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Barrett's Esophagus A Pathologist's View

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Histopathology 2007, 50, 3–14. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2006.02569.


Barrett’s oesophagus—a pathologist’s view

J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek
Service d’Anatomie Pathologique, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, AP-HP, Paris, France

Fléjou J-F & Svrcek M

(2007) Histopathology 50, 3–14
Barrett’s oesophagus—a pathologist’s view

Barrett’s oesophagus, a precancerous condition for problems with this subjective marker (sampling, diag-
oesophageal adenocarcinoma, detected on endoscopy nostic reproducibility, natural history, etc). Therefore,
and confirmed on histology, shows intestinal meta- many alternative biomarkers have been proposed, but
plasia of the lower oesophagus. The significance of only DNA aneuploidy, proliferation markers and p53
microscopic foci of intestinal metaplasia at the gastro– loss of heterozygosity ⁄ overexpression have been shown
oesophageal junction, corresponding either to so-called to be of some use at the present time. Some endoscopic
‘ultrashort’ segment Barrett’s oesophagus, or to carditis improvements already allow a better selection of
with intestinal metaplasia, is still a matter of debate. biopsies, and it may be that in future new technologies
The surveillance of patients with Barrett’s oesophagus will allow ‘virtual biopsies’. On the other hand, the role
is still based on systematic biopsy sampling of Barrett’s of pathologists now extends to the evaluation of new
mucosa on endoscopy, looking for dysplasia. Although therapeutic modalities of early neoplastic lesions in
well-established classifications of dysplasia are now Barrett’s oesophagus, especially endoscopic mucosal
used by most pathologists, there remain numerous resection.
Keywords: Barrett’s oesophagus, dysplasia, intestinal metaplasia, oesophageal cancer
Abbreviations: BO, Barrett’s oesophagus; CELLO, columnar epithelium-lined lower oesophagus; CK, cytokeratin;
EMR, endoscopical mucosal resection; GOJ, gastro–oesophageal junction; GORD, gastro–oesophageal reflux disease;
HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IM, intestinal metaplasia; LGD, low-grade dysplasia

incidence in most Western countries.4 BO is found

in 1.6% of the general population5 and in 10% of
Barrett’s oesophagus (BO) is defined as the replace- those patients who undergo endoscopy for symptoms
ment of the normal squamous epithelium of the lower of GORD. Follow-up studies in surveillance pro-
oesophagus by metaplastic columnar epithelium.1–3 It grammes of patients with BO have demonstrated an
is a consequence of prolonged gastro–oesophageal incidence of adenocarcinoma ranging from one in 52
reflux disease (GORD). Also known as ‘endobrachyo- to one in 441 patient-years.
esophage’ (in France) and as columnar epithelium- Pathologists play a central role in the diagnosis of
lined lower oesophagus (CELLO), it is increasing in BO. This diagnostic role has been a matter of perplexity
incidence. It is a precancerous condition, as it for many pathologists, due to changes in the definition
predisposes to the development of oesophageal adeno- of BO in recent years, with the emergence of so-called
carcinoma, a tumour with a rapidly increasing short and even ‘ultrashort’ segment BO. After the
diagnosis of BO is made, pathology is again at the
centre of surveillance, as the only recognized marker
Address for correspondence: Jean-François Fléjou MD, PhD, Service
d’Anatomie et de Cytologie Pathologiques, Hôpital Saint-Antoine,
of an increased risk of cancer is dysplasia, diagnosed
184 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012, Paris, France. on histological examination of endoscopic biopsy
e-mail: specimens.
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Limited.
4 J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek

Along with these changes in diagnostic procedures, and the GOJ, it is now recognized that the major
there have been major changes in therapeutic options, diagnostic criteria of BO are histological.
with the emergence of various types of non-surgical It must be kept in mind that the current definition,
treatment of early neoplastic lesions, either ablative needing histological confirmation of intestinal metapl-
[mainly endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)] or asia (IM), is based on routine standard endoscopy with
destructive.6 Again, pathologists play a central role in random biopsies. It may be that the improvements of
these new issues, especially when they have to report endoscopic techniques will allow a form of ‘endoscopic
mucosectomy specimens. histology’ and will therefore modify very much the
It may be that in the near future new methods of current definitions of BO.10
surveillance will replace traditional endoscopy with
biopsies. These new technologies already include
d i a g n os t i c h i s t o l o g i c a l fe a t u r e s
endoscopic improvements (e.g. chromoendoscopy and
narrow-band imaging) and in the future entirely new Conventional histology
methods may allow ‘virtual biopsies’ (e.g. optical IM of the oesophagus, the so-called specialized epithe-
coherence tomography and Raman spectroscopy).7 lium, is the diagnostic feature of BO when it is located
These methods may induce major changes in the role in the oesophagus and not in the upper part of the
of pathologists in BO. stomach.11 This mucosa is considered as an incomplete
form of IM, similar to type II and type III IM of the
stomach. Morphologically, it frequently shows a villi-
Barrett’s oesophagus: an endoscopic and
form pattern. The epithelium is composed mainly of
histological definition and diagnosis goblet cells interspersed between intermediate mucous
Glandular mucosa in the lower oesophagus presents as cells, both in the surface and glandular epithelium
a red velvety mucosa over the gastro–oesophageal (Figure 2A). Mature absorptive intestinal cells with a
junction (GOJ). It can extend either circumferentially well-defined brush border are rare. Paneth cells may
or as one or several tongues, and in some cases as be present. Endocrine cells can be seen on special
a mixture of these two patterns (Figure 1). It was staining in the glands. On electron microscopy, the
considered initially that this mucosa had to extend at goblet cells have characteristic apical mucin granules
least 30 mm over the GOJ to diagnose BO,1 but this and the columnar mucin cells have features inter-
definition has changed, due to the recognition of mediate between gastric mucous cells and intestinal
short-segment BO measuring < 30 mm1,8,9 However, absorptive cells.12
as it may be difficult to measure precisely a short- Together with the characteristic IM, two other types
segment BO and to localize the metaplastic mucosa of mucosa can be present in BO, i.e. cardiac-type and
fundic-type mucosa.11 These mucosae usually show
some inflammation and architectural changes. Except
in children, IM is the most common type encountered
in BO.13 However, its frequency on endoscopic biop-
sies varies with the length of BO and also with the
number of endoscopic biopsy series performed.14 It
was classically considered that the three types of
Squamous mucosa mucosa had a zonal distribution from intestinal to
cm Cardiac and
oxyntocardiac cardiac to fundic mucosa joining the upper part of the
mucosa stomach. However, mapping studies have demonstra-
C D Fundic mucosa
Fundic mucosa with ted in most BO a patchwork of the three mucosal
gastritis (H. pylori )
types, with a predominance of IM.15,16 Most authors
Intestinal metaplasia
Gastric folds consider that IM is present in all cases in adults if
sufficient sampling over a prolonged time scale is
carried out. Therefore, most definitions include this
cm epithelium as an absolute diagnostic criterion.2,17–19
For example, it was stated by the American Gastro-
Figure 1. Schematic representation of normal gastro–oesophageal
enterological Association Chicago workshop that
junction (A) and various types of intestinal metaplasia (B–D).
B, Long-segment Barrett’s oesophagus. C, Carditis with intestinal ‘esophageal IM documented by histology is a pre-
metaplasia of the cardiac mucosa. D, ‘Ultrashort’ segment Barrett’s requisite criterion for the diagnosis of BO’.19 This
oesophagus. strict definition has been challenged recently by the
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
Barrett’s oesophagus 5


Figure 2. Typical Barrett’s mucosa with intestinal metaplasia, so-called ‘specialized mucosa’. A, The presence of large goblet cells filled with
mucin is easily seen on standard H&E staining. B,C, Cytokeratin (CK) ‘Barrett’ pattern of intestinal metaplasia; CK7 is strongly and diffusely
expressed (B), while CK20 is expressed at the surface epithelium and upper part of crypts (C).

‘new British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) guide- cells (Figure 2A). These cells are usually easily visual-
lines for the diagnosis and management of Barrett’s ized on routinely stained sections. However, these goblet
oesophagus’,3 which consider that ‘the presence of cells in all cases produce acidic mucins. Accordingly, it
areas of IM, although often present, is not a require- has been proposed that systematic staining of biopsies
ment for diagnosis’. The rationale behind this change of the GOJ with alcian blue could be of interest to
was that sampling errors at the initial endoscopy may demonstrate rare positive goblet cells, which may indi-
miss an area of IM, leading to the exclusion of patients cate short-segment BO. Acidic mucins can be divided
from the surveillance programme purely due to inap- into sialomucins and sulphomucins. On a combined
propriate biopsy sampling. This divergence may have high iron diamine–alcian blue stain, sialomucins stain
major consequences when comparing results of clinical blue and sulphomucins stain brown-black. In special-
trials between countries in the future. ized Barrett’s mucosa, goblet cells usually contain
both sulphomucins and sialomucins. The presence of
Mucin histochemistry sulphomucins in columnar cells is a characteristic
Both columnar mucinous cells and goblet cells produce feature of type III IM of the stomach, a lesion with
mucins that can be characterized with mucin histo- a premalignant potential. In BO, it is very com-
chemistry. The columnar cells may produce neutral mon to have sialomucin-containing columnar cells, a
mucins, similar to gastric surface epithelial cells, feature that shows that this pattern cannot be used to
and ⁄ or acidic mucins, typical of intestinal mucosa. delineate a population at high risk of malignancy.20,21
Therefore, these cells can stain red (neutral mucins),
blue (acidic mucins) or magenta (neutral and acidic Immunohistochemistry
mucins) on a combined periodic acid–Schiff–alcian blue As immunohistochemistry is now routinely used in
stain.20,21 Some authors have suggested that the pathology departments, numerous studies have tried to
presence of acidic mucins (blue on alcian blue) is a find sensitive and specific markers of intestinal-type
characteristic feature of BO in the absence of typical mucosa in the oesophagus. These markers include
goblet cells; however, this theory has been disputed by the MUC antigens and other mucin components, and
other studies that show alcian blue-positive columnar different cytokeratin (CK) subtypes.
cells in gastric cardiac surface or neck cells in patients Cytokeratins are the intermediate filaments charac-
with neither metaplasia of the lower oesophagus nor teristic of epithelial cells. They are expressed in 20
GORD.22,23 distinct forms, with highly variable patterns along the
Therefore, the only characteristic feature of ‘special- type of epithelium. As the characteristic pattern is
ized’ intestinal Barrett’s mucosa is the presence of goblet conserved in most carcinomas, CK20, a marker of
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
6 J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek

intestinal differentiation, and CK7, a marker of ductal for GORD-induced IM in the oesophagus than for
differentiation, are used in the diagnosis of poorly Helicobacter pylori-induced IM in the stomach.37
differentiated carcinomas. Regarding BO, it has been Although a number of clinical, endoscopic, histological,
proposed that there is a unique pattern of CK7–CK20 histochemical and immunohistochemical features may
expression of Barrett’s IM, with strong CK7 staining orientate towards a GORD-related or H. pylori-associ-
both at the surface and in deep glands, and weak ated IM,34 there are no absolute criteria to distinguish
superficial CK20 positivity.24 However, although CK7 between these two conditions, except for the presence
strong staining is a constant feature, it appears that of oesophageal mucosal or submucosal glands in a
CK20 is often relatively strongly expressed in Barrett’s biopsy with IM, that confirms that the specimen is from
mucosa, possibly because the sensitivity of immuno- the tubular oesophagus (Figure 1).33 However, one
histochemical techniques has recently increased may wonder whether this point is of clinical relevance
greatly (Figure 2B,C). This sensitive and specific Barrett at the present time, as most guidelines do not recom-
CK pattern has been observed in both long- and short- mend to biopsy the GOJ when there are no endoscopic
segment BO, and even in ‘ultrashort’ segment BO.25,26 findings suggestive of BO.
However, some groups have not obtained the same
results with these antibodies, and there is currently
Morphological markers of cancer risk
debate regarding the contribution of CK immunohisto-
chemistry in the diagnosis of Barrett’s mucosa.27–29 in Barrett’s oesophagus
Regarding the preneoplastic significance of CK immuno- As the major risk of patients with BO is of developing
reactivity, it seems unlikely that this pattern will be of oesophageal adenocarcinoma, there has been consid-
great use, as it probably gives results very similar to erable interest in defining a subgroup of high-risk
those obtained with mucin histochemistry, with lack of patients in whom effective surveillance can be under-
sensitivity for preneoplasia. Similar results have been taken. Barrett’s adenocarcinoma develops through a
obtained with antibodies reacting with intestinal goblet multistep process with progressive worsening of a
cells, such as Das1 antibody.30 precursor lesion called ‘dysplasia’. At present, the
Other antibodies have also been used to characterize morphological identification of dysplasia in endoscopic
IM in BO, directed against MUC mucin gene products, mucosal biopsy specimens is the standard method of
especially MUC1 and MUC2 (an intestinal mucin). detecting patients at increased risk of cancer and is
These studies have demonstrated aberrant expression used to delineate this population.38
of MUC2 in Barrett’s intestinal mucosa, lost when
the cells become neoplastic. MUC1 was absent in
metaplastic and dysplastic epithelium, but was d e f i n i t i o n o f d y s p l a si a ( i n t ra e p i t h e li a l
expressed in carcinomas, which suggests that it could n eo p l a si a)
differentiate dysplasia from carcinoma in mucosal Dysplasia is a purely morphological term. It is defined
biopsy specimens.31,32 microscopically as replacement of the intestinal epithel-
ium by ‘an unequivocally, but as yet non-invasive,
u l t ra s h o r t b a r r e t t’ s oe s op h a gu s o r epithelium’.39 Although this definition was initially
intestinal metaplasia of the g ast ric cardia proposed for premalignant changes developed in
inflammatory bowel disease, it has been progressively
It has been shown by many studies that IM is present in extended to the entire gastrointestinal tract, including
the GOJ region in up to one-third of patients without BO.40 The term ‘dysplasia’ can also indicate a congen-
endoscopic evidence of BO (for review33,34). Although ital (hereditary or not) lesion. Thus, this term tends
expert pathologists strongly dispute the normal histo- to be replaced by the term ‘intraepithelial neoplasia’
logical features of the GOJ (native or metaplastic widely used in other organ systems and recommended
‘cardiac’ mucosa, oxyntocardiac mucosa?),34–36 it is in BO by the World Health Organization41 and by two
indisputable that IM is an abnormal feature on biopsy recent consensus reports.17,18 ‘Non-invasive’ means
specimens taken in this region. When there are very that the lesion is confined within the basement
short segments of IM and no clear endoscopic aspect of membrane of the gland within which it arises. Thus,
columnar-lined oesophagus, does this metaplastic epi- dysplasia has to be distinguished from invasive cancer,
thelium originate from the oesophagus (so-called especially in its early or superficial form with an
ultrashort BO) or from the stomach (IM of the gastric invasion limited to the lamina propria. The definition of
cardia)? This question may be of importance, as it is dysplasia also excludes all reactive changes.
highly probable that the risk of malignancy is higher
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
Barrett’s oesophagus 7

variation in size and shape, nuclear and ⁄ or nucleolar

di a gn o si s a nd c la s si fi c a t i o n o f d ys p l as i a
enlargement, increased nuclear–cytoplasmic ratio,
There are essentially two classifications of dysplasia in hyperchromatism and increased number of abnormal
BO: the three-tiered classification of mild, moderate mitoses.
and severe dysplasia, and the adaptation of Riddell’s The distinction between LGD and HGD depends on
classification for dysplasia arising in inflammatory the distribution of nuclei within the cells, LGD being
bowel disease.39 The latter distinguishes five categories: characterized by nuclei that remain confined to the
negative for dysplasia; indefinite for dysplasia; low- basal half of the cells and HGD by nuclei that are
grade dysplasia (LGD); high-grade dysplasia (HGD); stratified haphazardly between the basal and apical
and invasive cancer. LGD includes the mild and halves.42 Most authors consider that these changes
moderate categories of the three-grade system and have to involve the mucosal surface to ascertain the
HGD, severe dysplasia. The three-tiered classification of diagnosis of dysplasia.38,39,43,44 Indeed, the presence of
mild, moderate and severe dysplasia, although still in surface maturation in an atypical crypt lesion is a
use in some centres, is obsolete because it creates more feature which would normally help pathologists
intra- and interobserver variability than the two-grade exclude a diagnosis of dysplasia in favour of a diagnosis
system. of crypt regeneration. However, in a recent study,
The criteria used to grade dysplasia are based on Lomo et al. have characterized a significant pathological
the severity of both cytological and architectural change, ‘dysplasia-like atypia limited to the bases of the
abnormalities (Table 1). Architectural changes include crypts, without involvement of the surface epithe-
glandular distortion and crowding. Papillary exten- lium’.45 According to them, these lesions, previously
sions may be present into gland lumen, and villiform considered indefinite for dysplasia by some authors,
configuration of the mucosal surface can be observed. may be a true subtype of dysplasia and may represent
Cytological changes include nuclear alterations such as a histological marker of increased risk of progression

Table 1. Main diagnostic

Terminology in
features of neoplastic
Vienna classification Diagnostic features, remarks
lesions in Barrett’s oeso-
phagus, categorized Category 1 Negative for dysplasia Architecture within normal limits.
according to the Vienna No nuclear abnormalities, except focal
classification of epithelial nuclear stratification. Greater nuclear
neoplasia of the digestive alterations acceptable when associated
tract55 with inflammation, erosion, or ulceration

Category 2 Indefinite for dysplasia Architecture may be moderately distorted.

Nuclear abnormalities less marked than
those seen in dysplasia. Changes too marked
for negative but not sufficient for the diagnosis
of dysplasia

Category 3 Low-grade dysplasia Architectural and cytological changes

severe enough to suggest neoplastic
Category 4 4.1 High-grade dysplasia transformation. Diagnosis of high-grade or
4.2 Non-invasive carcinoma low-grade based on the severity of changes.
(carcinoma in situ) Alterations are especially noteworthy if
4.3 Suspicion of invasive they involve the mucosal surface
carcinoma The categories ‘non-invasive carcinoma’
and ‘suspicion of invasive carcinoma’
are not included in most other classifications

Category 5 Invasive neoplasia 5.1 Carcinoma has penetrated through

5.1 Intramucosal the basement membrane of the glands
carcinoma into the lamina propria but not yet
5.2 Submucosal invaded the submucosa
carcinoma or beyond

 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
8 J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek

to cancer. This hypothesis was supported by a high and, thus, the highest variability. These results empha-
association with conventional dysplasia and ⁄ or adeno- size the need to obtain a second opinion in difficult
carcinoma, associated with evidence of proliferative cases, especially when a therapeutic decision has to be
and molecular abnormalities. Thus, they proposed that made. The discrepancies are even more considerable
pathologists sign out these lesions as ‘indefinite for when diagnoses made by Western and by Japanese
dysplasia with basal crypt dysplasia-like atypia’. pathologists are compared. This point is crucial when
The term carcinoma in situ (or intraepithelial analysing the Japanese literature on early neoplastic
carcinoma) is not used in the Riddell’s classification, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. As BO is rare in
as it is considered indistinguishable from HGD. In Japan, this problem may be less important for this
intramucosal carcinoma, neoplastic cells have pene- lesion than for gastric and intestinal dysplasia. Never-
trated through the basement membrane and infiltrate theless, in a study of 21 oesophageal lesions examined
into the lamina propria, leading to a small risk of at the World Congress of Gastroenterology in Vienna,
regional lymph node metastasis. almost all lesions were classified as carcinoma by
Unlike inflammatory bowel disease-associated colo- pathologists with a Japanese viewpoint, and only 10–
nic dysplastic lesions, BO-related dysplasia is mainly 67% of the same lesions by those with a Western
flat and often arises in glands that retain their normal viewpoint.55 In Western countries, architectural fea-
configuration and lack nuclear stratification. Elevated tures, particularly poor maturation and excessive
or pedunculated lesions can occur, but are uncommon. crowding, are mostly taken into account for a diagnosis
They can be multifocal. They have been called dyspla- of dysplasia, whereas in Japan cytological features are
sia-associated lesion or mass, the equivalent of elevated predominant. After reaching a consensus, this inter-
dysplastic lesions in inflammatory bowel disease. It has national panel of pathologists proposed the Vienna
been shown that the presence of these polypoid lesions classification to minimize disagreement (Table 1). This
was an indicator of a high risk of cancer.46,47 Because classification has still to be tested prospectively in large
of the flat nature of dysplasia in BO, its detection series of patients.
depends critically on adequate sampling of the mucosa
by the endoscopist. Current practice guidelines recom-
n a t u r a l hi s t o ry o f d y s p l a s i a
mend that four quadrant biopsy specimens be taken at
10-mm intervals at closely timed intervals (‘Seattle’ The existence of a precursor lesion of Barrett’s adeno-
protocol).48 carcinoma offers a window of opportunity for early
Many non-biopsy endoscopic methods are currently detection and cure. A convenient model proposes that
under evaluation to identify IM and dysplasia (for Barrett’s adenocarcinoma follows a progression from
review10). Although encouraging results have been IM to indefinite dysplasia, LGD, HGD and invasive
obtained with techniques such as chromoendoscopy carcinoma. HGD, the immediate precursor lesion to
and narrow-band imaging,49 which may allow a Barrett’s adenocarcinoma, is also a marker of syn-
reduction in the number of biopsies, further evaluation chronous or metachronous adenocarcinoma, as in
is necessary before these techniques are applicable in most surgical series up to 40% of BO resected for HGD
routine practice.19 Encouraging results have also been have an occult adenocarcinoma.56,57 The frequency of
obtained with techniques such as light-induced fluor- these unsuspected cancers varied with the endoscopic
escence endoscopy, light-scattering spectroscopy, and biopsy protocol, with very few cancers detected
Raman spectroscopy, etc.,50,51 but many technical when patients were followed with the ‘Seattle’ proto-
issues still have to be answered before they can be used col.48 The natural history of HGD is somewhat
in clinical settings. controversial and is still very difficult to predict for
one individual patient.43 HGD can progress rapidly to
adenocarcinoma,58,59 but it can also persist for many
d i a g n o s t i c r e p r o du c i b i l i t y o f d y sp la si a —
years with no such progression.60,61
t h e v ie n n a cl a s s if i c a t io n
The distinction between unifocal and multifocal HGD
Most studies comparing diagnoses of dysplasia among has been emphasized by some authors, with a high rate
different pathologists have concluded that there is of progression from unifocal to multifocal HGD or
significant intra- and interobserver variability.44,52–54 invasive carcinoma,46,58 a result challenged by Dar
The categories at the lower end of the histological et al.62 Even less is known about the natural history of
spectrum (indefinite for dysplasia and LGD) show the LGD. One of the explanations could be the high degree
lowest j values (marker for the variability which does of interobserver variability in establishing this diagno-
account for agreement that occurs by chance alone) sis. It was considered traditionally that LGD was in
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
Barrett’s oesophagus 9

most cases a very slowly progressing lesion. In most islands, seems to have a role in the evolution of
series, there was even a high rate of apparent regres- Barrett’s adenocarcinoma.70,71 The study of promoter
sion from LGD to non-dysplastic mucosa. This last hypermethylation in BO using multiple target genes
phenomenon has several potential explanations: initial including p16, APC, TIMP3 (a tumour suppressor
overdiagnosis of LGD, due to the difficulty in differ- gene related to invasion), TERT (immortalization),
entiating reactive from dysplastic changes, sampling RUNX3 and HPP1, may indicate independent risk
variability, or real neoplastic regression. However, this factors for the progression to HGD or invasive adeno-
general opinion about the benign course of LGD has carcinoma.70
been challenged by some studies.63,64 Interestingly, in Loss of p53 is an important event in BO progression. It
one of these studies, all cases were reviewed blindly by has been shown that p53 gene mutations are occasi-
three gastrointestinal pathologists.64 When all three onally found in metaplastic non-dysplastic mucosa and
agreed on the initial diagnosis of LGD, four of five in LGD, and that the frequency of mutations increases
patients progressed to a more severe lesion, when none dramatically in HGD and adenocarcinoma, reaching
of the eight patients with no agreement on the initial 80% of cases in some series, with an even higher
diagnosis progressed. frequency of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the p53
Thus, a thorough understanding of pathogenesis, locus. There is evidence that P16INK4 ⁄ CDKN2A
natural history and biological significance of dysplasia lesions precede p53 lesions in the vast majority of
is crucial to the optimal management of BO-related cases.72 After inactivation of p53, tetraploid (4N) and
dysplasia. The subdivision of dysplasia into low-grade aneuploid (any other formulation of chromosomes than
and high-grade has consequences for treatment due 2N and 4N) clones tend to develop.
to the different risks of malignancy. It is generally
accepted that a diagnosis of HGD is an indication for
cl in i cal impl i cat ion s
resection, by either surgery or endoscopy. At the
present time, LGD implies close follow-up. As mentioned, significant problems have emerged
when using dysplasia as an exclusive marker for
increased cancer risk in patients with BO. Thus,
Molecular pathology of neoplastic
molecular biomarkers predicting increased risk of
transformation of Barrett’s mucosa progression are needed for improved risk assessment.73
In addition and parallel to the morphological sequence Only DNA aneuploidy and p53 expression have been
of events leading from metaplasia to carcinoma in investigated in prospective studies involving relatively
Barrett’s mucosa, chromosomal changes and accom- large numbers of patients. DNA aneuploidy, demon-
panying genetic alterations occur, with ensuing abnor- strated by flow cytometry, has been evaluated in
malities in gene expression and cell cycle regulation. prospective trials representing phase IV biomarker
Although the frequency and timing of these alterations development studies and is now being used in some
are not as well established as in colorectal carcinogen- centres to adjust frequency of surveillance in clinical
esis, some authors have proposed a molecular cancer practice.74 However, this marker is not used in most
progression scheme of BO.65–68 Some of these changes centres, probably because of technical difficulties.
may be used as criteria for recognizing patients at high A single, large prospective study has shown that
risk of developing cancer. 17p LOH is a good predictor of progression to HGD
The most common genetic alteration in BO is and carcinoma, suggesting that p53 is a potential
inactivation of the p16INK4A ⁄ CDKN2A tumour biomarker in patients with BO.75,76 Several studies
suppressor gene (chromosome 9p21). p16INK4A ⁄ have suggested a role of p53 immunohistochemical
CDKN2A is a cell cycle-regulatory gene which inhibits analysis in the selection of patients with LGD who will
CDK4 and CDK6, preventing phosphorylation of Rb, progress to HGD or adenocarcinoma. However, most
thereby inhibiting cells from entering S phase. Inacti- of these studies were retrospective and involved only
vation of both alleles of CDKN2A appears to be an early limited numbers of patients. In a recent case–control
event causing clonal expansion.68 p16 has been shown study of several potential biomarkers (expression of
to be inactivated through mutation or deletion in p53, cyclin D1, cyclooxygenase 2, b-catenin) in
Barrett’s adenocarcinoma.69 patients with and without malignancy in BO, only
The recently described CpG island methylator staining of p53 at the initial biopsies was significantly
phenotype (CIMP), a new distinct pathway of tumori- associated with the risk of malignant progression.76
genesis characterized by methylation of multiple CpG However, sensitivity was only 32.4%, preventing this

 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
10 J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek

Table 2. Main molecular events involved in the neoplastic transformation of Barrett’s mucosa and their potential use as
biomarkers of an increased risk of cancer
Events Type of change Clinical use Comments

Increased proliferation by Ki67 increased expression +⁄– Surface expression strengthens a

Immunohistochemistry diagnosis of dysplasia

Flow cytometry Increased G2–M phase +⁄– Limited technical availability

DNA-ploidy Early DNA aneuploidy due to + Limited technical availability

genomic instability

Cell-cycle regulators
p16 Early LOH, hypermethylation of – Most common event,
second allele no large-scale studies

Cyclin D1 Increased expression in cancer – Frequent, no large-scale studies

GF and GF receptors No prospective studies

TGF-a, EGF Increased expression in cancer –

EGFR Frequent amplification in cancer –

c-erbB2 Less common overexpression –

than EGFR

Tumour suppressor Frequent LOH and mutation in

genes HGD and cancer
p53 LOH +⁄– Positive large prospective study.
Not available in most centres

Abnormal protein expression + Recognized marker of an increased

risk, but low sentivity

APC Early LOH and promoter –


GF, Growth factor; LOH, loss of heterozygosity; TGF, transforming growth factor; EGF, epidermal growth factor; HGD, high-
grade dysplasia.

marker from being applied as a criterion for endoscopic ing the main biomarkers studied in BO are summarized
surveillance. in Table 2.
Increased p53 expression is accompanied by in-
creased Ki67 labelling. Interestingly, the proliferative
Non-surgical treatment of Barrett’s
compartment stained by Ki67 increases in size and
expands from the base of the crypts towards the surface oesophagus: impact for the pathologist
epithelium.77 However, due to the large overlap in Until recently, pathologists dealing with BO had to
Ki67 expression between sets of lesions that have been examine only two types of histological specimen:
classified by grade of dysplasia, this marker is not used (i) endoscopic biopsies, either systematically sampled
in routine clinical practice. during screening endoscopy or directed by tumours or
Many other markers have been suggested as being any mucosal irregularity; (ii) oesophagectomy speci-
of interest to define precisely a subgroup in patients mens in patients with adenocarcinoma or HGD. New
with BO with increased risk of cancer, including mucosal ablative or destructive techniques can now be
CDC2 ⁄ CDK1, p16, cyclin D1, etc.78 However, none of used primarily to treat dysplasia and early oesophageal
these markers has been studied in large prospective adenocarcinoma. Some techniques do not allow any
studies. Even for p53 and DNA aneuploidy, there is no histological study, as their goal is to induce complete
proof that the use of these markers will reduce cancer destruction of the metaplastic and neoplastic tissue.
incidence in various populations. These results regard-
 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 50, 3–14.
Barrett’s oesophagus 11

These techniques include photodynamic therapy, laser recent report has suggested that frozen section analy-
therapy, multipolar electrocoagulation, argon plasma sis of EMR specimens may be of help in real-time
coagulation, radiofrequency ablation and cryother- management of BO with HGD and ⁄ or adenocarcin-
apy.79 EMR is an ablative technique which removes oma.82 Histological examination of EMR specimens is
mucosa by resecting through the submucosa. A tissue also of value in diagnosing precisely the degree of
specimen is obtained that has to be evaluated for dysplasia and searching for occult carcinoma; it has
histological diagnosis and staging. Although the same been shown that EMR is superior to biopsy for this
criteria are used as in biopsies and surgical specimens, purpose, with discrepancies most often showing a
some specific points merit attention for the pathologist higher grade on EMR than on biopsy specimens.83
receiving EMR specimens. Ideally, the specimens After local therapy, surveillance is mandatory and
should be oriented, pinned and stretched on cardboard raises additional problems for the pathologist. Although
in the endoscopy unit. Painting of the base and some cases of complete histological regression of
margins is useful, as tumour extension to the deep Barrett’s mucosa have been documented,84 the major
margin indicates surgery and remnants of the neo- problem is the occurrence of subsquamous specialized
plastic epithelium at the lateral margins indicate intestinal mucosa (so-called buried Barrett’s glands)
re-excision or postoperative ablation (most often by that can be seen with all therapeutic modalities,
photodynamic therapy or laser coagulation). It has including treatment with proton pump inhibitors that
been shown in some series that there was a high rate of induce partial replacement of columnar epithelium with
microscopically incomplete resection (up to 96% of squamous epithelium (Figure 4).85 The frequency of
cases in the series by Mino-Kenudson et al.)80 and buried glands varies among different series but may be
therefore continued endoscopic surveillance is manda- as high as 51% of cases. These glands may be difficult
tory in all patients. However, it may be that repeated to identify on small endoscopic biopsies. Although
‘stepwise’ EMR is more effective for complete removal of their exact significance is still debated, they have the
neoplastic Barrett’s mucosa.81 The presence of a double
layer of muscularis mucosa is almost constant in
Barrett’s oesophagus (Figure 3) and has important
consequences when examining EMR specimens. It is
usually considered that the deeper layer is the original
muscularis mucosa and the most superficial layer is
newly formed. Therefore, only when the invasion
extends beyond the deeper layer is a diagnosis of
submucosal carcinoma (T1b or T1sm) justified.18 Other
parameters important to assess in order to indicate
more extensive surgery in case of an adenocarcinoma
are tumour differentiation and vascular invasion. A

Figure 4. Biopsy of Barrett’s mucosa after endoscopic laser therapy.

Figure 3. The characteristic double muscularis mucosae (arrows) of Buried glands with intestinal metaplasia, indefinite for dysplasia, can
Barrett’s mucosa can be seen in some cases on biopsies (H&E). be seen under the surface squamous epithelium (H&E).

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12 J-F Fléjou & M Svrcek

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