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Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB107.00

RO Membrane Foulants and Their Removal from Composite

Polyamide RO Membrane Elements

This bulletin provides general information about the usual foulants affecting
the performance of Hydranautics' Composite Polyamide Reverse Osmosis
(RO) membrane elements and the removal of these foulants. The
information in this bulletin applies to 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 8.S-inch
diameter RO membrane elements.

The Composite Polyamide type of RO membrane elements may not be
exposed to chlorinated water under any circumstances. Any such
exposure will cause irreparable damage to the membrane. Absolute care
must be taken following any disinfection of piping or equipment or the
preparation of cleaning or storage solutions to ensure that no trace of
chlorine is present in feedwater to the RO membrane elements. If there is
any doubt about the presence of chlorine, perform chemical testing to
make sure. Neutralize any chlorine residual with a sodium bisulfite
solution, and ensure adequate contact time to accomplish complete

It is recommended that all RO membrane cleaning operations should be
closely coordinated with Hydranautics during the RO membrane element
warranty period. Hydranautics field service personnel should be on Site,
at least for the first cleaning event.

The use of cationic surfactant should be avoided in cleaning solutions, as
irreversible fouling of the membrane elements may occur.

RO Membrane Element Foulants

During normal operation over a period of time, RO membrane elements

are subject to fouling by suspended or sparingly soluble materials that

8444 Miralanl Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 6'19/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/536-2578
TSB107.00 Page 2

may be present in the feedwater. Common examples of such foul ants are
calcium carbonate scale, calcium sulfate scale, metal oxides scale, silica
coating, and organic or biological deposits.

The nature and rapidity of fouling depends on the condition of the

feedwater. Fouling is progressive, and, if not controlled early, will impair
the RO membrane element performance in a relatively short time.

Monitoring overall plant periormance on a regular basis is an essential

step in recognizing when membrane elements are becoming fouled.
Periormance is affected progressively and in varying degrees, depending
on the nature of the foulants. Table 1 provides a summary of the
expected effects that common foulants have on periormance.

Foulant Removal

Foulant removal is controlled by cleaning and flushing or by changing the

operating conditions. As a general guide, foulant removal is required
when any of the following conditions occur:

1. Permeate flow has dropped to 10-15 percent below rated flow at

normal pressure.

2. Temperature-corrected feedwater pressur'e has increased 10-15

percent to maintain rated product water flow.

3. Product water quality has decreased 10-15 percent; salt passage has
increased 10-15 percent.

4. Applied pressure has increased about 10-15 percent.

5. The differential pressure across an RO stage has increased nofrceably

(instrumentation may not be available to monitor this indicator).

The following paragraphs provide a discussion of the common foulants

and their removal.
,--.-I HYDRANAUTICS TSB 107.00 Page 3

Calcium Carbonate Scale

Calcium carbonate may be deposited from almost any feedwater if there is
a failure in the inhibitor addition system or in the acid injection or pH
control system that results in a high feedwater pH. An early detection of
the resulting calcium carbonate scaling is absolutely essential to prevent
the damage that crystals can cause on the active membrane layers.
Calcium carbonate scale that has been detected early can be removed by
lowering the feedwater pH to between 3.0 and 5.0 for one or two hours.
Longer resident accumulations of calcium carbonate scale can be
removed by recirculating a citric acid solution of 2-percent strength and a
pH of no less than 4.0 through the RO membrane elements.

Ensure that the pH in any cleaning solution does not fall below 4.0. Other-
wise, damage to the RO membrane elements may occur, particularly at
elevated temperatures. The maximum pH should be less than 10.0. Use
sodium hydroxide to raise the pH, or sulfuric or hydrochloric acid to lower

Calcium Sulfate Scale

Solution 2 is the best known method for removing calcium sulfate scale
from the RO membrane.

Metal Oxides Scale

Precipitated hydroxides (e.g., ferric hydroxide) can usually be removed by

using the techniques described above for calcium carbonate scale.

Silica Coating

A silica coating not associated with either metal hydroxides or organic

matter will usually respond only to very specialized cleaning methods.
Contact Hydranautics for instructions related to a specific problem.
TSB107.00 Page4

Organic Deposits

Organic deposits (e.g., microbiological slimes and molds) are best

removed by using Solution 3. To inhibit additional growth, recirculate and
soak the membranes with a Hydranautics-approved biocide solution. This
requires extended exposure to be effective; a biocide solution is best
employed when an RO block or train is to be left in a standby condition for
more than three days. Contact Hydranautics for the biocide best suited
for specific conditions.

Cleaning Solutions

The following chemical solutions are recommended for cleaning the RO

membrane elements. The appropriate solution to use can be determined
by chemical analysis of the fouling material. A detailed examination of the
results of the analysis will provide additional clues as to the best method
of cleaning. Keeping records of the methods used and results obtained
will provide data useful in developing the methods and solutions that work
best under the feedwater conditions at hand.

Solution 1 is recommended for inorganic fouling. Solution 2 is specifically

recommended for calcium sulfate and organics. Solution 3 is
recommended for high organic fouling. All solutions are to be used at the
highest available temperature up to 104 OF (40°C) for up to 60 minutes of
cleaning. The quantities given are per 100 U.S. gallons (379 liters) of
water. Prepare the solutions by proportioning the amount of chemicals to
the amount of cleaning water to be used. Use chlorine-free permeate to
mix the solutions. Mix thoroughly.

If additional information is needed, please contact the Technical Services

Department at:
8444 Miralani Drive
San Diego, CA 92126

Tel# (619) 536-2500

Fax# (619) 536-2578
TSB107.00 Page 5
RO Membrane Element Cleaning and Flushing

The RO membrane elements in place in the pressure tubes are cleaned by

recirculating the cleaning solution across the high-pressure side of the
membrane at low pressure and relatively high flow. A cleaning unit is
needed to do this.

A general procedure for cleaning the RO membrane elements is as


1. Flush the pressure tubes by pumping clean, chlorine-free product

water from the cleaning tank (or equivalent source) through the
pressure tubes to drain for several minutes.

2. Mix a fresh batch of the selected cleaning solution in the cleaning

tank, using clean product water.

3. Circulate the cleaning solution through the pressure tubes for

approximately one hour or the desired period of time, at a flow rate of
35 to 40 gpm (133 to 151 Ijmin.) per pressure tube for 8.0 and 8.5-
inch pressure tubes, 15 to 20 gpm (57 to 76 Ijmin.) for 6.0 pressure
tubes, or 9 to 10 gpm (34 to 38 I/min.) for 4.0-inch pressure tubes.

4. After completion of cleaning, drain and flush the cleaning tank; then
fill the cleaning tank with clean product water for rinsing.

5. Rinse the pressure tubes by pumping clean, chlorine-free product

water from the cleaning tank (or equivalent source) through the
pressure tubes to drain for several minutes.

6. After the RO system is rinsed, operate it with the product dump valves
open until the product water flows clean and is free of any foam or
residues of cleaning agents (usually 15 to 30 minutes).
T88107.00 Page 6

Table 1. RO Membrane Element Foulant Symptoms


1. Calcium Precipitates A marked decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

(carbonates and and a moderate increase in liP be- the system with
phosphates, tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 1.
generally found at slight decrease in system production.
the concentrate end
of the system)

2. Hydrated Oxides A rapid decrease in salt rejection and Chemically clean

(iron, nickel, copper, a rapid increase in liP between feed the system with
etc.) and concentrate. Also, a rapid Solution 1.
decrease in system production.

3. Mixed Colloids A slight decrease in salt rejection and Chemically clean

(iron, organics, and a gradual increase in L'.IP between the system with
silicates) feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 2.
gradual decrease over several weeks
in system production.

4. Calcium Sulfate A significant decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

(generally found at and a slight to moderate increase in the system with
the concentrate end L'.IP between feed and concentrate. Solution 2.
of the system) Also, a slight decrease in system pro-

5. Organic Deposits Possible decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

and a gradual increase in liP be- the system with
tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 2. For
gradual decrease in system produc- heavy fouling,
lion. use Solution 3.

6. Bacterial Fouling Possible decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

and a marked increase in liP be- the system with
tween feed and concentrate. Also, a either of the solu-
marked decrease in system produc- tions, depending
tion. on possible com-
pounded fouling.

All problems require the cause of the fouling to be corrected. Contact
Hydranautics for assistance.
I- -I TSB107.00 Page 7


Table 2. Summary of Recommended Cleaning Solutions

Solution Ingredient Quantity per 100 pH Adjustment

Gallons (379 Liters)

1 Citric Acid 17.0 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 4.0

with sodium
RO Permeate (Chlorine- 100 gallons (379 hydroxide (NaOH)
Free) liters)

2 Sodium Tripolyphosphate 17 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 10.0

with sulfuric acid
Tetrasodium EDTA (Ver- 7 pounds (3.18 kg)
(H~O .,)
sene 220 or equal)

RO Permeate (Chlorine- 100 gallons (379

Free) liters)

3 Sodium Tripolyphosphate 17 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 10.0

with sulfuric acid
Sodium Dodecylbenzene 2.13 pounds (0.97
Sulfonate kg)

RO Permeate (Chlorine- 100 gallons (379

Free) liters)
I- -,

Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB108.00

General Storage Procedures for Composite Polyamide RO

Membrane Elements

This bulletin provides guidelines for storing Hydranautics' Composite

Polyamide Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane elements.

Before undertaking any long-term or short-term storage operation, contact
Hydranautics for specific instructions related to the local environment.


The general storage procedures included in this bulletin are as follows:

1. Short-term storage of RO membrane elements in place in pressure


2. Long-term storage of RO membrane elements in place in pressure


3. Dry storage of RO membrane elements as spares or before start-up

of an RO plant.

The composite polyamide type cif RO membrane elements may not
be exposed to chlorinated water under any circumstances. Any
such exposure will cause irreparable damage to the membrane.
Absolute care must be taken following any disinfection of piping or
equipment or the preparation of cleaning or storage solutions to
ensure that no trace of chlorine is present in feedwater to the RO
membrane elements. If there is any doubt about the presence of
chlorine, perform chemical testing to make sure. Neutralize any
chlorine residual with a sodium bisulfite solution, and ensure
adequate contact time to accomplish complete dechlorination.

8444 Miralani Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/536-2578
TSB108.00 Page 2

Short-Term Storage

Short-term storage is for periods where an RO plant must remain out of

operation for more than five days, but fewer than thirty days, with the RO
elements in place. Prepare each RO train as follows:

1. Flush the RO section with feedwater, while simultaneously venting

any gas from the system.

2. When the pressure tubes are filled, close the appropriate valves to
prevent air from entering the system.

3. Reflush as described above at 5-day intervals.

Long-Term Storage

Long-term storage is for periods where an RO plant must remain out of

operation for more than thirty days with the RO elements in place.
Prepare each RO train as follows:

1. Clean the RO membrane elements in place.

2. Flush the RO section with an approved biocide (check with

Hydranautics for recommendations and approvals of currently
available products) prepared from permeate.

3. When the RO section is filled with this solution (make sure that it is
completely filled), close the valves to retain the solution in the RO

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 with fresh solution every thirty days if the
temperature is below 80 OF (27°C), or every fifteen days if the
temperature is above 80 OF (27 0c).

5. When the RO system is ready to be returned to service, flush the

system for approximately one hour using low-pressure feedwater
with the product dump valve open to drain; then flush it at high
pressure for 5 to 10 minutes with the product dump valve open to
drain. Before returning the RO system to service, check for any
residual biocide in the product.

Prior To Installation

When RO elements are stored prior to installation or in transit to the plant

site, they should be protected from direct sunlight and stored in a cool,
dry place with an ambient temperature range of 68 OF to 95 OF (20°C to
35°C). New elements are in heat sealed bags with storage solution.

Tec hnic al Service Bulletin April 1993 TSB102.01

RO Mem brane Foulants and Their Removal from Polyv inyl

Deriv ative (PVD) RO Membrane Elements

This bulletin provides general information about the usual foulan

affecting the performance of Hydranautics' PVD Reverse Osmo
sis (RO)
membrane elements and the removal of these foulants. The inform
in this bulletin applies to 4-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, and 8.5-inch diame
ter RO
membrane elements.

It is recommended that all RO membrane cleaning operations should
closely coordinated with Hydranautics during the RO membrane
warranty period.

The use of cationic surfactants may result in flux decline.

RO Mem bran e Elem ent Foulants

During normal operation over a period of time, RO membrane

are subject to fouling by suspended or sparingly soluble mater
ials that
may be present in the feedwater. Common examples of such
foul ants
are calcium carbonate scale, calcium sulfate scale, metal oxides
silica coating, and organic or biological deposits.

The nature and rapidity of fouling depends on the condition of

feedwater. Fouling is progressive, and, if not controlled early,
will impair
the RO membrane element performance in a relatively short time.

8444 Miralanl Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/53
TSB1Q2.Q1 Page 2

Monitoring overall plant performance on a regular basis is an essential

step in recognizing when membrane elements are becoming fouled.
Performance is affected progressively and in varying degrees, depending
on the nature of the foul ants. Table 1 provides a summary of the
expected effects that common foulants have on performance.

Foulant Removal

Foulant removal is controlled by cleaning and flushing or by changing the

operating conditions. As a general guide, foulant removal is required
when any of the following conditions occur:

1. Permeate flow has dropped to 10·15 percent below rated flow at

normal pressure.

2. Temperature-corrected feedwater pressure has increased 10-15

percent to maintain rated product water flow.

3. Product water quality has decreased 10·15 percent; salt passage has
increased 10·15 percent.

4. Applied pressure has increased about 10·15 percent.

5. The differential pressure across an RO stage has increased noticeably

(instrumentation may not be available to monitor this parameter).

The following paragraphs provide a discussion of the common foul ants

and their removal.

Calcium Carbonate Scale

Calcium carbonate may be deposited from almost any feedwater if there
is a failure in the inhibitor addition system or in the acid injection or pH
control system that results in a high feedwater pH. An early detection of
the resulting calcium carbonate scaling is absolutely essential to prevent
the damage that crystals can cause on the active membrane layers.
TSB102.01 Page 3

Calcium carbonate scale that has been detected early can be removed
by lowering the feedwater pH to between 3.0 and 4.0 for one or two
hours. Longer resident accumulations of calcium carbonate scale can be
removed by recirculating a citric acid solution of 2-percent strength and a
pH of no less than 2.0 through the RO membrane elements.
T88102.01 Page 4

Table 1. RO Membrane Element Foulant Symptoms


1. Calcium Precipitates A marked decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

(carbonates and and a moderate increase in LlP be- the system with
phosphates, tween feed and concentrate: Also, a Solution 1.
generally found at slight decrease in system production.
the concentrate end
of the system)

2. Hydrated O)(ides A rapid decrease in salt rejection and Chemically clean

(iron, nickel, copper, a rapid increase in LlP between feed the system with
etc.) and concentrate. Also, a rapid Solution 1.
decrease in system production.

3. Organic Deposits Possible decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

and a gradual increase in LlP be- the system with
tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 2.
gradual decrease in system

4. Bacterial Fouling Chemically clean

Possible decrease in salt rejection the system with
and a marked increase in LlP Solution 2.
between feed and concentrate. Also,
a marked decrease in system pro-

All problems require the cause of the condition to be corrected. Contact
Hydranautics for assistance.
!- -I TSB102.01 Page 5


Ensure that the pH in any cleaning solution does not fall below 2.0.
Otherwise, damage to the RO membrane elements may occur, particu-
larly at elevated temperatures. The maximum pH should be less than
10.0. Use ammonium hydroxide to raise the pH, or sulfuric or hydrochlo-
ric acid to lower it.

Metal Oxides Scale

Precipitated hydroxides (e.g., ferric hydroxide) can usually be removed

by using the techniques descr'lbed above for calcium carbonate scale.

Silica Coating

A silica coating not associated with either metal hydroxides or organic

matter will usually respond only to very specialized cleaning methods.
Contact Hydranautics for instructions related to a specific problem.

Organic Deposits

Organic deposits (e.g., microbiological slimes and molds) are best

removed by using Solution 2. To inhibit additional growth, recirculate
and soak the membranes with a Hydranautics-approved biocide solution
after cleaning. Contact Hydranautics for the biocide best suited for
specific conditions.

Cleaning Solutions

The following chemical solutions are recommended for cleaning the RO

membrane elements. The appropriate solution to use can be determined
by chemical analYSis of the fouling material. A detailed examination of
the results of the analysis will provide additional clues as to the best
method of cleaning. Keeping records of the methods used and results
obtained will provide data useful in developing the methods and solutions
that work best under the feedwater conditions at hand.
TSB102.01 Page 6

Solution 1 is recommended for inorganic fouling. Solution 2 is

recommended for organic fouling. All solutions are to be used at the
highest available temperature up to 104 of (40°C) for up to 60 minutes of
cleaning. The quantities given are per 100 U.S. gallons (379 liters) of
water. Prepare the solutions by proportioning the amount of chemicals
to the amount of cleaning water to be used. Use permeate water to mix
the solutions. Mix thoroughly, .

If additional information is needed, please contact the Technical Services

Department at:

8444 Miralani Drive
San Diego, CA 92126

Tel# (619) 536-2500

Fax# (619) 536-2578
TS8102.01 Page 7


RO Membrane Element Cleaning and Flushing

The RO membrane elements in place in the pressure tubes are cleaned

by recirculating the cleaning solution across the high-pressure side of the
membrane at low pressure and relatively high flow. A cleaning unit is
needed to do this.

A general procedure for cleaning the RO membrane elements is as


1. Flush the pressure tubes by pumping clean product water from the
cleaning tank (or equivalent source) through the pressure tubes to
drain for several minutes.

2. Mix a fresh batch of the selected cleaning solution in the cleaning

tank, using clean product water.

3. Circulate the cleaning solution through the pressure tubes for

approximately one hour or the desired period of time, at a flow rate of
35 to 40 gpm (133 to 151 I/min.) per pressure tube for B.O and B.5-
inch pressure tubes, 15 to 20 gpm (57 to 76 I/min.) for 6.0 pressure
tubes, or 9 to 10 gpm (34 to 38 I/min.) for 4.0-inch pressure tubes.

4. After completion of cleaning, drain and flush the cleaning tank; then
fill the cleaning tank with clean product water for rinsing.

5. Rinse the pressure tubes by pumping clean product water from the
cleaning tank (or equivalent source) through the pressure tubes to
drain for several minutes.

6. After the RO system is rinsed, operate it with the product dump valves
open until the product water flows clean and is free of any foam or
residues of cleaning agents (usually 15 to 30 minutes).
T88102.01 Page 8

Table 2. Summary of Recommended Cleaning Solutions

Solution Ingredient Quantity per 100 pH Adjustment

Gallons (379 Liters)

1 Citric Acid 17.0 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 4.0

with ammonium
RO Permeate 100 gaIiGns-(878 ---- - -- . .By.d.roxlde ....

liters) (NH 4OH)

2 Sodium Laurel Sulfate or 2.2 pounds (1.0 kg) Adjust to pH 8.0

Triton X-100 0.1 gallons (380 ml) with sodium
RO Permeate 100 gallons (379

Note: The use of cationic surfactants may result in irreversible flux declines. These
surfactants should only be used after checking compatibility with PVD membrane
Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB100.00

RO Membrane Foulants and Their Removal from Cellulose Acetate

Blend (CAB) RO Membrane Elements

This bulletin provides general information about the usual foul ants
affecting the performance of Hydranautics' Cellulose Acetate Blend (CAB)
Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane elements and the removal of these
foulants. The information in this bulletin applies to 4-inch, 8-inch, and
8.5-inch diameter RO membrane elements.

RO Membrane Element Foulants

During normal operation over a period of time, RO membrane elements

are subject to fouling by suspended or sparingly soluble materials that
may be present in the feedwater. Common examples of such foulants
are calcium carbonate scale, calcium sulfate scale, metal oxides scale,
silica coating, and organic or biological deposits.

The nature and rapidity of fouling depends on the condition of the

. feedwater. Fouling may be aggravated during shutdowns, because the
concentration of dissolved ions may cause sparingly soluble salts to
precipitate from solution and foul the RO membrane surfaces. Fouling is
progressive, and, if not controlled early, will impair the RO membrane
element performance in a relatively short time.

Monitoring overall plant performance on a regular basis is an essential

step in recognizing when membrane elements are becoming fouled.
Performance is affected progressively and in varying degrees, depending
on the nature of the foulants. Table 1 provides a summary of the
expected effects that common foulants have on performance.

8444 Miralani Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/536-2578
TSB100.00 Page 2

Foulant Removal

Foulant removal is controlled by cleaning and flushing or by changing the

operating conditions. As a general guide, foulan! removal is requ'lred
when any of the following conditions occur:

1. Permeate flow has dropped to 10-15 percent below rated flow at

normal pressure.

2. Temperature-corrected feedwater pressure has increased 10-15

percent to maintain rated product water flow.

3. Product water quality has decreased 10-15 percent; salt passage has
increased .10-15 percent.

4. Applied pressure has increased about 10-15 percent.

5. The differential pressure across an RO stage has increased noticeably

(instrumentation may not be available to monitor this parameter).

The following paragraphs discuss the common foul ants and their

Calcium Carbonate Scale

Calcium carbonate may be deposited from almost any feedwater if there

is a failure in the acid injection or pH control system that results in a high
feedwater pH. An early detection of the resulting calcium carbonate
scaling is absolutely essential. Calcium carbonate scale that has been
detected early can be removed by lowering the feedwater pH to between
3.0 and 4.0 for one or two hours. Longer resident accumulations of
calcium carbonate scale can be removed by recirculating a citric acid
solution of 2-percent strength and a pH of no less than 4.0 through the
RO membrane elements.
TSB100.00 Page 3

Ensure that the pH in any cleaning solution does not fall below 4.0.
Otherwise, damage to the RO membrane elements may occur, particu-
larly at elevated temperatures. The maximum pH should be less than
7.5. Use sodium hydroxide to raise the pH, or sulfuric or hydrochloric
acid to lower it.

Calcium Sulfate Scale

Calcium sulfate scale results when the solubility limit of calcium sulfate is
exceeded in the feedwater. This may indicate a failure of the scale
inhibitor injection system or a marked increase in feedwater sulfates.
Once precipitated, calcium sulfate is not readily dissolved. Operating the
RO system for a designated period at a lower than designed recovery
may help dissolve calcium sulfate. Solution 2 is the best known method
for removing calcium sulfate scale from the RO membrane.

Metal Oxides Scale

Precipitated hydroxides (e.g., ferric hydroxide) can usually be removed

by using the tecllniques described above for calcium carbonate scale.

Silica Coating

A silica coating not associated with either metal hydroxides or organic

matter will usually respond only to physical flushing, and then with limited
results. Alkalis strong enough to loosen silicas may destroy the cellulose
acetate RO membrane. Contact Hydranautics for instructions related to
a specific problem.

Organic Deposits

Organic deposits (e.g., microbiological slimes and molds) are best

removed by using Solution 2. To inhibit additional growth, recirculate
and soak the membranes with a Hydranautics-approved biocide solution.
This requires extended exposure to be effective; a biocide solution is
best employed when an RO block or train is to be left in a standby
condition for more than three days. Contact Hydranautics for the biocide
best suited for specific conditions.
TSB100.00 Page 4

Cleaning Solutions

The chemical solutions listed in Table 2 are recommended for cleaning

the RO membrane elements. The appropriate solution to use can be
determined by chemical analysis of the fouling material. A detailed
examination of the results of the analysis will provide additional clues as
to the best method of cleaning. Keeping records of the methods used
and results obtained will provide data useful in developing the methods
and solutions that work best under the feedwater conditions at hand.

Solution 1 is recommended for inorganic fouling; Solution 2 is specifically

recommended for calcium sulfate and organics. Both solutions are to be
used at the highest available temperature up to 104 of (40°C) for up to
60 minutes of cleaning. The quantities given are per 100 U.S. gallons
(379 liters) of water. Prepare the solutions by proportioning the amount
of chemicals to the amount of cleaning water to be used. Use permeate
or other high-quality water to mix the solutions. Mix thoroughly.

If additional information is needed, please contact the Technical Services

Department at:

8444 Miralani Drive
San Diego, CA 92126

Tel# (619) 536-2500

Fax# (619) 536-2578
TSB100.00 Page 5


RO Membrane Element Cleaning and Flushing

The RO membrane elements in place in the pressure tubes are cleaned

by recirculating the cleaning solution across the high-pressure side of the
membrane at low pressure and relatively high flow. A cleaning unit is
needed to do this.

A general procedure for cleaning the RO membrane elements is as


1. Mix a fresh batch of the selected cleaning solution in the cleaning

tank, using clean permeate water.

2. Circulate the cleaning solution through the pressure tubes for

approximately one hour or the desired period of time, at a flow rate of
35 to 40 gpm (133 to 151 Ijmin.) per pressure tube for 8.0 and 8.5-
inch pressure tubes, or 9 to 10 gpm (34 to 38 Ijmin.) for 4.0-inch
pressure tubes.

3. After completion of cleaning, drain and flush the cleaning tank; then
fill the cleaning tank with clean permeate water for rinsing.
If the RO system is not placed back in service for more than one day,
adjust the pH of the rinse water to approximately 5.6. High or low pH
conditions for a prolonged period of time can severely damage the
RO membrane elements.

4. Rinse the pressure tubes by pumping clean product water from the
cleaning tank (Dr equivalent source) through the tubes to drain for
several minutes.

5. After the RO system is rinsed, operate it with the product dump valves
open until the product water flows clean and is free of any foam or
residues of cleaning agents (usually 15 to 30 minutes).
TSB100.00 Page 6

Table 1. RO Membrane Element Foulant Symptoms


1. Calcium Precipitates A marked decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

(carbonates and and a moderate increase in LP be- the system with
phosphates, tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 1.
generally found at slight decrease in system production.
the concentrate end
of the system)

2. Hydrated Oxides A rapid decrease in salt rejection and Chemically clean

(iron, nickel, copper, a rapid increase in LlP between feed the system with
etc.) and concentrate. Also, a rapid Solution 1.
decrease in system production.

3. Mixed Colloids A slight decrease in salt rejection and Chemically clean

(iron, organics, and a gradual increase in LP between the system with
silicates) feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 2.
gradual decrease over several weeks
in system production.

4. Calcium Sulfate A significant decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

(generally found at and a slight-to-moderate increase in the system with
the concentrate end LlP between feed and concentrate. Solution 2.
of the system) Also, a slight decrease over several
weeks in system production.

5. Organic Deposits A marked decrease in salt rejection Chemically clean

and a gradual increase in LlP be- the system with
tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Solution 2. For
gradual decrease in system produc- heavy fouling use
tion. Solution 3, if

6. Bacterial Fouling A marked decrease in salt rejection

and a marked increase in LP be-
tween feed and concentrate. Also, a Chemically clean
marked decrease in system produc- the system with
tion. Solution 4.

All pl'Oblems require the cause of the condition to be corrected. Contact
Hydranautics for assistance.
TSB100.00 Page 7


Table 2. Summary of Recommended Cleaning Solutions

Solution Ingredient Quantity per 100 pH Adjustment

Gallons (379 Liters)

1 Citric Acid 17.0 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 4.0

with sodium
Liquid Non-ionic Detergent 0.45 quarts (0.4 liters)
Concentrate (Triton X-l00,
Tergitol 8, etc.)

RO Permeate 100 gallons (379 liters)

2 Sodium Tripolyphosphate 17 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 7.5

with sulfuric acid
Sodium EDTA (Versene or 7 pounds (3.18 kg)

Liquid Non-ionic Detergent 0.43 quarts (0.4 liters)

Concentrate (Triton X-l00,
Tergitol 8, etc.)

RO Permeate 100 gallons (379 liters)

3 Liquid Non-ionic Detergent 0.43 quarts (0.4 liters) Adjust to pH 7.5

Concentrate (Triton X-l00, with sulfuric acid
Tergitol 8, etc.) (H;080,J

Sodium Perborate 4.15 pounds (1.9 kg)

RO Permeate 100 gallons (379 liters)

4 Sodium Tripolyphosphate 17 pounds (7.7 kg) Adjust to pH 7.5

with sulfuric acid
Sodium Dodecylbenzene- 2.13 pounds (0.97 kg)

RO Permeate 100 gallons (379 liters)

* For good cleaning results maintain pH at 7.0 - 7.5 for cleaning solutions 2, 3, & 4.

Failure to adjust pH of the cleaning solutions to the listed values may
permanently damage the membranes.

Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB101.00

General Storage Procedures for Cellulose Acetate Blend (CAB) RO

Membrane Elements

This bulletin provides guidelines for storing Hydranautics' Cellulose

Acetate Blend (CAB) Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane elements.

Before undertaking any long-term or short-term storage operation,
contact Hydranautics for specific instructions related to the local


The general storage procedures included in this bulletin are as follows:

1. Short-term storage of RO membrane elements in place in pressure


2. Long-term storage of RO membrane elements in place in pressure


3. Dry storage of RO membrane elements as spares or before start-

up of an RO plant.

Short-Term Storage
Short-term storage is for periods where an RO plant must remain out of
operation for more than five days, but fewer than thirty days, with the RO
elements in place. Prepare each RO train as follows:

1. Clean the RO membrane elements in place.

2. Flush the RO section with acidified water (pH 5.5 ± 0.5) that
contains a free chlorine residual of 0.1 to 0.5 mg/I when measured
at the brine discharge.

8444 Miralani Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/536-2578
TSB101.00 Page 2

3. When the pressure tubes are filled with this solution (make sure
that they are completely filled), close the appropriate valves to
retain the solution in the pressure tubes.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 every two days.

5. Check with Hydranautics for other approved biocides that do not

require such frequent flushing.

Long-Term Storage

Long-term storage is for periods where an RO plant must remain out of

operation for more than thirty days with the RO elements in place.
Prepare each RO train as follows:

1. Clean the RO membrane elements in place.

2. Flush the RO section with an approved biocide (check with

Hydranautics for recommendations and approvals of currently
available products) prepared from permeate and adjusted to a pH
of 5.5 ± 0.5.

3. When the RO section is filled with this solution (make sure that it is
completely filled), close the valves to retain the solution in the RO

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 every thirty days if the temperature is below

80 OF (27°C), or every five days if the temperature is above 80 OF
(27 °C).

5. When the RO system is ready to be returned to service, flush the

system for approximately one hour using low-pressure feedwater
with the product dump valve open to drain; then flush it at high
pressure for 5 to 10 minutes with the product dump valve open to
drain. Before returning the RO system to service, check for any
residual biocide in the product.

Dry Storage

When RO elements ar'e stored prior to installation or in transit to the plant

site, they should be protected from direct sunlight and stored in a cool,
dry place with an ambient temperature range of 68 OF to 95 OF (20°C to
Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB104.00

RO Membrane Element Loading and Removal Procedure for 8.0-

Inch and 8.5-lnch Pressure Tubes

This bulletin provides the guidelines for loading and unloading

Hydranautics' Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane elements. Two figures
are included at the end of the bulletin. Figure 1 illustrates the series 8000
pressure tube assembly; Figure 2 is a detailed illustration of the pressure
tube end cap assembly (call-out #7 in Figure 1). Numbers given in
parentheses in the procedures below refer to the call-out numbers in
Figures 1 and 2.

Loading RO Membrane Elements

Load the RO membrane elements in each of the pressure tubes as


1. Remove the end clamps and end cap assemblies from all pressure
tubes as follows:

a. Remove one clamp nut (21) and clamp bolt (20) from each end
clamp. Leave the other bolt in place to serve as a hinge pin, and
loosen it, if necessary, so that it does not bind.

b. Carefully withdraw the end cap assembly (7) as a unit from the
end of the pressure tube. Leave the flexible tubes attached and
the end cap assemblies hanging. If any flexible tubes are
removed from the end cap assemblies, mark or tag all items for
return to the same location.

2. Spray clean water through the open pressure tubes to remove any
dust or other foreign matter.

8444 Miralani Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 619/536-2578
TSB104.00 Page 2

If additional cleaning is needed, improvise a swab large enough to fill
the inside diameter of the pressure tube. Soak the swab in a fifty
percent by volume glycerine/water solution and force it back and
forth through the pressure tube until the tube is clean and lubricated.

3. Lubricate the O-ring seal (10) with a very thin layer of silicone-base 0-
ring lubricant. When installing O-rings, do not roll them into position.
Expand the O-rings slightly to install. Do not pull the rings over any
sharp edges. Lubricate all other O-rings with a glycerine/water
Always load RO membrane elements into the feedwater end of the
pressure tube.

4. Place the leading end of the first RO membrane element (2) in the first
pressure tube and slide it in about three-quarters of the element

5. Verify that the brine seal (3) is properly seated in the groove on the
trailing end (feed end) of the RO membrane element, in such a way
that the chevron seal opens in the upstream direction. Then install
the interconnector (4) with two O-rings (5) in place on the core tube
of the membrane element. Push the element into the pressure tube
until less than one-quarter of the element length ex1ends.

6. Lift the next RO membrane element into position, and install the
trailing end on the interconnector (4). Be very careful to hold the nex1
element so that the weight is not supported by the interconnector,
and push the element into the pressure tube until about one-quarter
of the second element ex1ends from the pressure tube.

7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 until all RO membrane elements are loaded in

the pressure tubes.

8. Install one inboard end connector (8) with O-ring (5) in place at each
end of the pressure tube.
I- -, TS8104.00 Page 3


9. Install a spacer tube (6) in the concentrate discharge end of the

pressure tube. Center the train in the pressure tube.

10. Install end cap assemblies (7) on each end of the pressure tube, as

a. Carefully position the downstream end cap assembly (7) outboard

end connector (9) on the inboard end connector (8) and push the
end cap assembly (7) as a unit squarely into the end of the
pressure tube. Use care to seat the O-ring seals properly and to
avoid pinching the O-rings.

b. Rotate the end cap assembly to ensure proper alignment with the
connecting tubes.

c. Position the downstream end clamp over the end of the pressure
tube with one clamp bolt (20) and clamp nut (21). Tighten both
clamp nuts (21) finger tight, plus one-quarter turn. Do not

d. Push the RO membrane element stack from the feed (upstream)

end towards the downstream side.

e. Repeat Steps a through c for the upstream end cap and end

11. If any flexible tubes were removed, return them all to the same
location from which they were removed.
T88104.00 Page 4

Connecting the Victaulic couplings next to the ends of the pressure
tubes requires special attention. When a coupling has been
disconnected, reassemble the coupling by first positioning the lower
half in place below the pressure tube connector. Then position the
stainless steel U-bend or J-bend in place on the lower half of the
Victaulic connector. The upper half of the Victaulic connector can
then be placed into position, and the attaching bolts can be installed.

RO Membrane Element Removal

Two operators are recommended when removing RO membrane

elements. Remove the elements from each pressure tube as follows:

1. Disconnect the hard plumbing at each end of the pressure tube. The
flexible tubing may remain attached to leave the end cap connected
to the manifold. Mark or tag all removed items for return to the same

2. Remove the end caps and end clamps from each end of the pressure
tube as follows:

a. Remove one clamp nut (21) and clamp bolt (20) from each end
clamp. Leave the other bolt in place to serve as a hinge pin, and
loosen it, if necessary, so that it does not bind.

b. Push the end cap assembly (7) into the pressure tube to loosen
the end clamp (19).

c. Remove the end cap assembly (7) as a unit; reinstall the clamp
bolt and clamp nut to the end clamp to prevent loss.

d. Carefully withdraw the end cap assembly (7) from the end of the
pressure tube, unassembled.

3. Push the RO membrane elements from the pressure tube in the same
direction as feedwater flows. Push the elements out one at a time.
Support each element as it is being pushed out of the tube until the
element is free of the pressure tube.
I--.-, HYDRANAUTICS TSB104.00 Page 5

11 ~


Figure 1. Pressure Tube Assembly

T88104.00 Page 6

Legend for Figure 1

B.O-inch Pressure Tube
Item Hydranautics
Number Description Part Number

1 Pressure Tube 10131.XOOO

2 Membrane Element See O&M manual

3 Brine Seal 10144.0000

4 Interconnector 10113.0000
5 O-Ring 10185.5232
6 Spacer Tube 10112.0000
7 End Cap Assembly 10103.0000
8 Inboard End Connector 10106.0000
9 Outboard End Connector 10107.0000
10 O-Ring (Purple) 10185.3232
11 O-Ring 10185.2232
12 End Cap Diaphragm 10105.0000
13 O-Ring 10185.3442
14 End Cap Hub 10104.0000
15 Feed Connector 10044.0000
16 O-Ring 10185.2222
17 Thrust Ring 10045.0000
18 Retaining Ring 10103.1500
19 End Clamp Half 10211.0000
20 Clamp Bolt 10132.4000
21 Clamp Nut 10132.5000
TSB104.00 Page 7

Legend for Figure 1

8.S-inch Pressure Tube
Item Hydranautics
Number Description Part Number

1 Pressure Tube 10124.x000

2 Membrane Element See O&M manual

3 Concentrate Seal 10145.0000

4 Interconnector 10113.0000
5 O-Ring 10185.5232
6 Spacer Tube 10076.0000
7 End Cap Assembly 10123.0000
8 Inboard End Connector 10106.0000
9 Outboard End Connector 10107.0000
10 O-Ring (Purple) 10185.3232
11 O-Ring 10185.2232
12 End Cap Diaphragm 10126.0000
13 O-Ring 10185.5442
14 End Cap Hub 10125.0000
15 Feed Connector 10044.0000
16 O-Ring 10185.2222
17 Thrust Ring 10045.0000
18 Retaining Ring 10103.1500
19 End Clamp Half 10212.0000
20 Clamp Bolt 10084.4000
21 Clamp Nut 10084.5000

Feed and concentrate end cap assemblies (7) are essentially the same.
TSB104.00 Page 6


, /~£

Figure 2. End Cap Assembly


Technical Service Bulletin April 1992 TSB106.00

Hydracode 8 Inch and 8.5 Inch Side Entry RO/UF Pressure Vessel

This bulletin provides guidelines for the use of Hydracode pressure


• These vessels may cause loss of life, severe bodily harm, or property
damage if not correctly installed, operated and maintained. Read and
understand all instructions given in this bulletin before attempting to
open, operate, or service th is vessel.
• Failure to follow these instructions and observe every precaution will
result in malfunction and could result in catastrophic failure.
• Misuse, incorrect assembly, or use of damaged or corroded components
can result in high-velocity release of the end closure.
• We recommend that only a qualified mectlanic experienced in serviCing
high-pressure hydraulic systems open, close, and service these vessels.

Important Safety Precautions

1. Read, understand, and follow every instruction in this bulletin.

Failure to take every precaution may void warranty and could
result in catastrophic failure.

2. Install in an area where a vessel or piping malfunction that results

in water leakage would not damage sensitive or expensive
equipment, such as electronic components.

3. Verify that head locking components are properly placed and


4. Inspect end closures and side ports regularly, replace deteriorated

components, and correct causes of corrosion.

5. Follow membrane element manufacturer's recommendations for

loading elements into vessels (see Replacing Elements - Page 4).

8444 Miralani Dr., San Diego, CA 92126

Phone: 619/536-2500, Telex: 6839443 Hydra UW, FAX: 6'19/536-2578
TS8106.00 Page 2

1. Operate vessel at pressures in excess of rated pressure or
temperatures over 120 of.

2. Service any component until you verify that pressure is fully

relieved from the vessel.

3. Use corroded components. Use of such components may result

in catastrophic failure.

4. Pressurize vessel until after visually inspecting to insure that all

interlock components (locking segments and securing screws) are
correctly installed and secured.

5. Toler'ate leaks or allow end closures to be routinely wetted in any


6. Use excessive silicone lubricant.

General Information

• The 8 inch and 8.5 inch Hydracode RO/UF Pressure Vessels are used
as housings for reverse osmosis membrane elements for water
desalination. They are available in standard and Ultrapure versions, as
shown in this bulletin. Any make of 8 inch or 8.5 inch nominal
diameter spiral-wound element may be used. The vessels utilize a
fiberglass reinforced plastic shell for superior corrosion resistance.
However, metallic parts of the vessel may be subject to corrosion,
which can result in an unsafe condition.

• The fiberglass shell can be damaged by rigid clamping, badly

positioned connections, impact, severe scratches, or abrasion.

• When installed and maintained in accordance with the precautions and

instructions provided in this bulletin, 8 inch and 8.5 inch side entry
vessels can be expected to provide safe operation over a long service
T88106.00 Page 3
-- Installation

Even though your vessel may have been installed by others, there are a
few quick checks on installation you should make before use. Check that
each vessel is:

• Mounted with compliant material (cork or rubber) between the

fiberglass shell and any rigid frame.

• Mounted so that center and side entry ports are closely aligned with
the manifold heads; correct causes of misalignment in any row of
vessels connected to the same heads.

• Mounted using flexible type, grooved-end couplings, Victaulic ® Style

75 or equal, at side entry ports, with .125" gap between port and

• Free to expand under pressure.

• Not clamped rigidly in place, no rigid pipe connections to port fittings.

• Not used in any way to support other components such as piping

manifolds hanging from ports.


Hydracode vessels which are five (5) elements in length or longer require three
(3) support pOints (please refer to vessel drawings # 510001, 510002, 510003,
510004). The center support pOint does not need to be a load bearing support,
but is necessary in order to eliminate any bowing effect which would cause
alignment problems.
T86106.00 Page 4

Opening the Vessel

Refer to Figure 1 and proceed as follows.

NOTE: The side entry port is permanently bonded in place. Do not hit or
otherwise mistreat it.

Relieve pressure from vessel before beginning this procedure.

Contamination Removal

Metal oxidation products and mineral deposits can interfere with vessel
disassembly. Remove all foreign matter from both ends of vessel using a
small wire brush or suitable abrasive (such as medium-grade Scotch-
Brite",). Flush away loosened deposits with clean water.

Removing the Head

The head assembly consists of the bearing plate, sealing plate, head
seal, permeate port with port seal and adapter seal, and port retainer.

1. Disconnect end (permeate) ports from piping manifold.

2. Remove four socket head screws (one per locking segment).

3. Slide segments towards centerline of vessel and remove. (It may be

necessary to push the head assembly in a small amount to allow
segments to slide out). If screws are frozen, apply penetrating oil
between screw heads and bearing plate, allow to penetrate, then
remove screws.

Do not allow oil to penetrate the membrane element, as this will cause
permanent damage.

4. Grasp permeate port/plug firmly and pull head assembly out. A

sharp, forceful tug may be necessary to start head assembly moving.
Avoid hitting head as it may jam in vessel.

5. If head seal does not come out with head, remove seal now.
TS6106.00 Page 5


6. Remove elements as described in Replacing Elements. Check that

side port seals are in good condition. If necessary, remove seal by
piercing with a sharp tool (a paper clip will suffice) and lifting out.
Install new, lubricated seal (square section) by first pressing it in by
hand, taking care not to twist seal, then pressing fully in using a blunt
object such as a tongue depressor.

Replacing Elements

The following procedures are provided for information only. Elements

should be installed in accordance with the element manufacturer's
recommendations. Where conflicts exist, contact the element
manufacturer or Advanced Structures for clarification. To replace
elements, proceed as follows:

Removing Elements

1. Remove heads from both ends of vessel as described in Opening the


2. On standard models reach inside downstream end of vessel, grip

thrust ring and firmly pull out of vessel. If thrust ring will not move
easily, it may be necessary to lift the stainless steel positioning Clip
using a pair of flat bladed screwdrivers, while pulling the thrust ring

3. Push element(s) out of vessel from the upstream end.

4. For multi-element vessels, remove the interconnector(s) and retain for


Inserting Elements

1. Examine inside of vessel for any damage which could affect sealing of
head or element seals.

2. Flush out with clean water.

3. Check element surface, including ATD, for any imperfection which

could scratch vessel bore.

4. Lubricate inside of vessel and element seals with a 50/50 mixture of

glycerine and water.
TSB106.00 Page 6

DO NOT lubricate element seals with a silicone based material (such as
Parker Super O-Lube TM, the recommended lubricant for end plug seals).

5. With thrust ring removed from vessel, insert a head assembly without
head seal but with adapter attached, into downstream end of vessel.
Place one locking segment into groove at 6 o'clock position then pull
head back to firmly contact segment.

6. Load element(s) into upstream end of vessel with appropriate

interconnectors inserted between elements, and push the element
stack downstream as far as it will go.

System malfunctions and element damage may result if elements are
installed in the wrong direction.

7. Remove downstream head.

8. Close vessel as described in the next section.

Closing the Vessel

Notes for TFE Seals for Ultrapure model:

• To assist the relatively hard TFE O-ring surface to seal to mating

surfaces, it is advisable to boil the seal in water for approximately 3
minutes immediately before assembly. If this is not done, you may
experience slight leakage during the first 24 hours after system

• Lubricate TFE seals lightly with a 50/50 glycerine/water mix.

• Avoid excessive bending of TFE seals. If seal is bent, the outer cover
may kink. Although such kinks should not unduly affect sealing
properties, they are best avoided.

• Take extra care, where the head seal is concerned, to ensure that all
vessel surfaces which the seal might touch, are completely smooth.
TSB 106,00 Page 7

1. Inspect all components and refurbish or replace as required to achieve

as-new condition (see Inspecting and Refurbishing Vessel). EXCEPT on
Ultrapure models, all O-rings, including adapter O-rings, should be
replaced each time.

2, EXCEPT on Ultrapure models, cover O-rings with a thin, even layer of

Parker Super O-Lube'" silicone lubricant or equivalent. Ultrapure (TFE)
O-rings should be lightly lubricated with a glycerine/water mix (approx.
NOTE: Glycerine is a commercially available lubricant that will not foul
elements. However, silicone lubricant is recommended for non-TFE

3. EXCEPT on Ultrapure models, remove any residual lubricant from the

vessel bore and work a fresh film of Parker Super O-Lube'" into shell
from half way up the bevel to approximately 1/2" in from the bevel.
Ultrapure models require no lubrication but extra care should be taken to
ensure that vessel entry, including groove/bevel area, is completely
smooth and free of burrs and rough edges.

When lubricating vessel chamfer, wear protective gloves or finger cots to
prevent cuts or penetration by glass fibers.

Note: Paragraphs 4 & 5 below.are for Standard models only.

4. Holding the thrust ring with the two (2) stainless steel tabs in line with the
side entry port and pressing the tabs in slightly, insert thrust ring into
DOWNSTREAM end of vessel.

5. Push thrust ring in until the two tabs locate into the seal groove
surrounding the side entry port.

Make sure the tabs are located one on each side of the stainless steel
side entry port. Tips of tabs should rest on, or just clear of the port seal.

6. Fit adapter to permeate port, fit head seal into place on sealing plate and
insert head into downstream end of vessel, holding assembly square to
shell axis. A sharp, forceful thrust may be needed to enter head seal into
vessel bore.
TSB106.00 Page 8

If head is allowed to rock side to side during installation, head seal may
become detached.

7. Install the four locking segments into the groove WITH THE STEPPED
FACE OUTWARDS. Secure with the 3/8-16 UNC X.75" long screws
supplied, firmly tightened (approximately 5 Ib/ft).

Interlocking components must be correctly installed. Incorrect assembly
or installation can result in catastrophic failure.

8. For installation of upstream head on standard (non-Ultrapure) models,

repeat steps 6 & 7.

9. For Ultrapure models, assemble as follows:

A. As head is assembled on to vessel, keep hand pressure applied

firmly to permeate plug to ensure proper engagement of head with

B. Once head is fully engaged, repeat step 7 for upstream end.

Inspecting and Refurbishing Vessel

Refurbishing Shell

1. Using a fine wire brush or a piece of Scotch-Brite "', remove any large
deposits from locking segment groove.

2. Using a medium or finer grade of Scotch-Brite TM and a mild soap

solution, clean the inside of the vessel at least 3 inches in from the
groove at each end.

3. Use clean water to rinse away all loosened deposits and soap

4. Examine inside of vessel for scratches, gouges, or other

imperfections that could prevent proper sealing. If such areas exist

-- and leaks are observed when the vessel is placed back in service,
the shell may need to be replaced.

Refurbishing Other Components

Note: Take care not to damage the hard anodized surface of aluminum

1. Remove any large deposits from the metal parts (locking segments
and bearing plate) using a wire brpsh.

2. Scrub entire part surface with medium grade Scotch-Brite TN until all
contaminants are removed.

3. Rinse part clean with fresh water and dry.

4. Inspect all parts for serviceability, including the parts in the following

Inspecting Parts

• Plastic parts - Examine for cracking, softening, or discoloring. This

may indicate chemical attack of the material. Defective parts must be
replaced. Alternate materials may be required. Contact your
supplier for assistance.

• Metal parts - Check for corrosion, scratches, dents, cracks, or other

damage to anodized surfaces of the bearing plate and locking

• Other parts - Examine for any damage, such as gouges, chips, or

cracks that could affect structural strength or sealing characteristics.
The following are some examples 'of defects that may require
replacement of the affected part: .',

• Bearing plate - bent, pitted orbbrrodedat step; or anodized

coating chipped or stripped ..

• Sealing plate - cracked, discolored, sealing areas damaged

(chipped or gouged).

• Securing screws - corroded and/or stripped thread.

• Locking segments - bent, corroded, or damaged in any way.

TS6106.00 Page 10

~ .Feed/Concentrato ports - deformed, corroded (especially at inner


Part Replacement

• Replace all parts that cannot be restored to "as-new"


Ii Replace any parts showing signs of structural damage

or corrosion.

Use of components damaged by corrosion can result in catastrophic

• All seals should be replaced each time the vessel is serviced. Parts
are available from your supplier.

Head Disassembly/Assembly

Wear safety glasses during snap ring removal and installation.

To Disassemble Head

1. Remove permeate pOlt/plug snap ring using appropriate snap ring

pliers. Take care to avoid damage to outer end of permeate
port/plug while removing snap ring.

2. Remove permeate port/plug by pressing out from small end.

3. Carefully remove seals from each end of permeate port (inner seal
one end, outer seal other end). New seals should be used each time
head is assembled.

4. Wash all components in fresh water and dry, using clean, dry
compressed air, if available.
TSB106.00 Page 11

-- 5. Check components for corrosioQand other damage as described

under "Refurbishing Parts". Replace any parts required to attain "as-
new" condition throughout.

To Assemble Head
j, ~~ >,( ~ .,' .r·c '
1. Fit O-ring, lubricated with Parker Super O-Lube" or other suitable
lubricant, to each end of permeate port or to seal plate on the
upstream end of Ultrapure ves~i3ls. (ExcesS lubricant may foul
membranes and should be removed. A thin, :shiny coat is sUfficient).

2. Press male end of permeate port/plug into smaller diameter side of

sealing plate until port is fully seal~.d.

3. Fit bearing plate over same end of permeate port/plug with smaller
outside diameter of bearing plate towards sealing plate.

4. Fit snap ring into permeate port grooVe adjacent tq bearing plate,
taking care to avoid damaging outer end of permeate port/plug.
Head is now ready for addition of head seal and insertion into vessel.

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TSB106.00 Page 12


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Figure 1. Exploded View a Standard Model

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I:~I HYDRANAUTICS TS8106.00 Page 13

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Figure 2.

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1. Ultrapure models have an adjustable permeate plug in place of the
regular permeate port, at the upstream end of the vessel. The term
"permeate port/plug" is used in this bulletin to indicate either
arrangement as appropriate.

2. Ultrapure models use a different type of seal from those in the regula
model. The Ultrapure seal consists of an O-ring encapsulated in
a clear,
TFE cover. Special handling for these seals, referred to as TFE
seals, is
indicated in this guide.

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