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Field Trip and Students' Performance in Environmental Studies

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International Journal of Physical and Human Geography

Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016

___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Iyorakpo Julius
Facilitator, School of Science and Technology (Environmental Studies & Resource Mgt.),
National Open University of Nigeria, Yenagoa Study Centre, Bayelsa State Nigeria

ABSTRACT: Field trip is undertaken within most earth sciences and professions. More than
a set of skills, environmental research is a way of thinking and examining critically the various
aspects of our physical environment. It is a habit of questioning about what you do in your
environment, and empirical examination to find answers to environmental problems, with a
view to instituting appropriate changes for a more environmental friendly habitat. This study
is therefore aimed at x-raying the imperatives of Field Trip in Students studying various aspects
in Environmental Sciences. The study adopted reconnaissance survey, observation, assessment
of field trip report and interview methods. It specifically examines works of students of the
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Yenagoa study center. The findings of the study
among other issues discovered that students who undergo field trip during their course of
studies acquire more knowledge and better equipped in their chosen discipline. Useful
recommendations were made to guide students on further field trips so as to enrich their
knowledge on Environmental issues.
KEYWORDS: Field Trip, Performance, Noun, Environmental Studies

International workshop on Environmental Education (1975) defined Environmental Education
as “Education aimed at developing a world population that is aware, of and concerned about
the environment and its associated problems which has the knowledge, skills, attitudes,
motivations and commitments to work individually and collectively towards a solution of
current problems as well as the prevention of new ones. The current interest in environmental
matters in Nigeria especially on waste collections, disposal and land reclamation becomes
necessary for educationists, parents, children, manufacturers, developers of processes and other
entrepreneurs to understand the extent they contribute in polluting and degrading the
environment. It will be a right step in the right direction to make them aware of the
environmental side effects of economic activities, and rapid social change like over-crowding
in urban slums, health hazards, emission of waste products from factories, the problems of
domestic waste disposal, pollution of natural sources of water supply and the destruction of
protective forest cover all in the process of construction of roads and buildings.
The Stockholm conference on Human Environment (1972) has as one of its principles that:
“Education in environmental matters for the younger generation as well as adults is essential
in order to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals,
enterprises and communities in protecting and improving the environment in its full human
dimension”. In conformity with the above principle the entire citizenry should be given
orientation on the possible options of waste management and the types of waste generated. The
waste products of society are by definition, those that the generator finds more profitable to

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
discard than to utilize. They include agricultural, household, human and industrial waste
(Henstock, 1983).
There are several ways of obtaining answers to the existing environment problems and
questions. These methods range from the fairly informal sources based upon clinical
impressions to the strictly scientific, adhering to the conventional expectations of scientific
procedures. However, the degrees to which the criteria are expected to be fulfilled differ from
one academic discipline to another. For example, the expectations of the environmental
research process are remarkably different between the environmental or physical sciences and
the social sciences. In the physical sciences a research endeavour is expected to be strictly
controlled at each step, whereas in the social sciences rigid control cannot be enforced and
sometimes is not even demanded.
Within the environmental sciences, the level of control required also varies remarkably from
one issue or subject to another. Despite these differences among subjects or disciplines, their
broad approach to inquiry is similar. The field trip model in this study is based upon this
philosophy. As beginners in research, students should understand that research is not all
technical, complexes, statistics and computers. It can be very simple activity designed to
provide answers to very simple questions relating to day-to-day activities in our environment.
On the other hand environmental research procedures can also be employed to formulate
intricate theories or environmental laws that govern our lives. The difference between research
and non research activity is, as mentioned in the way we find answers.

Purpose of the study

The aim of this study is to examine students’ field trip as a way of thinking and identifying
various aspects and features that are relevant in environmental studies so as to obtain answers
that address environmental problems. The above aim can be achieved by the following
i. To identify the attributes of a good or clean environment and the various forms of
interaction between different components/settlements.
ii. To identify the most common physical environmental problems such as; drainage
system, waste management system, road network etc.
iii. To determine the socio-economic implication of existing environment such as;
emergence of squatter settlement, lack of basic amenities etc
iv. To determine the causes of the existing environmental conditions such as; flooding,
slum developments, waste disposal etc.
v. To ascertain how satisfied the residents in these environment or areas visited. This is
carried out through the issuance of well structured questionnaire and interviews.

Statement of the research problem

Most undergraduate students in the nations higher institutions of learning over the years of their
studentship do not have a practical knowledge of their physical environment and therefore have
little or no idea about the practical requirements in their various fields of environmental studies.
This lacuna or deficiency has greatly contributed to the difficulties encountered by students
during their final year project research work.

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Students are the future leaders of a nation therefore the paucity of detailed scientific
environmental research by students will create a vacuum of knowledge and base line data
required for national development by policy makers hence the need for students field trip to
enable them be equipped with the necessary tools for meaningful research work at graduation.
For example, a student of environmental studies who have never seen pollution site or an area
with severe flooding will not appreciate its condition even though he or she is taught in a
classroom about such environmental disaster.

Research Questions
i. What are the causes of the present environmental conditions in Yenagoa and environs?
ii. What are the peoples’ perceptions about their environment in Yenagoa and environs?
iii. How satisfied are the inhabitants with their environment in the study area?
iv. How natural is the environment in the study area?
v. How can the environmental condition be improved upon?

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

In regional studies, settlements are studied not just individually but in relation to one another
with regards to their location and characteristics. Within this context are two elements;
distribution and pattern. Distribution implies the nature of the spatial spread of settlements
across the area or region of the study. The settlement pattern of any spatial system refers to
classifying the whole system into types (rural and urban). A settlement simply put, is any point
or place on the earth’s surface inhabited by man with dwellings in them. There are several units
of settlement with considerable number of varieties in their spatial settings. Each of these units
of settlement with considerable number of hamlets, villages, towns, cities and metropolis to
megalopolis is unique and has a personality of its own. This ranking according to settlement
size is generally acknowledged by a large number of scholars in the field but terminology
presents a problem. There is, for instance, no exact definition of a village compared with a
town or of a hamlet compared with a village and the significance of the word ‘city’ varies from
one country to another.
The terms ‘Rural and Urban’ lack precision but are useful since they attempt to recognize and
distinguish both the physical and human characteristics of man-made structures. Johnson
(1997) remarks that in spite of lack of precision, there are many differences between the two
classes of settlements; a rural area has less population than an urban centre; while human
activities in rural areas are largely oriented towards primary production, they are largely
secondary and tertiary in urban areas. However, Johnson maintains that there are some rural
areas with diverse characteristics. Some rural areas may contain more people than some urban
centres. On a general note, farms, hamlets and villages are considered as rural settlements while
towns, cities, metropolis and megalopolis are classed as urban centres (Oyeleye, 2001). In the
advanced countries a rural area may serve as residential unit for retired persons and they could
contain services that lacking in some urban centres in the developing countries.
Urban phenomenon varies greatly from one geographical region to another, and through time
from one era to another. The term ‘Urban’ is often used interchangeably with city and there is
no international agreement on their definitions. Many attempts have been made at defining

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
urban centres by several scholars Yussuff (1974), Johnson (1980), Andah (1988) and Abiodun
and Salau (1993) attempted to define urban centres using the socio-economic parameters.
Atanda, et al (1980) employed cultural activities in their attempts to describe urban centres.
Other scholars like Buck and Atkins (1976), McGee and Das (1983), Harrison (1994) used the
easily observable geographical features like the extent of built up area or population. All these
attempts failed; each arrived at different definitions owing to prevailing differences in their
focus of study.

Study Area
Students of environmental studies and resource management of the National Open University
of Nigeria (NOUN) Yenagoa study centre whose focus this study is all about embarked on a
field trip sometime in March, 2012 to the locations and establishments stated below with some
interesting discoveries and findings. Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State and environs is
found at the southern part of Nigeria known as the Niger Delta region. It is bounded by the
Atlantic Ocean in the South, in the West by Delta State, in the East by Rivers State and in the
North by Imo State of Nigeria. Yenagoa municipality has existed as a province in the late
1960s, in the eastern region but later metamorphosed to a local government status in the 1970s
and later State Capital in 1996. The city of Yenagoa is located between longitude 6o15’ to
6o30’E and latitude 4o50’ to 5o50’N and lies along the Epie Creek which empties into the Nun
Yenagoa has a total population of 266,008 male (112,002) and female (154,006) with a
population density of 237 persons per square kilometers (Census, 2006). It has an average
elevation between 12m and 15.5m above sea level (Alagoa, 1999) and has a deltaic soil, back
swamps are found southwards of Yenagoa. It has a gray-very dark brownish colour and at the
surface which grades from gray into light brownish gray. The Gbarian-Ubie Oil and Gas Project
one of the locations visited by students on the field trip is located within Gbarian/Ekpetiama
clans in Yenagoa local government area, Bayelsa State at the eastern part of the Niger Delta in
Nigeria covers an area of approximately 650 square kilometers. It encompasses the Gbarian,
Kolo Creek, Etelebou and Zarama Oil Fields under the Shell Petroleum Development
Company’s OML 28 production license.
The Gbarian-Ubie integrated Oil and Gas Project entails the drilling of new oil and gas wells,
re-entry into existing oil wells, construction of new flow lines and pipelines and the
construction of new Central Processing Facility (CPF) in Gbarian. The facilities are designed
and constructed with strict adherence to strengthen standard covering security during the
construction and operations phase and in order to minimize environmental, social and health
impacts. To reduce land, take the project has adopted strategy to lay most of the new flow lines
and pipelines along existing pipeline routes. From discussions on the field trip it was observed
that Gbarian-Ubie Integrated Oil and Gas Project is believed to be the first incline of major oil
and gas development activities of Shell Petroleum Development Company centered on the
Gbarian-Ubie Integrated Oil and Gas Project in the next three to five years. Its success is critical
in providing impetus for more development opportunities to the Government and people of
Gbarian/Ekpetiama in Yenagoa Local Government Area of Bayelsa State as well as the nations
at large and also has environmental conservation area or the vegetation separately kept within
the site of operation for the survival of natural habitats. Hazards area conservation for noisy
market and it’s measured; area reserved for natural habitat is found to be swampy, death trees,
raffia palm and has numerous advantages over the survival of natural habitat or wild life.

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
Pictorial Scene of the Field Trip:
Below are some environmental scenes during the field trip embarked upon by 400 level
Students of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) Yenagoa study centre, Bayelsa

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
The study due to its peculiar nature adopted reconnaissance survey, observation, interview and
questionnaire methods as well as student field trip reports assessment in arriving at relevant
and reliable conclusion, inferences and recommendations. The following variables were
investigated in the cause of the study among others i.e. waste disposal methods, coastal (shore)
protection, nature park conservation, pollution control, waste recycling, endangered species
conservation and sanitation etc. Some government designated disposal sites were randomly
selected within the Yenagoa metropolis where students visited on field trip and questionnaires
were administered to residents within those identified areas. On the whole, six locations (refuse
dump sites) were visited and a total of One hundred and twenty questionnaires were distributed
of which One hundred and five were retrieved and analyzed. Among the designated refuse
dump sites visited were Tombia/Amassoma dump site, Biogbolo/Green Villa dump site,
Yenigwe dump site, Agudama dump site, Imiringi dump site and Ox-bow Lake. In the entire
above mentioned dump sites, senior government officials’ in-charge were interviewed in the
various methods of refuse/waste disposal and obstacles inherent in the system.
The field trip was also carried out on the operational areas of the Gbarian-Ubie Integrated Oil
& Gas project Yenagoa, owned and operated by the Shell Petroleum Development Company
Ltd (SPDC). On arrival the company’s management received our research team on field trip
made up of the facilitator and students of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
Thereafter, the research team was conducted round the facilities within the precinct of the
company which include; the wild-life conservation buffer zone, gas flaring point, pipeline,
community development area, reservation site and some residential quarters. Other facilities
include; the incineration plant, the land jetty, the central processing unit, the gas compressor
unit, the gas turbine and drainage facilities. In the cause of the excursion trip, the research team
(students) was subjected to open field lectures and audio visual instructional aid by the
company personnel as well as the facilitator of the team. Field notes as well as photographs of
various environmental features and inventory were recorded.

Most of the sites visited during the field trip especially the government designated refuse
dumps were discovered left uncovered with little or no regard for control of scavengers,
diseases, air pollution aesthetics and water pollution.

Reduction of Gas flaring:

When fully commissioned, the Gbarian-Ubie gas project flow station will gather the gas
currently being flared at two existing flow stations namely; Kolo Creek Flow Station and
Etelebou Flow Station thereby eliminating the current level and volume of gas flared from June
2010. The gas flared in Etelebou Flow Station was 12m.m/d; while the current is 1m.m/d. In
Kolo Creek Flow Station, from June 2010, the gas flared was 27mmdd; while the current flared
is from the statistic above over 90% of gas flared reduction has been achieved
from the Flow Stations. That for the purpose of drastic gas flare reduction, flare system is
provided at the Central Processing Facility (CPF) primarily for emergency flaring; sequel to
the fact that in Oil and Gas processing for now, with our kind of equipment gas flare cannot be
eliminated completely.

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
The drainage system around the Gbarian-Ubie integrated gas project area is well constructed
and channeled to the nearby drainage basin i.e. the River (tylor creek). This makes the company
premises to be flood free and well defined with improved sanitary condition. On the other hand,
contrary to the above the other dump sites visited down town have little or no drainages at all
which makes the environmental condition poor.

Assessment of Students Field Trip Report

At the end of the field trip, students were given an assignment to prepare a comprehensive
report on their experiences during the field trip. These reports were thoroughly assessed and
evaluated by the facilitators of the programme at the National Open University of Nigeria
(NOUN) Bayelsa State Study Centre and Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science
respectively. The outcome of this development is very encouraging which translate to the
students improved performances in their terminal exams and projects works.


Environmental impact assessment is therefore very essential within the context of sustainable
development planning. Rational use of natural resources, understanding of the environmental
characteristics especially the socio-economic environment will give a guide to the future since
according to Redcliff (1990) ‘Sustainable Development is either about meeting human needs
or maintaining economic growth or conserving natural capital, or about all of these. There is,
therefore, likely to be conflict between what is sustainable at the global, national, regional or
project level because what is sustainable at one level, may prove to be damaging or simply
unrealistic at another. Therefore, the following propositions are vital towards the sustainable
development of communities in Gbarian oil field and indeed the Niger Delta region of Nigeria
that is seriously being eroded.

Policy Issues

 Companies operating within the study area should behave as responsible corporate citizens
by ensuring compliance to international standards in environmental issues.

 They should help to develop the host Communities through training of the people;
developing their skills in agriculture and talents that could economically empower them.

 They should ensure the implementation of local content in their projects.

 They should ensure provision of employment to indigenes of the area.

 Give financial security for agriculture, cottage industry and co-operatives to Communities
that are impacted.

 Communities/individuals in the Niger Delta are made shareholders in the oil industry.

 Development of a blue print for the Gbarian-Ubie oil field Communities by the oil
companies so as to establish modern skills acquisition and entrepreneurship development

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
 They should carry out a post impact assessment in the Gbarian field with a possible
compensation and remediation.

 Adequate consultation in EIA, and train Communities on environmental education.

 The should ensure the monitoring of oil and gas activities.

For all we have discussed about waste problems and management in Yenagoa local government
area. This study has focused on waste transfer station and industrial waste management
pollution (Air, Land and Waste) which strategies for proper waste management and
recommended the involvement of government parastatal and private participation in the
collection and disposal of waste to land fill sites. The influence of economic problems on the
nation has made some individual business of scavenging and recycling of renewable materials
to earn their living. Waste management is the biggest problem facing the capital city of Bayelsa
State because of human population, modernization and increased of tastes and dumping of
more wastes, mostly non-biodegrable pollution, by plastic and metals. The government should
seriously educate or campaign to the citizenry on sustainable waste management techniques,
and encourage recycling of waste and purchase of products from recycled materials strategies
will enable us to manage our wastes.
In view of the trust of field trip report, the following recommendations are made to enhance
sustainable waste management in Yenagoa Local Government Area, Bayelsa State.
i. Adequate and sufficient form of refuse disposal service is provided such as garbage
trucks for the traditional core areas because of lack of easy access to these areas.
ii. Adequate financial resources should be made available by the government to the
authorities directly responsible for sanitary evacuation of waste.
iii. Government should provide more sanitary temporal dump site be put in place to avert
indiscriminate dumping of refuse in the River, Stream, Drainages thereby blocking
drains and creating a wide spread of flood hazard.
iv. The Yenagoa L.G.A should make regulations or by-laws which specify the type of
containers to be used for storage of refuse.
v. Waste bags are made available to the public for transfer of wastes from their home to
the dump site for onward transportation to a permanent waste dump station.
vi. Environmental Health and Safety Campaigns should be made to the public to avoid
effects of indiscriminate dumping of waste, improper management of waste disposal on
our health and environment.
vii. Industrial waste management, there should be a transparent and credible public
participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process. This would
include informing local communities about the carrying out (EIA) scoping and making
available, the scoping report for review and comment by communities before
forwarding it to government supervising agency. This process should ensure that each
oil operation has the consent of those who will suffer its negative consequences.

ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)
International Journal of Physical and Human Geography
Vol.4, No.2, pp.23-32, June 2016
___Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (
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ISSN: 2052-6377(Print), ISSN: 2052-6385(Online)

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