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11, 2021





Cardiac Rehabilitation for Patients

With Heart Failure
JACC Expert Panel
Perspective From the ACC Heart Failure and Transplant Section and Leadership Council,
Reviewed by the Prevention Section Cardiac Rehabilitation Work Group

Biykem Bozkurt, MD, PHD,a Gregg C. Fonarow, MD,b Lee R. Goldberg, MD, MPH,c Maya Guglin, MD,d
Richard A. Josephson, MS, MD,e Daniel E. Forman, MD,f Grace Lin, MD,g JoAnn Lindenfeld, MD,h
Chris O’Connor, MD,i,j Gurusher Panjrath, MD,k Ileana L. Piña, MD, MPH,l,m Tina Shah, MD,n
Shashank S. Sinha, MD, MSC,i,j Eugene Wolfel, MDo


Cardiac rehabilitation is defined as a multidisciplinary program that includes exercise training, cardiac risk factor
modification, psychosocial assessment, and outcomes assessment. Exercise training and other components of cardiac
rehabilitation (CR) are safe and beneficial and result in significant improvements in quality of life, functional capacity,
exercise performance, and heart failure (HF)–related hospitalizations in patients with HF. Despite outcome benefits,
cost-effectiveness, and strong practice guideline recommendations, CR remains underused. Clinicians, health care
leaders, and payers should prioritize incorporating CR as part of the standard of care for patients with HF.
(J Am Coll Cardiol 2021;77:1454–69) Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology

pating in
istorically, patients with heart failure (HF)
were assumed to be at risk to exercise and
were commonly discouraged from partici-
physical activity. Contrary to these
concerns, multiple studies have demonstrated the
safety and benefits of exercise and physical activity
in patients with HF (1–4) and deleterious effects of
prolonged bed rest and immobilization (5,6). The

From the aWinters Center for Heart Failure, Cardiovascular Research Institute, Baylor College of Medicine and DeBakey VA
Medical Center, Houston, Texas, USA; bAhmanson-UCLA Cardiomyopathy Center, Division of Cardiology, University of California-
Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USA; cCardiovascular Division, Perelman School of Medicine at the, University of Pennsyl-
vania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA; dIndiana University School of Medicine, Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA; eCardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, Case Western Reserve Uni-
versity, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University Hospitals Health System, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; fDivisions of Cardiology
and Geriatrics, University of Pittsburgh and VA Pittsburgh Health Care System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; gDepartment of
Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA; hDivision of Cardiovascular Medicine, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; iInova Heart and Vascular Institute, Inova Fairfax Medical Center, Falls Church,
Listen to this manuscript’s Virginia, USA; jDuke University, Durham, North Carolina, USA; kDivision of Cardiology, George Washington University School of
audio summary by Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, USA; lWayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA; m
Central Michigan Uni-
Editor-in-Chief versity, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, USA; nDepartment of Cardiology, Kaiser Permanente Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA; and
Dr. Valentin Fuster on the oSection of Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado, USA. Monica Colvin, MD, served as Guest Associate Editor for this paper. Athena Poppas, MD, served
as Guest Editor-in-Chief for this paper.
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received October 19, 2020; revised manuscript received November 23, 2020, accepted January 4, 2021.

ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00

JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1455
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

evidence of inadequate cardiac output and ABBREVIATIONS

high filling pressures with an insufficient in-
 CR is underused among patients with HF. crease in perfusion to exercising muscle,
CR = cardiac rehabilitation
leading to early anaerobic metabolism and
 ET can improve functional capacity and ET = exercise training
muscle fatigue, in patients with HF (29–31).
clinical outcomes in patients with HF. FITT = frequency, intensity,
Skeletal muscle dysfunction manifested by
time, and type
 Clinicians and payers should prioritize CR impaired peripheral oxygen extraction and
HF = heart failure
in the routine care of patients with HF. alterations in fiber composition, contractile
HFrEF = heart failure with
efficiency, and metabolism also play roles
reduced ejection fraction
HF-ACTION (Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investi- (25,27,32–35). Other factors include endothe-
HFpEF = heart failure with
gating Outcomes of Exercise Training) trial, the lial dysfunction, obesity, increased sympa- preserved ejection fraction

largest trial of exercise training (ET) in patients with thetic activation, vasoconstriction, and HIIT = high-intensity interval
HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) (1), increased levels of inflammatory cytokines training,

demonstrated that regular aerobic ET was very well (36,37). There are likely differences in the LVEF = left ventricular

tolerated, was safe, and improved quality of life pathophysiology of exercise intolerance in ejection fraction

(QOL). There were modest reductions in all-cause patients with HFrEF compared with those MCT = moderate continuous
mortality and hospitalization rates, which did not with HFpEF. Chronotropic incompetence is
likely to play a key role in limiting exercise in NYHA = New York Heart
reach significance by primary analysis but, after pre-
specified adjustment, appeared to be associated patients with HFpEF.
QOL = quality of life
with reductions in cardiovascular mortality or HF Trials in patients with HF examining ET
VO2 = oxygen uptake
hospitalizations (1). In a post hoc analysis of patients have shown reversal or attenuation of
adherent to ET, the endpoints became strongly signif- neurohormonal and inflammatory activation and
icant (7,8). The HF-ACTION trial further confirmed ventricular remodeling (38–41). ET has also been
the benefits and safety of ET across several subgroups associated with improvement in vasomotor and
regardless of age, etiology of HF, severity of HF, race, endothelial function, skeletal muscle morphological
and sex (1,9). Subsequent meta-analyses have further characteristics and function, ventricular filling pres-
confirmed the safety (4,10) and efficacy of ET in HF, sures, exercise performance, and QOL in patients
with significant improvements in QOL in both pa- with HF (2,3,15,38–50) (Central Illustration).
tients with HFrEF and those with HF with preserved
ejection fraction (HFpEF) (11–16) and reductions in
HF hospitalizations in patients with HFrEF (11,12,17).
Despite such encouraging results and cost-
CR is defined as “a physician-supervised program that
effectiveness, cardiac rehabilitation (CR) remains un-
furnishes physician prescribed exercise, cardiac risk
derused (18–20). Underuse stems from multiple fac-
factor modification, psychosocial assessment, and
tors, among which physician referral, payer coverage,
outcomes assessment” by commonly accepted ter-
circumscribed coverage criteria to patients on treat-
minology and federal statute (51).
ment for at least 6 weeks, patient adherence, and lack
A CR program in HF is a comprehensive interven-
of awareness and education about its benefits are key
tion with several components. In addition to ET, it
factors (18–20). In this paper, we review the existing
includes patient assessment, education about medi-
evidence and guidelines and provide guidance for the
cation adherence, risk factor modification including
implementation of CR in patients with HF.
dietary recommendations, lifestyle modification,
ETIOLOGY AND REVERSIBILITY OF EXERCISE smoking cessation counseling, stress management,
INTOLERANCE IN PATIENTS WITH HF and evaluation and management of barriers to
adherence. CR has evolved over the past 3 decades
Exercise intolerance, chronic fatigue, and inability to from a monitored exercise program to a comprehen-
perform activities are cardinal manifestations of HF sive and multidisciplinary program (52–54).
and are associated with poor QOL (21) and adverse Although the types and qualifications of CR team
outcomes (22). Independent of left ventricular func- members may vary from program to program, a
tion, patients with better exercise performance have multidisciplinary CR team typically includes a physi-
lower mortality and hospitalization rates (23). cian medical director (55), nurses, advanced practi-
The reasons for exercise intolerance in patients tioners, exercise specialists or physiologists, and
with HF are multifactorial and include central cardiac dietitians who work in collaboration and communi-
and peripheral mechanisms (24–28). There is cation with referring providers, patients, and families
1456 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69

C E N T R A L ILL U ST R A TI O N Mechanisms of Beneficial Effects of Exercise Training and Cardiac Rehabilitation in Pa-
tients With Heart Failure

Bozkurt, B. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(11):1454–69.

Mechanisms by which cardiac rehabilitation and exercise training improve overall status in patients with heart failure.

(Figure 1). Many programs include behavioral health components that optimize cardiovascular risk reduc-
personnel and pharmacists as integral members of the tion, foster healthy behaviors and compliance, reduce
team, while others have such expertise available for disability, and promote an active lifestyle for patients
referral and consultation when required. with HF and cardiovascular disease (54).
It is important to note that in patients with car- The core components of a CR program include
diovascular disease, some of the beneficial effects of baseline patient assessment; nutritional counseling;
CR in reducing cardiovascular mortality and hospi- lifestyle modification; risk factor management for
talizations have been attributed to reductions in lipids, blood pressure, weight, diabetes, and smoking;
smoking, cholesterol, and blood pressure in addition psychosocial interventions; and physical activity
to exercise (56,57), underlining that the key aims of counseling and ET (52) (Table 1, Figure 1). Programs
CR are not only to improve physical health and QOL that consist of ET alone are not considered CR pro-
but also to assist people with HF to develop the grams. Randomized controlled trials have shown that
necessary skills to successfully self-manage (58). multidisciplinary comprehensive programs including
Therefore, a CR program should contain specific self-care strategies beyond ET significantly improve
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1457
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

F I G U R E 1 Common Components of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Collaborative Teams

exercise training

Cardiac risk factor

Diet and Patient and Family
Transitions of Care Counseling

Education on assessment,
comorbidities treatment, and

Monitoring of
Goals, Outcomes

Heart Failure Care Team Cardiac Rehabilitation Team

Common components of cardiac rehabilitation are represented in the central circle. There should be close collaboration and communication among the cardiac
rehabilitation team, heart failure care team, consultants, patient and family members, and other team members involved in transitions of care, especially post-
discharge following hospitalizations and acute to nonacute or long-term care facilities, which is represented in the outer circle.

exercise capacity and reduce hospitalizations and Multiple studies have looked at factors contrib-
mortality (59). uting to inadequate use of CR and prognostic
variables to improve adherence (18,19,61–63). Three
BARRIERS AND LIMITATIONS TO factors play key roles: 1) health care providers and
IMPLEMENTATION OF CR the system; 2) patients; and 3) health care policy
(20). A key variable accounting for barriers to
Despite encouraging results, outcome benefits, and adoption among providers remains lack of aware-
cost-effectiveness, CR remains underused, with ness and education about benefits of CR. It is
participation rates ranging from 10% to 30% world- known that patient adherence would be higher
wide (18–20). Even in the highly supervised HF- with stronger physician endorsement. Lack of
ACTION clinical trial, although exercise equipment trained staff members and facilities coupled with
was provided at home and intense efforts were made poor reimbursement and high costs also contribute
to increase adherence, long-term adherence to limited delivery of care. Robust education
was <30% (1,60). These underscore the necessity of of providers and extension of provider teams
enhanced patient surveillance, closer monitoring, beyond cardiologists to include primary care cli-
behavioral interventions, individualization, and nicians and advanced practice providers may help
adjustment according to patient symptoms and overcome this challenge and make it more cost
tolerance to increase adherence. effective.
1458 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69

RESISTANCE TRAINING. In patients with HF, com-

T A B L E 1 Key Features of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program for Patients With
Heart Failure
bined endurance-resistance exercise programs
significantly improve submaximal exercise capacity,
Baseline patient functional capacity, physical activity, and tolerance assessment
Individualized risk assessment for heart failure and comorbidities
muscle strength, and QOL (2,3). Both aerobic and
Individualized exercise prescription combined aerobic and resistance training are effec-
Monitored exercise (including telemetry) tive interventions to improve peak VO2 in patients
Educational program with HF, but resistance training enhances muscular
Diet and nutritional counseling strength and muscle mass to a greater extent than
Access to smoking cessation program
aerobic exercise (66). Combined training may be more
Psychological evaluation and treatment as appropriate
effective in improving muscle strength and endur-
Monitoring of individual patient and overall program goals
ance (2,3). Strength training plays an important role
Comprehensive review of medications, including dosing and adherence
Communication and interaction with appropriate physicians
in improving physical function and decreasing func-
tional disability in patients with HF (67). Contrary to
concerns, the addition of dynamic resistive exercises
Multiple psychosocial, economic, and physical
has been reported to result in acute and chronic ad-
factors influence adherence (18,19,61–63). Studies
aptations such as increases in cardiac output, walking
have shown that women (64), minorities, and elderly
distance, exercise capacity, ventilator efficiency, and
patients are more likely to be deprived of the benefits
QOL, without adverse events or detrimental effects
of CR and may exhibit poor adherence (19,63).
on left ventricular remodeling and N-terminal pro–B-
Competition of time for care of family, poor access to
type natriuretic peptide levels (2,66–70). Although
rehabilitation prescriptions, inadequate insurance
combined training was not associated with a
coverage, time lost from work, poor social support,
demonstrable benefit in left ventricular remodeling in
lack of perceived benefit, and travel challenges
a large meta-analysis, smaller studies have shown a
interfere with referral and adherence. Among elderly
beneficial effect on skeletal muscle function and/or
patients, overall poor functional capacity, sarcopenia,
peripheral vascular responsiveness with resistive
and muscle and bone loss also limit participation
training (65,69,70).
Certain groups of patients with HF, including older
Finally, health care policies have a major impact on
adults and women, are particularly likely to have
participation rates (20). Policy and coverage decisions
sarcopenia and skeletal muscle changes (68,71).
may hinder novel models of rehabilitation, including
Resistance training may be a suitable strategy in such
those with alternative staff members, home-based
patients, as it increases muscle and bone mass. For
and telemedicine models, and alternative durations
example, in older adults, elastic bands can be
of therapy. Costs to participate in rehabilitation and
deployed at home to target specific muscle groups,
copayments in insurance plans can be prohibitive to
which may enhance the ability to perform activities of
adherence to prescription. Although the barriers are
daily living and increase independence. However, it
multifold and appear daunting, a combination of
is important to understand that resistance training is
re-engineering of our health care system coupled
complementary to aerobic exercise and not a substi-
with progressive policy can help overcome some of
tute for it. Resistance training appears to be safe, but
these challenges.
there are limited data from clinical trials because of
EVIDENCE OF BENEFIT WITH DIFFERENT patient selection, small subject numbers, and varia-
EXERCISE TYPES IN PATIENTS WITH HF tion in exercise prescriptions. It may require a po-
tential increase in staff-to-patient ratio because of
AEROBIC OR ENDURANCE TRAINING. Aerobic exer- safety and tolerability concerns.
cise or endurance training remains the mainstay of ET
and includes treadmill walking, cycling, upper body INTERVAL TRAINING AND HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL
ergometry, dancing, swimming, and playing sports TRAINING. Interval training has been proposed to be
(54). Aerobic training has been shown to reverse left more effective than continuous exercise for
ventricular remodeling in patients with HF who are improving exercise capacity in the general popula-
clinically stable, results in improvements in aerobic tion. In this protocol, the patient alternates short
capacity and peak oxygen uptake (V O2 ), and modifies bouts of moderate- to high-intensity exercise with
cardiovascular disease risk factors (65). Moderate longer recovery phases, performed at low or no work
continuous training (MCT) is the most evaluated ET load. Small studies have suggested that high-
modality, as it is efficient, safe, and well tolerated by intensity interval training (HIIT) is safe and superior
patients with HF (1). to MCT in reversing cardiac remodeling and
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1459
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

increasing peak VO2 and aerobic capacity (72). There is

T A B L E 2 HIIT Versus MCT in Patients With Heart Failure
emerging evidence that high-intensity intermittent
exercise may also be beneficial, with improvements in MCT HITT

physiology, QOL, and functional capacity in patients Evidence base þþþþ þþþ
Similarity to lifestyle exercise þþþ þ
with HF (72–76).
Time required þþ þþþþ
A meta-analysis comparing HIIT with MCT found
Suitability for frailty/very low fitness þþþþ þþ*
greater improvements in exercise tolerance but no Staff effort þþ þþþþ
significant effect on left ventricular ejection fraction Cardiometabolic benefit þþþ þþþþ
(LVEF) at rest with HIIT in patients with HFrEF who Fitness achieved þþþ þþþþ
were clinically stable (77). Another systematic review Suitability for broad range of patients þþþþ þþ
suggested that HIIT may result in a greater beneficial Safety þþþþ þþ

effect on peak V O 2 in patients with HF (78). A recent

*MCT may be in fact HIIT, as even low workloads may be substantial for these
large multicenter trial comparing HIIT and MCT patients.

showed that HIIT was not superior to MCT in left HIIT ¼ high-intensity interval training; MCT ¼ moderate continuous training.

ventricular remodeling or aerobic capacity (79). In

these select patients, HIIT was safe, with no signifi-
cant differences for withdrawal, death, and cardiac Inspiratory muscle training is beneficial in improving
events compared with control arms (78,79). The ef- respiratory muscle strength and dyspnea in patients
fects of high-intensity rehabilitation on patient with stable HF and respiratory muscle weakness (81).
retention and adherence and the selection of appro- Multiple studies have demonstrated safety and
priate candidates for safety will need to be addressed. additional favorable effects in both patients with
A sampling of previous studies did not report patient HFrEF and those with HFpEF (82–84). In severely
dropout due to concerns of discomfort (80). Future deconditioned patients, inspiratory muscle exercise
implementation may require protocol standardiza- may help transition to conventional rehabilitation
tion and tailoring to the needs of each patient. while improving cardiorespiratory fitness and QOL
MCT is more familiar to patients, and people in (85). The addition of inspiratory muscle training to
general, as it is more similar to lifestyle exercise (e.g., aerobic training has also been shown to reduce dys-
walking) and is suitable for patients with very low pnea, increase peak VO2 and exercise time, and
baseline fitness (e.g., <3 METs) (Table 2). MCT can improve QOL (85–87). A meta-analysis comparing
also be easier for patients to perform in social situa- inspiratory muscle training with sham or control
tions (e.g., walking, biking with a family member). subjects showed improvements in 6-min walk dis-
For patients with very low fitness, frailty, and/or tance, peak VO 2, and minute ventilation in patients
sarcopenia, MCT in fact can be perceived as HIIT with HF (88). Inspiratory muscle training is starting to
(Table 2). MCT is easier for staff members to imple- be included in individual rehabilitation programs
ment, as less calculation and individual patient with patients with HF.
monitoring may be required. Given the physiological, LOCALIZED MUSCLE TRAINING. Although tradi-
autonomic function, and circulatory hysteresis, MCT tional CR involves whole-body exercise, significant
may also likely be more suitable for those with LV benefit in exercise capacity has been shown even with
assist devices or those who have recently undergone small muscle exercises (89). Significant improve-
transplantation. In comparison, HIIT may result in ments in muscle structure, diffusive oxygen trans-
higher levels of fitness and the same or better port, and oxygen use in the muscles can be seen
improvement in a variety of metabolic or muscle without increasing cardiac output. Localized muscle
physiological measurements, and it can be more time training may be an important type of training to
efficient (77–79). HIIT, however, may require judi- improve exercise capacity in patients with HF and
cious patient selection and additional staff effort. The could be particularly useful in severely disabled pa-
aggregate safety data appear to be more numerous for tients with minimal reserve capacity (90).
MCT than HIIT (1,54), and further research is needed
to better characterize the efficacy and safety of HIIT HOW TO DEVELOP AN ET PRESCRIPTION
in comparison with MCT in patients with HF. AND RECOMMENDATIONS

INSPIRATORY MUSCLE TRAINING. Inspiratory mus- An individualized exercise prescription should be

cle weakness is widespread among patients with HF developed on the basis of a baseline evaluation, with
(39). The etiology is multifactorial and includes me- incorporation of the goals of the patient and the
chanical and metabolic factors or oxidative stress. treatment team. Usually, providers in the CR program
1460 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69

T A B L E 3 Exercise Training Program Used in the HF-ACTION Trial

Weekly Aerobic Intensity

Training Phase Location Week Sessions Duration (min) (% of HRR) Mode of Exercise

Initial, supervised Clinic 1–2 3 15–30 60 Walk or cycle

Supervised Clinic 3–6 3 30–35 70 Walk or cycle
Clinic/home 7–12 3/2 30–35 70 Walk or cycle
Maintenance Home 13 to end of treatment 5 40 60-70 Walk or cycle

Adapted with permission from Whellan et al. (92).

HF-ACTION ¼ Heart Failure: A Controlled Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exercise Training; HRR ¼ heart rate reserve.

develop the patient’s ET regimen, but the referring moderate intensity when they were able to do so. For
clinician should also be aware of the types, fre- the first 6 supervised training sessions, the training
quency, and duration of exercise for the patient (i.e., heart rate range was computed at 60% of the heart
the exercise prescription). Of the randomized rate reserve (resting heart rate þ 0.6 [peak heart
controlled trials of exercise-based CR, only 8% to 15% rate  resting heart rate]) (92). For patients with sig-
sufficiently described the exercise protocol (91), nificant or advanced HF symptoms who were unable
which highlights the knowledge gap for referring to perform continuous exercise, training was initiated
physicians. An exercise prescription can be developed with rest periods, with a goal of 50% of heart rate
by the CR specialist in collaboration with the HF reserve and 15 to 30 min of total exercise time.
provider and should specify the frequency, intensity, Training intensity was increased to a range of 60% to
duration, and modalities of exercise. In the following 70% of heart rate reserve for the rest of the super-
paragraphs, we summarize a practical approach to the vised ET sessions and for the home-based ET phase
development of an exercise prescription as part of CR, (Table 3). The supervised training phase of the trial
which we believe would be useful for general clini- consisted of 36 supervised training sessions, with a
cians or specialists who refer patients with HF for CR. goal of 3 sessions per week, subsequently continued
Baseline cardiopulmonary exercise testing can be with home exercises, 5 times per week (92). For the
used to determine whether patients can exercise home maintenance phase, patients were asked to
safely, including checking for abnormal blood pres- perform 40 min of aerobic exercise. Before and
sure responses, early ischemic changes, and signifi- immediately after each aerobic period, patients
cant arrhythmias. The usual method used for exercise completed a 10-min warmup period and a 10-min
testing is an extended and modified Naughton pro- cooldown period. This protocol allowed patients to
tocol using a motor-driven treadmill (92). For patients either cycle (using a stationary bicycle) or walk (using
who are unable to perform an exercise test on a a treadmill or walking independently) (Table 3) (92).
treadmill, a bicycle ergometer or walking can be used. For patients who were in persistent atrial fibrillation
During cardiopulmonary exercise testing, patients are or who had frequent ventricular ectopic beats that
strongly encouraged to achieve a Borg rating of make exercise prescription by heart rate reserve and
perceived exertion >16 (on a scale of 6 to 20, with 16 the use of heart rate monitors invalid, the rating of
being equivalent to effort of 85%) and a respiratory perceived exertion was used to guide exercise in-
exchange ratio (the ventilatory response to exercise tensity. Patients used these techniques when exer-
as a measure of effort expended: carbon dioxide cising at home to ensure that exercise intensity is
production/V O 2 >1.05 or 1.10). Sites that do not have within the ranges set for them after each exercise test
access to cardiopulmonary exercise testing can use and during follow-up visits throughout the HF-
graded exercise testing without gas exchange or other ACTION trial (92).
modalities such as the 6-min walk test to assess ex- Some patients may be unable to exercise up to the
ercise capacity. prescribed heart rate, such as those taking b -blockers.
In the HF-ACTION trial, the heart rate reserve In these patients, a rating of perceived exertion be-
method was also used to guide exercise intensity. tween 12 and 14 may be used to guide exercise in-
Peak heart rate was derived from a patient’s most tensity (92). For patients who exhibit exercise-
recent exercise test, and resting heart rate was taken induced ischemia or angina, exercise intensity can
after 5 min of quiet seated rest (92). The HF-ACTION be set at a heart rate of 10 beats/min less than the
ET protocol was designed such that patients begin heart rate at which the onset of angina or ischemia
exercising at low intensity and then increased to occurs (92).
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1461
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

T A B L E 4 Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type of Exercise Regimen Commonly Used for Patients With Heart Failure in
Cardiac Rehabilitation

Aerobic Exercise Resistance Exercise

Frequency 5 days/week, moderate intensity* 2 or 3 nonconsecutive days/week

3 days/week, high intensity†
Intensity Exercise in target heart rate Determined by the amount of weight lifted and the repetitions and sets
Focus on a variety of intensities Goal of 8–10 exercises, about 1–3 sets of 8–16 repetitions of each exercise

Time 30–60 min/session; shorter if exercise is Depends on strength and schedule: up to 1 h for total body workout,
high intensity less for split-routine workout
Type Any activity that increases heart rate, Activities using resistance: bands, dumbbells, machines,
such as running, walking, cycling, or dancing body weight exercise

Modified with permission from Josephson and Mehanna (93). *Moderate intensity: 50% to 69% of target heart rate. †High intensity: 70% to <90% of target heart rate.

A complementary model in which “traditional” during peak exercise by cardiopulmonary exercise

aerobic ET is combined with subsequent intermittent testing (94), or 6-min walk distance.
resistance training may be suitable for select patients For those who are not in a formal CR program,
who can tolerate resistance training. A specific “lifestyle exercise” (walking, taking the stairs when
example of a protocol that incorporates resistance feasible, parking a distance from a store, light
training may start with shorter intervals at low in- gardening, dancing) and structured activity and ex-
tensity, such as a 10-s bout of walking. As tolerance ercise can be helpful. The latter is typically MCT with
increases, both duration and intensity may be suitable individualized activities (walking, swim-
increased over 10 to 12 weeks. For severely debili- ming, exercise biking), the intensity of which can be
tated patients, ultrashort, 5- to 20-s bursts of low- to guided by the Borg scale, heart rate reserve, or resting
moderate-intensity exercise interspersed with rest heart rate. Activity can be started at low to moderate
periods may be beneficial to improve functional ca- intensity, such as <14 on the Borg scale, at <60%
pacity. As may be the case with aerobic training, heart rate reserve or at resting heart rate plus 30
resistance training can be started at low weight and beats/min. The duration of exercise can be increased
higher repetitions and increased gradually. Resistive every 2 to 4 weeks until 45 min in total duration (e.g.,
exercise can be offered using weight or therapeutic 3 sessions 15 min each), and then intensity, speed,
bands, which may be easier to incorporate in activ- and incline can be gradually increased, guided by the
ities of daily living among older patients with HF. The Borg scale, heart rate reserve, or to a target of 85% of
goal of either activity should be to increase skeletal age-predicted maximum heart rate. Moderate
muscle aerobic activity as well as increase skeletal strength training with elastic bands, dumbbells, and
muscle mass. Among morbidly obese patients with core exercises can also be added (Figure 2).
HF, the use of external supports such as externally The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans,
supported walking with harnesses or antigravity adopted by many societies, recommend that adults in
treadmills may be useful in overcoming some of the the general U.S. population should aim for at least
challenges and may aid in weight loss. 150 min per week of moderate-intensity or 75 min per
A useful framework for the exercise prescription is week of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, along
the acronym FITT: frequency, intensity, time, and with at least 2 days of muscle-strengthening activity
type. For example, a patient may be prescribed an (95).
every-other-day (frequency), moderate-intensity (in-
tensity is usually judged by rating of perceived in- DEVELOPMENT OF THE NONEXERCISE
tensity, which can be measured using the Borg scale), COMPONENTS OF CR
20-min (time) walking (type) regimen. Similarly, a
patient may be prescribed strength training as twice- Although exercise therapy is central to the CR process
weekly (frequency) 5-pound (intensity) 12-repetition and benefit, other components are essential as well.
(time) dumbbell biceps curls (type) (93). Simplified These components may be central to the disease eti-
examples of FITT are listed in Table 4. ology and treatment necessary for secondary pre-
The effects of exercise prescription on functional vention (e.g., nutrition, tobacco cessation) and/or
capacity can be monitored by changes in symptoms, may be related to common comorbidities or sequelae
New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, (e.g., depression) (Table 1). Their evaluation and
QOL, functional capacity measured by changes in VO 2 treatment are warranted for optimal patient benefit.
1462 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69

F I G U R E 2 Components of Center-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation and Non-Center-Based Exercise Activities

Cardiac Rehabilitation

• Multidisciplinary
• Supervised Aerobic & Strength exercise
• Nutrition Guidance
• Psychosocial Evaluation
• Disease Education
• Lifestyle Modification: Optimize BP, blood sugar, lipid, weight,
smoking cessation

Aerobic Exercise Strength Training

• Continuous Moderate Intensity • Weights, dumbbells, elastic,

• High intensity interval bands
training • Resistance exercises

Non-Center Based Exercise

Favorite Lifestyle Activities Individualized Exercise

• Cycling, walking, jogging • Start at low-moderate intensity: ≤14 on Borg

• Swimming scale, ≤60% Heart Rate Reserve, Resting Heart
• Dancing Rate + 30 bpm
• Sports activities • Gradually increase duration until 45-60 min/day,
• Yard work/gardening can be in several brief periods initially
• Climbing • Gradually increase intensity, speed, incline,
• Yoga, Tai Chi machine resistance
• Add moderate strength training with elastic
bands, dumbbells, core exercises

Components of center-based cardiac rehabilitation program and non-center-based exercise activities appropriate for patients with heart failure. BP ¼ blood pressure.

Diet and nutrition are key contributors to the available. Many programs include sessions on
pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease. Although ordering wisely from restaurant menus and may
it is beyond the scope of this paper to review include a trip to a grocery store to provide experien-
the specifics of various diets (e.g., vegetarian, Medi- tial learning as well. Some patients may require more
terranean, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), intensive or prolonged nutrition counseling and
dietary sodium intake, and weight-loss diets, it is referral to a dietician.
important that this be done on an individual basis Lifestyle modification with physical activity,
with each CR participant. It is also important to assess avoiding obesity, not smoking, maintaining a healthy
the adequacy of caloric intake and dietary protein, diet, reducing cholesterol, and keeping blood pres-
especially in patients with muscle wasting, which sure and glucose normal is associated with a lower
may be masked in patients with obesity. Emphasis on lifetime risk for HF and greater preservation of car-
personalized dietary counseling that takes into ac- diac structure and function (96). Lifestyle modifica-
count symptoms, congestion, and comorbidities, tion counseling is usually included in CR.
including the presence or absence of diabetes and Depression, anxiety, and mild cognitive dysfunc-
atherosclerotic heart disease, is important. Typically, tion are common in patients with HF. It is expected
standardized and validated dietary questionnaires that screening assessment of these conditions be part
are used to assess pre-CR diet, develop individual of the initial evaluation and when appropriate at in-
patient goals and strategies to achieve those goals, tervals during the program progression. Standardized
and reassess diet at or near CR completion. Although and validated instruments (e.g., the Beck Depression
practitioners other than dieticians can conduct these Inventory, the Patient Health Questionnaire) are
assessments, and group education sessions may be typically used for this purpose. Those patients with
led by any qualified individual (Table 5), registered severe depression and/or suicide risk should be
dietician nutritionists are the ideal personnel to promptly referred to qualified experts, and appro-
perform nutritional assessment and counseling, if priate treatment should be initiated. For patients
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1463
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

with mild symptoms of depression and/or anxiety, continuous ET (i.e., 50% to 80% of peak capacity)
the supportive nature of most CR programs is asso- for up to 45 min on most days of the week. The
ciated with longitudinal improvement. Group educa- modality of exercise can be selected according to
tion typically includes sessions on the affective baseline functional and exercise capacity and up-
components of HF and cardiovascular disease (stress, titrated in duration and intensity as tolerated to
anxiety, depression, anger), which helps validate this target.
patients’ concerns and provides strategies for treat-
ment and improvement (Table 5). Many programs
include behavioral health expert clinicians (e.g.,
psychologists, social workers), while others have this
ET leads to improvements in central hemodynamic
as a referral resource.
status and peripheral vascular, endothelial, and
CR is an ideal environment also to provide much-
skeletal muscle function (105), attenuation of sym-
needed and valuable patient education. It is typi-
pathetic and neurohormonal activation (39,43–45),
cally done via both group education sessions and
reduction in circulating levels of N-terminal pro–B-
individualized patient education. Common topics
type natriuretic peptide (41), and increases in vagal
include recognition of HF, self-care strategies
tone (38,106) (Central Illustration).
including weight and fluid retention monitoring and
In clinical trials, LVEF and reverse remodeling
diuretic agents, medication adherence, cardiac anat-
have not been measured as primary outcomes, and
omy and function, cardiac procedures, cardiac de-
when reported, improvements were usually modest
vices, pharmacotherapy, and optimization of
(50) or did not reach significance despite favorable
guideline-directed therapies (Table 5).
trends (40). A meta-analysis of randomized
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CR IN CURRENT controlled trials of ET in patients with chronic HF
HF GUIDELINES reported that aerobic training was associated with
small but significant improvements in LVEF and left
CR is now recognized as integral to the care of pa- ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes
tients with chronic, stable HF. In the current Amer- (65). In another meta-analysis in patients with HFrEF
ican College of Cardiology/American Heart who were clinically stable, ET was associated with a
Association guideline for the management of HF modest increase in LVEF, with the greatest benefits
(97,98), CR is a Class 1 recommendation (Level of occurring with long-term ($6 months) training. HIIT
Evidence: A). Ambulatory symptomatic (stage C) pa- performed for 2 to 3 months also was associated with
tients with stable NYHA functional class II or III HF increases in LVEF, but resistance training performed
symptoms, on guideline-directed medical therapy, alone or combined with aerobic training did not
should be considered for supervised CR (53,97,98). significantly change LVEF (42). Overall, ET is not
This recommendation is supported by evidence of associated with adverse effects on left ventricular
improvements in exercise capacity, QOL, and psy- remodeling and function, and in some patients, there
chological well-being and reductions in hospital ad- may be improvements. However, given modest
missions with ET in patients with HF (1,10–17,99). changes seen only in meta-analyses, LVEF or reverse
In the United States, the Centers for Medicare and remodeling should not be overemphasized as a target
Medicaid Services and most insurers authorize or marker for benefit. More important, most patients
coverage for CR services for at least 6 weeks (usually with HFrEF improve their functional capacity without
36 sessions) for patients with stable chronic HF with improvements in LVEF, and LVEF improvement is
LVEF #35% and NYHA functional class II to IV not necessary to obtain physiological and clinical
symptoms despite 6 weeks of treatment with optimal benefits from ET.
HF therapy. These authorization criteria reflect the The beneficial effects of ET on skeletal muscle
inclusion criteria of the HF-ACTION trial (1). Per structure and function are also well characterized,
coverage criteria, stability is defined as no recent with a significant increase in the oxidative capacity of
(#6 weeks) or planned (#6 months) major cardio- skeletal muscle (107), correlating with changes in
vascular hospitalizations or procedures. At present, functional capacity and peak V O2.
there is no Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- Studies and meta-analyses have repeatedly shown
vices coverage for CR in patients with HFpEF, despite that ET results in improvements in health-related
evolving evidence (10,15,16,49,100–104). QOL in both patients with HFrEF and those with
The target for patients with HF who are clinically HFpEF (11,14,17,108–111). In HF-ACTION, health sta-
stable is to perform aerobic medium-intensity tus improved more during the initial 3-month period
1464 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69


T A B L E 5 Common Topics for Group Education Sessions in Cardiac Rehabilitation
Nutrition: lipids, salt, prudent diet, weight loss, label reading, dining
Recognition and monitoring of heart failure symptoms
The recently published randomized multicenter
Self-care management strategies in heart failure, including weight monitoring and diuretics
What is heart failure? Cardiac anatomy and physiology EJECTION-HF (Exercise Joins Education: Combined
Cardiac terms and diagnoses Therapy to Improve Outcomes in Newly-Discharged
Cardiac procedures and devices commonly used in heart failure HF) trial showed that supervised center-based ET
Heart failure medications and other drugs commonly used in patients with heart failure was a safe and feasible addition to disease manage-
Self-care strategies for management of comorbidities in heart failure ment programs with supported home exercise in pa-
Tobacco cessation
tients recently hospitalized with acute HF but did not
Recognition and management of psychosocial stress
reduce the combined endpoint of death or read-
Work, hobbies, physical activity beyond rehabilitation
Lifetime healthy lifestyle program
mission (113). The ongoing REHAB-HF (Rehabilitation
Goals of care, end of life, communication with family and providers Therapy in Older Acute HF Patients) trial is a ran-
domized trial of a physical function intervention in
older patients hospitalized for HF whose aim is to
(60) and persisted throughout follow-up and also in demonstrate whether balance, mobility, strength,
key subscales, including physical limitations, social and endurance ET improves physical function
limitations, and QOL. and reduces rehospitalizations (114,115). Currently,
ET also results in improvements in exercise ca- limited data suggest that physical activity and ET are
pacity (11,108,110), with an approximately 15% to 17% safe and feasible additions to disease management
improvement in peak V O2 (10). Systematic reviews programs in patients who are stable after recent
have shown improvements in exercise duration, work hospitalizations with acute HF.
load and 6-min walk distance along with improve-
ments in QOL (11,14,17,108–110).
In recent meta-analyses, ET was associated with
reductions in HF hospitalization and, in some reports,
There are not enough data to assess the efficacy or
all-cause hospitalization (11,12,17,109). Most studies
safety of CR for patients with active NYHA functional
and meta-analyses have not shown significant changes
class IV HF symptoms or stage D HF (116,117). In pa-
in mortality (1,11,12,14,17), until recent analyses sug-
tients with advanced NYHA functional class III HF,
gesting that ET may be associated with reductions in
long-term ET was associated with an improvement in
mortality, especially with longer follow-up (109,112).
stroke volume and a reduction in cardiomegaly (50).
In the HF-ACTION trial, there reductions in mortality
There are also studies demonstrating the benefit of ET
and hospitalizations were noted among those who
for patients with durable mechanical circulatory
achieved ET prescription targets (7).
support (118–120) and/or early after cardiac trans-
EVIDENCE OF BENEFITS OF ET IN PATIENTS plantation (121–123). The Rehab-VAD (Cardiac Reha-
WITH HFpEF bilitation in Patients with Continuous Flow Left
Ventricular Assist Devices) trial showed that moder-
There are emerging data on the benefits of ET in pa- ate intensity aerobic training was safe in patients
tients with HFpEF (10,15,16,49,100–104). with continuous-flow LV assist devices and yielded
Several studies and meta-analyses have demon- significantly improved health status, treadmill time,
strated significant improvements in peak and sub- and leg strength, without significant improvements in
maximal exercise capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness, peak VO 2 (124). If a patient with advanced HF can
and QOL in patients with HFpEF (13,49,100,101, tolerate physical activity, ET can improve QOL
104,111). Although some studies showed atrial (69,116,117,125). It is important to recognize that pa-
reverse remodeling and improved LV diastolic tients with advanced HF, including those with me-
function (101), other studies and meta-analyses chanical circulatory support, unfortunately are
failed to show differences in left ventricular func- subject to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
tion, compliance, volumes, or arterial stiffness in Services guidelines for CR in patients with HFrEF. It is
patients with HFpEF (13,103,104,111). Overall there is also important to recognize that patients who require
concordant evidence that ET confers benefits in mechanical circulatory support for destination ther-
terms of improvements in exercise capacity and apy are older, are more frail, and have more comor-
health-related QOL and appears to be safe in bidities than patients who require mechanical
patients with HFpEF. circulatory support as a bridge to transplantation,
JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021 Bozkurt et al. 1465
MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69 CR in Patients With HF

which influences the type of CR program they would

T A B L E 6 Strategies to Enhance Referral and Adherence of Cardiac Rehabilitation
Referral and adherence
AND PROPOSED CHANGES FOR COVERAGE Discharge order sets and papers

FOR CR Shared decision making

Incorporating rehabilitation in reportable performance measures
Chronic disease management
Novel strategies exist to overcome some of the bar-
Alternative models for service delivery
riers (Table 6) (20,126). Although the traditional CR On-site versus remote, home-based monitoring
model was based on prolonged aerobic training, it is Technology-enhanced home-based cardiac rehabilitation
often challenging to maintain adherence among pa- Use of kiosk or computer-based programs
tients with competing obligations, limited travel op- Varying frequency and duration of program

tions, and income lost during therapy sessions. In Patient care coordinated through nurse case management
Alternatives to traditional exercise
recent years, several other care models have
Lifestyle exercise (e.g., walking, taking the stairs, gardening, dancing, swimming, cycling)
emerged, including home-based rehabilitation,
Physical activity counseling
technology-enhanced CR at home with mobile or
Promoting caloric expenditure for weight loss and weight control
Internet-based communication, social media plat- Flexibility, yoga, tai chi
forms, self-monitoring health devices with regular Inspiratory muscle training
nurse or other in-person visitations, community- Education and technology
based programs, or telemonitoring (126–133). Hybrid Remotely monitoring patients to expand services to underserved populations

programs that are facility based combined with home- Web-based technology to monitor progress and provide interventions such as behavioral
weight loss and exercise counseling
based models and telephone, telemedicine, and
Use of devices to monitor physical activity, such as accelerometers, pedometers, cellular
Internet-based models (134) and telemedicine CR are communication, and global positioning devices
rapidly expanding, especially in rural areas with no
Adapted with permission from Clark et al. (126).
physical access or during the recent coronavirus
disease-2019 pandemic. Use of technology can
improve patient awareness, engagement, and reten-
tion and patient and provider experience and can the benefits of patients’ receiving optimal medical
allow close monitoring of patients who may be therapy, but we believe that this approach is a major
geographically disadvantaged or with barriers (135). impediment to automatic referrals. Optimization of
These efforts, coupled with pedometers, cellular medical therapy can be done concurrently with CR,
communications, wearable technologies, global posi- and patients in stable condition should be able to be
tioning devices, and activity monitoring through referred to CR without a waiting period of 6 weeks.
implanted devices, can help monitor physical activity Adoption of automatic referral using electronic
and progress, reduce recidivism to inactivity, and medical records can lead to a doubling in the num-
help maintain benefits achieved. Newer exercise ber of participants enrolled in CR programs (137).
models can include strength training or shorter busts Shared decision aids should be used to better
of HIIT (75,76) and inspiratory muscle training, and educate patients to make informed decisions. Pol-
other modalities of fitness such as yoga and tai chi can icies directed at including rehabilitation referral as a
be complementary to traditional ET (81). quality and publicly reported performance measure
can enhance the number of referrals and guide
OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO REFERRAL health care systems to invest in rehabilitation and
education. Payers should consider reducing or
Inequalities exist in referral and access to CR (136). eliminating copays or reducing premiums for active
Older patients, women, and racial minorities are patient participants and should include the new
disproportionately not referred to CR (61–64). Alter- models of CR in provider reimbursement models. As
native CR models, payer coverage strategies, and Medicaid programs expand, CR will need to be
health policy changes will need to be catered to in- included under essential services to reach more pa-
dividual patients, health care system, and tients with HF and considered for patients with
geographic needs and can help overcome some of HFpEF and/or recent hospitalization. Policy changes
the current disparities and underserved groups. We are needed to address the provision of cost-effective
also propose a change in the Centers for Medicare options and to empower health care systems to
and Medicaid Services coverage rule such that invest in preventive therapies (20). Additionally, for
referral is not delayed for 6 weeks (51). We recognize centers that care for patients from a geographically
1466 Bozkurt et al. JACC VOL. 77, NO. 11, 2021

CR in Patients With HF MARCH 23, 2021:1454–69

diverse area that extends beyond a single rehabili- Safety Monitoring Committee of the ANTHEM trial, sponsored by
LivaNova. Dr. O’Connor has received grant or research support from
tation center or that do not have on-site rehabilita-
Roche Diagnostics, Merck, and Bayer; and has received consulting
tion, maintaining an active list of CR programs fees from Merck, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, Windtree Therapeutics,
within the referral catchment area would be helpful and Arena. Dr. Forman has received funds from the National Institute
for timely referral. on Aging and the National Institutes of Health Common Fund through
grants R01AG060499, R01AG058883, P30AG024827, and
CONCLUSIONS UO1AR071130. Dr. Fonarow has received research funding from the
National Institutes of Health; and has received consulting fees from
Abbott, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, CHF Solutions, Edwards Life-
CR is beneficial in patients with HF and is recom- sciences, Janssen, Medtronic, Merck, and Novartis. Dr. Panjrath has
mended as a Class 1A indication in HF practice received speaker fees from Pfizer. Dr. Piña has received advisory
guidelines. Clinicians, health care leaders, and payers board fees from Relypsa. Dr. Lindenfeld has received consulting fees
from Abbott, AstraZeneca, CVRx, Boehringer Ingelheim, Edwards
should show attention to incorporating CR as part of
Lifesciences, Impulse Dynamics, and VWave; and has received grant
standard care for patients with HF. The practical support from AstraZeneca, Volumetric, and Sensible Medical. Dr.
guidance, along with existing and emerging data, and Goldberg has received consulting fees from Respicardia and Abbott;
strategies to improve referrals, adherence, and has served on the steering committee of the Remede Pivotal Trial,
sponsored by Respicardia; and is the current principal investigator of
coverage for CR provided in this document should be
the REST trial, sponsored by Respicardia. All other authors have re-
helpful in the implementation of CR in the care of ported that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this
patients with HF. paper to disclose.


Dr. Bozkurt has received consulting fees from Bristol Myers Squibb,
Bozkurt, Baylor College of Medicine, 2002 Holcombe
scPharmaceuticals, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, Sanofi, and
Relypsa; serves on the Clinical Event Committee for the GUIDE-HF Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. E-mail:
trial, sponsored by Abbott Vascular; and serves on the Data and Twitter: @BiykemB.


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