Institutional Planning
Institutional Planning
Institutional Planning
INSTITUTIONAL PLANNINIG Meaning Institutional planning has been treated as the basic unit
or grass- root level of the larger educational planning. When a plan is prepared by a particular
institution on the basis of its own development and improvement, we call it institutional planning.
Institutional planning is the lowest level of national planning. The term implies
that this type of planning is related to educational institution. This plan refers to
the detailed programme
of action that is initiated, formulated and implemented by individual
educational institution.Thus, the member of the institution gets the opportunity to
take part in planning process.
Characteristics of Institutional Planning:
After going thoroughly the concept and definition of institutional planning, the
following main characteristics of the planning are determined.
a) Institutional planning is the basic unit of educational planning. It begins from
grass root level.
d) The teaching and non-teaching staff, parents, students, supervisor officers and
other educationists in the locality takes part in institutional planning. Local
community is also part of this planning.
Purpose of Institutional Planning:
The purposes of educational planning are stated below. Let us study it.
Teaching Materials – The planning involves within its scope development and
utilization of instructional materials and audio-visual aids according to demand of
subjects and
classes. It also includes the purchase and distribution of library books,
magazines, journals, question papers of previous years etc. in the library.
Building- An educational institution has different types of rooms for different
purposes. It plans to construct the classrooms, library, laboratory rooms,
auditorium, teacher’s room, common room for students, and separate toilet for
boys and girls. It also plans to spend money
on construction, maintenance and repair of school building from time to time,
whenever needed.
Drinking water facility, sanitary facilities, mid-day-meals, medical facilities etc. are
other functions to be implemented by perspective planning.
Evaluation: Institutional planning covers within its scope the evaluation system
of the institution. It prepares routine for internal examination including class test,
unit test, half yearly examination and annual examination. The school or college
also arranges two important
functions for students regarding external examination as the registration of
students to higher
educational body and form fill up of students for external examination. Do you
understand the term ‘external examination’? It refers to examination system
controlled by examination body outside of the institution i.e. the question papers
are set by external examination controlled body and answer scripts are also
checked by teachers from outside of the institution.
2. Survey of Resources: A survey is made to collect the accurate data about the
resource of the institution. Besides the physical resource of the institution,
government assisted funds
and social resources also strengthen the resource of the institution. Therefore,
priority should be given to resources.
Limitations of Institutional Planning:
2. Survey
3. Improvement
4. Implementation
5. Evaluation
1. Analysis:
(v) The school needs additional components like hostel, staff quarters,
school bus, more play-grounds etc.
2. Survey:
The headmaster and the staff of the school should make a survey of the
existing resources and the resources that can be easily available.
Statistical facts and figures regarding enrolment, staff, equipment,
books, examination results etc. must be placed before the Board for
ready reference.
The Board should make the best of the community resources for the
benefit of the students. It should bear in the mind that the
institutional planning would aim at the maximum use of the available
human and material resources.
It should limit itself to the total improvement of the school and should
not suggest work for the district educational authorities or demand
funds from the Directorate of Education for its implementation. It
should clearly indicate the time limit for its implementation. So the
programme can be short-term or a long-term one, depending upon the
circumstances and needs of the school.
4. Implementation:
The Board will make a selection of the projects that are to be
undertaken during the ensuing session. Lastly, the project must be
executed through the material and human resources available at hand.
Here, the head of the school must seek the full cooperation of his staff.
A time-schedule of the improvements of the project must be prepared.
5. Evaluation:
(iv) Different educational institutions help each other, they also try to
avoid duplication of effort and are always prepared to gain from the
experiences and experiments of the other institutions.
(v) Good schools get all the encouragement to experiment with the
new ideas.”
The plans should be drawn in such a manner that within the resources
available, the development is maximum and the chances of returns to
the investment made are the greatest. Thus, institutional planning
means an organised way of doing things of an institution. It leads to
the attainment of objectives through intelligent approach to the
utilization of the resources of the institution. The NPE, 1986, in
chapter “The management of Education” has described that, “An
overhaul of the system of planning and the management of education
will receive high priority.”
The guiding considerations will be:
The NPE 1986 has also recommended that special attention will be
paid to the training of educational planners, administrators and heads
of institutions. Institutional arrangements for the purpose should be
set up in stages. So the NPE and POA have emphasized the importance
of decentralising planning and management of education at all levels
and involving people in the process.
In pursuance of the POA provision the State Government have been
taking steps to set up structures for decentralised planning and
management from the centre to the states, from the district to sub-
district and panchayat levels. It means, we should start with planning
form below, from the very grass-roots, what we call, “Institutional