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Title of the Study The Solid Waste Disposal Practice at the Engineering and Science and Technology Buildings

of Cebu Technological University- Main Campus


Rationale of the Study Pollution has been one of the worlds most focused issues considering its negative effects threatening human lives and properties nowadays. Solid wastes, like other wastes, are a result of human activities. The type of solid waste produced depends upon various factors, such as the standard of living, occupation, habits of the contributing population which, in turn, are also affected by the climatic and dietary habits. Thus, these various factors determine the type and amount of the solid waste that will be generated in a particular case. These differences mean that waste management systems each require distinct approaches. For example, as the waste content in developing countries is highly organic and susceptible to rapid decay, the emphasis of the Solid Waste Management process in these countries should be on the collection process. Our country, the Philippines, has passed several environmental laws in order to address this concern. Mostly of these laws focuses on the proper handling of pollution-bearing materials especially the solid wastes.excessive amount of rainfall has established. The sad scenario was

seemed to be usual nowadays even when there is light downpour of rain.This is the effect of the massive improper solid waste disposal allowing wastes blocked the drainage system of water. Evident to the Engineering Building and the Science and Technology Building is the problem of improper disposal of solid wastes.Common to these are empty plastic bottles, plastic wrappers of biscuits and candies, empty tetra packs of juices and the likes. They are just thrown anywhere; scattered around areas which are very visible to the eyes. Cebu Technological University, being the largest state university in Cebu, withpotentials on development and expansion due to the massive market demands of both academic and technical oriented workforce,is expected to rapidly expand. This will put make the institution to cater more students and offers additional courses. Many students mean more demand on foods. More foods create an extra consumption of inorganic containers. These inorganic containers like plastic products when disposed improperly can clog the drainage of water causing floods and polluting the nature.

Theoretical Background This study is anchored on the existing Environmental Laws and Policies in the country protecting nature and eliminating pollution; 22 of which are Presidential Degrees while 10 are Republic Acts. To mention some of the said Philippine Policies and Laws are the P.D. 984 (Pollution Control Law), P.D. 1151 and P.D. 1152 (Philippine Environmental Policy), P.D. 825 (prohibits the improper disposal of garbage), R.A. 9729 (also known as the Climate Change Act of 2009) and R.A. 9003 (The Solid Waste Management Act of 2001).

Important to the study is the knowledge of R.A. 9003 or an act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing penalties, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes. As stated, R.A. 9003 (a) ensure the protection of the public health and environment; (b) Utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximize the utilization of valuable resources and encourage resource conservation and recovery;(c) Set guidelines and targets for solid waste avoidance and volume reduction through source reduction and waste minimization measures, including composting, recycling, re-use, recovery, green charcoal process, and others, before collection, treatment and disposal in appropriate and environmentally sound solid waste management facilities in accordance with ecologically sustainable development principles;(d) Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and adoption of the best environmental practice in ecological waste management excluding incineration; and, (e) Promote national research and development programs for improved solid waste management and resource conservation techniques, more effective institutional arrangement and indigenous and improved methods of waste reduction, collection, separation and recovery. It also (f) Encourage greater private sector participation in solid waste management; (g) Retain primary enforcement and responsibility of solid waste management with local government units while establishing a cooperative effort among the national government, other local government units, non- government organizations, and the private sector; (h) Encourage cooperation and self-regulation among waste generators through the application of market-based instruments; (i) Institutionalize public participation in the development and implementation of

national and local integrated, comprehensive, and ecological waste management programs; and (j) Strength the integration of ecological solid waste management and resource conservation and recovery topics into the academic curricula of formal and non-formal education in order to promote environmental awareness and action among the citizenry. Section 21, one of two sections covered at the Article 2 is the Segregation of Wastes. It discusses Mandatory Segregation of Solid Wastes wherein the Local Government Units (LGUs) shall evaluate necessary measures to both private and public sectors for its implementation. It is provided that segregation of wastes shall primarily be conducted at the source, to include household, institutional, industrial, commercial and agricultural sources. At Section 22, the Requirements for the Segregation and Storage of Solid Waste is being tackled.It said that there shall be a separate container for each type of waste from all sources: provided, that in the case of bulky waste, it will suffice that the same be collected and placed in a separate designated area; and (b)the solid waste container depending on its use shall be properly marked or identified for on-site collection as "compostable", "non-recyclable", "recyclable" or "special waste", or any other classification as may be determined by the Commission.

THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the investigation of the status of solid waste management at the Engineering and Science and Technology Buildings of Cebu Technological University- Main Campus. In particular, the study aimed to assess the routines of the occupants on the said buildings when it comes to solid waste disposal and to the awareness of solid waste segregation.

Hypothesis/ Assumptions With the competitive conduction of research and cooperation to the concerned individuals, this study will bring change to the current situation to the areas covered. It is also considered that the students have the biggest role in bringing positive changes.

Locale of the Study The locale of the study is at the two neighboring buildings of Cebu Technological University- Main Campus. Subject to the study is the Engineering Building and the Science and Technology Building. Both of the buildings both serve as shop works, laboratories and classrooms.

Duration of the study The conduct of the study utilized the time frame from August 8, 2011 to September 8, 2011 of Academic Year 2011- 2012.

Significance of the Study

The results and findings of this study will benefit the school administrators, teaching and non-teaching personnel, students, future researchers and public in the school community particularly at the Engineering and Science and Technology Buildings. School Administrators. The outcome of this study will help the school administration to design possible solutions to the proper disposal of solid wastes at the Engineering and Science and Technology Buildings. It can also give them ideas to produce programs in connection to solid wastes disposal. Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel. As models in the school campus, the results of this study will help them in initiatives and encourage the students to take responsibility in minimizing solid waste problems. Students. Tagged as primary contributors of the solid wastes, the researchs findings will make them realize how worse the impact of ill-practiced solid wastes disposal. Future Researchers. Future researchers may find the findings of this study useful and vital in conducting any related studies that involve the environment and the actions of the public especially in the school campus. Public. The public is the primary client of the institution. Whatever the result of the study is, it is hopeful that they can contribute positive response to eradicate improper waste disposal.


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