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The psychometric properties of the Revised

Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R)

regarding Internet gaming disorder in a general
population of Chinese adults
Journal of Behavioral
9 (2020) 3, 654–663 MENG XUAN ZHANG2,3, JULIET HONGLEI CHEN2 and
© 2020 The Author(s)
Centre for Health Behaviors Research, School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of
Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau, China
Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau, China
FULL-LENGTH REPORT Faculty of Teacher Education, Pingdingshan University, South Weilai Road, Xinhua District,
Pingdingshan, Henan, China
Department of Applied Psychology, Faculty of Social Science, Lingnan University, Hong Kong,

Received: February 9, 2020 • Revised manuscript received: April 14, 2020 • Accepted: June 13, 2020
Published online: September 8, 2020

Background and aims: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has been recognized as a mental illness.
Cognitive and emotional illness representations affect coping and health outcomes. Very little is known
about such perceptions related to IGD, in both general and diseased populations. This study examined
the psychometric properties of the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) for IGD in a
general population that included mostly non-cases while a small proportion of the sample was IGD
cases. Methods: An anonymous cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted in a random sample of
1,501 Chinese community-dwelling adults (41.3% male; mean age 5 40.42, SD 5 16.85) in Macao,
China. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis identified a modified 6-factor model (i.e., timeline
cyclical, consequences, personal control, treatment control, illness coherence, and emotional repre-
sentations) of 26 items that showed satisfactory model fit and internal consistency. Criterion-related
validity was supported by the constructs’ significant correlations with stigma (positive correlations:
timeline cyclical, consequence, emotional representations; negative correlations: illness coherence).
Ever-gamers, compared to never-gamers, reported higher mean scores in the subscales of personal
control and illness coherence, and lower mean scores in time cyclical, consequence, and emotional
representations. Among the sampled gamers, probable IGD cases were more likely than non-IGD cases
to perceive IGD as cyclical and involved more negative emotions. Conclusions: This study shows that
the revised 26-item version of IPQ-R is a valid instrument for assessing illness representation regarding
IGD in a general population of Chinese adults. It can be used in future research that examines factors of
incidence and prevention related to IGD.

illness representation, Illness Perception Questionnaire-Revised, online gaming, behavioral addiction, Internet
gaming disorder

*Corresponding author.

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663 655

INTRODUCTION The revised version of Weinman et al.’s Illness Percep-

tion Questionnaire (IPQ-R; Moss-Morris et al., 2002) has
commonly been used to assess illness representations of both
Globally, Internet gaming disorder (IGD) has become a
physical and mental illnesses (Baines & Wittkowski, 2013;
major public health concern (American Psychiatric Associ-
Dempster, Howell, & McCorry, 2015). Besides the disease-
ation [APA], 2013; Zhao & Hao, 2019). In 2013, the fifth
specific constructs of causes and identity (symptoms), IPQ-R
edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
comprises six constructs of cognitive representations and
Disorder (DSM-5; APA, 2013) proposed IGD as a new
one construct of emotional representations that are generic
mental disorder in need of further research. The World
to all illnesses: (1) timeline chronic (perceived chronicity of
Health Organization (WHO, 2018) added gaming disorder
the illness); (2) timeline cyclical (perceived cyclical nature of
(both online and offline) as an addictive disorder in the 11th
the illness); (3) consequences (perceived outcomes or im-
Revision of the International Classification of Diseases
pacts of the illness); (4) personal control (self-efficacy in
(ICD-11), in parallel with gambling disorder. Symptoms of
controlling or managing the illness); (5) treatment control
IGD include preoccupation, tolerance, inability to stop
(perceived effectiveness of treatments); (6) illness coherence
playing, and continued use despite negative consequences
(individuals’ understanding of the illness); and (7) emotional
for at least 12 months (APA, 2013; WHO, 2018). IGD is
representations (emotional responses toward the illness).
significantly associated with mental disorders including
Given the theoretical and clinical significance of illness
depression, anxiety, and other addictions (Chen, Tong, Wu,
representation, the developers of IPQ (Weinman, Petrie,
Lau, & Zhang, 2018; Wang, Cho, & Kim, 2018; Wichstrøm,
Moss-Morris, & Horne, 1996) and IPQ-R (Moss-Morris
Stenseng, Belsky, von Soest, & Hygen, 2019; Wu, Chen,
et al., 2002) encouraged researchers to adapt the scale to
Tong, Yu, & Lau, 2018a; 2018b; Yen et al., 2016), and health-
cover various illnesses, populations, and cultural settings.
related problems such as sleep problem and poor academic/
IPQ-R has been widely applied in different countries and
work performance (Eickhoff et al., 2015; Hawi, Samaha, &
languages to understand both physical problems (e.g., hy-
Griffiths, 2018; Satghare et al., 2016). IGD prevalence based
pertension and cancer) and mental illnesses (Cabassa,
on the DSM-5 criteria varies across age and cultural groups,
Lagomasino, Dwight-Johnson, Hansen, & Xie, 2008; Hou,
ranging from 1.2 to 10.8% worldwide (Feng, Ramo, Chan, &
Cleak, & Peveler, 2010; Munson, Floersch, & Townsend,
Bourgeois, 2017; Gentile et al., 2017; M€ uller et al., 2015;
2009; Williams & Steer, 2011) such as schizophrenia
Wang, Cho, & Kim, 2018; Wartberg, Kriston, & Thomasius,
(Fleming, Martin, Miles, & Atkinson, 2009; Lobban & Bar-
2017; Wichstrøm, Stenseng, Belsky, von Soest, & Hygen,
rowclough, 2005; Lobban, Barrowclough, & Jones, 2004) and
2019; Wu et al., 2018a; C.-Y. Wu, Lee, Liao, & Ko, 2019; Yu
eating disorders (Holliday, Wall, Treasure, & Weinman,
& Cho, 2016).
2005; Stockford, Turner, & Cooper, 2007).
Concepts and measurement of illness representation The literature has demonstrated that IPQ-R possesses
moderate to good psychometric properties despite minor
Lay public’s perceptions of IGD as a mental illness (i.e., revisions during scale adaptation (Fan et al., 2017; Lam et al.,
illness representation) may affect people’s behavioral and 2015; Wu et al., 2018b). One exception was that a previous
emotional responses to the illness. Illness representation study’s confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses did not
captures how people (patients and non-patients) perceive a support the postulated factor structure of illness represen-
disease or illness. It is a key component of the Leventhal’s tation for substance dependence, when IPQ-R was applied to
Common-Sense Model of illness (CSM; Leventhal, Leven- a sample of people who inject drug in China (Mo et al.,
thal, & Contrada, 1998), which postulates that people 2015). The authors attributed the unexpected finding to the
actively construct their mental representations toward po- possibility that problematic substance use, like gambling
tential health threats (i.e., an illness). Illness representation disorder, might be perceived as a personal misconduct
consists of cognitive representations and emotional repre- instead of a clinical problem in China (Mo et al., 2015; Wu
sentations. These two components interact with each other & Lau, 2015). Nevertheless, one study reported good psy-
to affect individuals’ coping to illnesses and health outcomes chometric properties of IPQ-R for substance dependence in
(Weinman & Petrie, 1997). For instance, Chen, Tsai, and a sample of Chinese non-substance users (healthcare pro-
Chou (2011) found that some cognitive representations (e.g., fessionals and master’s students; Ayu, Dijkstra, Golbach, De
perceived controllability) improved treatment adherence Jong, & Schellekens, 2016). Thus, application of IPQ-R to
among hypertension patients. A meta-analysis also showed study addictive problem needs further research. To our best
that emotional representations were positively associated knowledge, no study has investigated illness representation
with avoidance coping in cancer patients (Richardson, and validation of IPQ-R related to behavioral addictions
Sch€uz, Sanderson, Scott, & Sch€ uz, 2017). Both cognitive and (e.g., gambling disorder and IGD). The study attempted to
emotional representations are dynamic and may be affected fill out this gap.
by one’s responses to health threats (Browning, Wewers,
Ferketich, Otterson, & Reynolds, 2009; Leventhal et al.,
1998). Furthermore, illness representation can be modified
Illness representation and public stigma
through interventions (Broadbent, Ellis, Thomas, Gamble, & Perception toward a disease may shape stigma toward the
Petrie, 2009; Glattacker, Heyduck, & Meffert, 2012). disease. Previous research has established links between

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656 Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663

the illness representations and stigma. For instance, Mak, the survey. Without any monetary reward, 1,501 partici-
Chong, and Wong (2014) found that various constructs of pants (41.3% male; mean 5 40.42, SD 5 16.85, Range 5
illness representation (e.g. controllability, timeline, con- 18–93) voluntarily completed an anonymous questionnaire
sequences, and illness coherence) were significantly via phone. With reference to the formula of the American
associated with public stigma toward mental disorders. Association for Public Opinion Research (2011), the
The authors pointed out that, according to the attribution cooperation rate of this study was 63.9%. The age distri-
theory (Weiner, Perry, & Magnusson, 1988) and previous bution of the sample was similar to the adult population
research (e.g., Weisman & L opez, 1997), low perceived parameter reported in the 2016 Population By-census of
controllability and stability of a mental disorder would Macao but the female sex was slightly overrepresented in
lead to social rejection and public stigma toward such this study (Macao Statistics and Census Services, 2017).
disorder, as people would be more sympathetic to the Over half of the participants had had secondary education
illness condition that is acute and have non-volitional or above (83.4%) and a full-time job (56.8%; and 12.4%
causes (Corrigan, 2000). In general, such attributions were students).
match with the constructs of illness representation (e.g.,
controllability and timeline). In particular, those with low
coherence of IGD might create misunderstandings that Measures
could lead to stigma; those who perceived high severity of
IGD might associate IGD cases with personal failure (e.g.,
drop-outs); those who perceived low personal control and Illness representation of IGD. The 38-item IPQ-R (Moss-
high chronicity might associate IGD cases with weak Morris et al., 2002) was translated by two professional
personality and self-control. In addition, Holliday et al. translators, following standard translation and back-trans-
(2005) also applied CSM to evaluate public perceptions lation procedures (Brislin, 1970). The items were modified
toward anorexia nervosa (e.g., caused by own behaviors to assess illness representation of IGD. For instance, “My
like eating habits) and suggested that such perceptions illness has serious financial consequences” was modified to
may have contributed to stigma toward anorexia nervosa. “IGD brings serious financial consequences to an IGD
Thus, stigma was used for testing criterion-related validity gamer”. The face validity of all the translated items was
in this study. We hypothesized that stigma toward people found satisfactory by two bilingual psychologists. The
with IGD would be negatively associated with illness version was also tested on six participants, and was finalized
coherence and positively associated with other constructs based on the feedbacks obtained. Using the 5-point Likert
of illness representations regarding IGD. scales (1 5 strongly disagree to 5 5 strongly agree), higher
summated scores represented higher levels of the corre-
The present study sponding construct.

This study investigated the psychometric properties of a

Chinese IGD-specific version of IPQ-R in a representative IGD symptoms. IGD symptoms were assessed by nine
population-based sample of the Chinese community-dwell- diagnostic criteria proposed in the DSM-5 (APA, 2013).
ing adults in Macao, China. We examined the factor struc- Participants answered whether they have experienced
ture, reliability, and criterion-related validity of this IGD- symptoms in the last 12 months (1 5 Yes, 0 5 No). Higher
specific version of IPQ-R. We also tested the differences in total scores indicated severer IGD symptoms. Participants
IPQ-R factor scores by gamer status (yes or no) and IGD who scored ≥5 were classified as probable IGD (Ko et al.,
status (i.e., whether being probable IGD cases as defined by 2014). The internal reliability (KR-20) was 0.66. The tool has
DSM-5 criteria) to understand whether these subgroups been used in other IGD studies (Wu et al., 2018a, 2018b;
would perceive IGD differently. The availability of a vali- Zhang, Wang, Yu, & Wu, 2019).
dated tool would facilitate related understanding and
research development on IGD. Public Stigma. Four items were selected from the 12-item
subscale public stigma of the Stigma and Acceptance Scale
(Mak et al., 2014) and modified to assess participants’
METHOD negative attitudes toward people with IGD. Participants
rated items (e.g., “people with IGD are a burden to society”)
Participants and procedures on 6-point scales from 1 5 strongly disagree, to 6 5 strongly
agree. Higher scores represented stronger stigma against
We conducted a telephone survey from 29 September to 9
people with IGD. Cronbach’s alpha of this measure was 0.79
November 2017 to identify prospective participants, based
in the present study.
on the local residential phonebook in Macao, China. We
randomly sampled telephone numbers from the phone-
book. At the household level, we selected Chinese residents Socio-demographics variables. Participants were asked to
(aged ≥18 years), following the “last birthday” rule. The state their gender, age, educational attainment (1 5
trained interviewers briefed the participants and obtained kindergarten or none to 6 5 university or above), and life-
their verbal informed consent prior to commencement of time online gaming experience (Yes/No).

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663 657

Statistical analysis specification indicated the very poor goodness of fit of the

model with the current data.
The structure and dimensionality of IPQ-R regarding IGD Because all the loadings for the timeline chronic factor
were tested by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with full (ranging from –0.056 to 0.746) were not statistically sig-
information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation using nificant due to the model’s large standard errors (p 5
IBM SPSS Amos 25. FIML is a special maximum likelihood 0.997), we dropped that factor and proceeded to examine a
procedure that makes it possible to estimate a model using 6-factor structure. The model fit was still far from satis-
all available data even if there are missing values in the data factory, with c2 (449) 5 5,979.499, p < 0.001, CFI 5 0.692,
set, and it outperformed some typical missing data SRMR 5 0.099, RMSEA 5 0.091, 90%CI [0.089, 0.093].
methods such as listwise deletion (Enders & Bandalos, We further removed six items that exhibited non-signifi-
2001). The seven-factor model using the 38-item IPQ-R for cant, low (<0.30), or reverse (e.g., a positive loading while
IGD was first tested and, if the model fit was not satisfac- all other items were negative) factor loadings (Table 1)
tory, modified according to the factor loading of each item (i.e., Item 8 from consequences subscale, Items 19 and 23
and modification indices provided by Amos. According to from treatment control subscale, Items 15 and 17 from
Kline’s recommendations (2015), the goodness-of-model fit personal control subscale, and Item 36 from emotional
was assessed by c2 value, Comparative Fit Index (CFI) and representations subscale). The revised six-factor model
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). showed an acceptable model fit, c2 (284) 5 2,288.325, p <
Standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR), was also 0.001, CFI 5 0.869, SRMR 5 0.067, RMSEA 5 0.069, 90%
computed, with its value <0.08 representing an acceptable CI [0.066, 0.071]. According to the modification indices,
fit. Descriptive statistics, internal consistency (≥0.70 rep- one error covariance was added (between Items 37 and 38)
resenting a satisfactory reliability; Cortina, 1993), and into the model, and the overall model fit was further
correlation analysis were performed by IBM SPSS 25.0. improved, c2 (283) 5 1,794.173, p < 0.001, CFI 5 0.901,
Criterion-related validity was assessed by the correlations SRMR 5 0.066, RMSEA 5 0.060, 90%CI [0.057, 0.062].
between IPQ-R and stigma. The equal variance or unequal This final model also had satisfactorily high factor loadings
variance version of independent-sample t-test was used to (>0.30) for all items. Table 2 further shows that all the
test significance of the between-group differences in IPQ-R factors of the model were significantly and mildly associ-
scores by online gamer status and IGD status (probable ated with each other (r 5 –0.35 to 0.34, p < 0.05), except
IGD or not), according to significance of Levene’s test on the relationship between treatment control and emotional
each IPQ-R factor for equal variance of the two pop- representations which was of marginal significance (r 5
ulations. 0.052, p 5 0.053).

Ethics Reliability and criterion-related validity of IPQ-R for IGD

All respondents were briefed on the purpose of study and The Cronbach’s alphas for the six modified factors ranged
provided their informed consent to participate in this from 0.670 to 0.910 (see Table 1), indicating acceptable in-
anonymous survey. The study procedures were carried out ternal consistency. Regarding criterion-related validity,
in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical timeline cyclical, emotional representations, and conse-
approval was obtained from the affiliated university of the quence showed statistically significant mild to moderate
corresponding author (ref. no.: MYRG2016-00162-FSS). positive associations with public stigma (r 5 0.23, 0.39, and
0.51 respectively, p < 0.01), while illness coherence was
negatively and significantly correlated with public stigma
(r 5 0.29, p < 0.01). In addition, a mild, positive, and
RESULTS significant association was found between treatment control
and public stigma (r 5 0.09, p < 0.01), but a non-significant
Factor structure of IPQ-R for IGD association was found between personal control and stigma
(r 5 0.04, p 5 0.12) (Table 2).
We first conducted CFA for the 38-item IPQ-R with the
original seven-factor structure (i.e., timeline chronic, time-
line cyclical, consequences, personal control, treatment
Levels of illness representation regarding IGD
control, illness coherence, and emotional representations). Table 2 lists the subscales’ mean scores. The results showed
The model fit was not satisfactory, with c2 (644) 5 that the participants were quite neutral about the statements
7,457.843, p < 0.001, CFI 5 0.668, SRMR 5 0.095, RMSEA related to illness coherence, and tended to agree with the
5 0.084, 90% confidence intervals (CI) [0.082, 0.086]. We items of timeline cyclical, consequences, personal control,
also tested the one-factor model of this 38-item scale but the and treatment control. Interesting, they did not tend to
model did not converged and further test could not be endorse the items of emotional representations. The results
conducted on this specified model. Such model mis- were consistent with the item endorsement rate presented in

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658 Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663

Table 1. Confirmatory factor analysis results and reliabilities of IPQ-R for IGD
Standardized factor loadings
Cronbach's a Endorsement %a
Item Original scale Revised scale Revised scale Revised scale
Factor timeline chronic –
1. IGD will last a short time (R) 0.000 – –
2. IGD is likely to be permanent rather than temporary 0.626 – –
3. IGD will last for a long time 0.266 –
4. IGD will pass quickly (R) 0.056 – –
5. IGD is expected to stay for the rest of one's life 0.746 – –
18. IGD will improve in time (R) 0.071 – –
Factor consequence 0.773
6. IGD is a serious condition 0.566 0.584 62.0
7. IGD has major consequences on one's life 0.572 0.588 57.5
8. IGD does not have much effect on one's life (R) 0.054 – –
9. IGD strongly affects the way others see that IGD gamer 0.617 0.609 44.8
10. IGD has serious financial consequences 0.655 0.652 46.6
11. IGD causes difficulties for those who are close to that IGD 0.736 0.723 45.5
Factor personal control 0.670
12. There is a lot which one can do to control IGD symptoms 0.236 0.457 61.2
13. What one does can determine whether IGD gets better or 0.173 0.686 69.6
14. The course of IGD depends on that gamer 0.188 0.691 72.2
15. Nothing that addict does will affect his/her IGD (R) 0.601 – –
16. A person with IGD has the power to influence it (i.e., IGD) 0.206 0.464 58.6
17. One's action will have no effect on the outcome of his/her 0.815 – –
Factor treatment control 0.889
19. There is very little that can be done to improve one's IGD (R) 0.737 –
20. Counseling treatment will be effective in improving IGD 0.146 0.833 70.3
21. The negative effects of IGD can be prevented (avoided) by 0.115 0.882 66.5
counseling treatment
22. Counseling treatment can control my illness 0.171 0.842 66.4
23. There is nothing which can help one's IGD condition (R) 0.761 – –
Factor illness coherence 0.722
24. The symptoms of IGD are puzzling to you 0.374 0.373 31.3
25. IGD is a mystery to you 0.554 0.548 25.5
26. You don't understand IGD 0.789 0.788 37.5
27. IGD doesn't make any sense to you 0.809 0.811 36.1
28. You have a clear picture or understanding of IGD (R) 0.512 0.419 29.9
Factor timeline cyclical 0.776
29. The symptoms of IGD change a great deal from day to day 0.826 0.825 49.5
30. IGD symptoms come and go in cycles 0.871 0.870 48.8
31. IGD is very unpredictable 0.466 0.467 46.0
32. One goes through cycle in which IGD gets better and worse 0.558 0.559 49.6
Factor emotional representations 0.910
33. You get depressed when you think about IGD 0.853 0.881 20.0
34. When you think about IGD you get upset 0.879 0.918 22.8
35. IGD makes you feel angry 0.813 0.789 22.0
36. IGD does not worry you (R) 0.143 – –
37. Problems regarding IGD makes you feel anxious 0.790 0.721 16.4
38. IGD makes you feel afraid 0.747 0.672 19.8
Valid percentage for the responses of “Agree” and “Strongly agree” to each item.

Table 3, in which items 13 and 14, from the personal control Differences in illness representation by gamer status
subscale, and Item 20, from the treatment control subscale, and IGD status
were the most commonly endorsed (69.6%, 72.2%, and
70.3% respectively), whereas the five items from the About two fifth (41.0%; n 5 615) of the participants had ever
emotional representations subscale were the least endorsed experienced online gaming (ever-gamers); 2.6% (n 5 39) had
(ranged from 16.4% to 22.8%). had probable IGD. In Table 3, it is seen that ever-gamers,

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Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663 659

Table 2. Descriptive statistics and inter-correlations of constructs of IPQ-R, stigma, IGD symptoms, and socio-demographics
Item number M SD Range 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. IPQ-Cyc 4 13.11 2.90 4–20 –
2. IPQ-Con 5 16.69 3.66 5–25 0.34** –
3. IPQ-Pc 4 14.67 2.71 4–20 0.11** 0.07* –
4. IPQ-Tc 3 10.95 2.42 3–15 0.21** 0.14** 0.23** –
5. IPQ-Ic 5 15.60 3.68 5–25 0.26** 0.25** 0.08** 0.07* –
6. IPQ-Er 5 11.86 4.71 5–25 0.30** 0.34** 0.09** 0.05 0.35** –
7. Stigma 4 11.13 3.46 4–24 0.23** 0.51** 0.04 0.09** 0.29** 0.39**
8. IGD symptoms 9 0.57 1.29 0–9 0.07* 0.01 0.06* 0.02 0.13** 0.05*
9. Age 1 40.42 16.85 18–93 0.17** 0.23** 0.12** 0.06* 0.35** 0.26**
10. Education# 1 – – – 0.17** 0.11* 0.07** 0.02 0.30** 0.23**
11. Gender# 1 – – – 0.09** 0.15** 0.00 0.04 0.14** 0.14**
Note: *p < 0.05; **P < 0.01; # mean, standard deviation and range are not provided for binomial/ordinal variables.
IPQ-Cyc 5 timeline cyclical; IPQ-Con 5 consequences; IPQ-Pc 5 personal control; IPQ-Tc 5 treatment control; IPQ-Ic 5 illness
coherence; IPQ-Er 5 emotional representations; IGD 5 Internet gaming disorder.

Table 3. Mean (standard deviation) of IPQ-R factor scores by gamer status and IGD status
Ever-gamers Never-gamers Probable IGD Non-IGD
(n 5 615) (n 5 886) t (n 5 39) (n 5 1,462) t
IPQ-Cyc 12.85 (2.92) 13.32 (2.87) 2.92** 14.92 (2.96) 13.05 (2.88) 3.88**
IPQ-Con 16.05 (3.58) 17.18 (3.64) 5.76** 17.81 (3.82) 16.66 (3.65) 1.89
IPQ-Pc 15.09 (2.66) 14.35 (2.72) 5.02** 14.00 (2.90) 14.69 (2.72) 1.49
IPQ-Tc 10.85 (2.48) 11.03 (2.38) 1.38 10.95 (2.74) 10.95 (2.42) 0.13
IPQ-Ic 16.86 (3.43) 14.66 (3.57) 11.53** 15.61 (3.01) 15.60 (3.69) 0.03
IPQ-Er 10.96 (4.36) 12.53 (4.86) 6.39**þ 15.00 (4.94) 11.78 (4.68) 4.18**
Note: *p < 0.05; **P < 0.01; þ statistic for “equal variance not assumed” given the significant Leven's test result.
IPQ-Cyc 5 timeline cyclical; IPQ-Con 5 consequences; IPQ-Pc 5 personal control; IPQ-Tc 5 treatment control; IPQ-Ic 5 illness
coherence; IPQ-Er 5 emotional representations.

compared to never-gamers, reported significantly higher reached consensus on its chronicity; the general public
scores for personal control and illness coherence, but signif- might hence have little idea about its curability, remission,
icantly lower scores for time cyclical, consequences, and and hence chronicity, as they have not been informed by the
emotional representations, than those without gaming expe- scientists. Daily observations of cure over long time periods,
rience (p < 0.05). Those with IGD reported significantly which are necessary for formation of the perception on
higher scores than non-IGD participants for timeline cyclical chronicity, may also be lacking as the disease is a new one.
and emotional representations (p < 0.05). Furthermore, as the value, motives, and time availability for
online gaming may change over one’s life course, the general
public may know little about whether remission from IGD
DISCUSSION would occur along different life stages. In the absence of
clear symptoms and diagnostic tools, lay people may find it
With some modifications, the 26-item IPQ-R for IGD difficult to identify onset and remission regarding IGD.
possessed satisfactory factorial validity, criteria-related val- Thus, it is understandable that the general public may not
idity, and reliability. This is the first study investigating possess a clear perception whether IGD is chronic or tran-
illness representation and IPQ-R for IGD, and in fact, the sitory. We contend that the perception would be formed
first one in behavioral addiction research. Since the analysis when the science community have reached and disseminated
was not pre-registered, the results should be considered their consensus.
exploratory. Given that IGD is recognized and presented as a type of
We removed the factor of timeline chronic, as its items addiction, its natural course of development may be seen as
all showed non-significant factor loadings. Similar observa- diverse; relapse is not uncommon (Mihara & Higuchi, 2017).
tions have been reported for some IPQ-R’s timeline chronic It is therefore not surprising that timeline cyclical, compared
subscales such as that of esophageal cancer (Dempster & to timeline chronic, was found to be a more structurally
McCorry, 2012). This construct is supposed to assess the stable and meaningful factor in IPQ-R for IGD. Moss-
perceived chronicity nature of IGD. As IGD is a newly Morris et al. (2002) who developed the IPQ-R, also sug-
defined disease, even the scientific community may not have gested timeline cyclical is a more useful dimension than

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660 Journal of Behavioral Addictions 9 (2020) 3, 654–663

timeline chronic when the illness concerned cannot be The participants, as a whole, did not perceive much se-
adequately captured on a simple acute/chronic dimension. vere emotional distress due to IGD. It is understandable as
Given some poor factor loadings, the original IPQ scale the participants were asked about their present emotional
was modified by removal of six items (i.e., items 8, 15, 17, 19, representations toward IGD, while most of them may not
23, and 36) from the factors of consequences, personal have trouble with Internet gaming. Those with IGD showed
control, treatment control, and emotional representations. more negative emotional representations that those without
Similar modifications have been commonly reported in IGD. It is plausible that, compared to the non-IGD cases,
other IPQ-R validation studies (Abubakari et al., 2012; those IGD cases were more likely to experience symptoms
Chen, Tsai, & Lee, 2008; Hagger & Orbell, 2005). All these and show related emotional responses. A reminder is that
six removed items involved reverse wording expressions. the level of emotional representation was quite low, possibly
Researchers have pointed out that instead of preventing because many participants have not recognized that IGD
response biases, reversed item wordings may weaken val- being a disease, and have not observed immediate serious
idity, as such responses were more prone to errors due to consequences that evoke emotions (unlike drug addiction).
inattention and confusion (Van Sonderen, Sanderman, & IGD cases were also more likely than non-IGD cases to score
Coyne, 2013). Past research has encountered similar prob- higher in the level of the time cyclical factor; some of the
lems with items of reverse wording; some of such studies IGD cases might have made attempts to regulate gaming
eventually removed the reversed items from the scales time, experienced fluctuations in level of symptoms, and/or
(Abubakari et al., 2012; Cabassa et al., 2008; Chen et al., experienced remission and relapses. Similarly, IGD cases
2008). tended to show better comprehensiveness than non-IGD
Other psychometric properties of the 26-item modified cases; it is plausible that their IGD-related experience might
IPQ-R for IGD were found to be satisfactory. Compared to have driven them to seek information about IGD. Such
the original IPQ-R (a 5 0.43–0.85; Moss-Morris et al., comparisons between IGD and non-IGD cases are poten-
2002), the modified scale showed comparative or even tially important. The number of sampled IGD cases in this
higher internal consistency (a 5 0.69–0.91). The mild inter- study was however small; further research is warranted to
factor correlations suggested that each factor was measuring understand levels and impact of these two factors among
a distinct underlying construct of illness representation. those with and without IGD.
Criterion-related validity was supported by the positive The study has several limitations. First, our sample was
correlations of stigma with the factors of timeline cyclical, drawn from the general population and not confined to only
consequence, treatment control, and emotional representa- those with IGD. As mentioned in the last paragraph, the levels
tions, and its negative correlation with illness coherence. of illness representations did differ between IGD cases and
Corroborating previous studies regarding mental disorders non-IGD cases. The sample size of the IGD group was
(Mak et al., 2014; Munson et al., 2009), subscales scores of however, very small and interpretation need to be cautious.
the cyclical nature, negative consequences, and negative The number of sampled IGD cases was too small for separate
emotions was positively associated with stigma. The negative testing of the psychometric properties in this important
correlation between illness coherence and stigma also sug- group. Further validation is therefore greatly warranted for
gests that promoting understanding and knowledge about testing whether the factor structure of this version of IPQ-R
IGD in the general population may reduce negative public’s for IGD among IGD cases would differ from the one reported
views against people with IGD, and may foster a more here. The revised tool validated in this study can be applied to
encouraging environment for help-seeking. general populations that have not been screened for IGD, but
The findings suggest that in general, the participants should not be applied to IGD cases until further validation
believed that IGD is subjected to relatively good personal confirms the findings of the present study among IGD cases.
control and treatment control. The findings are encouraging Second, the findings may not be generalizable to Western
as low perceived treatment control is a potential barrier of and/or adolescent populations. Cross-validations in such
help-seeking behaviors, and were associated with avoidance samples are also warranted. Third, this cross-sectional study
and negative coping (Richardson et al., 2017). However, future does not allow for causal inferences. Fourth, the study did not
research need to examine the extent of perceived treatment examine test-retest reliability. Fifth, the study was conducted
control among those with IGD. Presently, there is a dearth of prior to the formal inclusion of gaming disorder into ICD-11;
evidence-based treatment for IGD. We thus also need to the influence of such announcement to the public’s illness
understand deeper what treatment participants refer to. representation of the disorder as well as stability of the per-
Furthermore, the results showed that ever-gamers were more ceptions are unknown. It is also a limitation that the selection
likely than never-gamers to perceive better understanding on of stigma for testing criterion validity was not theory-based.
IGD, higher perceived control over IGD, less severe outcomes Future research may use other variables for such testing, such
of IGD, and less negative emotions due to IGD. Gamers thus as intention to regulate gaming time or worry about devel-
seem to feel less threatened by IGD than never-gamers. The oping IGD for validations in general populations and coping
stronger threat perceived by never-gamers might be partial and health outcomes for validations among IGD cases (ac-
reasons for their staying away from Internet gaming. Again, cording to CSM). Lastly, measurement invariance test was not
future research is needed to test this contention. conducted for the comparisons between IGD versus non-IGD

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