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Alamo Guide: Nov-Dec 2003

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Welcome to the rqorld of the original Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, located in downtown Austrn. The Alamo is about movies in all of its many splendored facetg and now that we have hvo new theaters satrsfying the masses rvith the best oi what modern Hollpvood has to ofier, the original downtown location is shiving to become a ShangriJa of

It's a sa{ari adventure of movie watching where you will see things that unhl nor,v have been confined to New York and LA (if will see things that you l,ill NEVER see anywhere else, because teeming hordes of talented Austinites have created their own shows, just for us. So be adventurous, be intrepid, come and see r,vhy the Alamo has been praised by national and international press for cuthng edge programming in such outleis as The Sundance Channef Nahonal Pubiic Radiq Entertarnment Weekly, Varuty FaiA FHli{, the Christian Science Monitor, GQ and the New York Times. Check out what's coming in the next tito months and find out what everyone is talking about.





see things that have been lost in the mists of tme; you



The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema has established itsell as the premiere spoi for watching I-lI Longhorn football in Aushn. We feature all games on our
movie screen in Dolby Surround Sound and state of the art video projection.

Also, iook for great prize giveaways fi'om 101X ard the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema every weekl With the possible exception of live in the stadium, the Aiarno Draithouse Cinema is the best spot for the serious football fan. All eyes in the auditonum are locused on the mor,re screen, where the action on the iield rvill be larger than life! We will be shol'ing every avarlable regular and
post-season game, and ADMISSION IS

FRIE TO ALL GAMES, we will have

great beer speoals, and as always, our

krtchen rr'rll be up pizza, "erving burgers, pasta ard sandwiches served to vour seatl Admission is first come-


serve, doors open one hour before


Wildly unique and dryly comiq, AMERICAN SPLENDOL'R is a true Americm origiral md much deserved wimer of the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundmce lilm Festival. Meet Harvey Pekil (Cianatti, STORYTELLITIG), Cleveland native, VA hospital cler( md hilariously grurnpy observer 0f life's shange md unpredictable pageant. Before camcorders, be{ore webcams, before non-stop realily TV, there was Harvey Pekar and his homegrown autobiographical comic book series, 'Americm Splendor'. Since 1976, the pages of 'American Splendor have {ound Hmey puzzling, fuming and marueling over ihe minutiae of his day-to-day exisience. No experience is too ordinary no thought too inconec! Harvey expresses what so mmy of us think and feel, but only dream of saying and he never, ever, holds back. Featuring his increasingly umly appearmces on'Late Night with David Letterman' and his old record-shopping buddy, Robert Crumb (played by Jmes Urbania( CONFESSIONS OF A DANCEROUS MIND), whether you love him or have never heard his name, AMERICAN SPLENDOUR brings this quintessentially American chmacter to three-dimemional life, telling his story in hunm, accessible tems, Above alf AMERICAN SPLEMOLTT is the anti'biopic that Pekm's life md work demands: {unny, touching and bittersweei. Directed by acclaimed {ilmmakers Shari Springer Bermar and Robert Pulcini, AMERICAN SPLENDOUR offers not one, but several illustrations of Harvey Pekar: the Hawey o{ the main narrative, portrayed by Paul Giamatti; a 2D mimated Harvey; and the real Harvey, past (via mchival footage) and present. The resultng film is as inventive md unique as the nan hinself. (

"Honor directors have reveled in the sins of the flesh but few have revealed the beasts under tire skin with the visceral intensity of Stuart Gordon. Blood, slime and tentacles fly fiom tissue to expose libidinous crcatures, obsessed with ravaging their victinl pudty." (Daniel Schweigel Fangoria)

frequent visitor to Lovecraftian tenain (Re-Aninator. From Beyond, Dagon), honors both nedieval and futuristic (The Pit and tle Penduiun, F0rlres, Robot Jox), and once anested
for helmhg a nude theahical version ol Peter Pan, Sturt Gordon is a director whose cinenatic visions extend bvond the t)?ical corfines of both honoi and hunor lle was kind enough to ans*er a few questions for us folks at the Alamo.

I heard George Wendt approachd you with the ida 0f adepting the book King Ofthe Anh. Can you tll ne a bit about the proress ofgetting it from the idea stage t0 the screen? My liiend George Wendt brought me a copy 0i the book while we were shooting SPACE
TRUCKIRS. He said " Ifyou like this,

option it."

couldn't put the book down.


shocked that the protagonist actually goes thrcugh with the nurder of an imocent man. Fron that p0int 0n anything is possible. I love stories that surprise me and break the rules. We got rhe authol Chdie Higson, t0 adapt the book into a screenplay and rcset the story fiom London to the States. Then we begm showing it to production companies and studios. They all basically said the same thing: "Tbe script is riveting, couJdnl put it down...but we could never do this." Seven years later we finally found a company crazy enough to finmce it, aptly named The Asylum. We shot the on a s"oe.trng budger in 2a davs.


How did Higson fml about the final product? ChrJie Higon is very pleased with the finished flln. He's not one ofthese writers who thhls that every word is scred. Being a miter md perlomer for television (THE FAST SHOW), he realizes that bmks and frlms re very different animals. He made some major changes in the story md was a pleasure to work with. This tilm is very different ftOm anlthitrg yourve done before it's got noir elements, it's got a vry ralistic sedism t0 it, atrd the otrly hint 0fyour previous work is the dream sequences! which ar vry fantastical. What promptd v0ur deeisi0n t0 mtke a strright thrillr? Yes, ANTS is different lrom my previous work, but for me thatl a healthy thing. Il i did the sme thing too often I would get bored with it and so would the audience. What amued me ab0ur rhe book and what I tried t0 accomplish in the filn ofKING 0F THE ANTS was that even rhough the ce0tral character does all these tenible thjngs, you still like hin and care about him.

The lOllowin0 i$

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0I TII tilTsfron rfiG

What has ben the gneral respons t0 the sadistic natur 0f the film? Have you had houbl gtting it booked anywhere? ANTS has honified many audiences. People either iove it or hate it. There is no middle gromd Because it is s0 extreme, some of the major filn iestlvals have rejected it. Luckily Danl MacDonald at the Seattle Film Festival had tire balls to premiere it last June. Since then it has
bn invited t0 festivals all over the worid.

fired ofpainting stTangrs' homes for a living, young Sean Crawley makes the considerabie mistake ol allowing limrelf to be seduced into committins an execution for sleazv alloving himself committing sleuy
construction mobster, Ray Matthews (a consistently srveat-drenched Daniel Baldwin). Soon sweal enough, Sean gets l0 experience tbe worst elements of his boss' menacing personality, bos' menacing haiing him nrned out. brnken and leeling more than a linle used. Consumid with guilt leailng 4im nunco oLl. brnt(en ('onsumed leettng llnle guill over his single bloodthirs[ acr and lom uiLh a lusr lor venseance asainst lhe Dersonalities bloodthir\ry 3nd vengeance againsr rhe personaliries

Your films (ven this one) always have this very absurd sense 0f humor that takes
c0mpltely fantastical situati0ns and colors them with an alm0st dry hum0rist c0mmentary. Like the situati0ns thenselves are slapstick but the dialogue is very natter-0f-fact. The humor in tlrc script is built in. Charlie Higson is a well krown comedian in Britian and has a sense ofhumor even sicker than mine. Ijust followed his lead.

md ethics that led him down such a todlred path in the fnst nlace- Sean discmrs his true torilred lath rhe frst pJace. discovers calling in life. The sadistic mobster and his henchmm are no longer the nost danserous fish in ihe pond. A fierce purificarion nrual rq abour to begin

Are you planning to d0 mor work with Th Fantrstic Frct0ry? IIOW was w0rking with
them on Dagon? I enjoyed working with the Filtastic Factory They let ne make DAGON the movie I wanted it to be and are releasing KING 0F THE ANTS in Spain.

After revolutiorizing the geme with classics iike Re-Arimator, From Beyond, Dolls, and Dagon, Stuan Gordon has tumed over a pathological new lealwith this grisiy exploration of griiiy a different kind ofhonor A philosophical and savage neo-Noir mime thriller, broed on the thrillel (who als0 novei by Charles Higson (rvho also wote the screenplay), King ofthe Ants is sure to shock novel audiences with its unflnching depictions ol aninalistic cruelty and rage. Many will no nc doubt be surprised to see Cheen regular George Wendts nolrenotely-cheerful rl perfommce :en
not to meniion Road Wanior heavy Vemon Wells' appetrance as a compa$rondle. roll-spoken consmcl0n qorker uho breaks a lot more rhan plaler during his shifts. The print we will be screening will be the full, umted directon rut, before the film geh submitted for an Rrating, which ivill alnost certainly lorce hims upon its nastier set pieces. See it now, in the venion that goes all the way, because King 0f the Alts is the eve4,thing y0u've always wanted to know about human nature... but were too afraid to ask. :ve4thing you've (Mitch Davis)
as a ruthless henchman,

Are you self-rlistributitrgANTs? Rerl Hen is yOu Own company, cOrrflt'? What can w expet from Red Hen in the near future? Red Hen is not self-distributing ANTS, but it is the first on-screen credit for my production company (althougl tlre Red Hen logo can be briefly glimpsed 0n the stem of the doomed sailboat in DAGON). Red Hen is cunently working with David Mmet on bringing his bdlliant play EDMOND to the screen. Willian H. Macy and Julia Stiles wiil be staning. We re
also working with Jack Ketchun t0 adapt his extremely disturbing book LADIES'NlCHt The story concems a mysterious toxic spill in Manhattm that tws women into killing machines. Could be the bloodiest film l've ever done.


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Joe Bob Briggs reclaimed the throne

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(AKA Johr Bloon) is the cxplortation rvorld's Manny Farbei: hc put rhe fur brck il novie-going and lorT&Ajust rvhen eleLyone else in the world decided to get so dam seriou. The author olJoe

Bob Goes to the Drive-ln and Iron Joe Bob is back u'ith his long-awaitcd lollorv-up, Profoundiy Disrurblng: Shockrng ,Lovies That Changed History, which coDrairs c5ialj 0n the 15 films Joe Bob deems the m0$ importam cineaatic catalysh olail tine. The Aiamo is exremelv thrilled Lo host .loe Bclr's appearance in conjunction l'ith the lixes Book Festival.

(d. Meir Zarchi, USA 1978 100

ERIUE - llW G0l'lilHl[nY BYlllt B0B Bnl0GS nin. R) Reriled br ciitics rs one 0ithe most repreherrsible fihs ever nrde. and chmpioned by others who sar! it as rn impofiant reclairning ol the lemale dght t0 liolence, the comroversy

lRlmY ilOUt,

ill0lllGlll:l $P$ 0ll Y0lln

surounding this Cemille Keatul vehrcle has nerer srnmered. Audiences are still as divlded tocia)i as thcy werc back in 1978 when a lone, rngry rvoman cut. chopped. brrrke and burned fir'e nen beyond recognJtiol. A wonan on vacation ill
the country enacts a bruhl revenge 0n

fi\e nen rho uanrlape her n thc lorest, uhile

Joe Bob provides an


DVD style commentary.

$[IUBlllY, tOU8,ltlllllllGllT:l0l B0B'S PnllF0UtlltY 0l$IllBBlm T[A$H CUPSll0t{

leaturing clips from the 15

tilns discussed in l0r Bob s ner book Profoundly Disturbing with a ruruing comentuy by the guru of drive-in trash hinself. Joe Bob i lalesr tome is an odi to I 5 filns that changed history including Blood
Feast, Deep Throat, The Wild Burch.

Dru*:n \h*er. llsr; She-\{oll ol thc

SS and the notorious exploitation

roadshow baby-birthing hit, i\4om and Did. Joe Bob Briggs

will be conducting a Q&A ioilorirg each screening and uill be available to sign copies ol his nel book, which is, by ail accounts, a musl read fbr anv selfrespecting exploitation enthusiast. Each screening rvill be preceded by a barrage ol35m exploitatior railers trom the Ahno Drathouse crploitaiion film vru1t.

The first tinre screcning

of "The Complete Masterworks" the nerv and only DVD from Tenacious D fearunng

s Brixton Academy that was by clrance rccorded on November l. i00l - tracks irclude \lbnderboy, Explosivo, Kyle Quit The Band, Friendship, Kielbasa, Dio, The Cosmic Shane. Fuck Hcr Gertli'. Tribute and the ever popular Live Shof Films that have been screened during The D's sho*s. Also ilcludeil are the gioundbreaking, hard to get (legally), HBO episodes which tell tale olThe D in early days on the road to stardom. But that's not alll A bcrus second disc rvill be gilied to the firsr nrehe nilllon loyal Tenacious D apostles who purchase this DVD. This second disc includes an intimate ponrait of

the legendary and epic recitai at London

iilc ofcamal debauchery on the road. Lucky ownen ofthe DVD rvill catch rare and olthc Tribute & \lbndeiboy videos as rvell as ner,er before secn lbotage ol The D as they peIfom their secret backstage ilhtals. We'll screer the DVD that night. and \Vaterloo Records will have plenty ofcopies for sale in the lobby. The DVD comes out on Tuesday November ,i. so this will be the h$t time anyone can see the DVD and,/or purchase the DVDI We'll also be raiflln-e off
Jack and Kyle and their gruesome behind the scenes glimpses ofthe making autographcd D poste$ to a lucky few that night. Admission is lree.

French icon N{ichel Piccoll (Themrog La Grande Bouffe, Danger: Diabolik) stan 1n this perverse love story about a man who dumps hrs wife for an incredibly realistic-looking ser dcll. His wife (the gorgeous Rada Rassimov) has tired of the gmes required for his sexual arousal (one such game involves a pig costume) and his emotional distance is enabled further by the anival of the love doll to which he n'ill eventually pledge his undying love. That is, until he begrns to suspect that the doil has been cheating on himl Piccoli cardes the {iln eifortlessi,ri md piays the role completely shaight lvhich makes the steany sex scenes all the more hilarious and absurd. Because this

in North America in any format n'e r.vill be playing the Spanish version with a LIVE TRANSLATION by Edwin Neal - an actor who has dubbed hundreds of anime tities for the English market, but is known primarily as the hitch-hiker from the original Texas Chainsaw lvlassacrel The combination of a twisted film that has to be seen to be believed and the unique voice talenis of Ed Neal make this a once-in-alifetime event! (Kier'La Janisse)
has never been released


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(d. Jean-Luc Godard 1964, 35mm, 95 mins, b/w) A couple.of two-bit punk, Franz and Arihur,

flirt with a girl, who just luppenstohaveanauntwithacacheofmoney{supposeily). lhrnklngshesinlove,Odileistalkedintoleadin"gtleguysro thehidingplace, ThhgsgetcomplicatedwhenArthwsfamilytriestog"ettothecashfrrst. Butitsimportunitor,i**u'.ttt t
for Godard tlre plot is secondary, whiJe the style ot telling is primary to erploring beloved $emes.




(d. Jean-Luc Codard,2001, 35mn1 France/Switzerlmd 98 mins, b&w/color) Condemned by some as the work of a tired old mary pralsed, by others as a mature work {ull of beautrful unages and magsterial rhythms, Eloge de l'amou explores


stages of love (meeting, athactiory separatioD"leconciliation), musicai composltioln, the French resistance, and Simone Weil. Must film always be like a novef story or play? Can't it explore the ideas ol the essay Ln a fractured form?





(d. Jean-Luc Godard 1997, 35rnm, Switzerland/France, 85 mins, color A filn about..., Nq ihat's never the way to desaibe a ) work by Godard. Forever Mozart builds upon several projects: an homage to Porhrguese poet Fernando Pessoa (a creator of


mmyalter-egos)_atheatncaltroupe_headedtowarlomsarajevqandpreparationsfiraKeithJanettwork. Butihisisnota documentary and so Godard uses these scenarios for erplorations of an-unexpected war in Euope, the wa1rumd path o{ European culture, unemploymen! and the rampant spread ofAmericm culture.

stx Fots


(d. Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Mane Mienlle, 1976, digital videq 100 mins.) These rarely seen teleusron pmductionsby Godard and Mienlle provide a "provocative mtque of the power.of media images in contemporary culture and'everyday lifei' Do tleir beliefs from the rnid-70s still hold in a iime replete with the Internet 10"0s of cable TV stations, and digrtal teihn6logy? Perhaps now nore than ever

- NOV l8


ermine the manPulations exercised by photojournaiism, the news, and advertising, Naturally the subjech of these TV 'shows"can be intmPted at my bme by disembodied commentary and sudden bursti o{ text upon $e visual field. They are
subversive even when discumive. (d. Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Mieville, 1975, digital video or Beta-SIl 100 mins.)ln this selectioru Godard and Mieville


examines four rejections suffered by


(!ton.!he1 Sujeh.d. Anne-Marie Mievitle, 1988, 96 nins.) and (How Car I Love?: d. Ame-Marie Mieville, 1983, 13 nLing Mienlle's Jint {lll-length feature looks at tlree generations of womery all disatisfied by the men in their lives. The short


(Apres La Reconciliation: d. Anne-lr4arie Mievile, 2000, 74 min$ ard (Le Livre de Marie: d, Anne,Marie Mieville 1984 27 mins) Once more Mieville focuses her camera on ]ean.Luc Codard, wbo grumpily suffers *uough nodem times and reflects


onlove,language,andgrowingoldwithoutillusionsorimagination. Hei!joined'bytlueeother"peoplewhorarelvasrcewith him. Theshortreflectsthemcertaingrace(fuliles)nessofayounggirlsu{eringthichaosofherparints'separatidn."


(d. Anne-Marie Mieville, 1997, 80

mm played by Jean-Luc Godard this film comments as much on lus artistjc nork and phiJosophy as on-the Soiradc dialogue arguel by iwo women at the beginnng of the frlm. starkly beautifuf Mieville's film is a matury wonderlully crafted expioratioi ofrelations, meaning, md agiig. "



Featunng_a drsgruntled old




Hector Hener4 Panarnai Sparn, 2002, 90 mins, 35mm). Filnmaker Hector Herrera in attendmce. Gangs, gury drugs, and hip-hop in modem-day Panama. An unllinching look at what a country becomes after an American milltar! in"vasion.

(d. Nancy D. Kates and Bennett Singel, 2003, 83 mins.) Bemett Singer in attendance. Sometimes called 'the lost prophet" of the Amencan Civil Rrghts movement of the lq60s, Bayard Rushn convinced Marhn Luther Kng of the need ro meate a massive social movement based on the non-violence ot_Gandhr. As long as he kept quret about his gay"ness, Rustrn was treasued by the leaders of sociopolitrcal chmge, but once he began to speak our about ind-ividual rights, he was pushed ro the side, ignored,

- NOV 19 TzOO

mdforgotten. ThisdocumentaryremediestheunjusttreafnentRushn5legacyhassuJlered.

Pg. 5 - online tickels qnd informolion ot

Since the 70's, Monkey Punch has been drarving tales of one of the most famous and beloved thieves amund the world. Lupin the 3r4 descendant of the famous French Thief Arsene Lupiry and his pariners in mme Goemon Ishikawa (descendant of the

famous Japanese Sarnurai thiefl and Daisuke Jigen (ace rnarkmm and longtime pal of Lupin) are still up to their same tricks and they are bringing along old friends Fujiko Mine ard Lupin's nemesis Impector Zenigata as usual. Originally shown in 1978 (Japanese litle: Lupin Vs. the Clone) Secret of Mmo has been dubbed 3 tirnes by different companies and has seen 2 separate releases here in the US. lans of old school laserdisc games may recognize certain scenes (along with scenes from the Miyazak directed CASTLE OF CAGLIOSTRO) that were lifted for the game Ciiff Hanger Mamo still holds up well a quarter century after its release. Lupin films tend to be part buddy pictures, part heist filns md all amund comedies all at once, no easy feat. Rarely has this combo worked {or Hollywood yet Lupi.n movies (and TV specials and OVAs) take this fomula and make it happen almost yemiy in Japan. Secret of Mmo ceniers on the seerning death of Lupi4 the search for the Phllosopher's stone md an enigmatic immortal. It's an adventure that spans the globe and takes all the characters into a mystery that could threaten the world. As in most Lupin movies, you cm expect hlper kinetic chase scenes, gadgets, leggy babes, and guns and

swords-a-blzin'. Until rccently Secret of Mamo was out of pint and in dub only. The Alamo serves
amiversary Lupin on the big screen as it was meant to be. Hope to see you therel (Tony Salvaggio)

heaping helping of 25th

"lt [elon0s on any ll$t 0l me 0rcatGst wcl films

GrG] madc."

lnsgel [b8ltl

Isao Takahata's grim tale of the aftermath of a !\rWIi bombing in Japm remains one of the most powerful anti-war statements ever committed to celluloid. When an air raid decimates their entire vi.ilage, Seito md

his 4-year old sister are left olphaned and homeless, and left to fend for thernselves among a ravaged counhyside md a disillusioned people. But they don't find the physical desolation nearly as devastating as the selfishness they encounter from their countrymen on a daily basis. With its muted, earthy colors and subtle mimation style the filrn is a stunning aesthetic achievement that stands mong the most torvering examples of Japammation. At times joyous and carefree, even the happy scenes are mdeIwred by gnef but the two proiagonists overcome the hopelessness of the situahon with iheir steadfast devotion to each other Like Elem Kli-ou's Come and See, Grave of the Fireflies is a brutal coming-of-age story about the loss of innocence when confronted with the inhmmity of war. (Kier-La Jmisse)

Interstella 5555 tells the shange tale of an alien mk band kidnapped by an evil corporate rnogul and transported across the cosmos to Planet Emth. The story is told through a cornbhation of Daft Pu*'s music ard Matsumoto's visuals leaving dialogue aside. Directed by Lelji L{atsumoto at Toei studios, with a Manga look reminiscent o{ Battle of the Planets we are taken on a beautiful, sureal, inspirationaj joumey jm packed with great visual flourishes all set to DaIt Punk songs. There is no dialogue in the entir movie, instead relying on the feel of the music and the skill of the animators to convey the story Fitting it to the beat of the music must have been an absolute nightrnare, but they have succeeded in blending them together to create somethirg quite mique. Daft Punk have always had a reputation for original videos, and in lesser, (and less twisted) hmds this could have been utterly boring. 70 minutes of pop promo would be enough to hrm any brain into mush; here you'Il find the time flies by, as you get absorbed in the simple but yet poignant tale that always remembers to keep its tonpe frrmly in its cheek. One of ihe most original things I've seen in years. (Gary Gray, the ZReview) Set to courcide with the North Americar DVD release, Waterloo Records and Mdeo will be on hmd with D\Ds for sale in the lobby after the sftening!

Meet the Tendos - your average, run-of-the-rnill Japanese family. Along with his three lovely young daughters - Kasurni, Nabiki, md Akane - father Soun Tendo is the proud owner of the 'Tendo Anything-Goes Martial Arts Training Hall," a downtowr Tokyo dojo where literaliy anything can happen and will. When old friend Genma Saotome comes for a visit rnth young Ramna in tow it ieerns the wedding which will secure tlre future of the Tendo dojo will finally take place. What no one expected was that the little trip to China that denma and Rama took on their way to the Tendos would tum out so disastrously. Who could have kaown that faiing into one of the aras many springs would hansfonn poor unlucky Ranma from a "he" to a "she", and Rama's father into a GimiPandal Now, the youngesi Tendodaughter, Akane (who's always claimed to "hate boys" anyway), has been nominated for bridal duty by her oldei sisteis, while m umly Ranma (who never wants to do anything his dad says on general princrple) rnust corne to gripi with the mixed blessing of his/her own appeal... to both boys md girls! (animenation) This scteening will consist o{ several episodes from Ranma's fi$t television seasory to be continued in the next calendar. (Kier-La Janisse)

Ps. 6 -

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G0l0rf,[0 st. - onlino liGltcts 0uollablc et www.dlrfth0ll$G.G0m



Animatrix, before there was Neo-Tokyo, there wm Robot Carnival. Pafi $md expedment md part anlme showcase it was conceived in 1987 re a chance to gei some of the best mime directors to flex their mime muscles in short form. Robot Cmival is a collection of shorts with a mecha theme that offers something for almost ever) anime {m, even if you aren't a fan of giant robols and ihe traditional robot revenge epics (although there is some of each in ihe mix). The coilection of

8 sequences is a joy to behold and spans the breadth of the mecha geme. Ii has an excelleni tn'isted sense ;f humor in the fom of Inhoduction (by Katsuhirc Otomo of Atira fame, poignant drma in ihe fom of ' Presence ' (Yasuomi Umetsu director of "Gatchamm" and ' Kite") and the languid line drawings of "Clouds" (Mao Lmbdo), as well as by the book mech stories for both gtls and boys ( 'starlight hgel" Hiroyuki Kitazume who directed Moldiver, md Aura Bittler Dmbine and was chaacter designer for Nfegdonc 23 and "Depnve' Hidetoshi Omori, the director of Urusei Yatsura laka Luml respectively). Rounding out the set is ihe humorous "ATale of Two Robots' (by Hiroyuki Kitakubo director of'Rojin Z" and "Blood: the Last Vamprre") a prody oi lapanese wa propiganda filrro and

a reason

(Takashi Nakamura Director oI Cahrapped


an animator on Nausicaa) which rs a nod to

N'ght onilald Mountan from Disney'i

F-mtasia. There is

t'hy this mthology is strll being shown in this dav md age of ' the next new best thing' anime, expedence it tor the first hme or again for nosialgia's sake. (Tony Saivaggio) NOTE| in the tadition of live musiel hlm scores for silent film at th,{lamo Drafthouse Cinem4 D} Nick Nack ivill be providing a live tumtable score for this eye-candy feast. |lore info ai!

A screm in the nighl md n that imtant the world changed ... or at least, it appeared to. fhere have always been forces in the world md voices in the nighl sone fnendlr and otJiere malevolent. Invisible until sumoned; thev slide through dimemiom as pople walk ttuough doomays. They wait, md watch tle doings of Man closely ... each for their own reasoro. Somehmes, they appear ... and when they dq the worid changes. Eveq one Lrorts about Boogrepop: meei her one dark rught and you de taken. Peopie tell each other tie stones and laugh: no one believes that she ersts rn this dal and age. Shii, therc de some strmge tlungs that appea to be going onjust below the surface. Darkness takes mmy iom, though. Eirl md good intermingle. The glass shatteis. Tine stardiitill. Ihereis so-mething in the dukness. You aren't aione. Are vou :alel Frre |em ago, there iras a string of grisly murders that shook the c1h to its core ... and in the present, psychic echoes reverberate. Ths s@nng rrrll oroist of the fint four episodes of theBoogiepop TV sene, io be continued next calendar

Mmg4 md orignailv released in the US under the me Kimba The White Liort Jungle Emperor Leo is the real 'Lion King'. The ston begins rvith the birth of a small white lion ob nmed Lunq the son of revered Jungle Emperor Leo. When imdinf humam staf spreading indusq; and disease in their search for a mystical ge4 a schism develops between the animals who want to use violent means to protect tie Jmgle, and Leq who wants to find a more peaceful solution. As catashophe loons, \'ount Lune runs away to join the circus, misled into tlinkint that hmms md animals live in hamony there. lnitially enthralled with the bdght lights of ihe big top lvorld, Lune soon feels lonely md exploited and yeans to be back in the Jungle with his own kind. But his nother has already fallen to a deadly plagre that rs drreatening to wipe out the entire mimal populatior. When a kind doctor ollen a vaccine to the virus, Leo must decide whether or not to break the age-old law of the Jungle by accepting humil aid. Colorful and drmatic, Jungle Enperor Leo offers Dsney some heary competition in the quality kids'animatron departnent. (Kierla fanisse)
Based on Osamu (Astro Boy) Tezuka's 1950s

It is the age of Gvil Wat a hme of ivulords md violence. Ymabuo is a ninja without a purpose, md the only suMvor from his clm. He meets Rmgikq a youg girl of noble descent whose family rvm mudered by the henchmen 0f General Kdimata Now she fights using her fatier's strmge puppets, the very creations Karimata rvas out to capture. Together, they fight duough 16th Century iapa4 md soak the dusty streets in blood. When the Puppet Princess makes her puppets dmce bodies will fly iike broken toys.(Media Blastere) The mimation in tie film is schizoplrenic, md shifts shmelessly from 1960s AmericmJack Kirby{tyle art to the atesy ness of chiidren's anime (complete with flowered speech bubbles) and the choreographed acton of superlative filns like Ninja Sooli. The story too has absud comic moments suddenly shattered by recollectrons ol incrg perersion md occultism. That said, th; film may be too eclctic {or audiences who ue bent on one style/one geue of mime, but the filn is a striking exmple of anine adophng the sublime inconsistncies chilacteristic of exploitation cinema. (Kierla fmise) BACK BY POPULARDEN&ND i Puppet Pdncess wll be foliowed by new episodes of dre pewerse mine kinder-conedy Ihe Ping'Pong Club!

Miyzawas famous work "Milky Way R.rilmad" (1927), Night on the Calactic Railrcad tells the tale of hvo boys'joumey from ther a tain bound for the Milky Way. Along the way tley leun of life and deati, redemption md sacrifice, and their place in the univer*. Kenji Myzarva (1896-1933) is still revered as one of Japm's best loved children s authors and is fmous for hls poetry as well. Milky Way Railroad is still taught in elenentary school in fapan and has been hmslated into mmy lmguages. This adaptation takes his famous work md gives it a beautifully visual life of its own. The result is slow paced and introspective, the themes of the ongiml work are often heary and the symbolism is often sureal (made even more surreal by the fact the director chose to make the main charactes of Ciovami and Gmpanella anthopomorphic cas). Night on the Calactic Railroad is a visuai feast and a departure hom the nomal happings of guns, grts and action. If weighty themes oI life md death, Buddhism and Chdstianity and their dogm4 and s$'lized surrealism are your thing; bring your tissueg your open mind, a fnend to discuss it with aftenvard. (Iony Salvaggio) Editor's note: tlis frlm is also part of the Almo's HIGH FOR THI HOLIDAYS filn series, md therefore cm be mjoyed on ily
Based on Kenji

village festival on

number ofspiritual and/or psychedelic plmes.


t -llamo 0ralthousc Ginema - l0g

G0t0nd0 St. - onlinofiGlcts rtrilablc atwtrw.drallh0$e.c0m




rA ffiffim##ffiry-ffe


5 " " 'ti


W ffi

Hffi ek#$#;e*-%-#-trffi


di [i.*

uesentcil in l0ltYulsl0ll!
Santo, ihe Sih'er lvlask, staned

zombies and evil women. This time, ihe undispuied king oi masked lvrestlers takes on a

in over {olty \lexican featuie filnt battling vanpires, munmies, trolfme4 flying saucel full oi

lvlartiam rvho choose N{exico as a strategic point to begin their ntxld domination. Apparentiy the \'lartians have been studying ihe moves (and coshime.s) of Lucha Libre (illexican nrestling), and they are ready to tluow dolvn in anv ring or playground available. 0n1y El Santo stands in the lnvaders rvay Wil Santo's consummate lr,resiling ikilli save him from being disintegrated bv the ]ilartians astral eye? Find out I'hen Folevr,ision presents SANTO VS THE \,IARTIAN IN\ASIONIlornerly Buz N'lomn s Kung Fu Masterprue 'Iheiter, Foleyvision events ieature 0ld; odd, 0r Asian films without their original audio Foleyvision fills the void with new dialogue, new sound effects, and neir nusic performed LNE in the theaterl


Fmaka, 99 mi4 R) Women In Prison movies have been a Weird l!'ednesday staple from the very begnning. Now, in the interest of equal represenLtio4 we bring you our first Men In Prison movie. The story o{ boxer."Too Sweet" (Leon Isaac Kennedy) whose only way ouroi bv winrung the big fig[t. llausrble] No. l-nrertamingl Oh hell yeah. f.ychotroruc Video ntagaztnc editor ltlirhael Weldon ha. asked the crucral o'u.rrion. is lamai Finaka the black Ed Woodl' Like"Wood, Fana-ka is underrared, l"p ii'plays urbellevable tenaciry rn getting his hghly personal
(1979 d. Jamaa


Unliie\\ood,Fmalaispisredoff. Anddrstilm'enioyableLhough:l filmsmade, liisdialoguei:simrlarlyfm,andiheendproduct may be, scores some f,eav y points even as it entertains. He presents a nightmarish mlaocosm of Americm society where prisor is an omnipresent *reat in tk [ves of African Amirican na]es, and where sports and entertainnient are vierved as the only means of escape. A grit$, highly entertaining movie, with tons of great dialogue you'll be quoung for weik. If this goes over big, watch for the Ivo inoedible sequels in months to come. -Lms



- NOV I2


u[hell lnon"asHollprood. Directto-videoactiongodh/ing.


ilru*rburs'tontothescenewithhisir[enie,orer-fielopperformanceasihep.y.houcL'erprroPamrod. Seethingmdranbng.ahomioda]hvisted nerve,Hauserisincredible. Thisishisshowall$eway,heevensingsthethenesong, \eonSlimel' Alongtheway,Hauseriumpsthe{enceftomullain well lr] this truly into iiion *onrtu, tenitory, makhg VICE sQUAD not only one oT the most...lting 6ln s rou il ever seg but one 0[the scarist as
ScenPlav b.v Smith -Lrs

j,i* *l* fAry tul., u hooli* namel P.incess (Smson Hubley) must rnake it tluuugh a long rught rn a vuydark {orest (the streets oi L A,) ruthout being earlier 991_ap1) i"llf.J"p lyit, fng bad woll (Hauser), rvho himsel{ is being chasgd b.y_thg qlt} hunler t}e LAID detech^ve,who(director altoryA !1t9WOMEN ol WOMER Robut V O'Neiil
enteriairiment {r"om the grfted director of RAW MIAT and DEAD AND BLRIED. and the ANGEL films.) Costairing MTV Veejay Nna Blackwood and Cheryi Rarbeaur


(1979, d.Franz Josef


Gottlieb 87 min, Ri An epic about the turbulent years ot the Russtan Reroluhon md a love that was never meant to be. . or was it? Just kidding. This is a Gemm T&A rnovie. The story of Teutonic disco kamDs trho never developed much o{ a taste for the feel o{ tlothing againsttbelrbuistingnubrleflesh. ViewersshouldbeadvisedthattheseholbloodedBla&forestrutbunniesmein{attoflegalage(ltin{act)and iri aaaition to l.inghady they are agreeably willing and exceedingly able, as e.,'en ihe least obseruant spectator will attest. The storyline o{1his 'em coming! This ihins involves a se;v minx who rnher"rts a ricichaw incession in Minila. Hev Gemm T&.\ morie-makeis: great plot rde4 keep fii*"tuk., th. u'.,u.i hom the sratuesque jutting peak o{ the Alps to the moisi jungles oi the nuski hopical South Pacific,rith their hlglr, gmcefully "Dschinghis Khan " Thank ,ouna.J pro.onto.ies. Featuring thd aiincUitir letieve Mongol-gimmick dlsco bancl Genghrs Khm playing thel hit
you God. -Lars


i;\ioit ;tk
cotJMRY Bl

\VchearyouAustin. Loudandclcar. Form,rrm-;.'L c;JCr: ouxdr,trorerrcksplotiation,Everyotherletter, lor more toorh]ess, Bood o' bn; s. "-pr ' " i r . e rroo', l]'ter ol d grandnotlers i n tight denim TAYLOR. DUB cut-offs, rural law-enforcement gone honibly wrong extensive moonshlnetelated shen,nisms; but most oi a1l -vou lvmt DI:E tra:h, What Bruce Lee"was to martial-arts tilms, u,hat Pm Cnir or Fred illliamson tvas to blaxploitatron; that's the kt"g "iwhite roti oi iofty p."t bub Taylor occupies in the universe of hickploitation. lVe'r'e scoured the eath ior Lns one, oveimrning countles hash cans; sleep, coripanionshrp basic human comfort, ind in the process ilgenng at ]east one central Asim Poteniate, but here ii is,

lioTlJ ju,lCo*ra. ll0mrn,Rt

NOV 26

card. or email we recei ve is a request-- no-l a demmd


l'JE. You can ihank

u: later. -Lars*auy pahom will

Joe Smo. Few Weird ever {orgei Samo's brilliant CONFESSIONS OF A YOL\C A\1E2C{\ HOLSE\VIFE, the beautifully twisted story of tntutg.".rlttl*f suburban love ind lust. LOVE IN THE THIRD POSITION is m earl;ei Sano work, tilmed in Sweden during the mavenck write"r/director's ultra-productive European period. By all accoun$ thjs free ]ove soap opcra is_one of his best. T]Le most notable ieature of Sarno's (1972


d.loe Samg


mirr R) Vulvas and Volvos frorn the king o{ knk! Another gem trom ihe s*ed-uplmagination of

"Oh yeahl You're a per{ormere ddlver their lines rn English, at best a second languag;. This bizarre technique gives such patented Sarno dialogue as

Euopeanoutl]Ut lromt\isperiod,asdifromfheridiculouslyser.ySwedish,tarret nenaragedtJroundup,i:hi:balfiingrnsistcnceon.havinghis

hotUttlebitchl"alittleaddedzing.lhismaybeyouronlychancetoseethisrarefilmsoplmrourliieaccording\'. -1n,,

(1975, d. G6rard pirbs,

min) Sure it's an ltalio-Franco rape-revenge giallo. Sure, Iou get to see.the evercnchanting Catherine Deneuvein all m almost irer god-given naked spiendor, Sure there's a roving gang of rexually deviant motorcyde bandits rvho look so amazingly hip that you


willlnsiioverlool,Lheirrelentlessonslaughtofaggieitioi. Saynomore,ardlmsoldalreadr. AciotAggresston,however,has\omuchmore;a kilsioundtrack, tgp-shelf actors (the aror"ementio'ied Deneuve paired w,th veterm J L lnnhgrart -Death Lard an [gg, the Liberhne- md a slrong doses of sleaze. This isn't just Euro-trasfu ihis baby is ffiorn'ng ,urt) ,"; a taut cnme ihrller plotline expertly woven to compliment the ample
Eurodass-trash! - Tim


a Victor M. Ordonez, & 82 min) Billie Clark is a very pretty young woma4 rvithout a care in the rvodd...until suddenly, out of nowhere, i*tr1 rt..t grt g rttacks her grandparents, and Billie must ure hei 6lack6elt p_roivess to figlit them off.,But now marked for vengemce, it's only a stalking her prey-and matter oi tim'i blfore Billie's lo:ved ones fall prey to this vicious gang o{ thugs.-Forced to seek justice, Billie becomes like a cat a martial arts no pr"on, pot". force, boyfriend, or aool,ed ludge can get ;n ihe ivay of her avenging claws! She's a one-woman vigilante squad,

DEC 17

quee4 a aack shot with no mercY.

Pg. 10 - online tickets ond informotion oi www.drd{

ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE CINEMA COMEDY SHOWS! just movies anymore. Alamo Drafthouse out live foia
The Cinema is not Check
these great

comedy events

change of pace!

The fint ComedyT Risk Factors show was such a smashing success that we just had to ask those improv comic mastemLinds from tie fondly-remembered Nahonal Comedy Theatu back for another round of side*plitting good times. Of_come, this is the Alamo, not iust some random theater space, md so the Risk Factors show will be the most heavily multi-media dependent mprov show in town. Four comedians Iive in perso4 short films, new theater games, and loads of {rm for the whole fmily (provided everyone in your {amily is comfortable with some mount of sexual humor and a little bi1 of bad language| Be amazedl At the deft skill employed by comics who adlib new dialogue in scenes {rom you favorite mwies - right beIore your eyes! Tluilll To the all,new sketch comedy short films! euiver! Witli pleasure when Les McGehee chooses your suggestion to start a new scene! This is improv comedy the way it should be, people. (Henri)

Comic Strippers isn't a collection of Garfield {ans or anything like that. Instead the genius idea behind this show is to take a bunch ot stnppers, add in some improv comedy, and then mu it all together lla like taking Who's Line Is It Anyway? (wthout thatom moyrng guy) and combintng it with The Mm Show ftack when it was goo,-d), Ifls the perfect show fbr SyoT Yho'd Lke t999 to 1slip +b bl{ doesnl wmt to g.o home feeling dirty. From twisls on dassic theiter sport games lil<e.the innovative Make Me Laugl:, lvfake Me Strip (m which the Iovely young lady on stage must remove an mti'cle oi dothing_every time one o{ the comics succeeds,m making her laugh) to completely new concoctilons like Good Cop/Hot Cop Daddy Bmm, you emcee for the evmg wrl.l take you on a holiday sleilh ride filled with lauglu, boobs, and, of course, beer If that don't fix a spot of the bah humbugs, nothing will.

Start with a classic vampire-as-metaphor-{or-puberty storyIine, add a dom or so mr,rllets, throw in fuo Coreys, a dash of Kiefer Sutherlmd hamming it up md one kick ass sorurd hack. Set oven temperature to 1987, let it cooi< for 16 years and you've got a heaping plate of LOST BOYS. Remember the eating of maggots? Remember Bill (from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) as lowranking vmpire crony? Remember Jason Pani& floating around his join us in becoming high-flying, merry-go-riding living-dead teeiagers. Sleep bedroom? Oh yeah! We ilvite you to all day. Party all rught. Never grow old. Never die. Before the film, we'll treat you io somi vintage Corey naileis and a look at Corey Haim, Me, Myself and a legendary pilot explorhg a day in the li{e of Corey fiain, his fashio4 his musig bis philosophy.

Forget Chanulah, forget Kwaua4 forget Jesus' birthday... or maybe remember them in a whole new way._Theres another reason for the season! The 3rd Amual'Mr. Sinus Holiday Spectaorlar. Imagrne chmrl surfing through your favorite holiday dassics like Its a Wonderful Life, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, It's a Meny Christrnas Charlie Brom... and some not-yet-favontes like Monkey Islmd Meny F***rng X-Mas ard The Star Wars' Holiday Special. This time round the Sinus boys are picking the best segments from the last three years and adding some new gems to ceate the ultimate holiday experimce. There'U_be sing-alongs, milk & cookiel and enough joy to make you jittery Come see why so many rank this as their favorite Smus event of the year!


lt - thmo Dnnb0[so

Glncm0 . 409

G0l0nd0 St. . onlitG tcfGt$




squabbling manied couple will ask you what most people say is the secret to r iong lasting relationship. And you'll also get to walch a guy trying out all sorts of rlifferent pick up Iines at his favorite bar. Which line will ge1 him the most successJ \Ve don't klow yet. The last question in the Tests of Love is pan of the Blind Date itsc'lf. We're fa'hioning the first date afrer MTVs Di.mis.ed. uherc 3 pcople go on a date together and one gets to be told that they aren't good enough at the end. So the hst question rhe audience be asked js, "Which ofthe 2 girls going on ihe date u ith this gur s i I be told she s got ro go home alone?


I donl like reality darrng >hows on fV. I cani stt through rn cnlrre epi:odc uithout feeling uncomlorrable. Not becau.e Ihc people are ntcan lo caclt other or anyhing likc thrl. but just because thel re alwals a\piring srngerr. actresses, modell, or some othei weird class of people that only erist in 1,.A. wiJl shoot a Ieu cptsodes here in and Vimi. Occatronall) one ol lhc 'hou' Austin, but even then they seem to find the creepiest people I've ever seen who claim to be locals. Ho{ do the producers fmd thise people? Why do
they cast them? The Alamo's new reality dating shou. CHEMISTRY l0l , aims to fi\ all that. \\ e don't har e producei: who icour a col l,"cr ion ol herd.hots and r ideotaped up lor a honible dare: lre submissions lobkrne lor lhc nerfect couDle to l0l +r Cherirrsrrl 'et ;hows. ucll let everyone ler the audiencc doihar lor get to watch the video submissions we receive and then the crotd decide who goes on a date rvith rvhom. Will they try to match people up fbr true love. or ihev Dumosel\ mi5tnalch neoplc tu tnakc a morc enlenainrng -how? I'miedlly nol nre, and rhar'i nliy i uantcLl to put this show togetler. But thc hlind dries and the audience selection process is just one part ofthe whole shebang. Here's how the show rvill break down:

Then the crou'd $iil riarch the actual Blind Date. The daters on the screen will be people picked bl the crou,d at the last show. At the end ofthe date, the daters will com.'up on the stage and the guy will present his dismissal live.

Bv the time the emotional tiregorks have receded. we should have all the siantrons graded and ujil announce who scored highest in the "test oflove." t hat person u rl. tncn cun: up to t he stage ard arswer a serres ol Cetting To Krou You cu\ilron! io thc'audrence irll hrve an idea ol uhat kind ol'
perion lo seL hrm up n r d-at< s'rh. Thct's nghr. lhe uinner of lhe trir ia qutz is automaricalll on. ol rh. rhrce people porn-g on ihe nc\l dale. so alier se -\\imer's a1l about'. ui'tt ihori a bunch of rideo prohles of hear what the potentral dater. to rhe cro\d. $ho will vote for their ts'o lavorites by way of lecret ballor. \\e11 be colJecting the ballots, but we wor't amounce who won the audience rote. \\'e \\ant the date to be blind for everyone.
That's one of m1 lar orit< panr of the show, actually, because the person who srne srll get to see all the profile tapes also, and wins the "Tess ut will invariabll hare people that he hopes the audience chooses. Whenhis dates ari\e lor rhe't-irsi acti\ir!. $ili he hide his disappointment ifhis favorite isn t rheret'





We'll have ro * aii mtil the nev shou to find out. To be a pan ol the shou. people can either come down and hf to win the "Tests ofLore. or thel can sign up onirne tlnouglr the Chronicle's Intemet Der\onf,l5- For mor- rnirmauin rou can 5r thc Alamos uebsile at 'Llrronicle

When oeople sit doun rn the theater, tire first thing they'lJ notice rvill undoub'redJv be the scantron loms placcd on rhe trb'le in-lroni oi tltem. Thafs becrlse \ou donl iusl urtch ( hen i\rry l0l, yotr plrl along. The first nan of lhe show ir a ouii shou ue like lu cill oil ore. Lp to 20 iliffer(nr \idco sesments uill Dla\ l" lhe croud. ard eaeh one qill ask a dillerent quelion." One ptece;ili prc5cnl lhrec dilTerenl lE year old hors antl a:k you to correctlj idenrrly ihe rirgtn among thcm. In anolher. a


uuu dratthor.r..rr 'r



'rins 'ui thi




1982, Late Night with Da\id Lenemran made its releiision debui. Wilat other continuing favorite debuted that year? That's nght. the t'oard game. Trilial Pursuit. Now, we're as big fans ofthat pie-filling game as the nerl -eu1. but ifs been a -qeneration since that game came out, and it's time for a nex' way of trivializing. Enter \londo Tn\ ia.

Do you knorv Jack? Do you pu6ue tn\ial thrngsl Do !'ou think you're prepared fbr MONDO TRIVIA? Take yotLr time. Don't ans\ er until vou re sure that you've got it right. Mondo Trivia isn't easy. Mondo Trivia isn't -iust sorne guy reaciing questions off of a card at your local pub. Mondo Trivia is even better than play ing NT\ at the bouling alley.
Mondo Trivia is the best damned tnria shou ever. Period. We've got questions that make you laugh, questions that make you think. questions aboul spofrs. questions about celebrities, and questions that ar completel-y ulians$erable. N'foncio Trivia is rnore thatjust questions, though.

Mondo Trivia also has video segments that'll hare you guessing what the outcome of various stunts will be. Picture two kids standing in a peaceful subrrban cul"de-sac, eacb holding a baseball bat. When we start pitching balls to these nvo adorable children, will you have the skills necessary to fiAure out which kid will break a neighbor's window first? Will you be able to tell us which neighbor's house will be the mluckl one? We also use video segments to answet the great unanswerable questions out there. W-e know exactly how many licks it takes to get to tlle center ofa'footsie Roll Pop.
Every week the wimer ofthe sho$'gets to go home uith $100 in cash. At the erd ofthis fi$t season, the person with the nost cumulative points will be awarded $i000. You don't 8et prizes iik that playing board games.

Can'twaitforthenextshov? Her areacoupleofpracticequestionstogetyourbrainworking:

Which composer once wrote a piano piece that requircd order to hit all the co[ct notes? (Mozart)

player to use two hands and his nose in

What gas in rhe rnake up ofa falt makes it so stinky? (Hydrcgen Sulfltde)

llamo llnlthoil$c Cineila - 4ll0

Golorailo St. - 0nlittc tiGtcts aroil0blG




Carvou tell ne


:ffffiffi ;,il;;.;h"i;h;;Jmy
ihi ihom

thrtfiln' withMarlon Brando? I heard you had a shorg crertivehandin ven l've had as an actot in movies Cutn made in the scilpt producer wondering where to go next rirr"d md leftwriter' director' clear it was a chdactd conflict story' between hvo fart, inst because it became comc \(ene\' men {Brando md me). And I had 'om rdra' and wote

bit about

the Apprloosa

"'.1t"" i*;rrli.+-"..a.a




Enter the Dragon? Do you still train? How much Martial Arts experience had you had prior to


ldon'tshrvenowtodomorethmsomeTa whatwould itbe?

young' for horse falls I took doing my own stuits when I was

lI there was my film oI yous thatyou {eel is siminally ignored' ormderappreciated' lr'uhuni rou.'ho'ld chcci,trat,onc out K t but i dont hare f',f""1-,"" l*, p."pf. 'ou B'r.l tttl'*^:--d wstem

;;il;;":.."'"Pirhat il;;;;;#;

most of mv patt was cut out lhemselves



Untorgvcn ''

thc John lluston-directed

Minv rctos kv to diltmce

fron their gere work, hut it

>eems ds




over the vou'n" p"articipated in


though you've been happl to what is it that bdnss vou to

gere films

again md again? crther {unle'" oblrAed hr di"taice my.cli lronr ,nv worl' ilcluding gerue but I donl Promote,rr them about.Senresork to ih."?) Ideally ilikc to tall to a'idiinces and find out Ihat'grabs .;;;:;;";." A fiim that delights n a,a thm posioly convcy what I thml I cm about rts mcmng ;;;;il;t*;" u.i"i.^tiu r"ily tt"s its reasons' md makes me asl nhai are thev' really?



ffi]isaFmour.Antxceieli.riild{9ee!+NlP.q:iT:::1:^Til":-*.*t1*:f3*fl ff.'#il#,ffffi:"iil'i1ilffi;.fi:iil;il"-"li\il,nL,rhom,,en:r.rr*rr;ai:,:'""0$lllo:l:"1gl5y;',yl?.fl::: "-iatta.discovers she was poisoned, and his obsasive rhe r.d, ffi.fili.i:l'fi,T,'.TiilT']li"#l *;"il;ii;*;ia,.' *""p.o.1r...*.r .+.-,..l' '\dnd a r:air nrth Loui:e tk" ae other rn this -o There i'ho "uspecrs invAhu)nnn rrrp.b (,eorse tLandau), r;fddf.'gti tJ'ts' phit*f: "ft:1:::rylJl-t: ;tffi:;Jill;::;'j]'#;'fi;;l'';;r;;BJ ';;;;P-r']:'i'; qho ra :;' -e tr 'o*' * '* " tqem;mm+-!cL''hmsmddnvo,hisway*rougtr -L^i,,",rnpnnprl hvv, Matulandr'JC"r[*"",*iUrulpartlo5gr \{'lir'" iiffi'iil:,3,iT'\'l::tl,'iiil'ffi','#4.&!l?;{i":""{;11;;il;'d"*!1'.":tl"':tl1:-TJ:$:;,f,*;fg:"fl,ii:i'#il'*Sffll '-t "' rurrc, \ r,,u@,,5
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dson Pleces sl M \Gt sH \Dol^ 5 ' eal dJas ue the Diuntong ason 'el P'e's , L^ \ "unng -^-^,. /icdh,,r^, Amph.,nssee& uuougn me !ilsr 5ft!tr ur -\rurrucd wuu, ULE r!n!r t""A,f"ou$ th. iu', sue.c oi \ionceal Oddly, the Amerien distributor' Americm a,-r*.ifr md a corker of a car chase in rvluch hvo autos 1ump, skid, smash and foos or , "na my-r'r rarle' :'.4 rhe r ao r1nruB m me thriUer tlut rt realiy r' 1he poster horor/ lnrcmahoral, appcar. .o have muLeid r I M\GE sileDows ur ,,.. ,': ,,,Li"L"a,ililLrcvowllslprodnwilhrhrtofl:mdthe-Ar,encmCtieissinilrtoiJroseofthegiailosdirectedbyDaio r,"-,'1' r,t r. i" a" wth the stoq; md the .Ar5:'i o'i" .,:'il1,t: q?:1"j

il::ll fil;JtJ;#;::ffffi,'* ;il;;iiy t ao,it ttooot t*s will be disipponted' ll.iiNui,ts).

tuqenr. trt was oriblnally called BL.tZlNc

md De\lartino (ceditcd


Martin lIerbert)

$:"S"*":i:"i:.*l:*: even tosses n sm

\l'or'tthCarleHrmot+JedLe(lercddAntiony fin: re"tnudrrvtora'setlef,'m''e\ploiL'rionvolueupanotch \'mMdoTrovaroLcomPN*emlr'cor' .++ SPECI,\I (N{artv lv'lcKe) r,LelNlr,i sricnL}li foris.riru ,l srucr.rl \acr\ t \t roR io\r' s.\iTrA md


e\pro,tation film.

progrms that s*nbalir gave brth to the Cmadim

but before the Florida-bas"d

c,o*nu.,i;iJ':;il:r:l':,11^\:'l* :T'i::i::yf::::1i1,:y**#,T.::ffneilT;li;kT rheropsro*rnscdnad m filruof aI time) ilLil'liihl,l,'ililiffir'ffi;:,r"1;;,i.;;;:."r;ili;,:i";J,,.r,u_.oroid",cd oneof made j little hlm called Biacl christrnas to the great 1950's.poon-hunt, he

well r' the rcoder.and Andica \lartin (m a.urPrismtly u comic rolel a' starine Kef Dullea, olivla Hu*ey and unJdra,, rrn.tuy- vurgot and therr alcoholtc r"*""i,ra",-io-ir,.lhou*.t'p. ,rusi" r rilm*. As a collcse

dio.tor ham"d'b"


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uf.o';ng , t nrtra-


brea1. the .udden dnapp(arancP of


;ilED could it be that so^nnn. *o*.on. '.,i"D'ilt make your skin Jau4 !t's on too


cnrnci4e Pranl ';veral ' wrth an onsldughl *uu in *a. wt ot'lht h0u\c al b rlt? A5 the ads Proudll prochimed:



ol ctulling

Requucd vres'ing lKier-La lanisse)


0rflnh0u80 Glnona-409

[ G0l0nil0 st.-

0nline tclGts

tlailallc ilwfl.ilnnh0[s8.G0m

A$lAll G I 1l EMA All D G U I $ I 1l t fin$'"'"'d,l'#I

who said foreign films cm't be fun? Ang

As if Ho_ng Kong Smdays weren't already excihng enough,.now we cm expect suprises not only on filn1 but also on our plates. I guarantee that Chef Liu,s outstanding cooking will be jusi as spectaculm md tasty as the eye candy serued onsaeen by Asials best kung fu masters. Claudia Aiacon, Austin Chronicle -

Lee's followup to his internationally successful rHE WEDDING BANQL]IT is a delicious exmination of the relationship between aging Chinese master chef Tao Chu (Sihung Lung) and his tluee daughters. The oldes! Jia-Jen (Kuei-Mei-Ymg) is in unmaried school teacher in her lati hventies. The niddle daughter, Jia-chen (Chien-Lien wu), is ithriving corporate airline exerutive whose career comes before all else. The youngest, Jia-Ning (Yu-wen wang), is a twenty yem old romantic who worlc at a wendy's fast food joint. EAT DRINK trL{N woMAN is basted in its own wbnderfully seasoned juices. A heat for {ans o{ film md food, this movie provides one of the year's most sincere views of fmily dFamics.

Dealing-with subjects that could easily have emerged half-baked, Lee insiead applies his talent md cones up with a dish cooked to perfection. (James Bermdinelli) Ang Lee's luscious film ibout the power of food md love is one of the most beautiful {ood novies ever mad, Don't miss the chance to eqoy it again with a delicious Chinese menu designed by chef Je{f Liu of Bistro 88. The Austin C}uonicle's food"film feast is co-sponsored by the Almo Drafthouse, Ausiin RentAll Party, md participating restaurmts to benefit the Capital Area Food Bank Ea! Drin( Mm, Womm Dinner Menu by chef Jeff Liu of Bistro 88: Peking Duck Lasagna Tofu w/ Grilled Shitake Mushroom Salad; Spicy petit Wontom


Cold Soba Nooclles

Mrinated Ahi Tma Slow; Cooked pork Shoulder w/ Steamed Rice Chicken & Ham Consomme w/ Winter Melon Mochi Ice Crean

Hong Kong superstmJackie Chm grves his self-mocking hmor full flomish in CITY HUNTE& adapted from a Japmese comic book. But that doesn'i mean there isn't a solid dose of action-aJter a brillimtly cartoonish opening the movie settles into a hallcomedy, half-thriller variation on DIE HARD, in which Eurotrash tenorists have hijacked i plusi ocem mise liner and super-detective R1u Saeba (Chan) has to stop them, aided by his lovely, loveJorn assistmt (Joey Wong, A CHINESE GHOST STORY GRIEN SNAKE) and a beautr{ll mdercover secret agent (Chingmy Yarr NAKED KILLER). Though CITY HUNTER is short on breathtaking sturts, tlere's plenty oI well-choreographed handto-hmd combat. Ja&ie Chan's leiherous, self-absorbed character (accompanied by a parade of girls in skimpy or skin-iight outfits) come across like a gleeful pmody of James Bond. All in all, a high energy romp. (Bret Fetzer)

westem filmmakers drasn to (or forced into) the exploitation geme of 3,D filmmaking usually ended up making the same hm-harded geme films they were used to chming ou! but witi a {ew-3-D effecis


almost as

lued in by



wasn't nailed


The Chinese, howevel, seemed to hone in on the needs o{ audiences ad cmpaigns._ In the production of DyNASTy, for example, everlthing that on the set was the dual lens polarized 3-D cmeramm for the express pr:foose

m afterthought.


of asaulting the future audiences. Any other 3-D film ever made will seem completely flaccid ifter ytu first taste of DYNASTY. Knives, krees, elbows, arrows, rocks, aazy sossor-bladed kung-fu death machines,

kmate-chopping hmds of steel md more, more, more will be in your face md uror.,id yo* neck. Sue, there's a storyline to DYNASTY: nasty Emuch Clan slaughters the Ming DFrasty nobility save for the leader's sorl son trains and refums for viscous bloody revenge. You've seenit before. But what you haven't seen before is the shes volume of full-til! pedal to the medal, niho-bmin'ludiaous 3-D insanity. Beyond the shadow of a doirbt, Dynasty 3-D, the firsi kmg fu 3-D film eve1, is m undisputed masterpiece. - .Iim"



-Alamo Drann0us0 Cimmo - {09

Colorailo St.- onlinGticteb arailaile atnm.ilHflh0ltse.G0m

H* on ,ft*

l'ttos 100 Best seri Monrettt' Lrer \ow l ;;;."Li.t'i"" l','i [' il;]il;;r* iii;f,;;. "r,r,. n't p'u u fc\v rni-corrtelltions.our or votrr



laqt mrntlr's.r1$0,,Ebri:K:il1$;

therAloil:9ifi Freud t0


thr, isqr i collcoioh of pont rlterc.*i1T not be rnv be rvondcring. lj^bv1il"t'i^',r,is mllecdon That being :aicl rou rnighipossibr) bc ir rd0 Scrv-\lo*<rrL' crn "i*;t;;;;; ;il'";-;;iit';';;rilil;;;;i :l:' as o.iriri.;t hi.iltl.iitloitrg cf Dallas isn't eren being conside red' : !,v, r' rh"out seductjort s94 ,it, il.;;t'dt :il;;;;.[i, i;ivttut i' "*v:" sttlrout fttlt'te' hut tt'' .not only j;;;' ,;'o',t;i. rerl ltirt. rr LItc orga'qt rn lli i.-.i'*',fri'ft*' fturtpv o.ting 'So"t" nf the best sex]' .nlorrolrts::in
or'tltertt iitiiliiiiJ',i.i"rt "l. r' 'il,'pr..'"" 'tlt''inc I'rok surrr( momentsrrc hitr ollr ancl tllen, let. ofcorrrse' sotlle olthe sexy


:ai. ' Britl! \.ui r)\\ il Sexl \lotlent." $'e're not lookingi:tb ,,.,r.i,,,i'',:.. .r,Jlc::,,1,' u-'i,,.,prirat<.'11'rirrtccollcctlolr5 {e\\ \lonl(llt\ i'n l I bllnCh ol hlgh Ju,r r, rne . ',1..' ,'- , .rIr B-. ' <lld oual,ir p,,nr \ rrl logclll(r. :i:r. Brtn:: \ our Ot n rright 'houldtl't !"trr chlncc lo rin o.-a n,*,u* o1 t'*1 letish ilrp' 1lris i' tt'terd ri'i.. ]u,., diJppoinrnrenr rrith shrterer \c\\ rllolll<tlL $-lortot to ''ii "'fhe Best^"
list' ""i.!ir.ction' ;;; t;;t*lure is upsei tlrx their fa'orjte didn't nrake the Aril Weeli\' ii'n"""."i"i"i Ci'ie.'rt happens n Entertainment list ivill satisty ,fi" i,'tt i upp.n rt ihi Alamo. too' No one ".'i'"ltt i*ty"".. 5".*'re'i,pening the discussion and letting -vou pit your i',"ir,oi

abdonrinal "i-*iotonu". iil-r"i.'*"tn'"iir'rr. iitLi .i loor,'.t and cute butts and rippling kisses There u .ard ;#iJdi;";;;oit iv inulting miclritts rrrtcri'rl ill betlrere s,ill betlre re retl rnd ie cxplicrt lliiii*:;;iits!i.-i:i'.'.-

'uitr ltur< gran'l ol titrtc rilttle ;;";til"i;lii laujn r,'ct Jri'li 'rri'ldone yodl1 be in tlre nood tbrro " sonte *"riti*,nft*.*if"."in.bttl wlrcn it's i'ar .Hi'i;;i#";;"*iclit"i- i'ome "na cali vorn honev uho's living tlre -v& atier rttlght bring a date and go to lheir'place -"#l"r.r'i'*ttii* i*i v* ',ii*r,' pull oui your c'opr oi Debbi' Docs t)rllar- rld lor " . it iri A,it qc asl rs ihat lott plerse' plerse uatt ".r"t*rii"i '";i;;r;;" rnade,t lttn'.. or 3t lhc \eD lcr:t lo the-srRll ol vour crr ser ir thc

When ri t'

;"i;r:"iqu."gle. ii, ,uv i"ll-l'lo*'' iittenousc sc\y'




anl'one nrakes e list of


movie tltertcr i5n1 rcall) that

We uanl

;k ;;; ;J.*;;-;"-uir*.

lo lolloh Jlollg \\illl Jll ol o'rr Brst tirer sliows . bri ng vou il'e I 00 Best Se x'v Nl ottents' $e:r l"i".'Lii." liio-g"-t Kilh" hrek 'utc 'no" ti'nt Nc* I'ilt' liorr rh( Brirrs iil ow;'ilil"*;ht-,r111 1's ln"rcd rn Io r\'plJce r. leu ul our origittrl \ou
to bc ablc

;i;i ;;;';;t



ir* n"

iilt'ioo.'KjliJoflaiiii,t . "ott..rinu

lr"ld'-b'rr n'rr' trtrrhallett;eJ'rr"'r{'rrici Don'l ntiss it unless vou're dead


otrr lop len nronl,c[ts .'best-re*y lruntents- against 3n15 \\" ll plJ). rildl(ncc t"l ullore rlonc uilh rrltdtercr you htttt: tl rrttlr rott Thl ;;iil.,d. ;41il-clip "houli go dor* in historv as the vcrv Best tll'li'tte. .,',j 1[ rorrr elip $ir]5 Ihe \ol( \otr'll bc =**r-lio"trttt "i Sl0u in c,rlcl. lt.,;d.a'l' flr"t 'lrorrld hclp rou piel ]oro ft"-,',. "'ir. ner:otlrl i"'rir,. l-rt f,"'rt1 cutt'. r rrlttp ur anr \lrrci) ul nltrit:t o'rtt 100 'Jnd ltarc lour rcq ,lal itta ,r*" :n',it t'. .r'r. lo :-o hornc ii.u i.-y l,l"itt."is, reliving u'll of tht clips yodve seen over the

rrl lht \\e l'cll(l oll \o,ll o\!ll linl(

at p0 1S - fi0sto Dranh0uss Gimiltm - it09 B G0l0rad0 st. - 0nlinc tlctBt$ 0uailahlG





.t.\ Ei \ Jn' \ " ,, \, +\ *







trVhat does love smell like? And here I mean true photogenic movie love, not the mn-ofthe-mill kind thai takes place among dirty feet and piles of iaundnr Vancour,er artist David Yonge knows-and you can find out at Smell-O-Vrsion, his clynamrc live recreation of one of the cinemas leasi successful gimmicks.

Using aerosol sprays, hot plates, griils, {ans and an arsenal of raw natural fragrant ingredients. Yonge r'r'ill appear rn penotl t0 create an olfactory-track to scenes fiom some of history's great {ilnrs and biggest tankers, plus a sing-along and a fabulous finale. Can you af{ord to miss this risky artistic undertaking?

Ps 1l -

ilamo Draltho0sc Cinema -409

G0l0rad0 St. - 0nlim ticlets auailable atww.dratthorse.c0m

lnun r0B t'#if;' fr dillfifiy$ ] ih $tnlts


iniu., ffra.i

oiii.."fio'*o*..londlsnynadvi.ion.ii.clude,robe-Litomcinggrl'.groonu^hingrrchnc rttche'mddrvd_\sltuPPGelhdl<Ylr!1""q:l l\ight llde) feis^tso8d^ilouch {1il8ts) ror hmsins arourd rilh Bruce Dern. \l(0.tming \lP regulan Dick Nliller'Bucler or Blood\. Luma.\rder. iru i. snr"Jlrtrrr6., -.,1
(KlcrLa laruse)

proclmedthearl.forCormdrflrqtcinemabclora.rrtothedngcourrcrrulfure.rtho'eca'tsouldlaterappeuvriously hs a dr'rllu:ioned televicion cor meroal due(tor \ ho aF up r the Lnon ptl Bruce Dern to Syide hm 0n . sto tie dilk (orners hrst rro. \ter s.orinq nom Dem. Hopper, they head back to Dern s pad ro begn Fonda rird-a]lenn8. 'oul^edchjqg ioumey


p.r'.rrOur. lelcr Fonoa pla\.

*,1:uinit.r+"qrfrch-Orl1,(orman'.prche"deLicerienmenrrenairs0rr0,rl^ee::enrial dngnln'oraIbne. \DDEDBO\US:Erpenencelhe r ue rinnon Oi lrt tOtvi. th. ,lt-^idget wectr -Lmg rr,dr - o,r r tlrmce Swemnl .{ cou dravonte )peoaih of ;i;f"*rdon rou .lorng, the Werepad. Simulvirior inv'olve< hro .aeen. e'ecred ' de b' ''0" " * Oo5 6lm' playirg simultmeously. As i;i;*;,; r'icl' nale< The lrip rippier thm ever beforel ;;;; ;:;il;.j i:,\i.'.r'i Hl f irri"*,,n. bam. the m'dget cosboy. .trt apDeil:g ,, *. o*qr'r

RichrdDouernhon-odeallot$eIcthal\\eaponmorie.a..scl'r.IreOnen.SupmmanmdTheCoonr'dr(r!.irh'ar'rtpiercot70'T\ .in.ruuhich,\Jrc,.t Linclaglair,,'pre-Drl'a.LmrHagmrr.apre-StartVu'\lrkHmillroal'out'':tr'li:rc\a'acteractor:lt ;iliil';il ;illi ;; ;il ili *;; S"rh ('Lrnda Blar) md hu"hiddm problem with aicoholism Her dad is a iarled iltist \\'ho crnes beer ;;;;h;d;.i,*gu;.&l,iJi..;r; ri";o[i'irot.L"'iLt'ngsooalrh'\h0st00busyscervinguoudrrthhernervhusbmdtonoticedre drrtc Jorinrrcl,or"rl ono. r*Jl, ,, .lrpp,ng .rro Ncedle* ro 5dl. rl'r. o"re r. nlled nith da-.rc-erploitaoon m' rtrr' d. peraLelr de'iqned to c- \''d]r',",L""i 'e.peoa]lr'frouareliteuqoldudrou-lecpnrfiafrarborror-:

wlilIE BUSSllil Wllll flI[YTlclGI!






G||$TUIII GOIITTST WIIII NIUMU$ PNIils! llt0ltTHE fltit, sff G0Ill B[oTilIns ilAluns Aill Tlltl950's B0ultlilG s[0nl:TIll Plll TlluB! Th,C;B-;;,h;;; oriio,.ern llreB,glebosL rndrethevrctrer'arclheBrnner. WithTheBrglebow'kLhe' tae rh",rnon.ramrlrarLrandofab.urd..Lmi.,.'f cr,r. th. ef-\rtvr.urllrlr8e-dndturnthetholemelalgcl'i0a ;;.i' ;;; ;;,;11:;;uei * rih oelie'rnull\' irregular and xnv66rpared brt' of b"u'ins> t-hat stimulate the vteue'.to 'tat or:lri,n i, i"Irl.i.ri ,,lf"i, io' ol uaLchrp, nrvre,. ln rs tonderful htle sequenre. The Big Lebou'kr 'h..hrrt ".*in* arot,elgonith+heflorvarnhdlinlendJi0drltttc-\nrd ourieliterailrdmoun(c.;t.efd.,tumb'rgtumhieneedol

,'ohelon.rid\h0ocr(err0.ldrrntta'ru-le.rcht.thj.rhanrgo.uth-the-florvchdracierlikethelJudelbndge.lllhe t0 ihe It,,de is r lzv. crunoled .'oner ledovcr Tom the :,rtir. rl'o.e l,id-back rouiine hac been pared doiin er.enral.:need,\rhrLeRr..ian.,rrdbo*lrngrrr\hrpa'\\alrer{Coodmlr) ahothzudedandhailvmtlttan'h(,\etlulL (tsutcemrl'
ol halfb"led rdca. ard an db'rrr to brrng "ni dr'cJ"ror ba,k to \m, and Dorn) .tl'.rb r ho alnar <.rg..t beot o' n.o oehind an\ \or\ (hdLior"\L-nn Chroacle
d drm but good-nea/ted

Pg.18 - Alamo Drafth0[$G

clnoma - 409

c0l0]ad0 st. - onlino


auailablG atwww.drafth0usG'c0m


GHnoilrclr,Alllr lrGo01rlEws,TllEAllto llnffrH0u$EgtHttrnAiln Bffi BnBTtlt[S/StG




rnH $Gntlf,|ffG$
IOR ffinS

Xffnv m$r $[rBno[y sr rHr iiloilTlt [T flo0x!




The Bad News Bears.may__be the ultimate 1970s kids'movie. That said, it is a film that could never be duplicated in a contemporary (and politically conect) dimate, which makes it an even more special heat to see the film on t|e big screen now. And it stars the great Jackie Earle Haley (l) as the pasty motorcyde kid who geis suckered into playing on a basebjl team that in the words of one 8-year-old player - consists solely of loseri. Walter Matihau plays the has-been, icoholic coach who leads tluough a tumultuous season sponsored by "Chico,i Bail Boncls", wlth Tatum ONeal standing in as the tearn-s only hope for victory The film's unapologetic crassness is a testament to a time when Disney movie matineei stood in for (and commented on) absentee parents,with Matthau's role as father figure to the various Bears uitimately proving his own redemptio4 as well as that of the team. (Kier-La janisse) For Mathau winnabees in the aowd (a small bui devotei bunch ol dads), we will be serving Schlitz that moming his on-soeen beer of d,oice
the incompetent bunch o{ misfits

It may have been directed by Bob Clark (responsible for the Porky s pictures), but it's based on the childhood memoirs of humorist Jean Shepherd (hom his hilarioui book In God We Trust All
Others Pay Cash), and quickly becoming a revered holiday classic. And it is Shepherd's wry deadly acctrate, and gently nostalgrc comic sensibility'rhat shines tlrough in this hd's-eye view of an ali-

Arnerican Christrnas in the 1940s. All little Ralphie (Peter Billingsley) warts under the hee on Ckistrnas moming is a Daisy Brand Red-Ryder BB rifle. He not only wants if he's consumed with an achlng desire for it. Unfortunately, his mother (Melinda Dllon) repeatedly aushes his dreams with the fanrlia4 harsh mantra: "You'll shoot your eye outl" Among the mwie's highlights are a sunealistic visit with )ittle brother Randy to a deparhnent store Santa, and the childlike mixture of delight, pride, and awe with which Ralphie's dad (Danen McGavin) takes possession of a spectacularly gaudy prize he's won in a radio contest. McGavin should have won an award {or his splendid comic work as a middle-aged-kid-tumed-patdarch who altemates between grown-up temper tantrums and unabashed juvenile joy. (jim Emenon)

what is BUT[-NUMB-A-TH0N? The greatest film geek event in the world. The fo*; rf tl"r 24 h."t t" celebrate film in all its formsi In advance of the film festival you wrll never know what is going to be"""t " showing whomay be amving as_a special guest or ifyou'll ever see tli. run uguintiirh. prry"r. rri"i.t y.,fi "irrifl,rr, mind wander and wonder about what it is that I have in store for you! In the past our special guests have been \4n Diesel, Steven Railsback, director Guillenno Del Toro and many others. !%'ve had icreenfoterg directors and producers show up justto.attend the event for themselves... and of course there is the disguised in human form cast of characters from behind the scenes of AIN'T IT cool NEWS." - Harry Knowles, Aiit It cool News.
The proceeds from BLI]r-NUI{B-A-TH0N completely fund the saturday Monung Film club all year long.


the time of this printing, the means for allocating the tickets has not been"determined. Please iheck
for more details. This is the.single-most popular event that we host each yeaq, we can seat not even 1/lfth of the hcket requests we get each year. As thiiis the 5th year for the eventlround numbers betng all the more significant in the world oi event promotion) rumours are already rampant and expecta[ons high. checkla& soon and keep your fingers oossid and hopefully, we will see you at the movie-geek heaven that is Butt-Numb-A-Thonl


l0 - dano Dromo[$G oilGmr - 400 [ S0l0nd0

St. -

0[llnG flclGls ruallelt0 at

ilut lluilffl
PIU$ $[E


fiICnPIff fll}lt ilil|lilWAnilIn'SAST!}U]l0lllc llloto' ll0tll T0l00l( C001SI PffiIll$l Brcdrt ronlrc .\cH -. "'5, dut-.rBe.rtbo' Be,lbori"8i'rhtarolproducintau'rcdl .o.rnd\. oarLlculil-\' Dcr!u<5idn. nrth,,ri rFe u.c or lnch'uncrl.. filn-Je; r.. , : neld nacer l.rdtbcilg ['0m lhE eJrl' dd)'. illen rhp \.m?le ,il;,j;.;;D;;;;ai,ii noti.."nhrll'cdm.rke,jrcFur Bor.rhoueh,\l-l-oi.uchcontelpord\arh'ba'RJh/el ,n(lSr.r.horl're Roor.,rnd\rrl^orifurei...r.r\no*na.ClicnUL'rp.r-.,r- r-,'t-'rtlr.Chi-lug'p.J."..1'qp6''rg_ttemmedlron,t\c ;nr - :r'(-t..r.llmkble.seren0'!..Dor3F.Fre'hBrz\{akle reeclrnraleru\'c10\\'. llq-crnuroirne.a..r:) 0ptooucert,i ,nooi-.r..,0'.,nunr:the'l;rougrl rotlrcutnllo(orgo-bonro.r. r'.D. .rfl,D\ldoelpot'n.onolrtlleunirer'alqandr\ccLlnic \u4 l 1dcrg'ourdlilrrlerriia].lira'a.o e,frred a,r.,,.nao,uln.Lrhrr\m raLn*.'b-c1r(orfr6, hor, . .,.c.r-:,: l\



c0friPlTlll0ll Bfir$ffi lllt tlllt! III E WIIIffi $I ITfiI YOU HNUT ilH STIII!

l]$fP.lsl'r di\iclieCuldc)

trrends anh reserrcherr


.r.redt(0n\c,dLor \Ltel'a.pinneeredinr0\.tivedalv.iiand mrorunircrjrh.:i"rneLSrrdt"nac,.ii-rouqht\ener..n. -. nrnunoL,*.l,nso",sral.r0r,..or.le,rpa.,oib5o00b'i,., - .:-irrrnlno\',r3:tro,qrthelseconontudtherllegacoreri Jrr"to..u'irndinia.corfolo-.ra'i-,\"ou,or,5..o .. i--lononS"rCLirteotLC \rnPo.iucrlScicn.eltoTl).\li\cFa i'-.. li"OnJCrhL.rnr-ngdror*'rcC,.,oreredCl{trr'-.- : ." lo-- \'ti"antrpn pio"'pmihr'nctrd'to'cedoulof Lhe j
i.cpD tn igis *'h,l. .umhg th! hghct rating reporis possible r r ir: :: r r'r ;'ending dloolrnart achons ln lagb' alter l8 1'uru of struggle' he fi.ail' ac6ieveci eng gt fui oeepcit lr6hesln; face to face Dl:rii .:.,r!rter (,rth.ihcriClA Drrrctur Join Deutch on ndtional television. -c-C,-l \r.glJJnreedJPJ,,.I.h'lrn d.5ffietdr) of Defcnse. \\,.h.gto.-or.i.l.,L.rr0l0\1.!11:rDcLt(


is norr rcrd bv rnore than 2,200

sub.i:'et: rr


counh'ics irrcluding members 0f tile US C0ngl$

md p{0fcss0rs ai

: ..

\hke..ione. ri.htt-.e,,pJnoeclto:l.rJdec(un6Trrri. rcprinted tri 1: countns. In ihc u'ake 0f lhe Septenber iltl ;ti;i.-. \ l.ri
11,iu.,r'lro, 'n. -to1 p'nrnr.dbrr\clrgorernrcrr.L orl' sovermcr i ccru rc...., -iqn .l.rren e'ilor rerjlr,l're::(


.or . 'l',i..'n.eoli\e ira'orlorpChi'te:ted5rdeg\of u)irg . . -: ,' i. ot'.. ror l:. rr''l r' n re'ult ne ha' been opcnlr recoted b' ,"rl.rli..'nb..r..,,rc..ildrdrrt,i1.operrnc,oIcor-u'.::' r','e..ional.rdron]ntrttec{ot'.Thel"r$anoL'e'abnrt!ll -.: .ri-i'0,',-d.-q.,lp.lrsintcrvier'nlhRePre.entativc'Ron .' rni.rfleRuppci'e,,e"rchJrCdndl\.-0.1.- - -.'. 'ot. 'C"orlo{qlct gcr {\hchrgmStatc) fuuirR.i\) Crrthj.\1chrm. D-C\l,BrrdJLrelDr \.t . ,,ilC.,,n.uri\r,rrFrr-,grmer \,,;.-nr )effetJn 0'Ho. _. : .-. - -t.crcr Di orDead,.\lilriu orleredd.l.n0l}pri/f Io anvone n,ho

. a! ,nriong



t0 b{ prbl



rf a nmter

of hmspaent

cm disprove the authentrcitv of anl of hisior:rcc

maitia ::::l:



2001, no one has presented a


lni"rdd-,srteclrng.o'al,enrno'i,pr,"",.'! dtmcutque'ior"ucha'iorclire*e\l'e nlcrrdtlaldating"rdol'r'po"eri' 'l -:foltoou

.-ouh-Dlo','rdirdenntrr'hr1rqpsrl'cenc.atiltng -! lr'0'lret01eb![t<;:Br"utrithlam5nlil-"ong

i', r r tfemselvcs in situations ihai could onlu. happen to_ someone four people"who have dedrcaicd them:elves to the punk ro.t l tesr' ir. r, th, r .: l-rvrr\..silr'corc'urb,d.^Jun,'tomall overrhe i thc dualtri ulape--6n0-cJrorrrar0'rlif h:ecorr.rtn who has to rhu hui io \penence ihc r]uauti'of a person 0l cotor rn a mo\tlt r lxie commLrilh ih. c1... :rt.riui! rntervrors wiih scoreJ 0f black punk.fron all over the rror0uiroJrprotJgurr'''li'e'Tlreycome nation - rncludtng rnernbers ofThe ,u,ioi--,n,l,,ll'.gnerberotl\"Pa;,n..Orrrgcrrnm.Cr.d,ria.FJrbo'c.arcl: - '01 ' re ;ir: :.:rg ll''e rock n' Loll nigger expeiience is the same. Featuring fron drrernruciion.. gencrahon.. g;nq(r. Jrd {'ual preie:erce'. bul 'herr berroc. performanccs bvbad Briins, Cipher and thc uncompronisingTamar Ka1i, Ahopunk i ocrrorm:rcc.brbadBrJ.n.,t'prerirdtl-,uncomolnm'''ngl.rna'Kllr'Aropr!r'd

,,il.r.;";.;.;,.";.rh.juatr.: *p**n*


l l-i .r,.. D.-.i. _,r h.'r: 'r'' ' : ' : : !:;



,,urlotorl expeti.ncJm. P,ior m meing Bill llobertscrn and Sean Anderson's documeniarr abort Lireieies, nt erperiences with --\(lJIOJr-g.dbtdtcnup Urr.rlirr,l,n.nrren,rodbe.n.orrinha:prrnu. \di.rincinero:'otJrfldrdco\',ilmdnu h,arnori,; "i --drr-e-Jiir\Jl\lileld Ul,'rothelre.frue.t,*,rilr)p'0..cutL,'(e,rSl.JLL-hJllL Uirilr.iA.f,r..*r-ti"oug.niontpo.roti.r,re.frue.r,*,rilr)p.0. .rutLi(.lr (ortLrc.drt'(e,rSlJLk h,rL --d.'-r-..tiilrl\lileld onn lt. rr-,c.. t. tr-L . .0r P-l .l: ( tremel) orten heard peuo;e"rake often hcard people nake urbciidb,t fur.c nllr L kclele., I h..d rer*r ucrur h heard a: boCr plar
tnlpnteri rnd u,idelv varie



;;;;;;ih."t],rr ;;'




pg 20 -

rm(n'roll ukriele'), RTli'rs a ]orie letter to the basiard instrument that has ionsistertlt been regarded tndre ro.lcrs, c6med\ acts, ragnne band:, lteavynetal hairband Uke iil U Puke, the inepressjble Oliver Brot'n huho fu both ofihn), a_gu'i rvho murds like Lou Reed and ar,othtr who plars Siade a,;a irr,rr* it , i"otia wisn't big "Yrolgh iobrlierLehnri


$am0 Dmltlt0il$e gi$Glna - 409


$1. -

{lniine ticlels auailable alwww.dlaftn0usc,c0[l



IIS$[ ilo$S, flnICI0R 0t


n0cuillililnY $Pff00, ltut lil pffiSolil

fl \ 0L[1 H ttb ,h.I in r\eir blood_ come, Spl" DO. a reature vente drrumer tdv a00ur L]e pr0mi,ing -acirg creer mo b.oublcd tmilv life rager onc 0f the narions rop demolihon derbr orven. lhe n.m Specdo. col ii,on,.a ,o*o:irtl^ on'rj,lf ,il;;i;ffi; ;; yeil uem0 rbon derby r( the loweqt chata 0f auto ?dr& fe bortom df $e bnrel accordirg to Speedo Tl"e rirualzed violence ard in:cnse rivalne! that oennemesPoftma]eltililamemt0mffeourledrdreent\u\ias6.burrolo1aJlm:.thcdemoirronderbyiimorethoo:rde.hou. lr.oaddjaion'Speedosayr,
$o'e wirh THE DEVIL





.ti:]1T1,,1r"].\olr\e:r\..5ped015dev0tedt0tusteenafe-0rAnthor) Mie Llnda, tr h0 rehlces t0 come t0 lhe trdcl r0 .upport h m. .\( lx- hrenfv ed mJriage cru*bles Speedo r. LcL eo out of h, l^ouse ir'Levriloim, L"org lslarc, md l movec in uth lx. lirerd Dro. SIEEDO i. an origindl qmencr l0\ , .tory .it 3p 6.1 1ri d.gerou. ba+l,ru, U ed ,, JA .i U,rrf ,t,., UrrUn ii , nm i3.f. ,,r*rL tle suface o'Spmdo. v.0lentobse.sion t0-0Gte the ,oure ot hi. mgu. aid iaphres. n wir inar i re.onant t(r-5. h. Jrtr"t, .u."ggf , . ,'ifrr"r'i";;;;ff;



Suc(eeo a\ a


a lJther


d man.

Wesley lAlllis, the enugetic 6'5',.3001omd,Chimgo

yelpin& raspy voc4) I\'illis, rvho schizopluenia md l.oneles< {or a hme. r, a, dr.ioi ered si ngi ng on the .b cct. ot Chi tago ir .rva. "uffered .rrom the ealy Nineties. He could oftm be rowd outs:de vmues md club< +mding behind hi. kerbord md lun kn"g b"allpoirr pen dran rns. o"f the citys sbeetr. slyline nd buser. lhe ultimate outirder trdst, Wilhs nas embiaced by nch <rus cr the cjwr roik Si.u,ling lmpkiro' wth the lmdmg hi$ a lgqo conhact with Rick Rubin s \merican decordrg' label. 'We.iey on, of the ,o.t eo uique,songwriteJs dd entertaiment perronalibes in history'_ tormer Dead Kemedl s rroritmm jello Bratra '"ll sdid"in a stdLement. nusrc, tlncs, ffawugs, Iroight ild tie way he put them rogether ue like no one eise. I here r{{l nevcr oe ilother I soi to knor hes. nlut reallr shuck me wil hi..5heer will pou qr, hi5 sryqlsndng drir e rc ,ucceeri md overcome lu: honirical,v poor background". child abu,e, racism, droni'c s^chrzopffena Obesrty ffi0ng other tixn8s. most couragouc per5On I ha\e erer knoun.' {CtL KAUF\lA\ - R0,Lng Stone). Check outa glinpreof the mm_md his musiiin Dmiel Bitton's intimate?ommentary portrait $TESLXYWILLIS:THE DADDY OF ROCKAND ROtl back by popula demmd, only al the Aimo Drafthouse.

street mrsician u'ho palayed n'hmsral,sputm keyboad odes to his frvorite producls and a cd r fo)lowirg died rnlue oi 200i at a hospice in lilnois; he r x fuq: The grrulou" rocler released no,e tha r riftv albms contamg i,00il $ng),over_Lhe past decade, almost all of them set lo rhe .me hop.along pie .er beat md ove.hci nith [i

indie rock musician rnto


,orru"n ,r,t, JM l,




I, Ii-lh,






enrertaimeni.oul. rn 200J. (iVill K. 5hllingr

Ev0king chn"tophtr cue.ic ensemble mprov masterpiece. Be.t ln show and thjs rear'< cutest ild smartest ,rcalitv hlm. SPeilbound. the 50 minute. djgtial udeo dorumentary Scrabylon doe" for iournament Saabble n hat mv tamilri's dv<funcfional- competitrvene5) never could: it amallv mile. the mal,grmmatical gme fa<cinating tat,iorct. rri a voreuri:rir, Rain van-rva.+0.fumv.Lind of war t. Do we all wsh neiould be 'o"pa"sionate abou"t a boad game n here a dichoraq t" n relded hke the len Commandment5 and plarer\ are called jnasrmcr:. rack balance"rs or bingo erperisl Maibe not. but it c beticr than another American Pie 'equel, rhesi nerd" re real-and ther,re not idiots. The) ma) be incredibly odd, but lovable rq a term rareiv mr\ed \rrh 'intcltrRenr' the.e davs. md the'y're both. Alorg wrth spellbound, djrecror Scofl Petenen {Trbraheadt and }ri.5crabylon mar:be among rhe'savioru oi'our


6 PT!

m 80-minute documentay about a group of people who have fomed ilnir own 'community' based upon their exnene.hobby of attending.radicstatim remotei, mbvre premiers md rock concerts. 101X/KGSR ndio p'ersonality md lool filmaker Jem CmJson has gained m inside look into irhe ljves of a very unique belorv-radar iubculture, the Prizewhores- "You cm't get something for nothing - or cm you? George and Cluis Donehug Rmdy Spiros, and Steve Be;deL iou qulrky blt likuble follc, defy that adage by constmtly trolling Austin radio stations' remote trmdcasts Ior promotional grveaways. They've won evuything ftom iree movie ti&ets and albms t0 vacations to Cmm. For this, they've eaned the ncknme prizewhm." How do they do il? Deliberately, lVhy do they do it? The mslver to that is a little mo're conplicated, according to this bright domentay by KGSR radio DJ md film director Jem Gmison. Though ad sales reps ind the lousome perplexing it tums out they know more about populm oilture md music thm assmedi \Mth good huror md a begrudging smse of wondel, PrizeWhores explores the thin line betwem an avocation md obsessiory mI how the middleaged md elderly me regarded by a youth-centered culture.' - SXSW
PrizeWhores is

pg.21 - Alam0 ll10ftn0us0 cinGm -409 B c0l0r0d0 st. - 0nlinGtictGts 0uailoile atwuw.dtafth0u$s.c0rn

since our very fust week ot operahon, rve iuu" b""n n"r.*ln" saturday, look tor a gr"ut ."ou r"tro "ros.ii.

,l-*.iog ir* *" I

week' Thursday through classics arid nostalgia favoltes at nlidrught at the Alamo Dorvntown' Every other vintage gems' "ult meLllcy of shange, som?hrnes thcmabcally li"nked vrdeo, followed by 35mm trailers of


BackinihedavsbeforeTOYSTORYmdALADDIN,DisnevmdPixarweren'itheonlypeoplelhatwmenaking,mmatednwiesfoll!" ]-h::: ae -rr";i . t"-,,f . f.r ,"toon movies that had to be sfictly follos ed .Md some ot the moii fondly renembered animatom of thi: goiden ra andBm or rced,bll rmooth o'Flled rtLh mrle'oc wa.ercolo' bur RmLn and Bm sd'n Rarbr stvle ra:n'tI breihtrirng or Lnaedbly smooth or fil1ed wilh majestic watercolon, but Rmkin

il;;il;;&th* l*e. Ba-< rrd Vrhu



.'u,or3i,u"rrrriisttrtco"r" lorywlHtL.\S1 L\ICORNhmbeenrhaL*ou,e,r'9,mcUla\a{ll ii:r"jiffi:i]ffiffi;;.^il;ir-r;fi;;;,uu*.trr*g'ngr\"'cimsicstoryorurucomsandnagroaro,and,led,b"l11rlil:gllq "*io* on a rusion to find md iree the iesl of her knd Along ihe way she it . tttt, .h"rcrr, u

", ffii;;*;il;"



Jr Jr' .urhr r\e LORD l}] RINC5 the rl, er sseen I a1 rri 'irri i.L."* .,ir, nuph axt llrgr ,\e rdm OF tltI ruNC: ,o thc rl,er \seen sa) berore leter Jaclson

Their lhei"wlc

;,;#,ir;;; ft"rt;;;;-itrl.*" ,lrr,.r "" ,, .'--,3.- .---^-rr-r Llremog,nmanola-*rCn-e'\fulhCruc thechuillenuatgetunsledJpnthemisqonae ;;:';;;,hi,,.ii;...i.,"r"an,i ,1,^- "-,.,"" t,-mr Cnrr-rt.'llLCnr All rhecharr,lersnatsetuneledJDnthemis'lonae "" -' -- ^;l (lory ' :uch.a Imd of luusl some o:;;*s.llu* oro rnile |'. tatc dentel, l-r rhe reoured happy cnd'nB' 0i ily
"" ;;;;.il;;ri;r,;".i-'.:.ul


ffi,il'j[ii;:;.' s* ,1, ,,j* r,"'1,1,'p'" .r p:ttr'"' 'rr' l'ron ' ''r-gngiorce '0r one'| bul it 5 r dnjmated dasicln the trues :;;;;S;;r;:;;"thui,rut,torutotinr]r.roridnrereDr.e. .re"d-ca1lrrythetrnerrtilmfor2014an 'minated classic, ioo ,,*, .itf,"rl. ".iai, ,i,a that comts for a lot in this norid rvhere Disner's a1readi- calling their nerv fi1m for 2014 an mnatedclasqc'too


aitjc cntters ha( got. to be my alr-time tavonre gurlw p,0dsure. Aher al,. nn drs.erur8

ould adm t io ad 'nr g a nlm

spikyaearuresmmblingob:cenibes'.1;;i'il;;;g",.;;a'it'.reazgraJ,u.torlikeDonopperr,*par'.or((ene'\redlrlo n:'j"'r'mal notie-nolmD<e\l'llaielmdallhell rineeade'Crite.'bu*outo{illntergdldibcpri\onildlandrnCrov*,a.ndus;ith"';'n}''t'i#o ;;';.fijil'M.;;ht;.;rhp;rrtf?i;Eb.,i;rv\mtero+mc.rhe orro'o\llvroclgoo(are:lrlr.-:.motatroounstncon-piruou'rintheirpusuit a1l * mr ) j d d BFI l0f 'r's And i{ vou add them K AN E. t Ht At'itRiio,]t s iiz. . r,l"iiul-gi ei.-." iirt' -d".)':'IFi
Now, I've seen ctTIZEN

l'o"e tomedc l^rgh points rnvoli'e "mall' lhebasicDremise: :ome


iirtilf *""ian,t

(Kier-La Jmsse] equal ihe amotint of times I'vc seen Critters. That's devotion.


e:Ploi6, rvashbuckling, damsels (d. Rob Reiner),Being a fairy tale, this has ali the expecteclrlening-do,1iie'ti:.aiei:ig lui rr.*g 'u not Reiner'm_orie,, it 's alsr a i,ghir kro*'il c (check out the Rodents oi unusuat uur \utcL^ --.ruter i, rthi raise ot thc eyebrows .rih rf.r"g!i^g

in distress md evil monsters




s".i *in.l""

il ffiffiffiil;;



THE GIANI HAS A pOSSE, Helen Sticder mfr"ri a"*ii."trry aboui slateb..r;;: the worldwide cult phenomenon of Ardre the Giant stickers'




"fr did ror the gangster


n,., -,,,,


that they recognize


rr nrust



Eiinr.rough Film

,vq/ nods to ANDRE *raphic"designer Shepard Fairey's accidental development of

Society, Before the Princess Bride, see


-ll-.,Y'''IT.l:: "*,*::1lg Y:*:t md pouty smile. It does

*,r, ,r.u*t,"'g*"s

th.r.ur.ontywoLndiof p.opf.inrL.i"tta' fton'ioitt"p*ptt'ndGobui:pcoplelt:htn,'':"-?l:::


lnII $0B0IS ru ffi flnsl 3 tlllts! llff lllt ftfiIum iltll, cneclt out t[G IU m0uiG cllllltll$l


lll t E0B0IS! t:l:-"'i thlebothhaiethcir


Tonka-rnade cmpetition rrth the Trmt"mere tovs' massiv size and Transformers. Convinced that "bigger was letter'; Uasb. taunted tieir le o rp rl^e' end' la'ring a on teler '' on cu: c ensineerins senius. Tne Cobotr mrtoon'o-|rc iogg.J behrncl thc release ot thc Trancfomeis - Kier-la Janisse tn.o ,rghts;o the silver screen. lt was here that the boys rvere divided from ihe men

.fli.,l",f..#y.g".f .o*.a,'i,.i,.r.,tot,'t .C"Oo"nr".,o"Jirt*nilybeeriheundeidogd.:ldt::1]l,.Da-t-ire+dd'r'crthe

il:j';,;#."r;;r;;, r.r* t"*nf

FrnalDe.dnaoonur.areerrhrilletn,uogrcaLl^ool \$rupot'rierd'getoftaolme,ane'l'o'thetLl'oreronnonsil'21s\Vl-errheolmedoc'rndeedcra't tciult omd' *' n ol'i'av' qet v.L n Lhe end ; -! pntiig tl e .drg, ,ha. tt", rhei re prc1rd on ore br orp rn a.\\ .' or, ..4:.1".ri

lhercarewa,nomnorlnon,nq"no,,.,.go,r"g,;n'i l.i-i-J FrNil-DtSfl\i.lO\2tJe.tltr'rdDDrP-em'e'!,.:gra'h(leYe'oiKjlebrmavl"cmThi'fa't md terd. .rag\r ,or rr. tuei,i". Fr om ire remfc nvenn -minuLe 0ppanp, sequence j iLi i. ,i .i'."(l".i a;.p-f *. ,itil ,f,. l,i .&*i pf., ".g abour,rle lrce\ ay ,, ii il p'u' * to rai e a seroe o \r rmot u' 6pa ftjvp1 lthe sole f, if J,r.,r1i, Er.r-1,0 a"no arna Dr"",n o* rnvolung :uln ple accrd enf - 0n a "ga.i '.t, *,ii i'bi-d rir bunir. ir ci*rhror rg lamociop' -rie ,rdzuriglr einorae rd db\ud cra8e bu]tllJ:,i X su^ rv.r tr.m thc n^r ,,1.; *on,or.^ Ihechaacier."uedsoatchedn,nte^irg.vrventiremerhodsOne hv.rencallevel.l\e.e,ngetr.urcerpieceqr;ul;ri.'i.ulu..ortoruacvilr.hRuuecoldoe'1. 'r., re decaprrated elech'oruted, slerered' ,fur"i, l u, r.1 , iri ,,i u"r,'rr,r," ,jr..i,n"i . ",. c\a, u rh'd r. -eveied rrom lx\ re.prrator o*cr' edort'm'rJvforvouenteruiment .,.ilnr".a..,--,,o-,oge,luborute.go,Jurnr'o,,1,v,nergerbrgtIl




;J;t ;\i;'

;fih:; tr;;";;;g;ia,"-li|irr..rr".i

-ilam0 llalthousc 8i[Gma

409 B C01018[0 St. - 0[li[etictets ruailrblc


since our very first week of operatiorq we havc been scerung


olt classics md nostalgia favorites a-midnight at [e Alamo*.. ru".y ."[-rn -*day Beforethe6lmseeimedleyofshanggsomitimesthematicallyliikea"ii*,rolor"auf:s-*l"r1"r..ii,tr,",vintagegems. through
In reent yeus, the l{B hm been dominathg theleen moue muke-t. II yor feliJike seeinf

* nl nofl yllll ilm.

tun $uort,


olhighschool chmcesrereloudbesruclwiL]rFreddiePnwe,1r.Ardt]renalongcmeDomieDuko.honesweeDins

movie about the ups md dowro


moremmt, tlns hlm gathered aI tre teen movie convenbon,_the bully, 6e nen girl in loul the teeruse.ociaj rdnjt,autiority 6gues,wirled *rem aJJ togethc wiLh a touch ol rhe slupernarual. and left ul with a lll"h,ti T! l,l'.ri:y hlm urdt rs mliluy more believable ild stjll Jess reali:bc Ilm Vusity Blues or 5hes Ali lhai could ever be. lt isnt a Leen movie,.rl s iust a movie rvith tem in it. ln tle inter$t ol not ruining ir for myone who lu,n t dixovced tm'Li themselves yet. l_won t give.much oi a plot dt all. Juct know this: In a lrtUe nore llrm 28 davs, the world is coine to end Dome Dd[o lnows thi. a,head o[ lime because franl. the hman-sized rabbit he lu]lucirute.. told him all ab"ort ii. -




QuintessenrialS0se\ploitabon.laleapopLrJarrong/phenomenon{FrankZappasValleyCirlmd5ub.equenr val-speak oaze)andfashona rd blazirg somdrack mmd it, aiO whala. rn<tmi ht. Wiat makei ths m endeilinA clascr(, hir.u.r, ,, that the storu is ${tI$rllq::d.the ronmce is touchng and believable, md Nicholas Cage show" "ome real talenr in hilftrt,tantng roie. ui" sti, prri-,1"* ndr-do,howeverfcworlhtiePnceoladmbriondlone. Itsiu.toneiralongeerie,ofndirulouslyout-of-touchHolltvo6ddeprctionsoitheouk
rommtic comedy mckmovement tverwonderuhereJulierValJeyboytriend{,|\4ichael.Bowenimdedupi Loolfor'himintherrr{r.i6rriir aili'h;'pi.irit",i,t.if,. cme to **'($e omer of $e lu*y Wagonl. We ail knew hed end up liLe that. Belore $e nou'.. ro.ioui to u'*ne. ot g0. new wdve mu5lc uoeos!

rhis is one orthe bestJapanese honor and/",1,'i:i.T$in':9l.l:lt'ltt"ll,"l,llrH,$Jrious pime crashare starked by mucus-based silver inrerplanetry blob: bent on deslrofng the hman race by rearunatng the.corpses.oiearihmen. Add mascara-wealng mdle terorists, genitalia-esque lorehead growths, bubblethaped uucer, r anou! ptychoric e"pi.odes md the most disconcmting pJsing anti-'war propaganda imagiruble md you're iu't scratched the sw{ace or rvhat Hoiime Sato's nigh-psycheclehc alien inva.ron zom[ii epic hrs to offs Eslntral. (Northwestlilm Fom) " . Goke immediately sucombs to comiption fits of concepts, colors and insane genius, constantly one-upping i*elf twisted climax..." -TokyoScope


the filrn,s


and lotr of comy one-liners. Lrle in an old-tashioned Hady Boys or \aicy Diew plot, rhe Goonies need ro solie problem: a compt corporate developer has boughL out their neighborhood and-plans'to flahen all therr homes. Luckilv, the beloved gang stumbles ona kea5ure map. h the hopes ot [inding,the.bedsureto buy blcl therr houses, the Coorues embarl on thelr que.t $ro'ugfi mdergroud passages, abomd pirate ships, and behind waterfalls. This srvashbuclling md rolhcling nde was also a great breediig gtouldjgt a couple of child actors who went enjoy numerous successes in ad"ulthood: Sean"Astin (Rudy, Enclno Man) mi Matha Plimpton (Pecke4 200 Cigarette$. -Samantha Alien Storey

You may be surprised to discover that the dlector_of the Lethal lVeapon movies and scary honor flick 1'he ome4 Richad Domej also produced and directed dris classic children's adventure (which, by the way, rvas wrltten by Do*rur', ,o..n-*izard friend Steven Spielbcg) Thm aga.n you may not.-Ihe Goonies, like Domer's otheimovies,'is the same story of good versus evil. ii has its share of bad guys (the lratelli brothere md their villanm mothm), reluctanrhero good guys (the wikh 6orhero md theirlmg of friends)

P8.23 - Alam0 Dlann0[sG GinGma

-fog I c0t0nil0

st. - 0nlinc tclGts

ilailailc atrm.d]aftn0us0.c0m


was one

Screen Nisht. Tlere rvasn't a gong at tllat lirst shos. and only one movie was-booed o1T the scrcen. There u rsl't a lasel Polntcr or l tlme But 6U people tumccl in vitlcos that they wanted to heve [""0.t. "itt "t. ,ho*n op on rhe big screen. an.l u e did our bcst to get as rnan-v of those movies in front olthc crowd as pos-sibie.

took rhe AIimo

\crr aco Lhis inonth that the very lirst Open Screen Night bl storm. I itncs ucrc sirrtf ler ihetl and {' qas Opcrl

C)rer the oasl tselve lnonth' sc \e 5lcn irl\l abolll (\elvlh:llg you can imasinc on Ihc blg.creen lhanl' lo Upilr \!f.clr \i3rll 'nd uq-vc llsu laan'*,'n".t tr,.e"reral thittgs rott probably ncrer sJnlid Irr c\en lhink about imagining. We've seen shon films fioru lot-al trlrn students, oni-utio" i-t"-*orking professionals' old rideos peoplc made-in junior ii-fil."Ji ti',ut.. ol'o ri.lco luonrrrg lhJr slroreci a ncn-l'\'rball po-pping our ul qotne :lrJngel s r'tginr orer llld."'(r JlJ n \ou Just irci!r t"no" $lrrl'c A.)ine t^ lrrppett JI 1n) 3r\crr \llu*

Until now. To celcbrate our first anniversary" we ve put together different programs ol the Best of opett Scrccn..'



ifr.nifiiifr"iJ,O,,;ii.r".hrn.!thJbr.akthaithe-vdesen'e. lfyou'veeverbeendisappointed *r,"n itt" oonn wds-struck thi' ;ho\\ should makl it up to 1'ou lf you film was one of the ,'".' uniuitlt-oonned. .e llc Jn -r'lr I Jr hstrri,- dr.rlillou'e com \o $e can worL oul an
V.ri ii A.ft"lr.ty-t

MONDAY, NOVEN{BER I7. 9:'15 P}'1, TICKETS JUST $1 t"u.nne n]rteConued irrii hrghlrght the \ery best ofthe very wo$1. lt'll also give some of


t ig-onc. bur


'\rloletrorte there are some classics out there I'm missing


lhecollectionlrebuilt upoverthis

Jeff Bevill stars in "Send Me an Algel," one of the chosen for the Critics' Picks program.


WEDNESDAY, NO\-E\IBER i9.9:'15 I'NI. 55 Cirt,.i p-i&, g*", rhe crew fion rhe \lamo and T\', o Note Solo the chance to pick out their f*"iil ."i;iJr und *o..n,, liorn rhe Fast ) err dfd- pur lhenr all together in one cohesive irr;. h;te a e ' let ^l '..r1 \ 9r.ut nnr -' thr 'ollicirl brst olcolleclion thal is ';'.d;;. iir,l"'uo of tfra audrence .rr.rrd *iniers. Bul sometimes lhere $,as a runner up.that w^as iiked a whole heck of a liri" ai*J "ff e";o iiim. and orh;r time.i rhere \\3s a mo\ie that $e inlluence the vote. This i;;;-th;i,l;fi.ker mal be didn.r bring enough tricncs u ith himro Late Train and other ;;li.;ii;t l.i.t ur t"t.-"can Suck li00 3;d cla:sics lrorn The


-ot*,s ;;"I;;b;.i;b";i


om thts u hole tirst 1r'ar of Open Screen \ight and then watch them all ro brck tu bacl Thire *i1l be no gong There rvill be no need for a

gong. Every single rnor ie in this col lectir-'n

ii bnllianl

i-f.";.]m"i"f *""tirt

THREE SHOWS! ALL SHO\\'S 55 tioN, Nov l?, ?:00 P\I - THt'RS,



7:00 P\'1.

-\'roN, Nov

24' 7:00 PM

Best o1'open Scr;cn \ight program pits a1l the winners from the past twelve ttt": each otirir in three nig[ts of lierce ionpetitim as eagh ]! ourds 9]i "g"i"ttfavor. This tlne the prizc moner"s go;ng lo be 5100. \hrch should go towtrds the audieice's t.ruOi.ii.l.t"uo'. lh',.nr<rhcpriunoner''qotnc'obe\J00 shich'houldgo because equipnent nicelr.- So thLnk befoie )ou \ote tbr yuur tavorite flick. ,oii nfn.* of the next,Year. 1,"^.^' *,.'ll h. ieeino a lot m;re b\ tlte \\,inner o'er the course ofthe next,Year' Voting nore b1 the u,inner over U" iee'ing i"li] rc'ann" tu iecreL iallors thrr giil be collected and counted after each show, and the



io-. '^, "".ii""*


Chris Fairbanks plays a Boo-da flghting Basketball Jesus in Wayne McClamy's wiming frlm from OSN #5'

and rmouncc l\e \\lnner dt the "'"f,,'. prngttt. rlv:1' Up(r Scr((r \igl^t. wrnner: utll have to be present to .ln? ufrn. * rll hrr < ro be thure to nrake a specch and r' ll us rll about r in- or rt leasl :ome I cnre\Jllt3ll\ u j"r,'r,"'i tli." i,i;'culur hlnnrrkrng team got to be,$ bti|l-,:?:ilhl:,t^1]l:::L.::llt-l:


b" M"",lrt, I I lr. u' ll .uunt rrp Lhe Ir't oi Lhc rores

br'cho'cn br *nocr.r J(I. rllL mo\l cutnulative \ole\

rt lhc






sinrilarities bt ,i-iliiti* titi" "'".lii-',t'* r.",i^""i,

:-,-:,,.;-.- ,i-"'1.' +t,' ri" tlrrt rime shorrld hc reouited viewins ;;;;l titi;.;. i,jeerha tur tie 1lr.t time should bc requited viewing
i'"r.,r-iir""iii.f.i., it is *c



anv-one n'ho's anvone ilho's ever

ir,.il"r,ir-frl"tstuflttrqiilm. \\hldoeshtaketobe anOpenScreenwinner:'\\'hatarethe thought aboul

hvorites? Snrdv afi,rf thc'c ilms that make them everyone's hvorites? _Snrdy these films afi olthesc illms ali leam to uie tbr next year. becartse we aren't the past. \Ve're going to kcep on going stopping to rest whiie wc renember

sHows! 0PHl scRIHl lllGHT - llnilPM




s' sTs4:

in,rr.*"frr i,Jt. $e qun't iust srt Jround antl wax nostalgic cause it's holiday time -Oh,Yem -no got we've .;;; ;; i;+ ,'"in" t\'. got il;;i; ;;; ; i;; goin! rl'" t sot to sce what clse vou've sot. wt've got to staft oSN Y9* :!1'1-.osl

play \ve've of Year ;;l;irri";;l;.'cetJttatit ' "tlie i"':;-,; z .u*i"friL *eire-'celibrrturgg tl; enci ofYear 1. \\ie\'e peifected the rules \\'e'11.still this space left on to


g.tting it on (but not with Ken) in "Stced Cutter'"

the very first movie


ever played at Open Screen Nighl

Page ntioiirt.fv unvtft.g that you want to bring with you.. We don't have 'en wet rnd wanl to breakdoinevervietail;fhowihesllot irorks.butlf)ouhr!er'tbeenyetandwantto know erei desire u ardng for.vou online at ar i-r," intn*atlon vour littlc heart could s ei dc"ire is waiting for you onl .-1.;;tiofrrilon yout little ;;;;.;i -.t" Stan naking your lllms now ard become a pafi of OSN history' nu*



llamo Dlanh0usG clnomo - 409

C0l01ad0 sl. - onlinG

lictels aleilablG atwuf,'illallhOuse'con

ror the past several yem, a collection of outrageous hailers has played under the barner THAT'S DPLOIIATION. These ingeniouiy packaged teasers are decidedly different from the bmal previews designed for muliiplexes these days' Back in the day, yomg upcoming filmmakers were given a chance to go wild cutting trailers for exploitation films. These fuhle box-office kings rcse io the occasion prcducing sublime threeminute masterpieces deiigned to provoke, challenge md entertain. Using irgenious text manipulation and nanatio4 once see4 ihese mini-movies will never leave you. Aryone lvho has experienced THAT'S EXPLOIIATION will be back for more; it is huly one of the hiShlights of the Festival. With insme action, sex and comedy; it's m exploitation exhavagaroa. Ifs viriually like waiching the nost memorable moments of 50+ movies in a lean mean hmdred minutes. Chmces ffi youl mind may melt by this orolaught of powerful previews. From scary slasher flicks to bruising bluploitation
encomters to one-off oddities to sleaze filled grindhouse tales. These 3-minute epics come fiom all over the globe.


website for more details on the


out-of-this world show!

P0.2t-ll0m0 Dr8frhouse clnGm0 -409

c0101fld0 st.-

0[llnGticlcts 0uoilsblo atwww'dlarutolse.c0m


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