The log file documents issues with a sprayer system, including failed attempts to load shared libraries, exceeded signal limits, unsupported record types being imported, sensor and pressure failures, loss of GPS communication, and the sprayer going offline. Software versions are also listed.
The log file documents issues with a sprayer system, including failed attempts to load shared libraries, exceeded signal limits, unsupported record types being imported, sensor and pressure failures, loss of GPS communication, and the sprayer going offline. Software versions are also listed.
The log file documents issues with a sprayer system, including failed attempts to load shared libraries, exceeded signal limits, unsupported record types being imported, sensor and pressure failures, loss of GPS communication, and the sprayer going offline. Software versions are also listed.
The log file documents issues with a sprayer system, including failed attempts to load shared libraries, exceeded signal limits, unsupported record types being imported, sensor and pressure failures, loss of GPS communication, and the sprayer going offline. Software versions are also listed.
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 05/30/2022 15:16:42 04 LoadLibrary() failed: /usr/flash/1325/100/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 05/30/2022 15:16:42 04 CMapSignalInfo::CMapSignalInfo()150 Number of signals exceeded. 05/30/2022 15:16:43 04 CMapSignalInfo::CMapSignalInfo()150 Number of signals exceeded. 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:44 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvm::ImportData()481 Record type not supported. record_type:38 05/30/2022 15:16:45 04 CNvmImportSummaryTask::OnCycle()144 Record import failed. record_type:38 status:-1 05/30/2022 15:16:46 02 CSprayerAsApplied::CSprayerAsApplied() - AsApplied dll found, attempting registration for Sprayer controls 05/30/2022 15:16:48 04 Falha no sensor ultrassônico dir. AB-305 set active on 15:16 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:16:48 04 Pressão baixa AB-502 set active on 15:16 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:16:49 04 current_build_type : 0x2, vehicle_brand: 0x1, vehicle model value = 16 05/30/2022 15:16:50 04 AGProfiles::Ceres not responding. Restart sequence. 1. 05/30/2022 15:18:07 04 Falha no sensor ultrassônico esq. AB-205 set active on 15:18 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:18:07 04 Falha no sensor de pressão esquerdo AB-202 set active on 15:18 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:18:07 04 Falha no sensor de pressão direito AB-302 set active on 15:18 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:18:07 04 Energia de corrente alta desconectada AB-180 set active on 15:18 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:18:10 04 Total Cycle Time: 1.47 minutes, Total Engage Time: 0.00 minutes, Engaged 0 times 05/30/2022 15:18:13 04 AGProfiles::Went OFFLINE. 05/30/2022 15:18:14 04 Perda de comunicação do receptor GPS PF-100 set active on 15:18 30 Mai, 2022 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 ----- Software Summary ----- 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Estrutura.dll, SWID: 1294, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Agricultura de Precisão.dll, SWID: 1295, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Pulverizador.exe, SWID: 1335, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Piloto Automático.dll, SWID: 1305, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Como aplic.dll, SWID: 1312, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 Display Defaults.dll, SWID: 1328, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 E-Notes.dll, SWID: 1330, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 AutoBoom.dll, SWID: 1334, Version 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 ----- End Software Summary ----- 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 05/30/2022 15:18:17 00 >>->>->>->> LOG Closed <<-<<-<<-<<