PAPER+6 AlKabi++1
PAPER+6 AlKabi++1
PAPER+6 AlKabi++1
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 4677 – 4683
Nurul Zarirah Nizam, Mohammed Rashed Abdulla Zuhair AlKaabi, Saleh Ali Husseini
Institute of Technology Management and Entrepreneurship
Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
The UAE has undergone remarkable changes in the economy, culture, society and
everyday human life, especially in the food and beverage industries, which have
grown rapidly in terms of local and foreign forms of investment specially in the food
and beverage industry and the word "restaurant company" has become more familiar
and widely used in these days, with several search results for this main phrase, which
is equal. One of the most important issues concerning customer satisfaction with the
quality of the service is the correlation between customer expectations and what the
service actually delivered. Customers expect their transactions to receive sufficient
value while meeting their demands and needs. Failure to do so can lead to unwanted
results, such as lower level of customer satisfaction, high rate of customer defection,
and lower profits. The aim of this study to Customers’ satisfaction in food and
beverage in McDonald's restaurant in United Arab Emirates (UAE). This research
will provide valuable insight into the experience of consumers and existing demands,
key perceived quality requirements, and food and beverage industries. In such a
competitive industry, advertisers and business owners will need to be up-to-date with
customer expectations and many aspects of their business satisfaction. Customer
satisfaction is paramount to businesses success. If customer satisfaction is achieved
brand loyalty often results.
2018). McDonald's opened on 21 December provide the suggested model for food and
1994, not just in the USA, as the first beverage satisfaction in the UAE (UAE). The
McDonald's in Mainland Asia (First study proposed is expected to increase food and
McDonald's, 1994). On 21 December. beverage production and add value to the
The essence of the satisfaction process is to economy of the UAE.
compare what was expected with the results of
the good or service, historically known as the 2. Literature Review
confirmation method. Next, when purchasing a
product or service, consumers should shape 2.1 Customer satisfaction
expectations. Second, a perceived level of
quality that is influenced by expectations is The satisfaction of customers in all
extracted from the application or segments of industry, including aviation,
understanding. If the expected outcome is only hospitality and turism, food and food services,
slightly lower than the projected results, the has been a matter of significant concern since
perceived performance would be assimilated the latter portion of the 20th century (Raduzzi
upward to similar standards. When the results and Massey, 2019). Until the 1980s, however,
perceived are far below target, a distinction is most businesses did not rely on consumers.
made and the perceived deficit in performance Rather, it was based on items and it tended
is exaggerated. Disconfirmation has become informally to be measured when customer
more acute as success is considered to fall short satisfaction was determined (Raduzzi and
of targets. The satisfaction of emotions (e.g. Massey, 2019). In comparison with his or her
customer wants, emotions) and quantitative view of post-purchase contentment, customer
variables can be calculated by (features of satisfaction refers to a person's sense of
products and services). Many studies in the pleasure or dissolution (Kotler et al. 2017)
hospitality sector were conducted that examine (Srivastava and Rai, 2018). Since the earliest
the qualities of customer satisfaction that modes of exchange and international contact
travellers might find useful. Although closely existed, consumer loyalty was definitely a
associated, quality levels and consumer loyalty secret for profitability. Client satisfaction is
are distinct concepts. Ahmad et al. (2019) regarded as one of the main drivers of corporate
Cleanliness, security, economic efficiency and success and a core component of marketing in
courtesy of the employees have been described contemporary theory and practise (Kurian and
as the decision to loyalty customers. The Muzumdar, 2017; Leninkumar, 2017). The
importance of clean, comfortable rooms, value of marketing customer loyalty is a
convenience of the venue, timely service and function of its status as a measure of consumer
security were seen in case (2019). Research by procurement (Leninkumar, 2017).
Cha et al. (2019) The conduct, cleanliness and
timeliness of employees were listed as key 2.2. Customer Satisfaction in Food and
factors. In reality, McDonald's has previously Beverage in McDonald's Restaurant in
cancelled multiple franchise agreements to (UAE)
breach the contract (Keegan, 2017).
McDonald's in UAE restaurants must train his The food and beverage services
staff to understand relevant McDonald policies industries in the UAE contribute to their
and procedures, including the quality performance, given the rapid growth of the
evaluation of customer service, customer high-income population in the UAE region and
satisfaction, and needs of the local community, the time constraints for food preparation.
in order to meet McDonald's franchisees' Consumers have continued to eat at home on
expectations worldwide and special to our weekdays or even public weekends because of
research (Almazrooei, 2016). This research hectic urban planning and revenue gains in the
would study the relationship and provide majority of UAE citizens' households (Mustafa
valuable marketing insights. Since no trials in et al., 2018). Although the introduction of
this region, particularly in the UAE, have been goods and services is marginally affected,
carried out, this study will provide important middle-to-high-income consumers never end
and useful expertise for the United Arab up eager for good food and a good environment
Emirates industry in general and the fast-food to relax and alleviate tension. The choice of
sector in particular. The aim of this study is to dining depends on the amount of income,
whether you eat healthy foods. The rivalry in this research in particular because they are one
the food service industry is strong among fine of the few methods representing the values of
dining restaurants and other food service individuals (Meglino & Ravlin, 1998). This
categories. Customer loyalty should be an analysis analyses all relationships and offers
essential priority in order to achieve loyal useful marketing information. Since no studies
customers and repeat purchases (Nguyen, were conducted explicitly in the USA, this
2018). According to research carried out by study will provide the UAE market in general
Wilson (2018) food quality is not only a and the fast-food industry in particular essential
physical environment and a service quality but and useful information. The connection
also an important predecessor for customer between customer expectations and what the
satisfaction, though repeated objectives show service actually offered is one of the most
only 17%. This is because food is one of the important issues in terms of customer
main elements of the restaurant experience and satisfaction in terms of service quality.
at least food has a direct influence on customer Therefore, it is very important to satisfy the
loyalty and the patronage of returns (Wilson, customer's wishes to create the most important
2018). As a result, a big challenge facing the service characteristics which satisfy the
restaurant industry today is to offer quality customer. Research will at this stage refer to
food, not only that captivates consumers, but challenges, issues and lessons learned from the
also that can be better for business rivals. The public service delivery implementation. Since
restaurant's consumer perception should be the public sector has various views based on
conscious of the dimension of quality food and their background in the food and beverage
beverage service which is causal to customer manufacture. The factors affecting the
satisfaction. High quality of service is one satisfaction of customers in the food and drink
attribute in a fine restaurant that can deliver industries in UAE must therefore be
additional customer satisfaction (Nguyen, established. Furthermore, it is important to
2018). The happiness of customers is one of the recognise the effect of factors that influence
company objectives to be accomplished customer satisfaction and how these problems
critically in order to build customers again (Han can be solved. More specifically we need to
2019). investigate systematically the reasons for
satisfaction and create a common
Few studies have been found to analyse understanding between consumers and
food and beverage industry satisfactions for industry. This research proposed aims at
customers. No studies in particular have been improving the efficiency of the food and drink
found in the UAE fast food restaurant industry sectors and adding value to the UAE economy.
analysing customer satisfaction. Companies in
this particular UAE industry have little 2.3. Customer service quality in food and
knowledge of customer satisfaction. In beverage
consequence, fast-food restaurants will serve
their clients unsatisfactorily because of their Many studies (Jalilvand., 2010)
inadequate knowledge. This study examines demonstraten the positive effect on food
how the impact of restaurants in food and quality, climate, service quality, comfort, cost
beverage restaurants in the UAE is influenced and value, as they were correlated with higher
by customer satisfaction. It also discusses the sales, revenues and consumer loyalty. Dining
factors that influence consumer loyalty, for satisfaction and readiness to return have had a
instance demographic variables, customer positive effect. The most important factors
character (using the Six-dimensional (Drewnowski, 2018) however are the food and
Motivation Scale of Achievement (Nguyen, food data as well as staff skills, which decide
2018), and the values of customers with the satisfaction level of college students.
Rokeach. For this study, the incentive for Ironically enough, restaurants or school dining
accomplishment was chosen because a facilities are usually believed to offer only food.
connection exists between the performance Chand et al. (2018) noted that food is essential
criteria and consumer behaviour. This study to satisfying customers, but that it is by no
studies loyal values of customers because means the only component. them are mainly
"values affect behaviour directly" (Meglino & retailers of a "foodservice experience." In the
Ravlin, 1998). Rokeach values were chosen for restaurant service, previous studies find a
mixture of tangible and intangible elements. Mazrouei and Bohari, 2016). The market
The service meeting is a stage in which parallel structure in its fast-food and beverage industry
output and consumption processes are has clearly influenced this particular aspect.
separately observed. There is a theory called The industry was in a favorable position
"moments of reality" between customers and because of the UAE's economic capabilities,
service providers. The definition "time and which even during the global financial crisis
place" and "when and where" can be used to avoided its big downturn. The industry includes
signify to the customer the quality of the service full-service restaurants with 70% of its market
provided by the service provider (Al Mazrouei share, fast-service restaurants and fast-food
and Bohari, 2016). Thus, it will inevitably restaurants with 22% and 8% spread among
impact dramatically on customer satisfaction cafés, service providers and others in the
what happens during these meetings inside industry (KPMG, 2016). By 2020, the sector is
service organisations. Moreover, few studies projected to expand 1.2 times in terms of outlets
investigating food and drink restaurant industry and 1.6 times in terms of sales, making it
consumption satisfactions were found. No another big business sector. Nonetheless,
studies in particular have been found in the businesses in the sector recently faced cost-
UAE fast food restaurant industry analysing effectiveness problems, with an increase in rent,
customer satisfaction. Companies in this rising sales of workers, a shortage to attract
particular UAE industry have little knowledge customers and competitiveness (KPMG, 2016).
of customer satisfaction. In consequence, fast-
food restaurants will serve their clients 3.2. Competitor Analysis
unsatisfactorily because of their inadequate
knowledge. This study examines how the In recent years there has been an
impact of restaurants in food and beverage increase in rivalry in the rapid food industry in
restaurants in the UAE is influenced by the UAE. The number of restaurants is
customer satisfaction. It explores the factors increasingly growing, with quality playing an
leading to consumer loyalty such as important role in shaping brands' competitive
demographic variables, customer personality positioning (Al Mazrouei and Bohari, 2016). In
(using the Six-Dimensional Incentive Scale for industry, the replacement effect is strong, as
Achievement (Zeithaml et al, 2017), and consumers can easily take advantage of
customer values (using Rokeach values) numerous alternative solutions to meet their
(Rokeach, 1979). The motivation for industry needs without incurring a great deal of
achievement was chosen for this research as a opportunity. Quality control, which increases
correlation between success and consumer replacement effects, is a key element in this
behaviour. This research examines the values of context (KPMG, 2016). Those international
loyal customers as 'values influence conduct brands such as McDonald's continue to
directly.' Rokeach values were chosen for this dominate the market with creative food services
research in particular because they are one of (McGinley, the US fast-food brand to dominate
the few methods representing the values of UAE) even though the numbers of locally run
individuals (Meglino & Ravlin, 1998). fast-food stores are increasing in the UAE) (Al
Mazrouei and Bohari, 2016).
3. Situational Analysis
Following are some of the common tools that 3.3. Company Analysis
are used for situation analysis: (Industry,
Competitor ,Company, and Customer). McDonald's is known for its burger
recipes in the world's fast-food industry. As a
3.1. Industry Analysis result of its performance on the US domestic
market, the company has steadily spread across
The Fast Food & Drink Industry has the globe through its alliances, franchisees and
grown dramatically in the UAE over the last subsidiaries. The company operates in the UAE
decade as socio-demographic characteristics as a 100% local brand (McDonald's Arabia,
have continuously evolved (McDonald's "Our Company"). This demonstrates that it
Arabia,2016). To note here, the UAE today gives consumers in the country the strong
hosts not only clients but also future human importance of finding their food products
resources nationals from around the world (Al (Tanahashi, 2018). But, regardless of the
position of its food items in the United Arab ability to prevent mistakes and the delivery
States, the organisation remained in line with its pace of McDonald's UAE staff also influences
ideology, which means quality preservation and customer loyalty. The operating conditions in
the protection of its restaurant and system McDonald's UAE were also significant factors,
environment in order to give its clients' tastes such as cleanliness, appealing interior design
and preferred products the highest priority (Al and comfort, to customers loyalty and
Mazrouei and Bohari, 2016). environmental conditions. Finally, the findings
of the study will help users reach UAE fast-food
3.4. Customer Analysis restaurants, like McDonald's, with quality
reviews of their customer service. In fact, the
The fast food and beverage customers study provides empirical evidence which can
in the UAE are mostly young people. In help us understand drivers in Arab countries
addition, the clients in the sector are often such as the United Arab Emirates and other
known as visitors. This is why the demand for fast-food stores in and around the Asian
both foreign and local authentic food has continent. The findings of the study are good
increased with the development of the nation's both for advertisers and businessmen.
tourism sector and the benefits of globalisation
(Al Mazrouei and Bohari, 2016). Nevertheless, 5. Conclusion
the choices and expectations of customers were
consistent because they value the consistency, McDonald's overall positioning in the
ambience and price structure of the restaurants UAE demonstrates its position at present
(KPMG, 2016). In the UAE Fast-food sector, sustainable and competitive. Via its marketing
consumers have shown their preference for methods it demonstrates signs of long-term
local and Indian foods, as most markets sustainability. In the balance between consumer
currently serve (KPMG, 2016). Moreover, this choices and governance obligations,
preference is restricted to full-service transparency in decision-making can be
restaurants such as fast-food retail stores (Scott, observed for the ingenuity of this restaurant
'The Coffee Shops and the F&B dominates the chain. However, the company recently received
retail market in the United Arab States') criticisms for its food products' nutritional
(McDonalds Arabia, 2016). The target values, which contradict the tendency of the
composition of McDonald's market in the UAE consumers to select healthier products. The
is not entirely distinct from other countries. Its purpose of the current study was to examine the
goal, the Restaurant Chain, is to attract young satisfaction of customers in food and beverage
customers and children. The chain has at McDonald's restaurant in the United Arab
successfully seized itself as a fast-service, low- Emirates, indeed, literature reviewed showed
priced, quality food provider, attracting the that there is no simple or sufficient research in
UAE middle-income community (McDonald's relation to food or beverage in its organic foods.
Arabia 2016). The restaurant chain also knows As the analysis progresses to realism, the
its ambiance, in particular when hosting conceptual structure is still imperative. The
families in the USA, to satisfy the needs of its effect of customer satisfaction affecting
customers. In this regard, it can also be noted variables can be explained by such a
that the restaurant chain focuses on a large framework. As the exact essence of the food
number of customers across the world, since it and drink service was not correct, the customer
is geared towards young adults, working satisfaction model in the literature was
consumers, students and children and families assessed. The creation of this conceptual
(Brady, 2018). analysis method allows for a conceptualization
of the model. A conceptual framework (1)
4. Discussion focused on the impacts of food and drink and
customer satisfaction has been developed to
Food and beverage products, for resolve this need. While the philosophical
example, increase consumer content in structure supported this review, it was rational.
McDonald's UAE. Food quality, including The key idea of this study is to show the
aroma, acceptable temperature and a food theoretical points of view of Le Chi Konuk in
presentation are another essential aspect to 2019 that satisfaction can be affected by food
improve customer satisfaction. The expertise, and beverage factors (viewed by the researcher
during his study course). This is because the Case, A. (2019)."Tourists’ Satisfaction on the
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