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Grade 11 Final Mock Test 1 Second Semester

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Thuy Anh


I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. infrastructure B. expectancy C. sustainable D. inhabitant
2. A. stress-free B. workout C. upgrade D. darkroom
II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in
pronunciation in each of the following questions.
3. A. inhabited B. expected C. overcrowded D. preserved
4. A. immune B. attributed C. nutrition D. tutor
III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
5. _______ their heart, smart cities are designed to capture massive amounts of data about the population and its
patterns, and use it to inform decision making.
A. At B. In C. From D. By
6. Singapore is a _______ example of a smart city, and is constantly evolving its "city brain, "a backbone of
technologies is used to help control pollution, monitor traffic, allocate parking, communicate with citizens.
A. lead B. leading C. led D. leader
7. It can be argued that the future of human life on the planet rests on _______ smooth transition to cities that are
more efficient and less wasteful.
A. a B. an C. the D. no article
8. Technology has _______ people live in communities that are more responsive to their needs and that can
actually improve their lives.
A. to help the power B. the power to help
C. help the power D. the power help
9. Smart city projects are big investments that _______ social transformation.
A. are supposed to drive B. suppose to drive
C. supposed to drive D. are supposing to drive
10. Smart cities can improve the efficiency of city services by _______ redundancies, finding ways to save money
and streamlining workers' responsibilities.
A. to eliminate B. eliminate C. eliminating D. eliminated
11. What separates a City of the Future _______ other cities is that it goes beyond just providing basic police, fire,
and emergency medical services.
A. with B. by C. away D. from
12. According to the study done by Case et al. (2002), when a 0-3 year old child has a mother who practices a
healthy lifestyle, this child will be 27% more likely _______ healthy and adopt the same lifestyle.
A. to become B. become C. be becoming D. have become
13. Everything that parents do will be very likely _______ to their children through the learning process.
A. to transfer B. transfer C. transferring D. transferred
14. Eating right and exercising are essential to _______ a healthy lifestyle.
A. to have B. have C. has D. having
15. Many retail outlets emphasize lifestyle themes, such as the outdoors, to increase the _______ of their
A. attract B. attractiveness C. attractive D. attraction
16. Under this high-pressure and competitive environment, it is _______ a balanced lifestyle.
Ms. Thuy Anh

A. difficult for people to achieve B. difficult to achieve for people

C. for people to achieve difficult D. for difficult people to achieve
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
17. A study shows that obesity in school children has a number of complex determinants, driven by the
acquisition of habits that could either be risky or beneficial to their health.
A. types B. factors B. ideas D. ways
18. You may think that your genes determine your longevity, but the truth is genetics account for a maximum
of 30 percent of your life expectancy.
A. supply B. explain C. occupy D. report
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in
each of the following questions.
19. Scientific information can be translated to strengthen the capacity of parents and students to choose
healthy foods and beverages as well as to encourage physical activity and discourage sedentary behaviors.
A. inactive B. active C. portable D. passive
20. Citizens engage with smart city ecosystems in a variety of ways using smartphones and mobile devices, as
well as connected cars and homes.
A. get involved in B. stay away from C. take part in D. get out of
VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the option that best completes each of the following exchanges.
21. Two students are discussing about cities in the future:
Student A: "How do you think cities will change in the future?"
Student B:" _______ "
A. People will live much longer and fatal diseases will be cured.
B. No one can describe the city that they have ever visited.
C. I think everything will get connected and things are automatic.
D. The number of homeless people is increasing and increasing.
22. Two neighbors are talking with each other:
Person A: "Do you consider yourself to be healthy?"
Person B:" _______ "
A. Sure. I'm eating only my own home-grown foods.
B. You are kidding? Things are different now.
C. You see, everything has two sides like a coin.
D. Yep. When you live a healthy life, you feel happy.
VII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that
best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Biologists sometimes define longevity as the average life span expected under ideal conditions. It’s hard to
say what's ideal. Plenty of medical research is ongoing (23) _______ the "right" amount and type of exercise to
get, the best diet to eat to maximize longevity, and (24) _______ certain pharmaceuticals or supplements can help
improve your longevity.
Lifespans have increased pretty dramatically over the last century or so, in large part due to (25) _______ in
medicine that have nearly eliminated certain deadly infectious diseases.
The average baby born in 1900 lived about a half-century. Nowadays, the life expectancy of people in the
United States is nearly 79 years on (26) _______ - 81 years for women and 76 years for men, and in some
countries, life expectancy is even longer.
Ms. Thuy Anh

It's very (27) _______ that humanity's true longevity might be much higher. Humans might live longer if they
can create the ideal conditions of a healthy diet and exercise.
23. A. with B. in C. for D. about
24. A. either B. neither C. whether D. if
25. A. advance B. advances C. advancing D. advancement
26. A. average B. purpose C. scale D. balance
27. A. perhaps B. maybe C. possible D. probably
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
Currently, overweight and obesity represent a public health problem that affects populations of all
cultures, socioeconomic classes, and ages, including children. Obesity has been considered to result from
lifestyle changes, especially in food consumption, physical activity and sedentary tendencies, because the
environment has grown more obesogenic in recent decades. Regarding food habits, there have been the
following two opposing tendencies: 1) an increasing consumption of high-caloric industrialized foods and
beverages; for instance, Mexican school children obtain approximately 20.7% of their energy from sweetened
beverages, and 2) a decreasing consumption of natural and healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes
and whole grains, which is a habit considered to be a risk factor for obesity.
Additionally, Western societies, including children, display an increased tendency toward sedentary
lifestyles, including resting, watching TV, traveling by car to and from school and performing less physical
activity. Physical activity has an important role in maintaining a healthy nutritional status, while sedentary
lifestyles are a risk factor for obesity and its comorbidities.
According to the Mexican National Nutrition Surveys, the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity
in schoolchildren increased from 26.9% in 1999 to 34.8% in 2006. Although the 2012 survey indicates that the
prevalence of overweight and obesity has not increased over the past 6 years (34.4%), the percentage is one of
the highest among school-age children (5-11 years) in Latin America. The recent increase in the problem is
likely associated with changes in the lifestyles of families. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to 1)
characterize the dietary habits, exercise, and sedentary lifestyles of school children in Mexico City according to
eutrophic or obese nutritional status and 2) identify which habits regarding modified foods or exercise styles
lead children who live in an obesogenic environment to develop overweight or obesity.
28. The passage mainly discusses _______.
A. causes of overweight and obesity
B. causes and impacts of overweight and obesity
C. solutions of overweight and obesity
D. overweight and obesity related diseases
29. It is stated in paragraph 1 that overweight and obesity is mainly caused by _______.
A. physical activity and sedentary tendencies
B. an increasing consumption of high-caloric foods
C. changes in people's lifestyles
D. a low consumption of healthy foods
30. The word "which" in the passage refers to _______.
A. food habits
B. increasing consumption of high-caloric industrialized foods and beverages
C. a decreasing consumption of natural and healthy foods
D. obtaining energy from sweetened beverages
31. The word "display" in the passage is closest in meaning to _______.
A. describe B. show C. argue D. represent
32. The main idea of paragraph 4 is _______.
Ms. Thuy Anh

A. the aim of the present study on dietary habits

B. the aim of the present study on overweight and obesity
C. the combined prevalence of overweight and obesity
D. sedentary lifestyles of school children in Mexico City
IX. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
33. The survey collected information about lifestyle such as smoking and drinking habit, physical
activity and diet.
34. Technological advancement have opened new opportunities, changed lifestyles and disrupted
traditional patterns.
35. They suggest that physical activity and sedentary lifestyle may be one of the key determinants
of the growing rates of overweight obesity in western populations.
XI. Rewrite the sentences
A. Using participle clauses or to-infinitive clauses
36. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Viet Nam which attracts millions of domestic and
international tourists ever year.
 ………………………………………….
37. Visitors who are carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty of the caves.
 ……………………………………
B. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech.
38. “If I were you I wouldn’t accept that offer”. She said to Nam.
 She told ………………………….
39."You can't run out of the garden". Ms Lan said to the children.
 Ms Lan prevented …………………………………….
40. I'm sorry I broke the glass", said David.
 David apologized ………………………………………

End of the test

Ms. Thuy Anh

I. Choose the word that has a different stress pattern from the other three by circling A, B, C or D.
1. A. assignment B. heritage C. discussion D. forgetful
2. A. suggest B. useful C. because D. agree
3. A. interested B. attraction C. proposal D. coherence
4. A. history B. prestigious C. president D. scholarship
5. A. dynasty B. illegal C. tradition D. musician
6. A. recognition B. disagreement C. scientific D. responsible
7. A. behavior B. individual C. criteria D. accordingly
8. A. survey B. damage C. museum D. rainfall
9. A. correct B. respect C. landscape D. expand
10. A. effectiveness B. residential C. complexity D. traditional
II. Complete the following sentences by circling the best choice (A, B, C or D).
1. The closing ________ of the opera The Sleeping Beauty ended in a big round of applause of the audience.
A. scene B. scenery C. site D. sight
2. To the public's amazement, the ________ has reaped great results beyond expectation.
A. exploration B. explore C. archeology D. geology
3. Hoi An is a/an ________ town in the middle of Vietnam.
A. antique B. dynastic C. traditional D. ancient
4. In the museum, the masterpiece is now being perfectly ________ for exhibition.
A. explored B. preserved C. kept D. maintained
5. Visiting Paris is a good opportunity for you to enjoy the French ________.
A. architect B. monuments C. architecture D. empire
6. The field of study related to the structure of the Earth is called ________.
A. geology B. archeology C. ecology D. economy
7. In the American Studies Course today, we have the chance to explore the Native American culture and _____.
A. dynasty B. behavior C. tradition D. living standard
8. Despite the severe earthquakes, the monument still remains ________ and attracts several visitors every day.
A. intact B. damaged C. expensive D. protected
9. The whole apartment was ________ by the government and a new playground is planned to be redeveloped on
this site.
A. pulled B. demolished C. excavated D. rebuilt
10. The resort ________ a picturesque river during the sunset.
A. overlooks B. overviews C. looks over D. sees over
III. Supply the correct form of the words provided in the below paragraph.
Kenya, a country in East Africa, is famous for its (1) _____________ (SCENE) landscapes and vast
wildlife (2) _________________ (PRESERVATION). Its Indian Ocean coast provided (3) ___________ (HISTORY)
important ports by which goods from Arabian and Asian (4) ______________ (TRADE) have entered the continent
for many centuries. Along that coast, which holds some of the finest beaches in Africa, are (5) _________________
(DOMINATE) Muslim Swahili cities such as Mombasa, a historic center that has contributed much to the (6)
_____________ (MUSIC) and culinary heritage of the country. Inland are populous highlands famed for both tea
Ms. Thuy Anh

plantations, an (7) _______________ (ECONOMY) staple during the British colonial era, their(8) ______________ (VARY)
of animal species, including lions, elephants, cheetahs, rhinoceroses, and hippopotamuses. Kenya's (9)
______________ (WEST) provinces, marked by lakes and rivers, are forested, while a small portion of the north is
desert and semi-desert. The country's (10) ________________ (DIVERSITY) wildlife and panoramic geography draw
large numbers of (11) ____________ (EUROPE) and North American visitors, and tourism is an important (12)
_______________ (CONTRIBUTE) to Kenya's economy.
IV. Complete the blanks with the best answer by circling A, B, C or D.
1. Hillary and Norgay were the first ________ Everest.
A. to climb B. climbing C. climbed D. climb
2. The police ________ the crime are looking for the murderer.
A. investigated B. investigating C. investigation D. to investigate
3. I was awakened by a bell ________.
A. ring B. rung C. ringing D. to ring
4. The tourist agency sent me some pamphlets ________ the information about the destinations of my upcoming
A. containing B. contained C. to be contained D. contain
5. The skyscraper unluckily ________ in the terrorism recently is now being re-built.
A. demolish B. to be demolished C. demolishing D. demolished
6. There was no one in the room except for a lady ________ by the window ________ a newspaper.
A. standing/reading B. stood/reading
C. standing/read D. stood/read
7. The girl ________ in the explosion at the city center last weekend is reported to be still at hospital.
A. being wounded B. wounded C. wound D. to wound
8. Who is the young lady ________ pictures over there?
A. being taken B. taken C. took D. taking
9. At the junction, there is a road sign ________ of the danger of unexpected animals crossing.
A. warning B. warned C. warn D. warns
10. The first TV commercial in Britain, ________ in 1955, was for toothpaste.
A. broadcasting B. broadcast C. which broadcasts D. was broadcast
V. Choose the one word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that would not be appropriate.
1. Have you ever been to Bai Dinh Pagoda lie between a half-mountain and a half-plain area?
2. The last person leaves the room has to turn off the lights and fans.
3. Tom was the only student come to class after the five-day flood.
4. Who was the first Vietnamese man fly to the moon?
5. That man is the oldest person be nominated as the president of the organization.
6. Any online applications submitting after the deadline will not be put into consideration.
Ms. Thuy Anh

7. Yesterday, I received an official letter announce that I had been awarded a scholarship to study abroad.
8. People have no cars usually find it difficult to shop around these out-of-town stores.
9. Who was the man impressed you the most in the party last night?
10.I dream of owning a small house overlooked a peaceful river.
VI. Combine the two sentences into one, using either an -ing or -ed participle.
1. A boy was injured in the accident. He was taken to hospital.
The boy _________________________________________________ was taken to hospital.
2. The gate of the house was demolished in the storm. It has now been reconstructed.
The gate of the house ________________________________________________has now been repaired.
3. A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.
Most of the _________________________________________________ were not very practical.
4. Some paintings were stolen from the museum. They haven't been found yet.
The _________________________________________________ haven't been found yet.
5. A man was arrested by the police. What was his name?
What was the name of _________________________________________________?
6. Mary's grandmother hand-knitted a sweater for her on her 16th birthday. That sweater was a valuable gift to
The sweater _________________________________________________ was a valuable gift to Mary.
7. The president delivered a long speech in public yesterday. That speech made a lot of people annoyed.
The long speech ______________________________________________ made a lot of people annoyed.
8. This early morning, I saw one of my old neighbors. He was jogging outdoors despite the rain.
This early morning, I saw one of my old neighbors __________________________________________.
9. I want to relocate this cupboard to the left corner of my son's room. It contains all of his clothes.
I want to relocate the cupboard _________________________________________________ to the left corner of my son's room.
10. An exhibition of traditional costumes will be held in the national museum this weekend. This exhibition
aims to introduce Vietnamese culture to international tourists.
An exhibition of traditional costumes _________________________________________________ will be held in the national
museum this weekend.

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