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Unit 4 Management & Operations

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From: Syed Munim Ajaz

To: Sir Mohsin

Unit: 4
Unit Name: Management & Operations
Submission Date:
The managers and the leaders are the greatest assets of the organization Barclays. The
organization is expanded in the market with the help of leadership and manager strategies. The
Barclays is the financial service company which provides funds to the population of UK. It’s the
universal bank which provides services such as investment banking, credit card facility and
wealth management etc. Barclays is listed on the London stock exchange and New York stock
exchange. The organization is using decentralized structure so that the according to the task
and responsibilities power is divided among them. The managers and the leaders have their
own skills and talent. The roles and the responsibilities of the managers and leaders are
different in the organization Barclays.

P1 Define and compare the different roles and

characteristics of a leader and manager.
In an organization such as Barclays, the role of a manager and leadership are different. They
have different roles and functions. These functions help the organization to grow and to make
the customers and employees satisfied and happy. These roles and functions are being
presented below.

Definition of Leader: A leader is person who motivates the employees of the

organization to move on the right path. It motivates the employees in order to increase the
performance and productivity. The leadership is a skill which leads to the organization and from
other employees.

Role: The leader role is to take together in the organization. Each of the employees has to
work together in a team so as to make achieve the objectives and bring success to the
organization. The leader has to take care of the work is being conducted in the right direction
and organization is getting benefits out of it. The role of a leader is to analyze the behavior of
the employees at each level. Leader guides the employees to work in the proper manner and to
improve at many stages.

Characteristics: There are many characteristics of a leader. These features are as


 Honesty
 Confident
 Creative
 Delegation of authority
 Communication
 Commitment towards work
 Motivator
 Caring
 Good decision making

Definition of a manager: A manager manages the work in every situation. It

shows the right path to walk on and helps in increasing the goals and objectives.

Roles: The role of the manager is that he has to manage each of the activity and task in the
organization. The manager has to coordinate each person and to take care of the work assigned
to the employees. The manager has to take care of the daily activities along with the resources
and activities etc. The manager has to provide direction to the employees so as to make the
activities complete on time.

Characteristics: There are many characteristics of a manager to be fulfilled which are

given below:

 Positive attitude
 Empathy
 Responsible
 Accountable
 Patient
 Flexible
 Reliable
 Specific

There are different roles and functions being fulfilled by the leaders and the managers. These
roles and functions are being used along with the theories and concepts so as to better
understand their importance in the organization Barclays.

Different between the role of a leader and function of a manager:

Manager: The role of the manager is to manage each of the employees working in the
organization and to take the use of resource efficiently. The function of a manager is according
to the theory of human relation. The human relation theory is used by the managers in order to
understand the relations with the employees by analyzing their needs and desire of the
employees. As there are a lot of theories being applied by the managers such as scientific
theory, administrative theory, systems theory, X and Y theory etc.

Leader: The role of a leader is to lead the team and to take care of the employee’s
performance and to motivate them in order to increase their performance and productivity.
The leader uses a variety of theories such as contingency theory, trait theory, transformational
theory, behavioral theory, transactional theory etc. In the organization Barclays, leaders choose
behavioral theory so that they can analyze the behavior of the employees and motivational
techniques can be used them. The leader shows the path to move on according to the behavior
of the employees according to the activity being performed by the employees. Various types of
leadership styles are also used in the organization to fulfill its role.

P2 Examine examples of how the role of a leader and
the function of a manager apply in different situational
The role of a leader is different from the role of the managers. The leader helps in taking
effective decisions and motivating the employees. The decision is being taken after analyzing
the market conditions and trends. The organization can go through various situations such as
slow, stable and fast. Along with this there are different leadership styles being applied in the
organization Barclays. In different situations the role and the function of a managers and
leaders are different and applied differently in the organization.

Slow: The development and the growth of the organization Barclays are slow. The slow
change in the organization results in the delay in the projects and results in reduces the amount
of profits. Changes is being made in the internal organization structure are the results of the
changes made in the external changes. For example slow profits are being earned by the
Barclays is the result of the slow market growth. This does not affect Barclays negatively.
Stable: At this stage, the development of the Barclays is moderate and stable. The stable
market does not change a lot. The market changes do not affect the organization Barclays as no
high changes can be done in the market and quick decisions can be taken. This helps in
analyzing the market in the right context as no such changes arisen in the business

Fast: Fast and growing market plays a great impact on the organization Barclays. The rapid
changes in the organization brings new trends and innovations whereas, on the other hand,
these rapid changes affects in wrong decision are making and changes predicting the business
environment daily.

There are changes being arisen in the outer and inner business environment. The inner changes
can be changed in the organizational structure, process, machinery policies and rules, planning,
hiring employees, communication at different levels, controlling, leading etc. These changes are
being made according to the changes arise in the external environment. Controlling these
factors helps in earning the profit share and position in the market. This also helps in
diversifying the number of a product and services at and to expand the market.

Some of the changes which arise in the external environment cannot control the organization
Barclays. These changes are political changes, legal, social-economic changes, economic
changes, technological changes, and political changes. These changes bring new opportunities
for the business to grow and plan in an effective way so as to avoid risks. These internal and
external changes are being analyzed and decisions are taken by the leaders.

In Barclays supportive leadership style is being used so as to make the work in an efficient way.
In this style, the employees are being supported by the leaders so as to make the work done in
and efficient and effective way. The decision can be taken according to the needs and
perception of the employees and objective of Barclays can be achieved. According to the skills
and talent, the projects and tasks are to be allotted to get the desired outcome.

P3 Apply the different theories and models of approach,

including situational leadership, and contingency.
Leaders in the organization help in motivating the employees by analyzing their needs and
desires. On the other hand, leaders evaluate the changes being arisen in the external
environment and taking decisions so as to make Barclays benefited from these changes.
Leadership styles are of different types. These styles are been chose by Barclays so that
leadership can be maintained effectively in the work place. These styles are being explained

1. Situational leadership: The situational leadership is the

leadership in which the leader assigns the work and activities according
to the skills and talent. Leaders analyze the market conditions and
accordingly decisions are being taken in the organization. This theory
helps in finding out the best solutions and to face the challenges arise in
the market. Many factors are present in the market which affects the
decision and plays negative results. For example rise in the conflict in the
team, roles, and responsibility of the team members can be changed
along with their team. This decision helps in solving the conflicts and
completing the project on time.

2. Systems leadership: The system leader is the leadership

qualifies which focus on the results rather than the process or steps. This
theory focuses on the results which are being matched with the desired
results. Barclays in the largest financial organization which consists of
many types of departments and each department have own goals and

3. Contingent leadership: This type of leadership style or

theory focuses on the different situations arises in the organization
Barclays. Any random issue or case is being picked and solutions are
being found out by the team member of the organization Barclays. This
strategy is used in order to find out various paths in order to achieve
organizational goals.

M2 Asses and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of

different approaches to situations within the work
Each approach has its different objective and results. This depends on his depends on the
situation they are being applied to it. Each approach has its strength and weaknesses as they
help in getting results in the work environment. These strength and weakness are being
explained below:
Situational Leadership
 Creative approach

 Analyze the situation effectively

 Proper allocation of resources

 Trained employees

 Effective communication

 Analyze skills and talent of employees

 Lack of funds

 Lack of resources for evaluation of market

 Wrong interpretation of resources

 Unqualified staff member

 Switching to more number of employees

Contingent leadership
 Random issues

 Innovative approach

 Variety of solutions

 Open mind activity

 Effective market research

 Financial resources

 Less financial resources

 High cost in research

 Less trained employees

 Unskilled employees

 Slow growth of changes

 Delay in obtaining results

D1 Critically analyses and evaluates the different

theories and approaches to leadership in given
The leader is an important asset to the organization such as Barclays. The leader is people who
understand the needs and desire of the employees and motivate them to work accordingly. The
motivation is being provided to them in order to fulfill their needs along with organizational

Behavioral theory: The behavioral theory represents the behavior of the

employees in the organization Barclays. Attitude and behavior of each employee are being
evaluated analyzed so as to understand the work better and in a systematic way. Social, mental
and physical features of the employees are being analyzed for the better understanding of the
behavior of the employees.

Transformational theory: The trait theory tells about the trust being
increased of the employees by interacting with them. The relationship is being maintained with
the employees and the leaders so as to bring good results and obtain the objective of

P4: Approaches are used to understand the operation management better. These
approaches help in analyzing the situation in the organization and taking actions accordingly.
These approaches are explained below in detail.

Approaches Explanation
Just in time The method helps in focusing on the process of production. The
production process is to be completed on time with the set targets.
This helps in obtaining the result set earlier in planning. With the help
of reducing the wastage of resources and using them to its full
potential, the process can become just in time. Moreover, machinery
and tolls are being taken care so as to make the manufacturing correct
with desired results.
TQM Total Quality Time is the process which helps in planning for a long
period of time to get success. The success results for a longer period of
time and helps in earning a profit. This also helps in maintaining the
quality along with a price of the product and services offered by the
organization Barclay.
Lean Production This theory tells about the best methods to be used to get the results
or output. The output is being affected by various factors. One of the
most important factors used in order to get the desired output is to
reduce wastage by using the resources according to its potential and
capacity. The managers and the leaders make the employees aware of
the efficient use of resources and to reduce wastage. This method
improves the productivity of the work and helps the employees to
improve upon the skills.

Here are the role of manager and leaders explained:

Role of manager:
 The role of a manager is to recruit the skilled and talent candidate so as to put them on
the vacancy. The manager has to put the right person in the right place at that right
 To manage the resource according to their skills and potential.
 To look after the activities to be completed on time along with the desired results.

Role of leaders:
 The role of the leader is to analyze the needs and desire of the employees and to
motivate them accordingly.
 The leader has to work on increasing the potential and productivity of the employees.
 The leader has to take care of the path to show to the employees so that they can walk
upon it and achieve the desired results.

In an organization, the value and importance of the operation management are to be
understood so as to achieve the desired results. The organization Barclays has to understand
and analyze the importance and value of the operation manager in achieving business

Increasing revenue: The operation management helps in making an increase in

the ratio of the profit and calculating it. The increase in the profit helps in expanding the
business in different areas and to capture another segment of the market. Increasing profits
also results in the making new targets and achieving them.

Trends in the market: Each new day some or the other trends arises in the
market. These trends are important to achieve and work upon them. The Barclays has to take
its steps according to these trends so that product and services can be manufactured and
customers can be made satisfied. Furthermore, it also helps in retaining the employees for the
longer period of time.

Increasing sale: Operating management helps in increasing sale of the product and
services by conducting research about the new techniques and competitive advantage.

M3: As discussed in the report that the managers and the leaders play their significant roles
in the organization Barclays. This relationship of the managers and the leaders helps in the
organization to meet out the desired output and to use the resources according to its capacity
and potential. The decision helps in evaluating each situation and analyzing the resources. The
needs and the desire of the employee and the customers are being analyzed and being fulfilled
according to the market situations. Proper planning is being done so that the implementation of
the activities can bring accurate results and efficiency of the employees can be maintained.
Planning for the cost and funds is being evaluated properly in Barclays.

P6: There are number of factors which affect the operational management and decision
making of the organization Barclays. These factors affect the organization in achieving the
objectives and goals (Hidayat and Akhmad, 2015). According to the changes, the positive and
negative decisions are being taken by the leaders and mangers. These factors are being
discussed below:

1. Resources of the organization: In an organization, many

resources are available and work together. The resources work in the
organization Barclays such as human resources and raw material. These
resources are to be managed in a proper and systematic way so as to take its
proper use and to take the right decision. The productivity and performance of
the employee affect the decision and operational management of the
organization Barclays.

2. Financial status: The financial status and resources of Barclays helps

the leaders and managers to make proper strategies and to work in a proper
direction. The decision related to the cost of the product and services offered to
the customers and the investments done in Barclays are being affected by the
cash flow and profits etc.

3. Market trends: Each new day new trends are being evaluated in the
market. These trends are to be analyzed in the market properly and help in
evaluating the requirements of the customers and the organization. The market
trends if analyzed properly bring success in the organization and a vice-versa

4. Stakeholders: The stakeholders include employees, customers,

suppliers, investors etc. The investors are the people who make investments
only when they get desired interest and profits to be earned.

5. Legal and political changes: A legal change affects the

decisions of the organization Barclays taken by the leaders and managers. These
changes are changes made in the policies being imposed on the organizations
affect the planning being done in Barclays. Here, the leader has the role to
predict the future changes and manager fulfill its roles by arranging and
managing the resources.

6. Technological changes: The technological changes arise in the

external environment on each new day. These changes are to be adopted by
Barclays when the leaders and managers predict the changes and plans for the

M4: The relationship of the leader and manager is to take care of each employee need and
desire. They also take care of the objective of the organization Barclays. The leader and the
manager have their own role and responsibilities which help in analyzing the business
environment and to take decisions properly. The leaders predict the future trends and the
managers take care of the resources. On one hand the leaders analyze the risk present in the
market. On the other hand, the managers allocate the resources to each activity.

The power of the managers is being decentralized to the subordinates so that according to the
task and activities allocated to the, they can use the power and take decisions. This power and
decisions help in the fulfilling the objective and goals of the organization Barclays. The leaders
lead the teams and employees. The employees follow the path shown by the leader and work
on the activities allocated by the managers.

D2: Various applications of operations management and the factors play a negative and
positive impact on the business environment. These factors such as cost, quality are being
evaluated properly so that strategies can be made effective and results in achieving the
objective of the organization Barclays. These factors help the organization in creating its value
in the market and satisfying the customers. High cost and low product quality dissatisfies the
customers and breaks their loyalty.

The applications act a drawback in achieving the goals and objective. The applications results in
taking a decision in the organization Barclays. It also results in the wastage of the resources and
delay in the work because of the wrong decision and making wrong analyses of the business

This is being concluded from the report that the organization Barclays is using centralized
organization structure to distribute the power among the employees. This power is being
distributed among the member of the organization according to their roles and responsibilities.
By using different theories and models, the role of the leader is being understood. By analyzing
the strength and weakness of the theories and models these theories are used in the
organization Barclays. With the theories, approaches, models and value of operation
management, correct decisions are taken which helps in the growth of the organization and in
earning a profit. At last, the relationship between a leader and a manager affects the business
internal environment.


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