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Star Trek Rulebook Update July 2020

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The game map is made up of

round Syst em Discs connect ed Warp Tokens indicat e how

t o other Syst ems via Space f ar your St ar ship can travel
Lanes of d iff erent lengths. at Warp and indicat e where
Each Planet ary Syst em has your St ar ships ent ered Warp.
a diff erent capacit y t o hold
Resour ce Nodes, shown
as colored t abs ne xt t o
the planet.
The Space Lane Die is use
t o det ermine a Lane's length.

A scendancy Tokens
track how dominant
each Ci vilization is. Each Game Round, player s
The fir st player t o compet e f or the Initiati ve.
achieve 5 A scendancy Turn Order Cards indicat e
wins the game. sequence of play.

Command Console Cards include

each Ci vilization's Rules, track Adv ancement Cards
Weapon and Shield levels, and det ail a v ar iet y of cultural
have a place t o put each player's and t echnological
supply of t okens. achievements which
can be complet ed. Each Fleet Cards hold groups of three
Ci vilization has a unique or more Ships. Ships are placed
Adv ancement deck. on a Fleet card and then the
Fleet Mar ker s show the Fleet's
position on the board.
St ar bases allow you
t o build Ships and
Commission Fleets.
St ar bases also fight in
Space Battles and
make it more difficult
f or a r i v al t o att empt
Each Ci vilization has their own St ar ships
Hegemony. Each
which e xplore the Galaxy, att ack r i v als and
St ar base you control
def end their Syst ems. Control Nodes are
also increases your
placed on a Syst em's planet t o mar k which
Commands by 1.
Ci vilization Controls the Syst em.
Command Tokens
indicat e how many
order s you may issue
on your turn.

Each Ci vilization has three Trade

A s you e xplore the Galaxy, you'll Agreements they may gi ve t o
encount er a wide v ar iet y of the other player s t o represent Player Turns are di vided int o
discover ies, cr ises and strange peaceful commerce bet ween Building and Command Phases.
new ci vilizations. When you their Ci vilizations. Each Trade The t wo-sided Player Turn Cards
discover a new Planet ary Syst em, Agreement you recei ve f rom list all the Building Costs on one
draw an Exploration Card t o see another player increases your side and all the Command
what you've f ound. Production each turn. Options on the other.
You can replace the Starbase tokens with models from Gale
Force Nine. The Starbases for the three Civilizations from the
basic game are shown here. Those for the expansions are

Cube Spire Assimilation Node
shown below. This set includes everything you need to add the Borg to your
Note: instead of Starbases, the Vulcans have Ambassadors. games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. The set includes:
• Borg Command Console Card & Cube Card
• 5 Borg Cubes & 5 Borg Spires

15 Borg Assimilation Nodes
6 Resource Nodes
Federation Klingon Romulan
• 20 Borg Exploration Cards

7 Borg System Discs, including the Transwarp Hub
20 Borg Tech Cards
• 30 Borg Command Cards
• 9 Borg Dice


Ship Control Node Starbase The Borg are not controlled by a player, but are a threat to all
This set includes everything you need to add the Andorians to the forces in the Galaxy. Their actions are controlled by the
your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. The set includes: game until they assimilate a player.
• 10 New Exploration Cards To integrate the Borg into your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy,
• 10 New Systems Discs, including Andor use the Borg rules at the end of this document.
• 30 Andorian Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards Adding the Borg also allows you to play games with one or two
• 10 Andorian Control Nodes players using the rules in the Borg Assimilation rulebook.
• 15 Andorian Advancements
• 3 Andorian Trade Agreements BORG COMPONENTS
• Andorian Turn Summary Card Borg Cubes are their equivalent of Starships. Monolithic,
• Andorian Command Console with 2 Sliders geometric monstrosities capable of defeating fleets of starships,
ADDING ANDORIANS TO YOUR GAME they are a force to be feared. Borg Spires mark Systems under
To integrate the Andorians into your games of Star Trek: Borg control. Over the course of the game, Borg Spires will build
Ascendancy, shuffle the 10 new Exploration Cards into the new Borg Cubes. Borg Assimilation Nodes are built around
Exploration Cards from the core set and add the 9 System Discs Spires. Built Nodes indicate how close the Spire is to completing
(other than Andor) into the mix of System Discs. a new Borg Cube and track that Borg World’s current Shield
Modifier. Players claim Borg Tech Cards when they defeat
Adding the Andorians to your game increases the number of the Borg in combat. The more Borg technology you acquire,
possible players by one. Each additional player adds about an the better you will fare against the Borg. Borg Command
hour to the game’s duration. The Andorian player begins with a Cards direct the Cubes’ movement during the Borg’s turn and
fully-developed Home System with 3 Ships on it as normal. designate the type of System each Cube targets.
To integrate the Ferengi into your games of Star Trek:
Ascendancy, shuffle the 10 new Exploration Cards into your
Exploration Deck and add the 9 System Discs (other than
Ferenginar) into the mix of System Discs.
Ship Control Node Starbase Adding the Ferengi to your game increases the number of
This set includes everything you need to add the Cardassians to possible players by one. Each additional player adds about an
your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. The set includes: hour to the game’s duration. The Ferengi player begins with a
• 10 New Exploration Cards fully-developed Home System with 3 Ships on it as normal.
• 10 New Systems Discs, including Cardassia Prime
• 30 Cardassian Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards VULCAN EXPANSION
• 10 Cardassian Control Nodes
• 15 Cardassian Advancements
• 3 Cardassian Trade Agreements
• Cardassian Turn Summary Card
• Cardassian Command Console with 2 Sliders Ship Control Node Ambassador
This set includes everything you need to add the Vulcans to
ADDING CARDASSIANS TO YOUR GAME your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. The set includes:
To integrate the Cardassians into your games of Star Trek:
Ascendancy, shuffle the 10 new Exploration Cards into the • 10 New Exploration Cards
Exploration Cards from the core set and add the 9 System Discs • 10 New Systems Discs, including Vulcan
(other than Cardassia Prime) into the mix of System Discs. • 30 Vulcan Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards
• 5 Vulcan Ambassador Figures
Adding the Cardassians to your game increases the number of • 10 Vulcan Control Nodes
possible players by one. Each additional player adds about an • 15 Vulcan Advancements
hour to the game’s duration. The Cardassian player begins with • 10 Vulcan Agendas
a fully-developed Home System with 3 Ships on it as normal. • 3 Vulcan Trade Agreements
• Vulcan Turn Summary Card
FERENGI EXPANSION • Vulcan Command Console with 2 Sliders
To integrate the Vulcans into your games of Star Trek:
Ascendancy, shuffle the 10 new Exploration Cards into the
Exploration Cards from the core set and add the 9 System Discs
Ship Control Node Starbase
This set includes everything you need to add the Ferengi to (other than Vulcan) into the mix of System Discs.
your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. The set includes: Adding the Vulcans to your game increases the number of
• 10 New Exploration Cards possible players by one. Each additional player adds about an
• 10 New Systems Discs, including Ferenginar hour to the game’s duration.
• 30 Ferengi Ships with 3 Fleet Markers & Cards The Vulcan player begins with a fully-developed Home System
• 10 Ferengi Control Nodes with 3 Ships on it as normal. In addition, the Vulcans start
• 15 Ferengi Advancements with 3 Ascendancy.
• 3 Ferengi Trade Agreements
• Ferengi Turn Summary Card
• Ferengi Command Console with 2 Sliders

Each player starts with 5 Command
Tokens. Command Tokens should be
Setting up a game of Star Trek: Ascendancy is straightforward.
placed face up where all the players can
Each player starts with their Home System, a few Starships and
see them. Command Tokens are double
some Resources. At the beginning of the game, no Civilization
sided. The “Exhausted” side indicates
has made First Contact and the whole of the Galaxy is yet to be
that the Command has been used this
discovered. On page 8, you can see an example of what a game
turn. Starbases you Control increase your Commands by 1.
looks like when it is set up and ready to play.
Completing an Advancement which pictures a Command
COMMAND CONSOLE & COMPONENTS Token also increases your Commands by 1. Any time you gain a
Each player takes a Command Console for the Civilization Command, it starts play Exhausted and will be Refreshed at the
they’re playing. Command Consoles track Weapon and Shield end of the Game Round.
Levels. Your Weapons start at a Hit Roll of 5+, your Shield
Modifier starts at 0. The bottom of the Command Console ADVANCEMENT DECKS
has spaces for your Resource Token Reserves. Each Command Each Civilization begins with one Starting

Console also contains any Special Rules that apply to that completed Advancement, marked
Civilization. “Starting Advancement” on the card. Place Technology
this Starting Advancement apart from Your Rolls To Hit
your Advancement Deck then shuffle your of 6 always Score
a Hit, regardless of
Advancement Deck. the Rival’s Shield
Over the course of the game, players
will complete additional Advancements.
Before an Advancement is complete, it
is considered a Project. You may have a
number of ongoing Projects equal to the Klingon Starting
number of Research Nodes you Control. Advancement
Each completed Advancement adds Special
Rules to your Civilization and may increase the speed of your
Ships. For full details on Speed and Movement, see page 17.
The Federation Player’s Command Console
Give each player all the components associated with their Each Player’s Home System starts fully Developed with one of
Civilization. Each player should have 30 Ships, 3 Fleet Markers, each Resource Node and one of their Control Nodes.
3 Fleet Cards, 3 Starbase Tokens, 15 Advancement Cards, 10
Command Nodes and their Player Turn Card. STARTING SHIPS
Each player starts with 3 Ships on their Home System.
Each player starts with 3 Production, 3 Research and 3 Culture
If there is a Vulcan player, shuffle the Vulcan Agenda cards. The
STARTING ASCENDANCY Vulcan player draws two Agenda cards, then picks one to place
Each player starts with one Ascendancy Token, apart from face up on the table for all players to see. The other Agenda
a Vulcan player who starts with three Ascendancy Tokens. remains hidden. The Vulcan player wins if they achieve either
Ascendancy Tokens should be placed so that all players can see Agenda. They do not need to achieve both Agendas to win.
how many each player currently has.

Separate the Interstellar Phenomenon System Discs from
the Planetary System Discs. Next, set aside a stack of random
Planetary System Discs equal to twice the number of players,
i.e. 6 Planetary Systems for a three-player game. These are your
starting Planetary Systems. Shuffle the remaining Planetary
Systems with all the Phenomenons, then place the starting
Planetary Systems on top, creating a stack of all the System
Discs with the starting Planetary Systems on top.

Star Trek: Ascendancy uses an organic, growing map that can be
played on any shape of table. Before the game begins, agree on There are two different paths to winning the game (unless you
what part of your game table is usable – can you build right out are playing as the Vulcans who have their own Agendas). You
to the edge? Up to a certain distance from the edge? can win the game by becoming the most ascendant civilization
in the Galaxy or by militarily dominating your rivals.
Each player starts with their Home System, separate from the
other Civilizations. As you play, you’ll discover strange new
worlds, explore interstellar phenomena and uncover unknown ASCENDANCY VICTORY
civilizations. The game board is made up of round System At the end of a Game Round, a player who both Controls their
Discs connected to other Systems via Space Lanes of different Home System and has 5 Ascendancy Tokens wins the game.
lengths. When moving through the map, each System Disc They have established their Cultural dominance over the
counts as one Sector; Space Lanes contain between two and Galaxy. Ascendancy Tokens may be purchased any time on
four Sectors. your turn, with 5 Culture Tokens.
A 3’ x 3’ area works well, with Home Systems placed such that
each Home System is an equal distance from two other players SUPREMACY VICTORY
and about 5 inches from the edge of the play area. At the end of a Game Round, if a single player Controls three
Home Systems, one of which must be their own, that player has
If you place your Home Systems closer together, you’ll come dominated the Galaxy and wins the game.
into contact much faster, allowing earlier trading but creating
more competition for new Systems. Placed farther apart, players Note: if the Vulcan player changes their Home System using
will have more time to discover new worlds and develop their the Vulcan Exodus Advancement, their old Home System is
Civilizations before connecting with the other players’ Systems. no longer a Home System, and does not count towards an
opponent’s Supremacy Victory.
Star Trek: Ascendancy is a competitive game, with every player
trying to dominate, destroy and absorb their rivals. Don’t pull Vulcan players can only win by achieving one of their Agendas.
out your bat’leth when someone invades your home world - it They cannot win through an Ascendancy or Supremacy Victory.
is all in the spirit of the game. The Vulcan player does not need to Control their Home System
to win.
Similarly, if your Civilization is running roughshod over the
Galaxy, try to maintain Picard-level aplomb as you become the One of the Agenda cards states ‘To win the game, complete
Ascendant power in the Galaxy. 3 Advancements from other players, with a least 1 from each.’
If there are four or fewer players, you must complete at least
A NOTE ON GAME LENGTH one Advancement from each other player, and a total of three
Star Trek: Ascendancy is a big, Galaxy-spanning game that Advancements to win. If there are more than four players, you
follows the arc of Civilizations. Be prepared: this is a long game. must complete one Advancement from each of three other
With experienced players, a game will take about an hour players to win.
per player. Your first few games will be longer. Page 39 of this
rulebook includes options for playing the game in less time. TIED VICTORIES
At the end of a Game Round, if two players have achieved
Victory, through Ascendancy, Supremacy or a Vulcan Agenda,
the player who Controls the most Systems wins. If it is still a tie,
both Civilizations have risen to greatness and the players share
the victory.

Home System or Homeworld: The System with which a player
begins the game. You may build Ships and Commission Fleets
in your own Home System, whether or not there is a Starbase
The following is a reference of the important game terms which there. This is not true of a rival’s Home System, if you take
are used throughout the rulebook. Control of it.
Adjacent Sectors: Sectors right next to each other are Adjacent. Hostile: Rivals and their Ships are considered Hostile when you
A Sector is also Adjacent to itself. don’t hold one of their Trade Agreements.
Adjacent Systems: Two Systems are Adjacent if they are Node: A Structure built on a Planet’s surface. This includes
connected by a single Space Lane. Resource Nodes and Control Nodes. Starbases are not Nodes.
Capacity: The potential of a System to hold Resource Nodes. Occupy: You Occupy a Sector when you are the only player with
Systems can hold between one and three Nodes. Ships in that Sector.
Orbit: Any Ship present in a Planetary System is in Orbit,
Connected Space Lanes: A System is Connected to a Space whether or not the System contains other players’ Ships.
Lane if the Space Lane enters or exits the System.
Peace: You are at Peace with any rival whose Trade Agreement
Connected Systems: A System is Connected to another System you hold and their Ships are considered Peaceful.
if there is a chain of Systems and their Connected Space Lanes Project: An Advancement Card that is not yet completed.
linking one to the other. During each Player’s Building Phase, they may add a Research
Contest: You Contest a Sector when you and another player(s) Token to each of their Projects. Each Civilization has a
have Ships in the Sector. A Sector containing more than two unique deck of Advancement Cards containing a variety of
players’ Ships is Contested. technological and civil achievements.
Control: Control Nodes mark which player Controls a System. Refresh: Flip an Exhausted (face-down) game piece face up.
You may gain Control of a System through Colonization, Reroll: Some rules allow you to roll a die again. You may not use
Invasion or Hegemony. You Control a Starbase when you Control a rule to Reroll the same die multiple times. If you have multiple
the System the Starbase is in.
rules that allow you to Reroll dice, you may use different rules to
Developed System: A Planetary System is Developed when it reroll the same die multiple times, but only once per rule.
contains one or more Nodes. Reserves: The Resources you hold on your Command Console
Exhausted: Cards or Tokens that are face-down. Exhausted but have not yet spent.
cards and tokens can not be used until they are Refreshed Resources: Production, Research and Culture are Resources.
(flipped face-up). Ships, Nodes, and Ascendancy Tokens are not Resources.
First Contact: A Civilization is considered to have made First Sector: Any spot on the board in which a Ship can be placed. A
Contact once their Home System is Connected to another System Disc counts as a single Sector, Space Lanes are divided
player’s Home System via Space Lanes and Systems. into 2, 3, or 4 separate Sectors.
Fleet: A group of Ships that moves and fights together. Any Structure: Each physical item built in a System is considered a
rules that apply to Ships also apply to Fleets. Structure. Resource Nodes, Control Nodes and Starbases are all
Game Round: Star Trek: Ascendancy is played in a series of Game Structures.
Rounds. Each Game Round consists of three Stages: Initiative, Supply: The shared Resource Nodes and Tokens in the box that
Execution and Recharge. have not been built or earned by the players. The Supply is
considered to be unlimited.
Undeveloped System: A System with no Nodes is considered

Easily made, easily broken: you can revoke any of your Trade
In Star Trek: Ascendancy, you can’t directly give Resources to
Agreements at any time, for any reason. However, to give back a
other players. What you can do is establish Trade Agreements
rival’s Trade Agreement you hold, you’ll have to betray them.
between your Civilizations, allowing peaceful commerce
between otherwise hostile factions.
Each player starts with three of their own Trade Agreements. If you Attack or attempt Cultural Hegemony against a player
Trade Agreements only produce Resources when they’re given whose Trade Agreement you hold, you have broken the peace
to another player. and must return their Trade Agreement. Once an Attack or
Hegemony attempt has begun, participants can’t exchange
ESTABLISHING TRADE AGREEMENTS Trade Agreements until the conflict is over.
To give or receive a Trade Agreement with a rival, you must
have made First Contact and have a Ship, Ambassador or
Control Node Adjacent to one of that rival’s Ships, Ambassadors
or Control Nodes. You may do this at any time. Once you have
given a rival a Trade Agreement, you may exchange it for one
Each Game Round consists of three Stages: Initiative, Execution
of your other Trade Agreements that you still hold regardless of
and Recharge.
where your Ships are positioned.
Players spend Resources to influence galactic politics and seize
the Initiative this Game Round. The Player who spends the
most Resources gets their pick of the Turn Order Cards for the
The Federation
upcoming Round. Players may only spend Resources if they
and Romulans
have made First Contact.
Players take their turns in the order decided by the Initiative
Stage: building up their Civilization; Researching new Projects;
You may only hold one Trade Agreement at a time from each Upgrading their Weapons and Shields and issuing Commands
rival. You are considered to be at Peace with any player whose to their Ships. On their turn, Players may also spend 5 Culture to
Trade Agreement you currently hold. This allows you to ask Ascend.
permission to move through and into Sectors containing
their Ships, see page 18 for details. Any rivals whose Trade RECHARGE STAGE - PAGE 36
Agreements you do not hold are considered Hostile. At the end of each Game Round there is a Recharge Stage. Each
Recharge Stage consists of:
During the Recharge A Victory Check
Stage, players take the A Generate Resources
Resources pictured on the A Refresh Cards & Tokens
Trade Agreements they
have received. A Add Warp Tokens to Ships at Warp
Tip: Trade Agreements Quark Inspects the Latinum A Resupply Phenomenon with Research Tokens
are a powerful source After the Recharge Stage, another Game Round begins.
of Resources. The first players to make contact and begin
trading will find themselves in an advantageous position.
At the beginning of each Game Round, every player who has
made First Contact has to decide how many Resources they
are going to commit to seizing the Initiative in galactic politics.
Players will then choose their Turn Order Cards in the order of
how many Resources they’ve devoted.

Any type of The Player who

Resource may be spends the most
spent to influence gets their pick of
galactic politics. Turn Order Cards.

Lursa and B’Etor Negotiate for Position

Players who have not made First Contact with another
Civilization have no ability to influence other Civilizations and CHOOSING TURN ORDER CARDS
do not participate. The player who spent the most gets to choose their Turn Order
Note: For the first turn or two, when no one has made First Card first. Players may choose whichever card they’d like, i.e. the
Contact, no one is eligible to influence galactic politics so all player who chooses first doesn’t have to choose the Turn Order
Turn Order Cards will be passed out randomly. 1 card. The remaining players who spent Resources choose their
Starting with the player who went first the previous Game Turn Order Cards in descending order of how many Resources
Round, players who have made Contact may place a number of they Spent. All Resources committed are discarded and
Resources on the Turn Order Card they used the previous turn. returned to the Supply.
You may use any Resource: Production, Research or Culture. Players who haven’t made First Contact or who spent nothing
Players commit Resources in the Order of the Turn Order Cards choose their Turn Order Card randomly from the remaining
they hold from the Previous turn. cards. The Turn Order cards remains face-up throughout the
When it is your turn, you may always choose to commit Initiative Stage.
nothing. If you decide to commit Resources, you may not spend Example: John, Pete and Sally are all connected and eligible to
the same total number of Resources as any other player who participate. Pete went first the previous turn so he decides first
has already gone. and commits 2 Production Tokens. John went second the previous
Note: Star Trek: Ascendancy comes with Turn Order Cards Round, so he goes second and commits 1 Research Token. Sally
marked 1 through 10. When playing a three player game, went third the previous Round so she decides last and commits
use cards 1,2 and 3. 3 Resource Tokens in total (2 Production and 1 Research).

The additional Turn Order Cards can be used with the Since Sally spent the most, she gets first pick of the Turn Order
optional rules on page 39, or in games with more than three Cards, Pete chooses second and John gets the Turn Order Card
players. that’s left over.

You may Colonize an Undeveloped Planetary System you
Starting with the player holding the “Turn Order 1” card, players Occupy by building a Control Node. A System is Undeveloped
take their Turns. Each Player’s Turn consists of a Building Phase when it doesn’t contain any Nodes.
followed by a Command Phase.
Establishing a new Colony is a Resource intensive process;
Ships are often used as the functional core of a new Colony.
Colonizing a new Sector costs 1 Culture, plus 1 Ship in Orbit
of the System being Colonized. Place one of your Control
At the start of each player’s Turn is a Building Phase in which Nodes on the System to show that you’ve colonized the entire
they spend Resources to develop their Civilization, Research system.
Advancements and upgrade their Weapons and Shields. These
may be done in any order. FEDERATION: COLONIZATION FLEET
When a Federation Colonization Fleet Colonizes a System, it
removes the need to discard 1 Culture, replacing it with the
requirement to Disband the Fleet as part of the Colonization
process. If an Exploration Card or other card changes the way
that a System is Colonized, that card takes effect as normal.

The Vulcans’ past explorations seeded the galaxy with Vulcan
colonies and Systems. Some of these have since lost contact
with Vulcan and are waiting to be discovered by other

To represent this, Vulcans do not Colonize Systems in the usual

way. Instead, Vulcans spend an Ascendancy to colonize any
Explored Uncontrolled Undeveloped System (typically an
empty or Virgin world or Pre-Warp Civilization) — even systems
they are not Connected to. This is the only way the Vulcan
BUILD STARSHIPS player may Colonize new Systems in the Building Phase.
Ships cost 1 Production each. You may Build Ships at any
If the Vulcans’ Ascendancy drops below the number of Fleets
Starbase you Control and your Home System (assuming you
they have in play, they must immediately Disband Fleets until
still Control your homeworld) or in a System allowed by one of
that’s no longer the case.
your Advancements. If you’re Building 3 or more Ships in, you
may immediately group them into a Fleet, without spending a
Command. For full details on Fleets, see page 34.

The Ancient Vulcan Reliquary Advancement allows the Vulcans The Ferengi penchant for profit means they don’t spend a lot
to immediately Colonize a System. The Vulcan player does not ­ Ferengi can
of time building up great cultural institutions —
have to pay the usual cost of one Ascendancy to do this. never build Culture Nodes. Their starting Culture Node on
Ferenginar may be their only one, unless they take Control of
VULCAN: COMMUNICATION NETWORK more via Invasion or Hegemony.
The Communication Network Advancement allows the Vulcans
to immediately build a Resource Node at no cost when they FERENGI: ONLY LATINUM LASTS
Colonize a System. In their single minded pursuit of profit, Ferengi are happy to
demolish native paradises and despoil ancient ruins: Ferengi
BUILD A RESOURCE NODE may always build Production Nodes on a System, regardless
Some planets are rich in natural resources, others contain of the System’s normal Resource Node Capacity. They can’t
sites rich in scientific research potential while others have the exceed the normal number of nodes.
potential to support great cities and cultural touchstones. For example, if a System could normally hold 2 Research and
Each System has a Capacity marked with colored tabs around 1 Culture Node, the Ferengi could fill the System with up to 3
the edge of the planet that shows how many of each type of Production Nodes.
Node may be built.
You may only Build Nodes in Systems you Control. To Build a Each player has a limited number of Ships and Control Nodes
Resource Node, spend the cost listed for that type of Node. they can have on the table at a time. It is possible to run out of
Sometimes a System will have “Open” Capacity, which means components if you are playing on a particularly large gaming
that it is a versatile enough System that you can choose what area or with lots of players. You can avoid this by purchasing
type of Node to build there. Later, Resource Nodes built on an Expansion Pack that adds more components. Meanwhile, if
Open Sites can be replaced by paying the full cost of the new you run out of components, you may Disband a Ship or Control
Node. Once built, you may not simply Destroy your Nodes. Node in play to free them up for use elsewhere. If you Disband a
Control Node, return all Resource Nodes on it to your pool.
Note: When you add Ships and Control Nodes with Expansion
Packs, make sure all players have the same amount of each.

This System has the

Capacity to have one
Culture Node and two
Production Nodes.

COMMIT RESEARCH Advancement’s Special Rules immediately. Unless they say
In your Building Phase, you may otherwise, Special Rules may be used during any player’s turn.
also Commit Research by placing Each Advancement has a Type listed on the right hand edge
Research Resource Tokens on your of the card. Some Advancements rules only effect certain
Advancement Projects. You may types of Advancement. For example, the Romulans have an
add one Research Token to each Advancement that allows them to Exhaust an “Espionage” card.
Advancement Project per turn. The When you finish a Project, it is a good idea to let your rivals
amount of Research required to finish know what your new Advancement does. Advancements may
the Project is listed in the upper left of sometimes be Exhausted. Exhausted
each card. Advancements may not be used in any
Claiming Research from Phenomena This Project takes four way and will be Refreshed during the
can speed a Project’s completion. For Research to complete Recharge Stage at the end of the Game
full details on claiming Research from Round.
a Phenomenon, see page 25.
In your Building Phase, you may add one ADVANCEMENTS
Research Token to each of your Projects per Some Advancements picture Warp
turn. Tokens in the lower right hand corner
of the card. When completed, these
Advancements increase the Warp
Speed of your Ships, in addition to This Project increases your
their Special Rules. For details on Ships’ Warp Speed
Warp Movement, see page 17.

Once a project has enough Research to
Some Advancements picture a COMMITTEE
complete it, you may use its rule immediately.
Command Token. When you complete Your Systems’
Hegemony Resistance
an Advancement which pictures a
Once you commit Research Tokens to a project, you can’t move is increased by 1.
Command, the number of Commands
them around or take them back.
you have immediately increases by one.
In the first Game Round, players won’t have any Projects yet. This new Command starts Exhausted
In your Command Phase, you may use Commands to Launch and will be refreshed in the following
New Projects. For full details on Launching new Projects, see Recharge Stage.
page 35.
ROMULAN: This Project increases
Whenever a Project is Discarded, it goes to the bottom of its There are some Romulan Advancements which picture a
Advancement Deck and any Research Tokens on the Project are Culture Token. When a Romulan player completes an
returned to the Supply. Advancement showing a Culture Token, the Romulans
take a Culture Token. This is a Romulan special rule and
FINISHING PROJECTS does not apply to other Civilizations completing Romulan
When you Commit enough Research Tokens to finish a Advancements.
Project, it becomes a usable Advancement. Move it to your
Advancement Area. If applicable, you may use the completed

In addition to committing Research Tokens to Projects, you may Some Advancements’ Special Rules will allow you to do
also spend Research to improve your Weapons and Shields. something extra during your Building Phase. These may be
The cost to upgrade your Weapons and Shields is listed on your used at any time while you’re building.
Command Console, directly across from your current Weapons
and Shield Levels. Unlike Advancement Projects, upgrading END OF BUILDING
your Weapons and Shields is a single, one-time cost, not After you complete your Building Phase, your Command Phase
something you commit Research to over time. begins. Once you start your Command Phase, you may not
spend Resources to Build unless a specific Special Rule
The cost to upgrade your allows you to do so.
Weapons or Shields is
shown directly across from GAINING ASCENDANCY
your current Weapons You may spend five Culture Tokens to take an Ascendancy
and Shields Level. Token at any time during your turn.
Here, the Federation has a
Hit Roll of 5+ and it would
cost four Research to
upgrade to a Hit Roll of 4+.

Andorians take great satisfaction in proving their technological
superiority. At the start of their turn, the Andorians take a
Culture if their Shields or Weapons are the best in the Galaxy. If
they’re both better, they take 2 Culture.

On your turn, after your Build Phase, there are a number of Ships can Move at Impulse or Warp Speed. Each Movement
things you can issue a Command to do: Command moves 1 Ship or Fleet. You may issue more than one
Movement Command to the same Ship in a single turn.
A MOVE STARSHIPS AND FLEETS For example, you could use one Command to have a Ship Exit
A INITIATE SPACE BATTLE Warp, and then use a second Command to have that Ship move at
Impulse Speed.
As you move your Ships into unexplored Space, you’ll place
A ATTEMPT CULTURAL HEGEMONY new Space Lanes and Systems Discs on the board, building the
A COMMISSION A FLEET OR STARBASE galactic map as you play. Discovering and placing a new System
always ends your Movement.
All Ships have a base Impulse Speed of 2. To move a Ship at
When you issue a Command, Exhaust
Impulse, Exhaust a Command and move a Ship up to 2 Sectors.
a Command Token to show it has
You may place new Space Lanes and Systems at Impulse.
been used. When you’re done issuing
Discovering a new System always ends your move.
Commands, your turn is over and the
player with the next Turn Order Card takes
their turn.
All Commands may be issued multiple
times per turn, as long as you have
Commands remaining.

The Romulan Ship moves

2 Sectors at Impulse

To Enter Warp, Exhaust
a Command and
move a Ship or Fleet
just off the System or
Space Lane they are
in and place a Warp
Token next to the Ship, Ships that Enter Warp are
pointing to the Sector considered to be At Warp
from which they Entered Warp.
Ships will accumulate additional Warp Tokens at the end of
each Game Round or by spending additional Commands.
Ships at Warp don’t count as being in the Sector from which
they left. For all intents and purposes, Ships at Warp are not on
Captain Picard has the Com the board until they Exit Warp.
COMMERCE ENFORCEMENT SQUADRON You may always move through Systems you Control, regardless
The Ferengi Commerce Enforcement Squadron can Enter Warp of the presence of rival Ships. You may not enter or pass
in the Ferengi turn without Exhausting a Command. It can only through a Sector that you don’t Control if it contains Hostile
do this if it has not Exited Warp in the same turn. Ships. You must ask for permission to enter or move through a
Sector which contains Peaceful Ships. They may agree or not, as
TRAVELING AT WARP they wish. If they don’t agree, you must end your Movement.
You may also use a Command to give another Warp Token to a
Ship or Fleet that has already Entered Warp. Ships at Warp also Note: If a rival denies you access to a System, you can’t reverse
receive additional Warp Tokens during the Recharge Stage. your course and take back the Movement used to get there.
If you were traveling at Warp Speed, you must end your
EXITING WARP Movement in the Sector previous to theirs.
Exhaust a Command to Exit Warp with a Ship that is at Warp.
When a Ship Exits Warp, it may move through a number of ANDORIAN: RECONNAISSANCE FLEET
Systems equal to the Warp Tokens they’ve accumulated, plus Andorian Fleets focus on reconnaissance and subterfuge. Their
the number of Warp Tokens pictured on your completed Reconnaissance Fleet can seed a System with an Andorian deep
Advancements. If the Ship Entered Warp from a System, don’t space surveillance device.
count the System in which it started. The Reconnaissance Fleet may place one Andorian Token
on any rival-controlled System where it is in Orbit, or that is
Connected to the Space Lane that the Reconnaissance Fleet
occupies. They may not place Andorian Tokens on Phenomena.
The Andorian player may remove Andorian Tokens from
the board at any time, even if they do not currently have a
Reconnaissance Fleet.

With 4 Warp Tokens, the

Klingon Ship may move
up to four Systems.

You may choose to move through fewer Systems or Exit Warp

early in a Space Lane. When you come out of Warp in a Space
Lane, you may stop in any Sector of the Space Lane. After The Andorian Reconnaissance Fleet places
Exiting Warp, discard the Ship’s Warp Tokens. an Andorian Token on the Romulan System.
You may choose to enter a New System as part of your
Warp Movement. Entering a New System always ends your FERENGI:
Movement, even if you have Movement remaining. COMMERCE ENFORCEMENT SQUADRON
The Ferengi Commerce Enforcement Squadron can enter a
System containing rival Ships, regardless of their Trade status,
but must end its move there. You can then Exhaust additional
Commands to move it beyond that System at Impulse or Warp

The Romulan Cloaked Orbital Mines Advancement destroys Some Systems are marked as Hazardous
Hostile rival Ships that enter a Romulan-Controlled System Systems with a Red Alert Warning. When
(as opposed to simply passing through the System without your Ships end their Movement in a
becoming In Orbit of it). Hazardous System, they must Brave the Level 5 Hazards Hit
Hazard and see if they survive. Ships on a 5 or 6
ANDORIAN: COMMAND FLEET Shields protect against Hazards. To Brave a Hazard, add the
The Andorian player can Exhaust a Command during their own Ships’ Shield Modifier to the System’s Hazard Level. The player
Command Phase to switch the position of the Command Fleet to your right then rolls a die for each Ship that ended their
with any other Andorian Fleet. Movement in the Hazardous Sector. For each die roll that is
equal to or higher than the Shield Modified Hazard Level, one
VULCAN: HONEST MEDDLING Ship is destroyed.
Vulcans may use their commands to move other players’ ships,
if they have a Trade Agreement with that player and that
player’s permission to do so. When moving another player’s
ships, all results (hazards, rewards, etc.) of that movement still
apply to the player whose ships are being moved.
In addition, the Vulcan player may not lie to other players.
The Vulcan player should be as honest as possible given the
information that they have at the time. They are not bound
by earlier statements that no longer apply to changed
BOOM! A roll of 5 means the Federation Ship is destroyed
when it ended its Movement in the Hazard.

VULCAN AMBASSADORS For example, a Federation Ship ends its Movement in the Stellar
The Vulcans are experts at diplomacy. Nursery, which is a Level 4 Hazard. The Federation has upgraded
their Shields once, so has a Shield Modifier of 1. The Klingon
PLACING VULCAN AMBASSADORS Player to their right rolls a die. A roll of a 5 or a 6 will destroy the
The Vulcan player may place Ambassadors on an Independent Federation Ship.
or Peaceful System that their Consul Fleet is In Orbit of while Space is big. If you don’t stop in a Hazardous Sector, you don’t
the Consul Fleet is moving at Impulse Speed. They may have up have to make a Hazard roll; you were able to navigate around
to 5 Ambassadors in play at any one time. the dangerous System. If you Build Ships in a Hazardous Sector,
you don’t need to make a Hazard roll when you deploy them
REMOVING VULCAN AMBASSADORS or when they leave. Ships only have to Brave a Hazard when
Rival players may remove a Vulcan Ambassador from their
they end a Movement there.
Systems on their turn, returning it to the Vulcan player’s pool.


The Vulcan player may Exhaust a Command to move an
Ambassador to any System Adjacent to their current System.
In addition, the Vulcan High Council starting Advancement
allows the Vulcan player to Exhaust a Command to move an
Ambassador to any System that they Control that is Connected
to their current System. With 2 Warp Tokens, the Federation Ship is able to
Warp past the Pulsar without Braving the Hazard.
If a Space Lane contains no Ships and is only Connected to
As you Move through the Galaxy, you’ll chart new Space Lanes one System (rather than Connecting two Systems as normal),
and Systems and build a galactic map unique to your game. remove the Space Lane. For example, this can happen when a
Every new map presents new challenges and opportunities. Ship enters a Space Lane but leaves before a System is placed
at the other end or if a Ship in a disconnected Space Lane is
destroyed. Ships at Warp do not count as being on the board:
PLACING NEW SPACE LANES if all the Ships in an open-ended Space Lane are at Warp,
Each System Disc has a maximum
remove the Space Lane and point the Ships’ Warp Token at the
number of Space Lanes that
Connected System.
can Connect to it listed on the
bottom of the System Disc.
When this many Space Lanes are
When moving at Impulse or Exiting Warp, you may move
Connected (whether or not they
beyond the unconnected end of an Space Lane and place a
are Connected to another System), This System can have three
new System Disc.
you may not make any new Space Lanes connected to it.
Connections to that System. To place a new System on the table, draw a new System Disc
and place it face up on the table, Connected to the Space Lane
If the System you’re leaving has unused Space Lane
that contains your Ship. Move your Ship into the new System.
Connections, you may choose to place and then travel in new
Moving into a newly-placed System always ends your
Space Lanes as you’re moving. Roll the Space Lane Die to
Movement. New placed Systems may not touch or overlap
determine the length of the new Space Lane. You may place a
existing Space Lanes or System Discs.
new Space Lane on the map when moving at Impulse Speed or
Exiting Warp. If the new System is Hazardous, you’ll now have to Brave the
Hazard. For details on Hazardous Systems, see page 19.

The Federation player rolls a “4”

On the Space Lane Die and
connects a four Sector Space Lane
to the System they’re leaving.
Place the new Space Lane Connected to the System you’re The Federation Ship starts in the middle
leaving and move the Ship into the new Space Lane. The new of the Space Lane and Discovers a new
Space Lane may be placed anywhere on the outside edge of System moving at Impulse.
the System, as long as there is room for it.
If the new Space Lane won’t fit within the playing area or If the new System at the end of a Space Lane won’t fit within
because there is no room between other Systems and Space the playing area or because there is no room between other
Lanes, it cannot be placed and must be abandoned and your Systems and Space Lanes, it cannot be placed. They System
move ends. does not exist and your Ship must leave the Space Lane which
will then be abandoned.

The green Floating Systems may be swung
When a Ship Exits Warp, it can travel through a number of
in an arc around
Systems. As part of this Movement, the Ship can place new
the System
Space Lanes and Systems. Moving into a newly placed System to which it is
always ends a Ship’s Movement. attached.

With 2 Warp Tokens, the Federation The red Fixed

Ship Warps through an System, Systems may
then places a new Space Lane, then not be moved.
a new System.


As you head into unexplored space, uncertainty abounds.
When you’re leaving a Floating System, you try to make a
The best course to reach one Star System isn’t determined
Connection to can another System (either Fixed or Floating)
immediately upon discovering it. In Star Trek: Ascendancy,
with a new Space Lane.
System Discs are usually not fixed in place on the board when
they are first placed. When you leave the Floating System, roll the Space Lane dice to
see what length Space Lane you’re placing. If that Space Lane is
A System Disc is Fixed when it is Connected to two or more
long enough to bridge the gap between the two Systems, you
other Systems. Fixed System Discs cannot be moved.
can Connect the two Systems with the new Space Lane and
When a System Disc is only Connected to one other System, it continue your Movement.
is Floating. On your turn, you may swing any Floating System
as long as it remains Connected to the System to which it is Both green Systems
Connected. You may want to swing a Floating System to make and the Space
room for a new System or to make a Connection between Lanes to which
Systems. they’re attached are
Floating Systems.
When swinging a Floating System, you may not pick it up off
the board, it can only swing around the single System to which
it is Connected. As soon as a System is Connected to two other
Systems, it is Fixed in place and can no longer be moved.

When leaving a Floating

System, you may also
swing other Floating
Systems in place to
make a connection.

If the new Space Lane isn’t long enough to make the DISCOVERING PLANETARY
Connection you want and the Ship is moving at Warp, you can SYSTEMS
either stop in the new Space Lane or continue on to discover Most Systems are Planetary
a new System at the end of the new Space Lane. If the Ship is Systems, containing potentially
attempting to make a Connection at Impulse and isn’t able to, habitable worlds.
it can reverse course and use its second sector of Movement to
go back to the System where it started, abandoning the Lane. Planetary Systems show the
most prominent planet or other
astronomical features along
DESTROYED SYSTEMS with what type of Nodes can be
Through cataclysm or conflict, a whole System may be built in the System.
destroyed and removed. Move any Ships on the destroyed Planetary Systems
System into an Adjacent Sector unless the effect that destroyed If the System you Discover is a
feature a named Planet
the System says otherwise. Hazardous Planetary System, with sites to place
all the Ships must Brave the Resource Nodes.
If there are then any empty Space Lanes Connected to the Hazard.
destroyed System, remove those as well.
If any of your Ships do survive entry into a new Hazardous
Planetary System or the Discovered System is not Hazardous,
ADDITIONAL MAP RULES draw an Exploration Card and resolve the effects.
There are a few additional rules to keep in mind as you’re
playing and building your Galaxy: If your Ships do not survive entry into a new Hazardous
Planetary System, place an Exploration Card face down on the
A Space Lanes can not cross each other. System. The first player to successfully Brave the Hazard with
surviving Ships will resolve the card.
A System Discs can not touch each other.
Do not draw an Exploration Card when you Discover a
A Home Systems are always considered Fixed in place. Phenomenon.
A You may use a Space Lane to test if a Connection is
possible before committing to Moving. EXPLORATION CARDS
There are five types of Exploration
A A System is only considered Floating if it is Cards: Crisis, Discover, Virgin Worlds,
Connected to a Fixed System. Allies, and Civilizations.
Unless otherwise stated,
Exploration Cards are resolved
immediately and then discarded.
In the case of Hazardous Systems,
the Encounter card will remain face-down on the System until a
player successfully Braves the Hazard and explores the system.

Any options they give players must be used now or never.
Exploration cards marked ‘Remains in Play’ remain face up on
the System until they are resolved (usually when the System is
Colonized) and are then discarded.

Some Exploration Cards are returned to the Exploration Deck A number of the cards in the
rather than being discarded after they are resolved. These cards Exploration Deck are Virgin Worlds;
are either: planets which are perfectly
• Placed on the bottom of the Exploration Deck (don’t suitable for habitation but devoid
reshuffle, just place the Ally on the bottom of the of sentient life that needs to be
Exploration Deck), or accommodated or conquered.
• Shuffled back into the Exploration Deck (do not shuffle the ALLY
discard pile back into the deck; only shuffle the recurring When you draw an Ally card or receive one
Exploration Card back into the Exploration Deck). Doing so from another player, you’ve discovered
will also shuffle any recurring Exploration Cards that are on a faction or person who may be open to
the bottom of the deck. establishing an agreement.
In order to claim the Ally, you have to take a
DIPLOMACY TESTS Diplomacy Test. If you pass the test, set the
Some Exploration Cards are marked as requiring Ally Card in front of you. Ally cards either
a Diplomacy Test with a Diplomacy Number. count as Trade Agreements or have a Special
When you face such an Encounter, you must Rule you can use. If you fail the Diplomacy Test, place the Ally
attempt a Diplomacy Test, with the specified Card on the bottom of the Exploration Deck as a recurring
outcomes if you pass or fail. event.
To make a Diplomacy Test, roll a die and add your Ascendancy.
If the total is higher than the card’s Diplomacy Number, you CIVILIZATION
pass the test, otherwise you fail it. Some Systems you’ll Discover
are already inhabited. These
CRISIS Independent Civilizations range
Crisis Cards present some sort of from primitive, Pre-Warp societies
problem or difficulty. Some Crisis up to fully Warp-Capable, advanced
Card will force the Ships to Brave a Cultures. When you draw a
Hazard. Other Crisis Cards require a “Civilization” Exploration Card, the
Diplomacy Test when drawn. card will direct you to either place Production Tokens on the
System, marking it as a Pre-Warp Civilization, or Warp Tokens,
marking it as an Warp-Capable Civilization.
In additional to Crises, new worlds
hold the promise of never before
seen wonders, technological
revelations and contact with new

Pre-Warp Civilizations have not yet achieved faster than light CIVILIZATIONS
space travel. These worlds have not developed any technology Warp-Capable Civilizations have discovered sufficient
or infrastructure that’s usable by more advanced cultures. technology and built up their planet’s infrastructure such
that Colonization is no longer an option. Whenever there are
Developed Structures on a planet, Hegemony or Invasion are
your only options for taking Control. For details on Planetary
Invasion, see page 30. For details on Hegemony, see page 32.


The following are a couple examples of Discovering Warp-
Capable, Independent Civilizations.

The first player to Colonize Valakis VI will claim the

bonus Production Tokens.

Pre-Warp Civilization cards will direct you to place a number of

Resource Tokens on the System, representing the System’s raw
materials and a population ripe for exploitation. The first player
to Colonize the System takes the Resource Tokens from the

WARP-CAPABLE CIVILIZATIONS The Romulans discover a Level 2 Warp-Capable Civilization on

Each Warp-Capable Civilization card directs you to place a Terra Nova, which has a Capacity for 1 Production, 1 Research and
number of Warp Tokens on the System equal to the level of the 1 Culture. The Civilization card directs you to develop 2 Nodes. The
Civilization, marking it as an Warp-Capable Civilization. Production Capacity is developed first: one Production Node. Next
Each Warp-Capable Civilization card will also direct you to the Research Capacity is developed: one Research Node.
Develop a number of Nodes in the System. When developing
the Resource Nodes of an Warp-Capable Civilization,
develop any Production Capacity first, then Research
Capacity, and finally any Culture Capacity, up to the number
of Nodes the Card instructs you to develop.

The Federation player discovers a Level 3 Warp-Capable

Civilization on Ardana. Ardana has 1 Production, 1 Research and 1
Open Capacity. It is possible to develop 2 Production Nodes, since
Ardana has both a Production and an Open site. The Production
Capacity is developed first, then a Research Node is placed as the
third Node.
Not all Systems contain
CRISIS: CRYSTALLINE ENTITY habitable planets; there is a
The Crystalline Entity Exploration Card destroys all Ships in the wide variety of Interstellar
System unless you have upgraded either your Weapons or your Phenomena that deserve
Shields, or both. further study. Science is
dangerous: Phenomena
DISCOVERY: DARK REFLECTION are Hazardous to study and
The Dark Reflection Exploration Card allows the player opposite
you to control your Ships. If you are playing with an odd
number of players, randomly determine which of the two Do not draw an Exploration
players opposite you does this. Card when you Discover a Phenomena show a
Phenomenon. Instead, when Research Token and
DISCOVERY: THE TRAVELER the System Disc you Discover are Hazardous.
The Traveler Exploration Card requires you to place a new is a Phenomenon, place one
System and move ships from the System that you just explored Research Token from the Supply on the Phenomenon.
to the System just placed.
ALLY: FERENGI ARMS DEALER AND As with Discovering any Hazardous System, all Ships in the
FERENGI RESEARCHER System must Brave the Hazard. If at least one Ship survives,
The Ferengi Arms Dealer and Researcher Exploration Cards take all of the Research Tokens from the Phenomenon. You may
allow you to upgrade Weapons and Shields using Production place this Research on your Projects (no more than one per
rather than Research. If you choose to use this capability, you project) or in your Reserves. If all the Ships are destroyed, all
must use either Production or Research, not a mix of both. Research Tokens remain on the Phenomenon.

The Research
Token may be
placed in your
Reserves or
on a Project.

If one of your Ships starts your turn on a Phenomenon that has
Research Tokens on it, you may attempt to take the Research You can Exhaust a Command
Tokens by spending a Command to Brave the Hazard without to Initiate a Space Battle with
actually Moving. Select the number of Ships you wish to Brave rival Ships in a single Adjacent
the Hazard with. If any of these Ships survive, take the Research Sector, or in a single Sector in
Tokens. which you both have Ships.

ROMULAN: SCIENCE FLEET Each Space Battle consists of The Klingons Fleet in
A Romulan Science Fleet only rolls for one of its Ships when it a number of Combat Rounds position to Initiate
Braves a Hazard. However, that Ship must survive Braving the in which both players roll to a Space Battle.
Hazard to take the Research Token. If it fails, the Science Fleet Score Hits, take Casualties,
can keep attempting to Brave the Hazard with further Ships, then decide whether to Retreat or keep fighting. The player
one at a time, without Exhausting a Command. who Initiates the Space Battle is the Attacker. The player being
Attacked is the Defender.
The Temporal Anomaly Phenomenon allows a player to refresh BATTLES BETWEEN SECTORS
Commands when Braving the Hazard. Each Ship or Fleet only Normally Space Battles take place between Adjacent Sectors.
gains this benefit once per turn. In this case, each player’s Ships remain in their own Sector and
fire into the Adjacent Sector. Any special rules that apply to any
ROMULAN: MINING FLEET Sector of the Battle apply to the whole Battle.
A Romulan Mining Fleet can Exhaust a Command to take 2
Production from a Phenomenon. It does not need to Brave the BATTLES IN THE SAME SECTOR
Hazard to do this, although it still needed to Brave the Hazard Space Battles can take place between rivals in the same Sector.
when it ended its move on the Phenomenon. For example, this can happen if two Civilizations had a Trade
Agreement which was broken, a Cloaking Device was used or
MORE TO LEARN a player built Ships in a System Occupied by a rival. In this case,
During the Recharge Stage, a Research Token will be placed the Ships involved are fighting within the same Sector.
on each Phenomenon that doesn’t already have one. The first
player each Round to successfully Brave the Phenomenon’s ATTACKING
Hazard takes the Research Token. This Research Token may be FROM MULTIPLE The Klingon
placed on a Project or added to your Reserves. SECTORS player may
If you have Ships Exhaust one
in more than one Command to
have all their
Adjacent Sector, you
Ships attack.
may use a Command
to have all the Ships in
Adjacent Sectors join in the attack.


There will only ever be one Attacker, but it is possible for there
to be more than one Defender. If the Sector being Attacked
contains Ships from more than one opponent, all of these
opponents are Defenders. The Attacker must decide how they
will divide their dice between the Defenders before Rolling to
Hit. All the Defenders’ Hits are directed to the Attacker.
The Defenders choose separately whether or not to Retreat
after each Combat Round. The Battle is over when all the
Defenders are eliminated or routed, or the Attacker is
eliminated or routed.

Your current Weapons Level determines your Hit Roll. To Score
a Hit, you need to roll equal to or higher than your Hit Roll. Your
opponent’s Shield Modifier is added to your required Hit Roll,
making it more difficult to hit.
Both players roll a number of dice equal to the number of Ships The Klingon player has upgraded their
they have involved in the Combat. Weapons twice, so now has a Hit Roll of 3+.
The Romulans have upgraded their Shield
INVULNERABLE SHIELDS once, so have a Shields Modifier of 1.
If your opponent’s Shield Modifier increases your Hit Roll above The Klingons will need to roll 4s or better to Hit.
6, you cannot score Hits on their Ships. If both players are in this
situation, the attack cannot succeed, so one of the players will
need to Retreat from Combat to end the Space Battle.


Starbases provide support for your Ships in Space Battles. If any
Ships that are involved in the Combat are in Orbit of a System
you Control with a Starbase at the time you make your Hit Rolls,
roll an additional die to Hit . Starbases cannot fight on their
own. The Romulan and Klingon Ships each
roll a number of dice equal to how many
CARDASSIAN: WEAPONIZED STARBASES Ships they have in the Combat.
The Weaponized Starbases Advancement increases the number A Fleet of 5 Klingon Ships have attacked the Romulans (as they do).
of additional dice rolled to Hit from 1 to 3. The Klingons have upgraded their Weapons twice, so they need to
roll 3 or better to Hit. The Romulans have upgraded their Shields
REROLLS once, giving them a Shield Modifier of 1, so the Klingons have a Hit
Some Advancements and other cards allow players to reroll Roll of 4+. The Klingons roll 5 dice: any rolls of 4, 5 or 6 score a Hit.
Hits or misses in Space Battles they are involved in. Unless an
The Romulans haven’t upgraded their Weapons nor have the
Advancement Card says otherwise, you cannot use it for rerolls
Klingons upgraded their Shields, so the Romulans need a 5 or
in a Space Battle where you are neither the Attacker nor a
better to Score a Hit, since the Klingons Shield Modifier is 0 and the
Romulan’s Hit Roll is 5+.
If any of these are in play during a Space Battle, you will need to
separate your dice into those that scored a Hit and those that
missed. Any cards that reroll successful hits will cause dice from
the first group to be rerolled. Any dice that reroll misses will
cause dice from the second group to be rerolled.
If you reroll a die, the new result replaces the original result,
regardless of the outcome. You cannot reroll a die that has
already been rerolled. The rerolled result is final.
Every Hit destroys an opposing Ship. Both players Roll to Hit After Taking Casualties, each player assesses the state of their
and then Take Casualties simultaneously. If there is a choice of Ships. Starting with the Attacker, players decide whether or not
where casualties are going to be taken, the player who inflicted to Retreat.
the Hits chooses how to allocate the Hits. Retreats are made at up to full Impulse Speed. Retreats must
As Casualties are simultaneous, any Special Rules that are be made through existing Space Lanes; you may not place new
triggered by rival Casualties will occur before the effects of your Space Lanes with a Retreat Move. When you Retreat, all of the
own Casualties are determined. Ships in a Sector must Move out of that Sector as a group and
For example, you score 4 Hits against a rival who has 5 Ships in a the whole group must end their Retreat in the same Sector and
Fleet and 2 individual Ships, you may allocate all the Hits to the Fleet not Adjacent to their opponent’s Ships.
if you wish or spread them between the Fleet and the individual
Ships. If the rival Fleet was a Klingon Marauder Fleet, which gives
you 1 Production for each rival Ship destroyed, and you allocated
all of your Hits against the Fleet, the Fleet would be Disbanded.
However, any Ships you lost would still generate Production for the
Klingon player as they were destroyed by the Marauder Fleet before
it was Disbanded.

Some Advancements give First Strike to Ships or Nodes. In the
first Combat Round of a Space Battle or Planetary Invasion. The Romulans Retreat down a
connected Space Lane. The Klingon
When your Ships have First Strike, your opponent must Take
Fleet has Won the Space Battle and
Casualties before rolling to Hit with their Ships and Nodes. First may Move in and Occupy the System.
Strike is only used in the initial Combat Round of a battle.
First Strike does not grant an extra Attack before Combat
begins, it simply forces your opponent to Take Casualties before BLOCKED RETREATS
firing back in the first Combat Round. If both sides can use First Ships unable to Move because rival Ships are blocking the
Strike in this Space Battle or Planetary Invasion, neither side Space Lanes may not Retreat.
may use it.
For example, 6 Romulan Ships with First Strike attack 4 Klingon
Ships forming a Marauder Fleet. The Romulans score 2 Hits,
destroying 2 Klingon Ships thereby Disbanding the Klingon Fleet.
The remaining 2 Klingon Ships score a hit, however, since they were
not part of a Marauder Fleet when they rolled to Hit, the Klingon
player will not gain any Production.
In the second Combat Round, the remaining 5 Romulan Ships and
2 Klingon Ships will roll to Hit and Take Casualties simultaneously,
as normal.
Klingon Ships block all the
existing Space Lanes,
so the Federation Ships
are unable to Retreat.

If none of the players involved choose to Retreat (or are unable The Andorians are continually on alert for any advantage their
to Retreat), another Combat Round begins. Without Exhausting rivals may have. In battle, they’ll seize on any opportunity to
any additional Commands, continue to fight additional Combat capture and study the enemy’s Ships.
Rounds until either the Attacker or Defender Retreats or a When the Andorians win a Space Battle, they may claim one
player has no more Ships remaining. destroyed Ship. These claimed Ships may be used in later turns
as Research Tokens — but they must be spent before any actual
WINNING A SPACE BATTLE Research Tokens (you can’t hoard rival Ships). Remember, the
The player who destroys all their opponent’s Ships or forces Field Testing ability is only used if the Andorian player wins.
them into Retreat wins the Space Battle. The winning player Andorians can not claim Borg Cubes.
may make a Tactical Maneuver with some, or all, of their
Ships after the Space Battle is over. Tactical Maneuvers are a KLINGON: EVER VICTORIOUS
Move made at up to full Impulse Speed and do not Exhaust a When the Klingon player wins a Space Battle (or fights in one
Command. This move must be made through existing Space where both sides destroy all of their opponents’ Ships), they
Lanes; you may not place new Space Lanes. All of the Ships in a gain 1 Culture if their opponents fielded 3 or more Ships.
Sector that move must Move out of that Sector as a group and If there are multiple Defenders in a Space Battle in which the
the whole group must end their Tactical Maneuver in the same Klingons are defeated, the Klingons still gain the 1 Culture if any
Sector. one Defender that fielded 3 or more Ships had all of their Ships
destroyed or Retreated from the Space Battle.
If the Space Battle is canceled (for instance because the
opponent used the Advanced Romulan Cloaking Device
Advancement), the Klingon player does not gain the Culture.


The Cult of Kahless Advancement allows the Klingon player to
sacrifice their Ships to destroy opposing Ships instead of rolling
to Hit. Choosing to do this prevents you from rolling to Hit with
other Ships in the Battle for this Combat Round.
Your opponent still rolls to Hit with all of their Ships, and
casualties are removed after all rolls to Hit have been made.
Since the player that inflicted the Hits chooses which Ships are
Hit, they will not normally choose the ones that are already
going to die from this card.


The Superior Targeting Array allows you to reroll one die in each
Combat Round.

Vulcan Ambassadors take no part in a Planetary Invasion (aside
When your Ships Occupy a Developed System you do not from adding an extra die to the Defender through the Vulcan
Control, you may use a Command to Invade the Planet. If there High Command Advancement if any Ambassadors are present,
are any rival Ships in the System, you must Attack the Ships in a which they do regardless of who is Attacking the system). They
Space Battle first before Invading the System. If the Invasion is remain in the System no matter what the outcome is.
successful, you will take Control of the System.
Each Planetary Invasion consists of a number of Rounds of TAKING CASUALTIES
Combat in which both players roll to Score Hits, take Casualties, Every Hit scored by the Defender’s Nodes destroys one of the
then decide whether to Surrender, Retreat or keep fighting. Attacker’s Ships.
Note: Invasions are a one-way affair: you may not use a In a Planetary Invasion, the goal of the Attacker is to take
Command to have your Nodes initiate an Attack against Ships Control of the Planet, ideally with minimal damage done to the
Occupying their System. Planet’s Infrastructure. Hits by the Attacker don’t necessarily
destroy Nodes. The number of Hits Scored by the Attacker
VULCAN: LOGICAL OBSERVERS determines the results of the Planetary Invasion. Depending on
The Vulcans are loathe to destroy civilizations with potential to how many Hits the Attacker scores, there are a three possible
eventually become allies or partners. They may not Invade or results:
attempt Hegemony against any Systems controlled by a rival
with lower Ascendancy. SUCCESSFUL INVASION
If the Attacker scores more Hits than the Defender has
SCORING HITS Nodes, the Attacker has invaded with overwhelming force and
The Attacker rolls a number of dice equal to the number of has taken Control of the System and won the Combat. Place the
Ships they have in the System. The Defender rolls a number Attacker’s Control Node on the System, replacing the existing
of dice equal to the number of Nodes they have built on the Control Node if the planet was Controlled by a rival. This is not
planet, including the Control Node. Every dice rolled has a optional, the Attacker must take Control of the System. The
chance to Score a Hit. Starbases do not fight in Planetary Attacker must still take any Casualties caused by the Defender.
Invasions, only in Space Battles. For example, in the illustration to the left, the Klingons would need
to hit with all four of their attacks to seize Control of the Federation
The Klingons The Federation System without destroying any of the Nodes on the planet.
have four rolls three dice,
one per Structure
Ships and
on the Planet
roll four dice, If the Attacker scores fewer Hits than the Defender has
one per Ship Nodes, the Attacker must choose a number of Resource Nodes
to destroy equal to the number of Hits Scored. The Control
Node is not destroyed. Another Combat Round is then fought,
unless the Attacker chooses to Retreat or the Defender chooses
to Surrender.
For Example, if the Klingons to the left only scored a Single Hit, they
could choose to destroy either the Culture Node or the Research
As in Space Battles, both players’ current Weapons Levels Node. If they scored two Hits, they would have to destroy both
determines their Hit Roll. To Score a Hit, you need to roll Resource Nodes, leaving only the Federation Control Node.
equal to or higher than your Hit Roll. Each player adds their
opponent’s Shield Modifier to their Hit Roll, making it more
difficult to Hit.
If the Attacker scores a number of Hits equal to the number If the Invasion was not Successful and was not Repelled,
of Nodes in the System, including the Control Node, the another Combat Round begins. Without spending any
surface has been completely razed in the Invasion. Destroy additional Commands, continue to fight additional Rounds
all the Nodes on the planet, including the Control Node. The of Combat until either the Attacker Retreats, the Defender
Invasion is over: the System will need to be Colonized anew Surrenders or the Invasion is resolved.
in a future turn. Neither the Attacker or Defender has won the
Note: Even if all the Attacker’s Ships are Destroyed, the Results When you take Control of a rival’s intact Research Node, the
of the Invasion are the same, i.e. all the Attacker’s Ships could be player whose Research Node was captured must choose one
destroyed and still have a Successful Invasion. of their Active Projects and give it to you. Any Research on the
card is discarded. If you capture more than one Research Node,
ADVANCEMENTS THAT DESTROY NODES they must give you a Project per Node captured. If the Research
Some Advancements (such as Cardassian Metagenic Weapons Node is destroyed, nothing is captured. If the Invaded player
and Klingon Planetary Bombardments) automatically destroy a does not have any Active Projects, then no Project is seized.
Node for each Attacking Ship. This prevents them from making Place captured Projects in your Project Area.
a Successful Invasion in that Combat Round since a Successful
If a captured Advancement refers to its original owners (such as
Invasion requires capturing the Control Node intact. The only
the Vulcan Exodus, Andorian Imperial Guard, and Ferengi War
results possible are Collateral Damage or Total Annihilation.
is Good for Business Advancements), it now refers to the new
CARDASSIAN: ANNEXATION PROTOCOLS owner, and their Systems, Trade Agreements, Homeworld, etc.
Cardassian Annexation Protocols allow them to treat a Total instead.
Annihilation result as a Successful Invasion, even if the Total
Annihilation was a result of Metagenic Weapons or other Node- CAPTURING STARBASES
destroying Advancements. Starbases are too valuable to destroy. Once a Starbase is placed
on a System it remains there for the rest of the game. When
REPELLED INVASIONS Control of a System changes hands, Control of the Starbase
does too.
If the Defender’s Control Node survives and all the Attacker’s
Ships are destroyed, the Invasion is over and the Defender When you take Control of a Starbase from a rival, take one
retains Control of the System. of their Command Tokens. Place this token with your other
After a Combat Round, the Attacker may choose to Retreat, Command Tokens, face down; it may not be used this turn.
ending the Invasion. When Retreating, the Attacker may make When a Starbase is captured, only the new owner’s Special
an Impulse Speed Retreat Movement. Rules which affect Starbases apply.
With a Total Annihilation result, the Defender has lost Control
SURRENDER TO INVASION of the Starbase and loses a Command, but the Attacker does
not Control it. The first player to take Control of an Uncontrolled
In Planetary Invasions, the Defender cannot Retreat but they
may Surrender. The Defender may choose to Surrender before Starbase gains a Command.
any Combat Round. If the Defender Surrenders, the Attacker
immediately gains Control of the Sector and the Invasion is

Some planets may be Developed but Uncontrolled. You may When your Ships Occupy a Developed Sector you don’t Control,
Invade Uncontrolled Planets normally. Uncontrolled Planets you may attempt to Culturally take over the System through
do not have a Control Node to fight. Uncontrolled Planets’ Hegemony. How resistant a System is to Hegemony depends on
Resource Nodes each add one dice, as normal. The player to how developed its infrastructure is and its culture’s Ascendancy.
the right of the Attacker rolls the uncontrolled System’s Attacks. You must have at least 2 Culture Tokens to attempt to take
Warp-Capable Civilizations’ Weapons Hit Rolls are modified by Control of a System via Hegemony (one to make the attempt
your Shield Modifier normally. and another to take Control, if the attempt was successful),
unless you have an Advancement (such as the Federation
CIVILIZATION TECH LEVELS Starfleet Diplomatic Corps) that reduces the cost of Cultural
Some Civilization Exploration Cards will direct you to place a Hegemony when you only need 1 Culture Token.
number of Warp Tokens on the System, along with Developing
Nodes on the System. The number of Warp Tokens corresponds The Hegemony Resistance of a System is equal to the number
to the Level of that Civilization. The higher the Level of the of Structures in the System plus the Ascendancy of the
Civilization, the better their Weapons and Shields. player who Controls it. Starbases and Nodes (but not Vulcan
Ambassadors) count as Structures and each add 1 to a System’s
Hegemony Resistance.
To attempt Cultural Hegemony, Exhaust a Command and spend
a Culture. Next, roll a die and add your current Ascendancy. If
the total is higher than the Hegemony Resistance of the System,
you must pay an additional Culture Token to take Control of the
System: place your Control Node on the System.


Other species find the Ferengi extremely off-putting, making
Hegemony difficult. Ferengi don’t add their Ascendancy when
making Hegemony attempts. They can still attempt Hegemony,
but it is much more difficult without the addition of their
current Ascendancy.
When a player takes Control of a System with an Warp-Capable VULCAN: LOGICAL OBSERVERS
Civilization, discard the Warp Tokens. The Vulcans are loathe to destroy civilizations with potential to
Note: Rather than keeping the Civilization Card on the table, eventually become allies or partners. They may not Invade or
you can calculate the Independents’ Hit Roll by subtracting the attempt Hegemony against any Systems controlled by a rival
number of Tokens from 6. For example, a Level Two Civilization with lower Ascendancy.
is a 4+ to Hit (6-2=4). The number of Warp Tokens are equal to Note: Even if your Ascendancy is high enough relative to the
their Shield Modifier and is their base Hegemony Resistance. System’s Resistance that Hegemony is going to be automatically
Their Hegemony Resistance is also increased by the number of successful, you still need to pay a total of 2 Culture: 1 for the
Nodes on the System. attempt and 1 to actually take Control.
This means that a Level 4 Civilization has a Weapons Hit Roll of
2+, a Shields Modifier of 4, and a Hegemony Resistance of 4.

The Hegemony Resistance of Developed, uncontrolled
Systems is equal to the number of Nodes plus the
number of Warp Tokens on the System.

The total of the

Romulan’s Ascendancy
+ die is higher than the
System’s Structures
+ Ascendancy, so the The Romulans then pay
Romulans take Control another Culture to take
of the System. Control of the System.

3 Warp Tokens, giving the System a total Hegemony Resistance of

6. The Romulans will need to get a total of 7 on their Hegemony
Example: The Romulans (at Ascendancy 2) Occupy a Klingon attempt: With an Ascendancy of 2, they’ll need to roll a 5 or better
System. The System’s 3 Nodes (2 Resource Nodes and the Control to succeed.
Node) and the Klingons Ascendancy of 1 gives the System a
Hegemony Resistance of 4. The Romulans use a Command and NO HEGEMONY OF PRE-WARP CIVILIZATIONS
spend a Culture to Attempt Hegemony. They roll a 3 and add You may not attempt Cultural Hegemony against a Pre-Warp
their Ascendancy, getting a total of 5, overcoming the System’s inhabited System, it must be Colonized during your Building
Resistance, so they spend another Culture and take Control! Phase.
Tip: You can alternately think of your Ascendancy as reducing
a System’s Resistance, i.e. above, the Romulan’s Ascendancy of SEIZING STARBASES AND
2 reduces the Klingon Resistance from 5 to 3, so the Romulans RESEARCH NODES
need to roll higher than a 3 to take Control of the System. As in a Planetary Invasion, when you take Control of a System
that contains a Starbase you take a Command from the player
HEGEMONY OF WARP-CAPABLE who previously Controlled it. Likewise, if you take Control of
CIVILIZATIONS a rival’s System with a Research Node, you take one of their
When you Discover a Level 1, 2 or Projects. For details, see page 31.
3 Warp-Capable Civilization, the
Exploration Card will direct you
to develop some of that System’s
Capacity and place a number of
Warp Tokens on the System.
The Warp Tokens on an
Independent, Warp-Capable
System is added to the System’s Hegemony Resistance.
Independent Civilizations won’t have Control Nodes; the
Hegemony Resistance of the System is the number of
Developed Resource Nodes plus the number of Warp Tokens on
the System.
For example, the Romulans attempt Hegemony of a Level 3 Warp-
Capable Civilization. The System has 3 Developed Nodes, plus the

There are two ways to form a Fleet. You can form newly-built
Starbases allow you to build Ships away from your Home Ships into a Fleet in the Building Phase (see page 13), and
System. Grouping Ships into a Fleet allows you to move much you can use a Command to group Ships into a Fleet in the
more efficiently and may benefit from Fleet special rules. Command Phase.
To group Ships into a Fleet in the Command Phase, the Ships
COMMISSION A STARBASE must be in your Home System, at one of your Starbases,
Commissioning a Starbase is a major or in a System allowed by one of your Advancements.
endeavor, not to be taken lightly. To Only these Systems have the facilities necessary to equip and
Commission a Starbase, Exhaust a retrofit Ships for specialized Fleet configurations. Exhaust a
Command and place a Starbase Token Command, take at least 3 Ships off the board and place
next to a System you Control that does them on one of your three Fleet Cards. Then place the
not already contain a Starbase. There is no appropriate Fleet Marker on the board, in the same System.
Resource cost to Commission a Starbase,
but you may only place three of them over the course of the The Federation
entire game. You may only Commission one Starbase per Commissions a
Fleet and moves
Ascendancy Level you’ve achieved. You may Control more
4 Ships from
than this, if you have taken Starbases from rivals. Once placed, the board to a
Starbases are not moved, discarded or destroyed. Fleet Card.
Each Starbase you Control increases your number of
Commands by one. The additional Command starts Exhausted;
you may not use it this turn.

From the outside, Andorians may appear disciplined, but
Andorian captains are fiercely independent and protective of
their accomplishments. Convincing prideful captains to work
together often requires the Chancellor’s firm hand. When The Federation Fleet
Commissioning a Starbase, Exhaust two Commands instead of Marker 1 replaces the
Ships on the board.


When forming Andorian Fleets, Exhaust two Commands
Vulcans can not build Star Bases, although they can gain
instead of one. Andorian Ships may still be grouped into a Fleet
Control of them through Planetary Invasions and Cultural
in the Building Phase without Exhausting a Command.
Hegemony. Having gained Control of a Starbase, they gain the
extra Command and can build Ships and form Fleets there as FLEET TYPE & STRENGTH
normal. Each Civilization has three different Fleet Cards, each of which
is double-sided. The different sides of Fleet Cards have different
Special Rules and allow for different numbers of Ships. When
you Commission a Fleet, you must choose which side you’re
using. To use a different side of a Fleet Card, you must Disband
the Fleet and re-Commission it at your Home System or a

The number of Fleets you can form is limited by your
Ascendancy. You cannot have more Fleets in play than you On your turn, you may Exhaust a Command to draw two Cards
have Ascendancy Tokens. You may form them in any order, from your Advancement Deck and add them to your Project
i.e. you may Commission your Fleet #3 when you only have Area. The number of Research Nodes you currently Control
1 Ascendancy Token. is the maximum number of Active Projects you may have.

Two separate Klingon Ships

join the Klingon Fleet.

ADDING & REMOVING SHIPS FROM FLEETS The Romulans use a Command to Launch New
You may add or remove Ships that are in the same Sector as Projects, drawing 2 new Advancement Cards. They
one of your Fleets at any time during your turn, except when Control 3 Research Nodes, so can have 3 Projects.
the Fleet is using a Movement Command (moving at Impulse With 2 current Projects, they need to discard
one Active Project or one of the new cards.
Speed or is at Warp). If a Fleet is at Warp, it must drop out of
Warp before you can add or remove Ships from it.
You may Launch Projects even if doing so would put you over
You do not have to be in your Home System or at a Starbase to your maximum number of Projects. Any time you have more
add or remove Ships from a Fleet. Projects in your Project Area than you Control Research
Nodes, you must discard a number of Projects until you’re
DISBANDING A FLEET back down to your maximum number of Projects allowed.
At any time on your turn, including your Building Phase, you You may discard Projects that were already in your Project Area
may choose to Disband a Fleet that is not at Warp by taking the or newly-drawn Projects.
Ships off the Fleet Card and putting them back on the board
Place any discarded cards on the bottom of your Advancement
in the same Sector. It does not take a Command to Disband a
deck and return any Research Tokens on the discarded Projects
to the Supply. Do not shuffle your Advancement deck.
If a Fleet ever contains fewer than three Ships it is
Note: You may sometimes take an Advancement Card from
immediately Disbanded, even in the middle of a Space Battle
another player. If you discard an Advancement Card that came
or Planetary Invasion. Any special rules are immediately lost.
from another player’s Advancement Deck, it goes back to the
FLEETS IN SPACE BATTLES bottom of their deck.
If the Fleet has a Special Rule that affects their Attack, roll the
dice for the Fleet separately when rolling to Hit with both a
The Rule of Acquisition #21 Advancement allows you to draw
Fleet and individual Ships.
Advancement Cards from their rivals’ Advancement Decks, but
limits them to one Advancement Card acquired in this way at
any time.
At the end of each Game Round, there is a Recharge Stage
Some Special Rules on Advancements or Command Consoles in which players’ Resource Nodes Generate Resources, Trade
may require you to Exhaust a Command to use the Rule. Special Agreements generate Profits, some Advancements provide
Rules requiring the use of a Command may be used multiple Resources and some basic game maintenance takes place.
times per turn. Unless they say otherwise, Special Rules may be
used during any player’s turn.
Some cards’ Special Rules will instruct you to “Exhaust” the At the very beginning of the Recharge Stage, if anyone has
card itself. To Exhaust a card, flip the card face down. Abilities achieved an Ascendancy, Supremacy or Vulcan Agenda Victory,
that require you to Exhaust the card can only be used once per they have won the game. For details on Winning the Game, see
Game Round. Exhausted cards are Refreshed at the end of each page 9.
Game Round, during the Recharge Stage.
The Ferengi Espionage Advancements Exhaust certain types of EXTERMINATION
cards. Unlike other Espionage cards, the Ferengi may use theirs If a player has no Ships and Controls no Systems, their
multiple times per turn, as long as they can pay the Production Civilization has been exterminated and that player is eliminated
cost. from the game. All of that player’s cards (including Trade
Agreements given to rivals and Advancements taken from
EXHAUSTED CARDS rivals) are discarded. Any of their Advancements held by rivals
When a card is Exhausted, it is temporarily out of the game remain in play until discarded.
until it is Refreshed in the Recharge Stage at the end of the
turn. Exhausted cards can not be used in any way: Exhausted RESOURCE GENERATION
Advancements don’t increase the Warp distance of your Ships, Each player takes a Resource for each Resource Node
Exhausted Trade Agreements may not be revoked, discarded, they Control. Each Node produces 1 Resource of its type:
traded, etc. However, Tokens gained from or placed using this Production Nodes Generate Production, Research Nodes
Advancement remain in place. Generate Research and Culture Nodes Generate Culture. Some
Advancements may also Generate Resources
If you have a finished a rival’s Advancement, you gain the
benefits of its Special Rules. Any reference to the rival’s
civilization now becomes a reference to your civilization.

Cardassian-Controlled Systems only Generate Resources if there
is a Cardassian Ship in Orbit around that System.

Profit is what really matters! Ferengi may purchase Culture ships in orbit of 3
Tokens for 5 Production. Federation Systems.
If they hold a Ferengi
the Federation will
Each Trade Agreement has a number of Resources pictured
receive 3 Production.
on it. During Resource Generation, players take the Resources
pictured on the Trade Agreements they have received. The Ferengi will
receive 3 Production
Tip: Letting the player who’s in the lead continue to hold from their Starting
your Trade Agreements may allow them to widen their lead! Advancement,
For example, the Klingon regardless of
player currently holds a Trade Status.
Federation 1 Production
Agreement and a Romulan
The Ferengi starting Advancement Generates 1 Production,
2 Production Agreement.
for each rival-Controlled System that the Ferengi have Ships
They still hold their own 3
Orbiting. The more Systems the Ferengi are able to negotiate
Production Agreement. During
themselves into, the more trade profit they receive!
Resource Generation, the
Klingon player doesn’t get
anything from their own Trade
Ferengi Trade Agreements do not have a fixed value. Instead,
Agreement (you can’t trade
they generate 1 Production for each System that you Control
with yourself) and gets a total
that has Ferengi Ships in Orbit around it. Profits for everyone!
of 3 Production from the rival
Remember, holding your own Trade Agreements doesn’t do Sometimes a Trade Agreement may become Exhausted. You do
you any good. Only Trade Agreements from other players not receive any Resources from Exhausted Trade Agreements
Generate Resources. during Resource Generation. Exhausted Trade Agreements may
not be revoked or exchanged until they are Refreshed during
Maintenance. However, you still remain at Peace with a rival if
the Trade Agreement you hold is Exhausted.
Note: The Romulan’s Suspicious special rule requires them to
Exhaust all Trade Agreements when they receive one or have
one they hold exchanged for another. This forces them to wait a
turn until they benefit from the Agreement.

Lithium Cracking Station

Some Advancements generate Resources. During Maintenance, add an
5 additional Warp Token to any

These cards will not picture the Resources
ORBITAL being generated, since they often vary Ship currently traveling at
from turn to turn. Warp.
During Resource
Generation, take For example, in the card to the left, the Tip: While you can spend
1 Research for
Command Tokens during Add a Warp
each Starbase you Federation player gets a Research Token
Control. your turn to add Warp Tokens Token to each
for each Starbase they control. When they Ship at Warp
Commission or take Control of a new to Ships, if you are patient,
Starbase, they’ll receive more Research at you’ll get them for free.
during Resource Generation.
During Maintenance,
MAINTENANCE add a Research
After all players have finished Generating Resources, there are a
Token to any
few things to do before starting the next Game Round.
Phenomena that
doesn’t already
have one. If a
As part of Maintenance, Refresh all Cards and Command
Phenomena already
Tokens, so they’re ready to be used again the following turn.
has a Research Token
Each player should have 5 Commands, plus one per Starbase,
on it, don’t add an
plus any additional Commands from Advancements.
additional token.
The Cardassian Totalitarian Regime starting Advancement gives
The first player to Place a Research Token on
them 6 Commands rather than 5 as their base level.
successfully Brave a Phenomenon when it is
REFRESH TRADE AGREEMENTS the Hazard each Discovered and during each
Game Round claims Recharge Stage, only if it
Normally, Trade Agreements are face-up when you receive doesn’t already have one.
them and stay that way. However, they may sometimes become the Research from
Exhausted. During Maintenance, Refresh any Exhausted Trade the Phenomenon.

When all the players are experienced Captains with a few
The following includes a variety of optional rules you may use games under their belt, try some of these optional rules for an
to make the game more challenging, faster or just different. extra challenge.
You may use any, all or none of these in your games. Feel free to
make up your own variations and house rules too! MYSTERY TURN ORDER
Use twice as many Turn Order Cards as there are players. Each
ACCELERATED RULES Game Round, shuffle the Turn Order Cards and set half of them
aside. When it is each player’s turn to choose a Turn Order Card,
The following optional rules make the game play a little faster.
These can be useful if you’re short on time. they don’t reveal their choice to their rivals until it is their turn.


All players take their first turns simultaneously, building and Instead of separating the Phenomena in Set Up, shuffle all the
spending their Commands at the same time. Players may not System Discs together.
make Contact during this turn. If everyone agrees, you may also
take your second turn simultaneously.
Rather than asking for permission to travel through Sectors of
EXTRA STARTING RESOURCES rivals with whom you’re at peace, you may freely move through
Each player starts with 8 Production, 6 Research and 4 Culture. rival Ships with which you’re at peace. You may only revoke
your Trade Agreements on your Turn.
During the Game Set Up, each player starts with one Project HUMBLE BEGINNINGS
in their Project Area. If you’re a new player, draw the Project Each player starts with no Resources and no Ascendancy (aside
randomly. If you’re more experienced, you can pick which from the Vulcans who begin with 3 Ascendancy as per their
Project you start with. normal starting rules).


During the Game Set Up, each player starts with one completed When you use a Command to Launch a new Project, you do not
Advancement. Players can either draw the Advancement draw 2 random Advancements. Instead, you may look through
randomly or look through their Advancement Deck and choose your Advancement Deck and choose one Advancement as the
which Advancement they’d like. Project to Launch.


Instead of devoting Resources to choosing Turn Order Cards in When attempting Colonizing a System, Invading a Planetary
the Initiative Stage of each Game Round, pass the Turn Order System, or attempting Cultural Hegemony in a System in which
Cards out randomly each turn. only you and a peaceful rival have Ships, you may ask that
rival for permission to do so. If they grant their permission, you
WILD CULTURE can proceed as if their Ships were not there. If they deny their
Culture Tokens may also be used as either Production or permission, you must fully Occupy that System (i.e. be the only
Research Tokens. player with Ships in the System) as normal.

Ascendancy Tokens only cost 4 Culture Tokens instead of 5.

With her second Command, marks where
On your first turn, you start with three Ships in your Home she has a Ship Enter Warp. the Ship
She moves one of her Ships Entered Warp
System, ready to explore the Galaxy. Here’s what your first foray
into the Galaxy might look like. In this example, Sally is playing off Earth and places a single
as the Federation. The Special Rule “Random Galaxy” is being Warp Token on the table,
used, which shuffles the Phenomenons into the stack of System pointing back to Earth.
Discs in Set Up.
BUILDING PHASE With her third Command, she has the same Ship Exit Warp. With
a single Warp Token, her Ship can Exit Warp up to 1 System
On Sally’s first turn, she has 3 Production, 3 Research and 3
Culture. Since she hasn’t Discovered any new Systems yet and away. Because there are no existing Space Lanes Connected to
Earth is fully Developed, there are not as many decisions to Earth, she has to place a new Space Lane. Sally rolls the Space
make as there will be in future turns. Lane Die and gets a 3. Her Ship travels to the end of the Space
Lane, then she places a new System Disc at the end of the new
Sally decides to spend 1 Production to build an additional Space Lane.
Ship. This still leaves 2 Production in her Reserves, enough to
build some Resource Nodes on her next turn, if she finds an
Undeveloped System she could Colonize.

In her Command Phase, Sally has five Commands. For her first
Command, Sally Exhausts a Command to Launch New Projects. The Ship Warps into a new
Space Lane and a new
System, Murasaki 312.
The new System is Murasaki 312, a Phenomenon. Her Ship now
has to Brave the Hazard. John, the player to her right, rolls a
single die for her Ship. He rolls a 4, below the Phenomenon’s
Level 5 Hazard, so her Ship is safe.
Because Sally’s Ship survived the Hazard, she takes the Research
Token and places it on “Starfleet Diplomatic Corps”, committing
it to her newly Launched Project. The Federation’s “Explore
Strange New Worlds” rule mean she gets to add a bonus Culture
to her Reserves, because she Discovered a Phenomenon.
Sally draws two Advancement Cards. She can place
The Ship successfully Braves the
one in her Project Area and must Discard the other,
Hazard, so Sally takes the
because she only Controls one Research Node.
Research from the Nebula.
One key early decision is whether or not to Commission
a Starbase on Earth. On one hand, it would increase her
Commands by 1, which is very useful. On the other hand, Sally
can already build Ships on her Home System, so some of the The Research Token can
utility of a Starbase is lost when it is on a Home System. For be added to her Reserves
or placed on a Project.
now, Sally waits to see what Systems she Discovers.

With Sally’s fourth and fifth Commands, she has a second Ship Finding a Phenomenon and an
Enter Warp and then has it Exit Warp into another new System. inhabited System means that
She again rolls the Space Sally isn’t going to be able to
Lane Die, places a new Space build a Colony on her next turn.
Lane and then places a new Developed Systems have to be
System at the end of the taken with Invasion or Hegemony.
new Space Lane. She finds a BUT - the Federation’s Prime Directive prohibits them from
Planetary System that is not Invading Systems, so Sally will have to Attempt to Hegemony
Hazardous, so Sally draws an the Delta IV System on her next turn if she wants to gain
Exploration Card. Control of it. With two already built Nodes, she definitely does!

The second System the Federation Discovers is a Both the Resource Nodes and Research Tokens
Sherman’s Planet being placed contribute to the System’s Hegemony Resistance
Planet inhabited by an Warp Capable Civilization.
on the table, plus a Production Node,
Research Node and 2 Research Tokens

Research Tokens on the planet, marking it as such.

With two Warp Tokens, the new System already

has a Production and a Research Node built.
As shown above, with two
Developed Nodes and two Warp

Delta IV has the two Research Sites and one Open Site. The Card Tokens, the Hegemony Resistance
directs Sally to develop 2 Nodes in Priority Order. Production of the System is four. Sally has one UNIVERSAL
comes first, so Sally places a Production Node on the Open Site. TRANSLATOR
Ascendancy and the Federation’s
Research is next in Priority Build Order, so she places a Research starting Advancement gives her +1 When attempting
Hegemony, add 1
Node as the second Node. If she’s able to take Control of the to Hegemony Attempts. When she to your die result.
System later, Sally may want to spend the resources to built a attempts Hegemony, she needs to
Culture Node on that Open Site instead. surpass the System’s Resistance. With
The Federation’s Special Rule +2 to the roll, she’ll need to roll a 3 or
means that Sally gets another better to take Control of the System.
bonus Culture for Discovering On her next turn, she’s planning on adding another Research to
a Civilization! She now has 5 her Project during her Building Phase, then trying to Brave the
Culture, enough Culture that Hazard in the Murasaki 312 Phenomenon. If that’s successful,
she could Ascend, but decides the Research Token from the Phenomenon will be enough to
to wait and use the Culture to finish her first Project.
attempt Hegemony of Delta IV on her next turn. To successfully
If all goes well, she’ll have a second System under her Control
Hegemony a System, she’ll need at least two Culture.
and a second completed Advancement by the end of her next
She has used her last Command, so her turn is over. turn.

Starting with the Each Player takes a turn starting with At the end each Game Round
player holding the first their Building Phase and followed players Check for Victory, Generate
Turn Order Card, players by their Command Phase. Building Resources and do Maintenance to
spend Resources to Costs and Command Options are prepare for the next Game Round.
influence galactic politics found on each reference card. Check for Victory: Has any
and seize the initiative player achieved an Ascendancy
this Game Round. or Supremacy Victory, while still
The Player who spends Controlling their Home World?
the most Resources Generate Resources: Players take
gets their pick of the Resources from Trade Agreements
Turn Order Cards for the and Nodes they Control.
upcoming Round. Maintenance: Add Warp Tokens
Players may only spend to Ships at Warp, Research Tokens
Resources if they have to Phenomenons and Refresh
made First Contact. Exhausted Commands and Cards.

Sean Sweigart John Kovaleski John Van Citters, Marian Cordry,
Aaron Dill and Yasmin Elachi, Veronica Hart,
PRODUCERS Brian Lady, Keith Lowenadler
GRAPHIC DESIGN Peter Simunovich Special Thanks to all the
Katie Dillon John-Paul Brisigotti Battlefront Staff who provided
feedback and playtesting
Peter Przekop Charles Woods

James Abele, Jason Buyaki, Jason Delaney, Justin Evans, Patrick Gribble, Mark Honeycutt, Sally
Honeycutt, Leonard Landrey, Stuart Lapwood, Jeff Lindsay, Greg Lockton, Greg Morris, Richard Roe,
Phil Petry, Gabriel Rosauro, Rob Sadler, Steve Shipe, Conor Sipe, Benjamin Torell, Dean Webb, Lizzie
Willick, Les Whittaker, William Yowell


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