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CFR 2011 Title49 Vol3 Part193 Subpartc Subjectgroup Id879

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Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Admin., DOT § 193.


DESIGN OF COMPONENTS AND BUILDINGS Federal Aviation Administration re-

quirements in 14 CFR Section 1.1.
§§ 193.2121–193.2153 [Reserved]
[45 FR 9203, Feb. 11, 1980, as amended by
IMPOUNDMENT DESIGN AND CAPACITY Amdt. 193–17, 65 FR 10959, Mar. 1, 2000]

§ 193.2155 Structural requirements. §§ 193.2157–193.2159 [Reserved]

(a) The structural members of an im- § 193.2161 Dikes, general.

poundment system must be designed An outer wall of a component served
and constructed to prevent impairment by an impounding system may not be
of the system’s performance reliability used as a dike unless the outer wall is
and structural integrity as a result of constructed of concrete.
the following:
(1) The imposed loading from— [Amdt. 193–17, 65 FR 10959, Mar. 1, 2000]
(i) Full hydrostatic head of im- §§ 193.2163–193.2165 [Reserved]
pounded LNG;
(ii) Hydrodynamic action, including § 193.2167 Covered systems.
the effect of any material injected into A covered impounding system is pro-
the system for spill control; hibited except for concrete wall de-
(iii) The impingement of the trajec- signed tanks where the concrete wall is
tory of an LNG jet discharged at any an outer wall serving as a dike.
predictable angle; and
(iv) Anticipated hydraulic forces [Amdt. 193–17, 65 FR 10959, Mar. 1, 2000]
from a credible opening in the compo- §§ 193.2169–193.2171 [Reserved]
nent or item served, assuming that the
discharge pressure equals design pres- § 193.2173 Water removal.
(a) Impoundment areas must be con-
(2) The erosive action from a spill, in-
structed such that all areas drain com-
cluding jetting of spilling LNG, and
pletely to prevent water collection.
any other anticipated erosive action
Drainage pumps and piping must be
including surface water runoff, ice for- provided to remove water from col-
mation, dislodgement of ice formation, lecting in the impoundment area. Al-
and snow removal. ternative means of draining may be ac-
(3) The effect of the temperature, any ceptable subject to the Administrator’s
thermal gradient, and any other antici- approval.
pated degradation resulting from sud- (b) The water removal system must
den or localized contact with LNG. have adequate capacity to remove
(4) Exposure to fire from impounded water at a rate equal to 25% of the
LNG or from sources other than im- maximum predictable collection rate
pounded LNG. from a storm of 10-year frequency and
(5) If applicable, the potential impact 1-hour duration, and other natural
and loading on the dike due to— causes. For rainfall amounts, operators
(i) Collapse of the component or item must use the ‘‘Rainfall Frequency
served or adjacent components; and Atlas of the United States’’ published
(ii) If the LNG facility adjoins the by the National Weather Service of the
right-of-way of any highway or rail- U.S. Department of Commerce.
road, collision by or explosion of a (c) Sump pumps for water removal
train, tank car, or tank truck that must—
could reasonably be expected to cause (1) Be operated as necessary to keep
the most severe loading. the impounding space as dry as prac-
(b) An LNG storage tank must not be tical; and
located within a horizontal distance of (2) If sump pumps are designed for
one mile (1.6 km) from the ends, or 1⁄4 automatic operation, have redundant
wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

mile (0.4 km) from the nearest point of automatic shutdown controls to pre-
a runway, whichever is longer. The vent operation when LNG is present.
height of LNG structures in the vicin- [45 FR 9203, Feb. 11, 1980, as amended by
ity of an airport must also comply with Amdt. 193–17, 65 FR 10959, Mar. 1, 2000]


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