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only 2% Of total water absorbed by plants utilized in Factor : ↑ temp ,

↑ air movement ,

humidity ,

light intensity Abscisic acid → Plant hormone ; abscisic acid ,
causes kt to pass out guard

photosynthesis & nearly 98% lost in form vapors via process low coz =
large open cells to surrounding cell

called plant transpiration high coz

small open → water inside guard cell higher >
surrounding cells ,
water from

by plants return Hzo →
atmosphere guard cell move →
surrounding cells & cause guard cells become

via stomata Factors in regulation of stomata open / close flaccid & thus stomata closed

1 water in soil • 2 Root hair • 3 Root cortex o 4


involve changes in turgor pressure I pressure potential I guard cells during daytime 10,10W Concert •
plant can detect this ,
stomata open to allow co , → enter for photo -

5 upward movement o b leaves an Diffusion through stomata &

nighttime results potassium 1kt ) ions synthesis

through xylem -

During daytime guard cells take up rations from surrounding cells

[ more K+ ions & has low water

10 , high concert °
cause stomata close CO2 increase acidity guard cells by increasing H'


become turgid & stomata opens

stomatal pores ) H+
open to take in co , and Due to increase in in guard cells guard cells become

more are open ,

concert .


more plants transpire & lose water -

In dark no accumulation ñ ions in guard cell due to K+ ions are transported flaccid & stomata closed

from guard cell →

surrounding cells

i. unction " """ " " " ""' " " Auxin •
plant hormone produced in shoot & apical meristem

activated proton pumps H+ out guard cell

1 main functions is cool plant sweat keeps humans & animal

PLAN -1 TRANSPIRATION uptake K+ guard water in peripheral cell guard

• →
→ cell ,
cell & caused

cool guard cell become turgid & thus stomata opened

L if
cannot transpire enough to keep cool in dry soil i extreme

heats then losing leaves / completely defoliate in

guard cell low Kt ↑ H2O water from cells , affecting plant transpiration
start & move
guard cell →
surrounding Factors rate

, ,

severely stressed and die thus guard cells become flaccid & stomata closed

plant transpiration is evaporative cooling system brings 1 Temperature -
rates go up as temp .

air warmer due to stronger sunlight &

down temp plants .

but since leads → water loss Drought °
there is lack ground water
stomata will close to prevent water warmer air masses

by guard toss through transpiration
regulated cell to open / close stomatal mins pores I 1
regulatory mechanism to prevent

, 2 Humidity -
relative this of air surrounding plant rises transpiration rate falls

2 involved in pumping new water & minerals to leaves


for Iban :ÑbbÑI Cold weather / winds tend to closed rapid
cold weather , strong ,
stomata coz greater outside

low temp water from reduce traspi ration
. loss guard cells & rate

Dry air 0 2 loss water from leaves → 3 New water °
low temp plants always dehydrate coz restricted water uptake
⇐É ↓

stoma always rapid lose

Regulation of transpiration 3 Wind & air movement -

increased movement wind & air around plant result in
higher transp i -

Pathogen ° Bacteria & fungi capable of triggering stomatal closure through patho -
ration rate

stomata open / close depend on light intensity , high temp ,

, gen
associated molecular patterns ( PAMPs ) , prevents penetration through

wind ,
relative humidity & coz concentrations in atmosphere these pores s

→ stomata considered part of plant innate immune response É

wind velocity
4 Soil -
moisture availability -
soil moisture lacking ,
result in leaf loss &

transpire less water Another type of water loss from plant

How transpiration is measured ?
/ " "" "

lenticel -
found on epidermis of diff plant organist
l fruits


measures water uptake of gases between internal tissue

exchange env .
spaces organs

cutting plant shoot damage plant 0, & water

entrance & simultaneously output coz vapor

plant has no roots ino resistance to

In apple ,
account for up 21% transpiration
H2O being pulled up
, ,ype of plant -

grow in arid regions " " " """ • " " " " "" """"ᵈ

water by transpiring less water > other plants by having

waxy cuticle & epidermal hair

PLAN -1 -1µg µ J PIRA / [ ON

Guttation -
water lost from leaves in form liquid droplets from tips &

leaves at night

uncontrolled process
Plants have adapted to transport water , minerals from roots to leaves what is symplast Gaspari an strip -
band -
like thickening of lignin & suberin in

sugars from specific

& leaves →
consists of cytoplasmic network every plant cell interconnected by plasmodesmata root endodermis

sym plastic route utilised to deliver H2O & ions

How do roots absorb water & minerals beyond cortex . mad up non-living components

Root morphology

does not involve intercellular spaces & cell walls & considered as complete living component

plant tissue

Pericycle -
cylinder parenchyma / sclerenchyma cells lies just

inside endodermis & outer most part of stele of plants

"" "" "" "

What is Apop last ?

space outside plasma membrane consisting intercellular spaces material diffuses freely

How do roots absorb water & minerals ? -

does not involved protoplasm in plant tissues but involves non-living parts plant ; How do roots absorb more water & minerals ?

[ cell wall & intercellular spaces


Active absorption →
Hzo it enters cell sap &
passes from 1 cell → another -

In pathway , Hzo transported from root hair →

Mycorrhizal mutualism ( Fungus + root hairs I

protoplasm involved called symplast Xylem through cell wall fungus helps plant obtain more water & minerals

Beyond cortex , apo plastic H2O movement blocked Plant feeds sugar →

"" " " " "" " " "" ° " → ""° " °"" "" " ° " ""° """ °" " " "° " "" " " " " " " " " "" " " " ""

apop last path includes cell wall & intercellular spaces

Sym Plast & Apop last → 2 separate pathways in plant initiate passage water

along w/ ions from root hair cortex → xylem elements

→ routes exist either simultaneously / separately having

diff rates
Mechanism transportation water & minerals Respiration 3 water enter from xylem → sieve element by osmosis due to concentration

[ Transpiration cause area low pressure within plant
glucose + oxygen • carbon dioxide + water +
energy inside sieve elements increase phloem loading

loss water through stomata

in leaves occur in mitochondria ein cells

root pressure creates higher pressure & thus Hyo •
Plants use some glucose produce respiration 4 hydrostatic pressure forces solute to next sieve tube

goes up

Chem reaction releases energy allows to convert rest glucose into other useful substances thus diff drive solute movement to sink

water moves from high pressure from soil → can use to build new cells &

low pressure in plant xylem The store carbohydrates as starch 5 Ploem unloading

l transfer organic food from sieve tube → sink ( root / fruits site storage

cohesion -
allows Hzo against gravity CO2 Hyo molecules are -

process in food
lsugari made in leaves l
sugar gradient from source creates pressure flow via sieve tube towards sink

polar have week bonds between molecules cohesive -

can downward , upward & lateral

force holding molecules together -

downward from leaves → stem & root
, upward from leaves → buds flowers
& fruits 6 decreases concert .
in sieve tube & water move back

Hyo molecules stick to 1 another through cohesion lateral from pith → cortex & epidermis

www.ninmiem.a " " """ "" "" " " " "
in plants ,
takes place by vascular tissue called phloem ,

Tension adhesion /
water molecules climb on top by H2O PLAN -1 1- RANJI C) (A) [ON -

capillary action attracted to walls xylem

How do plant transport food ? Mass flow / pressure flow hypothesis

produce carbohydrates ( sugars ) in leaves by Ñ9bnd1:ÑbbÑI , but non -


mainly concerned w/ explanation of movement sugar via phloem in plant

ÑII nil :ÑuÑI also require carbohydrates


2 importance terms in mass flow hypothesis ; source & sink

Glucose formed by photosynthesis in cells mesophyll & some glucose utilized
source is site synthesis / green parts plant like leaves

leftover glucose transformed into sucrose -
sink is site storage like fruits , seeds & tubers

what do plants glucose for Mechanism of

use mass flow hypothesis

used straight away in respiration Plants.

also carry out respiration 1
sugar in mesophyll cells increase by photosynthesis

to release energy l
water then absorbed from nearby cells ,
increasing hydrostatic pressure in mesopnyll cell

substances for Stores of energy


converted into starch & Other storage .

Hydrostatic / turgor pressure is exerted on wall due to entry of water by osmosis

used later when plant needs them


used to make new chemicals ; proteins , sugars & 2 Phloem loading occur

l transfer food from

organic me Sophy 11 cells •
companion cell & sieve tube phloem due to

hydrostatic / turgor pressure

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