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New Structural Biocomposites For Car Applications: November 2011

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New structural biocomposites for car applications

Conference Paper · November 2011


15 3,912

5 authors, including:

J. Fan Elias Nassiopoulos

University of Liverpool Cranfield University


James Njuguna
Robert Gordon University


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Jiying Fan1, Elias Nassiopoulos1, James Brighton1, Alain De Larminat2, James Njuguna1,*
Centre for Automotive Technology, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire, MK43 0AL, UK
CITI Technologies Group France
*Corresponding author.
Abstract Biocomposites have found a vast number of
applications in automotive industry [8]. Door panels, seat
Recently advances in research and manufacturing backs, dashboards and package trays, head restraints and
techniques of biocomposites have allowed the car seatback linings are just some of the example
manufactures to use bio-composite in various applications. Mercedes [8] used jute-based composites
applications. Biocomposites are fast emerging as viable for the door panels of the E-class, banana-fibre
alternative to traditional materials due to their low cost, reinforced composites for the A-class and different other
lightweight, good mechanical performance and bio-composites for the S-class (Fig. 1). The Araco
biodegradable properties. ECOSHELL project Corporation in Japan presented in 2003 the Grasshopper
(Development of new light high-performance (Fig. 2), a fully electric vehicle. Its body was totally
environmentally benign composites made of bio- made out of plant-based composites mainly kenaf [9].
materials and bio-resins for electric car application) The BioConcept Car project by Four Motors GmbH (Fig.
proposes to achieve a full bio-composite made of high 3) successfully built an endurance racing car made with
performance natural resins matrices, resulting in the use natural fibre-reinforced plastics. In 2006 the racing car
of totally natural, environment friendly composites, with competed a successfully a 6-hours race for the first time
enhanced strength and bio-degradability characteristics [10]. The efforts of Fiat of a more environmental friendly
designed for the electric car. vehicle, ended with the Fiat Ecobasic (Fig. 4) prototype
that saves weight and the need of painting through the
Introduction application of natural fibre composites on external
Most of today’s synthetic polymers are produced
from petrochemicals and are not biodegradable.
Polymers such as polyethylene and polypropylene can
persist in the environment for many years after their
disposal and therefore become a significant source of
environmental pollution, harming wildlife when they are
dispersed in the nature [1]. During the last two decades,
significant advances have been made in the development
of biodegradable polymers [2-4]. Biodegradable Fig. 0 Mercedes C-class components made of different
polymers are generally obtained via polymerization of natural-fibre composites (
agricultural-based raw materials. Biodegradable polymer
materials have been developed in a variety of forms, and
thus have potential uses in a range of industries. Many of
these polymers are well suited for adhesive applications
such as environmentally friendly packaging, recyclable
envelope adhesives, carpet backing, and many other
products that are eventually destined for the municipal
waste disposal facility. Biofibres, such as flax and hemp,
Fig. 2 The Grasshopper [9]
have potential as a raw material for the production of
various types of composites which are of great
importance in automotives, building materials,
packaging, papers and furniture industries [5]. Biofibres
are fast emerging as viable alternative to synthetic fibre
as reinforcements in plastics due to their low cost,
lightweight, good mechanical performance and
biodegradable properties [6, 7]. Use of biofibres with
biodegradable resins has answer for many environmental Fig. 3 Four Motors GmbH green racer [10]
issues raised by environmentalist from time to time.

expected to greatly increase and prevail in the future
vehicle components’ development.

Fig. 4 Fiat EcoBasic (

A large number of studies concerning the chemical

and thermo-mechanical properties of natural fibres
composites have been presented. A significant amount of
research has been done into different processing and
manufacturing technologies to enhance the response of
Fig. 5 ECOSHELL proposes to achieve a full bio-
these composites under different loading types. However
composite electric car [13].
the crashworthiness of such materials is very less studied
as well as their response in high velocity impacts [11,
12]. Very little numerical work is presented concerning Traditionally superlight electric vehicles (usually
the impact performance of biocomposites, include crash driven without specific driver license) has been relatively
testing and energy absorption. Further failure sequence expensive and of lower safety measures, thus less
including stress and strain limits under low and high attractive for popular use. However, in terms of CO2
velocity impacts is still not well understood and emissions efficiency and life cycle based cost of use, it
modelled. Further, the majority of the work presented is proves to be the one with the most potential in particular
based on testing and experimental results. The few for European, urban, densely populated areas. It also has
modelling attempts were based on generic assumptions major attractiveness for exportation outside Europe to
and models initially created for man-made (glass, areas like China, India or South America. This project
carbon, aramid, etc) composites. As it follows, the (structured within three groups of activities SP1, SP2 and
modelling of natural fibre composites is yet in its SP3) aims at handling the first two major draw backs
infancy. Tools giving an accurate prediction of the (production cost and safety) while further improving the
structural behaviour under different load cases and associated environmental advantages via application of
environmental conditions are required for the further innovative biodegradable materials for both chassis and
development of the “green” composites. The consistent body of the vehicle (see Fig. 6). ECOSHELL stands out
dynamic impact and crash modelling will save time and clearly as an innovative project compared to most
money from long experimental campaigns and will give currently related activities which are mostly concerned
to the automotive industry a spark and a tool for the with the improvement of production and weight of small
development of not only “green” but also safe cars. size vehicles.

ECOSHELL project overview

In light of current state of the art and challenges

faced by biocomposites, ecoshell promisses to open the
door leading to a new development and applications for
natural fibres reinforced composites within the electric
car era. The ECOSHELL project (Development of new
light high-performance environmentally benign
Fig. 6 The role of ECOSHELL project played in the
composites made of bio-materials and bio-resins for
improvement of electric vehicles.
electric car application) is concerned with the
development of optimal structural solutions for
superlight electric vehicles. Specifically, ECOSHELL Project objectives
proposes to achieve a full bio-composite made of high
performance natural fibres and biodegradable resins, ECOSHELL aims to develop, design and
resulting in the use of totally natural, environment manufacture key lightweight components from low cost
friendly composites, with enhanced strength and bio- and recyclable natural fibre-reinforced composites for
degradability characteristics designed for the electric car automotive load bearing applications in a compact class
(Fig. 5). ECOSHELL concept is fully in line with the car. Alternative lightweight metals will be evaluated to
European end of life vehicle directive stating that by replace higher density ones where appropriate. Sandwich
2015, vehicles must be constructed of 95% recyclable composite construction will be considered where hollow
materials, with 85% recoverable through reuse or beams are currently used to allow reduction of weight.
mechanical recycling and 10% through energy recovery The primary targets are front end section and body-in-
or thermal recycling, the use of “green” composites is white (BIW) framework of the high volume vehicle.
Minimising vehicle mass means less vehicle inertia at the beginning of the project. Additionally to material
forces and therefore fuel burned to carry the vehicle characteristics and the identification of adapted models
mass, translating to reduced CO2 emissions. The for simulation work, the processing issues will be
importance of weight reduction is demonstrated by the investigated. Finally, the influence and role of the glue
fact that almost 85% of the total lifecycle energy will be studied regarding process and tool constraints.
consumption occurs during road operations.
Having decided on the most suitable materials, the
The ECOSHELL technical Work Packages have second Work Package “Design of components of the car
been divided into three Subprojects: Manufacturing, structure” will detail the manufacturing processes of
Life cycle and After-life. Moreover, the project will selected materials. The objectives of this Work Package
work on the materials and process, the structural parts are: firstly to define the manufacturing process for each
and the body car at the same time. Table 1 shows the kind of component of the structure with the materials
overall approach of the work plan: chosen; secondly to identify the constraints and the
design rules to manufacture each component with the
Structural appropriate manufacturing process; and finally we shall
Materials and parts Body car identify the cost of the machine tools and process to
process (componen (vehicle) produce each component. In relation to the
ts) environmental costs a tool to follow the CO2 emission of
the whole process will be developed.
Find, create, and Design of
Manuf The substitution of the metal structure by a bio-
modify material components Vehicle
acturin composite structure has a strong impact on the assembly
for tooling and of the car integration
g of the vehicle. The objective of the third Work-Package
processing parts structure
“Vehicle integration” is to demonstrate that a vehicle can
Find, create, and be assembled with a bio-composite structure in an
modify materials Life Cycle existing vehicle assembly manufacture (production line)
Life regarding life analysis of and to evaluate the environmental impacts in the plant
technical and
cycle cycle issues of structural organisation in order to accommodate for optimal
body car components storage, manufacturing, tooling, components production
structural parts. and assemblies and complete vehicle assembly.
After-life of
the Life cycle of the car during its functional life
After Materials after Disassembly The objectives of the first Work Package are to find,
-life life process create, modify, and melt process materials according to
of the
structure limitations and challenges raised by the life cycle
constraints of a structural part. The main criteria to take
into account in this Work Package regarding life cycle
Table 1 Work plan of ECOSHELL project constraints are functional mechanical properties
(resiliency, breakage resistance, young module, stiffness,
Manufacturing strength, ultimate elongation, density, energy absorption,
The first Work Package “Find, create, and modify humidity and temperature resistance, water
material for tooling and processing parts” will cover two tightness/hydrophobicity, UV stability, visual appearance
essential aspects in the project: the study and selection of and haptic and sensory properties - odor, touch & feel
appropriate materials, from the physical point of view, properties). An analysis will be done to validate the
and the study to ensure the economic viability of their different properties of the materials proposed already in
use. It aims to build up a reliable database identifying the the market, then critical points will be raised towards the
mechanical properties, the manufacturing processes, the recommendations from the vehicle design, and finally an
design rules, the environmental impact and the amelioration plan will be built to obtain a material in
production cost of the preselected renewable composite compliance with the recommendations of the
materials with the perspective of their integration into a components of the car structure and the vehicle design.
light vehicle. The objectives of this Work package are to At the same time new materials will be investigated to
find, create, modify, and melt materials regarding the meet and exceed the performance of commercially
manufacturing constraints. First, a work of analysis has available fibres and resigns chosen at the beginning of
to be conducted in order to identify and quantify the the project, especially regarding the life cycle issues. In
different properties of the materials proposed available addition glue will be studied regarding life cycle
already in the market, and subsequently raise critical constraints.
points leading to recommendations. We shall build an
improvement plan to obtain a material in compliance The objectives of the next Work Package “Life
with these recommendations. This Work Package will Cycle analysis of structural components” are related to
provide material samples and prototypes parts. A second establishing scalars and models for predicting whole life
major activity of this work package is to investigate new time performance of the vehicle using simulation and
materials implementing different fibres and resins chosen statistical measures. The following topics are of

particular importance to the life cycle analysis of the Regarding the first research area, all the partners
vehicle: reliability of usage, safety and crash worthiness, will be involved to the investigation on the bio-materials
modelling and testing of structural components. which would be best suited to the transportation targeted
application. Partners will also study, design, test and set-
The objectives of the third Work Package are to
up the process technologies and industrial tools to
investigate the technical design of the new car, the global
produce the bio-materials and body car structure parts,
cost and economic viability, weight and ecological
concentrating on the processing and characterization of
impact of the implementation of new materials into the
materials by evaluating structural static and dynamic
vehicle. Extensive vehicle performance studies based on
properties, failure mechanisms, damage tolerance,
a numerical mock-up of the vehicle will be performed
crashworthiness, and structure-property relationship.
with the objective of optimizing the design and
Research effort in this session is mainly directed towards
evaluating the regulation performance of the vehicle.
improving quality, productivity and repeatability of the
When applicable, modifications of the existing vehicle
fibres, as well as fibres extraction processes (dew and
components replaced by new components will be
water retting, chemical retting, enzymatic retting, steam
devised and the interface to other vehicle parts will be
explosion, etc.), processing techniques and resins
compatibility. Modelling and simulation tools will be
also utilised to maximise rewards in identifying
After life appropriate material properties. Following the results of
In the past decade the European car manufacturers the research carried out by the ECOSHELL partners on
and suppliers demonstrated an increasing interest in existing and new bio-materials and process technologies,
natural fibre composites. Door panels, seat backs, a selection will be made according to the interest of the
dashboards and package trays are some among many of project proposed bio-materials research activities.
the applications. The “End of Life Vehicle” (ELV)
directive (established in 2006 by the European Union) Regarding the second research area, partners will
(24) offers an excellent opportunity for the development first develop tools for design and 3D computer modelling
and improvement of the bio-composites. The directive of bio-composite structures to be followed by
states that no later than January 1st 2015, for all end-of experimental validation on the car model. The aim will
life vehicles, the reuse and recovery target will be be then to achieve designing and mechanical
increased to a minimum of 95% of the average weight characterisation by theory and experimental means of the
per vehicle and year. Within the same time limit, the final bio-composite structure. The current approach to
reuse and recycling will be increased to a minimum of study design problems is either to conduct an
85%. According to the Kyoto Protocol Europe has also experimental campaign to investigate structural
committed to reduce its overall emissions of greenhouse behaviour of the studied material under different loading
gases (GHG) during the period 2008 - 2012 by 8% conditions and sample geometry or to perform
compared to the level of emissions in 1990, which leads simulation of the impact, dynamic or failure phenomena
to a second clear advantage of using of natural fibre using finite element methods (FEM) and requires very
composites associated to their very low density and thus powerful hardware and software resources. ECOSHELL
overall weight. will integrate these two approaches, presenting data
The objectives of this part are to find, create, modify about the experimental campaign based on produced
and melt materials regarding the degradability potential small and medium size body car structural parts, coupled
of the existing and newly developed or improved to the computer simulation of impact, dynamic or failure
materials, to analyze and define how to re-use or recycle phenomenon. The test results data collected in the
each component of the structure after life, in agreement experimental work will be used as raw input data into the
of the degradation and reuse of the material defined and FEM model. Such work will enable with respect to
finally, to analyze and define the disassembly process to required mechanical properties to identify the best suited
collect the components by “recycling family” (e.g. front architecture and dimensioning of each structural part of
end), updating the rate of recyclability of the whole car the proposed body car taking into consideration the
regarding regulation. various interfaces with other vehicle components.
Regarding the third research area, partners will first
Methodology rebuild a new numerical mock-up removing the standard
frame and including the new one, then make several
The ECOSHELL project will be carried out through simulations of architecture, integrating features to the
the implementation of three main research areas frame in order to equilibrate the cost and weight balance
narrowly linked: of the new frame and finally build a tool based on the bill
of material, allowing people to manage cost, weight and
 Bio-material and process ecologic impact of the whole car. As a new material is
 New light-weight high performance bio- selected for the frame, all the parts in interface with the
composite materials for structural parts frame will have to be studied again for different stress
 New light-weight high performance bio- levels. For the high stress level, to restudy the front crash
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reduce weight by 20% over a tradition vehicle, to reduce 14.
gasoline consumption and CO2 emissions by 22%, and to
reduce price by 15%.

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