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Software Testing Lab 5: Automated Unit Test Generation

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Software Testing

Lab 5: Automated Unit Test Generation

1 Introduction

1.1 Unit Testing

Unit testing is a part of the testing process, which focuses on testing the implementation of the
software. Unit testing is the lowest level of testing and is often the responsibility of the
programmer. There are many tools available to manually write unit tests, such as JUnit but there
also exist tools that automatically generate unit tests, such as Randoop.

1.2 Learning Objectives

The goal of this lab is to introduce automated test generation. Writing tests manually can be
difficult and time-consuming. Automating test generation will speed up the software
development process. It is important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the tools
you are using. Automatically generated tests can sometimes include test cases the developer
did not think of but also test cases the developer would not think of.

2 Systems Under Test

2.1 NextDate class

The first system under test is the NextDate class from ​Lab 4​. It is a simple class that has the
purpose to return a date that follows the input date.

2.2 POS System

The second system under test is the point-of-sale system from the course Software Engineering
(LTAT.05.003). It is a small application to manage items in stock and make sale transactions.
The stock is managed by the class InMemorySalesSystemDAO and purchases are made using
the ShoppingCart class.

3 Randoop

3.1 Introduction
Randoop is a tool used to automatically generate unit tests. The tests generated by Randoop
are classified either as ​error-revealing​ tests or as ​regression​ tests.
Error-revealing tests are tests which have found a bug. Sometimes the errors revealed are not
too serious and it is up to the programmer to decide to fix the bug. Randoop can expect
exceptions if they are caught properly in the code. Randoop will also expect a
NullPointerException, if null is directly passed as an argument to a method.
Regression tests are tests which passed and therefore did not find any errors. The purpose of
regression tests is to alert you to changes in the program’s behavior after changing the code. It
is important to analyze those tests in the regression test suite that are failing as a result of
changing the code. If your new code is incorrect and has introduced a fault, the code should be
fixed. However, if the changes were intentional, then the test suite is out of date and should be
discarded. This may be because the tests were too sensitive to changes. After discarding the
old (regression) test suite, a new test suite should be generated.
Figure 1 describes the general test generation and execution workflow when using Randoop.

Figure 1. Test Generation and Execution Workflow

3.2 Setup
In this lab, we are generating unit tests using Randoop. To download the latest version of
Randoop, go to: ​​. Unzip the downloaded file,
inside you should see three .jar files and the readme file.
Randoop ​requires Java 8 to work, which can be downloaded here:​.
Choose the JDK which corresponds to your operating system and install it.

3.3 Usage

The basic command to run Randoop is:

java -cp “C:\Path\To\Randoop-all.jar” randoop.main.Main gentests
If your JAVA_HOME Environment Variable is not set to Java 8, you will have to manually
specify the correct path:
“C:\Path\To\Java\8\bin\java” -cp “C:\Path\To\Randoop-all.jar” randoop.main.Main gentests
It may be necessary to specify your project’s output folder in the classpath variable. Then it will
not be necessary to specify the path to the class under test in the --testclass flag.
“C:\Path\To\Java\8\bin\java” -cp “C:\Path\To\Randoop-all.jar;C:\Path\To\Classes”
randoop.main.Main gentests --testclass=’’

In the process of generating tests, Randoop will generate test sequence .class files. These are
useful for a larger production environment to guarantee that identical test sequences would be
generated when generating a new test suite. For the purposes of this lab, they may be deleted.

3.3.1 Basic Troubleshooting

You may run into some technical issues, below are some examples to help you.
Error: ​Unable to load class "MyExampleClass" due to exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: MyExampleClass. To fix this error change MyExampleClass
to ee.ut.cs.swt.example.MyExampleClass
Error: ​java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot find the Java compiler. Check that classpath
​ his error is thrown when you are using Java 9 or above, use Java 8 instead.
includes tools.jar. T

3.4 Parameters and Flags

To specify parameters, flags can be added to the command. The example in section 3.3 uses
the ​--testclass​ flag. The main flags required for this lab are given below.
--testclass=’C:\Path\To\Class’​, for example ‘java.util.Set’
--classlist=’​ ​C:\Path\To\Classes.txt’ with this flag you can specify a text file which lists all the
classes to be tested.
--methodlist=’​ ​C:\Path\To\methods.txt’ ​with this flag you can specify the methods to be tested in
a file. Each method has to include a fully qualified signature. For example
java.util.Collections.rotate(java.util.List,int)​. A full example file can be found here:
--checked-exception=enum​, the value of this parameter is selected from {ERROR, EXPECTED,
INVALID}. It is used to specify how to classify exceptions which are already handled in the code.
ERROR will classify the tests as error-revealing, EXPECTED will classify the tests as regression
tests, INVALID will discard the tests. The default value is EXPECTED.
--npe-on-null-input=enum, t​ he value of this parameter is selected from {ERROR, EXPECTED,
INVALID}. It is used to specify how to classify NullPointerExceptions if null is passed as an
argument. The default value for this parameter is EXPECTED.
--time-limit=int ​It is used to give an amount of time in seconds, to generate tests. The default
value of this parameter is 100.
--output-limit=int The amount of regression- and error-revealing tests to generate. The default
value of this parameter is 100000000.
--maxsize=int This is used to specify a maximum amount of statements in a test. The default
value of this parameter is 100.
--junit-output-dir=’C:\Path\To\Output​ This flag is used to specify the test file output directory
--literals-file=​’C:\Path\To\File’. This flag is used to give a file containing literal values to be used
as inputs to methods under test. Randoop uses the following values by default:
byte: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
short: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
int: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
long: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
float: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
double: -1, 0, 1, 10, 100
char: '#', ' ', '4', 'a'
java.lang.String: "", "hi!"
The format of the literals file is specified ​at the appendix​. You can read more about it at​.

The full Randoop manual can be found here: ​​/

4 In-class Work
4.1 Download the NextDate code from the course page and unzip it. Open the project in your
IDE. You will have to compile the project, because you need to provide Randoop the class files.
4.1.1 Move the existing file to a separate folder, so that there are only
error-revealing (if found) and regression tests in the ‘test’ folder. NB! For your homework, you
will need to compare code coverage between automatically generated and manually written
tests, so do not delete the file.
4.2 Use Randoop to generate tests for the NextDate class. Take a screenshot of the Randoop
command. You will need to submit it as part of the homework for this lab. Move the generated
tests to the ‘test’ folder. NB! It is expected that you experiment and get to understand Randoop
at this subtask.
4.3 It may be necessary to specify the correct package for the tests, IntelliJ might not recognize
the necessity for the correct package, since the file containing the tests is fairly large. This can
likely be fixed by adding ​package ee.ut.cs.swt.nextdate; t​ o the start of the files containing the
4.4 Execute the Maven goal ‘test’. If you run into issues here, make sure that the Java 8 JDK is
used throughout.
4.5 Show the JaCoCo code coverage report to the lab supervisor.

5 Homework Tasks and Reporting

5.1 Task 1: Randoop Code Coverage of NextDate

5.1.1 If you were not present in the lab session, you will first have to complete ​section 4 above
(i.e., using the default parameter settings of Randoop).
5.1.2 In addition to the test suite generated with default Randoop parameters, generate test
suites using the following values for the time-limit parameter: 3, 30, 60. Other parameters keep
default values. NB! Take a screenshot of each Randoop command. You will need to submit
them! NBB! Details about the reporting can be found in Section 6 (Submission and Grading)
5.1.3 Report the results as in the ​example table at the appendix. You do not need to submit the
generated tests, but you must store them somewhere so you can show them on request.
5.1.4 Explain why you got identical coverage results in task 5.1.2.
5.1.5 Improve code coverage by using additional Randoop parameters (hint: literals). Make at
least 2 attempts to improve code coverage. NB! You will also need to submit the test suite
generated in this subtask!
5.1.6 Report the attempts in the table (as in 5.1.3).
5.1.7 Include the used literals file in the homework submission. You may modify the literals file
during testing, but only have to submit the final version.
5.1.8 Include a screenshot of a Randoop-generated test case with a valid input date in your
5.1.9 Randoop did not generate error-revealing tests. This could be the case because the
program is correct. However, assuming the program was not correct, what could in that case be
the reason for not generating an error-revealing test? Report your answer.
5.1.10 As the last row of the table, for comparison, report your own highest coverage results
from Lab 4, where you wrote the tests manually. If you did not do lab 4, you may ask your fellow
students for their code coverage report file (a part of the homework of lab 4) on the course Slack

5.2 Task 2: POS Testing

5.2.1 Download the project file from the course page and unzip it. Open the project in your IDE
5.2.2 Generate a test suite using Randoop for the POS system using a reasonable amount of
time for the time-limit parameter. Move the tests into the test folder of the project and run the
tests using your IDE. It may be necessary to specify the correct package for the tests by adding
package ee.ut.math.tvt.salessystem; t​ o the start of all the files containing the tests. Keep the
test suite, since you have to run it again in step 5.2.6. NB! Also take screenshots of all runs of
Randoop, as in Task 5.1! You will need to submit them.
NBB! You will also need to submit the test suite generated in this subtask!
5.2.3 If Randoop generates error-revealing tests, analyze the tests and explain the failure(s)
discovered in the report. Point out the block or line of code, which caused the exception. You
will not have to fix the bug(s) found, only report them.
5.2.4 Include a Randoop-generated error-revealing test case in the report
5.2.5 Implement the TODO in ShoppingCart class by uncommenting the code under the TODO.
The purpose of the TODO is to increase the quantity of the item in the shopping cart if the stock
item is already in the cart.
5.2.6 ​Run the test suite generated in step 5.2.2 again. Look at some of the failing tests in the
regression test suite and explain in the report if the tests reveal a bug you’ve introduced or
whether the test suite has become outdated. You may need to investigate the code more
in-depth. Include a failing regression test in the report.
5.2.7 Move the current test suite and generate a new test suite. Find a test case which contains
the same key steps as a failing test from task 5.2.6 and compare the two tests (a screenshot of
a test generated in this subtask and a brief explanation). Explain why Randoop handles
NullPointerExceptions differently in some cases. Hint: Look at how Randoop handles the
exception. NB! You will also need to submit the test suite generated in this subtask!
5.2.8 Assume that you want Randoop to classify the passing test (and other essentially similar
tests) from task 5.2.7 as error-revealing. Generate a new test suite, which classifies these tests
as error-revealing. Include a Randoop-generated error-revealing test case in the report. Hint:
checked exceptions.

6 Submission and Grading

6.1 Submission
For the homework, you have to submit a ZIP-file at the course lab submission page, that
includes the following:
● A report PDF, which includes the following points:
○ The table from Task 1, filled as required in subtasks 5.1.3, 5.1.6, 5.1.10
○ Answer to subtask 5.1.4
○ A test case with a valid input date, generated by Randoop (subtask 5.1.8)
○ Answer to subtask 5.1.9
○ Answer to subtask 5.2.3
○ An error-revealing test case, generated by Randoop (subtask 5.2.4)
○ Answer to subtask 5.2.6, including the now-failing test case from the regression
test suite
○ Answer to subtask 5.2.7, including a test case from the new test suite
○ An error-revealing test case, generated by Randoop (subtask 5.2.8)
● Literals file used in Task 1 (subtask 5.1.7)
● Screenshots of Randoop commands (for details see subtasks 5.1.2 and 5.2.2)
● Test Suites generated by Randoop
○ The last test suite from Task 5.1, subtask 5.1.5, where literals were used
○ The first test suite from Task 5.2, subtask 5.2.2
○ The second test suite from Task 5.2, subtask 5.2.7

6.2 Grading

For this lab, you can receive 10 points in total:

1 point for lab attendance
5p for Task 1
● 2.25 points for the table in Task 1
○ 1 point for subtask 5.1.1-5.1.3
○ 1 point for subtask 5.1.5-5.1.6 (at least 2 different attempts recorded)
○ 0.25 points for subtask 5.1.10
● 0.5 points for subtask 5.1.4
● 1 point for subtask 5.1.7
● 0.25 points for subtask 5.1.8
● 1 point for subtask 5.1.9
4p for Task 2
● 1 point for subtask 5.2.1-5.2.3
● 0.5 points for subtask 5.2.4
● 1.25 points for subtask 5.2.5-5.2.6
○ 1 point for analysis
○ 0.25 points for the test case
● 1 point for subtask 5.2.7
○ 0.25p for a test case corresponding to the ShoppingCart class
○ 0.5p for comparison and analysis of the two tests
○ 0.25p for the explanation of Randoop handling NullPointerExceptions differently
● 0.25 points for subtask 5.2.8
○ 0.25p for the test now classified as error-revealing

Randoop Literals File Template


Table Template for Homework Task 1

Number of Instruction & Maven Additional parameters used* Randoop log

tests generated Branch test goal screenshot file
Coverage execution name

100 IC 34%, BC 3.536s --output-limit=100 log1.jpg


* If none of the default parameter settings has been changed, then write ‘none’.

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