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Reprint Vol (4) 7-12 (2011)

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 2011 RELS ISSN: 0974-4908 Res. Environ. Life Sci. 4(1) 7-12 (2011)

Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant, waste generation as HSS and
its reclamation at CO2 recovery plant, NFCL, Andhra Pradesh (India)
R. Raghavan, G.V.S Anand, P.H.N Reddy, P. Chandra Mohan, V. Appala Raju* and Amar Nath Giri**
Quality & Environment Management System, NFCL, Nagarjuna Road, Kakinada - 533 003, India
*e-mail:, **

(Received: October 24, 2010; Revised received: February 05, 2011; Accepted: February 08, 2011)
Abstract: There are a number of different methods for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has concentrated its extensive research and development
programs on the use of sterically hindered amines and the post combustion, chemical absorption process in particular for treating flue gasses from natural
gas combustion. The CO2 recovery plant consists of three main sections: the flue gas cooler, the absorber (for CO2 recovery) and the stripper (for
solvent regeneration). In NFCL Kakinada, the flue gas from primary reformer enters in the flue gas quencher, where it is cooled to 40°C. The flue gas
is compressed to a pressure of 1.113 Ksca and enters in the CO2 absorber. The CO2 in flue gas is absorbed by KS-1 (Hindered amine) solvent, which
is distributed from top through packed bed system. The CO2 thus liberated is washed with DM water at the top of CO2 regenerator, cooled to ambient
temperature in an overhead condenser and sent to urea plants.

Key words: Flue gas, Carbon dioxide recovery plant, Chemical absorption, Heat stable salts

Introduction designated as KS-1, KS-2, and KS-3 as improved Hindered

As Wong et al. (1999), the emission of carbon dioxide Amine) The composition of these solvents is propriety. The KS-
(CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels has been identified as the 1 solvent has been commercialized in Malaysia where a flue
major contributor to global warming and climate change. gas containing 8 vol. % CO 2 is being treated with 90%
However, for the immediate term over the next 20- 30 years at CO 2 recovery. Corrosion problems were reported to be
least, the world will continue to rely on fossil fuels as the source negligible using this solvent and also that solvent degradation
of primary energy. The challenge for the fossil fuel industry is to during prolonged operation was slight. They indicated that amine
find cost-effective solutions that will reduce the release of CO2 into consumption was about 2.0 kg ton-1 CO2 recovered using a MEA
the atmosphere. Reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions into process while for the Malaysia plant using KS-1, solvent loss
the atmosphere can be achieved by a variety of means, which was 0.35 kg ton-1 CO2 recovered. With improved solvents
has been summarized by Prof. Yoichi Kaya from University of currently in the pilot phase, they indicate that solvent loss may
Tokyo and can be expressed as: be further reduced to ~0.1 kg ton-1 CO 2 recovered. Steam
consumption was 1.5 ton of low-pressure steam per ton
CO2 recovered. It is claimed that K-3 is better than K-1 and K-2
in terms of energy consumption for solvent regeneration. A pilot
plant test using KS-3 under coal fired boiler flue gas containing
Where CO2⇑ is the total released CO2 to the atmosphere, 14-vol% CO 2 (dry basis) and 50 ppm SO x showed a
POP (population), GDP (Gross Domestic Product) /POP is per CO2 recovery of 90% (Mimura et al., 2004), and sodium
capita gross domestic product and is a measure of the standard hydroxide was believed to be used in the solvent regeneration
of living, BTU/GDP is energy consumption per unit of GDP and by converting the heat-stable salt due to reaction of SOx with the
is a measure of energy intensity, CO 2⇑⇑/BTU is the amount of amine to free amine and Na2SO3.
CO 2 released per unit of energy consumed and is a measure
of carbon intensity, and CO2⇓ is the amount of CO2 stored/ The Canadian group has also developed a series of
sequestered in biosphere and geosphere sinks. Of the first two proprietary designer solvents designated as PSR solvents
measures, reducing the population or the standard of living is (Veawab et al., 2001). The PSR solvents have been designed
not likely to be considered. Consequently, only the three to specifically for the separation of CO2 from flue gas streams.
remaining methods can be employed (i.e. reducing energy The PSR solvents may be used at higher amine concentration
intensity, reducing carbon intensity and carbon storage). than conventional MEA solvents and at a higher loading of
CO2. The key features claimed for the PSR solvents are lower
Mimura et al. (2001) describe their recent work in solvent regeneration temperature, lower solvent circulation rate, lower
composition. They have developed a series of amine solvents solvent degeneration rate, and lower corrosion rate.

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Raghavan et al. Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant

Materials and Methods absorbed by KS-1 Solvent, which is distributed from top through
packed bed system. Subsequent to contact with KS-1 solution
CO2 capture process in CDR plant: The flue gas genereted
the flue gas is further washed with DM water in the top section of
by natural gas fired application an FGD (Flue Gas
CO2 absorber. The flue gas after removal of CO2 is sent out to
Desulfurization) may not be required as the SO2 content in the
atmosphere through a stack provided at CO2 absorber top. The
gas stream is minimal. Therefore, depending on the fuel type, a
CO 2 rich solution at 55°C is pumped to the lean / rich heat
deep FGD process may or may not be necessary. The primary
exchanger. The lean solution is recycled back to CO2 Absorber.
objective of the flue gas water cooler (FGWC) is to further cool
The rich solution stream is heated up to 114 °C and sent to
the flue gas prior to entering the CO2 absorber. The lower flue
CO2 regenerator, where in CO2 is stripped off from rich solution
gas temperature increases the efficiency of the exothermic CO2
by providing necessary heat to reboiler using low pressure
absorption reaction and minimizes KS-1 solvent loss due to gas
steam. The CO2 thus liberated is washed with DM water at the
phase equilibrium increases. The optimum temperature range
top of CO 2 regenerator, cooled to ambient temperature in a
for CO2 recovery is between 95-113°F (35-45°C), however
overhead condenser and sent to urea plants. In view of
this is flexible in consideration of other factors such as water
adequate natural gas supply to NFCL by RIL, it was decided to
utility requirements and availability. The FGWC is designed and
switchover Unit-II operations to full NG mode from the present
constructed to not only to cool the flue gas, but to also further
operation of mixed feed / fuel (NG + Naphtha). Subsequent to
remove various impurities such as SOx, NOx, dust and
switchover from naphtha / NG mix to full natural gas mode in
suspended particulate matter (SPM).Clean-burning, natural gas
Unit-II, there will be shortfall of CO 2 which will be met through
typically has low concentrations of CO2 and impurities.
the CO2 production from CDR plant.
The CO2 absorber has two main sections, the CO2
The power and steam demand required for CDR plant is
absorption section (bottom section), and the treated flue gas
met through the existing offsite facilities. The flue gas having
washing section (top section). The conditioned flue gas from the
about 8 to 9% CO2 by volume is drawn from primary reformer
FGWC flows upward through structured, stainless steel packing
stack and cooled to 45°C or below in a direct contact cooler. It is
material while the CO2 lean KS-1 solvent is distributed evenly
then fed at the bottom of an absorber through a blower. The
from the top of the absorption section onto the packing material.
absorber is a packed tower. A solvent mainly KS-1 is fed on the
The flue gas comes into direct contact with the KS-1 solvent and
top of the absorber. The solvent and rising flue gas come in
CO2 in the flue gas is absorbed. The CO2 rich KS-1 solvent (rich
contact on the bed. The solvent absorbs CO2 from the flue gas
solvent) is pumped to the CO2 Regeneration unit for steam
and balance flue gas devoid of CO2 is vented from the top of the
stripping. The clean flue gas then moves up into the treated flue
absorber after washing. The solvent after absorption of
gas washing section of the absorber. This section is where
CO2 becomes rich and collected at the bottom of the absorber.
vaporized KS-1 solvent is removed and recycled and the flue
The rich solution is pumped to the top of a regenerator after heat
gas is again cooled to maintain water balance within the system
exchange where heat of regeneration is supplied through a re-
(the absorption of CO2 in the KS-1 solvent produces some rise
boiler. On heating, the solution liberates absorbed CO 2 and
in temperature). The clean flue gas then exits the top section of
solution gets regenerated for further absorption. The CO2 is
the CO2aabsorber. The rich solvent is pre-heated in a heat
collected from the top of the regenerator and sent to Urea plant
exchanger using heat from the hot lean solvent coming from the
through a booster compressor for further conversion to urea.
bottom of the CO2 stripper. The heated rich solvent is then
introduced into the upper section of the CO2sstripper, where it In this process some heat stable salts are generated
will come into contact with stripping steam of around 248°F due to minor decomposition of the solvent which is separated in
(120°C). The rich solvent is then stripped of its CO2 content and a reclaimer and disposed off.
is converted back into lean solvent. The high purity CO2
Solvent (KS-1 Solution) using for recovery in CDR plant
(>99.9%) exits the top of the stripper vessel and is compressed
and its environmental consequences: These factors
and dehydrated, prior to transportation. Once stripped, the now
contribute to the use of large equipment, high solvent consumption
lean solvent is cooled to the optimum reaction temperature of
and large energy losses - leading to increased operating costs.
approximately 104°F (40°C) before being reintroduced to the
During its comprehensive R and D phases, MHI tested more
top of the absorption section of the CO2 absorber unit.
than 130 different reagents. The most efficient solvents were
CDR plant opted at NFCL (Technology supplier: Mitsubishi critically examined in the final stage of pilot plant testing. Following
Heavy Industries (MHI), Japan and CO2 Absorbent: KS-1 this, a proprietary solvent KS- 1 was developed. In parallel with
solution, proprietary supply from MHI, Japan): The flue gas the development of the solvent, the process itself has also been
from primary reformer enters the flue gas quencher, where it is optimized, leading to superior, demonstrated performance of CO2
cooled to 40°C. The flue gas is compressed to a pressure of recovery from the flue gases of fossil fuel combustion processes.
1.113 Ksca and enters the CO2 absorber. The CO2 in flue gas is The development of KS-1 is seen as a breakthrough because

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Raghavan et al. Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant

of the significant number of advantages it offers. KS-1 has an v Weight percent of solution HSS anions (strong acid anions)
exceptionally low corrosive nature and, unlike MEA, does not measured as weight percent of the total solution.
require a corrosion inhibitor. This factor means carbon steel
v As weight percent amine, this unit of measurement assumes
can be used for the majority of construction within the CO2 capture
that the HSS anions are bound to an amine cation (also
plant. Furthermore, the process operates at atmospheric
reported as HSAS). This number is determined by calculating
pressure (ensuring a safe work environment), has few exotic
the equivalent amount of amine cations that are tied up with
materials and a simple configuration. Additionally KS-1 offers
the HSS anion, and is expressed as weight percent of the
superior CO2 absorption and regeneration, lower degradation,
total solution.
lower circulation rate and, with other patented equipment, has
less solvent loss when compared to other amine based v As percent amine capacity (As percent total amine) HSS
systems. All of these features lead to decreased operating cost. expressed as weight percent amine divided by the amine
Importantly, KS-1 together with the patented “improved” CO 2 strength (free amine or alkalinity).
recovery process which utilizes the heat of the lean KS-1 solvent, Determination and analysis procedure of heat stable
effects a 30% reduction in steam consumption over the salts:
conventional MEA process.
Method: This method is intended to be used to determine the
HSS (Heat stable salt): Heat stable salts (HSS) have received quantity of heal stable salts present in used aqueous amine
a lot of attention in the industry. HSS are acid anions with a solutions. A weighed sample of solvent is passed through (or
stronger acid strength than the acid gases that are removed equivalent) a column of DOWEX* 50W-X8, 50-100 mesh
from the process gas. These anions may bind to the usable hydrogen form resin. The anions present are converted to the
amine and then therefore make it unavailable for acid gas corresponding acids, and the solvent is retained or the resin.
absorption. Heat stable amine salts (HSAS) refers to the salt The effluent containing the acid is then titrated, potentiomctricully,
formed by a HSS (anion) and a protonated amine molecule with a standard base.
(cation). HSAS may also be referred to in some instances as
bound amine (BA) Apparatus: pH meter, with a combination pH electrode, glass
column, ID 16 mm x 610mm L, or 100 ml ion exchange column,
HSS vs. HSAS: There has been much confusion about the stand for ion exchange column, magnetic stirrer with heater,
terminology of HSS versus HSAS. It is important to understand thermometer (0-100°C), beaker (capacity 200 ml, 500 ml),
that these HSS anions must be bound to a cation in solution so 31, automatic titrator, plastics funnel, electric balance, graduated
that the solution is balanced (Mother nature’s rule). One must at l mg
understand what cation forms a salt with the HSS anion to Reagents:
understand the disposition of the anions and their quantity in
solution. As referred to earlier, the sum of cations in solution must v 0.1N NaOH solution Dissolve 4~4.5g of NaOH in / liter of
equal the amount of anions in solution. water. Make standardization as follows.
Σ Cation.s = Σ Anions ⇒ Weigh 0.2~0.25g of sulfamic acid and dissolve the acid in
50 ml of water.
BA + SC = HSS + LL
⇒ Add 3 drops of Bromothymol blue (BTB) solution and
Where, BA = Bound amine (protonated amine molecule)
titrate the solution until the color of solution turns blue.
SC = Strong cations (sodium or potassium)
⇒ Normality of 0.1N NaOH solution is calculated as follows.
HSS = Heat stable salt anions
LL= Residual leanloading (H 2S or CO 2) N = SF/ 97.09 X 10 3 /V
From the above equation we can see that HSS will not Where: N= Normality of 0.1N NaOH solution (eq/1)
equal the Bound Amine (HSAS) if there is a substantial amount SF= weight to taken sulfamic acid (g)
of strong cations present in the amine solution. This is why we
recommend that the total level of HSS anions and strong cations V= 0.1N NaOH solution consumed; in titration (ml)
should be measured directly. Measuring the HSAS only may v 0.1% Bromothymol blue (BTB) indicator dissolve 0.1 g of
give a false low reading of the level of HSS anions in solution if BTB in 20ml of ethyl alcohol. Then, dilute to 100 ml with water.
strong cations are also present in the sample.
v Hydrochloric acid (5 or 10%)
It is also important to understand that HSS anions may v Cation exchange resin (hydrogen form)
be reported at least three different ways, and it is important to
understand the methodology employed to avoid confusion. v pH paper, range to include 6~8.

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Raghavan et al. Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant

Procedure: v Before the titration is made, it is advantageous to boil the

effluent sample, with vigorous stirring, for a few minutes.
v Fill the glass column with enough wet resin to completely
This will allow any dissolved acid gases to escape which
neutralize the solvent and exchange the anions present.
would buffer the titration. The acids formed from the ion
(Approximately 2 ml of resin per meq. of solvent)
exchange are not affected by this boiling.
v Pass 100 ml of 10% HCl through the resin and rinse with
v Quantitative analysis for many of the anions found in solvent
deionized water until the effluent is neutral to pH paper.
systems can be made on the titrated effluent, as interference
v Combine 5~10 gm of sample plus or minus one milligram, from the solvent and ether cations have been removed by
50ml of resin and 50 ml of deionized water. absorption on the resin.
v Heat to at least 71°C for 30 min. v After the resin has been in contact with a 1 N (or
stronger) hydrochloric acid solution for a sufficient length of
v Add another 50 ml of resin to column.
time, it will attain an equilibrium exchange capacity of about
v Pour entire solution (Including resin) into resin column and 1 meq/ml of wet resin. In order to avoid column breakthrough,
follow with deionized water until the liquid eluting from the never exchange more than half the original capacity of the
column is neutral to pH water. resin. Thus, it is best to provide initially a 100% excess of resin
v Combine the rinse water, the eluted sample, and titrate capacity over and above the quantity thought to be necessary.
potentiometrically with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide solutions with Results
automatic titrator. Analysis items and frequency are shown in Table 1. The
v From the titration curve obtained, determine the greatest point analysis item and / or frequency may be increased depending
of inflection and consider this to be the end point, that is, the upon the requirement in an operating facility.
number of milliliters required for complete titration of the
system. Table 1: IRON and HSS analysis report as monthly average it its trend of
v Make the blank test over the whole procedure and correct
from May 2009 KS1 solution ( After Correction of the data)
the result.
- to Jan.2011 Iron (ppm) HSS (%)analysis
v From the quantity of 0.1 N NaOH solution consumed in the
titration, the acidity and the concentration of heat stable salts May, 09 1.1 0.1
can be calculated as follows. June, 09 3.2 0.3
July, 09 4.7 0.5
(i) Acidity A = (a-b)xN
August, 09 5.5 0.6
September, 09 6.2 1.0
Where: October, 09 6.2 1.2
A = Acidity in sample (eq/kg) November, 09 7.8 1.5
a: 0.1 N NaOH solution consumed in titration in sample test (nil) December, 09 8.5 2.1
b: 0.1 N NaOH solution consumed in titration in blank test (m) January, 10 8.6 2.5
Ws: weight of sample taken (g) February, 10 13.5 2.7
N: normality of 0.1 N NaOH solution (eq/1) March, 10 13.9 2.7
April, 10 16.45 3
(ii) Heat stable salts (HSS) concentration HSS (eq/kg) = A
May, 10 15.8 1.8
Remarks June, 10 14.0 1.4
v If the solution contains carbonates and/or sulfides, in addition July, 10 15.2 1.0
to the free acid gases present, voids can form in the column August, 10 12.5 0.9
from release of the CO2 and H2S, and subsequent channeling September, 10 10.5 0.8
will occur. By slurring the sample in a beaker with an October, 10 7.0 0.6
additional quantity of resin, until the mixture is acid, the gases November, 10 9.0 0.8
will be evolved. The mixture can then be poured over the
December, 10 19.5 1.15
resin in the column and the determination followed in the
January, 11 14 0.9
normal fashion.

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Raghavan et al. Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant

Discussion concentration is 11 ppm. in the case that CDR plant continues to

Several researches have been found and develop operate under the condition that iron concentration is over 5
solvent to absorb CO2 which should be cost effective and ppm, CDR plant has a great risk of corrosion. The allowable
economically viable. Mimura et al. (2004) have developed and limit of iron concentration for starting reclaiming shall be 5 ppm.
observed the alternative of KS-1 solvent as KS-2: The most
Situation regarding the increase of iron concentration,
important issue involved with the chemical absorption method
which was happened at IFFCO Phulpur. In 2007, iron
for recovering carbon dioxide from a power plant’s flue gas is to
concentration in KS-1 solution increased up to 32 ppm. MHI
develop energy-efficient absorbents. KS-1 absorbent was
inspected inside after CDR plant S/D, and then found that heavy
presented at ICCDR-2 in Kyoto. After the conference, efforts to
corrosion occurred at the duct between stack and Quencher.
develop energy-efficient absorbents have been made and a
Quencher, absorber and regenerator had no corrosion. After
new absorbent KS-2 was developed, as a result and its
investigation into CDR plant operation, it was found that CDR
performance confirmed by the pilot plant. KS-2 has similar energy
plant S/D without drying operation caused this heavy corrosion,
efficiency as KS-1 both of which require 20% less energy than
resulting in entrainment of iron dust to KS-1 solution. So, iron
MEA. KS-2 is however more stable than KS-1 and a more
concentration in KS-1 solution increased. Drying operation is
efficient absorbent for low CO2 content flue gas. MHI has
necessary after CDR plant S/D for the purpose of preventing
published papers on the performance of its KS-1 solvent in the
CDR plant corrosion. MHI recommended duct coating against
petronas fertilizer Co. CO2 capture plant in Malaysia. This is the
entrainment of iron dust, and drying operation after CDR plant
only commercial installation of KS-1. Using this data, the
S/D.The increase of iron concentration in KS-1 solution had
performance of the EFG Plus SM technology can be compared to
stopped since duct coating was conducted.
KS-1. The recovery of carbon dioxide from the rich amine
stream from the absorber is highly energy intensive. It requires MHI designs that reclaiming shall be started when HSS
substantial quantities of low pressure steam extraction from the concentration reaches to 2 wt%, and then stopped when it comes
power plant turbine cycle and high power usage for compressing down to 0.7wt%. In NFCL case, HSS concentration in KS-1
large volumes of flue gas to overcome absorber pressure loss. solution is expected to increase as following figure based on the
This results in a significant export power loss. Technology design basis of the flue gas. First reclaiming should be therefore
developers have therefore concentrated on developing new conducted after approximately 2.5 months passed from CDR
generations of technology which minimize steam consumption, plant S/U. Next reclaiming should be done when approximately
by ensuring that a high degree of thermal integration is achieved 1.5 months passed after 1st reclaiming has been finished.
in the process and/or by using amines with lower stripping steam In NFCL the formation of HSS in CDR plant shows
requirements, either with improved formulations (Fluor), or exponential growth from starting to till 05-05-10. 3.3 (%)/ 2.9
improved amines (MHI with their KS1, 2 and 3 series of amines (%) and the iron content was also very high around 18 ppm
which have a much lower specific stripping heat requirement after then due to alkanomisation / reclamation the HSS quantity
than MEA). Fluor has developed an improved process called has been decreased 1.0% (21.08.10) now it is gradually
Econamine FG PlusSM. Which lowers the energy consumption of decreasing due to reclamation now it has been 0.9% and the
the process (Reddy et al., 2003). iron content is around an around 14 ppm as per the norms of
There is considerable industrial experience with MEA Mitsubishi KM it should be below 0.7 % the query is if
and most systems at present use an aqueous solution with only continuously analysis by quality control why it has not been
15-25-wt% MEA, mainly due to corrosion issues. Corrosion reduced of both the HSS formation & Iron. As per my opinion it
inhibitors may be added to MEA solution, and these results in an should be less than 1% (We have to maintain) and the iron
increase in solution strength. In a commercial process, content is also should be below 11 ppm for the best performance
concentration of MEA up to 30-wt % have been employed of the CDR plant then we can increase the ATA in 2011 May. We
successfully to remove 80% - 90% of the carbon dioxide from are daily adding one drum of KS-1 solution around 200 litre and
the feed gas (Mariz, 1998). The process has been used to treat additives to make efficient the chemical properties of KS-1 Solution
flue gas, however, some cooling and compression of the gas is to absorb 2 molecule of CO2 by one molecule of KS-1 and to
required to operate the system. The solvent composition is maintain the passivation layer to reduce the corrosion of the
proprietary, so royalty costs may be significant. Another equipment
commercial process, which uses 20% MEA with inhibitors, is Acknowledgement
also offered for flue gas treatment (Barchas and Davis, 1992).
We are highly thankful to Production , process , Environment
It should be avoided to continue CDR plant and Quality Laboratory associates of NFCL and for their consistently
operation without reclaiming under the condition that iron support while Preparation of the Environment and Quality paper.

Research in Environment and Life Sciences 11 February, 2011

Raghavan et al. Capturing CO2 from flue gas streams in ammonia plant

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Research in Environment and Life Sciences 12 February, 2011

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