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Surface Tension Notes

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Consider a liquid surface below

Definition: Surface tension (𝛾) is the tangential force acting normally on one side of an
imaginary line of length one meter drawn in the surface of a liquid

Surface tension   

Dimensions of surface tension.

Surface tension   Force MLT 2

Area  L

   MT 2

The S.I unit of  is Nm 1 or kgs 2

Common observations that are explained by surface tension

1. A drop of water may remain clinging on to the tap for some time before falling as if the
water particles were held in a bag.
2. Mercury forms spherical droplets when spilt on glass.
3. Rain drops are spherical due to surface tension.
4. Formation of soap bubbles and films. Consider a thread placed on a soap film which is
supported by a ring as shown below.


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There are equal and opposite forces (surface tensional forces) on each side of the thread and
therefore the thread stays where it has been placed.

However if the soap film is broken in the middle of the loop in the region bounded by the
thread, there are no more forces inside the thread, and so the only forces acting on it are

As a result, the thread is pulled into a circle.

Therefore, surface tension is a property which makes a free liquid surface act like a stretched
skin/elastic membrane. Surface tension is due to intermolecular attraction in the liquid surface
and it’s these forces that produce a stretched skin effect on the surface.

5. Some insects such as pond skaters are able to walk over the surface of the water without
getting wet.
6. A steel needle can be made to float on water despite its greater density.

The floating needle creates a depression in the liquid surface so that the surface tensional forces,
F which act in the surface now have upward directed components which are capable of
supporting the weight of the needle.


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N.B: The value of surface tension does not increase with increase in surface area since more
molecules enter the surface layer keeping the molecular separation constant hence surface
tension. However, increase in molecular separation will increase the attractive force between the
molecules hence surface tension.

Molecular theory explanation of surface tension

Consider a liquid shown below

Molecules in the bulk of the liquid such as D and E are surrounded by equal number of
molecules on all sides. As a result they are attracted equally in all directions by the surrounding
molecules. The average distance of these molecules is such that attractive and repulsive forces
on such molecules balance. So the net force on these molecules is equal to zero.

Molecules in the liquid surface such as A, B and C have fewer vapour molecules above than the
liquid molecules below. The resultant attractive force on such molecules acts downwards.

On the other hand, molecules in the liquid surface are more widely spaced than the molecules in
the bulk. Since the intermolecular attraction increases with separation between the molecules,
the molecules in the surface attract each other with a greater force. This puts the surface
molecules in a state of tension hence behave like an elastic skin a phenomenon called surface

In terms of energy

Molecules in the liquid surface have potential energy because if they were to be moved to
infinity, a definite amount of work is needed to overcome the net inward force on the molecules
due to those below them.

Molecules in the bulk of the liquid form bonds with more neighbours than those in the surface.
Work must be done to break these bonds to bring such a molecule into the surface.


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Molecules in the surface of the liquid have more potential energy than those in the bulk. For a
system in stable equilibrium, its potential energy is minimum. For a liquid to minimize its
potential energy, the number of higher energy surface molecules must be minimized. The
minimized number of surface molecules results in a minimum area a phenomenon called surface


These are substances that reduce the surface tension e.g impurities, detergents and temperature.

Factors affecting surface tension

Temperature. When the temperature of a liquid increases, the mean kinetic energy of the
molecules of the liquid increases. The forces of attraction between the molecules will decrease
since the molecules spend less time in the neighborhood of a given molecule hence surface
tension decreases with increase in temperature.

N.B: At the boiling point, the surface tension of the liquid becomes zero and maximum at the
freezing point.

A graph of surface tension against temperature.

Impurities. The molecules of the impurity get in the spaces between the liquid molecules and
this reduces the cohesive forces between the liquid molecules. This reduces the surface tension
of the liquid.

Calmness of the liquid surface. When the liquid surface is calm, the surface tension is high due
to high intermolecular attraction whereas when the liquid surface becomes turbulent, the
intermolecular forces are reduced and thus surface tension.


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
Experiment to show that surface tension of a liquid decreases with increase in temperature

Lycopodium powder or some light dust is sprinkled on the surface of water in a flat metal dish.
One side of the dish is heated for some time and observations are made.

It is observed that the particles of the powder are swept away from the heated part, implying
that the surface tensional forces can longer hold the particles in their previous positions.

This shows that surface tension of liquids decreases with increase in temperature.
Explain why when a drop of methylated spirit (soap solution) is dropped into the centre of
a dish of water whose surface has been sprinkled with lycopodium powder, the powder
rushed out to the sides leaving a clear patch.
This is due to the surface tension of water being greater than that of methylated spirit (soap
solution) causing an imbalance between the surface tension forces at the boundary of the two
liquids. The powder is thus carried away from the centre by water.

𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒 𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒


𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒

Angle of contact:

This is the angle between the solid surface and the tangent plane at the point of intersection of
the liquid surface and the solid surface measured through the liquid.


When water is poured in a clean beaker or a capillary tube, the meniscus curves upwards
(concave), whereas for mercury the meniscus curves downwards (convex).


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Angle of contact is the angle between the solid surface and the tangent to the meniscus at the
point where it touches the liquid, and measured through the liquid.

For water,  is acute, i.e. less than 90 0 . This is due to the fact that the adhesion forces between
the liquid and the solid surface are greater than the cohesion forces between the liquid

For mercury,  is obtuse, i.e. 900 < 𝜃 < 1800 . This due to the fact that the cohesion forces
between the liquid molecules are greater than the adhesion forces between the liquid molecules
and the solid surface.

Factors affecting magnitude of angle of contact

1. Nature of the liquid,

2. Nature of the surface of the container ( solid surface),

3. Impurities of the liquid.


1. Liquids with acute angles of contact such as water rise in a capillary

tube, and for the same reason, they spread over and wet a clean glass surface
when split on it.
2. On the other hand liquids with obtuse angles of contact such as
mercury are depressed in a capillary tube. For the same reason, mercury
gathers itself into spherical drops when spilt on a clean glass surface. It
therefore does not wet the glass.


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3. Water has zero angle of contact when with clean glass surface. This is
because the adhesive forces are so much greater than the cohesive forces and
the water surface is parallel to the glass where it meets it.

Experiment to determine angle of contact

Clean glass plate Clean glass plate

α α
𝜽 𝜽

𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 Mercury

A clean glass plate with a provision of adjusting its angle of inclination on the liquid surface is
dipped into the liquid under investigation.
The glass plate is tilted until the liquid surface on one side of the plate is horizontal up to the
line of contact.
The angle, 𝛼 between the glass plate and the liquid surface is measured by means of a
protractor, suitably placed against the edge of the plate.
The angle of contact,  is obtained from 𝜃 = 180 − 𝛼
When a capillary tube is immersed in a beaker with water, the water rises in the tube to a height
above the surface due to surface tension. The narrower the tube, the greater the height. This is
due to the fact that the adhesive forces between water molecules and glass molecules are greater
than the cohesive forces between the water molecules. The water therefore rises up the tube so
that more water molecules are in contact with the glass, and a concave meniscus is formed.
When on the other hand the capillary tube is placed inside mercury, the liquid is depressed
below the outside mercury level. The depression decreases as the diameter of the capillary tube
This is because the cohesive forces between mercury molecules are greater than the adhesive
forces between the mercury and the glass molecules. Mercury therefore sinks down the tube
such that more mercury molecules remain together, and a convex meniscus is formed.


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
Definition: Capillarity is the rise or fall of a liquid in a narrow tube.

Tube of insufficient length

If a capillary tube of insufficient length is put in a liquid, the liquid rises to the top of the tube,
the meniscus changes its shape until an equilibrium at a smaller height is reached, and the
meniscus acquires a new radius of curvature.
Derivation of an expression for h
Suppose a capillary tube of radius, 𝑟 is dipped into a liquid of density, 𝜌 and surface tension, 𝛾
Consider a liquid which rises up in a clean glass capillary tube, the liquid stops rising when the
weight of the raised column acting vertically downwards equals the vertical component of the
upward forces exerted by the tube on the liquid.

At equilibrium, Fcos  mg but m    V and    F  2r


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2r cos    V  g but V  r 2 h

2r cos    r 2 h  g

2 cos  rhg

2 cos

Note: if 𝜃 is acute, then cos 𝜃 is positive and therefore h is positive, implying that the liquid
rises up in the tube. If 𝜃 is obtuse, 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 is negative and therefore h is negative, implying that the
liquid falls in the capillary tube, below the level of the surrounding.

If 𝜃 = 00 like for water, ℎ = 𝜌𝑟𝑔


1. A capillary tube of diameter 0.4mm is placed vertically inside the liquid. Calculate the
height to which liquid rises in the tube if;
i) A liquid of density 800kgm 3 and surface tension 0.05Nm 1 angle of contact 300 ,

ii) Mercury of angle of contact 139 0 and surface tension 0.52Nm 1 .

d  0.4mm  r  2.0 10 4 m

(i)   0.05Nm 1 ,   30 0

2 cos 2  0.05  cos30 0

h   0.055175 m
gr 800  9.81  2.0  10  4

(ii)   0.52Nm 1 ,   139 0 ,   13600kgm 3

2 cos 2  0.05  cos139 0

h   0.0294 m
gr 13600  9.81  2.0  10 4

The negative sign just means a depression.

2. The internal diameter of the glass tube of mercury barometer is 3.5mm . The barometer
reads 752.4mm . Find the correct reading of the barometer after allowing for the error due to


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
surface tension. (angle of contact between mercury and glass is 1400 , surface tension of
mercury is 0.52𝑁𝑚−1 , density of mercury is 13600𝑘𝑔𝑚 −3)
The fall, h 
2  0.52  cos1400
h  3.41  10 3 m  3.41mm

13600  9.81  1.75  10 3

Correct reading of the barometer  752.4  3.41  755.81mmHg
N.B: The negative sign indicates that the barometer reading is lower by 3.41mm.
3. Water is placed in a clean glass tube of radius 0.0005m . If the density of water is
1000kgm 3 and the surface tension 0.073Nm 1 , calculate the height to which water rises.
2 2  0.073
h   0.0298 m
gr 1000  9.81  0.0005
4. Water is placed in a clean glass tube of radius 0.0002m. if the density of water is
1000kgm 3 and water rises to a height of 6.6cm, calculate the surface tension of water.

  

 
6.6  10 2  1000  9.81  0.0002
 0.064746 Nm 1
gr 2 2
5. Water rises to a height of 10cm in a capillary tube dipped in water. When the same
capillary tube is dipped in mercury, it is depressed by 2.60mm. Compare the surface tension of
water and mercury. (Density of water= 1000𝑘𝑔𝑚−3 , Density of mercury = 13600𝑘𝑔𝑚 −3,
angle of contact of water= 50 , angle of contact of mercury= 1350 )
hw  w gr
For water,  w  ............................(i)
2 cos w

 hm  m gr
For mercury,  m  ............................(ii)
2 cos m

hw  w gr
w 2 cos w w h  cos m
   w w
m  hm  m gr  m  hm  m cos w
2 cos m

w 0.1  1000  cos135 0

  2.01
 m  2.60  10 3  13600  cos5 0


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6. The internal diameter of the glass tube of mercury barometer is 2.0mm . The barometer
reads 74.45cmHg . Find the correct reading of the barometer after allowing for the error due to
surface tension. (angle of contact between mercury and glass is 1350 , surface tension of
mercury is 3.5 × 10−1 𝑁𝑚−1, density of mercury is 13600𝑘𝑔𝑚 −3) 74.821cmHg 



A clean capillary tube which is supported by a retort stand is placed in a beaker containing a
clean liquid of known density,  and angle of contact, 
A pin bent at right angles at two places is attached to a capillary tube with a rubber band.
The pin is adjusted until its sharp point just touches the horizontal level of the liquid in the
A travelling microscope is focused on the meniscus and the reading, S1 on the scale is
The beaker is removed and the travelling microscope is focused on the tip of the pin. The scale
reading, S 2 is recorded.

The height, h of the liquid column is calculated from, h  S1  S 2


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The diameter of the capillary tube, and hence its radius , r are measured using the travelling

The surface tension ,  of the liquid is calculated from ;   .


It is assumed that the weight of the small quantity of the liquid in the meniscus is negligible,
and that temperature remains constant throughout the experiment.


A bubble is a thin sphere of liquid enclosing/containing air or gas or vapour. E.g. air bubbles,
soap bubbles etc.…

A drop is a thin sphere containing a liquid.


For bubbles and drops, the inside pressure is always greater than the outside pressure otherwise
the combined effect of the external pressure and surface tension would cause the bubble or drop
to collapse. (Pressure is greater on the concave side of the drop or bubble)

Pressure difference across an air bubble (Excess pressure within an air bubble)

Consider an air bubble of radius r formed inside a liquid of surface tension, 

In the figure shown F is the surface tensional force, P1 is the external pressure acting on the

bubble, P2 is the internal pressure acting inside the bubble.

Let the cross sectional area, A of the bubble be A  r 2


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  F  l but l  2r
F  2r since it acts around the circumference of the bubble
When the bubble is in equilibrium,
Force due to P1  Surface tensiona l forces  Force due to P2

P1  A  2r  P2  A

P1  r 2  2r  P2  r 2

2  P2  P1   r

P2  P1   2
Therefore pressure difference across an air bubble is P 

Pressure Difference across a soap bubble in air

A soap bubble has two liquid surfaces in contact with air, one inside the bubble and the other
outside the bubble.

Consider a soap bubble of radius, r

Let  be the surface tension of soap solution

P1 P2

Consider equilibrium of one half, B of the bubble

The surface tensional forces, F  2  2r  4r

If the bubble is in equilibrium,
Force due to P1  Surface tensional forces  Force due to P2


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P1  A  4r  P2  A

P1  r 2  4r  P2  r 2

P2  P1   r  4
P2  P1   4
Excess pressure, P 
The excess pressure of bubbles is inversely proportional to the radius of the bubble. This
explains why;
(i) The pressure needed to form a very small bubble is high.
(ii) One needs to blow hard to start a balloon growing. Once the balloon has grown, less air
pressure is needed to make it expand more.
7. (a) Define the term surface tension and derive its dimensions
(b) Explain using the molecular theory the occurrence of surface tension.
(c) Show that the excess pressure in a soap bubble of radius, r is given by P 
8. Calculate the pressure inside a spherical air bubble of diameter 0.1cm blown at a depth
of 20cm below the surface of a liquid of density 1.26  10 3 kgm 3 and surface tension

0.064 Nm1 .(Given: Height of mercury barometer is 76cmHg and density of mercury is

1.36  10 4 kgm3 )

H  barometric height   density of mercury  g

H  0.76 1.36 10 4  9.81  101396 .16Pa


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Let P2  internal pressure P1  External pressure

Pressure due to liquid column  h  density of the liquid  g

Pressure due to the liquid column  0.2  1.26  10 3  9.81  2472 .12Pa

Total external pressure, P1  2472 .12  101396 .16  103868 .28Pa

Excess pressure, P2  P1 

2 2  0.064
P2  P1   103868 .28 
r 0.05  10 2

P2  103868 .28  256  104124 .28 Nm 2

9. Calculate the total pressure within an air bubble of radius 0.1mm in water if the bubble is
formed 10cm below the water surface given that the surface tension of water is 7.27 10 2 Nm1 ,

density of water is 1000kgm 3 and atmospheric pressure is 1.01 10 5 Pa . 103435 Nm2 
10. A soap bubble has a radius of 0.005m. Calculate the excess pressure in the bubble if the
surface tension of soap solution is 2.5 10 2 Nm1 20 Nm2  
11. A soap bubble has a radius of 0.001m. Calculate the excess pressure in the bubble if the

surface tension of soap solution is 2.5 10 2 Nm2 . 10 Nm 2 
12. A soap bubble has a diameter of 4mm. calculate the pressure inside it, if the atmospheric
pressure is 10 5 Nm2 and that the surface tension of soap solution is 2.8 10 2 Nm1 .
4 4
P2  P1   P2  P1 
r r

P2  10 5 

4  2.8  10 2 
 100056 Pa
2  10 3
Pressure difference across a spherical liquid surface
Consider the two situations as illustrated bellow.
The pressure on the concave side of each liquid surface exceeds the pressure on the convex side
by where, r is the radius of curvature of the surface provided the angle of contact is zero.


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If the angle of contact is  , the formula is modified as follows.
For water:
2 cos
P2  P1  but P2  H and P1  H - hg
2 cos 2 cos
H  H  hg   ,  hg 
r r
If   0, h 
g r
If   0, h 
For mercury:
2 cos
P2  P1  but P1  H and P2  H  hg

H  hg   H  2cos  h
r gr

Pressure difference across a liquid meniscus in terms of angle of contact,  and radius, r of
the capillary tube.

Consider a liquid of surface tension,  which makes an angle of contact 

𝑃2 𝐫


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Let, R  rsduius of curvature of the meniscus

r  radius of the cappilary tube

 cos  R  rcos ............................(i)

P2  P1  ........................................................(ii)

Combining equations (i) and (ii) gives

2 cos
P2  P1 

Capillary rise or fall by pressure difference method

(a) Capillary rise

Consider a capillary tube of radius, r dipped in a liquid with acute

angle of contact, 𝜃 with the glass.


𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟐 𝐏𝟑

P1 , P2 and P3 are on the same horizontal level in the liquid.

Outside the tube,

P1  P3  H

Inside the tube,

H  P2  The liquid is not at equilibrium, the liquid then rises in

the tube to achieve equilibrium


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𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟐 𝐏𝟑

At equilibrium,

P1  P2  P3  H..................................(i)

P2  P4  hg  H  P4  hg

P4  H  hg .........................................(ii)

2 cos
Also, H  P4  ..........................(iii )

Put equation (ii) in equation (iii)

2 cos 2 cos
H  H  hg    hg 
r r

2 cos

 h . The larger the capillary tube the smaller the rise and vice versa.

(b) Capillary depression

Consider a capillary tube of radius, r dipped in a liquid which makes an obtuse angle of contact,
 with glass.


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𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟑

P1 , P2 and P3 are on the same horizontal level in the liquid.

Outside the tube,

P1  P3  H

Inside the tube,

P2  H  The liquid is unstable. The liquid inside the tube falls

to attain equilibrium.


𝐏𝟏 𝐏𝟑

𝐏𝟒 𝐏𝟐

At equilibrium,

P1  P3  H........................................(i)

P2  P4 ...................................................(ii)

P4  hg  P1 But P4  P2


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P2  hg  H..........................................(iii)

Also, P2  H  ..........................(iv)

Put equation (iii) in equation (iv) gives

hg  H   H  2cos

2 cos 2 cos
hg   h
r gr


1. A U-tube with limbs of diameter 5.00mm and 2.00mm contains water of surface tension
0.07Nm 1 , angle of contact zero and density 1000kgm 3 , find the difference in water levels.

Use g  10ms  2

r D R

For the wider limb.

2 2
PA  PB   H  PB 
2  0.07
H  PB   H  PB  56Pa.......................(i)
2.5  10 3
For a smaller limb
2 2  0.07
PD  PC   H  PC 
r 1  10 3
H  PC  140 Pa.............................................................(ii)


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But PB  PC  hg  PB  PC  hg......................(iii)
Equation (ii)  Equation (i)
H  PC   H  PB   140  56  PB  PC  84Pa.............(iv)
Solving equation (iii) and equation (iv) gives
84 84
hg  84  h    8.4  10 3 m  8.4mm
g 1000  10
OR 
PB  PC  hg  PB  PC  hg

 2 cos   2 cos 
H    H    hg
 R   r 
2 cos  1 1 
h   
g  r R 
2  0.07  cos 0  1 1 
h  3
 3 
 8.4  10 3 m  8.4mm
1000  10  1 10 2.5  10 

2. A U-tube with limbs of diameter 7.0mm and 4.0mm contains water of surface tension
7.0 10 2 Nm1 angle of contact zero and density 1000 kgm 3 . Find the difference in water

r D R

h C

For the wider limb.

2 2
PA  PB   H  PB 


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
2  0.07
H  PB   H  PB  40Pa.......................(i)
3.5  10 3
For a smaller limb
2 2  0.07
PD  PC   H  PC 
r 2  10 3
H  PC  70Pa.............................................................(ii)

But PB  PC  hg  PB  PC  hg....................(iii)

Equation (ii)  Equation (i)

H  PC   H  PB   70  40  PB  PC  30Pa......(iv)
Solving equation (iii) and equation (iv) gives
30 30
hg  30  h    3.06  10 3 m  3.06mm
g 1000  9.81

3. A glass U-tube is such that the diameter of one limb is 4.0mm while that of the other is
8.0mm. The tube is inverted vertically with the open ends below the surface of water in a
beaker. Given that surface tension of water is 0.072Nm 1 , angle of contact between water and
glass is zero, and that density of water is 1000kgm 3 , what is the difference between the
heights to which water rises in the two limbs

𝑅 = 4 × 10−3 𝑚 r = 2 × 10−3 m

C h2

For the smaller limb.


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
PA  PB 
PA  PB  .......................................................(i)
PE  h1 g  PB  H  h1 g  P B

PB  H  h1 g.....................................................(ii)
Put equation (ii) in equation (i) gives
PA  H  h1 g  .............................................(iii)
For the wider limb
2 2
PD  PC   PD  PC  ........................(iv)
PF  h2 g  PC But PF  H  H  h2 g  PC

PC  H  h2 g ..................................................(v)

Put Equation (v)  Equation (iv) gives

PD  H  h2 g  But PD  PA
2 2
H  h2 g   H  h1 g 
R r

h1  h2 g  2 
2 1 1 
 hg  2   
r R r R
2  1 1  2  0.072  1 1 
h      3 
 3.6697  10 3  3.67 mm
g  r R  1000  9.81  2  10 3
4  10 

OR 
2 cos  1 1 
h   
g  r R 
2  0.072 cos 0  1 1  3
h  3
   3.6697  10  3.6697 mm
1000  9.81  2  10 4  10 3 


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
4. A glass tube is such that the diameter of one limb is 3.0mm and that of the other limb is
6.00mm is inverted in water of surface tension 0.01Nm -1 . What is the difference in the heights to
which water rises in the two limbs? h  0.6796 mm 
5. Mercury is poured into a glass U -tube with vertical limbs of diameters 2.0mm and
12.0mm respectively. If the angle of contact between mercury and the glass is 1400 and the
surface tension of mercury is 0.52Nm 1 , calculate the difference in the levels of mercury if the
density of mercury is 13600kgm 3 .

2 cos  1 1 
N.B: For mercury the expression for the fall, h is modified as follows h    
g  R r 
2 cos  1 1  2  0.52  cos140  1 1  3
h        4.98  10 m  4.98mm
g  R r  13600  9.81  6.0  10 3
1 10 3 
6. A clean glass capillary tube of diameter 0.04cm is held with its lower end dipped in water
in the beaker with 12cm of the tube above the liquid surface. Given that the surface tension of
water is 7 10 2 Nm1 and its density is 1000kgm 3 ,
(i) To what height will water rise in the tube
(ii) What will happen if the tube is now depressed until only 4cm of its length is above the liquid


Surface energy is the work done to increase the area of the liquid surface by 1m 2 under
isothermal conditions.


Surface tension is the amount of work done (energy required) to produce a fresh surface of
liquid film of area 1m 2 under isothermal conditions.

Work done
Surface energy 
Change in Area

The S.I unit is joules per square metre Jm 2 


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
Relationship between surface tension and surface energy

Consider a liquid film of surface tension,  stretched across a rectangular wire frame.

Suppose the film is stretched isothermally from BC to B1C1 through a distance x against the
surface tensional force, F so that the surface area of the film increases

Surface tensional force, F  l . However since there are two liquid surfaces in contact with air,
F  2  l   2l

Work done to stretch the film from BC to B1C1  Force  distance  2l   x 

Work done   2lx 

But 2lx   Change in area A 

Therefore, Work done  A
Work done A
But Surface energy,   
Change in Area A
Surface energy,   
Surface energy  Surface tension
We can therefore have an alternative definition of surface tension in terms of surface energy as:
Surface tension is the work done to increase the area of a liquid surface by 1m 2 under
isothermal conditions.

An alternative S.I unit of surface tension is joules per square metre Jm 2 .
N.B: This work done is stored as surface energy in the liquid film.
Work done  Surface tension   Change in Area   A


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
1. (a) Define surface tension in terms of surface energy.
(b) Calculate the work done against surface tension forces in blowing a soap bubble of

diameter 15mm Surface tension of soap solution  0.03Nm 1 
d1  0m, d 2  15mm  1.5  10 2 m  r2  7.5 10 3 m

Iinitial area, A1  0m 2

Final area, A 2  2  4r22  2  4  7.5 10 3 
 1.414 10 3 m 2

Change in area, A  A 2  A1  1.414  10 3  0  1.414  10 3 m 2

Work done  Surface tension   Changein area 

 
Work done  0.03  1.414  10 3  4.24  10 5 J
2. (a)(i) Define surface tension
(ii) Explain the origin of surface tension using molecular theory.
(b) Aspherical drop of mercury of radius 2mm falls to the ground and breaks into 10
drops of equal size.
(i) Calculate the amount of work that has to be done to achieve this.
(ii) What is the minimum speed with which the original drop would have to hit the

ground? Density of mercury  13600kgm -3 , Surface tension of mercury  0.472Nm 1 
(b)(i) R  2.0 10 3 m , Let, r be radius of the small drops
Volume of the big drop  Total volume of the small drops

4 3 4 3 R3
R  10  r  r  3
3 3 10

2.0 10  3 3
 9.283  10 4 m

Surface area of the big drop, A1  4R 2  4  2.0 10 3  2

 5.0265 10 5 m 2

Total surface area of small drops, A 2  10  4r 2  10  4  9.283 10 4  2

 1.083 10 4 m 2
Work done  surface tension   Change in area     A 2  A1 

   
Work done  0.472   1.083  10 4  5.0265  10 5  2.739  10 5 J
(ii) Kinetic energy of the bg drop before impact  Work done to split the drop into 10 small drops
You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
1 2
mv  2.739  10 5  v 
2.739 10  2 5

2 m

But m  R 3    v
2.739 10  2  3

3 4  R 3  

2.739 10  2  3  0.3467 ms

4  2.0  10   13600
3 3

3. Calculate the amount of work done in breaking up a drop of water of radius 0.5cm into
tiny droplets of water, each of radius 1mm, assuming isothermal conditions. Also determine the
number of droplets formed given that the surface tension of water is 7 10 2 Nm1
R  0.5cm  5 10 3 m and r  1mm  110 3 m

Let n be the number of droplets formed

Volume of the big drop  Total Volume of tiny droplets

4 3 4
R  n  r 3
3 3

5 10  3 3

 n  110 3 3
 n  125

Therefore, there are 125 droplets.

Surface area of big drop, A1  4R 2  4  5 10 3   2

 3.14 10 4 m 2

Total surface area of 125 small droplets, A 2  125  4r 2  125  4  110 3   
 1.571 10 3 m 2

  
Change in area, A  A 2  A1  1.571  10 3  3.14  10 4  1.257  10 3 m 2 
  
Work done  Surface tension   Change in area   7 10 2  1.257  10 3  8.799 10 5 J 
4. A liquid drop of diameter 0.5cm breaks up into 27 tiny droplets all of the same size. If
the surface tension of the liquid is 0.07Nm 1 , calculate the resulting change in energy.

Diameter  0.5cm  R  0.25cm  2.5  10 3 m, n  27

Let the radius of the tiny droplets be r.


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
Volume of the big drop  Total volume of tiny droplets

4 3 4 3 R3
R  n  r  r 

3 3 n

r 3 

R 3 3 2.5  10 3 

 8.33  10 4 m
n 27

Surface area, A1  4R 2  4  2.5 10 3  

 7.85 10 5 m 2

Total surface area of small drops  n  4r 2  27  4  8.33 10 4  

 2.35 10 4 m 2

  
Change in area, A  2.35 10 4  7.85  10 5  1.56  10 4 m 2 
Work done  Surface tension   Change in surface areea 

   
Work done  7  10 2  1.56  10 -4  1.096  10 5 J

Change in energy  Work done  1.096  10 5 J

5. Calculate the change in surface energy of a soap bubble when its radius decreases from
5cm to 1cm, given that the surface tension of soap solution is 2 10 2 Nm1 .

Iniatial area, A1  2  4R 2  2  4  5 10 2   2

 6.28 10 2 m 2

Final area, A 2  2  4r 2  2  4  110 2   2

 2.51 10 3 m 2

  
Change in surface area, A  6.28  10 2  2.51  10 3  6.03 10 2 m 2 
Work done  surface tension   change in area 

   
Work done  2  10 -2  6.03  10 2  1.206  10 3 J

Relationship between surface area and shape of a drop

The area of a liquid surface has the least number of molecules in it under surface tensional
Surface area of a given volume of a liquid is therefore a minimum, and according to
mathematics, the shape of a given volume of a liquid with minimum surface area is a sphere.
This is why the meniscus and small droplets of a mercury and rain drops are spherical in shape

Explain why water dripping out of the tap does so in spherical shapes.


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
For a given volume, a sphere is a shape with minimum surface area, hence minimum surface
energy therefore it is the most stable.

Small mercury droplets are spherical while large ones flatten out
A small drop takes on a spherical shape to minimize the surface energy which tends to be
greater than the gravitational potential energy. Therefore the gravitational force cannot distort
the spherical shape due to the very small mass of tiny droplets.
A large drop flattens out in order to minimize the gravitational potential energy, which tends to
exceed the surface energy. Due to its large weight, gravitational force distorts the spherical
shape of large drops. For the shape of the drop to conform to the principle that the sum of
gravitational potential energy and surface energy must be a minimum, the centre of gravity of
the drop moves down as much as possible hence flattening.

1. Case 1
Consider two soap bubbles, A and B of radii r1 and r2 respectively, where r2  r1 . If the two
soap bubbles come into contact and have a common interface, then the radius of curvature, r of
the common interface can be calculated using pressure differences.
Let, 𝛾 be the surface tension of soap solution

For A
4 4
P1  H   P1  H  .....................(i)
r1 r1
For B


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
4 4
P2  H   P2  H  ......................(ii)
r2 r2
Since the interface is convex towards B, 𝑃1 > 𝑃2
Therefore, P1  P2  .................................(iii)
Substituting for 𝑃1 and 𝑃2 in equation (iii) gives:

 4   4  4 1 1 1
 H     H      
 r1   r2  r r1 r2 r

1 r2  r1 r1r2
  r
r r1r2 r2  r1

4 4 r2  r1 
Pressure difference across the common interface  
r r1r2
A soap bubble of radius, 𝑟1 is attached to another bubble of radius, 𝑟2 . If 𝑟1 is less than 𝑟2 , show
that the radius of curvature of the common interface is .
r2  r1
2. Case 2
Consider two soap bubbles, A and B of radii r1 and r2 which come together and coalesce to
form a single bubble. To find the radius, r of the resulting soap bubble, we use conservation of
surface energy.
Let, 𝛾 be the surface tension of soap solution.

For A: Work done in forming bubble ASurface Energy   2  4r12   .........(i)  

For B: Work done in forming bubble BSurface Energy   2  4r22   ............(ii) 


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
When the bubbles combine to form a bubble of radius, r

Work done in forming a new bubble orf radius, r Surface energy   2  4r 2   ......(iii)
By conservation of energy,
Original work done  Work done in forming a new bubble

8r12  8r22  8r 2

r12  r22  r 2  r r 1
 r22 
4 4
Pressure difference Excess pressure  
r r
 r22 
1. Two soap bubbles of radii 2cm and 4cm respectively coalesce under isothermal
conditions. If the surface tension of the soap solution is 2.5 10 2 Nm1 , calculate the excess
pressure inside the resulting soap bubble.
Let, r be the radius of the bubble formed.
work done Surface energy   Surface tension   Change in area 
By conservation of energy;
Original work done  Work done in forming a new bubble

2  4r     2  4r     2  4r   

2 2

r r r
2 2
 r  r  r  1
2 2

r 2 10   4 10 
-2 2 2 2
 0.0447 m

4 4  2.5  10 2
Excess pressure    2.237 Nm  2
r 0.0447

2. Two soap, A and B of radii 67cm and 10cm respectively coalesce so as to have a portion
of their surfaces in common. Calculate the radius of curvature of this common surface and
hence the pressure difference if the surface tension of soap solution is 2.8 10 2 Nm1 .
Let r be the radius of curvature of the common interface


  
6.7  10 1  1.0  10 1
 0.118 m

r2  r1   
6.7  10 1  1.0  10 1 
You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.
4 4  2.8  10 2
Pressure difference    0.94915 Nm 2
r 0.118


1) A soap bubble of radius 0.03m and another bubble of radius 0.04m are brought together so
that they combine. Calculate the radius of curvature of the common interface. 0.12 m 
2) A soap bubble in vacuum has a radius of 3cm and another soap bubble in vacuum has a
radius of 6cm. If the two bubbles coalesce under isothermal conditions, calculate the radius of
the bubble formed. r  6.7cm 
3) (a) How can you measure the angle of contact of a liquid in the laboratory?
(b) Define the term surface tension and deduce its dimensions.
(b) A clean glass capillary tube of diameter 0.04cm is held with its lower end dipped in
water in a beaker and with 12cm of the tube above the liquid surface. If the surface tension of
water is 7 10 2 Nm1 and density of water is 1000kgm 3 ,
(i) to what height will the water rise in the tube.
(ii) what will happen if the tube is now depressed until only 4cm of its length is above the liquid


You are required to copy the notes in your mechanics book after writing the notes for elasticity.

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