Fabrics Inspection SOP
Fabrics Inspection SOP
Fabrics Inspection SOP
Receiving Invoice & Packing List and mill dye lot
Inside Container Condition Checking (Temp & Humidity).
Physical Verification against Invoice & Packing list.
Keeping roll in fabrics warehouse
Fabrics inventory and making inventory report
100% Width Measuring, Blanket and Shrinkage Cutting,
10% or AQL sampling Dye lot Wise Fabric Inspection-4 Points System. (Report)
HaziRafizUddin Tower, Unique Bus Stand, Ashulia, Dhaka.
One Prime. Best Prime. Quality Prime.
HaziRafizUddin Tower, Unique Bus Stand, Ashulia, Dhaka-1349.
LAB Test Physical & Chemical- In-house Lab testing (Report)
Shade blanket washing as per the bulk recipe
100% Shade Segregation.
Shade wise color continuity card
Shrinkage measurement
Master Roll selection
Shade band making
Shade band washing
Shade band Approval
All quality procedure complete and pass
Cut Plan Approval by Merchandiser
Fabrics Issue to Cutting shade wise with shade note
Approved By
Managing Director