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103 Rev A PSM

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Service Manual
©2010 Reichert, Inc. Reichert is a registered trademark of Reichert, Inc.

The information contained in this document was accurate at time of publication. Specifications subject to change without
notice. Reichert, Inc. reserves the right to make changes in the product described in this manual without notice and with-
out incorporating those changes in any products already sold.

Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.

ISO 9001/13845 Certified – Reichert products are designed and manufactured under quality processes meeting
ISO 9001/13485 requirements.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Reichert, Inc.

2 16030-103 Rev. A
This document contains the instructions for performance, repair and calibration of the Reichert Model
30 Pneumatonometer.

This manual has been designed to assist in the troubleshooting and repair of the Model 30 Pneuma-
tonometer. The information in this manual should allow a service technician to achieve a basic under-
standing of how the Pneumatonometer components work, and how to disassemble and replace them.
The information in this manual is intended to help troubleshoot only to the circuit board level, therefore
there are no circuit board schematics provided. Refer to the User’s Guide for instructions for Setup,
Instructions of Use, and its accessories.

Note: Due to the relative complexity and possibly hazardous voltages, repair of the pneumatonometer
should only be attempted by a qualified service technician.

Please retain this guide for future reference and to share with other users. Additional copies can
be obtained from your authorized Reichert, Inc. dealer or contact our Customer Service department
directly at:

Tel: 716-686-4500
Fax: 716-686-4545

16030-103 Rev. A 3
Table of Contents
Introduction.................................................................................................. 3
Warnings & Cautions..................................................................................6
Theory of Operation
Pneumatonometer Introduction................................................... 7
Pneumatic System........................................................................ 7
Compressor.................................................................................... 8
Pressure Regulator........................................................................8
Probe Assembly.............................................................................8
Probe Operation............................................................................ 9
Electrical System.........................................................................10
Power Supply................................................................................ 11
AC Input Line Filter.......................................................................11
Chart Recorder............................................................................. 11
LCD - Touch Screen.................................................................... 11
Processor Board...........................................................................11
Chart of Common Problems.......................................................13
Software Error Messages...........................................................14
Test Points.................................................................................... 14
Calibration Verifier Check...........................................................15
List of Repairs..............................................................................17
Repair 1 - Top Cover Removal/Installation...............................18
Repair 2 - Power Supply.............................................................19
Repair 3 - Chart Recorder..........................................................19
Repair 4 - Compressor............................................................... 20
Repair 5 - LCD User Interface Board........................................21
Parts List.............................................................................................. 22-23
General......................................................................................... 24
Fuse................................................................................. 24
Chart Recorder Paper................................................... 25
Filter................................................................................. 25
Appendix A
General........................................................................... 26
Tonometry....................................................................... 26
Tonography..................................................................... 26
Environmental................................................................ 26
Electrical......................................................................... 26
Disposal........................................................................................ 26
Appendix B
Software Revision List................................................................27

4 16030-103 Rev. A
List of Figures
Theory Of Operation
Figure TO-1 Pneumatic System Diagram.......................................7
Figure TO-2 Model 30 Handpiece and Probe Assembly..............8
Figure TO-3 Operation of the Sensor Tip and Membrane...........9
Figure TO-4 Electrical System.......................................................10
Test and Verification
Figure TV-1 Calibration Verification...............................................15
Figure R1-1 6 Screws......................................................................18
Figure R1-2 4 Screws......................................................................18
Figure R2-1 Power Supply..............................................................19
Figure R3-1 Chart Recorder Connection......................................19
Figure R3-2 Chart Recorder...........................................................19
Figure R4-1 Compressor................................................................20
Figure R5-1 LCD User Interface.................................................... 21
Parts List
Figure PL-1 Parts List.....................................................................22
Figure MM-1 Printer......................................................................... 25
Figure MM-2 Printer Door and Paper............................................ 25
Figure MM-3 Filter Kit...................................................................... 25

16030-103 Rev. A 5
Warnings and Cautions
Reichert, Inc. (Reichert) is not responsible for the safety and reliability of this instrument when:
• Assembly, disassembly, repair, or modification is made by unauthorized dealers or persons.
• Instrument is not used in accordance with this Service Manual.













6 16030-103 Rev. A
Theory of Operation
Pneumatonometer Introduction

The Model 30 Pneumatonometer is a microprocessor controlled Pneumatonometer, contained in

a single console that measures the intraocular pressure of the eye through the use of applanation.
The Model 30 Pneumatonometer is used to perform tonometry and tonography.

Intraocular pressure measurement using the pneumatonometer is acquired through a unique use of
an air powered free floating probe assembly that touches the eye, and specialized electronics that
convert the pressure change to information displayed in real time on both the LCD and the chart

Basic Model 30 Pneumatonometer has two modes of measurement:

• TONOMETRY Mode - A non-invasive real time measurement of the intraocular pressure.
The value is displayed, in real time, on both the LCD and the chart recorder.
• PULSE Mode - Is the measurement of a minimum of five and up to a maximum of ten in-
traocular pulses and averaging this data.

Enhanced Model 30 Pneumatonometer with Tonography:

The enhanced Model 30 Pneumatonometer with tonography is the same as the basic unit with the
additional capabilities of outflow measurement (outflow is the rate at which aqueous fluid will pass
from the anterior chamber of the eye).

The operation of the Model 30 Pneumatonometer can be divided into two subsystems. These
subsystems are the Pneumatic System and the Electrical System.

Pneumatic System
The pneumatic subsystem is used to supply and measure the actual pressure within the eye. Refer
to figure TO-1. This subsystem is comprised of:
• Continuous Air Pressure Source (Compressor)
• Pressure Regulator
• Probe Assembly


The Pneumatonometer compressor provides a continuous source of low air pressure and is

Figure TO-1 Pneumatic System Diagram

16030-103 Rev. A 7
Theory of Operation (Continued)
used to pressurize the pneumatic subsystem. When the Pneumatonometer is called on to take a
measurement, the compressor initializes, immediately pressurizing the subsystem, and activates the
probe assembly. The pneumatic subsystem requires a pressurized air source. The low pressure air
compressor is located at the rear of the console. The compressor’s output pressure is approximately
14.5 psi. The compressor is connected to the pressure regulator through a clear polyurethane 0.125
inch inner diameter tubing and two disposable filters. The compressor is activated by the proces-
sor board whenever air is needed by the Pneumatonometer. There are two wires coming from the
bottom of compressor; live and neutral. The white wire, which is the neutral line, connects to the
processor board at connector J15. The live line is connected to ground through a relay located on
the processor board. When the relay is open the live line floats and the compressor is shut off. The
black wire, which is the live line, connects to the processor board at connector J16. Through the
processor board, the neutral side of the compressor is connected to the neutral side of the On/Off

Pressure Regulator

The compressor output is regulated to a steady 10 psi through the pressure regulator. The pressure
regulator is located in front of the air compressor and is a small black object with a square bottom
and a cylindrical top. It has 0.125 inch clear tubing coming from both sides of it. This component is
factory adjusted to maintain its output to be 10 psi + /-.3. If the output of the pressure regulator is not
within specification, the pressure regulator should be replaced.

Probe Assembly

Once activated, or pressurized, the probe assembly (Refer to Figure TO-2.) is ready to measure
the pressure in the eye. Touching the tip and membrane assembly located on the end of the probe
assembly to the cornea causes the membrane to seal against the tip, causing pressure to increase
inside the auto sensor (white Teflon part of the probe assembly). The increase in pressure is
then fed back through the smaller diameter side of double tubing to the transducer, located on the
processor board where it is converted to a voltage level.

LCD Screen


Figure TO-2 Model 30 Handpiece and Probe Assembly

8 16030-103 Rev. A
Theory of Operation (Continued)
Measurement of the intraocular pressure is done using a free floating pneumatic probe (P/N
232349). The probe is comprised of five parts: the Tip and Membrane Assembly, the Auto Sensor,
the Black Barrel, the Double Lumen Tubing, and the Male Quick Disconnect.

Note: The probe is replaced as a whole assembly. The tip and membrane assembly is the
only part of the probe assembly that is offered as replacement parts.

• Tip and Membrane Assembly: The Tip and Membrane Assembly is made up of three parts; the
coupling tubing, the tip and the membrane:
1. Coupling Tubing: A 3/8 inch long piece of clear 1/16 inch diameter tubing, that is used to
connect the tip to the metal shaft of the handpiece.
2. Tip: A hard plastic wheel approximately 3 mm. in diameter, also known as a wagon wheel
(resembles a wagon wheel) or foot-plate.
3. Membrane: Silastic membrane that touches the eye. This membrane fits over the tip.
Note: This membrane MUST be free of contaminants.
• Auto-sensor: This is the cylindrical white nylon chamber, it has a free floating chrome shaft sup-
ported by an air bearing. The air bearing is housed inside the nylon chamber. There are also
two metal ports at the top of the auto sensor. The larger of the two ports allow the regulated 10
psi pressure source to enter the auto sensor and the smaller diameter tube allows the pressure
change to be fed back to the transducer.

Air flows through vents Membrane blocks air

in the tip when there is flow when the probe
no contact makes contact

Figure TO-3 Operation of the Sensor Tip and Membrane

• Black Barrel: This part screws onto the auto sensor. It extends as a handle for the operator to
hold on to. In addition it provides strain relief for the double lumen tubing.
• Double Lumen Tubing: Clear double tubing (also referred to as, dual lumens) that is 7 ft. long
and 0.215 inches in diameter is used to connect the metal shafts of the hand held assembly to
the metal shafts of the connector. The dual lumens have two different diameters. The larger
diameter is the pressure source coming from the pressure regulator, used to pressurize the auto
sensor. The smaller diameter is the pressure change as applanation occurs, and is used to feed
back pressure changes from the auto sensor to the transducer.
• Male Quick Disconnect: Connector that attaches the double tubing of the probe to the front
panel of the pneumatonometer. It is a modular connector that allows easy removal of the hand-
piece assembly. The smaller diameter hose is connected to the center hole.

Probe Operation

When contact with the cornea is made by the tip and membrane assembly, the cornea, due to its
curved shape, pushes the membrane into the center port of the tip thus increasing the pressure
inside the auto sensor. The pressure increases in the auto sensor until it equals the pressure in the
eye, then at the point at which the pressure becomes equal between the auto sensor and the eye,
the cornea is flattened allowing the release of the pressure within the auto sensor. While the tip and
membrane assembly is making contact with the eye there is a changing pressure within the auto
sensor. This pressure change is fed back to the transducer (through the smaller diameter portion of
the double lumen tubing), where the transducer converts it to a voltage level. Refer to Figure TO-3.

16030-103 Rev. A 9
Theory of Operation (Continued)

Figure TO-4 Electrical System

Electrical System

The electrical system provides power and control to all the Pneumatonometer components. It also
converts pressure readings to voltage levels, that can be displayed on the chart recorder and LCD.
The electronic subsystem consists of the Power Supply, Processor Board, AC Line Filter, Chart Re-
corder, and the LCD/User Interface. Refer to Figure TO-4.

10 16030-103 Rev. A
Theory of Operation (Continued)

Power Supply

The power supply provides power to the processor board, filters it, and distributes all the voltages
needed by the Pneumatonometer’s components. It has a medical grade power supply that has a
universal input operating between 100 to 240 volts AC, has a 15VDC output, and is rated for 40W
(max.) of power. The power supply is a typical switching supply. The input voltage is rectified and
filtered into DC voltage, switched through a step down transformer and then rectified and filtered into
a low DC voltage at a higher current. Regulation circuitry maintains the outputs. The fuse located
on the power supply is a 3.15 amp, 250 volt slow blow type.

AC Input Line Filter

The AC line filter receives AC directly from the AC connector at the rear of the Pneumatonometer.
The line filter provides AC to the power switch and to the processor board, from where it is distrib-
uted to the compressor and the power supply. The AC line filter receives AC directly, filters it and
provides it (via the processor board) to the On/Off power switch at the front of the console.

Chart Recorder

The chart recorder is a 200 dots/in resolution thermal printer with a speed of 128 characters/sec. that
records data from tonometry or tonography testing. The input voltage is 12 - 18 VDC and is rated for
64W (max.) of power. The data is received by the processor board from the probe, translated into
data for the recorder, and then sent by the processor board to the chart recorder. The chart recorder
prints the IOP data in a graphical format.

LCD - Touch Screen

The LCD is approximately 4.3 inches with a TFT-LCD color screen with a resolution of 480 x 272
pixels. The LCD circuitry works with the LCD/Touch controller on the processor board to correctly
power on and off the LCD. The user interface of the assembly contains the touch screen and pro-
vides access to the setup screen to allow selection setup menu options of the pneumatonometer.

Processor Board

The processor board controls the majority of the Pneumatonometer’s functionality. The processor
core section consists of the CPU (Central Processing Unit), the memory, and a real time clock. The
CPU is an MC9328M processor. The memory is composed of SDRAM (Synchronous Dynamic Ran-
dom Access Memory), and EMIF (External Memory Interface).

The processor interfaces with:

• Transducer: The transducer (U23 on the processor board) takes the voltage level generated
by the pneumatic subsystem and converts it to a data format displayed in real time on both
the display and the chart recorder. The voltage level from the transducer is amplified, filtered
and converted to a digital signal. This microprocessor along with the peripheral hardware
performs the data manipulation.
• Digital Power: This section receives +15V power from the power supply at connector J14 on
the processor board, and converts it to +5 and +3.3 VDC for digital circuits.

16030-103 Rev. A 11
Theory of Operation (Continued)
• Compressor: The compressor provides the control for turning the compressor on and off.
The live and neutral lines of the compressor are connected to the processor board: the
neutral line at connector J15 and the live line at connector J16. The return line is connected
to a relay located on the processor board. When the relay is open the live line floats and the
compressor is shut off. The neutral line of the compressor is connected to the neutral side of
the On/Off switch through the processor board.
• LCD - Touch Screen: This interface provides data transfer to the TFT - LCD screen via a 40
conductor ribbon cable with a 20 MHz clock signal.
• Speaker: The speaker operates at 9 VDC and the output provides audible tones when the
touch screen is activated and also high and low frequency tones during the measurement
process to assist the user when acquiring measurements. This option can be set on or off in
the setup menu.
• Printer Interface: The printer interface provides the control of the data and control signal to
the printer. The data is transferred from the J11 connector through the 26 pin ribbon har-
ness. The printer interface also provides power to the printer through connector J12 on the
processor board.
• USB/Flash Interface: The USB section provides the means for reading and downloading the
Pneumatonometer software from the USB port.
• Foot Pedal: The foot pedal is an option that provides an interface for stopping and starting
the measurement process. The switch is enabled when the connection is shorted.

12 16030-103 Rev. A
This section provides a guide on how to troubleshoot some basic Pneumatonometer problems.

WARNING: Repair of this Pneumatonometer may expose service personnel to

potentially lethal voltages. Use extreme caution while trouble-
shooting the Model 30 Pneumatonometer with the power cord
plugged in.


No image on LCD. Bad LCD. Check connector on user interface
Image distorted. Bad user interface board. board.
Bad processor board. Check signals at connector on
processor board.
Bad Power Supply Replace Power Supply
Bad interface cable. Replace cable.
Touch Screen not Bad touch screen. Replace touch screen.
Bad interface cable. Replace cable.
Chart Recorder doesn’t Bad chart recorder. Check voltage on processor board.
work. If voltage is present probably a bad
chart recorder.
Bad transducer (processor Check output of transducer on
board). processor board.
Bad processor board. Check voltage on processor board.
Bad interface cable. Replace cable.
Chart Recorder images Bad chart recorder. Replace chart recorder.
are of poor quality.
Bad processor board. Check signals at connector on
processor board (printer face).
Bad transducer (processor Check output of transducer on
board). processor board.
Power to the Bad processor board. Check input voltage to processor
Pneumatonometer but board. Check voltage at peripheral
none to the peripherals. connectors.

16030-103 Rev. A 13
Troubleshooting (Continued)
Software Error Messages
The Model 30 Pneumatonometer software controls and monitors all of the system functions. This
software is contained in firmware located on the processor board. When the Model 30 Pneuma-
tonometer is powered up a self-test is performed. In the event of a failure during this test, an error
message will be displayed on the screen. Pressing the home key will return you to the main menu.

Possible Error Codes:

• “Setup Checksum Error” - Error in the program file, needs hardware re-boot or re-install of
• “Calib Checksum Error” - Error in the calibration data, needs hardware re-boot or re-calibra-
• “Printer Error” - Chart Recorder is not functioning correctly, re-boot, or replace Chart Re-
• “Touch Screen Error” - Touch Screen is not functioning correctly, re-boot, or replace Touch
Test Points
When diagnosing a Pneumatonometer problem it may be helpful to check the voltages in the unit
and on the circuit boards. Test the voltages using a Digital Volt Meter or an equivalent test instru-

Note: All voltages are in DCV unless otherwise noted.

Power Supply Voltages

A bad power supply can cause total system failure. If there is no power first check the fuse in the
fuse block on the back of the instrument. If the fuses are good, then with the system turned on,
check the voltages coming out of the power supply.

To check the voltages on the output of the power supply:

1. Disconnect the cable at connector J2 on the power supply.
2. Using a voltmeter, measure the following voltages on connector J2:
• +15V (Red Wires), Pins 1 & 3
• Ground (Black Wires), Pins 4 & 6

Main Board Voltages

If there is power going to the main board and no power coming out, or power only at certain
connectors, the processor board could be defective. Using a voltmeter, measure the following
voltages on the processor board:
• TP17 +15
• TP18 +3.3V
• TP19 +5
• TP20 +1.5
• TP21 +3.3
• TP22 +5
• TP36 +13.8
• TP12 GND
• TP13 GND
• TP14 GND
• TP15 GND

14 16030-103 Rev. A
Troubleshooting (Continued)
Chart Recorder Voltages
A bad power supply can cause total system failure. If there is no power first check the fuse in the
fuse block on the back of the instrument. If the fuses are good, then with the system turned on,
check the voltages coming out of the power supply.

To check the voltages on the output of the power supply measure the voltages on the main board.
Using a grounded voltmeter, measure the following voltages on connector J12:
• J12, Pin 1 +5 (Red Wire)
• J12, Pin 2 Ground (Black Wire)
• J12, Pin 3 Ground (Black Wire)
• J12, Pin 4 Ground (Black Wire)
• J12, Pin 5 +13.6 (Printing), +0.5 (Not Printing)
• J12, Pin 6 No Connection
• J12, Pin 7 +13.6 (Printing), +0.5 (Not Printing)
• J12, Pin 8 +13.6 (Printing), +0.5 (Not Printing)
Calibration Verifier Check

To measure IOP using the manual tonometry mode with a calibration veri-
fier, use the following procedure:
Note: Before performing the Calibration Verifier Check, the tip and
membrane assembly should be cleaned. Refer to Figure TV-1
for an illustration of the Calibration Verifier.

1. Fill the calibration verifier tube to the black line with distilled water.
Refer to Figure TV-1.
2. Apply power to the pneumatonometer and touch the Manual IOP icon,
the OK icon, either the OD or the OS icon, then apply the probe to the Figure TV-1
center of the membrane on the Calibration Verifier. Calibration Verifier

Note: If using the chart recorder or the foot switch first go to the SETUP menu and set the
options selected to ON. If the options are not desired, set them to OFF.
Note: If instructions are needed to take measurements, refer to the User’s Guide.
3. When the system prompts you to APPLY THE PROBE TO THE PATIENTS RIGHT EYE, apply
the probe to the calibration verifier. When the probe makes contact with the eye or the calibration
verifier’s inflated membrane, the Pneumatonometer begins displaying average IOP and a differ-
ence from the average readings along with tone. As the probe is applied to the membrane, move
the tip and membrane around until the lowest tone is displayed and then observe the IOP read-
ing. It should be 15, ±2 IOP. If the reading is not within the tolerance, clean the tip and mem-
brane and repeat this test.

Note: With manual tonometry, the Pneumatonometer measures IOP continuously as long as
the probe is in contact with the eye or calibration verifier membrane. The instrument
displays the moving average of individual readings and their differences. The system
continues in this mode until the probe is removed from the surface for more than five
Note: When the average difference drops below 1.0 mm Hg for three seconds, the Pneuma-
tonometer lowers the tone pitch. The lower tone indicates that you have steady results
and that you can remove the probe from the calibration verifier. To ensure accurate
readings, keep the probe in contact with the calibration verifier and maintain the lower
audible tone for several more seconds.

4. Remove the probe from the calibration verifier and wipe the membrane with an alcohol pad.
5. Place the probe on the console tray so the membrane remains clean while it air dries.
6. The pneumatonometer should display the final results.
7. Touch the OK icon to have the LCD readout return to the tonometry menu.
16030-103 Rev. A 15
This section contains the cleaning procedures for the pneumatonometer, probe, and tip and mem-
brane assembly.

Special Tools & Equipment

None Required

External Cleaning Procedure

Clean the external surfaces of this instrument using a clean, soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild
detergent solution (1 cc of liquid dish soap to one liter of clean, filtered water (filtered below 5 mi-
crons)). DO NOT USE ALCOHOL or any other solvents.

LCD Cleaning Procedure

CAUTION: do not use ammonia or any other solvents ON THE LIQUID CRYSTAL DIS-
PLAY (LCD) or DAMAGE to the lcd may occur.
Clean the external surfaces of this instrument using a clean, soft cloth lightly moistened with a mix-
ture of 50% isopropyl alcohol and 50% distilled water. Wipe the screen dry with a soft, clean, micro-
fiber cloth.

Probe Assembly Cleaning

Clean the external surfaces of the probe assembly using a clean, soft cloth lightly moistened with a
mild detergent solution (1 cc of liquid dish soap to one liter of clean, filtered water (filtered below 5
microns)). DO NOT USE ALCOHOL or any other solvents.

Cleaning the Tip and Membrane Assembly

1. Remove the tip and membrane assembly from the probe and separate the silicone membrane
from its tip.
2. Soak tip and membrane separately in 50-100 ml of 70% isopropyl alcohol for 5 minutes. To
dislodge organic matter, either swirl the tip and membrane in the alcohol solution or place the
alcohol container with tip and membrane into an ultrasonic cleaner.
3. Make sure there is no dust or lint in the tip air vents prior to continuing with the disinfecting pro-
cess. If debris is apparent, repeat step 2.
4. Rinse with sterile water.

Disinfection of the Tip and Membrane Assembly

1. Soak the tip separately from the membrane for two 15 minute cycles in a minimum of 150-200 ml
fresh 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
2. Thoroughly rinse both tip and membrane with sterile water.
3. Allow tip and membrane to completely air dry (25-30 minutes) prior to use.
4. Replace the membrane onto the tip. The membrane should float freely on the tip. To test this,
gently turn the membrane while holding the tip stem.
5. If the membrane will not move freely on the tip, additional drying time maybe necessary. If dry,
inspect the tip and membrane for damage.
6. Before and/or after reprocessing, inspect the tip and membrane for damage and wear. A slitlamp
or low powered microscope can be used, as necessary. The opening in the center of the tip
should be a distinct edge with no nicks or distortions. Discard the tip and membrane assembly if
you see drying, cracking, deformation, or deterioration of the components.

16 16030-103 Rev. A

The Model 30 Pneumatonometer is modular in design for ease of servicing. Most of the Pneuma-
tonometer’s components are contained within the Model 30 Pneumatonometer console.
This section provides information on servicing the replaceable parts of the Model 30 Pneumatonom-
eter. Repairs of the Regulator and Probe Assembly must be performed at the factory as a system
calibration is required for correct operation.


transferred by THE human BODY. Observe correct esds PRECAU-
TIONS or premature MALFUNCTION of this instrument will occur.


injury may occur.




List of Repairs
Repair 1 Top Cover Removal/Installation..........................................18
Repair 2 Power Supply Replacement................................................19
Repair 3 Chart Recorder Replacement.............................................19
Repair 4 Compressor Replacement..................................................20
Repair 5 LCD User Interface Replacement...................................... 21

16030-103 Rev. A 17
Repair (Continued)
Top Cover Removal / Installation
To replace any of the Pneumatonometer components the top cover must be removed. The Chart
Recorder and the LCD/User Interface board also require that the front cover be removed. These
procedures are given first.


1. To remove the top cover, use a #2 Phillips screwdriver and remove the 6 screws on the bottom
and the 4 screws on the back of the console (Refer to Figures R1-1 and R2-2).
2. The top cover lifts easily off of the base of the unit. Place the screws and cover in a safe place
so that the parts will not easily be lost.

Figure R1-1 6 Screws Figure R1-2 4 Screws


1. To install the top cover, place the top cover on the unit and then use a #2 Phillips screwdriver to
secure, hand-tight, the 6 screws on the bottom and the 4 screws on the back of the console
(Refer to Figures R1-1 and R1-2).

18 16030-103 Rev. A
Repair (Continued)
Power Supply Replacement
The Power Supply is located in the upper left corner at the rear of the Pneumatonometer, and after
the top cover has been removed the supply is easily replaced by disconnecting the cables and un-
screwing the supply. Refer to Figure R2-1. To replace the Power Supply:

1. Disconnect the Power Supply DC Output cable at-

tached at J2 on the Power Supply module.
2. Disconnect the Power Supply AC Input cable at-
tached at J1 on the Power Supply module.
3. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew and re-
move the four screws and lock washers (around the
perimeter of the supply) attaching the power supply
to the standoffs. DC
4. Remove the power supply from the unit. Output AC
5. Install a new power supply using the four screws Cable Input
and lock washers that were removed in Step 3 Cable
6. Install the DC output cable (J2) and the AC input Figure R2-1 Power Supply
cable (J1) to the Power Supply module.

Chart Recorder Replacement
The Chart Recorder is located in the front left corner of the
Pneumatonometer. After the top cover has been removed, the
Chart Recorder is easily replaced by disconnecting the cables
and removing four screws. To replace the Chart Recorder: Data
1. Disconnect the Data flat ribbon cable attached at P2 on
the Chart Recorder module. Refer to figure R3-1.
2. Disconnect the DC Input power harness attached at P5 DC
on the Chart Recorder module. Refer to Figure R3-1. Power
3. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew and remove the Harness
two screws and lock washers below the chart recorder on Figure R3-1
the front panel. Chart Recorder Connection
4. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew and remove the
two screws, lock washers and flat washers securing the
back of the chart recorder to the bottom panel.
5. Remove the Chart Recorder from the unit.
6. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, unscrew and remove the
four screws and lock washers securing the the chart
recorder to its mounting bracket (note the position of the
mounting bracket when removing).
7. Install a new Chart Recorder (Refer to Figure R3-2.) using
the four screws and lock washers that were removed in
Step 6 onto its mounting bracket.
8. Secure the mounting bracket to the bottom panel using
the two screws, lock washers, and flat washers that were
removed in Step 4 above.
9. Secure the mounting bracket to the front panel using the
two screws and lock washers that were removed in Step 3 Figure R3-2 Chart Recorder
10. Install the DC Input power harness attached at P5 and the
Data flat ribbon cable attached at P2 onto the Chart Recorder module. Refer to Figure R3-1.
16030-103 Rev. A 19
Repair (Continued)
Compressor Replacement
The compressor is an intermittent duty mechanical air compressor that is located at the right rear
of the instrument. Refer to Figure R4-1. It is mounted on rubber feet to isolate the vibration of
the motor. To replace the compressor, only the top cover needs to be removed. To replace the

1. Disconnect the green/yellow striped ground cable on the chassis using

an 11/32 nut driver.
2. Disconnect the black compressor control cable from connector J16 on
the circuit board.
3. Disconnect the white compressor control cable from connector J15 on
the circuit board.
4. Using a 1/4” nut driver remove all four nuts from around the perimeter
of the compressor and then remove the four lock washers and flat
washers under the nuts.
5. Lift the compressor off of the chassis but before completely removing it,
disconnect the air hose from the bottom of the compressor. It may be
necessary to use a pair of needle nose pliers to disconnect the air hose.
6. Replace the compressor with a new one with the filter side of the com-
pressor toward the rear of the unit.
7. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver, remove the green/yellow striped ground Figure R4-1
cable from the damaged compressor and install it onto the new com- Compressor
8. Replace the air hose with new tubing from the compressor to the new compressor and anywhere
else that the air hose is discolored or brittle.
9. Place the compressor over the four threaded studs and then install the four flat washers and lock
washers over the rubber feet of the compressor.
10. Install the nuts hand-tight onto the threaded stud to secure the compressor into position.
11. Place the green/yellow striped ground cable onto its threaded stud and secure it hand-tight using
an 11/32 nut driver.

20 16030-103 Rev. A
Repair (Continued)
LCD User Interface Board Replacement
The LCD/User Interface board is attached to the front of the
Pneumatonometer. Perform the following steps to replace the
LCD/User Interface (also referred to as the LCD). Refer to Fig-
ure R6-1.

1. Disconnect the User Interface Ribbon Cable at J13 on the

Main Circuit Board by releasing the two locking tabs and then
gently pulling the cable out of its mating connector.
2. Using a 5/16 nut driver remove the two hex nuts and lock
washers from the two studs securing the top of the LCD.
3. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver remove the two screws and
lock washers securing the bottom of the LCD to the Front
4. Remove the bracket that retains the LCD and slide the Figure R5-1
damaged LCD out of the LCD Bracket. LCD User Interface
5. Remove the protective coating off of the LCD.
6. Slide a new LCD into the LCD Bracket with the screen facing
toward the front of the unit and being careful not to damage
LCD or the ribbon cable attached to the LCD.
7. Using a #2 Phillips screwdriver secure the LCD Bracket to the Front Panel hand-tight using the
two screws and lockwashers at the bottom of the LCD Bracket.
8. Install the two hex nuts and washers hand-tight to the top two studs to secure the top of the LCD
9. Connect the Interface Ribbon Cable to is mating connector on the Main Circuit Board and lock it
into place with the two locking tabs on the mating connector.

16030-103 Rev. A 21
Parts List


Figure PL-1 Parts List

22 16030-103 Rev. A
Parts List (Continued)

Model 30 Pneumatonometer Parts List (Refer to Figure PL-1)


1 93400100* COMPRESSOR, AIR 1
2 93311100* REGULATOR, AIR 1
4 RSWT20024 SWITCH, DPST (6A @ 125, 4A @ 250 VAC) 1
5 93204100* COUPLING, QUICK FLOW 1
6 16030-403* LCD, COLOR - 4.3 IN. 1
9 16030-434* HARNESS, POWER SUPPLY 1
10 16030-436* RECORDER, DATA HARNESS 1
11 16030-402* SUPPLY, POWER - 40W 1
12 95185400* MODULE, INPUT POWER 1
13 CR2032* BATTERY, CR2032 1
14 232346 KIT, FILTER 1
15 16030-001-001* TOP COVER 1
* Part Numbers are for reference only. Not available for sale.

Model 30 Pneumatonometer Accessories List

Accessory Part Number

User’s Guide (not shown) 16030-101
Spare Tip and Membrane Assembly (1 pc.) 230676
Spare Tip and Membrane Assembly (3 pcs.) 230677
Spare Tip and Membrane Assembly (10 pcs.) 230678
Pneumatonometer Probe 232349
Power Cord WCBL10018
Footswitch (only with kit 16033) 16033
Thermal Paper - Graph 230680
Thermal Paper - Plain 232348
Calibration Verifier 232373
Yellow Shipping Bracket 16030-109

16030-103 Rev. A 23

CAUTION: No abrasives or harsh cleaning solutions should be used while

cleaning unit surfaces.

Maintenance that should be performed on the Model 30 Pneumatonometer consists of activities

such as:

• Periodically clean the Pneumatonometer console as indicated in the Cleaning section of this
• Periodically check the system operation using the calibration verifier as indicated in the Test
and Verification section of this manual.
• Periodically replace the filter as indicated in this section.
• Check the paper supply in the thermal chart recorder. Replace when necessary.
• Make sure the vents on the filter access door are free of dust and dirt.

This section provides maintenance procedures for:

• Fuse replacement
• Chart Recorder paper replacement
• Filter replacement

Fuse Replacement
All the electronic circuitry of the Model 30 Pneumatonometer is protected by either:

• Two 5 mm X 20 mm, Time-Lag, 2A, 250V, ~ fuses (100 VAC units)

• Two 5 mm X 20 mm, Time-Lag, 2A, 250V, ~ fuses (120 VAC units)
• Two 5 mm X 20 mm, Time-Lag, 1.6 A, 250V, ~ fuses (230 VAC units)

The fuses are located at the rear of the console, below the power connector. There is also a fuse
present on the power supply that may need to be replaced. A fuse replacement procedure follows.

WARNING: Extra fuses must be kept conveniently available because fuses

could possibly need replacement at a critical time. Fuses should
be replaced with the exact same type as those removed from
the unit (either 5 mm X 20 mm, 2A, 250V fuses or 5 mm X 20 mm, 1 A, 250V

The Pneumatonometer fuses are installed in a fuse carrier which is located below the power

To replace the fuses:

1. Locate the power connector.

2. Remove the system power cord from the connector at the rear of the cart or console.
3. Pull out the fuse carrier by pushing down on the small tab in the middle of the carrier and
pulling the carrier out of the system.
4. Take the fuses out of the carrier, replace them with new ones, and reinstall the carrier and
power cord back into the system.

24 16030-103 Rev. A
Maintenance (Continued)
Chart Recorder Paper Replacement
Install a new roll of thermal printer paper (Reichert P/N is listed in the Accessories section of this
manual.) as indicated. Perform the following steps to install the Chart Recorder Paper:

1. Pull forward on the printer door handle to open the door.

2. Install the paper onto the paper spindle so that it unwinds counter-clockwise off of the roll (the
paper rolls off between the roll of paper and the printer door).
3. Feed the paper around the outside of the door and then close the printer door. Refer to Figure
4. Align the thermal printer paper into the paper slot as shown in the adjacent picture and press
the Paper Feed button on the Main Menu screen until the paper advances in and then out of the
printer. Refer to Figure MM-1.

Figure MM-1 Printer Figure MM-2 Printer Door and Paper

Filter Replacement
There are two filters that should be changed semi-annually. One filter is located inside the com-
pressor and the other located in the air line leaving the compressor. To replace the filters follow the
procedure below:

WARNING: Before changing filters,

turn off the power and
unplug the Model 30 Pneu-

1. Open the filter access door in the rear

panel by removing the screw at the top of
the door.
2. Remove the screw and filter cover from the
end of the compressor. Replace the filter
with a new compressor filter.
3. Replace the filter cover and secure by
inserting the screw previously removed.
4. Remove the in-line filter from above the
compressor by turning the tube connectors
a quarter turn counterclockwise. Refer to
Figure MM-3.
5. Replace the filter with a new in-line filter.
6. Re-install the access door by inserting the
tabs into the bottom edge of the opening
and then securing the top edge with the
Figure MM-3 Filter Kit
16030-103 Rev. A 25
Appendix A
This section contains the specifications for the Model 30 Pneumatonometer.
Instrument Console
Height: 5.25 inches 13.3 centimeters
Width: 14.0 inches 35.6 centimeters
Depth: 10.5 inches 26.7 centimeters
Weight, unpacked: 10.0 pounds 4.54 kilograms
Instrument Probe
Outside Diameter: 0.5 inches 1.3 centimeters
Length: 4.25 inches 10.8 centimeters
Weight: 2.0 ounces 57 grams
IOP Range: 5 to 80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg)

Effective Sample Rate: 40 hertz
Real-time Chart Printing 50 millimeters per minute
Chart Scale: 0 to 80 millimeters of mercury (mmHg)
Test Duration: 2 or 4 minutes
Operating Temperature: 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F)
Relative Humidity: 30% to 75% (non-condensing)
Atmospheric Pressure: 80 to 106 kilopascals
Transportation & Storage -20°C to +70°C (-4°F to 158°F)
Relative Humidity: 10% to 80% (non-condensing)
Atmospheric Pressure: 70 to 106 kilopascals
Part Number (P/N): P/N 16030 P/N 16031 P/N 16032
Voltage: 120 volts AC 230 Volts AC 100 Volts AC
Frequency: 50/60 herts 50/60 herts 50/60 hertz
Fuse: Type 2 amps Type 1.6 amps Type 2 amps
250 volts 250 volts 250 volts

This product does not generate any environmentally hazardous residues. At the end
of its product life, follow your local laws and ordinances regarding the proper disposal
of this equipment.
26 16030-103 Rev. A
Appendix B
Software Revision List

Revision 1.00

Initial Release.

Revision 1.01 (7/09)

Updated printer drivers.

16030-103 Rev. A 27
Reichert, Inc.
3362 Walden Ave
Depew, NY 14043

Toll Free: 888-849-8955

Phone: 716-686-4500
Fax: 716-686-4545

Reichert GmbH
Hubertstrasse 2
D-82229 Seefeld

Tel: +49 8152 993530

Fax: +49 8152 993535

ISO-9001/13485 Registered

16030-103, Rev. A

October 2010

28 16030-103 Rev. A

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