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The Morning Miracle 30-Day Kit

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  Fast-Start Kit

Just 30 Days To Become

the Person You Need To
Be To Create the Life
You Deserve
  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
  Welcome Letter
  From Hal Elrod

W e l c o m e   to   The   Miracle   Morning™   30-­‐Day   Life   Transformation   Challenge,   and  

congratulations   on   having   the   courage   to   take   this   meaningful   step   toward   creating   the  
“Level   10”   life   you   truly   want—and   deserve.   Our   first   step   towards   the   next   level   of  
personal   and   professional   success   is   usually   the   most   difficult   to   take,   but   it’s   almost  
always  the  most  important.    So,  I  honor  you  for  being  here  now.    
During   the   next   30   days,   you   will   be   building   a   foundation   for   success   in   every   area   of  
your   life,   that   will   change   the   direction   of   your   life.   By   waking   up   each   morning   and  
practicing   The   Miracle   Morning™   you   will   begin   each   day   with   an   extraordinary   level   of  
discipline   (the   crucial   ability   to   get   yourself   to   follow   through   with   your   commitments),  
clarity   (the   power   you’ll   generate   from   focusing   on   what’s   most   important   to   you),   and  
personal   development   (perhaps   the   single   most   determining   factor   in   your   overall  
success,  happiness,  and  quality  of  life).  In  other  words,  during  the  next  30  days  you’ll  find  
yourself  quickly  becoming  the  person  you  need  to  be  to  create  the  life  you  truly  desire.    
You’ll   also   be   transforming   The   Miracle   Morning™   from   a   series   of   concepts   you   read   in   the   book,   which   you’re  
probably  inspired  (and  possibly  a  bit  nervous)  to  try,  into  a  lifelong  habit—one  that  will  enable  you  to  continuosuly  take  
yourself   and   your   life   to   the   next   level…   and   the   level   after   that…   and   so   on.   You’ll   begin   fulfilling   your   unlimited  
potential  and  seeing  results  in  your  life  far  beyond  what  you’ve  ever  experienced  before.    
In  addition  to  developing  successful  habits,  you’ll  also  be  developing  the  mindset  you  need  to  improve  your  life—
both   internally   and   externally.   By   practicing   the   Life   S.A.V.E.R.S.™   each   day,   you’ll   be   experiencing   the   physical,  
intellectual,  emotional,  and  spiritual  benefits  of  Silence,  Affirmations,  Visualization,  Exercise,  Reading,  and  Scribing.  You’ll  
immediately  feel  less  stressed,  more  centered,  focused,  happier  and  more  excited  about  your  life.  You’ll  be  generating  
more   energy,   clarity   and   motivation   to   move   towards   your   highest   goals   and   dreams   (especially   those   you’ve   been  
putting  off  far  too  long!)    
Remember,   your   life   situation   can   and   will   improve,   but   only   after   you   invest   time   each   day   to   develop   yourself   into  
the  person  you  need  to  be  to  improve  it.  That’s  exactly  what  these  next  30  days  of  your  life  can  be—a  new  beginning,  
and  a  new  you.    
H ave N o F e ar : Y o u C a n D o This!
If  you’re  feeling  hesitant,  or  concerned  about  whether  or  not  you  will  be  able  to  follow  through  with  this  for  30  days,  
relax—it’s   completely   normal   to   feel   that   way.   This   is   especially   true   if   waking   up   in   the   morning   is   something   you’ve  
found  challenging  in  the  past.  Remember,  we  all  suffer  from  RMS  (Rearview  Mirror  Syndrome).  So,  it’s  not  only  expected  
that   you   would   be   a   bit   hesitant   or   nervous,   but   it’s   actually   a   sign   that   you’re   really   ready   to   commit   (otherwise   you  
wouldn’t  be  nervous!)      
Personally,  I’m  excited  for  you,  because  I  know  who  you  can  become  and  how  much  growth  you  can  experience  in  just  
30  days.  The  next  30  days  are  about  you  opening  yourself  up  to  what’s  really  possible—venturing  out  of  your  comfort  
zone   and   being   pleasantly   surprised   by   what   happens   when   you   do.     You   are   capable   and   deserving   of   EVERYTHING   you  
want  for  your  life,  but  it’s  up  to  you.  Now  is  YOUR  time  to  begin  realizing  and  tapping  into  your  full  potential.    
Your  friend  (and  Coach)  for    
Creating  a  Miraculous  Life…  
“Yo Pal” Hal Elrod
P.S.   Before   going   on   to   the   next   page,   I   encourage   you   to   download   and   print   TMM   Sample   (2013)   Journal   at  (to  use  during  TMM  30-­‐Day  Challenge)  and  to  join  TMM  Community  at    

  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
  — Step #1 —
  Clarity Questions
“ W h e re  yo u  a re  is  a  re s u lt  o f  w h o  y o u  w e re .  B u t  w h e re  y o u  g o    
d e p e n d s  e n tire ly  o n  w h o  y o u  c h o o s e  to  b e .”    

[Gaining   Clarity:  Using   Quality   Questions   to   Prepare   Your   Mindset]   Remember:  we’re  talking   about  “Life   Transformation”  
(in  30-­‐days)  here,  and  like  anything  else  in  life  that’s  worthwhile,  getting  the  m ost  out  of  The  Miracle  Morning™  30-­‐Day  Life  
Transformation  Challenge  will  require  a  bit  of  preparation  on  your  part.  It’s  important  that  you  invest  some  intentional  time  
(approximately   30-­‐60   minutes)   to   complete   these   initial   exercises   beginning   with   thoughtfully   answering   these   5   Clarity  
Questions.  The  m ore  attention  you  give  to  this  part  of  the  process,  the  more  value  you’ll  gain  from  every  other  step.    
CQ1:  Which  Aspects  of  Your  Life  Can  You  Be  (More)  Grateful  For  and  Present  To?  
Our   happiness   and   emotional   well   being,   in   any   moment,   can   be   directly   linked   to   the   amount   of   gratitude   that   we  
are  consciously  present  to  and  allow  ourselves  to  experience.    Think  of  it  this  way:  every  single  one  of  us  has  two  
(metaphorical)  pages  that  we  can  focus  on  at  any  given  moment.    One  page  lists  everything  we  have  to  feel  “bad”  
about,  and  the  other  lists  everything  we  have  to  feel  “good”  about  and  be  GRATEFUL  for.    Unhappy  people  often  
defend  their  negativity  and  complain  by  saying  something  along  the  lines  of,  “I’m  not  being  negative,  I’m  just  being  
realistic.”     Really?     How   is   it   anymore   realistic   for   a   person   to   choose   to   spend   most   of   their   time   focusing   on,  
dwelling  on,  and  complaining  to  others  about  everything  on  their  “Bad”  page,  than  for  you  and  I  to  make  the  choice  
to   invest   the   majority   of   our   time   (I’m   talking   95-­‐99%)   focusing   on,   being   grateful   for,   and   telling   others   about  
everything   on   our   “Good…   Great…   Excellent!”   page?     It’s   not.     Both   are   equally   realistic,   but   which   one   you   choose  
to  focus  on  (most  of  the  time)  determines  your  internal  quality  of  life.    The  more  often  (and  more  deeply)  you  allow  
yourself  to  feel  authentically  grateful  for   every  aspect  of  your  life  (even  for  your  challenges  and  what  you  can  learn  
and   how   you   will   grow   from   them)   the   happier,   healthier,   and   more   energized   you   will   feel!     So,   I   invite   you   to  
invest  just  a  few  minutes  listing  (and  the  feeling)  some  of  the  things  that  you  have  to  be  grateful  for…    

CQ2:  What  Do  You  Want  To  Begin  Improving/Transforming  During  the  Next  30  Days?  
If   you   could   miraculously   wake   up   tomorrow   and   any   area   of   your   life   could   be   transformed,   what   would   you  
change?  Would  you  be  happier?  Healthier?  More  successful?  In  better  shape?  Would  you  have  more  energy?  Less  
stress?   More   money?   Which   of   your   problems   would   be   solved?   Which   of   your   goals   or   dreams   would   you   be   on  
your  way  to  achieving?  The  great  news  is  you  can  begin  transforming  any  area  of  your  life,  so  be  specific…    

  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
CQ3:  Which  Fears  Are  Holding  You  Back  From  Achieving  Your  “Level  10”  Life?  
Often  times,  it  is  our  deepest  fears  (which  are  usually  below  the  surface  and  we  don’t  give  much  thought  to)  that  
are  holding  us  back  from  going  to  the  next  level  and  achieving  everything  we  want  in  our  personal  or  professional  
lives.     While   most   of   us   would   prefer   to   NOT   focus   on   our   fears   (because   it’s   usually   no   fun   thinking   about   or  
acknowledging   what   we’re   afraid   of),   doing   so   is   absolutely   crucial   to   overcoming   them.     You   may   have   heard   it  
said:  “There  is  nothing  to  fear  but  fear  itself.”  Or,  “Face  the  fear,  and  the  fear  will  disappear.”    You  may  have  also  
heard  this  acronym  for  F.E.A.R.  –  False  Evidence  Appearing  Real.    All  of  these  are  true.    Fear  disappears  in  the  midst  
of   doing   what   we’re   afraid   of,   because   our   fear   is   almost   always   of   the   unknown   or   the   worst   possible   scenario  
(which   almost   never   comes   true)   rather   than   anything   tangible.     So,   be   vulnerable   here—no   one’s   looking.     Be  
honest  with  yourself—possibly  more  honest  than  you’ve  ever  been  before—about  what  fears,  insecurities,  and/or  
doubts  are  holding  you  back  from  achieving  everything  you’ve  ever  wanted  for  your  life…    

CQ4:  Which  Beliefs  Do  You  Need  To  Adopt  To  Be  Able  To  Create  Your  “Level  10”  Life?      
Belief   is   the   most   powerful   and   creative   force   in   the   universe,   which   is   possessed   by   every   human   being.     Every  
aspect   of   our   lives—good   or   bad,   both   internally   and   externally—are   born   from   our   beliefs.     If   you   believe,   truly  
believe,  that  you  are  capable  of  achieving  success  in  an  endeavor,  you  will  pursue  it  until  you  achieve  it.    On  the  
other  hand,  if  one  does  not  truly  believe  that  being  successful  is  their  right,  then  they  will  give  up  at  the  first  sign  of  
an  obstacle.    If  you  believe  you  are  deserving  of  love,  you  will  inevitably  attract  it.    If  you  don’t,  you  won’t.    If  you  
believe   people   are   generally   good,   you   will   find   the   good   within   them.     If   you   think   people   are   out   to   get   you,   they  
will.   It   is   crucial   that   you   consciously   and   actively   reinforce   the   beliefs   that   will   support   you   in   confidently   pursuing  
everything   you   want   for   your   life.   Napoleon   Hill,   author   of   the   classic   book,   Think   &   Grow   Rich   said,   “Whatever   the  
mind  can  conceive  and  BELIEVE,  it  can  achieve.”    So  true.    So,  what  beliefs  do  you  need  to  reinforce  on  a  daily  basis  
to  remind  you  that  you’re  just  as  worthy,  deserving,  and  capable  of  creating  the  life  you  want,  as  any  other  person?  

CQ5:  Why  Is  It  a  “MUST”  For  You  To  Start  Transforming  Your  Life—Right  Now?  
This  is  a  question  I  make  every  “prospective”  (Life/Success)  Coaching  client  that  I’m  ever  considering  working  with  
answer.   I   tell   them,   “It’s   important   for   you   to   convince   me   and   yourself   WHY   you’re   ready   to   commit   to   doing  
whatever  it  takes  to  create  what  you  really  want  for  your  life,  at  a  level  you’ve  never  been  committed  to  before.”  
So,  why  are  YOU  no  longer  willing  to  settle  for  less  than  you  truly  want  and  are  capable  of?  Why  is  NOW  your  time?  
  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
  — Step #2 —
“Wheel of Life” Assessment
[Wheel   of   Life   Assessment:   Getting   Clear   On   Your   Current   Levels   of   Success   and   Satisfaction]   If   we’re   measuring   our  
levels  of  success/satisfaction  in  any  area  of  our  lives,  we  all  want  to  be  living  our  best  lives  at  a  “Level  10”  in  each  area.    
Creating  your  “Level  10  Life”   begins  with  creating  an  honest  assessment  of  where  you   are.  On  a  scale  of  1-­‐10  (starting  in  
the  center  at  “0”),  rate  your  current  levels  of  success/satisfaction  in  each  area,  and  color  in  the  space  between  “0”  and  
your   rating   (See   the   Finished   Example,   below).   Once   completed,   you   should   have   a   clear   picture   of   which   areas   you’re  
doing  well  in,  and  which  areas  you  need  to  focus  on  during  the  next  30  days  to  create  your  Level  10  Life.  
  Family & Friends Personal Growth &
Physical Environment Development
  Health/Fitness Spirituality
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Contribution/ Finances
  Fun & Recreation Career/Business
Significant Other/Romance
  F inis hed Ex a mpl e

  Family & Friends Personal Growth &
  Physical Environment Development
Health/Fitness Spirituality
  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Fun & Recreation Career/Business
  Significant Other/Romance
  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
  — Step #3 —
  Your “Level 10” Vision
"Make  bold  moves  toward  your  dreams  each  day,  refuse  to  stop,  and  nothing  can  stop  you."  

[Your   “Level   10”   Vision:   Getting   Clear   On   Your   Ideal   Conditions   for   Each   Area   of   Your   Life]  Now  that  you’ve  used  the  
Wheel  of  Life  to  honestly  assess  your  current  levels   of   success  and  satisfaction  in  10  key  areas  of   your  life,  the  next  step  in  
creating   your  Level   10  Life  is  to     thoughtfully   define   it.   Use   the   space  below   to   describe  your   vision   for   your   Level   10  Life,  
so   that   you   can   immediately   begin   taking   your   initial   steps   toward   creating   it   during   The   Miracle   Morning™   30-­‐Day   LT  
Challenge.    Remember:  You  have  the  power  to  change  or  create  anything  in  your  life—one  step  (and  one  day)  at  a  time.    
[Family  &  Friends]  Describe  your  “Level  10”  vision  for  your  your  relationships  with  Family  &  Friends.  How  can  you  
add   more   value   to   their   lives?   How   do   you   want   them   to   treat,   encourage,   and   support   you?   How   can   you   be   a  
better  friend,  parent,  spouse,  sibling,  son,  daughter,  etc?  


[Personal  Growth  &  Development]  Describe  “Level  10”  Personal  Growth  for  you.  How  many  books  do  you  want  to  
read?  How  many  days  a  week  do  you  want  to  do  The  Miracle  Morning?  Do  you  want  to  work  with  a  mentor?  Hire  a  
professional  Coach?  Which  seminars  do  you  want  to  attend?  


[Health   &  Fitness]  Describe  what  “Level  10”  Health  &  Fitness  is  for  you?  What  will  you  eat?  What  won’t  you  eat?  
How  often  do  you  want  to  exercise?  How  will  you  feel?  Desribe  the  amount  of  physical  energy  that  you  want?  

[Finances]  Describe  your  “Level  10”  Financial  situation.  How  much  money  do  you  want  to  make?  Save?  Donate  to  
charity?  Which  of  your  financial  problems  would  be  solved?  Describe  the  freedom  and  lifestyle  that  you  want  for  
you  and  your  loved  ones.    

  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
[Career/Business]  Describe  your  “Level  10”  professional  life.  What  do  you  want  to  do?  Whom  do  you  want  to  work  
with?   Where   do   you   want   to   work?   (Home,   office,   travel,   etc.)     How   many   people   do   you   want   to   impact?     Do   you  
have  a  dream  of  starting  a  business,  writing  a  book,  etc?  What  do  you  really  want?  

[Physical   Environment]   Describe   your   “Level   10”   living   and   working   environment.   Where   do   you   want   to   live?  
What  needs  to  be  changed?  How  will  you  feel  spending  every  day  in  your  “Level  10”  Physical  Environnmet?  

[Fun   &   Recreation]   Life  is  meant  to  be  enjoyed,  so  describe  your  idea  of  “Level  10”  Fun  &  Recreation.  What  are  
some  of  your  favorite  hobbies?  Passions?  Which  activities  do  you  want  to  do  more  of?    

[Significant   Other/Romance]   Describe   your   “Level   10”   relationship   with   your   current   (or   yet-­‐to-­‐be-­‐determined)  
significant  other.  What  do  you  want?  More  importantly:  How  can  YOU  be  the  person  that  will  attract  the  love  and  
romance  that  you  want?  

[Contribution/Giving]   Describe  what  a  “Level  10”  means  to  you.  How  important  is  helping  others?  How  much  time,  
money,  and/or  resources  do  you  want  to  give  back?  To  which  groups  of  people  or  organziations  do  you  contribute?      

[Spirituality]  Describe  what  “Level  10”  Spirituality  looks  like  in  your  life.  How   much  time  would  you  like  to  spend  in  
Silence  each  day?  How  often  do  you  want  to  attend  church?  How  would  you  improve  your  relationship  with  God?    


  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    

— Step #4 —
“Level 10” Habits

“An  extraordinary  life  is  all  about  daily,  continuous  improvements  in  the  areas  that  matter  most.”    
–Robin  Sharma  

[“Level  10”  Habits:  Establishing  Daily  Practices  That  Will  Make  Your  Success  Inevitable]  As  detailed  in  Chapter  9   of  The  
Miracle  Morning™  book,  From  Unbearable  To   Unstoppable,   you  can  establish   or   change  any   habit  in  30  days,  and  your  
levels  of  success  in  every  area  of  your  life  will  almost  always  be  a  result  of  your  habits.  Identify  1-­‐2  “Level  10”  Habits  in  
each  area  that  you  can  begin  establishing  during  TMM  30-­‐Day  LT  Challenge.      

[Family  &   Friends]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  that  will  create  “Level  10”  relationships  with  family  &  friends?  Is  it  
calling  one  person  each  day  to  ask  how  you  can  add  value  to  their  life?  Or  to  tell  them  how  much  they  mean  to  you?    

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Personal   Growth   &   Development]   Which   habit(s)   can   you   establish   NOW   that   will   help   you   to   develop   the   mindset,  
knowledge,   and   skills   to   become   the   person   you   need   to   be   to   create   the   “Level   10”   life   you   deserve?   While   The   Miracle  
Morning™  is  an  obvious  answer,  what  else  can  you  do?  How  about  listening  to  self-­‐help  audios  in  the  car?  Anything  else?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Health  &  Fitness]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  that  will  make  you  healthy  &  fit?  Daily  run?  Gym?  No  fast  food?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Finances]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  that  will  begin  moving  you  toward  financial  freedom?  Save  10%?  Spend  less?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Career/Business]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  to  move  toward  your  “Level  10”  career/business?    

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Physical  Environment]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  to  improve  your  environment?  Daily  organizing?  Redecorating?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Fun  &  Recreation]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  that  will  make  your  life  more  FUN?  Favorite  hobbies?  Activities?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Significant  Other/Romance]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  to  attract  or  create  your  “Level  10”  relationship?    

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Contribution/Giving]   Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  to  contribute  more?  Set  up  a  small  recurring  monthly  financial  
donation  to  a  charity?  Donate  your  time  each  week?  Become  a  Big  Brother  or  Big  Sister?  What  resonates  with  you?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
[Spirituality]  Which  habit(s)  can  you  establish  NOW  to  deepen  or  enhance  your  Spirituality?  Daily  prayer?  Meditate?  Church?  

1.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________  
  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
  — Step #5 —
The (30-Day) Transformation Tracker

[The   30-­‐Day  Transformation   Tracker:  Creating   Consistency   By   Tracking   Your   Progress   Every   Day]  To  get  off  to  a  “Fast-­‐
Start”  with  The  Miracle  Morning™  it  is  important   that   you  begin  by  experiencing  the  FULL   Miracle   Morning,   including  all  6  
of   the   Life   S.A.V.E.R.S™   practices  for  accelerated  personal   development,  and  track  your  progress   each  day.   In   addition  to  
the   6   Life   S.A.V.E.R.S™   (included   below),   choose   4   of   your   “Level   10”   Habits   from   the   previous   page   that   you   want   to  
establish  during  the  next  30  days,  which  will  make  the  most  signficant  improvements  in  the  areas   you  feel  will  make  the  
biggest  impact  in  your  life.  There  is  a   huge  benefit  that  comes  from   tracking  your  progress,   as  it   is   an   excellent   form  of  
accountability  and  gives  you  positive,  tangible  reinforcement  every  time  you  follow  through  with  your  “Level  10”  Habits.  

“Level  10”  Habits   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0  
1.  Silence  (TMM)  
2.  Affirmations  (TMM)  
3.  Visualization  (TMM)  
4.  Exercise  (TMM)  
5.  Reading  (TMM)  
6.  Scribing  (TMM)  

[Instructions]   Mark   an   “X”  for   each   day   you  follow   through   with   your  habit,   an  “O”  for   each   day   you  PLAN   (in   advance)   to  
take  Off,  and  leave  it  blank  any  day  that  you  intend  to  do  it,  but  don’t.  Obviously  you  want  to  keep  “missed”  days  to  an  
absolute  minimum,  but  always  keep  in  mind  that  personal  development  is  about  progress—not  perfection.  J  

  F inis hed Ex a mpl e (W i th No M is se d D a ys)

“Level  10”  Habits   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   0  
1.  Silence  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
2.  Affirmations  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
3.  Visualization  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
4.  Exercise  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
5.  Reading  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
6.  Scribing  (TMM)   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
7.  Review  Goals   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
8.  Make  30  Sales  Calls   X   X   X   X   X   O   O   X   X   X   X   X   O   O   X   X   X   X   X   O   O   X   X   X   X   X   O   O   X   X  
9.  No  Fast  Food   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X   X   X   X   X   O   X   X  
10.  Date  Night   O   O   O   O   O   X   O   O   O   O   O   O   X   O   O   O   O   O   O   X   O   O   O   O   O   O   X   O   O   O  

  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    
Bon us: Ha l Elr od ’ s
  In spir at iona l Q u ote s

"Love  the  life  you  have  while  you  create  the  life  of  your  dreams.    
Don't  think  you  have  to  choose  one  over  the  other."  
“Give  up  being  perfect,  for  being  authentic.  Give  up  the  need  to  be  perfect,  for  the  opportunity  to  be  
authentic.  Be  who  you  are.  Love  who  you  are.  Others  will  too.”  
"Know  that  wherever  you  are  in  your  life  right  now  is  both  temporary,  and  exactly  where  you’re  supposed  
to  be.  You  have  arrived  at  this  moment  to  learn  what  you  must  learn,  so  you  can  become  the  person  you  
need  to  be  to  create  the  life  you  truly  want."  
"Even  when  life  is  difficult  or  challenging—especially  when  life  is  difficult  and    
challenging—the  present  is  always  an  opportunity  for  us  to  learn,  grow,  and  become    
better  than  we've  ever  been  before."  
"YOU  are  just  as  deserving  of  extraordinary  happiness,  health,  wealth  and  success  as  any  other  person  on  
this  planet!  Believe  that,  know  it  in  your  heart,  and  take  the  necessary  actions  TODAY  to  start  creating  the  
extraordinary  life  you  deserve  to  live."  
 “Be  grateful  for  all  that  you  have,  accepting  of  all  that  you  don't,    
and  actively  create  all  that  you  want.”  
“The  moment  you  accept  responsibility  for  everything  in  your  life  is  precisely  the  moment  you  regain  the  
power  to  change  or  create  anything  in  your  life."  
“Make  today  the  BEST  day  of  your  life,  because  there  is  simply  no  good  reason  not  to.”  
“Where  you  are  is  a  result  of  who  you  were,  but  where  you  go    
depends  entirely  on  who  you  choose  to  be.”  
"Make  bold  moves  toward  your  dreams  each  day,  refuse  to  stop,    
and  nothing  can  stop  you."  

  More  FREE  Resources,  Recommendations,  and  Paying  It  Forward    
  1. Join  The  Miracle  Morning™ Community  at  
  2. Utilize  all  of  the  FREE  Resources  and  at  
  3. Read  the  FREE  articles  and  watch  FREE  videos  at  
  4. Share  The  Miracle  Morning™  with  others  for  FREE  at  
  5. Get  The  Miracle  Morning™ (2013)  JOURNAL  at  
  ©  2012-­‐2013  Hal  Elrod  International,  Inc.  |  Questions?  Get  Support  @    

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