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Volunteer Handbook

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Volunteer Handbook

Office: (775) 782-3711 ● Fax: (775) 782-4452
PO Box 2911, Gardnerville, NV 89410
1255 Waterloo, Suite B, Gardnerville, NV 89410

Carson Valley Community Food Closet (CVCFC) has been serving Douglas County since 1989
providing food and other items when available to residents in need.

Families receiving services at CVCFC are qualified through Douglas County Social Services or
Washoe Tribe Social Services. They are required to provide income information for themselves
and their dependents and must be residents of Douglas County in order to receive a voucher.
Each voucher is provided in four-month increments meaning clients can obtain assistance once
each month for their entire household. For some recipients, Social Services may also issue a
one-time voucher for a specific number of days or weeks depending on their circumstances. In
addition to the monthly allotment, clients can also receive additional assistance with bread, milk
and eggs once a week during the four months their voucher is valid as items are available
(excluding the week they receive their full fill).

In order to provide these valuable services CVCFC operates through contributions made by
valley residents, local service groups, churches, businesses and the local grocery stores. These
contributions are in the form of both monetary and in-kind (food, office supplies, etc.) donations.
CVCFC works as a partner agency with the Northern Nevada Food Bank and Feeding America.
With this partnership, food items are purchased through the Food Bank at significantly reduced

In order to get these donations into the hands of our clients, CVCFC again relies on the
generosity of the community with volunteers like you. CVCFC volunteers provide the majority
of the services offered to our community by picking up donations, stocking warehouse shelves,
greeting clients at the door and distributing food items.

We couldn’t be more pleased that you have become a part of the CVCFC team!

We look forward to working with you,

CVCFC Board, Staff and current volunteers

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
Table of Contents
1. Operations
Hours of Operation
Equal Opportunity
Harassment Policy
Drug/Alcohol Policy

2. Opportunities
Warehouse Support
Station Worker
 Produce and Coffee
 Dry Goods
 Cans
 Meat/Eggs/Milk
Other Items
Egg Processer

3. Responsibilities
Time Cards
Meetings and Trainings

4. Guidelines and Policies

General Guidelines
Health and Safety
Proper Conduct
Use of Equipment
 Balances and Scales
 Box Cutter
 Hand Truck Safety
 Electric Pallet Jack
Dress Code

5. Food Handling Guidelines

Inspect, Sort and Repair
Knowing When to Discard
 Cans
 Plastic and Glass Jars
 Boxes

6. Volunteer Agreement

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
1. Operations
Hours of Operation:
 CVCFC is open to for regular operations Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday of
each week. We distribute food to clients during the hours of 12:30-4:00 pm. Volunteers
may work outside these hours depending on the service they provide.
Equal Opportunity:
 CVCFC does not discriminate against any volunteer or client because of age, race, color,
creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin.
Harassment Policy:
 CVCFC prohibits any form of harassment. Any volunteer who feels he/she has been the
victim of harassment should immediately contact the Managing Director. All complaints
and related information will be kept confidential to the extent possible. In addition,
should you become aware of harassment taking place against or by someone else
immediately contact the Managing Director.
Drugs and Alcohol:
 Illegal drugs: The use, sale, disposing, possession or manufacture of illegal drugs at
CVCFC or while engaged in CVCFC activities or explicitly representing CVCFC in any
manor is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal. This policy applies to,
but is not limited to, vaping and possession of drug paraphernalia. Use of, sale of, or
purchase of recreational or prescription drugs that are not your own, on Food Closet
property will result in immediate dismissal.
 Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol is not permitted on Food Closet property. If you are
suspected intoxicated while performing Food Closet duties, you will be asked to call for a
ride home, and may be permanently dismissed.
 Smoking: Per the United States Health Department, all smoking must be 25 feet away
from the entrances to the building. Cigarette butts must be completely extinguished and
put in the garbage. Use of e-cigarettes is not permitted in the building.

2. Opportunities
Volunteer positions at the Food Closet include working with clients, filling vouchers, stocking
shelves and donation pick-ups.

Warehouse Support
 The warehouse support person/people on each shift will aid in making sure that each
station stays stocked and is ready for distribution. This includes but is not limited to:
pulling bread and meat from the freezer, making sure the “Front Shelf” stays stocked,
filling the produce fridges/shelves for the day, adding any overstock items to the front
tables, and putting away perishable items from the warehouse at the end of shift. This
position is also responsible for locking up the warehouse at the end of shift in the event
that the staff and/or warehouse manager has to leave early.
 The warehouse stocker is responsible for checking, cleaning, labeling and sorting
donations and purchases as they arrive. This position also keeps the warehouse clean and

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
organized. All products are checked for damage and expiration date. Items that are
damaged or that do not meet the expiration date guidelines will be discarded. This
position keeps the refrigerators and coolers stocked with product during our distribution
hours. Food that is received during business hours is weighed, documented and donors
are provided with a thank you note for tax purposes.
Station worker
 The Front/Check in Window-
This position is responsible for unlocking the front door for business hours. Clients
are greeted at the door and vouchers processed to receive food. The Front will
match the clients voucher to the voucher on file to verify the date they are to pick up
their food. Some clients will be in to pick up their full month’s supply while others
will be in to receive weekly bread, milk and eggs. Occasionally a voucher may be
written for a few days or weeks. A voucher slip is filled out based on the client’s
family size and current needs and established guidelines. After the voucher is
verified and the voucher slip passed on to the volunteer working the produce and
coffee, the “Front” will then fill the client’s order with bakery items such as bread
and sweets.
 Produce and Coffee-
This position fills the client’s order with produce and coffee as well as tea, canned or
powdered milk as available and children’s vitamins. Other items that are available
will be placed in the cooler and on the produce shelf to be distributed to clients as
 Dry Goods-
This position fills orders with items such as pasta, rice, dried beans, oatmeal, cereal
and peanut butter and jelly. Boxes located under and on top of the table in this
location must also be organized and kept clear of the aisles and walking areas. A
guide for family size and the amount of food to be given out is located on the
shelving in this area.
 Cans-
This position fills orders with canned food. Items such as beans, fruit, chili and
tomatoes are located in this area. Boxes located under and on top of the table in this
location must also be organized and kept clear of the aisles and walking areas. A
guide for family size and the amount of food to be given out is located on the
shelving in this area.
 Meat/Eggs/Milk-
These products are kept in the freezers and refrigerator. A small stock of these items
and any other donations that need to be refrigerated and disbursed are placed into the
easy-access refrigerator located near the canned food. This position fills orders as
needed based off the voucher slip.
 Delivery of Goods-
One station worker will also be responsible for pushing the cart with the client’s
food order out to the waiting client by the side door, verifying the client by name. On
occasion, this person may need to help the client to their car due to illness, disability
or their difficulty in getting the items from the cart to their car.


Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
 CVCFC receives eggs in mass quantities and many are broken or cracked. The Egg
Processer is the one who cleans, sorts, repackages and labels eggs into smaller quantities
to pass out to clients.
 Eggs that need repackaging are placed on a folding table in the warehouse. Empty egg
cartons needed for re-filling are located on the shelves near the back entrance, as is a
container with a date stamp and label supplies for the newly repackaged eggs.
 The table is wiped down with Clorox wipes and the volunteer working the Eggs must
have washed hands or wear plastic gloves.
 Any cracked or broken eggs are thrown into the garbage.
 Eggs that are whole but may have yolk on the shell are wiped down with a Clorox wipe.
 If possible, the egg carton is wiped out with a Clorox wipe to remove yolk or mold and
reused. Some cartons such as the cardboard boxes soak up the damaged eggs and are
thrown away.
 Clean eggs and cartons are then repackaged into dozen or 18 packs.
 Each newly repacked egg carton is labeled with the date CVCFC received the eggs.
 Eggs are repackaged and disbursed to clients within 5 weeks from the date they are
received by the Food Closet.
Other Items:
There may be other items such as pet food, diapers and coffee that need to be
prepackaged into smaller amounts for distribution. A warehouse stocker will inform a
station worker of any additional prepackaging that is needed and what amounts per item.
 Drivers are responsible for store donation and purchase pick-ups and unloading food
from the vehicle to the warehouse. Items that need to be in the refrigerator or freezer
must be put away. Other Items can be placed on the table in the middle of the warehouse.
Drivers may pick-up and drop off to the following locations: Raley’s, Wal-Mart, Costco,
Walgreens and Target as well as Helping Hands Thrift Store. Drivers are also
responsible for notifying the Managing Director of any needed general maintenance of
the vehicles.
 Must be able to lift 50 lbs., use a pallet jack and have signed a pallet jack certification
form, and have a valid Nevada Driver’s License.

3. Responsibilities
 As a Food Closet volunteer, you have the freedom to make your own schedule. A
calendar for the next month will be issued to each volunteer. Please put your name on the
dates you will work for the month. Only dates you are certain you can work should be
placed on the calendar.
 Please make a courtesy call in advance if you will be unable to volunteer on your
scheduled day.
 Volunteers who repeatedly no call/no show for a schedule shift will be asked to take
leave until their schedule allows for this type of commitment.

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
 Volunteers will be issued a time card to track how many hours you donated. Each hour
that you work at the Food Closet has a monetary value that is tracked for donation and
grant purposes. Volunteers must clock in and out at the beginning and end of each day.
 If your time card malfunctions or you forget to clock in/out, there are paper slips by the
time clock for manually submitting hours.
 Please keep your work station clean of debris and food crumbs.
 Report any signs of insect or rodent activity to the warehouse manager and/or staff to be
dealt with immediately.
 Discard of all spoiled food into the trash or animal box by the back door.
 Trash is to be taken to the dumpster at the end of each shift.
 Do not leave opened food items in the sinks or on any shelves overnight. Do not leave
food items on the back volunteer counter over the weekend.
 Mop/wipe up any spills immediately.
 Sweep/disinfect your work station at the end of the shift.
 Do not leave cleaning supplies on the same shelf as any food product.
 If there is down time, please consult posted signs for additional cleaning opportunities.
 Donation slips: Donation forms are provided to people or businesses that make donations
at the warehouse. The slips state the date and the value or total pounds of the donation.
These slips can also be used to record a monetary donation value. ALL monetary
donations must be brought to the office immediately.
 Donation Log: Completed at the time a donation is received. States who the donation
came from what type of donation and how many pounds were received.
 Store Calendars: Completed by the drivers after picking up from each store. The number
of pounds collected each day are documented on the calendar and collected at the end of
each month.
 Walmart/Starbucks Donation Forms: These forms are completed by the driver during
pickup from both Douglas County Walmart stores.
 Sign-In Sheets: Sign-in sheets are placed at the front door for clients to use when filling
their vouchers. At the end of the day sign-in sheets should be signed are turned in with
the vouchers that where filled that day, to the office staff.
Meetings and Trainings
 Meetings and Trainings: On occasion the Food Closet may have a training/conference or
meeting throughout the year. Training dates will be planned in advance to allow
everyone to schedule their attendance. Attendance is required.
 Volunteers will complete a yearly survey/evaluation form. Input from volunteers is an
essential component of keeping the food closet running smoothly. Volunteers are
encouraged to keep the Managing Director informed about any important volunteer
matters and ideas or suggestions.
 Volunteers who do not adhere to the policies of the Carson Valley Community Food
Closet or who fail to satisfactorily perform their volunteer duties may be subject to
dismissal. This may include gross misconduct, being under the influence of alcohol or

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
drugs, theft, misuse of CVCFC property, failure to physically, mentally or satisfactorily
perform the assigned duties.

4. Guidelines and Policies

General Guidelines
 Volunteers must enter and exit through the back door.
 Be sure to clock in and out with your time card each day.
 CVCFC is not responsible for personal items brought into the building. It is
recommended that you leave personal items in your vehicle. If you choose to bring items
into the building please leave your items on the volunteer table by the back door, or hang
them on the back of the door in the Managing Director’s office.
 No eating or drinking of the inventory product. We have water bottles set aside for
volunteer consumption. Items that are unable to be given to clients such as opened items,
not labeled, containing alcohol or product that will go bad before the next distribution
will be placed on the volunteer counter in the back for taking. If items are not on the
back counter, the warehouse supervisor(s) will let you know what items are available for
taking at the end of each day. Taking product without permission will result in
Health and Safety
 Always wash your hands before and after working. Latex gloves are available to those
who wish to use them.
 Proper bending and lifting is a must. Bend at the knees when lifting heavy items. Dollies
and a pallet machine are available to make moving items easier. If something is too
heavy to move please notify the Managing Director.
 A first aid kit is located on the wall outside the restroom.
 If at any time you become injured regardless of the actual injury or your level of pain,
you must report to the Managing Director immediately.
 Volunteers that have been sick or injured and are under doctor’s care must get written
permission before returning to the Food Closet.
 There are two (2) fire extinguishers on the premises: one is located outside the office and
one by the back door.
Proper conduct
 Follow the instructions of the Managing Director or Associate Director.
 Theft will result in immediate dismissal.
 Behave in a safe and responsible manner, rude and or insubordinate behavior towards the
Board Members, staff, and other volunteers will not be tolerated.
 Being under the influence of drugs and alcohol will result in immediate dismissal.
 Use of, sale of, or purchase of recreational or prescription drugs that are not your own, on
Food Closet property will result in immediate dismissal.
Use of equipment
 Balances and Scales
 The Food Closet has both a stationary and moveable scale for weighing donations.
 Please do not stand on either scale.
 Do not leave the scale in extreme sunlight or cold weather.

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
 Do not stack material on the scales when they are not in use.
 Report machine malfunctions to the Managing Director
 Box Cutter
 Hold the blade with all four fingers wrapped around the handle and your thumb
pointed forward.
 Always cut away from your body and make sure others are not in the path of the
 Always store and transport the blade retracted into the handle.
 Use only sharp blades. Dull or broken blades require more force and can result in
 New blades can be obtained by notifying the Managing Director.
 Hand Truck Safety
 Follow proper lifting techniques to place the load on the hand truck. Use your legs,
and keep your back straight.
 Place the heaviest objects on the bottom.
 Make sure the load will not slip, shift or fall. Ask for help when needed.
 Move forward - not backward- with a hand truck. If you're going down a slope, keep
the load in front of you. If you're going up, keep it behind you.
 Move slowly and cautiously.
 Make sure you can see over the load.
 Electric Pallet Jack
 Volunteers must receive training to use the electric pallet jack from the warehouse
supervisor(s). A signed copy of the training materials showing that the training was
provided will be placed in the volunteer’s file.
Dress code
 The majority of your time as a volunteer will be spent in our warehouse. While the
warehouse is heated and air conditioned when needed, the temperature in the warehouse
depends on the outside temperature so remember to dress comfortable and in layers.
 Closed toed shoes are MANDATORY. Make sure they are comfortable for standing and
have a non-slip sole.
 Pants or shorts are ok. Please make sure they have no holes or are not loose enough to
catch on anything.
 Layering will help keep you cool or warm depending on the weather. Please no offensive
pictures or slogans.
 Parking space in the back of the Food Closet is very tight and limited. In order to leave
room for the Food Closet trucks to move in and out of the unloading area, parking for
only 5 cars is available. In the event that there is no room to park in the back of the Food
Closet, please park in the dirt area in front of the paved parking lot. This will give clients
the ability to park closely when loading their cars.

5. Food Handling Guidelines

Inspect, Sort and Repair

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
Check the packaging that the product arrived in for signs of contamination, leaks, broken
glass, holes, etc.
 Check dates on all products. Products are good beyond the “best if used by” date. All
products with date codes will be accepted. Please check the guideline folder if dates are
in question.
 As food is inspected, wipe off with a Clorox wipe or hot soapy water and a paper towel if
 Products with torn labels can be accepted as long as you can read the product name,
maker, ingredients, and weight. You can tape a torn or falling off label back to the
product. All food products must be labeled.
Knowing When to Discard
 Cans
 Overly dented
 Dented on the seam or along the rim
 Dented to the point when metal is touching metal
 Dented with sharp corners
 Missing the whole label or the part that has the product name, maker, ingredients,
and weight
 Leaking or has leaked
 Is puffy or bulging
 Has rust
 Plastic and Glass Jars
 Safety seal has been broken or tampered with
 Cracked or broken
 Contains mold, discoloration, curdling or foreign objects
 Boxes
 Inner package is damaged or opened
 Outer package is damaged and there exists no internal pacakage

Have a question or aren’t sure how to do a specific task?

Please see the Managing Director or designated Warehouse Volunteer.

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook
Carson Valley Community Food Closet
1255 Waterloo Ln., Suite B. ● PO Box 2911 ● Gardnerville, NV 89410
Office: 775-782-3711 ● Fax: 775-782-4452


I have received a copy of Carson Valley Community Food Closet’s Volunteer Handbook.

I agree to read the handbook and addressed any questions or concerns with the Managing

I understand that for future reference a copy of the handbook will be located on the desk in the
volunteer area by the back door.

I agree to follow present and future Food Closet policies and understand that they may change at
the discretion of the Carson Valley Community Food Closet.

I understand that volunteering at the Food Closet is at will and can be terminated by the Food
Closet Managing Director, Board of Directors or by myself at any time.

___________________________________ ________________
Volunteer Signature Date

Volunteer Name (Printed)

Created 1/2014: Update 6/2017 Carson Valley Community Food Closet Volunteer Handbook

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