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Grammar Yes or No Questions

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SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form

Teacher’s Name: Level: Interchange intro unit 2 # of Students: Date:

Grammar. yes/no and
where questions

Action Points from previous teaching: 1. Provide effective CCQs

(Based on your own reflection, and feedback from 2. Introduce different kinds of activities.
trainers and peers, what are two things that you will
try to do in this lesson to help your own learning as
a teacher?)

What skill and content are you teaching? (Check the Yes/ No and where questions with Be
main lesson focus; also provide details / list of items)
Culture Is this? Yes, it is / No, it’s not
Grammar/Vocabulary Are these? Yes, they are / No, they’re not
Speaking Listening
Reading Writing Where’s? It’s in my wallet
Where are? They’re on the table.

Main Objectives: SWBAT

(What do you want the Ss to be able to do with the Use yes or no questions to ask for information and location of objects.
new material that they couldn’t do before?)
(there might be subsidiary objectives. Feel free to
include them.

Assumptions: I know / expect that my students are familiar with.

(What do your students already know what can they Some expression uses on yes or no questions
already do in relation to today’s lesson?)

Challenges/Opportunities for Teaching: Identify weather to use yes or no questions or where plus verb be.
(What will be new for your students? What aspects Using the correct response, it is/ it isn’t / they are / they aren’t… etc ….
of the lesson do you anticipate they might find
challenging / difficult?)

Solutions for challenges: In order to remedy/avoid these potential challenges I plan to…
(How will you avoid and/or address these problem Clarify to student by the use of examples sentences and also make sure that they put the grammar into practice on the internalize
areas in your lesson?) stage.

Assessment: Complete some exercises using yes or no questions plus verb be

(How will you assess to see that Ss are ready to
move on to the next stages of the lesson or have

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form
reached the final learning objective?)

Framework Activity, Procedure/Steps- describe the essence of the activity Focus: S;

Time ECRIF & What will the Teacher say/do? What will the Ss. hopefully say and do? S-S; T; T-
stage objectives S
1. Activity or task: yes or no
5 Activating schema. Tv, projector, Laptop,
Teacher: Students:
T. will share statement with pictures of classroom Ss. will look at the picture and discuss with a
objects so students can discuss the possible classmate about possible answer.
responses to each question. (see picture

2. Activity or task: where are the pillows?

5 Encounter Paper, book, pictures
Identify Teacher: Students:
personal items Ss. will analyze the pictures with a classmate
location using T. will guide students to turn to page 115 on their and discuss questions possible answers.
Where plus be Student book.
T. will ask students to look at picture 1 and 2.
T. Will copy on the board the following questions.
Where is the lap top?
Where is the umbrella?
Where is the book?

.2. Activity or task: Yes/ no questions and where structure plus verb be
10 Mins Clarify T-S Markers, board.
Use verb be to Teacher: Students:
formulate questions .
T. Will copy on the board the structure of yes or Ss. will pay attention to the teacher.
no question with verb be. Ss. will feel free to ask any question about
Example: the structure of yes/no questions,
Is the book on the desk? Ss. will take a minute to discuss grammar.
T. will explain that to be able to make this type of

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form
yes/no questions the verb be must be in the
beginning of the sentence and then the subject/
subject pronoun.
T. will explain the deference between yes/no
questions and adding Where (for places)

T. What questions do you have?

4. Activity or task: fill the gaps.

10 Mins Remember S-S
Put into practice Teacher: Students: pair work Book, pencils.
new vocabulary
T. will ask students to finish exercises from page Ss. will complete the exercises and then
11 part 8 individually. discuss the answers with a partner.
T. will be able to correct Ss. responses while Ss. will share their responses with the class
they share with the whole class. (pair work) will read the conversation

Internalize 5. Activity or task:
SWBAT Book, pen. Pencils.
Teacher: Students: pair work
Elaborate yes/no /
10 Mins where questions, Ss. A will look at the picture and formulate a
T. ask Ss to go back to page 115.
question using yes/no / where structure.
T. will ask Ss to take turns to formulate questions
and respond.
Student A.
T. tell Ss they will have to practice the activity for 7
Is the lap-top on the bed?
Student B. yes it is / no it isn’t.

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form

15 Fluency use 6. Activity or task: where’s your cellphone? S-S

Mins SWBAT Backpacks, items. Paper.

Express themselves Teacher Students: Pair work

using Where plus Be T. will give a piece of paper to each student so
they can write down the name of an item that they Ss. will get it the classroom with the piece of
might have on their backs. paper where other students can see it.
T. will ask students for that a personal item. Ss. will role play a conversation about asking
T. will ask Ss to step out the class for a minute to of the item and the other giving responses.
quickly put the items in random parts of the Example:
classroom .
Student A. (looking at his/her partner paper)
where is your cellphone?
Student B (looking for his/her cellphone with
the eyes) it is on the teacher’s desk.

Ss. they finish each role play they have to

interchange papers and repeat the activity
one more time with an other student.

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form
Remember / spelling bee.

SIT TESOL Certificate Course Lesson Plan Form


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