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Final Examination Inteaching Mathematics in The Primary Grades

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Name: ___________________________________ Course&Year:____________Score:______

I. Multiple choice. Encircle the letter of the 7. What is the area of a square with a
correct answer. perimeter of 20
1. For a closed figure, what do we look at units?
when we want to know its area? a. 20 sq units
a. outside the closed figure b. 25 sq units
b. its outline c. 30 sq units
c. inside the closed figure d. 35 sq units
d. either outside or inside the closed

2. If you have to build a fence around your 8. What is the area of a

backyard, what will you measure to find square with a
the amount of fencing material you would perimeter of 24 units?
need? a. 34 square units
a. side b. perimeter c. area d. volume b. 35 square units
c. 32 square units
3. For a closed figure, what do we look at d. 36 square units
when we want to know its perimeter?
a. its corners 9. The shape shown
b. its outline has an area of 48
c. its inside/surface square units. What is
d. either outside or inside the closed its perimeter?
figure a. 26 units
b. 28 units
4. Mang Ramon wants to surround his c. 30 units
rectangular flower garden with a wooden d. 36 units
fence. What does he need to measure to
find how much wooden fence he needs? 10. What is the perimeter of the rectangle
a. area c. perimeter below which has an area of 60 square
b. volume d. side meters?
a. 38 meters
5. Which of the following statements best b. 40 meters
describes the relation between the c. 36 meters
number of linear units along the outline of d. 42 meters
a figure and the number of square units
enclosed in its outline? 11. Which of the following statements
a. They are the same. best describes the difference between
b. The number of linear units is greater perimeter and area?
than the number of square units a. Area is the measurement of the surface
c. The number of linear units is less than enclosed within a closed figure while
the number of square units. perimeter is the distance around the
d. There is no relation as the number of closed figure.
linear units along the outline of a figure b. Area is the distance around a closed
may be less than, equal to, or greater than figure while perimeter is the measure of
the surface enclosed within the closed
the number of square units enclosed
within the outline of the figure. c. Area is measured by counting the linear
units along the outline of a closed figure
6. The shape shown has an area of 35
while perimeter is measured by counting
square units. What is its perimeter?
the number of square units enclosed in
a. 30 units
the figure.
b. 20 units
d. Area and perimeter have the same
c. 25 units
d. 24 units
12. How does area differ from perimeter expressions will give the circumference of
when it comes to measurement? the medal?
a. Measurement of perimeter is expressed a. 3.14 x 7.5 c. 3.14 x 15
in square units while area is expressed in b. 3.14 x 1.5 d. 3.14 + 15
linear units.
b. Measurement of area is expressed in 19. If the radius is doubled, what happens
square units while perimeter is expressed to the diameter of the circle?
in linear units. a. The diameter is also doubled.
c. Area, in terms of the number of square b. The diameter remains the same.
units, is always less than perimeter, in c. The diameter is increased by 2.
terms of linear units. d. The diameter will be the same as the
d. Area, in terms of the number of square radius.
units, is always equal to perimeter, in
terms of the number of linear units. 20. The circular pond has a diameter of 7
meters. What is the circumference of the
13. How does area differ from perimeter pond to the nearest meter? Use π = 3.14.
when it comes to dimensions? a. 14 b. 17 c. 20 d. 22
a. Perimeter has two dimensions while
area has only one dimension. II. Solve the following. Show your solution
b. Both perimeter and area have two in another sheet of paper.
dimensions. 1. The display board of class VII A is in the
c. Perimeter has two dimensions while shape of a square. If the length of its side
area has no dimensions. is 60 cm, then find its area.
d. Perimeter has only one dimension
while area has two dimensions. 2. Find the area of a triangle whose sides
are 24 cm, 32 cm and 40 cm.
14. Which of the following statements
uses the measurement of both area and 3. The three sides of a triangle are in the
perimeter? ratio 2 : 3 : 4 and the perimeter 225 m.
a. the capacity of a box and the length of a Find its area.
b. the length of the stage and the width of 4. The area of a rectangle is 96 cm². If the
the classroom. width of the rectangle is 8 cm, find its
c. space amount of surface covered by the length and perimeter. 
garden and the length of fence required to
enclose the garden. 5. The perimeter of a rectangle is 230 cm.
d. the height of the building and the If the length of the rectangle is 70 cm, find
length of the door. its width and area.

15. If the diameter of a circle is 14 cm, III. What number should be replace m in
how long is the radius? each number sentence to make it correct?
a. 6 cm b. 7 cm c. 14 cm d. 1. m × 5 = 225
28 cm
2. 136 + m = 208
16. Which of the following is the formula 3. 146 – m = 49
in finding the circumference of a circle if 4. m ÷ 14 = 8
the radius is given? 5. 56 + m = 234
a. C = π x d c. C = π x r
b. C = r x d d. C = 2 x π x r God Speed!
17. If a circle’s radius measures 15 cm,
what is its diameter?
a. 30 cm b. 15 m c. 17 cm d. 7.5 cm

18. Rolly receives a gold medal whose

diameter is 15 cm. Which of the following

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