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Kristin Davis Transcript

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15 Tuesday, August 2, 2022


17 Washington, D.C.



20 The interview in the above matter was held via Webex, commencing at 12:58 p.m.

21 Present: Representative Lofgren.


2 Appearances:
















2 Mr- Good afternoon. This is a transcribed interview conducted by the

3 House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol

4 pursuant to House Resolution 503.

5 Ms. Davis, could you please introduce yourself by telling us how you spell your

6 first and last name.

7 Ms. Davis. Sure. It's Kristin Davis, K-r-i-s-t-i-n, D-a-v-i-s.

8 Mr.- Thank you for joining us, Ms. Davis. My name i I'm

9 a senior investigative counsel on the staff of the select committee. This will be a

10 staff-led interview, but members of the select committee may choose to join and ask

11 questions. Right now we don't have any with us.

12 You can see on your screen a list of people who are participating with us, either

13 staff members, or people who are official reporters taking down what we're saying today.

14 I also have in the room with me who's an investigative counsel on the staff.

15 So, at this time, I know you're joined by your attorney, Mr. Kamenar, who's at a

16 different location than you but with us on Webex.

17 Mr. Kamenar, could you please introduce yourself and spell your last name for us?

18 Mr. Kamenar. Yes. Paul Kamenar, P-a-u-1, K-a-m-e-n-a-r.

19 Mr. - Thank you.

20 Now, Ms. Davis, before we begin, I'll just go over a few ground rules to see if you

21 or Mr. Kamenar have any questions.

22 As I said, we're conducting the interview over Webex, so the program is recording

23 the interview by video, as you heard right as we went on the record. But the video is

24 not the official record of the interview. That's going to be created by the official

25 reporters who are joining us and writing down what we're saying.

1 So, for their benefit, we need to avoid talking over one another. So, if you could,

2 wait for each question that's asked to be finished before you begin answering, and we will

3 wait until you're done answering before we ask our next question.

4 We ask that you provide answers to the best of your recollection. If you don't

5 know the answer or can't remember, just say so.

6 Throughout the interview, what we'll do is -- we have some exhibits. I shared

7 with Mr. Kamenar this morning a link so you could look at them in advance. But what

8 we'll do is we'll show them on the screen so you can look at them. And you take as

9 much time as you need to to familiarize yourself with them, and we'll ask questions about

10 them, okay?

11 Mr. Kamenar. Yeah. Yeah. Sean, excuse me. You sent a link with the

12 exhibits when, this morning?

13 Mr.- I did, yes.

14 Mr. Kamenar. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see those, but --

15 Mr.- They're mainly --

16 Mr. Kamenar. -- we can go back over them.

17 Mr.- Yeah. They're mainly documents, Ms. Davis and Mr. Kamenar, that

18 you shared with us, so there --

19 Mr. Kamenar. Right.

20 Mr.- -- are no surprises there. But, again --

21 Mr. Kamenar. Okay. Okay.

22 Mr.~ -- whether it's a document that you provided or it's something that

23 you're seeing for the first or second time today, again, you take your time to look at it,

24 review it as much as you need before you answer any questions, okay?

25 Mr. Kamenar. Sounds good.


1 Mr. - Now, this is not a deposition. It's an interview, so you've not been

2 placed under oath. But I have to remind you, as we do all witnesses who appear for

3 interviews, that even though you're not under oath, it's still unlawful to deliberately

4 provide false information to Congress and that to do so could result in criminal penalties.

5 So do you understand everything or -- and what the ground rules are for today,

6 Ms. Davis?

7 Ms. Davis. I do.

8 Mr.~ Do you have any questions before we get started?

9 Ms. Davis. I have no questions.

10 Mr. - Thank you.


12 BYMR.-:

13 Q So I'll just note for the record again that you're here voluntarily today, which

14 the select committee appreciates. We reached out to you, and Mr. Kamenar helped see

15 us through to today to schedule it, so I appreciate you being here.

16 And as part of our reach-out, we made requests that you provide documents, if

17 you had them in your possession, relative to what the select committee is investigating.

18 So what I'd like to do is just show you an email exchange I've had with your attorney,

19 Mr. Kamenar, about those document requests and then just ask you some brief questions

20 about them.

21 So it's exhibit 1. If we could go to the end of the exhibit, it's on page -- starts on

22 page 12, where the requests show up.

23 But, Ms. Davis, are you able to see that on your screen okay?

24 A I do.

25 Q Okay. All right. So this is how we'll display the exhibits. And we have to

1 scroll through them as kind of the nature of showing them this way. Then we'll zoom in

2 if you need us to get closer.

3 But this is an email at the end of the chain that I sent to Mr. Kamenar on

4 January 12th of this year just with the document requests.

5 And so I'll just ask without going through the particular ones. Is it right that you

6 searched for and provided whatever you had that was responsive to these requests so

7 that Mr. Kamenar could give them to the select committee?

8 A That's correct.

9 Q To your knowledge, did you withhold any documents that are responsive to

10 these requests and not produce them?

11 A I did not.

12 Q Now, looking at the categories that we have in the request, I just want to

13 direct your attention to a couple of them. The first one is going to be on the next page

14 at the top. And it's -- it reads, you can see at the top of page 13, meetings, briefings,

15 fundraisers, or political, quote, war rooms, at either The Willard Hotel or the Trump Hotel

16 in D.C. that took place on the -- anywhere between January 1st to 7th of 2021.

17 Going through your documents, I didn't see anything that was -- that would kind

18 of fall in this category, so I'll just ask: Do you know if any such meetings or briefings

19 took place or you had any documents that would be responsive to this?

20 A I do not know of any meetings that took place, and I didn't have anything

21 to -- in that category.

22 Q Okay. Carrying on down, there is a request. It's the next to last. And it

23 has to do with communications between any -- certain categories of people, and the last

24 one is about Members or Members-elect of Congress, their advisers, campaign staffs, or

25 congressional staffs. And you did produce some text messages with Lauren Boebert,

1 who at the time was a Member-elect of Congress.

2 Do you have -- did you look or did you have any other communications with other

3 Members or Members-elect of Congress other than Ms. Boebert?

4 A I did not have anything from anyone else.

5 Q Then, lastly, the last request is about any documents or communications you

6 provided to or received from any other investigatory bodies that are looking into the

7 events of January 6th, and we didn't see anything like that. So I imagine you've not

8 given anything to any other government agency or been given anything by a government

9 agency related to January 6th?

10 A I have not.

11 Q Just a few follow-up questions, then, on the documents you did provide. It

12 looked like you were using or you used the email address of

13 Is that right?

14 A That's correct.

15 Q Were there any other email address or addresses you were using during this

16 time to communicate about these events?

17 A I have a , but it's really infrequently used. And it was

18 very new then, so I don't think I had even really set that up to come to my phone. So it

19 sort of just forwards to my

20 Q You made me feel good, because I have an Outlook address, and my wife

21 tells me I'm the only person that uses Outlook, everyone uses Gmail. So I appreciate

22 that.

23 In terms of your cell phone or the text messages you've provided, it looks like your

24 phone number is -- at least at the time was Is that right?

25 A That's correct. Still my phone number.


1 Q If we look at exhibit 2, we have phone records for your phone during the

2 time period of November 1st of 2020, through the end of January 2021. What we did is

3 we created just a list of those between December 19th of 2020, through January 7th of

4 2021, and annotated with the names of the people, certain folks that you were

5 communicating with. And so just showing you this to show, if it comes up during the

6 interview, how it's formatted and how it looks.

7 So, for instance, you see on page 1 of exhibit 2, starting on December 19th, you

8 have a series of calls with Mr. Stone at his- number. Do you see that?

9 A I do.

10 Q And do you recognize that number as Mr. Stone's, the ?

11 A I do.

12 Q Now, in the productions that you had, didn't see any text messages with

13 Mr. Stone or, say, Jacob Engels or Sal Greco. When you do communicate with them, not

14 by phone but through messaging, do you not do it through texts, or do you know where

15 those would have gone?

16 A So I had -- I communicate with Roger via text, but I deleted that text thread

17 in August of last year.

18 Q Same for people like Jacob Engels and Sal Greco, if you texted with them?

19 A So Sal had moved to Signal at some point in time, and he -- I use Signal very

20 infrequently, so I don't quite understand Signal very much. So I don't have anything

21 from Sal with that duration.

22 Jacob Engels, I don't remember, to tell you the truth.

23 Q But you would've looked through your phone to see if you had texts with

24 him responsive --

25 A I 100 percent looked through my phone.


1 Q Is there a particular reason why in August you deleted your text thread with

2 Mr. Stone?

3 A There is. He got mad at me in an airport, started yelling at me, and I left his

4 ass in North Carolina, and I got on a plane and I went back to Fort Lauderdale, and he had

5 to go to the event by himself. So I blocked him and deleted him for a short period of

6 time because he was treating me badly.

7 Q Fair enough. And so that would have covered the time period in the

8 request of roughly mid-December of 2020 through January of 2021, then, right? Those

9 were deleted?

10 A Everything -- I deleted him from everything at that period of time. I quit,

11 and I deleted him, and he had to beg to get me back.

12 Q Now, your Linkedln profile, checked at least as of yesterday, lists you as

13 being the head of media strategy and PR for Mr. Stone. Is that right?

14 A That is correct.

15 Q And how long has he been your client for?

16 A Fourteen and a half years, off and on.

17 Q We'll talk more about it, but it's right that you assisted in arranging for

18 Mr. Stone and others to come to D.C. to speak on January 5th and 6th of 2021?

19 A Primarily January 5th, correct.

20 Q Okay. And you were with Mr. Stone in Washington on January 5th and 6th

21 of 2021?

22 A I was.

23 Q The two of you stayed at The Willard Hotel?

24 A Yes.

25 Q Now, you answered earlier, but I just want to make sure. Other than the

1 select committee, has anyone with the government interviewed or attempted to

2 interview you about the events of January 6th or the Presidential election of 2020 more

3 generally?

4 A No. You guys are the only ones.

5 Q And has anybody with the government asked you to provide or subpoenaed

6 you to provide documents to them concerning January 6th or the Presidential election?

7 A No. You are the only ones to have contacted me.

8 Q So, regarding the 5th and 6th, I think it's probably helpful just to do some

9 basic questions upfront just to lay some markers. So I'll just go through and ask some

10 questions about what we understand your schedule was like over those 2 days, and then

11 we can fill in any gaps in between if there are any.

12 But is it right that you and Mr. Stone flew together from Fort Lauderdale to D.C.

13 and arrived on January 5th?

14 A We flew from Palm Beach.

15 Q Palm Beach. Okay.

16 A Palm Beach to D.C. To some airport around D.C. I think it was outside of

17 D.C.

18 Q Does Dulles sound right, in Virginia?

19 A It was a private airport, so -- it's the first time I've ever done that flight, and

20 so I don't really recall, but I know that we had to get a ride in.

21 Q We'll come back to it, but was -- were Sal Greco and members of the Oath

22 Keepers there to pick the two of you up from the airport that day, that you remember?

23 A They were.

24 Mr Representative Zoe Lofgren just joined us.

25 Ms. Lofgren, thank you for being here.


1 BYMR.-:

2 Q Now, is it right that Mr. Stone then spoke at an event at the Supreme Court

3 the afternoon of January 5th?

4 A That's correct.

5 Q And then later that evening on January 5th, Mr. Stone spoke at an event at

6 Freedom Plaza. Is that right?

7 A That's correct.

8 Q And that was an event that was organized, at least in part, by Cindy Chafian?

9 A That's correct. And I put most of the people on that stage.

10 Q Including Ali Alexander and Alex Jones also spoke that evening?

11 A They did. I did not put them on the stage, but they spoke at some point on

12 that stage.

13 Q After the rally that evening, is it right that Mr. Stone got his hair done at the

14 salon PR Partners by the same stylist he regularly sees when he's in D.C.?

15 A He got his hair done. I don't remember the name of the salon.

16 Q Were you there with him when he did that?

17 A I was not.

18 Q Did Sal Greco go with him, to your knowledge?

19 A I don't know. I was not with him. I was -- I think that was after the event,

20 and I went back to the hotel and went to sleep.

21 Q Now, on January 6th, the next day, is it right that you and Mr. Stone did not

22 go to the rally at the Ellipse where the President spoke?

23 A We did not.

24 Q And that was an event that was organized, at least in part, by Amy and

25 Kylie Kremer of Women for America First?


1 A Correct.

2 Q Instead, you and Mr. Stone stayed at The Willard Hotel throughout that

3 morning and the rest of the afternoon?

4 A We did.

5 Q Now, Mr. Stone had been scheduled to speak at a rally outside the U.S.

6 Capitol the afternoon of January 6th. Is that right?

7 A Yes.

8 Q It was a Health Freedom rally, generally?

9 A Correct.

10 Q He did not go to that rally but stayed at The Willard Hotel because -- because

11 the attack at the Capitol had started. Is that right?

12 A That's correct.

13 Q And then you and Mr. Stone left the evening of January 6th to fly back to

14 Florida. Is that right?

15 A We did.

16 Q Now, was there any other location that we haven't covered that you know of

17 that Mr. Stone went to while he was in Washington on January 5th and 6th, putting aside

18 just getting between the places that we talked about? Do you know if he went

19 anywhere else?

20 A Not that I'm aware of.

21 Q And putting aside the Ellipse and the health-related -- or the Health Freedom

22 rallies that we've talked about on the 6th, was there any other meeting or event that

23 Mr. Stone had planned for in Washington on January 5th or 6th that he missed or he had

24 to cancel?

25 A Not that I'm aware of.


1 Q Now, The Washington Post, in March of this year, they published an article

2 reporting on the film being produced by two Danish documentarians, Christoffer and

3 Frederik.

4 Do you know those two gentlemen, that they'd been following Mr. Stone around

5 for several years filming him?

6 A I did.

7 Q Okay. And they were there at The Willard Hotel on the 5th and the 6th of

8 January as well?

9 A They were.

10 Q The article in The Washington Post said that, while in Mr. Stone's hotel room

11 in the afternoon of the 6th, that Mr. Stone said, quote -- this is quoting from the

12 article -- He expected to attend a meeting with administration officials on pardons that

13 had been pushed back that day to 6 p.m. because Trump had, in Mr. Stone's words,

14 ruined the schedule for the day. But following the riots, Stone and Davis left D.C. for the

15 private flight instead.

16 Does that jog your memory about whether Mr. Stone had a meeting scheduled

17 with administration officials about pardons?

18 A There was no meeting scheduled. That's not accurate.

19 Q Did you know whether he had a -- whether a phone call scheduled or some

20 way to communicate with the White House about pardons that day on January 6th?

21 A There was no communication expected.

22 Q That Mr. Stone had a plan himself to try to go see somebody at the White

23 House that afternoon or evening?

24 A No. No plan. His plan was to, you know, go to Charlene and Ty Bollinger's

25 stage and speak at that event. And then, if memory serves correctly, we had a flight out

1 that evening -- I can't remember -- maybe the next day. I think we had a JetBlue flight

2 out later.

3 Q The Bollingers were the Health Freedom rally?

4 A That's correct.

5 Mr.- So, then, is it --

6 Mr- Go ahead.

7 Mr.~ Is it true, then, that the flight out of D.C. on January 6th was

8 ultimately earlier than what you had originally planned when you set off on the trip?

9 Ms. Davis. It was. We were flying commercially on JetBlue at some point at

10 night, and I felt that it was prudent for us to leave D.C. because we might -- they might

11 close down the airports with what was going on. So we were able to get a ride home

12 through one of the Health Freedom people.

13 BYMR.-:

14 Q Now, had Mr. Stone told you, before the attack on the Capitol began, what

15 he expected was going to happen on January 6th at the Joint Session of Congress for the

16 certification of the election?

17 A He did not talk about that.

18 Q Did he tell you that he expected President Trump to continue as President

19 into a next term, or did he expect Joe Biden to be inaugurated as President?

20 A He expected Joe Biden to be inaugurated, did not think that Trump was

21 going to continue.

22 Q I want to now step back and talk about how Mr. Stone and you ended up in

23 D.C. and arranged to speak at the rallies where he did speak.

24 And if we look at exhibit 4, this is a text chain that you produced with a Dr. Cordie

25 and Chris Lippe.


1 Just briefly, who are those two people?

2 A Dr. Cordie is Dr. Cordie Williams. At that time, he was one of my PR clients.

3 And Chris Lippe was his business partner, investor.

4 Q If we go to the last page of this exhibit, which is page 9, and we go down

5 towards the bottom of the page.

6 Okay. Can you see those okay, those messages, Ms. Davis?

7 A I can. Well, I'm squinting a little, but yes.

8 Q Okay. I'm going to summarize just what some of these ones at the bottom

9 talk about. You let me know if it's right.

10 It looks there like you're telling Dr. Williams and Mr. Lippe that a woman named

11 Felisa -- last name is Blazek, B-1-a-z-e-k -- reached out to you --

12 A Uh-huh.

13 Q -- about Mr. Stone speaking on January 6th. Does that sound right to you?

14 A That's correct. On January 5th. They reached out to -- Felisa was the

15 intermediary between me and Cindy, because I didn't know Cindy at that time, and --

16 Q Cindy Chafian?

17 A Yes. She reached out to try to get Roger to speak on the 5th.

18 Q And -- well, at this time, before what I'll call the drama with the Kremers and

19 Caroline Wren and everybody else, in these early days, did you actually understand it for

20 Mr. Stone to be speaking on the 6th?

21 A I don't remember. I think -- I don't remember the early -- the early

22 conversations.

23 Q Well, we'll take a look, then, at emails that'll show it was the 6th, but let's

24 just focus on this for a moment.

25 How did Ms. Blazek reach out to you? Did you know her previously or how did

1 she end up getting in touch with you?

2 A She knew -- I don't think I've ever met her. She's another one

3 of -- somebody in Florida who just knows that I work with Roger and has my contact

4 information.

5 Q When she reached out to you, was it specifically about Mr. Stone appearing

6 to speak in D.C.?

7 A It was.

8 Q When you met Ms. Chafian through Ms. Blazek, who did you understand her

9 to be working with, if anyone? Was it her own organization or someone else's?

10 A Her own.

11 Q Was that the 80 Percent Coalition?

12 A Yes.

13 Q Now, if we look back at your phone records in exhibit 2, we're going to look

14 at the first page and zoom in to the bottom where we can see December 23rd. Now,

15 that's the day you say Ms. Blazek reached out to you, but we don't see any phone call

16 between you and her until the next day, December 24th, right there at the bottom. Do

17 you see those?

18 A I think that's when we had a conference call. Before, she just texted.

19 Q Do you know how she got your text message -- or your number to text you?

20 A Someone in Jacksonville, one of the groups that books Roger to speak, I think

21 she's associated with them. I'm pretty sure she's Florida based, so they all have my

22 phone number. You know, I've been booking him to speak for, you know, over a

23 decade.

24 Q So the first call you had with Ms. Blazek is the morning of the 24th, as

25 reflected by your records, and it lasts for, you know, a fair amount of time. It looks

1 like --

2 A It was a conference call with Cindy.

3 Q Right. For about 40 minutes or so. And then --

4 A Uh-huh.

5 Q -- your records show that, later that evening, you have a call with Mr. Stone,

6 you can see there at the bottom on that page, for a number of minutes.

7 Did Mr. Stone agree, after hearing from you about your call with Ms. Blazek and

8 Ms. Chafian, to appear at the rally or was it something he needed to consider?

9 A Roger left it up to me. I make the decisions on where we speak and

10 whether or not it's safe. Those decisions are at my discretion.

11 Q And so you ended up making the decision for him to appear and speak then,

12 is what you're saying?

13 A I did.

14 Q Now, I just want to show for context exhibit 6. This is a tweet that

15 President Trump sent out on December 19th of 2020. It's the first time he mentioned

16 people coming to D.C. on January 6th, and specifically says at the end, you can see, that

17 there will be a big protest in D.C. Be there, will be wild.

18 Do you remember seeing this tweet when it came out or knowing about it?

19 A I did not know about it. I am on Twitter, as you can probably tell from my

20 Twitter feed, very, very infrequently.

21 Q Before you heard from Ms. Blazek on December 23rd, did Mr. Stone have

22 any plans to come to D.C. on January 6th for the protest, to your knowledge?

23 A We did not.

24 Q What did Ms. Blazek and Ms. Chafian describe to you as their vision for the

25 event? Do you remember what they were telling you about why Mr. Stone was going to

1 speak and what the purpose of those -- that event was going to be?

2 A Cindy told me that she had a permit for the 5th or the 6th, and it was a rally

3 at Freedom Plaza, and that she had no speakers, she did not know anyone in that space.

4 She told me that she had been talking to Dr. Cordie, who wanted -- actually, she'd been

5 talking to a few different people -- Dr. Cordie, Kotcha Lee at AMPFest -- and trying to get

6 speakers, and they all wanted to take the stage from her, which is not something that she

7 wanted to do. So I offered to help her get some speakers for free to put on her event.

8 Q Did you understand that the purpose of the protest, though, was about the

9 election and against the certification of Joe Biden's victory?

10 A Not at that time.

11 Q What did you understand it to be about then?

12 A That it was a rally to show support of President Trump.

13 Q Now, December 23rd is the same day that President Trump pardoned

14 Mr. Stone. Do you remember that?

15 A What day did he get pardoned?

16 Q The 23rd of December. So if we look at exhibit 4 --

17 A Yep.

18 Q -- I can show you where you tell Dr. Cordie.

19 If we just go back to page 9.

20 And you see right there at 7:31 p.m. Do you see you texting, We got a pardon?

21 A Yep.

22 Q Okay. When you say we, I imagine that was about Mr. Stone?

23 A I, you know, hoped to get support for him to get his pardon, people to write

24 letters, you know, the traditional things that you do when going and submitting a pardon

25 letter, request, application. So I was involved in that.


1 Q Did Mr. Stone tell you anything about his discussions with President Trump

2 or the White House or discussions other people had on his behalf with President Trump

3 and the White House about the pardon?

4 A No.

5 Q So he didn't give you any color about how he got the request before the

6 President and what the considerations were about why he was granted the pardon?

7 A No. I was only asked to help, you know, get letters in support of a pardon.

8 Whatever the communications were after that, I was not involved.

9 Q Did Mr. Stone ever tell --

10 Mr. Kamenar. -? Yeah,_, if I may? Yeah, you're talking about the

11 pardon. I mean, as we all know, he originally got the clemency, and it was basic

12 knowledge that he was going to try to get a pardon. I'm just trying to see what

13 relevance this has to the rally and the events of January 6. If you can focus on the

14 pardon, which is a separate issue from the rally and what she knows --

15 Mr~ That's the next question, Paul, but thank you.

16 Mr. Kamenar. Okay.

17 Mr.- Yeah.

18 BYMR-:

19 Q Did Mr. Stone ever say anything to you, whether before or after he was

20 granted the pardon, about, you know, owing a favor to the President to do any work on

21 his behalf in exchange for the pardon or anything of that nature?

22 A No, he did not.

23 Q Do you know whether or not Mr. Stone discussed with President Trump,

24 before December 23rd, the protest in D.C. on January 6th?

25 A He did not discuss it.


1 Q Now, if we look at exhibit 7, this is an email that Ali Alexander, if we go up to

2 the top, sent on the evening of December 23rd, again, 2020, and advertising that

3 Roger Stone would be joining the protests in D.C. on January 6th. First thread is, our

4 protests.

5 If you go down further on the page, you can see the RSVP is for a site called


7 So let me just say a few things, and then I'll ask you some questions about this.

8 You know, Mr. Alexander had announced, prior to the President's tweet on

9 December 19th, that he would be holding a protest event in D.C. on January 6th, but then

10 after the President's tweet, set up the website wild, wild protest referring to

11 the President's language in the tweet.

12 And it's been reported in that same Washington Post article I referenced earlier

13 about the Danish filmmakers that the night of December 23rd, so the same night that

14 Mr. Alexander sent this email, that he celebrated on a live stream the pardon of

15 Mr. Stone and was promoting the January 6th rally and boasting of what he and Stone

16 could achieve, quote, "now that we can work together publicly."

17 Continuing the quote, "Roger's fully in the fight now, Alexander said." Quote,

18 "Roger wasn't allowed to be fully in the fight. We've taken the leash off the pit bull, so

19 this is something Roger and I have been planning for a long time. And finally, he's off

20 the leash, so, you know, with a knife fight, and your two knife fighters are Ali Alexander

21 and Roger Stone, and you either fight with us or you get slashed."

22 Prior to Mr. Alexander sending this email promoting Mr. Stone appearing, do you

23 know whether those two had discussed Mr. Stone coming to D.C. on the 6th for Stone to

24 appear?

25 A I do not.

1 Q What, to your knowledge, was the nature of Mr. Stone's relationship with

2 Ali Alexander?

3 A Say that one more time.

4 Q What was the relationship between Mr. Alexander and Mr. Stone at this

5 time? And Mr. Alexander was saying during that live stream that, you know, they were

6 working together. He's calling themselves the two -- that they were the two knife

7 fighters.

8 You know, what did you understand the relationship to be?

9 A I have steered out of a lot of conversations about Ali Alexander, and I'm sure

10 you have the texts I texted to someone where it was not particularly good, and that is

11 why. So, you know, Ali and I had a conversation in which we discussed my views about

12 him, and so I do not have a lot of information about their relationship because I did not

13 want to be involved in it.

14 Q The texts you're referring to, I think in substance, say that Mr. Alexander was

15 effectively lying that Mr. Stone was going to be appear at his event, that he hadn't cleared

16 that or gotten Mr. Stone's approval for that. Is that right?

17 A That is my understanding of it, yes, because everything that happens, for the

18 most part, is -- goes through me, and I was not aware of this event.

19 Q And so this is December 23rd. And as we looked at your phone records,

20 you talked to Mr. Stone that evening, after you talked to Ms. Blazek and Ms. Chafian for

21 the first time.

22 Did Mr. Stone tell you that he was already planning to be in D.C. on January 6th to

23 appear at a rally?

24 A Mr. Stone would not have made that trip without me. I travel on almost all

25 of our out-of-town trips, so I -- this was not on my radar.


1 Q And so he -- again, I just want to make sure. When you talked to him that

2 evening of December 23rd, did Mr. Stone tell you that he was already scheduled to come

3 to D.C. on January 6th to speak at a rally?

4 A He 100 percent was not scheduled, because I do the scheduling and I do

5 the -- the travel arrangements, and I keep the calendar. And so, at that time, there were

6 no -- there were no trips to D.C. I think there were people asking him, but it was not

7 agreed to, booked, or on the schedule.

8 Q All right. So Mr. Alexander's use of the word confirmed, quote, "that Roger

9 is joining our protest," at least to your knowledge, was not accurate as of the night of

10 December 23rd?

11 A To my knowledge, it was not accurate.

12 Q Now, as I said earlier, that article in The Washington Post quoting Mr.

13 Alexander during his live stream the night of December 23rd, he said that, quote, "Roger

14 wasn't allowed to be fully in the fight," close quote, but now was because of the pardon.

15 Do you have any understanding whether Mr. Stone was limiting his work on behalf

16 of the President or doing "stop the steal" events because he was waiting to hear about

17 the pardon?

18 A I have no idea.

19 Q So what he says, at least to your knowledge, you don't know what

20 Mr. Alexander was talking about?

21 A I -- I -- this is the first that I'm actually even hearing of the live stream, so I

22 didn't know about that.

23 Q Just based on your interactions and scheduling Mr. Stone, though, did you

24 see a difference between what he was doing in terms of "stop the steal" events before

25 the pardon and what he did after the pardon?


1 A It is my understanding that he has had "stop the steal" since 2016, and that

2 in 2020, he -- it was revived. And then it sort of was taken out of his hands and he was

3 no longer really involved.

4 Q You say taken out of his hands. Are you referring to Mr. Alexander, you

5 know --

6 A No. I'm just referring it sort of became a movement of its own, and he was

7 no longer really a part of it, with the exception of, you know, a number of various people

8 associating him to it because it was his from 2016.

9 Q And had you worked with him back in 2016 with his "stop the steal" efforts?

10 A A little bit, yes.

11 Q And so in what way did you work with him on those?

12 A I helped him get some exposure for Danny Williams in 2016.

13 Q For who, I'm sorry?

14 A Danny Williams. That is the biracial young man who claims he is Bill

15 Clinton's son.

16 Q Other than that work regarding that gentleman, did you do any other work

17 with Mr. Stone related to "stop the steal"?

18 A No.

19 Q So, again, just circling back and understanding you're just hearing about the

20 live stream now, Mr. Alexander was saying something to the effect that Mr. Stone was,

21 you know, held back, waiting for the pardon. But now that the pardon had come

22 through, he could do more, be more out and open about his efforts.

23 And was that consistent with what you observed about Mr. Stone or not?

24 A No, because I don't believe Roger was doing any -- anything. I don't believe

25 he was involved in "stop the steal" to -- with the exception of it being linked to him from

1 2016. I think initially, they -- there was a group of people, and I don't know who they all

2 are. I think Brandon Straka might have been one of them.

3 And I think they all did this article that came out about "stop the steal," and then it

4 became a movement in which Roger saw that it was probably not going to financially, you

5 know, benefit him. And at that point in time, he wanted to rebuild his life and, you

6 know, do other things.

7 Q But there has been reporting, you know, and statements by Mr. Stone

8 himself about "stop the steal" protest events he was doing, not in D.C., but in other

9 locations, like Florida, or calling in when Mr. Alexander would do a protest in another

10 State.

11 Did you understand he was making appearances at these rallies, whether in

12 person or by phone?

13 A No.

14 Q So you weren't involved in scheduling him for those?

15 A I think I knew about one additional Florida-based event, but anything he did

16 by the -- by phone, I didn't know about.

17 Q There had been two earlier post-election rallies in D.C., one on

18 November 14th and one on December 12th. And Cindy Chafian was involved in those,

19 and so were the Kremers and others.

20 Mr. Stone did not speak at rallies on either of those days. Do you know why he

21 didn't, whether he'd been invited --

22 A I don't think anyone asked us.

23 Q Now, he had been in --

24 A 1 mean, nobody asked me.

25 Q He had been in D.C. the night of December 11th for an AMPFest event.

1 Were you in town for that and with him?

2 A I was. I booked at that event, and I went with him to that event.

3 Q And were you with him after he left the event and he ended up speaking on

4 the stairs or outside of the JW Marriott Hotel, and it was filmed? Do you remember

5 this?

6 A I read about it. I was not present.

7 Q So if you read about it, you would've seen that with him while he was

8 speaking was Enrique Tarrio and Ethan Nordean of the Proud Boys, and then also Owen

9 Shroyer, a cohost at lnfoWars with Alex Jones. Is that consistent with what you read

10 about?

11 A It is.

12 Q And do you know why Mr. Stone was in the company of those three men at

13 that time?

14 A If memory serves correctly, there was the AMPFest Christmas party, which

15 we went to. And then after the party, it started to get, you know, a little bit late, that a

16 bunch of the guys, including Dr. Cordie, wanted to go have a cigar. And they went

17 walking down the street to find a cigar lounge, cigar something to that degree. I went to

18 bed. And it was a group of people that were at that bar maybe already. I guess that's

19 a well-known bar that's around that area that they went to.

20 Q And these folks -- Mr. Shroyer, Mr. Tarrio, and Mr. Nordean -- they were all

21 in D.C. the next day for the rallies, the protests.

22 And, again, did you have any conversation with Mr. Stone about why he wasn't

23 staying for those, even if it was just to be present, if not speaking?

24 A If memory serves correctly, he had an event in Florida.

25 Q So he left, I guess, before all the events in D.C. took place that day?

1 A He had like a 6 or 7 a.m. flight out.

2 Q So turning back to, then, the planning for the 5th and 6th, if you look at

3 exhibit 9, this is an email that you sent to Mr. Stone on December 26th of 2020, we'll put

4 up here in a moment.

5 - give me just a minute. I'm having trouble getting Webex to

6 share.

8 Q Ms. Davis, I'll start asking, and hopefully it'll come up in a moment. I think

9 we're having some technical difficulties showing the exhibit.

10 But it's a schedule that you sent to Mr. Stone, and it's for January 6th, and you'll

11 see that in a moment. And you list people that you booked, and you had the whole

12 schedule for the afternoon. I just want to ask about some of the people and why you

13 booked them and how --

14 Mr. - I think we might be having some technical difficulty. Ms. Davis, are

15 you able to hear us?

16 [Reporter asked for clarification.]

17 Mr.- Yes, I'm here. Okay. Hold on one second.

18 Mr. Kamenar, can you hear us?

19 Mr. Kamenar. Yeah, I can hear you fine.

20 Mr.~ Okay. And, are you able to hear us?

21 Mr.~ Why don't we go off the record. It's 1:40 p.m., and we just need to

22 sort out what the technical difficulties are here.

23 [Discussion off the record.]

24 Mr- All right. So we're going to go back on the record. It's 1:42 p.m.

25 We sorted out our technical difficulties, I hope.


1 BYMR.-:

2 Q And before us now is exhibit 9. Ms. Davis, this is the email I was

3 referencing that you sent Mr. Stone on December 26th. Are you able to see it?

4 A Yep.

5 Q Okay. And you said in the email, I personally did this entire schedule and

6 booked everybody.

7 So does that mean you actually reached out to all these folks and made sure they

8 could appear that day and they agreed to speak?

9 A I did.

10 Q I just want to ask you questions about a few of them. If you look down -- a

11 little bit further down, you see Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer. Didn't see any

12 communications in documents you produced relating to you reaching out to them.

13 Do you remember how you talked to them and got them confirmed to appear?

14 A I think Roger told me to just block off those spots.

15 Q So when you say --

16 A Because I had never even met Alex Jones at that present moment in time, so

17 I didn't think that needed clarifying, because I think Roger asked me to find them a slot.

18 Q Well, then, a couple of rows --

19 A So then everybody else is -- everyone else is -- are people that I booked.

20 Q Ah, I see. Well, two rows below is a gentleman, Scott Presler. Did you

21 personally reach out to Mr. Presler?

22 A I think it was his -- somebody -- his assistant. I don't remember entirely.

23 Q Got it. And down below further, in the 2:06 time slot, you have

24 Congresswoman Lauren Boe be rt. And we saw your text messages with her. It looks

25 like she reached out to you through DC Draine, who I think his last name is Rogan. Is

1 that right?

2 A Rogan, uh-huh.

3 Q Okay. And then Ms. -- Congresswoman Boebert did not end up speaking at

4 the event on January 5th or 6th. Do you know why? Did you have further

5 conversations with her about that?

6 A I -- I don't believe we had any other conversations.

7 Q So do you know why she didn't appear for either of the events?

8 A I don't. It's possible that Rogan O'Handley told me she couldn't make it,

9 but I can't remember.

10 Q Right there near the bottom, a few rows below, is Bernie Kerik.

11 A Yes.

12 Q Is he a client of yours or just a friend?

13 A Just a friend.

14 Q And then down on the slot for Mr. Stone, if you go over, the next to last

15 entry with -- next to Mr. Stone is your name, Salvatore Greco, and Jacob Engels. It's in

16 the column of names of guests.

17 And did both Mr. Greco and Mr. Engels come to D.C. with you and Mr. Stone on

18 January 5th and 6th?

19 A They did not --

20 Q Or they were there?

21 A -- come with us, because Roger and I flew by -- flew without them, but they

22 were there.

23 Q And who asked Mr. Greco to come and why?

24 A Roger asked him to come. I think Roger was under the impression that he

25 needed some on-the-ground help because I was doing the schedule and helping Cindy, so

1 I was not as available at the moment with him.

2 Q And what kind of help did Mr. Stone need from Mr. Greco?

3 A You know, just help getting him around, you know, getting from one point to

4 one point, because that's something that I would normally do, is to coordinate our

5 schedule and to map everything out. And I did not do that because I was putting these

6 18 people on the stage.

7 Q In the footage in The Washington Post article about the documentary, they

8 have footage of Mr. Greco with you all on January 6th, and you can see his NYPD badge

9 and his gun.

10 Do you remember him having both of those on him while he was with you in D.C.?

11 A I do.

12 Q And would Mr. Greco also serve as security for Mr. Stone, because he's there

13 and he's armed?

14 A What do you mean by that, security?

15 Q Is one of the functions that Mr. Greco provided for Mr. Stone that he's a, you

16 know, personal security for him? He's armed, he's a police officer, he's there to protect

17 him if need be?

18 A I have a hard time answering that question because I don't -- I never saw Sal

19 in that capacity. To me, he comes and he hangs out because he wants the notoriety of

20 hanging out with Roger Stone. He doesn't actually do very much, at least not when I

21 ask, so --

22 Q So to your knowledge, he didn't serve as personal security for Mr. Stone?

23 A No.

24 Q How about Jacob Engels? You know, who is he and why was he asked to

25 come to D.C.?

1 A I asked Jacob Engels to come because Jacob Engels works for me.

2 Q It's been reported that Mr. Engels at least previously used to be a member of

3 the Proud Boys. Is that accurate, to your knowledge?

4 A It is.

5 Q When did he leave the organization, if he did?

6 A I'm not entirely sure, because I employ Jacob as a writer, for which he went

7 to college for, and he's very good at it. He writes for The Gateway Pundit. I do not

8 involve myself in Proud Boys. So anything that he has done with them, I don't want to

9 know and I don't care about.

10 Q But you at least know that he no longer associates with them?

11 A I believe he does not, yes.

12 Q And what in particular was the reason you asked him to come? Was he

13 doing anything specific for Mr. Stone or for you to support your efforts on those days in

14 D.C.?

15 A I put all of the media and the speakers on stage for the January 5th event at

16 Freedom Plaza for Cindy, and I asked Jacob to come and do a couple of different things,

17 one of which was managing the media area for that January 5th rally, because I was doing

18 the stage, but I had a section of rally set aside for media that I had invited, and I needed

19 some assistance.

20 Q We spoke earlier about The Washington Post article about Christoffer and

21 Frederik, the documentarians, and how they were there in D.C.

22 Do you know why they were there, if they were asked by you or Mr. Stone to

23 come and film?

24 A They were asked by Mr. Stone. I also asked Jacob Engels to manage them,

25 which he did not do.


1 Q Manage in what way? Manage the -- Christoffer and Frederik?

2 A I, at that time, had opted out of any involvement with Christoffer and

3 Frederik, and I did not want to be associated with them, so I needed some help managing

4 them.

5 Q What was the concern or issue you had with them that you wanted to, in

6 your words, opt out?

7 A I did not trust them.

8 Q Why?

9 A Because Christoffer mortgaged his house to get money for this

10 documentary, and he found out Roger had another documentary in the works, because

11 there was no exclusivity. And he got very angry and upset. And then he had a heart

12 attack, and he blamed all of it on Roger. And I felt that it was a very toxic environment

13 and relationship.

14 And his views had started years ago when he started following Roger around,

15 which was years prior. He wanted to do a fair documentary on Roger, and it morphed

16 into being very hostile. And Roger did not see the change, but I did, and I no longer

17 wanted anything to do with either of them, Christoffer or Frederik.

18 Q But they were there so at Mr. Stone's request on January 5th and 6th?

19 A I don't believe that he requested it. I believe that they hounded him until

20 he told them. And he also hoped that -- you know, that they would release their

21 documentary in which he, you know, was hopeful would come out.

22 Q Now, we're well familiar at this point about, as I referred to earlier, as the

23 drama, for lack of a better word, over the permitting process and the competing events

24 with the Kremers and Caroline Wren and others.

25 Could you give us just a snapshot or a summary, just your perspective on that and

1 how it shook out? You know, what happened, and how did that impact your plans and

2 Mr. Stone's plans for D.C.?

3 A Well, so I, as you know, connected with Cindy through Felis, and Cindy said

4 she had a permit, she needed help. I offered to help her. I did all of this work just

5 because I wanted to create a great event for Roger and some of my other clients who I

6 put on that agenda.

7 And, lo and behold, at some point -- I don't remember the exact date -- I get told

8 by Cindy there's a problem with the permit and that it's changing, I think, to the 5th.

9 was told -- my memory is faulty, so I'm giving you the best of my -- what I can remember.

10 I was told it was switching to a church. I was told it was switching -- there were

11 issues, and I was not given a very honest answer. And then, all of a sudden,

12 Julio Gonzalez, who is -- was one of my clients at the time, who I had tentatively put on

13 that stage, he was going to fly Roger and myself and Karen Terp (ph) in his jet.

14 He calls me and says, So Kylie Kremer wants to speak to you.

15 I don't even know who this woman is at that time. I never talked to her or her

16 mother in my life.

17 Can I give her your number?

18 So he gives her the number. And she also was, you know, asking him for money

19 for her event. And she called me and tells me, you know, there is not going to be an

20 event. Cindy Chafian used to work for us, and we have both the permits. Cindy has

21 nothing.

22 And then it became a war over permits. Money that Cindy had received for an

23 event that she didn't actually have a permit for was in question. There was a lot of

24 backstabbing and duplicity going on, and it was very difficult to keep up with what was

25 going on.

1 Q And, ultimately, it results in the event that Mr. Stone is speaking at no longer

2 being January 6th, but really the evening of January 5th at Freedom Plaza. Is that right?

3 A That's correct.

4 Q And the event on January 6th, we talked about earlier, is permitted at the

5 Ellipse, and the permit is held by the Kremers and Women for America First?

6 A Correct. With Caroline Wren as the intermediary of it.

7 Q That was where I was going with the next question.

8 So Ms. Wren, did you know her before you started dealing with her in the context

9 of these events?

10 A I did not.

11 Q How did you get in touch with her to begin with? Was it through

12 Ali Alexander, the Kremers, or who was it? Maybe Cindy.

13 A I believe Kylie Kremer put us in contact, because she actually offered me the

14 permit for the 5th, and there was all this pressure on me. You know, people are like,

15 We want to give you the permit. And I'm like, I don't do events. I don't do these

16 things. I don't want this responsibility. I don't -- this -- and the money -- you know,

17 they were trying to kind of manipulate me to find money for it. The money had already

18 gone to Cindy. I was well aware of that.

19 And, you know, I tried to bridge some peace for which that was not going to

20 happen. And, you know, there were a lot of different people involved trying to take that

21 permit, and -- because I didn't want it.

22 Somehow, I think Kylie tried to get me -- got me involved with Caroline Wren,

23 trying to salvage that event, and Caroline Wren actually said, Why would you go raise that

24 money when Cindy already has it? So --

25 Q Cindy kept the permit and put on the event, right?


1 A I don't actually know the -- the final outcome. I think maybe the -- you

2 know, the permit might have went -- I don't know. I don't know. I couldn't guess.

3 Q Who did Caroline Wren represent herself to be? What was her role in this

4 and why was she involved?

5 A She said that she was with the White House.

6 Q In what capacity?

7 A She didn't give any actual specifics. And I'm -- I'm not prone to BS, because

8 I've had many, many people over the years try to manipulate myself and Roger and the

9 people that I represent. So I kept asking for specifics, and the story that I got was very

10 watered down. I actually called around and asked for references on her, and -- you

11 know, trying to verify who she actually was.

12 Q Did you ever confirm that she worked at or was, you know, associated with

13 the White House itself?

14 A No. What I confirmed was that she was part of Trump Victory or Trump

15 something fundraising, and she was just a fundraiser.

16 Q Worked for Kimberly Guilfoyle?

17 A Correct.

18 Q And speaking of raising funds, did she represent that she had helped raise

19 the funds to pay for the events, or at least partially pay for the events on the 5th and 6th?

20 A She did.

21 Q Did you understand that the money had actually come from Julie Fancelli,

22 the heiress to the Publix grocery store chain?

23 A I found that out later. But at the time, was told it was coming from

24 Alex Jones.

25 Q Why don't we look at exhibit 4. I think when you say later, not long after a

1 meeting Ms. Wren.

2 Let's look at page 6 of exhibit 4.

3 Looking at the bottom, this is your text exchange with Dr. Cordie and Chris Lippe.

4 Do you see, at the very bottom, a message you sent on December 30th of 2020, at

5 6:09 p.m.?

6 A Uh-huh.

7 Q And it says, Alex is paying for the stage and giving Cindy money for the

8 groundwork. This came from the owner of Publix Supermarket. Do you see that?

9 A Yep.

10 Q All right. Do you remember who told you that the money came from Julie

11 Fancelli of the Publix Supermarket?

12 A I think it was Caroline Wren.

13 Q Now, did you understand at the time or do you know now what the

14 relationship was between Alex Jones and Ms. Fancelli, why she was helping pay for an

15 event through him?

16 A What I was told is that Julie wanted an event where everyone could speak,

17 including Alex. And so she gave money to Alex to facilitate, you know, having an event.

2 [2:00 p.m.]

3 BYMR.-:

4 Q Did you know Ms. Fancelli prior to this or know of her?

5 A A little bit, yes.

6 Q So that Washington Post article I keep going back to quotes Mr. Stone as

7 saying on film on January 6th that: Ms. Fancelli was one of my biggest donors, financed

8 this whole thing.

9 Did you understand her to be someone who had been donating to Mr. Stone prior

10 to these events?

11 A Yes.

12 Q And how long had Mr. Stone had that relationship with Ms. Fancelli?

13 A Maybe a year.

14 Q Do you know how they had met?

15 A I don't.

16 Q Was it through Ms. Guilfoyle?

17 A No, it wasn't through Ms. Guilfoyle. It was from somebody he knew in

18 Lakeland.

19 Q Where she lives, right, Lakeland?

20 A Yup.

21 Q And what was Ms. Fancelli donating to Mr. Stone for, in the period before

22 the January 6th events, do you know?

23 A Roger was raising money for his legal defense fund. So he raised a few

24 million dollars for Roger Stone defense fund I think is the website.

25 Q Had Mr. Stone suggested to Ms. Fancelli to pay for the events in D.C. on the

1 5th and 6th of January, to your knowledge?

2 A I don't believe he suggested that at all.

3 Q So it was -- from all you -- from what you know, it was just a coincidence that

4 he had agreed to appear, and it turns out that Ms. Fancelli was providing money for the

5 events? It wasn't -- the two of them didn't talk about that or coordinate on her

6 financing?

7 A It is my understanding that he doesn't -- that he didn't have a direct line to

8 Julie, that Julie's assistant does most of these things, and Julie contributed quite -- some

9 money to Alex Jones because she is a fan.

10 Q You say she is a fan; you mean Ms. Fancelli is a fan?

11 A Correct.

12 Q Who is the assistant that Mr. Stone goes through for Ms. Fancelli?

13 A I think her name is Brooke (ph). I don't know anything else about her.

14 Q But, again, to your knowledge, Mr. Stone had been one of the people at least

15 that convinced Ms. Fancelli to donate to support these events in D.C.?

16 A No. I think he learned that she was a donor from Alex.

17 Q And is it fair to say that one of the people Ms. Fancelli wanted to speak in

18 D.C. was Mr. Stone?

19 A I only learned from Cindy Chafian that's actually how I learned that Julie was

20 the donor, because Cindy kept saying to me that Julie wanted the stage to be open for

21 people, like, who would normally not be given the opportunity to speak, like Alex.

22 Q That also included Mr. Stone?

23 A That -- no, actually, because Caroline Wren is the one who called me

24 and -- actually Kylie Kremer, in her very first phone call when she was trying to give me

25 the permit, told me that -- asked me if I wanted stage time on the 6th and that she would

1 give me an hour to put my people on the Ellipse stage. She also told me in that

2 conversation that she has a restraining order for a criminal case or something against Alex

3 Jones and that there was no way he would get on the stage on the 6th.

4 And then my next person to call me was Caroline Wren, who had a very big ego

5 and told me she was from the White House but, when I asked additional questions,

6 seemed very insulted that I would ask for specifics, which is why I researched her and

7 made calls after. She told me, no, Alex is getting on the stage on the 6th. And I said:

8 I don't believe you because the person who actually has the permit said -- "over her dead

9 body" were her words. And somebody's scamming for money was my take, is that they

10 just wanted the money, and they were going to screw them over. And I was right.

11 Q What -- did you understand Ms. Wren to have been advocating to have Mr.

12 Stone speak at the Ellipse speech over Mr. Kremer's objections, Mr. Stone specifically?

13 A Well, Kylie Kremer actually said that Roger could speak on the 6th and --

14 Q Understood. But Ms. Wren?

15 A -- sent me even a video of, you know, a promo video of Roger and Giuliani

16 and all these people on the 6th.

17 Q Fair enough. But did you also understand Ms. Wren was pushing to have

18 Mr. Stone appear and speak on the 6th?

19 A I did. Ms. Wren was in support of that. Correct.

20 Q Did you hear prior to January 6th why Mr. Stone was not allowed to speak at

21 the Ellipse? Did you learn why?

22 A I still don't know why Mr. Stone was not allowed to speak on the 6th.

23 Q Now, if we look at exhibit 4 again, but at the bottom of page -- let's see -- 7,

24 Chris Lippe says to you regarding all the drama over the -- keep going down, at 6:02 p.m.,

25 on December 30th, Chris Lippe says to you: Regarding the drama, Roger's access to the

1 President is best resourced to sort the bullshit.

2 And you respond, as you can see at 6:05 p.m.: I wish it was that easy. They

3 talked about the rally in passing once, and the President mentioned he was thinking of

4 speaking.

5 You then continued: The rest of the time when they speak it's about what's

6 going on, not something like a rally. Roger doesn't want to use limited time on petty

7 nonsense. He is advocating for a pardon for our friend who is in prison. For him, that's

8 more important.

9 So let me -- I'm just going to ask you a couple questions about this.

10 How often at this time did you understand Mr. Stone talking or communicating

11 with President Trump?

12 A Very infrequently.

13 Q When they did communicate --

14 A 1think he was preparing a letter, a pardon request, and I think -- I believe he

15 wasn't even speaking to President Trump at that time. I believe he or -- he either called

16 or someone called him -- whoever was before Susie Wiles at that time. I don't know

17 who his assistant was at that time -- asking, you know, for his -- knowing that he was

18 going to put in the pardon request, like a bulk letter.

19 Q Understand about the pardon, but your message at 6:05 starts off: The

20 rest of the time when they speak it's about what's going on.

21 So put the pardon aside. How often did you understand Mr. Stone to be talking

22 to Mr. Trump around this time?

23 A Very infrequently.

24 Q When they would speak, do you know how they would do that? Was it by

25 phone? By text message or what?


1 A I don't believe it was by text.

2 Q So it was by phone?

3 A Can we see the top of that because I want to see what else he was talking

4 about Maggie replying.

5 Q Who's Maggie?

6 A Chris Lippe says: Maggie will reply.

7 Q Right. Who's Maggie?

8 A I don't remember who -- I have no idea. That's why I'm like --

9 Q You don't bring up the President and Mr. Stone speaking again beyond that

10 message at 6:05 p.m. You just continue to talk about the drama between all the people

11 involved in the rally.

12 A Can you go down?

13 Mr. - The messages are in reverse chronological order. The bottom

14 message is the earliest.

15 Ms. Davis. I see. I see. That would be helpful. That's better. Thank you.

16 Okay. Can you go up now that I'm reading it from the right way? I don't know

17 that I'm even talking -- I honestly just don't remember all of this.

18 BYMR.-:

19 Q Well, I can maybe do some work to help fill in the gap.

20 But, just as a general matter, again, what would Mr. Stone tell you about how

21 often he would speak to the President?

22 A Very infrequently.

23 Q What does that mean? Just, you know, that's once a month?

24 A Maybe once a month.

25 Q Now, you do reference here that they -- in your first message: They talked

1 about the rally in passing once --

2 A That's what I'm trying to --

3 Q Right. So let me show you something really quick. If we look at

4 exhibit 10, remember this message you sent is December 30th.

5 This is an article from December 28th about Mr. Stone seeing President Trump at

6 President Trump's Palm Beach Gulf Club on December 27th?

7 A I see.

8 Q If you go down to the second page, I'll show you, there's a picture that Mr.

9 Stone posted to Parler where he met with Mr. Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle. Do you

10 see that?

11 A So I think that he was invited -- so, when I say that they talked about this in

12 passing, I'm pretty sure, if memory serves me correctly, that's Chris Ruddy on the side of

13 Roger.

14 Q It is.

15 A And I think that Chris Ruddy invited Roger to lunch, and they ran into the

16 President. He was -- it was not a planned meeting of the President. If memory serves

17 correctly, Chris Ruddy asked Roger to come to lunch, and then this just ended up

18 happening.

19 Q Do you think that was your reference when you told Chris Lippe that they

20 had talked about the rally in passing, it could have been this December --

21 A A hundred percent. Because I don't believe that Roger had talked to Trump

22 after his pardon until much later on, like had a direct line of communication.

23 Q But he said that he thanked the President. This was 4 days after the

24 pardon, so obviously here --

25 A Right.

1 Q -- saw each other.

2 And so what do you remember Mr. Stone telling you about his conversation with

3 President Trump about the rally itself on January 6th?

4 A I only remember -- I actually don't really remember very much, like I would

5 be speculating. I think I can tell from your other exhibit that you showed with Chris

6 Lippe, where I said I had a conference call with Roger and Ali Alexander, and that we did

7 in the car together. And I think that was just us trying to figure out who was actually

8 speaking on that stage on January 6th because Roger insisted that there was no chance

9 he was ever getting on that stage.

10 He did not think he was going to get on that stage because he felt like it was a

11 dirty trick. And he felt like Katrina Pierson was behind everything and that, for whatever

12 reason, he wasn't gonna get on the stage. Ali and Alex felt like they were getting on the

13 stage, and I kept telling him, Ali, in that conference call, that they were not getting on that

14 stage because Kylie Kremer had told me they were not, and she was the permit holder.

15 So there was a lot of duplicitousness that we were trying to, kind of, sort out, and I don't

16 know that we ever -- that anyone actually -- there was just so much going on. You

17 know, Caroline Wren was telling everyone: You're getting on the stage.

18 I'm telling them they're not.

19 Q And I hear you on that, and I understand there was the drama.

20 But, on the meeting Mr. Stone had with President Trump, do you remember

21 anything else Mr. Stone told you about what they discussed about the rally?

22 A I only remember Roger saying that he saw him very briefly in passing with

23 Chris Ruddy, and I think, at that time, it was -- I don't know if Trump had confirmed

24 whether or not he was going to speak on the Ellipse stage, and I think Roger said, like,

25 "see you in D.C.," or something to that extent.


1 Q So Mr. Stone also said when he posted this picture from that run-in with the

2 President, that: I told the President exactly how he can appoint a special counsel with

3 full subpoena power to ensure that those who are attempting to steal the 2020 election

4 through voter fraud are charged and convicted, and to ensure that Donald Trump

5 continues as our President. Hash tag "stop the steal." Hash tag Roger Stone did

6 nothing wrong.

7 Did Mr. Stone discuss with you his idea about the special counsel being appointed

8 by President Trump on this?

9 A No, he did not.

10 Q Did he tell you what the President said in response to his suggestion that he

11 appoint a special counsel like this?

12 A No, he did not.

13 Q Between then and the day of January 6th, to your knowledge, did

14 President -- did Mr. Stone speak again with President Trump at all in that intervening

15 period chime?

16 A I don't believe he did. I don't know if he did.

17 Q Do you know whether or not Mr. Stone talked to anybody in President

18 Trump's family in that period of time between December 27th and January 6th?

19 A I don't know that -- I don't know. There was an event in which he ended up

20 at Don Jr. and Kimberly's house, but I don't know when that was. I think it was a

21 Mar-a-Lago event, and everybody went there after. I wasn't there, and I don't

22 remember the exact timing. It could have been, you know, slightly after in January.

23 Q Okay. But, to your knowledge, Mr. Stone, did he have any conversations

24 about the rally with Donald Trump, Jr., and Ms. Guilfoyle, that you know of?

25 A Not that I'm aware of.


1 Q Did Mr. Stone have any communications with people in the White House

2 between December 27th and January 6th about the events of January 6th, that you know

3 of?

4 A No. That I'm fairly certain of.

5 Q An assistant to Mark Meadows who was the President's Chief of Staff, a

6 woman by the name of Cassidy Hutchinson has testified that Mark Meadows called and

7 spoke to Roger Stone the evening of January 5th, 2021, when you all were in town.

8 Do you know whether that call happened or not?

9 A That would be incorrect. No one ever called Roger, and he's never talked

10 to Mark Meadows.

11 Q How do you know that?

12 A He said he's met -- because we talked about it.

13 Q About Ms. Hutchinson's testimony on this point?

14 A We did. I was sent her testimony by a couple different people via text, and

15 I asked him about it. You know, I'm also friends with his wife, who gets very upset when

16 people say things and do things, so she sent it to me. And I asked him about it. And

17 had he spoken to anyone of that caliber during our trip, he would have said something to

18 me.

19 Q And when we look at exhibit 4, page 6 --

20 Mr.~ Before you do that, I think you said there, but I want to make sure I

21 heard you correctly, did you say that, to your knowledge, Mr. Stone has never spoken to

22 Mark Meadows?

23 Ms. Davis. No. I think he has met him at some point in time at an event, you

24 know, I believe it was like a few years prior, and that was it. Yeah.


1 Q So, if we look at page 6 on exhibit 4, again, sticking with the question about

2 whether Mr. Stone was talking to anyone within the White House, we go down to at

3 7:17 p.m., you see Chris Lippe says: I'm sending you a contact. You did not get it from

4 me or anyone at the White House, find a way to explain why you're asking, maybe say

5 even planning an event on the 6th, but I've heard there may be one larger than it. Is

6 that true?

7 And then Lippe sends you the contact information Rudy Olivo, O-L-1-V-O, the

8 Deputy Director of Strategic Initiatives for the Vice President Mike Pence and

9 says -- suggests that maybe leverage Roger's name.

10 Did you ever or did Mr. Stone ever reach out to Rudy Olivo, that you know of?

11 A I never even forwarded -- gave him that information.

12 Q Again, you said Mr. Stone, to your knowledge, didn't talk to anyone within

13 the White House.

14 Did you or anybody else on his behalf reach out to the White House about the

15 events on January 6th?

16 A I don't believe so. But can you let me read the rest of that because I don't

17 know in what context he was giving that to me? Was he giving it to me to book

18 speakers? I might have reached out to somebody and asked. I don't think I did,

19 though.

20 Q No. This is all in the context of sorting out what's going on with the

21 permits. The same stuff we've been -- we looked at earlier.

22 A Oh, I see. So he's giving it to me to ask to tell maybe this guy has

23 some -- yeah, I wouldn't have contacted him. I already knew what was going on. I'm

24 not going to contact somebody at the White House. The people that I ask around about

25 are people who are friends. I don't go to strangers.


1 Q Okay. Well, let's go up to page 5, then, same exhibit. And, on that point,

2 at 7:17 p.m., on December 31st, if we zoom in, you can see that you tell Chris Lippe:

3 confirmed today that the event is officially taken over from the White House. One of my

4 good friends is a D.C. lobbyist who had dinner with a senior White House staffer. There

5 will probably not be anyone else on the stage other than POTUS on the 6th. This has

6 not been announced, but this is what was told to my friend.

7 So who was your friend?

8 A Her name is Nicole -- why am I drawing a blank on her last name. I'm

9 drawing a blank on her last name. It will come to me here in a minute.

10 Q Who's the senior staffer she's talked with and had dinner with?

11 A Jason Miller.

12 Q He didn't work in the White House. He was a campaign official, but you

13 think it was Jason Miller?

14 A It was Jason Miller. She lives next door to him. Her parents live in Florida

15 and live next door to him.

16 Q Well, if you remember her name last name, let us know, but we can move

17 on.

18 A I can pull it for you right now. I don't know why I'm drawing a blank with

19 her. I can tell you because it's on my Facebook. Nicole Dicocco.

20 Q Now, we've already talked about the fact that you and Mr. Stone did not go

21 to the Ellipse rally on January 6th.

22 And, in short, can you explain why that was? I know he wasn't going to speak,

23 but was there something particular that led you not to go?

24 A I had asked Caroline Wren. I was told we would have a car. We saw her

25 when we checked into The Willard. She was in the lobby. She said: I will send you

1 the information that you need via text.

2 That was, you know, 1 or 2 p.m., or whatever time we walked into The Willard.

3 Instead of sending me car information, I was sent a link for a PDF or whatever it

4 was with a map on how to get into the event, which is not what, you know, I was

5 expecting. The morning of the 6th, I had asked Jacob Engels and Sal Greco to go to the

6 event at roughly 7 to 8 a.m. to scope it out to find out where the entrance was, you know,

7 how do we get in, what route do we need to take for safety.

8 Jacob didn't show up to do that with Sal, and I was under the impression that I had

9 an hour of stage time on the 6th, which would be Roger Stone, Pastor Mark Burns, and I

10 believe Angela Stanton-King. Whatever time it was, they all met in the lobby of The

11 Willard -- maybe it wasn't Angie, but it was Mark Burns and somebody else.

12 And I had Pastor Burns, his group, Roger, the Papadopouloses and a number of

13 other people meet us at The Willard, and I still had no car information. And I asked Sal

14 and Joshua James to take a golf cart and to find out how I could get this group of, you

15 know, 12 to 15 people to the Ellipse safely. And they left, and they came back, and they

16 said: We can't get, you know, within four blocks of the Ellipse. It's too crowded. We

17 don't know where we're going. We don't have -- we don't know where the VIP entrance

18 is, a number of other things.

19 We went outside of The Willard Hotel, Roger and myself, for a few minutes

20 because we were still trying to figure out what to do, and I saw Bernie Kerik, my friend,

21 and Giuliani? Leave, and are I said -- and they got in a car that was clearly an SUV taking

22 them to the event. And I said at that time: Well, I think you were right, Roger, this

23 was some sort of dirty trick. We're clearly not going to be on the stage. You know,

24 what do you want to do?

25 And, basically, he said: Well, what do you think?


1 And I said: I think we should just give up because I don't think it's safe for us to

2 go in this crowd with all of these high-profile people. So we gave up, and we went into

3 the suite and watched the speech on the TV.

4 Q And we'll come back to that.

5 But, after January 6th, Alex Jones and Mr. Stone have each stated publicly that

6 there was a plan for them to march from the Ellipse to the Capitol. And Mr. Jones said

7 that the White House, in his words, had asked him to lead that march of people from the

8 Ellipse to the Capitol.

9 What, if anything, do you know about that, that supposed plan for them to

10 march?

11 A I don't believe it was a preplan. What I heard and somewhat oversaw was

12 that the hotel phone rang. And then, after that phone call, I was told it was Secret

13 Service asking Roger to help lead the march from the Ellipse to the Capitol, in which we

14 declined. And I was told after the fact, not on the 6th, once Alex and Roger had

15 reconvened and talked, that Alex received a similar phone call.

16 And I was then also told that Alex had met up with the Secret Service agents and

17 that they started walking and that he stopped to use the bathroom and lost the Secret

18 Service agent because he was in the bathroom. And there was a crowd. And that it

19 was -- it was, you know, both of -- Alex and Roger getting similar calls to do a march, but

20 Roger had --

21 Q This call that you're talking about, that was, you said, came into the hotel

22 after you had come back up on January 6th, so after you decided not to go to the Ellipse?

23 A Yes.

24 Q And Mr. Stone spoke during an interview with Newsmax in which he said,

25 quote: I do find it odd that shortly after the President's speech, the Secret Service

1 contacted someone who worked for me by phone and told me that they wanted to escort

2 me to the Capitol.

3 Do you know who he was referring to when he said someone who worked for him

4 received that call?

5 A I don't, but it was the call from the hotel. I just don't know who picked up

6 the phone because I just -- I wasn't -- there were a number of people in the room, and I

7 didn't think Jacob was there. Jacob has worked for him in the past, so I just don't know

8 who he was talking about.

9 Q So, according to Mr. Stone, he, himself, didn't get on the phone and talk to

10 these people; it was whoever picked that up and conveyed that to him?

11 A Correct.

12 Q Has Mr. Stone ever told you he talked to the President about this and why

13 the Secret Service was supposedly calling him?

14 A He has not talked to me about this.

15 Q Now, did Mr. Stone see Alex Jones, either on January 5th or January 6th, to

16 your knowledge in person, that is?

17 A He saw him on January 5th.

18 Q Did he go up to Mr. Jones' suite where Mr. Jones was meeting with General

19 Mike Flynn at the time?

20 A I don't -- no, he did not because he had never met General Flynn in person

21 until the rally at Freedom Plaza. That was the first time he met General Flynn.

22 Q So did he go up to Mr. Jones' suite, though, to your knowledge, on January

23 5th to meet with Alex Jones?

24 A No, he did not.

25 Q So did he see him other than at the Freedom Plaza rally, that is Alex Jones,

1 between those two dates?

2 A He only saw him at the Freedom Plaza.

3 Q So it's -- you referred to Joshua James, and I brought up earlier the Oath

4 Keepers picking up from the airport. So I want to talk now the Oath Keepers aspect to

5 that.

6 It's been reported publicly and Mr. Stone himself has said that Oath Keepers were

7 providing him personal security at "stop the steal" events that he appeared at prior to

8 January 5th and 6th.

9 Were you aware that Mr. Stone had Oath Keepers providing security for him at

10 those events at the time?

11 A At the time of the event, no. I learned after.

12 Q Two of the people, at least, from the Oath Keepers who provided security at

13 those earlier events was a woman named Connie Meggs and a man named Graydon

14 Young, both of whom have been charged with other Oath Keepers in connection with the

15 attack on the Capitol.

16 Do you know either of those people or know what Mr. Stone's connection with

17 them was?

18 A I've never heard their names before.

19 Q Do you know how Mr. Stone came to work with the Oath Keepers to get

20 security from them, how that first started?

21 A I heard, after the fact, I think they approached him at a Florida event and

22 offered to do some security for whenever he might need it.

23 Q And who in particular did you hear was the person who offered, do you

24 know?

25 A I don't. I don't think he even, you know, honestly knew their names. He

1 gives out his phone number very easily, and half the time, he doesn't program people in.

2 So he just -- he's very careless I guess.

3 Q The founder and leader of the Oath Keepers -- the founder and the leader at

4 the time was a man named Stewart Rhodes; has an eye patch, wears a cowboy hat.

5 Do you know who he is or know of him?

A I know of him.

Q Did you know him to be someone who had a personal relationship with Mr.

8 Stone?

A No, he did not.

Q And are you familiar with the Friends of Stone Signal group chat?

A I have heard of it.

Q Were you a member of it?

A Not that I'm aware of.

Q It's been reported that Stewart Rhodes was one of the people who was a

15 member of that group chat.

16 Do you know if that's right or wrong?

17 A I don't know, but I don't even think -- I don't know who runs that group chat.

18 Q Do you know a man by the name of Jason Sullivan?

19 A Unfortunately.

20 Q And is he someone who would work with Mr. Stone, at least in the past?

21 A He has been issued a cease and desist for using our name. He was hired in

22 2017 or whatever year that was, 2016, for 30 days and then fired. And I -- he was

23 present on December 12th at the AMPFest party, in which I told him off. So I do know

24 who he is, but he is not a friend and has not had any information or access to Mr. Stone

25 for at least 5-plus years.


1 Q The documentarians, as reported by The Washington Post, filmed Mr. Stone

2 using the Friends of Stone group chat and saw that Stewart Rhodes was a member of it.

3 So have you seen Mr. Stone using that group chat before on Signal?

4 A No.

5 Q Did you know whether or not Mr. Stone was working with Stewart Rhodes or

6 any of the Oath Keepers in connection with challenging or protesting the results of the

7 2020 election, separate from them providing security?

8 Was he working with them in any way to help challenge the results of the

9 election?

10 A I do not believe he was.

11 Q Now, you referred to the fact that Mr. Stone had personal security from

12 Oath Keepers while he was in Washington on January 5th and 6th.

13 One of those people was Joshua James, right? Is that right?

14 A That's correct.

15 Q Okay. Do you know how, particularly for those 2 days, Mr. Stone came to

16 have security services provided by them?

17 A So, when I told Roger that we were going to go to D.C. the 5th and the 6th,

18 he asked me to get security. And we have paid, you know, off-duty police officers that

19 we have used in the past during his trial. And I reached out to them, and nobody was

20 available. And I asked them to reach out to friends, and they -- still no one was

21 available. So I came back to him and said: You know, not having any luck.

22 And so he said: Well, let me try it on my side and see if I have any friends of any

23 friends that can find us some security.

24 And so I think that he reached out to -- I know he reached out to, you know, a

25 number of different acquaintances trying to find security, and then, you know, he ended

1 up with Joshua James.

2 Q In the documents you produced, you know, you have text messages with

3 Mr. James. We know in your phone records, you have a few calls with him on

4 January 5th, but we don't see how you first establish contact with him.

5 Do you know how you got his phone number?

6 A In the car when he picked us up.

7 Q And do you know the names of the other Oath Keepers who provided

8 security?

9 A I have no idea. I'm sure, as you saw from my email message, Roger said Sal

10 Greco would be the intermediary for the security because I was, you know, busy with

11 Cindy and the stage. So I could not, you know, take an active role in that. So, when we

12 were in the car, and he drove us from the airport to The Willard, I got his phone number.

13 Q At any point on January 5th or 6th, did Mr. James or any of the other Oath

14 Keepers talk to you about what their plans were in Washington for when they weren't

15 providing security to Mr. Stone, what they were doing otherwise?

16 A No. We had very limited conversation.

17 Q Do you know whether any of the Oath Keepers providing security for Mr.

18 Stone were armed? If they had firearms?

19 A They said they were not. I asked them, and actually in the car. And when

20 we tried to get into The Willard, all the streets were blocked off. And I was, you know,

21 asking them questions because I didn't really know who they were. I'm like: Well, are

22 you ex-law enforcement? Are you armed? How will we get around to places?

23 And he said: We're not armed, and we usually don't need it.

24 And he managed to drive through, you know, the barricade and get through, and

25 we got to the hotel so.


1 Q The "he" you're referring to is Joshua James?

2 A That's correct.

3 Q Now, Mr. Stone has said, after the events of January 6th, in a statement

4 posed to Gateway Pundit, exactly what you said, which was -- this is a quote: The Oath

5 Keepers provided voluntary security to me when off-duty D.C. police officers who usually

6 do this work were not available.

7 A Yes.

8 Q So were the Oath Keepers, in fact, volunteers, to your knowledge?

9 A They were.

10 Q And so then, other than the Oath Keepers, did anybody else provide security

11 for Mr. Stone while he was in D.C. on January 5th and 6th?

12 A Not to my knowledge. Again, I wasn't with him the whole time. I didn't

13 go to, you know -- I didn't go to Alice Butler-Short's rally, which was the one on the

14 Supreme Court. You know, I was doing Cindy Chafian's stuff.

15 Q As you know from public reporting, Mr. James has pleaded guilty -- if you

16 know -- he's pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy, and several of his Oath Keeper fellow

17 members have been charged with seditious conspiracy or other offenses for the attack on

18 the Capitol.

19 So, prior to the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, did you know that any

20 member or members of the Oath Keepers were planning to cause trouble at the Capitol

21 during the joint session?

22 A I did not.

23 Q Did Mr. Stone, to your knowledge, have any advanced knowledge what they

24 were going to do?

25 A He did not. I don't think he even knew their names until they made news.

1 Q Now, many members of the Proud Boys, as I'm sure you're aware, have also

2 been charged in connection with the attack on the Capitol, including the chairman at the

3 time, Enrique Tarrio.

4 Are you aware of the fact they've been charged?

5 A I am.

6 Q And Mr. Tarrio and a few others have been charged with seditious

7 conspiracy as well. Are you aware of that?

8 A I am.

9 Q What is the nature of Mr. Stone's relationship with the Proud Boys generally

10 and Mr. Tarrio specifically?

11 A I think he has been friends with Enrique Tarrio for 6 or 7 years. Yeah.

12 Q And did Mr. Tarrio also do work for Mr. Stone, assist him in whatever

13 undertakings Mr. Stone would do from time to time?

14 A I don't know, actually, because I hate Enrique Tarrio, and I have always hated

15 Enrique Tarrio. So, if I can avoid him, I do. I do know that Enrique Tarrio owned a

16 T-shirt printing something, and there was a time when we did business with him in terms

17 of T-shirts. And we got bulk product from him, but he was also very unreliable. So, in

18 terms of, you know, a continuing business relationship, that didn't last very long.

19 Q Did Mr. Stone have a relationship with any other particular Proud Boys?

20 You mentioned earlier Ethan Nordean, who has also been charged and was with Mr.

21 Stone on December 11th.

22 Do you know who that is and if they had a relationship?

23 A I have not heard of him ever before.

24 Q To your knowledge, was Mr. Stone working with Mr. Tarrio after the 2020

25 election and before January 6th on efforts to protest or otherwise get the election results

1 overturned?

2 A I don't know the exact -- the answer to that would be no. But I don't know

3 the exact date. Enrique Tarrio went on CNN and threw Roger under the bus, and he has

4 not been our friend since then.

5 Q You mean after the events of January 6th?

6 A No. It was before. He went on --

7 Q It was before?

8 A Enrique went on CNN. I don't even remember when it was, and Roger,

9 after that, felt like he was dangerous and humored him in terms of responding, but their

10 friendship was over when he did the CNN hit.

11 Q What was the hit, just quickly? What was it that gave Mr. Stone pause?

12 A He went on there and basically like started talking about, you know, the

13 Mueller investigation and all of these different things that hadn't come out, that he really

14 in all honesty didn't need to talk about. He did it to make himself look -- to raise his

15 profile and to make himself look more involved than he actually ever is. So there were a

16 couple other instances of things that I kind of caught Enrique doing that I felt were shady.

17 And so, at that point in time, we had both -- a lot of us thought that Enrique was probably

18 cooperating and trying to set Roger up. He was calling and asking strange things on the

19 phone and trying to -- you know, just a lot of things that felt off.

20 Q Okay. But -- understand that was before the 6th, but on January 2nd of

21 2021, the Proud Boys held a protest outside of Senator Marco Rubia's home --

22 A And they called Roger on the phone.

23 Q You're aware of this?

24 A I am.

25 Q Okay. And that Mr. Stone spoke to the crowd through Enrique Tarrio's

1 phone, you're aware of that?

2 A I am. I am. And I was told at that time that he was, you know, just

3 humoring Enrique. I mean, don't get me wrong, Rubio is not somebody Roger likes, so

4 he would gladly take that call, but in terms of their relationship, it was already -- already

5 over and being humored.

6 Q If we look at exhibit 14, it looks like you booked Enrique Tarrio to speak at

7 the January 5th event. Is that right?

8 A I was told by Cindy Chafian that we had to get him a spot.

9 Q And we're looking at exhibit 14. It's an email exchange you have with Ms.

10 Chafian on New Year's Day 2021, and you say at the top: I totally relate. Enrique, Rob

11 Lewis, Joe Flynn and Couch were all added.

12 A Correct.

13 Q So Enrique was a request from Ms. Chafian?

14 A I don't even know who Rob Lewis is.

15 Q Does the group First Amendment Praetorian mean anything to you?

16 A I mean, I've read about them since. I don't even know if he's a member of

17 that group. I don't know. Never heard of him before.

18 Q Your phone records -- we could look -- I'll just tell you that, on New Year's

19 day, at 6:12 p.m., Mr. Tarrio called you and had what looks to be a 4-minute call.

20 Do you remember talking to him New Year's Day 2021?

21 A Yes.

22 Q What was that about?

23 A So Greg Kelly, who's on Newsmax and has been, you know, my friend for 14

24 years, asked me if I could get Enrique Tarrio for his TV show, and so I did.

25 Q So it was not about the rally in D.C.?


1 A No.

2 Q Now, Mr. Tarrio, do you know he was arrested in Washington when he came

3 for the rally? He was arrested January 4th, the day before you arrived but was released

4 the evening of January 5th. Do you know that?

5 A I was told after the fact, yes.

6 Q So you didn't know while you were there in D.C. that he had been arrested

7 and told to stay out of the city?

8 A I did, yes, after. He was arrested, what, a couple days before, right?

9 Q January 4th, right, he was arrested. But he was released on the 5th.

10 Do you know whether Mr. Stone talked to Mr. Tarrio either on January 5th or on

11 January 6th?

12 A I don't. I know -- I know that he knew about it, but I don't know if he talked

13 to him. I was told I think -- I don't remember who told me. Maybe it was Cindy told

14 me he was arrested and then something about a bullet or a magazine or something.

15 And my response was he was an informant and this is more proof. Nobody in their right

16 mind would travel with that in their suitcase. They did it to where he had an excuse to

17 not be in D.C. That was and is my perspective on that. Once an informant, always

18 informant, and they wanted to take him out of D.C. And so it was a plant.

19 Q The "they" you're talking about is who?

20 A The government, whoever he was cooperating with.

21 Q All right.

22 Did you, prior to the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, did you know or have

23 advanced knowledge that any member or members of the Proud Boys were planning to

24 cause trouble at the Capitol that day?

25 A No.

1 Q Did Mr. Stone?

2 A Not to my knowledge.

3 Mr- Paul, I'll just say it's 2:48. I think we could be done by 3:30 eastern

4 time, Ms. Davis. Can you -- I know you said you have the hard stop. Could we keep

5 going and finish it up, or what do you want to do?

6 Ms. Davis. Paul, you're muted. I can keep going.

7 Mr. Kamenar. Yeah. I know. Let me just double check. I think -- let

8 me -- 3:30 could be a hard stop?

9 Mr- You know, it's always dangerous to a lawyer to -- that's where I

10 think I'm at.

11 Mr. Kamenar. Let me see if I can text my wife. I'm supposed to take her to the

12 doctor's, whether she needs to get an Uber or what we can do here. I might be able to

13 do it until 3:15. But let's go --


15 Q Ms. Davis, just as a top line, then, to your knowledge, did Mr. Stone have any

16 role in connection with the attack on the Capitol January 6th, 2021?

17 A No connection.

18 Q And I understand that you've already said you went up to the hotel room

19 and stayed there until you left for the airport that day.

20 So you were watching the speech on -- the President's speech on TV at the rally.

21 Is that right?

22 A Correct.

23 Q Who -- you know Sal Greco based on The Washington Post report, he was in

24 the room with you during that afternoon. Is that right?

25 A He was.

1 Q Was Jacob Engels?

2 A I can't remember. No. No. Actually, no, you're right. He didn't show

3 up in the morning, but I can't remember if he ever showed up.

4 Q From the time when the President was done speaking, which was roughly

5 1:10 p.m., until you left to go to the airport, who else do you remember being in the room

6 with you with Mr. Stone and Mr. Greco at any point?

7 A I think it might have been just us. I think everybody had left at that point in

8 time, but I'm not entirely sure. There was a, you know, fairly big group there at some

9 point, let's say, you know, 10 to 13 people. And then they all, you know, left at some

10 point, but I don't remember exactly when it was.

11 Q At the time that you first remember seeing that there was, you know, a

12 disturbance at the Capitol, did you learn that on TV or social media or how did that come

13 to your awareness?

14 A On TV. We were watching the news.

15 Q When you say "we," was it Mr. Stone, Mr. Greco, and you?

16 A Correct.

17 Q In The Washington Post article, the documentarians are quoted as saying

18 that they tried to come up to the room to join you all after they were aware of the

19 violence at the Capitol and that you wouldn't allow them in for some period of time.

20 Do you know what's that's about or what they're referring to?

21 A I do. I don't know the exact time line, but at some point, they were wanting

22 to come back to the room. Shortly after the violence was occurring or whatever it was,

23 was occurring, Roger was like: I'm going to go take a nap.

24 He went into his room. I laid down on the couch. Don't remember where

25 Sal -- what Sal did. Maybe he was sleeping in the chair, and they wanted to come at that

1 time. And I said: Roger's sleeping. You know, you're gonna have to give it a little bit

2 of time.

3 And also I wasn't bending over backwards to let them in because I didn't like

4 them. So any pushiness on their part was probably met with a no or me ignoring them.

5 Q And so Mr. Stone took a nap after you all saw that there was violence or a

6 disturbance at the Capitol?

7 A He went into the room to take a nap. I think it was a very short nap;

8 20 minutes, 15 minutes.

9 Q Do you know whether he called anybody while he was in the room? Did

10 you hear him on the phone or speaking to anybody?

11 A No, I didn't hear him. No.

12 Q Do you know whether -- so when he came -- did he come back out after you

13 said 10 to 15 minutes to the main area where you were with the TV?

14 A I think I went in and got him.

15 Q Why did you go in to get him?

16 A I think I wanted to order food or talk to him about, you know, I don't

17 remember entirely. It was probably a mix of like: Should we try to leave? I'm

18 hungry. You know, what do we want to do?


20 Q To your knowledge, did Mr. Stone have any contact or communications with

21 anyone who was in the Capitol on January 6th, whether it was somebody who was there

22 unlawfully or a Member of Congress or staffer?

23 A I have no idea.

24 Q What about just somebody who was on the Capitol Grounds more generally,

25 anybody he knew who walked down there? Do you know if he was in touch with

1 anyone on the Capitol Grounds that day?

2 A I mean, I'm sure he was getting a lot of texts from different people who were

3 there. You know, we did have all those friends there, you know, all the people I put on

4 the stage on the 5th were people that we know, Bryson Gray, Charlene and Ty, you know,

5 those are all people we have known for a long time. So I'm quite sure he was getting

6 reports like I was, you know, had people like Angie contacting me: Hey, I'm going to

7 leave.

8 You know, those sorts of things.

9 Q But so I guess, to your recollection, then, do you remember getting any kind

10 of updates from people who were sort of more or less on the ground about what they

11 were seeing happen at the Capitol and having conversations in the hotel room about

12 what those communications were?

13 A I don't remember getting anything that was like people who were like:

14 Hey, I'm here.

15 I got more of like, you know, Angela Stanton-King, who is my friend, like, "Hey,

16 we're going to leave; do you want to leave," type of thing: You should leave. So

17 people were concerned about airports shutting down, me concerned about that. I think

18 the news was mentioning maybe like a lockdown or something to that degree.

19 BYMR.-:

20 Q When did you make the call not to go up to the Capitol event that Mr. Stone

21 was scheduled to appear at?

22 A As soon as it looked dangerous. Although, it was not -- I was -- I was on the

23 fence about letting him do it the whole day. He -- so Roger often agrees to do things,

24 and then makes me be the bad guy and cancel and because he doesn't like to say no. So

25 he agrees to things, and then I end up canceling because I think it's not a good fit, or it's

1 not -- you know, it might be dangerous; we don't have proper security, that sort of thing.

2 So I personally wasn't -- didn't want him to do that event at all after the morning where

3 we saw how many people were there and that it was going to be hard to get around.

4 didn't want him to do that event. He kept saying: Well, let's not cancel yet. Well,

5 let's not cancel yet.

6 And then, you know, as soon as, you know, what happened at the Capitol

7 happened, he -- we were able to use that as an excuse to not go, which I was already not

8 wanting to go.

9 Q Was Joshua James and the other Oath Keepers, they were going to be there

10 to provide security and take you up to the Capitol?

11 A No, in the morning to take us to the Ellipse, but after that, I never -- you

12 know, I never heard from them again, and to my knowledge --

13 Q Put it this way, were -- they were the ones supposed to take you, that that

14 was the role, if you were going to go, they were going to escort you up there?

15 A To the Ellipse. Right.

16 Q Not the Capitol?

17 A We had no plans of ever going to the Capitol.

18 Q But there was a plan to go do the rally, and you said, at some point with the

19 violence, it got canceled. But before you canceled --

20 A To the Ellipse in the morning -- or no. No. No. To the afternoon, I never

21 had -- I was saying no pretty much no to that the entire day.

22 Q Sure.

23 A So Roger just kept agreeing, but there was actually no plans to actually go

24 there. It was like: Well let's just see how the day goes.

25 So, when the Oath Keepers left in the morning, and I told them: Listen, you

1 know, we're just gonna stay here.

2 I wasn't the intermediary anyway arranging them, so I kind of left it as, like, "I

3 don't think we're going to do anything for the rest of the day," is how I left with it them.

4 BYMR.-:

5 Q And, to clarify, when we're talking about this afternoon after the Ellipse, the

6 rally that you were not sure that you wanted Mr. Stone to go to, that was for the

7 Bollingers' event.

8 A Correct. And I was told it was in Freedom Plaza, not at the Capitol.

9 Q Yeah. That may be a little bit of a disconnect. I think the permitting

10 where the Bollingers had that Medical Freedom rally was near one of the Senate Office

11 Buildings, so technically on the Capitol Grounds, but not like, you know, directly in front

12 of the Capitol itself.

13 BYMR.-:

14 Q Yeah. If you look at exhibit 3, if we can pull that up, this is a schedule, Ms.

15 Davis, that you sent to Mr. Stone. You see that on January 4th, the second email.

16 If you go to the second page of it, at the very top, you see 3:40 p.m. speech for

17 health freedom at 300 First Street Northeast, Washington, so that's -- as my colleague

18 said, that's in the -- on the Capitol Grounds in that area.

19 A Okay. I mean, I don't know D.C. you know, I only know that

20 Charlene -- and I didn't know Charlene very well then either. I only knew that I was told

21 that they had a permit for Freedom Plaza. So, for me, I don't know any of these

22 addresses. I don't know what that address means.

23 Q While you were in the hotel room before leaving the evening of January 6th,

24 did Mr. Stone talk with anybody or communicate with anyone in the White House,

25 whether President Trump or otherwise, to your knowledge?


1 A To my knowledge, no.

2 Q Okay. So I want to move just to some brief questions. Looking at

3 exhibit 16 to start, Ms. Davis.

4 It looks like this is an invoice you sent to Cindy Chafian for $3,500 for your work on

5 behalf of the event. Is that right?

6 A Correct.

7 Q All right. Was there any additional payment that you or Mr. Stone received

8 in connection with the rallies in D.C. on the 5th or 6th?

9 A I don't believe so.

10 Q If we look at exhibit 17, this is an email you sent to Ms. Chafian about getting

11 hotel rooms?

12 A Uh-huh.

13 Q Did Ms. Chafian, with the money she had received from Alex Jones and Ms.

14 Fancelli, did she cover the hotel rooms for you, Mr. Stone, and several others in his party?

15 A She did. She had a room block.


2 [3:01 p.m.]

3 BYMR.-:

4 Q Did she also -- was she able to pay for expenses incurred by Mr. Stone and

5 yourself while at the hotel, for room service or whatever?

6 A I think it went to the room, the foods.

7 Q So Ms. Chafian covered all those through the money she received?

8 A I am not sure. I mean, Roger could have put his card down and it could

9 have billed. I don't know. I have no idea.

10 Q And Ms. Fancelli, is it right she paid for the private flight that you and

11 Mr. Stone and others took from Palm Beach to D.C. on January 5th?

12 A She did.

13 Q And do you know why she agreed to pay? Did Mr. Stone ask her directly?

14 Did he go through Caroline Wren? How did that happen?

15 A I asked Caroline Wren about travel, and she said she was getting a private

16 jet. I didn't -- I didn't know -- well, I knew maybe a few conversations later that was Julie

17 that did it, but she was the one that arranged it.

18 Q And did Ms. Fancelli pay for the return flight home?

19 A She did not.

20 Q And you said you flew with another person you knew on their private jet.

21 Is that right?

22 A We did.

23 Q And who was that?

24 A David Centner.

25 Q How do you spell the last name?


1 A C-e-n-t-n-e-r.

2 Q If we look at exhibit 20, this is from Mr. Stone's "stop the steal" website.

3 It's a capture, an archive of it, and this is from January 3rd of 2021. And if you see, it's

4 titled, Support the Stop the Steal Security Project.

5 A Uh-huh.

6 Q And if you go to the next page, page 2, go to the bottom, you'll see

7 Mr. Stone's electronic signature. You see that there.

8 So were you aware that Mr. Stone had set up this "stop the steal" website to

9 receive support in connection with the rallies?

10 A I was.

11 Q Okay. If we scroll back up on page 2 still but a little bit up, right there, the

12 second -- the third full paragraph, you can see, starts -- excuse me -- second. It says, We

13 now recognize our immediate need for a reasonable level of private security at every one

14 of our events, as well as funds for permits, staging, transportation, and legal fees.

15 And so did Mr. Stone or anyone connected with Mr. Stone have to pay anything

16 for permits, staging, or transportation in connection with the January 5th and 6th events?

17 A Was -- this was for January 5th and 6th?

18 Q Yep. If we go -- if you go back up --

19 A 1see.

20 Q At the top of the page, yeah. Then you go -- you see there on the first

21 page, on January 5th and 6th. Then if you continue on to the top of page 2, you'll see at

22 the very carryover paragraph, it says, If you are able to or support our effort to have a

23 large, effective, safe, and record-breaking peaceful protests on January 5th and 6th.

24 So, yes, it's about the protests on those 2 days.

25 And so, again, do you know whether Mr. Stone or someone connected with him

1 paid for permits, staging, or transportation for those events on the 5th and 6th?

2 A I do not.

3 Q To your knowledge, was that all being paid for by, you know, Ms. Fancelli

4 through either Ms. Wren or Cindy Chafian or the Kremers?

5 A So I -- I think there was also talk of doing an independent event should

6 everything get canceled, but I really wasn't involved in that. I only remember hearing it

7 afterward.

8 Q Who was having those conversations?

9 A I don't -- I don't entirely remember. I think that because of the turmoil

10 over the permits, and then I think Roger -- I only remember Roger briefly saying to me

11 that they might do an additional event. I want to say it was outside of the city if -- and if

12 everything got canceled. And then nothing got canceled, so we didn't talk about it any

13 further.

14 Q And in that same paragraph we are focused on, if we go down to page 2, it

15 also talks about, we now recognize our -- in bold -- immediate need for a reasonable level

16 of private security at every one of our events.

17 And so I think, as you said, Mr. Stone didn't hire private security for the events on

18 the 5th and 6th. Is that right?

19 A We did not.

20 Q Okay. In The Washington Post article I talked about reporting on the

21 Danish filmmakers say that, from what they could see in their time with Mr. Stone, it

22 looked like over $40,000 was raised through Mr. Stone's "stop the steal" fund raising

23 efforts.

24 Do you know if that's right, about how much he raised?

25 A I don't know because I really wasn't involved in it, because, you know, I was

1 doing Cindy's stuff. That's where my focus was, making sure the event went off. So I

2 don't -- you know -- and I really wasn't paying attention to a lot of the things Roger was

3 saying in that time, because I was, you know --

4 Q Do you know --

5 A -- dealing with 18 speakers.

6 Q Do you know whether -- how, if any, of the money was spent that Mr. Stone

7 raised through this "stop the steal" effort?

8 A I don't know. I have no idea what was raised. I don't know, you know,

9 where it went. I don't know anything about it.

10 Mr.- I just want to make sure I understand. To your knowledge, did

11 Mr. Stone receive any kind of fee or gift of money of any kind for his appearance and

12 speech at the Freedom Plaza rally on January 5th?

13 Ms. Davis. To my knowledge, we weren't paid at all for that event. Nobody

14 was paid. I asked all those speakers to come for free. No --

15 Mr.- And was it also the expectation for the other two events where he

16 was scheduled to speak at the Supreme Court earlier on the 5th and then potentially

17 either for the morning of the 6th or the afternoon of the 6th, the expectation was that

18 there was not going to be any payment in the form of a speaker's fee for Mr. Stone?

19 Ms. Davis. That's correct. His attitude was like, I'm in town, so let's fit in as

20 many events as we possibly can. Speak wherever people are asking because I'm already

21 here.

22 BYMR.-:

23 Q We didn't see anything in the documents you produced about a potential

24 event, other than the ones you've talked about in D.C. on the 5th and 6th, so this notion

25 of potentially doing it somewhere else --


1 A Right, because I'm -- I wouldn't have coordinated speakers for that. He was

2 saying -- he was saying he wanted to speak regardless. If everything got canceled, he

3 would find and get his own place for him to speak. And his people are -- you know,

4 Roger's people, like Ali and Alex Jones, are not necessarily my people.

5 You know, my people, I put on stage with Cindy to make a great event. You

6 know, his group of speakers are not necessarily speakers that I speak to.

7 Q Okay. Then moving on from this, The Washington Post article I talked

8 about says that the filmmakers saw that, after January 6th, Mr. Stone was advocating to

9 the White House for the President to do what was referred to as "the Stone plan," in

10 quotes, and says a blanket Presidential pardon to shield Mr. Stone, Trump's allies in

11 Congress, and the America First movement from prosecution for trying to overturn the

12 election.

13 And we have -- through our efforts, we have a letter that Mr. Stone emailed to

14 President Trump after January 6th but before the President left office in which he did, in

15 fact, ask for a pardon for himself, for Bernie Kerik, several Members of Congress,

16 members of the President's family, among others.

17 So you're shaking your head. Is this something you were aware at the time that

18 Mr. Stone was doing after January 6th but before the President left office?

19 A I think that's what I referred to saying that Roger was writing his pardon

20 letter. That's the letter.

21 Q Okay. Well, then, what I was speaking about earlier is that The Post said on

22 January 6th -- mind you, this is while the attack is ongoing -- that Mr. Stone had said he

23 had already had an appointment with the White House to meet that day about pardons,

24 but it got pushed back.

25 So does that ring a bell? Not about pardons, because, again, the attack was still

1 happening. Did he have an appointment at the White House for January 6th --

2 A 100 percent not.

3 Q Okay.

4 A Had no appointment.

5 Q So then the letter you were referring to is the one I'm talking about after the

6 fact that he sent to the President?

7 A Right. Because I knew -- because everybody and their brother had

8 contacted me asking me, Can you give me a pardon? And so I knew that -- you know,

9 that Roger -- I didn't know what actually went into his letter, but I know that one of our

10 friends had -- was in prison, and he was going to, you know, include him. So I was

11 getting a lot of other people, external people, randomly calling me, asking me, Can you

12 help advocate for a pardon? And, you know, I didn't take those calls --

13 Q Did any Members of Congress -- did any Members of Congress contact you

14 and ask to be included in Mr. Stone's request for a pardon?

15 A No. I don't speak to any Members of Congress regularly.

16 Mr- You said that there were lots of people reaching out to you about

17 pardons. Who were people who were reaching out to you?

18 Ms. Davis. Just random, strange people, like unknowns. You know, my number

19 goes on a lot of press releases. You know, you can google my phone number and it'll

20 bring up like General Flynn, people I've written press releases for. So people who are

21 desperate for a pardon who are trying to figure out how Roger Stone got a pardon, right,

22 they're going to come across me as a publicist, and they're just calling my number. And

23 I'm getting, you know --

24 BYMR-:

25 Q Did Bernie Kerik ask you --


1 A -- four or five crazy people's calls, and I -- you know --

2 Q Did Bernie Kerik --

3 A That's not what I do.

4 Q Right. Bernie Kerik was in the letter. Did he ask Mr. Stone to include

5 him?

6 A Not to my knowledge.

7 Q Members of the President's family were in there. To your knowledge, did

8 they ask Mr. Stone to include them in the letter?

9 A No.

10 Q Was Mr. Stone being paid by anyone to submit this letter to the President

11 and request pardons?

12 A No. Not to my knowledge.

13 Q Did he tell you before he submitted it that he had heard from all the people

14 he listed in his letter and -- or any of them, to say that they were asking him for a pardon?

15 A I think he wrote the letter based on his own views who needed a pardon.

16 Q Who did he talk to at the White House about the pardon request?

17 A I have no idea.

18 Q It's reported in The Washington Post article that he blamed Pat Cipollone for

19 the President not granting the pardon requests.

20 Did you hear Mr. Stone say the same thing to you?

21 A No. I know he doesn't like him, but I didn't hear that.

22 Q Did he ever tell you why the requests were denied?

23 A No. I mean, I -- I don't -- I don't think he submitted them with the

24 expectation that they would all be granted. I think he thought, you know, maybe one of

25 them, he would get, you know -- I don't think he -- I don't think he had any expectations

1 of them all being granted.

2 Mr~ With respect to the people who were reaching out to you who you

3 suspect were just finding your name on press releases, were these people who were

4 reaching out specifically for pardons related to January 6th?

5 Ms. Davis. No. They were just people with, you know, strange either looming

6 cases of completely different nature.


8 Q In the election season for the 2020 election up through election day, which is

9 November 3rd of 2020, did you understand Mr. Stone to be in contact with

10 President Trump advising him on election strategy?

11 A I don't believe he was in contact with him through that time where he was

12 waiting for his pardon, right?

13 Q Did you say he was not or he was?

14 A He was not in contact with him.

15 Q It's --

16 A 1 believe the first time they talked was when the President called and said,

17 You've got a pardon. I'm pardoning you.

18 Q Well, he had gotten the clemency granted in July of 2020. Had Mr. Stone

19 been talking to the President prior to the clemency grant about the election --

20 A No.

21 Q -- to your knowledge? Okay.

22 Do you know whether or not -- oh, go ahead.

23 A I think the -- I don't believe that -- maybe they talked, like I said, fairly

24 infrequently, but it was also when they ran into each other --

25 Q Do you know whether --


1 A -- conversations.

2 Q Do you know whether during the election season, again, up through election

3 day of November 3rd of 2020, was Mr. Stone communicating with members of

4 Mr. Trump's family about election strategy, that you know of?

5 A I don't believe he was, no.

6 Q How about --

7 A 1don't think he was talking to anybody about election strategy, in all

8 honesty.

9 Q Well, how about within the White House? Did Mr. Stone have those

10 conversations?

11 A I don't believe he really talked to anyone within the White House.

12 Q The Danish filmmakers, as reported by The Washington Post, said that on

13 July 9th of 2020, Mr. Stone was talking to Enrique Alejandro -- I think Delatorre is his last

14 name -- and telling him his views -- Mr. Stone's views on what the President should do at

15 the time of the election, and, quote, said, that Trump should use the powers of his office

16 to reject official results in that year's election and secure victory in the courts with help

17 from Federal judges who owed him fealty.

18 And Mr. Stone envisioned himself as Mr. Trump, said, quote, "I'm the President.

19 Fuck you. You're not stealing Florida. You're not stealing Ohio. I'm challenging all of

20 it, and the judges we're going to are judges I appointed."

21 And, you know, President Trump did end up challenging in front of many courts

22 and judges. I think he made many efforts to challenge the election and used the term

23 that the election was being stolen.

24 So, again, do you know whether Mr. Stone was advising the President on what to

25 do with the lead-up to the election? No --


1 A I don't have any -- I don't think so. I can just, you know -- I -- if he was, I

2 have no knowledge of it.

3 Q And same question after the election but before January 6th. Not about

4 the rally, but was Mr. Stone advising the President, to your knowledge, about how to

5 handle a challenge to the election?

6 A He was not. Like I said in the text, his -- you know, his -- his focus at that

7 point in time was writing a pardon letter and, you know, hopefully pushing that through.

8 Q Well, so the filmmakers saw that, on November 5th, 2 days after the

9 election, Mr. Stone -- this is quoting the article -- drew up a "stop the steal" action plan

10 that was visible on Alejandro's laptop.

11 Then it continues, the plan was, as protesters were mobilized, the plan said State

12 lawmakers would be lobbied to reject official results, and that tactic later proved central

13 to Trump's efforts.

14 Were you aware of this, quote, "stop the steal" action plan that Mr. Stone drafted

15 on November 5th?

16 A This is the first I'm hearing of it.

17 Q And so, again, to your knowledge, did Mr. Stone get a plan of that sort to

18 Mr. Trump or the White House?

19 A Not that I'm aware of, no.

20 Q So we have phone records from General Michael Flynn that show that he

21 spoke with Mr. Stone the night of November 5th for about 16 minutes. And that same

22 Washington Post article says that they capture -- the documentarians captured footage of

23 that phone call from Mr. Stone's side of the conversation, and that during that call,

24 Mr. Stone told General Flynn that they could, quote, document an overwhelming and

25 compelling fraud in each battleground State; and that Mr. Stone urged Flynn to spread

1 the word on social media. And that day, Flynn, Trump's campaign, and his sons, Don Jr.

2 and Eric, began using hashtag "stop the steal" on Twitter.

3 The article continues, Stone and Flynn discussed the need to coordinate with the

4 White House and opposed demands by Republicans in some States to stop counting

5 votes. And Mr. Stone said, Our slogan should be, quote, count every legal ballot, much

6 better messaging.

7 So were you aware that Mr. Stone was communicating with General Flynn about

8 an effort to challenge the results of the election?

9 A I was aware that he's spoken to General Flynn, but not the context of the

10 conversations.

11 Q Did you know that General Flynn was communicating with the White House

12 and President Trump about efforts to challenge the election results?

13 A I did not know that until this year.

14 Q After the fact, after January 6th?

15 A Much after January 6th.

16 Q The article recounted Mr. Stone saying that they'd be able to document an

17 overwhelming and compelling fraud in each battleground State.

18 To your knowledge, was Mr. Stone himself doing work to uncover fraud in the

19 election?

20 A He was not. He would not have the resources to do that.

21 Q Well, on that point, they captured him on that November 5th -- that is, the

22 documentarians -- saying that he was going to, quote, raise money for "stop the steal";

23 it'll be like falling off a log.

24 You talked earlier about Mr. Stone raising funds in connection with the rallies, but

25 do you know, when he said it was going to be like falling off a log, did Mr. Stone actually

1 collect money under "stop the steal" starting in November of 2020?

2 A I have no idea.

3 Q So when Mr. Stone says that the election was stolen, fraudulent, and the

4 rest of that, do you know where he was getting the facts to say that or the basis for him

5 saying that?

6 A Probably the same place that every other conservative was getting it -- from

7 every other conservative, videos of -- you know, his -- Gateway Pundit has a huge amount

8 of resources and articles, and, you know, we are very close with, you know, Jim and

9 Joe Haft from Gateway Pundit. So, you know, we read all of their stuff. Stone reads it.

10 I read it. You know, probably places like that.

11 Q And on November 30th of 2020, Mr. Stone posted on his website what he

12 called a diary entry, and it addressed reports that he was working to, you know, overturn

13 the election results. I think he said something to the effect that -- well, quoting, "the

14 only role I played in challenging the fraudulent election results pushed by the fake news

15 has been a strictly informal and advisory one." And then he goes on to talk about

16 different people who he was advising.

17 Are you familiar with him saying that at the time and saying that he wasn't

18 himself --

19 A It's something I've heard him say repeatedly.

20 Q Okay. The people he listed, among them were Bernie Kerik. Do you know

21 what he was doing with Mr. Kerik to advise him on challenging the election?

22 A I do not.

23 Q He also listed Rudy Giuliani. Do you know what Mr. Stone was doing to

24 advise Mr. Giuliani?

25 A I don't believe he was in conversation with Rudy, so I'm not sure.


1 Q Another person was Lin Wood. Do you know what Mr. Stone was advising

2 Mr. Wood about?

3 A I do not.

4 Q Sidney Powell was another person. Do you know?

5 A I don't know about that.

6 Q Charlie Kirk of Turning Point, he listed. Do you know what Mr. Stone was

7 advising Mr. Kirk about in connection with the election?

8 A I don't know --

9 Q Another was --

10 A -- anything on that either.

11 Q Arthur Schwartz. Do you know who Mr. Schwartz is?

12 A I do not.

13 Q So he's a longtime friend and political consultant to Don -- Donald Trump, Jr.

14 Does that ring a bell at all?

15 A Uh-uh.

16 Q Okay. So you don't know --

17 A No.

18 Q You don't know --

19 A Never heard of him, no.

20 Q Okay. So you don't know what, if anything, Mr. Stone was advising

21 Mr. Schwartz about?

22 A I mean, knowing Roger Stone, he's probably seen people in passing and they

23 have, you know, had conversations. And for him, that means advising. I gave you a

24 little bit of advice in passing.

25 Q Just want to go back, then, to The Willard Hotel room and the phone call

1 that supposedly came in from the Secret Service.

2 Again, as best you can recall, do you remember if that phone call came

3 in -- Mr. Stone said it came in after the President stopped speaking. Is that consistent

4 with what you remember, or do you know?

5 A I don't honestly remember. I just remember the phone ringing.

6 Q So this is literally the phone -- the land line that's in the --

7 A Correct.

8 Q -- hotel room?

9 A The room one.

10 Q And you don't remember who picked it up?

11 A I don't. I don't even remember at -- you know, if it was while we had

12 multiple people there or if it was just when it was me, Sal, and Roger.

13 Q Do you remember when you first heard about what was said on the call?

14 Was it while you were in the hotel room or it was -- it was some other later day or time?

15 A I -- I don't remember, because in the afternoon, I also, you know -- at some

16 point, I took a nap, and, you know, then I was trying to find us a ride home. So I

17 don't -- it's kind of all a blur. I don't really remember.

18 Q I asked you earlier, but just to be clear, do you remember who picked up the

19 phone?

20 A I don't.

21 Q And Mr. Stone has said publicly it wasn't him who picked up the phone. Is

22 that consistent with what you know, that it wasn't Mr. Stone?

23 A It is.

24 Mr.~ But you were there when the phone rang?

25 Ms. Davis. The phone actually rang a couple of times throughout the day. You

1 know, we had placed orders for food and people called back to clarify the order. And

2 then, you know, I think the Danes called trying to reach us when nobody would pick up

3 their calls.

4 So the phone had rang a few times. So I don't know, like -- it's just too much for

5 me to try to figure out which call and who was there.

6 BYMR-:

7 Q And so who do you remember first hearing about what was said on the call?

8 Who told you about it that you first remember?

9 A I think Roger told me about it.

10 Q And as best you can remember, what exactly did he tell you about what was

11 said on the call?

12 A He told me that someone -- that the Secret Service agent had called

13 and -- the room and asked if he wanted to -- actually, said that the President was

14 requesting -- I don't know. I'm completely wrong on this, so it's probably -- just that the

15 Secret Service called and asked if he wanted to lead the march from the Ellipse to the

16 Capitol.

17 Q What did Mr. Stone say? Did Mr. Stone say he spoke to the Secret Service

18 agent?

19 A No. He said whoever answered the phone thought that was -- thought it

20 was like either a prank or that it was a weird, sketchy phone call, because why would the

21 Secret Service call a landline, and said, you know, didn't take it seriously and hung up.

22 Q Did Mr. Stone do anything, or did anyone else in the room do anything to

23 follow up and find out if it was a legitimate call from a Secret Service agent?

24 A Not at that time. Nobody was doing anything, as we were kind of, you

25 know -- there was a lot going on. There was stuff at the Capitol, and there was people,

1 you know -- we were trying to find a ride. It was the Danes harassing us. There was a

2 lot of things going on.

3 Q You said not at the time. Did someone do something subsequently,

4 Mr. Stone or someone on his behalf, to find out about that phone call?

5 A Well, I think just in terms of talking, then we found out that Alex Jones had

6 received a similar call; actually, you know, met the Secret Service agent and started

7 walking with that person or people. I don't know, because I don't -- you know, I

8 don't -- I haven't historically also liked Alex Jones, so I managed to work for Roger Stone

9 for 14 years, and I spent 13 of those avoiding Alex Jones and never meeting him.

10 So, you know, I try to -- conversations about people or with people that I don't

11 have an interest in knowing, I don't ask any questions.

12 Q Did you hear Mr. Jones himself talk about this call from the Secret Service, or

13 this is relayed to you by somebody else?

14 A No. It came from, you know, a few different people.

15 Q Who? Which people?

16 A I think that the, one, Roger told me about it. And then Owen Shroyer told

17 me about it. And then I met Alex Jones for the first time a few months ago. He

18 repeated the same story in person.

19 Mr.~ When you were describing hearing about the phone call earlier, you

20 said that somebody said the President had instructed the Secret Service to call?

21 Ms. Davis. That's actually what Alex said at dinner. I had dinner with Alex and

22 his wife [inaudible] when he recanted the story a few months ago, that was his

23 recollection, is that somebody -- when they called him, that was what he was told. And

24 so, then, when the whole group was talking, that was what the story sort of became a

25 couple months ago.


1 But I can't remember what was -- I can't remember what happened in that

2 window of time when it was happening.

3 Mr. Kamenar. Yeah. Excuse me. •, just want to know. It's 3:30. Are

4 we about ready to wrap this up?

5 Mr.- We are. We are. And so I just -- Paul, for the benefit -- I don't

6 mean to be picky about words.

7 Ms. Davis, you said, when Alex Jones recanted his story. Did you mean

8 recounted; that is, he told the story?

9 Ms. Davis. Yes. Recounted.

10 Mr- Okay. Okay.

11 Anything further on that?

12 Let me ask if any of my colleagues on the staff, or if Ms. Lofgren is still with us, if

13 anybody has any questions for Ms. Davis?

14 Mr.- Well, I do have one thing, actually, if I just have a quick chance.

15 We know, on January 1st, that Alex Jones reached out to Caroline Wren and said, I

16 had a long talk with Roger Stone, need to talk to you. Thanks.

17 Do you know whether Alex Jones had to do any convincing to try to get Mr. Stone

18 to participate in events in D.C. for January 5th or 6th?

19 Ms. Davis. I think Alex Jones asked Roger to come and speak. Roger -- because

20 we didn't get -- we were having a hard time with security. The two of them are -- speak.

21 And so I think that Alex Jones, you know, was trying to reassure Roger that, you know, we

22 would be able to find security and that we would get -- we'd be okay.

23 Mr. - Okay. Thank you.

24 Mr.- I see our colleague, - has come on camera.

25 ■, did you have any question before we wrap?


1 Mr. - Just one question about the phone call you mentioned that -- you

2 know, from the White House asking Mr. Stone and Mr. Jones to lead people to the

3 Capitol.

4 Do you know why they wanted them to lead -- why they wanted Mr. Stone to lead

5 people to the Capitol?

6 Ms. Davis. I have no idea.

7 Mr.~ Okay. And the same question for Mr. Jones. Do you know why

8 they wanted Mr. Jones to lead people to the Capitol?

9 Ms. Davis. I have no idea. I only, you know, heard about it after, and -- yeah.

10 Mr.- Okay. Thank you.

11 Mr.- I don't see anybody else who's come on camera. So we're just

12 3 minutes over, but, Ms. Davis, thank you very much for indulging us with the extra half

13 an hour in your schedule, with your childcare issues.

14 And, Mr. Kamenar, thank you and understanding that this wasn't on your

15 schedule, but I think we're done. So we'll get you the transcript when it's available so

16 you can review it. But, otherwise, we're done for the day.

17 Mr. Kamenar. Sean, about how long would it take to get the transcript? A

18 couple weeks or --

19 Mr- I can't promise, but hopefully within a few weeks. That sounds

20 about right.

21 Mr. Kamenar. Oh, okay. Because I know with Ali Alexander, it took 6 months,

22 so --

23 Mr.- I think things are moving a little quicker now. Yeah. I think

24 they're moving a little more quickly.

25 Mr. Kamenar. Okay. Well, we'll be in touch on that.


1 Mr.- Okay. But thank you both.

2 Mr. Kamenar. All right. Thank you.

3 Mr- Take care.

4 [Whereupon, at 3:33 p.m., the interview was adjourned.]


2 Certificate of Deponent/Interviewee

5 I have read the foregoing _ _ pages, which contain the correct transcript of the

6 answers made by me to the questions therein recorded.


11 Witness Name




15 Date


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