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Free Traffic 5-Step Sales System For 2021 - Book

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Thank you very much for signing up to get access to this book.

We are very excited to present this information to you.

We’re going to give you a sneak-peak at a system that involves selling

products online, but not in a way that you would have likely seen before.

It’s simple, fast and effective - and we firmly believe that

it is possible to achieve incredible results using it...
in a very short amount of time.

Most importantly, it does not involve any of the intense frustration and
drawbacks that you may have experienced before.

Over the past 12 months our most motivated and diligent students have used
this breathtakingly simple system to produce life-changing results…

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…and while these results are exceptional, we are confident that you could
achieve them too if you carefully follow our instructions (regardless of your
age, experience and no matter where you live in the world).

However, just before we give you more detail on how this works, here’s a little
more information on who we are…


If you don’t know already, I’m Aidan Booth, and my business partner is
Steven Clayton.

Steve has been running online

businesses for over 17 years since
leaving his corporate job in 2003.

He quickly saw success with affiliate

marketing and built a digital
business that started to make more
than $50K each month.

He then expanded to eCommerce and built a 7-figure revenue stream, which

is still at the core of our business today.

For me, I started in 2006 with the idea of building a small income stream that
would allow me to be geographically independent.

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I knew that I’d never be able to be
completely free if I was tied down to
a day job in my native New Zealand,
so I set about finding a way to make
more money.

To cut a long story short, within a

couple of years I had managed to

build a consistent online income of more than twenty thousand dollars a

month. As a result, I became officially free to live anywhere in the world, was
able to quit my day-job and since then have never looked back.

So that is where it all started. Fast-forward to the present day, our business
has grown tremendously...

We now have multiple ventures that collectively generate 8-figures each

year and have a team of over 60 employees who are based in the USA as
well as many other countries across the globe.

Now that you know who we are…

Here’s why we are VERY excited to share this

information with you today...

In order to do this, we need to transport ourselves back to 2020 when we

visited Tokyo, Japan…

We went there to visit a “Billion dollar” chain of brick-and-mortar stores called

“Don Quijote” which the cutting-edge system we’re telling you about today is
modelled on. Here are some photos from our trip…

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Toyko is an amazing place and we would highly recommend visiting someday
if you haven’t already been!

But back to the point…

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What’s so special about this “Don Quijote”
store exactly?

Well, to give you some context, first let me tell you the issue with most
eCommerce business models by running through a few "standard

• The first thing you usually do is start by choosing ONE market or niche.

• You then need to think about what product you are going to make and
sell within that market or niche. Then you need to place an inventory
order (which could be thousands of dollars upfront).

• Then you need to build your website, think about brand names, create
your product(s), get all your sales material created.

...and the list goes on.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with these practises - with most

eCommerce models it’s simply a necessity.

However, the problem is that all this effort can sometimes take MONTHS
to materialize into money.

…And it is this "months to materialize into money"

factor that is a KEY POINT for one VERY important

"Failure to see results FAST" is THE biggest reason why people throw in the
towel and it regrettably means that some people never get anywhere.

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Not only that, once you have chosen a niche, got your domain name, set up
your site and have placed your inventory order, you are basically “ALL IN” –
and essentially at a point of no return.

In other words, you simply need to hope and pray that all the time, work and
money you are putting in will eventually amount to PROFIT.

Sadly, though, it often doesn’t.

...And to top it all off, if you do manage to get up, running and selling, you
then need to compete with tens of thousands of other people who are all
doing the exact same thing!

But this is exactly what attracted us to this Tokyo store and the system they
use in the first place....


They generate BILLIONS of dollars every year selling thousands of different

type of products in every single market that you can possibly imagine.

Everything from Toys to Tricycles to Tanning Gloves…

• They load up their storefronts and shelving with small batches of

different product types to see what sells the best...

• They then place the best-selling products in more visible places (and
remove what does not sell...)

• Then they continue to add, test, replace and optimize their product
offerings to boost their sales and increase their profits...

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...until they have a "store" stacked full of products that
ALL convert to sales and profits.

The Kibo Code system that we are talking about today was inspired by this,
and we do exactly the same.

The difference is, of course, we sell everything online.

Here's how we do it...

1. We set up a simple online store.

2. We test products in multiple niches at the same time.

3. We use a FREE source of traffic to target people who are actively

looking to buy these products.

4. We then eliminate products that don’t sell (and keep the ones that
produce all the profits).

5. Then we SCALE by repeating the process and adding more products

to increase our revenue.

The end result?

You've guessed it...

We end up with an online store of killer products that

ALL convert to sales and profits!

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It only takes a few minutes to get set up...
We test fast and start making money almost

So the question I hope you are asking

yourself now - is this...

Why would you want to limit yourself to

selling ONE product, in ONE niche...

...when you could be selling 50 profitable products in

MULTIPLE niches and making 50x as much money!??

(...while eliminating ALL the risk associated with buying inventory upfront).

The fact is this method of

eCommerce works
exceptionally well - to the
point where our websites
are generating hundreds
of thousands of dollars
each month…

However, I bet you’re

wondering this...

Why wouldn’t we just

keep this method a

Clearly, most people would.

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Well, that’s a valid point. The thing is though that we love teaching people
how to build online businesses - we’ve been doing so for nearly 15 years...

...And over that time we’ve had a huge number of

success stories where people have completely changed
their lives for the better.

For us, it’s the most satisfying thing in the world.

Plus, there are so many opportunities out there, we would never even get to
1% of them, even if we hired hundreds more staff.

And it is exactly for that reason why 12 months ago, in January 2020 we
launched “The Kibo Code” - an online training course that showed others how
to use this system too.

We were hopeful…

…Hopeful that the simplicity of the system would mean students would do
very well with it.

But what happened next, completely


We were totally unprepared for the success rate we saw.

Within a short period of time, many of our students who had taken-action,
followed the training and had put in the effort into to get their webstores
online, began enjoying sales numbers such as these...

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...and there were many others too.

Obviously these were not typical results, but the fact is that many, MANY
students started getting big wins….

Just check out some of the comments and success stories from our private
forum earlier on in 2020, in the weeks following the release of the training…

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Of course, not everyone started generating sales on this level -- The above
examples are a selection of some of our most successful students. Some
people required more help and assistance... and of course some people
never took any action at all! (bad move!)

But the point is these successes weren’t merely “one offs” -- they weren’t
“flashes in the pan”.

The success stories from our most motivated students… those who took
action and carefully followed the training continued throughout 2020…

There’s Matt who did $455K in sales in 4 months…

Kathy who has generated as much as $7291 in 24


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Junaid who started averaging $2000/day...

Penny & Craig who did $150,547 in just 4 weeks...

Absolutely astonishing figures.

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Now obviously, not everyone will have the same success as these students.
These are exceptional results, and while achieving similar numbers IS
POSSIBLE... it will require work and effort on your part to get to this level.
Just stating the obvious really.

Anyway, the current situation coming into 2021 is that many of our founding
members are still making serious money each day using the Kibo system,
even with all the turmoil going on.

But here’s the thing… Even though the successes have been unprecedented

…And even though we’ve spent the best part of 12 months over-delivering
with extensive amounts of additional training…We felt we could do even more
to make the success rate even higher.

The fact is we have learned a heck of a lot over these past 12 months and
have been working diligently refining the system ourselves by testing out
new strategies and processes in order to make the core training as
concise, effective and easy to follow as possible.

We believe that no matter where you live and no matter what your level of
experience or how many times you have failed before…

The Opportunity Here Is MONUMENTAL

And this is why, if you are looking for a way to generate additional income,
you will want to attend the upcoming workshop…



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One of the key aims here is to show you how to build a ‘lifestyle business’...
in other words how to enhance and enjoy your life while making a lot of

There is a well-known notion that in order to get anywhere in business (and

also in life), you need to throw yourself into uncomfortable positions and

In other words, doing things that you DON’T enjoy or are NERVOUS about in
order to get to the “next level”.

You see super-driven successful entrepreneurs such as Richard Branson,

Mark Cuban, John Paul Dejoria and others encourage people in this way.

But this is because following the path of the uncomfortable & difficult is in
their DNA.

It does NOT mean that this is the way that other people think - or are capable
of thinking -- or even want to think!

That is how THEIR minds’ work and how THEY operate.

But… EVERYONE is different. (we certainly don’t want to work around the
clock - 18 hours a day “kicking people’s asses”!)

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In fact, encouraging people in this way can sometimes be a PROBLEM
because it leads to STAGNATION.

The fear of the uncomfortable can lead people to not take any action at all,
and as a result, they never get anywhere.

Here's the reality...

You DON'T have to be ultra-smart, articulate and super-confident to

build a successful online business.…

…Neither do you need to work 24 hours a day or throw yourself into things
you don’t want or like to do...

The secret is to focus on finding something you ENJOY DOING, while

working as little as possible… while making as much money as

What you should be aiming for is this…

✓ A true "lifestyle" business.

✓ Something that is fun, rewarding and enjoyable...
✓ Something that you can run in your own time, from home - with no
boss telling you what to do…
✓ And most importantly makes enough money for you to do what you
want, whenever you want – FOREVER

The system we are telling you about today ticks ALL these boxes.

This is exactly how it is possible to generate incredible daily figures like this, if
you take action, put the effort in and "keep going" like Kibo Member, Andrew,
mentions below...…

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I guess one of the things you may be thinking is this…

“OK, you are making a lot of money and so are your students… but I bet the
process is complicated. Would I actually be able to do this myself?”

The answer is YES for one clear reason…

The process is very VERY simple, only involves 5 Core
Steps, and looks like this:

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Imagine for a moment you were actually moving ahead and doing this

Here are the 5 steps you would need to follow in more detail…


First, you'd install your super-optimized webstore which requires no technical

set-up knowledge whatsoever.

We've spent the past 12 months testing and tweaking many different types of
storefront and have optimized them down to the highest converting version –
the one we personally use to generate thousands of dollars each day.

(In fact, you wouldn’t need to set it up yourself as we’re going directly help
you with this.)


Next, you would identify a core selection of winning products to load into your
webstore ready to sell and make money.

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Now, if you’ve done product research before you’ll know that there are many
ways of identifying products to sell…and I’m sure you’ll also know that
actually finding winning products isn’t quite as easy as it sounds.

But again this is something you WON’T need to worry about, as we have a
HUGE shortcut you can take advantage of which SOLVES this potential
issue (again, we’ll tell you more about this on the workshop).

So once you have your products to sell, then you move on to...


The third step is all about hitting an initial milestone of $1000/week by

taking advantage of instant sources of "buyer" traffic.

In fact, there would be a couple of different options here for you to choose

Paid traffic, or free traffic.

We’d assume you’d choose FREE traffic - and if so, you’d start using the
NEW way of generating free traffic we’ve developed that would allow you
to get your first sales fast and give you the best possible chance of hitting
“Milestone 1” - $1000/week.

Then, once you start making sales, then you’ll need to deliver the products
you sell to the people who bought them.

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The way it works is beautifully simple...

1. A person orders a product from your webstore...

2. You get paid upfront...
3. You buy the product from the supplier...
4. The supplier ships the product directly to the customer...
5. The difference between what the customer paid for the product on your
store and what the supplier charges you for it is your PROFIT.

The good news is that the fulfilment process requires almost no work
on your part and doesn’t require you to talk to anyone or see or handle any
of the products you’ve sold.

So at this point, you have your webstore, your products and you are
successfully selling them and making money.



Once you have your core selection of products making money, then you need
to optimize your sales processes to increase conversions and therefore
sales and profits.

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We have tested a huge number of strategies and “apps” over the past year
and both we, and our successful students, have got this conversion process
down to a fine art.

All you need to do is copy us.

We use 5 methods, which are all extremely easy to implement and using
them will allow you to boost your profits dramatically.


In step 5, the aim is to rinse and repeat - and to go from….

$1000/week to $5000/week to $10,000/week and beyond

(if you work hard and carefully follow our lead)…by retaining the most
profitable products on your website, eliminating the ones that only produce
small amounts of profits....

Then finding NEW winning products to expand your store and increase your

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And that’s it.

The system really is that simple.

In fact, the reality is that you only need a handful of successful products to
start making really amazing money.

Can you see the potential here?

But a question you may be asking is… Have I not seen this type of thing
before? Is this not just regular ecommerce?

No - this is different. Very different.

To explain why, here are:




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As you know, traffic is the life-blood of any online business and unless you
are able to generate targeted traffic you won’t make any money.

The good news here is that we use untapped

sources of high-targeted buyer traffic (both free
and paid sources) where you can place the products
you are selling directly in front of people who are
online, looking to buy them right at that moment


If you run (or have tried to run) an eCommerce business that sources
products from China or other overseas countries, you’ll know first-hand that
dealing with people over there can sometimes be difficult.

One simple communication breakdown can result in

thousands of dollars down the drain and a lost

We don’t do that here. We only source products

from US suppliers and to begin with we only sell
these products to US based people. (And you can
do this no matter where you live in the world).



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This goes back to what we were talking about a moment ago. The big
advantage with this model is that we don’t deal with inventory.

In every other eCommerce business model you need to buy inventory upfront
– and sometimes a lot of it!

With private label, it may be as little as $200 or it

could be as much as $2000 (or more) to get

With the wholesale method of eCommerce, it can

also be hundreds of dollars to get started.

With this method you don’t need to buy anything upfront which
eliminates the risk of losing money on unsold inventory. If a product
does not sell, we simply dump it and try another product. No wasted money.


Since there are no lead times and you can test products to see if they sell
within super-short time periods of 48 hours or less, you are able to fill your
store with top-converting, profitable products extremely fast.

And because you don’t need to wait for inventory to be

created, sent and processed, this is the fastest online
business model we’ve ever used and the quickest way
to get cash in the bank.

It is also VERY easy to scale.


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You can continue to work your day-job and stick to your current daily
routine if you want to.

And if you already have an online business, no matter what it is… or even if
you are running with another method of ecommerce currently, you can simply
run this alongside it simultaneously.

To summarize, here are the 5 huge benefits of this

business model:

1. There are NO traffic issues.

2. You get RAPID and ongoing results.
3. There are no supplier issues.
4. The financial risk-factor is VERY low.
5. You can do this without giving anything up.



This is the EXACT REASON why we are so excited to have the opportunity to
show you how to do it too on the live training that we have organized.

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So how does The ‘Kibo Code’ system stack up against other business

Before answering that question, let’s agree on what the key factors are when
making this assessment.

For me, there are 5 key factors you should gauge when assessing a
business opportunity.

• Realistic Profit (both short term and longer team, and not a lofty
‘hopeful’ goal, but something realistic that is easily achievable)
• Time Commitment (how much of your personal time is required to
run the operation)
• Speed of Results
• Startup Cost
• Predictability (how predictable are your results?)

Steve and I are personally involved in every single one of the business
models listed below, and with Kindle aside, have actually built and continue to
run $1,000,000+ business operations for all of these. (In other words, it’s fair
to say that we’ve got a VERY good idea about the pros and cons of each of
these models).

Let’s run through them…

Amazon Whitelabel is a good solid business model, but it takes a while to

get going, and you need to be selling HUGE volumes to be able to make a
decent profit these days.

Affiliate Marketing is a very hands-off model, but can be a slow starter. As a

result, it has lower short-term profits. Paid traffic is tough in the affiliate world

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too, which means a higher reliance on organic rankings, which takes time in
competitive markets.

Kindle is steady. You need to sell a LOT of books to make decent money,
but for people willing to toil away at it, it can certainly work (assuming you’re
happy with maxing out at lower profits compared to the other models). Once it
does work, it’s very hands-off.

Information Products can be very lucrative but are equally unpredictable.

You never really know if an info-product will work until you’ve made it - and by
then you could have invested hundreds of hours of time and energy.

Amazon Wholesale is another good option and we have made lots of money
with it ourselves. But it has lower profit margins than Amazon White Label,
meaning you need to either cycle through inventory at lightning speed OR sell
a huge line of products to hit big profits.

Software As A Service (SAAS) can be a home run, no doubt about that -

but it’s the most expensive model to start and also highly unpredictable,
meaning it’s not the right fit for 99% of start-up entrepreneurs.

Now let’s look at the Kibo Code Model...

The Kibo Code model is the best of any of the models.

Let’s look again at the 6 key factors on which you should gauge a business
opportunity and how they relate to this model...

With the Kibo Code model, it is very easy to calculate how much profit
you will make for each sale and how many sales you will make for a
single product on a weekly basis. Therefore, you can workout in
advance, what achievable profits you will make.

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Your time commitment is very low, because again, 90% of the
process is automated once you have it set up. Although it goes
without saying that the more time you put in the more money you
could make. This puts it on a par with Affiliate Marketing and Kindle in
the ‘time commitment’ stakes

The speed of results in this instance is unmatched. You can go from
“start to selling” exceptionally fast.

The startup costs are also the lowest, on a par with Kindle. Other than
a simple website (which as you’ll discover on the live calls, we are
going to give you), there’s really nothing you need in order to get

The Kibo Code model has the HIGHEST level of certainty of any of
the models, because again, there is a HUGE demand for the products
you are selling, and there are millions of products to choose from and

Like I said a few moments ago, barring Kindle (which we built to a

$50,000/year profit level), Steve and I have built million-dollar businesses
using EVERY single one of the models discussed. We are uniquely
qualified to talk about the pros and cons here…

Think about it and see if you come to the same conclusions.

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This ISN’T rocket science, it’s quite easy to see why this is so profitable and
makes such a good business to run!

To summarize, the ‘holy grail’ business is one that has:

✓ HIGH profits expected in its first year

✓ HIGH profits expected after 3 years (can be scaled)
✓ LOW weekly time commitment on your part
✓ RAPID RESULTS, ie. how long does it take to reach $1,000/week profit
✓ LOW startup costs
✓ HIGH predictability (what are the odds you’re actually succeed? Is what
you’re doing a sure-bet, or a gamble?)

...and the ‘Kibo Code’ model ticks them all.


Already have an online business, or are working on growing


If that’s you, then the Kibo Code model is one you should consider using to
compliment what you’re working on, to:

a) Use as a form of diversification

b) Use as a ‘cash funnel’ so you can grow faster.

As we’ve already discussed, this model has incredibly high profit margins and
can also provide a simple path to quick cash generation - something that
almost every other business model struggles with.

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We always advocate that you diversify your business activity and avoid
putting all your eggs in one basket. This will allow you to do that in a way that
has no negative impact on whatever other business you’re currently working

The key points here are...

• You don’t need to ‘give up on’, ‘quit’, or even ‘set aside’ any other
existing projects.
• Setting up and running this type of business is fast and it only requires
a handful of hours each week.
• Funds made from this business can be funneled into any other
business, to grow it faster.

If you’ve already got a business, then you’ll probably see the value in
everything we’ve discussed better than anyone else because you know the
challenges associated with your current business - and the holes that could
be plugged by running with this business model in addition.

What If You’re Just Starting Out?

If you’re just starting out, then the absolute best way to kickstart your success
is by using a tried and tested formula that GETS RESULTS FAST.

It’s not that you necessarily need instant gratification…

But it sure as hell helps motivation when you can be making money within a
week or so of starting out.

In addition to that, you’ve also got a clean slate to work from, and a real
roadmap to ensure you avoid pitfalls that you might otherwise encounter if
you were to ‘go it alone’.

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…and in a fraction of the time at a fraction of the cost of doing it by yourself.

What would it be worth for you to take a huge shortcut,

and jump over all the hurdles we mentioned a moment

If that sounds like a dream come true, then you’re going to LOVE what we’ve
put together for you.

This is something entirely different to anything we, or anyone else, has ever
done. It goes far, far beyond just a training program.

We’re so excited about this, and really hope you can join one of the live calls
to find out more!

Remember, this is a strictly limited opportunity to get on a call with us, to

learn more about Kibo Code QUANTUM, and to get ALL your questions


2021 is well and truly underway. However, regardless of where you’re at in

your business, you still have plenty of time to make this your best year yet,
even with all the current turmoil.

Remember what you could gain here...


Unlike a regular rat-race day job, you do NOT have an income ceiling and
can build this business as big as you want to!

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You can build a true ‘lifestyle’ business. After you’ve done some initial
groundwork, much of the “gruntwork” can be outsourced which means you’ll
have all the time you want to pursue the things you’ve always dreamed about

Perhaps it’s more time with your family, more time on the golf course, or
maybe you just want to wake up each day without an alarm clock.


You get to choose where you are in the world. With a successful online-
based business, you’re able to live wherever you want to. You don’t need to
limit yourself to a 2-week vacation in order to get back to the office; you can
simply take your office with you.
Everyone has their own goals and objectives, the point is, when you own your
own business, you have the freedom to choose where you want to be, and to
play by your rules.

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The point is this...

As long as you keep these three big life-changing realities at the front of your
mind as you’re working through the system, you’ll find a way to push through.

We’re looking forward to having you on our upcoming workshop!

Thanks for reading the book.

We wish you all the best,

Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth

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