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JUNE 2014

The undersigned people certify that they read and recommend Midlands State University to
accept this dissertation entitled; Contribution of impala (Aepyceros melampus) faecal pellets to
nutrient cycling in varying seasons and its effects on plant species diversity. The case of
Mukuvisi Woodland by Abigal Mabasa registration number R10494R submitted in partial
fulfillment of Social Science Honors Degreein Geography and Environmental Studies.

Student: Abigal Mabasa Sign……………….Date…………../2014

Supervisor: Mr. M Matsa Sign……………….Date…………../2014

Chairperson: Mr. S Jerie Sign……………….Date…………../2014

External Examiner:…………..… Sign……………….Date…………../2014


A study to assess the contribution of impala (Aepyceros melampus) to nutrient cycling was
conducted in Mukuvisi woodland, a Nature reserve in Harare. The aim of this study was to assess
the contribution of impala faecal pellets to nutrient cycle of Mukuvisi Woodland. In this study
stratified random sampling method was used to assess decomposition rate of impala faecal
pellets in two seasons (summer and winter), and also to determine the amount of soil nutrients
contributed by impala faecal pellets into the nutrient cycle. Two zones were sampled and these
zones were selected according to soil type, 10 samples were selected in each zone. The mean
decomposition rates showed that there was high decomposition rate in sand zone than in the
gravel zone. Also overally soil nutrient content was observed to be high in the sand zone than in
the gravel zone. This showed that impala faecal pellets contribute to soil nutrients. The t-test
results indicated that soil type significantly influences (p<0.05) rate of impala pellet
decomposition. Thus the hypothesis that soil type does not influence impala faecal pellet
decomposition rate was rejected in favour of the hypothesis that soil type influences
decomposition rate. This research recommends that Mukuvisi Woodlands staff and National
Parks Authorities should further studies focusing on the influence of animal wastes of various
species on soil nutrient within the woodland so that they know which animal species to keep in
order to enhance soil nutrient content since it’s a small woodland.


I dedicate this project to my parents Mr and Mrs Mabasa, my sister Amanda Mabasa and all my


Iwould like in a special way to thank my industrial supervisor Mr G Nhokwara for allowing me
to carry out my third year studies at His institution. I would like to thank Daniel Nyamajiwa and
Simbarashe Makanza my immediate supervisors for their assistance during data collection. My
thanks also to my academic supervisor, Mr M Matsa for editing and offering suggestions towards
the development of my project. I would like also to thank my parents Mr and Mrs Mabasa for
their greatest efforts and unwavering financial support during the period I carried out this
research project.

Table of Contents
APPROVAL FORM ........................................................................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT...................................................................................................................................................... ii

DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................ iv

Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... v

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................... vii

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.3 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.1GENERAL OBJECTIVE ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS ...................................................................................................................... 3

1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF STUDY ................................................................................................................... 4

1.6 STUDY AREA ........................................................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Distribution and feeding behaviour of impala .................................................................................... 7

2.2 Effect of herbivores on nutrient cycling.............................................................................................. 7

2.3 Role of insects and on speeding up dung decomposition .................................................................. 9

2.3.1 Termites ..................................................................................................................................... 10

2.3.2 Dung beetles .............................................................................................................................. 11

2.4 Decomposers .................................................................................................................................... 11

2.5 Soil type, structure, moisture and temperature ............................................................................... 12

2.6 Roles of impalas on plant species diversity. ..................................................................................... 12

CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS............................................................................................ 14

3.1 Research design ................................................................................................................................ 14

3.2 Research sampling zones .................................................................................................................. 14

3.3 Determination of decomposition rate .............................................................................................. 15

3.4 Soil sample analysis........................................................................................................................... 16

3.4.1 Phosphorus ................................................................................................................................ 16

3.4.2 Bases .......................................................................................................................................... 16

3.4.3 pH ............................................................................................................................................... 17

3.4.4 Nitrogen ..................................................................................................................................... 17

3.5 Data presentation and analysis......................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................................................................................................... 18

4.1 The influence of soil type on the decomposition rate of impala faecal pellets................................ 19

4.6 Effects of impalas on plant species diversity. .................................................................................. 25

CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................. 27

5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 27

5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................ 27

REFERENCE .................................................................................................................................................. 29

APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................................... 37`


Figure 1.1 Map of Mukuvisi Woodlands…………………………………………………...….…6

Figure 4.1 Impala faecal pellets decomposition rate in sand zone…..…………………………..18

Figure 4.2 Impala faecal pellet decomposition rate in the gravel zone…………..……………...19

Figure 4.3 Comparison of the impala faecal decomposition rate means for the sand and gravel

Figure 4.4 Average nitrogen content…………………..………………………………………...20

Figure 4.5 Average pH levels………………………………………...………………………….21

Figure 4.6 Average phosphorus content……………………………...………………..………...21

Figure 4.7 Average potassium, calcium and magnesium content in the sand zone………...……22

Figure4.8 Average potassium, calcium and magnesium content in the Gravel Zones……….…23

Figure 4.9 Comparison of the impala faecal decomposition rate means for the summer and winter

Figure 4.10 Shows the effects of impala on plant species diversity………...……………....…..24


1.1 Background
Impalas (Aepyceros melampus) have turned out to be the largest part of all animals in the game
parks and nature reserves in Southern Africa because of its rapid increase in population (Gerber,
2006). They are mixed feeders which browse and graze short sweet grass (less than 8cm). A low
crude-fibre diet of less than 40% is vital, together with high protein content of 8% in winter and
16% in summer (Klein and Fairall, 1986). Inhumidenvironmentspasture makes up 79-92% of
impala diet, as well as herbs, dicot forbes and little shrubs and in dry winter the lignin content of
grass increases. Main species are-grass: cynodon,panicum, digitaria, eragrostis, brachiaria,
pogonaarthria, melinis, themeda, urochloa-forbs: asparagus, cleome, justicia, sida, tephrosia,
waltheria-browse:, acacia, carissa, combretum, dichrostachys, grewia, mundulea, terminalia,
ziziphus, securinega, capparis, mopane, fallen pods,fruits and berries are a very essentialsupply
of protein for the duration of dry winter months (Furstenburg, 2010).

Favoredgrazing height is 40-100cm, but the full range extends from ground level to 130cm. by
overstocking of impala a discrete line forms at 130cm, the herbaceous foliagecover gets
eradicated and the decreaser meadowtype get replaced by increaser species resulting in lesser
ground cover (Okello et al, 2002).

Nutrient cycling is the process of the movement and exchange of organic matter into the
production of living matter (Pastor and Cohen, 1997). This process is regulated by food web
pathways that decompose or reduce matter into mineral nutrients. Nutrient cycling occurs within
the ecosystem both aquatic and terrestrial. Movement of nutrients within the ecosystem is cyclic
and the major nutrient cycles include nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon cycle.

Animals play an important part in nutrient cycling in ecosystems through excretory processes.
Animals provide nutrients at rates similar to the main nutrient sources like decaying plant and
animal matter. Nutrient cycling by animals can sustain a largequantity of the nutrient demands of
primary producers (Vanni, 2002). Animals might also have many indirect effects on nutrient
fluxes due to effects on their prey or alteration of the physical surroundings. Animals play a part
of recycling nutrients in itsterritory or translocating nutrients across territories in an ecosystem.

Herbivores modify nutrient cycling by excretement, by altering the amount and value (nutrient
content and decayspeed) of plant debris, and by sequestering nutrients into their bodies.
Herbivores also reduce plant abundance and can only boost plant abundance if enhancement of
nutrient cycling exceeds the depressing effect of consumption (Belovsky and Slade, 2000).

According to Pastor and Cohen (1997), most herbivores have shown that they feed selectively
and that the choice of feed is determined by a similar compound that determines decay rate.
Foliage that is usually selected habitually has an upper nutrient level, higher growth rates and
quicker disintegration rates.

Herbivores may change the competitive equilibriumamong functional different growth rates
because of the changes they would have caused in the availability of soil nutrients (Bokdam,
2001). Large herbivores change soil nutrient availability for vegetation through changes in soil
nutrient cycling rates and spatial redistribution of soil nutrients (Ritchie et al 1998) adapted from
Cornelis 2011. In an experiment, open lands showed a boost in impalas because they preferred
open sites to avoid predation (van der Waal, 2011).

There is growing evidence that herbivores show favoritismamongstaccessible foods on the basis
of their chemistry, mainly the concentration of nutrients and carbon compounds that control
digestion rates (Pastor 1997 ). Belosvsky and Slade (2000) suggest that herbivores affect nutrient
cycling. In this research nutrient cycling has been divided into parts the slow cycle and the fast
cycle. Nutrient discharge from excretement and dead herbivores has been termed the fast cycle,
because this detritus rapidly decomposes and release nutrients for plant uptake. Discharge of
nutrients from plant litter has been termed the slow cycle, because this accumulation slowly
decomposes and releases nutrients for plant uptake.

Insects have a significantpart in the decomposition of animal dung, these mainly include dung
beetles, and termites. Decomposition is largely brought about by the activity
of microorganisms (Lee and Wall, 2006), while the activity of invertebrates and the weather
influence the rate at which this process proceeds.

1.2 Problem statement

Impala (Aepyceros melampus) is one of the most abundant medium sized herbivores in the
savannah. Mukuvisi Woodlands is a community dominated by Aepyceros melampus which make

up approximately 70% of the total animal biomass. Impala have been said to have detrimental
effects to the ecosystem and nutrient cycling. With overstocking of impala, a distinct browse line
develops at 130cm. the herbaceous vegetation layer gets eradicated and the desired decreaser
grass species get replaced by increaser species resulting in lesser ground cover (Okello et al,
2002). Due to its selectiveness and its gregarious behavior, impala is a high impact animal upon
veldt condition and therefore need to be strictly managed. However, impalas also play a part of
defecating faecal pellets and urine which are considered to be important in nutrient cycling in
ecosystems. Impalas spatially reallocate nutrients they acquire in from one area and excrete in
other areas (mainly resting places). The contribution of these species to ecosystem nutrient
cycling in this regard has not been adequately documented. Impala is well exceptive towards
additional and artificial feeding and take both dried lucern and concentrate antelope. In cases of
mineral deficiencies in natural feed in dry seasons impalas are fed with concentrate licks,
approximately 4 liters of water is taken every second day by impalas (Sponheimer, 2003). Being
mixed feeders they are considered to play an important part in returning nutrients to the soil
within woodlands. This project seeks to assess the contribution of impala faecal pellets to the
nutrient cycle in varying seasons and its effects on plant species diversity in Mukuvisi

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1General objective
To assess the contribution of impala faecal pellets to the nutrient cycle in varying seasons and its
effects on plant species diversity in Mukuvisi Woodlands.

1.3.2 Specific objectives

• To determine the influence of soil type on the decomposition rate of impala faecal pellets.
• To determine the influence of season on the time taken by impala faecal pellets to
disappear from the ecosystem.
• To assess changes in soil nutrients due to impala dung and urine.
• To determine the effects of impalas on plant species diversity.

1.4 Research hypothesis

Ho: Soil type has no significant influence on decomposition rate of impala faecal pellets.

Ho: impala faecal pellets do not significantly improve soil nutrient content.

1.5 Justification of study

In grassland systems, ungulate grazing is said to enhance nutrient cycling due to the addition of
urine and dung, which are easily utilized nutrient sources (Bardgett and Wardle 2003). Impala
have been said to be destructive to the ecosystem due to their creation of open areas and this has
been said to have detrimental effects to the ecosystem and nutrient cycling. This project seeks to
bring out the importance of impala to nutrient cycling especially the extent to which they
contribute to the soil nutrient content.

The study, upon being successfully carried out will benefit the researcher, the Midlands State
University and future geography and environmental studies students as well as Mukuvisi
Woodlands. Mukuvisi Woodlands would benefit from the recommendations the researcher
would come up with to get the knowledge on whether to stock more impalas or not. The MSU
students would get an insight into the problem and the manner researches are to be done, upon
reading this research, and also they get a platform to further their studies and focus on the
influence of different soil types on defecated animal waste of various species within Mukuvisi
Woodlands and also by identifying the main plant species that make up the impala diet within the
Woodland so that they plant more of those species to reduce expenditure on supplementary food
and also enhancing soil nutrients within the woodland.

1.6 Study area

Mukuvisi Woodlands which is 263 hectares is situated 3.5 km to the South-East of the city of
Harare and found between the latitudes 99⁰N and 26⁰S. The Woodland was first identified as a
potential reserve area in 1910 by dedicated natural historians. This was vetoed on the grounds
that it was far from town. Until 1977 it served as an area of recreational enjoyment for
individuals interested in trees and birds. Official protection from developers was granted in 1977
in terms of a short 33 year lease and the Mukuvisi Woodland was created. This was further
ratified in July 1991, when an agreement was reached with the City of Harare to lease the
Woodlands (263 ha) to the Mukuvisi Woodlands Association which is represented by the
Chairman Mr. Simon Pitt, on the basis of a 99 year lease. The Woodland was established to
promote and support the conservation and management of the natural habitats of Harare for the

enjoyment, inspiration and benefit of its inhabitants and so foster environmental conservation in
urban areas.

70% of Mukuvisi is light and heavy woodland and 30% is vlei which is water logged for 3 to 4
months of the year. Dominant tree species include Brachystegia speciformis, Brachystegia
bohemia and Julbernardia globiflora. The area has a diverse vertebrate fauna that includes
mammals, birds, reptiles and fish. Mammals include six species of herbivores which include
giraffes, elands, impalas, wildebeests, zebras, kudus, and no carnivores. The community is
dominated by Aepyceros melampus which make up approximately 70% of the total biomass
(Buckle,2010).Miombo birds include, Spotted creeper (Salpornis spilonotus), Violet Backed
Sunbird (Anthreptes longuemarei), Miombo Blue-eared Starling (Lamprotornis elisabeth)
,White-eared Barbet(Stactolaema leucotis).

Mukuvisi Woodland is in a summer rainfall area where annual rainfall ranges from 650-850mm
per year. This is recorded between the months of November and March with the highest falls
being in January and February (Bolton, 2000). Winds across the Mukuvisi Woodland are
generally north-westerly and the windiest months are September and October before the
commencement of the rainy season. January and February are generally the hottest times of the
year where minimum and maximum temperatures range from 20-29°C. In winter, temperatures
range from 16-23°C, temperatures at night fall to between 7°C and 10°C with ground
temperatures of zero or below often recorded in June. Frost is common in May and June, mostly
in vlei and along Chiraura and Mukuvisi river banks. Humidity is fairly low in winter months
and highest in January and February when it exceeds 80% (Hyde et al, 2012).

The Woodland is comprised mostly of sandveld and clay which is found in the vlei areas. There
are a number of quarry sites where a mixture of sand and stones are found (gravel) and granite
outcrops .Greenstones make up about 10% of the area and are characterised by scarce outcrops
and dark red soils.85% of the area is coarse crystalline (3-5mm) granite. A wide quartz vein runs
north from the quarry in the game area towards the dam where a fault displaces it to the west
where it forms the Hillside Ridge. The quartz vein is one of the Great Dyke Satellite fractures
while the Chiraura fault is parallel to the older Umwinsidale Shear Zone (Buckle, 2010).

Figure 1.1Map of Mukuvisi Woodlands


2.1 Distribution and feeding behaviour of impala

The common impala is one of the most abundant antelopes in Africa, with about one-quarter of
the population occurring in protected areas. The largest number occurs in areas such as the
Masai Mara and Kajiado (Kenya); Serengeti, RUAHA AND Selous (Tanzania); Luangwa Valley
(Zambia); Okavango (Botswana); Hwange, Sebungwe and the Zambezi Valley (Zimbabwe);
Kruger National Park (South Africa) and on private farms and conservancies (South Africa,
Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia). The rare Black-faced impalas survive in Etosha National
Park and private farms in Namibia adapted (online) available from -2013.

Most of the studies on impala feeding behaviour are exclusively in the same group and are
frequently found in the same vicinity. Northern savanna vegetation types (Wronski 2002; Attwell
and Bhika 1984; Monro 1982) are their natural habitat. In this environment, their feeding
behaviour shows a preference for graze in the rainy wet season, with an increase in browse in the
dry season when graze quality is lower. The rainfall pattern of the area also appears to affect the
foraging behavior of impala. The studies of Attwell and Bhika (1984); Monro (1982) and
Dunham (1980) all shows the feeding behaviour described above with a uni-modal rainfall
pattern. However, Wronski (2002) studied the feeding behavior of impala in the presence of a
bimodal rainfall pattern and found different foraging behaviour. During hotter day hours they
become less active mostly keeping to shade. They feed for 38% out of 24 hours of which less
than 35% takes place during night hours. In his studies, there appears to be no significant
differences in feed selection for impala between dry and wet seasons.

2.2 Effect of herbivores on nutrient cycling

Animals can either reprocess nutrients in theirterritory, or translocates nutrients across the
ecosystem (Vanni 2002). deAngelis et al (1989), stated that the cycling of nutrients is critical for
the existence of ecosystems. Many studies have been done in marine ecosystems and cycling of
nutrients which are most likely to limit primary production (nitrogen N and phosphorus P)has
been paid attention to (Rosemond et al 2002).

Herbivores may continue to alter the competitive balance between functionally different growth
forms because of the changes they would have caused in the availability of soil nutrients
(Bokdam, 2001). Large herbivores alter soil nutrients availability for plants through changes in
soil nutrient cycling rates and spatial redistribution of soil nutrients (Ritchie et al, 1998). In an
experiment bush cleared patches showed an increase in impala dung deposition, this is probably
because impala preferred open sites to avoid predation (van der Waal, 2011).

There is growing evidence that impalas discriminate among available foods on the basis of their
chemistry, particularly the concentration of nutrients and carbon compounds that control
digestion rates (Hartley et al, 1995). Belovsky and Slade (2000) suggest that impalas affect
nutrient cycling and plants, depending on the plants consumed in a modeling study. In the study
nutrient cycling has been divided into two parts: the slow cycle and the fast cycle. Nutrient
release from excrement and dead herbivores has been termed the fast cycle, because this detritus
rapidly decomposes and releases nutrients for plant uptake. Release of nutrients from plant litter
has been termed the slow cycle, because this detritus slowly decomposes and releases nutrients
for plant uptake.

Grazer effects on soil nitrogen occur at every temporal scale from months to years to decades in
this ecosystem. Decadal effects occur due to cattle management, which generates spatial
heterogeneity in soil nutrients through bomas (typically 0.5–1.0 ha) that are distributed across the
landscape and eventually develop into glades (Augustine 2003a). On an annual basis, herbivores
influence the N budgets of different patches within the landscape. In glades, impala created a net
N input due to high rates of dung and urine deposition during dry seasons when no forage is
being consumed from these patches (Augustine and others 2003).

By contrast, the presence of mammalian browsers can arrest or reverse the development of a
mature woody layer and promote grassland or the development of “shrubby” growth forms
(Augustine and McNaughton, 2004; Belsky, 1984; Dublin et al., 1990; Levick and Rogers, 2008;
Makhabu et al., 2006; Strang, 1973). Such an effect has been evident along the Chobe River in
Botswana: a crash in the browser guild and heavy elephant hunting in the late 1800s promoted
the development of riverine woodland but subsequent increases in elephant and impala
(Aepyceros melampus) populations have resulted in deterioration to a prevalence of shrubs (Moe
et al., 2009)

Conversion of organic compounds into mineralized forms readily accessible to plants can also
occur during digestion by impalas, with subsequent deposition of urine and faeces rich in
compounds such as nitrates and urea (Begon et al., 1996; Mohr et al., 2005; Pastor and Cohen,
1997). In many systems, nutrient cycling is relatively faster through herbivores dung and urine
than through decomposition of senescent plant material (McNaughton et al., 1988), primarily
because structural materials such as cellulose are partially broken down during digestion.

Decomposition of animal tissue also returns elements to the soil rapidly (Begon et al.,
1996).However, the animal-mediated route can be highly complex. Nutrients may be exported
from the local site if animals are large or highly mobile (de Mazancourt and Loreau, 2000b), and
plants’ production of secondary metabolites in response to herbivory may impact on
decomposers and result in slow decomposition and nutrient cycling rates (Harrison and Bardgett,
2004; Kay et al., 2008; McNaughton et al., 1988; Pastor and Cohen, 1997).

Ruminants egests large quantities of well-digested (i.e. fine textured) plant matter. Feces are
rapidly broken down by microbial and insect activities and mechanical erosion (such as raindrop
impact) (Masunga et al., 2006; Plumptre and Harris, 1995). The nutrients present in the dung are
therefore returned to the soil in forms that can be readily utilized by plants (McNaughton et al.,
1988). Animal-mediated nutrient cycling is typically faster than via the plant decomposition
cycle (de Mazancourt and Loreau, 2000b; McNaughton et al., 1988; Thompson Hobbs, 1996),
although herbivory-induced secondary metabolite production may limit decomposition rates
(Pastor and Cohen, 1997). Furthermore, small antelope tend to utilize latrine sites or maidens
(Kingdon, 1997; Lunt et al., 2007), which results in local concentration of nutrients in the soil.
This may promote plant growth and vegetation succession, and maintain habitat heterogeneity by
generating pockets of nutrient-rich soil (Davidson, 1993; McNaughton et al., 1988; Thompson
Hobbs, 1996).

2.3 Role of insects and on speeding up dung decomposition

Insects have asignificantpart in the decomposition of animal dung, these mainly include dung
beetles, and termites. Disintegration of dung is mainly facilitated as a result of the action of
microorganism (Lee and Wall, 2006), while the activity of invertebrates and the weather
influence the rate at which this process proceeds. Invertebrates tunnel through the dung,
increasing the area available for microorganisms and enhance degradation through

fragmentation, aeration, removal by assimilation, conversion into insect faeces and burying or
mixing large amounts of dung with the surrounding soil (Lee 2006) thereby increasing the rate of
decomposition of dung (Vessby, 2001, Floate et al 2005).

2.3.1 Termites
Termites are commonlyspreadall over the tropical and subtropical regions of the planet, with the
maximumvarietyoriginate in tropical forests (Eggleton, 2000). Termites act as well as
decomposers, feeding on a wide range of living, dead or even decaying plant material (Bignell
and Eggleton, 2000; Traniello and Leuthold, 2000), including the consumption and turnover of
large volumes of soil rich in organic matter and fungi. There are reports of termites foraging for
mammalian dung from around the globe: Africa, Asia, Australia and north-/central-/south-
America. Most observations were made in Australia and Africa, potentially at the feeding habits
of termites living in grass and bush lands on these continents. Termites feed on the dung of a
total 18 mammalian species and impala (Aepyceros melampus) was among these species
Freymann et al, adapted(online) available on 19-Jul-2010.
According to Freymann et al, (2008) termites show no clear, distinct preference for mammalian
dung over other plant food items.

These feeding habits make termites important ecosystem engineers, which over long periods of
time can modify the physical properties of soil such as texture, water infiltration rates and
nutrient content, at various spatial scales (e.g. Dangerfield et al.,1998). (Calviño et al 2006,Coe
1977) estimates that in the Tsavo (East) National Park (Kenya) termites remove up to 8.7 × 103
kg faeces per km2 per year from the surface of the soil. This results in a nitrogen turnover of
about 12 kg/ha/year based on the nitrogen content of 1.39% for fresh elephant dung reported by
(Freymann 2008,Anderson and Coe (1974). Basappa & Rajagopal (1990) examined the physical
and chemical properties of termite modified soils in India. This revealed that the water holding
capacity, pH, organic carbon, organic matter, total nitrogen, the cation exchange capacity, as
well as the exchangeable cations, like calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, were higher
in termite modified soils than in surrounding soils (Basappa & Rajagopal,1990).

2.3.2 Dung beetles
Dung beetles are in Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae insect families, they are an important group of
insects associated with the decomposition of animal manure around the world. They consume
large amounts of dung as adults and larvae. Some species prefer woodland habitats while others
are common on pastures. Their actions have been credited in reducing pasture fouling, adding
nutrients to soil, and aerating soil Henderson (2010). Herrick and Lal, (2006) suggests that dung
beetles are responsible for the removal and burial of almost all dung during the wet season.
Losey and Vaughan (2006) also states that dung beetles are generally responsible for nutrient
recycling from dung, it appears that this is however, only true for the wet season since adult dung
beetles feed exclusively on the liquid component of the dung by means of specialized filtering
mouth paths (Holter, 2000). They rely on the availability of dung with a high water content. This
will cause termites to become important in speeding up the composition of dung in the dry
season compared to dung beetles, but however termites are less effective because they are less
mobile compared to dung beetles.

2.4 Decomposers
The decomposer community, though not readily visible because of its small size, is an important
component in speeding up decomposition rate of either animal or plant waste. The term
decomposition is used to describe organisms like bacteria and fungi in the process where organic
material will be releasing nutrients nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), (Alkemade et al, 1992).
This process creates a key link in transfer of energy and cycling of nutrients between various
trophic groups in an ecosystem. Decomposers play an important role in formation of soil organic
matter this by degrading energy rich organic compounds and in the process generating materials
such as humus. In addition, several species of decomposers produce humic acid-like substance
that could contribute substantial amounts (330 Kg/ha) to the annual input of humic substance
into the soil (Filip and Alberts, 1993). It is rarely possible to separate microorganisms from the
decaying plant material and sediments where most of the decomposition occurs. Hence, soil
organic matter consists of these partially decayed plant residues, the microorganisms and the
small fauna involved in decomposition, and the byproducts of decomposition.

2.5 Soil type, structure, moisture and temperature
Soil type plays a part in nutrient cycling, Burke et al, (1998) observed that primary production
and nutrient cycling differ in locations with different soil types. The activity of living organisms
in soil helps to control its quality, depth, structure and properties. The climate, slope and bedrock
also contribute to the nature of soil in different locations and the interactions between these
multiple factors are responsible for the variation of soil types.

Soil structure in different locations may also be found to support very different biological
communities. These complex communities contribute significantly to the continuous cycling of
nutrients within the ecosystem. Gravel soils, facilittes disintegration at a quicker rate, to an
extent that nutrient cycling is more rapid, thereby enhancing nutrients in the soil. Coarse soils
have a low CEC (cation exchange capacity and low water holding capacity (Ladd et al, 1993).
Fine-textured soils preserves nutrients longer in the rooting zone. Infiltration is slower than on
coarse-textured soils.

Soil temperature and moisture content are very important factors affecting decomposition rates.
According to Moorhead et al., (1999) favored moisture conditions; increasing temperature results
in an exponential increase in decomposition rates. At a constant temperature, soil moisture
content shows a parabolic effect on decomposition rates with a maximum rate at intermediate
levels of moisture. High moisture content limits soil gas exchange leading to low oxygen
concentrations and potentially anaerobic conditions. At low moisture content, the lack of water
limits microbial metabolism. In addition to temperature and moisture acidity extremes (pH˂4 or
˃9) may reduce decomposition rate (Carter et al, 2007).

2.6 Roles of impalas on plant species diversity.

Small antelope are selective browsers and feed at low levels, and therefore potentially alter
plants’ inter specific and intra specific relationships. Being selective browsers, they influence
seedling recruitment, alter competitive interactions among woody plants of differing palatability
and between woody and herbaceous plants; in the medium term they alter the structure of the
under storey, which in turn may affect canopy structure in the long term.

In African forests, impalas (Aepyceros melampus) are important seed dispersal agents (Eves,
2003), although dispersal of soft-seeded species is limited due to repeated oral mastication

(Feer,1995).In savanna ecosystems, a large number of woody plants produce fleshy, palatable
fruits that are eaten by antelope (Coates-Palgrave, 1996; Prins et al., 2006; Wilson, 1966) and
savanna antelope play a similar role to their forest counterparts. By ingesting fruits, impalas
transport seeds away from the parent plant, and either egests them in their faeces, or expel them
orally during rumination (Bodmer, 1991; Feer, 1995). Chemical and mechanical scarification of
the seed coat, which occurs during mastication and digestion, may stimulate germination of hard-
seeded species (Raven et al., 1986; Traveset et al., 2008), but be lethal to soft-seeded species
(Feer, 1995). Faecal matter acts as a fertilizer, which can promote seedling growth (Argaw et al.,
1999; Cosyns et al., 2006), and removal of seeds from the vicinity of the parent plant may reduce
intra specific competition and promote gene flow (Berger et al., 2008; Calviño-Cancela et al.,
2006; Wiegand et al., 2008).

The leaves of seedlings and new growth are high in protein, and during this rapid-growth phase,
little indigestible or unpalatable material is produced (Cebrian and Duarte, 1994). Feeding on a
seedling is energetically advantageous to the herbivore, but may easily be lethal to a plant,
especially if it is completely defoliated. Thus, small antelope may have a negative effect on
seedling recruitment, even of species that are unpalatable when mature, and are likely to
influence the competitive relationships among species. However, at the community level,
removal of seedlings can be advantageous, reducing stem competition (Duncan et al,2009;
Wiegand et al., 2008) and limiting woody development (Augustine and McNaughton, 2004;
Belsky, 1984; Roques et al. 2001). In the medium term, and depending on the species browsed,
the structure and density of the under storey may also be altered.


3.1 Research design

According to Gorard 2013, research design is a detailedoutline of how an investigation will take
place. It will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed,
how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analyzing data collected (Gorard
2013). Research design provides the glue that holds the research project together. It is used to
structure the research, to show how all of the major parts of the research project the samples or
groups, measures, treatments or programs, and methods of assignment work together to try to
address the central research questions (Creswell 2012). There are two major types of research
designs namely qualitative which is used to describe life experiences and give them meaning and
quantitative which is a method used to describe, test relationships, and examine cause and effect
relationships .The researcher has used the quantitative research precisely the experimental design
which is the design of any information-gathering exercises where variation is present, whether
under the full control of the experiment or not (Adebayo 2000). It ensures that the right type of
data and enough of it is available to answer the questions of interest as clearly and efficiently as

In Mukuvisi Woodlands there are 56 impalas consisting of 19 juveniles, 27 females 10 males.

They are divided into 2 territories where the ram is the head. They live in a light woodland with
little undergrowth and grassland of low to medium height. Impalas have an irregular distribution
due to dependence on relatively flat lands with good soil drainage and water. Impalas stay near
water in the dry season; but they can go for weeks without drinking if enough green fodder is

3.2 Research sampling zones

The study area was divided into two zones; this was according to soil type. In Mukuvisi we have
mainly three soil types which are clay, sandy and gravel. However the clay section was not
included in the research because in that area there was hyparrehenia grass which is very tall and
unpalatable so impalas are not usually found in this area since they prefer open areas, because
they can see better and act faster when they are attacked by predators. Impalas are said to be

attracted to disturbed areas of vegetation (van der Merwe, 2010).They choose areas with little or
no vegetation.

3.3 Determination of decomposition rate

Fresh night faecal pellets deposits were marked the following morning and monitored until fully
decomposed. Sites were marked using painted rocks and visits to the impala faecal pellet piles
were done after every three days. Four points around the impala faecal pellet pile (the controls)
were marked in the four major compass directions, (North, South, Eastand West) at a distance of
one meter. The control sites were covered with thorns to avoid deposition of dung by the same
animal under the study or any other species in the same ecosystem. After complete
disappearance of pellets at the dunging site, soil samples are collected from both dunging site
and control sites in the two zones. Soil from control sites were combined into a composite
sample so as to provide more representative estimates of mean concentrations than could be
achieved by the same number of discrete samples (Correll 2001).

The underlying assumption was that no animal had deposited its dung on the control site during
the whole process. GPS was used to mark points. Twenty points were randomly selected and
marked (10 points in gravel zone and 10 points in sand zone, in each zone 5 points where under
tree cover and 5 where in an open area) because impalas browse under trees as the areas will be
dominated by cynodon, mopane as well as berries, fruit and fallen pods and also they use under
trees as habitats. The effect of tree cover was only assumed to affect rate of decomposition and
not soil nutrient content. There was also recording of insect activity at points because dung
beetles, earthworms, bugs, and other creatures dig and digest the dung and dead plants into fertile
soil,(points with insect activity were recorded as 1 and points with no insect activity were
recorded as 0).
The period taken for complete decomposition of faecal pellets on all points was recorded on data
sheets and from this decomposition rate was determined using the formulae by Forys and
Humfrey, 1997.

( )

3.4 Soil sample analysis
To contrast the fertility of the points where impala faecal pellets decomposition had occurred
with the surrounding soils, soil samples were collected randomly and taken for nutrient tests. Soil
samples were tested for the amount of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), pH and bases which
include calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K). A volume of (10cm×10cm×10cm)
was dug out and mixed thoroughly then only 500g of the sample was taken for testing. Soil
samples were collected from 2 experimental points and also 2 composite soil samples from
control points in each zone (stratum) giving a total of 8 soil samples. Testing for nutrients helped
to analyze if impalas are contributing to nutrient cycling. The soil samples were tested at the
Chemistry and Soil Research Institute, Department Of Research And Specialist Services,
Ministry of Agriculture.

3.4.1 Phosphorus
Total phosphorus was determined using the Ultra violet machine. Firstly phosphorus was sieved
because only fine particles were to be used for the test of phosphorus present in the soil samples.
Samples were later leached using 1.25 molar of sodium hydroxide aqueous solution. It was
leached again using 1.25 molar of hydrochloric acid aqueous solution. A yellow color was
formed to show good leaching. After this at least 100ml of distilled water was added to solution
because it will not leach minerals, 20ml of solution was pipette from samples to develop color
using ammonium molybdate and stannous chloride solution. Solution changes color from
colorless to blue if there is available phosphorous, the intensity of color determines amount of
available phosphorous using the U.V machine with standards 0.25-0,275ppm (Anderson and
Ingram, 1993).

3.4.2 Bases
Total bases were determined using the Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (A.A.S). A mass
of 5g of soil sample was added to 50ml of ammonium acetate and shaken for 1hr; this was to
suppress all the other elements. After this the samples were filtered and the filtrates were
analyzed using the Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometer (A.A.S) where they were measured.
Each base had standards which act like boundaries which should not be exceeded. These
boundaries helped to check for anomalies in results for Calcium 10 and 20m equivalent,
Magnesium 1.5 and 10m equivalent, Potassium 0.1, 0.4 and 0.8m equivalent and for Sodium

0.22, 0.43 and 0.87m equivalent. The A.A.S uses different lamps for testing different bases, this
is because the different bases require different wavelengths and hence the need of different lamps
which produce different wavelengths.

3.4.3 pH
Total pH was determined using a pH meter. A mass of 15g of soil sample was mixed with 75ml
of calcium chloride; calcium chloride was used because it is stable. It was shaken for an hour and
then taken to the pH meter, where pH tests were carried out. 50ml of buffers 4 and 7 were used
to standardize the pH meter.

3.4.4 Nitrogen
Total nitrogen was determined using the Ultra Violet machine. A mass of soil samples were
mixed with potassium chloride (KCI) and shaken for 30 minutes intervals and after that, they
were put into 5ml dividers. The 5ml of filtrate were then mixed with sodium hydroxide pellets to
enable the filtrate to later react. The solution was later heated using a steam distill because it
allows one to distill the high boiling liquid at a significantly lower temp, after this it was changed
color using Nesslers and later U.V machine was used to measure amount of nitrogen using
standards 0,350-0,72ppm. The incubation method was used to quantify the amount of nitrogen in
the soil samples (Coetsee et al, 2008).

3.5 Data presentation and analysis

In this study the utilization of a hypothesis called for a statistical analysis of data using statistical
measures like the chi-square. This assisted the researcher to confirm or reject the hypothesis.
Tabulated categories of data were analyzed using One Way- Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA).
This method can handle a variety of situations and it also enabled the researcher to compare
group means by analyzing comparisons of variance estimates. An independent sample t-test was
carried out to test the significant change in means of pH and nutrients in sample soils in the
zones. A paired sample t-test was also carried out to compare the significant difference in
decomposition rate between the two zones.

Data was presented in a tabular form. Tabulation condensed a large mass of data and brought out
the distinct pattern in the data. It enabled comparison to be made easily among classes of data

and took up less space than data presented in narrative form. For better visual impact; data was
presented in form of pictures, pie chart and bar charts.


4.1 The
he influence of soil type on the decomposition rate of impala faecal pellets.


mean decomposition rate



sand zone gravel zone

Figure 4.1. Comparison of the impala faecal pellets decomposition rate means for sand and
gravel zones.

Soil type significantly affects rate of decomposition of impala faecal pellets, hence influencing
nutrient cycling. A paired samples tt-test shows a significant increase (t=2.077, df =9, p<0.05) of
impala faecal pellet decomposition rate in the sand zone compared to the gravel zone (Fig 4.1).
Impala faecal pellets decomposition rate was high in sand soils unlike in gravel, this was because
in sand,
and, soils insects’ activities were high compared to that in gravel soils.

This was in agreement with the researc

researches carried out by Lee and Wall(2006);
); Vessby(2001)
Vessby( and
Floate et al, (2005) that insects play an important part in speedi
ng up the rate of decomposition
of impala faecal pellets. However
However, sandy soil has smaller particles compared to gravel and this
had an effect on insect action on faecal pellets, insect activity proved to be high in sandy soil
than in gravel and this opposed Ladd et al, (199
3) who observed that decomposition rate is rapid
in coarse textured soils. Termites were observed to be the most dominant insects, and as was
stated by Bignell and Eggleton( 2000); Traniello and Leuthold(2000)
2000) termites acted as

decomposers of impala faecal pellets in some points this was done through covering the faecal
pellets with large volumes of soil, thereby increasing rate of decomposition.


mean decomposition rate


15 sand

woodlands open area

Figure 4.2 Impala faecal pellets decomposition rate in gravel and sand soils under tree cover and
open area.

There is a significant difference (t= 3.611, df= 4, p< 0.05) in mean decomposition rate of impala
faecal pellets under tree cover compared to those on open area (Fig 4.2). Decomposition was
observed to be high in areas with vegetation cover compared to open areas because there is
reduced soil moisture loss in the woodland area unlike in the open area.Moorhead et al, (1999)
observed that soil moisture plays an important part in microbial activities hence increasing rate
of decomposition. This was also observed in Mukuvisi Woodlands, area with vegetation cover
had faster decomposition rates than those in open areas because soil moisture content was high in
the woodland area unlike in open areas and this increased microbial activities.

4.4 Changes in soil nutrients due to impala dung and urine.

mean Nitrogen (parts/million)






gravel gravel control sand experiment sand control
Zone Samples

Figure 4.3Average nitrogen content (parts/million).

There is a significant increase in nitrogen (p< 0.05) in both gravel and sand zone experiments
thus comparing with respective controls. Nitrogen levels increased much in the sand zone
compared to the gravel zone (Fig 4.3).

Mean pH

gravel experiment gravel control sand experiment sand control
Zone Samples

Figure 4.4 Average pH levels.

pH levels were found to be almost the same in controls of both zones. However, at experiment
points there was a slight increase of the pH level in the gravel zone and also an increase by 1 in
the sand zone as shown in figure 4.4. The pH increase was not significant in both zones (p>


Mean Phosphorus (parts/million)




gravel experiment gravel control sand experiment sand control
Zone Samples

Figure 4.5 Average phosphorus content (parts/million).

The gravel zone had the highest increase in phosphorus concentration compared to the sand
zone. However in both zones there was a significant increase (p< 0.05) in phosphorus compared
to control points (Fig 4.5).

mean soil nutrient content (mg E/100g)


0.6 sand zone experiment

sand zone control


potassium calcium magnessium

Figure 4.6 Average potassium, calcium and magnesium content (milligrams equivalent per
100g) in the Sand Zones.

There was a significant increase (p<0.05) in levels of potassium in the experiment points
compared to the control points. As for calcium and magnesium there was no significant change
(p> 0.05) as shown on Fig 4.7.

Mean Soil Nutrient Content


potassium calcium magnesium

Figure 4.7Average potassium, calcium and magnesium content (milligrams Equivalent per
100g) in the Gravel Zones

There is a significant increase (p<0.05) in the levels of potassium and calcium. As for
magnesium there was no significant change (p> 0.05) (Fig 4.7).From the soil analysis results it is
observed that impala faecal pellets contribute significantly to soil nutrient content. However the
nutrient concentration is different in the two zones because of the difference in soil type. This is
similar to what Burke et al, (1998) observed, that primary production and nutrient cycling differ
in locations with different soil types. Ladd et al , (1993) stated that coarse soils have a low cation
exchange capacity or nutrient holding cycling. However, this is different from what was
observed in this research.

In this research, concentrations of nutrients under study varied in different soil types.
Concentrations of nitrogen, potassium and the pH level were high in the sand zone and less in the
gravel zone. And as for the concentrations of phosphorus and calcium were high in the gravel
zone compared with the sandy zone. This was possibly due to influence of different soil types on
different nutrients which could have been in the soil before the research. Also for points which
were in the woodland the plant species near the points might also have influenced or altered
nutrients available in the soil, ( that is utilizing the nutrients before the soil sample analysis).

4.5 Influence of season on the time taken by impala faecal pellets to disappear from the

mean decomposition rate

summer winter


Figure 4.8 Comparison of the impala faecal decomposition rate means for the summer and winter

Season significantly affects rate of decomposition of impala faecal pellets, hence influencing
nutrient cycling. A paired samples t-test shows a significant increase (t=2.077, df =9, p<0.05) of
impala faecal pellet decomposition rate in summer compared to winter season (Fig 4.8).

4.6 Effects of impalas on plant species diversity.



Figure 4.9The effects of impala on plant species diversity on experiment.

Kuchi grass mainly dominates in the game reserve area, and this is where impalas are mostly
found as evidenced by many medians (a place where impalas defecates) in this area, resulting in
positive seed recruitments as shown on fig 4.9. Faecal matter acts as a fertilizer, which can
promote seedling growth, and removal of seeds from the vicinity of the parent plant may reduce
intra specific competition and promote gene flow.Impalas in Mukuvisi Woodlands also feed on
gilstone and cydon grass which are found near water points.



Figure 4.10Effects of impala on plant species diversity on controlled site

Gilstone, cydon and kuchi grass where found on the control site, this was believed to be a result
of seed dispersal due to impala movement as they are going to resting places. By ingesting grass
seedlings, impalas transport seeds away from the parent grass, and either egests them in their
faeces, or expel them orally during rumination and they collect pollen grains and disperse in
resting places causing germination of different grass species. Hyparrhenia grass dominates the
area since impalas do not feed on it (Fig 4.10).


5.1 Conclusion
Soil type has a significant influence on the decomposition rate of impala faecal pellets. Therefore
the null hypothesis which states that soil type has no significant influence on decomposition rate
of impala faecal pellets is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis which says soil type has
a significant influence on decomposition rate of faecal pellets.Impala faecal pellets
decomposition rate due to insect activity was high in sandy soils unlike in gravel.It can be
concluded that insect activity is also influenced by soil type. Season has a great influence on the
time taken by impala faecal pellets to decompose. The decomposition rate was high in summer
compared to winter season due to rainfall as Mukuvisi Woodlands is in a summer rainfall area.
Impala faecal pellets significantly improve soil nutrient content, and here the null hypothesis
which states that impala faecal pellets do not significantly improve soil nutrient content has been
rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis which states that impala faecal pellets significantly
improve soil nutrient content. To sum up impalas contribute to nutrient cycling through
defecation of faecal pellets which acts as fertilizer onto the ecosystem, thereby promoting
seedling growth. They remove seeds from the vicinity of the parent plant which may reduce
intra specific competition and promote gene flow of plant species though defecation and during
oral rumination.

5.2 Recommendations
After assessing the contribution of impala faecal pellets to the nutrient cycle in varying seasons
and its effects on plant species diversity in Mukuvisi Woodlands the following recommendations
were made-:

Mukuvisi Woodlands staff and National Parks Authorities should further studies focusing
on the influence of different animal waste of various species on soil nutrient within the
woodland so that they know which animal species to keep in order to enhance soil
nutrient content since it’s a small woodland.
Mukuvisi Woodlands staff should identify the main plant species that make up the impala
diet within the woodland so that they plant more to reduce expenditure on supplementary

Mukuvisi staff should provide supplementary food for the impalas in case of mineral
deficiencies in natural feed in dry seasons.
The Mukuvisi Woodlands management should control fires within the woodland, as this
may result in nutrient loss when impala faecal pellets or waste from any other animal
species within the woodland are burnt.
The Mukuvisi Woodlands management should clear another water point by removing
weeds so that impalas will have many drinking points thereby defecating at different
points in the woodland, spreading the nutrients.


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Appendix 1: Sample Field Data Sheet

Date…………………………………. Observer………………………………………..

Site………………………………….. Soil type…………………………………………

Sample no No. of faecal pellets Any insects observed on faecal Time taken for complete Decomposition rate
pellets decomposition (in days)
Summer Winter

Appendix 2: Soil Analysis Report


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