) 

Reading - Predict the themes  Teacher teaches students Checking the pre/while Read text types
of a passage from word study techniques and post reading and identify the
the topic or from  Students apply their activities and giving themes,
knowledge of word studies feedbacks
(pre-fixes and suffixes) and - Checking students’
activities or
syllable…. understanding of
illustrations.  Teacher exposes students their reading fluency
to pre reading activity and (rate/ intonation/
- formulate ideas
students do the pre-
about what has expression)
reading activity
been read using  Students read silently an
specific information expository text to identify
from the text to specific information and
support the ideas answer comprehension
questions and share their
- Read expository ideas using their prior

August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus
text aloud with knowledge
appropriate pacing,  Students read aloud an
intonation, and expository essay with
appropriate pacing,
intonation and expressions
 Read a text about
life skills fluently,
and share with peer
groups themes

Writing  Write four cause  Teacher explains writing Teacher checks

and effect cause and effect students’
paragraphs about paragraph, on topics  organization of Write complete
preventing disease related to the theme ideas, paragraphs, on
 Write a summary  Students write four  use of punctuations/ disease
paragraphs based on capitalization prevention
teacher’s instructions issues using
 Students write summary of correct
a text punctuations/ca
Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 5 - Listen to  Active and Plant, herb, Doing pre-, while and post- Students answer /do Students will be
Plants and information/ passive, vegetables, fruits, listening activities (in pairs/ questions in the able to
their Uses explanations  Result (as a trees, shrubs, groups or individually) listening activities comprehend the
Flowers result, remedy, conserve, based on their listening text and
Listening about plants from
consequently, protect, local herbs, understandings or respond to the
the listening text therefore, medical plants, comprehensions from comprehension
Fruits relevant to their so…that, such…a heal, edible, ginger, the listening text read questions.
and experiences and that) flavour, bloom, by the teacher. 


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

vegetabl answer questions  Conditionals roses, nectar,

es (Type-III) greenhouse
Speaking  Describe plants  - Students describe/ talk Monitoring. - Students will
and their uses, about plants and their uses - The teacher checks be able to
in groups/ pairs whether the describe and
therapy  Using appropriate - Students report simple students are fully report orally
language information about plants engaged in the simple
expressions report and their uses from activities or not. information
different sources - Teacher checks about plants
orally simple
individually student’s and their uses
information about organization of ideas - Students will
plants and their and expressions be able to give
uses from advice
different sources.

Reading - Read the passage Students : Checking students’ - Answer

and answer - identify main and reflections: inferential
inferential detailed ideas, - responses to the questions
questions meanings of words given inferential explicitly using
- Read plant related from contexts, and questions appropriate
texts and answer answering explicit and - students expressions.
comprehension inferential questions. demonstrate their
questions and - predict the message understanding using
complete charts from the topic or from explicit response
pre-reading activities
/or illustrations
Writing - Write a summary of Students: Checking:  The students
the given text - summarize a given text - students’ will be able to:
- Write persuasive - write compositions/ poem organization of summarize
essay about herbal about medicinal herbs ideas, spelling, texts ,write
medicines Write (flowering plants) punctuation and compositions,
compositions/poe - arranging names of plants capitalization
m about medicinal into their categories - students’


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

herbs (flowering
Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Listening  Listen to a text and  Active and Process/sequential Students listen to the text - Peer Review. After
 The students
Unit 6 answer passive voice words: first, next , that the teacher reads completing a listening
will be able to
Coffee comprehension last, ingredients, aloud and answer activity, students
listen to the
How coffee questions.  prepositions Coffee beans, comprehension questions. exchange
passage read
grows  Give and take coffee-pot, papers and check/
 Preferences by the teacher
instructions germinate, roast, correct each other’s
The and respond
using would grind, pack, boil, , work based on the
economic to the listening
rather…/ would griddle, pour, teachers instructions.
value of comprehensio
prefer, prefer powder, The teacher then gives
coffee to… , organic,…planting… feedback.
Making  Use sequencing , weeds, ….) Students discuss in groups/ Informal monitoring. The students will
coffee words in talking how  Word studies pair about the process of The teacher circulates be able to speak
(pre-fixes and making coffee. around the room and fluently.
coffee grows, made,
checks whether the
and the importance suffixes,
students are really
of coffee syllable…)
engaged/ participating
Speaking in the activity or not.
 Give and take
instructions/ advice,
using sequencing
words and
grammar items

Reading  Read a passage with  Students read the passage Students reflect/ The students will
understanding and with understanding and respond, make sense, be able to
answer answer explicit and or infer what they have understand and
comprehension inferential questions. read, and derive infer the content


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus
questions Use vocabulary learning personal meaning from of the passage.
 Read jumbled strategies their reading.
sentences in
paragraphs, and
organize them in
logical orders
Writing - Write friendly - Students write /compose Checking students’
letters paragraphs to show understanding about
process sequence of ideas in a
- Write paragraphs to - Students take dictations process paragraph,  The students
show processes - Write friendly letters spelling, punctuation will be able to
and lay out/ formats in write
- Take dictation on letters through by paragraphs
less familiar topics checking their written and letters
paragraphs, by making using correct
student exchange their spelling and
exercises or papers to punctuations.
correct each other’s

Formatted Table


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Outcomes
Unit 7 Listening - Retell the main  Past perfect New words related Listening text, Students answer  The students
My Hobby points of the tense to the text/theme,  Pre/while/post listening explicit will be able to
listening text that is pleasure, , hobby, activities questions that are give
What are read aloud.  direct and agriculture, leisure  Teacher devices listening stated directly in the appropriate
hobbies? indirect/ time, ,, cultivation,, text and students listen to text that is read aloud. responses
- Listen to text, fill reported narrative,, story, fill tables, and answer Teacher check their orally to
tables and answer speech/) entertainment, listening comprehension listening questions
comprehension motivation, questions. comprehension related to the
as a  Conjunctions
questions happiness, … questions and their listening text
Hobby (subordinating, application of pre/
coordinating, while/ post listening
correlatives) activities

Speaking  Report about their - Describing and The students perform, Informal monitoring. The students will
peer/friends’ peer’s/friend’s describe and appreciate the The be able to
hobbies using direct hobbies. activities performed by teacher circulates describe and
and indirect speech oneself / peer. around appreciate
 Use appropriate  A day in the life the room and checks activities Formatted: Font color: T
language of….(Students observes a whether the students performed
expressions for person’s or an animal’s work are really engaged/
describing and or job and act as if they that participating in the
appreciating person or animal) activity or not.
someone’s hobbies
 Use appropriate
social expressions to
ask and give advice,


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

Reading - Read a passage Students read the passage Reflection/Responding

about hobbies with with understanding and give Students reflect/  The students
understanding and explicit answers. respond, and infer the will be able to
answer meanings/themes of understand
comprehension Students learn the meaning what they have read and infer the
questions and use of vocabularies about, and develop content of the
- through deploying word personal meaning from passage.
classification strategies their reading.
Writing  Write expository The students write /compose Peer Review. After
essay of 3-4 descriptive paragraph completing a
about activity performed by descriptive paragraph,  The students
paragraphs on
somebody. students exchange will be able to
ones’ hobbies. their papers and write
check/ correcting each descriptive
 Write narrative
other’s works. paragraphs on
essay of 3-4 Teacher collects activity
paragraphs on students’ papers and performed by
ones’ hobbies. reviews their someone.

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 8 Listening  Listen to the text  Art, artist, - Doing pre- listening and Checking students’  The students
Art and answer listening craft, painting, , while listening activities. listening will be able to
comprehension  Present perfect, potter, musician, comprehension develop their
Art and its
roles questions. sculpture, , - Listening to a text and achievement/performa listening skill
 Listen to a  past simple vs photographer, answering listening nce
Ethiopian biography about an past perfect weaving, , singers, comprehension questions
art and artist and answer famous, popular, ,
comprehension  decoration, tattoo,
questions designer, pattern, Techniques: individual/ pair/
 embroidery, writer, group


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

weaving Speaking Use appropriate social basket maker, Activities : Informal monitoring. Students will be
expressions to talk fabrics, dye yarn, - Acting a dialogue The teacher circulates able to develop
about situations artisan…… - Discussing art around the room and their speaking
and artists checks whether the skills using
- Talk about art and - Making sentences using students are really appropriate
artists they know in modal verbs(can, could) engaged/ participating social
the country or in orally in the activity or not expressions
their areas

Reading Read to identify main - Reading to identify main Checking students’  The students
and detailed ideas and detailed ideas from reflections: will be able to
from passages and passages and answering Students response to read texts to
answer comprehension questions the given explicit and develop their
comprehension - Vocabulary learning inferential questions to reading skills
questions. strategies (synonyms, demonstrate their
antonyms), morphemes understanding to the
- Read authentic (prefixes, suffixes) class
materials and
express their

Writing - Punctuate sentences - Punctuating sentences using  Students will

using capitalization, capitalization, question be able to
question marks, full marks, full stops and Checking students’: write a
stops and commas commas - Composition( flow composition
- Writing a composition about of ideas, and punctuate
- Write compositions their favorite art and artists organization of sentences
about their ideas) properly
favourite arts and - Spellings,
artists punctuations and


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit  Key vocabularies Realizing to what At the end of this
9  Listen to texts and from the text  Students perform pre- extent students unit, students
Education list the details and  Future perfect such as: listening activities based grasped identifying the will be able to:
Importance answer ‘Wh’  Must, have to dropout, on given instructions. main ideas, Observing demonstrate
of questions enrollment, ,  Listen while the teacher students’ performance activities related
Education repetition, pass,, reads the text loudly, using learned language to listening text (
 Listen to dialogues/ literacy, illiteracy, take notes items, dialogues/discuss
discussions/ texts fail, retain,  After listening, they Follow up students’ ions)
Reason for
relevant to their education, right, answer questions and list performance 
dropout educational importance, details -group/individual independently by their
experiences and work own (may be group or
answer questions  pair activities)

Speaking  Use prior knowledge  Teacher provides multiple  Use former
to express their opportunities to students to knowledge to
ideas practice using key articulate new
 Use appropriate vocabulary words,
language in  Teacher explains manners describe
describing events of making events, report
and situation discussion or dialoguing simple
Using the right strategies, information
expressions, describe  Students language
cause and effects practice the activities using
given strategies, and take
turn in oral performances
 Teacher gives highlight of
how to make report orally
 Students using expressions,
describe cause and effects


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

Reading  Read to identify

main and detailed Reading to identify main and Students respond to
ideas from passages detailed ideas from the explicit and inferential
and answer passage and answering questions
comprehension comprehension questions

 Read jumbled
sentences in
paragraphs and
organize them in
their logical orders.

 Read and arrange 3-

4 short paragraphs
in a logical order

Writing - Write a 2 paragraph  Teacher creates a variety of  See students’

expository essay models by writing and organization of
on familiar topics. sharing ideas through sentences in the right
- writing, and provides sequence
students with writing  Checking their
Use learned  Write a
choices / exercises/ spellings and
vocabularies to summary and
assignments, and punctuating what
write a summary take dictations
encouraging students to they write
work in group to write a  Devising group or
summary of what they have peer checking
learned mechanism


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus
Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table

Unit 10  Listen to information  Past continuous, Words related to Listening texts,  Observing  Provide
about scientific tenses, science and  Teacher provides students students’ correct
Scientific discoveries discoveries: with opportunities to performances of answers to
Discovery  Gerund
/inventions and  Defining computer, mobile, listening text related to the the pre/while and listening
A famous answer listening discovery, invent, topic post listening comprehensio
scientist Relative clauses
comprehensions. philosopher,  Students perform pre- activities ns
(sequencing listening activities based on
The Listening  Listen to dialogues words…) given instructions.
importan and discussions  Listen while the teacher
ce of relevant to the topic reads aloud or plays
scientific recorded materials and
discoveri take note.
es   Reflect ideas orally
Speaking  Speak in detail Checking students’ Speak about
about past events abilities to use former scientific
 use appropriate knowledge to articulate discoveries in
language in asking new words, giving detail
for information details, describing and
comparing events
other things related to
scientific discovery


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

 foretell the themes  Contextual words  Students compare word Checking students’ Make concise
of a passage from of complex structure or spelling abilities to read using prediction from a
the topic or from structures, patterns, word clues theme of a
 Use vocabulary  Sorting a list of words by
pre-reading passage and infer
learning structure or pattern –
activities /or grouping the words with a ideas and the
illustrations (synonyms, common structure or meaning of
antonyms), pattern. words from
Reading  Read and infer ideas picture,  Read words contexts
and the meaning of morphemes of complex
words from contexts (prefixes, structures,
suffixes)  Students list words with a
 Read to identify Dictionary given structure or pattern.
main and detailed
ideas from passages
and transfer into
Writing - Write descriptive
tables, charts and  writing words  Write different
on with complex essay on
scientific discovery word structures by related topics
segmenting them into and a
morphemes summary of
what they
have read
Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit Listening  Listen to a text and  Non-defining Park, natural Doing pre- listening and while Checking students’ The students will
11 label/ fill in tables, relative clauses wonderers, lake, listening activities. abilities to list details, be able to:
Natural chart, diagrams, and (who, which, mountain, location, label/ fill in tables,  list details,
Wonders attract, -Listening to a text and interpret maps, charts, label/ fill in
answer whom, where,
of Africa geographical label/ fill in tables, interpret diagrams… tables,
comprehensions. whose, when, features, hill, maps, charts, diagrams…., interpret
depth, National, Resource: real objects, maps, charts,


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

African  Listen to texts and list that), park, amazing, maps, charts, diagrams, diagrams, and
National the details fascinating, beauty, tables, pictures ……through answer
Parks  Articles interesting, …. Wild individual, pair, group listening
 life, , heritage, activities comprehensio
 Infinitives endemic n questions
natural Speaking  Identify, describe and - Describing/ talking about Students will be
compare physical places and weather  Checking students’ able to :
features of places, conditions, through abilities of  identify,
weather conditions groups/ pairs activities identifying, describe and
African Lakes - Asking for and giving describing and compare
. information comparing physical physical
Resource :Maps, charts, features of places, features of
 Ask for and give diagrams, pictures, and weather places, and
conditions, weather
 Observing students’ conditions,
ability to ask for and  Ask for and give
give directions, informtion,

Reading  Predict the themes of  Predicting the themes of a Monitoring students’ Students will be
a passage from the passage, ability to predict, read able to:
topic or from pre-  Reading and interpreting and interpret maps,  Predict a theme
maps, charts,, pictures charts, diagrams, of a passage
reading activities /or
,tables pictures graphs/table from the topics
illustrations, and infer ideas and the
and interpret
 Reading and inferring ideas meaning of words from
 Read and interpret, the context information
charts, diagrams, and the meaning of words from different
pictures using words from contexts sources and
and sentences infer meaning
of words from
 Read and infer ideas
and the meaning of


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

words from contexts

- Arranging jumbled words in Teacher checks Students will be

a sentence/ jumbled students’ ability to able to write an
- Write descriptive write a descriptive organized
sentences in a paragraph,
paragraph Write a paragraph and paragraph and
and organizing them in their
summary of what summarize texts produce a
Writing logical orders, writing a
they have read using summary of what
summary of what they have they have read .
short sentences
read using short sentences.

Theme Skill MLCs Language Items Vocabulary Teaching Activities Assessment Formatted Table
Unit 12 Listening  Listen to a text Technology related Listening to texts and Teacher checks  Complete
about words such as completing forms, filling in a students’ completion given forms
Technology devices, parts of chart/ matching pictures of forms, filling of a using learnt
in the machines: and labeling diagrams. chart/ matching information
Modern with technology  ,digital technology  Listening to information and pictures and labeling
World and share their device, mobile diagrams.
explaining and respond
ideas,  Adverbials
phones, smart accordingly
phones, computer,
tion with  Listen to a text and  Relative clause telephone,
technology and answer
 Tag questions machine, SIM
comprehension cards, internet,
Benefits of questions
a computer email, SMS, text
 Listen to a text messaging,
related to benefits communications,
- The
and drawbacks of cable
technologies and
reflect their ideas,
fill charts and
es of
complete diagram


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

technology speaking  Speak in detail about  Teacher provides brief Observing their turn Speak/explain in
events, technological guidance/ instruction taking in detail and report
devices  Speaking about the debating/dialoguing information they
importance of technology, and providing identified by
 Make speeches  Reporting simple feedbacks while they putting into
information about reporting orally, sequential
showing agreements
technological devices orally Supervising students’ orders.
and disagreements , pair/group
on topics relating to  Discussing about the engagements
the theme benefits of technologies in
pairs, group,
 discuss the benefits Pictures, real objects, diagrams
of technologies
Reading  Read to identify main Doing pre/while and post Assessing whether  Develop the
and detailed ideas reading activities students’ pre/while knowledge of
from a txt and  Reading to identify and post reading predication
main and detailed activities were right or and ability to
transfer into tables,
ideas from a txt and not, and enrich their identify main
charts and pictures ideas by providing and detail
transferring into
feedbacks, ideas, read a
 Read to identify main tables, charts and given text with
and detailed ideas, pictures Check students’ fluency the right
transfer information (rate, accuracy and precision (rate,
from the text into  Reading a text aloud expressions) of reading expression,
tables or charts individually for fluency accuracy)

 While reading, pause  Predict the themes of

and predict about a passage from the
what (of the themes topic/ pre-reading
of a) the passage activities/or
 Individually, read a


August 25, 2016 Grade
[REVISED GRADE 8 ENGLISH SYLLABUS] 8 English Language Syllabus

text aloud for fluency

- Write descriptive - Providing steps of Observing students’ 

essays on related guided/descriptive writing activities and giving  Write their
title/topic of - Writing a descriptive feedbacks own essays
paragraph related to the Collecting and and poems
theme correcting students
- Write a three- four - Writing a short poem on short written reviews
theme related topic
paragraph essays
relating to the
advantages and
disadvantages of



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