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Programming in Lua - 9.4

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This first edition was written for Lua 5.0.

While still largely relevant for later versions, there are

some differences.
The fourth edition
targets Lua 5.3 and is available at Amazon and other bookstores.
By buying the book, you also help to support the Lua project.

Programming in Lua
Part I. The Language
Chapter 9. Coroutines

9.4 – Non-Preemptive Multithreading

As we saw earlier, coroutines are a kind of
collaborative multithreading.
coroutine is equivalent to a thread.
A pair yield-resume switches control from
one thread to another.
However, unlike "real" multithreading,
coroutines are
non preemptive.
While a coroutine is running, it cannot be stopped from the
It only suspends execution when it explicitly requests so
(through a
call to yield).
For several applications this is not a problem,
quite the
Programming is much easier in the absence of preemption.
You do
not need to be paranoid about synchronization bugs,
because all
synchronization among threads is explicit in the program.
You only have to
ensure that
a coroutine only yields when it is outside a critical region.

However, with non-preemptive multithreading,

whenever any thread calls a
blocking operation,
the whole program blocks until the operation completes.
For most applications, this is an unacceptable behavior,
which leads many
programmers to disregard coroutines as a real
alternative to conventional
As we will see here, that problem has an interesting
obvious, with hindsight) solution.

Let us assume a typical multithreading situation:

We want to download
several remote files through HTTP.
Of course, to download several remote
we must know how to download one remote file.
In this example, we will
use the LuaSocket library,
developed by Diego Nehab.
To download a file, we
must open a connection to its site,
send a request to the file,
receive the file (in
blocks), and close the connection.
In Lua, we can write this task as follows.
First, we load the LuaSocket library:

require "luasocket"

Then, we define the host and the file we want to download.

In this example,
we will download the HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
from the World Wide
Web Consortium site:

host = ""

file = "/TR/REC-html32.html"

Then, we open a TCP connection to port 80

(the standard port for HTTP
connections) of that site:

c = assert(socket.connect(host, 80))

The operation returns a connection object,

which we use to send the file

c:send("GET " .. file .. " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")

The receive method always returns a string with

what it read plus another
string with the status of the operation.
When the host closes the connection
we break the receive loop.

Finally, we close the connection:


Now that we know how to download one file,

let us return to the problem of
downloading several files.
The trivial approach is to download one at a time.
However, this sequential approach,
where we only start reading a file after
finishing the previous one,
is too slow.
When reading a remote file,
a program
spends most of its time waiting for data to arrive.
More specifically, it spends
most of its time blocked
in the call to receive.
So, the program could run
much faster if it downloaded all files
Then, while a connection
has no data available,
the program can read from another connection.
coroutines offer a convenient way to structure those
simultaneous downloads.
We create a new thread for each download task.
When a thread has no data
it yields control to a simple dispatcher,
which invokes another

To rewrite the program with coroutines,

let us first rewrite the previous
download code
as a function:

function download (host, file)

local c = assert(socket.connect(host, 80))

local count = 0 -- counts number of bytes read

c:send("GET " .. file .. " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")

while true do

local s, status = receive(c)

count = count + string.len(s)

if status == "closed" then break end



print(file, count)


Because we are not interested in the remote file contents,

this function only
counts the file size,
instead of writing the file to the standard output.
several threads reading several files,
the output would intermix all files.)
this new code, we use an auxiliary function (receive)
to receive data from the
In the sequential approach, its code would be like this:

function receive (connection)

return connection:receive(2^10)


For the concurrent implementation,

this function must receive data without
Instead, if there is not enough data available, it yields.
The new code
is like this:

function receive (connection)

connection:timeout(0) -- do not block

local s, status = connection:receive(2^10)

if status == "timeout" then



return s, status


The call to timeout(0) makes any operation over the connection

a non-
blocking operation.
When the operation status is "timeout",
it means that the
operation returned without completion.
In this case, the thread yields.
non-false argument passed to yield
signals to the dispatcher that
the thread is
still performing its task.
(Later we will see another version where the
needs the timed-out connection.)
Notice that, even in case of a
the connection returns what it read until the timeout,
so receive
always returns s to its caller.

The next function ensures that each download runs

in an individual thread:

threads = {} -- list of all live threads

function get (host, file)

-- create coroutine

local co = coroutine.create(function ()

download(host, file)


-- insert it in the list

table.insert(threads, co)


The table threads keeps a list of all live threads,

for the dispatcher.

The dispatcher is simple.

It is mainly a loop that goes through all threads,
calling one by one.
It must also remove from the list the threads that finish
their tasks.
It stops the loop when there are no more threads to run:

function dispatcher ()

while true do

local n = table.getn(threads)

if n == 0 then break end -- no more threads to run

for i=1,n do

local status, res = coroutine.resume(threads[i])

if not res then -- thread finished its task?

table.remove(threads, i)






Finally, the main program creates the threads it needs

and calls the
For instance, to download four documents from the W3C site,
main program could be like this:

host = ""

get(host, "/TR/html401/html40.txt")





dispatcher() -- main loop

My machine takes six seconds to download those four files using coroutines.
With the sequential implementation,
it takes more than twice that time (15

Despite the speedup, this last implementation is far from optimal.

goes fine while at least one thread has something to read.
However, when no
thread has data to read,
the dispatcher does a busy wait,
going from thread to
thread only to check that they still have no data.
As a result, this coroutine
implementation uses almost 30 times
more CPU than the sequential solution.

To avoid this behavior, we can use the select function from LuaSocket.
allows a program to block while waiting for a status change in
a group of
The changes in our implementation are small.
We only have to
change the dispatcher.
The new version is like this:

function dispatcher ()

while true do

local n = table.getn(threads)

if n == 0 then break end -- no more threads to run

local connections = {}

for i=1,n do

local status, res = coroutine.resume(threads[i])

if not res then -- thread finished its task?

table.remove(threads, i)


else -- timeout

table.insert(connections, res)



if table.getn(connections) == n then




Along the inner loop, this new dispatcher

collects the timed-out connections in
table connections.
Remember that receive passes such
connections to yield;
thus resume returns them.
When all connections time out,
the dispatcher calls
select to wait for any of those connections
to change status.
This final
implementation runs as fast as the first implementation
with coroutines.
Moreover, as it does no busy waits,
it uses just a little more CPU than the
sequential implementation.

Copyright © 2003–2004 Roberto Ierusalimschy. All rights reserved.

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