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Data As A Force For Public Good

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Data as a force for public good

Main messages

1 Public intent data, a foundation of public policies, can play a transformative

role in the public sector. However, gaps in the availability, quality, and
usability of these data are pervasive, particularly in low-income countries—
the countries that stand to benefit most from improving public intent data.

2 Lack of resources, technical capacity, and data governance hamper the

production of useful data for public policy. Lack of data literacy and
demand for data limits their use for public policy.

3 These problems can be addressed through the high-level prioritization

of data, including long-term financing, investments in human capital, and
laws conducive to the safe production, exchange, and use of data. Some
investments in better data have paid for themselves.

4 Ensuring a political commitment to and predictable government financ-

ing for the production of public intent data remains a central struggle in
lower-income countries. The political will to prioritize funding for data
systems can be stimulated by boosting the demand for data.

Data as a force for public good | 53

The central role of public execution, monitoring, and evaluation of public pol-
icy, or through other activities—are a prerequisite
intent data

for many government functions. For that reason,
uppose a woman walks into a doctor’s office government agencies are the primary producers of
and is given a diagnosis without examination public intent data through censuses, surveys, and
by the doctor: no measurement of her heart administrative data, among other things. Citizens,
rate, no recording of her symptoms, and no review of civil society organizations (CSOs), nongovernmental
her medical history. The doctor just prescribes a med- organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, and
ication. Such an approach, and such a world in which international organizations also contribute critically
crucial data are not gathered, analyzed, and acted on, to the production of public intent data through sur-
would not be welcome, to say the least.1 veys, crowdsourcing platforms, and other means.
Yet all too often governments make decisions Data from firms can also be used for public policy—
affecting people’s well-being without understanding a topic that will be covered in chapter 4.4 This chapter
or even taking into account essential data. Designing distinguishes between six types of public intent data
policies without data is akin to a shot in the dark.2 that all serve the public good (box 2.1).
This problem is particularly acute in the poorest The discussion that follows uses country examples
countries, where gaps in both the availability and the to describe three important pathways through which
use of data are severest.3 public intent data can bring value to development by
Just as data gathered by a doctor can help improve (1) improving service delivery, (2) prioritizing scarce
a patient’s diagnosis and ultimate well-being, data resources, and (3) holding governments accountable
gathered by governments, international organiza- and empowering individuals. But these are not the
tions, research institutions, and civil society can only pathways. Others include regulating the econ-
improve societal well-being by enhancing service omy and markets, fostering public safety and secu-
delivery, prioritizing scarce resources, holding gov-
rity, and improving dispute or conflict resolution.
ernments accountable, and empowering individuals.
The country examples reveal several conditions
These data serve as the foundation for core functions
that should be in place to maximize the value of pub-
of governments and their endeavors to reduce pov-
lic intent data. The data need to be (1) produced with
erty. The data a doctor gathers often take the form of a
adequate spatial and temporal coverage (complete,
conversation or some other means of communicating
timely, and frequent); (2) high in quality (granular,
information between patient and doctor. In the same
accurate, and comparable); (3) easy to use (accessible,
way, data gathered with the intent of informing public
understandable, and interoperable); and (4) safe to
policy should enrich the policy dialogue and allow for
use (impartial, confidential, and appropriate)—see
systematic flows of information and communication
figure 2.1.5 With these features, development-related
among governments, their citizens, and commerce.
data have the potential to transform development out-
Such flows of information and communication
comes. For this potential to be realized, the data must
require long-term investments in statistical capacity,
be used explicitly to generate public good, including
infrastructure, data governance, data literacy, and
through the three pathways summarized in the fol-
data safeguards. These investments depend on one
lowing sections.
another. Failure in one area jeopardizes the value that
data bring to development. Too often these invest-
ments are not made in the poorest parts of the world, Pathway 1: Improving service delivery
contributing to data deprivations and poverty. Increasing access to government services. One of the
How should such deprivations be addressed? This fundamental ways in which public intent data can
chapter discusses the pathways through which data improve livelihoods is by increasing access to gov-
for public policy generate value for development, the ernment services. More access often requires data
obstacles to safe realization of value, and how those representative of all residents. Use of administrative
obstacles can be overcome. data, particularly foundational identification (ID)
systems such as national IDs and civil registries as
Public intent data and well as digital identification, ensures that all persons
are covered and access is equitable. In Thailand at the
development: Three pathways
turn of the century, only 71 percent of the population
for adding value was covered by a public health insurance scheme
Public intent data—data collected with the intent that was intended to be universal. Yet the country
of serving the public good by informing the design, had a near-universal foundational ID and population

54 | World Development Report 2021

Box 2.1 Six types of public intent data

Administrative data—such as birth, mar- citizens face.b Examples include HarassMap, an Egyptian
riage, and death records and data from tool that maps cases of sexual harassment based on
identification systems; population, health, citizen reports, and ForestWatchers, a platform through
education, and tax records; and trade which citizens monitor the deforestation of the Amazon.
flow data—are generated by a process of registration or
record keeping, usually by national authorities. Admin- By contrast, machine-generated data are
istrative data also include data used by governments to automatically generated by a sensor,
run projects, programs, and services. The digital revolu- application, or computer process without
tion has created new types of administrative data—for human interactions. An example is the
example, when education and health inspectors’ use of sensors that monitor air pollution. These data emerge
smartphone apps channels data to a central register. when devices are embedded with sensors and other
technologies, allowing them to transfer data with each
Censuses aim to systematically enumerate other, a system known as the Internet of Things.
and record information about an entire
population of interest, whether individ- Geospatial data relate multiple layers of
uals, businesses, farms, or others. Most information based on their geographic
prominently, population and housing censuses record locale. Public intent geospatial data
every person present or residing in a country and provide include satellite imagery of the Earth
essential information on the entire population and their such as that provided by the US National Aeronautics
key socioeconomic conditions. and Space Administration’s Landsat program and the
European Space Agency’s Copernicus program; weather
Sample surveys draw on a smaller, repre- data; and cadastral (property and land record) data.c
sentative sample of the entire population,
typically from censuses, to collect detailed These data types are neither exhaustive nor mutually
information more frequently. These sur- exclusive. For example, all data sources can be geo-
veys cover many domains such as household surveys, referenced and thus can be used in geospatial applica-
farm surveys, enterprise surveys, labor force surveys, tions, and some administrative data and geospatial data
and demographic and health surveys. Key official statis- can be machine-generated. Data sources are interoper-
tics, such as unemployment and national accounts, rely able when they can be linked across and within these
on survey data, often in combination with administrative types though common numeric identifiers for persons,
data and census data.a facilities, or firms; geospatial coordinates; time stamps;
and common classification standards.
Citizen-generated data are produced by
individuals, often to fill gaps in public and
a. Sample surveys also include the surveys that are implemented by social
private sector data or when the accuracy media companies and target a sample of users who are active on their
of existing data is in question. These data, platforms. Examples include the Future of Business and Gender Equality
at Home surveys conducted on the Facebook platform.
which can have an important monitoring and account- b. Meijer and Potjer (2018).
ability function, contribute to solving problems that c. Such data sources are discussed in greater detail in chapter 4.

Figure 2.1 Certain data features can maximize the value of public intent data

Ensuring the data have Ensuring the data Ensuring the data Ensuring the data
adequate coverage are of high quality are easy to use are safe to use

• Completeness • Granularity • Accessibility • Impartiality

• Timeliness • Accuracy • Understandability • Confidentiality
• Frequency • Comparability • Interoperability • Appropriateness

Source: WDR 2021 team, drawing on Jolliffe et al. (forthcoming).

Data as a force for public good | 55

registration system in which citizens and residents Mobile technologies have the potential to speed
were issued a personal ID number when they were up emergency responses. In Uganda, a health report-
born or when their households were registered for the ing program that provides beneficiaries, health pro-
first time. Leveraging this register and the personal fessionals, and the Ministry of Health with real-time
ID information from the existing public insurance health data by using text messaging was able to cut
scheme, the government was able to identify the pop- the response time to outbreaks of disease by half. The
ulation not covered and so was able to increase health technology was used after the 2012 Ebola outbreak
insurance coverage from 71 percent to 95 percent.6 to help implement quarantines and other protective
Machine-generated data also have the potential to measures.9 As these examples demonstrate, timely
markedly improve access to services such as water. data can contribute to quick reactions to a crisis.
In Kenya, sensors on water hand pumps, which are Generating useful knowledge. Data generated and
inoperable in one-third of rural Africa, provide real- used by academic institutions, think tanks, and inter-
time data on their functionality. This system helped national organizations play a vital role in ensuring
reduce the average time to repair a broken pump from that policies are evidence-based. Impact evaluations of
27 days to three days and the median time from six reforms and development projects are frequently used
days to one day (figure 2.2).7 to assess whether past policies have had the intended
Better preparing for and responding to emergencies. consequences and to improve program design. In the
Public intent data can also lead to a better emergency last few decades, numerous field experiments have
response when disasters hit, whether environmental, tested policies in a real-life setting under strict statis-
financial, health, or conflict related. For example, tical conditions that allow cause and effect to be ascer-
weather data, especially weather forecasts, can help tained. Findings from such experiments have been
people anticipate and prepare for extreme events. used to implement new policies and scale up existing
The value of such data was revealed by two intense programs. One estimate suggests that the new poli-
cyclones in the Bay of Bengal 14 years apart. The cies and programs built on the research findings have
1999 cyclone caught the Indian state of Odisha by reached more than 400 million people worldwide.10
surprise, causing massive devastation, killing more In Brazil, evidence from 2,150 municipalities found
than 10,000 people, and destroying housing and that many mayors are willing to pay to learn the
public infrastructure. Since then, the Odisha State results of impact evaluations, and that informing
Disaster Management Authority and the government mayors about research on a simple and effective pol-
of Odisha have invested in weather forecast data and icy increases the probability by 10 percentage points
disaster response measures. When another cyclone that their municipality implements the policy.11
hit in 2013, nearly 1 million people were evacuated to Research also plays an important role in ensuring
cyclone shelters, safe houses, and inland locations, the accuracy of the data collected by governments,
and only 38 people died during and immediately after which is critical to preventing policy recommenda-
the storm.8 These impressive results would not have tions based on inaccurate or misleading data.12 The
been possible without the weather data that gave World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Study
sufficient advance warning of the cyclone. (LSMS) program, while supporting the production of
household survey data in 106 countries between 2011
Figure 2.2 Improving access to water: Using and 2020,13 has also drawn attention to the impor-
real-time sensor data to reduce repair time for broken tance of research on survey methodologies and the
hand pumps in Kenya role of better measurement in eliminating systematic
measurement errors in self-reported survey data that
otherwise bias empirical analyses and policy conclu-
Median 1
sions.14 Much of the methodological research led by the
repair time 6
LSMS is carried out in partnership with national sta-
tistical offices (NSOs), in turn facilitating the adoption
Mean 2.6 of improved methods in downstream national surveys.
repair time 27
Pathway 2: Prioritizing scarce resources
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Targeting resources and reaching marginalized populations
Number of days and areas. When public intent data are granular—that
is, they are tied to an individual or a specific location—
With mobile-enabled data Baseline they can help target resources and foster inclusion.
Source: SSEE 2014. Data at In Croatia, data from the population census were

56 | World Development Report 2021

over time, helping countries decide on areas of focus. real-time data on rural public health clinics led to a
Costa Rica issued a presidential directive calling for 74 percent increase in clinic inspections. In turn, doc-
use of such an index for budgetary planning and as tor attendance rose by 18 percentage points, thereby
an official measure for allocating resources and mon- improving health care services.30
itoring and evaluating social programs. The country Empowering individuals. Disadvantaged groups are
has used the index to modify its budget allocation, sometimes left out of government efforts to collect
which helped accelerate poverty reduction during a data because governments fail to acknowledge inclu-
period of austerity without an increase in budget.24 sion of those groups as a policy objective. Citizens
must then often collect the data needed to empower
Pathway 3: Holding government themselves. That data, such as on harassment and
accountable and empowering individuals early warning systems, can help fill a gap that neither
Fostering transparency and increasing government the public sector nor the private sector can fill. The
accountability. CSOs and individuals are frequent pro- map-based mobile app Safetipin allows users to report
ducers and users of public intent data. Their demand mobility and safety issues in cities related to lighting,
for data can encourage transparency through data walk paths, visibility, public transport, and security.
analysis and data feedback systems. In China, media Beyond informing citizens where it is safe to be in
and watchdog organizations in Beijing noted incon- their city, these data can be used to conduct citywide
sistencies between official government data on audits. In Bogotá, Colombia, the city government
air quality and data from independent air quality wanted to use this tool to map safety around bike
monitoring systems. Heightened concerns about air paths. The biking community helped collect  images
quality have fueled a dramatic expansion in publicly along 230 kilometers of bike paths in the city, which
available, real-time data from thousands of air qual- were then analyzed by Safetipin (map 2.2). This
ity monitoring locations.25 The central government analysis supported the authorities in understanding
launched a US$275 billion plan to improve air quality where to improve lighting and add closed-circuit TV
throughout the country, and the Beijing municipal cameras.31
government promised an additional US$160 billion Public intent data can also empower individuals
toward that goal.26 to make better choices through more information
Good data can also encourage transparency in and and knowledge. The digital revolution has greatly
improve public procurement. Too often, public proj- increased the accessibility of data, as well as how
ects are not implemented adequately due to poor pro- easily information can be spread. One example is
curement such as inflated costs, corruption, or ghost providing smallholder farmers with agricultural
contracts. Because 12 percent of global GDP is spent information digitally, often through text messages,
on public procurement, this finding matters tremen- to increase their productivity. Such data transmis-
dously for development outcomes.27 In Uganda, in sion can improve on extension services, which rely
an attempt to improve procurement outcomes, local on in-person agricultural advice and are more costly
government entities made administrative procure- to sustain and whose quality is more difficult to
ment data from the bidding process down to the level ensure. A meta-analysis suggests that providing
of execution of contracts available to certain CSOs. agricultural information increases yields by 4 percent
These CSOs trained community members to under- and farmers’ probability of increasing productivity-
stand the information in the contracts and conduct enhancing agrochemical inputs.32 With more than
site checks to verify it. The findings revealed misman- 2 billion people living on smallholder farms, these
agement of resources by contractors and government numbers can have major effects on global poverty
officials and a high dependence on noncompetitive and shared prosperity.
contracts. Not only did Uganda undertake reforms to Many of the features of public intent data that
ensure that contracts were complying with national increase their value for development can also increase
procurement standards, but the national public pro- their potential for harm. Data may be misused for
curement agency also upgraded its procurement por- political surveillance and control or discrimination
tal in line with international open contracting data and exclusion, or they may inadvertently expose sen-
standards, making Uganda the first African country sitive information about individuals.33 For example,
to do so.28 in República Bolivariana de Venezuela, a digital bio-
Government accountability can also be enhanced metric fingerprint system was introduced initially for
through e-governance.29 In Pakistan, a smartphone voter registration and identification, but it has since
app that equips government health inspectors with been integrated with other registers. Identification

58 | World Development Report 2021

Box 2.2 The World Bank’s Statistical Performance Indicators

The World Bank’s Statistical Performance Indicators is a set of indicators to measure performance. The indi-
(SPI) measure statistical performance across 174 coun- cators provide a time series extending at least from 2016
tries.a The indicators are grouped into five pillars: (1) data to 2019 in all cases, with some indicators going back to
use, which captures the demand side of the statistical 2004. The data for the indicators are from a variety of
system; (2) data services, which looks at the interaction sources, including databases produced by the World
between data supply and demand such as the openness Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations
of data and quality of data releases; (3) data products, (UN), Partnership in Statistics for Development in the
which reviews whether countries report on important 21st Century (PARIS21), and Open Data Watch—and
indicators; (4) data sources, which assesses whether cen- in some cases, directly from national statistical office
suses, surveys, and other data sources are created; and websites. The indicators are also summarized as an index,
(5) data infrastructure, which captures whether founda- with scores ranging from a low of 0 to a high of 100.
tions such as financing, skills, and governance needed
for a strong statistical system are in place. Within each a. World Bank, Statistical Performance Indicators (database), http://www
pillar is a set of dimensions, and under each dimension; Dang et al. (2021a, 2021b).

the census, they can leave out some of the poorest and undercounting is difficult to measure systematically,
most vulnerable. Many vulnerable groups are hard but in 2013 it was estimated that globally between 170
to count in the first place, especially when census million and 320 million people were missing from
enumeration focuses on residence and the concept population census frames, with the poorest more
of the household. These groups include the displaced, likely to be missed.44 As noted, in many countries the
the homeless, slum inhabitants, nomads, migrants, census determines the allocation of resources and
young children, and the disabled.43 The extent of political representation. Thus these omissions have
real consequences and can disenfranchise vulnerable
populations.45 They also affect the representativeness
Figure 2.3 Gaps in geospatial datasets are especially of household surveys that use census-based sampling
large in lower-income countries frames.46
Lower-income countries also are susceptible to
coverage gaps in geospatial data, especially in some
Share of countries with dataset gaps (%)

of the geospatial reference datasets such as admin-

80 istrative boundaries, postal codes, and maps. The
Global Open Data Index of the Open Knowledge
Foundation assesses the availability and openness
of three such geospatial datasets in 94 countries:
administrative boundaries, addresses and locations,
40 and national maps. The assessment reveals that all
three datasets are often incomplete in lower-income
countries (figure 2.3).
Similarly, the road network coverage of the open
mapping platform OpenStreetMap is complete in
0 many high-income countries, but less so in lower-
Administrative Addresses and National maps income countries. OpenStreetMap is a citizen-
boundaries locations
generated geospatial application that relies on its
Datasets users to digitize the location of roads and other infra-
Low-income Lower-middle-income structure. Its coverage disparities reflect the barriers
Upper-middle-income High-income to making this type of data work for the poorest
Source: WDR 2021 team calculations, based on data of Open Knowledge Foundation, GODI (Global Open
countries. In India, by 2015 only 21 percent of the road
Data Index) (database), Data at network had been digitized.47

60 | World Development Report 2021

When data quality is poor: Lack of available, based on international standards for
granularity, accuracy, and comparability measurement, and only 24 percent of the avail-
Lack of granularity can occur when data are not able gender-specific indicators are from 2010 or
available at the desired level of disaggregation. later.48 Gaps in sex-disaggregated data related to
The gaps in data on women and girls are partic- the COVID-19 pandemic are also pervasive, causing
ularly severe. Only 10 of the 54 gender-specific knowledge of the gender impacts of the pandemic to
indicators (19 percent) in the SDGs are widely be incomplete (box 2.3).

Box 2.3 Gender data and the COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic was not gender-blind; it affected Figure B2.3.1 Proportion of COVID-19
men and women differently and may have exacerbated cases reported with sex-disaggregated
gender inequalities.a Yet knowledge of the gender data for 190 countries
impacts of COVID-19 is incomplete because of data
gaps across all dimensions of well-being. At the most
basic level, data are lacking on COVID-19 infections and 75
deaths among men and women. In March 2020, only 61

percent of reported COVID-19 cases were disaggregated 50

by sex, and these data were provided by 26 countries. By
November 2020, reporting had grown to 80 countries,
but the proportion still stood at 60 percent. The reporting 0
was irregular throughout 2020, as shown in figure B2.3.1.











Understanding the gender dimensions of the COVID-19




impacts extends well beyond case and mortality data.

The data systems in place prior to the pandemic had
notable gender data gaps that hampered the ability to Sex-disaggregated? No Yes
Proportion of countries reporting sex-disaggregated data
track impacts and inform policy. For example, monitor-
ing impacts on jobs requires regular and timely data Sources: Global Health 50/50, University College London, COVID-19
Sex-Disaggregated Data Tracker (database), November 30, 2020, data
on informal employment where women predominate. release,
However, only 41 percent of low-income countries (LICs) -project/; Global Change Data Lab, University of Oxford, Our World in
Data, Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (database), https://ourworld
and lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) report data; calculations of Open Data Watch, Washington,
on informal jobs disaggregated by sex. And in seven DC. Data at
of the 10 countries where the recent economic con-
traction is severest, less than 38 percent of Sustainable on gender differences in ownership of personal identity
Development Goal economic opportunity indicators are cards are missing for more than a third of countries. Less
available by sex.b Furthermore, preexisting biases in than a quarter of LICs and LMICs report data on mobile
face-to-face household survey design and implemen- phone ownership by women.c
tation bled into phone surveys implemented during the Even though the pandemic created new demands for
pandemic, limiting measurement of the gender-related statistics, it also interrupted the supply. More than half
impacts of the crisis. These biases include designing of LICs and LMICs reported that the COVID-19 pandemic
phone surveys aimed at household heads and lack of affected national statistical offices’ ability to produce
survey content on time use. socioeconomic statistics.d This problem requires imme-
There are also notable gaps in the gender data needed diate attention, but building effective, gender-aware
to inform policy design and effectiveness. Although the data systems will require sustained financial and human
expansion of social protection programs is arguably the capital investments.
largest policy response to offset the economic impacts
Sources: Mayra Buvinic (Center for Global Development), Lorenz Noe
of the crisis, comparable sex-disaggregated measures of (Data2x), and Eric Swanson (Open Data Watch), with inputs from the
social protection coverage are largely unavailable. Data WDR 2021 team.
on personal identification cards and mobile phone own- a. UN Women (2020).
b. Buvinic, Noe, and Swanson (2020).
ership should inform program design decisions, espe- c. Buvinic, Noe, and Swanson (2020).
cially as countries scale up digital platforms. Yet data d. UNSTATS and World Bank (2020).

Data as a force for public good | 61

Although data disaggregated at the individual level to be connected to making aid flows conditional on
are central to understanding and addressing condi- results, creating an incentive to misreport.56
tions that uniquely affect the lives of women, men, Data quality concerns and methodological
children, adults, the elderly, and persons with dis- challenges also characterize data produced by the
abilities, the required data are not being sufficiently Internet of Things. For example, the quality of data
produced. For example, survey data on ownership of generated by low-cost commercial sensors used for
physical and financial assets have traditionally been air pollution monitoring has been found to vary
collected at the household rather than the individual widely when benchmarked against reference mea-
level, limiting their usefulness in understanding surements.57 Sensors must be calibrated to the
women’s relative wealth, rights, and decision-making specific conditions in which they are used to yield
power in their families.49 Monetary poverty esti- accurate results, but the calibration process remains
mates are also based on household-level measures of expensive and time-consuming.58
resources, and “poor individuals” are identified based Lack of comparability is particularly a concern
on the poverty status of their entire households, among low-income countries. Only 40 percent of
regardless of differences within households among low-income countries, 20 percent of countries in
women, men, and children in access to and use of fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), and
resources.50 Meanwhile, gaps remain in the adoption 40 percent of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (fig-
and proper implementation of the survey questions ure 2.4) have at least three comparable estimates of
developed by the Washington Group on Disability extreme poverty.59 It is therefore difficult to under-
Statistics—questions that are critical for obtaining stand changes in living standards over time and
internationally comparable estimates on disabilities design policies to eradicate poverty. Recent innova-
and for disaggregating relevant SDG indicators by tions in data collection in these countries suggest a
disability status.51 slightly more optimistic picture for the future.60 It is
Finally, despite the enormous potential of geo- also important to note that some lack of comparabil-
graphically granular data for targeting policies effec- ity over time is necessary, particularly when adopting
tively, such disaggregated data are rarely available new global standards.
comprehensively. According to the 2020 Open Data
Inventory, about 90 percent of official statistics, even When data are not easy to use:
when they are available, are not consistently reported Lack of accessibility, understandability,
at the regional level (first administrative division), and interoperability
and almost none are consistently reported at the dis- Lack of data accessibility prohibits actors from using
trict level (second administrative division). data. According to an assessment of the Open Data
Poor accuracy of data can limit their usefulness. Inventory, lower-income countries lag far behind in
For those collecting individual-level data through overall data openness (table 2.1), although even high-
household surveys, a concern is the choice of survey income countries have mediocre openness scores.
respondents. Relying on proxy respondents to elicit Only 11 percent of low-income countries consistently
individual-level information—a common cost-saving make data available with a license classifiable as open,
mechanism in large-scale household surveys—has compared with 19 percent of lower-middle-income
been shown to produce wrong estimates of gender countries, 22 percent of upper-middle-income coun-
differences in asset ownership, labor market out- tries, and 44 percent of high-income countries.
comes, decision-making, and control of income.52 The Open Data Inventory assessment also reveals
Reported levels of income, wages, and firm profits some limitations to machine readability. To the
vary, depending on the length of the period over extent that governments publish official statistics,
which they are recalled by survey respondents.53 The only 37 percent of low-income countries make at least
length of recall also matters for the accuracy of survey some of these available in machine readable formats,
data on agricultural production, health, and labor.54 compared with 51 percent of lower-middle-income
Accuracy is also a concern for administrative data. countries, 61 percent of upper-middle-income coun-
One reason for the proliferation of survey data is the tries, and 81 percent of high-income countries.
perception that administrative records are unreli- One reason for lack of data accessibility is that data
able and incomplete.55 A study of multiple African systems in the public sector can be very fragmented.
countries found overreporting of vaccination rates in The health sector, for example, often has many dif-
health information systems by 5 percent of countries ferent health information systems because of its ten-
and of primary enrollment rates in education manage- dency to have many different service providers. These
ment systems by a third. This data inflation appears include many private providers whose data are often

62 | World Development Report 2021

Figure 2.4 Lower-income countries, especially those affected by fragility and
conflict, have less comparable poverty data than other country groups

Share of countries (%)





















































Income group Region FCS status

Less than three poverty data points

Last three poverty data points not comparable
Last three poverty data points comparable
Source: WDR 2021 team calculations, based on World Bank, PovcalNet: Data (database), Data at http://
Note: Only those economies with at least one international poverty estimate are included. FCS status refers to the World Bank’s “Classification of Fragile and
Conflict-Affected Situations” (World Bank 2020a).

Table 2.1 Assessment of the openness of data, by country income group

Lower-middle- Upper-middle-
Indicator Low-income income income High-income
Openness score (0–100) 38 47 50 66
Available in machine readable format (%) 37 51 61 81
Available in nonproprietary format (%) 75 85 81 84
Download options available (%) 56 68 68 78
Open terms of use/license (%) 11 19 22 44
Source: WDR 2021 team calculations, based on 2020/21 Open Data Inventory indicators (Open Data Watch, ODIN [Open Data Inventory] [database],, also used as part of the World Bank’s Statistical Performance Indicators database,
Note: The openness score is the average by country income group on a scale of 0–100. All other indicators are the percentage of published data averaged by
country income group.

unavailable to the Ministry of Health. In Ethiopia, a understandable, data must be well disseminated,
study of the health sector found 228 different digital backed up with sufficient metadata, responsive to
health information applications, of which only 39 per- user needs, and, for certain purposes, summarized
cent sent data to the Ministry of Health.61 Administra- and visualized for the user. A majority of countries
tive data, in particular, are too often siloed in different have data portals and provide metadata for their pub-
systems, prohibiting their effective use for monitoring lished data—practices that facilitate wider data use.63
and policy design. Although data coordination within Low-income countries perform comparatively well in
agencies is often limited, the challenge of siloed sys- the data portal and metadata categories, but even here
tems is even greater across government agencies.62 they lag. A larger gap remains in terms of advance
Lack of understandability prevents even those data release calendars, which commit government units
that are accessible from generating value. To be to release data on a predetermined timetable. Only

Data as a force for public good | 63

Table 2.2 Data dissemination practices and openness, by country income group
Lower-middle- Upper-middle-
Indicator Low-income income income High-income
NSO uses advance release calendar 30 75 92 98
NSO has data portal 84 91 95 92
NSO has conducted user satisfaction survey 10 20 19 33
NSO makes metadata available 63 91 97 100
Source: Cameron et al. 2019.
Note: Data are for 2019. The percentages reflect the proportion of the population in each income group whose national statistical office (NSO) has the listed

30 percent of NSOs in low-income countries pub- Figure 2.5 Lower-income countries

lish such calendars, compared with almost all high- are less likely than other countries
income countries. Across the board, only a few NSOs to adhere to international best-
utilize user satisfaction surveys, which could play an practice statistical standards and
important role in gauging and understanding data methodologies
demand (table 2.2).
Limitations to interoperability. The use of common
standards, methodologies, and classifications across
public intent data sources ensures interoperability
Share of countries (%)
and enables data integration. Common and unified
identification is needed across producers of pub-
lic intent data for geographic divisions below the
national level, such as regions, states, and districts.
There is significant scope for expanding the use of
georeferencing in censuses, surveys, and collection
of administrative data, particularly in low-income
settings. The use of common and unified personal 0
At least 1993 System of International Classification
identifiers to match data across multiple data sources National Accounts in use of Status in Employment
is more contentious because of privacy and equity in use
concerns, and robust data protection legislation is a Low-income Lower-middle-income
prerequisite for their use.64 Personal identification Upper-middle-income High-income
also requires trust and comprehensive civil regis- Source: WDR 2021 team calculations, based on World Bank, Statistical
tration and vital statistics systems, which have so Performance Indicators (database), Data at
far been elusive in the poorest countries. The use of
tokenized identifiers in line with privacy by design
principles is a potential solution.65 of high-income countries but in only 7 percent of
Adhering to set methodologies and standards low-income countries (figure 2.5). By contrast, a large
in line with international best practices greatly share of all countries globally is using at least the 1993
increases the interoperability and usability of pub- international standards for the System of National
lic intent data. The World Bank’s Statistical Per- Accounts (SNA 1993).
formance Indicators capture this aspect of public
intent data systematically. Under the indicator on When data are not safe to use:
data infrastructure, standards related to systems of Lack of impartiality, confidentiality,
national accounts, employment status, consumption, and appropriateness for development
consumer price indexes, and government finance Gaps also remain in the safety of data. These can
statistics, among others, are assessed. The indicator occur when data are not immune to influence from
shows a strong income gradient in the adherence to stakeholders, when they are not stored securely, or
international best-practice standards and methodol- when they are not properly deidentified. For example,
ogies.66 For example, the International Classification Greece’s debt statistics appear to have deliberately
of Status in Employment is being used in two-thirds misrepresented the country’s financial situation in

64 | World Development Report 2021

the lead-up to the 2009 euro crisis, and data breaches low-income countries—the countries that stand to
are all too common in government and private sector benefit most from the data. Why do these data gaps
databases.67 persist? This section answers that question, com-
Similarly, deidentifying individuals has not always plementing existing data sources with structured
proved to be enough to maintain confidentiality. In the interviews with NSOs across all income groups and
1990s, the governor of Massachusetts in the United geographical regions.69 This approach requires dig-
States approved making deidentified medical records ging one level deeper and understanding the main
of state employees available for researchers. Although roadblocks on the pathways to data for public policy,
key identifiers such as name and address were removed or conversely, the enablers of public intent data. The
from the data, by triangulating the information avail- main roadblocks identified are lack of financing, tech-
able with other public information a researcher was nical capacity, data governance, and demand for data
able to identify the medical records of the governor and (figure 2.6).
other individuals (see chapter 6 for more details).68 One A common reason for these roadblocks is lack of
way to minimize these concerns is to ensure that only understanding of and commitment to the use of data
appropriate data are produced—data that measure con- for policy making. In a positive feedback loop, realiz-
cepts of interest, have a clear policy purpose, and are ing the value of public intent data increases under-
not produced from attempts to collect excessive infor- standing of the potential of the data, leading to a com-
mation or surveil individuals. Such data, of course, can mitment to the further production and use of public
still be misused and mishandled. intent data. To spearhead such commitments, SDG
Target 17.18 calls for increasing the availability of high-
Why data gaps persist: quality, timely, and disaggregated reliable data, and
SDG Target 17.19 calls for developing measurements of
The political economy of
progress related to statistical capacity building.
public intent data
The previous two sections describe how public Deficiencies in financing
intent data can yield great value for development, yet Underinvestment and misaligned investment priori-
gaps in public intent data are severe, particularly in ties are perpetuating data gaps.

Figure 2.6 A positive feedback loop can connect enablers and features of public
intent data with greater development value

Enablers of public intent data

Financing Technical capacity Governance Data demand

Desirable features of public intent data

Adequate coverage High quality Easy to use Safe to use
Completeness Granularity Accessibility Impartiality
Timeliness Accuracy Understandability Confidentiality
Frequency Comparability Interoperability Appropriateness

Value of public intent data

Improved service Prioritization of Accountability and
delivery scarce resources empowerment

Source: WDR 2021 team.

Data as a force for public good | 65

Figure 2.7 Most countries do not fully fund their national statistical plans
93 94


Share of countries with


fully funded plan (%)



0 0




















































Income group Region FCS status

Source: WDR 2021 team calculations, based on indicators collected by the Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21) that are also
used as Statistical Performance Indicators (World Bank, Data at
Note: Having a fully funded national statistical plan under implementation is Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 17.18.3. FCS = fragile and conflict-
affected situations.

Underinvestment by governments. Underinvestment perceived relevance and credibility of public intent

in public intent data systems is widespread. Only half data and its producers.73
of countries had a national statistical plan that was Another reason for lack of funding for data is the
fully funded in 2019 (figure 2.7).70 Lack of national absence of a benchmark guiding how much govern-
funding for statistics is especially a struggle for frag- ments should spend, unlike for other areas of gov-
ile and conflict-affected countries, countries in Sub- ernment spending. For example, the Education 2030
Saharan Africa, and low-income countries. Whereas Framework for Action urges countries to allocate at
93 percent of high-income countries have a fully least 4–6 percent of GDP or at least 15–20 percent
funded national statistical plan, not a single low-income of their total public expenditure to education. The
country has one. A recent review of public financing Abuja Declaration urges countries to spend at least
of statistics found that seven of 10 low- and middle- 15 percent of their annual budget to improve the health
income countries analyzed funded less than half of sector.74 No similar guidelines are found on data.
their respective national statistical plans, with country Underinvestment by donors. Donors also invest rel-
contributions ranging from 9 percent to 77 percent.71 atively little in public intent data. The share of total
This problem is more pressing in low-income official development assistance devoted to statistics
countries with less government revenue to spend has ranged between 0.35 percent and 0.4 percent in
on multiple priorities. However, the cost of public recent years, or US$693 million in 2018.75 The combi-
data systems is modest relative to that of other nation of national and donor contributions leaves a
government functions. Decision-makers in budget funding gap of between US$100 million and US$700
offices may not fully understand how much funding million a year globally to upgrade public intent data
is needed to produce high-quality data or lack the systems, depending on the scope of improvements.76
incentives to prioritize data. How well public data Misalignment of investment priorities. Beyond the
systems are funded is thus also a matter of high-level size of investments in public intent data, how donors
government officials recognizing the value of public invest matters as well. With insufficient government
intent data and offering leadership to encourage col- funding of data and with donors stepping in to fill
lection of them.72 A key factor in such an effort is the needs, the risk is that donor priorities will be funded

66 | World Development Report 2021

at the expense of national priorities and that donors, The absence of key personnel in strategic positions
instead of national stakeholders, will become the who have a commitment to data is especially costly
main clients of NSOs.77 because of the importance of relationships between
Because investments in data tend to be small, ministries and NSOs and with civil society as a cata-
donors have limited incentives to make longer-term lyst for the flow of data and information.84
commitments that strengthen data systems such According to a global survey of NSOs conducted
as technical capacity, research and development, by PARIS21, after a shortage of funds the biggest
infrastructure, or recording of administrative data. obstacle to countries’ successful development of
Instead, many investments prioritize the production capacity is lack of skilled staff to implement pro-
of new data or specific survey efforts such as a one- grams.85 In a list of 15 goals for capacity development,
off survey on a specific topic.78 In particular, donor 86 percent of African NSOs selected strengthening
priorities skew toward monitoring and international human resources as one of their five most important
reporting.79 Although most national governments goals, higher than any other category. It is particularly
subscribe to international reporting, there is argu- difficult for NSOs to recruit new staff with the skills
ably a more immediate need for frequent and highly needed to achieve their objectives. When reporting
geographically disaggregated data and strong admin- the most frequent methods of human resource devel-
istrative data systems for the effective day-to-day opment, only 7 percent of NSOs reported recruitment
functioning of government.80 of staff with new skill sets, and most of these NSOs
Within the development community, lack of were in high-income countries.86
donor coordination can undermine public intent Recruitment and retention of skilled staff are
data systems, leading to duplication of and parallel difficult without competitive pay scales and career
systems for data collection. Each project uses its own tracks.87 Consultations with NSOs revealed that
set of indicators to report results instead of relying on differences in pay scales across government entities
and strengthening country data systems.81 Such situ- especially make it difficult for NSOs to recruit skilled
ations can arise if donors need to fulfill their internal staff. In Ethiopia, the Central Statistical Agency fol-
reporting requirements or are suspicious of the accu- lows civil service rules and regulations for remunera-
racy of government-reported data. tion of staff, whereas research institutes and universi-
Lack of funding is also an issue for citizen- ties have their own rules and regulations.
generated data. Interviews with representatives from A common challenge for other government agen-
NGOs in Argentina, Kenya, and Nepal revealed that cies that produce data is that they lack designated
lack of funding can constrain the collection of citizen- data scientists or statisticians. This is particularly
generated data.82 Similarly, although the cost of sen- problematic when other agency staff may lack the
sors has steadily fallen over the last few years, the time and capacity to make better use of the data col-
costs of equipment, deployment, and transmission, as lected within their institution.88
well as the lack of off-the-shelf tools for environments Lack of technology, software, and infrastructure.
facing resource constraints, are still major barriers to Even when producers of public intent data have
the generation and use of machine-generated data, staff with the skills needed to collect, process, and
especially in smallholder agriculture.83 disseminate those data, they often lack the techno-
logical infrastructure to be effective in their work.
Deficiencies in technical capacity Constraints in technology and information tech-
Data gaps are also persisting because of underquali- nology (IT) infrastructure compound constraints
fied, understaffed, and underpaid data producers and in technical capacity. For example, as part of the
lack of technology and infrastructure. Global COVID-19 Survey of NSOs, many NSOs in
Lack of qualified staff, proper staff renumeration, and low- and middle-income countries noted their need
career incentives. The gaps in public intent data also for software to collect data remotely to meet new
stem from limited technical capacity, especially in data demands.89 In the PARIS21 survey, the option
lower-income countries—a result in part of the lim- most selected to achieve priorities for a national
ited and misaligned resources previously discussed. statistical system in the medium term is acquiring
A shortage of skilled data scientists, statisticians, and up-to-date technology and infrastructure.90 Tech-
economists across public data systems is a critical con- nological shortcomings also constrain the ability
straint on the performance of the data producers and of individuals to produce data themselves because
the production of data, especially at a time when data many types of citizen-generated data rely on phone
from digital sources are becoming more important. or web technologies.91

Data as a force for public good | 67

Deficiencies in governance not a concern. Although a process to modernize the
In addition to shortages of skills and funding, various law has been at the forefront of political discussions
failures and problems with data governance impede for a decade, a revised version has yet to be formally
the potential of public intent data from being realized. implemented. This issue is a concern more generally
At the national level, clear institutional mandates and because the older the national statistical law, the lower
good coordination among the data-producing agen- is statistical performance in general and data openness
cies are critical for the exchange, interoperability, and in particular at any country income level (figure 2.8).
timely publication of data.92 In practice, exchanges of Other important elements of the legal framework
data across ministries and between ministries and are regulations governing data protection and the
NSOs and beyond are rare, even in well-resourced and right to information. When these safeguards are
high-capacity environments.93 The absence of clear lacking or weak, data exchanges can entail serious
mandates, responsibilities, and incentives to effec- risks to data protection.95 Lack of comprehensive data
tively coordinate data production and data exchanges protection regulations is a problem in many parts of
can obstruct collaboration and lead to duplication of the world.96 A review of African countries found that
data-gathering efforts.94 only 28 percent had procedures in place to ensure
Deficiencies in the legal framework. The legal frame- deidentification of data before publication.97 Without
work governing data production and data exchanges a requirement to share data and guidance on how
is a common barrier. Outdated statistical laws can to treat confidential information, any risk-averse
make it difficult for NSOs and data-producing agen- government employee would face few incentives to
cies to operate and collaborate effectively in light of share data, especially confidential data, considering
recent changes in the data landscape, such as the pro- the possibly high costs should confidentiality be
liferation of new data types, sources, and producers. breached. The absence of comprehensive data protec-
In Chile, the National Institute of Statistics (INE) has tion legislation can also facilitate misuse of data such
had difficulties accessing key data from other public as for political control or discrimination. 98
institutions in a timely fashion, primarily because Independence of the NSO. The legal, financial, and
the national statistical law is not sufficiently clear in institutional independence of the NSO is an import-
authorizing INE’s access to statistical information. ant element of a successful public intent data sys-
When the law was passed in 1970, data exchanges were tem, especially its data quality and openness.99 The

Figure 2.8 The older a country’s statistical laws, the lower is its statistical performance and the
less open are its data
a. Statistical performance b. Openness of data
90 90

80 80
Statistical Performance Index

70 70
ODIN overall score

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age of statistical laws (years) Age of statistical laws (years)
High-income Upper-middle-income Lower-middle-income Low-income
Sources: WDR 2021 team, based on UNSTATS (Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations), UNSTATS (database),
/searchcp.aspx; Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21),
-Country-Documents&date-from=&date-to=&page=; World Bank, World Development Indicators (database),
Data at
Note: In panel a, the regression coefficient on age, controlling for GDP per capita, is –0.48, p < .01; in panel b, –0.39, p < .01. For the Statistical Performance Indicators, see World Bank,
Statistical Performance Indicators (database), For the Open Data Inventory (ODIN), see Open Data Watch,

68 | World Development Report 2021

Figure 2.9 Greater NSO independence and freedom of the press are positively correlated with
better statistical performance
a. NSO independence and statistical performance b. Freedom of the press and statistical performance
70 90
R² = 0.22 R² = 0.23
Statistical Performance Index

Statistical Performance Index

40 50

30 40


0 0
0 25 50 75 100 100 75 50 25 0
NSO independence score RSF World Press Freedom Index
Sources: NSO independence score: Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Ibrahim Index of African Governance (database),; World Press Freedom Index: Reporters
Without Borders, 2020 World Press Freedom Index (database), Data at
Note: The x’s represent countries. Panel a shows only African countries, and panel b shows all countries with data available. The NSO independence score ranges from 0 to 100. The
World Press Freedom Index ranges from 100 to 0—lower values imply greater press freedom. For the Statistical Performance Index, see World Bank, Statistical Performance Indicators
(database), NSO = national statistical office; RSF = Reporters Without Borders.

independence of producers of public intent data also with transparency and complete adherence to inter-
reinforces the credibility of and trust in the data and national principles.103
its producers, which encourages data use in both gov- A government’s interest in having an independent
ernment and civil society.100 national statistical system can be affected by several
An indicator capturing the independence of NSOs competing factors. On the one hand, a government
in all African nations is included in the Ibrahim Index may have a vested interest in curtailing statistical
of African Governance.101 The indicator measures the independence and the production and dissemination
institutional autonomy and financial independence of reliable data, fearing these could expose poor policy
of an NSO. A perfect score indicates that an NSO is decisions and performance, dilute power, and increase
able to publish data without clearance from another public scrutiny and pressure.104 In this case, lack of
government branch and has sufficient funding to do independence and the availability of reliable data
so. A higher score on the NSO independence indicator would make it harder to hold governments account-
is highly correlated with statistical performance as able.105 On the other hand, an independent statistical
captured by the World Bank’s SPI (figure 2.9, panel system producing reliable data in a transparent
a). In 2019 the average score on NSO independence fashion best informs government decision-making
was 34 out of 100, with low-income African countries and increases citizens’ trust in government data and
scoring below average. These findings illustrate public institutions in general.106 Such transparency
that NSO independence is precarious, particularly can also facilitate favorable capital market and invest-
in lower-income countries. Anecdotes of attacks on ment conditions and foster GDP growth.107 Finally,
NSO independence around the world suggest that international cooperation can boost statistical inde-
fragile NSO independence is not limited to the Afri- pendence and data transparency when adherence to
can context.102 For example, in 2007 the Argentine standards of data quality and the independence of
government began interfering with the independence their producers is required for accession to interna-
of Argentina’s NSO, the National Institute of Statistics tional organizations or agreements. An example is
and Censuses (INDEC). The effort initially focused Colombia’s successful bid to join the Organisation for
on the consumer price index and later expanded to Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).108
other official statistics, casting doubt especially on Civil society performs a vital function in demand-
reported inflation statistics. Recognizing the harmful ing transparency and holding government account-
effects of these measures, by 2015 a new government able. Citizen-generated data can be used to challenge
had undertaken efforts to rebuild the institute, and official statistics when their accuracy or impartiality
INDEC resumed the delivery of trustworthy statistics are in question. A free and empowered press is a

Data as a force for public good | 69

critical check on government power in general and to data use.112 Among the general population, compara-
on government interference with statistical indepen- bly low literacy and numeracy rates in lower-income
dence and data transparency in particular. Greater countries fundamentally diminish the pool of poten-
press freedom, as measured in the World Press Free- tial data users.113
dom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders,109 Lack of incentives for and interest in data use. Even
is highly correlated with statistical performance as when policy makers have the skills to use data, they
well as with statistical independence, regardless of a may not be interested in exercising those skills
country’s size or income level (figure 2.9, panel b). because they do not attach value to data. Accordingly,
another major factor affecting demand for public
Deficiencies in data demand intent data is lack of incentives to use the data.114
Even when high-quality data are available and acces- When political leaders exhibit a commitment to data
sible, they must be put to an appropriate use to have use, they can generate expectations for civil servants
an impact on development. As such, lack of data use to rely on data more frequently and create incentives
is blocking the path to development. for accountability. “Political champions,” as well as
Low levels of data literacy. Several barriers to data use changes in administration or individual government
remain. Low levels of data literacy among both policy officials, often create opportunities for data-driven
makers and civil society are one barrier.110 Potential policy making.115 A data-literate society plays a major
data users need to have both a conceptual understand- role in creating these political commitments to data
ing of how data can inform policy questions and the use by demanding—and rewarding—the justification
technical skills to extract the relevant information of policy decisions with data.
from data. An analysis of the use of statistics in news Low trust in the quality of public intent data. Another
articles in 32 countries in four languages revealed con- reason for lack of data use is the often low trust in the
siderable scope for journalists to improve their critical quality of public intent data. Although data users can
engagement with statistics—and that finding is likely check for signs of internal coherence, the accuracy of
to apply to civil society at large.111 For policy makers as data cannot be inferred from the data alone, and incor-
well, data literacy is frequently identified as a barrier rect statistics can take years to be detected, if they are
detected at all.116 A survey of data producers and users
Figure 2.10 Data supply and demand can generate in 140 countries found that NSO officials have much
either virtuous or vicious cycles of data production greater confidence in the quality of national statistics
and use than ministry officials have.117
Lack of infrastructure to access and use the data. A
High final reason for lack of data use is related to the infra-
demand structure needed to access and use data. For example,
internet access is key to obtaining data, but penetra-
tion rates are lower in poorer countries. The exclusive
sharing of data via online channels may exclude large
Data supply–
Virtuous cycle shares of potential data users who are hampered by
countries limited internet connectivity.118 And certain users may
be unaware that data are available for use.119 Lack of
internet connectivity, reliable power, and data centers
Low quality High quality are also major challenges in the use of Internet of
and supply and supply
Things systems and sensor data.120
Use of public intent data by a diverse group of
Data demand– actors often translates into greater demand for
Vicious cycle
constrained high-quality data. The rise in demand can drive
countries investment in data and capacity, setting off a virtuous
cycle of increasing data demand and supply (figure
2.10). For example, government ministries’ reliance
Low on and demand for high-quality data have been
demand associated with NSOs in Latin America exhibiting
higher capacity.121 In the same region, demand for and
Source: Adapted from Sanga (2013). interest in accurate and high-quality statistics in civil

70 | World Development Report 2021

society, academia, the media, and the private sector financing, technical capacity, governance, and data
have led to better funding, autonomy, and capacity demand roadblocks. This section describes policies to
in national statistical systems.122 Conversely, coun- overcome these foundational challenges. Figure 2.11
tries with a low supply of data are likely to use data summarizes some of the main policies governments
less, creating a vicious cycle of data production and can enact, categorized by the actors and barriers they
use. In general, countries can benefit from assessing primarily address. International organizations also
whether their constraints are primarily on the supply have a role to play, and spotlight 2.2 discusses how
side or the demand side for data. They can then use they can contribute to addressing the key roadblocks.
such an assessment to prioritize data-related policies Chapter 9 builds on the analysis in this section,
and maximize their return on development.123 specifically in the domain of data governance, lay-
ing out a bold vision for an integrated national data
system. Such a system can transform the role the
Realizing the potential of public
public sector plays in the data modernization agenda
intent data by incorporating public intent data alongside private
To maximize the impact of public intent data on intent data, integrating the users and producers of
2.11 governments need to address the both, and enabling safe data exchanges.

Figure 2.11 Policies to realize the potential of public intent data

Political commitment
Create a broad-based political and societal agreement on the value of high-quality public intent data

Financing Technical capacity Governance Data demand

• Create a target fraction of • Ensure more competitive • Ensure that NSO • Build trust in integrity of
government spending or pay scales. independence is anchored official statistics via public
a line item in the national in laws and institutional release calendars and best
budget dedicated to the • Devote more time and
setup. practices in dissemination.
resources to building

capacity among staff. • Prevent statistical laws • Engage proactively with
• Engage recurrently with from becoming outdated. nongovernmental entities.
the Ministry of Finance to
understand and support
its data needs.

• Designate a budget line • Create technical units in • Assign clear roles, • Designate knowledge
Other government

for data in each ministry charge of data production mandates, and brokers in government
and agency. and use. responsibilities along the agencies to champion the

data life cycle for flow and use of data.

• Ensure use of produced • Create a governmentwide government agencies
data across the public approach to the salaries of (see chapters 8 and 9). • Institutionalize
sector for monitoring, statisticians and data data-intensive
evaluation, and more. scientists. management practices.

• Allocate resources to • Promote data literacy in • Ensure that laws and • Enable citizens to engage
Civil society and

citizen-generated data primary and secondary regulations facilitate the more easily with data

collection. education. safe dissemination of data. through open data

platforms, machine
• Enhance tertiary education readability, and data
in data science and

Source: WDR 2021 team.

Note: The figure summarizes policies governments can enact, categorized by the actors and barriers the policies are primarily addressing. Many policies span several actors and bar-
riers but are placed into one box here for simplification. The role of the private sector in realizing the potential of public intent data is discussed in chapter 4. The role of international
organizations is examined in spotlight 2.2. NSO = national statistical office.

Data as a force for public good | 71

A common reason for the four roadblocks on the statistical needs could be at risk. Conversely, one of
pathways to data for public policy just described is the biggest steps in ensuring the independence of
the lack of a political understanding and appreciation the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics in
of the value of data for policy making. Achieving 2007 was giving the office authority over how it uses
high-quality production and use of public intent data its budget. Similarly, data-producing ministries and
requires an unequivocal high-level political commit- other government agencies could each receive a des-
ment to data for development, even when data do not ignated budget line for the production, processing,
yield politically convenient insights. A broad-based management, and safe sharing of the administrative
political and societal agreement on the value of public data they produce. Other investment priorities should
intent data is the most effective way to ensure a robust be closing existing coverage gaps in vital statistics
political commitment to data. Such a social contract and other registers and including populations that
for data can build the trust of all participants that are hard to reach.
they will not be harmed in the production, exchange, The Ministry of Finance has a special role to play
and use of data. Actors from across the public sector, as the most influential actor in budget negotiations
private sector, civil society, and academia can play an for government-financed producers of public intent
important role in demanding and encouraging agree- data. Recurrent engagement with, and consequently
ment. One mechanism for formulating such broad systematic use of, public intent data and official
agreement and formalizing a commitment to data statistics by the Ministry of Finance is also likely to
is confirming the importance of data in countries’ improve the funding for data producers and the NSO
national development plans. Another mechanism in particular.124 As documented in the examples ear-
is formulating a national data strategy—a topic dis- lier in this chapter, it is important that the Ministry
cussed in greater detail in chapters 8 and 9. of Finance understand that investing in data may
improve budgets through increased revenue collec-
Financing needs: Strengthening and tion and elimination of duplication in beneficiaries,
sustaining financial resources for data among other things.
producers Stable government financing can also be secured
Most low-income and lower-middle-income countries by ensuring that data play a role in government
severely underspend on data. Securing sustainable programs and projects. When government projects
financing is an enduring struggle for data producers have numerical targets, data management and data
and users. To reap the full value of data for develop- analysis are a must. Where relevant, the legislature
ment, governments must raise current spending could require that government program budgets be
levels drastically. At the same time, it is painfully hard supported or justified by evidence, necessitating the
to obtain and benchmark how much governments are use of data and therefore funding for data. Although
spending on data. Thus one priority is to improve the linking funding for data to monitoring government
statistics on government spending on data. targets may also create disincentives in producing
One way to increase the priority given to financ- accurate data, resisting such disincentives must be at
ing of data is to establish a target (percentage) for the core of an NSO’s mission to ensure credibility of
the government expenditure on the national sta- and trust in official statistics.
tistical system. Such a target can be derived with a Sometimes the financing for data is sufficient, but
view toward the resources needed to fully fund the the resources need to be better spent. Government
national statistical plan or be based on the spending of funding of citizen-generated data, for example, can
peer countries that have achieved sufficient funding. complement that of other public intent data and be a
If a government commits to such a target through a less costly alternative. But doing so requires that civil
national development plan or through other means, it society data platforms have sufficient capabilities
arms data producers during later budget negotiations. and resources for community outreach, coordination,
Another way to implement stable and transparent monitoring of data collection, and quality assess-
government financing is to insert a line item in the ments of the data.125
national budget dedicated to the NSO. The absence of
such a budget line has been a problem for even high- Technical capacity needs: Investing in
income countries. For example, the European Union’s human capital for production of public
statistical agency, Eurostat, recently saw its budget intent data
line merged into an overarching digitization and Once more and better funding is provided, invest-
modernization budget, raising fears that funding for ment in technical capacity is a top priority. Such an

72 | World Development Report 2021

effort should start with human capital: investing in Capacity building should also be pursued in a
statisticians, data scientists, and applied economists country’s education system.126 In line with the aspi-
across the public sector and in data literacy in the rations of SDG Target 4.6, primary and secondary
population at large. These investments would pro- educational institutions should elevate foundational
mote demand for public intent data and bolster the numeracy and statistical literacy skills so that, like
credibility of and trust in public intent data producers. general literacy, they are part of the fundamental
These goals could be achieved through a combination curricula. These skills would empower an informed
of education and training initiatives. public of data users and create a pool of potential can-
Meanwhile, the public sector at large and the didates for specialized data professions. In tertiary
NSO in particular should seek qualified statisticians, education and data-driven academic fields, advanced
applied economists, and data scientists. One way of education on statistics should be enhanced in ways
doing so is to create a governmentwide approach to that equip future technocrats with data skills that
the formulation of salary scales and renumeration meet policy makers’ demands.
of the positions across the public sector, including in An example at the country level is Politeknik
the NSO, the central bank, and line ministries. Such Statistika, a highly selective university established
an approach could minimize differentials in salary by Statistics Indonesia in 1958. Politeknik Statistika
scales within and across government agencies and awards bachelor’s degrees, with an emphasis on
subsequently create an opportunity to adopt more applied training in official statistics, in preparation
competitive salary scales to attract and retain talent. for statistical careers at Statistics Indonesia and the
A strategic area in which NSO capabilities in low- public sector at large. Examples at the regional level
and middle-income countries could be strengthened include the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Statistique
is research on the development of improved methods et d’Economie Appliquée (ENSEA) in Côte d’Ivoire and
and standards for data production. The capacity to the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Center (EASTC)
conduct such methodological research is critical to in Tanzania.
improving the availability, quality, and usability of Degree and certificate programs with a data
public intent data. NSOs could establish a business science theme, including those offered online, can
line on experimental statistics, which may serve as facilitate development of statistical capacity in
an avenue for participating in cutting-edge, multi- techniques that cut across statistics and computer
disciplinary research efforts centered on integrating science, such as artificial intelligence and machine
public intent and private intent data. Low-capacity learning. A noteworthy example is the Think Data
NSOs, however, will have to strengthen, and in cer- Science Program that was launched in 2019 by the
tain cases create, capabilities in data science and Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), in
geographic information systems. Twinning arrange- partnership with the Arab American University
ments between NSOs with established programs on in West Bank and Gaza. As part of this program,
experimental statistics and those beginning to build students have to complete a graduation project at
these capabilities may be one way to accelerate prog- the PCBS, which gets accredited by the Ministry of
ress. These activities are also aligned with the call for Higher Education.
international organizations to sustain investments in Finally, investments in human capital should be
the search for improved methods of data collection, accompanied by investments in physical infrastruc-
curation, and analysis (see spotlight 2.2). ture, IT platforms, and software capabilities (see
Beyond NSOs, data-related capabilities in min- chapter 5).
istries and other government agencies are often
insufficient. They could remedy the situation by first Governance needs: Making laws and
creating technical units in charge of data produc- regulations conducive to production and
tion, processing, management, and dissemination to use of quality data
improve data quality. These units could also develop Effective use of public intent data depends on having
ministry-specific action plans for capacity building, in place a governmentwide national data strategy or
and should be empowered by receiving the financial, another high-level document that outlines the roles,
technological, and human resources they need to ful- responsibilities, and mandates of various govern-
fill their mandated roles in the national data system. ment agencies. Such arrangements are discussed in
Their goal would be delivery of high-quality knowl- detail in chapters 8 and 9.
edge disseminated in accordance with a ministry- The NSO must be truly independent, impar-
specific public release calendar. tial, and nonpolitical. Its independence should be

Data as a force for public good | 73

anchored in laws and an institutional setup that Data demand needs: Expanding the use of
curtails political interference in official statistics public intent data
and other public data products.127 Debatable is The precondition for the widespread use and reuse
whether placement of the NSO under the executive of data is greater data literacy among the citizenry
branch of government leaves it open to attacks on at large and government decision-makers. The
its independence. On the one hand, it is important integrity of and public trust in official statistics are
that the NSO be positioned to inform public debate also critical to the demand for data. The integrity of
and policy. But this may be difficult to achieve if the official statistics is closely tied to the perceived inde-
NSO is administratively separated from other parts pendence and trustworthiness of the NSO. Existing
of the government and does not maintain a close best practices can ensure integrity of and trust in
relationship with influential ministries such as the the computation of official statistics and the timing
Ministry of Finance or Treasury and the Ministry of of their release, even in the face of political pres-
Commerce or Industry. On the other hand, reporting sures. A first set of practices centers on effective
to a specific ministry or an individual as part of the outreach and communication about NSO products.
executive branch leaves the NSO vulnerable to being These practices include publishing a release calen-
questioned, pressured, or otherwise influenced in dar and providing a public explanation of potential
its involvement with politically sensitive statistical deviations from release dates, as well as publicly dis-
activities. seminating meticulous documentation and meta-
Another way to safeguard against the politiciza- data allowing findings to be replicated. Other best
tion of data is by making deidentified public intent practices include refraining from participating in
datasets publicly available and accessible. Ensuring national politics and carrying out periodic outreach
the creation and dissemination of deidentified public efforts to cultivate public understanding and accep-
intent datasets is partly a political task and partly a tance of the importance of an independent statisti-
technical one. cal agency.
On the political front, the NSO and other govern- NSOs could also increase use of and demand for
ment agencies must promote open data for develop- their data by engaging proactively with and listening
ment. These agencies should ensure that statistical to stakeholders in government, academia, the private
laws and regulations permit the public dissemination sector, CSOs, and the media.129 These engagements
of deidentified public intent data—both aggregated may have multiple objectives such as disseminating
data and microdata. They should also actively engage statistical outputs, understanding and responding
with data users to cultivate a shared understanding to user needs, exploring links between NSO data
of the value of reusing open data for research and for products and other data, and strengthening statis-
design and evaluation of public policy. Administrative tical literacy. Statistics Canada, Statistics Indonesia,
data in particular are often not accessible beyond the and Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and
ministry collecting the data. Geography (INEGI) have engaged in recurrent
On the technical front, safeguarding the confi- training of journalists in print, radio, television, and
dentiality of subjects of public intent data production digital media outlets on official statistics. INEGI
is an unconditional requirement. Confidential data has expanded its work program on data and statis-
include both personally identifiable information and tics related to crime and victimization in Mexico in
the geographic coordinates of data subjects, includ- response to the growing demands from policy mak-
ing communities, households, facilities, and estab- ers and data users. Elsewhere, the Palestinian Central
lishments. Although best practices, standards, and Bureau of Statistics regularly disseminates official
tools for microdata deidentification are available,128 statistics on important international observances,
the risk of disclosure is increasing with enhance- such as International Workers’ Day and Interna-
ments in the interoperability of public intent data. tional Women’s Day.
These trends call for continued improvement of Closely involving civil society in the use and
deidentification techniques. Building capabilities production of data is critical. This involvement can
within technical units of ministries and NSOs in the be achieved by establishing advisory boards com-
use of analytical tools to remove sensitive informa- posed of independent technical experts who can
tion, spatially deidentify microdata, and deal respon- help prepare national statistical strategies in view of
sibly with the risk of disclosure will also foster a the needs of all users—not only the needs of various
better culture of open data. government agencies.

74 | World Development Report 2021

Data visualization is another way in which NSOs way in which data can lead to better lives is via
could increase the reach of official statistics and the the private sector. That is the topic of the next
public’s understanding of them. It does little good chapter.
to achieve greater mastery of advanced analytics
without also ensuring that the policy makers design- Notes
ing and enacting interventions that improve lives
1. Unfortunately, in some contexts this scenario is not too
understand and appreciate the value added by data.130 far from reality. For example, Das and Hammer (2007)
Distilling complex phenomena into compelling visu- found that doctors in New Delhi often perform only a
als and narratives for broad audiences is a timeless fraction of the recommended examinations and tests
idea that can effectively influence public debate and when patients present with common yet dangerous
policy making (for a pioneering example, see box 1.2 health conditions.
2. As just one example, in Ethiopia a 2016 study by Rog-
in chapter 1).
ger and Somani (2018) surveying 1,831 officials of 382
From the perspective of government ministries organizations spanning three tiers of government
and agencies, one way to jump-start data use in revealed officials’ significant lack of knowledge about
planning and policy making is through the institu- their area of work. Half thought that their district’s
tionalized adoption of data-intensive management population was at least 50 percent larger or smaller
practices. In Rwanda, as part of the nationwide than it was. Government staff in the educational sector
were on average 38 percent off when estimating pri-
Imihigo performance contracts launched in 2006,
mary enrollment figures.
mayors commit to setting development targets. Each 3. Cameron et al. (2019).
target is subsequently evaluated and ranked by the 4. See chapter 1 for more information on the distinction
national government with respect to its achievement between public intent data and private intent data,
and whether it was monitored appropriately.131 Man- chapter 3 for a discussion of private intent data, and
agement of these contracts not only requires large chapter 4 for a discussion of how both kinds of data can
be repurposed.
amounts of data to evaluate performance, but, more
5. See Jolliffe et al. (forthcoming) for a lengthier discus-
important, puts data on development outcomes at the sion of these 12 features of public intent data and exam-
center of the policy discourse.132 ples of how they can generate value for development.
When low data literacy or appreciation of data 6. World Bank (2018d).
are barriers to their use, knowledge brokers can 7. SDSN TReNDS (2018b); SSEE (2014).
facilitate data use in the public sector. A knowledge 8. Hallegatte et al. (2017).
9. SDSN TReNDS (2018a).
broker points policy makers to the relevant data and
10. J-PAL (2018).
creates value through collaboration.133 The important 11. Hjort et al. (2019).
role of knowledge brokers is highlighted by evidence 12. Arezki et al. (2020), for example, show that imprecise
from a survey conducted by AidData: policy makers definitions of employment in the Middle East and
reported that they learn about sources of data primar- North Africa blur the lines between unemployment
ily through personal interactions.134 and informality and distort the role of women and
rural areas in national labor markets.
The role of knowledge broker can be fulfilled by
13. The World Bank LSMS team provided the number of
government officials and by outsiders. Central ana- countries in which LSMS-supported survey data pro-
lytical units and technical staff in line ministries can duction took place from 2011 to 2020.
serve as intermediaries for NSOs seeking to reach 14. Abay et al. (2019); Arthi et al. (2018); Carletto, Gourlay,
senior officials and increase data use, presenting data and Winters (2015); Carletto, Savastano, and Zezza
in both technical and nontechnical ways tailored to (2013); Carletto et al. (2017); De Weerdt, Gibson, and
Beegle (2019); Desiere and Jolliffe (2018); Dillon et al.
the needs of decision-makers.135 Another useful tech-
(2019); Gaddis et al. (2019); Gourlay, Kilic, and Lobell
nique is joint analytical exercises by the government
(2019); Kilic et al. (2017, 2018).
and researchers. Collaboration between external 15. World Bank (2016a, 2017a).
researchers and policy makers is a major facilitator of 16. The EU uses a Nomenclature of Territorial Units for
the use of evidence and data.136 Statistics, known as NUTS, for the purpose of allocat-
If governments address these financing, human ing funds. Many EU countries have a hierarchy of three
capital, governance, and data demand roadblocks, NUTS levels. The second level, NUTS 2, is used for allo-
cation of funds. In the accompanying text, NUTS 2 is
the value of public intent data can be maximized.
referred to as areas.
Chapter 9 discusses sequencing of the required 17. Government of Croatia (2019).
government interventions, placing such activities 18. Open Data Watch (2015b).
within an integrated national data system. Another 19. Data2x (2019).

Data as a force for public good | 75

20. McCluskey and Huang (2019) and unpublished notes Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, World
shared with the WDR 2021 team. The 30 percent refers Population and Housing Census Programme [data-
to own-source revenue collection—that is, the part of base],
the revenue collection that the cities themselves over- /census/index.cshtml).
see in contrast to revenue they receive from national 37. See estimates in, for example, Roseth, Reyes, and
authorities and more. Amézaga (2019) and references cited therein.
21. World Bank (2018c). See also World Bank (2020b). 38. WDR 2021 team calculations based on 2019 Statistical
22. Roseth, Reyes, and Amézaga (2019) and references cited Capacity Indicators (World Bank, Statistical Capacity
therein provide evidence of an up-to-date census gen- Indicators [database], https://datatopics.worldbank
erating savings to the government many times its cost. .org/statisticalcapacity/SCIdashboard.aspx).
The value of public intent data to the private sector is 39. López-Vargas, Fuentes, and Vivar (2020).
discussed in spotlight 3.1 and elsewhere. 40. WDR 2021 team calculations based on 2019 Statistical
23. The SDG on clean water and sanitation relies on a Performance Indicators (World Bank, Statistical Per-
mix of household surveys, population and housing formance Indicators [database], http://www.worldbank
censuses, and administrative data (SDSN 2015). Earth .org/spi).
observation data are used for the SDGs on sustainable 41. Desai, Diofasi, and Lu (2018); World Bank, Global
cities and communities, life below water, life on land, ID4D Dataset (Identification for Development Global
and more (Anderson et al. 2017). Citizen-generated data Dataset) (database),
are often used when government data are missing and /dataset/identification-development-global-dataset.
to verify government data (Lämmerhirt et al. 2018). In 42. United Nations (2019b).
the Philippines, for example, the NSO identified more 43. Carr-Hill (2013); Randall (2015); Seltzer and Walker
than 80 relevant SDG indicators where data are missing (2020); Toulemon (2017).
and CSOs could provide inputs through community- 44. Carr-Hill (2013).
based monitoring systems (PARIS21 and PSA 2020). 45. Jerven (2019).
24. MPPN (2017). 46. Where vital registration systems function well, admin-
25. Yin et al. (2020). See World Air Quality Index Project, istrative records can be used to update census pop-
World’s Air Pollution: Real-Time Air Quality Index ulation counts. But these systems are weak in lower-
(database),, and OpenAQ, OpenAQ income countries. Gaps in registration will likely leave
(database),, for publicly available, out more vulnerable people than the census, especially
real-time data from air quality monitoring stations seasonal migrants and the displaced (Dunning, Gelb,
around the globe, including those in China. and Raghavan 2014). The use of administrative records
26. Open Data Watch (2015a). from nongovernment actors can supplement official
27. Bosio and Djankov (2020). records.
28. AFIC (2018); GPSA (2020). 47. Maron (2015).
29. World Bank (2017c). 48. UN Women (2018). Gender-specific SDG indicators
30. Callen et al. (2019). Petrov, Gurin, and Manley (2016) are those that explicitly call for disaggregation by
and Verhulst and Young (2017) contain many other sex or that refer to gender equality as the underlying
examples and channels through which open data may objective.
lead to better development outcomes. 49. Doss, Kieran, and Kilic (2020). Administrative recording
31. Safetipin (2016). of land titles can serve the function of documenting
32. Fabregas, Kremer, and Schilbach (2019). asset ownership at the individual level. However, land
33. For example, in several high-profile cases researchers and property ownership registries are among the less
have been able to reidentify individuals from publicly developed administrative recording systems globally.
available microdata, even though the data had been According to the Global Open Data Index, these data
published in a deidentified fashion (Heffetz and Ligett are available in less than one-quarter of countries, even
2014). in high-income nations, and are rarely openly available.
34. Díaz (2018); Fundación Reflejos de Venezuela (2016); 50. World Bank (2017b). Advances have been made in
Privacy International (2019). LGBTQI stands for les- intrahousehold poverty estimation based on structural
bian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), models and existing household survey data—that is,
intersex. clothing expenditures for women, men, and children
35. Open Data Watch, ODIN (Open Data Inventory) (data- (Lechene, Pendakur, and Wolf 2019). The predictions pro-
base),; Open Knowl- vided by these models, however, have yet to be validated
edge Foundation, GODI (Global Open Data Index) in the context of randomized survey experiments that
(database), collect detailed, individual-disaggregated consumption
36. WDR 2021 team calculations based on 2019 Statistical data that can, in turn, be used to compute observed esti-
Performance Indicators (World Bank, Statistical Perfor- mates of intrahousehold poverty among women, men,
mance Indicators [database], and children. These observed estimates can, in turn, be
/spi). As of December 2014, 21 countries had not com- compared with predictions stemming from structural
pleted a census during the 2010 round of the population models, based on the data elicited through prevailing
and housing census (Statistics Division, Department of approaches to household survey data collection.

76 | World Development Report 2021

51. Tiberti and Costa (2020); UN Women (2018). Similarly, 80. Calleja and Rogerson (2019); Sandefur and Glassman
individual-disaggregated data on time use are required (2015); World Bank (2018a).
to monitor SDG Target 5.4. Yet of the 84 countries 81. Sanna and McDonnell (2017).
known to have conducted time use surveys in the 82. Piovesan (2015).
past, only 24 percent of them have collected data since 83. Antony et al. (2020); Hosman (2014); López-Vargas,
2010. Fuentes, and Vivar (2020); Pham, Rahim, and Cousin
52. Ambler et al. (2020); Bardasi et al. (2011); Chen and Col- (2016).
lins (2014); Deere, Alvarado, and Twyman (2012); Fisher, 84. Allard et al. (2018).
Reimer, and Carr (2010); Jacobs and Kes (2015); Kilic and 85. PARIS21 (2018).
Moylan (2016); Kilic, Moylan, and Koolwal (2020); Kilic 86. PARIS21 (2018).
et al. (2020). 87. Dargent et al. (2020).
53. See de Mel, McKenzie, and Woodruff (2009); de Nicola 88. Allard et al. (2018); Johnson, Massey, and O’Hara (2015).
and Giné (2014); Gibson and Kim (2010). 89. Fu and Schweinfest (2020); UNSTATS and World Bank
54. Arthi et al. (2018); Das, Hammer, and Sánchez-Paramo (2020).
(2012); Deininger et al. (2012); Gaddis et al. (2019); Kilic 90. PARIS21 (2018).
et al. (2018); Wollburg, Tiberti, and Zezza (2020). 91. Lämmerhirt et al. (2018).
55. Sandefur and Glassman (2015). 92. OECD (2019).
56. Sandefur and Glassman (2015). 93. Allard et al. (2018).
57. Karagulian et al. (2019). 94. Calleja and Rogerson (2019); Khan, Wales, and Stuart
58. Antony et al. (2020); Morawska et al. (2018). (2015).
59. Similar findings were reported in Beegle et al. (2016). 95. OECD (2019).
60. See Hoogeveen and Pape (2020) for more information 96. Amnesty International (2019); Privacy International
on such innovations. The last two poverty data points (2013); United Nations (2019a).
are comparable in 60 percent of countries in FCS and 97. Van Belle et al. (2018).
in 75 percent of low-income and Sub-Saharan African 98. Amnesty International (2019); Privacy International
countries. (2013); United Nations (2019a).
61. FMOH (2018). 99. Independence of the national statistical system
62. CTO (2018). underpins the UN Statistical Commission’s 1994
63. Custer and Sethi (2017); Kiregyera (2017). Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. The
64. However, under secure circumstances authorized commission highlighted its concern for independence
third-party researchers can be allowed to match indi- in its 2015 United Nations Fundamental Principles of
vidual-level records across multiple data sources to gen- Official Statistics: Implementation Guidelines (UNSTATS
erate insights that rely on individual-level matching. 2015).
65. Privacy by design refers to proactively embedding pri- 100. Childs et al. (2019); Taylor (2016).
vacy considerations in the design of information tech- 101. Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Ibrahim Index of African
nology and data systems. See examples from Austria, Governance (IIAG) (database), http://mo.ibrahim
Estonia, and India covered in ID4D Practitioner’s Guide: .foundation/iiag/.
Version 1.0 (World Bank 2019b). 102. Bodin (2011); Todesca (2017); Trewin (2018); von
66. WDR 2021 team calculations based on the 2019 Statis- Oppeln-Bronikowski et al. (2015).
tical Performance Indicators (World Bank, Statistical 103. Todesca (2017).
Performance Indicators [database], 104. Hoogeveen and Nguyen (2019); Taylor (2016); World Bank (2016b, 2017c).
67. Katsimi and Moutos (2010). 105. Desiere, Staelens, D’Haese (2016); Jerven (2014).
68. Heffetz and Ligett (2014). 106. Brackfield (2012); World Bank (2018a).
69. In particular, the team had discussions with the NSOs 107. Arezki et al. (2020); Cady (2005); Cady and Pellechio
of Canada, Chile, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, (2006); Kubota and Zeufack (2020).
the United Kingdom, and West Bank and Gaza. 108. Dargent et al. (2020).
70. See United Nations (2019b) for similar findings. 109. See Reporters Wthout Borders, 2020 World Press Free-
71. Calleja and Rogerson (2019). McQueston (2013) found dom Index (database),
similar results. 110. World Bank (2016b, 2018a).
72. Dargent et al. (2020); OECD (2017). 111. Klein, Galdin, and Mohamedou (2016).
73. United Nations (2019b). 112. Custer and Sethi (2017); Kiregyera (2017).
74. UNESCO (2016); WHO (2011). 113. WDR 2021 team based on information in World Bank,
75. PARIS21 (2020). “Literacy Rate, Adult Total (% of People Ages 15 and
76. Calleja and Rogerson (2019). Above),”
77. Sethi and Prakash (2018). .litr.zs.
78. Calleja and Rogerson (2019). National governments 114. World Bank (2017c).
also tend to prioritize covering ongoing expenses for 115. Manning, Goldman, and Hernández Licona (2020).
collecting data over onetime investments in systems. 116. Hoogeveen and Nguyen (2019).
79. Lange (2020). 117. Sethi and Prakash (2018).

Data as a force for public good | 77

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119. Custer and Sethi (2017); Kiregyera (2017). Argyro Kavvada, and Lawrence Friedl. 2017. “Earth
120. ITU (2016); López-Vargas, Fuentes, and Vivar (2020); Observation in Service of the 2030 Agenda for Sustain-
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