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Myocardial Work in Nonobstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Implications For Outcome

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Myocardial Work in Nonobstructive

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Implications

for Outcome
Yasmine L. Hiemstra, MD, Pieter van der Bijl, MD, Mohammed el Mahdiui, MD, Jeroen J. Bax, MD, PhD,
Victoria Delgado, MD, PhD, and Nina Ajmone Marsan, MD, PhD, Leiden, the Netherlands

Background: Noninvasive left ventricular (LV) pressure-strain loop analysis is emerging as a new echocardio-
graphic method to evaluate LV function, integrating longitudinal strain by speckle-tracking analysis and sphyg-
momanometrically measured blood pressure to estimate myocardial work. The aims of this study were (1) to
describe global and segmental myocardial work in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), (2) to
assess the correlation between myocardial work and other echocardiographic parameters, and (3) to evaluate
the association of myocardial work with adverse outcomes.

Methods: One hundred ten patients with nonobstructive HCM (mean age, 55 6 15 years; 66% men), with
different phenotypes (apical, concentric, and septal hypertrophy), and 35 age- and sex-matched healthy con-
trol subjects were included. The following myocardial work indices were included: myocardial work index,
constructive work (CW), wasted work, and cardiac efficiency. The combined end point included all-cause mor-
tality, heart transplantation, heart failure hospitalization, aborted sudden cardiac death, and appropriate
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator therapy.

Results: Mean global CW (1,722 6 602 vs 2,274 6 574 mm Hg%, P < .001), global cardiac efficiency (93%
[89%–95%] vs 96% [96%–97%], P < .001), and global MWI (1,534 6 551 vs 1,929 6 473 mm Hg%) were
significantly reduced, while global wasted work (104 mm Hg% [66–137 mm Hg%] vs 71 mm Hg% [49–
92 mm Hg%], P < .001) was increased in patients with HCM compared with control subjects. Segmental
impairment in CW colocalized with maximal wall thickness (HCM phenotype), and global CW correlated
with LV wall thickness (r = 0.41, P < .001), diastolic function (r = 0.27, P = .001), and QRS duration
(r = 0.28, P = .001). Patients with global CW > 1,730 mm Hg% (the median value) experienced better
event-free survival than those with global CW < 1,730 mm Hg% (P < .001).

Conclusions: Myocardial work, assessed noninvasively using echocardiography and blood pressure mea-
surement, is reduced in patients with nonobstructive HCM; it correlates with maximum LV wall thickness
and is significantly associated with a worse long-term outcome. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2020;33:1201-8.)

Keywords: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Myocardial work, Left ventricular pressure-strain loop,


Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most prevalent inherited the presence of myocardial fibrosis as assessed using cardiac magnetic
cardiomyopathy and is characterized by increased myocardial wall resonance imaging.3 Moreover, impaired LV GLS has been associated
thickness, accompanied by myocardial fiber disarray and interstitial with adverse outcomes in patients with HCM, such as all-cause mortal-
fibrosis. These alterations lead to subtle myocardial systolic and diastolic ity, sudden cardiac death (SCD), heart failure, and ventricular arrhyth-
dysfunction that are not always detectable using standard echocardio- mias.4-8 LV GLS, however, remains a load-dependent measure of LV
graphic parameters.1,2 Previous studies have shown that left ventricular function, which might limit the assessment of LV performance under
(LV) global longitudinal strain (GLS), measured using speckle-tracking certain hemodynamic conditions and when performing follow-up eval-
echocardiography, is often impaired in patients with HCM, despite uations. A noninvasive technique of myocardial work estimation has
normal LV ejection fraction (LVEF), and is significantly correlated with been introduced as a novel method to evaluate myocardial

From the Department of Cardiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Reprint requests: Nina Ajmone Marsan, MD, PhD, Department of Cardiology, Lei-
Netherlands. den University Medical Centre, 2 Albinusdreef, 2333 ZA Leiden, the Netherlands
Dr. Delgado has received consulting fees from Abbott Vascular. The Department (E-mail:
of Cardiology of Leiden University Medical Center has received research grants 0894-7317
from Biotronik, Medtronic, Boston Scientific, and Edwards Lifesciences. Copyright 2020 by the American Society of Echocardiography. Published by
Bijoy K. Khandheria, MD, MBBS, FASE, served as guest editor for this report. Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
Conflicts of Interest: None.
1202 Hiemstra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
October 2020

performance. This approach takes digitally stored and analyzed offline using proprietary software
into account both LV deformation (EchoPAC 202; GE Vingmed Ultrasound). LV dimensions, LV septal
AUC = Area under the curve and afterload by constructing an thickness, LV posterior wall thickness, and left atrial (LA) diameter
CE = Cardiac efficiency LV pressure-strain loop (PSL), were measured from the parasternal long-axis view. Maximum LV
which integrates noninvasively wall thickness was assessed from short-axis views at different levels
CW = Constructive work measured arterial blood pressure from base to apex to ascertain the different patterns of LVH. Septal
GLS = Global longitudinal and longitudinal strain acquired HCM was diagnosed in the presence of asymmetric LVH, isolated
strain by echocardiographic speckle- to the septal and/or anteroseptal segments of the left ventricle, while
tracking analysis.9-11 An initial apical HCM was defined when LVH was limited to the apical seg-
GMWI = Global myocardial
study showed that constructive ments of the left ventricle. Concentric HCM was defined as symmet-
work index
work (CW) is impaired in ric LVH in all LV segments. LV volumes, LVEF, and LA volume were
HCM = Hypertrophic patients with HCM and is measured using the Simpson method and indexed to body surface
cardiomyopathy associated with LV fibrosis as area.13 LV diastolic function was assessed using Doppler mitral inflow
ICD = Implantable assessed using cardiac magnetic peak E-wave velocity, divided by the peak early diastolic velocity (E0 )
cardioverter-defibrillator resonance.12 However, segmental of the lateral mitral annulus, expressed as the E/E0 ratio.14 The grade
analysis of myocardial work has of mitral regurgitation was assessed using a multiparametric approach,
IQR = Interquartile range not been performed in these pa- according to current recommendations.15 LV outflow tract peak
LA = Left atrial tients, despite the frequently gradient at rest was quantified using continuous-wave Doppler.
heterogenous distribution of LV Peak systolic pulmonary artery pressure was estimated by adding
LV = Left ventricular
hypertrophy (LVH), and impor- the peak velocity of the tricuspid regurgitation jet on continuous-
LVEF = Left ventricular tantly, the potential prognostic wave Doppler to the right atrial pressure (estimated by the diameter
ejection fraction value of these novel cardiac and percentage inspiratory collapse of the inferior vena cava).16
LVH = Left ventricular work measures is currently un-
hypertrophy known. Therefore, the aims of
this study were (1) to describe Myocardial Work
PSL = Pressure-strain loop global and segmental indices of LV myocardial work was calculated by integrating longitudinal
SCD = Sudden cardiac death myocardial work in patients with strain and sphygmomanometrically measured blood pressure, as pre-
HCM compared with healthy in- viously described by Russell et al.10 LV longitudinal strain was
WW = Wasted work dividuals, (2) to assess the correla- measured using speckle-tracking analysis in the standard two-,
tions of myocardial work with three-, and four-chamber apical views. The region of interest was
other echocardiographic parameters, and (3) to evaluate the association automatically created and manually adjusted when necessary. LV
of myocardial work with adverse outcomes. GLS was then calculated by averaging the peak longitudinal strain
in 17 segments from the three apical views. The peak systolic LV pres-
sure was assumed to be equal to the peak arterial systolic pressure, on
METHODS the basis of the brachial cuff blood pressure measurements. A nonin-
vasive LV pressure-strain curve was then constructed using proprie-
Study Population tary software (EchoPAC 202) and adjusted according to the
Patients with diagnoses of HCM were identified from an ongoing duration of the ejection and isovolumetric phases, which were
clinical registry. HCM was diagnosed according to current guidelines: defined by the opening and closure of the mitral and aortic valves.
maximal LVH $ 15 mm (or $13 mm in case of affected first-degree During the LVejection period, defined as the period between mitral
relatives), which could not be explained by abnormal loading condi- valve closure and mitral valve opening, the total work within the area
tions.1 Patients with obstructive HCM, defined as an LV outflow tract of the LV PSL represented the global myocardial work index
gradient $ 30 mm Hg at rest or during provocation, were excluded. (GMWI), the myocardial work performed during segmental short-
Patients were also excluded when speckle-tracking was not feasible or ening represented CW, and myocardial work performed during
when noninvasive blood pressure values were not available at the segmental elongation represented wasted work (WW). During isovo-
time of the echocardiogram used for the calculation of myocardial lumetric relaxation, this definition was reversed, such that myocardial
work. Clinical data were collected from the departmental cardiology work during shortening was considered WW and myocardial work
information system (EPD-Vision; Leiden University Medical Center, during lengthening was considered CW. CW and WW were calcu-
Leiden, the Netherlands), and the first echocardiogram available lated for each LV segment, according to the 17-segment model, and
was used for analysis. In addition, 35 healthy individuals with structur- global CW and WW were calculated as the averages of the segmental
ally normal hearts were selected from the echocardiography database values. Cardiac efficiency (CE) was then expressed as CW/
as control subjects and matched for age, sex, and LVEF. The study (CW + WW)  100% per segment and the global CE as an average
complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. Because of the retrospec- of all segmental values (Figure 1). To evaluate segmental differences,
tive design of this study, the local ethics committee waived the need the mid and basal segments were combined, as well as the apical seg-
to obtain individual, written informed consent. ments, resulting in seven segments: septal, anteroseptal, inferior,
lateral, posterior, anterior, and apical.
A commercially available ultrasound machine (Vivid E9; GE Clinical Outcomes
Vingmed Ultrasound, Horten, Norway) was used to perform standard The end point of this study was a combined end point of all-cause
two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. Images were mortality, heart transplantation, heart failure hospitalizations, aborted
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Hiemstra et al 1203
Volume 33 Number 10

Study Population
 Myocardial work parameters are impaired in patients with The study population consisted of 145 individuals: 110 patients diag-
HCM. nosed with HCM (mean age, 55 6 15 years; 66% men) and 35
healthy control subjects (mean age, 52 6 16 years; 51% men).
 CW is associated with adverse events in patients with HCM.
Clinical characteristics of both groups are presented in Table 1. By
 Segmental differences of CW were observed among HCM
definition, no differences were observed between the two groups
phenotypes. regarding age and sex. Compared with control subjects, patients
with HCM showed slightly higher systolic blood pressure values
SCD, and appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and longer QRS durations. Previous atrial fibrillation was reported
therapy. Aborted SCD was defined as a successful resuscitation in 19 patients with HCM (17%); 22 patients (20%) had heart failure
from cardiac arrest with documented ventricular arrhythmias, while symptoms (New York Heart Association functional class $ II), and 21
appropriate ICD therapy was defined as shock or antitachycardia pac- patients (19%) had received ICDs.
ing for ventricular arrhythmias. The occurrence of events during
follow-up was obtained from survival status in municipal civil regis- Standard Echocardiographic Characteristics
tries, review of medical charts, and liaison with general practitioners. In Table 2, echocardiographic characteristics are compared between
patients with HCM and healthy control subjects. Patients with
HCM had thicker interventricular septa and posterior walls, as well
Statistical Analysis
as greater maximum LV wall thickness (19 6 5 vs 9 6 2 mm,
Continuous variables are presented as mean 6 SD when normally P < .001). Regarding different patterns of LVH, the majority expressed
distributed or as median (interquartile range [IQR]) when not nor- a septal phenotype (66%), followed by concentric HCM (24%), and
mally distributed. Categorical variables are presented as absolute apical HCM was observed in 10% of patients. LV dimensions were
numbers and percentages. Differences in clinical and echocardio- smaller in patients with HCM compared with control subjects,
graphic characteristics between patients with HCM and control sub- whereas LA dimensions and volumes were higher in patients with
jects were compared using Student’s t test, the Mann-Whitney U HCM compared with control subjects. No differences were observed
test, or the c2 test, as appropriate. Receiver operating characteristic between patients with HCM and control subjects regarding LVEF,
curves were constructed to determine which myocardial work although LV volumes were slightly lower in patients with HCM and
parameter had the highest area under the curve (AUC) to predict LV diastolic function was more often impaired. LV GLS was signifi-
outcome. A Kaplan-Meier curve was then constructed to estimate cantly impaired in patients with HCM compared with control sub-
the cumulative survival free of the end point and compared using jects (14 6 5% vs 19 6 2%, P < .001). Furthermore, mitral
the log-rank test between patients with CW above the median regurgitation grade $ 2 was observed in 17 of the patients with
(>1,730 mm Hg) and those with CW below the median HCM(16%), and the LV outflow tract gradient was within the normal
(<1,730 mm Hg). Correlations of CW with other clinical and echo- range (as per inclusion criteria).
cardiographic parameters were assessed using Pearson’s method
and Spearman’s method for continuous normally distributed and
ordinal and continuous non-normally distributed parameters, respec- Myocardial Work: Global Indices
tively. Segmental differences among the various HCM phenotypes Global myocardial work indices are summarized in Figure 2. Patients
were analyzed using analysis of variance and the Kruskal-Wallis test. with HCM showed significantly lower values of GMWI (1,534 6 551
Intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated for interobserver vs 1,929 6 473 mm Hg%, P < .001) and global LV CW compared
and intraobserver agreement in 10 randomly selected patients to eval- with control subjects (1,722 6 602 vs 2,274 6 574 mm Hg%,
uate reproducibility. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS P < .001) as well as higher values of global LV WW (104 mm Hg%
version 23 (IBM, Armonk, NY). P values < .05 were considered to [IQR: 66–137 mm Hg%] vs 71 mm Hg% [IQR: 49–92 mm Hg%],
indicate statistical significance. P < .001). This resulted in lower global LV CE, with a median of

Figure 1 Examples of a LV PSL and CE. The red curve represents a normal LV PSL, while the green curve reflects the deviating PSL of
a septal segment in a patient with HCM. The bull’s-eye plot on the right shows significantly decreased CE in the septal segment. ANT,
Anterior; ANT_SEPT, antero-septal; INF, inferior; LAT, lateral; POST, posterior; SEPT, septal.
1204 Hiemstra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
October 2020

Table 1 Clinical and ECG characteristics of patients with Table 2 Echocardiographic characteristics of patients with
HCM and control subjects HCM and control subjects

Control Patients
subjects Patients with Echocardiographic Control with HCM
(n = 35) HCM (n = 110) P parameters subjects (n = 35) (n = 110) P

Clinical characteristics IVS, mm 862 18 6 4 <.001

Age, year 52 6 16 55 6 15 .450 PW, mm 961 12 6 2 <.001
Sex, male 18 (51) 73 (66) .159 Maximal LVH, mm 962 19 6 5 <.001
Systolic BP, mm Hg 126 6 18 135 6 19 .016 HCM phenotype NA
Diastolic BP, mm Hg 77 6 9 80 6 12 .124 Septal — 73 (66)
(Previous) atrial fibrillation 0 (0) 19 (17) .007 Concentric — 26 (24)
NYHA functional class .002 Apical — 11 (10)
I 35 (100) 88 (80)
LVESV, mL 45 6 14 39 6 15 .032
II 0 (0) 19 (17) LVEDV, mL 116 6 31 103 6 29 .039
III/IV 0 (0) 3 (3) LVEF, % 61 6 6 63 6 10 .331
ICD 0 (0) 21 (19) .002 LV GLS, % 19 6 2 14 6 5 <.001
ECG characteristics LA diameter, mm 34 6 4 40 6 6 <.001
LAVI, mL/m2 22 6 6 36 6 13 <.001
Heart rate, beats/min 66 6 11 66 6 11 .964
E/E0 ratio 8 (6 to 9) 10 (7 to 14) <.001
QRS duration, msec 94 6 10 109 6 25 .001
Resting LVOT gradient, 5 (3 to 5) 7 (5 to 11) <.001
LBBB/RBBB 0 (0) 14 (13) .022
mm Hg
Ventricular pacing 0 (0) 11 (10) .066
MR grade $ 2 0 (0) 17 (16) .013
BP, Blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiographic; LBBB, left bundle sPAP, mm Hg 22 (18 to 26) 25 (21 to 31) .003
branch block; NYHA, New York Heart Association; RBBB, right
bundle branch block. IVS, Interventricular septum; LAVI, LA volume index; LVEDV, LV end-
Data are expressed as mean 6 SD or number (percentage). diastolic volume; LVESV, LV end-systolic volume; LVOT, LV outflow
tract; MR, mitral regurgitation; NA, not applicable; PW, posterior wall;
sPAP, systolic pulmonary artery pressure.
93% (IQR: 89%–95%) for patients with HCM compared with 96% Data are expressed as mean 6 SD, number (percentage), or median
(interquartile range).
(IQR: 96%–97%) for control subjects (P < .001).

Correlations of Global CW with Other Parameters. Global

LV CW. When using the median value of the study population, pa-
CW showed significant correlations with LA volume index
tients with more impaired global LV CW (<1,730 mm Hg%) had a
(r = 0.37, P < .001), maximum LV wall thickness (r = 0.41,
significantly worse survival free of the end point compared with pa-
P < .001), LV diastolic function (r = 0.27, P = .001), and QRS dura-
tients with more preserved global LV CW (>1,730 mm Hg%; log-
tion (r = 0.28, P = .001). Global CW showed also a high correlation
rank 13.2, P < .001), as shown in Figure 3.
with LV GLS (r = 0.85, P < .001). However, global CW was not signif-
icantly related to LV volumes (LV end-diastolic volume, r = 0.034, Intra- and Interobserver Variability of Myocardial Work
P = .681; LV end-systolic volume, r = 0.11, P = .187). Parameters. The intraclass correlation coefficients for repeated
Association of Global CW with Outcomes. During median measurements by the same observer (intraobserver agreement)
follow-up period of 5.4 years (IQR: 3.0–7.8 years), 24 patients were excellent for GLS (0.98; 95% CI: 0.92–0.99; P < .001),
(22%) reached the combined end point: one patient underwent heart GMWI (0.97; 95% CI: 0.92–0.97; P < .001), and global CW (0.99;
transplantation, one patient experienced aborted SCD, 10 patients 95% CI: 0.96–0.99; P < .001) and good for global WW (0.82;
had appropriate ICD therapy, one patient was admitted for heart fail- 95% CI: 0.27–0.96; P = .009) and global CE (0.86; 95% CI: 0.43–
ure, and 11 patients died. The cause of death was cardiac in four pa- 0.97; P = .004). The intraclass correlation coefficients for measure-
tients, noncardiac in three patients, and unknown in the remaining ments between two different observers (interobserver agreement)
four patients. To assess which of the global myocardial work parame- were also excellent for GLS (0.97; 95% CI: 0.88–0.99; P < .001),
ters had the strongest association with the end point, receiver oper- GMWI (0.96; 95% CI: 0.89–0.97; P < .001), and global CW (0.97;
ating characteristic curves were constructed. LV GLS showed an 95% CI: 0.89–0.99; P < .001) and good for global WW (0.76;
AUC of 0.74 (95% CI: 0.63–0.85; P < .001), and GMWI also showed 95% CI: 0.05–0.94; P = .022) and global CE (0.91; 95% CI: 0.65–
a good association with the end point, with an AUC of 0.77 (95% CI: 0.98; P = .001).
0.66–0.87; P < .001). However, global LV CW had the largest AUC of
0.78 (95% CI: 0.68–0.88; P < .001), while global LV WW showed no Myocardial Work: Segmental Analysis
significant association with the end point, with an AUC of 0.53 (95% Segmental values of myocardial work parameters are presented in
CI: 0.39–0.68; P = .61), and global CE showed a borderline associa- Table 3 and compared between patients with HCM and healthy con-
tion with the end point, with an AUC of 0.63 (95% CI: 0.48–0.77; trol subjects. In LV all segments, CW was lower in patients with HCM
P = .06). Subsequently, survival analysis was performed using global compared with control subjects. Interestingly, differences in WW
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Hiemstra et al 1205
Volume 33 Number 10

Figure 2 Myocardial work parameters in control subjects and patients with HCM.

Figure 4 shows segmental CW for the different HCM phenotypes.

In patients with apical HCM, CW of the apical segments
(1,123 6 747 mm Hg%) was significantly lower compared with pa-
tients with septal HCM (2,255 6 860 mm Hg%) and concentric
HCM (1,946 6 920 mm Hg%; P < .001). Similarly, septal CW was
lower in patients with septal HCM (1,385 6 579 mm Hg%) and
concentric HCM (1,126 6 479 mm Hg%) compared with patients
with apical HCM (1,693 6 860 mm Hg%; P = .025). In patients
with concentric HCM, all segments (except for the apical segments)
tended to have lower values of CW, although this difference was sta-
tistically significant only for the inferior segments (1,408 6 584 mm
Hg% for concentric HCM vs 1,691 6 636 mm Hg% for septal HCM
and 1,980 6 905 mm Hg% for apical HCM; P = .040).

Figure 3 Kaplan-Meier survival curves depicting time to cumula-

tive, event-free survival (all-cause mortality, heart failure hospital-
ization, aborted SCD, and appropriate ICD therapy) in patients
with HCM. Data are shown according to LV CW > 1,730 mm Hg
% and CW < 1,730 mm Hg% (the median value). The main findings of the present study can be summarized as follows:
(1) patients with HCM showed impaired values of global LV myocardial
work parameters—GMWI, CW, WW, and CE—compared with healthy
were less evident. Only in the apical and anterior segments was WW individuals; (2) global LV CW showed correlations with maximum LV
higher in patients with HCM compared with control subjects, while in wall thickness, diastolic function, and QRS duration and was signifi-
the other segments, no differences in WW were observed between cantly associated with adverse outcomes; and (3) segmental differences
the two groups. Segmental CE was significantly lower for patients of CW were observed among different HCM phenotypes.
with HCM in the apical, anteroseptal, posterior, lateral, and anterior
segments compared with control subjects. Regarding the septal seg-
ments, CE was not significantly different between patients with Myocardial Work in HCM
HCM (94%; IQR: 90%–98%) and control subjects (95%; IQR: HCM is characterized by LVH, myocardial fiber disarray, and intersti-
93%–97%; P = .388). tial fibrosis, which can all significantly affect LV diastolic and systolic
1206 Hiemstra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
October 2020

Table 3 Segmental analysis of myocardial work parameters in patients with HCM compared with control subjects

CW (mm Hg%) WW (mm Hg%) CE (%)

LV segment Control subjects Patients with HCM Control subjects Patients with HCM Control subjects Patients with HCM

Apical 2,670 6 792 2,068 6 922* 43 (24–77) 102 (54–188)* 98 (96–99) 94 (90–97)*
Septal 1,813 6 472 1,354 6 606* 77 (50–103) 60 (22–119) 95 (93–97) 94 (90–98)
Anteroseptal 2,107 6 575 1,521 6 613* 56 (30–103) 73 (32–148) 97(94–98) 94 (86–98)*
Inferior 2,050 6 500 1,652 6 669* 70 (35–133) 61 (21–139) 96 (93–98) 96 (90–98)
Posterior 2,246 6 729 1,676 6 758* 88 (40–207) 111 (49–223) 94 (92–98) 93 (85–96)*
Lateral 2,160 6 559 1,625 6 666* 55 (27–102) 80 (31–151) 97 (95–98) 95 (89–98)*
Anterior 2,077 6 684 1,466 6 733* 35 (21–72) 76 (29–134)* 98 (96–98) 94 (85–98)*
Data are expressed as mean 6 SD or median (interquartile range).
*P < .05.

function, without an overt impairment of LVEF.17 Consequently, myocardial fibrosis on cardiac magnetic resonance, which might
several echocardiographic measurements have been proposed to bet- also explain the correlation of CW with diastolic dysfunction and
ter assess LV function in patients with HCM. Over the past few years, LV thickness observed in the present study. In addition, a correlation
LV GLS, as derived from speckle-tracking analysis, has emerged as a between global CW and QRS duration was found, probably reflecting
promising measure of LV function in patients with HCM and has the influence of (mild) LV dyssynchrony on myocardial work param-
shown a good correlation with histologically proven myocardial eters. However, the association of myocardial work with clinical out-
fibrosis.18 Moreover, several studies have demonstrated the prog- comes has never been evaluated in patients with HCM, and the
nostic value of LV GLS for predicting adverse outcomes in patients present results demonstrate a significant association of global CW
with HCM.3-8 However, LV GLS remains load dependent, which with clinical outcomes.
might represent a limitation in case of changes in the hemodynamic Moreover, in the present study we evaluated segmental differences
conditions.19 Myocardial work has been introduced as a new param- of myocardial work in patients with HCM. CW was impaired in all
eter of LV function that takes into account LV deformation as well as myocardial segments compared with healthy individuals.
LV afterload by constructing an LV PSL on the basis of noninvasive LV Interestingly, WW was significantly impaired only in the apical and
pressure (sphygmomanometric blood pressure) measurements. anterior segments, whereas it was comparable with WW in control
Russell et al.10 validated this method against invasive LV pressure mea- subjects in the remaining segments. Because WW is affected mostly
surements, and LV PSL area demonstrated a robust correlation with by dyssynchrony,9 and the prevalence of left or right bundle branch
myocardial metabolism when assessed on positron emission tomog- block was low in the present population (13%), relatively preserved
raphy. values of WW were observed, in line with the findings of Galli
Several studies have already applied myocardial work measure- et al.12 Similarly, CE (defined as CW/[CW + WW]) showed only
ments to various cardiac conditions.12,20-25 A study by Chan et al.24 mildly impaired values in most myocardial segments. Thus, CW
evaluated GMWI in patients with different loading conditions (i.e., was the most impaired myocardial work parameter in patients with
with hypertension or ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathies). HCM, on both global and segmental levels. Moreover, differences
In this study, patients with hypertension showed higher GMWI in CW were also observed in different HCM phenotypes: patients
compared with control subjects, whereas global CE was preserved with apical HCM had the most impaired CW in the apical segments,
because of a proportional increase in global CW and global WW. In whereas in patients with septal and concentric HCM, CW was pre-
a study by van der Bijl et al.,23 the prognostic value of global CE in pa- served in the apical segments but impaired in the other segments.
tients referred for cardiac resynchronization therapy was evaluated. Segmental CW might therefore also be helpful to identify the specific
Lower values of global CE were associated with better outcome after HCM phenotype.
cardiac resynchronization therapy, likely reflecting the potential
correction of LV dyssynchrony and recruitment of contractile reserve
obtained with cardiac resynchronization therapy in these patients. Clinical Implications
Only a single study evaluated myocardial work in patients with The introduction of myocardial work parameters in the routine
HCM: Galli et al.12 showed that global CW was reduced in 82 patients assessment of patients with HCM might improve our understanding
with HCM compared with control subjects (1,599 6 423 vs of cardiac performance in these patients, at both global and segmental
2,248 6 249 mm Hg%, P < .001), while global WW was similar be- levels, overcoming the load dependency of other echocardiographic
tween patients with HCM and control subjects (141 6 125 vs parameters by incorporating afterload. This is particularly relevant
101 6 88 mm Hg%, P = .18). The present study revealed similar in patients with HCM, as afterload might change with medication
values of global CW, which were significantly reduced in patients use or geometric changes and increase of wall thickness over time.
with HCM compared with control subjects. The values of global This would provide clinicians a more sophisticated tool to refine
WW in patients with HCM observed in the present study were also follow-up of LV function in these patients, when blood pressure might
similar to those reported by Galli et al., but we measured lower values vary between visits, and to assess the potential effect of different ther-
of global WW in control subjects, accentuating the difference of global apies. Furthermore, it might also represent a new risk stratification tool
WW between patients with HCM and control subjects. Galli et al. to assess prognosis in patients with HCM. Global CW might help
demonstrated that global CW < 1,623 mm Hg% was predictive of especially in identifying ‘‘low-risk’’ patients, as a cumulative event-
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Hiemstra et al 1207
Volume 33 Number 10

Figure 4 Segmental analysis of LV CW for different HCM phenotypes: (A) septal HCM, (B) concentric HCM, and (C) apical HCM.

free survival rate of 97% after 5 years was observed for patients with tients were excluded when speckle-tracking analysis failed.
global CW > 1,730 mm Hg%, whereas event-free survival was only Therefore we cannot exclude that this issue introduced bias in the
64% after 5 years in patients with global CW < 1730 mm Hg%. assessment. Furthermore, patients with obstructive HCM were
excluded, because the estimated LV PSL on the basis of noninvasively
Limitations measured blood pressure does not reflect accurately LV pressure in
Several limitations of the present study should be mentioned. Some these patients.10 Further prospective research is required to confirm
patients were excluded because blood pressure measurements our results and to establish the clinical utility of myocardial work pa-
were not available at the same time as echocardiography; a few pa- rameters in patients with HCM.
1208 Hiemstra et al Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
October 2020

CONCLUSION 12. Galli E, Vitel E, Schnell F, Le Rolle V, Hubert A, Lederlin M, et al. Myocar-
dial constructive work is impaired in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and
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