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``Uber Kerntheilungserscheinungen,'' Ref. Botan. Centralbl.

numerous and glaring. The general style is prolix, involved

history of these so-called sonant nasals). It is possible that

deprivation. Where a presentation belongs to a lunatic,

the territory of the Muato Yanvo. On the 25th of May 1891

Year Examined Adulterated Percentage of Adulteration

E. B. O'Callaghan, Documentary History of the State of New

the conflicting claims to droits of Charles II. and the

the metal at 11s. to 15s. per lb. The Aluminium Company's

to England to visit the queen, with the object of finally

or maximum section was about one-quarter of the distance

AMMON, CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH VON (1766-1850), German theological

526). In the 8th century Bede wrote Quamdiu stabit Coliseus,

Naples. But when the French invasion became a reality he was

officers until he was assured that the army was on Egyptian

AGORDAT, a town of Eritrea, N.E. Africa, on the route between

Thrace, he was proclaimed emperor by the troops; he captured

Indian Coins (in Grundriss d. ind.-ar. Phil.), Plate I.

modern Swedish literature. So excellent was his style, that

may, alone or in conjunction with the above-named minerals,

of the prince of Orange. Alva's preparations to oppose

majority. Congress then enacted that a majority of the

given in commerce to a duty which is levied by customs

into oxygen, which combines with the anodes to form carbon

Arts at ten o'clock in the morning. Their magnetic experiments

delicacy, or the appearance of fragility; (5) brightness,

anxiety, had not strength to resist the disease, which proved

according to Elphinstone and Conolly. The small Indian fox

Colebrooke, appeared at Serampore in 1808. The Sanskrit text

French agriculture or horticulture; but neither in the case of

abbatum, while the chiefs of other orders had the tities

und Feldherr (1833), and Houssaye, Histoire d'Alcibiade

prolific. I resided in the town itself nine months, and

wars of the French Revolution and of the emperor Napoleon,

Portugal had put forward claims to the whole of the West

Cheese . . . . 2,176 20 0.9

Kiretchhane and Yilderim are on the left bank of the Maritza,

dikes. They also show a steep, angular, funnel-shaped

merely by the oogonium and antheridium, there is no semblance

increased, those from 5 to 50 acres were almost stationary,

26. Cold Harbor.--On the 3rd of June at Cold Harbor (q.v.)

treats of the analysis of finite quantities. and the second of

1685. Reference to a market at Abergavenny is found in a charter

out 300 m. into the sea and has a coastal border of about 400

interest. One who may be taken as typical hired six acres

For the molecular theory of absorption, see SPECTROSCOPY.

more than one occasion, practically invited Great Britain

24 and 25 Vict. c. 101. Titles were, however, prefixed to

antiquity may be mentioned that of Sulla the dictator, 79

oranges, lemons, almonds and other fruit trees thrive;

are less complex than albumoses. By further decomposition

was a child when his father fell in battle against Clovis,

Gaul, found a pretext for war in the Arianism of Alaric.

VILLIERS RUSSELL (b. 1869), who rowed in the Oxford

The Alexander romance found its way into Europe through the

inducing the Anazeh Bedouins to become fellahin; but river

As said before, the division is primarily linguistic and,

Schlechter, Westafrikanische Kautschuk-Expedition (Berlin,

flesh, were head and body 4 ft., tail 17 1/2 in.; but a large

and the Goths, and later in the camp of Rhuas, king of the

of it. Qualified acceptance may be a promise to pay on a

of the line, contained an even stronger Confederate element,

foliated or banded structure due to movements and pressure

and cleverness won her a distinguished position in society,

Lakes and mountains of Equatorial Africa.

year. The town finally passed to the French in 1768. Since

step in the graded series through which the condition of

aside for the moment any discussion of the exact degree of

the confluence of the streams on the occasion of the great

also took part in the principal battles of the Franco-Prussian

clergy, yielding to force majeure, gradually accepted the

motive. It is said that the pelage of the New Zealand specimens

chain. Thence to the St Gotthard the divide runs north-east,

the harmony of the concert. (See TROPPAU, CONGRESS OF.)

caution. Of the sources, which are very numerous, may be

propounded by Deecke7 in 1877, that the Phoenician alphabet

there is something to identify the delivery as part of the

the chemical knowledge attributed to the Arabs has been so

Hurst, Reports to the Evolution Committee of the Royal

who was then minister of the interior, and accordingly the

too devoted to his official work to give much time to other

used as a kind of shorthand for verbal expressions. This

the governor of the equatorial province of the Egyptian

great valleys are a number of volcanic peaks, the greatest

study of Greek by Jews. He was famous as a collector of

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