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Airside Safety Regulations

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Department of Civil Aviation Airside Safety Regulations

Dubai International Airport

Record of Amendments

No. Amended Pages
Entered By
1. Page 17/ Point 3.1.3 18 Dec. 04 18 Dec. 04 AS&SSD
2. Page 19/ Point 3.4.2 12 Jan 05 12 Jan 05 AS&SSD

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1.1 Jurisdiction 7
1.2 Staff and Vehicle Access Control 7
1.3 Airport Driving Permit.. 7-8
1.4 Instructions of Authorised Officer.. 9
1.5 Actions in case of Airside Accident/ Incident. 9
1.6 Actions against violators of Airside Safety Regulations. 9-10

2- BASIC RULES.............. 11-16

2.1 Speed Limits 11
2.2 Golf carts............................................................................... 12
2.3 Safety in the vicinity of aircraft 13-14
2.4 Around Aircraft.. 15
2.5 No smoking 15
2.6 Littering.. 16

3- DRIVING AREAS...... 17-21

3.1 Service Roadways 17
3.2 Manoeuvring Area 18
3.3 Crossing Taxiways/ Taxilanes using Vehicular Routes......... 18-19
3.4 Driving on Runways and Taxiways....... 19
3.5 Vehicles on Runways or Taxiways............................. 20
3.6 Driving within the Baggage Handling Areas.. 20
3.7 Driving Standards.. 21


4.1 Parking of Vehicles 22
4.2 Vehicle Lighting 22
4.3 Passenger and Freight Transportation. 23
4.4 Towing Rules 23
4.5 Right-of-Way. 24
4.6 Vehicle Breakdown.. 24

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5.1 Refuelling Precautions 25-26
5.2 Procedures in event of Spillage. 27
5.3 Emergency Fuel Shut-Off Switches...................................... 27
5.4 Procedural Requirements... 28


6.1 Equipment Restraint Area (ERA).. 29
6.2 No Parking Area (NPA) 30
6.3 General Service Equipment (GSE) Roads . 31-32



9- ANNEX A.. 35-37

Examples of Minor Offences.................................................... 35
Examples of Major Offences........ 36-37

10- ANNEX B.. 38-39

New Airport Driving Permit Application Form........................... 38
Replacement, Lost & Damaged Airport Driving Permit
Application Form..................................................................... 39

11- ANNEX C.. 40-43

Offences Charging List (Individuals)......................................... 40-42
Offences Charging List (Companies)....... 43

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(in alphabetical order)

ACCIDENT Any occurrence associated with the
operation or handling of a vehicle or
an aircraft in which equipment or
personnel are damaged or injured,
and/or which may result in litigation
for the DCA.

AIRCRAFT STAND/ BAY That area on which an aircraft is to
be parked and/or handled.

AIRPORT/ AIRSIDE DRIVING PERMIT The permit, issued by the DCA,
which authorises the holder to drive
specified vehicles in airside areas.

AIRPORT Dubai International Airport.

AIRSIDE Those parts of the airport that do not
allow access for the general public.
Airside includes Apron, hangars and
perimeter roads.

APRON A defined area on a land
aerodrome, intended to
accommodate aircraft for purposes
of loading or unloading passengers,
mail or cargo, fuelling, parking or

AUTHORISED OFFICER A member of the Airport Safety &
Security Services Division, or of the
Dubai Airport Police.

EQUIPMENT RESTRAINT AREA An area on a parking bay defined by
a continuous red line within which
no vehicles may be parked or driven
immediately before and during the
parking of an aircraft on that bay.

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EQUIPMENT RESTRAINT LINES The red lines defining the
Equipment Restraint Area at which
all vehicles must STOP when
approaching a parked aircraft.
Vehicles may then move towards
the aircraft at walking pace.

INCIDENT An occurrence, other than an
accident, associated with the
operation or handling of an aircraft,
which affects or could affect the
safety of operations.

INJURY Any condition which requires
medical assistance, including first

LANDSIDE That part of the airport not
designated as airside and to which
the general public has free access.

MANOEUVRING AREA That part of the Airport used for
take-off, landing & taxiing of aircraft,
excluding aprons.

MOVEMENT AREA That part of the Airport to be used
for the take-off, landing, taxiing and
parking of aircraft, consisting of the
manoeuvring area and the apron.

OPERATOR A person, organisation or enterprise
engaged in or offering to engage in
an aircraft operation.

TAXIWAY/ TAXILANE A defined path on a land aerodrome
established for the taxiing of aircraft.

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TRAFFIC SIGNS These include all signals, warning
signs, posts, direction posts, signs,
lines, lamps or other devices for the
guidance or direction of persons
using the aerodrome.

VEHICLE Any vehicle, whether mechanically
propelled or otherwise and including
passenger loading bridge, and any
mobile equipment.

VEHICLE ACCIDENT An occurrence during which one or
more vehicles, or any of the
occupants, are damaged or injured.

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(In alphabetical order)

ADP Airport/ Airside Driving Permit.

AFS Airport Fire Service.

AS&SSD Airport Safety & Security Services Division.

ATC Air Traffic Control.

DCA Department of Civil Aviation, Dubai.

ERA Equipment Restraint Area.

ERL Equipment Restraint Lines.

FOD Foreign Object Debris/ Damage.

GSE (Road) General Service Equipment Road.

NPA No Parking Area.

PLB Passenger Loading Bridge/ Airbridge.

AVP Airport/ Airside Vehicle Pass.

PPE Personal Protective Equipment.

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1.1 Jurisdiction

1- The control of the Airside with regard to the discipline of vehicles
and their operational activities is the responsibility of the DCA
Airport Safety & Security Services Division (AS&SSD).

2- The control of aircraft and vehicles on the manoeuvring area is the
responsibility of Air Traffic Control (ATC).

3- The security of the Airside is the responsibility of the Dubai Airport

1.2 Staff and Vehicle Access Control

1- The responsible office for passenger, staff and vehicle traffic
entering the non-public operational areas (Airside) of Dubai
International Airport is the Dubai Airport Police.

2- All vehicles which are being operated on Dubai International
Airport in support of the day-to-day running of the Airport must be
clearly marked with the name of the operating company or
organisation, and with an easily identifiable number.

3- All vehicles operating inside the Airport must be fitted with an in-
date fire extinguisher of dry powder type and of a suitable size.

1.3 Airport Driving Permit

1- Any driver operating a vehicle/ equipment within the Airside, must
hold an Airport Driving Permit (ADP), authorising him/her to drive
that vehicle/ equipment. Airport Driving Permits are issued to
airside drivers by the Airport Safety & Security Services Division
(AS&SSD). Applications for ADPs must be received by letter
from the responsible company, and accompanied by the

i. One passport-size photo.
ii. A photocopy of a valid UAE/ GCC driving licence, or of a valid
airport driving licence, issued by Dubai Police.
iii. A photocopy of a valid airport pass, as issued by the
Department of Civil Aviation.
iv. A completed ADP Application form, as issued by the AS&SSD
(see annex B)

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Note: The company/ organisation letter must state the method of
payment, where applicable.

2- Drivers must carry a current Airport Driving Permit at all times
when operating a vehicle/ equipment within the airside areas, and
must present it to the DCA Airport Safety & Security Services
personnel upon request.

3- All companies, which have a requirement for any of their staff to
drive in the airside areas of Dubai International Airport, are
responsible for ensuring the public licencing (UAE/GCC driving
licence) of those staff. Training and qualification of drivers on
specific equipment must be certified by the Company and
submitted to the AS&SSD

4- All persons holding an Airport Driving Permit issued by the DCA
shall return this permit without being expressly requested to do so
when their job no longer includes the driving of a vehicle, or when
they cease to be employed at the Airport.

5- Renewal of the Airport Driving Permit before the expiry date is the
responsibility of the holder. Failure to do so could result in
disciplinary action.

Examples of currently used ADPs

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1.4 Instructions of Authorised Officer

Drivers must comply with the instructions given by an authorised
officer of the Airport Safety & Security Services Division (AS&SSD).

Drivers must produce the Airport Driving Permit upon request by an
authorised officer of the Airport Safety & Security Services Division

1.5 Actions in case of Airside Accident/ Incident

Make a report immediately to the DCA Airport Safety & Security Senior
Supervisor, Mobile: 050-4574933/ Tetra: 4031601/2 of the occurrence
of such an accident/ incident.

In the case of accidents involving casualties, also contact the Airport
Medical Center (Tel.: 2061999) directly.

All persons involved in an accident and witnesses thereof shall remain
at the scene of the accident until an officer of the Airport Safety &
Security Services Division (AS&SSD) arrives. If witnesses cannot
remain at the scene of an accident for reasons of other urgent duties,
they shall report to the Airport Safety & Security Services Division
offices immediately upon accomplishing these duties, or contact the
AS&SSD on the above mobile phone or tetra numbers.

Note: In the event of not being able to make contact with the
AS&SSD, messages may be passed via the Airport Fire
Service Watchroom on telephone ext. 2285.

1.6 Actions against violators of Airside Safety Regulations

1- Anyone who fails to comply with the Airside Safety Regulations as
issued by the DCA is liable to have their Airport Driving Permit
(ADP) endorsed with penalty points by the GM, Airport Safety &
Security Services or the SM, Airport Safety & Security Services.

2- Points are recorded on the ADP on the following basis:

Minor Offences - 3 Points
Major Offences - 6 Points

3- Endorsements are valid for two years from the date of the offence.

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4- Any ADP holder who reaches 9 points on his ADP is liable to have
his/ her permit suspended for an unspecified period, during which
he/ she will receive retraining on airside driving. Subject to
succesful completion of the retraining, the ADP may be

5- Any ADP holder who reaches a total of 10 points within a 2-year
period will have his/her ADP withdrawn.

6- In the event of an accident or incident whereby the ADP is held by
an AS&SSD staff, the holder will be given the white copy of the
Incident Report. The driver is authorised to continue driving whilst
carrying the white copy, in lieu of the ADP, for a maximum period
of one month. Within 48-hours, he must report to the AS&SSD
Administration Office. Failure to do so will result in immediate
suspension of the ADP and the holder must not drive inside the

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1. All airside personnel must wear their Airport Security Pass at all
times. The pass must be clearly visible.

2. Each user of the apron must conduct himself/ herself in such a
way as to avoid exposing himself/ herself or other persons to
danger, in order to ensure safe and smooth traffic movements
and to preclude any impairment of flight operations.

3. The use of vehicles should be limited to the absolute minimum

2.1 Speed Limits

1- Within Airside areas, drivers shall:

Obey all regulatory signs and unless otherwise indicated by signs,
adhere to the following speed limits.

- 5 kph (walking pace) within the Equipment Restraint Area.
- 25 kph on roads in the vicinity of aircraft stands.
- Speed limits on all other roads as indicated by speed limit signs
and road markings.

2- Speed control and driving standards checks are carried out by the
Airport Safety & Security Services Division of the DCA. All roads
are controlled by Laser Speed Measuring Equipment.

3- Sufficient space must be maintained between moving vehicles so
that sufficient time is available to stop without collision should the
vehicle in front stop suddenly.

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2.2 Golf Carts

1- Golf Carts which are operated inside terminal buildings and
tunnels must be driven at no more than 8 kph (fast walking pace).

2- Beacon light must be on when the vehicle is moving. When a
cart is not in use, the beacon must be OFF, the parking brake
must be ON and the ignition key must be removed.

3- Passengers must be seated at all times, and their baggage must
be secured.

4- Operators must ensure that golf carts do not obstruct passenger
movement and general access, at all times.

5- Operators must ensure that the golf cart is fully charged. It is the
operators responsibility to check the battery gauge.

6- Operators must not carry more passengers than the maximum
number allowed by the design of the golf cart

7- Operators must report all accidents to the AS&SSD.

8- Operators must ensure that when a golf cart is kept on charge:

a. The brake pedal is fully depressed down.
b. Handbrake is on.
c. The key is removed from the switch.

9- Uniform Dress must be worn to when operating a golf cart.

10- All carts must be operated in compliance with DCA Golf Cart
Operations Manual.

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2.3 Safety in the vicinity of aircraft

1- Special attention is drawn to the necessity of wearing ear
protectors and safety shoes for those working in close proximity to
aircraft or equipment.

2- Hi-Visibility clothing must be worn when working on the apron.

3- Vehicles must give way to moving aircraft at all times, even when
the aircraft is being towed.

4- Aircraft must not be approached when engines are running.
Aircraft with engines running are required to display a flashing red

5- Drivers must also be aware of safety distances when driving in
the vicinity of parked aircraft:

- 5m clear from the wing tip of parked aircraft.
- 15m clear of aircraft which are being refuelled.

6- Drivers must not start their vehicles when within 15m of another
vehicle which is engaged in the refuelling of an aircraft.

7- Vehicles must not be driven over any hose or bonding cable laid
on the ground by fuelling agents during aircraft refuelling.

Vehicles and persons must remain:

- 2.5m radius clear from around the aircraft fuel tank vents.
- 8m clear in front of an operating aircraft engine.
- 55m clear behind an aircraft with engine idling.

8- Vehicles must not be driven or parked under aircraft or aircraft
wings, unless operationally required to do so.

9- Equipment and vehicles requiring to back up to or from an aircraft
during the servicing of that aircraft, must be directed by a
marshaller. All drivers must adhere strictly to this requirement.

10- Drivers of vehicles and airbridge operators must alert the ground
engineer should it be necessary to approach the aircraft for
whatever reason when it is ready for pushback or has
commenced engine run.

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11- Vehicles must not be driven across a taxiway with an aircraft
approaching unless they will be clear of the crossing before the
aircraft is within 200m of the crossing.

12- A minimum safety distance of at least 200m must be maintained
behind aircraft taxiing under their own power.

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All vehicles entering the Dubai International Airport Airside Area are required to
conform with the speed limit signs which are displayed at various locations. Stop
signs must be adheared to, and vehicles crossing taxiways have priority over
vehicles which are not.

In all circumstances, aircraft have priority over vehicles, and no vehicular crossing of
taxiways is allowed within 200 metres of taxiing aircraft.

Disciplinary action will be taken against offenders.

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2.4 Around Aircraft

1- Never drive behind an aircraft which has an engine running.

2- Never walk or drive in front of a running engine. Allow at least 8m
in front of a running engine. Beware of suction from engines and
keep clear of propellers.

3- Never approach or drive behind an aircraft until it has stopped, the
wheels have been chocked, the engines shut down and the red
beacon light has been turned off.

4- Never drive or park under aircraft wings, unless operationally
required to do so.

5- Do not obstruct the push back area.

6- Pick-up and place all Foreign Object Debris (FOD) in bins

7- Report all fuel, oil and other chemical spillages.

8- Never stop, drive through or park in the red hatched area under
the movable airbridge.

9- Drivers must, when reversing, use a guideman at all times unless
a clear and unobstructed view is available.

10- Leaving a vehicle unattended with the engine running in the
vicinity of an aircraft is strictly prohibited. (see annex C)

2.5 No Smoking

Smoking in all airside areas, including inside vehicles and airbridges,
is prohibited. The penalty for such an offence is Dhs 250.
(see annex C)

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2.6 Littering

No person shall place, discharge or deposit any refuse or litter on the
apron except in the containers provided.

The control and disposal of FOD (Foreign Object Debris) is the
responsibility of all airport users and staff. Anyone caught displaying a
careless attitude to FOD will be liable to disciplinary action. (see
annex C).

FOD bins are located at all aircraft parking bays. ALL airport
employees and users are required to pick up and deposit FOD in
these bins.

Hazardous Waste must be removed and disposed of by the user.
Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. (see annex C)

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3.1 Service Roadways

1- If the vehicles destination is located off the roadways (aircraft
positions, equipment parking areas), the marked roadway must
be used for as long as possible. The roadway edge lines may
then be crossed with all due care. The shortest route must be
taken to regain the roadway.

2- Vehicles travelling on roadways behind the aircraft bays must
hold at the edge of the bay and give way to an aircraft which is
entering that bay, and only proceed when it is safe to do so. (see
item 2.4.3)

3- When an aircraft is being pushed back from a bay, vehicles on the
outer GSE road must wait clear of the bay till the aircraft has fully
pushed back from its stand onto the taxiway and is clear, before
continuing their journey.

4- Tall vehicles which are capable of being extended or raised must
be driven in the retracted or lowered position except when
docking or aligning to an aircraft.

5- No vehicle shall be stopped or parked on any roadway, unless
required to do so by airfield traffic signs.

6- In order to minimise vehicle traffic behind aircraft, and unless it is
necessary to use the GSE road behind aircraft stands to gain
access to an aircraft, the inner GSE road must be used at all

7- Drivers are required to drive on the GSE roads at all times.
Taking a short cut between the inner and outer GSE roads across
aircraft parking bays, whether occupied or empty, is forbidden to
all but Emergency Services, in emergency situations.

8- The use of Bicycles and Motorcycles in airside areas is prohibited.

9- No vehicle may drive into or upon aircraft parking areas, except
those actively involved in aircraft handling or servicing.

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3.2 Manoeuvring Area

1- The manoeuvring area is reserved for flight operations, e.g.
takeoff/ landing and taxiing. It excludes the apron. Walking into or
driving upon the manoeuvring area is prohibited, unless
operationally required to do so, having obtained clearance from

2- Driving on taxiways is prohibited unless specifically cleared to do
so by ATC. However, they may be crossed using the service
lanes at the designated crossing points. Overtaking and/or
stopping, on taxiway crossings is prohibited. (see annex C)

3.3 Crossing Taxiways/ Taxilanes using Vehicular Routes

1- Before crossing a taxiway on an approved vehicular crossing,
drivers must stop their vehicles and ensure that the taxiway or
taxilane is clear of any aircraft movement.

2- When aircraft, which are being pushed back to start, are facing
away from a crossing but are within 200 metres, a danger of
jet-blast exists. In this situation, the crossing is considered
closed until the aircraft has taxied beyond 200 metres from the
crossing. Drivers may use other available crossings during this

3- At taxiway crossings where traffic lights are located, drivers may
cross the taxiway when the lights are flashing amber, after
ensuring that the crossing is clear of any aircraft movement.
When the lights are showing steady red, the crossing is closed
and drivers must use alternative routes. Some crossings are
positively controlled, at certain times of the day and night, by the
use of Green/ Red traffic lights. When the lights are Green, traffic
is permitted to cross the taxiway. When the lights are Red, traffic
must wait until the light is green, or use another crossing. Traffic
which is on a crossing when the light changes to red must
continue and clear the crossing as normal. Do not panic! Do not

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4- Pedestrian crossing of taxiways is strictly prohibited.

3.4 Driving on Runways and Taxiways

1- Drivers who are operationally required to drive on taxiways and
runways must undergo training by the Airport Safety & Security
Services Division, and have their Airport Driving Permits endorsed
with AIRFIELD OPERATIONS by the Airport Safety & Security
Services Division.

2- Under no circumstances shall a driver in a vehicle pass a holding
point or cross a runway unless positive permission has been given
by Air Traffic Control. Additionally, no calls may be made or
answered on mobile phones whilst operating within the protected
areas of the runways, except in the case of emergency situations.
This rule applies also to passengers.

3- The driver of a vehicle who is required to proceed to any part of
the manoeuvring area shall obtain prior approval from Air Traffic
Control over the radio before proceeding to his destination.

4- Every vehicle, which is at the point of entering the manoeuvring
area, shall stop at the point of entry and the driver thereof shall
first ascertain that the area is clear of aircraft before proceeding
onto the manoeuvring area.

5- All vehicles which are operating on the manoeuvring area must
use a flashing/ rotating amber beacon light, at all times.

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3.5 Vehicles on Runways or Taxiways

1- The driver of every vehicle proceeding along a runway or taxiway
shall keep the vehicle to the RIGHT SIDE of the runway or taxiway
centreline, unless operational requirements dictate otherwise.

2- Leaving a vehicle unattended on a runway or a taxiway is
prohibited, unless communication is maintained with ATC.

3- Other than for Emergency Services responding to an emergency,
the maximum permitted speed for vehicles on taxiways is
80 km/hr.

4- Drivers of vehicles on a taxiway which are approaching a
designated taxiway vehicle crossing must slow down and give
way to any vehicles which are already on the crossing.

3.6 Driving within the Baggage Handling Areas

Baggage Handling Areas are prohibited to all vehicles other than those
directly engaged in the process of baggage handling.

Taking short cuts through the Baggage Handling Areas at the
Concourse is an offence which carries an automatic penalty
endorsement. (see annex C)

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3.7 Driving Standards

The use of turning indicators is an important aid to avoiding accidents
at road junctions. Drivers are required to indicate their intentions by
the use of vehicle turn indicators before approaching a road junction.

Drivers are responsible for the control of their vehicles at all times,
and the steering wheel must be held by both hands. Driving with one
arm across the passenger seat, or a leg up on the front panel is not

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General Rules

It is the responsibility of all drivers of vehicles and equipment to ensure
that their vehicle is fully serviceable, and to remove it from the
operational area as soon as possible, should it become unserviceable.

4.1 Parking of Vehicles

On apron areas, vehicles and equipment may only park within the
designated equipment parking areas.

Vehicles should not be parked where they will obstruct aircraft or other
vehicles, or in such circumstances as to be likely to cause danger,
obstruction or undue inconvenience to other users. Drivers who do so
will be subject to disciplinary action. (see annex C)

Leaving a vehicle unattended with the engine running is prohibited in
all areas.

4.2 Vehicle Lighting

Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, or in Low Visiblity
Operations during daytime, vehicles headlights (low-beam) and
beacon light must be switched on.

Driving with high-beam headlights is prohibited.

All vehicles operating in airside areas must be fitted with, and use, an
amber flashing beacon on the top on the cab at night, and in periods of
limited visibility.

Hazard lights are only to be used when a vehicle IS A HAZARD, i.e.
broken down, or an obstruction to other traffic.

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4.3 Passenger and Freight Transportation

Passengers may be transported only in vehicles licenced for that
purpose. No passengers shall travel in a vehicle unless seated in a
seat provided, or standing in a section constructed for standing.

Freight must be loaded in such a way that it does not cause a hazard
to traffic and is securely fastened or stowed. Prior to starting his
journey, the driver must check that the load and any trailers are
properly secured and connected.

Similarly, baggage must be transported in such a way as to ensure
that bags are not able to fall onto roads or taxiway crossings.

4.4 Towing Rules

Only DNATA T.T.R. (Tractors) are allowed to tow baggage/ mail

No tractor is allowed to tow more than 6 container/ baggage or pallet
dollies at any one time. When left disconnected or parked, all dollies
or group of dollies, must be left with the parking brakes ON.

No vehicle shall be towed by another vehicle unless a suitable tow bar
or tow-rope is used for that purpose, and unless it has broken down.

Aircraft may be towed only by trained and qualified personnel, with
Airfield Operations endorsement on their ADPs. During such
maneouvres, the cockpit of the aircraft must be manned by a pilot or a
person authorised by the aircraft operator, who has the overall
responsibility for the towing operation. The maximum permitted towing
speed is 10 kts, or 20 kph.

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4.5 Right-of-Way

With regard to right-of-way the following priorities shall apply:-

Aircraft which are being taxied under their own power or towed or
otherwise moved, including their towing and guiding vehicles.

Vehicles proceeding with a blue or red rotating/ flashing beacon.

Vehicles crossing taxiways or taxilanes shall have priority over other
vehicles, at road intersections or junctions.

4.6 Vehicle Breakdown

In the event of a vehicle breakdown in the airside area the driver
concerned shall: -

i. inform the Airport Safety & Security Services Division (AS&SSD)
on tetra radio: 4031601/2 or Mobile: 050-4574933 immediately;

ii. try to push the vehicle to the side of the roadway or any area that
will not cause obstruction to other traffic;

iii. inform the company maintenance section to get it repaired or
towed away as soon as possible; and

iv. not leave the vehicle unattended.

Note: In the event of not being able to make contact on the tetra
radio or mobile phone, messages may be passed via the
Airport Fire Service Watchroom on telephone ext. 2285.

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5.1 Refuelling Precautions

To reduce transit time, some operators allow passengers to embark
and disembark or remain on board during refuelling operations. In
these circumstances the following precautions must be taken:

1- Passengers must be warned that fuelling will take place and that
they must not smoke, operate electrical equipment, or cause any
sources of ignition.

2- The aircrafts No Smoking signs must be illuminated with
sufficient interior lighting to identify emergency exits. Such
lighting must remain on until fuelling operations have been

3- Mobile stairways (or Airbridges) must be positioned at each of the
main doors normally used for passenger embarkation or
disembarkation. These doors must kept open and clear. A cabin
attendant must be stationed at each door and an adequate
number of cabin attendants who are fully trained in emergency
evacuation procedures, and who are in communication with the
flight crew, must remain in the aircraft at all times, at or near the
primary means of exit in order to control and direct an evacuation
should the need arise.

4- If, during fuelling, the presence of fuel vapour is detected inside
the aircraft, the fueller must be informed. Fuelling must be
stopped until it is safe to resume.

5- Ground servicing activities and work within the aircraft must be
conducted without creating hazards or obstructing exits.

6- The areas in which the aircraft escape chutes may be deployed
must be kept clear at all times.

7- When passengers are embarking or disembarking during
refuelling, their route must avoid areas where fuel vapours are
likely to be present and they must be kept under the supervision
of an airline representative.

8- The No Smoking rule must be strictly enforced during such

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An example of a Fuel Dispenser in operation.

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5.2 Procedures in event of Spillage

This procedure applies to all spills including aviation fuel, hydraulic oil,
chemical and sewerage.

Do not drive through the spilt liquid. Report it to the Airport Safety &
Security Services (AS&SSD) Duty Senior Supervisor
(Mobile: 050-4574933) or the Airport Fire Service (Tel.2062285).

Any fuel spillage constitutes a hazard and should be brought to the
immediate attention of the Airport Fire Service.

Engines of motorised equipment within hazardous spill areas should
not be started before the spill is cleaned up. However, if the engine is
already running, the vehicle may be driven out of the area. If the
hazard is significant the engine should be switched off immediately.

No ground equipment/ vehicle shall be permitted to come within 15m,
of the spillage area.

5.3 Emergency Fuel Shut-Off Switches

All hydrant refuelling bays have an Emergency Fuel Shut-Off (EFSO)
switch located in the immediate area.

EFSO switches are of a push-button type, as in the photo below:

In the event of a high pressure leak on a bay, press any EFSO button
as soon as possible. Any EFSO button will cut off fuel to all bays.

Airside Safety Regulations Page 28 of 43
October 2004

5.4 Procedural Requirements

All aircraft refuelling operations must be carried out in accordance
with individual companys Standard Operating Procedures which must
meet or exceed latest recognised industry standards.

Airside Safety Regulations Page 29 of 43
October 2004


6.1 Equipment Restraint Area (ERA)

1- This is an enclosed area marked by a red line within which the
aircraft must be parked during ground handling. The dimensions
of the ERA are determined by the largest type of aircraft using the
parking position. This area must be clear of any vehicle or
equipment during aircraft movement into/ out of the bay. Any bay
which has the ERA compromised, by any means whatsoever, will
be considered as closed and unavailable for aircraft until it is

2- All vehicles which approach the aircraft must stop at the
Equipment Restraint Line (ERL), before proceeding at walking

3- During the servicing of the aircraft, all vehicles/ equipment are to
keep within the area formed by the Equipment Restraint Line.

4- Other vehicles and equipment, which are not attending to the
aircraft, are to keep clear of the area and hold at the designated
equipment staging areas.

Equipment Restraint Area (ERA)

Airside Safety Regulations Page 30 of 43
October 2004

6.2 No Parking Area (NPA)

This is a specifically designated area, such as the passenger loading
bridge movement area and hydrant covers. These areas are marked
by either red or yellow hatched lines. Parking on yellow hatched areas
is prohibited. It is prohibited to drive through or park on a red hatched

A Fuel Hydrant: No Parking Area

Airbridge: No Parking/ No Driving Through Area

Airside Safety Regulations Page 31 of 43
October 2004

6.3 General Service Equipment Roads

These are roads marked on the airside area to allow the movement of
vehicles and equipment, clear of parked aircraft.

Overtaking of slow vehicles is permitted when it is safe to do so and by
crossing a broken centerline and only by remaining within the confines
of the GSE road.

No overtaking is allowed on sections of GSE roads which are marked
with a continuous centerline.

The border between the vehicle movement area and taxiways around
the Concourse is marked by a double white line. This double white
line must not be crossed under any circumstances without prior
approval from ATC.

Airside Safety Regulations Page 32 of 43
October 2004

An example of airside road markings

An example of a STOP sign

Airside Safety Regulations Page 33 of 43
October 2004


1- No vehicle or equipment is to be driven through or parked on the
red hatched area beneath the airbridge.

2- When an aircraft is left unattended or parked overnight at a
Concourse parking bay, the aircraft doors must be closed and the
airbridge withdrawn to its parked position.

3- For the purpose of these rules, Airbridges are considered as
vehicles and therefore airbridge operators must be in possession
of a valid Airport Driving Permit (ADP), with an airbridge
endorsement, in order to operate such equipment. In order to
have their ADP endorsed for Airbridge Operation, all staff must
pass an Airbridge Operator Test with DCA Engineering Services.

4- In the event of an Airbridge operator being unable to retract an
Airbridge to its proper parking position for any technical reason, he
must inform the DCA Maintenance Control Centre Help Desk on
04-2162099 at the earliest opportunity.

Airside Safety Regulations Page 34 of 43
October 2004


1- In conditions of low visibility, it becomes essential to implement a
system which ensures that vehicles are kept well clear of, and
separated from, aircraft.

2- At Dubai International Airport, the Air Traffic Control tower begins
preparation for Low Visibility Operations when the weather
conditions reduce visibility to 1500 metres or the cloud base falls
to 500 feet. In such situations, the following procedures will be
applied to vehicles which are engaged in ground support
operations for aircraft:

a. All taxiway crossings will be controlled by DCA staff from the
Airport Safety & Security Services Division.

b. Some crossings will be closed by the use of red traffic
lights. Cones /barriers and appropriate signs may also be
used. Drivers are to use only those crossings which remain
open and crossing at all other points is prohibited.

c. Once weather conditions start to improve, and visibility is
such that crossings may be used safely, traffic lights will be
changed back to flashing amber. Any cones/ barriers will
also be removed. Only then will a crossing be considered
open, and vehicles may begin to use it again.

c. During Low Visibility Operations, only vehicles which are
engaged in the support of aircraft operations will be
permitted to use taxiway crossings in order to access the

Airside Safety Regulations Page 35 of 43
October 2004



1. Driving a vehicle in the airside area without holding and carrying a
valid Airport Driving Permit.

2. Failing to comply with the verbal instruction of an authorised

3. Exceeding the speed limit by up to 20 kph.

4. Overtaking on the right-hand side of another vehicle.

5. Failing to stop at a STOP sign.

6. Refusing to produce an Airport Driving Permit when requested to
do so by a member of the Airport Safety & Security Services
Division (AS&SSD), see page 37.

7. Driving without due care and attention.

8. Parking in or near the movement area/ vehicle traffic route other
than in approved areas.

9. Failing to remove vehicle/ equipment from an Equipment Restraint
Area before an aircraft has taxied away.

10. Driving a vehicle with more than the permitted number of
passengers on board.

11. Driving a vehicle in a prohibited area.

12. Failing to comply with traffic signs on the airfield.

13. Parking a vehicle in a manner causing obstruction, danger or
undue inconvenience to other users on the airfield.

14. Driving a vehicle under the wing, tail or fuselage of an aircraft,
unless operationally required to do so.

15. Starting a vehicle when it is within 15 metres of another vehicle
which is engaged in the refuelling of an aircraft.

16. Reversing a vehicle to/ from an aircraft without a marshaller.

17. Failing to pick up obvious litter or potential F.O.D.

18. Failing to stop at the Equipment Restraint Line.

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October 2004


1. Failing to give way to an aircraft on the manouevring area.

2. Unauthorised driving on the manoeuvring area.

3. Exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 kph.

4. Parking offences affecting airport safety.

5. Dangerous driving.

6. Leaving a broken-down vehicle unattended on the manoeuvring

7. Failing to obtain prior clearance from Air Traffic Control to proceed
to any part of the manoeuvring area.

8. Failing to slow down a vehicle when approaching an Equipment
Restraint Area/ aircraft.

9. Driving a vehicle across a runway or taxiway when the vehicle is
not equipped with a two-way radio, other than when using a
designated crossing.

10. Crossing the movement area in the path of a taxiing aircraft or
aircraft on tow, within 200m.

11. Passing within 8 metres from the air intake or within 55 metres
from the rear of an aircraft with running engine(s).

12. Failing to obey traffic directions given by authorised officers
engaged in regulation of traffic within the airfield.

13. Smoking whilst in any part of the airside area.

(See annex C for further details of offences & fines).

Airside Safety Regulations Page 37 of 43
October 2004

Note: It should be emphasised to all drivers on the Airport that
the Airport Safety & Security Services Division staff have
full authority to examine driving permits at any time.
Refusal to provide documents as requested is a serious
offence and may lead to withdrawal of the concerned
persons airport pass.

$fl1f 00Nl$ fl8$1 $fl1f 00Nl$ fl8$1 $fl1f 00Nl$ fl8$1 $fl1f 00Nl$ fl8$1

Airside Safety Regulations Page 38 of 43
October 2004


Airport Safety & Security Department
Airport Driving Permit Application Form


Personal Data
*Staff number
*Telephone no.
*Mobile no.
E-mail address

Airport Security Pass Details
*Pass no.
*Expiry Date
*Pass Type Permanent Temporary

Driving Licence Details
*Licence no.
*Issuance Date
*Expiry Date
*Authorised Category

* Mandatory to be filled.


1. Request letter from company stating the method of payment.
2. 1 passport size photograph.
3. Valid UAE/ GCC driving licence photocopy.
4. Airport Security Pass photocopy.

Passport size photograph

Airside Safety Regulations Page 39 of 43
October 2004

Airport Safety & Security Department
Airport Driving Permit Application Form

Renewal, Replacement of Lost & Damaged

Personal Data
*Staff number
*Telephone no.
*Mobile no.
E-mail address

Airport Security Pass Details
*Pass no.
*Expiry Date
*Pass Type Permanent Temporary

Driving Licence Details
*Licence no.
*Issuance Date
*Expiry Date
*Authorised Category

Previous ADP Details
*ADP no.
*Issuance Date
(Applicable to Paper ADP only)

*Expiry Date
*Authorised Vehicles

* Mandatory to be filled.


1. Request letter from company stating the method of payment.
2. Valid UAE/ GCC driving licence photocopy
3. Airport Security Pass photocopy
4. Previous ADP.

Note: A ticket will be given to allow the drivers to drive after handing
over their previous ADP.

Passport size photograph

Airside Safety Regulations Page 40 of 43
October 2004


Offences Charging List (Individuals)

No. Offence Charges
1 Leaving a vehicle unattended with engine
running while parked in the proximity of an
Dhs. 250
2 Leaving the scene of an accident Dhs. 250
3 Causing damage to an aircraft Dhs. 500
4 Causing damage to a vehicle/
Dhs. 300
5 Unauthorised driving on the manoeuvring area Dhs. 500
6 Walking across taxiways Dhs. 200
7 Crossing in front of a taxiing aircraft Dhs. 250
8 Crossing behind a taxiing aircraft Dhs. 150
9 Parking under the wing/ tail of an aircraft Dhs. 150
10 Driving under the wing/ tail of an aircraft Dhs. 150
11 Driving without being a holder of an ADP Dhs. 250
12 Driving with an expired ADP Dhs. 200
13 Driving without carrying ADP Dhs. 150
14 Driving without a valid endorsement for type Dhs. 150
15 Blocking an Emergency Exit Dhs. 500
16 Parking in a manner which causes obstruction to
other vehicles.
Dhs. 250
17 Parking in front of a Fire Hydrant Dhs. 500
18 Parking in front of a Fire Extinguisher Dhs. 250
19 Parking under an Airbridge Dhs. 150
20 Parking under the fixed part of an Airbridge Dhs. 100

As approved by:
H. H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Department of Civil Aviation

Airside Safety Regulations Page 41 of 43
October 2004

No. Offence Charges
21 Parking in the Equipment Restraint Area Dhs. 100
22 Overtaking on a taxiway crossing Dhs. 200
23 Crossing a taxiway when the crossing is closed Dhs. 250
24 Stopping a vehicle on a taxiway crossing Dhs. 200
25 Allowing FOD to fly off a parked vehicle Dhs. 150
26 Leaving FOD on the drivers seat Dhs. 150
27 Allowing FOD to fly out of a moving vehicle Dhs. 150
28 Incorrect disposal of hazardous waste Dhs. 150
29 Crossing a red signal Dhs. 250
30 Parking a vehicle without using handbrake Dhs. 200
31 Parking in a NO PARKING area Dhs. 200
32 Driving into No Entry area Dhs. 200
33 Not stopping at a Stop sign Dhs. 100
34 Leaving vehicle unattended with engine running Dhs. 150
35 Smoking in any airside area Dhs. 250
36 Causing apron congestion Dhs. 150
37 Dangerous driving Dhs. 250
38 Driving without due care and attention Dhs. 200
39 Exeeding the speed limit by more than 20 kph Dhs. 250
40 Exeeding the speed limit by up to 20 kph Dhs. 150

As approved by:
H. H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Department of Civil Aviation

Airside Safety Regulations Page 42 of 43
October 2004

No. Offence Charges
41 Unsafe overtaking Dhs. 100
42 Failing to give way to traffic when required Dhs. 100
43 Driving and operating equipment without
Dhs. 200
44 Unauthorised driving through a Baggage
Handling area
Dhs. 150
45 Unauthorised driving in a restricted area Dhs. 100
46 Operating defective vehicle/ equipment Dhs. 150
47 Overloading a vehicle with staff Dhs. 150
48 Driving vehicle with open door Dhs. 100
49 Taking short cut from outer to inner GSE road Dhs. 150
50 Taking short cut from inner to outer GSE road Dhs. 150
51 Stopping on the GSE road Dhs. 100
52 Towing more than six dollies Dhs. 150
53 Driving with an unsafe load Dhs. 150
54 Driving with an unsecured ULD Dhs. 150
55 Improper loading of cargo on equipment Dhs. 150
56 Not wearing a Hi-Vis Jacket on the Movement
Dhs. 100
57 Driving with a Beacon light unserviceable or off Dhs. 100
58 Using a beacon of an incorrect colour Dhs. 100
59 Reversing a vehicle/ equipment in contravention
of regulations
Dhs. 200
60 Failing to comply with the Airside Safety
Dhs. 300

As approved by:
H. H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Department of Civil Aviation

Airside Safety Regulations Page 43 of 43
October 2004

Offences Charging List Companies / Contractors

No. Offence Charges
1. Leaving a vehicle or equipment in front of a
Fire Hydrant.
Dhs. 2000
2. Blocking access for Emergency Services.
Dhs. 2000
3. Blocking an Emergency Exit.
Dhs. 2000
4. Leaving FOD on or around the movement
Dhs. 2000
5. Leaving a vehicle or equipment unattended
and running, whilst parked in the proximity of
an aircraft.
Dhs. 2000
6. Leaving a vehicle or equipment unattended
with engine running.
Dhs. 1000
7. Leaving a vehicle or equipment in front of a
Fire Extinguisher
Dhs. 1000
8. Parking in a No Parking Zone.
Dhs. 1000
9. Parking a vehicle in a manner which causes
obstruction to other vehicles.
Dhs. 500
10. Leaving vehicles/ equipment inside the ERA
without authorisation.
Dhs. 500
11. Operating a vehicle with an out-of-date fire
Dhs. 500
12. Creating an oil or fuel spill on the apron. Dhs. 500
13. Failing to contain FOD after removal from an
Dhs. 500
14. Operating defective equipment on the apron. Dhs. 500
15. Failing to apply brakes to a parked dolly. Dhs. 500
16. Failing to comply with the Airside Safety
Dhs. 500
17 Starting work without approval of a work
Dhs. 1000
18 Failing to contain / control FOD in a work area. Dhs. 1000

As approved by:
H. H. Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al Maktoum
Department of Civil Aviation

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