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ESLOVAQUIA - 2004 Birds and Power Lines in Slovak Republic

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Chancellor, R. D. & B.-U. Meyburg eds.

Raptors Worldwide

Birds and Power Lines - status in the

Slovak Republic
Michal Adamec

About 300,000 22kV electric poles are potentially fatal for birds in
Slovakia. Based upon known electrocutions extrapolated to the length of lethal
configurations, about 10,000 birds are electrocuted annually and this number
may even be underestimated because many electrocuted birds are not found or
are scavenged. There are three electrical companies in Slovakia. By Act No.
543/2002, owners of lines are responsible for preventing electrocution of birds.
Owners must prevent electrocutions when building or reconstructing electric
lines or when it is proven that birds arc killed on poles. The State Nature
Conservancy of the Slovak Republic is co-operating with electrical companies
to make all lethal poles safe. Currently the State Nature Conservancy is using
comb-blocks that are attached on the crossami between the wires to prevent
perching. There are two new types of design that will be used in the future for
bird protection. In areas where there are rare nesting birds and the electrocution
risk is high, the State Nature Conservancy is trying to persuade the electric
companies to place the lines underground. Electric lines are permanently
monitored by employees of the State Nature Conservancy and volunteers from
nongovernmental organizations, mainly the Working Group for Research and
Protection of Birds of Prey and Owls.

There are about 300,000 22kV power poles that are potentially fatal to birds
in Slovakia (Chavko pers. comm.). These 22kV electric lines are attractive to
perching birds and approximately 10,000 birds are electrocuted annually
(unpublished data, State Nature Conservancy). This was estimated by taking
power line survey results from Hungary and the Czech Republic. Because the
surveyed lines are similar to Slovakian power lines, the number of detected
electrocutions was extrapolated to the number of kilometres of potentially
lethal lines in Slovakia. This results in a number of 10,000-15,000 electrocuted
birds annually in Slovakia. This number may be underestimated because many
carcasses are either not found or scavenged before detection is possible.
Electric lines are permanently monitored by employees of the State Nature
Conservancy of the Slovak Republic (SNC) and volunteers from
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), mainly consisting of the Working
Group for Research and Protection of Birds of Prey and Owls. Every detected
electrocution is documented. Between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 2000
44 birds were brought to rehabilitation centres in Slovakia that were
electrocuted but still alive (Table 1). Most of the birds were euthanized because
of their severe injuries.

Table 1: Detected electrocutions from 1996 - 2000

Species Number %
Accipiter gentilis 3 6.8
Aquila ehrysaetos 2 4.5
Bubo bubo 1 2.3
Buteo buteo 17 38.6
Cieonia ciconia 8 18.2
Faleo cherrug x peregrinus 1 2.3
Faleo tiniiimeulus 10 22.7
Pernis apivorus 1 2.3
Strix alueo 1 2.3

There are three electrical companies in Slovakia. They divide Slovakia into
three parts - western, central and eastern. By legislative Act No. 543/2002, the
owners of these power lines are responsible for preventing bird electrocutions.
The owner must configure the lines to prevent electrocutions when building or
reconstructing electric lines. They are also required to retrofit poles causing

Figurel : 22kV pole fatal for birds

The most problematic configuration in Slovakia is constructed with three
wires supported on a single metal-grounded crossarm (Figure 1). When a bird
perches on this type of structure it can easily span two wires, resulting in an
electrocution. Because the crossarm is grounded, simply touching one wire can
also electrocute a bird.
To prevent electrocutions, SNC is co-operating with electrical companies to
make all lethal poles safe. Currently SNC is recommending anti-perching
comb-blocks between the wires to deter perching (Figure 2). However,
attaching comb-blocks is only a short-term solution because these devices
deteriorate quickly due to ultraviolet and weather exposure. After a few years
these devices must be replaced with new blocks.

Figure 2: 22kV pole with comb-block anti-perching spikes

A much better solution is simply to design new poles to be safe for birds.
SNC proposes that new poles should employ alternative configurations, such as
one used successfully in the United States for steel pole construction (Harness
2000). Safe perching can be accomplished by suspending two of the energized
conductors under the crossarm, instead of supporting them on the arm (Figure 3).
This requires suspension insulators and clamps instead of pin-type insulators.
Suspending the conductors allows birds to perch on the crossarm without
coming into close proximity to energized conductors. A pole-top cap must still
be employed on the top of conductive poles to discourage perching.
Suspending the insulators and conductors also will allow utilities to achieve the
Raptor Research Foundation's recommended clearance of 60 inches (152cm)
with shorter crossarms.
Another alternative is a structure used in Spain and France (Figure 4). It is
important to note that these configurations should be constructed with
nonconductive materials and clearances must be reviewed to insure that large
perching birds can safely utilize these structures. The structure in Figure 4 should
employ a perch deterrent under the centre phase. In Italy the FALCON™ tubular

' i C" shaped pole-top unit has been successfully substituted for structures with pin-
type insulators (Boschetti 2003) and should be considered in future bird-friendly
designs (in conjunction with perch deterrents, if necessary).

Figure 3. Three-phase steel/concrete pole configuration framed with

adequate raptor separation, 22kV

Figure 4. Spain/France configuration should be employed with a perch

guard under the center phase

Safe Safe

•V Add perch

In the areas with nesting rare birds and a high incident of electrocutions, the
lines should be placed underground.
Although there are laws to protect birds from electrocution, many structures
annually kill birds. Present efforts to retrofit lines with anti-perching devices
will not solve the problem because these products deteriorate and new lethal
lines continue to be constructed. New constructions should be permanently
altered to prevent further new problems. As poles need to be rebuilt, these too
should be constructed in a bird-friendly manner. This will protect Slovakian
birds while improving the reliability of the power grid by reducing costly
animal-caused outages.

BOSCHETTI, M. 2003. Conversion with live maintenance of the medium tension power lines ( 15kV) from rigid
insulators into string insulators. I-SMO 2003 Proceedings. IEEFi Catalog Number 03CH37473 pages: 181-184.
HARNESS, R. 2000. Raptor electrocutions and distribution pole types. North American Wood Pole Coalition
October: 1-14. (hup://w wìles/techbullitons/ _rechBulletin(IOct)()0.pdf (6/14/01).
OTAHAL, I., I'. CMEI.IK, P. KRIZEK, J. PEESMIK & P. STYBLO 1997. Ochrana plaku pied
/ranenim na venkovnich elektrickych vedem'ch Onetodicka pri'rucka CSOP c. IS). Ministerstvo zivotni'ho
prostredi CR Praha & Zakladnf organi/.ace 70/2 CSOP Novy Jicfn. Stanice pro /achranu Zivocichu
V Bartosovicich ila Morave. Novy Jicfn, 44 pp.

Michal Adamec
State Nature Conservancy of Slovak Republic
Nature and Landscape Protection Center
Lazovna 10
974 Ol Banska Bystrica, Slovakia,


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