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The Use of EPS Geofoam Lightweight Fill in Hollywood, FL The Use of EPS Geofoam Lightweight Fill in Hollywood, FL

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International Conference on Case Histories in (2004) - Fifth International Conference on Case

Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

15 Apr 2004, 7:00pm - 8:30pm

The Use of EPS Geofoam Lightweight Fill in Hollywood, Fl

M. E. Meyer
Langan Engineering, Miami Lakes, Florida

L. Zhou
Langan Engineering, Miami Lakes, Florida

C. M. Gonzalez
Langan Engineering, Miami Lakes, Florida

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Meyer, M. E.; Zhou, L.; and Gonzalez, C. M., "The Use of EPS Geofoam Lightweight Fill in Hollywood, Fl"
(2004). International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 12.

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Meyer, M.E. Zhou, L. Gonzalez, C.M.
Assistant Project Manager Staff Engineer Senior Associate
Langan Engineering Langan Engineering Langan Engineering
Miami Lakes, FL Miami Lakes, FL Miami Lakes, FL


Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Geofoam lightweight fill permitted elevation of a loading dock and access roadway to facilitate
offloading of banquet/convention center and hotel supplies, products, etc. directly into the second floor of a development underlain
with highly compressible soils, in Hollywood, Florida. Similar roadways had been previously constructed using conventional filling
techniques and have resulted in continual maintenance problems and grade separation between pile supported structures and roadways
supported on filled ground. The South Florida barrier island geology and interior mangrove swamp areas, which are reclaimed land
formed through the use of dredging and hydraulic filling operations in the early 1960’s, require specialized site preparation techniques.
Typically, preloading, or surcharging, where feasible, is utilized to pre-compress the underlying compressible organic silts and peat
deposits, and often structural relieving platforms/hollow filled structural ramps are constructed to prevent continual maintenance of
critical on-grade supported appurtenances. In this instance, EPS Geofoam lightweight fill was ideally suited to accomplish the
Developer’s and Contractor’s objectives with their fast-track schedule and site constraints.

This paper provides a brief description of the typical South Florida geology, compressibility characteristics of the underlying soft
compressible organic deposits, and our settlement predictions, which showed the need for preloading, structural support or use of one
of the first applications of lightweight fill in South Florida. An in-depth settlement monitoring and instrumentation program was
conducted to confirm the expected behavior of the lightweight fill and the underlying subsurface behavior. Induced stresses through
the overlying pavement and fill material are provided and the general construction procedures utilized are summarized.

Within the largest hotel development constructed in South
Florida, one of the first applications of EPS lightweight fill
was successfully implemented for the support of an elevated
roadway. Approximately 1,150 cubic meters (1,500 cubic
yards) of Type II EPS lightweight fill was placed to raise
grades up to 1.7 m (5 ½ ft) within an area of compressible
ground conditions and documented on-going settlement
related problems. The following sections provide a
discussion of the pertinent design and construction related SITE LOCATION

The site is located along the beach within the city limits of
Hollywood, Florida. The project development is located both
on the East (Ocean Side) and West sides (Intracoastal Side)
of South Ocean Drive, with the subject site being located at
the southeast end of the general development. The
approximate site location is shown below in Figure 1.
Paper No. 8.23 1
SOUTH FLORIDA GEOLOGY and long term settlements associated with continual
The South Florida geologic formations consist of near secondary compression were a concern with the underlying
surface oceanfront/beachfront fine to medium grained sands compressible organic silt and peat deposits. Methods of
of the Pamlico Formation and underlying organic silts and minimizing differential post-construction settlements
peats, which are swamp and tidal bay deposits. Both of these between the pile supported Banquet Facility structure and the
formations were deposited relatively recently in geologic adjacent roadway were desired. Even further complicating
terms as the sea level rose well above its current elevation placement of earth fill was the presence of settlement
during the post-glacial epoch. Beneath these deposits are sensitive fiberglass encased chilled water lines, hot water
sedimentary rock deposits of the Miami and Fort Thompson lines, and electric lines encased in concrete (ductbanks),
Formation. The Miami Limestone is a white to tan sandy which had been installed within the area of the planned
oolitic limestone and is typically more consistent than the roadway. The figure below shows a cross-section of the
underlying older Fort Thompson Formation. The Fort originally planned construction.
Thompson formation is composed of sands, cemented sands,
cemented sands and shells, limestones, and sandstones. This
formation typically contains cemented zones which are
significantly harder than the Miami Formation, and contains
zones which are partially or completely uncemented in nature
(Hoffmeister, 1974).

Of particular interest to this construction project are the more

surficial sandy beachfront deposits and underlying
compressible organic silts and peats. In many areas, to
facilitate development and to provide as much waterfront
property as possible, extensive dredging of canals and filling
over mangrove swamps has been performed. The majority of
this dredging and reclaiming of land was performed in the
early to mid 1900’s.

To provide vehicular access into the second floor of the FIGURE 2- EXISTING CONDITIONS & PROPOSED
banquet facility and allow offloading and loading of SOIL EMBANKMENT (CROSS-SECTION)
products, supplies, etc., an elevated loading dock and access
roadway was required. The ground floor of the banquet SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS
facility would serve as ground floor and valet parking. An Site specific subsurface conditions were determined through
approximate 107 m by 12 m (350 ft by 40 ft) access roadway the use of mud-rotary drilling techniques and casing as a
and loading dock were planned to be constructed. This stablizing technique where necessary. Standard Penetration
roadway was to be located immediately adjacent to the Tests were typically performed continuously for the upper
project’s recently completed 8-story Banquet Facility approximately 3 m (10 ft) and at 1.5 m (5 ft) intervals
supported on augercast piles, and an existing neighboring thereafter. The standard penetration tests were performed
one-level garage supported on driven precast concrete piles using a 140 lb safety hammer falling 0.75 m (30 inches) in
attached to a 15-story condominium. Research of available accordance with ASTM procedures.
plans at the local building department indicated that the
adjacent neighboring structure was supported on a system of The subsurface conditions generally consist of 10 ft of fine to
grade beams and pile caps; however, the ground floor level medium grained sands underlain by 1.2 m (4 ft) to 2.1 m (7
slab was supported on grade at el + 1.5 m (el +5 ft). Visual ft) of organic silts and peats. The sands are typically loose to
inspection of this slab showed it to be in relatively good medium dense based on their range in SPT N-values from 8
condition. It was determined that repair of the ground floor bl/0.3 m to 20 bl/0.3 m and average of 15 bl/0.3 m. The
slab of the neighboring structure was unacceptable and a organic silts and peats are typically soft to very soft based on
method must be designed so as not to adversely effect its slab their range in SPT N-values from 2 bl/0.3 m to 4 bl/0.3 m and
on grade. average of 3 bl/0.3 m.

The proposed access roadway and dock required filling of the Laboratory natural water content determination tests were
site up to 1.7 m (5.5 ft) above the previous existing site performed on the samples retrieved from the split-spoon
grades. Both immediate (primary consolidation) settlements sampler. A large variation of in-situ water content was

Paper No. 8.23 2

observed ranging from 90% to as high as 310% with a typical by the authors’ firm. This information allowed us to be able
range between 100% to 170%. Typically, the upper zones of to accurately predict the resulting settlements of an earth
the organic deposit contain a lower percentage of peat and embankment on these compressible ground conditions.
thus have a lower water content. No laboratory consolidation Summarized below are some of the relevant properties of the
tests were performed due to the extensive information organic silts and peats obtained through extensive laboratory
obtained by the author’s firm regarding the compressibility consolidation testing (K.P.Yu, 1993). In addition, one back
characteristics of the South Florida organic soils through over calculated data point is shown in each figure below based on
30 years of experience with preloading, preload monitoring, the results of an instrumented preload performed within
and extensive laboratory consolidation testing. approximately 150 meters (500 ft) of the subject site.

A generalized representation of the subsurface conditions Compressibility Characteristics of Soils

(Primary Consolidation Parameters)
along the alignment of the proposed roadway is shown in
Figure 3.


Range of Laboratory

Compression Ratio (%)

Natural Water Contents


South Florida Peats (+/-15%)

30 Compression Ratio As a Function
of Water Content (+/-15%)
(Lambe & Whitman, 1969)
South Florida Organic Silts (+/-15%)

10 100 1000
Natural Water Content (%)



Compressibility Characteristics (Secondary Compression-Long Term)


Range of Laboratory Natural

Water Contents
Coefficient of Sec. Compression (%)

South Florida Peats (+/-15%)


South Florida Organic Silts (+/- 15%)

The organic silts and peats of South Forida are moderately to
highly compressible in nature. Settlements are observed to
occur over a relatively short duration upon application of
surface loads, which is attributed to primary consolidation. 0.1
10 100 1000
In addition to primary consolidation, extensive and Natural Water Content (%)

detrimental settlements have been observed over extended FIGURE 5- COMPRESSIBLITY PARAMETERS OF
periods of time as a result of continual settlement associated SOUTH FLORIDA ORGANIC SOILS
with these organic soils, which is attributed to secondary
Extensive information regarding the compressibility The key geotechnical issues identified relative to raising of
characteristics of the South Florida organic silts and peats has grades up to 1.7 m (5.5 ft) above previous existing grades
been obtained over the past 30 years of research by the were as follows:
authors’ firm. In addition, an extensive preloading program • Post-Construction settlement of roadway embankment
was performed for the northernmost portion of the subject relative to pile supported Banquet Facility (i.e. abrupt
project, an adjacent golf course and country club differential settlements at transitions from on-grade to
development and adjacent 60 ½ Hectare (150 acres) site of pile support);
single family two-story and townhouse structures designed

Paper No. 8.23 3

• During and Post-Construction settlements of settlement- Due to the anticipated excessive settlements associated with
sensitive chiller lines and FPL ductbanks. Design both primary consolidation and secondary compression of the
requirements identified 1.25 cm (½ inch) of settlement as organic material, alternative support methods were
the tolerable level due to sensitive fiberglass utility line investigated. Two alternatives consisting of a hollow
encasement system. structurally supported ramp/relieving platform and a geofoam
• During and Post-Construction settlements of the lightweight fill were proposed to minimize construction
neighboring adjacent on-grade supported slab. settlements and limit post-construction settlements to
• Potential downdrag load which could be induced on the tolerable levels. Due to the extensive network of installed
precast prestressed concrete piles supporting the wall of utilities and the associated difficulty with installing pile
the adjacent Condominium’s garage. foundations within and around these lines, the geofoam
lightweight fill solution was chosen. The proposed EPS
Predicted settlements as a result of placement of the roadway Geofoam lightweight fill roadway embankment construction
soil embankment were predicted utilizing conventional consisted of removal/undercutting of the existing grade,
theories of elasticity and consolidation. Based on the placement of up to 1.2 m (4 ft) of EPS Geofoam lightweight
settlement analyses, primary consolidation settlements were fill and approximately 0.9 m (3 ft) of fill and pavement
estimated to be in the range of 3.8 cm (1 ½ inches) to 5.1 cm above.
(2 inches) within the center of the embankment and
approximately 1.25 cm (½ inch) to 2.5 cm (1 inch) at the EPS GEOFOAM LIGHTWEIGHT FILL EMBANK-
edge of the embankment adjacent to the neighboring MENT DESIGN
condominium property wall. Contours of predicted Design of the geofoam lightweight fill embankment involved
settlement are shown below with respect to the anticipated both external and internal stability issues, which is similar in
filling scenario. It should be noted that with materials of this nature to the design of a mechanically stabilized wall using
nature, secondary compression settlements (post- geosynthetics. For this particular case, external stability of
construction) can be significant. Secondary compression the geofoam embankment was not an issue as no soil fill was
settlements on the order of 5.1 cm (2 inches) to 7.6 cm (3 placed on either side of the geofoam embankment. The
inches) were predicted to occur after the completion of the presence of the banquet facility structure on the north and the
filling process over the next 5 years to 20 yrs. Figure 6 neighboring condominium’s garage on the south prevented
shows the predicted contours of primary consolidation the presence of an external driving force. Design issues
settlement and the table provided within the figure provides a relative to transmitted lateral stresses to the adjacent walls,
summary of the predicted long term settlement over time. potential sliding of the pavement structure above the
geofoam, and resistance to uplift during the design 100 year
flood event were considered.

Internal stability of the geofoam was analyzed with respect to

strain compatibility of the EPS geofoam under sustained and
combined sustained and cyclic traffic loads. General design
guidelines dictate that the induced strain within the geofoam
should be within the range of 0.5% to 1.0% under sustained
loading and should not exceed 1.0% under sustained plus
cyclic loading. These guidelines have been established to
limit creep deformations to a tolerable level and to maintain
stresses within the elastic range of the geofoam behavior.
See Figure 7 for a representation of the geofoam’s
characteristics under laboratory testing.



Paper No. 8.23 4

Laboratory Compressive Strength Tests On EPS Geofoam
In the fall of 2001, the EPS Type II Geofoam lightweight fill
embankment was constructed as represented in Figure 9
DENSITY- 30 kg/m 3
Compressive Stress (kPa)

DENSITY- 20 kg/m 3


DENSITY- 15 kg/m 3

0 5 10 15 20
Strain (%)
Due to limited site access, the presence of an existing
To allow the designer to specify the appropriate density of building on the south and the newly constructed banquet
geofoam material, relationships have been developed for the facility on the north, the geofoam construction occurred in
initial tangent modulus (elastic modulus) based on the two phases with the southern phase being constructed first.
various geofoam densities. Figure 8 below shows this Prior to placement of the geofoam blocks, the existing grade
relationship graphically. was cut to 0.8 m (2.5 ft) below the previous site grade to
provide minimal increase in stress within the underlying
compressible organic stratum. The subgrade was then
Initial Tangent Modulus of EPS Geofoam
proofrolled with a large vibratory roller and a layer of fine to
35 medium grained sand was placed and compacted to provide a
level surface for placement of the EPS geofoam blocks. The
30 blocks were then placed in such a manner that no
RELATIONSHIP OF Eti joints/seams were aligned, and the uppermost blocks were
EPS Geofoam Density (kg/m3)

25 (Horvath, 1995) positioned with the long dimension of the block being
oriented perpendicular to the direction of traffic flow. The
thickness of the EPS block embankment averaged 1.2 m (4
ft). After completion of placement of the EPS Geofoam
embankment, a geomembrane and a concrete protection layer
were constructed to allow subsequent filling operations to be
safely performed and to provide protection from future
contact with petroleum products over the life of the roadway.
Utilities were either routed on top of the geofoam protection
layer or beneath the bottom block of geofoam. After curing
of the concrete protection layer, filling commenced to the
0 planned pavement subgrade elevation using imported clean
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
crushed limestone having a maximum dry density of 20.5
Initial Tangent Modulus (MPa)
KN/m3 (130 pounds per cubic foot), an optimum moisture
FIGURE 8- INITIAL TANGENT MODULUS content of 8%, and a Limerock Bearing Ratio in excess of
RELATIONSHIP FOR VARIOUS EPS GEOFOAMS 100 (i.e., Florida Test Method FM 5-515). The fill was
placed in 0.3 m thick (1-ft-thick) loose lifts using light

Paper No. 8.23 5

construction equipment for the first lift and standard EPS GEOFOAM LIGHTWEIGHT FILL STRESS
construction equipment for the subsequent lifts. To ensure MONITORING PROGRAM
that the geofoam was not overstressed during the The two tables below summarize the results of the stress
construction filling process or under future traffic loading, an monitoring program and provide the details of the stress
earth pressure cell was installed to obtain measurements of measurements obtained under the superimposed construction
total stress on the surface of the geofoam and induced traffic loading.
stresses from construction traffic. Each lift was compacted to
at least 95% of the material’s maximum dry density in EQUIPMENT TOTAL TOTAL CONTACT
accordance with the Modified Proctor Compaction Test and EQUIP. CONTACT AREA
to at least 98% of the material’s maximum dry density for the LOAD AREA
upper most lift of fill immediately beneath the concrete D-3 Dozer 9.5 tonnes Two 2.75 m Centerline of
pavement. (21,000 lbs) (9 ft) by 0.3 One Track
m (1 ft) wide
The following construction photographs show various tracks
aspects of the construction process and the instrumentation IR SD-70D 7.1 tonnes One steel Centerline of
installation procedure. Roller (15,750 lbs) wheeled Roller
Fully Loaded 31.3 tonnes Three AxlesCenterline of
Tandem Axle (69,000 lbs) w/tires one side of
Fill Truck back axle
(i.e. 20 tons underneath
of Fill Soil) tires
Fully Loaded 29.9 tonnes Three Axles Centerline of
Concrete (66,000 lbs) w/tires one side of
Truck (i.e. 9 back axle
cubic yards underneath
of concrete) tires
Concrete Not Axles w/tires Centerline of
Pump Truck Available and Pad Pad Support
As previously mentioned, an earth pressure cell (i.e. Geokon Boom
Model 4800 Vibrating Wire Pressure Transducer) was TABLE 1- CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT
installed on top of the geofoam embankment prior to INFORMATION
placement of the concrete protective layer to monitor the
stresses induced within the surface of the geofoam EQUPMENT DEPTH1 INDUCED
embankment. A series of measurements were made under MEASURED
the dead weight of the compacted fill and under various STRESS
construction traffic loadings. The photograph below shows D-3 Dozer 0.25 m (10 in) 10.8 KN/m2 (225
the installation of the earth pressure cell. psf)
IR SD-70D Roller 0.71 m (28 in) 7.2 KN/m2 (150
Fully Loaded 0.71 m (28 in) 15.8 KN/m2 (330
Tandem Axle Fill psf)
Fully Loaded 0.71 m (28 in) 18 KN/m2 (375
Concrete Truck psf)
Concrete Pump 0.71 m (28 in) 22.7 KN/m2 (475
Truck psf)
1- The depth is the distance from the underside of the
contact area to the top of the earth pressure cell.

Paper No. 8.23 6

EPS GEOFOAM LIGHTWEIGHT FILL QUALITY embankment provided the design team with a
ASSURANCE/CONTROL PROGRAM reasonable assurance that the roadway would
As a means of quality control, a two phase quality perform as intended.
control/assurance program was implemented both at the
manufacturer’s plant and within the field at the project site. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
The first phase of the quality control program consisted of The authors would like to thank Langan Engineering and
performing density tests on the manufactured geofoam blocks Environmental Services for their support during drafting of
prior to shipment to the project site. The second phase of the this manuscript. Additionally, the roadway Contractor (Rose
quality control program consisted of obtaining samples from Engineering) and the EPS Geofoam Manufacturer (Georgia
the geofoam blocks delivered to the project site and Foam) provided vast amounts of assistance as it pertains to
performing both density tests and unconfined compressive constructability, material properties, and technical assistance.
strength testing in accordance with ASTM C-303 and ASTM
165, Procedure A, respectively. The results of the testing APPENDIX I.
program showed that the density of the EPS Type II geofoam BIBLIOGRAPHY
varied from 0.25 KN/m3 (1.6 pcf) to 0.27 KN/m3 (1.75 pcf) BASF (1995), Code of Practice Using Expanded Polystyrene
and averaged 0.26 KN/m3 (1.65 pcf). The results of the for the Construction of Road Embankments,
compressive strength testing showed the average Forschungsgesellschaft fur StraBen- und Verkehrswesen
compressive strength to be 155 KN/m2 (22.5 psi). Both the 50996 Koln.
compressive strength test results and density test results met
the material requirements for EPS type II geofoam. Hoffmeister, J.E. (1974). Land from Sea- The Geologic Story
of South Florida, University of Miami Press, Coral Gables,
The following conclusions were drawn from the experienced
gained with construction of the EPS Type II geofoam Horvath, J.S. (1995), Geofoam Geosynthetics, Horvath
supported roadway in South Florida. Engineering, P.C.

1. The current design procedures regarding stress Lambe and Whitman, (1969) Soil Mechanics, John Wiley &
distribution of traffic loads based on conventional Sons.
theories of elasticity or design manual
recommendations (i.e. 2V:1H distribution) are Yu, K.P. (1993). Site Stabilization in Hurricane Region,
conservative based on the results of the stress Proceedings, Third International Conference on Case
monitoring program. Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, St.Louis, Missouri,
Paper No. 7.14, pp. 995-1006.
2. EPS geofoam provides a technically feasible
alternative for support of roadways in compressible
ground conditions.

3. The roadway has performed as expected based on

the results of settlement monitoring. Post-
construction settlements of less than 0.65 cm (¼ of
an inch) have been measured up to 6 months after
completion of the roadway and no signs of
pavement distress have been observed up to 2 years
after completion of construction.

4. The design and construction team member’s

continual efforts along with the assistance of the
EPS geofoam manufacturer allowed the successful
construction of one of the first geofoam supported
roadways in South Florida.

5. Full-time field observation and monitoring of both

induced stress within the uppermost block of the
EPS Type II geofoam and settlement of the roadway

Paper No. 8.23 7

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