Admission Prospectus 2022
Admission Prospectus 2022
Admission Prospectus 2022
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XLRI Jamshedpur Should it be deemed necessary in the interest
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02 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 03
expansion the institute looks forward to inspiring more
I would like to mention four important hallmarks of
young minds and creating more responsible business
Jesuit education which have guided XLRI in its successful
journey and we will continue to place a strong emphasis
on them. All our management-centric programmes are taught
The first one is ‘Excellence’ (the first word you see on
by renowned faculty members who are committed to
delivering the curriculum effectively. Our flagship PGDM
To be an institution of excellence nurturing
the Logo); it is the translation of the Latin word ‘Magis’.
In fact, the word ‘Excellence’ does not fully convey the
true meaning of ‘Magis’;- it is to strive continuously for
programmes - BM, HRM, GMP and Fellow Program
- are regularly revised to enable students to meet responsible global leaders for the greater common
the best, without getting easily satisfied and without
becoming complacent with our achievements.
transformational business challenges and expectations
of the business world. good and a sustainable future.
The MDP and outreach programmes have helped
Along with Excellence, another word found on the Logo
thousands of junior, mid-level and senior executives
which describes the ethos of XLRI is Integrity. You cannot
across the country to update their knowledge base and
achieve excellence, long-term success without integrity
and ethics. Excellence and Ethics are important elements
of XLRI’s DNA and they should also become part of the
skill-sets and help climb up the corporate career ladder.
So, come explore excellence and be inspired at XLRI.
DNA of all of you, who pass through the portals of XLRI.
These should be the important distinguishing factors of God bless you!
an XLRI alumni. This cannot be achieved by us, the faculty Fr. Paul Fernandes, S.J. To disseminate To extend frontiers To nurture To encourage To inculcate
alone; it cannot be taught in the class room. We can Director knowledge in of knowledge responsive ethical critical thinking a culture of
help you to develop these attitudes, values and beliefs management through relevant leaders sensitive to and continuous innovation and
that form a managers’ world view and a professional through a portfolio and contextual the environment improvement. entrepreneurship.
identity. We can show you the direction; but, you need of educational research. and society.
to take responsibility to learn, to grow and to become programs and
responsible, committed and competent leaders. Excellence and Ethics are important elements of publications.
XLRI’s DNA and they should also become part of the
The third aspect relates to ‘Whole-person growth in all DNA of all of you, who pass through the portals of
quotients’ - growth of an individual across intellectual,
XLRI. These should be the important distinguishing
social, emotional and spiritual levels; and the fourth factors of an XLRI alumni. This cannot be achieved
hallmark being ‘social consciousness - to be sensitive by us, the faculty alone; it cannot be taught in the
to the needs of the less privileged around us. Our class room. We can help you to develop these
curriculum includes a compulsory course in Business Inspired by the Jesuit spirit of ‘Magis’, XLRI will be guided by the following values:
attitudes, values and beliefs that form a managers’
Ethics and activities such as rural visits to help inculcate world view and a professional identity. We can
a sense of social responsibility, marked with compassion show you the direction; but, you need to take
for the downtrodden and the needy. responsibility to learn, to grow and to become
Rooted in Excellence and Integrity, XLRI is setting up responsible, committed and competent leaders.
world-class campuses in Jhajjar (Near Delhi), Navi Mumbai Ethical Integrity Passion for Sensitive Social Inclusiveness Creativity Global
Conduct and Trust Excellence Conscience and Tolerance and Innovation Mindset
04 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 05
1949 1958
In 1949, Fr Quinn Enright, S.J. with the
help of the then General Manager In 1958, the first batch of
of TISCO NJ Haley, formed a core XLRI graduated from the
committee comprising Michael premises of Loyola School. In 1962, the present XLRI heritage
John (union leader), MD Madan, Dr. campus was inaugurated.
Sukhatme, and GV Apte and started
operating from the Boulevard Hotel in
The foundation stone for the
Jhajjar campus in Delhi-NCR was
laid on 16 January, 2017 by Om
Prakash Dhankar, Cabinet Minister,
Government of Haryana.
In 1959, Fr. Enright left for the
US handing over the charge of
construction of the campus to Fr. EH
The contiguous extension of
the existing XLRI, Jamshedpur
campus was inaugurated by
On 8 December, 1956, the ground Cyrus Mistry, the then Chairman,
Tata Sons, on 17 November,
breaking ceremony for the present
XLRI Campus was held. In 1956, the 2015.
classes shifted to a room in Loyola
School and a two-year day programme XLRI Delhi-NCR
commenced here leading to a commenced its academic
post-graduate diploma in Industry year in August 2020.
06 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 07
The Genesis
XLRI was founded in 1949 by Fr.
Quinn Enright, S.J. in the Steel
City of Jamshedpur. Fr. Enright
visualized XLRI to be a partner in
journey to internationalise our academic programmes. Renowned
personalities, distinguished industrialists, academicians and
stewards of Jamshedpur Jesuit Society have been part of the
institute as Board of Governors, leaders and administrators,
teachers and guides. True to its vision, XLRI strives to offer
an education which just does not culminate in a mere
degree, but one that inspires future business leaders to
respond to the unmet needs of the society.
the liberation and development
journey of the independent India
Keeping true to its vision, XLRI strives to A key characteristic that sets apart XLRI students from other
management schools is MAGIS - a quest for the best, never
with a vision of “renewing the face offer a management-centric education to settle down for mediocrity and always aspire to excel.
of the earth”. Fr. Bill Tome joined
hands with him to bring that
which is not just leading to a degree, but They relentlessly strive for more, for something better than
the best. Instead of wishing circumstances to change and
vision to fruition. Both, together one that inspires future business leaders become different, MAGIS-driven persons either make them
with the other Jesuit companions,
worked tirelessly towards
to respond to the unmet needs of the happen or make t he most of them; instead of waiting for
golden opportunities, they turn all that they touch into gold.
translating the Vision “Renewing society
the face of the earth” into action. XLRI, one of the best management schools in India, at its
inception, started several management-centric courses
Heritage for trade unions. In 1953, a two-year, day programme in
Industrial Relations and Welfare was started, which was
Over the years XLRI has later re-christened as Human Resource Management.
developed its own distinct Since then, XLRI has added many management-centred
identity. Established in 1949, academic programmes to its portfolio and has expanded its
XLRI is the oldest management infrastructure to meet the growing demand of students and
school in India. The hallmark of establish itself as a premier management school in India. A
this identity is, not to walk on three-year, evening programme in Business Management
the beaten path, but to strike was started in 1965, and in 1968 a two-year full-time
new routes; not to benchmark, programme in Business Management was launched.
but to be benchmarked; to be
second to none, but to be the first Over the years, XLRI has launched quite a few short and
to respond to the needs of the long-term programmes for working executives to help
people and the nation; taking up upgrade their management-centric knowledgebase and
tasks that are bold, but necessary, become more competent business leaders.
that which nobody has hitherto
taken up. This enterprising and Xl Journey Over 72 Years
pioneering spirit can be witnessed The XL journey that began with the Vision of a few Jesuit
throughout the history of XLRI. fathers has nurtured many business leaders, industrialists
XLRI has always had and and changemakers in its course of translating dreams into
maintains a global outlook. reality. As we look back, we are reminded of the undeterred
We were the first among pursuit of the founding fathers to bring change in society
management schools in India and the nation at large.
08 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 09
automated with Liberty (Library Management System
from SoftLink Asia) and integrated with the latest
technologies including Hybrid - RFID & EM System
(from 3M & Bibliotheca) which allows up to Self-
Check-In/Out of library items by the users, without the
assistance of a library staff member.
and its allied subjects. It Gartner Research, India Business Insight, Indiastat, ISI
continuously strives to develop Emerging Markets (EMIS), Report Junction and Statista.
a comprehensive collection Library also subscribes to Grammarly premium, which
with well-formulated collection
Electronic Resources
provides online writing assistance avoiding grammar
development strategy of print mistakes. Also, subscribes to Feedback Studio [leading
as well as electronic resources
anti-plagiarism tool from Turnitin] for checking the
useful for teaching, learning,
academic and research outputs.
research, and reference
purposes. PG & Doctoral The library works for 21 and a half hours every day
dissertations including Sundays throughout the year, leaving 2
and half hours for daily housekeeping (6.00 AM to
69,650 The library houses a veritable
8.30 AM) and barring the institute holidays only.
It facilitates specialised information services like
books collection of 69,650 Books, 24,400 new arrivals, document delivery services, research
eBooks, 15 News Papers, 90 Print assistance services, curriculum support, online
Magazines & Journals, 34,600
24,400 eMagazines & eJournals, 16,810
Back Volumes of Print Journals, 42
information services, reference and referral services,
documentation service, current contents alerts,
eBooks bibliographic service, reprographic services, and user
Electronic Resources and 14,200 PG
& Doctoral dissertations. orientation & training besides its usual services. Also,
registered with National Digital Library (NDL) and
Also, a separate section for the
Indian Research Information System (IRINS).
publications of the Alumni and
News Papers Faculty members. The library is fully
10 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 11
and scanning facility
to break new ground by being SPSS, DB2, and other software. forum, grades, feedback, leave applications and other online
the most e-enabled business Apart from value-added learning application,course outline, electives, resources.
school in India. The initial focus of different packages, users have handouts, and class schedule are made
There are 22 state-of-the-art classrooms
of being technology friendly has access to databases and electronic available online to the faculty, students,
with multimedia presentation
now resulted in a virtual food of journals. and the administration. A dedicated helpdesk
support. The seating arrangement is
e-initiatives. The Wi-Fi enabled
amphitheatre style and each lecture hall XLRI provides web-hosted SAP Apart from the individual nodes, service for software High speed Wi-Fi
campus, and other infrastructure
has a capacity for 70. These classrooms solution for hands-on ERP through more than 500 units of workstations/ and hardware
facilities, supplemented with new connectivity
also support closed-circuit recording University Alliance programme. laptops, scanners, laser printers, close
courses, workshops, seminars, and support for users.
and playback of lecture sessions. The XLRI has 10 gigabits ready Ethernet circuit surveillance camera, multimedia
live projects empower students to
seven syndicate rooms are multi- network in the campus to support projectors, and digital camera are
integrate technology solutions to
purpose areas for other academic the institute’s local area network. available to meet the teaching needs of
workplace challenges.
exercises. In addition to this the new Every student is equipped with a faculty.
academic complex is equipped with The computing resources at XLRI laptop and has round-the-clock Further XLRI has a Behavioral Research Lab supported by state-of-the-
The video conferencing facility through
latest servers and workstations to include latest servers with VMWare access to intranet as well as the art hardware to enable HD audio-video conferencing. A dedicated server
ISDN lines and IP connectivity are
facilitate the learning process. and workstations, a state-of-the- internet. Every hostel room has a client set up with application software is available to help researchers
available for pre-placement interviews
art campus network and leased dedicated LAN connection on the with their creation of powerful computerized experiment and analysis
and pre-placement talks by MNCs/
line of 1.5 GBPS raw bandwidth Institute’s network, and wireless with multimedia capabilities.
Corporate and for interactive lectures
WAN connectivity. There are high- network is also enabled to provide
and dialogue sessions.
12 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 13
Medical Facilities
Student Residences Auditoriums We have an infirmary equipped with all basic
amenities including five beds to attend students who
A ) BM /HRM / FPM The campus has three fully-equipped auditoriums.
may require special medical attention. Three doctors
Two of these auditoriums have a seating capacity
There are Five blocks with more than 780 rooms. visit us, one in the morning and two in the evening.
of about 150 each. These auditoriums play host to
All rooms are equipped with required facilities for Medical assistance is also available to us at the multi-
internal student events, guest lectures and seminars,
a comfortable stay such as water filters, coolers disciplinary Tata Main Hospital, which is just 3 km
and the famed XLRI Student General Body Meetings.
and common rooms. Each hostel room has access away from the campus.
The Tata Auditorium, the biggest of the three, has a
points linking to the Local Area Network and has
capacity of about 1,500, and is known in music circles
Sports Facilities
24-hour WiFi internet accessibility. The institute
to have one of the finest acoustic systems in the
provides separate residences for Men and Women
region. The Tata Auditorium hosts all major events
on campus.
ranging from Annual Convocation, Ethics Oration and
A sound mind in a sound body is what XLRI aims to
There are three Messes which are managed by Ensemble. It has played host to a huge number of
fulfill through its management education. Sporting
the student’s body (Infracom), that serve delicious performances by eminent personalities from India and
facilities available for students include grass football
meals to all students. The students of XLRI come abroad.
field, futsal, pool table, tennis court, basketball courts
from various parts of India. In order to experience
and beach-volleyball court of international standard.
different states and communities’ cultures and
SC Sarkar Gymnasium has state-of- the-art facilities for
tastes, students have formed Regional Committees
indoor badminton and equipment for workouts and
to organise traditional Dinners and Cultural events.
In addition to the facilities on campus, students
The institute has excellent residential facilities for have access to swimming pools, squash courts
PGDM students. The PGDM Residential complex and synthetic athletics track - all in proximity from
has both self-contained AC single rooms as well the campus - through affiliations with local sports
as family accommodation. Students may avail authorities.
either a single-room or a family accommodation
according to their preference. These rooms have
access points linking to the Local Area Network
and have 24-hour WiFi internet accessibility. There
International Centre
are a total of 151 rooms with attached bathrooms. The towering, six-floor international centre includes
One-third of them are double bedded rooms and four offces, 65-seater classrooms, 96 rooms with
a Kitchenette for students with families. They are attached washrooms and eight suites. Comfortable
in Block A and B. The single-bedded rooms are dining facility, relaxing lounges and upfront reception
available in Blocks C & D. These residences are desk are few of the noticeable amenities at the
well-equipped with facilities such as water filters, international centre.
coolers and common rooms. There is one Mess that
is exclusively operational for PGDM Students, which
is managed by the student’s body (Infracom)
Learning Centre
The new learning centre is meticulously designed to
create spaces that support learning and encourage
lively discussions. There are 15 classrooms, each
with a capacity for 75, and six syndicate rooms
(50-60 seaters each). A seater computer lab is fitted
with latest servers and workstations to facilitate the
learning process. Keeping in context the growing
intake of outstanding students the new learning
centre has two large classrooms (150-seater each)
and two small classrooms (60-seater each).
14 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 15
• The campus has been designed to promote
eco-friendly transport and living.
• The orientation of the buildings have been
planned using detailed sun studies and use of
concepts of solar passive architecture.
• Many of the areas that receive harsher sunlight
have a second skin in the form of ventilated
Buildings and surroundings are developed using
IGBC Guidelines and meet the criteria of green
• Site planning
• Building envelope design
• HVAC- Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning,
lighting, electrical, and water heating
• Integration of renewable energy sources
• Water and waste management
• Selection of ecologically sustainable materials
• Indoor environment quality (Maintains indoor
thermal and visual comfort and air quality)
XLRI | Delhi-NCR campus is located in Jhajjar District, at Aurangpur, which is 25 km • The landscape is divided into two distinct types
from Gurugram and is centrally connected to the main districts like Delhi, Gurgaon, and to promote formal and informal interactions.
Rewari. The foundation stone for the XLRI I Delhi-NCR campus in Jhajjar District was
laid on 16 January 2017. Shri Om Prakash Dhankar, Cabinet minister, Government of • Formal landscape to interact with and enhance
Haryana unveiled the plaque of the foundation stone, and Rev. Anil Couto, Archbishop of utility of adjacent building.
Delhi, blessed the foundation stone. • Formal landscape to have specific utility
The new state-of-the-art campus is spread over an area of 36 acres, has been designed features like O.A.T., spill-out, canteen seating,
to promote an eco-friendly living experience and to foster climate consciousness. The meeting areas etc.
orientation of the campus buildings have been planned using detailed sun studies and • Informal landscape to act as buffers between
applying concepts of solar-passive architecture. The areas that receive harsher sunlight buildings and other functions and be easy to
have a second skin in the form of ventilated cladding. The new campus has earned a maintain.
Gold-level Green Building Certification, and it has been designed using IGBC guidelines
to be able to earn a platinum rating from IGBC in the future.
Over the years XLRI has added many more
executive and certificate programmes to meet
the growing demands of the sector. It has
expanded its infrastructure to facilitate student
requirements and promote a healthy learning
environment. Its virtual interactive programmes
and executive programmes have a wide range
of . applicants from varied educational and
professional backgrounds.
18 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 19
Management Programme (without late fee)
Learning (VIL) Programmes FPM
`2100/- and `500/-
Four year Fellow Programme in
each for every additional
programme of XLRI (with
(For one or more
• PGCBM – Postgraduate Certificate in Business • Management Development Programmes late fee)
• eMDP
• PGCHRM – Postgraduate Certificate in Human
• In-Company Training Programmes
Resource Management.
Applicants are responsible for ensuring that their application
• Consultancy Services General Information
• PGCBA – Postgraduate Certificate in Business is complete and all the information provided in connection
Analytics Certificate Programmes with their application is authentic and accurate. • Candidates may apply for more than one programme
• PGCSLM - Postgraduate Certificate in Senior • EDHRM XAT score can be downloaded from the website. No hard copy • Shortlisted candidates for Interview in BM and HR
Leadership Management of the score card will be sent. programme is based only on XAT scores
• Executive Diploma in Human Resource
• PGCF- Postgraduate Certificate in Finance Management spread over 16 months Names of the shortlisted candidates for the interview will • NRI candidates, however, may choose GMAT
be posted on • GMP candidates may apply either through XAT or GMAT
• EDAMP- Executive Diploma in Advanced
Management Program
A candidate may apply for multiple programmes. Those who apply for multiple programmes
may be called for multiple interviews and/or group discussions. The selection criteria for
different programmes may differ depending on the nature of the programme. XAT written The last date for the online registration for XAT Sunday, January 2, 2022
Selection test will have multiple components and you need to maximise your performance in each
of these components. In its pursuit of academic excellence, XLRI actively encourages the
Important The last date for the online XAT will be held on Sunday,
Criteria students from diverse backgrounds. While preparing the short-listed candidates for the
interview, in addition to XAT performance, we may factor in academic background and the
Dates registration for XLRI programmes
January 2, 2022 in 81 cities
across India for BM, HR, Ex-
relevant work experience. Besides performance in the personal interviews (and/or group
November 30, 2021 PGDM(General) and FPM
discussions), we also consider XAT performance, relevant work experience, academic
background, extracurricular activities while preparing the final list.
20 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 21
51. Indian Philosophy and Leadership Excellence
90. Social Finance Impact Investing & Insurance
1. Advanced Environmental 16. Competition and Globalisation 52. Industrial Economics and Competitive Strategies
Management and Green Marketing 91. Social Legislation for Indian Managers
17. Communicating Critical Decision 53. Industrial Jurisprudence
CREDITS 2. Advanced Manpower Planning 92. Software Project Management
Elective Courses 18. Consulting to Management 54. Information Security and Risk Management
3. Applied Econometrics for HRM 93. Strategic Communication
19. Contract Law for HR Managers* 55. Intellectual Property Rights
4. Analysis for Managerial Decision Making 94. Strategic Human Resource Management
20. Corporate Image Building 56. International Business Economics
5. Applied Quantum Innovations 95. Strategic Leadership and Governance
21. Corporate Sustainability in Practice 57. International Human Resource Management
6. Assertiveness Training 96. Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid*
22. Cross-Cultural Management 58. International Relations and Management
7. Balanced Score Card 97. Strategies of Co-operation
23. Cyber Law 59. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
8. Basic Econometrics of HR 98. Stress Management
24. Data Structures 60. Labour Law Applications
9. Behavioral Strategy & Decision-Making 99. Sustainable Human Resource Management - 2 credits
25. DBMS with Oracle 61. 61. Leadership, Influence and Power
10. Blockchain Application for Managers* 100. Taxation of Salaries*
26. 26. Decision Support Systems 62. Leading Digital Transformation
11. Building Learning Organisations 101. The Ethics of Artifcial Intelligence and Human
27. Designing Organisations for 63. Machine Learning for Business Analytics
Enhancement – Implications for Management
12. Business and Data Communications Uncertain Environment 64. Management of Creativity Practitioners*
28. Development Economics 65. Management of Relationships 102. Total Quality Management
13. Business Modeling Through System
29. Digital Product Management: Concept to 66. Managerial Competencies and Career Development 103. Training and Development
14. Business Networking* 67. Managerial Counseling 104. Transactional Analysis
30. Economics of Human Resources
15. Collective Bargaining and Negotiation 68. Managing Diversity in the Workplace 105. Zen and the Executive Mind
31. Economics of Information and Network
24 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 25
PGdm (BM)
Information Systems 24. Strategic Marketing 22. Mergers, Acquisition and Corporate
1. Blockchain Application for Managers* Production, Operations &
23. Public Policy and Business Strategy
2. Business and Data Communications Decision Sciences
Core Courses
TERM 1 21 credits TERM 2 22 credits TERM 3 20 credits Networks 24. Resource Based Strategy
1. Advanced Inventory Control
3. Business Modeling Through System 25. Strategic Game Theory for Managers
1. OB-I: Individual and Group 1. Financial Management – I 1. Business Law - 2 credits 2. Advanced Operations Research
Dynamics 26. Strategic Leadership and Governance
Behaviour in Organization 3. Demand and Business Forecasting
2. Introduction to Sustainable 2. OB-II: Organizational 4. Business Modeling using Spread Sheets 27. Strategic Marketing
2. Management Accounting - I Development & Corporate Structure, Design and 4. Digital Product Management: Concept to
5. Cyber Law 28. Strategies for the Bottom of the
Sustainability - 2 credits Change Commercialization
3. Managerial 6. Data Structures Pyramid*
5. Electronics Business and Markets
Communication 3. Management Accounting-II 3. Business Research Methods 29. Strategies of Co-operation
7. DBMS with Oracle
- 2 credits 6. Enterprise Resource Planning
4. Managerial Economics 4. Managerial Ethics - 2 credits 8. Decision Support Systems 30. Technology Management
7. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
4. Financial Management - II 9. Digital Product Management: Concept to
5. Operations Management 5. Management Information
8. Materials Management Courses from other
–I Systems 5. Human Resource
Management - 2 credits 10. Enterprise Resource Planning
9. Production Planning and Control Functional Areas
6. Principles of Marketing 6. Marketing Planning and 10. Project Management
11. I S Strategy 1. Analysis for Managerial Decision Making
Implementation 6. Operations Research - 2 11. Service Operations Management
7. Quantitative Techniques - I 12. Information Security and Risk Management 2. Analysis of Sports and Sportspersons
7. Macroeconomic Theory and 12. Supply Chain Analytics
13. Intellectual Property Rights 3. Assertiveness Training
Policy 7. Operations Management 13. Technology Management
14. Leading Digital Transformation 4. Balanced Score Card
- II
8. Quantitative Techniques - II 14. Theory of Constraints 5. Behavioral Strategy & Decision-Making
15. Machine Learning for Business Analytics
8. Strategic Management 15. Total Quality Management
16. Managing Business Process Outsourcing 6. Building Learning Organisations
17. Object-Oriented Programming Strategic Management 7. Communicating Critical Decision
18. Software Project Management 8. Consulting to Management
1. Advanced Environmental Management
9. Corporate Governance
TERM 4,5,6
and Green Marketing
Marketing 10. Corporate Image Building
2. Applied Quantum Innovations
Economics 7. Debt Markets and their Derivatives 1. Advertising and Sales Promotion
3. Balanced Score Card 11. Cross-Cultural Management
8. Earnings Management: Detection and Control 2. Business-to-Business Marketing 12. Decision Making for Effective Leadership
1. Applied Econometrics for Managers 4. Building Learning Organisations
CREDITS 3. Competition and Globalisation 13. Designing Organisations for Uncertain
2. Demand and Business Forecasting 9. Financial Analysis, Planning and Control 5. Business Models of Organisational
Elective Courses Environment
10. Financial Considerations & GST for Sales Function* 4. Consumer Behaviour Excellence*
3. Development Economics
5. International Marketing 6. Business Networking* 14. Emotional Intelligence and Managerial
4. Economics of Human Resources 11. Financial Decision Making Under Information
6. Internet Marketing Effectiveness
5. Economics of Information and Network Industries Asymmetries* 7. Competition and Globalisation
7. Marketing Analytics – Storytelling with 15. Ethics of Business Turnaround
6. Entrepreneurship and New Ventures 12. Financial Markets 8. Contemporary Business Practices
Data Management
7. Experimental Economics for Managers 13. Financial Modeling Using Excel 9. Corporate Sustainability in Practice
8. Marketing and Society 16. Indian Philosophy and Leadership
8. Firms, Markets and Global Dynamics 14. Financial Risk Management 10. Designing Organisations for Uncertain Excellence
15. Financial Technical Analysis and Introduction to 9. Marketing Decision Models Environment
9. Game Theory for Managers 17. Leadership, Influence and Power
Global Intermarket Analysis* 10. Marketing Engineering* 11. Entrepreneurship and New Ventures
10. Industrial Economics and Competitive Strategies 18. Management of Creativity
16. Fundamental Analysis* 11. Marketing in Emerging Countries* 12. Entrepreneurship Planning and
11. International Business Economics 19. Management of Relationships
17. Indian Accounting Standards 12. Marketing in Practice Development: with special reference to
12. Managing Private-Public Partnerships Tech-Entrepreneurs and Professionals 20. Personal Effectiveness and Leadership
18. International Business Economics 13. Marketing Law
13. Money Banking and Finance 13. Global Business Turnaround 21. Personal Growth Lab
19. International Financial Management 14. Marketing Metrics for Marketing
14. Social Banking and Microfinance Performance Evaluation* Management : Transformation 22. Political Behavior & Impression
20. Issues in Empirical Finance Management in Organizations
15. Time Series Analysis* 15. Marketing Performance Assessment 14. I S Strategy
21. Management of Banking 23. Strategic Communication
15. International Relations and Management
Finance 22. Mergers, Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring 16. Marketing Research
16. Introduction to Management Consulting 24. Stress Management
23. Options and Futures 17. Pricing Management
1. Advanced Financial Modeling using R Practice 25. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and
24. Risk Management and Insurance 18. Product and Brand Management Human Enhancement – Implications for
2. Behavioural Finance* 17. Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship
25. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 19. Qualitative Market Research* Management Practitioners*
3. Business Analysis and Valuation 18. Managing Energy Businesses
26. Social Finance Impact Investing & Insurance 20. Retail Management 26. Transactional Analysis
4. Capital Expenditure Planning and Control 19. Gales of Creative Destruction –
27. Structured Finance 21. Sales and Distribution Management Managing Innovation 27. Zen and the Executive Mind
5. Commodities Derivatives Market
22. Services Marketing 20. Managing Private-Public Partnerships
6. Corporate Taxation 28. Venture Capital and Private Equity*
23. Sports and Tourism Marketing 21. Managing Strategic Transformation
International Student
Exchange Programme
Elective Courses
Thereafter the participants undergo the core
Term I
courses as building blocks essential for management 17 Credits • Advanced Corporate Finance • Introducing Supply Chain Analytics
education. Currently the core courses are categorized Marketing Management-I 3 • Advertising & Integrated Brand • Introduction To Enterprise Resource
Managerial Communication-I 3 Communications Planning
into seven major areas, Finance, Marketing,
Production, Operations and Decision Sciences, Managerial Economics 2.5 • Applied Econometrics For Business • Investments
Information Systems, Human Resource Management, Managing Human Behaviour at 2 • Balance Score Card [2 Credit] • IS Strategy
Work (OB-I) • Big Data Analytics • Legal Aspects of Marketing
Organizational Behaviour, Economics and Strategic
Quantitative Techniques for 2 • Business Analysis & Valuation • Managing Competencies And
Management, providing not only the essentials of
Managerial Decisions-I • Business Intelligence And Data Mining Performance In Organizations
management but also the core functional skills. • Business Modeling Using Spreadsheets • Managing Corporate Reputation
The core course curriculum also includes Soft Skills Legal Environment of Business 2.5
Management Accounting-I 2 • Business Models For Organizational • Managing Energy Businesses [2 Credit]
workshop, Industry Interfaces and Integrated courses. Excellence • Managing Service Operations
Successful completion of the core courses paves Term II • Business To Business Marketing • Managing Strategic Transformations [2
the way for the elective courses, chosen by the • Capital Expenditure, Planning & Control Credit]
16.5 Credits
participants, helping them to further their areas • Communicating Critical Decisions • Marketing Analytics
Marketing Management-II 2
of interest. Our effort has always been to provide [2 Credit] • Marketing In Emerging Countries
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy 2.5
a wide range of electives with a cutting edge focus • Competition And Globalisation • Marketing Research
Knowledge and continuous learning is the mainstay Financial Management-I 2
in areas of relevance in grooming tomorrow’s • Competitive Strategies For Oligopolistic • Marketing Strategy & Implementation
amongst the best organizations of today. In order Human Resource Management 2 • Markets- Theoretical Underpinnings In • Mergers, Acquisitions & Corporate
business leaders. These are organized into six
to satisfy this thirst for knowledge and to become a Management Accounting-II 2 Industrial Organization Restructuring
functional areas of Finance, Marketing, Production,
learning organization, XLRI has evolved a ffteen months Managing Human Behaviour at 2 • Consumer Analytics • Money And Banking
Operations and Decision science, Human Resource
consolidated programme in general management with Work (OB-II) • Consumer Behaviour • Operations Planning And Control
Management, Information Systems, Economics and
the objectives of providing the practicing managers Competitive Strategy 2 • Corporate Tax Management • Operations Simulation [2 Credit]
Strategic Management. Students are allowed to
a substantial exposure to theoretical foundations in Quantitative Techniques for 2 • Decision Making for Effective • Performance Management And
choose electives from a list of offered electives. A
management as well as to provide them a holistic Managerial Decisions-II Leadership [2 Credit] Appraisal
minimum number of participants should opt for a
perspective of business in such a way that they are not • Demand Forecasting • Product & Brand Management
specific elective to be offered. The programme and
only equipped with tools and techniques to perform
the courses, both core and optional, are continuously
Term III • E-Business Strategy • Project Planning And Control
their task effectively but also to shoulder greater 17.5 Credits • Economics Of International Trade • Public Policy and Business Strategy
restructured to make them contemporary to the
responsibilities in the future as they move up the Operations Research 2 • Economics Of The Currency Market And [2 Credit]
changing scenario in management education.
hierarchy. The Institute awards the Executive PGDM Managerial Ethics 2 Open Economy Macroeconomics • Quality Management
(General) to the participants who successfully complete • Employee Empowerment And • Resource Based Strategy
all the requirements of this programme. Field-Based Training MIS: Technical and Social
Perspectives (Includes
Participative Management • Retail Management
It is compulsory for all students to undergo three- Spreadsheet Modeling) • Entrepreneurship And New Ventures • Sales & Distribution Management
month feld based training after completing the • Executive Development Tools And • Services Marketing
Eligibilty 12-months campus component. Majority of GMP
Corporate Strategy and Strategy 3
Techniques • Social Banking And Inclusive Finance
Candidates applying for Executive PGDM (General) Implementation
students would join different companies after • Experiential Workshop On Selling & • Social Mobile Analytics And Cloud - The
must hold a minimum of three years Bachelor’s Degree Managerial Communication-II 1.5
completing the academic requirements. During the Negotiation Tactics Emerging Business Accelerator
from a recognized University in India/ abroad in any Industrial Relations 2
frst three months in those companies, the students • Financial Considerations & GST for Sales • Software Project Management
discipline, be employed in a full-time job, must have Production and Operations 2
are required to do a project work and obtain a Function [1.5 Credit] • Strategic Cost Management
at least fve years of relevant managerial experience Management-I • Strategic HRM
• Financial Modeling Using Excel
satisfactory certifcate from the company. Rest of Financial Management-II 2
as on March 31, 2020 in an organization of repute in the students are allowed to fulfll the requirements • Financial Risk Management • Strategies For The Bottom of the Pyramid
the public, private or non-governmental sector after
completing graduation.
by undergoing a project work under the guidance Term IV • Foundations Of Management
Consulting Practice
• Strategies Of Co-Operation
• Structured Finance
of a faculty mentor. A student will be eligible for 11.5 Credits • Fundamentals Of Development • Supply Chain Management
the diploma only after obtaining the successful Production and Operations 2
Curriculum completion certificate of the three-month field based Management-II
Economics • Systems Dynamics
• Game Theory And Its Business • Theory Of Constraints for Operations
The AICTE recognized 15-month programme currently training. Digital transformation 1.5 Applications • Thriving In Political Environment (With
consists of Core and Optional/Elective courses specially
Introduction to Sustainable 2 • HR Analytics Integrity & Ethics)
designed for fast track executives with work experience.
They provide the essentials of management education
Academic Evaluation System Development & Corporate • HR Issues In M&A • Tools and Techniques for Executive
The Institute’s evaluation system is designed to Sustainability • Infrastructure Management Through Development
with the fexibility of individual exploration in their continually assess the students’ performance in Public Private Partnerships • Transformation For Sustainable
chosen area of interest. The entire programme spans
for about 780 minimum and 880 maximum contact
relation to the required standards of academic Term V • International Management Superior Performance
achievement. Apart from examinations, a student’s 8 Credits • Internet Marketing • International Financial Management
hours in class. The programme encourages, supports performance is assessed on the basis of class • Introducing Operations Strategy • Managing Innovation
and provides enough scope to the participants for Electives 8
participation, preparation of periodic assignments,
self study. The programme starts with induction for
initiating the participants with XLRI’s culture and
mid-term tests and quizzes. As specifed in the manual
of Policies, the Institute expects a minimum standard
Term VI Fees and other charges * Fees and other
charges are subject
refreshing the fundamentals for better appreciation of
the courses to follow.
for the award of the Diploma.
6 Credits
payable for 15 months PGDM
(General Management) will J20.95
to revision and will
be communicated
be approximately before admission
30 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 31
Executive Fellow Programme
(10+2) or equivalent, and followed by at least 2 Committee (TAC). On
years of relevant work experience successful completion of all
in Management (Exec.FPM) is a Course Structure
nonresidential Doctoral Programme There will be four campus visits of
or the requirements of the FPM,
that has been designed to cater to the 20 days’ each during the first two
a student will be awarded the
B) Bachelors degree / equivalent of minimum three scholarly needs of working executives years after which they are required to
title “Fellow in Management”
years duration with at least 60% marks (50% / managers / faculty members / plan for 3 visits of 7 to 10 days in the
of the XLRI.
for SC/ST candidates) after completing higher researchers. campus which is mandatory. The dates
Fellow Programme in secondary education (10+2) or equivalent, and
followed by post graduation (MBA/Master’s degree
Fellowship The objective of the programme is for the classroom courses in the first
two years will be intimated by the FPM
FPM students are awarded a to develop prospective scholars for
Management (FPM) in any discipline) from a university or a centre of
fellowship of Rs. 25,000/- per careers not only in management office in the time of admission. These
The Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) is a higher learning in India / abroad with at least 55% research and teaching but also in visits are normally to finish the course
month during 1st and 2nd
doctoral Programme of XLRI, Jamshedpur. The FPM is a marks (50% for SC/ST candidates), management practice, consulting, work, Seminar and Comprehensive
years and Rs. 30,000/- per
full-time, residential programme that trains prospective or training and development. Examination, or defend the Thesis
month during the next two
scholars to become highly skilled and innovative Proposal, make Research Progress
C) an Integrated Master’s degree of four / five years in years. No fees (admission,
Seminar and defend the final thesis.
researchers, management thinkers and teachers in
various aspects of management. It primarily aims at
any discipline, with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ tuition, course material, Eligibility and The doctoral scholars are encouraged
ST candidates), obtained after completing higher computer, or library) will be
preparing students for careers as faculty members at
secondary education (10+2) or equivalent charged from FPM students. Admission Process to spend more time with the academic
premier academic institutions. Applicants for Exec. FPM should : community at XLRI.
or Fellowship will be paid only
to the fulltime residential
Course Structure D) Professional qualification like CA, ICWA or CS with
students, and for a maximum
have an MBA / Post Graduate
Diploma in Management (PGDM)
The FPM requires four years of residential study, which at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST candidates) The students need to complete
period of four years. From the or equivalent or GMP/PGPX or One
proceeds in two stages. In the first stage, the selected Candidates who have the above mentioned basic third year, a FPM student can their course work within 4 years of
Year fulltime residential programme
candidate needs to meet the course requirements over eligibility can apply for admission to the FPM also work as a ‘Research and admission. If the student fails to
in Management (with 60% marks),
a two-year period. During this stage, the student is through any ONE of the following three routes: Teaching Assistant’ (RTA), for complete it within 4 years, he/she need
Candidates from Premier B-Schools
given appropriate exposure to the basic discipline of which Rs. 30,000/- per course to re-register with a fee Rs. 1,00,000/-
will be given preference.
management, thus preparing him/her for the thesis work will be paid. . The maximum time taken for the
in the next stage. ROUTE - 1 (XAT 2022) be currently employed in a full-time programme is 8 years or 3 years
Appear in the Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) to be A fellow student is entitled job. from the completion of course work
The course work that will be undertaken by the student to a contingency grant of
conducted all over India on January 2, 2022. whichever is later.
in the first year will be from among those courses that Rs. 25, 000/- per annum for have at least 5 years of full-time
are offered to the PGP students, and in the second executive/managerial/ teaching/ On successful completion of all the
year will include specially designed doctoral and ROUTE - 2 (UGC-JRF/NET; four years and a grant of Rs.
research experience as on March 31, requirements of the Programme, a
20,000/- for data collection
advanced courses. On successful completion of the GMAT/GRE/GATE) during the third year. 2021. student will be awarded the title ‘Fellow
course work, the student has to appear for and pass Appear in UGC-JRF/NET or GMAT or GRE or GATE in Management of XLRI’.
Candidates who are less than 50 years
the comprehensive qualifying examination (CQE) before
proceeding with the thesis work.
conducted in current year (2021-22) and submit Conferences and of age shall get a preference. The programme will commence in June
the scores obtained. 2021.
The thesis stage is of two years. The student will select a
thesis topic from among the specialization areas: ROUTE - 3 (MBA/PGDM) Exposure
Have a two-year full time PGDM / MBA or The institute provides support
• Economics equivalent, from XLRI, any of the IIMs, FMS Delhi, for attending national and Last date of applying Fees
• Finance MDI Gurgaon, XIM Bhubaneswar, IRMA, SP Jain, for FPM The fees and other charges payable
international conferences
• General Management School of Management of an IIT, TISS or ISI with a after successful completion of november 30, 2021 for the Executive Fellow Programme
CQPI of at least 6.00/8.00 or equivalent. in Management (EFPM) is
• Information Systems the comprehensive qualifying [Same as XAT]
• Marketing Applications obtained through any of the three examination (CQE). A fellow
• Production, Operations and Decision Sciences routes mentioned above will be subject to a merit- student can be reimbursed
related expenses up to Rs.
J9,50,000/- Lakh
based short-listing by XLRI. Shortlisted candidates Last Date for Applying plus applicable service tax.
• Organizational Behaviour will be required to appear for a personal interview 2,00,000/- subject to meeting
to EXEC FPM: Boarding, lodging and other
• Human Resource Management at XLRI, Jamshedpur for final selection. necessary criteria laid out by
expenses incurred during stay in
• Strategic Management the institute. December 31, 2021
campus will be charged separately.
32 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 33
Blended Mode programme through 900 hours of classroom interaction, but spread over three
academic years to accommodate the time constraint of a working executive
Interactive technology developments in education by using technology to cater to a wider
range of audience, enhancing the reach of brand XLRI. In pursuance of its objective
to ‘Up-Skill Corporate India’ through the dissemination of quality management
- Three - year or an entrepreneur. It allows working executives and entrepreneurs, who
are willing to stretch out a bit, to acquire the highest quality management Learning (VIL) education. XLRI offers World Class management programs and delivers it most
effectively with the best use of the latest technologies. At XLRI, it is a tradition to
education while continuing with their current work.
Programme for The Three-year AICTE approved Weekend Post-graduate Diploma program is
continually update the course content, review the course designs, and experiment
with innovative pedagogy.
uniquely designed and structured to enable working executives and business
owners to develop the requisite managerial and business skills and competence • PGCBM– 12-month Postgraduate Certificate in Business Management
for a managerial/ownership role. While participating in the programme, the • PGCHRM– 12-month Postgraduate Certificate in Human Resource Management
participants get opportunities of applying the conceptual insights of classroom • PGCBA– 12-months Postgraduate Certificate in Business Analytics
to their work on a regular basis. With the rich opportunities for interaction with • PGCSLM– 12-months Postgraduate Certificate in Senior Leadership Management
renowned faculty, peers, and industry experts, the program allows students
many opportunities to apply the conceptual insights gained in the classroom to • PGCF– 12-months Postgraduate Certificate in Finance
their respective workplace on a day-to-day basis. • EDAMP– 12-months Executive Diploma in Advanced Management Program
The students also get multiple opportunities to share their work/marketplace Operation
experiences thereby enriching classroom learning and fostering meaningful, In 2002, XLRI became the first B-school to provide a portfolio of certificate courses
value-added discussions among peers. In addition to the application in management delivered through virtual classrooms. At present the VIL Programs
opportunities provided in individual courses, the two feld work based projects run in collaboration with technical partners; Talent edge, Unified Collaboration
provide ample scope to apply the knowledge gained during the program to real- Services, Times Centre for Learning Limited and Eruditus Executive Education.
life business settings and decisions. The classes are conducted in the weekends. These programs provide an opportunity to the working professionals to study and
earn a Postgraduate certificate or Executive Diploma.
• are willing to improve work through The programmes offered are: The Campus Component and the
Objective learning and improve learning Work Experience Graduation Ceremony are an integral USP of XLRI VIL
The programme has been designed Applicant should have completed their PGCBM – Postgraduate Certificate in
with the objectives of:
through work experience
bachelor’s degree and have two years Business Management
part of the Postgraduate Certificate Programmes
• can manage the logistics of attending Programmes. • High-Quality Management Education
• Imparting the highest quality of of work experience in supervisory/
classes PGCHRM – Postgraduate Certificate in from a premier B-school.
management education to the executive role in organisations as on 31 • Students get an opportunity to visit
Human Resource Management.
participants May 2021. the XLRI campus for five or ten • Enables working professionals to
Eligibility PGCBA – Postgraduate Certificate in days depending on the program acquire new skills and enhance
• Developing a general management
perspective of the participants
The applicants of the three-year Curriculum Business Analytics for face to face intensive learning, their knowledge in their respective
weekend programme in Postgraduate This programme follows a curriculum interactions and networking. domains without taking a career
To achieve these objectives, the Diploma in Management from 2020-23 PGCSLM - Postgraduate Certificate in
similar to that of the full-time Business Senior Leadership Management • On successful completion of the break.
programme has been designed for: should have the following eligibility: Management Programme. The program, eligible students are • Offers a blended advantage of face-
• Application of classroom learning in A bachelor’s degree or equivalent complete curriculum is divided into PGCF- Postgraduate Certificate in
awarded “Postgraduate Certificate to-face interaction and distance
workplace and special projects in any discipline obtained after a nine terms in three years. The frst two Finance
in HRM/BM/BA/SLM/F or Executive Learning.
• Peer learning through sharing of minimum of three years of education years comprising of six terms covering EDAMP- Executive Diploma in Diploma in Advanced Management
experiences in an academic setting after completion of higher secondary the compulsory core courses. In the Advanced Management Program for Seniors Mangers” during the • Classes mostly scheduled during
• Addressing some general needs of education (10 + 2) or equivalent. third year, comprising three terms, Graduation Ceremony held at XLRI evenings/weekends to minimize
participants for balancing work and The bachelor’s degree should
the candidates have to choose two
areas of concentration. In addition to
New Initiatives Campus, Jamshedpur. disruption to the students’ in their
professional commitments.
education, while scheduling classes be from any of the universities We have recently launched a new HR • The candidates are bestowed with
and terms the courses candidates have to take
incorporated by an Act of the Central program, i.e. PGCHCL – Postgraduate the prestigious XLRI alumni status. • Study centres in the country include
up an industry project and participate
or State Legislature in India or other Certificate in Human Capital Leadership most of the metros and smaller
in experience sharing module, which
Target Audience educational institutions established facilitates peer learning.
for which the admission process has For further details, please visit: cities.
The programme is intended for by the Act of Parliament or declared opened up Vil website-
individuals in their early or mid-career to be deemed as a university under
who: section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess Fees
• do not want a break in their job for an equivalent qualifcation from an Fee for three-year, weekend
learning institution approved by AICTE. Non- Postgraduate Diploma in
fulflment of these conditions will Business Management is
• are willing to put in some extra effort automatically result in cancellation of
and manage their time effciently to
gain the highest quality management
admission. H4 Lakh p.a.
education * Fees and other charges are subject to
revision and will be communicated before
36 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 37
XLRI has been a pioneer in developing and offering short duration Management
Executive Introduction
The objective of this program is to provide unique learning experience for the
Management Development Programmes (MDPs) with a four decade enviable standing in the
committee of B-schools in India. These MDPs are designed keeping in view the ever
Diploma working executives to enhance their professional knowledge and skills that are
essential to play the HR role effectively within the dynamic and fast-growing Development changing demands of business/professional executives. The programme content
of even the standard MDPs is constantly reviewed and changes made therein on
corporate world. The program effectively bridges the gap between hardcore
in Human industry experiences with conceptual inputs and application skills. Programmes a continuous basis. The objective of the MDPs is to help improve management
systems and practices in India and other countries in South Asian Region by
The program is of 16 months duration spread across six terms. The Course is providing relevant training to the executives of different sectors of the economy
Resource uniquely designed to impart conceptual clarity and application competencies to
the working professionals with relevant experience so that they develop strategic
(MDP) operating at different levels in the organizational hierarchy. The participants are
equipped with the latest tools, techniques and skills spanning different streams
Management orientation towards HR. of management such as General Management, Human Resources, Organizational
Behaviour, Marketing, Finance, Operations Management, Information Systems,
Eligibility and Requirements Strategic Management and Industrial Relations.
• Working professionals in HR sector A majority of these programmes are held in the Jamshedpur campus of XLRI,
• Bachelors Degree (minimum three years of full time study) from a recognized while a few of them are held at prominent cities in the country. The programmes
university in any discipline conducted at XLRI are residential. The participants are housed in a modern complex
of comfortable air-conditioned twin-sharing rooms at the XLRI Guest House located
• The candidates should have minimum 5 years of full-time work experience in in the campus. The XLRI Guest House has facilities to accommodate approximately
managerial position after graduation 200 executives with a separate kitchen, lounge and dining facilities. The calm,
serene, academic ambience of the campus and its lush green surroundings are
Selection Process highly conducive to study, reflect and learn. Round-theclock internet facility is
• It is a profle-based selection wherein personal interviews, academic and available on campus network based on Gigabit Ethernet structured cabling through
professional record and SOP is taken into consideration high-speed bandwidth. The air-conditioned computer lab with internet connections
provide opportunities for the participants to stay connected not only with their
near and dear, but also with the business world at large.
• 50 days of intensive learning at XLRI • Recruitment and Selection Strategies. Over the years, XLRI has
Programme campus through 5 visits In-Company Training Consultancy Services worked extensively with a wide variety
• Strategic Human Resource
Objectives • Project-based courses Management Programmes XLRI provides consultancy services to of clients, including multinational
public and private sector organizations companies, private and public sector
• To provide an opportunity to the • Lecture series • Human Resource Planning XLRI accepts requests from and international bodies. Consultancy companies, growth stage companies.
participants to earn a professional • Case methods • Organizational Change and organizations for conducting services cover a wide range - from Our expertise and innovative business
qualifcation in HR • Group work Development customized training programmes for preparation of feasibility reports and strategies have helped businesses
• To provide the participants with an • Performance Management their executives at different levels, and project appraisals to Tax Planning, and eliminate ineffciencies, grow
• Assignments
in-depth understanding of various offers unique programmes to suit the Managing Personal Problems, membership bases, create new
• Dissertation • Dissertation
concepts in HR business and developmental needs of Human Resource Planning, HR products, and much more. We are
(Exact titles & the details of the courses client organizations. Standard Modules
• To get tuned to the latest Programme Content will be given at the beginning of the from regular MDPs are also combined
Policy, Organisational Restructuring, committed to, looking further, and
providing unparalleled value for our
developments and best practices in Organizational Development
Programme) and adapted, wherever necessary,
HR • Fundamentals of Human Resource Interventions, Market Researches and clients.
Management to suit the requirements of client Development of Effective Marketing
• To prepare the participants to head
• Fundamentals of Industrial Relations
Duration organizations.
the HR function in the operating
divisions and Labour Laws The programme is of 16 months The duration of these programmes
• Individual and Group Behavior in duration with six terms. The ranges from two days to one month
• To develop a repository of HR
Organization programme comprises of 15 depending upon the variety, magnitude
experts who can lead change in the
compulsory courses spread over the and complexity of topics covered.
organization • Managerial Economics and Finance
frst fve terms and the sixth term is While some of these are conducted
• Research Methodology and Statistics exclusively devoted to action research at the institute, there are also many
Programme Pedagogy • Training and Development based project. held in the premises of the client
The above stated objectives will be • Executive Compensation organizations. More than 100 In-
attained through: company Training Programmes
• Managerial Counseling
were conducted during the year
• An intensive program useful from a • Organizational Structure and Design 2017-18, covering various topics
corporate management view point • Competency Based HRM from different Functional Areas, and
over 2500 Executives from different
Corporate Houses participated in these
Programmes in India and Abroad.
38 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 39
Academic Excellence
(D2D) mode. The wide range of e-MDPs in varied domains is well recognized by
individuals and corporates.
The participants are awarded a certifcate of completion/participation upon successful
completion of the programme.
The e-MDPs are conducted by XLRI. Some of the technical partners are as follows:
XLRI Medal : Best All-round Student in XLRI Medal : Second Highest CQPI – XLRI Medal : Highest CQPI – Business
Tech Mahindra, Talent edge, TSW Executive Education, VC NOW, ERUDITUS Executive Memory of Parineet Reddy HRM Management [Evening]
Education. [Sponsored by Reddys] [Sponsored by Jagans]
Some of the more popular e-MDP programmes on this platform are: XLRI Medal : Highest CQPI – BM in
• Advance Financial Management XLRI Medal : Best All-round Woman Memory of Ram Awtar Chachra XLRI Medal for Social Initiatives
Student in memory of Geeta Saxena [Sponsored by Krishna Lal Chachra] [Sponsored by State Bank of India]
• Basic Leadership Skill [Sponsored by Madhukar Shukla]
• Business Transformation Strategy XLRI Medal : Second Highest CQPI -
• Executive Certifcate Program in Business Analytics for Senior Manager XLRI Medal: Outstanding FPM Student BM
• Executive Development Program in HRM (EDPHRM) jointly with SHRM In Memory of K V K Raju [Sponsored by Janardhan Pyda]
[Sponsored by Nagarjuna Foundation]
• Executive Programme in Data Science using Python, R& Excel
XLRI Medal : Highest CQPI – GMP in
• Labour Laws for Managers
XLRI Medal : Highest CQPI – HRM in Memory of R S Pande
• Leadership and Change Management Memory of John P D’Costa [Sponsored by K G Pande]
• Leading Teams for Synergy [Sponsored by Ronald D’Costa]
• People analytics
• Project Management for Senior Professionals
• Strategic Performance Management List of Scholarships
• Strategic Thinking Some scholarships are available to students based on their performance and/or need. Need based scholarships are also
• Talent Management available to students belonging to economically disadvantaged families. List of scholarship awarded last year are given below:
• Think critically, decide swiftly, and communicate effectively Name of the Scholarship Programme Type No. Amount of each
Scholarshi (H)
HRM-II, BM-II Merit and selection as per the company Two
Aditya Birla Scholarship 1,75,000 / Year
HRM-I, BM-I criteria Two
HRM-I, BM-I Eight
Capital First Scholarship Selection as per the company criteria 1,00,000
Mirae Asset Foundation
HRM-I, BM-I Merit-cum-Need Two 5,00,000 / Year
OP Jindal Engineering &
HRM-II, BM-II Merit-cum-Online Test and Interview One 1,50,000
T Thomas HRM-II, BM-II Selection as per the company criteria One 1,00,000
Pirojsha Godrej HRM-I, BM-I Merit-cum-Need One 25,000
Joseph M Sciortino Will be distributed equally among the
HRM-II, BM-II - 25,000
[for ST Students] applicants
Geeta Saxena Memorial HRM-II, BM-II Stipulated criteria by the Donor One 20,000
Kalyan Ganguly XEF
BM-II Merit-cum-Need One 1,00,000
Naveen Jain & Distinguished
HRM-II, M-II Merit-cum-Need One 20,000
Alumni Award
Vasantha Sankaran
BM-II Stipulated criteria by the Donor One 1,00,000
2nd Year Tuition Fees
XLRI Diamond Jubilee [Seniors] HRM-II, BM-II Merit-cum-Need Two
upto 2,85,000
1st Year Tuition Fees
XLRI Diamond Jubilee [Juniors] HRM-I, BM-I Merit-cum-Need Two
Upto 2,55,000
Alumni Scholarship HRM-II, BM-II Merit-cum-Need Four Each 1,50,000
Alumni Scholarship GMP Merit-cum-Need Two 1,50,000
Research & Type 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-20
Articles in journals (International) 57 55 62 53 65
Articles in journals (National) 11 10 8 7 0
Books 4 4 2 7 5
Research provides a major interface with the wider academic and business world. It Book Chapters 5 3 6 2 3
provides new theoretical frameworks that enable re-assessment and refinement of current Cases / Notes 22 27 4 4 3
practices and thinking. Ground-breaking interdisciplinary research by the faculty and Working Papers/Seminars 53 53 44 34 35
doctoral students feeds directly into an enhanced learning environment at the Institute Papers Presented at Conferences (International) 47 32 32 27 5
and indirectly to a wider audience of practicing managers and teachers of management. It
Papers Presented at Conferences (National) 35 18 20 6 5
strengthens teaching efforts of faculty by reflecting the frontiers of knowledge in different
management domains. By integrating current developments of business environment with
fundamentals of subjects, the students develop a holistic perspective of business and the
challenges lying before them. The diversity and depth of research and publication activity
undertaken at XLRI in last five years is evident from the report.
42 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 43
Campus Life at
Life at XL is a vibrant blend of class fraternity. This unique phenomenon competitions and sports activities that highly regarded in the corporate world where a student is exposed to diverse provides a holistic experience to the
lectures, study sessions, management called the XL culture builds a hectic yet are held in campus. This environment for its efforts to create competent and views and opinions of the greatest students.
fests and competitive sports meets. But heady concoction of work and play. of collaboration and cooperation responsible business leaders. Built minds in the world of business to
what makes XLRI different is its unique As all programmes are residential, the has been carefully nurtured over the A student irrespective of his/her stream,
into the curriculum are novel concepts committee activities where a student
culture and a closely-knit student seniors and juniors share an amicable years which makes XLers excellent will never fall short of opportunities to
like the Village Exposure Programme learns management lessons beyond
community that paves the way for relation. It is hence no surprise that team players and leaders in every explore their interests. Innovation is
that helps develop social awareness in academics. Multiple annual events
friendships and comradeship. XLRI has the most extensive alumni organisation that they become a part religion at XL and a little initiative can
students. The institute also provides in the institute like the annual
network among all Indian B-schools. of. take you a long way. The formal and
Despite the academic rigour and guidance to students who want to management, cultural and sports fest
The institute makes consistent and informal committees at XLRI take full
competition that a student faces, XL One of the key distinguishing factors of become social entrepreneurs. Ensemble-Valhalla, the marketing
conscious efforts to emphasise on advantage of this freedom and involve
harbours an environment of warmth XLRI is its emphasis on ethics and social extravaganza MAXI fair, the HR conclave,
the significance of team work, be it Life at XL is brimming with multiple the XLers in numerous activities that
and togetherness. A fresher within no responsibility, which are instilled in the and the age old XL-IIMC sports meet
through group projects, assignments, experiences; from conferences, guest allows them to experiment and explore
time becomes a part of the student DNA of the institute. The institute is are striking examples of how life at XL
student committees or multiple lectures, seminars and workshops new management avenues.
is not merely limited to academics but
44 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 45
Student Activities
& Societies on
46 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 47
up initiatives to give back to the local communities in with all its potential strives to promote fnance related HR practices with Industry stalwarts and endeavours to
Jamshedpur. activities and careers for the students of XLRI. It is one of uphold the legacy of Human Resource Development at
XLRI aims at the overall development of its the oldest committees at XLRI and caters to the students XLRI.
ALUMINI COMMITTEE endeavours to connect and engage
students and encourages them to hone their having interest in the fnance domain.
with alumni of XLRI and build lifelong and mutually SIGMA (Social Initiative Group for Managerial Assistance)
extracurricular skills along with academics. benefcial relationship with them. The committee Organizes FIRE@X (The Forum for Industrial Relations at XLRI) as creates a platform to network with NGOs, corporate
All activities on campus are organised and Summer Alumni Meets, Alumni Homecoming, Silver Jubilee the name suggests is the committee for promotion of governance cells and government departments for the
and other reunions. industrial relations at XLRI. It aims to inculcate a dialogue purpose of community capacity building. The main aim
managed by the students through various amongst the student community about key aspects of of this student body is to help NGOs formulate effective
AXIOM (Association at XLRI for Industrial and Operations
committees. The Student Affairs Council (SAC) Employee Relations/ Industrial Relations. It helps the fund- raising strategies, develop new programmes, curtail
Management) is a society that aims to extend and
is the apex body representing the student’s students foray into the dynamic world of industrial expenses and perform better.
integrate knowledge that contributes to the improved
disputes, resolutions, bargaining and agreements. It is a
body of XLRI. There are different student understanding and practice of operations, analytics and
frontrunner in keeping the Labour Law and IR culture alive
SPICMACAY (The Society for Promotion of Indian
supply-chain management. AXIOM strives to accomplish Classical Music and Culture among Youth) is a
committees on campus that deal with various this through guest lectures, workshops, competitions,
at XLRI, something which the institute’s roots are steeped
prominent non-proft voluntary organization spread
functional areas of management as well as in and that remains, till date, its distinguishing factor.
live projects, plant tours and affliation with international across educational institutions around the globe. With an
personality development. organizations. INFRACOM The Infrastructure committee (INFRACOM) objective to facilitate the exchange of traditional Indian
acts as an interface between the student body and the values and to generate awareness amongst the youth
CII-YI (CII Young Indians) chapter at XLRI is established in
administration to look after the maintenance of students’ about rich Indian cultural traditions, the XLRI Chapter
collaboration with Yi (Young Indians), which) is an integral
hostels and messes including designing the daily food constantly endeavours to introduce traditional Indian
part of CII (Confederation of Indian Industry). The Yi net
menu. It drafts new proposals for the approval from culture and Classical art forms to the youth of our institute
at XLRI is an initiative to empower the students to work
administration as and when the need arises from the with the hope that the wealth of knowledge and beauty
STUDENT AFFAIRS COUNCIL (SAC) is the apex body towards the development of education, employability,
student residential areas and liaise with the administration that it encompasses would add further meaning to our
and the representative council of the students of XLRI. environment, youth affairs and health sectors.
to negotiate with the mess contractors and handle student lives.
SAC consists of a General Secretary at the helm and CRUX (Consulting and Research Undertaking at XLRI) mess accounts.
four elected representatives from the senior batch. It is SOCRATES (Society for the Rapid Assimilation of
aims to develop consultancy skills, to nurture research
the policymaking body, and the interface between the THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Technology and Systems at XLRI) is the IT committee
initiatives, and to undertake activities for promotion of
students and the administration. SAC directs and governs is the student body representation of the International on campus. It provides a thrust to the systems area of
consulting as a career. The committee initiatives are
all activities that happen on campus and strives for Student Exchange Program of XLRI. The committee is academics, while also ensuring that the IT infrastructure
also focused towards branding XLRI as a recruitment
continuous betterment of academic content, student life responsible for creating and managing partnerships with of the campus is up to the mark. It organizes various
destination for top consulting frms.
and activities on campus. foreign universities. It also facilitates the entire application workshops and seminars to keep students abreast of the
DRACULA (Dramatics and Cultural Association of XLRI) process of the outgoing XLRI students. It maintains latest developments in systems and technology. From the
PLACEMENT COMMITTEE is solely responsible for the is where students let their creative instincts take over. collaboration with the student exchange committees of college app to committee websites, all is developed and
Summer and Final Placements for all students in XLRI. This Dance Sagas, debates, theatrical productions, street plays, other IIMs to procure best deals for XLRI students for managed by this group.
12-member committee liaison with corporates to maintain quizzing leagues and literary pursuits ...this is where it all insurance, visa, travel cards etc.
industry relationships and ensure the best possible SPORTSCOM (Sports Committee) provides students with
happens. The house of DRACULA welcomes all artists with
placements for all students. They are also responsible for MAXI (The Marketing Association of XLRI) is the oldest opportunities to relieve the stress of academic rigour and
open fangs.
conducting engagement activities such as pre-placement committee on campus as well as the oldest co-curricular focus on personal development. It interfaces with SAC
talks, corporate competitions and leadership talks to ENTREPRENEURSHIP CELL of XLRI works to create a committee in the country. Established forty-seven years and the administration and is responsible for developing
improve the student-company connect. The team is culture of entrepreneurship for all the stakeholders of ago, in 1971, MAXI’s mandate has been simple – to and maintaining the sports infrastructure on campus that
supported by various other committees to ensure that the the institute — students, alumni and faculty. The group of popularize the feld of Marketing at XLRI and ensure includes gym, tennis, basketball, volleyball courts, football
placement process is smooth and hassle free. students along with its advisory board, comprising faculty that fun and creativity are an integral part of the entire feld, cricket pitches, etc.
members and eminent guests, strives to inculcate and process. All events conducted by MAXI are designed to
ACADEMIC COMMITTEE acts as the bridge between the XLANC (XLRI Adventure & Nature Club) organizes various
nurture the spirit of entrepreneurship. give students a deep, working insight into what Marketing
students and the faculty. It comprises a Secretary and adventure activities and emphasizes the responsibility
is really about. This is achieved through a plethora of
two Class Representatives (CRs) from each section. They EXTERNAL LINKAGES fondly known as ExLink, was of future managers towards the environment and
competitive events, leadership talks and interactions,
are elected by the students of each section and are thus founded in 1999 to mark XLRI’s golden Jubilee celebrations community. These activities help students move out of
conferences and of course, the world renowned MAXI
accountable to them. Sole objective of AcadCom is to serve and as a step ahead in the journey of branding XLRI. their comfort zone and experience and learn new things.
Fair. With an active presence on social media platforms,
as a central coordinator working for the beneft of the ExLink is a student run committee with a team of diverse Some of the events organized are trekking, wall-climbing,
MAXI manages to reach out to marketing enthusiasts
students, faculty and administration. individuals who work constantly year-round with other water-rafting, go-karting, horse-riding, archery, rife-
committees on campus and adeptly handle the various shooting, obstacle races, eco-friendly activities and term-
ENSEMBLE VALHALLA is the annual management, cultural branding channels and platforms for promoting XLRI. SAPPHIRE (Students’ Association for the Promotion break trips. XLANC is credited with making XLRI the frst
and sports festival of XLRI. The Ensemble Valhalla Core ExLink is the committee entrusted with building the brand of Personnel Management, Human Resources and Indian B-school to encourage experiential learning in the
Team (‘EVCT’) is responsible for conducting the same. and handling media management of XLRI Jamshedpur. Industrial Relations) established in 1989, stands tall form of a leadership expedition to Mt. Everest base camp.
The team conducts one of the largest festivals amongst ExLink is also responsible for handling XLRI’s admissions, with its three-decade old legacy as the foremost student
B-Schools in India. The senior team is 14 people strong Informal Committees and Interest Groups ensure that
in order to ensure a smooth onboarding process for the body for Human Resources at XLRI. Aiming to integrate
along with the 6 secretaries of extra-curricular committees life in XLRI is nothing short of a lifetime experience. While
incoming batch of students every year. the experiences of practitioners with the theoretical
on the campus, who together form the core-team. With committees like Samarthya and Toastmasters ensure you
knowledge of academicians, SAPPHIRE organizes a
participation from all the top IIMs across India, EV has FINAX (The Finance Association at XLRI) is a committee of do what you love, groups like PIXL and Bodhi Tree help
consortium of events ranging from inter B school HR
been able to garner a great repute for itself as well as enthusiasts who have a fair for Finance and related felds. keep your passion alive. Also, to ensure this is a home
simulations to its fagship event, The Annual National
a brand name for XLRI across B-Schools in the country. The members have either already ventured into the world away from home, we have regional committees to make
HR Conference. The committee aims to provide a stellar
While we aim to make a mark nationally, EV also takes of fnance or are looking forward to do so. The committee sure that no festival passes without celebrations knocking
platform for debating and discussing state-of-the-art
at your door.
48 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 49
Lenova Sales & Labour Law Cornell University
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Pvt. Ltd.
Shankar Narayanan (89BMD) Graduate School
Managing Director Carlyle Group Ithaca, New York, USA
this year was called off due to the 2nd wave of (India) Jaspal Bindra (84BMD)
Neeraj Dawar (87BMD)
Covid19 pandemic and consequent lock down. Executive Chairman
Rajiv Burman (89PMIR) Nabisco Professor of Marketing
Centrum Group
Despite the pandemic the alumni kept in touch Head of Human Resources APAC at Richard Ivey School of Business,
through the XL social media groups and Alumni IT, India Jacob R Robbins (84PMIR) University of Western Ontario
Portal which has become a center for alumni Chief Executive Officer at Emeterra Canada
interaction. A Virtual Summer Meet was held by Sanjay Bhandarkar (90BMD)
XLRI by May 2021 has created a strong alumni base of 18,000 Singapore
the Alumni committee with Music, Entertainment Senior Advisor at Rothschild India Girish Punj (BMD-74)
spread all over the globe. The institute keeps in touch with its Marketing Educator, Trainer,
and Standup comedy to enthrall the alumni. Leena Nair (92PMIR)
alumni through major events that it organizes throughout the year. Anurag Behar (92BMD) Consultant, Marketing Analytics,
Chief HR Officer
“Homecoming” the annual flagship alumni event is held every year The alumni portal also provides the following Vice Chancellor Azim Premji Predictive Modeling, Big Data,
Unilever; London
in the first week of December and the highlight of XLRI Annual services: Availing online course transcripts, Foundation Text Mining, Data Science
Homecoming is the “Distinguished Alumnus Awards Ceremony. duplicate certificates and letter for reference. Johnson Alexander (PMIR-81) Hartford, Connecticut Area
Ashish Rajpal (92BMD)
The alumni who completed 25 years after graduation celebrate Alumni can make online request for teaching at Human Resources at Universiade
Founder at XSEED Education
their Silver Jubilee held at XLRI campus a week after the Alumni XLRI and job Posting and the Mentoring Program Consultancy and Services Company
Homecoming. The third major event is the alumni meets that takes etc. All Alumni can register in the portal by logging
Dubai GMP
place during May in all the major cities of India, i.e. Delhi, Hyderabad, onto: An important initiative of CVL Srinivas (93BMD) Sunil Kumar Nandamudi (2006)
Kolkata, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and few selected Cities CEO South Asia Head, Sustainability at Royal Bank of
like Dubai, Singapore, San Francisco. Every year nearly 2000+ alumni
the Alumni office is to facilitate Alumni reconnect
with the Institute so that they can play a significant GroupM Abroad [Academics] Scotland, Asia Region and CEO at RBS
participate in the summer meets, unfortunately the summer meets role in its growth and development. Avijit Ghosh (74BMD) Foundation India
Sadashiv Nayak (93BMD)
Buisness Head-Big Bazaar Dean of College of Business
Girish Hukkeri (2008)
Future Group India & Professor of Business
Founder & CEO, Embryo Fund
N Krishna Kumar (81BMD) Mervyn Raphael (83PMIR) Administration
XLERs: Who’s who Executive Chairman Managing Director Gopal Nagpal (94PMIR) University of Illinois, USA Vineet Choudhary(2008)
Mind Tree Consulting People Business Consulting Partner Head of Sales – Distribution &
Ernst & Young
INDIA Aquil Busrai (72PMIR) Vineet Nayar (85BMD)
Dr. Raghu Garud (80BMD) Distribution Segment at Arcelor
Rekha Menon (PMIR-81) Research Director, Farrell Center Mittal, Dubai
Abraham Chacko (75BMD) Chief Executive Officer at Aquil Busrai Former CEO of HCL Technologies
Former Executive Director Consulting Chairman and Senior Managing for Corporate Innovation and
& Founder, Sampark Foundation Dipankar Sengupta (2003)
Federal Bank Director, Accenture Entrepreneurship, Pennsylvania State
Head of Sales & Strategy (Telecoms) -
Prabhakar Jain (81BMD) PS Jaya Kumar (86BMD) University
B Muthuraman (75BME) Global ADM at Ericsson
CEO International Business at Pidilite
Former Vice Chairman of Tata Sons Industries
CEO &Managing Director,
Bank of Baroda
Abroad [Corporate] Gerard Tellis (77BMD)
London, United Kingdom
&Former Chairman of XLRI Sandeep Kataria Professor at University of Southern
Sandeep Bakshi (81BMD) Global CEO of Bata Kumara Guru DNV (2005)
Madhukar Kamath (BMD-76)
KC Sood (75BME) MD &CEO, ICICI Bank Lausanne, Switzerland California, USA Director –External Relations and
Chairman Emeritus, Mentor
Managing Director Chairman at DDB Mudra Group Human Resources at Indian School of
Predominant Engineers & R Rama Krishnan (82BMD) Rakesh Kapoor (82BMD) Kannan Srinivasan (80BMD) Business
Contractors Pvt. Ltd. Vice Chairman, Jt. Managing Sanjeev Kapur (BMD-98) Former CEO Rohet Tolani Distinguished
Director & Group CEO Chief Marketing Officer (Asia Pacific Reckitt Benckiser, UK Professor in International Business
Sanjiv Bhasin (77BMD) Polycab Group incl.Japan) MetLife H.J. Heinz II Professor of
Development Sector
Founder, Director at Radian Finserv Matangi Gowrishanka (79PMIR) Gargi Banerjee (88PMIR)
Zarir Langrana (82BMD) Jamshed Daboo (86BMD) Global Head of Capability Management, Marketing and
Private Limited Founder & Director at Pragya
Former CEO at AfrAsia Bank Limited President –Global Chemical Limited MD at Trent Hypermarket Ltd –Star Development Information Systems
Tata Chemicals Ltd. Bazaar- A Tata & Tesco Enterprise British Petroleum, Singapore Carnegie Mellon University
Mario Lobo (77PMIR) Ashraf Patel (90PMIR)
MD & Managing Partner NS Rajan (83BMD) Ankur Gupta (IAS) (88BM) Jose Parayanken (80 BME)
Akshay R Rao (80BMD) Founder, Pravah & Winner of
Ray &Berndtson, Personnel Search Group CHRO, Group CMO CEO,IDFC Director General Higher Education, Chairman and MD
Mozambique Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Chair, General Mills Professor of Ashoka Fellowship 1995.
Services Pvt. Ltd. Foundation IDFC Bank Haryana
Maputo, Mozambique Marketing New Delhi
Ranaveer Sinha (78BMD) Chandramouli Venkatesan (91BM) S.V. Nathan (PMIR-83) Carlson School of Management
Anup Kuruvilla (81BM) Mahesh Yagnaraman (BM–88)
Senior Advisor Former Managing Director at Partner & Chief Talent Officer at University of Minnesota, USA
Mondelez India Foods Private Limited C Founder at 1Crowd Co-Founder & MD First Energy
Tata Hitachi Construction Machinery Deloitte India
Former Founder of Smart Private Ltd., Pune | Maharashtra,
Co. Ltd. India Hayagreeva Rao (80PMIR)
Ajay Kaul (89BMD) India
KP Naidu (81PMIR) Professor of Organizational
Bijou Kurien (81BMD) Arun Dey (83BMD) Former CEO Domino’s Pizza (India) Co-Founder, SVP - Product Delivery & Behaviour, stanford Graduate School Kumar Ankit (BMD-2011)
Chairman & Independent Director Chief Executive - Automotive
Engineering at Stealth Startup of Business, USA Co-founder Nature Mitra Tech
Retailers Association of India - (RAI), Reliance Retail Ltd.
San Francisco Bay Area Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
50 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 51
Placements - PGDM
A Cross-Section of
(BM & HRM)
01 02 03 04 • AB InBev • CISCO • HSBC • Ola • SBI Cards
• Accenture • Citiban • IBM • ONGC • Shannonside
Placement Summer Lateral Campus • ACT Fibernet • CK Birla • ICICI • OYO • Capital
Excellence at
throughout his life to proclaim and live
PGDM (General)
one challenge: “Ask not just what is legal,
but go beyond, and ask, is it the right thing
to do?”
• Part of this foundation is the JRD Tata
Chair in Business Ethics at XLRI for the
Process Accolite Digital ICICI Bank Novartis leadership for evolving the Centre for Peace and Justice was
Human Resource established at XLRI in 2019 to promote
ADP ICICI Prudential Publicis Sapient logistics/supply
The Executive Postgraduate Diploma in Development (CH RD) chain profession peace and harmony amongst fellow
Adventz Life Insurance Schindler • The centre for HRD
Management (formerly known as General through development, human beings, without discrimination
Management programme) of XLRI is India’s Afcons Incture Solitaire undertakes research, of any kind as enshrined in various
dissemination and
oldest MBA program meant for students Infosys conducts training programs International Conventions and Covenants
Amazon Sub-K advancement of logistics
having prior work experience. It is XLRI’s Consulting and organizes conferences and the Constitution of India.
Arzoo Sutherland and supply chain
flagship 15-month full-time residential to support the knowledge
ITC Limited knowledge. • The Centre collaborates with state and
program for professionals with good academic Atos | Syntel Takshashila creation and dissemination
JPMorgan Chase Consulting in the area of Human Fr Arrupe Centre non-state stakeholders having similar
credentials and rich industry experience of Axis Bank
objectives and values to set up and
5+ years. The students are admitted through Bandhan Bank
JSW TATA AIG Resource Management. for Ecology and
CHRD has pioneered a support academic programmes, advocacy,
highly competitive scores in XAT/GMAT/GRE, KPMG TATA Sustainability (FACES) research centres and training for the
rigorous profile evaluation and interview Barclays number of initiatives such
L&T Construction Communications • Fr Arrupe Centre
Blue Yonder as housing of the first advancement of education and knowledge
process. The ExPGDM programme is among for Ecology and
LoudCloud TATA secretariat of National HRD in the feld of peace studies, justice, confict
the top 5 ranked management programs in BYJU’S Sustainability (FACES) is a
LTI Consultancy Network, starting the NHRD resolution and communal harmony,
India accredited by AACSB, AICTE and AMBA. Cerner multidisciplinary centre at
Services Newsletter, conducting thereby aiming to achieve the greater
The academic curriculum is designed in such MAQ Software XLRI, Jamshedpur, which
CGI TATA Elxsi HRD conferences, etc. common good.
a manner so as to prepare the candidates for Medica Group aims to promote research,
future leadership roles in various functions. Cognizant TATA Hitachi policies, practices, and
Microsoft Centre for Financial XCEED
The academic rigour and the peer-learning Credit Suisse dialogue which have an
TATA Steel Market • XCEED is the centre of development of
helps candidates get exposed to various facets Daimler Downstream impact on holistic and
• The Financial Market entrepreneurship at XLRI. It has been
of Management. Moglix Products Limited sustainable development of
Dell Centre (FMC) at XLRI is set up to provide support to alumni and
Mphasis society and enterprises.
Those students who have organization Team Pumpkin devoted to research, students of XLRI who wish to start a
sponsorship or are on sabbatical (even with Mu Sigma Tech Mahindra
training and consulting XLRI JRD Tata venture of their own. Its overall objective is
Dhanuka needs of the Indian fnancial
Leave with/without pay) are not eligible
Agritech Muthoot Finance ThermoFisher
Foundation in to promote a culture of entrepreneurship
to participate in the placement process. services industry. Business Ethics and innovation in the XLRI community.
Placement assistance is extended to all eligible eClerx Nihilent Scientific
• The research agenda of • XLRI, in association with While it is primarily based in the NCR
candidates provided they submit the relieving Envestnet Yodlee NIIT Thriveni Group campus, there is a centre at Jamshedpur
the centre focuses on the a few select Tata Group
letter obtained from their last employer. Such Novartis Tiger Analytics Companies, established campus too.
Exide Life broad areas of fnancial
assistance may also be provided to candidates Trantor in 1991 the JRD Tata
Insurance OYO markets such as equity XCEED provides the following
who are on study leave/sabbatical etc provided Foundation in Business
EXL Analytics LTI TresVista market, derivative markets, services to entrepreneurs
they submit a no objection letter obtained Ethics, to espouse their
market microstructure • Flexible co-working space
from their existing employer. Fidelity MAQ Software Trident Group long-standing commitment
issues, securities market
Some of our recruiters include Accenture, Flip Carbon Medica Group Vikram Solar regulations and investment and contribution to • Meeting rooms enabled with Hi-speed
Microsoft, Publicis Sapient, IBM, Axis Bank, Gallup Microsoft Virtusa banking. business ethics in India. internet and video conferencing facilities
Barclays, Genpact, Hashedin Deloitte, ADP, VLCC The foundation seeks to
Geekom Mindtree Centre for Logistics • Online credits and services from partners
Sutherland, CGI, Infosys Consulting, Infosys address itself by publicly
Genpact Moglix Xoriant and Supply Chain like Amazon Web Services, Hubspot, Digital
DCG, Cognizant, Mindtree, Tech Mahindra, affrming the urgent need
Goldman Sachs Mphasis ZS Associates Management Ocean, etc.
OYO, Exide Life Insurance, Tata Elxsi, Virtusa, for upholding ethics in all
TCS, LTI, Vikram Solar, Medica Group, Hashedin Mu Sigma • The Centre for Logistics and spheres of business and • Mentor network - Access to business
Dhanuka Agritech Limited, Tata Hitachi, Tata Supply Chain Management the need to bring about a service providers
HCL Muthoot Finance
Communications, Flip Carbon, Thermofisher in XLRI was set up to cater suitably favourable culture
Hexaware Nihilent the growing challenges in which it can thrive. JRD
and many more.
in logistics/ supply chain Tata, himself a role model
management. par excellence, delivered
54 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 55
Dr. Trilochan Tripathy Dr. M G Jomon Dr. Shreyashi Chakraborty Dr. Supriya Kumar De
Dr. Giridhar Ramachandran
Ph.D. (Utkal Univ.); MA (Utkal Univ.) FPM (XLRI-AHRD); PGDCA Ph.D. (IIT Madras); MS (Univ. FPM (IIM Calcutta); PGDM Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur); M.Sc.
(Loyola College, Vijayawada) of Maryland); MBA (Univ. of (Institute of Management (IIT Kharagpur)
Dr. Abdul Quadir Madras) Technology, Nagpur)
Ph.D. (ISI); MA (JNU) Dr. M Srimannarayana Dr. T A S Vijayaraghavan
GENERAL Ph.D. (Utkal Univ.); MA (Andhra Dr. Himadri Roy Chaudhuri Fr. S George, S.J. FPM (IIM Bangalore); M.Stat
Dr. Amal Dass M, S.J. Univ.) Ph.D. (Calcutta Univ.); MBA Ph.D. (Univ. of Madras); (ISI)
Ph.D. (Gandhigram Rural Institute)
M.Phil. (Gandhigram Rural Institute) MANAGEMENT Dr. P K Padhi
(Jadavpur Univ.) PGD(PM&IR) (XLRI)
Ph.D. (Berhampur Univ.) Dr. Narasimhan Rajkumar
Dr. Arundhati Sarkar Bose
Fr. Donald D’Silva, S.J. Dr. Santanu Sarkar
Ph.D. (JNU); MA (JNU) Ph.D. (Utkal Univ.); PGDM (XIM
XLRI has professionally qualifed Ph.D. ( Madras University) MA (Madras
private sectors and public systems Fr. Paul Fernandes, S.J. Tech.); LLM (Cochin Univ. of Sc.
Dr. Sumit Sarkar Dr. Sanjay Patro Dr. Arindam Mondal
MA (Eco), MA (Ethics), KU Leuven, and Tech.)
with rich research and managerial Ph.D. (JNU); MA (JNU) Ph.D. (Berhampur Univ.); Ph.D. (IIM Calcutta)
experience contributes to the Dr. Vishwa Ballabh
Belgium, PGDM (XLRI), Ph.D.
PGDRM (IRMA) (PODS) Dr. Indrajit Mukherjee
institute’s academic excellence and Ph.D. (Indian Agricultural Research Dr. Sanjeev Varshney FPM (IIM Calcutta); PGDBM
Fr. Peter Francis, S.J. Dr. Abhishek Chakraborty
character. Part-time and visiting
Institute, New Delhi); M.Sc. (Govind
Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture
MA (Univ. of Madras); PGDTE (CIEFL INFORMATION FPM (MDI, Gurgaon); MBA (Jiwaji
Univ., Gwalior) FPM (IIM Calcutta); M.Sc. (Univ.
(IIM Calcutta
B Tech (IIT Kharagpur)
Hyderabad); MA (Ealing College,
faculty also contribute in enriching of Calcutta)
& Technology) Dr. Kalyan Bhaskar
London) Dr. Smitu Malhotra
the quality of core courses and Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur); MA (Univ. Dr. Ajith Kumar FPM (IIM Ahmedabad);
Dr. Rahul Shukla Fr. Abraham Amal Raj S.J. Ph.D. (IIT Madras); M.Tech. (IIT B.Tech. (Maulana Azad
electives offered to students. The of Delhi)
Ph.D. (Univ. of Lucknow); MA (Univ. of
FINANCE MS Computational Sciences Kanpur) National Instt. of Tech.)
faculty members are grouped under Lucknow) pursuing PhD in CS Dr. Alok Raj Dr. Manoj Thomas
the following nine areas: Dr. A Kanagaraj Dr. Rajeev Roy Ashis K Pani Ph.D. (IIM Lucknow) B.Sc. FPM (IRMA); PGDRM (IRMA);
Ph.D. (Pondicherry Univ.); M.Com Ph.D. (Utkal Univ.); LLB (Univ. Law Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur); M.Tech. (Engineering) M.Phil. (Centre for Eco. &
(Pondicherry Univ.) College Bhubaneswar); PGDM (IIM,
(IIT Madras)
OB Dr. Amitava Mukherjee Social Studies, Hyderabad)
of Rajasthan) MA (Univ. of California, (Univ. of Michigan, USA);
Dr. Kumar Alok Berkeley); M.Stat (ISI)
B.Tech (NIT Rourkela)
Dr. H K Pradhan FPM (XLRI);
Ph.D. (Univ. of Pune); M.Phil. (Univ. of Dr. Arpita Srivastava PGDRM (XIM Bhubaneswar) Dr. Bijaya K Mangaraj Dr. Tata L Raghu Ram
Economics Finance General Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur); M.Sc. (IIT
Pune); MA (Utkal Univ.) Dr. Anita Sarkar FPM (MDI Gurgaon); MBA (MDI Ph.D. (Saurashtra Univ.);
Management Dr. Madhukar Shukla Kharagpur) M.Sc (Bhopal Univ.)
FPM (IIM Ahmedabad); MBA (Univ. of Gurgaon)
Dr. N Sivasankaran Ph.D. (IIT Kanpur); MA (Lucknow
Ph.D. (Bharathiar Univ.); MBA Calcutta) Dr. Dipankar Bose
Dr. Basant Purohit Univ.)
(Bharathiar Univ.) FPM (IIM Ahmedabad); MBA Ph.D. (IIM Calcutta); BE (Jadavpur
Dr. Jatinder Kumar Jha
(Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya, Dr. Manish Singhal Univ.)
Dr. Pitabas Mohanty FPM (IIM Ahmedabad); MBA (Punjab
Bhopal) FPM (IIM Calcutta); PGDM (XIM
FPM (IIM Bangalore); MA (Utkal Univ.) Technical Univ.) Dr. Pritha Guha
Dr. D Israel Ph.D. (Univ. of Birmingham);
Prof. Prantik Ray Dr. Joseph Jerome
Human Information Marketing Ph.D. (Pondicherry Univ.); Fr Nelson A D’Silva, S.J. M.Sc (National Univ. of
Ph.D. (Pursuing from Netaji Subhas (Emeritus Professor)
Resource Systems Management M.Com (Univ. of Madras) FPM (XLRI); Singapore); M.Sc (IIT Kanpur)
Open Univ.); MA (Jadavpur Univ.) Ph.D. (Univ. of Madras)
MA (Univ. of Madras)
Management MA (Loyola College, Chennai) Prof. Rajiv Misra
Dr. Debasis Pradhan
Dr. Rajesh Kr Sinha Dr. Rahul Sheel M.S. (Industrial - State Univ. of
Dr. KR Shyam Sundar FPM (XIM Bhubaneswar);
Ph.D. (IIM Bangalore); PGD-ABM (IIM FPM (IIM Ahmedabad); MA New York, Buffalo, USA)
Ph.D. (Univ. of Mumbai); MA (Univ. of PGDRM (XIM Bhubaneswar)
Lucknow); M.Tech. (IIT Kharagpur) (Jamia Millia)
Madras) Dr. Shounak Basak
Prof. Sabyasachi Sengupta Dr. R K Premarajan Ph.D. (IIM Calcutta); M.Tech. (IIT
CA (ICAI); Cost Accountant Dr. L Gurunathan
Ph.D. (IIT Mumbai); MA (Calicut Guwahati)
(ICWAI); C.S. (ICSI) FPM (IIM Ahmedabad); MBA
Organizational Production, Strategic (Bharathiar Univ.)
Behavior Operations and Management Dr. Santoshkumar Sangem
Decision Sciences CA (ICAI); CFA (ICFAI); FPM (IIM Calcutta)
56 – Xavier School of Management Admission Prospectus 2022 57
Board of Governors
T V Narendran
CEO & Managing Director
Tata Steel Ltd.
C. H. Area (East)
Jamshedpur - 831001, Jharkhand, India
Phone: +91 657 665 3203 / 3204 / 3205
Fax: +91 657 222 7814