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Relational Data Model

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Relational Model

Why Study Relational Model?

 Most widely used model.
Vendors: IBM, Informix, Microsoft, Oracle,
Sybase, etc.
 “Legacy systems” in older models
E.G., IBM’s IMS (hierarchical model)

Anatomy of a Relation
 Each relation is a table with a name.
 An attribute is a column heading.
 The heading is the schema of the relation
Students(SSN, Name, Age, GPA)

Relation Students Attribute

name SID Name Age GPA name
1002 John Smith 20 3.2
1005 Mary Day 18 2.9 Tuple
1020 Bill Lee 19 2.7
Domain of an Attribute
 The domain of an attribute A, denoted by
Dom(A), is the set of values that the
attribute can take.
A domain is usually represented by a
type. E.g.,
SID char(4)
Name varchar(30) --- character
string of variable length up to 30
Age number --- a number

 A tuple of a relation is a row in its table.
 If t is a tuple of a relation R and A is an
attribute of R, we use t[A] to represent the
value of t under A in R.
Example: If t is the second tuple in Students
t[Name] = ‘Mary Day’
t[Age] = 18,
t[Name, Age] = (‘Mary Day’, 18)

Schema and Instance
 A relation schema, denoted by R(A1, A2, …,
An), consists of the relation name R and a
list of attributes A1, …, An.
R.A denotes attribute A of R.
# of attributes = degree
 A relation instance (state) of a relation
schema R(A1, …, An), denoted by r(R), is a
set of tuples in the table of R at some
instance of time.
# of tuples = cardinality
Schema & Instance Update
 The schema of a relation may change (e.g.,
adding, deleting, renaming attributes and
deleting a table schema) but it is infrequent
 The state of a relation may also change (e.g.,
inserting or deleting a tuple, and changing an
attribute value in a tuple) & it is frequent
A schema may have different states at
different times.

Relational Database
 A relational database schema is a set of
relation schemas S={R1, …, Rm}.
 A relational database is a set of relations
DB(S)={r(R1), …, r(Rm)}.
 A database state is a set of relation
instances at some instance of time.
In addition, a relational database must
satisfy a number of constraints (more to
come later).

A University Database
Students Sections
SID Name Major GPA Cno Sno Semester Prof
1002 J. Smith CS 3.2 CS374 001 F2000 Zhang
1005 M. Day Math 2.9 CS455 002 S2000 Smith
1020 B. Lee EE 2.7 Math210 001 F1999 Brown

Cno Name Hour Dept
CS374 Database 3 CS Name Room Chair
CS455 Network 3 CS CS SB220 Hansen
CS100 Prog.Lang 4 CS EE EB318 Johnson
Math210 Calculus 3 Math Math AB119 Miller

Constraints of Relational DB
 Relations must satisfy the following
Domain (1NF) Constraint.
Access-by-Content Constraint.
Key (Unique Tuple) Constraint.
Entity Integrity Constraint.
Referential Integrity Constraint.
Integrity constraints are enforced by the

Domain Constraint
 Also known as the First Normal Form
(1NF): Attributes can only take atomic
values (I.e., set values are not allowed).
 How to handle multivalued attributes?
Use multiple tuples, one per value
Use multiple columns, one per value
Use separate tables
What problems does these solutions

Handle Multi-Valued Attributes
Multiple Employees
Values: EID Name Age Dependents
1234 Bob 34 {Allen, Ann}
1357 Mary 23 {Kathy}
2468 Peter 54 {Mike, Sue, David}

Use Multiple Employees

Tuples: EID Name Age Dependents
1234 Bob 34 Allen
1234 Bob 34 Ann
1357 Mary 23 Kathy
2468 Peter 54 Mike
2468 Peter 54 Sue
2468 Peter 54 David
Handle Multi-Valued Attributes
Use Multiple Employees
Columns: EID Name Age Dep1 Dep2 Dep3
1234 Bob 34 Allen Ann
1357 Mary 23 Kathy
2468 Peter 54 Mike Sue David

Use Separate Employees Dependents

Relations: EID Name Age EID Name
1234 Bob 34 1234 Allen
1357 Mary 23 1234 Ann
2468 Peter 54 1357 Kathy
2468 Mike
2468 Sue
2468 David
Access-by-Content Constraint
 A tuple is retrieved only by values of its
attributes, i.e., the order of tuples is not
 This is because a relation is a set of tuples.

 A superkey of a relation is a set of
attributes whose values uniquely identify the
tuples of the relation.
 Every relation has at least one superkey
(default is all attributes together?).
 Any superset of a superkey is a superkey.
 From a state of a relation, we may determine
that a set of attributes is not a superkey,
but can not determine that a set of
attributes is a superkey.
Superkey Example
 Find all superkeys of the Students relation.
SID Name Major GPA
1002 J. Smith CS 3.2
1005 M. Day Math 2.9
1020 B. Lee EE 2.7
 With the only state of R, is A a superkey?
What about {A, B}? R A B C D
A1 B2 C1 D2
A2 B2 C3 D2
A2 B1 C2 D1
A3 B3 C4 D1
Candidate Key
 A candidate key of a relation is a set of
attributes of the relation such that
it is a superkey, and
none of its proper subsets is a superkey.
 Find all candidate keys in Students relation.
 Is it true that every relation has at least
candidate key? Why?
 If AB is a candidate key of a relation, can A
also be a candidate key? What is ABC called?

Primary Key
 A primary key of a relation is a candidate key
designated (with an underline) by a database
Often chosen at the time of schema design,
& once specified to DBMS, it cannot be
Better be the smallest candidate key for
improvement of both storage and query
processing efficiencies.

Key Constraint
 Every relation must have a primary key.
 Why is key constraint needed?
Every tuple has a different primary key
Only the primary key values need to be
checked for identifying duplicate when new
tuples are inserted (index is often used).
Primary key values can be referenced from
within other relations

Entity Integrity Constraint
 A null value is a special value that is
yet to be assigned, or
 Entity Integrity Constraint: No primary key
values can be null.

Foreign Key
 A foreign key in relation R1 referencing
relation R2 is a set of attributes FK of R1,
such that,
FK is compatible with a candidate (or
primary) key PK of R2 (with same number of
attributes and compatible domains); and
for every tuple t1 in R1, either there exists
a tuple t2 in R2 such that t1[FK] = t2[PK] or
t1[FK] = null.
Foreign keys need to be explicitly defined.
Foreign Key Example
Employees Departments
EID Name Age DName Name City Manager
1234 Bob 34 Sales Sales Huston Bill
1357 Mary 23 Service Payroll Dallas Steve
2468 Peter 54 null Service Chicago Tom
 DName of Employees is a foreign key referencing
Name of Departments

 A foreign key may reference its own relation.

Employee(EID, Name, Age, Dept, ManegerID)

Referential Integrity Constraint
 Referential Integrity Constraint: No relation
can contain unmatched foreign key values.
 Using foreign keys in a relation to reference
primary keys of other relations is the only way
in the relational data model to establish
relationships among different relations.


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