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2 Ketorolac Drug Study

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A Drug Study Presented to

Lendell Kelly B. Ytac, RN
Faculty, INAHS BSN-Program
Davao Oriental State University


In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements for
NCM 118
Care of Clients with Life Threatening Conditions, Acutely Ill / Multi-Organ Problems,
High Acuity and Emergency Situations


Clint S. Ancog
Student Nurse, BSN-4

October 12, 2022

Name of Drug Dosage/ Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Side Effects/ Nursing
Frequency/ Action Adverse Effects Responsibilities
Time/ Route
Generic Name: PO: ADULTS, Inhibits COX-1 and Ketorolac is a Hypersensitivity SIDE EFFECTS: BASELINE
Ketorolac ELDERLY: COX-2 enzymes, non-steroidal to ketorolac, ASSESSMENT
Initially, 20 mg resulting in anti- aspirin, or other Frequent (17%– Assess onset,
Brand Name: (10 mg for decreased inflammatory NSAIDs. 12%): Headache, type, location,
 Toradol drug (NSAID) nausea, abdominal
elderly), then 10 prostaglandin Intracranial duration of pain.
and has
mg q4–6h. synthesis; reduces bleeding, cramps/pain, Obtain baseline
Drug Maximum: 40 prostaglandin levels hemorrhagic dyspepsia. renal/hepatic
analgesic and
Classification: mg/24 hrs. in aqueous humor. anti- diathesis, Occasional (9% function tests.
 Ketorolac is in Therapeutic inflammatory incomplete 3%): Diarrhea.
a class of IM: ADULTS Effect: Produces properties. It is hemostasis, high Nasal: Nasal INTERVENTIO
medications YOUNGER analgesic, indicated for risk of bleeding; discomfort, N/
called THAN 65 YRS: antipyretic, anti- short term concomitant use rhinalgia, increased EVALUATION
NSAIDs. It 60 mg once or inflammatory management of of aspirin, lacrimation, throat Monitor renal
works by 30 mg q6h. effect; reduces acute pain that NSAIDs, irritation, rhinitis. function, LFT,
stopping the Maximum: 120 intraocular requires the probenecid, or Ophthalmic: urinary output.
body's mg/24 hrs. calibre of pain Transient stinging, Monitor daily
inflammation. pentoxifylline;
production of a labor and burning. Rare (3% pattern of bowel
offered by
substance that ADULTS 65 Pharmacokinetics: delivery, 1%): Constipation, activity, stool
causes pain, YRS AND Well absorbed advanced renal vomiting, flatulence, consistency.
fever, and OLDER, PTS (100%) following impairment or stomatitis. Observe for
inflammation. WITH RENAL oral administration. risk of renal Ophthalmic: Ocular occult blood loss.
IMPAIRMEN, Protein binding: failure, active or irritation, allergic Assess for
Chemical make-up PTS 99%. Metabolized history of peptic reactions therapeutic
and effect: WEIGHING in liver. Primarily ulcer disease, (manifested by response: relief of
LESS THAN 50 excreted in urine. chronic pruritus, stinging), pain, stiffness,
Ketorolac is used KG: 30 mg once Not removed by inflammation of superficial ocular swelling;
to relieve or 15 mg q6h. hemodialysis. Half- GI tract, recent or infection, keratitis. increased joint
moderately severe Maximum: 60 life: 5–9 hrs. history of GI mobility; reduced
pain, usually after mg/24 hrs (increased in renal bleeding/ ADVERSE joint tenderness;
surgery. Ketorolac impairment, in ulceration. EFFECTS: improved grip
is in a class of
medications called elderly). Perioperative pain Peptic ulcer, GI strength. Monitor
NSAIDs. It works in setting of bleeding, gastritis, for bleeding (may
by stopping the Pharmacodynamic CABG surgery. severe hepatic also occur with
body's production s: Prophylaxis reaction (cholestasis, ophthalmic route
of a substance that Inhibits COX-1 and before major jaundice) occurs due to systemic
causes pain, fever, COX-2 enzymes, surgery. rarely. absorption).
and inflammation. resulting in Nephrotoxicity
decreased (glomerular PATIENT/
prostaglandin nephritis, interstitial FAMILY
synthesis; reduces nephritis, nephrotic TEACHING
prostaglandin levels syndrome) may • Avoid aspirin,
in aqueous humor. occur in pts with alcohol. • Report
Therapeutic Effect: preexisting renal abdominal pain,
Produces analgesic, impairment. Acute bloody stools, or
antipyretic, anti- hypersensitivity vomiting blood.
inflammatory reaction (fever, • If GI upset
effect; reduces chills, joint pain) occurs, take with
intraocular occurs rarely. food, milk.
inflammation. • Ophthalmic:
stinging, burning
may occur upon
instillation. • Do
not administer
while wearing
soft contact

Buckley MM., Brogden RN. (n.d). Ketorolac. A review of its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, and therapeutic
potential. DrugBank Online. Retrieved from:

Kizior R. J., & Hodgson K. J. (2021). Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2021. Elsevier. 3251 Riverport Lane. St. Louis, Missouri

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