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CCB - VCS - Monitoring - Report - Template - CCBv3.0 - VCSv3.4 28042021

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


Document Prepared By

Contact Information


Project ID

Version 01

Report ID

Date of Issue 20-April-2021

Project Location Peru, Madre de Dios

Project Proponent(s) Nelson Kroll

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 1

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

+51 982 798 120

Jorge Torres Padilla
Prepared By
+51 943 206 810

Validation/Verification Body Organization and contact name with email address and phone number

GHG Accounting/ Crediting

01 January 2017 – 31 December 2046; 30-year lifetime

Monitoring Period of this

01 January 2017 – 31 December 2019

History of CCB Status No previous validation

Gold Level Criteria

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Table of Contents

The page numbers of the table of contents below shall be updated upon completion of the report.

Summary of Project Benefits ........................................................................................... 4

1.1 Unique Project Benefits ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Standardized Benefit Metrics ........................................................................................................ 4
2 General ................................................................................... ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
2.1 Project Description ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.2 Project Implementation Status .................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Stakeholder Engagement ............................................................................................................ 16
2.4 Management Capacity ................................................................................................................ 28
2.5 Legal Status and Property Rights ............................................................................................... 29
3 Climate ..............................................................................................................................37
3.1 Monitoring GHG Emission Reductions and Removals ............................................................... 37
3.2 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals ...................................................... 69
3.3 Optional Criterion: Climate Change Adaptation Benefits ............................................................ 88
4 Community .......................................................................................................................89
4.1 Net Positive Community Impacts ................................................................................................ 89
4.2 Other Stakeholder Impacts ......................................................................................................... 91
4.3 Community Impact Monitoring .................................................................................................... 91
4.4 Optional Criterion: Exceptional Community Benefits .................................................................. 94
5 Biodiversity ......................................................................................................................95
5.1 Net Positive Biodiversity Impacts ................................................................................................ 95
5.2 Offsite Biodiversity Impacts ....................................................................................................... 103
5.3 Biodiversity Impact Monitoring .................................................................................................. 105
5.4 Optional Criterion: Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits ................................................................ 110
6 Additional Project Implementation Information ...........................................................112
7 Additonal project Impact Information ...........................................................................113
Appendicies ..........................................................................................................................114
Appendix 1: New Project Areas and Stakeholders ........................................................................... 114
Appendix 2: Project Risks Table ....................................................................................................... 115
Appendix 3: Additional Information ................................................................................................... 116

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This section highlights some of this project’s important benefits. Section 1.1 (Unique Project Benefits)
should be aligned with a project’s causal model and is specific to this project. Section 1.2 (Standardized
Benefit Metrics) is the same quantifiable information for all CCB projects. This section does not replace the
development of a project-specific causal model or the monitoring and reporting of all associated project-
specific impacts (positive and negative) in Sections 2-5 of this document.

1.1 Unique Project Benefits

Insert the brief summaries of two to five benefits of the project not captured by the standardized benefit
metrics in Section 1.2 (these may be the same as those listed in Section 1.1 of the project description). For
each outcome or impact, assess the net benefit the project has achieved during the monitoring period
covered by this report and in the time since the beginning of the project lifetime (if this is the project’s first
verification report, the two columns will be the same). Achievements included in the monitoring period
column shall be substantiated in this document as denoted by the corresponding section reference.

Additional project benefits not anticipated in the project description or captured in Section 1.2 (Standardized
Benefit Metrics), below, may be added, keeping in mind that these benefits may be reported on in
subsequent monitoring reports.

Table 1. Outcome or Impact estimated by the end of project lifetime


Achievements during the Achievements during

Outcome or Impact
Monitoring Period the Project Lifetime


1.2 Standardized Benefit Metrics

For each metric, quantify the net benefit the project has achieved during the monitoring period covered by
this report and since the project start date (if this is the project’s first verification report, the two columns will
be the same). Insert “not applicable” where the metric does not apply and “data not available” where the

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metric does apply but there are no means of quantification. Data included in the monitoring period column
shall be substantiated in this document as denoted by the corresponding section reference.

Table 2. Standardized benefit metrics

Achievements Achievements

Category Metric during Monitoring during the Project
Period Lifetime

Net estimated emission removals in

GHG emission

the project area, measured against

reductions &

4,649,298.77 4,649,298.77

the without-project scenario

Net estimated emission reductions in
the project area, measured against
4,649,298.77 4,649,298.77
the without-project scenario
For REDD2 projects: Number of
hectares of reduced forest loss in the
Forest cover

project area measured against the 8,718.58 8,718.58

without-project scenario

For ARR3 projects: Number of N. A. N. A.

hectares of forest cover increased in
the project area measured against the
without-project scenario
Number of hectares of existing 171,584.08 171,584.08

production forest land in which IFM4


practices have occurred as a result of

the project’s activities, measured
against the without-project scenario

1 Land with woody vegetation that meets an internationally accepted definition (e.g., UNFCCC, FAO or IPCC) of what
constitutes a forest, which includes threshold parameters, such as minimum forest area, tree height and level of
crown cover, and may include mature, secondary, degraded and wetland forests (VCS Program Definitions)
2 Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) - Activities that reduce GHG emissions by

slowing or stopping conversion of forests to non-forest land and/or reduce the degradation of forest land where forest
biomass is lost (VCS Program Definitions)
3 Afforestation, reforestation and revegetation (ARR) - Activities that increase carbon stocks in woody biomass (and

in some cases soils) by establishing, increasing and/or restoring vegetative cover through the planting, sowing and/or
human-assisted natural regeneration of woody vegetation (VCS Program Definitions)
4 Improved forest management (IFM) - Activities that change forest management practices and increase carbon stock

on forest lands managed for wood products such as saw timber, pulpwood and fuelwood (VCS Program Definitions)

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Achievements Achievements

Category Metric during Monitoring during the Project
Period Lifetime

Number of hectares of non-forest land N. A. N. A.

in which improved land management
has occurred as a result of the
project’s activities, measured against
the without-project scenario
Total number of community members 1,776 during the 1,776 during the
who have improved skills and/or whole monitoring whole monitoring
knowledge resulting from training period period
provided as part of project activities

Number of female community 81 during the 81 during the

members who have improved skills whole monitoring whole monitoring
and/or knowledge resulting from period period
training provided as part of project
activities of project activities
Total number of people employed in 24 as average per 24 as average per
of project activities,5 expressed as year year

number of full time employees6

Number of women employed in Information not Information not

project activities, expressed as available available
number of full time employees
Total number of people with improved
livelihoods7 or income generated as a

result of project activities

Number of women with improved
livelihoods or income generated as a
result of project activities
Total number of people for whom 2,765 per year 2,765 per year

health services were improved as a

5 Employed in project activities means people directly working on project activities in return for compensation
(financial or otherwise), including employees, contracted workers, sub-contracted workers and community members
that are paid to carry out project-related work.
6 Full time equivalency is calculated as the total number of hours worked (by full-time, part-time, temporary and/or

seasonal staff) divided by the average number of hours worked in full-time jobs within the country, region or economic
territory (adapted from UN System of National Accounts (1993) paragraphs 17.14[15.102];[17.28])
7 Livelihoods are the capabilities, assets (including material and social resources) and activities required for a means

of living (Krantz, Lasse, 2001. The Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty Reduction. SIDA). Livelihood benefits
may include benefits reported in the Employment metrics of this table.

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Achievements Achievements

Category Metric during Monitoring during the Project
Period Lifetime

result of project activities, measured

against the without-project scenario
Number of women for whom health Not available Not available
services were improved as a result of
project activities, measured against
the without-project scenario
Total number of people for whom 804 during the 804 during the
access to, or quality of, education three years of the three years of the
was improved as a result of project current monitoring current monitoring
activities, measured against the
period period

without-project scenario
Number of women and girls for whom Information not Information not
access to, or quality of, education available for all available for all
was improved as a result of project activities activities
activities, measured against the
supported by the supported by the
without-project scenario
project project
Total number of people who 4,295 per year 4,295 per year
experienced increased water quality
and/or improved access to drinking
water as a result of project activities,
measured against the without-project

Number of women who experienced 2,448 per year 2,448 per year
increased water quality and/or
improved access to drinking water as
a result of project activities, measured
against the without-project scenario
Total number of community members
whose well-being8 was improved as a

result of project activities

Number of women whose well-being
was improved as a result of project

8 Well-being is people’s experience of the quality of their lives. Well-being benefits may include benefits reported in
other metrics of this table (e.g. Training, Employment, Health, Education, Water, etc.), but could also include other
benefits such as empowerment of community groups, strengthened legal rights to resources, conservation of access
to areas of cultural significance, etc.

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Achievements Achievements

Category Metric during Monitoring during the Project
Period Lifetime

Change in the number of hectares

significantly better managed by the
Biodiversity conservation

project for biodiversity conservation,9

measured against the without-project
Number of globally Critically
Endangered or Endangered species10
benefiting from reduced threats as a
result of project activities,11 measured
against the without-project scenario


2.1 Project Description

2.1.1 Implementation Description

As described in the PD, some activities are going to be implemented at a large scale with secured incomes
since the project generates and sell carbon units. Activities as support sustainable productive initiatives
(2%), strengthen protected areas including PIACI lands (1%), conserve biodiversity (1%), are associated
to carbon incomes.

Notwithstanding, the Consultative Committee is already operative many years ago and has agreed and
supported different actions with neighboring communities in topics as health, water, training, and education.

In addition, the project has implemented actions regarding biodiversity and borders protection. Also, project
proponent participates actively in inter institutional task force to consolidate forestry sector in Tahuamanu

All those activities will be described below:


9 Biodiversity conservation in this context means areas where specific management measures are being
implemented as a part of project activities with an objective of enhancing biodiversity conservation.
10 Per IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species
11 In the absence of direct population or occupancy measures, measurement of reduced threats may be used as

evidence of benefit

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• A partnership with Belgica Indigenous Community. MADERACRE transfers 200 soles

(US$55) monthly to every teacher of kinder garden and primary level of school. Evidence
is composed by reports and acts in annexes.

Number of 2017 2018 2019

20 23 28

• Grant of a high-pressure stove to School N° 52055 of CN Belgica in 2018. The stove will
be used for food preparation of students

• Partnership with School N° 53003 Elena Bertha to provide training to students about the
importance of environmental education, sustainable forest management and forest
conservation for local and global communities. 213 of beneficiaries in 2018.

• Grant of 15 futsal balls for school anniversary and 100 pieces of wood for building new
facilities to School Elena Bertha. 224 beneficiaries.

• Different types of support to Secondary School Iñapari, where there were 116 beneficiaries
in 2017 and 125 beneficiaries in 2019.

o It includes a training to students about the importance of environmental education,

sustainable forest management and forest conservation for local and global
communities in 2017 (30 beneficiaries, 10 women and 20 men) and 2019 (59
beneficiaries, 24 women and 35 men).

o Grant of 35 seedlings for the school gardens in 2017 and a new lot in 2019.

o Grant of 1000 soles (US$ 277) for sportswear for national sports games in 2019.

o Grant of 1825 pieces of wood for the construction of garden fences in 2019.

• Partnership with CEBA Dos de Mayo in the peripheral area of CN Belgica, supporting the
management, monitoring and transportation of teachers to the school during 2018 and
2019, with 22 beneficiaries in 2019 (16 females and 6 males).

• Partnership with CEBA Dos de Mayo to ensure the continuity of School Alberto Cardozo
Rivera, in 2018 and 2019, with 33 beneficiaries in 2019 (23 females and 10 males).

• Grant of 02 brooms and 01 dust pan for CEBA Alberto Cardozo Rivera, during 2018.

• Guided visits to MADERACRE facilities and concession to students from Amazonian

University (13 students, 4 females in 2017 and 20 students, 7 females in 2019), Center
National University (42 students, 24 females in 2017) and IST Iberia (with 25 students in

• Donation to School N° 52144 in Community Villa Primavera of 02 tables, 04 chairs, 6

dozens of painting, 01 board, 01 stand, 29 seedlings in 2017, with 15 beneficiaries.

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• In 2018, to the same school, donation of 1054 pieces of wood for building of facilities in
two lots.

• In 2019, donation of T-shirts, prizes and furniture for the library with 17 beneficiaries of the
same school in Villa Primavera.

• With the school N° 52056 located in the Community of Noaya, a donation of 2033 pieces
of wood for the perimeter of the school in 2019, with 5 beneficiaries.

• A grant of 0.778 cubic meters of wooden slat for School Santa Rosa in the city of Puerto
Maldonado for the construction of the school facilities in 2018, with 800 students as

Some of these benefits are not accounted in the table of section 1.2.


• A partnership with the CN Belgica to provide a monthly bonus of 300 soles (US$ 83) to the
nurse and with the purchase of medicines valued in 200 soles (US$55) every month.
Beneficiaries are as follows:

2017 2018 2019

110 (54 female, 56 males) 114 119

• A special grant of 100 soles (US$27) in 2017 for health campaign.

• Partnership with Community Medical Center in Tres Fronteras, benefiting 2646 inhabitants
since 2017. Thanks to this partnership, in the first year, the project granted 129 pieces of
wood for nutrition area, 150 soles (US$40) for activities during the AIDS World Day,
collection of garbage that may be a focus of diseases (in 2017 and 2019), grant of 180
soles (US$48) for ambulance fuel (in 2018) and fumigate against dengue (2019).

• Collection of garbage that may be a focus of diseases in the Secondary School Iñapari (in

Water quality:

• The project helps to preserve the basins heads benefiting to 4,295 inhabitants that live downstream,
with 57% (2,448) are women. The main rivers that are protected by the project are Tahuamanu,
Yaveryja, Acre, among others

As a consequence of these activities, the project has contributed to reduce 4.649.299 tCO2e during the
current monitoring period.

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2.1.2 Project Category and Activity Type

This is an AFOLU REDD Project. This is not a grouped project.

2.1.3 Project Proponent(s)

Table 3. Project Proponent

Organization name MADERACRE SAC

Contact person José Luis Canchaya / Nelson Kroll

Title Commercial Manager / Regional Manager

Telephone +51 954 688 869 / +51 982 798 120

Email /

2.1.4 Other Entities Involved in the Project

Provide contact information and roles/responsibilities for any project participant(s) for which information
was not provided in the cover page of this document. Copy and paste the table as needed.

2.1.5 Project Start Date (G1.9)

January 1st, 2017.

2.1.6 Project Crediting Period (G1.9)

January 1st, 2017 is the project crediting period start date and it lasts until December 31, 2046, providing a
total of 30 years of project life, even though the forest concession contract states that it is renewable
automatically every 5 years so it never ends.

2.1.7 Project Location

Map 1. Project area coordinates

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Table 4: Coordinates of Project Area

Vertex X (East) X (North)
1 357557 8764249
2 392557 8764249
3 407548 8764249
4 422557 8764249
5 422557 8761222
6 432563 8764786
7 432562 8754249
8 412544 8754249
9 412522 8759255
10 407548 8759249
11 392557 8748545
12 422557 8742708
13 422557 8729249
14 417541 8729279
15 417567 8714612
16 392557 8725980
17 392557 8739249

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18 387550 8739249
19 387550 8744249
20 377557 8744249
21 377557 8739249
22 372557 8739249
23 372557 8732250
24 367557 8731899
25 367557 8719126
26 362557 8726006
27 362557 8739249
28 367557 8739249
29 367557 8749052
30 374120 8749300
31 374120 8751000
32 368000 8751000
33 366000 8752000
34 363100 8751259
35 357556 8752790

2.1.8 Title and Reference of Methodology


Methodology for Carbon Accounting for Mosaic and Landscape-scale REDD Projects

Version 2.2 - 17 March 2017 - Sectoral Scope 14.

2.1.9 Other Programs (G5.9)

No other emission trading programs and other binding limits or other forms of environmental credits are
applicable, neither the project is participating under other GHG programs.

2.1.10 Sustainable Development

The Project constitutes a solution based on nature since it contemplates the sustainable management of
an important area of tropical natural forests in order to conserve it from the sustainable use of ecosystem
goods and services such as wood, carbon sequestration and conservation. diversity, and, with it, contribute
to the sustainable development of rural communities present in its area of influence, localities to which the
basic services of the State reach in a deficient manner. In the absence of the project, the forests it manages
would be seriously affected by deforestation, illegal logging and poaching, affecting the landscape and

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ecosystems responsible for maintaining the microclimate of the area, regulating the quantity and quality of
surface waters. and underground, which benefit the localities located in the lower parts of the basins. In
turn, it reduces soil loss and the risks of natural disasters such as forest fires and floods.

The project strategy includes direct protection mechanisms for the area it administers, such as the
implementation of a Comprehensive Custody Plan of the Management Unit, as well as indirect strategies
that seek to reduce pressure on it and that are based on improving the living conditions of the surrounding
populations, allocating resources to promote the sustainable development of the surrounding population in
accordance with the prioritization determined by the Project's Community Relations Consultative
Committee. In turn, it contemplates the identification and financing every two years of pilot productive
initiatives of the surrounding population that contemplate a friendlier use of the land, reduce the expansion
of the agricultural frontier and at the same time improve their living conditions.

An important stakeholder in the project environment but which is not usually identified and on which there
is a very weak execution of activities by the State in the search for their effective protection, are the
indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact (PIACI) In this case, the project contemplates
developing activities in alliance with institutions whose objectives are oriented to the protection of these
peoples and their territories, which in turn include natural areas protected by the State (ANP) characterized
by their great biodiversity; biodiversity that is key to protect to guarantee the future of the nation.

Specifically, the project contributes to the following key public policies:

Table 5. Project contributions to national policies

General Specific

SDG 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all

12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

13. Take urgent actions to combat climate change and its impacts

15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,

sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss

NDC Sustainable Forestry Management

ENBCC AE2. Increase the value of forests, through SFM, including community forest
management and other activities, doing it more competitive compared with activities
that cause deforestation and degradation

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2.2 Project Implementation Status

2.2.1 Implementation Schedule (G1.9)

Table 6. Project milestones

Date Milestone(s) in the project’s development and implementation

2002 Issuing of forest concession contract
2007 FSC Certification
New concessions added to the joint management area and covered by Maderacre
FSC certificate
FSC re-certification
Starting Date of GHG accounting period
2021 Expected validation and first verification audit
2021 Nesting year
Start of carbon credit sales. Entrance of new financial resources
Strengthening of activities funded by incomes obtained from carbon credit sales
2045 Ending date of REDD+ project

2.2.2 Methodology Deviations

No methodology deviations are proposed compared with the validated PD and the methodology used.

2.2.3 Minor Changes to Project Description (Rules 3.5.6)

No minor changes to project descriptions are proposed compared with the validated PD and the
methodology used.

2.2.4 Project Description Deviations (Rules 3.5.7 – 3.5.10)

No project description deviations have been considered nor applied in comparison with previous monitoring

2.2.5 Grouped Projects

The project is not a grouped project.

1) New Project Areas and Communities (G1.13)

The project is not a grouped project.

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2) Removed Project Areas and Communities (G1.13)

The project is not a grouped project.

3) Eligibility Criteria for Grouped Projects (G1.14)

The project is not a grouped project.

4) Scalability Limits for Grouped Projects (G1.15)

The project is not a grouped project.

5) Risk Mitigation for Grouped Projects (G1.15)

The project is not a grouped project.

6) Project Zone Map (G1.13)

The project is not a grouped project.

7) Changes to Management (G4.1)

The project is not a grouped project.

2.2.6 Risks to the Project (G1.10)

2.2.7 Benefit Permanence (G1.11)

2.3 Stakeholder Engagement

2.3.1 Stakeholder Access to Project Documents (G3.1)

Monitoring reports are already available in the company webpage (, with free access
for everybody. The PD is expected to be uploaded also in the webpage as soon as the validation is
completed satisfactorily. This is part of the strategy to spread the information and practice the transparency.

In addition, a formal communication will be submitted to stakeholders announcing these updates in the

2.3.2 Dissemination of Summary Project Documents (G3.1)

Once the project has been validated, public summaries of the PD, the monitoring results, as well as
complementary dissemination material such as brochures will be prepared and distributed to the main
project stakeholders.

Diffusion talks are held for collaborators where summary material and / or diffusion brochures are also

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2.3.3 Informational Meetings with Stakeholders (G3.1)

The project has held up to two annual meetings where all members of the community are openly convened,
the meetings are called Citizen Participation Workshop (TPC), and in these spaces MADERACRE informs
the participants of the activities to be implemented within the framework of the sustainable forest
management plan of the project area, highlighting the SFM's contribution to forest conservation, the harvest
activities scheduled for the 2021 harvest, the chain of custody process, monitoring results and the main
achievements reached in the last years of management, such as the maintenance of the FSC FM / CoC,
VCS, CCB Gold certifications and the latest accreditations achieved for the conservation of diversity and
carbon sequestration on the FSC platform, as well as relevant information on the REDD project in progress,
the progress in the execution of the activities and the results of the monitoring. The information collected
during these meetings is systematized and presented in a report prepared by the project's social
responsibility area and published on the MADERACRE website (

The calls for the Citizen Participation Workshops are made by letter addressed to the main stakeholders
as well as by broadcasting announcements on the local radio, in order to have a wider publicity.

The TPC reports are available to the auditors as well as the documents that support the call processes.

2.3.4 Community Costs, Risks, and Benefits (G3.2)

Due to the level of implementation of the project, to date the execution of activities that contemplate a more
active involvement of the communities has not yet begun, in that sense it has not been necessary to collect
through a participatory process information on costs, risks and potential benefits for these actors, however
it has been disseminated in the last citizen participation workshop held on February 26 of this year, basic
information of the project, the main costs, benefits and risks for the communities located within its area of

2.3.5 Information to Stakeholder on Verification Process (G3.3)

In the last TPC executed on February 26 of this year, the participants were informed that the project is
about to be validated and verified by an independent accreditation body and that within the framework of
this process a public consultation will be called to collect opinions, complaints or contributions from
stakeholders. Additionally, the project plans to report on the validation and verification process to which it
will be submitted by letter sent to the stakeholders approximately 15 days before its execution.

2.3.6 Site Visit Information and Opportunities to Communicate with Auditor (G3.3)

In the last TPC executed on February 26 of this year, the participants were informed that the project is
about to be validated and verified by an independent accreditation body and that within the framework of

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this process a public consultation will be called to collect opinions, complaints or contributions from
stakeholders. Additionally, the project plans to report on the validation and verification process to which it
will be submitted by letter sent to the stakeholders approximately 15 days before its execution.

2.3.7 Stakeholder Consultation (G3.4)

MADERACRE has a Social Responsibility Plan and annually develops a Community Development Plan.
These documents have identified the main actors with whom MADERACRE interacts. What has served as
a baseline for the identification of the activities to be carried out by the project. These management tools
are published on the website.

The foregoing has also allowed MADERACRE to identify the need to institutionalize support for local
development, for which the creation of a Community Relations Consultative Committee (CCRC) was
promoted, which helps guide MADERACRE's decisions on issues concerning the prioritization of
development axes on which to intervene. The CCRC meets at least twice a year and is made up of
representatives of different institutions and civil and state organizations present in the surrounding

For its part, in the Citizen Participation Workshop (TPC) that also takes place at least twice a year, the
opinions and queries of the participants are collected and addressed. Relevant aspects collected in these
processes feed the project and can, depending on their criticality, come to influence the design of the
project. So far the design of the project has not been affected by the response of the communities.

The management tools of the area of social responsibility and the reports of the CCRC and TPC meetings
are available to the audit team.

2.3.8 Continued Consultation and Adaptive Management (G3.4)

The development of the meetings of the CCRC and the TPCs are part of the programmatic of the project
and are carried out at least twice a year. To this is added the operation of the suggestion box for the
attention of the opinions, complaints or concerns of the general population, the same one that is located at
the entrance to the company's facilities.

The "Procedure for Attention and Constructive Transformation of Complaints, Claims or Social Conflicts
with Populations and / or Third Parties" is disseminated to the representatives of the communities,
organizations and public and private institutions by means of letters.

The opinions, complaints and relevant inquiries of the stakeholders collected through the aforementioned
mechanisms feed the project and influence the programmed activities as part of an adaptive management
and continuous improvement mechanism based on 4 fundamental pillars: knowledge, planning, training.
and monitoring.

The Procedure for Attention and Constructive Transformation of Complaints, Claims or Social Conflicts with
Populations and / or Third Parties is available for review by the audit team.

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2.3.9 Stakeholder Consultation Channels (G3.5)

The calls for participatory processes are addressed to the official representatives of the communities or
other stakeholders. They make the decision to participate directly or appoint representatives to participate
in our processes and activities.

2.3.10 Stakeholder Participation in Decision-Making and Implementation (G3.6)

As described above, the main spaces or mechanism for consultation and participation of the communities
and other stakeholders are the TPC and the CCRC, in addition, Participatory Rural Diagnoses are also
carried out every 2 years to collect information on how the actors meet their product needs. coming from
forests, mainly wood for firewood or construction and other forest resources, as well as identifying whether
it comes from the project area. The methodology to develop the DRP includes workshops with focus groups
and / or surveys in the different populated centers or communities. It should be noted that, due to the
recommended social distancing in the face of the pandemic, the project has sought to minimize the
congregation of people in the same space, so the DRP has been implemented with the survey methodology.
It is important to bear in mind that the vast majority of the communities present in the project's area of
influence are migrants who have settled in these spaces, some for many decades and others recently,
there is only one native community, called Belgium and that It is made up mainly of people of the Yine
ethnic group, who although ancestrally were not present in these spaces, they have grouped and settled in
the Iñapari District and have been recognized as a native community and have a territory titled in their favor,
in This space they develop activities such as agriculture, livestock and forest management to obtain wood,
being articulated with society and the productive and economic activity of the province. They currently have
FSC forest certification and have developed a REDD project that is in the process of validation.

The steps followed to seek the effective participation of community members and other stakeholders are
the following:

o Convocation by means of letters addressed to the representatives of said

communities, organizations or civil and private institutions. Local radio is also used
in Iñapari in order to expand the scope of the broadcast. To summon the
communities, the project's social responsibility team travels personally to the
communities and, in addition to delivering the corresponding document,
encourages them to participate, providing direct and face-to-face information on
the activity to be carried out. Later, on days or hours close to the activity, telephone
calls are made to local actors requesting their participation in the event.

o Locate the places where the events are to be held in central locations in the area
where the communities are distributed, easily accessible and with basic services
that allow the use of material prepared for dissemination or presentation, as the
case may be.

o If applicable, support with mobility to ensure their participation.

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o The calls are open, allowing the same communities, organizations and / or
institutions to determine their representation and manage the gender division
based on their own criteria.

o Ensure the convocation and participation of the Iñapari Mothers Club, as the main
body representing women in the province. They are active members of the CCRC
and also participate in the TPCs.

The documentation referring to the call processes is available to the audit team.

2.3.11 Anti-Discrimination Assurance (G3.7)

As cited and attached in the PD, the project proponent has an official policy against any type of
discrimination, which is uploaded in the company webpage. No incidents have occurred during the current
monitoring period.

2.3.12 Grievances (G3.8)

In 2016, the Provincial Municipality of Tahuamanu on behalf of the Nuevo Iñapari Housing Association filed
a complaint with MADERACRE for the generation of dust on the Santa Martha highway in the section that
corresponds to the location of this neighborhood. This impact is generated in the dry season by the traffic

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of vehicles, including MADERACRE vehicles. The complaint was received and addressed within the
framework of our Procedure for Attention and Constructive Transformation of Complaints, Claims or Social
Conflicts with Populations and / or Third Parties. The company, since 2018, assumed the irrigation of the
road to mitigate the generation of dust during the dry season. Subsequently, through Letter N ° 011-2020-
MADERACRE, we ratify the commitment to maintain this support to the community throughout the years,
which has been carried out, thus closing the case, a fact that has been accepted by the association of
housing by Official Letter N ° 053-2020.

All the documentation related to the attention and closure of the complaint in question is available to the
audit team.

2.3.13 Worker Training (G3.9)

During the current monitoring period, MADERACRE has provided training to its workers and third-party
partners in different topics, being the most relevant and associated with the project, the following:

Table 7. Worker Trainings


Topic Purpose 2017 2018 2019 Aggregated


Behavior protocol To minimize the risk of

in the case of damage to PIACI and
103 0 327 3 281 14 711 17
encounters with also to the own
PIACI population company workers

To guarantee good
Company Code of relationships with local
94 0 273 2 407 19 774 21
Conduct neighboring


Total 155 Male 137 Female 18


Induction at the start of the activities All the areas Induction

Codification and measurement of round wood Forest Management Speeches

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Code of Conduct Forest Management Speeches

Occupational health and safety (3) Forest Management Speeches

Forest certification and HCV (2) Forest Management Speeches

Reduced impact logging Forest Management Speeches & Trainings

Chain of Custody Forest Management Speeches

Camp building Forest Management Speeches

Procedures for data collection Forest Management Speeches & Trainings

Forest Census Forest Management Speeches

Wild life monitoring Forest Management Speeches

Company Policy Values – Code of Conduct CSR Speeches

PCA PIACI - Protocols, characterization, flowchart of report CSR Speeches

Ergonomics Occupational health & safety Trainings

Dangers identification, risk assessment and control measurements Occupational health & safety Trainings

Safety based on behavior Occupational health & safety Trainings

Personal Protection Equipment Occupational health & safety Trainings

Solid Waste Management Occupational health & safety Trainings

Insurance, health care (diseases and accidents) and SCTR Social Welfare Speeches

Labor benefits policies (Housing, food, loans and others) Social Welfare Speeches


Total 133 Male 115 Female 18


Labor contracts, social benefits, retirement pension systems, ILO Human Resources Speeches

Forest Census Forest Management Speeches

Technical criteria for data collection during forest census Forest Management Speeches – Trainings
Code of Conduct Forest Management Speeches

Camp building & closure Forest Management Speeches

Chain of Custody & FSC (2) Forest Management Speeches

HCV identification Forest Management Speeches

Logging operations monitoring M&E Speeches

Wild life evaluation M&E Speeches

Code of Conduct CSR Speeches – Trainings

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

PCA PIACI - Protocols, characterization, flowchart of report CSR Speeches – Trainings

REDD Project Diffusion CSR Speeches

Insurance, health care (diseases and accidents) and SCTR Social Welfare Trainings
Tuberculosis Social Welfare Speeches

Ergonomics Occupational health & safety Trainings

Basics, maintenance and safe use of lift trucks Occupational health & safety Trainings
IPERC Occupational health & safety Trainings

PPE appropriate use & cleaning Occupational health & safety Trainings

MADERACRE, at the beginning of 2018, identified that a significant number of inhabitants of the province
had not completed their basic studies (primary and secondary) made the decision to promote the
constitution of alternative basic education programs in coordination with the Regional Directorate of
Education of Madre de Dios, achieving that same year the creation of Alternative Basic Education Centers
(CEBA) in the towns of Iñapari and the Native Community of Belgium, the same ones that until the end of
2019 had attended 50 people, thus improving their capacities and opportunities to access the labor market,
which is an important element in improving their living conditions. The CEBA Iñapari, despite the pandemic,
has not interrupted its work and has been offering virtual classes, as well as other educational materials
with the use of electronic platforms.

MADERACRE carries out radio broadcasts and banners to the general public, in addition to motivating its
collaborators so that they can be part of the programs.

We have the agreements signed for 2018 and 2019.

Since 2019, there is a Specific Agreement for Academic Training and Training Experiences in Real Work
Situations that are signed by the “Iberia Tahuamanu” Public Technological Higher Education Institute and
the company Maderacre SAC. This institute provides access to a career of technical rank to the inhabitants
of the entire province. To date, the dissemination efforts of MADERACRE have allowed the incorporation
of 06 students to the institute to study the careers of: Agricultural Production and Administration of Forest
Resources. MADERACRE in addition to radio broadcasting, through posters and motivational talks to its
staff, is in charge of supporting the beneficiaries in coordinating their application, registration and monitoring
of their performance.

Additionally, for the period in question, the project has implemented environmental education programs
through talks aimed mainly at children and young people from the schools of Iñapari and Villa Primavera,
as well as donation of school furniture, wood for the projects of Bosque de los Niños and Children's Land,
painting, seedlings to improve green areas, sports equipment and clothing, and a kitchen to prepare food
for children. In the case of CCNN Belgium, the support includes the monthly donation of a bonus for
teachers and in this way to motivate their constant work at the service of the community, since it is a location
far from the populated centers from which the teachers come.

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The documentation that supports the training, the process of creating the CEBA in Iñapari and the CCNN
Belgium, as well as the agreement with the Iberia Tahuamanu Technological Higher Education Institute are
available to the audit team.

2.3.14 Community Employment Opportunities (G3.10)

MADERACRE, thanks to the multiple activities it carries out within the framework of the sustainable
management of the forest management unit, is an important source of jobs in the province and prioritizes
the selection and hiring of residents of the surrounding communities, for which it has developed a Procedure
for Recruitment, Selection and Incorporation of Personnel that includes the communication of the calls
through the local radio stations of Iñapari (Agreement with Radio Integración and Radio Bon Suceso), it
also publishes in the diffusion sources of the Municipality of Iñapari and Flyer actions or poster stickers are
also carried out that are extended to other surrounding communities, thus giving preference to local hiring.
In case the places are not covered, the call is extended at a regional or national level using other means or
current communication mechanisms. All staff without exception have access to training and professional
development opportunities within MADERACRE.

The Personnel Recruitment, Selection and Incorporation Procedure, as well as the material used in the
recruitment and selection processes are available to the audit team.

2.3.15 Relevant Laws and Regulations Related to Worker’s Rights (G3.11)

Table 8. Worker’s Rights Legal Framework

Effective Relevant articles demonstrating compatibility with the

Date layout/implementation of the Project
This law promotes the massive access to employment through
special programs and stimulates productive private sector
investment. Furthermore, it improves levels of appropriateness in
SUPREME DECREE 003-97-TR) March 28th
the country so substances, as well as combating unemployment
and underemployment. Finally, ensures job security and incomes
of workers, while respecting the constitutional rules of job
January This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
26th ,1996 Legislative Decree 728.
This law regulates private third-party services. Also it regulates the
LAW 29245 THIRD-PARTY June 26th, cases from outsourcing, the requirements, rights and obligations,
SERVICES PROVIDER LAW 2008 and penalties for companies that distort the use of this method for
corporate engagement.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


September This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
12th, 2008 Law 29245.
This law regulates compensation for length of service that has the
TUO SUPREME DECREE 001-97-TR March 1st,
quality of social benefit provision of contingencies that causes the
cessation of work and promotion of workers and their families.
SUPREME DECREE 004-97-TR April 15th, This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
LEGISLATIVE DECREE 713 November This law regulates the consolidation of the benefits provided by
VACATION LAW 8th, 1991 the existing labor laws.
SUPREME DECREE 012-92-TR December This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
VACATION REGULATION 3rd, 1992 Legislative Decree 713.
LAW 27735 HALF/END-OF-YEAR May 8th, This law establishes the right of workers subject to the labor of the
HOLIDAY BONUSES LAW 2002 private sector to receive two bonuses in the year, among others.
July 4th, This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
2002 Law 27735.
LEGISLATIVE DECREE 892 PROFIT November This standard regulates the right of workers to participate in the
SHARING LAW 8th, 1996 profits of companies that develop income-generating activities.
SUPREME DECREE 009-98-TR November This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
PROFIT SHARING REGULATION 6th, 1998 Supreme Decree 009-98-TR.


5th, 1991 This law regulates social benefits for workers.


July 22nd, This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
2001 Legislative Decree 688.
This law regulates days of work, hours and overtime in benefit of
SUPREME DECREE 007-2002-TR workers and proceedings for Peruvian labor authority and
July 4th,
LAW ON DAYS OF WORK, HOURS registries in order to organize quality and quantity of work hours.
AND OVERTIME Finally, it sets the maximum days and hours of work, including for
night work, and regulate overtime.
July 4th, This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
2002 Supreme Decree 008-2002-TR.
This law regulates union’s freedom, i.e., all those relations through
SUPREME DECREE 010-2003-TR) October
which workers can bargain collectively for better working
conditions or otherwise.
October This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
14th, 1992 Law on Collective Labor Relations.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

This law aims to regulate the labor inspection system, its

LAW 28806 LABOR INSPECTION July 22nd, composition, organization structure, powers and duties in
LAW 2006 accordance with Convention 81 of the International Labor
September This regulation develops and specifies the objectives and tenets of
1st, 2007 Law 28806.
LAW 26636 PROCEDURAL LABOR June 21st, This law regulates all the judicial procedures that workers and
LAW 1996 employers need to do in order to access justice.
Every employer who employs more than 100 workers is required
to have internal work regulations. The regulation must contain the
main provisions of the labor regulations in force and will be
SUPREME DECREE 039-91-TR December
approved by the administrative labor authority upon
presentation. Workers who consider that the regulation violates
legal or conventional provisions in force at the workplace may take
legal action.

As indicated in section 2.3.13, specific trainings related with workers’ rights have been provided to company
employees. In addition, a brochure has been given to each worker with more illustrative information.

Graph 1. Company brochure about labor benefits

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2.3.16 Occupational Safety Assessment (G3.12)

MADERACRE has developed an evaluation for the Identification of Hazards, Risk Assessment and Control
Measures (IPER-C) to which workers are exposed daily in the performance of their tasks, has developed
an industrial safety regulation also applicable to third parties and has provided training to collaborators in
the identification of these risks and dangers, in addition to informing about the measures they must take to
carry out a safe work.

MADERACRE equips all its collaborators with personal protective equipment depending on the type of
tasks they perform, monitors their correct use and timely renewal. It also provides firefighting equipment for
facilities and machinery in general.

We are concerned about the health of our collaborators, so we provide them with basic first aid training,
they are provided with medicine cabinets and health professionals who are constantly present in the field
operations camps.

MADERACRE has an environmental impact study and procedures for the responsible management of solid
and polluting waste that its operations may generate.

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The IPER-C and the supporting documents related to the work safety of the collaborators are available to
the auditors.

2.4 Management Capacity

2.4.1 Required Technical Skills (G4.2)

Document the maintenance of the key technical skills required to implement the project successfully,
including community engagement, biodiversity assessment and carbon measurement and monitoring skills.

The team described in validated Project Description continue working for REDD+ projects as may be found
during site visit. Contracts valid during the current monitoring period may be found in annexes.

2.4.2 Management Team Experience (G4.2)

Document the management team’s expertise and prior experience implementing land management and
carbon projects at the scale of this project.

The project team is implementing another REDD+ project of similar characteristics since 2012 successfully.
The project is VCS and CCB Gold validated and verified, which is a guarantee of proved skills in terms of
community and biodiversity. In addition, the project proponent is FSC certified. FSC certification is
composed by a set of principles that includes community engagement and biodiversity assessment.

2.4.3 Project Management Partnerships/Team Development (G4.2)

Regarding carbon measurement and general REDD advisory, MADERACRE has hired PASKAY, who is a
consultant company, composed by professionals who have been involved in the design, implementation,
monitoring, validation and verification of many of the REDD+ projects taking place in Peru: Brazil nut REDD
project, Madre de Dios REDD project, Jaguar REDD project, among others. PASKAY team was involved
in designing jurisdictional programs for Peru government agencies and follows closely the REDD national
and international process. PASKAY founder also is member of VCS JNR Stakeholders Group. CVs are in
annex 7.

2.4.4 Financial Health of Implementing Organization(s) (G4.3)

MADERACRE Financial Statements for current monitoring period (2017 to 2019) have been carried out
and are available for audit team review during field visit. This information is considered sensitive so it is not
included in the PD nor in the Monitoring Report but it will be shared for review during audit visit.

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2.4.5 Avoidance of Corruption and Other Unethical Behavior (G4.3)

MADERACRE has developed and implements an Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy aimed at directors,
managers, collaborators, suppliers and / or clients so that they apply ethical principles in their efforts and
activities inside and outside the company.

Being the main economic activity of MADERACRE the forest management to obtain products derived from
wood, we have signed the National Pact for Legal Wood, a commitment that involves and links state entities,
NGOs and private companies, both producers and users of the wood. wood.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Policy and the proof of our participation in the pact for legal timber are
available to the audit team.

2.4.6 Commercially Sensitive Information (Rules 3.5.13 – 3.5.14)

Indicate whether any commercially sensitive information has been excluded from the public version of the
monitoring report and briefly describe the items to which such information pertains.

Note - Information related to the determination of the baseline scenario, demonstration of additionality, and
estimation and monitoring of GHG emission reductions and removals (including operational and capital
expenditures) cannot be considered to be commercially sensitive and must be provided in the public
versions of the project documents.

2.5 Legal Status and Property Rights

2.5.1 Recognition of Property Rights (G5.1)

Demonstrate that all property rights are recognized, respected, and supported. If applicable, describe
activities and/or processes implemented by the project to help to secure statutory rights.

As described in the PD, the forest concession granted to MADERACRE has not any type of conflicts neither
with other legal rights nor with consuetudinary rights of ancient traditional communities. The project area
has been used for timber extraction for many decades so no other rights are disputed over this area. It must
be remembered that the concession was granted in 2002 over previous forest areas, in most of the cases
already managed by the same companies/persons previously.

Statutory rights are conformed by titled areas for native communities (Belgica) and indigenous reserves for
PIACI. Both areas are respected and supported by MADERACRE.

2.5.2 Free, Prior and Informed Consent (G5.2)

As already documented during FSC certification and other independent audits, there are no indigenous
groups or traditional uses of forest resources that have been limited with the assignment of the forest
concession. For this reason, no FPIC is needed.

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2.5.3 Property Right Protection (G5.3)

Demonstrate that project activities have not led to involuntary removal or relocation of property rights
holders from their lands or territories, and has not forced rights holders to relocate activities important to
their culture or livelihood.

If any relocation of habitation or activities is undertaken within the terms of an agreement, demonstrate that
the agreement was made with the free, prior, and informed consent of those concerned and includes
provisions for just and fair compensation.

As indicated in 2.5.1, the project area has been used for timber production purposes since decades and
since 2003, through a concession contract valid for 40 years, renewable automatically every 5 years, so,
at a practical way, permanent. Tahuamanu province has a large tradition of forestry activities with
abundance of rich species.

2.5.4 Identification of Illegal Activity (G5.4)

MADERACRE is a company built on solid and transparent principles, where there is no room for illegal
activities. MADERACRE ensures that the financing of its activities, including the development and
implementation of the Tahuamanu Amazon REDD Project, comes from the same productive activity of the
business and the financing of banking institutions.

2.5.5 Ongoing Disputes (G5.5)

Demonstrate that no activity has been undertaken by the project that could prejudice the outcome of an
unresolved dispute relevant to the project.

If applicable, describe activities and/or processes implemented to resolve conflicts or disputes.

No ongoing disputes are pending to be solved within the project area. To confirm that, the borders of the
concession are clearly signaled with physical milestones, 39 at all, settled at approximate equivalent
distances, that cover the 100% of the project boundaries.

2.5.6 National and Local Laws (G5.6)

MADERACRE sustainably manages a forest management unit under the protection of the forest concession
contracts that it signed with the Peruvian State and through which it undertook to comply with the legislation
on the matter, as well as to protect the forest heritage of the Nation. Thus, MADERACRE complies with the
provisions of the Forestry Law No. 29763 and its regulations approved by Supreme Decree No. 018-2015-
MINAGRI. The same ones that regulate the categorization of forests, access to forest resources, forestry
and forest management, infractions in forestry matters, control, etc.

Access to forest resources is legally recognized as of the approval of the forest management plans, at the
same time periodically the Supervisory Body of Forest Operations (OASINFOR) executes audits of our

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operations and annually the operation of MADERACRE is audited by Independent certification body under
the FSC MF and CoC Standards, a standard that contemplates in principle one compliance with national
and international legislation on forest management.

The concession contracts, the resolutions that approve the management plans and the results of the
OSINFOR inspections and the FSC certificates that validate compliance with the forest legislation are
available to the audit team.

Table 9. Relevant Legal Framework

Laws Term Content

It has a chapter that establishes the State's policy with respect to the
environment and natural resources. Thus, it provides in article 66 that
natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, are the heritage
of the Nation, and that an organic law establishes the conditions for their
use and their granting to individuals. The concession grants its holder a
October 31st
The Constitution right in rem, subject to that legal rule. With respect to environmental
policy, article 67 of the Constitution recognizes the role of promoting the
use of natural resources, affirming the State's commitment to developing
possible mechanisms for the conservation and sustainable use of its
biological diversity. Likewise, article 69 emphasizes the role of the State
in promoting the sustainable development of the Amazon.
In Article VI of this Law, it stipulates that environmental management has
as priority objectives to prevent, watch and avoid environmental
degradation, and that when it is not possible to eliminate the causes that
generate it, the corresponding measures of mitigation, recovery,
restoration or eventual compensation are adopted. Likewise, article XI
mentions that the design and application of environmental public policies
are governed by the principle of environmental governance, which leads
to the harmonization of policies, institutions, regulations, procedures,
tools and information in such a way that it is possible for the effective
and integrated participation of public and private actors in decision
making, conflict management and consensus building, based on clearly
Law No. 28611
October defined responsibilities, legal security and transparency. On the other
15th, 2005 hand, Article 150 of the Law stipulates that those measures or processes
Environment Law"
that, on the initiative of the owner of the activity, are implemented and
executed with the purpose of reducing and/or preventing environmental
pollution and the degradation of natural resources, constitute conducts
that can be rewarded with incentives.
Article 92 of the law states that the State promotes the sustainable use
of forest and wildlife resources, as well as the conservation of natural
forests, emphasizing the principles of management and zoning of the
national forest area, the management of forest resources, legal security
in the granting of rights and the fight against illegal logging and hunting.
It also promotes and supports the sustainable management of wild fauna
and flora, prioritizing the protection of endemic and endangered species

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 31

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

and varieties, based on technical, scientific and economic information

and traditional knowledge.
Article 94 of this Act states that environmental services include the
protection of water resources, the protection of biodiversity, the
mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and scenic beauty, among others.
In addition, while they generate benefits that are used without
retribution or compensation, it establishes the need for the State to
establish mechanisms to value, compensate and maintain the provision
of these environmental services, seeking to achieve the conservation of
ecosystems, biological diversity and other natural resources. This article
ends by mentioning that the National Environmental Authority (Ministry
of the Environment) promotes the creation of financing, payment and
supervision mechanisms for environmental services.
Through this standard, the Ministry of Environment is created, its scope
of sectorial competence is established and its organic structure and its
functions are regulated. The Ministry of Environment is the governing
body of the executive branch of the environmental sector, which
develops, directs, supervises and executes the National Environment
Policy. The environmental sector includes the National Environmental
Management System as a functional system, which integrates the
DL No. 1013 "Law National Environmental Impact Assessment System, the National
for the Creation of May 15th, Environmental Information System and the National System of Natural
the Ministry of the 2008 Areas Protected by the State. Among its functions is to develop and
Environment” coordinate the national strategy against climate change and adaptation
and mitigation measures, as well as supervise its implementation. It is
also up to it to establish policies on environmental services, prepare the
inventory and establish mechanisms to value, reward and maintain the
provision of environmental services, as well as to promote financing,
payment and supervision thereof. Finally, it is up to him to promote the
creation of financing, payment and supervision mechanisms for
environmental services.
The elaboration of the National Environmental Policy is a mandate that
comes mainly from the Political Constitution of Peru and the General
Environmental Law, constituting a set of guidelines, objectives, strategies
and instruments of a public nature that have the purpose of defining and
orienting the actions of the entities of the National, Regional and Local
Government, the private sector and the civil society, in environmental

DS No. 12-2009- The National Environmental Policy is divided into 5 objectives, 4 policy
May 23rd, axes and specific objectives and guidelines for each policy. One objective
MINAM “National
2009 of the National Environmental Policy relevant to the Project is to achieve
Environment Policy
the conservation and sustainable use of the country's natural heritage,
with efficiency, equity and social welfare, prioritizing the integrated
management of natural resources. The environmental services are
identified within the National Policy of the Environment in diverse points,
indicating the necessity to foment its economic valuation through
economic and financial instruments, emphasizing the importance of
implementing systems of conservation of forests and protection of such
as far as the degradation and deforestation.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 32

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

DS No. 006-2009-
MINAM “Accurate
The general function of the National Commission on Climate Change is to
denomination and
monitor the various public and private sectors involved in the issue,
proper functioning
through the implementation of the United Nations Framework
of the National March 29th,
Convention on Climate Change, as well as the design and promotion of
Commission for 2009
the National Climate Change Strategy, whose content should guide and
Climate Change in
inform national, sectoral and regional development strategies, plans and
accordance with
Legislative Decree
No. 1013”
RM 104-2009-
With the approval of this procedure, the Ministry of the Environment
MINAM "Approves
proposes to promote the conservation of the environment, guaranteeing
procedure for the
the sustainable use of natural resources in the framework of projects
assessment and
developed under the Clean Development Mechanism provided for in the
authorization of May 24th,
Kyoto Protocol, forestry projects, projects to reduce emissions from
Greenhouse Gas 2009
deforestation and degradation (REDD) and programmatic CDM. The
(GHG) emissions
General Directorate of Climate Change, Desertification and Water
and carbon
Resources of the Ministry of the Environment is responsible for
responding to project conformity.
It is an instrument of long term national environmental planning, which
is formulated from a situational environmental diagnosis and from the
management of natural resources, as well as from the potentialities of
the country for the use and sustainable use of such resources; in the same
way, it is based on the legal and institutional framework of the National
System of Environmental Management. The fulfillment of the priority
DS No. 014-2011-
goals will contribute with the conservation and the sustainable use of the
MINAM "National
natural resources, the improvement in the environmental quality; and
Plan of July 9th,
therefore, to improve the quality of life of our population. Goals are
Environmental 2011
presented in the areas of water, solid waste, air, forest and climate
Action” PLANAA -
change, biological diversity, mining and energy, and environmental
PERU 2011-2021
governance. The goal in the area of Forests and Climate Change is that by
2021 the rate of deforestation in 54 million hectares of primary forests
under various categories of land management will be reduced to zero,
contributing, together with other initiatives, to reducing 47.5% of GHG
emissions in the country, generated by changes in land use; as well as
reducing vulnerability to climate change.
It is based on adaptation to the adverse effects and takes advantage of
the opportunities imposed by climate change, laying the foundations for
DS No. 011-2015- low-carbon sustainable development. The main objectives are for the
MINAM “National population, economic agents and the state to increase awareness and
Strategy on Climate September adaptive capacity for action against the adverse effects and opportunities
Change” update of 23rd, 2015 of climate change and; for the population, economic agents and the state
DS No 086-2003- to conserve carbon reserves and contribute to the reduction of GHG
PCM emissions. The means necessary for implementation are based on
institutional and governance, public awareness and capacity building,
scientific knowledge and technology, and financing.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

It regulates the general framework for the conservation of biological

diversity and the sustainable use of its components. It includes provisions
Law 26839 “Law on
for planning, inventory and monitoring, conservation mechanisms, rural
the Conservation
July 17th, and indigenous communities, and scientific and technological research.
and Sustainable Use
1997 The Act establishes that the principles and definitions of the Convention
of Biological
on Biological Diversity govern its implementation and contains a title on
protected natural areas, which is consistent with the provisions of Act No.
It regulates the general framework for the sustainable use of natural
resources, as they are part of the Nation's heritage.
This law establishes that the natural resources maintained at their
source, whether they are renewable or nonrenewable, are part of the
Nation's heritage. The fruits and products of the natural resources,
obtained in the manner established in this Act, are the property of the
holders of the rights granted over them. The rights over natural resources
Law 26821 are granted to individuals through concessions, permits, and
"Organic Law for authorizations in accordance with the conditions established by the
June 27th,
the Sustainable Use special rules for each resource. The special rules include the mechanisms
of Natural for financial compensation to the State for the granting thereof, the
Resources" maintenance of the right in force, the conditions for registration in the
appropriate registry, and the possibility of assignment between
individuals. This means that ownership, i.e. the ownership of the fruits
and products obtained in accordance with this organic law, belongs to
the holders of the rights granted over the areas where the natural
resources providing them are located. The regulation for the grant of
rights to private individuals for the use of natural resources, renewable
and non-renewable, varies according to the nature of such resources.
The Ministry of Agriculture is the governing body of the agricultural
sector and establishes the National Agricultural Policy, which is
mandatory at all levels. Likewise, the Agrarian Sector includes the lands
DL No. 997 "Law on
of agricultural use, of shepherding, the forest lands, the deserted lands
the Organization
March 13th, with agrarian aptitude, the forest resources and their use; the flora and
and Functions of
2008 fauna; the hydric resources; the agrarian infrastructure; the activities of
the Ministry of
production, transformation and commercialization of crops and of
breeding; and the services and activities linked to the agrarian activity
such as the health, the investigation, the training, the extension and the
transference of agrarian technology.
DL No. 1085 It created OSINFOR, which is responsible for supervising and overseeing
Establishes the the sustainable use and conservation of forest and wildlife resources, as
June 28th,
Forest and Wildlife well as the environmental services provided by the State through the
Resources various forms of use recognized in the Forestry and Wildlife Law and its
Monitoring Agency" regulations.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 34

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

DS No. 030-2005- This standard is intended to regulate CITES provisions and establish the
AG “Approve conditions and requirements for trade, trafficking and possession of
regulations for the species included in them CITES Appendices I, II and III. Its provisions are
Implementation of intended to ensure compliance with all the precepts of the Convention,
the Convention on July 10th, with the purpose and to protect the species of wild fauna and flora
International Trade 2005 threatened due to their intense trade. It was modified and updated by
in Endangered Supreme Decree No. 001-2008-MINAM where the Ministry of Agriculture
Species of Wild (through SERFOR) and the Ministry of Production are designated as CITES
Fauna and Flora Administrative Authorities Peru, to the Ministry of Environment as CITES
(CITES) in Peru” Peru Scientific Authority.
The National Forest and Wildlife Policy is a state policy that involves all
levels of government and public and private actors, being mandatory for
regional governments. The purpose is to contribute to the sustainable
development of the country, through an adequate management of the
DS No. 009-2013-
National Forest and Wildlife Heritage, which ensures its sustainable use,
MINAGRI "National August 14th,
conservation, protection and increase, for the provision of ecosystem
Forest and Wildlife 2013
goods and services, forestry, other ecosystems of wild vegetation and
wildlife, in harmony with the social, cultural, economic and
environmental interest of the Nation through five political axes:
institutionalism and governance; sustainability; competitiveness; social
inclusion and intercultural and; knowledge, science and technology.
Aims to promote the conservation, protection, increase and sustainable
use of forest and wildlife heritage within the national territory,
integrating its management with the maintenance and improvement of
forest and other wild vegetation ecosystem services, in harmony with the
social, economic and environmental interest of the Nation; as well as to
promote forest development, improve its competitiveness, generate and
increase forest and wildlife resources and their value to society. The
purpose of this Law is to establish the legal framework to regulate,
promote and supervise forestry and wildlife activities in order to achieve
their purpose. Article 13 creates the Forestry and Wildlife Service
(SERFOR) as a specialized technical public body, being the National
Forestry and Wildlife Authority. Likewise, the SERFOR is the governing
body of the National System of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Law No. 29763 (SINAFOR) and is constituted as its technical-normative authority at the
“Forestry and September national level, in charge of dictating the rules and establishing the
Wildlife Law” and 30th, 2015 procedures related to its scope. It coordinates its technical operation and
its four Regulations is responsible for its proper functioning. With regard to its functions,
Article 14 highlights paragraph e) To monitor compliance with the
obligations of the rights granted under its jurisdiction and to sanction
violations arising from its failure to comply, respecting the powers of the
Forestry and Wildlife Resources Oversight Agency (OSINFOR), the
Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Agency (OEFA), regional and
local governments and other public bodies; paragraph g) Exercise the
function of Authority of the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Peru for the
specimens of the species of wild flora and fauna that reproduce on land,
including all kinds of amphibians and emerging aquatic flora.
Article 18 of the Forestry and Wildlife Resources Oversight Agency
(OSINFOR) is responsible for supervising and monitoring the sustainable
use and conservation of forest and wildlife resources and the services

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 35

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

provided by forest and other wild vegetation ecosystems, granted by the

State through enabling titles regulated by this Act. The SERFOR and the
regional and local governments, through their corresponding officials,
compulsorily inform OSINFOR about the forest and wildlife management,
the scope and status of the enabling titles granted, under administrative
responsibility and without prejudice to civil and criminal liabilities.
OSINFOR reaches in a timely manner all information that may be useful
for the administration and control of forest and wildlife resources to the
corresponding entity. In article 19, the regional government is the
regional forestry and wildlife authority (ARFFS).
Article 23. Forest and wildlife manager is the natural person with training
and professional experience in the area that requires being managed and
registered in the National Registry of Forest and Wildlife Regents, who
formulates and subscribes to forest management or wildlife. He is
responsible for directing the activities in application of the approved
management plan, to guarantee the sustainability of the forest resource.
It is jointly and severally responsible with the holder or holder of the
enabling title of the veracity of the content of the management plan and
its implementation, as well as the correct issuance of the forest transport
Article 29. Permanent production forests are established by ministerial
resolution of the Ministry of the Environment, at the proposal of SERFOR,
in category I and II forests, for the purpose of permanent production of
wood and other forest products other than wood, as well as wildlife and
the provision of ecosystem services. The State promotes the integrated
management of these forests. To this end, the regional forestry and
wildlife authority prepares, directly or through third parties, and
approves the Master Management Plan containing, at a minimum, the
identification of sites requiring special treatment to ensure the
sustainability of harvesting, access routes, common roads and control
points. Prior to its establishment, the State carries out the environmental
impact assessment and consults the population that may be affected by
its establishment.
OSINFOR is attached to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and
constitutes a budgetary statement. It is the entity in charge, at the
DL No. 1085 “Law national level, of supervising and monitoring the use and conservation of
that creates the forest and wildlife resources, as well as environmental services from the
agency for the June 28th, forest, for their sustainability, in accordance with the national policy and
Supervision of 2008 strategy for integrated management of natural resources and the policies
Forest and Wildlife on environmental services established by the Ministry of the
Resources” Environment, within the scope of its competence. OSINFOR's
competencies do not involve Natural Protected Areas, which are
governed by their own Law.
DS No. 007-2013- It is the national forestry and wildlife authority, which exercises its
MINAGRI powers and functions at the national, regional and local levels, is subject
“Regulation of July 18th, to the regulatory framework on the subject and acts in accordance with
Organization and 2013 national policies, plans and objectives, constituting the governing body
Functions of the of the National System of Forestry and Wildlife Management, hereinafter
National Forest and SINAFOR, and its technical-normative authority, responsible for issuing

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 36

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Wildlife Service - regulations and establishing procedures related to the area of its
SERFOR” competence.
The regulation aims to promote the conservation, protection,
enhancement and sustainable use of the forest heritage, integrating its
DS No. 018-2015- management with the maintenance and improvement of forest and
MINAGRI other wild vegetation ecosystem services. This applies to the different
“Regulation for natural or legal persons, of public or private law, linked to the
30th, 2015
Forest management of forests and wildlife, to the sustainable use of forest
Management” resources, to the services of the ecosystems of wild vegetation and to the
forest and other forestry and related activities, throughout the national
Law that modifies the penal types of ecological and environmental crimes
and typifies their aggravated figures, such as illegal trafficking of
Law No. 29263 "Law protected wild flora and fauna species, illegal trafficking of aquatic
on Ecological species of protected wild flora and fauna, illegal extraction of aquatic
2nd, 2008
Crimes" species, depredation of protected flora and fauna, illegal trafficking of
genetic resources, crimes against forests and forest formations, among
other related crimes.


Note that Section 3 relates exclusively to data and parameters for monitoring GHG emission reductions
and removals. No community or biodiversity parameter should be entered here with the exception of any
relevant information for fulfilling the optional Gold Level criteria.

3.1 Monitoring GHG Emission Reductions and Removals

3.1.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation

Data/parameter [EA1]: CF
Data unit: Mg C (Mg DM)-1
Description: Carbon fraction of dry matter in wood
Sources of data: Default value of 0.5
Value applied: 0.50 (Tropical region; wood, tree d ≥ 10 cm)
Justification of choice of data or According to the IPCC, the default value for tropical region is 0.49 Mg
description of measurement C (Mg DM)-1 is applicable for wood, tree with d ≥ 10 cm all three tiers
methods and procedures applied: when remaining forest land, forest land or biomass carbon.
Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Purpose of data:
Determination of baseline scenario, Calculation of leakage
Comments: 1 Mg C (Mg DM)-1 <> 1 t C (t DM)-1

Data/parameter [EA6]: sc1

Data unit: [-]

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 37

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

First shape factor for the forest scarcity equation; steepness of the
decrease in deforestation rate (greater is steeper).

Sources of data:

Not applicable as the % of remnant forest cover is more than 50% of

Value applied:
original forest cover
Justification of choice of data or
description of measurement
methods and procedures applied:
Purpose of data:


Data/parameter [EA7]: sc2

Data unit: [-]
Second shape factor for the forest scarcity equation; relative
Description: deforested area at which the deforestation rate will be 50% of the
initial deforestation rate.

Sources of data:

Not applicable as the % of remnant forest cover is more than 50% of

Value applied:
original forest cover
Justification of choice of data or
description of measurement
methods and procedures applied:
Purpose of data:


Data/parameter [EA8]: wwf(ty)

Data unit: [-]
Fraction of carbon in harvested wood products that are emitted
immediately because of mill inefficiency for wood class 𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑒. This
can be estimated by multiplying the applicable fraction to the total
amount of carbon in different harvested wood product category.
The default applicable fraction is 24% and 19% respectively for
Sources of data:
developing and developed countries (Winjum et al. 1998).

Value applied: 24% for being a developing country.

Justification of choice of data or Winjum et al. 1998 states that the default fraction is 24% for
description of measurement developing countries.
methods and procedures applied:
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions;,

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 38

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Any new updates from locally generated results can be used instead
of the default values.

Data/parameter [EA9]: slp(ty)

Data unit: [-]
Description: Proportion of short-lived products
Default values are 0.2, 0.1, 0.4 and 0.3 respectively for wood class

Sources of data: 𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑒, i.e., sawn wood, wood-based panel, paper and paper
boards and other industrial round woods as described in Winjum
et al. (1998).
Value applied: 0.2 for being sawn wood

Justification of choice of data or Winjum et al. (1998) provides the above values for sawnwood,
description of measurement woodbased panel, paper/paper boards and industrial roundwood
methods and procedures applied:

Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions

Any new updates from locally generated results can be used
Comments: instead of the default values. The methodology assumes that all
other classes of wood products are emitted within 5 years.

Data/parameter [EA10]: fo(ty)

Data unit: [-]
Fraction of carbon that will be emitted to the atmosphere between 5
and 100 years of harvest for wood class 𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑒.
Sources of data: See Table 19 (Winjum et al. 1998)
Value applied: 0.85 for being Sawnwood from a tropical forest region
Justification of choice of data or Winjum et al. (1998) provides these values for the fraction of carbon
description of measurement that will be emitted into the atmosphere between 5 and 100 years after
methods and procedures applied: harvest for tropical wood classes.
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions
Any new updates from locally generated results can be used instead
of the default values

Data/parameter [EA11]: ρwood,j

Data unit: [Mg DM m-3]
Description: Average basic wood density of species or species group 𝑅𝑅
GPG-LULUCF Table 3A.1.9 and Woods of Peru from the Research
Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP)
Sources of data:

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 39

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Apuleia leiocarpa 0.7

Hymenaea oblongifolia 0.62
Swietenia macrophylla 0.43
Calycophyllum spruceanum 0.74
Value applied:
Myroxylon balsamum 0.78
Amburana cearensis 0.43
Manilkara bidentata 0.87
Dipteryx odorata 0.93
Tabebuia serratifolia 0.92
Justification of choice of data or IPCC table 3A. 1.9-2 provides average basic wood densities for
description of measurement multiple species in Tropical America. In the same way that
methods and procedures applied: Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon
Purpose of data: Calculation of project emissions
When no species-specific or species-group specific densities are
Comments: available, an average representative density may be used for all
species or species groups.

3.1.2 Data and Parameters Monitored

Sizes, areas, and transitions

Data/parameter [MN1]: sizeprojectArea, sizeleakageArea, sizeReferenceRegion

Data unit [ha]
Description Size of project area, leakage area, reference region.
Source of data Project design
Description of measurement Coverage and demarcations will be monitored and created
methods and procedures to be
through the use of satellite imagery.
Frequency of monitoring/recording sizeprojectArea and sizeleakageArea may be adjusted during crediting
period per the rules for grouped projects and updated at
verification, but only for the additional instances that were added
after the project start date.
Permanent verification of the area of the project surfaces.
Value applied SizeprojectArea SizeleakageArea SizeReferenceRegion
171584.08 189676.02 355693.27
Monitoring equipment Satellite imagery

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 40

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

QA/QC procedures to be applied Raster files were converted to vectors. Area was calculated for
each vector and compared to calculations based on raster file.
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario, Calculation of leakage
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN2]: ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the project area,
excluding ANR and harvest areas, under the project scenario
during year 𝑠𝑠. [ha yr-1]. Section 8.2.3

Source of data Remote sensing analysis

Description of measurement Follow the procedures described in Section 3.2.2
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied ((171584.075109-(11848.94))/171584.075109

ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario(t, i)

Monitoring equipment Software GIS, images Landsat,
QA/QC procedures to be applied Field work or high-resolution images will be used to assess
accuracy of results initially obtained. The application will be based
on statistically robust parameters.
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 41

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Data/parameter [MN3]: ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,BaselineScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the project area,
excluding the ANR area, and harvest areas, under the baseline
scenario for year 𝑠𝑠.

Source of data Land-use change for Geobosques (MINAM)

Description of measurement Follow the procedures described in Section 3.2.1
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline. For added instances, may be
recalculated at verification.
Value applied ((171584.075109-(11848.94))/171584.075109

ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,BaselineScenario(t, i)

Monitoring equipment Software GIS, Landsat images
QA/QC procedures to be applied Baseline scenario is defined once at validation. As this is not a
grouped project, no new instances may be added..
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions; Determination of baseline
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN4]: ∆𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝐴𝑁𝑅,𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜(𝑡, 𝑖)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖 within the leakage area under
project scenario for year 𝑡

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 42

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data Land-use change modeling

Description of measurement Follow the procedures described in Section
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline. For added instances, may be
recalculated at verification.
Value applied
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicability because ANR not included in project activity

Data/parameter [MN5]: ΔarealeakageArea,projectScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the leakage area under the
project scenario for year 𝑠𝑠
Source of data Remote sensing analysis
Description of measurement Coverage and demarcations will be monitored and created
methods and procedures to be
through the use of satellite imagery.
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied DleakageArea,projectScenario(t,i)
Monitoring equipment Software GIS, images Landsat
QA/QC procedures to be applied Field work or high-resolution images will be used to assess accuracy
of results initially obtained. The application will be based on
statistically robust parameters.
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN6]: ΔarealeakageArea,baselineScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the leakage area under the
baseline scenario during year 𝑠𝑠
Source of data Land use change for GEOBOSQUES (MINAM)

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 43

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Description of measurement Coverage and demarcations will be monitored and created

methods and procedures to be
through the use of satellite imagery.
Frequency of monitoring/recording Once every baseline update. May also be updated at the time of
instance inclusion that requires new leakage area.
Value applied DleakageArea,baselineScenario(t,i)

Monitoring equipment Software GIS, imágenes Landsat

QA/QC procedures to be applied Baseline scenario is defined once at validation. As this is not a
grouped project, no new instances may be added...
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN7]: Δareahistorical (CS1→CS2, t1 → t2)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Area of transition from LULC class or forest stratum 1 to 2 from
time 1 to 2 during the historical reference period
Source of data Remote sensing analysis for Geobosques (MINAM)
Description of measurement Calculate based on the remote sensing-based classification
methods and procedures to be and stratification procedures detailed in Section 3.2.2
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update
Value applied

Monitoring equipment Software GIS, Landsat images

QA/QC procedures to be applied 75 pixels in forest stratum and 75 pixels in non-forest stratum will be
analyzed with high resolution images
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN9]: areahistorical (CS1, t1)

Data unit [ha]
Description Total area of LULC class or forest stratum 1 at time 1
Source of data Remote sensing analysis for Geobosques (MINAM)
Description of measurement Calculate based on the remote sensing-based classification
methods and procedures to be and stratification procedures detailed in Section 3.2.2

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 44

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update

Value applied

Monitoring equipment Software GIS, Landsat images

QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Multiplication of number of pixels (30m by 30m) in each region by
0.09 hectares pixel-1 for area in hectares.

Data/parameter [MN10]: Areabiomassloss(i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Total annual area of LULC class that was cleared for
creating firebreaks
Source of data Records of implemented activities or management plan
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied N/A
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicable because biomass loss for creating firebreaks not
included in project activity

Data/parameter [MN11]: Areafirebiomassloss(i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]

Description Annual area of forest stratum that was cleared by using

prescribed burning
Source of data Records of implemented activities or management plan
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied N/A

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 45

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicable because biomass loss for creating firebreaks not
included in project activity

Data/parameter [MN12]: 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠𝐿𝑜𝑠𝑠,𝐴𝑁𝑅(𝑡, 𝑖)

Data unit [ha]

Description Area of biomass removed by prescribed burning within ANR

stratum 𝑖 during year 𝑡
Source of data Records of implemented activities or management plan
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicability because ANR not included in project activity

Data/parameter [MN13]: 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝐴𝑁𝑅,𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑜(𝑡, 𝑖)

Data unit [ha]

Description Amount of land on which ANR activities are planned under the
project scenario for year 𝑡 and in stratum 𝑖
Source of data Records of implemented activities or management plan
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 46

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicability because ANR not included in project activity

Data/parameter [MN14]: Area harvest(t, i)

Data unit [ha]
Description Area of forest in harvest stratum 𝑖𝑖 that is harvested at time 𝑠𝑠.
Source of data Project Description or Forest/Harvest Management Plan
Description of measurement Forest analysis described in FMP
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied
Area harvest(t, i)
Monitoring equipment GPS
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN15]: AreaprojectAreawithHarvest,ProjectScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Size of strata 𝑖𝑖 within the project area with harvest activities during
year 𝑠𝑠 under the project scenario.
Source of data Forest/Harvest Management Plan
Description of measurement Forest analysis described in FMP
methods and procedures to be

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 47

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification

Value applied

Area harvest(t, i)
Monitoring equipment GPS
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN16]: AreaprojectAreawithHarvest,BaselineScenario(t, i)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the harvest areas
under the baseline scenario during year 𝑠𝑠.
Source of data Own Forest Management Plan
Description of measurement Through an exploratory inventory
methods and procedures to
be applied
Frequency of At least once before every baseline update
Value applied AreaprojectAreawithHarvest,BaselineScenario(t, i)

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 48

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


Monitoring equipment GPS, software & hardware, laptop, compass

QA/QC procedures to be
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions; Determination of baseline
Calculation method Not applicable

Data/parameter [MN17]: BetaRegDF (t) and BetaRegDG (t)

Data unit [ha yr-1]
Description Beta regression model describing the relationship between time and
deforestation/degradation rate in the reference region during the
historical reference period.

Source of data Historic forest degradation and deforestation modeling

Description of measurement Procedure described in Section or similar approach
methods and procedures to be from peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once every baseline update
Value applied

Monitoring equipment Statistical Software R-STUDIO

QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method Applying a Beta Regression to historical values

Locations, Descriptions, Qualitative and Social Data

Data/parameter [MN18]: Area under agricultural intensification

Data unit [ha]
Description Size of the area of agricultural intensification separated for each
agricultural intensification measure
Source of data Participatory rural appraisals
Description of measurement Calculate based on areas of cropland in the leakage and
methods and procedures to be project areas
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 49

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Value applied
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method
Comments Not applicability because agricultural intensification activities not
included in project activity

Data on Drivers and Actions

Data/parameter [MN27]: CTbaseline (h, j, ty, t)

Data unit [m3 yr-1]
Description Annually extracted volume of harvested timber round-wood for
commercial on-sale under the baseline scenario during harvest
by species j and wood product class ty during year t
Source of data 1. Participatory rural appraisals conducted by the
project proponent.
2. Recent (<10 yr) literature in the reference region
3. Recent (<10 yr) literature in an area similar to the
reference region
4. Recent (<10 yr) non peer-reviewed reports by
local organizations
Description of measurement Cabinet work based on census results and legal minimum allowed
methods and procedures to be DBH
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update
Value applied See Workbook NER Hoja 7

Monitoring equipment Computers, software, diametric ribbon, hypsometer, others

QA/QC procedures to be applied A field brigade re-measures a percentage of measured trees
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method Σ ((π * DBH2)/4) * h for commercial species with DBH > minimum
Comments N.A.

Data/parameter [MN29]: CTproject(h, j, ty, t)

Data unit [m3 yr-1]
Description Annually extracted volume of harvested timber round-wood for
commercial on-sale inside the project area under the project
scenario during harvest ℎ by species j and wood product class ty
during year t.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data Project design, surveys, statistical records.

Description of measurement Cabinet work based on census results and legal minimum allowed
methods and procedures to be DBH
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied See NET CARBON and VCU

Monitoring equipment Computers, software, diametric ribbon, hypsometer, others

QA/QC procedures to be applied A field brigade re-measures a percentage of measured trees
Purpose of data Calculation of project emissions
Calculation method Σ ((π * DBH2)/4) * h for commercial species with DBH > minimum
Comments N.A.

Data/parameter [MN33]: ContributionDF (d) and ContributionDG (d)

Data unit [-]
Description Relative contribution of driver i respectively to total deforestation
and forest degradation.
Source of data LULC maps and statistics from GEOBOSQUES combined with Beta
Regression. Methodology
Description of measurement Application of the methodology based on GEOBOSQUES Data
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before baseline update.
Value applied See Workbook Calculations

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method


Data/parameter [MN34]: RelativeDriverImpactDF (t,d) and RelativeDriverImpactDG (t,d)

Data unit [-]
Description Relative impact of the geographically unconstrained driver 𝑐𝑐 at time
𝑠𝑠 of the crediting period respectively on deforestation and forest

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data Not applicable as no geographically unconstrained driver has been

identified in the baseline scenario
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before baseline update.
Value applied
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions; Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN35]: leakageunconstrained (d)

Data unit [-]
Description Leakage cancellation rate for avoiding deforestation/degradation from
geographically unconstrained drivers.
Source of data Valid sources to substantiate a smaller leakage rate include
social assessments, scientific literature, and reports from civil
society or governments. Sources have to be reliable and based
on scientific methods and a good statistical design.

Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before baseline update.
Value applied A default rate of 100% was used as recommended by the
Monitoring equipment

QA/QC procedures to be applied

Purpose of data

Calculation method

Comments Not applicability.

Data/parameter [MN36]: effectiveness(𝑎, d)

Data unit [-]
Description Effectiveness of every project activity 𝑎 in decreasing any driver
of deforestation d relative to that driver’s contribution to
deforestation and forest degradation,

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data Relevant academic literature or documented expert opinion.

Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before baseline update.
Value applied Alternative livelihoods: 0.312
Legal recognition of the land tenure status: 0.040
Demarcation and forest protection: 1.000
Monitoring equipment The effectiveness(𝑎,d) factor represents the maximal effectiveness
during the crediting period.
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method


Data/parameter [MN48]: Efforest

Data unit [t CO2 e]
Description Emission factor related to leakage.
Source of data 1. If comprehensive national-level statistics on biomass
densities are available, Efforest must be calculated based
on the average biomass of the country.
2. If local data is not available. Sources of the data allowed are
(1) academic research papers and (2) studies and
reports published by the forestry administration or other
organizations, including the FAO’s Forest Resource
Assessment reports, (3) the upper range of biomass in
the GPG-LULUCF (2003) Table 3A.1.2.
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method
Comments Not applicability.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Data on Organic Matter and Carbon Densities

Data/parameter [EA2]: Carbon stock of the sources in the forest stratum.

Data unit tCO2 e / ha
Description Carbon stock by stratum in baseline before deforestation.
Source of data Peru National Forest and Wildlife Inventory (2019).
Description of measurement Calculations were done using EValidator tool built by US Forest Service
methods and procedures to be in the context of National Forest Inventory, considering a statistical design
applied for sampling of INFFS.
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied t C/ha tCO2e/ha
AGL 138.84 509.08
Monitoring equipment Literature review
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN49]: 𝑂Mo(𝑖)

Data unit [Mg DM ha-1]
Description Plant-derived organic matter of LULC class or forest stratum 𝑖 in pool
o. [Mg DM ha-1]
Source of data Field measurements using sampling plots in forest strata or
LULC classes.
Description of measurement The average biomass stock density in applicable organic matter
methods and procedures to be pools: aboveground tree – 𝑂MAGT(𝑖), aboveground non-tree –
applied 𝑂MAGNT(𝑖), lying dead wood – 𝑂MLDW(𝑖), standing dead wood
𝑂MSDW(𝑖), belowground 𝑂MBG(𝑖), and soil organic matter 𝑂MSOM(𝑖)

Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update

Value applied Follow uncertainty deduction procedures described in methodology.
Monitoring equipment Re-measure plots by independent teams.
QA/QC procedures to be applied Summed across multiple pools and divided into 𝑂Mplant(𝑖) and 𝑂Msoil(𝑖)

Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;

Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


Data/parameter [MN50]: ProportionDF (d) and ProportionDG (d)

Data unit [-]
Description Proportion of the gradual carbon loss that leads to deforestation or
forest degradation, respectively, due to driver d
Source of data Estimate using the procedure detailed in Table 9.
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN51]: 𝐶(𝑡, 𝑖)

Data unit [Mg C ha-1 yr-1]
Description Carbon stock density at time in stratum (AGL)
Source of data Estimate within the biomass inventory plots
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied Forest: 138.84
Pasture: 2.80
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project
emissions; Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Data/parameter [MN52]: 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐(𝑦)

Data unit Equation
Description Algometric relationship to convert a tree metric such as DBH or tree
height into biomass
Source of data Forest National Inventory
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update
Value applied

Monitoring equipment

QA/QC procedures to be applied

Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project
emissions; Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method Algometric equations were used to calculate aboveground biomass by
AGB.t= ρ*Exp(-1.499+2.148*Ln(dap)+0.207*Ln(dap)2–
and to estimate necromasa of standing dead wood Vol = (π2∑(dn)
2)/(8*L). (INFFS 2019)

Data/parameter [MN53]: 𝑓𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑(𝑦)

Data unit Equation
Description Relationship between aboveground and belowground biomass, such
as a root-to-shoot ratio
Source of data National Forest and Wildlife Inventory (2019)
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before every baseline update
Value applied

Monitoring equipment

QA/QC procedures to be applied

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project

emissions; Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method BGB.t = 0.489*AGB.t0.890

Comments Not applicable.

Data/parameter [MN54]: 𝐶harvest (t,𝑖)

Data unit Mg C ha-1
Description Biomass carbon stock density at time in stratum in
harvested areas.
Source of data Field inventory
Description of measurement Generic procedure is described in Section Estimate must
methods and procedures to be be made from plots located areas where harvesting takes place.
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied See the Excel “Net carbon and VCU´s”.

Monitoring equipment Carbon stocks in harvested strata must come from sampling. It may
be necessary to include additional plots in harvested strata for a
precise estimation of carbon stocks. The exact measurement of
aboveground and below tree carbon must follow international
standards and follow IPCC GPG LULUCF 2003. These
measurements are explained in detail in CDM approved
methodology AR-AM0002 Restoration of degraded lands through
QA/QC procedures to be applied

Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;

Determination of baseline scenario

Calculation method Carbon Stock – (carbon content in timber harvested / harvested



Data/parameter [MN55]: CEinventory, harvest(t,i)

Data unit [-]
Description Combined error in estimate of average biomass stock density
in harvest areas in stratum i at time t.
Source of data Field inventory

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Description of measurement Generic procedure is described in Section Estimate must

methods and procedures to be be made from plot located in areas where harvesting takes place.
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied 0.005

Monitoring equipment Uncertainty estimate in carbon stocks in harvested strata must

come from sampling of plots in harvested areas.
QA/QC procedures to be applied

Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;

Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method


Data/parameter [MN56]: CEinventory,ANR(t,i)

Data unit [-]
Description Combined error in estimate of average biomass stock density in
ANR areas in stratum I at time t
Source of data Not applicable
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN57]: uclassification

Data unit [-]
Description Discounting factor for NERs from avoided deforestation, based on
the accuracy of classification, i.e. dividing land into broad land use

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data “Classification protocol for forest loss in Amazon Rainforest in years
2001-2011” (MINAM)
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied 1.00

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN58]: 𝑢stratification

Data unit [-]
Description Discounting factor for NERs from avoided degradation, based on
the accuracy of stratification, i.e. dividing forest into individual forest
biomass classes. Section

Source of data 0.75

Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied

Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method

Data/parameter [MN59]: 𝑢transition (𝑖)

Data unit [-]
Description Discounting factor for the emission factor for the transition from
LULC class or forest stratum 1 to class 2 according to the
uncertainty of the biomass inventory.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Source of data Baldeón Valles Antonio “BIOMASS PRODUCTION OF THREE

TROPICAL GRAMINE (Paspalum plicatulum Michx, Brachiaria
decumbens C. V. and Axonopus compressus Var), UNDER
Description of measurement
methods and procedures to be
Frequency of monitoring/recording At least once before verification
Value applied 0.92
Monitoring equipment
QA/QC procedures to be applied
Purpose of data Calculation of baseline emissions, Calculation of project emissions;
Determination of baseline scenario
Calculation method


3.1.3 Monitoring Plan

The main objective of the Monitoring Plan is the collection of data that allow the verification of
deforestation and degradation within the project area and its leakage belt over time, periodically
updating the emission estimates as well as the generation of information. sufficient and timely to
measure the results of the implementation of the activities defined to achieve the objectives of the
Tahuamanu Amazon REDD Project and from there make the necessary adjustments in the
strategies or activities as part of the adaptive management being implemented.



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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


The Project is implemented by MADERACRE SAC, a company with almost two decades of experience in
the sustainable management of natural tropical forests in order to obtain ecosystem benefits from the
sustainable management of the landscape. MADERACRE SAC has a trained and experienced technical
team for the implementation of the project, capacities that also extend to monitoring tasks.

The development of the Monitoring Plan is in charge of a multidisciplinary team, led by an economist, a
forestry specialist and a social specialist, allowing a comprehensive approach to the different components
of the plan. Its implementation is in charge of the head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Area (M&E), who
must articulate it with the technical field staff, the latter is the one who performs the measurements on the
ground and corroborates the information in the office. It has specialized consultants with extensive
experience who provide support in the calculations of emissions, as well as support in GIS for the analysis
and interpretation of satellite images necessary for the calculation of deforestation.

The information flow of the monitoring system and the organizational structure of the project monitoring
system are detailed below:

GRAPH 03. Organizational Structure

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Development of plans and instructions

Define procedures
Reports to management. Economics Specialist Forestry Specialist Social Specialist
System feedback

Implement plans and instructions

Systematize and consolidate
Coordinate with the technical team Head of Evaluation and Monitoring / Social Responsibility
Prepare reports

GIS technical support GIS support

REDD technical support Consultants

Collect field information

Prepare reports Field technical team


The project is based on the premise of "Adaptive Management", in this sense all intervention in the forest
is based on previous information collected in the field as a knowledge base. Based on this knowledge, the
Management Plans, Operational Plans and other management instructions necessary for the
implementation of the project, the interventions in the forest and the treatment of the social component are

The permanent implementation of the Monitoring Plan allows to identify the trends of the different indicators,
which are oriented to measure the fulfillment or impact of the project activities. The knowledge that is
generated allows to validate or adapt the system, and if necessary, make changes in the management tools
or in the project activities.

The information collected in the field by the technical staff is entered, reviewed and systematized by the
Head of Monitoring and Evaluation for the environmental component and by the Social Responsibility
Coordinator (SR) for the community component, both at the end of the period (annually) They present the
corresponding monitoring reports to the forestry specialist and social specialist for their review and
validation. The relevant information is incorporated in the process of reviewing the management tools and
in the preparation of the new Operational Plan for the project.

The information flow in the framework of the adaptive management of the project is presented below:

Graph 04. Adaptative Management

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Stage 1: Development of plans
Stage 2: Feedback: Updating of plans

Head of M&E / RS
Stage 1: Implement Plans and Instructions
Stage 2: Prepare Monitoring and Evaluation
Soporte GIS

Field Technical Team

Information gathering as a
knowledge base

Forms have been developed to collect field data for those variables to be monitored. The data collected is
digitized, reviewed and incorporated into a database in Excel-type spreadsheets, also designed according
to the information requirements. The calculations are made in said spreadsheets using the corresponding
formulas and they are the ones that allow calculating the monitoring plan indicators that are then presented
in the monitoring reports for the period.

All field monitoring processes must be documented, all sampling units or established plots must be
georeferenced and systematized within the GIS.

The physical files are stored in the project's administrative office located in the town of Iñapari, while the
digital files are stored in an electronic folder called "TAH REDD PROJECT" located on the MADERACRE
server, which is managed by the Specialist. Forest. These files will be kept throughout the useful life of the
project and for at least two years after the end of their crediting period.


For this monitoring component, information management comprises the following steps or processes:

Step 1: Selecting and analyzing the source of land use change

1.1. For the 5-year monitoring period, the following actions will be taken:

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

a) The data collected and analyzed should cover the entire project area and the leak belt. The data must
correspond to the year in which the verification occurs.

b) For the calculation of each category of land use change:

• The area of each category will be calculated within the project area and, when necessary, within the
leakage belt.

• The reference forest cover maps for the project area and leakage belt will be updated.

• The remaining forest area within the project area will be updated.

1.2. For the 10-year monitoring period, a review of the baseline corresponds:

a) Use of medium resolution images (30 mx 30 m or less, if available) at the end of the period in which the
baseline will be renewed.

b) The data collected and analyzed must cover:

• Entire reference region: data available for the baseline renewal year or no less than one year earlier.

• For the processing of Land Use Capacity data, geometric corrections will be georeferenced and made, as
well as cloud and shadow detection.

• The area of each category will be calculated within the reference region, the project area and, when
necessary, within the leakage belt.

• The reference forest cover maps will be updated for the reference area, the project area and the leakage

• The total deforested areas will be estimated during the first 10 years to adjust the baseline and the
deforestation rate if necessary.

Note: The indications of the corresponding Module of the REDD Methodology Modules regarding clouds
will be taken into account for the determination of maps. A classification accuracy of 90% or more will be

Step 2: interpretation and analysis

2.1 Monitoring deforestation

a) Deforested area within the Project Area (PA) by stratum.

b) Deforested area within the leakage belt (LB) by stratum.

In both cases, it must be specified to which type of Land Use (LU) the deforested areas have been changed.
For the recalculation of the baseline, it must be established or indicated whether the percentages of change
in land use remain the same as in the initial baseline.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

c) Carbon stocks in carbon pools:

• The carbon stock is maintained in each stratum defined in the baseline. It will be re-evaluated for the
baseline review (in 10 years).

• The carbon stock of each land use is maintained. It will be re-evaluated for the baseline review (in 10

d) Volume of wood harvested in each concession, by stratum and by year.

e) Deforested area within the Reference Region (for baseline review).

2.2. Degradation monitoring

The Project has a Custody System in the process of implementation (checkpoints, defined boundaries,
periodic patrolling, etc.). In this sense, it is expected that there will be no degradation due to wood extraction
due to illegal logging or the production of firewood or charcoal. If this occurs within the concessions, this
degradation will be discounted in the calculations.

A Participatory Rural Assessment (PRA) will be conducted to determine if degradation occurs. In this sense,
the following steps will be followed:

a) Degradation due to illegal logging:

The PRA will take place every 2 years. If the results indicate that the project area does not have pressure
for this type of degradation, then it will be assumed that: ∆Cp, Deg, i, t = 0.

If the PRA results indicate that there is a potential for degradation, then you should:

• Obtain a “penetration distance” in the PRA (distance that degradation agents can enter from the closest
access points).

• Identify the most important access points to the vulnerable area.

• From these points, the penetration distances are projected and a Buffer Area is created with a width equal
to the length.

• Transects will be established to assess the buffer zone. The evaluated area should not be less than 1%
of the buffer area.

• If no stumps (harvested trees) are found, it is assumed that ∆Cp, Deg, i, t = 0 and the evaluation is
repeated every 2 years.

• If stumps are found, a systematic assessment is carried out. For this, the plots are systematically
distributed, with the area to be evaluated being ≥ 3% of the buffer area.

• Take into account the diameter of the stumps, which will be assumed as their DBH. If they are very large
(for example, due to buttresses), then the stump species is identified and standing trees of the same species
are located. Subsequently, its DBH and stump diameter are measured and a DBH / stump diameter ratio

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

is calculated. With this relationship, the DBH of the stump diameter of the cleared individuals found is

• With the DAP data, the carbon stock of the harvested trees is calculated, using the allometric equation
that was used to estimate the carbon stocks of the trees in the baseline (Chavé Equation).

• All stocks will be assumed to be lost to the atmosphere.

• This evaluation must be repeated every 5 years.

b) Degradation by fire:

• Burned areas should be measured in the field using GPS.

• For the calculation of its emissions, the Module E-BB of the approved VCS REDD Methodology Modules
will be followed.

2.3 Monitoring of areas with higher carbon stocks

The increase in carbon stocks is assumed to be zero and therefore does not require monitoring.

2.4 Monitoring of project emissions

Non-CO2 GHG emissions will be calculated:

a) N2O and CH4 from the burning of agricultural and forestry biomass. It is carried out in those areas of
land where the change of use occurred. For ex ante calculations of the biomass burned within the forest, it
was estimated (through expert consultation) that 50% of the deforested forest was burned. In the event that
deforestation occurs within the project area, a new percentage will be established (based on actual
measurements to be made or supported by literature). It will indicate what was done for the new calculation
of the baseline (every 10 years).

b) N2O emissions from fertilizer use within deforested areas. In the event that deforestation and the use of
N2O occur during the life of the project, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used per hectare deforested will
be determined.


Analysis of deforestation and source of land use change should be done through the use of satellite imagery
and field verification. The procedures to be considered are the following:

1. Selection of satellite images:

The image must be obtained from image servers, its technical characteristics such as: source, type of
image, path, row, date, sensor and percentage of cloud cover must be known. This information must be
detailed in the "Image Acquisition Form" and incorporated into the corresponding monitoring reports.

Images with a cloud cover that exceeds 10% of the total image area should not be used, this to ensure their
correct analysis.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

2. Processing of satellite images:

For the processing of the selected satellite images, software such as Erdas Imagine and ArcGis should be
used. This activity should include the following steps:

a) Band composition:

As the image is acquired in TIFF format (raw format), it must be unzipped and exported to the Erdas Imagine
array (* img). Then all the bands are grouped into a 543-RGB combination, which is the most optimal
combination for visual interpretation of deforestation and land use change.

b) Geometric correction

This process is applied to transform images by removing geometric distortions from the sensor, which
means that they must be georeferenced. It is a very important step because it ensures that the image is
located in the same geographic space as the historical images.

c) Radiometric improvement

This is done to get a better visual appearance of the image.

d) Visual classification

The IIAP methodology can be used to classify satellite images. An appropriate scale must be defined and
the classes to be identified are:


• Non-forest land, which was divided into subcategories:

- grasses


- Infrastructure

- Secondary forest, included here to avoid taking into account positive changes in the forest (natural


Review processes will be carried out in order to ensure the quality of the project information, minimizing the
risks of error, thus obtaining reliable data as the basis of a solid monitoring system. It includes the following

1. Training

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Training will be provided to staff in general in the different roles that they must play in the framework of the
project, activities and the methodologies to be followed, as well as the care they must take in those critical
points of information management in its different stages: collection of field data, fingering, processing.

2. On-site verification

It basically consists of the monitoring in the field that the Head of E&M must carry out on the work of the
technical team, taking care at all times that the procedures established in the methodological guidelines of
the guides and manuals are implemented and that have been disseminated to the staff in the process.

An error in the implementation of the procedures must be corrected in the field during the execution of the
samplings or evaluations.

3. Review of data collected before and after digitization

• Field data collection: form header review, complete fields, data consistency (values within parameters).

• Fingering: once 100% of the information contained in the form has been entered into the database, an
indication of "fingering" must be entered in the corresponding form and once the consistency of the fingering
has been checked, it must be entered an indicative of "revised".

• Processing: is the responsibility of the Head of E&M and the Social Responsibility Coordinator. They
should take into consideration the methodological guidelines defined in the monitoring guides or manuals
developed by the project.

If any inconsistency of information is identified at the field form level, this information must be verified in the
field. If the inconsistency is found in the digitized information, it must be corroborated in the field forms and
if the inconsistency persists, it must be corroborated in the field.

4. Review of monitoring reports before publication.

The monitoring reports should be reviewed before publication to confirm that the calculations, analysis and
conclusions are correct and if they have been obtained following the corresponding guidelines. This work
is in charge of the Forestry Specialist.

If there are non-conformities during the internal or external audit processes, the data should be reviewed
and the non-conformities addressed.

3.1.4 Dissemination of Monitoring Plan and Results (CL4.2)

The project will execute Citizen Participation Workshops (at the start and close of logging operations) twice
per year to spread the main results and conclusions of their multidimensional monitoring system,
complementing other methods to make publicly available those results as the webpage of the company.
Here, the main conclusions of the monitoring systems of previous year and the expected activities for next
year will be shared.

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3.2 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals

3.2.1 Baseline Emissions

The emissions of the project's reference activities are found in the following table. These baseline emissions
are derived from section 3.2 of the PD.

Table 10. Reference emissions in the project area.

L (1): Annual carbon loss by L (1): Annual carbon loss by

conversion of forest lands in conversion of forest lands in
Year pastures pastures
[Mg.C/year] [Mg.CO2/year]

2017 355873.77 1304870.49

2018 418239.62 1533545.27
2019 489549.94 1795016.45

3.2.2 Project Emissions

Project emissions are estimated applying the VM0006 methodology “Methodology for Carbon Accounting
for Mosaic and Landscape-scale REDD Projects”.

From deforestation for pastures

The assumption of effectiveness is presented in the following table:


Target driver Project activity effectiveness quantification

Conversion of Alternative livelihoods 0.312
forest land to
Legal recognition of the land tenure status 0.040
Demarcation and forest protection 1.000

The maximum effectiveness (100%) is being assumed since first year as the project proponent has large
experience in controlling project boundaries. It does not mean that they will immediately change the land
use pattern in surrounding communities and drivers of deforestation. In the leakage cancellation rate, a

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 69

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

large discount has been assumed, associated to Arca Pacahuara maintaining current agrarian expansion,
that will displace the threat to leakage area.



Target driver Maximal effectiveness quantification

𝑆/. 119800
Effectiveness = 0.75*
𝑆/. 2880
• Conversion of forest land to cropland
Effectiveness = 31.20

The concessions are already FSC certified, which guarantees sustainable forest management that includes
logging operations. Therefore, there are no plans to decrease the volume harvested as was done when
FSC certification was obtained.
On the other hand, the project proponent hopes that the activities proposed in the theory of change will
reduce all pressure and threat on the project area, as they focus on creating alternative sources of income
for the surrounding families with the objective to change the land use pattern.


Year Area that will be converted in cropland for surrounding communities in project scenario

2017 699.92
2018 822.58
2019 962.83

An area of 28.5% of the foreseen deforestation in the reference scenario was estimated to be converted
into farmland within the project area; However, when monitoring the real deforestation in the period of 2017
- 2019, a smaller area of deforestation resulted, as shown in the previous table.

Forest impact of a driver “d” in deforestation and forest degradation, respectively at the moment “t” of
crediting period is in EQ64.

The rate is 100% for the years 2017-2019, the effectiveness is obtained from the previous tables and the
contribution is 100%. Consequently, the relative impact of the driver is 1.35 for the years 2017-2019.

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Then, considering that there is only one driver, the relative project impact would be 1.35 for the years 2017-
2019, according to EQ66.

The deforestation rate in the project scenario is obtained multiplying the deforestation rate in the baseline
scenario because of the relative impact on the project, according to EQ68.


Absolute rate of deforestation in
project area (ha/year)
2017 1.37
2018 0.50
2019 0.00


CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 71

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

T: 40 yr

To estimate the uinventory, harvest(i), we need to develop EQ (17 – 22):


Average Standard Sample Confidence Degrees of Standard

Parameter HCWI(OM)
(t/ha) deviation size Level freedom error

AGB 295.41 11.02 119 95% 118 1.01020174 1.67478268

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 72

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

According to EQ21 CEinventory(i) is equal to 0.005, and according to EQ22, uinventory,harvest(i) is equal to 1.00.

To find the Charvest(t,i), we need to determine the following info:

• Average annual carbon density in harvested timber, equal to 0.32 tCO2/ha
According to IPCC (2006), the net growth of aboveground biomass in tropical rainforest in South America
for forests ≥ 20 years old is 3.1 t/ha/year, respectively. This growth, in tCO 2 is 5.68. Calculations are more
detailed in “Net Carbon and VCU” Excel workbook, sheet “10”.

LTACharvest: Long term
Charvest(t,i): Carbon
average density in
Year density in harvest zone
harvest zones.
by time and harvest area
[tCO2e ha-1]

2017 508.54
613.51 2018 514.07
2019 519.26



Developed in section 3.2.4.

3.2.3 Leakage


CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 73

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

A 5km buffer was built around the project area.



Community Level of Engagement Families Cropland Grazing Logging

San Francisco de Asis 100% 38 ⚫ ⚫
Flor de Acre 50% 60 ⚫ ⚫
Oceania 100% 38 ⚫ ⚫
La República 100% 21 ⚫ ⚫
Chilina Vieja 100% 23 ⚫
San Antonio de Abad 100% 37 ⚫
San Isidro de Chilina 100% 35 ⚫
Noaya 100% 4 ⚫
Arca Pacahuara 0% 428 ⚫ ⚫
Villa Primavera 100% 25 ⚫ ⚫

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CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Nueva Esperanza 100% 10 ⚫

Bélgica 100% 37 ⚫

The assumptions are:

 The project has a good communication and relationships with most of the surrounding
communities, as they already work with them and provide different kind of support
(education, health, others). This ensures that those communities will easily engage in
adopting sustainable land use practices with the technical and financial support of
 Arca Pacahuara is a religious community, strongly convinced that God has ordered to
work the land and the work they know are mainly agriculture (corn production). They are
a close community. MADERACRE has been able to access but we do not expect to obtain
significant results in adopting sustainable practices. The strategy with them is
strengthening the surveillance of forest boundaries. We will assume that these combined
actions will reduce the expansion interest of Arca Pacahuara from 100% to 50%.
 Flor de Acre, on the other side, has close relationships with Arca Pacahuara but, in some
sense, they are not so a close community, so the project expects to have some impact
 Grazing and crops are present in most of the communities with different weights. A table
calculating the area dedicated to each activity in each community may be found in the
baseline survey.
 To estimate the leakage factor cancellation, we will assume that no expansion is allowed
but there is a risk that, in the case of Arca Pacahuara, it will occur in the project scenario
in the case of croplands at a rate of 50%. Δ Area allowed = 0.
 To estimate the percentage of impact in the whole cropland leakage cancellation factor of
this null level of engagement, we must multiply by the weight of Arca Pacahuara,
compared to the other communities. According to baseline survey, Arca Pacahuara has
57% of the total families of the 12 surrounding communities. For this reason, we will use
a weight of 28.5% (50% of 57%).


Community Weight (number of families in the community / total families)







CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 75

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


NOAYA 4 1%





Based on those assumptions, we have calculated the Δ(Area) in project scenario, for each driver of


Level of Discount Factor

Participation Weight Final rate
Engagement thanks to PM-BPP
If P = Yes,
Community \Code P W LE DF W * (1-LE) * DF
If P= No, 0

San Francisco de Asis Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

Flor de Acre Yes 8% 50% N.A. 0%

Oceanía Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

La República Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

Chilina Vieja Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

San Antonio de Abad Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

San Isidro de Chilina Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

Noaya Yes 1% 100% N.A. 0%

Arca Pacahuara No 57% 0% 50% 28.5%

Villa Primavera Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

Nueva Esperanza Yes 1% 100% N.A. 0%

Bélgica Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

The sum is 28.5% which must be multiplied by the area expected to be changed in the baseline scenario
to estimate the Δ(Area) in project scenario for cropland.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 76

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Grazing (applying the same formulae than cropland because, in the methodology, grazing is within the
forest causing mostly degradation at 95%, while in the project zone, grazing cause deforestation)


Level of Discount Factor

Participation Weight Final rate
Engagement thanks to PM-BPP
If P = Yes,
Community \Code P W LE DF W * (1-LE) * DF
If P= No, 0

San Francisco de Asis Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

Flor de Acre Yes 8% 50% N.A. 0%

Oceanía Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

La República Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

Chilina Vieja Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

San Antonio de Abad Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

San Isidro de Chilina Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

Noaya Yes 1% 100% N.A. 0%

Arca Pacahuara No 57% 0% 50% 28.5%

Villa Primavera Yes 3% 100% N.A. 0%

Nueva Esperanza Yes 1% 100% N.A. 0%

Bélgica Yes 5% 100% N.A. 0%

The sum is 28.5% which must be multiplied by the area expected to be changed in the baseline scenario
to estimate the Δ(Area) in project scenario for pastures.

Domestic Timber
Only Flor de Acre extracts timber for domestic uses and as this community is engaged with the project so
the risk of leakage will be assumed 0.

No projections of new roads have been used to project changes in the baseline scenario to calculate the
forest loss area so the value is 0.


CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 77

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3


Cropland 28.5%
Settlement N.A.
Infrastructure N.A.
Fuel Wood N.A.
Understory vegetation N.A.
Domestic Timber 0
Grazing 28.5%

Leakage belt: 189,676.02 ha.

The leakage cancelation rate to avoid deforestation caused by conversion of forest lands in croplands
was obtained from EQ85.


CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 78

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Δarea(pasture,project) : Superficie que Δarea(pasture,allowed) :Área que se

Δarea(pasture,baseline) : Área de
será convertida en pastos por las convertirá en pastos dentro del área
bosque convertida de estrato
comunidades participantes en el escenario del proyecto en el escenario del
forestal "i" a pastos al comienzo
del proyecto tras la reducción de la proyecto según se define en el plan
del período de acreditación. demanda de conversión de tierras de de gestión o en el documento del
[ha/año] cultivo. [ha/año] proyecto. [ha/año]
2455.86 699.92 0.00
2886.24 822.58 0.00
3378.35 962.83 0.00

With the Δarea(pasture,baseline), Δarea(pasture,project) and Δarea(pasture,allowed) in the table above, we obtain the
leakage cancellation rate (Leakage(pasture conversion)) valued in 0.29.

The total relative impact of leakage in reduction of GHG emissions due to project activities
(RelativeLeakageImpactDF(t)), according to EQ83 is obtained multiplying the leakage cancellation rate with
the relative driver impact. In this case, we obtain a value of 0.39.

With these data, we obtain the induced increase in leakage from deforestation rate in leakage area (EQ95
and EQ97).


Carbon DleakageArea,projectScenario,DF(t): DleakageArea,baselinetScenario,DF(t) ΔDLK,DF:
emissions from Induced increasing
deforestation in Deforestation rate in Reference deforestation deforestation rates by
leakage area leakage area under the rate in leakage area at time leakage during year t
during year t project scenario in time t of t of crediting period of crediting period
(tCO2e/year) crediting period [ha/year] (ha/year) (ha/year)
-1,826,245.66 3,661.10 2,714.81 946.29

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 79

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

-2,146,289.91 4,302.69 3,190.57 1112.13

-2,512,234.75 5,036.31 3,734.56 1301.75

3.2.4 Net GHG Emission Reductions and Removals

EQ105 of the methodology was used to estimate NER for the whole crediting period of the project.



Net Emission Reductions(NERs) =
ΔGHG from avoided deforestation excluding ANR and harvest areas 01 +
+ ΔGHG from deforestation due to leakage 02 +
+ ΔGHG from avoided degradation 03 +
+ ΔGHG from degradation due to leakage 04 +
+ΔGHG from leakage by unconstrained geographic drivers 05 +
+ ΔGHG from assisted natural regeneration 06 +
+ ΔGHG from changes in long-lived wood products 07 +
+ ΔGHG from improved cook stoves 08 +
+ ΔGHG from other and secondary sources 09 +
+ΔGHG from avoided deforestation from areas under harvest 10

Uclassification was used in section 3.2.1 of the PD, while Utransition from table 69 and emission factors
from table 68 for all equations. The ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i) and ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i) is
the transition area, excluding harvest area in the project scenario and baseline scenario, respectively.
Uclassification, Utransition and emission factors was used in section 3.2.1 of the PD, for all equations. The
ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i) and ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i) is the transition area, excluding harvest
area in the project scenario and baseline scenario, respectively.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 80

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i): (Project Area – harvest area)/Project Area * deforestation rate in Project
area in baseline scenario)
ΔareaprojectAreaEAH,projectScenario (t,i): (Project Area – harvest area)/Project Area * deforestation rate in Project
area in baseline scenario)

Hectares in transition within project Hectares in transition within project
zone, excluding RNA and harvest zone, excluding RNA and harvest
Year 1 areas, under project scenario during areas, under baseline scenario during
year t year t

2017 1,419,765.89 1.27 2286.27

2018 1,669,134.92 0.46 2687.83
2019 1,950,121.63 00.00 3140.31

ΔarealeakageArea,projectScenario,DF(t): Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the leakage area under the project
scenario during year 𝑡𝑡. [ha yr-1].
ΔarealeakageArea,baselineScenario,DF(t): Hectares undergoing transition 𝑖𝑖 within the leakage area under the baseline
scenario during year 𝑡𝑡. [ha yr-1].

In both cases, transition area is 100% of deforestation rate in the leakage area in both scenarios.


Year 2 ΔarealeakageArea,projectScenario,DF(t) ΔarealeakageArea,baselineScenario,DF(t)

2017 -434,648.44 1515.78 2714.81

2018 -510,819.32 695.83 3190.57
2019 -597,914.58 455.11 3734.56

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 81

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

It is equivalent to 0.00.

It is equivalent to 0.00.

ΔGHG from leakage by unconstrained geographic drivers:

It is equivalent to 0.00.

It equals to 0.00.

CLWP,project(t) : Carbon stock in long-lived wood products under the baseline scenario during year t [Mg C]
CLWP,baseline(t) : Carbon stock in long-lived wood products under the project scenario during year t [Mg C]

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 82

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

wwf (ty): Fraction of carbon in harvested wood products that is emitted immediately because of mill
inefficiency for wood class, 24%.
slp (ty): Proportion of short lived products, 0.2.
fo (ty): Fraction of carbon that will be emitted to the atmosphere between 5 and 100 years of harvest for
wood class, 0.85.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 83

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

DTproject y DTbaseline are equal to 0.00.

For CTbaseline, it was used the unauthorized timber volume for Tahuamanu is 10,086.120 m 3 for the years
2012 – 2016 (OSINFOR 201813) multiplied by the proportion represented by the project area as the share
of Tahuamanu area (0.1), obtaining 1008.61 m3, then it was divided between the 4 years, resulting in an
average of 252.15 m3 per year.

According to EQ102, the CHWP, baseline (ty, t) was obtained by multiplying the CTbaseline by the CF and
the mean of the densities of the timber species, then, following the EQ103 we obtain the CLWP, baseline
7.47 tC.

For the CTproject, it was provided by the consolidated MADERACRE, according to the extractions that it
has been carrying out from 2017 to 2019, obtaining the volume of wood extracted annually from each
species harvested in m3 / year.
Then the CHWPproject is found by multiplying the basic density of each species by the harvested volume
and the carbon factor, this for each year in the same way, likewise the carbon in long-lived wood products
is found in the project scenario multiplying the CHWpproject by the Fraction of carbon that will be emitted
into the atmosphere (fo), by the proportion of short-lived products (slp), and by the applicable fraction (wwf)
which is 24%. And finally, there is the net change in carbon stocks in long-lived wood products for each


CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 84

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

year, subtracting the carbon in long-life wood products from the project scenario minus the reference
All these calculations can be seen in the excel calculations of emissions and net removals.

CHWP,project(ty,t) CTProject: Basic density per
Total carbon content in Volume of annual specie, using
harvested wood products harvested wood, round Scientific Name Table GPG-
within project boundaries wood for commercial LULUCF 3A.1.9.
sales [m3/year] []
. [Mg C]

892.27005 2549.343 Apuleia leiocarpa 0.7

1504.75736 4854.056 Hymenaea oblongifolia 0.62
17.75642 82.588 Swietenia macrophylla 0.43
61.29901 165.673 Calycophyllum spruceanum 0.74
1711.81062 4389.258 Myroxylon balsamum 0.78
815.949295 3795.113 Amburana cearensis 0.43
734.41137 1688.302 Manilkara bidentata 0.87
12823.89462 27578.268 Dipteryx odorata 0.93
82.69098 179.763 Tabebuia serratifolia 0.92


Net variations of carbon content in long- Carbon in long-term wood products

term wood products during year t [Mg CO2] within project scenario. [Mg C]

270.97 81.38
503.19 137.23
5.94 1.62
20.50 5.59
572.43 156.12
272.85 74.41
245.59 66.98
4288.31 1169.54
27.65 7.54
6207.43 1700.41

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 85

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

The total net variation of the carbon content in wood products in the long term in 2017 -2020 is found in the
following table, the average of this term was used for the following years 2021-2026.


Year 7
2017 6207.43
2018 9713.87
2019 15647.54

It is 0.00.

It is 0.00.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 86

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

areaprojectAreaWithHarvest,projectScenario(t,i): Hectares in transition ii within project area in harvest zone, in project

Hectares in transition ii within
harvest area in project scenario
during year t

2017 11551.45
2018 23346.86
2019 12090.06
areaprojectAreaWithHarvest,baselineScenario(t,i): Hectares in transition ii within project area in harvest zone, in baseline
scenario was obtained as (proportion of harvest area of total project area) * deforestation rate in project.


Hectares in transition ii within
harvest area in baseline scenario
during year t

2017 165.33
2018 392.72
2019 238.04

ustratification is equivalent to 0.75 and uinventory,harvest(i) to 1.

According to EQ80, ΔCareaWithHarvest(t) for every year is:

TABLE 31: Carbon density in harvest zones in stratum ii in year t

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 87

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Year 10: [tCO2 ha-1]

2017 196,798.97
2018 436,828.09
2019 257,813.36

With project crediting period (T) of 40 years, the LTACharvest is 613.51 tCO2e ha-1.

For this reason, according to EQ80, as areaprojectAreaWithHarvest,projectScenario(t,i) * LTACharvest, is greater than

ΔCareaWithHarvest(t), ΔGHG from avoided deforestation from areas under harvest (10) is equal to


Net Emission
Year 1 2 7 10
Reductions (NERs)
2017 1,252,544.11 1,049,537.71 0.00 6,207.43 196,798.97
2018 1,680,896.10 1,234,354.14 0.00 9,713.87 436,828.09
2019 1,715,858.56 1,442,397.66 0.00 15,647.54 257,813.36

Year Estimated Estimated project Estimated Estimated net

baseline emissions or leakage GHG emission
emissions or removals (tCO2e) emissions reductions or
removals (tCO2e) (tCO2e) removals (tCO2e)

2017 -1,183,019.39 2,435,563.50 0.00 1,252,544.11

2018 -1,550,238.70 3,231,134.80 0.00 1,680,896.10
2019 -1,633,738.25 3,349,596.81 0.00 1,715,858.56
Total -4,366,996.34 9,016,295.10 0.00 4,649,298.77

3.3 Optional Criterion: Climate Change Adaptation Benefits

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 88

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

This section is not applicable.

3.3.1 Activities and/or processes implemented for Adaptation (GL1.3)

This section is not applicable.


4.1 Net Positive Community Impacts

4.1.1 Community Impacts (CM2.1)

Complete the table below to describe all the impacts on each community group resulting from project
activities under the with-project scenario. Impacts must include all those identified in the project description
and any other unplanned impacts. Explain and justify key assumptions, rationale and methodological
choices. Explain how the affected groups have participated in the evaluation of impacts. Provide all relevant
references. Copy and paste the table as needed.

Community Group Identify group

Impact Identify impact

Type of Benefit/Cost/Risk Describe whether the impact is predicted or actual, direct or

indirect, and whether it is a benefit, cost or risk
Change in Well-being Describe type and magnitude of impact

As indicated in the PD, the monitoring system is going to be fully implemented since the project
receives the carbon incomes.

Regarding community impacts, there are four indicators proposed:

Crop productivity: As justified in the PD, this variable, instead of incomes (that depend on
an external factor as price) or production (that may depend on the area or external factor
as the current pandemic situation), clearly reflects the effectiveness of technical assistance
supplied by the project to contribute with the necessary incomes to sustain their families
without the necessity to clear new forest areas or, under a scenario of global economic
decline, a barrier to the vulnerability. The methodological approach to measure this impact
is the community survey.

o Agrarian frontier stabilization: Related with the previous impact, the project plans to
stabilize the expansion of agrarian frontier in the project area but also in the leakage belt.
According to the baseline survey, the average area per family dedicated to pastures is
14.09 hectares while the average area per family dedicated to agriculture is 6.42 hectares.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 89

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

o Support to education, health and other resources (water): As described in Chapter 1, the
project has provided extensive support to neighboring communities in education, health
and other resources. According to PD, the goals expected to be achieved since 2022 are
as follows:

Achieved target
since 2022
2017 2018 2019

Education 311 360 236 208

Health 3,528 2,765 2,765 2,765

Water 4,295 4,295 4,295 4,295

As seen in the table, the project, even without the incomes from carbon sales, has had
high indicators in the three major areas, very close to the maximum target: 86%, in the
case of education and 78% in the case of health. Gender indicators have not established

o Enhanced livelihood conditions of indigenous groups: Even though the project proponent
has committed to invest 1% of carbon incomes for indigenous protection, during the current
monitoring period, the project has collaborated with many identifiable benefits for Native
Community of Belgica in different education and health issues.

4.1.2 Negative Community Impact Mitigation (CM2.2)

Describe activities and/or processes implemented to mitigate any negative well-being impacts on
community groups and for maintenance or enhancement of high conservation value (HCV) attributes
identified in the project description. Explain how such actions are consistent with the precautionary principle.

The PD analyzed that the main risk of negative impact is an increased difficult to access to forest resources
for traditional community uses.

The baseline survey concludes that there is a very high level of use of firewood (88%), while charcoal is
used only by 55% and timber, 68%. But, most of these families collect them from their own plots. The project
must monitor how much resources are still available in their plots and help them to develop a strategy to
replace the sources without affecting surrounding natural forests. One of them may be the reforestation
with species appropriate for firewood, charcoal or timber.

4.1.3 Net Positive Community Well-Being (CM2.3, GL1.4)

Demonstrate that the net well-being impacts of the project are positive for all identified community groups
compared with their well-being conditions under the without-project land use scenario.

Projects validated at the Gold Level for climate change adaptation benefits: demonstrate how the project
activities have assisted communities to adapt to the probable impacts of climate change.

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 90

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

The project does not expect to obtain Gold Level.

4.1.4 Protection of High Conservation Values (CM2.4)

Demonstrate that none of the HCVs related to community well-being in the project zone identified in the
project description are negatively affected by the project.

Community needs. As described in Chapter 1, the project is already providing support for basic community
needs as education, health, training, among others. Specific activities have already listed in Chapter 1.

Cultural values. Similarly, some of the beneficiaries of activities listed in Chapter 1 are focused on
indigenous people.

4.2 Other Stakeholder Impacts

4.2.1 Mitigation of Negative Impacts on Other Stakeholders (CM3.2)

4.2.2 Net Impacts on Other Stakeholders (CM3.3)

4.3 Community Impact Monitoring

4.3.1 Community Monitoring Plan (CM4.1, CM4.2, GL1.4, GL2.2, GL2.3, GL2.5)

Present the results of the community impact monitoring which should include:

• All communities, community groups, other stakeholders, and HCVs related to community
well-being identified in the monitoring plan.

• Dates, frequency, sampling methods used, and other information regarding the monitoring

• Results and evaluation of monitoring, including evaluations by the affected communities.

For projects validated to the Gold Level for exceptional community benefits, include all additional monitored
data to demonstrate the project meets all required criteria.

The baseline survey was applied in 2021 during the preparation of the PD for its approval. In that sense,
for the current monitoring report, no new data is pertinent nor available.

The main results, at the community level, are the following:

Table 33: Parcel distribution in an average family (per community)

CCB v3.0, VCS v3.4 91

CCB Version 3, VCS Version 3

Hectares Cattle ranching Agriculture Unproductive lands Primary forests Secondary forests
Arca pacahuara 4.29 7.00 3.05 3.65 9.05
Belgica 3.33 66.67 0.67 75.00 50.00
Chilina vieja 48.33 9.67 10.00 10.33 44.00
Flor de Acre 17.22 4.89 1.67 16.00 14.22
La Republica 15.00 8.00 - 24.50 20.50
Noaya 100.00 - - - -
Nueva Esperanza 200.00 8.00 20.00 200.00 200.00
Oceania 6.25 1.75 - 24.75 68.00
San Antonio de Abad 24.25 2.50 - 5.00 47.75
San Francisco de Asis 4.20 3.60 8.00 18.80 30.60
San Isidro de chilina 1.50 6.75 - 6.00 39.75
Villa Primavera 40.00 16.33 - 58.33 12.00

As may be seen, some communities are more dedicated to agriculture (Arca Pacahuara, Belgica) while
others are more dedicated to cattle ranching (Nueva Esperanza, Noaya, San Antonio de Abad, Chilina
Vieja). As an average, a family has 6.4 hectares for agriculture and 14.1 hectares for cattle ranching.

It is also remarkable than some communities have a very low remnant forests per family. It implies that any
potential production increase will affect forests that do not belong to them. As an average, each family has
12.9 hectares of primary forest and 22.0 hectares of secondary forest.

Table 34. Main crops and cattle (per community)

Hectares Cattle (units) Banana Yucca Corn Rice

Arca pacahuara 2.18 0.43 0.30 5.16 0.37
Belgica 33.33 0.33 0.50 1.67 1.33
Chilina vieja 10.00 0.67 1.67 5.50 0.50
Flor de Acre 8.11 0.28 0.22 3.06 0.44
La Republica - 1.75 - 4.00 1.00
Noaya 140.00 - - - -
Nueva Esperanza 350.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 -
Oceania 15.00 0.63 0.38 0.38 0.38
San Antonio de Abad 31.75 0.38 0.13 0.75 -
San Francisco de Asis 4.00 0.55 0.55 0.70 0.60
San Isidro de chilina - 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
Villa Primavera 21.67 0.33 0.33 1.33 0.33

The average number of cattle per family is 12.5 but, as may be seen, there are some communities that are
very focused on that activity as Noaya and Nueva Esperanza. On the other side, the average extension for
agrarian products are: 3.65 for corn (with Arca Pacahuara leading); 0.5 for banana (with Nueva Esperanza

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and La Republica leading); 0.39 for rice (with Belgica and La Republica leading); and 0.36 for yucca (with
Chilina Vieja and Nueva Esperanza leading).

The trend of agrarian extension in the previous and coming years is shown in the following table:

Table 35. Trend of land use in the previous years (per activity)

In the previous 5 years Cattle ranching Agriculture Forestry

% of answers 27% 90% 4%

Increased 36% 20%

Is stable 41% 62% 33%

Declined 23% 18% 67%

It is interesting that most of the families keep stable their areas dedicated to agrarian or cattle ranching
activities in the previous 5 years. Maybe it is explained because of the pandemic situation.

On the other side, most of the families plan to increase their areas dedicated to agriculture and cattle
ranching. Considering that there are not too much where to grow, the risk that these plans affect the project
area or other neighboring forest areas is real and expected for the short-term. According to the interviews,
79% stated that they still have enough lands where to grow while 21% accepted that they will need to buy
new lands to expand their agrarian activities.

Table 36. Expected trend of land use in the coming years (per activity)

In the coming 5 years Cattle ranching Agriculture Forestry

% of answers 37% 89% 6%

Plan to increase 83% 75% 20%

Plan to maintain stable 17% 25% 20%

Plan to decline

No clear response 60%

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It is expected that the community monitoring plan will be applied annually as indicated in the PD. Indicators,
methods and other parameters are described in PD. The survey form is included in Annexes.

4.3.2 Monitoring Plan Dissemination (CM4.3)

As indicated in other sections referred to dissemination, the results of community monitoring, once the
project has been validated, public summaries of the PD, the monitoring results, as well as complementary
dissemination material such as brochures will be prepared and distributed to the main project stakeholders.

Diffusion talks are held for collaborators where summary material and / or diffusion brochures are also

4.4 Optional Criterion: Exceptional Community Benefits

This section (4.4) should be completed for projects validated at the Gold Level for exceptional community
benefits. If not applicable, state so and leave this section blank.

4.4.1 Short-term and Long-term Community Benefits (GL2.2)

Demonstrate that the project has or is on track to generate short-term and long-term net positive well-being
benefits for smallholders/community members.

4.4.2 Marginalized and/or Vulnerable Community Groups (GL2.4)

Use the table below to identify each of the marginalized and/or vulnerable community groups that the project
is engaging with and how the communities have or are on track to gain net positive benefits. Copy and
paste the table as needed.

Community Group Identify the community group

Net positive impacts Demonstrate that the project activities have or are on track to
generate net positive impacts on the well-being of all identified
marginalized and/or vulnerable community groups.

Benefit access Demonstrate that any barriers or risks that might prevent
benefits going to marginalized and/or vulnerable
smallholder/community members have been addressed.

Negative impacts Demonstrate which measures have been taken to identify any
marginalized and/or vulnerable smallholders/community
members, whose well-being may be negatively affected by the
project, and that actions have been taken to avoid, or when
unavoidable to mitigate, any such impacts.

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4.4.3 Net Impacts on Women (GL2.5)

Demonstrate that the project has generated net positive impacts on the well-being of women and that
women participated in or influenced decision making.

4.4.4 Benefit Sharing Mechanisms (GL2.6)

Describe the implementation of the benefit sharing mechanisms described in the project description.

4.4.5 Governance and Implementation Structures (GL2.8)

Describe how the project’s governance and implementation structures have enabled full and effective
participation of smallholders/community members in project decision-making and implementation.

4.4.6 Smallholders/Community Members Capacity Development (GL2.9)

Demonstrate how the project has developed the capacity of smallholders/community members, and
relevant local organizations or institutions, to participate effectively and actively in project design,
implementation and management.


5.1 Net Positive Biodiversity Impacts

5.1.1 Biodiversity Changes (B2.1)

Table 37. Biodiversity Impacts

Change in Biodiversity Maintenance and increase of the umbrella species.

Monitored Change In the evaluation of wild fauna carried out in 2020 in the 15 felling
plot, it was possible to register 15 species of the 23 species
established as indicators for the MADERACRE SAC wildlife
monitoring system. Obtaining 2 new records compared to the
evaluation of PC14 (2018). One of the new records being the
sighting of Harpia harpyja.
There were 21 species of wild fauna protected by national and
international legislation, in mammals: 13 species belong to
CITES, 11 IUCN species and 7 species DS-004-2014-MINAGRI,
in birds 7 species belong to CITES, 16 IUCN species and 03
species in DS-004-2014-MINAGRI and in reptiles: 1 species
belongs to CITES and DS-004-2014-MINAGRI.
Justification of Change The maintenance of the concession forest and the adjacent forest
are the main factors that allow generating this change, as a

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consequence of the fact that it is a project based on the

management of selective logging and low impact, allowing natural
regeneration and growth. and reproduction of unharvested
This allows the conservation of an almost intact forest cover, while
guaranteeing the conservation of innumerable species of
associated flora and fauna, among them the Otorongo, an
umbrella species at the top of the pyramid of the food chain.
The forest thus maintains its rhythms and cycles in a similar way
to how it developed thousands of years ago, maintaining its
processes, and where the species that indicate the health of the
ecosystems register healthy and growing populations (as is the
case of top predators such as the Otorongo, the harpy eagle or
the giant otter) and where other species very sensitive to human
presence (tapirs, deer, wild pigs, curassows and turkeys)
maintain healthy populations.
It is also worth mentioning that complementary activities to the
sustainable use of the forest are carried out in the concession
area, among them, fauna monitoring, fauna evaluations are
carried out annually, with this it seeks to determine the status of
its populations, with special emphasis in species that are
indicative of a healthy environment. In addition, a database of
places of importance for fauna is prepared, so that it can be used
for planning of use. To do this, evaluations are carried out in a
specific PCA using the transect method. According to the last
evaluation of wild fauna in PC 15 of the consolidated, it was
possible to register 15 species of the 23 species established as
indicators for the MADERACRE SAC wildlife monitoring system.
Obtaining 2 new records compared to the evaluation of PC14
(2018). One of the new records being the sighting of Harpia
harpyja. The presence of key species and in a significant number
in areas with past interventions allows us to infer that wildlife and
their habitats are in healthy conditions within the MADERACRE

Change in Biodiversity Sustainable forest management with FSC certification and

Chain of Custody (CoC) certification.
Monitored Change A total of 725 individuals grouped in 53 species of wild fauna
distributed in 34 families made up of amphibians, reptiles,
mammals and birds were registered in PC 15, the latter
presenting the largest number of species with 377 individuals
distributed in 15 families, 322 mammals individuals distributed in
12 families, reptiles with 13 individuals distributed in 5 families
and amphibians 13 individuals distributed in 2 families. Ñaña, in
2018 registered 45 species of wildlife with 701 individuals in PC
14, being a lower record compared to the current result, which

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represents an increase of 17.8% in the number of species and

3.4% in the number of individuals registered.
Justification of Change The project is based on a management of selective and low-
impact logging, dividing the area subject to sustainable forest
management into a total of 20 logging plots, which are harvested
annually (one part each year) and at a certain intensity of logging.
(The design considers a cutting cycle every 20 years), allowing
natural regeneration and the growth and reproduction of
untapped individuals. A great diversity of species (226) with
timber potential has been inventoried.
In 2019 the General Forest Management Plan was approved and
in 2018 the preparation of the Annual Operational Plan, which
begins with a forest inventory, in which the variety and quantity of
potential species to be exploited is recorded. This made it
possible to know the number of individuals of each species that
are suitable to be harvested, and the approximate volume of wood
that they will generate, which allows the total volume of wood to
be harvested, among other things, to be calculated and
controlled. Seed trees were identified (approximately 20% of the
total number of individuals to be harvested) that are kept in the
forest, guaranteeing the production of seeds and ensuring the
survival of the species and favoring their natural regeneration.
The felling is done by directing the fall and minimizing damage to
the surrounding vegetation, so that the gaps left in the forest are
of similar dimensions to those created by the natural fall of the
trees. This favors regeneration, since the entry of light into the
gaps triggers the growth of the seedlings that remained dormant
under the shade of the parent tree.
This allows the forest cover to be preserved almost intact, while
guaranteeing the conservation of innumerable species of
associated flora and fauna.
For this, the project has trained the staff, created the infrastructure
and adapted the processes necessary to obtain the Sustainable
Forest Management Certification - FSC 100% - guaranteeing an
environmentally sustainable, socially inclusive and economically
viable model. It also has its Chain of Custody (CoC) certification,
which guarantees that the product it sells reaches customers
respecting traceability processes and the three pillars of
sustainability (environmental, social and economic).
In this way, the forest maintains its rhythms and cycles in a similar
way to how it developed thousands of years ago, maintaining its
processes, and where the species that indicate the health of the
ecosystems register healthy and growing populations.

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5.1.2 Mitigation Actions (B2.3)

No negative impacts on biodiversity are expected as a result of the execution of the project activities.

Presence of High Conservation Values (HCV)

It is avoided as far as possible to direct the fall towards sites with High Conservation Values (HCV) such as
natural regeneration, seed trees, species to protect, wildlife and their sites of importance. For this effect,
regeneration with several years of development and that is already established (DBH> 10cm) is mainly
considered, small seedlings are not considered, which present a high mortality rate due to natural causes.

The protection of the regeneration of the most valuable species that will favor the management is prioritized,
in this case, mahogany, cedar, shihuahuaco, estoraque, huayo sugar, among others.

It is also about not unnecessarily damaging trees of ecologically important species. In the BAVC study,
trees of species that produce edible fruits for the fauna have been considered and in the PGMF special
guidelines have been taken for the protection of commercial species, such as the definition of a minimum
diameter of cut and harvest intensity that guarantee the presence of remnants in sufficient quantity for the
species to continue fulfilling its ecological roles, including serving as a source of food for fauna. The
measures necessary for the protection of other species during logging are detailed as experience in forest
management increases.

As far as possible, efforts are made not to damage fauna species during logging, nor to places of importance
to it, as well as other protected areas for hosting High Conservation Values. In general, the larger fauna is
removed from the felling sites, however, if it happens that some species is found in the tree to be felled, the
chainsaw should give the opportunity to remove it before starting the main cut. If it is not done for any
particular reason, especially if it is a valuable species, the manager is consulted to make the final decision.
Trees protected by nesting or burrowing are not cut down.

To maintain and conserve the HCV, the following activities have been defined:

Measures to maintain flora species:

For forest species classified as species with some category of threat and that are part of the UMF's
utilization program, the following measures are taken into account:

1. Carry out evaluations and studies to define the state of Natural Regeneration.

2. Measure the growth of each species so that the necessary information is available to adjust its silvicultural
variables at the PGMF level.

3. Propose silvicultural measures that allow responsible management of these species, propose adequate
silvicultural variables for each species and based on the Cutting Cycle (CC) defined for the FMU: Minimum
cutting diameter (DMC) and cutting intensity (IC) .

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4. Define the need and feasibility of implementing silvicultural treatments by species, based on the results
of evaluations and studies carried out in the same forest.

The adjustment of the variables and silvicultural treatments is carried out based on the results of the
monitoring, not exceeding a period greater than 5 years for their review.

5. Implement a reduced impact harvesting system (AIR) that reduces the impact on the regeneration of
species of commercial interest and other species of flora with some category of threat.

6. Establish an adequate system of control and surveillance of the accesses and limits of the concession
to avoid illegal logging and invasions with the consequent change in land use.

Measures for the maintenance of fauna species:

For species of fauna present in the FMU and that are classified as species with some category of threat,
the following measures are taken into account:

1. Prohibit the hunting of fauna species within the concession.

2. Carry out periodic evaluations of the fauna through sighting records carried out annually by previously
trained company personnel. The objective is to know the presence of the species cataloged as important
for monitoring, either because of their degree of threat or because they are indicator species of the state of
the ecosystem. Its results should be analyzed and presented in the annual monitoring report, making a
comparative historical analysis with the findings of previous evaluations.

3. Carry out five-year evaluations that allow assessing the state of fauna populations in general, in addition
to the evolution of their population indicators over time, taking into consideration or as a baseline the
population densities of the species. These evaluations, due to their complexity and the high degree of
specialization required for the recognition of fauna species, will be carried out by specialists external to the

4. Identify during the forest census work and other evaluation work, the sites of importance for the fauna:

a) Cochas: small, medium or large bodies of water that serve as habitat for ichthyofauna and as a source
of water.

b) Pools or troughs in dry pipes: they serve as a source of water during the dry season.

c) Aguajales-type ecosystems.

d) Bañeros for the sajino (Pecari tajacu) and the huangana (Tayassu pecari)

e) Permanent streams: The streams are home to reptile species such as the dwarf lizard (Paleosuchus sp),
the ichthyofauna, as well as being a source of water supply for other species of wildlife.

The fiscal strips of the permanent open streams (25 m on each margin) must be protected and excluded
from exploitation.

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f) Clay licks on the banks of rivers or streams: normally visited by parrots and macaws.

g) Clay channels in the soil: mainly visited by mammals and land birds.

h) Headwaters of bodies of water or "water eyes".

i) Burrows and nests on the ground.

j) Burrows and nests in trees.

5. All sites of importance for wildlife or other HCVs that are identified during forest censuses or other
evaluation works should be progressively considered in the cartography to be excluded from the use of the
corresponding PC. The area occupied by these sites or HCVs, depending on their importance, will be
delimited with the use of signs or other markings on the ground that allow field personnel to locate and
avoid them.

6. Establish an adequate system of control and surveillance of the accesses and limits of the concession
to prevent poaching.

Measures to maintain conservation areas:

To maintain the integrity of the species and ecosystems that occur in the conservation areas defined in the
FMU, the following measures must be taken into account:

1. Exclude conservation areas from forest extraction. Make a use compatible with the conservation of the
area (non-timber management, ecotourism, environmental services, etc.).

2. Prohibit the hunting of fauna species within the concession.

3. Delimit and mark conservation areas with the use of pedestrian paths and information signs.

4. Establish an adequate surveillance system for the accesses and limits of the conservation areas.

Measures to maintain the integrity of the landscape:

To maintain the integrity of the landscape, it is necessary to avoid the fragmentation of the forests, in that
sense the measures are:

1. Establish an adequate surveillance system for the accesses and limits of the UMF.

2. Implement a reduced impact harvesting system.

Measures to maintain water quality:

To maintain water quality, the following measures are applied:

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1. Establish an adequate surveillance system for the accesses and limits of the UMF.

2. Establish fiscal strips in open rivers and streams of up to 25 meters on each side of the watercourse.

3. Implement a reduced impact collection system.

4. Identify and mark water sources (springs) to prevent them from being affected by forestry operations.

5.1.3 Net Positive Biodiversity Impacts (B2.2, GL1.4)

The current good state of wildlife within the Consolidated Area is apparently due to the prohibition of hunting,
the application of low-impact harvesting techniques, surveillance and control actions, and the monitoring of
processes and continuous training of staff.

Despite the fact that hunting pressure is very low or almost non-existent thanks to the control mechanisms
carried out by the concession, the roads and trails used for the extraction of wood within the concession
area and the proximity to the IOH will facilitate access. of illegal hunters. Continuous and permanent patrols
throughout the area ensure that no illegal hunting activity occurs within the concession area, a goal that
can only be achieved through carbon finance.

On the other hand, the fauna is being monitored to control and evaluate the populations of indicator species
such as:

- Species of the Order Primates (Alouatta seniculus, Ateles Chamek) these species correspond to medium
and large primates, easily observable that use trees as habitat and as a source of food (Pozo W, 2009), if
the trees present in MADERACRE do not provide the Necessary conditions for the establishment of
populations of these species the forestry activity could be having a negative impact on the wild fauna of the

- Species of the family Felidae (Panthera onca), Tapiridae (Tapirus terrestris) and Accipitridae (Harpia
harpyja). These large species are classified as "umbrella species" or "landscape species" because they
use large and ecologically diverse areas and have a significant impact on the structure and function of
natural ecosystems. Their habitat requirements in time and space make them especially vulnerable to
human practices of land use and resource harvesting. (WCS, 2002). The monitoring of these species and
their presence in MADERACRE can indicate the good health of their environment and in the case of
predatory species they also allow inferring the state of conservation of the species of fauna that constitute
their food source (prey).

- In the Peruvian Amazon, species of the Cracidae family (Pipile cumanensis, Penelope jacquacu and Mitu
tuberosa) are hunted. Generally, in places with a lot of hunting pressure there are very low populations,
however, in MADERACRE the sightings were relatively abundant, which indicates that there is no hunting
pressure in the area, however, the damage to their habitats can also affect their populations to the extent
that their food requirements come from the fruits of the forest. If the populations of these species decrease,
MADERACRE's forestry activities could be affecting them (Cancino and Brooks, 2006).

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- Species of the families Psittacidae (Ara ararauna and Ara chloropterus), Ramphastidae (Ramphastos
cuvieri) and Piscidae (Celeus sp). These species are closely related to large tree species and many of them
timber. The Psittacidae build their nests in emerging trees; Ramphastidae feed on the fruits of emergent
trees and Piscidae feed on the larvae of insects found in emergent trees.

- Geochelone denticulata. - This species is easy to observe and its slow movements make it an easy prey
for its hunters, so its populations decrease with the human presence. In MADERACRE few individuals were
observed during the evaluation, however, workers mention that they are easily found in their daily work
hours. Monitoring of this species is recommended since the decrease in their populations may indicate that
there is hunting pressure on them.

Source: Indicator and suggested species for monitoring according to: (Loja 2011) (Barrios 2015) (Loja,
2017) Five-year monitoring of wildlife in the Maderacre concession.

It should also be noted that the Project includes other complementary activities for the sustainable use of
the forest, such as: Sustainable use of Brazil nuts and monitoring of wildlife.

5.1.4 High Conservation Values Protected (B2.4)

Directed and low-impact logging does not adversely affect any HCV, but sustainable harvesting favors the
conservation of an almost intact forest cover, while ensuring the conservation of countless associated
species of flora and fauna, as well as the jaguar and others. endangered species, which were shown in a
table above.

The study by Toddler, et al. (2018) within the concessions certified by the FSC to evaluate the population
of jaguars in Guatemala and Peru. I determine, within the Consolidated, a population density of Jaguars of
4.5 individuals per 100 km2 and highlights that this data is comparable only with protected natural areas.
Concluding that the intensity of forest use in the consolidated, adequately protects the Jaguars and
therefore other species; and that extraction has a positive impact on the diversity and abundance of certain
species. In addition, it affirms that certified concessions allow connectivity between protected areas and the
natural forest; This is due to the absence of hunters in the concessions as a measure to protect the
biodiversity that inhabits them.

Also according to the preliminary report of the study of jaguars and pumas in the certified forest concessions
San Diego Global Zoo", within the consolidated also there is the highest frequency of large carnivores and
small land birds such as the paujil (Mitu tuberosa), primates such as the spider monkey (Ateles chamek),
the box monkey (Alouatta sara) and the white machin monkey (Cebus macrocephalus), and also a high
frequency of large ungulates such as tapirs (Tapirus terrestris), sajinos (Pecari tajacu) and red deer
(Mazama americana).

In this sense, the high conservation values identified for the project as the area per se of more than 170
thousand hectares and the umbrella species are not affected by the harvesting activities.

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5.1.5 Invasive Species (B2.5)

The forestry management used in both consolidations is of the type of entresaca polycyclic, i.e., it
exclusively manages the mass on foot favoring the growth of commercial species without eliminating
undesirable species. In addition, this system allows forest dynamics to continue as it allows for several
periods of years of rest in the previously exploited area. Therefore, there would be no possibility of the area
being affected by invasive species.

5.1.6 Impacts of Non-native Species (B2.6)

Not applicable.

5.1.7 GMO Exclusion (B2.7)

Not applicable.

5.1.8 Inputs Justification (B2.8)

Not applicable.

5.2 Offsite Biodiversity Impacts

5.2.1 Negative Offsite Biodiversity Impacts (B3.1) and Mitigation Actions (B3.2)

Table 38. Offsite biodiversity impacts

Negative Offsite Impact Mitigation Measure(s)

Identify and finance every two years’ pilot

productive initiatives of the population around
the project (families and / or associations) that
contemplate a friendlier use of the land, reduce
the expansion of the agricultural frontier and at
Increased deforestation pressure due
the same time improve their living conditions.
to the expansion of the agricultural
For this purpose, 2% of the annual income of the
and livestock frontier in the areas
project will be used for its financing at a pilot
adjacent to the concession.
level, seeking that this allows them to scale over
time, as well as to be replicated in other
members of the community.
Promote initiatives that contribute to the
sustainable development of the population

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around the project in accordance with the

prioritization determined by the Project's
Community Relations Consultative Committee.
1% of the annual income of the Project will be
used for this purpose.
Development and implementation of
mechanisms for the dissemination of
environmental education among children,
adolescents and communities involved in the
project. Where it articulates with workshops on
the management of crops of interest, controlled
burning, agroforestry systems, etc. to adjacent

Implementation of the Comprehensive Custody

Plan of the forest management unit (UMF). It
contemplates the following sub-activities:
a) Installation and maintenance of the UMF
surveillance posts.
b) Delimitation and maintenance of 100% of the
limits of the UMF.
c) Installation and maintenance of "Milestones"
at the vertices of the UMF.
d) Improve and maintain the UMF signage.
Increase in illegal logging of high
e) Periodic patrolling of vulnerable sectors.
commercial value forest species in the
areas adjacent to the concession.
Participate in the spaces for dialogue and
management of the Protected Natural Areas
(ANP) and the Madre de Dios Territorial Reserve,
seeking to generate alliances with key
institutions for their protection.
Promote activities with institutions whose
objectives are oriented to the protection of
Protected Natural Areas (ANP) and the
territories inhabited by the PIACI. 1% of the
annual income of the Project will be used for

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Implementation of the Comprehensive Custody

Plan of the forest management unit (UMF). It
contemplates the following sub-activities:
a) Installation and maintenance of the UMF
surveillance posts.
b) Delimitation and maintenance of 100% of the
limits of the UMF.

Loss of biodiversity due to increased c) Installation and maintenance of "Milestones"

illegal hunting of wildlife in areas at the vertices of the UMF.
adjacent to the concession d) Improve and maintain the UMF signage.
e) Periodic patrolling of vulnerable sectors.

Promote activities with institutions whose

objectives are oriented to the protection of
emblematic fauna and flora species. 1% of the
annual income of the Project will be used for this

5.2.2 Net Offsite Biodiversity Benefits (B3.3)

Under the principle of adaptive management, unmitigated off-site impacts on biodiversity will be identified
during the course of the project and strategies and activities to reduce negative impacts generated by the
project will be reassessed.

The measures adopted will focus mainly on continuously training the local population on the benefits and
appropriate use of the forest resources through informative and educational talks.

On the other hand, although deforestation pressure has increased in order to expand the agricultural and
livestock frontier in the areas adjacent to the concession, this has contributed to the high population density
of umbrella or indicator species in the concession area, which has become a refuge area because it is a
space with minimal human disturbance.

5.3 Biodiversity Impact Monitoring

5.3.1 Biodiversity Monitoring Plan (B4.1, B4.2, GL1.4, GL3.4)

The company developed a Comprehensive Monitoring Plan, which constitutes an internal management
tool, this plan includes monitoring the environmental, social and economic aspects of the company's

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operations, including monitoring the implementation of the REDD project and the deforestation within and
in the area of influence of the MADERACRE concession, this will be implemented by obtaining income from
the sale of credits for the reduction of carbon emissions and other greenhouse gases. Below is a summary
table with some of the activities carried out in the monitoring of operations in the concession:

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Below, monitoring mechanisms are detailed for the assessment of the implementation of measures defined
to maintain the HCV identified within the concession:


Indicator /
Activity Verification Goal Periodicity Responsible
Means *
Measures to Maintain Flora Species
Evaluate the state of Natural Head of
Regeneration of forest species of Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
commercial interest Monitoring
Head of
Measure the growth of each forest
Evaluation report 1 Biannual Evaluation and
Establish adequate silvicultural variables Updated Head of
Max 5 years
for each species and according to the silvicultural 1 Evaluation and
Cutting Cycle (CC) defined for the MU. system Monitoring
Define the need and feasibility of Updated Head of
Max 5 years
implementing silvicultural treatments by silvicultural 1 Evaluation and
species. system Monitoring
Head of
Implement a reduced impact harvesting
Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
system (AIR)
Establish an adequate system of control Head of
N° of invasion
and surveillance of the accesses and 0 Annual Evaluation and
limits of the concession. Monitoring
Measures to Maintain Fauna Species
Head of
Prohibit the hunting of fauna species
Hunted Animals 0 Annual Evaluation and
within the concession.
Head of
Periodically assess wildlife important for
Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
monitoring through sighting log
Evaluate the state of wildlife in general, in Head of
addition to the evolution of its population Evaluation report 1 Quinquennial Evaluation and
indicators over time Monitoring
Head of
Identify important sites for wildlife during
Site Map 1 Annual Evaluation and
forest census work
Head of
Exclude from harvesting areas that host N° of trees felled
0 Annual Evaluation and
sites of importance for wildlife in AC

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Establish an adequate system of control

Head of
and surveillance of the accesses and N° of invasion
0 Annual Evaluation and
limits of the concession to prevent events
Measures to Maintain Conservation
Exclude conservation areas from forest Head of
N° of trees felled
extraction. Make a use compatible with 0 Annual Evaluation and
in AC
the conservation of the area. Monitoring
Head of
Prohibit the hunting of fauna species
Hunted Animals 0 Annual Evaluation and
within the concession
Delimit and mark conservation areas with Head of
the use of pedestrian paths and Marked AC 2 Annual Evaluation and
information signs Monitoring
Establish an adequate surveillance Head of
N° of invasion
system for the accesses and limits of the 0 Annual Evaluation and
conservation areas Monitoring
Measures to Maintain the Integrity of
the Landscape
Establish an adequate system of control Head of
N° of invasion
and surveillance of the accesses and 0 Annual Evaluation and
limits of the concession. Monitoring
Head of
Implement a reduced impact harvesting
Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
system (AIR)
Measures to Maintain Water Quality
Establish an adequate system of control Head of
N° of invasion
and surveillance of the accesses and 0 Annual Evaluation and
limits of the concession. Monitoring
Head of
Establish fiscal strips in rivers and open
Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
streams of up to 25 meters on each side.
Head of
Implement a reduced impact harvesting
Evaluation report 1 Annual Evaluation and
system (AIR)
Identify and mark water sources (springs) Head of
to avoid being affected by forestry Site Map 1 Annual Evaluation and
operations. Monitoring

* In some cases they are considered Indicators and in others the Means of Verification
** Max 5 years: The adjustment of the variables and silvicultural treatments will be made based on the
results of the monitoring, not exceeding a period greater than 5 years for their review, and must occur every
time an event that impacts the system is evidenced. importantly (within a period of less than 5 years).

5.3.2 Biodiversity Monitoring Plan Dissemination (B4.3)

The results of the Fauna Monitoring and High Conservation Values (HCV) evaluations, as well as the
related documentation, are uploaded to the official website of the project proponent for dissemination. This
is shown in the following figure and the online address is

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In addition, in the case of FSC certification, as part of its public announcements on its official page for Peru,
which is

For the dissemination with the neighboring communities, it is carried out through the social manager,
following a social dissemination plan, through informative workshops and meetings with representatives
and residents.


5.4 Optional Criterion: Exceptional Biodiversity Benefits

5.4.1 Trigger Species Population Trends (GL3.3)

Table 40. Trigger Species

Trigger Species Jaguar (Panthera onca)

Population Trend at Start of Yet today, jaguars have been almost eliminated from the United
Project States and populations in Central and South America are falling
because of habitat destruction, trophy hunting and conflict with
Jaguars are listed as “Near Threatened” on the International
Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of
Threatened Species. Although they still exist in countries such as
Arizona and Mexico, the species only inhabits 40% of their
original, historical range (Panthera Inc, 2014). In the mid-1800s,
the jaguar population extended from Southern Brazil north to
Central America, and along west coasts of Mexico. Jaguars could

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be found in the southwestern United States, and as far north as

the Grand Canyon in Arizona (Tony Davis, 2013). There were an
estimated 400,000 jaguars roaming in the wild. In the 1960s and
1970s, approximately 18,000 jaguars were killed each year
(Panthera Inc, 2014). By 1996, the jaguar population was almost
completely eliminated from the United States. Only four jaguars
sighted in New Mexico and Arizona established that the
population still inhabited the U.S, and the jaguar is now listed as
an endangered species in these areas by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service. Today it is estimated that only 15,000 jaguars
remain in the wild, and have been protected under the Convention
on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) since 1973 (Tony Davis, 2013).
As number of jaguars has drastically declined in the past 150
years, the pattern of growth exhibited by the species is
exponential decay. The birth rates of the jaguars are declining as
their death rates are increasing, and this is causing their numbers
to steadily decline.

With 22,000 jaguars in its territory, Peru is the second country in

South America with the largest number of jaguars after Brazil;
however, this figure is half of what should be registered, according
to the corporate sustainability program Conexión Jaguar.
According to international research, it is estimated that for every
100 square kilometers of protected areas in the Amazon there are
4.5 jaguars, and in unprotected areas the number is reduced by
The threats to jaguar survival are increasing. Illegal trade and
poaching have increased in recent years due to a growing
demand for their tusks in the Asian market. This situation, coupled
with the loss of its habitat, is accelerating the risk of extinction for
the species.
A bleak outlook for the region's largest cat. For this reason, Peru
has asked CITES to recognize the jaguar as a flag species of the
American countries where it lives and to adopt special measures
to protect it.
Without-project Scenario As can be seen from the information presented, there are no
precise statistics on the population of jaguars in the American

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continent or in Peru. However, what all researchers agree on is

the fact that this population is decreasing at an alarming rate as a
consequence of the damage to its habitat and the fragmentation
of the biological corridors that this species requires for its survival.
As can be seen in the adjacent areas, the loss and degradation
of forests is increasing with the consequent negative impact on
the jaguar population and pushing this population towards the
protected forests of the project area, as reported by the study by
ZOO GLOBAL, using camera traps, the frequency of observation
of larger cats such as the Jaguar is considerably higher than in
other nearby conservation areas.

With-project Scenario The study by PROJECT AREAS AMAZONIA, WWF-PERU AND

SAN DIEGO ZOO GLOBAL14 within the Consolidated indicates
that the population density of the Jaguar in the Espinoza group
concessions during 2009, up to 27 different jaguars could be
identified through the pattern of the spots that is unique for each
individual. Thanks to this information, we have been able to
calculate a specific density estimate for this area, using the
spatially explicit capture recapture (SECR) method, of 4.9 jaguars
per 100 km2. While the average density found in all our studies
was 4.4 ± 0.7 jaguars / 100km2.
These measurements were made through camera traps placed in
strategic locations within the forest and extraction roads. The
Jaguar is an indicator of the good condition of the forest, its
presence alone would demonstrate that the ecological processes
of the forest are optimal and that the logging carried out does not
generate a negative impact on biodiversity but on the contrary is
a bridge for the transit of countless species, improving the
connectivity between natural protected areas and the project.


Document any additional information that explains how the project has been implemented in accordance
with the validated project description for all indicators that require implementation of an activity or process.
Criteria and indicators shall be referenced for each statement made in this section.

AREAS-Amazonia of WWF-Perú (2012). Preliminary report of the study of jaguars and pumas in the certified forest
concessions maderas cocama and aserradero espinoza. Puerto Maldonado, September 2012.

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Document any additional information that provides the results of monitoring and shows how the project
meets all indicators that require demonstration of impacts. Criteria and indicators of the Climate, Community
& Biodiversity Standards or requirements of the VCS Standard shall be referenced for each statement made
in this section.

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The following appendices may be used if appropriate. Delete the instruction and heading if not used.

Appendix 1: New Project Areas and Stakeholders

Use this appendix, if necessary, to identify new project areas and stakeholders and fulfil the requirements of Sections 2.2.5 above. Modify the table,
if necessary, to suit the project activities, or delete if not used.

Stakeholder Rights, interest, and overall Demonstrate how they meet Demonstrate how their inclusion
Identify communities and any community relevance to the project the eligibility criteria (G1.14) does not violate the scalability
groups within them, any cross-cutting limits (G1.15)
community groups, and list other

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Appendix 2: Project Risks Table

Use this appendix, if necessary, to identify project risks and fulfill the requirements of Section 2.2.6 above. Modify the table, if necessary, to suit the
project activities, or delete if not used.

Potential impact of risk on climate, community and/or

Identify Risk Actions needed to mitigate the risk
biodiversity benefits

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Appendix 3: Additional Information

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